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The Development of the Hometown Associations in the United States and the Use of Social Remittances in Mexico.



Money remittances between the United States and Mexico are in the process of evolving from the province of individuals and households toward the increasing involvement of Home Town Associations (HTAs). These associations are based on the social networks established by community members of the same rural locality of origin in Mexico, with the purpose of transferring money and other resources to the community in Mexico. The members of these associations, commonly known as “clubs,” seek to promote the well being of their community in both the United States and Mexico by raising money to fund public works and social projects. These associations pay particular attention to the needs of low-income persons who live in the locality of origin in Mexico. The article examines three little studied aspects of HTAs: (1) the conditions that have led to their emergence, (2) the uses to which they put their collective remittances in Mexico, and (3) the methods they use to transfer their remittances home.
... Asimismo, cuando financian proyectos de educación están haciendo una inversión directa en capital humano. Por ejemplo, Alarcón (2002), explora cómo esas formas de remesas colectivas son enviadas a través de clubes de origen a México, que tienen varias facetas, volumen y canales, que las remesas colectivas, no son tan amplias como las individuales, pero estas pueden crear potencialidades para el desarrollo económico que se genera a través de las obras sociales. ...
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El presente trabajo de investigación aborda las remesas de migrantes interna�cionales que mandan a sus familiares en Sinaloa, con la intención de sufragar los gastos generados en el hogar, tales como educación, salud, entre otras cosas más. En donde la mayor parte de la literatura sobre estos recursos son analizados de manera macro, o bien, bajo estudios de caso, ya sea en otros lugares de región o de otro estado, por lo que se requiere es analizar, tanto el impacto que genera en las comunidades de expulsión de los migrantes, como el costo que genera por tener una economía remesada. De igual manera, nos sumamos al debate de si las remesas generan un desarrollo o palanca que incida en el desarrollo en Sinaloa, o bien si seguirán el mismo rubro, la de subsanar las carencias de los hogares, creando otras secuelas como su dependencia, cultura migratoria y la decreciente actividad laboral en sus regiones; entendiendo en su concepción amplia, a partir de Moctezuma (2011) “no solo son dinero”, sino que debe de remitirse a las ca�racterísticas de dónde y cómo provienen estos recursos.
... A fines de los noventa aparecieron estudios sobre asociaciones, clubes, federacio nes y organizaciones panétnicas de rnigrantes en Estados Unidos provenien tes de los estados tradicionalmente expulsores como Zacatecas (Goldring, 1998) y Michoacán (Espinosa, 1999, y de otros no tradicionales como Oaxaca (Rivera, 1999;Kearney, 1991). Entre los temas abordados por estas investigaciones pueden destacarse: a) El papel de las asociaciones pro pueblos como protagonistas del desa rrollo social y económico de los pueblos de origen (Lowell y De la Garza, 2000;Alarcón, 2000). b) Su papel como agentes transnacionales que cuestionan los mecanismos de constitución de ciudadanía local y nacional (Goldring, 1998;Rive ra, 1999). ...
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Desde hace varias décadas los mixtecos migran masivamente a la frontera del noroeste de México y el suroeste de Estados Unidos. Este libro analiza el papel e las organizaciones y de los líderes en el proceso de recreación del sentido de pertenencia étnica en etas condiciones de dispersión geográfica de los integrantes de la comunidad.
... They invest proportionately more in agricultural inputs and small businesses (Jones 1995a;Cohen and Rodriguez 2005), and this investment gap of migrant over nonmigrant widens with increasing U.S. migration experience (Massey et al. 1987;Jones 1995a). There is increasing evidence for community improvement expenditures by migrant families, particularly as source areas have shifted to southern Mexico (Jones 1995b) where there are strong communal traditions (Van Wey, Tucker, and Mc-Connell 2005), and as "hometown associations" of Mexicans in the United States have promoted community development schemes such as the 3 × 1 matching-funds program in Mexico (Alarcón 2002;Bada 2003;Goldring 2004). Functionalist research has uncovered a surprising amount of recirculation of remittances in home communities in the form of "migradollars" (Durand, Parrado, and Massey 1996). ...
... O conjunto de dados empíricos (Alarcón, 2000) que sustentam a "escola pessimista" aponta em três direcções. A primeira é a de que a maior parte das remessas são gastas em bens de consumo e em diversão, não promovendo o desenvolvimento de actividades económicas que permitam romper com o ciclo de pobreza. ...
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O projecto “Arquitectos de um Espaço Transnacional Lusófono” investiga as relações transnacionais estabelecidas pelos migrantes oriundos dos Países Africanos de Língua Oficial Portuguesa (PALOP), propondo, a partir dos resultados obtidos, medidas e políticas que capitalizem o potencial económico, social,cultural e político identificado. A primeira deste conjunto de investigações tratará dos migrantes guineenses em Portugal e das relações entre estes e a Guiné-Bissau.
... Cases in point are the Guatemalan, El Salvadoran, Honduran and Nicaraguan diaspora associations study by Orozco (2006) and Babcock's (2006) study of Belizeans in the USA. Oaxacan or Mexican migrant associations in Los Angeles and other parts in USA have also been examined in different studies (Alarcón 2002;Guarnizo 1998;Lopez et al. 2001;Mooney 2003). There are other studies in Canada (Owusu 2000;Silva 2006), Filipino HTAs in Hawaii (Okamura 1983), Turkish associations in Germany (Amelina and Faist 2007) and Odmalm's (2004) theoretical linkages of civil society, migrant organisations and political parties in Sweden. ...
While literature on migrants’ associations is well documented in Europe, North America and South America, little is done on Africa’s internal migrant associations in spite of their proliferation and role in dealing with migration and urban precarity. We ask how do migrant association facilitate the integration processes of their members in the host area and how has their role in the process changed over the years? Through a concurrent (convergent) triangulation research design, we survey 120 participants, interviewed 14 and content analyse (media) reports. We conclude that migrant associations are still relevant in engendering adaptive and supportive environment for migrants’ integration. Even though these core objectives have not changed per se, the changing socio-cultural, economic and political surroundings of host communities and the needs of migrants requires that migrant association shift in their approaches to remain relevant.
... Thus, investment trends and impacts of transmigrant remittances are analyzed (DennisConway & Jeffrey H Cohen 1998;Orozco 2005). The development potential of hometown associations is also studied(Orozco 2002;Orozco 2005;Alarcón 2002). Hometown associations are defined as "organizations that allow immigrants from the same city or region to maintain ties with and materially support their places of origin"(Orozco & R. Rouse 2007).A final theme involves the recognition of transnationalism as a positive adaption and form of resistance to oppressive economic and political environments (N. ...
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En este artículo, el autor hace una análisis sobre el fenómeno migratorio. Enfatiza que no debe verse como un tema aislado, que es preciso estudiar la causa de este hecho que, en la mayor parte de los casos, se debe a los elevados niveles de pobreza en que viven millones de personas. Explica que la globalización y los mercados laborales internacionales, en proceso de cambio, son los responsables, en cierta medida, de los movimientos migratorios regionales y mundiales. Que se habla mucho sobre la gran importancia del flujo de remesas enviadas por los millones de emigrantes latinos, que viven y trabajan en Estados Unidos, pero muy poco de las características demográficas de este importante grupo de individuos -quiénes son, qué hacen, dónde viven, etc.-. En realidad, existen muy pocos programas para aprovechar los recursos no solo económicos de los emigrantes, sino también sus experiencias, destrezas y contactos en el exterior. ECA Estudios Centroamericanos, Vol. 59, No. 663-664, 2004: 69-91.
There are different ways by which immigrants can help relatives to access health care in the homeland. Beyond financial remittances, this chapter looks at “transnational health insurances” (THIs) as a specific form of social remittances. THIs are insurance schemes set up by immigrants in cooperation with public and private actors in the home and host societies in order to provide health coverage to relatives across borders. Looking at the creation and implementation of THIs in the Belgian-Congolese postcolonial context, the authors discuss the nature of such remittances, the drivers of immigrant transnational engagement and its impact on communities in origin countries. The data used in this chapter was collected during extensive multi-sited fieldwork in Belgium and the DR Congo between January 2012 and August 2013.
Migration linked micro-insurance: a false good idea Migrants and their families in Mexico and Latin America are an attractive niche market for microfinance institutions who find it difficult, however, to associate remittances and microcredit for productive investment. The recently introduced micro-insurance scheme specifically targeting them has failed, like other schemes before, despite shifting the paradigm by substituting “vulnerability” for “migration and development”. This sophisticated and inexpensive scheme offering repatriation of the deceased migrant’s body and monthly compensation does not sell. It apparently fails to meet the financial needs of this multilocated financially constrained population for whim remittances are not a fantasy extra income but part of a sophisticated risk management strategy.
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The politicisation of transnational relations obscures and dichotomises our perceptions of migrants and their development activities in sending societies. A current boost in hometown associations for a cluster of Kurdish villages in Turkey should thus be connected to a more self-conscious transnational component in the village community, rather than to the polarisation among migrants, producing on the one hand developers (of the hometown) and integration activists. Social remittances - ideas, norms and practices transferred by migrants to their sending societies are not widely recognised as promoting development, producing this false dichotomy of migrants. La politisation des relations transnationales obscurcit et tend à polariser nos perceptions des migrants et de leurs activités de développement dans leur société d'origine. L'élan actuel d'associations sises dans le pays d'origine en faveur d'un ensemble de villages kurdes en Turquie devrait être lié davantage à la prise de conscience opérée par la communauté villageoise de sa dimension transnationale plutôt qu'à une polarisation des migrants, qui verrait d'un côté des "développeurs" (du pays d'origine) et de l'autre des militants pour l'intégration. Les transferts sociaux - les idées, les normes et les pratiques véhiculées par les migrants vers leurs sociétés d'origine - ne sont pas reconnus comme des facteurs de développement, ce qui produit cette fausse dichotomie entre les migrants.
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