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Point of care lung ultrasound in COVID-19: hype or hope?



The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic has critically struck the world economy and healthcare systems. The highly contagious virus spreads rapidly and can result in potentially life-threatening acute respiratory distress. The current established test for diagnosing COVID-19 isusing the RT-PCR laboratory test. However, the test requires specialized laboratories and testing kits. Recent reports also showed high false-negative rates. Experts recognize the urgent need to develop a rapid point of care diagnostic tests.Ultrasonography is a widely established safe diagnostic imaging test for detecting various lung abnormalities. Recent publications from China and Italy provided limited evidence on its usefulness for diagnosing COVID-19 in emergency departments earlier than RT-PCR.Ultrasound is sensitive to pleural and subpleural abnormalities, which suggests a great potentialdiagnosticrole given the predilection for COVID-19 in peripheral subpleural regions.This paperreviews the current evidence and discusses the problems with specificity and scoring.
© 2020 The Authors. Published by the British Institute of Radiology. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
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Alfuraih AM. Point of care lung ultrasound in COVID-19: hype or hope?. BJR Open 2020; 2: 20200027.
29 May 2020
30 July 2020
17 July 2020
Point of care lung ultrasound in COVID-19: hype
Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging, College of Applied Medical Sciences, Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University, Kharj, Saudi
Address correspondence to: Dr Abdulrahman M. Alfuraih
E-mail: a. alfuraih@ psau. edu. sa
Aer the initial outbreak of the SARS- CoV-2 virus in Wu-
han, the world got into a state of turmoil with total cases
exceeding 15 million as of July 2020. It is an extremely con-
tagious virus, which could potentially cause acute respirato-
ry distress and potentially organ failure in advanced stages.1
COVID-19 is diagnosed by reverse- transcription poly-
merase chain reaction (RT- PCR), which was criticized aer
reports of poor diagnostic sensitivity.2,3 In contrast, alterna-
tive diagnostic tests such as chest CT has not been recom-
mended by international and local guidelines due to several
reasons, including poor specicity and radiation risks.4
Lung ultrasonography (LU) is an established technique for
evaluating lung pathologies. It is sensitive to abnormalities
in the pleura and subpleural spaces. e initial evidence on
COVID-19 suggesting peripheral lung involvement at the
terminal alveoli, which alludes a signicant role for LU in
diagnosis and management. is paper presents an up- to-
date review of the LU evidence in COVID-19 and discusses
the pitfalls and future perspectives.
ere have been several publications describing the role
of LU in COVID-19.5–16 e publications were divided
between simple case- studies, letters of opinion and
commentaries discussing the potential usefulness of LU.
Despite a few useful descriptions of how LU can be included
in the COVID-19 diagnostic workup and management, they
present inconclusive results and apparent lack of thorough-
ness. e paragraphs below discuss the overall ndings.
e rst case report was of a 57- year- old male presenting to
the ER with fever, cough, general weakness, and headache.
e LU ndings showed bilateral irregular pleural line
with minimal consolidations and thick multiple B- lines in
the anterior and posterior hemithorax. As a control case,
a suspected patient (later conrmed negative) with typical
COVID-19 symptoms exhibited normal lung pleura with
A- lines on LU. Notably, the scan was performed by two
operators using a handheld device, one scanning and the
other holding the tablet (freezing and storing images). is
practice was recommended by them to mitigate the risks
of infection. e second case study6 was of a female heath
practitioner in her sixties with conrmed COVID-19 that
developed a cough and sore throat followed by dyspnea.
LU demonstrated multiple B- lines, consolidation and
thickened pleural line. Both of these cases can be consid-
ered moderate in terms of severity (both febrile with low
oxygen saturation). e third, and most interesting, case
study14 was of pregnant females with positive lung ultra-
sound ndings suggesting COVID-19 which had an early
negative PCR result. e ndings included bilateral thick
https:// doi. org/ 10. 1259/ bjro. 20200027
The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic has critically struck the world economy and healthcare systems. The highly
contagious virus spreads rapidly and can result in potentially life- threatening acute respiratory distress. The current
established test for diagnosing COVID-19 is using the RT- PCR laboratory test. However, the test requires specialized
laboratories and testing kits. Recent reports also showed high false- negative rates. Experts recognize the urgent need
to develop a rapid point of care diagnostic tests. Ultrasonography is a widely established safe diagnostic imaging test
for detecting various lung abnormalities. Recent publications from China and Italy provided limited evidence on its
usefulness for diagnosing COVID-19 in emergency departments earlier than RT- PCR. Ultrasound is sensitive to pleural
and subpleural abnormalities, which suggests a great potential diagnostic role given the predilection for COVID-19 in
peripheral subpleural regions.This paper reviews the current evidence and discusses the problems with specificity and
2 of 3 BJR Open;2:20200027
BJR|Open Alfuraih
B- lines in posterior lung regions, which correlated perfectly with
the CT results. She later tested positive on RT- PCR. is report
demonstrates the early detection capability of LU in cases with
false- negative RT- PCR results. It also further supports Ai et al.3
recommendations regarding the importance of lung imaging
considering the high sensitivity prior to positive RT- PCR results.
Several publications included descriptive case series. Huang et al
were the rst to publish a case series on 20 patients of non- critical
patients in the emergency department.11 Despite not being peer-
reviewed, their report described lesions located bilaterally in the
posterior inferior lung regions. ey were characterized by xed
conuent B- lines (waterfall sign), diused B- lines (white lung
sign), irregular and thickened pleural line, and consolidation
with air bronchograms. Additionally, they reported localized
pleural eusion in a few cases (exact number not mentioned),
which is seldom found in viral pneumonia. ey highlighted that
these are characteristic ndings dierent from bacterial pneu-
monia or pulmonary edema, where B- lines are mobile and focal.
We argue otherwise as explained below.
In the emergency settings, Peng et al published a brief letter
explaining the ultrasonographic features of COVID-19 in 20
cases.9 ey reported the same ndings of Huang et al except for
nding focal B- lines. An Italian group of researchers published
a letter on 12 patients presenting to the ER.10 In agreement with
the above reports, they found diused B- lines in all patients
and posterior consolidation in three patients only. ey also
mentioned a good correlation between CT and LU.
All reports above omitted reporting the severity of the cases.
is is vital information as it can be postulated that LU features
vary depending on the disease development. Additionally, none
of the case series examined the usefulness of handheld ultra-
sound devices. With regard to LU scanning techniques, there
is a clear discrepancy in the number of regions screened. Some
studies opted for the limited four- zone testing, while others
employed the 12- and 14- zone protocols. Soldati et al12 proposed
an unvalidated protocol to perform LU in COVID-19 patients.
ey recommended scanning patients in a sitting position
(when possible) using convex or linear transducers operating
low mechanical index settings with a single focus point on the
pleura. However, their recommended 14- zone scanning protocol
is cumbersome and has not been described before. It extends
the 12- zone protocol by adding two extra zones at the back of
the chest. In our experience, the lung is mostly obscured at the
back by the scapula, and the 12- zone is a sucient protocol to
thoroughly scan the lung even in ICU settings where the scan-
ning time should be short. It was also the employed protocol in
multiple publications5,9,11,13 and endorsed by multiple societies.17
Vetrugno et al described quite positively their Italian experi-
ence with LU in COVID-19.13 ey noted the application of
LU helped in decreasing the rates of chest x- rays and CT scans,
which contributed to making care delivery and management
more ecient. ey also described a total scanning time of less
than 5 min, which we believe underestimates the actual whole
time especially with dressing, positioning and documentation.
Despite the promising results of accuracy, eciency, safety, repro-
ducibility, and point of care use of LU, it has several drawbacks.
For example, LU is limited to visualizing the pleural surface and
cannot detect deep lung lesions. However, this may not be an
issue considering the predilection of COVID-19 in peripheral
subpleural regions. A second limitation is a need for experienced
users to operate the ultrasound device. Practitioners should
also be aware that LU, like CT, does not exclude COVID-19 in
subjects with no pulmonary complications.
The LU features of COVID-19 include irregular pleural line,
confluent B- lines, and consolidations in more severe cases.
Two studies described pleural effusion, which is seldom
found in viral pneumonia. The problem is that none of these
signs are pathognomonic for COVID-19 as they merely
describe the density state of the lung surface. We should
be cautious when calling these signs characteristics amidst
hospitals flooding with COVID-19 as the pre- test likelihood
for positive findings in suspected COVID-19 is currently
Few researchers argue the presence of a typical LU sign
coined as the ‘light beam artifact’ characterized by a vertical
echoic broadband- like artifact, similar to the white lung sign,
which comes in and out of the frame with respiration.18,19
This feature corresponds to acute ground glass alteration
which are prevalent in COVID-19 pneumonia. It may be a
specific sign especially when imaged in young patients with
no history of lung diseases. Nevertheless, the described
features bring some hope. They can be considered signifi-
cantly different to signs of pulmonary fibrosis and interstitial
pneumonia caused by other viruses where a diffused B- lines
with no spared areas.
ere is currently no validated image scoring system for diag-
nosing COVID-19 on LU. Soldati et al12 proposed a scoring
criterion for LU images. It scores each zone in the 12- zone
LU protocol from 0 (normal) to 3 (severe) based on the LU
lung involvement patterns relating to pleural lines, vertical
artifacts and consolidations. is scoring system was also
recently proposed by Manivel et al20 but with minor modica-
tions in each category denition. is semiquantitative scoring
system is a promising attempt to standardize the reporting of
COVID-19 scans. However, it was developed based on the sole
observations of the research team of Soldati et al.12 Hence, the
criterion and content validity must be established as well as the
inter- and intra- reader reproducibility.
It can be dicult to appreciate or count the number of B- lines
especially as minute changes can signicantly inuence the
image. Hence, we recommend obtaining the best possible
image for each zone then ‘freezing’ to count the lines for
scoring. A best practice approach is to acquire a clip and still
images of each zone for post scanning documentation, inter-
reader deliberation and medicolegal purposes.
3 of 3 BJR Open;2:20200027
Opinion: Lung ultrasound in COVID-19
To date, all results provided positive outcomes on the useful-
ness of LU in COVID-19. However, the presented evidence
thus far is considered weak. None of the studies included a
control group or reported their ndings longitudinally. More-
over, the sample sizes were extremely small, impeding results
generalization. Several international societies, such as the
British Medical Ultrasound Society, the intensive care society,
and the WFUMB are calling for more research on LU in
COVID 19. Future research should focus on validating the LU
signs and patterns based on the proposed scoring system to
suggest optimum cut- o scores.
In our opinion, LU in COVID-19 can have elevated rates of
false- positives due to the overlapping features with other viral
pneumonia. LU ndings should never be interpreted without
consideration of the clinical context (e.g., symptoms, decision
to supplement oxygen). For instance, it can be used to check
lung aeration before and aer non- invasive ventilation. is
may indicate that there is more hope for LU in COVID-19
as a bed- side- management tool for conrmed cases, poten-
tially saving them from re- exposure to ionizing radiation.
However, in screening tests, it is better to have a high sensi-
tivity than high specicity. As a false- negative case infected
with COVID-19 can be discharged and mingle back in society,
eventually infecting numerous new cases.
e novel coronavirus unprecedented healthcare crisis indis-
putably calls for point of care screening solutions that can
deliver rapid and sensitive results. e previous and recent
evidence suggests that LU could be the called- for solution to
diagnose positive cases and grade their severity. Modern hand-
held ultrasound devices can be particularly useful considering
their relatively cheap prices and ease of disinfection without
signicant compromises on quality. e future potential for a
radiation- free and relatively cheap bed- side- tool carries hope.
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... Our data failed to reach these high diagnostic performances using the different LUSS thresholds we implemented. The modest specificity stems from the fact that popular LUS signs, such as B-lines, are not pathognomonic for COVID-19 [29]. It should be stressed that the described high performance of common signs might be confounded by the high prevalence of such cases presenting to the emergency departments amidst the pandemic. ...
Full-text available
The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has critically struck healthcare systems and burdened emergency services. To date, there is no accurate and rapid point-of-care diagnostic test. This study aimed to investigate Lung Ultrasound (LUS) against Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) test in suspected COVID-19 patients presenting to the emergency department. In 20 eligible patients (mean age ± standard deviation, 49 ± 15 years), 12 had a positive RT-PCR test and undergone an LUS examination over 12 lung zones using a handheld ultrasound device. Each zone was semiquantitatively scored according to the Lung Ultrasound Scoring System (LUSS) from 0 to 3 based on the severity of findings (pleural line irregularity, B-lines, consolidations) and documented the presence of light beam artifacts. A second blinded reader scored the images to investigate interreader reproducibility. The LUSS score had a modest diagnostic performance at 66.6% [95% Confidence Interval (CI), 34.9–90.0%] sensitivity and 75.0% (95% CI, 34.9–96.8%) specificity. The light beam artifact was more prevalent and sensitive to COVID-19 patients with 81.8% (95% CI, 48.2–97.7%) sensitivity and 75.0% (95% CI, 34.9–96.8%) specificity. LUS had an almost perfect interreader reproducibility for LUSS (Kendall’s W = 0.961; 95% CI, 0.894–0.985) and light beam artifact (Cohen’s κ = 0.890; 95% CI, 0.683–1.00). Overall, LUS using handheld devices can offer a safe, reproducible, rapid, and feasible first-line tool for detecting COVID-19 patients in emergency departments. The light beam artifact was more sensitive and specific to COVID-19 patients and can be useful for effectively triaging suspected cases.
... Bene reikšmingiausia COVID-19 pacientų UG diagnostikos problema yra plaučių UG specifiškumo stoka. Nė vienas iš būdingų plaučių radinių nėra patognominis COVID-19 infekcijai [23]. Gylis, kurį gali pasiekti ultragarso bangos, yra ribotas, tad echoskopuojant oringą plautį negalima įvertinti pakitimų aplink plaučių šaknis bei plaučių centrinių dalių struktūros [21,24]. ...
Pandemijos sąlygomis teikiant medicininę pagalbą izoliuotiems pacientams, būtina metodika, įgalinanti greitai ir netransportuojant paciento nustatyti vyraujančią patologiją bei parinkti būklę atitinkantį gydymą. Tyrimo tikslas – apžvelgti pacientų, sergančių COVID-19 infekcija, plaučių ultragarsinės diagnostikos galimybes ir sunkumus. Išvada. Trumpieji plaučių ultragarso protokolai, manoma, yra vienas iš būdų, ženkliai supaprastinantis pacientų diagnostinę logistiką.
Full-text available
Since the outbreak of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, over 103214008 cases have been reported, with more than 2231158 deaths as of January 31, 2021. Although the gold standard for diagnosis of this disease remains the reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction of nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs, its false-negative rates have ignited the use of medical imaging as an important adjunct or alternative. Medical imaging assists in identifying the pathogenesis, the degree of pulmonary damage, and the characteristic features in each imaging modality. This literature review collates the characteristic radiographic findings of COVID-19 in various imaging modalities while keeping the preliminary focus on chest radiography, computed tomography (CT), and ultrasound scans. Given the higher sensitivity and greater proficiency in detecting characteristic findings during the early stages, CT scans are more reliable in diagnosis and serve as a practical method in following up the disease time course. As research rapidly expands, we have emphasized the CO-RADS classification system as a tool to aid in communicating the likelihood of COVID-19 suspicion among healthcare workers. Additionally, the utilization of other scoring systems such as MuLBSTA, Radiological Assessment of Lung Edema, and Brixia in this pandemic are reviewed as they integrate the radiographic findings into an objective scoring system to risk stratify the patients and predict the severity of the disease. Furthermore, current progress in the utilization of artificial intelligence via radiomics is evaluated. Lastly, the lesson from the first wave and preparation for the second wave from the point of view of radiology are summarized.
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Background and objective: Lung ultrasound is an inherently user-dependent modality that could benefit from quantitative image analysis. In this pilot study we evaluate the use of computer-based pleural line (p-line) ultrasound features in comparison to traditional lung texture (TLT) features to test the hypothesis that p-line thickening and irregularity are highly suggestive of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and can be used to improve the disease diagnosis on lung ultrasound. Methods: Twenty lung ultrasound images, including normal and COVID-19 cases, were used for quantitative analysis. P-lines were detected by a semiautomated segmentation method. Seven quantitative features describing thickness, margin morphology, and echo intensity were extracted. TLT lines were outlined, and texture features based on run-length and gray-level co-occurrence matrix were extracted. The diagnostic performance of the 2 feature sets was measured and compared using receiver operating characteristics curve analysis. Observer agreements were evaluated by measuring interclass correlation coefficients (ICC) for each feature. Results: Six of 7 p-line features showed a significant difference between normal and COVID-19 cases. Thickness of p-lines was larger in COVID-19 cases (6.27 ± 1.45 mm) compared to normal (1.00 ± 0.19 mm), P < 0.001. Among features describing p-line margin morphology, projected intensity deviation showed the largest difference between COVID-19 cases (4.08 ± 0.32) and normal (0.43 ± 0.06), P < 0.001. From the TLT line features, only 2 features, gray-level non-uniformity and run-length non-uniformity, showed a significant difference between normal cases (0.32 ± 0.06, 0.59 ± 0.06) and COVID-19 (0.22 ± 0.02, 0.39 ± 0.05), P = 0.04, respectively. All features together for p-line showed perfect sensitivity and specificity of 100; whereas, TLT features had a sensitivity of 90 and specificity of 70. Observer agreement for p-lines (ICC = 0.65-0.85) was higher than for TLT features (ICC = 0.42-0.72). Conclusion: P-line features characterize COVID-19 changes with high accuracy and outperform TLT features. Quantitative p-line features are promising diagnostic tools in the interpretation of lung ultrasound images in the context of COVID-19.
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Lung ultrasound (LU) has rapidly become a tool for assessment of patients stricken by the novel coronavirus 2019 (COVID‐19). Over the past two and a half months (January, February and first half of March 2020) we have used this modality for identification of lung involvement along with pulmonary severity in patients with suspected or documented COVID‐19 infection. Use of LU has helped us in clinical decision making and reduced the use of both chest x‐rays and computed tomography (CT).
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Growing evidences are showing the usefulness of lung ultrasound in patients with COVID‐19. Sars‐CoV‐2 has now spread in almost every country in the world. In this study, we share our experience and propose a standardized approach in order to optimize the use of lung ultrasound in covid‐19 patients. We focus on equipment, procedure, classification and data‐sharing. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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Under specific circumstances, such as during the current COVID‐19 outbreak, pregnant women can be a target for respiratory infection, and lung examination may be required as part of their clinical evaluation, ideally avoiding exposure to radiation. We propose a practical approach for obstetricians/gynecologists to perform lung ultrasound, showing potential applications, semiology and practical aspects, which should be of particular importance in emergency situations, such as the current pandemic infection of COVID‐19. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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An outbreak of a novel coronavirus disease-19 (nCoV-19) infection began in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, and now involved the whole word. Several health workers have been infected in different countries. We report the case of a young man with documented nCoV-19 infection evaluated with lung ultrasound and discuss potential applications of lung ultrasound in this setting. Lung ultrasound allowed the identification of nCoV-19 infection at bed-side. Moreover, lung ultrasound can have several other advantages, such as reduced health worker exposition to infected patients, repeatability during follow-up, low-costs and easier application in low-resource settings.
Lung ultrasound (LUS) plays a critical role in the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Evidence is mounting on its utility to diagnose, assess the severity and as a triage tool in the ED. Sonographic features correlate well to computed tomography (CT) chest findings and a bedside LUS performed by a trained clinician along with clinical examination, could be an alternative to chest X-ray and CT chest in these highly infectious patients. In this article, we have described a step-by-step approach to LUS in COVID patients and the CLUE (COVID-19 LUS in the ED) protocol, which involves an anatomical parameter, the severity of lung changes, objectively scored using the validated LUS scoring system and a physiological parameter, oxygen requirement. We believe this CLUE protocol can help risk-stratify patients presenting to ED with suspected COVID-19 and aid clinicians in making appropriate disposition decisions.
Imaging modalities play a crucial role in the management of suspected COVID‐19‐infected patients. Before reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT‐PCR) test results are positive, 60–93% of patients have positive chest computed tomographic (CT) findings consistent with COVID‐19 infection. We report a case of positive lung ultrasound findings consistent with COVID‐19 in a woman with an initial negative RT‐PCR result. The lung ultrasound‐imaging findings were present between the negative and subsequent positive RT‐PCR tests and correlated with CT findings. The point‐of‐care lung‐ultrasound examination was easy to perform and, as such, could play an important role in the triage of women with suspected COVID‐19. The neonatal swabs, cord blood, and placental swab RT‐PCR tests were negative for SARS‐CoV‐2, a finding consistent with the published literature suggesting no vertical transmission of SARS‐CoV‐2 in pregnant women. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.