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Novel method for identifying wheat leaf disease images based on differential amplification convolutional neural network

July, 2020 Int J Agric & Biol Eng Open Access at Vol. 13 No.4 205
Novel method for identifying wheat leaf disease images based on
differential amplification convolutional neural network
Mengping Dong1, Shaomin Mu1*, Aiju Shi2, Wenqian Mu1, Wenjie Sun1
(1. College of Information Science and Engineering, Shandong Agricultural University, Taian, Shandong 271018, China;
2. College of Chemistry and Materials Science, Shandong Agricultural University, Taian, Shandong 271018, China)
Abstract: In this study, a differential amplification convolutional neural network (DACNN) was proposed and used in the
identification of wheat leaf disease images with ideal accuracy. The branches added between the deep convolutional layers
can amplify small differences between the real output and the expected output, which made the weight updating more sensitive
to the light errors return in the backpropagation pass and significantly improved the fitting capability. Firstly, since there is no
large-scale wheat leaf disease images dataset at present, the wheat leaf disease dataset was constructed which included eight
kinds of wheat leaf images, and five kinds of data augmentation methods were used to expand the dataset. Secondly, DACNN
combined four classifiers: Softmax, support vector machine (SVM), K-nearest neighbor (KNN) and Random Forest to evaluate
the wheat leaf disease dataset. Finally, the DACNN was compared with the models: LeNet-5, AlexNet, ZFNet and Inception
V3. The extensive results demonstrate that DACNN is better than other models. The average recognition accuracy obtained
on the wheat leaf disease dataset is 95.18%.
Keywords: convolutional neural network, differential amplification, wheat leaf diseases, image identification
DOI: 10.25165/j.ijabe.20201304.4826
Citation: Dong M P, Mu S M, Shi A J, Mu W Q, Sun W J. Novel method for identifying wheat leaf disease images based on
differential amplification convolutional neural network. Int J Agric & Biol Eng, 2020; 13(4): 205210.
1 Introduction
Wheat is one of the most important rations in China. The
development of the wheat industry is related to the country's food
security and social stability directly. Therefore, it is important for
yield and quantity to recognize wheat leaf diseases. However, at
present, the main method of wheat leaf disease identification is
manual identification, which has low efficiency and accuracy.
In recent years, deep learning has developed in image
recognition. In 1998, LeNet-5 was used for postal code
handwriting recognition, which has a 7-layer network structure[1].
In 2012, Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) was used to
achieve the best result in the ImageNet large-scale visual
recognition challenge, which caused to receive widespread
attention[2]. In 2014, Zeiler et al.[3] implemented ZFNet to
visualize network structure through deconvolution technology.
Simonyan et al.[4] proposed the visual geometry group (VGG)
model that increased the depth of the network by adding a
convolution layer of 3 convolution kernels, and used a small
convolution kernel to replace a convolution layer with a larger
convolution kernel, reducing the number of parameters. In 2015,
Received date: 2018-12-04 Accepted date: 2020-05-27
Biographies: Mengping Dong, Graduate student, research interests: artificial
intelligence, Email:; Aiju Shi, Graduate student,
researcher, research interests: pest control, Email:; Wenqian
Mu, Undergraduate student, research interests: machine learning, Email:; Wenjie Sun, Graduate student, research interests:
artificial intelligence, Email:
*Corresponding author: Shaomin Mu, PhD, Professor, research interests:
machine learning, artificial intelligence, big data. College of Information
Science and Engineering, Shandong Agricultural University, No.61 Daizong
Street, Taian, Shandong 271018, China. Tel: +86-15005486826, Email:
Szegedy et al.[5] proposed the GoogleNet with more than 20 layers,
which increased the depth of CNN, improved the utilization rate of
the computer, reduced the parameters, and improved the accuracy.
In 2016, through a series of correction methods that can increase
accuracy and reduce computational complexity, Inception V2 and
Inception V3 were proposed in the paper[6]. He et al.[7] used a
residual network to solve the problem of vanishing gradients, so
that the underlying network can be fully trained. As the depth
increases, so does accuracy. The idea of cross-channel connection
was further extended to multi-layer connections by DenseNet to
improve representation[8]. In 2018, Khan[9] introduced a new
channel improvement idea. The motivation for network training
with channel boosted representations is to use rich representations.
This idea effectively improved the performance of CNN by
learning various features. In 2019, Hou et al.[10] proposed a
method for selecting channels based on the relative of activation,
and proposed weighted channel discarding for regularization of
convolutional layers in CNN.
With the development of deep learning, crop disease
identification has been developed, which not only reduces the
workload but also improves the efficiency of pest identification.
Zeng et al.[11] developed a CNN model with high-order residuals
and parameter sharing feedback to apply to crop disease
recognition in an actual environment. The recognition accuracy
and robustness were better than other methods. Zhang et al.[12]
used the model of VGG 16 to classify the apple leaves disease with
higher accuracy. Amanda et al.[13] proposed use transfer learning
to train a CNN, which had higher recognition accuracy in cassava
disease pest recognition. Mohanty et al.[14] trained the CNN with
54306 healthy and morbid leaf images, and used it to identify 14
kinds of crops and 26 kinds of diseases. Lu et al.[15] used deep
CNN to identify rice leaf diseases, which was more accurate than
traditional machine learning models. Zhang et al.[16] used the
206 July, 2020 Int J Agric & Biol Eng Open Access at Vol. 13 No.4
LeNet model to identify the diseases of cucumber, which was more
accurate than traditional methods. Huang et al.[17] proposed that
GoogleNet was used to identify disease images of spikes, and the
classification effect was obvious. In 2017, the capsule network
was proposed by Sabour et al.[18]. Since CNN cannot learn spatial
relationships, the pooling layer will lose the information, and the
capsule will adjust the output according to the changes. Deng et
al.[19] proposed the capsule network to classify hyperspectral
images, and the classification accuracy rate exceeded CNN. In
2018, Gan et al.[20] established a hyperspectral inversion model for
chlorophyll content prediction of longan leaves using sparse
self-encoding of classic models of deep learning. The accuracy
can be greatly improved by using deep learning methods. Zhu et
al.[21] used the improved faster region-based convolutional network
(Faster-RCNN) to identify plant leaves, and achieved a high
recognition accuracy than Faster RCNN in the complex
With the increase of network depth, large network models tend
to ignore light feedback errors, which lead to lower convergence
rates[7]. Finally, the large deepening model itself tends to ignore
the details of large-scale data. In view of the above problem, this
study proposes the differential amplification convolutional neural
network (DACNN), which can amplify small differences between
the real output and the expected output. And it has achieved good
results in the identification of wheat leaf disease images. The
differential amplifier branches constructed in the deep neural layers
can make the model more sensitive to the light error of each
iteration feedback. It can alleviate the error omission. Since
there is no large-scale wheat leaf disease images dataset at present,
and the wheat leaf disease dataset was constructed.
2 Materials and methods
The DACNN contains 6 convolutional layers, 3 max-pooling
layers and 3 fully connected layers. To improve the ability of
feature extraction, 3 kernels are used to replace the larger
kernels and convolution kernels are fully connected in the last
two layers. In order to alleviate the omission of minor errors in
the backpropagation pass, a branch is added before and after the
deep convolution layer of the differential amplifier, so as to
simulate the difference which achieves the function of error
amplification. In Figure 1, the structure of the traditional CNN
is compared with that of the differential amplification branch, and
the advantage of the latter in the error amplification effect is
proved by theoretical analysis.
Figure 1 Structure of differential amplification branch
2.1 Differential amplification branch
Scheme 1 in Figure 1 is the schematic diagram demonstrating
the CNN that does not add a branch in deep neural layers, similar to
the traditional CNN, whose data stream can be represented by
Equation (1).
l i l l
T E w x b
where, w1 and b1 are the weight matrix and the bias of the lth neural
layer, respectively; xl is the mapping input and Tl+1 is mapping
result of the lth neural layer, respectively, and E() is a linear
activation function.
Scheme 2 in Figure 1 is the schematic diagram demonstrating
the CNN that adds a differential amplification branch in DACNN.
Its data stream satisfies Equation (2).
1( , , )
( , , ) ( ), 0,1,2,...,
l l l l l l
l l l l i l l
H x F x w b
F x w b E w x b l L
where, wl and bl are the weight matrix and the bias of the lth neural
layer, respectively; xl and Hl+1 are the mapping input and mapping
results of the lth neural layer, respectively; Fl () is the mapping
output of convolutional layers and E() is the linear activation
function. Compared to Scheme 1, this structure can strip the
unchanged part xl and highlight the minor change of Fl (xl, wl, bl),
thus making the model more sensitive to error of the back-
propagation pass during each iteration.
Suppose the input feature map is 100. It is expected mapping
results and the actual mapping results in the convolutional layer are
105 and 110 respectively, and Δf6=5, as is shown in Equation (3).
( ) 105
( ) 110
f6 and f6 represent the expected mappings and actual mappings of
the convolutional layer, respectively. ‘′’ represents functions and
variables, etc. in actual situations. In Scheme 1, the ΔT6 is 5
which is shown in Equation (4).
6 5 5
6 5 5
( ) 105
( ) 110
T E w x b
T E w x b
The proportion of ΔT6 is shown in Equation (5).
In Scheme 2, there is
6 5 5 5 5 5
6 5 5 5 5 5
( , , ) 105
( , , ) 110
H x F x w b
H x F x w b
July, 2020 Dong M P, et al. Novel method for wheat leaf disease images based on differential amplification convolutional neural network Vol. 13 No.4 207
5 5 5 5 5 5
5 5 5 5 5 5
( , , ) ( ) 5
( , , ) ( ) 10
F x w b E w x b
F x w b E w x b
And Δf5 = 5 are got. The proportion of Δf5 is shown in
Equation (8).
in Scheme 2 is much larger than
Scheme 1. Therefore, the network structure in Scheme 2 can
enlarge the error in backpropagation pass between the expected
output and the actual output, which is beneficial to the correct
convergence of the model.
Then, in Scheme 2, Equation (10) can be obtained by recursive
Equation (9).
2 1 1 1 1
1 1 1
( ) ( )
l l i l l
l i l l i l l
x x E w x b
x E w x b E w x b
L l i i i
i l i
x x E w x b
For the initial input x0 the mapping result of the Lth neural
layer satisfies Equation (11).
L i i i
x x E w x b
From Equations (10) and (11), it can be seen that the
differential amplification effect can be accumulated layer by layer,
thus improving the fitting ability of the model to image pixel
distribution and the identification accuracy to a maximum extent.
2.2 Normalized layers
As noted above, owing to the influence of sunlight, water mist,
dust, and other factors, the range of the signal intensity in gathered
images is extremely wide. Signals with wide ranges of values
often play a major role in model learning, and smaller range signals
have less effect, thus affecting the trend of model coverage.
Moreover, the range of the function domain is limited, so the input
data need to be mapped into this domain. To solve the above
problems, the local response normalization (LRN) is used before
and after the differential amplification branch.
By creating a competition mechanism, LRN can make the
activity of local neurons with the larger response, inhibit other
neurons with smaller feedback, which improves the generalization
ability of the model, and prevent the data from overfitting[2], as is
shown in Equation (12).
min( 1, /2)
( ) ( ) (j) 2
, , ,
j=max(0, / 2)
/ ( ( ) )
N i n
p q p q p q
y x k x
is the normalized value, and i is the position of the
channel, which represents the value of the update channel, and p
and q represent the position of the pixel. And the
is the
input value, α = 0.0001 is the scaling factor, β = 0.75 is the
exponential term, n = 5 is the local size of the normalized range.
2.3 Dropout
In order to improve the generalization ability and inhibit
overfitting, the dropout strategy[22] is introduced in the differential
amplification branch. When the network propagates forward, it
stops a neuron with a certain probability of p, its activation function
value change from probability p to 0. Dropout reduces the
dependence between neurons by forcing a neuron to interact with
randomly selected neurons and prevents some features from having
effect only under other specific features. So that dropout can
improve the generalization ability of the model. The dropout rate
is set to 0.5 in this study, that is to say, when the neurons pass
dropout, half of them will be set to 0. Figure 2 illustrates the
training process of DACNN with dropout.
Figure 2 Learning processing of DACNN with dropout
In Equation (13), Bernoulli function is used to generate
probability B vector, that is, randomly generate a vector of 0 and 1.
is the input of the upper layer. As is shown in
Equation (14),
is multiplied by the
to obtain the
processed signal after masking
. The output
( 1)l
is then
calculated by the Equations (15) and (16). The whole procedure
is indicated below.
() ( )
B Bernoulli distribution p
( ) ( ) ( )l l l
i i i
y B y
( 1) ( 1) ( ) ( 1)l l l l
i i i i
y w y b
( 1) ( 1)
y f y
2.4 Exponential linear unit
In this paper, we use the exponential linear unit (ELU) as the
nonlinear activation function, as shown in Equation (17).
( 1) 0
x if x
ye if x
ELU is an improved version of the Rectified Linear Unit
(ReLU). Compared to the ReLU function, when the input is
negative, it has a certain output. As shown in Figure 3, the linear
part of the right segment can alleviate the gradient disappearance,
while the soft saturation end makes it more robust to input changes
and noise at the left. The mean value of the output is close to 0,
and the convergence speed of the ELU is fast.
Figure 3 Exponential linear unit
2.5 Experimental setup
The computer model is HP EliteDesk 880 G2 TWR, the
processor is Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 3.40 GHz, and
the RAM is 16 GB. Furthermore, the operating system is Ubuntu
14.04.4 64 bits. Training a deep CNN on the large-scale images
through a large number of iterations largely relies on GPUs with
the high performance. Its basic configuration is listed in Table 1.
The Python is utilized as the programming language to adapt to the
208 July, 2020 Int J Agric & Biol Eng Open Access at Vol. 13 No.4
core of TensorFlow.
Table 1 Basic Characteristics of GPUs
Configuration parameter
Parameter value
Chip model
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080
RAM capacity
RAM interface
Core frequency
1759/1936 MHz
Memory frequency
10206/10400 MHz
Stream processor
Raster processing unit
RAMDAC frequency
400 MHz
Maximum resolution
3 Construction of the dataset
As there are no large-scale images of wheat leaf diseases,
therefore, images were collected from several wheat planting bases
in Shandong province. Then, they were expanded by 5 kinds of
data augmentation techniques to construct the wheat leaf disease
dataset. It is expected that these experiments can shorten the
distance between the theoretical research of neural networks and
the practical agricultural application.
3.1 Acquisition of images
The wheat leaf images were collected from the wheat planting
bases of Shandong Province of China. The number of the original
dataset is 8326, containing normal leaf and 7 kinds of diseases,
which are mechanical damage leaf, powdery mildew, bacterial leaf
streak, cochliobolus heterostrophus, stripe rust, leaf rust and
bacterial leaf blight. The images were taken with a Canon EOS
80D (18-200 mm). The image format is JPEG and each image is
a 24-bit color bitmap. The numbers and proportions of the wheat
leaf disease image in the original dataset are shown in Table 2, and
the samples of wheat leaf disease images are shown in Table 3.
Table 2 Number and proportion of the wheat disease image in original dataset
Normal leaf
damage leaf
Bacterial leaf
Stripe rust
Leaf rust
Bacterial leaf
Table 3 Samples of wheat leaf disease images
damage leaf
leaf streak
Bacterial leaf
Sample 1
Sample 2
Sample 3
3.2 Data preprocessing
The CNN self-learning relies on iterative training on a
large-scale dataset. If the amount of data is too small, it is prone
to cause the overfitting, which makes the training error very small
while the testing error very large[23]. In order to increase the size
and diversity of original dataset, 5 ways are adopted to implement
dataset augmentation which are add Gaussian noise, color jittering,
fancy PCA, mirror horizontally and Gaussian blur, as shown in
Table 4, and the images processed by the methods of data
augmentation are shown in Table 5.
Data augmentation can produce 6 corresponding enhanced
images of every category of wheat leaf disease images. Finally,
the number of data augmentation of wheat leaf diseases is 41630,
the number and proportion of each kind of wheat leaf disease
images are shown in Table 6.
Table 4 Method of data augmentation
Detail operations
Gaussian noise
Add 30% Gaussian noise to the original image.
Color jittering
Increase saturation and brightness by 20% and contrast by 30%.
Fancy PCA
Change the intensity of RGB channel, then perform PCA on all RGB pixel values, and obtain a 3×3 covariance matrix; A new covariance
moment is obtained by multiplying the eigenvalue by a random variable with a mean value of 0 and a standard deviation of 0.1 Gaussian
Mirror horizontally
Mirror the left and right parts of the image with the vertical central axis of the image as the center.
Gaussian blur
Each pixel takes the average value of the surrounding pixels, when calculating the average value, the fuzzy was affected by the blur radius,
and the blur radius is set to 2.
July, 2020 Dong M P, et al. Novel method for wheat leaf disease images based on differential amplification convolutional neural network Vol. 13 No.4 209
Table 5 Images processed by the data augmentation
Disease type
Original image
Gaussian Noise
Color jittering
Fancy PCA
Mirror horizontally
Gaussian blur
Bacterial leaf blight
Powdery mildew
Table 6 Number and proportion of the wheat disease images in dataset
Normal leaf
damage leaf
Bacterial leaf
leaf blight
4 Results and discussion
DACNN-Random Forest
In this experiment, DACNN is combined with softmax,
support vector machine (SVM), K-nearest neighbor (KNN), and
Random Forest to identify the augmented dataset, which aims at
investigating the effect of different classifiers on identification
results by observing their trend of accuracy change. In KNN, k is
set to 100. Radius Basis Function (RBF) is used in SVM. The
penalty parameter C, γ, and slack variable ζ are initialized to 10,
0.02 and 0.001, respectively. The number of decision trees in
Random Forest is 200, and the Gini index is used:
( ) 1 c
Gini D p
, where c represents the number of categories
in the dataset and is set to 8. pi represents the proportion of the ith
category of samples in all samples. The 4 models are iterated
50000 times on the augmented dataset, and save the intermediate
model every 5000 iterations and validation it with the test dataset.
Their change procedure of identification accuracy is shown in
Figure 4.
Figure 4 Accuracy of DACNN-Softmax, DACNN-SVM,
DACNN-KNN and DACNN-Random Forest
It can be seen from Figure 4 that when the models are
convergent, the identification accuracy of DACNN-SVM and
DACNN-Softmax are 95.32% and 96.09%, respectively, which is
obviously superior to the accuracies of DACNN-KNN and
DACNN-Random Forest of 90.37% and 89.96%. Furthermore,
through the experiment process, we can see that the identification
accuracy of DACNN-SVM is higher than that of
DACNN-Softmax when the number of iterations is small. This
is because the number of iterations is small and the data
throughput is small in the early experiment, and SVM is just a
classification algorithm based on statistical learning theory,
which replaces Empirical Risk Minimization (ERM) with
Structure Risk Minimization (SRM). It is suitable for small
sample data classification, so it has higher recognition accuracy
than Softmax in the early stage.
4.2 DACNN, Inception V3, LeNet-5, AlexNet and ZFNet
In order to verify the performance of DACNN, it is compared
with Inception V3, Lenet-5, AlexNet and ZFNet. LeNet-5
consists of 3 convolutional layers, 2 subsampling layers, and 3
fully connected layers, which have been widely used in digital
handwriting recognition; Both AlexNet and ZFNet contain 5
convolutional layers, 3 subsampling layers, and 3 fully connected
layers. However, the former uses two GPU sparse connection
structures, while ZFNet uses only one GPU dense connection
structure. Inception V3 works by performing multiple
convolution and pooling operation on the image and outputs a deep
feature map. In the above experimental environment, the 5
models are iterated 50 000 times on the augmented dataset and save
the intermediate model every 5 000 iterations and validation it with
the test dataset. The training process of the model is shown in
Figure 5.
It can be seen from Figure 5 that when the number of iterations
is close to 25 000, the DACNN begins to converge, the average
identification accuracy of DACNN is about 95.18%, which is
higher than the accuracy of Inception V3 94.31%, AlexNet 91.54%
and ZFNet 92.79%, and is obviously higher than the accuracy of
LeNet-5 89.15%. DACNN owns higher identification accuracy
for the wheat leaf disease images. The error amplification effect
of DACNN can be accumulated layer by layer, which makes the
network more capable of fitting the pixel distribution of the image
and improves the classification accuracy.
210 July, 2020 Int J Agric & Biol Eng Open Access at Vol. 13 No.4
Figure 5 Training process of DACNN, Inception V3, Lenet-5,
AlexNet and ZFNet
5 Conclusions
In this study, we deal with the recognition of the wheat leaf
disease image by proposing a novel method named DACNN, a
differential amplification convolutional neural network.
Especially, branches before and after the deep convolution layer in
DACNN were added to simulate the differential amplifier and
realize the function of error amplification. Then, there is no
standard dataset of wheat leaf diseases, constructing the wheat leaf
disease dataset. Finally, the experimental results with
Inception-V3, AlexNet, ZFNet and LeNet-5 and combined with
four classifiers, which are Softmax, SVM, KNN and Random
Forest on the wheat leaf diseases dataset show the superiority of
DACNN. For future work, we plan to apply DACNN to other
types of visual tasks, such as object detection.
This work is supported by First Class Discipline Funding of
Shandong Agricultural University (XXXY201703).
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... In a number of real-world applications, the isotropic assumption is false and does not accurately reflect the probable connection between the sample's dimensional components. [13][14][15][16] As a result of the growth of artificial intelligence [14], image processing and classification research makes substantial use of deep learning techniques [15]. Dong et al. [14] suggested use a convolutionl neural network with differential amplification to identify wheat diseases. ...
... In a number of real-world applications, the isotropic assumption is false and does not accurately reflect the probable connection between the sample's dimensional components. [13][14][15][16] As a result of the growth of artificial intelligence [14], image processing and classification research makes substantial use of deep learning techniques [15]. Dong et al. [14] suggested use a convolutionl neural network with differential amplification to identify wheat diseases. ...
... [13][14][15][16] As a result of the growth of artificial intelligence [14], image processing and classification research makes substantial use of deep learning techniques [15]. Dong et al. [14] suggested use a convolutionl neural network with differential amplification to identify wheat diseases. Its average identification accuracy increased by 6.03 percent compared to LeNet-5. ...
... Disease Detection (Dong et al., 2020;Haider et al., 2020;Zhang et al., 2020;Bao et al., 2021;Chand et al., 2021;Chen et al., 2021;Fernández-Campos et al., 2021;Gonçalves et al., 2021;Goyal et al., 2021;Jiang et al., 2021;Kendler et al., 2022;Kumar et al., 2021;Kukreja et al., 2021;Maqsood et al., 2021;Su et al., 2021; 2 Yield prediction (Cao et al., 2021;Qiao et al., 2021;Khaki et al., 2022;Sun et al., 2022;Srivastava et al., 2022; 3 (Velumani et al., 2020;Rasti et al., 2021;Chu et al., 2022;Schreiber et al., 2022;Wittstruck et al., 2022;Zhuang et al., 2022) 4 ...
... Moreover, a comparison of CNN models with traditional machine learning models such as Random forest (RF), Support Vector Machine (SVM), and K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) was conducted in several works. As it is reported by (Dong et al., 2020;Srivastava et al., 2022;Wittstruck et al., 2022) in the task of disease detection and wheat yield prediction nonlinear models such as DNN, CNN outperformed linear models to a varying extent. The list of works based on problems addressed, training mechanism, and comparison with ML models have been shown in Table 2 Disease Detection Gonçalves et al., 2021;Goyal et al., 2021;Bao et al., 2021;Jiang et al., 2021;Kumar et al., 2021;Chand et al., 2021;Dong et al., 2020;Chen et al., 2021Zhang et al., 2020Fernández-Campos et al., 2021;Dong et al., 20202 Yield prediction Wang et al., 2022Cao et al., 2021;Srivastava et al., 2022;3 Phenotyping Zhuang et al., 2022;Rasti et al., 2021;Zhuang et al., 2022;Wittstruck et al., 2022;Rasti et al., 2021;4 Variety Identification Wu et al., 2020;Gao et al., 2021;;Laabassi et al., 2021;Zhou et al., 2020;5 Weed Detection Jabir et al., 2022;Li et al., 2022;Wang et al., 2020; Table 2. Problems addressed, training mechanism and comparison with ML models ...
... As it is reported by (Dong et al., 2020;Srivastava et al., 2022;Wittstruck et al., 2022) in the task of disease detection and wheat yield prediction nonlinear models such as DNN, CNN outperformed linear models to a varying extent. The list of works based on problems addressed, training mechanism, and comparison with ML models have been shown in Table 2 Disease Detection Gonçalves et al., 2021;Goyal et al., 2021;Bao et al., 2021;Jiang et al., 2021;Kumar et al., 2021;Chand et al., 2021;Dong et al., 2020;Chen et al., 2021Zhang et al., 2020Fernández-Campos et al., 2021;Dong et al., 20202 Yield prediction Wang et al., 2022Cao et al., 2021;Srivastava et al., 2022;3 Phenotyping Zhuang et al., 2022;Rasti et al., 2021;Zhuang et al., 2022;Wittstruck et al., 2022;Rasti et al., 2021;4 Variety Identification Wu et al., 2020;Gao et al., 2021;;Laabassi et al., 2021;Zhou et al., 2020;5 Weed Detection Jabir et al., 2022;Li et al., 2022;Wang et al., 2020; Table 2. Problems addressed, training mechanism and comparison with ML models ...
... Disease Detection (Dong et al., 2020;Haider et al., 2020;Zhang et al., 2020;Bao et al., 2021;Chand et al., 2021;Chen et al., 2021;Fernández-Campos et al., 2021;Gonçalves et al., 2021;Goyal et al., 2021;Jiang et al., 2021;Kendler et al., 2022;Kumar et al., 2021;Kukreja et al., 2021;Maqsood et al., 2021;Su et al., 2021; 2 Yield prediction (Cao et al., 2021;Qiao et al., 2021;Khaki et al., 2022;Sun et al., 2022;Srivastava et al., 2022; 3 (Velumani et al., 2020;Rasti et al., 2021;Chu et al., 2022;Schreiber et al., 2022;Wittstruck et al., 2022;Zhuang et al., 2022) 4 ...
... Moreover, a comparison of CNN models with traditional machine learning models such as Random forest (RF), Support Vector Machine (SVM), and K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) was conducted in several works. As it is reported by (Dong et al., 2020;Srivastava et al., 2022;Wittstruck et al., 2022) in the task of disease detection and wheat yield prediction nonlinear models such as DNN, CNN outperformed linear models to a varying extent. The list of works based on problems addressed, training mechanism, and comparison with ML models have been shown in Table 2 Disease Detection Gonçalves et al., 2021;Goyal et al., 2021;Bao et al., 2021;Jiang et al., 2021;Kumar et al., 2021;Chand et al., 2021;Dong et al., 2020;Chen et al., 2021Zhang et al., 2020Fernández-Campos et al., 2021;Dong et al., 20202 Yield prediction Wang et al., 2022Cao et al., 2021;Srivastava et al., 2022;3 Phenotyping Zhuang et al., 2022;Rasti et al., 2021;Zhuang et al., 2022;Wittstruck et al., 2022;Rasti et al., 2021;4 Variety Identification Wu et al., 2020;Gao et al., 2021;;Laabassi et al., 2021;Zhou et al., 2020;5 Weed Detection Jabir et al., 2022;Li et al., 2022;Wang et al., 2020; Table 2. Problems addressed, training mechanism and comparison with ML models ...
... As it is reported by (Dong et al., 2020;Srivastava et al., 2022;Wittstruck et al., 2022) in the task of disease detection and wheat yield prediction nonlinear models such as DNN, CNN outperformed linear models to a varying extent. The list of works based on problems addressed, training mechanism, and comparison with ML models have been shown in Table 2 Disease Detection Gonçalves et al., 2021;Goyal et al., 2021;Bao et al., 2021;Jiang et al., 2021;Kumar et al., 2021;Chand et al., 2021;Dong et al., 2020;Chen et al., 2021Zhang et al., 2020Fernández-Campos et al., 2021;Dong et al., 20202 Yield prediction Wang et al., 2022Cao et al., 2021;Srivastava et al., 2022;3 Phenotyping Zhuang et al., 2022;Rasti et al., 2021;Zhuang et al., 2022;Wittstruck et al., 2022;Rasti et al., 2021;4 Variety Identification Wu et al., 2020;Gao et al., 2021;;Laabassi et al., 2021;Zhou et al., 2020;5 Weed Detection Jabir et al., 2022;Li et al., 2022;Wang et al., 2020; Table 2. Problems addressed, training mechanism and comparison with ML models ...
... The number of studies about the computer vision in wheat is also quite high. There are various studies on wheat in areas, such as disease identification [13][14][15], pest damage detection [16][17][18][19], plant growth prediction [20][21][22][23], phenotyping [24][25][26][27], yield estimation [28][29][30][31] and classification [32][33][34][35]. However, only some of these studies are associated with deep learning. ...
... It is reported that the classification accuracy was about 89%. Dong et al. [13] proposed a system for detecting wheat leaf disease using differential amplification CNN (DACNN). To increase the number of records in the data set, they implemented five different data augmentation methods. ...
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Determining the variety of wheat is important to know the physical and chemical properties which may be useful in grain processing. It also affects the price of wheat in the food industry. In this study, a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)-based model was proposed to determine wheat varieties. Images of four different piles of wheat, two of which were the bread and the remaining durum wheat, were taken and image pre-processing techniques were applied. Small-sized images were cropped from high-resolution images, followed by data augmentation. Then, deep features were extracted from the obtained images using pre-trained seven different CNN models (AlexNet, ResNet18, ResNet50, ResNet101, Inceptionv3, DenseNet201, and Inceptionresnetv2). Support Vector Machines (SVM) classifier was used to classify deep features. The classification accuracies obtained by classification with various kernel functions such as Linear, Quadratic, Cubic and Gaussian were compared. The highest wheat classification accuracy was achieved with the deep features extracted with the Densenet201 model. In the classification made with the Cubic kernel function of SVM, the accuracy value was 98.1%.
... The study [3] suggests a differential amplification convolutional neural network (DACNN) for very accurate identification of photos of wheat leaf disease. Five strategies for data augmentation were used to create a dataset on wheat leaf disease. ...
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For deep learning models to be trained effectively, a sufficiently sizable and varied dataset must be available. Data augmentation, which produces identical images from a small number of original training samples, has proven to be an effective strategy for addressing the problem of deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) missing sufficient training data. However, getting a good dataset is frequently challenging, particularly in the context of identifying plant diseases. In this article, we offer a distinctive approach for generating images of wheat leaf disease from a smaller dataset using generative adversarial networks (GANs). We investigate two well-known GAN architectures, DCGAN and CycleGAN, for producing wheat leaf disease images from a constrained number of real-world images. Our findings demonstrate that in terms of image quality and resemblance to real-world images, the CycleGAN architecture outperforms the DCGAN architecture. In different applications, such as the identification of plant diseases, our study shows the possibility of employing GANs to produce realistic images from fewer datasets.
... Dong [11] proposed a differential amplified convolutional neural network (DACNN) that was used to recognize images of wheat leaf disease, and the average recognition accuracy was 95.18%. Genaev [12] used a method to identify five fungal diseases of wheat sprouts that could be used to identify both individual and multiple diseases. ...
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Wheat leaf diseases are considered to be the foremost threat to wheat yield. In the realm of crop disease detection, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have emerged as important tools. The training strategy and the initial learning rate are key factors that impact the performance and training speed of the model in CNNs. This study employed six training strategies, including Adam, SGD, Adam + StepLR, SGD + StepLR, Warm-up + Cosine annealing + SGD, Warm-up + Cosine, and annealing + Adam, with three initial learning rates (0.05, 0.01, and 0.001). Using the wheat stripe rust, wheat powdery mildew, and healthy wheat datasets, five lightweight CNN models, namely MobileNetV3, ShuffleNetV2, GhostNet, MnasNet, and EfficientNetV2, were evaluated. The results showed that upon combining the SGD + StepLR with the initial learning rate of 0.001, the MnasNet obtained the highest recognition accuracy of 98.65%. The accuracy increased by 1.1% as compared to that obtained with the training strategy with a fixed learning rate, and the size of the parameters was only 19.09 M. The above results indicated that the MnasNet was appropriate for porting to the mobile terminal and efficient for automatically identifying wheat leaf diseases.
... The potential of continuous waveletanalysis for detecting powdery mildew, banded rust and nitrogen-water stress in wheat was studied using hyperspectral data [5]. A convolutional neural network of differential amplification was proposed and used to identify images of wheat leaf diseases [6]. ...
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Infection of seeds of cereal plants with fusarium affects their optical luminescent properties. The spectral characteristics of excitation (absorption) in the range of 180–700 nm of healthy and infected seeds of wheat, barley and oats were measured. The greatest difference in the excitation spectra of healthy and infected seeds was observed in the short-wave range of 220–450 nm. At the same time, the excitation characteristics of infected seeds were higher than those of healthy ones, and the integral parameter Η in the entire range was 10–56% higher. A new maximum appeared at the wavelength of 232 nm and the maximum value increased by 362 nm. The spectral characteristics were measured when excited by radiation at wavelengths of 232, 362, 424, 485, 528 nm and the luminescence fluxes were calculated. It is established that the photoluminescence fluxes Φ in the short-wave ranges of 290–380 nm increase by 1.58–3.14 times and 390–550 nm-by 1.44–2.54 times. The fluxes in longer wavelength ranges do not change systematically and less significantly: for wheat, they decrease by 12% and increase by 19%, for barley, they decrease by 10% and increase by 33%. The flux decreases by 43–71% for oats. Based on the results obtained for cereal seeds, it is possible to further develop a method for detecting fusarium infection with absolute measurements of photoluminescence fluxes in the range of 290–380 nm, or when measuring photoluminescence ratios: for wheat seeds when excited with wavelengths of 424 nm and 232 nm (Φ 424 /Φ 232 ); for barley seeds–when excited with wavelengths of 485 nm and 232 nm (Φ 485 /Φ 232 ) and for oat seeds–when excited with wavelengths of 424 nm and 362 nm (Φ 424 /Φ 362 ).
Wheat is one of the most important crops and food sources in the world. However, wheat leaf diseases have a major impact on growth. An accurate diagnosis of wheat leaf diseases is essential for wheat quality and the agricultural economy. To improve the identification precision of wheat leaf diseases, we propose an integrated deep learning algorithm, which combines a residual channel attention block (RCAB), a feedback block (FB), elliptic metric learning (EML), and a convolutional neural network (CNN) and call it RFE-CNN. First, we utilized two parallel CNNs to extract the basic features of healthy and diseased wheat leaves, respectively. Second, we used residual channel attention blocks to optimize the basic features. Third, we used feedback blocks to train the previous features. Finally, we sent these features into a CNN and elliptic metric learning for processing and classification. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed model is superior to VGG-19, ZFNet, GoogLeNet, Inception-V4, and Efficient-B7 in some aspects, such as shorter time consumption, higher recognition precision, and stronger adaptive ability. The overall classification accuracy was 98.83%, and the maximum testing accuracy was 99.95%. We obtained an average accuracy score of 99.50% on the open-source databases viz., CGIAR, Plant Diseases, LWDCD 2020, and Plant Pathology. The proposed method has a good reference for the promotion of intelligent crop disease and insect pest detection. The recognition rate is relatively low for the samples of different ecological locations and wheat varieties. Therefore, our algorithms need to be further improved to achieve a better balance. We will use hyperspectral imaging technology to obtain more spectral data on wheat leaf diseases and send them into deep learning models for classification research.
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Fusarium head blight (FHB) disease reduces wheat yield and quality. Breeding wheat varieties with resistance genes is an effective way to reduce the impact of this disease. This requires trained experts to assess the disease resistance of hundreds of wheat lines in the field. Manual evaluation methods are time-consuming and labor-intensive. The evaluation results are greatly affected by human factors. Traditional machine learning methods are only suitable for small-scale datasets. Intelligent and accurate assessment of FHB severity could significantly facilitate rapid screening of resistant lines. In this study, the automatic tandem dual BlendMask deep learning framework was used to simultaneously segment the wheat spikes and diseased areas to enable the rapid detection of the disease severity. The feature pyramid network (FPN), based on the ResNet-50 network, was used as the backbone of BlendMask for feature extraction. The model exhibited positive performance in the segmentation of wheat spikes with precision, recall, and MIoU (mean intersection over union) values of 85.36%, 75.58%, and 56.21%, respectively, and the segmentation of diseased areas with precision, recall, and MIoU values of 78.16%, 79.46%, and 55.34%, respectively. The final recognition accuracies of the model for wheat spikes and diseased areas were 85.56% and 99.32%, respectively. The disease severity was obtained from the ratio of the diseased area to the spike area. The average accuracy for FHB severity classification reached 91.80%, with the average F1-score of 92.22%. This study demonstrated the great advantage of a tandem dual BlendMask network in intelligent screening of resistant wheat lines.
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Cassava is the third largest source of carbohydrates for human food in the world but is vulnerable to virus diseases, which threaten to destabilize food security in sub-Saharan Africa. Novel methods of cassava disease detection are needed to support improved control which will prevent this crisis. Image recognition offers both a cost effective and scalable technology for disease detection. New deep learning models offer an avenue for this technology to be easily deployed on mobile devices. Using a dataset of cassava disease images taken in the field in Tanzania, we applied transfer learning to train a deep convolutional neural network to identify three diseases and two types of pest damage (or lack thereof). The best trained model accuracies were 98% for brown leaf spot (BLS), 96% for red mite damage (RMD), 95% for green mite damage (GMD), 98% for cassava brown streak disease (CBSD), and 96% for cassava mosaic disease (CMD). The best model achieved an overall accuracy of 93% for data not used in the training process. Our results show that the transfer learning approach for image recognition of field images offers a fast, affordable, and easily deployable strategy for digital plant disease detection.
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Recent network research has demonstrated that the performance of convolutional neural networks can be improved by introducing a learning block that capture spatial correlations. In this work, we propose a novel Multiple Feature Reweight DenseNet (MFR-DenseNet) architecture. The MFR-DenseNet improves the representation power of the DenseNet by adaptively recalibrating the channel-wise feature responses and explicitly modeling the interdependencies between the features of different convolutional layers. First, in order to perform dynamic channel-wise feature recalibration, we construct the Channel Feature Reweight DenseNet (CFR-DenseNet) by introducing the Squeeze-and-Excitation Module (SEM) to DenseNet. Then, to model the interdependencies between the features of different convolutional layers, we propose the Double Squeeze-and-Excitation Module (DSEM) and construct the Inter-Layer Feature Reweight DenseNet (ILFR-DenseNet). In the last step, we designed the MFR-DenseNet by combining the CFR-DenseNet and the ILFR-DenseNet, with an ensemble learning approach. Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of CFR-DenseNet, ILFR-DenseNet, and MFR-DenseNet. More importantly, the MFRDenseNet drops the error rate on CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 by a large margin with significantly fewer parameters. Our 100-layer MFR-DenseNet (with 7.1M parameters) model achieves competitive results on CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 data sets, with test errors 3.57% and 18.27% respectively, achieving a 4.5% relative improvement on CIFAR-10 and a 5.09% relative improvement on CIFAR-100 over the best result of DenseNet (with 27.2M parameters).
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Deep learning techniques have boosted the performance of hyperspectral image (HSI) classification. In particular, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have shown superior performance to that of the conventional machine learning algorithms. Recently, a novel type of neural networks called capsule networks (CapsNets) was presented to improve the most advanced CNNs. In this paper, we present a modified two-layer CapsNet with limited training samples for HSI classification, which is inspired by the comparability and simplicity of the shallower deep learning models. The presented CapsNet is trained using two real HSI datasets, i.e., the PaviaU (PU) and SalinasA datasets, representing complex and simple datasets, respectively, and which are used to investigate the robustness or representation of every model or classifier. In addition, a comparable paradigm of network architecture design has been proposed for the comparison of CNN and CapsNet. Experiments demonstrate that CapsNet shows better accuracy and convergence behavior for the complex data than the state-of-the-art CNN. For CapsNet using the PU dataset, the Kappa coefficient, overall accuracy, and average accuracy are 0.9456, 95.90%, and 96.27%, respectively, compared to the corresponding values yielded by CNN of 0.9345, 95.11%, and 95.63%. Moreover, we observed that CapsNet has much higher confidence for the predicted probabilities. Subsequently, this finding was analyzed and discussed with probability maps and uncertainty analysis. In terms of the existing literature, CapsNet provides promising results and explicit merits in comparison with CNN and two baseline classifiers, i.e., random forests (RFs) and support vector machines (SVMs).
Objective: To study the distribution of chlorophyll content of Longan (Dimocarpus longan Lour) leaves in different growth periods, realize non-destructive measurement of the influence of pests and diseases on chlorophyll distribution, and provide a reference for evaluating the cold-resistant ability of young leaves, fertilizing amount in the fruiting period and pruning of mature leaves. Method: Hyperspectral images of Longan leaves in three growth periods were acquired via an online hyperspectral imaging system within the spectral region of 369-988 nm wavelength. An automatic masking method was used to extract the interest regions. The chlorophyll content was measured by the spectrophotometric method. The relationships between the spectral response characteristics and chlorophyll contents of Longan leaves in three growth periods were measured based on Pearson correlation coefficient (r). A partial least squares regression (LSR) model was established. The relationship between the texture feature of selected image and chlorophyll content was analyzed. The spectroscopy and texture features were imported to the spare auto-encoder (SAE) model in deep learning to predict the chlorophyll content of Longan leaves. The distribution of chlorophyll content was predicted using SAE model based on the mapping information. Result: The peaks of correlation coefficient curves of Longan leaves in three growth periods appeared in the vicinity of 700 nm. The wavelength of the highest correlation coefficient for young, mature and old ripe leaves was 692, 698 and 705 nm, respectively. The correlation coefficient (r) of the most sensitive band in full period was higher than those in three growth periods, which was up to 0.890 3. Among all regression models, the prediction effect of LSR model based on the absorption band of the minimum reflectivity and total reflectivity was the best (Rc²=0.856 8, RMSEc=0.219 5; Rv²=0.771 2, RMSEv=0.286 2), and the determination coefficients of its calibration and validation sets were higher than those based on a single parameter. SAE model importing spectroscopy and texture features performed the best (Rc²=0.979 6, RMSEc=0.171 2; Rv²=0.911 2, RMSEv=0.211 5) and the most stable to predict chlorophyll contents of Longan leaves in different growth periods, its standard deviation was only 29.9% of LSR model. Conclusion: A method automatically extracting interest region was proposed, its success rate was 100%. The performance of SAE model based on spectroscopy and texture features was more stable than those of regression models based on spectroscopy to predict chlorophyll contents of Longan leaves in different growth periods. SAE model is suitable for predicting the distribution of chlorophyll content of Longan leaves as a non-destructive method. © 2018, Editorial Department, Journal of South China Agricultural University. All right reserved.
The identification of plant species mainly depends on the recognition of plant leaf characteristics. However, most recognition systems show the weak performance on detecting small objects like plant leaves in the complicated background. In order to improve the recognition ability of plant leaves in the complex environment, this paper proposes an improved deep convolutional neural network, which takes advantage of the Inception V2 with batch normalization (BN) instead of convolutional neural layers in the faster region convolutional neural network (Faster RCNN) offering multiscale image features to the region proposal network (RPN). In addition, the original images first are cut into the specified size according to the numerical order, and the segmented images are loaded into the proposed network sequentially. After the precise classification through softmax and bounding box regressor, the segmented images with identification labels are spliced together as final output images. The experimental results show that the proposed approach has higher recognition accuracy than Faster RCNN in recognizing leaf species in the complex background.
Rice panicle blast is one of the most serious diseases in the period of rice growth. To effectively identify the rice panicle blast is one of the important prerequisites for rice disease controlling. In this study, a novel identification method for panicle blast based on hyperspectral imaging technology is proposed. The method applies a deep convolutional neural network model GoogLeNet to learn the representation of hyperspectral image data and the binary panicle blast/non-blast classifier is trained as well in a unified framework. The GoogLeNet is 22-layer deep convolutional neural network, which repeatedly stacks basic Inception module to deepen and widen the network to enhance its representation power. The core Inception architecture uses a series of kernel filters of different sizes in order to handle multiple scales macro structure and all of filter parameters are learned. In our GoogLeNet model for the panicle blast identification, the filter sizes are set to 1×1, 3×3 and 5×5 based on the consideration of lesion microstructure size rendered on the rice spike. In order to reduce the expensive computing cost of 3×3 and 5×5 convolutions, an extra 1×1 convolution is used to reduce the map dimension in each branch of Inception module before 3×3 and 5×5 convolutions. Further, all the output filter banks are concatenated into a single output vector forming the input of the next stage. As these Inception modules are stacked on top of each other, features of higher abstraction are captured by higher layers. Finally, an average pooling layer plus a fully connected layer is stacked on the last Inception module and a softmax based classifier is used to predict the panicle blast. From the statement, feature and classifier learning are seamlessly integrated in a unified framework and both of them are trained jointly under the supervision of blast label, which makes the two reach the harmoniously optimal state and helps to improve the blast prediction performance. To verify the acclaim of the proposed GoogLeNet method, a total of 1 467 fresh rice panicles covering more than 71 cultivars are collected from an experimental field for the performance evaluation. The experimental field is located in regional testing area for the evaluation of rice cultivars in Guangdong Province. Therefore, all the rice plants in this area are naturally inoculated as the area is a typical source of rice blast fungus. The hyperspectral images of all the rice panicles are acquired using outdoor portable GaiaField-F-V10 imaging spectrometer. In consideration that the spatial resolution is large, we coarsely crop the background area. Then the average spectrum images are computed, acting as the original input of the deep GoogleNet network. Two-class label of hyperspectral image sample is determined by plant protection expert according to the description of blast infection. In our experiments, totally 200 samples are randomly selected for test, with 100 for infected and non-infected class respectively. The rest are for training. When the training samples are scarce, deep GoogLeNet model is easily trapped in the overfitting, worsening the panicle blast prediction performance. To this end, we proposed 2 data augmentation methods, i.e., the method of randomly abandoning single band and the method of randomly translating luminance of average hyperspectral image. The combination of 2 methods can produce hundreds of thousands of data sample pairs. The rich and diverse samples are used to train the deep convolutional model to reduce the overfitting and improve the prediction results. Experimental results show that the proposed GoogLeNet based method achieves a high classification accuracy of 92.0%. This result is much better than the recent state-of-art BoSW (bag of spectra words) method, demonstrating the proposed GoogLeNet method together with the 2 data augmentation techniques solves the panicle blast identification problem under the situation of outdoor hyperspectral image collection. Moreover, the proposed GoogleNet BoSW based method demonstrates strong robustness to rice cultivars, which is vital for the wide and practical application. This research improves the classification accuracy of rice panicle blast identification and overcomes the difficulty caused by the hyperspectral image collection under the natural light outdoor. This work will advance the research of panicle blast identification to the practical application of production with a big step. © 2017, Editorial Department of the Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering. All right reserved.
Conference Paper
We trained a large, deep convolutional neural network to classify the 1.2 million high-resolution images in the ImageNet LSVRC-2010 contest into the 1000 dif- ferent classes. On the test data, we achieved top-1 and top-5 error rates of 37.5% and 17.0% which is considerably better than the previous state-of-the-art. The neural network, which has 60 million parameters and 650,000 neurons, consists of five convolutional layers, some of which are followed by max-pooling layers, and three fully-connected layers with a final 1000-way softmax. To make training faster, we used non-saturating neurons and a very efficient GPU implemen- tation of the convolution operation. To reduce overfitting in the fully-connected layers we employed a recently-developed regularization method called dropout that proved to be very effective. We also entered a variant of this model in the ILSVRC-2012 competition and achieved a winning top-5 test error rate of 15.3%, compared to 26.2% achieved by the second-best entry