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Impact of recycling on the mechanical properties of nickel-titanium alloy wires and the efficacy of their reuse after cold sterilization


Abstract and Figures

OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to assess the feasibility of reusing nickel–titanium (NiTi) alloy wires after 6 weeks of intraoral use by evaluating the changes in the load-deflection properties and surface characterization of these alloy wires after cold sterilization by immersion in 2% of acidic glutaraldehyde for 10 h. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twenty wires each in three groups of G1-as-received wires (ARW), G2-unsterilized used wires, and G3-sterilized used wires (SUW) were tested by the three-point bending test and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The data were subjected to statistics, one-way analysis of variance, and Bonferroni posthoc test for comparison. RESULTS: Recycling of NiTi wires produced statistically insignificant changes in both the loading and unloading properties of the wires. The forces needed to twist the used wires, that is, G2-(UUW) and G3-(SUW) were lower than G1-(ARW), suggesting lowering of the stiffness of the wires. Superelasticity is well-maintained by G2-(UUW) and G3-(SUW) although there is an insignificant lowering of the forces exerted by them during loading and unloading. SEM demonstrated no increase in the pitting of surfaces in both G2-(UUW) and G3-(SUW); multiple areas were seen to be more smoothened over G2-(UUW) and G3-(SUW) NiTi wires surfaces. CONCLUSION: The findings of this study support the reuse of NiTi wires after 6 weeks of use in oral conditions followed by cold sterilization by immersion in 2% acidic glutaraldehyde for 10 h.
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© 2020 Journal of Orthodontic Science | Published by Wolters Kluwer ‑ Medknow 1
Impact of recycling on the mechanical
properties of nickel‑titanium alloy
wires and the ecacy of their reuse
after cold sterilization
Ankit Yadav, Poonam K Jayaprakash, Rajeshwar Singh1, Meeta Dawer,
Palash Modi2, Bhumika Sehdev3 and Kiran K. Ganji4
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to assess the feasibility of reusing nickel–titanium (NiTi) alloy
wires after 6 weeks of intraoral use by evaluating the changes in the load‑deection properties and
surface characterization of these alloy wires after cold sterilization by immersion in 2% of acidic
glutaraldehyde for 10 h.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twenty wires each in three groups of G1‑as‑received wires (ARW),
G2‑unsterilized used wires, and G3‑sterilized used wires (SUW) were tested by the three‑point
bending test and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The data were subjected to statistics, one‑way
analysis of variance, and Bonferroni posthoc test for comparison.
RESULTS: Recycling of NiTi wires produced statistically insignicant changes in both the loading and
unloading properties of the wires. The forces needed to twist the used wires, that is, G2‑(UUW) and
G3‑(SUW) were lower than G1‑(ARW), suggesting lowering of the stiffness of the wires. Superelasticity
is well‑maintained by G2‑(UUW) and G3‑(SUW) although there is an insignicant lowering of the
forces exerted by them during loading and unloading. SEM demonstrated no increase in the pitting
of surfaces in both G2‑(UUW) and G3‑(SUW); multiple areas were seen to be more smoothened
over G2‑(UUW) and G3‑(SUW) NiTi wires surfaces.
CONCLUSION: The ndings of this study support the reuse of NiTi wires after 6 weeks of use in oral
conditions followed by cold sterilization by immersion in 2% acidic glutaraldehyde for 10 h.
Bending test, cold sterilization, nickel‑titanium alloy wires, recycling, superelasticity
Nickel–titanium (NiTi) alloy wires gained
popularity because of their properties
like superelasticity and shape memory.
However, because of the higher cost value,
more than 50% of the orthodontists recycle
these wires for economic reasons.[1,2] To
eliminate the potential health hazards to
patients on whom these recycled archwires
are used, effective sterilization methods
must be used.[3‑5] Approximately 80% of
these orthodontists use chemical solutions,
that is, a cold method for disinfecting or
sterilizing these wires. The most popular
disinfectants and sterilants, authorized
by the American Dental Association,
include 2% glutaraldehyde and chlorine
dioxide for the 2% acidic glutaraldehyde
(Banicide) sterilization time is 10 h without
any dilution. Most of the disinfectants and
sterilants are reportedly corrosive and attack
the metallic substances that are immersed
in them.[1]
Address for
Dr. Kiran K. Ganji,
Sakaka 72721,
Al Jouf Province, KSA.
E‑mail: kiranperio@gmail.
Submitted: 15‑Jul‑2019
Revised: 23‑Nov‑2019
Accepted: 29‑Feb‑2020
Published: 18‑Aug‑2020
Department of
Orthodontics and
Dentofacial Orthopedics,
Teerthankar Mahaveer
Dental College,
Uttar Pradesh,
2Consultant Orthodontist,
Phoenix Hospital,
Panchkula, Haryana,
India, Department
of 1Orthodontics and
Dentofacial Orthopedics
and 3Periodontology,
Mekelle University,
Ethiopia, 4Department
of Preventive Dentistry,
College of Dentistry, Jouf
University, KSA
Original Article
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How to cite this article: Yadav A, Jayaprakash PK,
Singh R, Dawer M, Modi P, Sehdev B, et al. Impact
of recycling on the mechanical properties of
nickel‑titanium alloy wires and the ecacy of their
reuse after cold sterilization. J Orthodont Sci
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2 Journal of Orthodontic Science | 2020
To reuse NiTi wires following cold sterilization
treatment in patients, these must be assessed for
selected properties like stiffness, strength, and surface
characteristics. Few studies exist on the effects of cold
sterilization with chemical solutions on NiTi wires. This
study was conducted to assess the feasibility of reusing
NiTi alloy wires by evaluating the changes in mechanical
properties and their surface characteristics after cold
sterilization by immersion in 2% acidic glutaraldehyde
for 10 h.
Sixty 0.016 NiTi alloy archwires (Nitinol Superelastic
Wire, 3M Unitek, CA) were divided into three groups
of 20 samples each. Twenty as‑received wires (ARW)
served as control (G1). The remaining 40 wires were
placed intraorally for a period of 6 weeks in patients
undergoing orthodontic treatment. After 6 weeks, these
wires were taken out and cleaned with 70% isopropyl
alcohol for the removal of any debris. Out of these 40
wires, 20 unsterilized used wires (UUW) formed the
second group (G2). A third group (G3) comprised the
remaining 20 sterilized used wires (SUW) that were
sterilized using 2% acidic glutaraldehyde for a duration
of 10 h. A three‑point bending test was conducted to
ascertain the load‑deection properties of the nickel–
titanium archwires.[6] A typodont set with brackets
bonded on it using adhesive was used as a jig [Figure
1]. The test wires were secured to the brackets with the
elastomeric modules. The rst premolar was removed
from the typodont set. The distance kept between the
midaxes of brackets from the canine and the second
premolar was 14 mm apart. A bracket bonded to the
metallic rod, which gets attached to the load cell [Figure
2], was used to apply force to deect the wire section
between the canine and premolar brackets. The jig is
attached to the crosshead of an Instron machine (Instron
Corp., Canton Mass) with 50 kg force on load cell [Figure
3]. The speed of the crosshead of the testing machine was
set at 1 mm/min for a total of 2 mm deection for the
loading of the wire. The crosshead was then reversed and
the wire was unloaded. The forces required to deect the
wires for 0.2 mm intervals during loading and unloading
were recorded and plotted for displacement on the X–Y
recorder. After every test run, the next wire to be tested
was relegated and the entire procedure was repeated.
A scanning electron microscope (SEM, ZEISS EVO 50)
was used to arbitrarily choose and examine six different
segments of the wire specimens, two specimens from
each group. Representative SEM images of the wire
specimens were studied at a magnication of 1000× to
expose any changes in the surface texture of the NiTi
wires after using 2% acidic glutaraldehyde. Ethical
approval was obtained from the institutional ethical
committee (TMDC/18/34‑456). The Statistical Package
for the Social Sciences software (version 21) and Epi Info
version 3.0 were used for the statistical analysis.
Figure 1: Typodont set used as a jig
Figure 2: Metallic rod with bracket
Figure 3: Universal testing machine crosshead with jig attached for three‑point
bending test
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The values obtained for G1, G2, and G3 wires during
loading and unloading were tabulated, and the average
mean at each interval was calculated [Figures 4 and 5].
Table 1 shows the comparison of the mean peak load at
2 mm deection between the three groups done using
a one‑way analysis of variance. Test results revealed a
highly signicant difference (P < 0.01) between the three
groups. G1‑(ARW) showed the highest mean peak load
value of 304.60 ± 38.15 g. G2‑(UUW) showed the mean
peak load value of 254.20 ± 42.51 g, which was the least
of all the three tested groups. The mean peak load value
of G3 was 268.90 ± 44.11 g.
Table 2 for intergroup comparison revealed a highly
signicant difference (P < 0.01) in the mean peak load
values between the G1‑(ARW) and G2‑(UUW). The
difference in the mean peak load between the G1‑(ARW)
and G3‑(SUW) is also signicant (P < 0.05), but the mean
peak load difference value between the G2‑(UUW) and
G3‑(SUW) is nonsignicant (P > 0.05).
Table 3 represents the mean force lost during unloading
of the wires in the groups G1‑(ARW), G2‑(UUW), and
G3‑(SUW), when the wire deection was decreased by 0.6
mm, that is, from 1.6 mm to 1.0 mm. Mean values of the
force lost during unloading for G1‑(ARW), G2‑(UUW),
and G3‑(SUW) were 21.50 ± 17.30 g, 14.75 ± 18.39 g, and
15.70 ± 15.22 g, respectively. A comparison of mean force
lost during unloading between G1‑(ARW), G2‑(UUW),
and G3‑(SUW) shows a nonsignicant difference among
the three groups of wires.
Figure 6 graph for G1‑(ARW) shows a nonlinear
load‑deection curve. In the loading curve of G1‑(ARW),
the average mean force at 0.4 mm of deection is 151.6
g at 1.0 mm of deection force value is 234.6 g, thus,
force value increased by 83 g (54.96%). During the
unloading of the wire, the average mean force at 1.0
Figure 4: Average mean values of force (in grams) at an interval of 0.2 mm
deection during loading of wires
Figure 5: Average mean values of force (in grams) at an interval of 0.2 mm
deection during unloading of wires
Figure 6: Graphical representation of force values (in grams) and their average
means obtained at intervals of 0.2 mm deection during loading and unloading of
G1‑as‑received wires (ARW)
Table 1: Mean peak load (in grams) at 2 mm deection
Mean SD Standard error F P
ARW (G1) 304.6 38.15 8.53 7.740 0.001**
UUW (G2) 254.2 42.51 9.50
SUW (G3) 268.9 44.11 9.86
**P<0.01 (highly signicant). ARW: as‑received wire; UUW: unsterilized used
wire; SUW: sterilized used wire
Table 2: Intergroup comparison of mean peak load
(in grams) at 2 mm deection
(I) GPs (J) Gps Mean peak load P
G1‑(ARW) G2‑(UUW) 50.40 0.001**
G2‑(UUW) G3‑(SUW) 14.70 0.808
G3‑(SUW) G1‑(ARW) 35.70 0.027*
*P<0.05 (signicant), **P<0.01 (highly signicant)
Table 3: Force (in grams) lost on unloading curve
between the interval from 1.6 mm to 1.0 mm
Mean SD Standard error F P
ARW (G1) 21.50 17.3 3.87 0922 0.404
UUW (G2) 14.75 18.39 4.11
SUW (G3) 15.70 15.22 3.40
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mm of deection of the wire was 190.1 g, and then, the
force value decreased by 91.7 g (48.23%) from 98.4 g at
0.4 mm of deection.
Figure 7 for the G2‑(UUW) shows a nonlinear
load‑deection curve. The mean peak load value of
G2‑(UUW) is 254.2 ± 42.51 g at 2 mm deection. In
the loading curve of G2‑(UUW), the average mean
force at 1 mm of deection was 228.80 g, and the force
value became 266.5 g at 1.6 mm of deection, that is,
it increased by 8.10 g (3.49%) while loading. During
the unloading of the wire, the average mean force at
1.6 mm of deection of the wire was 185.45 g, and it
was 170.7 g at 1.0 mm interval of deection curve, that
is, it decreased by 14.75 g (7.97%). This shows that the
wire shows superelastic property in this region. In the
unloading curve of G2‑(UUW), the average mean force
at 0.4 mm of deection was 144.6 g, and the force value
became 228.8 g at 1.0 mm of deection while loading.
Thus, the force value increased by 82.2 g (56.07%) for
further 0.6 mm increase in deection. During unloading
of the wire, the average mean force at 1.0 mm of
deection of the wire was 170.7 g, and then, the force
value decreased by 64.5 g (37.78%) from 106.2 g at 0.4
mm of deection.
Figure 8 representing G3‑(SUW) shows a superelastic
plateau during loading and unloading of the wire. In
the loading curve, the average mean force at 1 mm of
deection was 229.20 g, and then, it increased by 15.20
g (6.63%) for further 0.6 mm increase in deection (i.e.,
244.40 g at 1.6 mm). During the unloading of the wire, the
average mean force at 1.6 mm of deection of the wire
was 197.70 g, and then it, decreased by 15.70 g (7.94%)
to 182.00 g at 1.0 mm interval of the deection curve. In
the loading curve of G2‑(SUW), the average mean force
at 0.4 mm of deection was 146.50 g, and then, the force
value increased by 82.70 g (56.45%) for a further 0.6 mm
increase in deection, that is, the force value became
229.20 g at 1.0 mm of deection while loading. During
the unloading 40 of the wire, the average mean force at
1.0 mm of deection of the wire was 182.00 g, and then,
the force value decreased by 78.90 g (43.35%) from 103.10
g at 0.4 mm of deection.
Figure 9 shows that GI‑(ARW), G2‑(UUW), and G3‑(SUW)
NiTi wires demonstrate Pseudoplasticity, as the wires are
displaced from 1 mm to 1.6 mm during loading of the
wires, and pseudoelasticity, as the wires reverted from
1.6 mm to 1 mm deection during unloading.
Surface Topography
The SEM image of G1‑(ARW) at 1000× magnication
is shown in Figure 10a which reveals that the ARW
shows many round or oval pitting and relatively wider
depressions that must have been created during the
manufacturing process of these wires. The SEM image
of G2‑(UUW) at 1000× magnication is shown in Figure
10b, which reveals a smoother surface of the wire than
the ARWs. The presence of deep indentations was seen
on the wire surface, which was because of the drawing
Figure 7: Graphical representation of force values (in grams) and their average
means obtained at intervals of 0.2 mm deection during loading and unloading of
G2‑unsterilized used wires (UUW) wires
Figure 8: Graphical representation of force values (in grams) and their average
means obtained at intervals of 0.2 mm deection during loading and unloading of
G3‑sterilized used wires (SUW)
Figure 9: Graphical representation of the comparison of the load‑deection curves
of G1‑(ARW), G2‑(UUW), and G3‑(SUW)
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Journal of Orthodontic Science | 2020 5
process of the wire while the manufacturing process.
SEM image of G3‑(SUW) at 1000× magnification is
shown in Figure 10c, revealing a smoother surface of
wire as compared with the ARW group, which could be
explained by the wear occurring between the wire and
the bracket surfaces. Notches were present at certain
places. There was a presence of certain prominences and
depression which could be because of the defect in the
manufacturing process.
Many studies have reported an intraoral deterioration
of NiTi wires because of corrosion in the uoride‑rich
environment.[4,7‑9] The feasibility to use these wires after 4
to 6 weeks of intraoral use is a matter of concern. Dry heat,
cold sterilization, and autoclaving of the used NiTi wires
are the reported methods for sterilization.[10,11] Various
studies have reported that the nitinol and titanium
alloy wires can be heat sterilized without deteriorating
their mechanical properties. Nickel–titanium wires
undergo phase changes because of heat treatment
which alters their properties.[4] Temperatures greater
than 60°C increased the vulnerability of these wires to
deform plastically and reduced their springiness.[8,10,11]
Intraoral use exposes the wire to physical stresses and
oral conditions like thermodynamic changes and forces
from mastication and occlusion. G2‑(UUW) has been
included in our study to understand these changes in
the mechanical and surface characteristics of the used
NiTi wires. In G3‑(SUW), the wires were exposed to the
effects of physical stresses in oral conditions as well as
cold sterilization, which subjected it to corrosion attack
from 2% glutaraldehyde and cold working, which can
both alter its properties.
To demonstrate the differences between the first
nitinol wire and the superelastic NiTi wires in 1986,
a three‑point bending test was introduced by Miura.
[12] However, many other authors have also advocated
that the archwire should be tested under restraint
so that the wire is not free at both ends to simulate
the clinical situation. In addition, higher force
values during loading and unloading are obtained,
as compared with previous methods.[13] Beyond 2
mm of deflections, permanent deformation starts
to set in; thus, most of the studies use a range of 0.2
mm of deflections.[1,2,5,12] The loading portion of the
graph simulates the activation of the wires; whereas,
the unloading section of the graph denotes the
deactivation of force, which causes tooth movement
during clinical performance.[1‑3,12]
The G1‑(ARWs) were found to have signicantly higher
loading and unloading forces than G2 and G3 wires.
The crystallographic behavior of the NiTi wires in our
study resembles that of austenitic NiTi alloys when
interpreted by the stress–strain graph. The initial linear
loading curve represents a purely elastic deformation
of the austenitic phase. The curve attens to a nonlinear
pattern at the same load (pseudoplasticity), where the
martensitic transformation begins. Level of the plateau
signifies the load exerted during the completion of
martensitic transformation, which is lower for recycled
wires. When the reverse transformation to the austenitic
phase begins during the unloading, the graph again
shows plateau (pseudoelasticity), at a particular load
from where stress‑induced martensitic structure exists.
In the nal part of the deactivation curve, the phase
transformation from the martensitic to austenitic phase
is completed [Figures 6–9]. The unusual nature of the
superelastic material is that the loading curve differs
from the unloading curve (hysteresis) is depicted by the
load‑deection curves of the three groups.
The recycled NiTi wires (G2 and G3) exerted reduced
forces while loading and unloading compared with G1
wires. There were statistically signicant changes in
loading and unloading forces in the interval between 0.6
mm and 1.0 mm during loading and 1.0–0.6 mm during
unloading. This showed a reduction in the pseudoelastic
Figure 10: (a‑c) SEM images of G1‑(ARW), G2‑(UUW), G3‑(SUW) at
1000× magnication
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6 Journal of Orthodontic Science | 2020
characteristics during unloading in the lower ranges of
deection in the recycled NiTi wires, which exhibits as
work‑hardening caused by the summative effects of
masticatory forces and abrupt intraoral temperatures
changes. Similar ndings have been reported by other
authors.[12,14] It suggests that recycled NiTi wires must be
activated more frequently or earlier archwire changes
must be exercised. The comparison of mean peak
load at 2 mm deection reveals a highly signicant
difference (P < 0.01) among the tested groups.
G1‑(ARW) showed the highest mean peak load value
of 304.60 ± 38.15 g. Both G2‑(UUW) and G3‑(SUW)
groups showed the decreased value of mean peak load
and the difference was statistically signicant. These
ndings are in accordance with many other studies.
[1,14] They show that there is a reduction in loading and
unloading forces, after the clinical use of 6 weeks (G2)
and (G3). Kapila et al. have reported that the clinical
use contributes more than the sterilization in causing
the changes in the load‑deection characteristics.[1,5,15]
According to Segner et al., a plateau value of 0.5 mm
is considered a good value.[15] The recycled NiTi wires
(G2 and G3) have a clinical plateau of 0.6 mm length;
thus, the recycled wire showed very well‑maintained
superelastic characteristics that are needed for clinical
use. The nding of our study supports the recycling
of NiTi wires, as these wires retain their desirable
mechanical properties after cold sterilization with 2%
acidic glutaraldehyde. However, the testing procedure
used is a static environment, that is, thermal and
dynamic changes, such as forces e of mastication and
occlusion were nonexistent.[12,13]
Many investigators have reported increased sensitivity
of the recycled wires to corrosion; thus, surface
characteristics were assessed with SEM to study the
surface topography of the three groups.[9,12] SEM
specimens were examined at 1000× magnications. The
images obtained for representative segments of recycled
wires showed no signs of increased pitting. Instead,
G2 and G3 wires demonstrated areas of smoothness
and some surfaces of the wires were scored. This
smoothening and scoring results from abrasion because
of the sliding and rubbing of these wires within the
bracket slot, as explained by previous investigators.[15‑17]
Some reports have concluded that in‑vitro corrosion
does not affect the physical properties of recycled NiTi
wires.[18] However, nickel dissolution that occurs from
corroded surfaces of NiTi wires could have adverse
reactions in patients previously sensitized to nickel.
[19] The ndings of this study suggest the possibility of
reuse of recycled NiTi wires after 6 weeks following
cold sterilization using 2% acidic glutaraldehyde for
10 h; however, further research is needed to validate
its clinical application.
There is a reduction in stiffness exhibited by the recycled
NiTi wires after 6 weeks of clinical use. The surface
topography of the clinically exposed wires also shows
no increase in pitting of the surface, indicating no sign
of corrosion attack because of oral environment or
sterilization procedure with 2% glutaraldehyde. The
ndings of this study support the reuse of NiTi wires
after 6 weeks of use in oral conditions, followed by cold
sterilization by immersion in 2% acidic glutaraldehyde
for 10 h.
Financial support and sponsorship
Conicts of interest
There are no conicts of interest.
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Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects 2014;8:71‑6.
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... [14][15][16][17][18] Numerous studies report efforts taken by orthodontics to condition and reuse orthodontic brackets and wires in order to reduce wastage. [19][20][21][22] Researchers have also sought to recycle and reuse the Zirconia waste generated through CAD-CAM milling to produce CAD-CAM blocks for reuse in dentistry. 23 Gypsum products and investment materials have been suggested for various reuse without need for chemical or physical modification in areas like agriculture as compost additive, to reduce toxin runoff, in animal beddings and so on. ...
... In 1994, three Copper NiTi wires were manufactured that displayed the shape memory effect at 27 °C, 35 °C, or 40 °C. Among the most commonly applied orthodontic archwires, NiTi alloy wires are quite popular due to their favorable mechanical properties, especially superelasticity [19][20][21]. ...
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Objective: To compare the high-cycle fatigue behavior of four commercially available NiTi orthodontic wires. Material and Methods: Twelve NiTi orthodontic wires, round, 0.016-in, three per brand, were selected and divided into four groups: G1-Heat-activated NiTi, G2-Superelastic NiTi, G3-Therma-Ti, and G4-CopperNiTi. The atomic absorption spectrometry method was used to determine the chemical composition of investigated NiTi wires. We also performed a fatigue test at three-point bending using a universal testing machine for 1000 cycles in a 35 °C water bath. For the first and thousandth cycle, the average plateau load and the plateau length were determined in the unloading area of the force versus displacement diagram. In addition, we calculated the difference between the average plateau load of the first and thousandth cycle (∆F), as well as the difference between the plateau length of both cases (∆L). Results: According to our results, there were no significant differences between the average plateau load of the first and thousandth cycles of each group (p>0.05) and in the plateau length of the first and thousandth cycles of the groups (p>0.05). Conclusion: There were no significant differences between the groups changing the superelasticity property after high-cycle fatigue. © 2022, Association of Support to Oral Health Research (APESB). All rights reserved.
... NiTi alloy as an orthodontic wire is also non-castable that frequently used in clinical practice. However, these have also been reported to change characteristics with the sterilization process for reuse [8]. Relevant studies have also been conducted in the field of dental implants [9,10]. ...
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to recycling diatomite from alginate impression materials and investigate its potential as an abrading agent for denture base resins. Materials and Methods: After heating hardened alginate impression materials, a lump-like solid was powdered using a mortar and a pestle. The powder (experimental sand, ES) was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD). To explore the suitable ES/wax ratio, three amounts (1, 3, and 5 g, corresponding to samples ES1, ES3, ES5, respectively) were blended with 6 g of casting wax. Casting wax bars without ES were also prepared as the control. In addition, commercial diatomite (reagent-grade diatomite, RD) and a commercial final polishing product for acrylic resin (TE) were examined and compared. A disk-shaped self-curing resin (diameter: 30 mm, thickness: 3 mm) was prepared as a specimen and ground by polishing paper (#800-1,000). Surface gross measurements and surface roughness values after polishing were determined using a gross meter. These surface roughness and gloss data were statistically analyzed by one-way ANOVA and Tukey’s multiple comparison test (α = 0.05). Results: Based on the XRD results, diatomite was successfully detected in the heated alginate impression material. Sample ES3 showed good performance in experimental polishing tools, and its polishing effects were almost identical to those of RD. However, ES3 was inferior to TE in terms of surface gloss, and ES0 exhibited no polishing effect. Conclusion: Within this limited study, diatomite obtained from alginate gel was found to be effective as the final polishing material in denture base resin.
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Abstract Background and aims. This study aimed to investigate release of nickel ion from three types of nickel-titanium-based wires in the as-received state and after immersion in a simulated oral environment. Materials and methods. Forty specimens from each of the single-strand NiTi (Rematitan “Lite”), multi-strand NiTi (SPEED Supercable) and Copper NiTi (Damon Copper NiTi) were selected. Twenty specimens from each type were used in the as-received state and the others were kept in deflected state at 37ºC for 2 months followed by autoclave sterilization. The as-received and recycled wire specimens were immersed in glass bottles containing 1.8 mL of artificial saliva for 28 days and the amount of nickel ion released into the electrolyte was determined using atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Results. The single-strand NiTi released the highest quantity of nickel ion in the as-received state and the multi-strand NiTi showed the highest ion release after oral simulation. The quantity of nickelion released from Damon Copper NiTi was the lowest in both conditions. Oral simulation followed by sterilization did not have a significant influence on nickel ion release from multi-strand NiTi and Damon Copper NiTi wires, but single-strand NiTi released statistically lower quantities of nickel ion after oral simulation. Conclusion. The multi-strand nature of Supercable did not enhance the potential of corrosion after immersion in the simulated oral environment. In vitro use of nickel-titanium-based archwires followed by sterilization did not significantly increase the amount of nickel ion released from these wires. Key words: Copper NiTi, ion release, spectrophotometry, supercable. JODDD, Vol. 8, No. 2 Spring 2014
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OBJECTIVE: A systematic review on nickel-titanium wires was performed. The strategy was focused on Entrez-PubMed-OLDMEDLINE, Scopus and BioMed Central from 1963 to 2008. METHODS: Papers in English and French describing the behavior of these wires and laboratorial methods to identify crystalline transformation were considered. A total of 29 papers were selected. RESULTS: Nickel-titanium wires show exceptional features in terms of elasticity and shape memory effects. However, clinical applications request a deeper knowledge of these properties in order to allow the professional to use them in a rational manner. In addition, the necessary information regarding each alloy often does not correspond to the information given by the manufacturer. Many alloys called "superelastic" do not present this effect; they just behave as less stiff alloys, with a larger springback if compared to the stainless steel wires. CONCLUSIONS: Laboratory tests are the only means to observe the real behavior of these materials, including temperature transition range (TTR) and applied tensions. However, it is also possible to determine in which TTR these alloys change the crystalline structure.
Objective: To clarify mechanical properties of 14 superelastic NiTi orthodontic wires by three-point bending tests. Materials and Methods: The three-point bending test was conducted with a midspan deflection rate of 5 mm/min under constant temperature range 36 +/- 1 degrees C. Wires were deflected to 3.1 mm. All data were recorded during the unloading process at deflections 3, 2, 1 and 0.5 mm. to simulate the force a wire exerts as a tooth is moved into the dental arch from a position of malocclusion. Results: The delivered forces changed slightly when the deflection varied during loading and unloading. Sentalloy wire applied the lowest continuous force. Conclusions: Commercial wires may not behave similarly due to minor differences in the production process, and force varies greatly from brand to brand. NiTi wire brands must be selected carefully considering the severity of malocclusion and stage of orthodontic treatment.
Copper NiTi wires were This latest innovation in the evolutionary scale gives us the opportunity of choosing the force level by choosing the temperature at which the wires will deliver its optimum force level. With so many advantages and their ability to return to their original form coupled with the high cost of copper NiTi many clinicians started reusing the wire. This raises concern about disinfecting/sterilizing the wire before using in another patient for prevention of cross infection. Hence, various sterilization procedures like cold sterilization using 2% acidic Glutaraldehyde, dry heat sterilization and autoclaving were used to prevent this cross infection . Aim: The main aim of this study is used to evaluate the effects of different kinds of sterilization on Modulus of elasticity and surface topography of the 0.016 copper NiTi wires before and after sterilization procedure Materials and Methods: In the present study, Three point bending test along with tensile test was performed to evaluate the modulus of elasticity. Scanning electron microscope pictures were used to evaluate surface topography changes. Results: Pretreatment and post treatment values were statistically analyzed by one way ANOVA test. No detrimental changes were detected in tensile properties of copper NiTi were after single cycle of sterilization with any of the stated sterilants. Very minimal non significant changes occurred during the second cycle of sterilization procedure. There was no changes in surface topography of the wire either with dry heat or autoclaving. However, on second treatment cycle with 2% glutaraldehyde, some amount of surface pitting was seen. Conclusion: Dry heat sterilization and autoclaving have been found to have very minimal changes on the tensile properties of these wires after one or two cycles of sterilization procedures, but not statistically significant. No detrimental effect was found on surface topography with dry heat or autoclaving. Results support the use of these sterilization procedures as part of infection control process, if the clinician select to reuse these wires for one time only. However, of late, since there is easy availability and modest cost of these wires it is recommended to use new wires which are supplied sealed sterilized packs for each patient to comply with present admissible standard of hygiene and sterilization.
Thesis (M.S.)--University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1986. Includes bibliographical references (leaves [44]-46).
Chinese NiTi wire was compared with Nitinol and stainless steel wires in a combined laboratory and clinical examination. In the laboratory test, the loading and unloading-deflection properties of the wires were determined in a three-point bending test and their surface properties were studied in a scanning electron microscope. This test attempts to simulate a common clinical situation. The NiTi material showed a non-linear force-deflection relationship. The increase in force from 1 mm deflection and onwards was very slow and the force delivered during unloading from large deflections was almost constant. This behaviour was somewhat different for smaller downward deflections of NiTi wires. Plastic deformation was insignificant. The clinical study confirmed the laboratory results obtained, characterizing a wire material much superior to stainless steel and even superior to Nitinol for alignment purposes. In clinical use, however, the rate of fractures of NiTi wires turned out to be unsatisfactorily high. This disadvantage was not predicted by the three-point bending test. Scanning electron microscopy revealed surface defects and non-metallic inclusions in fractured NiTi wires. A combination of a bending test simulating a clinical situation and surface examination is recommended when new wire materials are to be tested.
The purpose of this investigation was to determine the effects of clinical recycling on the load-deflection characteristics and the surface topography of nickel-titanium alloy wires. Thirty wires each of Nitinol and NiTi were subjected to a three-point bending test in an as-received condition (T0) and after clinical exposure of one cycle (T1) and two cycles (T2). Ten wires made up the sample at each of these time points. One cycle was defined as 8 weeks, plus or minus 1 week, of clinical use. Wires undergoing two recycles were cold sterilized after their first clinical exposure. Statistical analyses were done by one-factor repeated measures ANOVA and Scheffe F test. Recycling produced significant changes in both the loading and unloading characteristics of NiTi wires, but only with the loading forces associated with nitinol wires. Representative scanning electron micrographs demonstrated increased pitting of both nitinol and NiTi wires. Several areas were also observed to be smoothened on nitinol wires and scored on NiTi wires.
This review article describes the mechanical properties and clinical applications of stainless steel, cobalt-chromium, nickel-titanium, beta-titanium, and multistranded wires. The consolidation of this literature will provide the clinician with the basic working knowledge on orthodontic wire characteristics and usage. Mechanical properties of these wires are generally assessed by tensile, bending, and torsional tests. Although wire characteristics determined by these tests do not necessarily reflect the behavior of the wires under clinical conditions, they provide a basis for comparison of these wires. The characteristics desirable in an orthodontic wire are a large springback, low stiffness, good formability, high stored energy, biocompatibility and environmental stability, low surface friction, and the capability to be welded or soldered to auxiliaries. Stainless steel wires have remained popular since their introduction to orthodontics because of their formability, biocompatibility and environmental stability, stiffness, resilience, and low cost. Cobalt-chromium (Co-Cr) wires can be manipulated in a softened state and then subjected to heat treatment. Heat treatment of Co-Cr wires results in a wire with properties similar to those of stainless steel. Nitinol wires have a good springback and low stiffness. This alloy, however, has poor formability and joinability. Beta-titanium wires provide a combination of adequate springback, average stiffness, good formability, and can be welded to auxiliaries. Multistranded wires have a high springback and low stiffness when compared with solid stainless steel wires. Optimal use of these orthodontic wires can be made by carefully selecting the appropriate wire type and size to meet the demands of a particular clinical situation.