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Energy method for calculating insolation of residential apartments


Abstract and Figures

The analysis of the current codes for the insolation in apartments has been done by the authors. It is shown that the insolation assessment during exposure is not sufficiently correct. The current codes do not take into account the amount of solar energy, the transmittance of UV radiation with double-glazed windows, the dimensions of light openings and the room parameters. The current codes for insolation do not contain requirements for the essential level of sanitation. The proposed energy method of calculating insolation corrects the shortcomings of the existing Sanitary Codes method considering the climatic and structural factors. It introduces an unambiguous quantitative measure of insolation-the dose of UV radiation as well, which provides a given level of bactericidal efficiency of room sanitation. Additionally a proposal to specify the bactericidal efficacy level of irradiation based on the most common microorganisms in living rooms (Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli) has been made. An example of the UV radiation dose calculation in rooms is given, which provides a necessary level of bactericidal efficiency.
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IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Energy method for calculating insolation of residential apartments
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IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 890 (2020) 012038
IOP Publishing
Energy method for calculating insolation of residential
Valery Kupriyanov1[0000-0002-9862-4326] and Farida Sedova1[0000-0001-5315-2516]
1Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering, Kazan 420043, Russia
Abstract. The analysis of the current codes for the insolation in apartments has been
done by the authors. It is shown that the insolation assessment during exposure is not
sufficiently correct. The current codes do not take into account the amount of solar
energy, the transmittance of UV radiation with double-glazed windows, the dimensions
of light openings and the room parameters. The current codes for insolation do not
contain requirements for the essential level of sanitation.
The proposed energy method of calculating insolation corrects the shortcomings of the
existing Sanitary Codes method considering the climatic and structural factors. It
introduces an unambiguous quantitative measure of insolation - the dose of UV
radiation as well, which provides a given level of bactericidal efficiency of room
Additionally a proposal to specify the bactericidal efficacy level of irradiation based on
the most common microorganisms in living rooms (Staphylococcus aureus and
Escherichia coli) has been made.
An example of the UV radiation dose calculation in rooms is given, which provides a
necessary level of bactericidal efficiency.
Keywords: UV radiation, intensity, dose, insolation, llight transmission of double-
glazed windows, solar map, light transmission cartogram, bactericidal radiation
1 Introduction
Insolation has a psychophysiological effect on humans and provides the necessary sanitary and
hygienic conditions in the rooms, since it causes the death of microorganisms and pathogenic bacteria
[1-3]. The main attention is given to the codes and calculation of insolation as an important factor in
the design of buildings [4-6]. However no studies have been carried out further than geometric
constructions of the sun rays. In the first codes for insolation a continuous 3 hours exposure time for
rooms was established [7]. After their introduction in 1963, hygienists noted of microflora decrease in
residential rooms, and, consequently, the rehabilitation of the population in new buildings which had
been built in compliance with those codes. Later it turned out that the standard duration of exposure
became an obstacle to building compaction and, according to investors and developers, the established
duration of insolation limited the effective use of land, especially in the centers of large cities. Over
the past decades, arguments about the efficient urban land usage have overpowered the requirements
for ensuring sanitary and hygienic well-being in residential rooms.
Accordingly, in subsequent versions of the codes about insolation, the duration of exposure is
steadily decreasing. Moreover, the regulation on the admissibility of intermittent irradiation has been
introduced, although microbiologists argue that interruption of irradiation leads to the growth of
bacteria and microorganisms during periods of shading. As a result, by 2001, the duration decreased
from 3 to 2 hours of intermittent insolation, and it was allowed to reduce exposure to 1.5 hours with
intermittent insolation for centers of large cities [8, 9]. Opinions generally appear about the
cancelation of compulsory insolation of residential rooms.
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 890 (2020) 012038
IOP Publishing
One of the reasons of such attitude to insolation is the incorrectness of the current codes. The fact is
that a quantitative measure of insolation - the duration of exposure to direct sunlight in hours is not an
unambiguous parameter, because it is not tied to the level of sanitary-hygienic conditions or
bactericidal effectiveness of radiation in the rooms. The codes also don’t define the level of
bactericidal radiation efficiency itself, by which microbiology refers to the percentage of
microorganisms death as a result of insolation. It is known that irradiation of equal duration at
different hours of the day in rooms will bring different amounts of solar energy to these rooms.
Therefore, the level of bactericidal effectiveness will also be different. Figure 1 shows, that the amount
of solar radiation (dose for 2 hours) arriving at the facades of buildings at different hours of the day
varies by 1.5-4.0 times [10]. However, the current codes do not operate with the concept of “radiation
dose”, which would make the insolation rate an unambiguous quantitative measure.
Figure 1. The intensity of the total solar radiation, W · h/m2 (560 N).
Before introducing the concept of radiation dose in insolation calculations, it is necessary to establish a
number of standart indicators:
1. The wavelength range of the solar spectrum, which causes the death of microorganisms, because
not all ranges of the solar spectrum carry energy to reorganize microflora.
2. Types of microorganisms that are most common in residential rooms, because it is known that
various types of microorganisms die after receiving different energy (dose).
3. The required level of bactericidal effectiveness for residential rooms, because different rooms
require a different level of bactericidal effectiveness. (By the level of bactericidal efficiency we mean
the reduction of microbial contamination in the air environment of rooms and its surfaces as a result of
exposure to solar radiation. It is measured in percent, as the ratio of the number of dead
microorganisms to their initial number).
2 Justification of the wavelength range of solar radiation
In accordance with the recommendations of the International Commission on Illumination, the range
of wavelengths of the solar spectrum from 100 to 400 nm refers to ultraviolet radiation (UV). Within
this range, UV radiation is subdivided into the near region A with wavelengths of 320-400 nm (an
erythemal, tanning and general stimulating effect), the middle region B with wavelengths of 280-315
nm (a small bactericidal and partially erythemal effect) and the far region C with wavelengths of 100-
280 nm (a maximum bactericidal effect).
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 890 (2020) 012038
IOP Publishing
Thus, to ensure the sanitary and hygienic conditions of the rooms, which are insolated with solar
radiation, ranges B and C should be considered as carrying the most destructive energy for pathogenic
bacteria and microorganisms.
2.1 Identification of the types of the most common microorganisms in residential rooms
Unfortunately, the well-known studies on the bactericidal effect of solar radiation on microflora [11,
12] are not tied to the dose of UV radiation or the level of bactericidal radiation efficiency.
Microbiological researches have also shown that living quarters are populated by a large number of
microorganisms and pathogenic bacteria, the death of which requires different doses of radiation [13].
These doses will also be different for one microorganism to ensure a different level of bactericidal
efficacy, as well as if the microorganisms are contained in the air of the room or located on its
surfaces. As an example, we give the dose of UV radiation for some microorganisms in Table 1 [14].
Table 1. Doses of UV exposure to provide different levels of bactericidal efficacy.
Type of
microorganism On the surface, J/m2 By volume, J/m3
90 % 95 % 99,9 % 90 % 95 % 99,9 %
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
273 357 520 718 1046 3032
Escherichia Coli 30 45 66 79 132 385
Legionella bozemanii
18 25 35 47 73 204
Candidas 60 86 123 158 252 717
Salmonella typhosa 22 37 60 58 108 356
Aureus 49 57 66 130 167 385
Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus are most common in residential areas [13]. The energy
required for the death of these microorganisms, is proposed to be taken as a basis in determining of the
standard radiation dose. As it follows from Table 1, these doses are different both for indoor air and its
surfaces. Their dimensions are also different - J/m3 and J/m2.
2.2 Establishment of the required level of bactericidal efficacy
We have not found any scientific work on establishing the standard level of bactericidal effectiveness
in residential rooms in the well-known literature. Therefore, the basis for standardizing the level is
taken to substantiate the level of bactericidal effectiveness of medical institutions, Table 2 [14].
Having no other justifications, as a first approximation, it is proposed to classify residential rooms
into VI categories, i.e. accept the lower limit of bactericidal effectiveness for pathogenic microflora –
70 %.
As it seen from Table 2, this level is even lower than the level for public toilets and stairwells of
medical institutions.
Table 2. The required level of bactericidal efficacy of medical institutions.
Cat. Types of rooms Bact. efficiency,
%, not less
I Surgical, preoperative, maternity, sterile
areas, children's wards of maternity hospitals 99.9
Chambers and departments of
immunocompromised patients, chambers of
resuscitation departments
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 890 (2020) 012038
IOP Publishing
Chambers, cabinets and other premises of
medical facilities (not included in categories I
and II)
Children's playrooms, school classes,
domestic premises of industrial and public
buildings with a large crowd of people with a
long stay
V Smoking rooms. Public toilets and stairwells
of the facilities 85
VI The lower limit of bactericidal efficacy for
pathogenic microflora 70
In [15], it was shown that to ensure a 70 % level of bactericidal efficiency, a required dose of UV
radiation was 39 J/m3 for indoor air and 15 J/m2 for indoor surfaces. Bactericidal radiation efficiency
is ensured while achieving the required dose, both in the room air and on its surfaces.
2.3 Considering the transparency of window structures
The current national codes for insolation calculation do not take into account the light transmission of
glasses in the UV range of the solar spectrum. It is assumed that all energy, which comes to the facade
of the building, is in the room. It is not so, since any transparent system, in accordance with physical
laws, reflects, absorbs and transmits the sun's rays. This problem was especially acute in connection
with the development of energy-saving windows [16, 17]. In order to limit heat loss, window panes
have low-emission metal or oxide-metal coatings, which highly reduce the penetration of UV radiation
through them.
The optical properties of the main manufacturers of glass and double-glazed windows of the
companies Pilkington, AGC, Guardian, Saint-Gobain, etc. are in many respects similar. As an
example, we cite the light transmission of AGC glasses and double-glazed windows in the UV range
of the solar spectrum with low-emission Planibel TOP low-E glasses with a coating in position 3 [18],
Table 3.
Table 3. Transmission of UV solar radiation by glass and double-glazed windows based on them.
Glass type Thickness
glass mm UV transmission, %
the package
UV transmission, %
Stopsol Classic Clear 4 19
Stopsol Classic Clear 6 17 6-15-6 6
Stopsol Classic Grey 4 8
Stopsol Classic Grey 6 5 6-15-6 2
Stopsol Classic Green 4 8
Stopsol Classic Green 6 5 6-15-6 2
Stopsol Classic Dark blue 4 8
Stopsol Classic Dark blue 6 5 6-15-6 3
Stopsol Supersilver clear 4 38
Stopsol Supersilver clear 6 35 6-15-6 14
AGC double-glazed windows with ordinary clear glasses Stopsol Supersilver can have a light
transmission of UV radiation of 22-28 %, which is double light transmission of double-glazed
windows with low-emission glasses [18].
Own experimental studies performed using the Stella Net Inc. spectrophotometer EPP 2000 showed
similar results both with normal incidence of the beam on glass [19] and with different angles of
incidence of the rays [20].
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 890 (2020) 012038
IOP Publishing
From the point of view of the energy of UV radiation entering the room, it becomes obvious that
there is the need to take into account the area of the openings (the larger area means more energy
penetration into the room) and the size of the room (the larger the size of the room, the smaller the
specific energy arriving per unit volume of air premises and unit of its surfaces). These parameters do
not take into account the current codes for calculating the insolation in rooms.
Based on the foregoing, the energy method for calculating insolation in residential rooms takes into
account the maximum number of factors affecting the bactericidal effectiveness of insolation.
The initial data for the calculation:
1. A solar map for a standardized calendar period of insolation (from 22.04 to 22.08) for given latitude
of the area.
2. Parameters of the insulated room (depth L, width B and height H, m) and light opening (width b
and height h).
3. Orientation of the light transmission along the horizon (azimuth of the normal to the plane of the
window An).
4. The specifications of the translucent part of the windows, the types of glass and glass.
5. Database of light transmission coefficients of modern glasses and double-glazed windows in the
UV range of solar radiation.
6. The UV solar radiation intensity (range <315 nm) of the direct Sop on the surface normal to the
rays and the scattered Dhor on the horizontal surface, at every hour of the day of the calendar period of
Calculation sequence:
1. Determination of the duration of the room insolation using cartograms of light and solar map.
2. Determination of the total intensity (Stotal) of UV radiation coming to glazing at each hour of
exposure formula (1):
= S
+ D
= S
· cosθ + 0,5D
, mW/m
3. Determination of the total intensity of UV radiation passing through the window into the room
(Sroom), at each hour of exposure, taking into account the transmittance of UV radiation by the
translucent structure (kts) formula (2):
= S
, mW/m
4. The total amount of UV energy passing through the window area (fw = b ∙ h, m2) at each hour of
exposure formula (3):
q = S
· f
5. The amount of UV radiation that has passed into the room for the entire period of exposure τ
formula (4):
where τ is the number of hours of exposure to the room.
6. Dose of UV radiation in indoor air ∆air formula (5):
= 3.
6 Q/V, J/m
where: V – room volume (L ∙ B ∙ H), m3.
7. The dose of UV radiation on the surfaces of the room ∆s formula (6):
= 3.
6 Q/F, J/m
where F the area of all surfaces of the room minus the area of the window
[(2LB + 2LH + 2BH) – fw], m2;
3.6 – conversion factor of dimension mW · hour to dimension J.
The task is to determine the bactericidal efficacy of insolation of a southeast orientated room in Kazan
(56 °N). Normal to the glazing surface An = 45° from the direction to the south. The room parameters
- width B = 3.0 m, depth L = 4.2 m, height H = 2.8 m. Light transmission parameters - width b = 1.9
m, height h = 1.65 m. The transparent part of the window is made double-glazed with 6-15-6 Stopsol
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 890 (2020) 012038
IOP Publishing
Classic Clear, kts = 0.06 (see Table 3). The coordinates of the sun are determined by the solar map
(Figure 2) and are presented in calculation Table 5 (lines 1 and 2). By building a cartogram of the light
beam, vertical (45°) and horizontal (120°) insolation angles are determined, which are plotted on the
solar map (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Combination of a solar map of 56 ° N with the trajectory of the sun in April-August with a
cartogram of a given light transmission.
A database of direct and scattered UV solar radiation intensities with wavelengths <315 nm is
presented in Table 7 of the Construction Climatology Manual [21]. Its sample is based on direct
radiation intensity on a surface normal to rays (S┴) and scattered radiation intensity on a horizontal
surface (Dhor) are presented in table 4 for April and August.
Table 4. The intensity of UV radiation of the sun for 56 ° C. w. (<315 nm).
Hours of the
Radiation intensity, mW / m2
Direct to the normal to the surface of the rays, S Scattered on a horizontal surface, Dhor
April August April August
12 310 380 550 900
11/13 290 360 530 870
10/14 220 280 430 760
9/15 140 170 320 580
8/16 40 70 190 380
7/17 10 70 180
6/18 50
Table 4 shows that the intensities of UV solar radiation in April and August differ in 1.5 – 2.0 times,
although the coordinates of the sun for these months are the same. It follows that the bactericidal
effectiveness of insolation in August is 1.5-2.0 times more effective than in April. Apparently, the
calculations of energy efficiency should be carried out according to the minimum radiation intensity,
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 890 (2020) 012038
IOP Publishing
that is, in the month of April, in order to ensure a guaranteed level of bactericidal efficiency of room
From Table 4 it is also seen that the intensity of the scattered UV radiation is 20-50 % higher than
the direct one. This fact confirms the need to take scattered UV radiation into account [22].
The movement of the sun in the celestial sphere is accompanied by the change in the angle between
the direction of the sun ray and the glazing plane, which changes the amount of energy that comes to
the glazing. The intensity of direct solar radiation coming to the glazing surface at different angles is
determined by the law of cosine formula (7):
= S
· Cosθ
where θ is an angle between the direction of the sun's beam and the normal to the glazing surface,
Value cosθ is determined by the following formulas (8), (9) [23]:
- for vertical surfaces:
Cosθ =
∙ Cos (A
- for inclined surfaces:
Cosθ = Sin h
∙ Cos
β + Cos h
∙ Sin
∙ Cos (A
where (AоAn) – the angle between the azimuth of the sun at a given hour of the day (Ao) and the
azimuth of the normal to the window plane (An), degrees. The indicated angle is determined by simple
subtracting the smaller azimuth from the larger, depending on the ratios Ao and An, i.e. (Ao - An) or
(An - Ao).
In Figure 3 shows a diagram for determining the angle θ for vertical surfaces, for which the
difference (Ao - An) is valid.
Figure 3. The scheme for determining the angle θ: N is the normal to the glazing plane; β is the angle
of inclination of the glazing to the horizon; ho - the height of the sun; Ao - azimuth of the sun at a given
hour of the day; An is the azimuth of the normal to the glazing plane.
According to the recommendation [21], the scattered radiation on a vertical surface (Dv) is half of the
radiation coming to a horizontal surface (Dhor).
= 0,5 D
When the sun moves in the celestial sphere during the day, the energy of the sun rays increases and
decreases continuously, while in the reference tables, the values of the UV solar radiation intensity are
given at fixed hours of the day. These values are the average of the radiation intensity 30 minutes
before and 30 minutes after a fixed hour.
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 890 (2020) 012038
IOP Publishing
Turning to the considered example of the energy calculation of room insolation, it should be noted
that the total energy at 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 hours and half the energy at 11 hours come to the light ray, (see
Figure 2). With such influx of UV solar energy into the living room, an energy calculation of its
insolation was performed, which is presented in Table 5.
Table 5. Energy calculation of residential insolation.
Design parameters Hours of the day (true sunny time)
6 7 8 9 10 11*
Aо, degree
(from south) 97 84 71 56 40 21
hо, degree 10 18 26 34 40 44
S, mW/m2 40 140 220 145
Dhor, mW/m2 70 190 320 430 265
difference (Aо – An) or
(An – Aо) 52 39 26 11 5 24
Cosθ 0.6063 0.7391 0.8078 0.8137 0.7631 0.6571
Sdirect= S· Cosθ, mW/m2 0 0 35.5 113.9 167.9 95.3
Dv = 0,5 Dhor, mW/m2 0 35 95 160 215 132.5
Stotal = Sdirect + Dv, mW/m2
0 35 130 274 283 228
Sroom= Stotal ∙ kts, mW/m2 0 2.1 7.8 16.4 17.0 13.7
q = Sroom ∙ fw, mW 0 6.6 24.4 51.3 53.2 42.8
qQ mW
* half of the tabulated value of UV solar intensity is taken into account radiation in accordance with
Figure 2.
From Figure 2 it follows that the duration of insolation of a given room is 5.5 hours, which exceeds 2
hours of exposure according to the requirements of SanPiN [8]. However, the sanitary and hygienic
well-being of the room will not be achieved, because the energy dose of UV radiation in the air of the
room and on its surfaces does not provide bactericidal radiation efficiency: Δair = 18,2 < 39 J/m3 и Δs =
10,3 < 15 J/m2.
3 Results and discussion
One of the reasons of this situation is too low transmittance of UV radiation of the selected double-
glazed window kts = 0.06 or 6 %. If we replace this double-glazed window with Stopsol Supersilver
clear (line 10 of Table 3) with kts = 0.14, then the indicated living space will receive the necessary
dose of UV radiation: Δair = 46.1> 39 J/m3 and Δs = 26.1> 15 J/m2 and bactericidal radiation efficacy
will be ensured.
If the trend in the design of residential buildings is shifted from saving energy for heating to
protecting human health, it is logical to obtain the required bactericidal radiation efficiency after 2–3
hours of insolation (depending on the orientation and design of the light opening) using double-glazed
windows with ordinary Stopsol Supersilver clear glasses light transmission of UV radiation 22-28 %.
So, for the considered example, if we use double-glazed windows 6-15-6 Stopsol Supersilver clear
with kts = 0.28, bactericidal effectiveness of the insolation of the room will be ensured for 2 hours of
exposure from 730 to 930 in both the south-west and east orientation light transmission: Δair = 40.8>
39 J/m3 and Δs= 21.6> 15 J/m2.
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 890 (2020) 012038
IOP Publishing
Thus, the developed energy method for calculating insolation allows providing a given level of
bactericidal efficiency of insolation in the designed residential rooms using different double-glazed
windows, the size of the rooms and light openings and their orientation.
4 Conclusions
1. Insolation is a prerequisite for ensuring the sanitary and hygienic conditions of residential rooms
due to the destruction of pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms when they are irradiated with UV
2. The current national codes for insolation calculation are based on geometric constructions of the
sun ray and do not take into account a number of important climatic and structural factors in the design
of buildings, which makes incorrect the assessment of insolation only by the duration of irradiation.
3. In the current codes for the calculation of insolation there are no rules for the required level of
bactericidal radiation efficiency.
4. Energy-saving double-glazed windows usage reduces the dose of UV radiation in the rooms and,
as a result, it reduces the level of sanitary and hygienic conditions.
5. The proposed energy method application for calculating the dose of UV radiation entering the
room with the establishment of the required level of bactericidal radiation efficiency will allow
obtaining an unambiguous quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of insolation.
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IOP Publishing
[17] Lee E, Di Bartolomeo D and Selkowitz S 2006 Daylighting control performance of a thin-film
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[18] AGC technical information catalogs for glass, glass and their application in architecture (last accessed 2020/03/18)
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[21] Construction Climatology Guide 1977 (Moscow: Stroyizdat)
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[23] Harkness E and Mehta M 1984 Solar radiation control in buildings (Moscow: Stroyizdat)
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Control system development and lighting energy monitoring of ceramic thin-film electrochromic (EC) windows were initiated at the new full-scale window systems testbed facility at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) in Berkeley, CA. The new facility consists of three identically configured side-by-side private offices with large-area windows that face due south. In one room, an array of EC windows with a center-of-glass visible transmittance Tv range of 0.05–0.60 was installed. In the two other rooms, unshaded windows with a Tv = 0.50 or 0.15 were used as reference. The same dimmable fluorescent lighting system was used in all three rooms. This study explains the design and commissioning of an integrated EC window-lighting control system, and then illustrates its performance in the testbed under clear, partly cloudy, and overcast sky conditions during the equinox period. The performance of an early prototype EC window controller is also analyzed. Lighting energy savings data are presented. Daily lighting energy savings were 44–59% compared to the reference window of Tv = 0.15 and 8–23% compared to the reference window of Tv = 0.50. The integrated window-lighting control system maintained interior illuminance levels to within ±10% of the setpoint range of 510–700 lx for 89–99% of the day. Further work is planned to refine the control algorithms and monitor cooling load, visual comfort, and human factor impacts of this emerging technology.
Insolation of buildings and urban areas as a hygienic problem
  • N Danzig
Danzig, N 1971 Insolation of buildings and urban areas as a hygienic problem (Moscow: Education)
Insolation: the practice of rationing and calculation Housing construction
  • I Shmarov
  • V Zemtsov
  • E Korkina
Shmarov I, Zemtsov V and Korkina E 2016 Insolation: the practice of rationing and calculation Housing construction 7 pp 48-53
Insolation of residential and public buildings Development prospects
  • Zemtsov
Zemtsov V and Gagarin V 2009 Insolation of residential and public buildings Development prospects. Academia. Architecture and construction 5 pp 147-151
About rationing and calculation of insolation Lighting
  • D Bakharev
  • L Orlova
Bakharev D and Orlova L 2006 About rationing and calculation of insolation Lighting 1 pp 18-27
To the study of insolation of residential rooms Academia
  • V Kupriyanov
  • F Khalikova
Kupriyanov V and Khalikova F 2010 To the study of insolation of residential rooms Academia. Architecture and construction 3 pp 477-482
Justification and development of the energy method for calculating the insolation of residential rooms Housing construction
  • V Kupriyanov
  • F Sedova
Kupriyanov V and Sedova F 2015 Justification and development of the energy method for calculating the insolation of residential rooms Housing construction 5 pp 83-87
The bactericidal value of the radiation of the sun penetrating into the room Hygiene and sanitation
  • V Belikova
Belikova V 1957 The bactericidal value of the radiation of the sun penetrating into the room Hygiene and sanitation 11 pp 8-15
New proposals for the regulation and calculation of insolation of residential rooms Housing construction
  • V Kupriyanov
  • F Khalikova
Kupriyanov V and Khalikova F 2013 New proposals for the regulation and calculation of insolation of residential rooms Housing construction 6 pp 50-53
Study of the effect of low-emission glass coating on the spectral transmission of light Construction and reconstruction
  • V Gagarin
  • E Korkina
  • I Shmarov
  • P Pastushkov
Gagarin V, Korkina E., Shmarov I and Pastushkov P 2015 Study of the effect of low-emission glass coating on the spectral transmission of light Construction and reconstruction 2(58) pp 90-95