
Implementasi Pendaftaran Benda Antariksa

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Indonesia mempunyai kewajiban berdasarkan Pasal 71 Undang-Undang Nomor 21 Tahun 2013 tentang Keantariksaan dan Pasal II Konvensi Pendaftaran 1975 untuk mendaftarkan objek antariksa yang dimilikinya kepada Sekretaris Jenderal PBB. Pendaftaraan objek antariksa ini bertujuan untuk dapat mengetahui kepemilikan yuridis kontrol terhadap benda antariksa yang diluncurkan. Indonesia dalam hal ini belum memiliki peraturan nasional yang mengatur secara detail terkait pendaftaran objek antariksanya, terutama tentang keterlibatan pihak asing dan swasta dalam kegiatan peluncuran objek antariksa atas nama Indonesia. Kajian ini akan melihat praktek beberapa negara dalam mengimplemantasikan pendaftaran benda antariksa mereka kepada Sekjen PBB dengan adanya beberapa aturan pendaftaran yang terpisah dari PBB, dan juga melihat peraturan nasional mereka dalam mengatur keterlibatan pihak asing dan swasta terhadap pendaftaran benda antariksa. Kajian ini menggunakan Metode Yuridis Normatif dan Metode Komparatif. Hasil kajian ini menjelaskan bahwa negara-negara peserta Konvensi Pendaftaran 1975 seperti Swedia dan Inggris secara aktif telah berupaya memperbaiki praktek registrasi mereka dengan aturan yang ada di Resolusi Majelis Umum PBB 62/101, sedangkan Rusia belum melaksanakan aturan dalam Resolusi tersebut sepenuhnya. Sementara itu, Indonesia pada tahun 2017 telah mendaftarkan national registry nya sebagai bentuk kepatuhan terhadap Pasal II Konvensi Pendaftaran 1975, hal ini juga sebagai upaya untuk penertiban administrasi keantariksaan khususnya pada pihak asing dan swasta.

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The topic of liability under international law falls in the norms of the Outer Space Treaty 1967 and the Liability Convention 1972. The principled division of responsibility for harm incurred by a space object to the launching state(s) is the starting point in this regard. Since the conventions are legally binding for Indonesia, it become the outlining frame for regulating space insurance with national regulations. As small satellite industry and space insurance in Indonesia show a massive potential grow, this article focuses on the analytical explanation of Indonesian space insurance-related regulations covering small satellite operations. Even though international law does not require obligatory space insurance, Indonesian Space Act 2013 regulates mandatory requirement for all space activities conducted by private companies, including small satellites. One of the main issues discussed in this paper is whether the Indonesia regulation open opportunities to space insurance industry in Indonesia to grow. The study was conducted using descriptive-analytical approach, emphasizing on the normative juridical approach by literature studies.
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Indonesia has archipelago area of 2.8 million km², territorial sea area of 0.4 km². Indonesia have number of 13.466 islands. Coastline length of Indonesia reached 99.093 km². Large areas can be monitored using remote sensing technology. Currently, Indonesia have research remote sensing satellites, namely LAPAN TUBSAT, LAPAN A2, LISAT (A3). All of these satellites could be used to monitor Indonesia. These satellites can be used to make the DSM using videogrammetry and depth cue perceptive methods. They also can be used for identification of geobiophysic parameter. Indonesian maritime territory which has sea highway planning can also be monitored using this satellites combination. AIS sensor on LAPAN A2 can be used to identify ships that pass in the territorial waters of Indonesia. It diagonally across the Indonesian region of west to east as much as 14 times a day. At this point it will have detection radius of over 100 km and has the ability to receive signals from maximum of 2000 vessels in the coverage area. Utilization of this satellites is expected to be helpful in supporting the ships cruise monitoring and their support sea highway also in making Indonesia as maritime center of the world.
The registration of space objects is indispensable for the orderly administration of outer space. Most states recognize this and comply with the instruments—the Registration Convention and the UN General Assembly Resolution—set up to permit registration, but they display different approaches to and interpretations of the concept of registration. This article examines the registration practices of various European Space Agency (ESA) member states and of ESA itself. It finds that, despite varied policies, the system seems to be working well. However, there has been a worrying rise in non-registrations over the past few years, perhaps linked to the growth in the number of, especially commercial, entities engaging in space activities.
This article describes the early history of the Indonesia’s Domestic Communication Satellite System Palapa, including the reasons proposed by the government for such an expensive policy and the process of the satellite purchase. Indonesia is the first developing countries that had its own satellite system, which was launched in August 16, 1976. The article discusses two most important reasons for having the satellite system: (1). The satellite as the mean for the unification of the country, and (2) the satellite for the supporting infrastructure for the national development. Some technical aspects of Palapa satellite are also discussed in this article.
UK’s Outer Space Act-30 Years On, UK Space Agency at the Legal Subcommittee UNCOPUOS
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Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space Status of International Agreements relating to activities in outer space as at
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Legal Subcommittee UNCOPUOS, 2017, Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space Status of International Agreements relating to activities in outer space as at 1 January 2017, 1825, March. House of Soviets of Russia, 2006, Law of The Russian Federation No. 56631-1 of August 20, 1993 on Space Activities (with the Amendments and Addenda of November 29, 1996, January 10, 2003, March 5, August 22, 2004, February 2, December 18, 2006), Moscow.
Berkat Doa Restu dari Seluruh Rakyat Indonesia, Peluncuran BRIsat Berlangsung Sukses
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Warta BRI, 2016, Berkat Doa Restu dari Seluruh Rakyat Indonesia, Peluncuran BRIsat Berlangsung Sukses. Website BRI, 19 Juni 2016, Jakarta
Registration of Space Objects with the Secretary-General, IISLECSL Symposium “40 years of entry into force of the Registration Convention - Today’s practical issues” 55th Legal Subcommittee
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Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 16 Tahun 2002 tentang Pengesahan Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies
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Nationales Weltraumrecht/National Space Law: Development in Europe-Challenges for Small Countries
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Keputusan Presiden Republik Indonesia Nomor 20 Tahun 1996 tentang Pengesahan Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects
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An Introduction to Space Law
  • Diederiks Verschoor
UK's Outer Space Act-30 Years On
  • Louise Hughes
Hughes, Louise, 2016, UK's Outer Space Act-30 Years On, UK Space Agency at the Legal Subcommittee UNCOPUOS 2016, lsc/2016/sem2-203.pdf., 23 Juli 2017.
Vienna Convention on the Representation of States in their Relations with International Organizations of a Universal Character
United Nations, 1975, United Nations Register of Objects Launched into Outer Space 1975. United Nations, 2005, Vienna Convention on the Representation of States in their Relations with International Organizations of a Universal Character 1975. Official Records of the United Nations Conference on the Representation of States in Their Relations with International Organizations, II (March 1975).