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Mediating role of poverty in the association between environmental factors and cognitive performance in preschoolers

  • Centro de Educacion Medica e Investigaciones Clinicas “Norberto Quirno” (UE CEMIC-CONICET)

Abstract and Figures

The association between environmental factors and cognitive performance during childhood could be mediated by poverty (i.e., households with Unsatisfied or Satisfied Basic Needs). This study explored such mediating roles in preschoolers from different socioeconomic backgrounds. Tasks to assess executive attention, working memory, inhibitory control, planning, and fluid reasoning were administered to 250 children aged 4 and 5 years. The results suggested that poverty mediated the effects of family composition, child health, health risk factors, children and adults at home, maternal age, and literacy activities on the performance of executive attention, fluid reasoning, and inhibitory control. These results contribute to our understanding of the relationship between environmental factors and cognitive development through the identification of the mediating role of poverty. El rol mediador de la pobreza en la asociación entre factores ambientales y el desempeño cognitivo de preescolares. La asociación entre los factores ambientales y el desempeño cognitivo durante la infancia podría estar mediada por la pertenencia a hogares pobres (i.e., hogares con necesidades básicas insatisfechas o satisfechas). Este estudio exploró tal mediación en preescolares de diferentes contextos socioeconómicos. Para tal fin, se administraron tareas que demandaron atención ejecutiva, memoria de trabajo, control inhibitorio, planificación y razonamiento fluido a 250 niños/as de 4 y 5 años. Los resultados sugirieron que la pobreza medió los efectos de la composición familiar, la salud infantil, los factores de riesgo para la salud, cantidad de niños/as y adultos en el hogar, la edad materna y las actividades de alfabetización sobre la atención ejecutiva, el razonamiento fluido y el control inhibitorio. Estos resultados contribuyen a la comprensión de la relación entre los factores ambientales y el desarrollo cognitivo a través de la identificación de la pobreza como variable mediadora.
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Fracchia, Carolina S.
*, Segretin, María Soledada, Hermida, María Juliab, Prats, Lucíaa, y Lipina,
Sebastián J.a
Artículo Original
Tabla de
The association between environmental factors and
cognitive performance during childhood could be mediated
by poverty (i.e., households with Unsatisfied or Satisfied
Basic Needs). This study explored such mediating roles in
preschoolers from different socioeconomic backgrounds.
Tasks to assess executive attention, working memory,
inhibitory control, planning, and fluid reasoning were
administered to 250 children aged 4 and 5 years. The
results suggested that poverty mediated the effects of
family composition, child health, health risk factors, children
and adults at home, maternal age, and literacy activities on
the performance of executive attention, fluid reasoning, and
inhibitory control. These results contribute to our
understanding of the relationship between environmental
factors and cognitive development through the identification
of the mediating role of poverty.
El rol mediador de la pobreza en la asociación
entre factores ambientales y el desempeño
cognitivo de preescolares.
La asociación entre los factores ambientales y el
desempeño cognitivo durante la infancia podría
estar mediada por la pertenencia a hogares
pobres (i.e., hogares con necesidades básicas
insatisfechas o satisfechas). Este estudio exploró
tal mediación en preescolares de diferentes
contextos socioeconómicos. Para tal fin, se
administraron tareas que demandaron atención
ejecutiva, memoria de trabajo, control inhibitorio,
planificación y razonamiento fluido a 250 niños/as
de 4 y 5 años. Los resultados sugirieron que la
pobreza medió los efectos de la composición
familiar, la salud infantil, los factores de riesgo
para la salud, cantidad de niños/as y adultos en el
hogar, la edad materna y las actividades de
alfabetización sobre la atención ejecutiva, el
razonamiento fluido y el control inhibitorio. Estos
resultados contribuyen a la comprensión de la
relación entre los factores ambientales y el
desarrollo cognitivo a través de la identificación de
la pobreza como variable mediadora.
Study desing
Data analysis
Keywords: poverty, environmental factors, mediation,
cognitive development, preschoolers.
Palabras clave: pobreza, factores ambientales,
mediación, desempeño cognitivo, preescolares.
a Unidad de Neurobiología Aplicada (UNA, CEMIC-CONICET), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
b Universidad Nacional de Hurlingham, Instituto de Educación, Villa Tesei, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
*Enviar correspondencia a: Fracchia, C. S. E-mail:
Citar este artículo como: Fracchia, C. S., Segretin, M. S. Hermida, M. J., Prats, L., y Lipina, S. J. (2020) Mediating role of poverty in the
association between environmental factors and cognitive performance in preschoolers. Revista Argentina de Ciencias del
Comportamiento, 12(2), 24-38
Cognitive development and poverty during
childhood are complex phenomena that involve
biological and psychosocial components (Bradley
& Corwyn, 2002; Hackman, Farah, & Meany,
2010; Segretin et al., 2016). Although several
environmental factors (e.g., maternal age, literacy
activities) could influence basic cognitive functions
(Sameroff, 1998; Zauche, Thul, Mahoney, &
Stapel-Wax, 2016), the effects of some of them
could vary according to whether the person lives in
a poor home or not (Bradley & Corwyn, 2002;
Sarsour et al., 2011). The literature has explored
Revista Argentina de Ciencias del Comportamiento
ISSN 1852-4206
Agosto 2020, Vol. 12,
2, 24-38
Mediating role of poverty in the association between
environmental factors and cognitive performance in
Fracchia, C. S. et al. / RACC, 2020, Vol. 12, N°2, 24-38
two main proposals: (a) one that analyzes how
poverty impacts child cognitive development
(Johnson, Riis, & Noble, 2016; Kishiyama, Boyce,
Jimenez, Perry, & Knight, 2009; Segretin et al.,
2016; Stevens, Lauinger, & Neville, 2009;
Yoshikawa, Aber, & Beardslee, 2012); and (b)
another that shows how environmental variables
(e.g., health variables) affect cognition (Hackman
et al., 2010; Rao et al., 2010; Ursache & Noble,
In general, these studies are based on
associations between two variables. For example,
a vast amount of literature indicates that growing
in a poor home can modulate children’s academic
outcomes and the emergence and development of
different aspects of cognition and emotional
behavior (Blair & Raver, 2016; Brooks-Gunn &
Duncan, 1997; Dickerson & Popli, 2016; Luby et
al., 2013). In addition, other studies documented
the association between environmental factors
(e.g., maternal stress, literacy activities) and
cognition. Most of them have shown only direct
associations between those variables (Finegood,
Raver, DeJoseph, & Blair, 2017; Rhoades,
Greenberg, Lanza, & Blair, 2011; Sharkins, Leger,
& Ernest, 2016). However, these studies contrast
with reality, where these relationships (poverty,
environment, and cognition) are the result of the
interaction of a large number of variables (Bradley
& Corwyn, 2002; Bronfenbrenner, 1992; Lipina &
Colombo, 2009).
On the other hand, vast literature about
mediation analysis attempts to explain in a more
comprehensive way the complex interactions
among poverty, environmental factors (other than
poverty factors), and cognitive development. In
general, these studies are focused on how poverty
affects cognition and analyzes how this effect is
mediated by other factors (Lipina et al., 2013;
Rubio-Codina, Attanasio, & Grantham-McGregor,
2016). The most frequently analyzed mediating
mechanisms are (a) physical health and nutrition
of children, (b) type and quality of interactions
between parents and children, (c) parental mental
health, (d) possibilities/opportunities for affective
and cognitive stimulation at home, and (e)
material, health, educational, and institutional
resources of the neighborhoods (Guo & Mullan
Harris, 2000; Hackman et al., 2010; Sarsour et al.,
2011; Sulik et al., 2015). In short, although various
studies have introduced environmental factors as
mediators of poverty effects on cognition (Blair et
al., 2011; Noble, McCandliss, & Farah, 2007), less
is known about the opposite relationship: how
poverty mediates the effects of environmental
factors on cognition (Ronfani et al., 2015).
In such a context of analysis, we focused on
self-regulation processes. Self-regulation is a
multidimensional and complex construct that
involves a set of cognitive and emotional
processes occurring at different levels of
organization implicated in the regulation of
thoughts, emotions, and actions, and aimed at
adaptation to several circumstances in everyday
life (Bell & Deater-Deckard, 2007; Hofmann,
Schmeichel, & Baddeley, 2012; McClelland,
Ponitz, Messersmith, & Tominey, 2010; Montroy,
Bowles, Skibbe, McClelland, & Morrison, 2016;
Nigg, 2017).
Specifically, we analyzed executive attention,
inhibitory control, working memory, and planning
processes, which are fundamental to cognitive
activity and social behavior throughout life (Moffitt
et al., 2011; Posner, Rothbart, & Tang, 2013).
Particularly, executive attention is strongly
activated in situations that entail attentional
control, such as when there is conflict between
responses suggested by stimulus dimensions
(Posner & Raichle, 1998; Rueda, Rothbart,
McCandliss, Saccomanno, & Posner, 2005).
Inhibitory control involves the ability to control
attention, behavior, thoughts, emotions, and/or
external stimuli to suppress strong predispositions
to act and allow more appropriate responses
(Diamond, 2013). Working memory is the ability to
maintain and manipulate online relevant
information to perform a task (Diamond, 2013;
Schelble, Therriault, & Miller, 2012; Sdoia, Di
Nocera, & Ferlazzo, 2019). It makes it possible to
retain a limited amount of information to generate
possible solutions, while it is no longer
perceptually present (Baddeley & Hitch, 1994;
Bergman Nutley et al., 2011; D'Esposito & Postle,
2015; Smith & Jonides, 1999). Finally, planning
can be defined as the ability to solve a problem by
creating a strategy and an action plan that consist
in executing and evaluating different steps
(Debelak, Egle, Köstering, & Kaller, 2016; Shallice,
1982). Particularly, the importance of such
competencies is that they are part of everyday
behavior, and they are essential in the regulation
of complex behaviors and the acquisition of early
school learning (Bull & Lee, 2014; Diamond, 2013;
Garon, Bryson, & Smith, 2008; Rothbart, Sheese,
Fracchia, C. S. et al. / RACC, 2020, Vol. 12, N°2, 24-38
& Posner, 2008). We focused on preschool
children because the early development of these
cognitive processes could be susceptible to
environmental influences, such as home and
school experiences (Lipina et al., 2013; Rao et al.,
2010; Ursache, Blair, & Raver, 2012; Vernon-
Feagans, Willoughby, & Garrett-Peters, 2016).
Fluid reasoning is a complex human ability
related to solving new problems independently of
the knowledge previously acquired (Jaeggi,
Buschkuehl, Jonides, & Perrig, 2008). It is critical
for solving different cognitive tasks and for
adapting thinking to new situations. In addition,
this skill is also involved in daily activities during
child development and, specifically, in educational
success (Green, Bunge, Chiongbian, Barrow, &
Ferrer, 2017).
In this context, the research questions that
guided this study were (1) does poverty mediate
the association among environmental factors and
the performance of cognitive processes? and, (2)
does this mediation vary with each process?
It is important to highlight that one way to
characterize poverty is the Unsatisfied/Satisfied
Basic Needs (UBN/SBN) approach introduced in
the 1980s by Economic Commission for Latin
America and the Caribbean (CEPAL). It allows the
identification of the structural causes of poverty
(Minujin, 1992). Although this method determines
whether a list of basic needs for a dignified life are
satisfied in the households, it is not clear how this
factor is related to other environmental variables
(Martínez & Nicolini, 2017). Therefore, to answer
these questions, the present study proposed to
analyze poor homes (in terms of UBN or SBN) as
a mediator in the associations between
environmental factors and cognitive performance
in a sample of preschoolers in the city of Buenos
Out hypotheses were as follows: (1) poverty
will mediate the associations between attention,
inhibitory control, working memory, planning, and
fluid reasoning and specific environmental factors
(i.e., family composition, reception of social
benefits, child health, health risk factors, children
and adults at home, maternal age, years of
preschool attendance, literacy activities, and
access to computer resources) (e.g., Ronfani et
al., 2015); (2) different patterns of mediation will be
identified based on cognitive processes and
environmental factors (Hackman, Gallop, Evans, &
Farah, 2015; Lawson et al., 2014; Lipina et al.,
2013); and (3) cognitive differences will be based
on socioeconomic disparities (Fracchia et al.,
2016; Segretin et al., 2014, 2016).
Two-hundred and fifty healthy Argentinean
children (134 girls; 116 boys) aged 4-5 years (M =
4.87, SD = 0.59) were recruited from three schools
in the City of Buenos Aires in 2009. Informed
consent was obtained from parents/caregivers,
and ethical approval was obtained from the
CEMIC ethical review committee (Protocol
320). The study was conducted in accordance with
APA’s ethical standards and international and
national children’s rights laws.
Study design and procedures
A cross-sectional study was implemented to
evaluate the associations among poverty,
environmental factors, and cognitive performance.
No atypical cases were identified, and therefore
the entire sample was considered. In addition,
missing cases were charged when they were less
than 20% in each task.
Cognitive measures
Children were assessed with a set of tasks
administered by examiners (psychologists, or
psychology or psychopedagogy students), in two
sessions of about 40 min each, in a quiet school
room conditioned for this purpose. The order of the
sessions was the same for all participating
children. Examiners were blind to the objectives of
the study and the composition of the groups. We
had no psychometric information about the tasks
used to assess the children’s cognitive
performance. These tasks were as follows:
Attention Network Test (ANT). The
computerized version for children was used to
assess different aspects of attention processing
(Rueda et al., 2004). In each trial, children pressed
a right or left button depending on the direction an
animal was facing on the computer screen. Total
efficiency (i.e., the proportion of correct responses
to the total administered) was the dependent
variable of interest.
Stroop-like Heart-Flower. This computerized
task was designed to evaluate inhibitory control
and cognitive flexibility processes (Davidson,
Amso, Cruess Anderson, & Diamond, 2006). It
consisted in presenting three contingencies of
stimuli: (a) congruent: children were asked to
Fracchia, C. S. et al. / RACC, 2020, Vol. 12, N°2, 24-38
press the button on the same side in which a heart
appeared; (B) incongruent: children were asked to
press the button on the opposite side of a flower;
(C) mixed: congruent and incongruent stimuli were
combined randomly. The efficiency of the mixed
condition (i.e., the proportion of correct responses
to the mixed condition administered) was the
dependent variable of interest.
Self-ordered searching. This is a
computerized test used to evaluate the spatial
working memory of objects (Luciana & Nelson,
2002). The purpose was to select all the pictures
of objects, one at a time; each time an object was
selected, the others disappeared from the screen
and reappeared, but in a different order. Four
blocks were administered, two of six and two of
eight items. The dependent variable considered
was a composite variable generated from the sum
of scores that corresponded to blocks 1 and 4.
Corsi Block task. This was used to assess
visuo-spatial working memory (Berch, Krikorian, &
Huha, 1998; Huang, Klein, & Leung, 2016). During
administration, the child was asked to reproduce a
sequence of lights (from one to eight, lighting time
1000 ms), which were turned on inside a series of
boxes arranged randomly in the device. Difficulty
levels increased with the number of lights. The
dependent variable of interest was the total score,
which was computed as the sum of correct
responses multiplied by the level of difficulty.
Tower of London (TOL). This was used to
assess planning (Berg & Byrd, 2002; Shallice,
1982). In each trial, the children were required to
reach a goal conguration of three colored balls
from an initial conguration, following a set of
rules, and they were asked to generate the
appropriate action sequence to reach the
configuration model. Difficulty levels included
exercises with 1 to 9 movements. The dependent
variable was the total score, computed as the sum
of correct responses multiplied by the level of
Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test (K-BITM).
The matrices subscale was administered to obtain
an overall measure of fluid reasoning performance
(Kaufman & Kaufman, 1990). The dependent
variable analyzed was the total score, computed
as the sum of correct answers.
Environmental factors
Individual interviews were conducted during
the school year in a private room with parents or
legal caregivers to obtain information from the
home environments. In this context, we
administered a socioeconomic background scale
(NES) (Lipina, Martelli, Vuelta, & Colombo, 2005;
Segretin et al., 2014) to identify indicators of UBN
(Boltvinik, 1995) and other individual and
environmental factors associated with children's
daily life experiences. In addition, all the
information was validated with the school records
about the family´s environmental characteristics,
which were available in the kindergartens.
Based on the literature in this area (Bradley &
Corwyn, 2002; Hackman et al., 2010; Lipina et al.,
2013), we selected a set of variables from the
scale to evaluate each household: family
composition (in relation with the presence of both
parents, single parent or other caregivers at
home), reception of social benefits (number of
benefits), child health (number of child health
records, including low weight at birth, preterm
birth, neurological disorders, perinatal disorders),
health risk factors (number of peri-, pre-, and
postnatal risk factors for child heath), children at
home (number of children under 14 years of age
living at home), adults at home (number of adults
living at home), maternal age, years of preschool
attendance (number of years that the child was
previously enrolled at school or in a childcare
institution), literacy activities (a composite variable
was created based on the number of books
available at home and the frequency of book
reading to the children), and computer resources
(a composite variable was created based on
whether a computer and internet connection were
available in the household). UBN criteria are
based on the identification of at least one of the
following conditions: (a) inappropriate dwelling
conditions (precarious houses that were not
intended for housing purposes), (b) absence of
waste discharge systems in the household, or (c)
overcrowding conditions (three or more people
sleeping in one bedroom). Based on this
information, two groups of children were
generated: UBN homes and SBN homes.
Data analysis
Standard descriptive analysis and
correlation analysis for each independent variable
were performed to identify associations, from the
set of 10 environmental variables. Before running
mediation analysis, two composites were
generated based on a previous approach: (1)
Fracchia, C. S. et al. / RACC, 2020, Vol. 12, N°2, 24-38
literacy activities, generated by averaging the z
scores of the variables amount of books at home,
and frequency of book reading to children; and (2)
computer resources, generated by averaging the z
scores of the variables computer use and internet
use. To compare differences between
socioeconomic groups in the independent
variables, univariate analysis and Mann-Whitney U
test (if appropriate) were used.
Univariate analysis of variance was
implemented to compare performance among
children from UBN and SBN homes. The fulfillment
of assumptions of normality, homoscedasticity,
and independence were previously verified. In
cases where non-compliance with one or more of
these assumptions was detected, quadratic or
trigonometric transformations were applied, as
appropriate. In the univariate variance models,
poverty (UBN/SBN) was included as an
independent variable, performance in cognitive
tasks and environmental factors were dependent
variables, and age was a covariable.
First, a correlation analysis was
implemented to identify associations between
dependent variables. Then, each dependent
variable was analyzed separately to identify
significant mediators. Before the inclusion of each
dependent variable in the mediation analysis, their
scores were transformed into z-scores, to obtain a
common metric for comparisons across tasks. For
each task, only one dependent variable was
included in the analyses (see Cognitive
Finally, Sobel-Goodman mediation tests
were implemented, which included poverty as a
mediator variable, each environmental factor as an
independent variable, and cognitive performance
as the dependent variable (Figure 1). In this paper,
we considered a full mediation when there was an
indirect effect, but no direct effect. When there
were both indirect and direct effects, we
considered it a partial mediation (Baron & Kenny,
1986; Zhao, Lynch, & Chen, 2010).
All analyses were adjusted for age. For the
number of comparisons (n = 10), the Bonferroni
correction was used for a significance level of .05
(the final value of p was .005).
Figure 1. Diagram of mediation analysis model that
tests the mediating effect of poverty on the relationship
between environmental factors and cognitive
Independent variables
The correlation analysis between the
independent variables and poverty resulted in low
and non-significant associations between them,
except for the association between literacy
activities and poverty, where the association was
moderate (Table 1).
Dependent variables
Results from the correlation analysis between
the dependent variables showed non-significant
associations, except for the relation among
executive attention and inhibitory control, where
the association was moderate (Table 2).
Socioeconomic condition
The results of the univariate analysis
regarding the environmental conditions indicated
some significant differences between children from
UBN and SBN homes. In particular, families from
UBN homes had more adults at home (z = -
2.25; p = .025). Children from SBN conditions
were more likely to be in the care of a single
person (z = -2.17; p = .030). Children from UBN
homes had more child health (z = -4.85; p = .000)
and health risk factors (z = -5.95; p = .000). In
addition, in comparison to children from the SBN
group, the children from the UBN group yielded
the following findings: (a) almost one more year of
preschool attendance (z = -1.91; p = .056); (b)
fewer books at home and lower frequency of book
reading to children (z = -7.87; p = .000); (d) lower
frequency of computer and internet use (z = -7.13;
p = .000); and (e) younger mothers (f = 5.28; p =
.023). There were no significant differences in the
other variables analyzed (Table 3).
As expected, comparisons between BN
groups showed that the UBN group obtained
significantly lower efficacy levels and scores in
Fracchia, C. S. et al. / RACC, 2020, Vol. 12, N°2, 24-38
most variables analyzed: executive attention,
visuo-spatial working memory, inhibitory control,
planning, and fluid reasoning. The SBN group
obtained significantly lower efficacy in object
spatial working memory (Table 4).
Table 1.
Spearman correlation analysis between the independent variables (environmental factors) and the mediator
(poverty) of children coming from different socioeconomic contexts in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Number of
benefits (NB)
Child health
Health risks
factors (HRF)
Number of
under 14
Number of
adults (NA)
Maternal age
Years of
activities (LA)
Note. *p < .05; **p < .01; ***p < .001
Table 2.
Pearson correlation analysis between the dependent variables (cognitive performance) of children coming from
different socioeconomic contexts in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Inhibitory control
Fluid reasoning
Working memory
Fluid reasoning
Note. *p < .05; ***p < .001
Fracchia, C. S. et al. / RACC, 2020, Vol. 12, N°2, 24-38
Table 3.
Differences between socioeconomic groups (SBN/UBN) in the independent variables (environmental factors) of
preschoolers from Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Number of adults at home
Family composition
Child health records
Health risk factors
Years of preschool attendance
Literacy activities
Computer resources
Number of children under 14 at home
Number of public benefits
M (SD)
M (SD)
Maternal age
35.15 (6.44)
33.16 (5.83)
Note. The significant scores are highlighted in bold.
Table 4.
Comparison of dependent variables (cognitive performance) in preschoolers from two different socioeconomic
groups in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Dependent Variable
Total efficiency
0.22 (0.88)
Efficiency mixed
0.17 (0.99)
Proportion of corrects
0.20 (0.82)
Total score
0.21 (1.08)
Total score
0.14 (0.99)
Total score
0.24 (0.96)
Note. SBN: Satisfied Basic Needs; UBN: Unsatisfied Basic Needs. All analyses were adjusted for age. The
significant scores are highlighted in bold.
Mediation analysis
According to the criteria to determine a total
or partial mediation, results from the Sobel-
Goodman test showed the following results.
Total mediation.
(a) The effects of maternal age on executive
attention and fluid reasoning were totally mediated
by poverty; (b) the effects of children at home and
adults at home on executive attention were largely
mediated by poverty (Table 5).
Partial mediation.
(a) The effects of family composition on
executive attention, fluid reasoning, and inhibitory
control were partially mediated by poverty; (b) the
effects of health risk factors on executive attention
and fluid reasoning were partially mediated by
poverty; (c) the effects of literacy activities on
executive attention and fluid reasoning were
partially mediated by poverty; (d) the effects of
child health, children at home, and adults at home
Fracchia, C. S. et al. / RACC, 2020, Vol. 12, N°2, 24-38
on fluid reasoning were partially mediated by
poverty (Table 6).
Table 5.
Mediation model with dependent variables (cognitive performances) regressed on mediator (poverty) and independent
variables (environmental factors) for total mediation for preschoolers from two different socioeconomic groups in
variable (IV)
Path a
Path b
Path c
Maternal age
Maternal age
Number of
children under
Number of
Note. DV: Dependent variable; IV: Independent variable; MV: Mediator variable; %M: Proportion of total effect that is
mediated. Analysis was adjusted for age and gender.
Table 6.
Mediation model with dependent variables (cognitive performances) regressed on mediator (poverty) and independent
variables (environmental factors) for partial mediation for preschoolers from two different socioeconomic groups in
variable (IV)
Path a
Path b
Path c
Health risk
Health risk
Child health
Number of
children under
Number of
Note. DV: Dependent variable; IV: Independent variable; %M: Proportion of total effect that is mediated. Analysis was
adjusted for age and gender.
Fracchia, C. S. et al. / RACC, 2020, Vol. 12, N°2, 24-38
The literature has traditionally analyzed the
relation between poverty, environmental factors,
and cognitive development, and the studies tend
to focus on the direct associations between them
(Blair, Ursache, Greenberg, Vernon-Feagans, &
The Family Life Project Investigators, 2015;
Raghubar, Barnes, & Hecht, 2010; Ursache,
Noble, & Blair, 2015; Weiland & Yoshikawa, 2013).
More recently, other studies have explored how
these associations are mediated by environmental
factors (Hackman et al., 2015; Liberzon et al.,
2015; Luby et al., 2013). Using such an approach,
we analyzed the contribution of poverty to the
association between specific environmental factors
and cognitive skills. We identified the specific
mediating role of poor and non-poor homes in the
association between environmental factors
family composition, maternal age, health risk
factors, child health, literacy activities, children and
adults at home and executive attention, inhibitory
control, and fluid reasoning.
First, the results of this study show that
children from poor homes had lower performance
in tasks that demanded the identification of stimuli
from the environment, flexibility to look for different
sources of information to solve tasks where
contingencies changed, interference control, and
generation of sequences of actions to solve the
tasks. These results add evidence to the literature
on childhood poverty and cognition studies about
the differences in the performance of children from
different socioeconomic backgrounds (Bradley &
Corwyn, 2002; Farah et al., 2006, 2008; Hackman
& Farah, 2009; Lipina & Colombo, 2009;
Yoshikawa et al., 2012).
Second, in agreement with previous results
(Fracchia et al., 2016; Lipina et al., 2005, 2013;
Lipina & Colombo, 2009; Segretin et al., 2014,
2016), we identified significant differences in
several environmental factors between
socioeconomic groups. Specifically, families from
the poverty group were exposed to more adults at
home, younger mothers, a higher number of child
health and health risk factors, a tendency to have
more than one caregiver, almost one more year of
preschool attendance, fewer books at home, lower
frequency of book reading to children, and lower
frequency of computer and internet use.
The results of our mediation analysis
suggested that depending on the environmental
factor analyzed, the proportion of poverty
mediation varied from .15 to .40. For total
mediation, the relation of the maternal age variable
on the executive attention and fluid reasoning
competencies was mediated largely by poverty.
Several studies have indicated the association
between maternal age and childhood cognitive
and behavioral outcomes (Fall et al., 2015;
Fergusson & Lynskey, 1993). However, our results
suggested that whether a child lived in a poor
home or not determined the correlation of this
environmental factor on the child’s performance.
Also, poverty mediated the effects of children
and adults at home on executive attention
processes. This means that these relationships
were fully explained by poverty or non-poverty
backgrounds. Some evidence suggests that the
number of people at home (whether children or
adults) resulted in a lack of personal space or
privacy and enforced intimate proximity to
household members with communicable diseases
and that the potentially excessive social or
external demands could have harmful effects on
cognition (Goux & Maurin, 2005; Leventhal &
Newman, 2010).
The results of partial mediation analyses
showed that the associations between family
composition and performance in executive
attention, fluid reasoning, and inhibitory control
varied according to the socioeconomic
backgrounds. Previous studies have indicated that
children who lived with both parents had higher
cognitive performance (e.g., Sarsour et al., 2011).
However, the fact that this relationship varied
according to poverty implied that beyond the direct
effect of having one or both parents at home on
executive attention, fluid reasoning, and inhibitory
control, a large proportion of the association of this
environmental factor depended on the
socioeconomic conditions of the households.
Hence, the effect of such a factor in the case of
children living in poverty was different from those
who lived in non-poor homes.
Likewise, the variable health risk factors
affected children’s performance in executive
attention and fluid reasoning tasks, and this
relation was mediated by poverty. In accordance
with our results, the literature showed that the
presence of health risk factors in childhood was
associated with impacts on cognitive development
(Lengua et al., 2015; Weitzman, 2007).
Nevertheless, the fact that poverty was a mediator
Fracchia, C. S. et al. / RACC, 2020, Vol. 12, N°2, 24-38
implies that beyond the direct effect that health risk
factors have on cognitive competences, their
presence or absence influences children from poor
homes and children from non-poor homes in
different ways.
Literacy activities were associated with
executive attention and fluid reasoning, and this
association was mediated by poverty. Kegel and
Bus (2014) suggested that children who had more
literacy stimuli in their homes had higher cognitive
performance. However, our results suggested that
literacy activities do not have an identical effect on
poor and non-poor contexts, beyond the direct
relation that literacy activities have on executive
attention and fluid reasoning.
Finally, the variables child health and children
and adults at home were associated with fluid
reasoning, and this relationship varied according
to poverty.
These results showed that the environmental
factors that we analyzed had different types of
relationships when they were present in both UBN
and SBN contexts. Because the frequency of
single-parent households and children and adults
at home were higher in poverty contexts, and the
frequency of literacy activities was lower in those
children, it is important to consider these variables
as potential targets for future interventions aimed
at optimizing cognitive processes skills in
preschoolers from those contexts. Therefore,
poverty did not mediate the relationship between
environmental factors and cognitive performance
in a uniform way, but its influence differed
depending on the type of environmental factor.
Additionally, results of the mediating effects of
poverty were verified for three of the five cognitive
processes analyzed. Thus, results indicated a
differential sensitivity of each process to different
environmental factors and the mediating role of
poverty. This variation is consistent with other
studies that indicated that not all aspects of the
socioeconomic backgrounds affected the
associations between environmental factors and
cognitive development (Duncan & Magnuson,
2012; Duncan, Magnuson, & Votruba-Drzal, 2017;
Lipina, 2016). In addition, this variation suggested
different patterns of cognitive integration through
development (Garon et al., 2008). These findings
should not be generalized since this study has
certain limitations that should be covered in future
studies with different cognitive tasks for the same
processes, a wider age range, different
environmental factors, and different levels of
organization (e.g., molecular, neural, and
behavioral). Another limitation of the present work
was the lack of psychometric information about the
cognitive tasks, an issue that should be solved in
future studies. Therefore, this generates the need
to continue exploring (a) the application of this
model of analysis with a more diverse set of self-
regulatory tasks (e.g., flexibility); (b) more diverse
samples in terms of individual and environmental
factors; and (c) the influences of interventions, to
better understand the development and integration
of different cognitive processes during learning
processes. Understanding these cognitive
processes is necessary not only for improving
cognitive performance but also for improving the
general well-being of these populations (Campbell
et al., 2002; Evans, 2016; Hoelscher, Moag-
Stahlberg, Ellis, Vandewater, & Malkani, 2016).
Specifically, social policy aimed at promoting
human development in general, and child
development in particular, should be designed
together with scientific policies that provide
information on what issues should be investigated
based on the needs of each society. Although the
information in this work must be taken cautiously
due to the limitations mentioned above, it is useful
since it contributes to optimizing the design of
interventions aimed at fostering child cognitive
development in populations exposed to poverty.
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... En este mismo sentido, Daminger et al. (2015, p.14), concluyen que la cuestión central no es qué hacen mal las personas que están en situación de pobreza, sino qué le está haciendo la pobreza a las personas, o qué características contextuales están distorsionando sus elecciones y acciones. En esta línea, se ha encontrado una bibliografía extensa sobre el papel mediador que tiene la pobreza en el desarrollo cognitivo (Fracchia et al., 2020;Johnson et al., 2016;Pepper & Nettle, 2017;Segretin et al., 2016;Yoshikawa et al., 2012) y concretamente sobre la capacidad de control de los individuos. La pobreza y la exclusión social estarían provocando un cambio en la estrategia de control, debilitando el control proactivo en favor del control reactivo (Rodríguez-Pellejero & Nuñez, 2018;Xu et al., 2020). ...
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La agencia personal y el empoderamiento son claves para el cambio y la promoción social. El objetivo de este estudio es desarrollar una versión corta y adaptada al español de la Escala de Agencia Personal y Empoderamiento (ESAGE) y analizar sus propiedades psicométricas. Los participantes fueron 599 estudiantes universitarios (edad, M = 24.89, DT = 6.69; 63.43% mujeres). La estructura delmodelo se probó a través de enfoques factoriales exploratorios y confirmatorios. El Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio (AFC) mostró un ajuste óptimo para el modelo con un Factor de segundo orden (Agencia Personal) y tres Factores de primer orden (Autoconfianza, Control Interno y Empoderamiento). Los valores alfa de Cronbach fueron aceptables. La regresión múltiple por pasos proporcionó evidencias de validez predictiva y el análisis factorial exploratorio utilizando las escalas de la ESAGE-Sp-19 y de ISP-20 reveló una solución unifactorial clara e interpretable. La ESAGE-Sp-19 se mostró fiable y válida en la población adulta española.
... Thus, early interventions reducing social gaps, especially in disadvantaged populations and involving schools could mitigate schoolchildren's adverse cognitive performance [58,59]. Nowadays, implementing programs that promote physical fitness and cognitive development becomes even more relevant due to the potential impact of COVID-19 at social, economic, academic, and health levels [60][61][62], which could exacerbate the cognitive gap caused by social inequalities in children and adolescents. ...
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The first aim was to compare differences between school vulnerability groups, fitness levels, and their combination in adolescent cognitive performance. The second aim was to determine the mediation role of fitness in the association between school vulnerability and cognitive performance. A total of 912 Chilean adolescents aged 10–14 years participated in this study. The school vulnerability index (SVI) assigned by the Chilean Government was categorized into high-, mid-, or low-SVI. Adolescents were classified as fit or unfit according to their global fitness z-score computed from their cardiorespiratory (CRF), muscular (MF), and speed/agility fitness (SAF) adjusted for age and sex. A global cognitive score was estimated through eight tasks based on a neurocognitive battery. Covariance and mediation analyses were performed, adjusted for sex, schools, body mass index, and peak high velocity. Independent analyses showed that the higher SVI, the lower the cognitive performance (F(6,905) = 18.5; p < 0.001). Conversely, fit adolescents presented a higher cognitive performance than their unfit peers (F(5,906) = 8.93; p < 0.001). The combined analysis found cognitive differences between fit and unfit adolescents in both the high- and mid-SVI levels (Cohen’s d = 0.32). No differences were found between fit participants belonging to higher SVI groups and unfit participants belonging to lower SVI groups. Mediation percentages of 9.0%, 5.6%, 7.1%, and 2.8% were observed for the global fitness score, CRF, MF, and SAF, respectively. The mediation effect was significant between low- with mid-high-SVI levels but not between mid- and high-SVI levels. These findings suggest that an adequate physical fitness level should be deemed a protective social factor associated with bridging the cognitive gap linked to school vulnerability in adolescents. This favourable influence seems to be most significant in adolescents belonging to a more adverse social background.
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Resumen Los elogios han sido considerados como devoluciones positivas asociadas a conductas parentales que refuerzan la conducta de los/as niños/as. Esta demostración de afecto y atención ha sido un predictor relevante de diversos aspectos tales como la autoestima, la autoconfianza y la capacidad de persistencia ante los desafíos. Sin embargo, las contribuciones sobre el desarrollo infantil dependen del tipo de elogio utilizado (producto, persona o proceso). Dada las repercusiones sobre el bienestar integral de niños/as y la escasez de investigaciones a nivel local, es relevante estudiar los elogios de los cuidadores primarios hacia niños/as de 0 a 3 años residentes en Argentina. Para ello, se evaluaron 128 cuidadores primarios (M edad = 32.82 años; DE = 6.21; 109 de género femenino) de infantes (M edad en meses = 15.96; DE = 9.87; 69 femenino). Se realizó un estudio exploratorio y descriptivo mediante un cuestionario ad hoc construido a partir de la literatura actual sobre el tema, con preguntas tanto abiertas como cerradas. Se ha encontrado una alta frecuencia de felicitar ante el esfuerzo y al proceso de los/as niños/as tanto en preguntas abiertas como cerradas sobre los tipos y momentos de elogios. Además, una concordancia de los modos de elogiar con las categorías empleadas en la literatura. Este acercamiento exploratorio aporta conocimiento para poder avanzar en estudios de mayor rigurosidad y validez ecológica sobre la temática relevante para el desarrollo infantil.
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Although executive functions (EFs) have been identified as a cornerstone of cognitive development, knowledge of this fundamental ability in children is based primarily on research with North American and Western European samples of middle to high socioeconomic status (SES). In this article, we highlight advances in research on developmental EFs from Latin American regions, an understudied area that provides a unique context important to understanding EFs. Our narrative review suggests the potential for both universality (e.g., increasing cohesion and longitudinal stability among EFs' task performance, general positive associations with age, and other social and cognitive abilities) and cultural specificity in EF development (i.e., contributions of SES, educational environments, parenting styles, and cultural values). It is important to consider the development of EFs outside of typically examined samples—and specifically within Latin American countries—to understand more thoroughly these abilities and to generate interventions that consider cultural context.
Evidence of the cognitive interventions in poverty shows changes in a variety of self- regulatory and executive processing measures. Nevertheless, these studies present inconclusive outcomes involving methodological and theoretical questions, among other issues such as small effect sizes or difficulties in the transference to untrained processes. An aspect that could mediate the impact of cognitive interventions could be related to inter- and intra-individual differences in the studied samples. Furthermore, the interaction between intervention approaches and these unique individual characteristics could also lead to differential outcomes. Considering individual factors such as age, temperament, baseline cognitive performance, and socioeconomic status in the design of the interventions could be a fruitful approach for improving cognitive intervention outcomes. In the present chapter, we review the theoretical and practical implications of individual differences in the task’s performance. Finally, we highlight recent efforts on addressing some of these issues in innovative approaches in a sample of Argentine preschoolers from different sociodemographic context.KeywordsIndividual differences Interventions Poverty Preschool children Executive functions
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Research has long acknowledged the centrality of parents’ subjective experiences in the caregiving role for the organization of parenting behaviors and family functioning. Recent scientific advances in cognitive process models and in the neurobiology of parenting indicate that parenting is shaped in part by conscious and nonconscious cognitive processes. This study extends a growing literature on neurocognitive models of parenting by exploring the extent to which attention processes in parents operate independently and interactively with intrapsychic processes, proximal interpersonal stressors, and the larger socioeconomic context to predict perceptions of parenting hassles in primarily low-income Latino/a parents of young children living in urban areas of concentrated disadvantage (N = 185). Analyses indicated that parent reports of anxiety, intimate partner violence, and perceptions of financial hardship each uniquely predicted parents’ perceptions of daily parenting hassles. Parents’ attentional bias toward threat interacted with anxiety symptoms such that parents experiencing high levels of attention bias toward threat in combination with high levels of anxiety reported significantly more daily parenting hassles. Findings from the current study provide insight into the ways in which neurocognitive processes affect one aspect of parenting, with implications for programs and policies designed to support parenting for families in poverty.
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The aim of this longitudinal study was to determine whether fluid reasoning (FR) plays a significant role in the acquisition of mathematics skills, above and beyond the effects of other cognitive and numerical abilities. Using a longitudinal cohort sequential design, we examined how FR measured at three assessment occasions, spaced approximately 1.5 years apart, predicted math outcomes for a group of 69 participants between ages 6 and 21 across all three assessment occasions. We used structural equation modeling (SEM) to examine the direct and indirect relations between children’s prior cognitive abilities and their future math achievement. A model including age, vocabulary, and spatial skills accounted for 90% of the variance in future math achievement. In this model, FR was the only significant predictor of future math achievement; neither age, vocabulary, nor spatial skills were significant predictors. Thus, FR was the only predictor of future math achievement across a wide age range that spanned primary and secondary school. These findings build on Cattell’s conceptualization of FR (Cattell, 1987) as a scaffold for learning, showing that this domain-general ability supports the acquisition of rudimentary math skills as well as the ability to solve more complex mathematical problems.
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The development of early childhood self-regulation is often considered an early life marker for later life successes. Yet little longitudinal research has evaluated whether there are different trajectories of self-regulation development across children. This study investigates the development of behavioral self-regulation between the ages of 3 and 7 years, with a direct focus on possible heterogeneity in the developmental trajectories, and a set of potential indicators that distinguish unique behavioral self-regulation trajectories. Across 3 diverse samples, 1,386 children were assessed on behavioral self-regulation from preschool through first grade. Results indicated that majority of children develop self-regulation rapidly during early childhood, and that children follow 3 distinct developmental patterns of growth. These 3 trajectories were distinguishable based on timing of rapid gains, as well as child gender, early language skills, and maternal education levels. Findings highlight early developmental differences in how self-regulation unfolds, with implications for offering individualized support across children.
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In the United States, does growing up in a poor household cause negative developmental outcomes for children? Hundreds of studies have documented statistical associations between family income in childhood and a host of outcomes in childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. Many of these studies have used correlational evidence to draw policy conclusions regarding the benefits of added family income for children, in particular children in families with incomes below the poverty line. Are these conclusions warranted? After a review of possible mechanisms linking poverty to negative childhood outcomes, we summarize the evidence for income’s effects on children, paying particular attention to the strength of the evidence and the timing of economic deprivation. We demonstrate that, in contrast to the nearly universal associations between poverty and children’s outcomes in the correlational literature, impacts estimated from social experiments and quasi-experiments are more selective. In particular, these stronger studies have linked increases in family income to increased school achievement in middle childhood and to greater educational attainment in adolescence and early adulthood. There is no experimental or quasi-experimental evidence in the United States that links child outcomes to economic deprivation in the first several years of life. Understanding the nature of socioeconomic influences, as well as their potential use in evidence-based policy recommendations, requires greater attention to identifying causal effects. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Psychology Volume 68 is January 03, 2017. Please see for revised estimates.
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Research has previously shown a gap of near 0.5 of a standard deviation (SD) in cognition and language development between the top and bottom household wealth quartile in children aged 6–42 months in a large representative sample of low- and middle-income families in Bogota, using the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development. The gaps in fine motor and socio-emotional development were about half that size. Developmental deficits increased with age. The current study explored the associations amongst child development, household socio-economic status (SES), and a set of potential mediating variables—parental characteristics, child biomedical factors, and the quality of the home environment—in this sample. We ran mediation tests to quantify the contribution of these variables to the SES gap, and explored the role of age as a moderator. Parental education, particularly maternal education, and the quality of the home environment mediated the SES gap in all outcomes examined. Height-for-age mediated a small amount of the deficit in language scales only. More educated mothers provided better home stimulation than less educated mothers and the home environment partly mediated the effect of maternal education. These results suggested that in interventions aimed at promoting child development, those focusing on the quality of the home environment should be effective.
Though the Corsi block-tapping task (CBT) is widely used for assessing visuospatial memory, information about what exactly it measures is still debated. We investigated such issue by observing how motor, visual, and spatial secondary tasks affect the performance on three versions of the CBT. Results showed a double dissociation pattern, wherein two motor secondary tasks had larger effects when the CBT was administered by the examiner tapping on the blocks. A spatial secondary task had larger effects when the CBT was administered by automatically illuminating the blocks. Finally, a visual secondary task had larger effects on a two-dimensional, computerized version of the CBT. These findings suggest that memory for movements plays a relevant role in the CBT, and are especially relevant due to their implications for assessment of brain-damaged patients, besides providing further evidence of a fractionation of visuospatial memory into multiple subcomponents.
Background: Self-regulation (SR) is central to developmental psychopathology, but progress has been impeded by varying terminology and meanings across fields and literatures. Methods: The present review attempts to move that discussion forward by noting key sources of prior confusion such as measurement-concept confounding, and then arguing the following major points. Results: First, the field needs a domain-general construct of SR that encompasses SR of action, emotion, and cognition and involves both top-down and bottom-up regulatory processes. This does not assume a shared core process across emotion, action, and cognition, but is intended to provide clarity on the extent of various claims about kinds of SR. Second, top-down aspects of SR need to be integrated. These include (a) basic processes that develop early and address immediate conflict signals, such as cognitive control and effortful control (EC), and (b) complex cognition and strategies for addressing future conflict, represented by the regulatory application of complex aspects of executive functioning. Executive function (EF) and cognitive control are not identical to SR because they can be used for other activities, but account for top-down aspects of SR at the cognitive level. Third, impulsivity, risk-taking, and disinhibition are distinct although overlapping; a taxonomy of the kinds of breakdowns of SR associated with psychopathology requires their differentiation. Fourth, different aspects of the SR universe can be organized hierarchically in relation to granularity, development, and time. Low-level components assemble into high-level components. This hierarchical perspective is consistent across literatures. Conclusions: It is hoped that the framework outlined here will facilitate integration and cross-talk among investigators working from different perspectives, and facilitate individual differences research on how SR relates to developmental psychopathology.
Different ways of solving planning and spatial working memory tasks generate different taskperformance profiles. Tests were administered to 346 (planning) and 427 (spatial working memory) Argentinean children from different socioeconomic (SES) backgrounds. A cross-sectional design was performed to explore eventual variable profiles of performance that were associated with levels of success or failure on tasks that tapped working memory and planning demands and to evaluate their association with SES backgrounds. The results showed that (1) different task-performance profiles were identified: decreased, changeless, oscillated, or increased; (2) the total score for the tasks was significantly different among these profiles; and (3) there were significant differences in the total score among SES groups, which depended on type of profile. These findings suggested the importance of studying individual differences in the performance of tasks that demand self-regulatory processes of children with SES disadvantages. This is important for the understanding of how children solve problems, and how that behavior varies according to SES.
Significance Childhood poverty in a prospective, longitudinal design is linked to deficits in adult memory; greater psychological distress, including a behavioral marker of helplessness; and elevated levels of chronic physiological stress. These findings extend prior cross-sectional data during childhood and are largely parallel to existing life course work on physical health sequelae of childhood poverty.
For at least eight decades, researchers have analyzed the association between childhood poverty and cognitive development in different societies worldwide, but few of such studies have been carried out in Latin America. The aim of the present paper is to systematically review the empirical studies that have analyzed the associations between poverty and cognitive development in children under 18 years of age from Latin American and Caribbean countries between 2000 and 2015. This analysis takes into consideration the country where the work was conducted, the experimental and analytical design, sample size and composition, cognitive and poverty paradigms implemented, levels of analysis, and the inclusion of mediation analyses. Through these, we identify common patterns in the negative impact of poverty that have been repeatedly verified in the literature in other continents; we also call attention to a set of issues regarding sample, design, paradigms, impact, and mediation analyses that should be considered in future studies in the region.