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New structure in the historical context case study: contemporary shopping mall in the historic center of Prizren


Abstract and Figures

The historic centers to retain their liveliness and vibrancy should be able to grow and change. It is a big challenge for the contemporary architecture to balance the socio-economic needs of the city and its community in one hand, and protection of the cultural heritage on the other. The aim of this study is to analyze the incorporation of the new structures in the historical context. How can the new structures harmoniously be incorporated in the historic centers without endangering their cultural heritage values? The paper discusses how to design a new contemporary shopping mall in the Historic Center of Prizren in order to create an attractive area and at the same time avoiding deterioration of the historical place.
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An International Journal for Engineering and Information Sciences
DOI: 10.1556/606.2020.15.1.22
Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 233–240 (2020)
HU ISSN 1788–1994 © 2020 Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest
Faculty of Construction Engineering and Infrastructure, University for Business and
Technology, Kalabria nn, 10000 Prishtina, Kosovo, e-mail:
Received 2 January 2019; accepted 20 June 2019
Abstract: The historic centers to retain their liveliness and vibrancy should be able to grow
and change. It is a big challenge for the contemporary architecture to balance the socio-economic
needs of the city and its community in one hand, and protection of the cultural heritage on the
other. The aim of this study is to analyze the incorporation of the new structures in the historical
context. How can the new structures harmoniously be incorporated in the historic centers without
endangering their cultural heritage values? The paper discusses how to design a new
contemporary shopping mall in the Historic Center of Prizren in order to create an attractive area
and at the same time avoiding deterioration of the historical place.
Keywords: New structure, Historical context, Cultural heritage values, Contemporary
shopping mall, Historic Center of Prizren
1. Introduction
The historic centers to retain their liveliness and vibrancy must be able to grow and
change. It is a big challenge for the contemporary architecture to balance the socio-
economic needs of the city and its community in one hand, and protection of cultural
heritage on the other. It is important to create high-quality designs for historic centers in
order to create a unique sense of place and attractive areas for residents, business
owners, and visitors.
All measures taken in the historical areas are aimed at providing a balance between
the interests of preservation and those of use. While the protection of the valuable
cultural heritage is given priority, the integration of the historic buildings into a vibrant
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urban organism is regarded as equally essential [1]. The relationship between new
architecture with its historical context is determined from the values assigned to the
meaning of its heritage architecture and consequently its modern interpretation. The
issue of the interrelation between the new and old architecture in the urban fabric are
crucial in all cities, which represent physically the combination of the historical part of
corridor streets, grid organization of the roads, squares, green public spaces, free-
standing public buildings and buildings articulated in a line with a main façade [2]. The
problematic of designing a building among a group of historical buildings is a complex
architectural design process [3].
Cities are in a continuous process of change and readjustment of their different parts,
which are spontaneously developed or deliberately planned under different socio-
economic, environmental and political conditions in different historical periods [4].
Historic cities are host to exciting historical sites, outstanding heritage buildings, and
unique local cultures: these represent a country and can be a source of pride [5].
Therefore any new design and intervention in these historical places should be done
without endangering their cultural heritage values.
The issue of urban development of the historic centers requires strategic thinking. It
includes self-sustainable mechanisms, strengthening self-organization and financing of
the cities, collectively. Nowadays cities face challenges in all three domains that
necessitate strategic thinking on the local, national and EU levels alike [6].
2. Background
The city of Prizren is one of the oldest settlements in Kosovo and in Eastern Europe,
located in the middle of the ancient Venice-Istanbul trading route, which has always
been a crossroad of trade and culture for the whole region [7]. The Historic Center of
Prizren is the most outstanding zone of urban heritage in Kosovo, with valuable traces
of diverse historical and cultural heritage. The cultural heritage of Prizren reflects the
wonderful history of a city with a culture that stretches throughout the centuries up to
the present day [8]. In figure 1 is presented a view towards the Stone Bridge and river
Bistrica, Sinan Pasha Mosque and in the background the castle of the city (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Overall view of the Historic Center of Prizren (Photo: Besa Jagxhiu)
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Based on Conservation and Development Plan for the Historic Zone of Prizren,
2008, [9] the historic center is divided into eight sub-zones: 1. Traditional Market Zone;
2. High Building Blocks Zone; 3. River Bank Zone; 4. Nënkalaja (Under Castle) Zone;
5. Commercial Axe Zone; 6. Mixed Use and Housing; 7. Housing (Organic) Zone; 8.
Housing (Construction) Zone (Fig. 2). The Historic Center of Prizren includes about
30% of the city, with 1377 cadastral areas in the center of city and 141 around the
Fortress. It is very rich in monumental buildings, from which, 12 Mosques, 3 Tekkes, 2
Türbe, 3 Buildings of Serbs Orthodox Church, 8 Buildings of Complex of Episcope
Residence, 13 Mills and Sources, 5 Nishan, 10 Public Buildings, 1 Sacral Catholic
Building, 55 Housing Buildings, 4 Educational Institutions, 1 Natural Rarities, and 4
Architectural Complexes.
Fig. 2. Subzones of the Historic Center of Prizren [9],
I. Traditional Market Zone; II. High Building Blocks Zone; III. River Bank Zone; IV. Nënkalaja
(Under Castle) Zone; V. Commercial Axe Zone; VI. Mixed Use and Housing; VII. Housing
(Organic) Zone; VIII. Housing (Construction) Zone
The aim of this study is to analyze the incorporation of the new structures in the
historical context. How can the new structures harmoniously be incorporated in the
historic centers without endangering their cultural heritage values? How to design a new
contemporary building in order to create an attractive area and at the same time
avoiding deterioration of the historical place? The case study is the design of a new
contemporary shopping mall in the Historic Center of Prizren.
2.1. Case study: shopping mall in the Historic Center of Prizren
The shopping mall is located in the heart of the historic center of Prizren, in the
traditional market zone, in Shadervan Square. On the northeastern side it is oriented
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towards Stone Bridge and river Bistrica, on the southeast side overlooking the St.
George Church, while on the front is overlooking the Sinan Pasha Mosque and the
castle of the city, (Fig. 3).
Fig. 3. Location of the shopping mall in the Historic Center of Prizren
left [10], right (Photo: Besa Jagxhiu)
The urban fabric of the area in which the building is located is characterized by
small traditional craft trade, commercial type buildings, located in sequence and
attached to each other, with one or two stories. The structure of these buildings is
mainly of massive wall structure or concrete, in harmony with the authentic urban
architectural features of the city. The front facade of the premises is with wooden shop
windows and entrances, while the sloping wooden roofs, with two or four pitches, are
covered with traditional red clay tiles. The traditional market zone is a pedestrian zone,
with local stone pavement streets, Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. The urban fabric of the traditional market zone; overall view (left), comparison
with the shopping mall (right), (Photo: Besa Jagxhiu)
Unlike these characteristic features of the area, the shopping mall facility has a much
larger volume compared to other surrounding buildings; the area has about 3200 m
Fig. 3, lying on two floors. The architectural structure of the building, facade, and
construction materials are not in harmony with the architectural and urban features of
the area, Fig. 4, on the right. Despite the amazing surroundings, the building itself does
not have good views of the river Bistrica, St. George Church and other monuments of
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the historic center. Also based on the conservation and development plan for the historic
zone of Prizren, is considered in disharmony with the architectural character of the area.
Looking back at the history in the same place, it used to be the old traditional
handicraft center, one of the best know centers in the region. In addition to its primary
function for the economic development of the city, it has also played a very important
role in the social life of the city as a place for meetings and holding various social
activities. Unfortunately after World War II, from the reign of settlers, who never
understood the values of the cultural heritage of the city, with the urban plans, which
had the purpose of developing a so-called ‘new urban structure’ over inherited
traditional values, resulted in the destruction of the city’s historic nucleus. With the
motto destroy the old and build a new, also this old center has been completely
destroyed in order to construct the new shopping mall, thus losing the most authentic
parts of the Prizren’s cultural heritage. In Fig. 5 on the left is presented the old
traditional handicraft center, which was destroyed in years 1967 in order to build the
new shopping mall, on right, in disharmony with the urban character of an area.
Fig. 5. The old handicraft center (left) [11] was destroyed in years 1967 to build the new shopping
mall (right) (Photo: Besa Jagxhiu)
At present, the condition of the building in the heart of the Historic Center of Prizren
is not good at all. A part of it is used as a supermarket, part as coffee shops, all with
different styles and materials, and in disharmony with the area, thus, giving a bad image
to the historic center (Fig. 6).
Fig. 6. The present state of the shopping mall in the Historic Center of Prizren
(Photo: Besa Jagxhiu)
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3. Proposal for the new contemporary shopping mall
in the Historic Center of Prizren
The current building in the first protective zone of the Historic Center of Prizren,
which has neither architectural nor historic values is proposed by the author of the paper
to be replaced with a new structure, new contemporary shopping mall, with innovative
technology and construction materials, with the traditional city’s handcrafts and modern
For the design proposal of the new shopping mall are taken into account four main
aspects, functional, physical, socio-economic and cultural aspects. On the ground floor
of the building are foreseen the attached trade shops with the traditional handicrafts of
the city, thus creating harmony with the traditional architecture of the surrounded area.
While on the first floor are foreseen the modern craft shops. In the front part of the
building is located the attractive cafe restaurant with a beautiful panoramic view
towards the historic center and the castle of the city, (Fig. 7 and Fig. 8).
Fig. 7. The design proposal for the new contemporary shopping mall building
in the Historic Center of Prizren, (Design: Besa Jagxhiu) (Software: ArchiCAD 21 [12])
The facade of the building with shop windows and entrances in the ground floor, the
sloping roof with red clay tiles, as well as the façade colors are adapted to the traditional
facilities of the area, while the frontal part of the building with the structural façade that
reflects the monumental buildings of the historic center together creates an attractive
architectural complex for the historic area. Proportions of the elements of the building
are based on the traditional window, made up of modular panels.
New contemporary shopping mall with partnership funding, with the traditional
city’s handcraft and modern crafts could serve as the basis for the city’s development
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strategy. This careful mix of old and new, cooperation between the private and public
sector, promotion of traditional city handcrafts could be the added value to the Historic
Center of Prizren.
Fig. 8. The design proposal for the new contemporary shopping mall building
in the Historic Center of Prizren (Design: Besa Jagxhiu) (Software: ArchiCAD 21 [12])
4. Conclusion
The historic protected zones have limited use; therefore a good planning framework
for these zones is essential. Designing the new structures in the historical context is one
of the most challenging tasks in the field since it is not easy to find harmony between
the old and new. In the beginning, it was raised the question of how to incorporate the
new structures harmoniously in the historic centers without endangering their cultural
heritage values? For the appropriateness of the new designs, there are many different
approaches and discussions; it should be based on international preservation standards
and charters. On one side the new structures should reflect the time of their built in
terms of innovation, technology, and material, and on the other should create harmony
with the rest of the urban fabric of the zone.
Visually attractive buildings play a major role in promoting the city’s identity. The
new design in the historic center can be acceptable only if it respects and contributes to
the city's identity and if it does not damage its cultural heritage values. The
contemporary shopping mall in the Historic Center of Prizren should be designed to
create an attractive place for citizens, tourists, and business owners, and at the same
time avoiding deterioration of the historical place. The structure should be funded with
the partnership between the private and public sector, and at the same time promoting
the city’s traditional handicrafts.
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Based on this proposed design for the Historic Center of Prizren could be redesigned
and reused also many other similar buildings in the other cities in Kosovo, which during
the socialist period are built as new trade malls in order to transform the old traditional
trade centers, those destroying their cultural heritage values, and the most authentic
parts of the historic cities.
This work has been undertaken as a part of a project founded by the Pollack Mihály
Faculty of Engineering, University of Pécs.
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[8] Municipal profile - Prizren, June 2006, Organization for Security and Co-operation in
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[9] Conservation
and Development Plan for the Historic Zone of Prizren, Prizren, 2008.
[10] State Geoportal,, (last visited 16 April 2019).
[11] Ec ma Ndryshe, Prizren through the Retrovisor. Prizren, 2010.
[12] GRAPHISOFT ArchiCAD,, (last visited 16 April 2019).
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... In terms of new design in a historical context, there is a substantial overlap between the works in this and the preceding cluster. The works in this cluster examine the interaction between new construction in an old context with an emphasis on the value recognition of contemporary buildings (Franco, 2016;Cetin, 2017;Mısırlısoy, 2017;Jagxhiu, 2020;Zoranić, 2021;Rıza and Doraltı, 2015;Choi and Park, 2021). ...
... The majority of studies in this group use a qualitative case study technique that includes tools from environmental behavior studies such as observation, interviewing, surveys, and descriptive analysis (Stamps, 2011;Sotoudeh, 2012Sotoudeh, , 2013Sotoudeh and Abdullah, 2013;Salama, 2014;Zhou and Zhang, 2015;Lambe and Dongre, 2016;Peters, 2016;Saradj, 2016;AboWardah, 2017;Kanesh et al., 2017;Kanesh et al., 2018;Filep and Thompson-Fawcett, 2020;Oranratmanee, 2020;Parvizi, 2020;Gharehbaglou and Ardabilchi, 2021;Kaboli et al., 2021;Samsudin et al., 2021;AlFadalat and Al-Azhari, 2022;Saad, 2022;Abedi and Iravani, 2015;Skaboni and Pourjafar, 2017;Rahimi et al., 2021;Choi and Park, 2021). In a different way, some case studies use a qualitative contentbased strategy for understanding data, as well as a descriptive analytical method and a systematic analysis approach (Lee and Lee, 2014;Ozorhon, 2014, 2015;Laurens and Salura, 2015;Rıza and Doraltı, 2015;Bahrami, 2016;Cetin, 2017;Bhagyajit Raval et al., 2020;Jagxhiu, 2020;Costa and Rosado, 2021;Gharehbaglou et al., 2019;Seyedeh Masoumeh Fotokian, 2022;Abuorf and Wafi, 2020;Afsari and Yousefi, 2020;Karrimi, et al., 2020). On the other hand, case studies analyze student projects in architectural design studios (Molaee and Mahdavinejad, 2011;Farmer, 2013;Dessouky, 2016;Tarboush and Gürdallı, 2022). ...
... Studies conducted in historical environments have incorporated cultural heritage values as one of the significant factors (Franco, 2016;Mısırlısoy, 2017;Jagxhiu, 2020). Similarly, cultural heritage values have been included as one of the important issues in studies conducted in historical environments. ...
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The issue of urban development requires strategic thinking. It includes self-sustainable mechanisms, strengthening self-organization and financing of the cities, collectively. Nowadays cities face challenges in all three domains that necessitate strategic thinking on the local, national and EU levels alike. This strategic thinking has to answer the questions concerning how is it possible for a city to implement developments that might have-long term and sustainable results for the inhabitants. What is the underlying logic to define, plan, implement and sustain city policy objectives? The search for the answer provides multiple evaluation methods. One of these logical frameworks is measuring the success of cities in the context of development/s related to a specific event. The success of cities is researched and measured with numerous tools and methods. Analyses in this field are becoming more common, not only on a yearly basis but even more often. The City Success Index - interpreted and presented in the current study - puts larger emphasis on involving and evaluating the so-called human factors, meanwhile creates a logical frame, which - due to the portfolio-analysis method's flexibility - is more 'customizable' for a city that would like to organize a world-class or international events with strong impact, and reveals the possible opportunities and threats. The methodology is able to contribute to strategy planning or for the evaluation of the event. The applied economic model as the frame of research in the approach is new, while the utilization of the result-zone developing might offer help in decision processes of several other public policy domains.
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Cities are in a continuous process of change and readjustment of their different parts, which are spontaneously developed or deliberately planned under different socio‐economic, natural and political conditions in different periods. Over the years, Antakya (Antioch), which is a city of Turkey, has undergone various physical and functional transformations. This paper investigates the morphological transformation of Antakya in terms of spatial integration including the comparison of traditional and modern centers of the city. Morphological structure of Antakya, which was built with the basic planning approach, has a history of 2300 years, natural conditions and has acquired a shape within human and society order, was analyzed. It was observed that in Antakya there were two different dimensions related to city structure; an old city between natural boundaries and a new city characterized by radial development. In this study, these dimensions were studied in detail. In other words, in this study, morphological differences between the old city pattern which appeared within 2300 years of history and the new city pattern which appeared within approximately 100 years of planned history and the integrations of these two different parts of the city were explored. These differences include public and private open spaces, urban webs and urban blocks. Four pilot districts were selected as sample areas, including two areas from the commercial districts of the old and the new city and two areas from the housing districts of the old and the new city. At this stage, the relations of the city with different structures of urban pattern were exemplified by using the modern morphological approach (space syntax method) and traditional approach; an analytical study of buildings, roads and open spaces, was conducted within the scope of the concept of livable area. These two different methods were comparatively analyzed to examine the subject in detail. In conclusion, we can see that there is a very strong relationship between the livable area index values and intelligibility for the selected sample areas. It was thought that these structural relationships that were found as the result of the present study could provide a contribution to further planning studies.
Rapid population growth is putting increasing pressure on Asian countries. Rehabilitating and revitalizing old inner-city areas in Asian countries have become essential to preserving cultural assets. With the development of old inner-city areas as urban heritage sites, determining which sustainability approach is optimal has also been a concern. Many countries in Asia have aggressively developed unique strategies for heritage conservation. In order to define the differences of rehabilitation methods and revitalization strategies in different cities and determine the implication to the area, this study is conducted for the following aims: i) To compare rehabilitation methods and revitalization policies and strategies in the old inner-city areas of rapidly growing cities in Asia by referring to four cases: Penang (George Town), Hanoi (Ancient Quarter), Shanghai (Tianzifang and Xintiandi), and Tokyo (Yanaka District); ii) To study the trends in the use of historical buildings in the cities. Target comparative in this study are “physical and manmade environment”, “sociocultural environment”, and “economic environment” in the four cities. This research uses primary data obtained in site visits and secondary data collected from archive departments, libraries, online database and local authorities. Site survey was conducted to observe the site according to the elements of the current condition and impact of heritage conservation and tourist. Observation was done by watching the site condition, and recorded in qualitative format (note-taking and photographing for case study). In addition, short interviews were engaged with local authorities and related organizations, residents and shop owner or staffs as well. In conclusion, two types of methods have generated different results. Firstly, by preserving the building structure with strict conservation rules and regulations, it has sustained a distinguishable identity and landscape feature for the places. Proper physical spatial planning and environment preservation framework are implemented. These cities specialize in tourism sector with new and creative commercial activities. It has encouraged the development of traditional craft industry through the production of innovative products. Consequently, job opportunities for local people have increased and thus boosted the local economy. However, conflict between tourism activities and the lifestyle of local community has occurred. Secondly, preserving the entire environment by using management or control of urban planning / land use method, and consensus building method have encouraged community activities and generated authentic ambience in the cities. Socio cultural elements that are compatible and harmonized with local business (traditional industry) remain as the main attraction for tourists. However, issues related to living condition and the inconsistency in implementing the preservation effort need to be tackled. Therefore, this study has concluded that both preservation methods have brought different kinds of tourism effect for the cities. It could be a reference for other cities when making decision to preserve its cultural heritage site.
The Historic Centre of Vienna World Cultural Heritage and Vibrant
  • M Wehdorn
Wehdorn M. The Historic Centre of Vienna World Cultural Heritage and Vibrant Hub, City of Vienna, 2009.
New architecture as infill in historical context
  • K Demiri
Demiri K. New architecture as infill in historical context, Architecture and Urban Planning, Vol. 7, 2013, pp. 44-50.
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)
  • Municipal Profile -Prizren
Municipal profile -Prizren, June 2006, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE).
Prizren through the Retrovisor
  • Ndryshe Ec Ma
Ec ma Ndryshe, Prizren through the Retrovisor. Prizren, 2010.