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Hypothesis Types and Research



A hypothesis is a statement of the researcher's expectation or prediction about relationship among study variables. The research process begins and ends with the hypothesis. It is core to the entire procedure and, therefore, is of the utmost importance. Hypothesis is nothing but the heat of the research. In the research without hypothesis, research cannot service properly. The researcher question identifies the study concepts and asks how the concepts might be related a hypothesis is the predicted answer. Three basic aspects important in the hypothesis are: difference that we are trying to find out, relationship, and the interactions. In relationship, we are trying to understand statistically significant relationship that means the difference in result did not occur by chance but due to statistical reasons. It means results are statistically significance. If the difference is caused by chance, then results are not statically significant. Normally when we are stating a hypothesis there is an independent variable and dependent variable. Independent variable cause and dependent variable is effect. A hypothesis ensures the entire research process remains scientific and reliable. Though hypotheses are essential during the research process, it can produce complications with regards to probability, significance and errors. A hypothesis is an educational guess/predication based on observations. On this account researcher is in present paper mainly high kite the significance of the hypothesis and its importance in research methodology. DOI:
IJNSPR (2018) 7880 © JournalsPub 2018. All Rights Reserved Page 78
International Journal of Nursing Science Practice and Research
ISSN: 2455-6351
Vol. 4: Issue 2
Hypothesis Types and Research
Anupama K.*
Associate Professor, Guru Nanak College of Nursing, Ludhiana, Punjab, India
A hypothesis is a statement of the researcher’s expectation or prediction about relationship
among study variables. The research process begins and ends with the hypothesis. It is core to
the entire procedure and, therefore, is of the utmost importance. Hypothesis is nothing but the
heat of the research. In the research without hypothesis, research cannot service properly. The
researcher question identifies the study concepts and asks how the concepts might be related a
hypothesis is the predicted answer. Three basic aspects important in the hypothesis are:
difference that we are trying to find out, relationship, and the interactions. In relationship, we
are trying to understand statistically significant relationship that means the difference in result
did not occur by chance but due to statistical reasons. It means results are statistically
significance. If the difference is caused by chance, then results are not statically significant.
Normally when we are stating a hypothesis there is an independent variable and dependent
variable. Independent variable cause and dependent variable is effect. A hypothesis ensures the
entire research process remains scientific and reliable. Though hypotheses are essential during
the research process, it can produce complications with regards to probability, significance
and errors. A hypothesis is an educational guess/predication based on observations. On this
account researcher is in present paper mainly high kite the significance of the hypothesis and
its importance in research methodology.
Keywords: concept, meaning of hypothesis, types of hypothesis
*Corresponding Author
Hypothesis is a tentative solution to a
problem, it means before finding the
results based on the review of literature we
are going to formulate a hypothesis based
on problem. When we are defining a
problem, for example: problem of
urbanization is more common in smaller
cities compare to bigger cite based on this
hypothesis based on this statement
investigator can state the hypothesis [1].
A hypothesis is a prediction, almost
always a prediction about the relationship
between variables. A hypothesis is a
specific statement of prediction [1].
A hypothesis is a statement of the
researcher’s expectation or prediction
about relationship among study variables.
The researcher question identifies the
study concepts and asks how the concepts
might be related a hypothesis is the
predicted answer [1].
Example: Smaller urban centers are
growing at faster phase but this is a
tentative solution to a problem. Here, we
have not yet done the research or not yet
come to the results; based on the review of
literature we are trying to lay down
tentative solution to the problem. Once we
have stated this hypothesis, we work
Hypothesis Types and Research Anupama
IJNSPR (2018) 7880 © JournalsPub 2018. All Rights Reserved Page 79
forward with a research problem and see
towards the end whether we proved this
hypothesis or disapprove. That means
hypothesis which we have drawn is based
on some insufficient evidence and this
could be either true or false.
When we are formulating hypothesis, we
must see these aspects.
Tentative solution to problem may or
may not be correct.
Clear, precise, testable, and consistent
with facts.
Provide answer to problem, logical
simplicity with the data we are
Three basic aspects important in the
hypothesis are: difference that we are
trying to find out, relationship, and the
interactions. In relationship, we are trying
to understand statistically significant
relationship that means the difference in
result did not occur by chance but due to
statistical reasons. [2].
Because it helps us to
Replicate research
Draw logical conclusion
Relation between variables
Provides a statement deduced from
Select facts
Direction to research
Null Hypothesis vs. Alternative
Null Hypothesis (also called statistical
hypothesis) states that there is no
relationship between two variables.
Example: We can take an example of ice
cream. Child has formulated null
hypothesis to his father stating that eating
ice cream has no relation with running
temperature, i.e., null hypothesis. But
father is trying to say that eating ice cream
has relation with running temperature, i.e.,
alternative hypothesis.
In null hypothesis, researcher is trying to
explain that relationship is by chance, there
is no statistically significance relation
between two variables and relationship is
occurring just because of chance. However,
in alternative hypothesis, we are trying to
prove that there is a relation between eating
ice cream and running temperature. Finally,
when we are accepting hypothesis then null
hypothesis would be rejected vice versa [1].
Substantive vs. Statistical Hypothesis
Substantive hypothesis is not
operationalized and it explains a kind of
expected relationship between the
variables that exists. So, if we want to lay
down hypothesis with the example of
eating ice cream and suffering from fever,
it has some kind of relation. In statistical
hypothesis, hypothesis formulated here has
a statistical significant relation between
eating ice cream and suffering from fever
and that is operationalized by means of
statistical parameters, this could be done
using t-test on [2].
Simple vs. Complex Hypothesis
Simple Hypothesis
There is one independent variable and one
dependent variable. Example eating ice
cream leads to running temperature that is
kind of simple hypothesis.
Complex Hypothesis
In complex hypothesis, we have two or
more independent and two or more
dependent variable. So, here hypothesis
could be example eating ice cream in cold
weather leads to running temperature and
absenteeism in school.
Two independent variables would be
eating ice cream and cold weather, and on
other side two dependent variable would
be running temperature and absenteeism in
the school [3].
IJNSPR (2018) 7880 © JournalsPub 2018. All Rights Reserved Page 80
International Journal of Nursing Science Practice and Research
eISSN: 2455-6351
Vol. 4: Issue 2
Practical vs. Statistical Hypothesis
This is a statement that describes the
practical question to be answered by the
test. It phrase as a question.
Example: Eating ice cream leads to
absenteeism in the school so, that would
be one kind of practical outcome because
of eating ice cream the child is not well,
and child is not able to go to school. So,
ultimate practical outcome would be
absenteeism to school that would be kind
of practical hypothesis.
Positive, Negative or Null Hypothesis
In null hypothesis again, we have the
example of child who tries to emphasize
on the father that there is no relation in
eating ice cream and running temperature
that means there is no relation between
independent and dependent variable.
Positive hypothesis would explain that
eating ice cream leads to fever. This is a
kind of positive hypothesis.
In negative hypothesis, eating ice cream
does not lead to good health, so it could be
a kind of negative hypothesis.
Universal vs. Existential Hypothesis
In universal hypothesis, we try to explain
that all variables are true at all times or at a
given point of time.
Example: eating ice cream in winter leads
to a temperature that could be a kind of
universally accepted statement that is true
always because eating ice cream might
lead to temperature in cold weather.
However, in existential statement we try to
explain that they should exist at least for
one particular case.
Example eating ice cream leads temperature
for some children would be a kind of
existential hypothesis because if one child
catches fever because of eating ice cream
that could be an existential hypothesis.
Hypothesis is prediction of what study will
find it is an empirical statement verified
and based upon observation or experience.
Hypothesis is testable to be true/false
through the research study findings.
[1] Dennis F. Polit. Nursing Research:
Generating and Assessing Evidence
for Nursing Practice, 9th edition.
New Delhi: Lippincott Williams and
Wilkins; 2012, 5893p.
[2] Nursing Research society of India,
Nursing research and statistics, 1st
edition. India: Pearson Publication;
2013, 4851p.
[3] Polit DF, Hungler BP. Nursing
Research Principles and Methods.
Philadelphia: Lippincott; 1999.
... Any statement that needs empirical evidence to determine its acceptability is referred to as a hypothesis (K Dayanand, 2020). The preliminary estimates presented in this section are based on the conceptual framework. ...
Listening is a critical ability to have, not only because of the time it takes in interactions but also because of its role in daily life. This study has been designed to explore the use of digital audio in promoting listening proficiency. Further research is required to determine how this position affects speakers of Indonesian who are learning English as a foreign language (EFL). A comparative study served as the foundation for this study's design. In this study, the research participants were at the upper secondary level, and their listening ability was examined in relation to the effects of digital audio (online podcasting on Spotify). Sixty students were involved in the study based on their performance on the placement test. Findings from the post-test showed that the group exposed to digital audio experienced an increase in their listening proficiency level, while the group not exposed to digital audio showed a little improvement in their proficiency level. By looking at the N-gain of their results, the group whose participants were not taught using active listening had an N-gain of 0.62, while the improvement of the second group resulted in an N-gain of 0.76, indicating that the group increased their listening proficiency level. The findings of this study showed that, with a result of 0.0235, there was no significant difference between the two teaching groups, where the significant value was greater than 0.005. claiming that while there is some difference between the two methods, it is not very much, and that both improve listening skills.
... A hypothesis is a term used to describe the heat of a research. Without even a theory, research cannot provide adequate service (Dayanand, 2018 ...
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In present era, behavioural finance plays an essential part in investment decision making. In today's world, investors make a range of decisions. When making investment selections, investors have several options or choices accessible to them in this market. Decision making refers towards the ultimate selection of the finest alternative offered to investors in the market. Some financial decisions are simple, while others are difficult and necessitate a number of complex approaches. Behavioural finance investigates all psychological characteristics of decision-making in finance and explains the investor regarding investment decisions. Typically, the behaviour of an investor diverges from conducting logical and reasonable judgments and is affected by a variety of behavioural biases. Its Indian financial system fosters investor savings and channels those even their most efficient and productive use. As a result, this research analyses the effect of behavioural biases in investment decisions as well as their impact on financial risk tolerance. In the current study which is related to the study of the influence of behavioural biases on investors financial risk tolerance and their decision making, the quantitative research approach is used collect the facts related to behavioural biases and its impact on financial risk tolerance of investors and their decision making. The study uses statistical software packages SmartPLS 2.0 and IBM SPSS 20 to analyze and validate the conceptual framework. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) were used to evaluate the model with a sample size of 600 investors in India. The study makes a threefold contribution. First, it measures the extent of behavioural biases, influence on investors decision making. Second, it measures the extent of behavioural biases, influence on financial risk tolerance and third it measures the investors decision making influence on financial risk tolerance. Results reveal that behavioural biases significantly influence investors decision making and financial risk tolerance. Further, investors decision making significantly influence financial risk tolerance. This research contributed to our understanding of behavioural biases through giving academics, researchers, professionals, and financial advisers a fresh perspective on how to exploit behavioural aspects that are crucial in financial markets when they impact the investors and make financial decisions.
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The method used in the research was one qualitative research is classroom action research. The purpose of this research is to improve the students reading fluency of recount text through multimedia running text at the tenth grade of SMA Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli in 2022/2023. Based on the result of the data in cycle I showed that there are 17 students in fair level (47%), there are 12 students in fairly good level (33%), there are 2 students in good level (5,60%), and there are 5 students in very good level (14,00%) and the average of students’ value is 62,6. Cycle II, there are 19 students in very good level (53%), there are 17 students in excellent level (47%) and get the average of students value is 87,36. It means that the students’ ability in reading fluency of recount text through multimedia running text in cycle II is success. Based on the result of the study, it can be concluded the multimedia running text improves the students’ reading fluency of the tenth grade of SMA Negeri 1 Gunungsitoli.
Nursing Research: Generating and Assessing Evidence for Nursing Practice
  • Dennis F Polit
Dennis F. Polit. Nursing Research: Generating and Assessing Evidence for Nursing Practice, 9th edition. New Delhi: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; 2012, 58-93p.