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Therapy with T-FLEX Ankle-Exoskeleton for Motor Recovery: A Case Study with a Stroke Survivor


Abstract and Figures

Stroke is the main neurological condition causing disability worldwide. Physical therapy and robotic devices have been used in rehabilitation to recover lost locomotor functions. Despite the advantages of using robots in rehabilitation scenarios, some joints remain with alterations after therapy processes (e.g., the ankle joint). This paper presents a single case study of a patient with chronic stroke who participated in 18 sessions to assess the effects of T-FLEX in lower limb kinematics, spatiotemporal parameters, and muscular activity. To this end, each session consisted of two modalities: (1) 90-degree knee flexion, and (2) complete knee extension. The results showed improvement in the participant's spatiotemporal and kinematic parameters, as well as in the foot clearance during the swing phase. Regarding the muscular activity, the first sessions showed considerable increases related to the patient's inactivity. However, as the experiment proceeded, this value decreased as a consequence of the adaptation to the device. Regarding the electrical activity measured during each session, both muscles (i.e., gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior) tended to increase at the end-stage.
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Therapy with T-FLEX Ankle-Exoskeleton for Motor Recovery:
A Case Study with a Stroke Survivor
Daniel Gomez-Vargas, Maria J. Pinto-Bernal, Felipe Ball´
Marcela M´
unera, Member, IEEE, and Carlos A. Cifuentes, Member, IEEE
Abstract Stroke is the main neurological condition causing
disability worldwide. Physical therapy and robotic devices have
been used in rehabilitation to recover lost locomotor func-
tions. Despite the advantages of using robots in rehabilitation
scenarios, some joints remain with alterations after therapy
processes (e.g., the ankle joint). This paper presents a single
case study of a patient with chronic stroke who participated
in 18 sessions to assess the effects of T-FLEX in lower limb
kinematics, spatiotemporal parameters, and muscular activity.
To this end, each session consisted of two modalities: (1) 90-
degree knee flexion, and (2) complete knee extension. The
results showed improvement in the participant’s spatiotemporal
and kinematic parameters, as well as in the foot clearance
during the swing phase. Regarding the muscular activity, the
first sessions showed considerable increases related to the
patient’s inactivity. However, as the experiment proceeded, this
value decreased as a consequence of the adaptation to the
device. Regarding the electrical activity measured during each
session, both muscles (i.e., gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior)
tended to increase at the end-stage.
Nowadays, Stroke is the main cause of disability and
the second leading cause of death worldwide [1]. Survivors
present both dysfunctions on the locomotor system and
cognitive alterations due to neurological damages [2]. Specif-
ically, after the episode, the subject can suffer conditions
such as severe or complete loss of motor functions (hemiple-
gia), weakness (hemiparesis) of one entire side of the body,
and tightness due to continuous contraction of the muscles
(spasticity) [3].
Conventional physical therapy has been used to recover
the lost abilities and hence improve the patients’ quality
of life [4]. Additionally, the inclusion of robotic devices
in this rehabilitation process have enhanced a higher user’s
level of recovery [5]–[7]. Those devices apply concepts of
neuroplasticity and the adaptability of the central nervous
system in their actuation control designs, which are induced
by repetitive and task-oriented therapies [8].
Despite the advantages of using robotics in rehabilitation,
some joints remain with dysfunctions. For instance, the
ankle, which is a fundamental joint in the gait cycle since it
This work was supported by Colombia Colciencias (grant 801-2017) and
Colombian School of Engineering Julio Garavito.
Daniel Gomez-Vargas, Maria J. Pinto-Bernal, Felipe Ball´
Moreno, Marcela M´
unera and Carlos A. Cifuentes are
with Department of Biomedical Engineering, Colombian
School of Engineering Julio Garavito, Bogot´
a, Colombia
{daniel.gomez-v, maria.pinto, felipe.ballen}, {marcela.munera,
allows controlled contact with the ground, the redirection of
the center of mass, and the provision of propulsive forces to
initiate the swing [9].
T-FLEX is an ankle exoskeleton based on variable stiff-
ness actuation [10]. This device includes a novel composite
tendon whose mechanical behavior is similar to the human
Achilles tendon [11]. T-FLEX assists in dorsi-plantarflexion
movements. In this sense, it has been designed to avoid
restriction of the natural movements on the ankle.
This paper reports initial results in a stroke survivor for
the therapy mode of T-FLEX. The first goal was related
to determine the appropriate exercises for this modality,
taking as a principle, the increase of muscular activity on
the affected shank. The second goal consisted in assessing
the effects of the orthosis on kinematic and spatiotemporal
parameters of the patient. Finally, the last goal intended to
analyze the effects in the spasticity of the participant after
the therapy sessions.
This section describes the experimental protocol that was
designed to address the hypotheses.
A. Research Questions and Experimental Hypothesis
In concordance with the objectives of this study, the
research question and hypothesis are described below:
Q1: Does the use of T-Flex orthosis improve the kine-
matic and spatiotemporal parameters of the patient?
Q2: Does the use of T-Flex orthosis reduce the patient’s
spasticity level at the end of the sessions?
H0: T-Flex orthosis does not increase the muscular
activity on the patient affected shank.
To address the above question, a study was executed at
the Colombian School of Engineering Julio Garavito, where
one volunteer with chronic hemiplegic stroke used the T-
FLEX orthosis in a rehabilitation program. The next sections
describe ethics statements, the participant’s requirements, the
experimental design, and the experimental procedure.
B. Ethics Statement
The protocol was approved by the Research Ethics Com-
mittee of the Colombian School of Engineering Julio Gar-
avito. The participant was informed about the scope and
purpose of the experiment, and his/her written consent was
obtained prior to the study. The participant was free to leave
the study when he/she decided to do so.
C. Participant
This study involved a 32-year-old female volunteer who
suffered a hemorrhagic stroke. The diagnosis of the partic-
ipant was chronic hemiplegia on the right side of the body
and ankle spasticity (i.e., 1+ in the Ashworth scale). The
participant was selected using the inclusion and exclusion
criteria shown below.
a) Inclusion Criteria: A patient with chronic stroke
who suffers some ankle dysfunction. The participant must
have a low level of spasticity on the ankle (i.e., up to level
3 in the Ashworth scale) and partial independence during
b) Exclusion Criteria: According to the experimental
setup and the system features, participants under 150 cm and
over 190 cm were not considered. Likewise, subjects with
any visual, auditory, or cognitive impairments that prevent
the correct understanding of the activity will not be part of
this study. On the other hand, the subject must not present
injuries, ulcers, and pain in the affected lower limb or the
spinal cord.
D. Experimental Design
The experimental design intended to analyze and deter-
mine the effects and impact of the ankle exoskeleton T-
FLEX on a stroke survivor. The orthosis was tested in
a rehabilitation scenario using the therapy mode, which
consists of repetitive flexion and extension movements on
the ankle. To this end, four phases were defined: pre and
post functional evaluations, the experimental procedure and
Quebec User Evaluation of Satisfaction with assistive Tech-
nology (QUEST) survey.
E. Pre and Post Functional Evaluation
One of the goals of this study was to evaluate the effect of
the orthosis on spatiotemporal and kinematic parameters. To
verify this goal, a 10-meter test was performed to determine
the subject-s normal overground speed. Afterwards, the speed
was set on a rehabilitation treadmill (NIZA RX K153D-
A-3, SportFitness, Colombia) and the subject was asked to
walk on it. The participant was equipped with a G-WALK
(BTS Bioengineering, Italy) located on L2 and inertial sensor
(Shimmer3, Shimmer, Ireland) placed on on the foot tip. The
volunteer was asked to walk for at least 120 s on the treadmill
at a zero-degree inclination. Data acquisition only started
once the self-selected speed was reached, and the treadmill
speed was stopped after all data were acquired.
A functional evaluation was also carried out by a physio-
therapist. Particularly, the Ashworth scale and the range of
motion (ROM) of the patient in different joints were assessed
(e.g., knee, ankle, hallux, among others). Table I summarizes
the assessed parameters. The initial evaluation was used as
a baseline to compare the results before the rehabilitation
F. Experimental Procedure
To accomplish this study, 18 sessions (i.e., 3 per week)
with a standard therapy procedure based on two modalities
were executed:
First modality (20 minutes): Sitting on a chair with 90-
degree knee flexion, the volunteer’s lower limb was slightly
raised to avoid floor contact (See Figure 1a).
Second modality (20 minutes): Sitting on a chair with a full
knee extension, the volunteer’s lower limb was horizontally
raised to avoid floor contact (See Figure 1b).
Between modalities, there was a five minute rest period.
Each session carried out the same experimental conditions.
First, the participant was equipped with electrodes located
on the tibialis anterior and gastrocnemius muscles of the
paretic side. An electromyogram (EMG) sensor (Shimmer3
EMG unit, Shimmer, Ireland) running at 500 Hz acquired the
electrical activity on the muscles. After this, the researcher
installed the T-FLEX orthosis on the paretic side (See Figure
1). It is important to emphasize that after the instrumenta-
tion, the device recorded the volunteer’s maximum range of
motion, which changed for each session. This calibration
is a manual procedure, where the researcher moves the
participant’s foot to reach the maximum dorsi-plantarflexion
movements. The T-FLEX actuation system executed auto-
matically those stored values during the repetitions in passive
mobilization for both modalities.
EMG Sensors
T-FLEX Orthosis
(a) First Modality
EMG Sensors
T-FLEX Orthosis
Support System
(b) Second Modality
Fig. 1: Experimental setup postures proposed for this study.
The first posture consists of a 90-degree knee flexion. The
second posture refers to a complete knee extension.
G. Quest
To evaluate the patient’s satisfaction concerning the ankle-
foot orthosis T-FLEX a QUEST (Quebec User Evaluation
of Satisfaction with assistive Technology) survey was used.
This survey consisted of 8 questions, with a maximum score
of 5 (i.e., completely satisfied), focused on aspects such as
dimensions, ease of use, and comfort during the session. For
more details see Table II.
H. Orthosis Configuration
This study employed the ankle exoskeleton T-FLEX. The
device’s weight is 1.5 Kg, including the support system, elec-
tronic components, and two actuators (MX106T, Dynamixel,
Korea). As the power supply, T-FLEX used a 4S 14.8 V
LiPo battery. From this supply system, each motor provided
a torque value close to 4.5 Nm. In terms of operation, the
device used the therapy mode, which allows the user to train
the flexo-extension motions of the ankle joint. In this way,
the control system can vary parameters such as the frequency
between repetitions, actuation velocity, and the number of
repetitive movements.
Specifically, in this protocol, the orthosis had a repeti-
tion rate of 0.6 Hz. Moreover, the actuator worked with a
velocity of 50% of the maximum motor speed, which is
approximately 20 rpm in load condition. To complete the
time in each modality, T-FLEX achieved 370 movements
for a total amount of 740 repetitions per session. All these
parameters and controllers for the actuators were running in
the Robot Operating System framework (ROS) under Linux
I. Data processing and acquisition
Data processing was performed offline using MATLAB
software (MathWorks, 2018b, USA) and an Asus VivoBook
S15 S510UA (IntelCore i5-8250U, CPU@1.80 GHz, Tai-
wan) running Windows 10 Home. The output EMG signals
were processed with a band-pass filter to eliminate the
atypical values and remove the noise. Then, these signals
were rectified with absolute values. Subsequently, a data
smoothing was performed using a 100 ms moving average
window. Finally, the root-mean-square (RMS) was calculated
to provide as much information as possible about the ampli-
tude of the EMG signal, since it gives a measure of the signal
J. Statistical Analysis
The software SPSS (IBM-SPSS Inc, Armonk, NY, USA)
was used for the statistical analysis. First, the normal distri-
bution of all data was verified employing the Shapiro–Wilks
test. Subsequently, the ANOVA test was carried out to
find statistically significant differences among the electrical
activity of each muscle in two cases: (1) comparison between
two modalities and (2) comparison of the muscular activity
during each session.
This section presents the results of one patient diagnosed
with a chronic hemiplegic stroke who participated in this
study. The results are divided into three main parts: (1) Pre
and post functional evaluation, (2) muscular activity, and (3)
a satisfaction survey of T-FLEX use.
A. Pre and Post functional evaluation
This part includes the kinematic and spatiotemporal pa-
rameters obtained from the experimental procedure presented
in the previous section. Table I illustrates the values cor-
responding to the pre and post evaluations in terms of the
passive Range of Motion (ROM). These values show changes
in 20 of 22 measured motions on the lower limb joints,
where extension on the hallux metatarsophalangeal and prox-
imal extension on the fifth toe interphalangeal remained the
same. However, the most significant changes were related
to increases in the joint range for the movements on the
hip, dorsi-plantarflexion on the ankle, flexo-extension on
the hallux interphalangeal joint, and flexion on the fifth toe
interphalangeal joint. The other measures exhibited changes
of less than 15% in respect of the initial evaluation.
Moreover, for the kinematic results, the ankle angular
motion during the walking over treadmill followed a normal
distribution. Thus, the gait cycles were averaged to obtain a
unique curve. This curve allowed estimating the parameters
shown in Figure 2. The maximum kinematic change pre-
sented during the walking analysis was the reduction in 25%
of the extension movement on the swing phase. Additionally,
the spatiotemporal parameters showed improvement inher-
ently related to an increase in the subject’s natural walking
DF PF GC time Cadence
Percentage of variation [%]
Variation of kinematic parameters with reference to the prior functional evaluation
Fig. 2: Percentage of variation for the kinematic and spa-
tiotemporal parameters in walking over the treadmill (DF:
Average values of the maximum dorsiflexion angles during
gait cycles, PF: Average values of the maximum plantarflex-
ion angles during gait cycles, GC: gait cycle). The positive
values refer to increases concerning the initial functional
evaluation. In contrast, negative values represent a reduction
in the parameter.
Furthermore, the Ashworth scale, estimated using the
functional evaluation, had a reduction in one level from 1+
to 1 after the therapy sessions.
TABLE I: Subject’s Range of Motion (ROM) on the lower limb joints for the pre and post functional evaluations. The
highlight values indicate the most relevant changes after the therapy sessions.
(a) Range of Motion on the hip and knee joints for both limbs
Initial Functional Evaluation Final Functional Evaluation
Body Part Paretic Side (deg) Healthy Side (deg) Body Part Paretic Side (deg) Healthy Side (deg)
Hip Abduction (L5,S1) 30 45 Hip Abduction (L5,S1) 45 45
Hip Adduction (L1-L4) 20 35 Hip Adduction (L1-L4) 30 35
Hip Flexion (T12-T13) 116 125 Hip Flexion (T12-T13) 122 125
Hip Extension (L5-S1) 18 25 Hip Extension (L5-S1) 20 25
Knee Flexion (L4-S1) 140 136 Knee Flexion (L4-S1) 140 136
Knee Extension (L2-L5) 10 4 Knee Extension (L2-L5) 10 4
(b) Range of Motion on the ankle and foot joints for the paretic side
Initial Functional Evaluation Final Functional Evaluation
Body Part Paretic Side (deg) Body Part (deg) Paretic Side (deg)
Ankle Plantar Flexion (S1) 15 Ankle Plantarflexion (S1) 45
Ankle Dorsi Flexion (L4,L5) 15 Ankle Dorsiflexion (L4,L5) 24
Ankle Inversion 33 Ankle Inversion 35
Ankle Eversion 22 Ankle Eversion 25
Hallux Metatarsophalangeal Flexion 43 Hallux Metatarsophalangeal Flexion 45
Hallux Metatarsophalangeal Extension 47 Hallux Metatarsophalangeal Extension 47
Fifth Finger Metatarsophalangeal Flexion 64 Fifth Finger Metatarsophalangeal Flexion 68
Fifth Finger Metatarsophalangeal Extension 60 Fifth Finger Metatarsophalangeal Extension 65
Hallux Interphalangeal Flexion 37 Hallux Interphalangeal Flexion 44
Hallux Interphalangeal Extension 0 Hallux Interphalangeal Extension 5
Fifth Toe Interphalangeal Proximal Flexion 34 Fifth Toe Interphalangeal Proximal Flexion 40
Fifth Toe Interphalangeal Proximal Extension 0 Fifth Toe Interphalangeal Proximal Extension 0
Fifth Toe Interphalangeal Distal Extension 30 Fifth Toe Interphalangeal Distal Extension 34
Fifth Toe Interphalangeal Distal Flexion 36 Fifth Toe Interphalangeal Distal Flexion 39
B. Muscular activity
The second part constitutes the muscular activity measured
on the tibialis anterior and gastrocnemius muscles during the
session. Figure 3 shows the mean RMS values per session in
each modality. On the one hand, the tibialis anterior regis-
tered a significant increase of the muscular activity up to the
third session (See Figure 3a). For the following sessions, this
value had a reduction and maintained its magnitude between
0.004 mV and 0.015 mV. Moreover, both modalities showed
similar electrical amplitudes throughout the experiment.
On the other hand, the muscular activity of the gastroc-
nemius increased up to the fourth session (See Figure 3b).
The mean RMS values after this session had a reduction
as also occurred in the tibialis anterior. In general terms,
the gastrocnemius reached a greater activation of electrical
activity in comparison with the tibialis anterior during the
first sessions. Nevertheless, this activity showed lower mean
RMS values than the other muscle from the ninth session.
Additionally, the behavior of muscular activity during the
therapy session was analyzed. To this end, it was calculated
the mean of the electrical activity on time windows with a
size of 10 seconds. The first window was used as a reference
to calculate the change in the other moments. Figure 4
illustrates this behavior throughout the session.
The tibialis anterior muscle presented variability at the
half time of the first modality. However, this muscle showed
a tendency to increase its electrical activity at the end-stage
of the sessions (See Figure 4a). The gastrocnemius muscle
showed high variability for the complete knee extension
posture taking values up to 130 % in comparison with the
first minutes. Conversely, the 90-degree knee flexion posture
had similar variation all the time, although with a slight
increase in the final part.
1) Statistical values: ANOVA tests were performed to
find statistically significant differences among the muscular
activity between modalities during the study and the electri-
cal activity progression during the session. The results are
presented below.
Muscular activity between modalities: The electrical
activity of the tibialis anterior muscle did not show
statistically significant differences (p>0.05) during
the study. In the same way, the gastrocnemius muscle
also did show statistical differences (p>0.05) between
Muscular activity progression during the session:
Results related to the electrical activity progression of
the tibialis anterior muscle showed statistically signifi-
cant differences (p<0.05). Likewise. the gastrocnemius
muscular activity showed statistical differences (p<
C. Quest
Finally, this part presents the results of the QUEST test
performed to the patient after therapy sessions (see Table
II). In general terms, the perception of the user with the
device was acceptable, emphasizing aspects such as safety
and comfort. However, other topics (i.e., adjustments, and
ease of use) presented the lowest score.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Mean RMS (mV)
Mean RMS values from each tibialis anterior muscle session
First modality
Second Modality
(a) Tibialis anterior muscle
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Mean RMS (mV)
Mean RMS values from each gastrocnemius muscle session
First modality
Second Modality
(b) Gastrocnemius muscle
Fig. 3: Mean RMS values per session during the study. The
red line represents the values for the modality with 90-degree
knee flexion. The gray line refers to obtained values with a
posture of complete extension of the knee.
TABLE II: QUEST survey responses for the T-FLEX orthosis
after the therapy sessions. The values are assessed in a scale
of 0 to 5
QUEST item Level of Satisfaction
Dimensions (size, height, length,width) 4
Weight 3
Adjustments (fixing,fastening) 3
Safety (secure) 4
Ease of use 3
Comfort 4
Effectiveness 4
Device satisfaction 3.57
Following the same order, this section presents the discus-
sion and analysis of the results obtained in the study. In the
first place, according to the pre and post functional evalua-
tion, the preliminary results reported significant changes in
the increment of passive ROM in different joints, such as the
ankle, hip, and the hallux interphalangeal joints. However,
regarding the other measures, there is only a slight increase
of less than 15 %. On the other hand, the greatest increase in
terms of ROM occurred in the ankle joint, specifically in the
dorsi-plantarflexion movement. These changes are related to
the reduction of the foot spasticity reflected in the Ashworth
scale measured in both evaluations.
According to the kinematic results, the preliminary results
reported an inherent improvement in spatiotemporal parame-
(a) Tibialis anterior muscle
(b) Gastrocnemius muscle
Fig. 4: Muscular activity behavior throughout the session in
respect of mean and standard deviation between sessions.
The red curve describes the behavior of the muscle in the
modality with 90-degree knee flexion. The gray curve shows
the behavior in the complete knee extension modality.
ters due to an increase in the patient’s speed. Also, it showed
a 25 % reduction in the plantarflexion movement. This value
is related to an increase in ankle dorsiflexion during the
swing phase, which indicates an enhancement in the foot
clearance for the patient in walking. The improvement of
this parameter is associated with decreases in fall risks and
ankle injuries [12]. The above suggests that effectively a
rehabilitation program with the T-FLEX orthosis helps to
improve the spatiotemporal and kinematic parameters at the
end of the entire therapy sessions. To this end, the first
research question (Q1) is answered, i.e., T-FLEX orthosis
improves the kinematic and spatiotemporal parameters of the
Regarding Ashworth scale results, it showed a reduction
in one from 1+ to 1 at the end of the entire therapy sessions.
With this, the second research question (Q2) is answered,
which means that the use of T-FLEX orthosis contributes to
the reduction of the patient’s spasticity level.
These results coincide with the changes presented by
Cheng et al., where the spatiotemporal parameters had an
increase, and the spasticity level decreased after the ses-
sions [13]. However, in contrast to this protocol, they used
electrical stimulation after the repetition exercises. Likewise,
Tamburrella et al. also presented similar results asserting that
if it is included electromyography as a control signal, the
results will be more effective in terms of spasticity and ROM
[14]. Therefore, to engage the patient with the therapy and
improve the outcomes reported in this study, the following
protocols could include both active control and feedback
In the second place, for the muscular activity context,
the preliminary results reported an increase in electrical
activity during the first stage of the experiment. Neverthe-
less, this activity presented a decrease from the third and
fourth sessions for the tibialis anterior and gastrocnemius
muscles, respectively. These results suggest that during the
first sessions, given that the muscle comes from a period
of inactivity, any exercise performed over it induces high
values of electrical activity. However, as early as the muscle
overcame the adaptation period, the same training did not
produce enough effort to generate high electrical activity
values [15], [16]. Hence, a variable rehabilitation program
with T-FLEX orthosis, where the requirement and the effort
increase over time, could provide better results.
Concerning the muscular activity in the session, the results
showed an increase in the electrical values at the end-stage
for both muscles. This also can be seen in the statistical
results, since it did not report statistically significant differ-
ences. Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected (Ho), and it
can be inferred that the use of TFLEX orthosis increases
the muscular activity on the patient during each session.
Nevertheless, it should be emphasized of high variability
between sessions illustrated in Figure 4. This variability is
mainly noted for the second modality of the gastrocnemius
and the first modality of the tibialis anterior muscle. The
variability can be related to the decrease of the muscular
activity after the adaptation period, where the electrical
activity showed minimum increases.
Another aspect analyzed was the difference between the
modalities proposed in this study. Nevertheless, the statistical
results suggest that the modalities do not affect the electrical
activity in the measured muscles.
Finally, the patient perception with the use of T-FLEX in
the rehabilitation program was positive. The most important
aspects highlighted by the user were safety, comfort, and
effectiveness. Although other characteristics such as weight,
ease of use, and adjustments, should be taken into consider-
ation in subsequent studies.
This paper presented the obtained results from a single
case of study for the therapy mode with the T-FLEX orthosis.
The study showed improvement in kinematic and spatiotem-
poral parameters on a chronic stroke patient. Moreover,
the participant exhibited a spasticity reduction according to
the Ashworth scale. On the other hand, muscular activity
increased its value during the first sessions, although this
value had a reduction probably related to adaptation issues.
Moreover, the measured muscles showed increases in their
electrical activity at the end-stage of each session, though
they presented high variability between sessions. Finally, the
patient’s perception in the use of T-FLEX for rehabilitation
programs was positive.
Future works should focus on the recruitment of ad-
ditional pathological subjects to validate the efficacy of
the therapeutic modality of T-FLEX in a larger sample of
patients. Additionally, it should be proposed a novel protocol
where the patient has different levels of effort and feedback
strategies, allowing the improvement of these results.
The authors would like to especially thank the patient
that participated in this study and contributed with her
feedback and experience in the improvement of the device.
Also, we want to recognize the support of the Center for
Biomechatronics team in the execution of this experiment.
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2011, IS SN: 1439-6327.
... T-FLEX has shown promising results in (1) gait assistance and (2) stationary scenarios in terms of real applications involving stroke survivors [51,52]. Specifically, a study evidenced significant changes in motor recovery (i.e., improvement in dorsiflexion during the swing phase, spasticity reduction, and increase in walking speed and cadence) after 18 sessions of T-FLEX in a stationary therapy [51]. ...
... T-FLEX has shown promising results in (1) gait assistance and (2) stationary scenarios in terms of real applications involving stroke survivors [51,52]. Specifically, a study evidenced significant changes in motor recovery (i.e., improvement in dorsiflexion during the swing phase, spasticity reduction, and increase in walking speed and cadence) after 18 sessions of T-FLEX in a stationary therapy [51]. On the other hand, the device's multimodality has allowed integrating different high-level strategies, as the methodology proposed in this paper, aiming at improving the (1) interaction, (2) motivation, (3) effort, and (4) active engagement [53]. ...
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Brain–computer interface (BCI) remains an emerging tool that seeks to improve the patient interaction with the therapeutic mechanisms and to generate neuroplasticity progressively through neuromotor abilities. Motor imagery (MI) analysis is the most used paradigm based on the motor cortex’s electrical activity to detect movement intention. It has been shown that motor imagery mental practice with movement-associated stimuli may offer an effective strategy to facilitate motor recovery in brain injury patients. In this sense, this study aims to present the BCI associated with visual and haptic stimuli to facilitate MI generation and control the T-FLEX ankle exoskeleton. To achieve this, five post-stroke patients (55–63 years) were subjected to three different strategies using T-FLEX: stationary therapy (ST) without motor imagination, motor imagination with visual stimulation (MIV), and motor imagination with visual-haptic inducement (MIVH). The quantitative characterization of both BCI stimuli strategies was made through the motor imagery accuracy rate, the electroencephalographic (EEG) analysis during the MI active periods, the statistical analysis, and a subjective patient’s perception. The preliminary results demonstrated the viability of the BCI-controlled ankle exoskeleton system with the beta rebound, in terms of patient’s performance during MI active periods and satisfaction outcomes. Accuracy differences employing haptic stimulus were detected with an average of 68% compared with the 50.7% over only visual stimulus. However, the power spectral density (PSD) did not present changes in prominent activation of the MI band but presented significant variations in terms of laterality. In this way, visual and haptic stimuli improved the subject’s MI accuracy but did not generate differential brain activity over the affected hemisphere. Hence, long-term sessions with a more extensive sample and a more robust algorithm should be carried out to evaluate the impact of the proposed system on neuronal and motor evolution after stroke.
... The results show that the tendons acting without the flexible filament have greater device performance [28]. T-FLEX has the potential to complement the AGoRA unilateral lower-limb exoskeleton according to its results in stationary therapy where a long-term study has found the recovery of motor control in a stroke patient [29]. In gait activity, comparing the use and non-use of the device, an improvement in the kinematic parameters of the ankle and changes of up to 70% in the range of motion of 10 subjects was found [30]. ...
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Stroke disease leads to a partial or complete disability affecting muscle strength and functional mobility. Early rehabilitation sessions might induce neuroplasticity and restore the affected function or structure of the patients. Robotic rehabilitation minimizes the burden on therapists by providing repetitive and regularly monitored therapies. Commercial exoskeletons have been found to assist hip and knee motion. For instance, unilateral exoskeletons have the potential to become an effective training system for patients with hemiparesis. However, these robotic devices leave the ankle joint unassisted, essential in gait for body propulsion and weight-bearing. This article evaluates the effects of the robotic ankle orthosis T-FLEX during cooperative assistance with the AGoRA unilateral lower-limb exoskeleton (hip and knee actuation). This study involves nine subjects, measuring muscle activity and gait parameters such as stance and swing times. The results showed a reduction in muscle activity in the Biceps Femoris of 50%, Lateral Gastrocnemius of 59% and Tibialis Anterior of 35% when adding T-FLEX to the AGoRA unilateral lower-limb exoskeleton. No differences were found in gait parameters. Nevertheless, stability is preserved when comparing the two legs. Future works should focus on evaluating the devices in ground tests in healthy subjects and pathological patients.
... Although as a combined platform it has not been tested, both devices that compose it have already been assessed separately. For instance, stationary approaches such as the use of an ankle exoskeleton for motor recovery [206], the use of a lower-limb exoskeleton for knee rehabilitation [207], and their evaluations during walking have shown improvements in spatiotemporal and kinematic parameters, as well as their usability and performance through a natural interaction between users and devices [43,46]. This platform will integrate the measurement of kinematic, physiological, and cognitive parameters to monitor the patient's condition, his evolutionary rehabilitation process and evaluate the effects of the platform's assistance. ...
In recent years, society has been growing and aging at accelerated rates. Consequently, it has been of great interest to develop rehabilitation and gait assistance solutions by medical and engineering professionals. Moreover, worldwide statistics report high incidence indicators of neurological and physical impairments, being a public health concern in several countries. In this sense, there are four types of assistive technologies that can be found in the field of rehabilitation engineering, focusing on human mobility: (1) wearable robots, (2) mobile robots, (3) social robots, and (4) combined platforms. Depending on the requirements of each user, these robotic devices aim to compensate, retrain, or provide the affected locomotion capabilities of the individual. This chapter defines these devices and describes their implementation in the context of gait assistance and rehabilitation. Similarly, it provides some evidence of applications in clinical scenarios.
Conference Paper
Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) causes permanent disabilities, such as foot drop. This condition affects the gait pattern, increasing the metabolic cost and risk of falling. Robotics with serious games has shown promising results in the gait rehabilitation context. This paper aims to analyze the effects of using the T-FLEX exoskeleton with (1) Automated Therapy (AT) and (2) Serious Game Therapy (SGT) in two ABI patients. Each participant completed six assisted sessions for each strategy. Results showed that AT increases the user-robot interaction torque by 10% for the first patient and 70% for the second patient, and SGT decreases by 5% for both patients. This way, SGT required the patient to generate torque to execute the ankle movement, while AT did the opposite, resulting in greater device assistance. In the functional assessment, SGT induced variations greater than 50% for the paretic ankle and knee's range of motion (ROM), indicating a potential for motor recovery. Thus, SGT led to improved ankle control and increased gait speed compared to AT. These findings suggest that SGT may be an effective rehabilitation strategy for ABI-related foot drop patients.
Conference Paper
Lower-limb exoskeletons and smart walkers are robotic devices to assist patients in regaining their autonomy after a stroke. The integration of these devices enables gait rehabilitation and functional compensation, promoting natural over-ground walking. This article presents the Adaptable Robotic Platform for Gait Rehabilitation and Assistance (AGoRA V2 platform), which integrates the new AGoRA V2 Smart Walker and the AGoRA V2 unilateral lower-limb exoskeleton. It was evaluated with 14 healthy subjects using physiological and kinematic variables and a perception assessment. The study entailed four conditions: Without exoskeleton (WOE), With Exoskeleton (WE&T), With Walker (WW), and With Platform (WP). Results indicate a reduction in the muscle activity of the Rectus Femoris (18%) and Vastus Lateralis (15%), comparing WE&T and WP, as well as walking without any device (WOE) and using any robotic device (WE&T, WW, WP). Results suggest the importance of combining the exoskeleton with the robotic walker and the assistance of each device independently. Moreover, using the complete platform induces slower gait patterns than the walker, as the mean impulse force and linear velocity decrease by 42% and 44%, respectively. These results demonstrate that the platform contributes to safety, and improvements in gait parameters and muscular activity, indicating the system's potential to act as a modular device according to users' conditions and therapeutic goals.
Purpose: Rehabilitation robots with intent recognition are helping people with dysfunction to enjoy better lives. Many rehabilitation robots with intent recognition have been developed by academic institutions and commercial companies. However, there is no systematic summary about the application of intent recognition in the field of rehabilitation robots. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to summarize the application of intent recognition in rehabilitation robots, analyze the current status of their research, and provide cutting-edge research directions for colleagues. Materials and methods: Literature searches were conducted on Web of Science, IEEE Xplore, ScienceDirect, SpringerLink, and Medline. Search terms included "rehabilitation robot", "intent recognition", "exoskeleton", "prosthesis", "surface electromyography (sEMG)" and "electroencephalogram (EEG)". References listed in relevant literature were further screened according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: In this field, most studies have recognized movement intent by kinematic, sEMG, and EEG signals. However, in practical studies, the development of intent recognition in rehabilitation robots is limited by the hysteresis of kinematic signals and the weak anti-interference ability of sEMG and EEG signals. Conclusions: Intent recognition has achieved a lot in the field of rehabilitation robotics but the key factors limiting its development are still timeliness and accuracy.In the future, intent recognition strategy with multi-sensor information fusion may be a good solution.
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Neuromuscular disorders, such as foot drop, severely affect the locomotor function and walking independence after a brain injury event. Mirror-based robotic therapy (MRT) has been a promising rehabilitation strategy favouring upper limb muscle strength and motor control in the last years. However, there are still no studies validating this technique in lower limb experimental protocols. This paper presents an innovative visual and motor feedback strategy based on serious games and MRT modalities. Thus, a preliminary system validation with a healthy participant is performed. Moreover, the strategy's potential effects were investigated in a neurologic patient's short rehabilitation program. After six sessions, the results of the method favoured active ankle plantarflexion range of motion and muscle activation. Although the patient had a positive adaptation at the end of the game, it is necessary to improve the proposed strategy to enhance the robotic experience in the long term.
This book reports on advanced topics in the areas of wearable robotics research and practice. It focuses on new technologies, including neural interfaces, soft wearable robots, sensors and actuators technologies, discussing industrially and medically-relevant issues, as well as legal and ethical aspects. It covers exemplary case studies highlighting challenges related to the implementation of wearable robots for different purposes, and describing advanced solutions. Based on the 5th International Symposium on Wearable Robotics, WeRob2020, and on WearRacon Europe 2020, which were both held online on October 13-16, 2020, the book addresses a large audience of academics and professionals working in for the government, in the industry, and in medical centers, as well as end-users alike. By merging together engineering, medical, ethical and industrial perspectives, it offers a multidisciplinary, timely snapshot of the field of wearable technologies.
Robot-assisted rehabilitation has been shown to effectively improve the sequelae and restore function for neurological patients. However, repetitive exercise in long-term therapy may cause a lack of interest and demotivation decreasing the therapy success. Serious games in the rehabilitation field have emerged as a promising approach by including an entertainment component during cognitive and motor skill learning. These interactive strategies improve the user–device interaction generating an active commitment during the therapy and contributing to the neuroplasticity induction. Well-designed game mechanics and audiovisual feedback strategies are relevant to provide a pleasant experience and augment patient engagement and adherence. In this sense, this chapter defines serious games and describes the design principles for their implementation in assistance therapy. Besides, it provides evidence about in-game strategies in lower-limb rehabilitation and introduces a serious game prototype for ankle rehabilitation after stroke with a variable stiffness exoskeleton.
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This paper presents the development and validation of a polymer optical-fiber strain-gauge sensor based on the light-coupling principle to measure axial deformation of elastic tendons incorporated in soft actuators for wearable assistive robots. An analytical model was proposed and further validated with experiment tests, showing correlation with a coefficient of R = 0.998 between experiment and theoretical data, and reaching a maximum axial displacement range of 15 mm and no significant hysteresis. Furthermore, experiment tests were carried out attaching the validated sensor to the elastic tendon. Results of three experiment tests show the sensor’s capability to measure the tendon’s response under tensile axial stress, finding 20.45% of hysteresis in the material’s response between the stretching and recovery phase. Based on these results, there is evidence of the potential that the fiber-optical strain sensor presents for future applications in the characterization of such tendons and identification of dynamic models that allow the understanding of the material’s response to the development of more efficient interaction-control strategies.
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Background: seizures and their consequences contribute to the burden of epilepsy because they can cause health loss (premature mortality and residual disability). Data on the burden of epilepsy are needed for health-care planning and resource allocation. The aim of this study was to quantify health loss due to epilepsy by age, sex, year, and location using data from the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study. Methods: we assessed the burden of epilepsy in 195 countries and territories from 1990 to 2016. Burden was measured as deaths, prevalence, and disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs; a summary measure of health loss defined by the sum of years of life lost [YLLs] for premature mortality and years lived with disability), by age, sex, year, location, and Socio-demographic Index (SDI; a compound measure of income per capita, education, and fertility). Vital registrations and verbal autopsies provided information about deaths, and data on the prevalence and severity of epilepsy largely came from population representative surveys. All estimates were calculated with 95% uncertainty intervals (UIs). Findings: in 2016, there were 45·9 million (95% UI 39·9–54·6) patients with all-active epilepsy (both idiopathic and secondary epilepsy globally; age-standardised prevalence 621·5 per 100 000 population; 540·1–737·0). Of these patients, 24·0 million (20·4–27·7) had active idiopathic epilepsy (prevalence 326·7 per 100 000 population; 278·4–378·1). Prevalence of active epilepsy increased with age, with peaks at 5–9 years (374·8 [280·1–490·0]) and at older than 80 years of age (545·1 [444·2–652·0]). Age-standardised prevalence of active idiopathic epilepsy was 329·3 per 100 000 population (280·3–381·2) in men and 318·9 per 100 000 population (271·1–369·4) in women, and was similar among SDI quintiles. Global age-standardised mortality rates of idiopathic epilepsy were 1·74 per 100 000 population (1·64–1·87; 1·40 per 100 000 population [1·23–1·54] for women and 2·09 per 100 000 population [1·96–2·25] for men). Age-standardised DALYs were 182·6 per 100 000 population (149·0–223·5; 163·6 per 100 000 population [130·6–204·3] for women and 201·2 per 100 000 population [166·9–241·4] for men). The higher DALY rates in men were due to higher YLL rates compared with women. Between 1990 and 2016, there was a non-significant 6·0% (−4·0 to 16·7) change in the age-standardised prevalence of idiopathic epilepsy, but a significant decrease in age-standardised mortality rates (24·5% [10·8 to 31·8]) and age-standardised DALY rates (19·4% [9·0 to 27·6]). A third of the difference in age-standardised DALY rates between low and high SDI quintile countries was due to the greater severity of epilepsy in low-income settings, and two-thirds were due to a higher YLL rate in low SDI countries. Interpretation: despite the decrease in the disease burden from 1990 to 2016, epilepsy is still an important cause of disability and mortality. Standardised collection of data on epilepsy in population representative surveys will strengthen the estimates, particularly in countries for which we currently have no or sparse data and if additional data is collected on severity, causes, and treatment. Sizeable gains in reducing the burden of epilepsy might be expected from improved access to existing treatments in low-income countries and from the development of new effective drugs worldwide.
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Most gait training systems are designed for acute and subacute neurological inpatients. Many systems are used for relearning gait movements (nonfunctional training) or gait cycle training (functional gait training). Each system presents its own advantages and disadvantages in terms of functional outcomes. However, training gait cycle movements is not sufficient for the rehabilitation of ambulation. There is a need for new solutions to overcome the limitations of existing systems in order to ensure individually tailored training conditions for each of the potential users, no matter the complexity of his or her condition. There is also a need for a new, integrative approach in gait rehabilitation, one that encompasses and addresses all aspects of physical as well as psychological aspects of ambulation in real-life multitasking situations. In this respect, a multidisciplinary multinational team performed an overview of the current technology for gait rehabilitation and reviewed the principles of ambulation training.
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This paper provides an introduction to the biomechanics of the ankle, introducing the bony anatomy involved in motion of the foot and ankle. The complexity of the ankle anatomy has a significant influence on the biomechanical performance of the joint, and this paper discusses the motions of the ankle joint complex, and the joint at which it is proposed they occur. It provides insight into the ligaments that are critical to the stability and function of the ankle joint. It describes the movements involved in a normal gait cycle, and also highlights how these may change as a result of surgical intervention such as total joint replacement or fusion.
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Unlabelled: Injuries to the muscle and/or associated tendon(s) are common clinical entities treated by sports physical therapists and other rehabilitation professionals. Therapeutic exercise is a primary treatment modality for muscle and/or tendon injuries; however, the therapeutic exercise strategies should not be applied in a "one-size-fits-all approach". To optimize an athlete's rehabilitation or performance, one must be able to construct resistance training programs accounting for the type of injury, the stage of healing, the functional and architectural requirements for the muscle and tendon, and the long-term goals for that patient. The purpose of this clinical commentary is to review the muscular and tendinous adaptations associated with strength training, link training adaptations and resistance training principles for the athlete recovering from an injury, and illustrate the application of evidence-based resistance training for patients with a tendinopathy. Level of evidence: 5.
The development and a preliminary evaluation of a new active ankle-foot orthosis for gait assistance called T-FLEX are presented in this paper. The purpose of this device is to support patients with locomotion disabilities during rehabilitation treatment of the ankle joint. This device is based on bio-inspired actuation, in which the stiffness can be adjusted according to a gait phase detection, thereby reproducing the behavior of antagonistic muscles. A preliminary trial with a healthy subject (kinematic analysis) reveals an increase in the range of motion in ankle kinematics, which is desirable for ankle rehabilitation and assistance.
Background: Spasticity is a motor disorder that is commonly treated manually by a physical therapist (PhT) stretching the muscles. Recent data on learning have demonstrated the importance of human-to-human interaction in improving rehabilitation: cooperative motor behavior engages specific areas of the motor system compared with execution of a task alone. Objectives: We hypothesize that PhT-guided therapy that involves active collaboration with the patient (Pt) through shared biomechanical visual biofeedback (vBFB) positively impacts learning and performance by the Pt during ankle spasticity treatment. A sensorized ankle foot orthosis (AFO) was developed to provide online quantitative data of joint range of motion (ROM), angular velocity, and electromyographic activity to the PhT and Pt during the treatment of ankle spasticity. Methods: Randomized controlled clinical trial. Ten subacute stroke inpatients, randomized into experimental (EXP) and control (CTRL) groups, underwent six weeks of daily treatment. The EXP group was treated with an active AFO, and the CTRL group was given an inactive AFO. Spasticity, ankle ROM, ankle active and passive joint speed, and coactivation index (CI) were assessed at enrollment and after 15-30 sessions. Results: Spasticity and CI (p < 0.005) decreased significantly after training only in the EXP group, in association with a significant rise in active joint speed and active ROM (p < 0.05). Improvements in spasticity (p < 0.05), active joint speed (p < 0.001), and CI (p < 0.001) after treatment differed between the EXP and CTRL groups. Conclusions: PhT-Pt sharing of exercise information, provided by joint sensorization and vBFB, improved the efficacy of the conventional approach for treating ankle spasticity in subacute stroke Pts.
Purpose of review: Rehabilitation is an important aspect of the continuum of care in stroke. With advances in the acute treatment of stroke, more patients will survive stroke with varying degrees of disability. Research in the past decade has expanded our understanding of the mechanisms underlying stroke recovery and has led to the development of new treatment modalities. This article reviews and summarizes the key concepts related to poststroke recovery. Recent findings: Good data now exist by which one can predict recovery, especially motor recovery, very soon after stroke onset. Recent trials have not demonstrated a clear benefit associated with very early initiation of rehabilitative therapy after stroke in terms of improvement in poststroke outcomes. However, growing evidence suggests that shorter and more frequent sessions of therapy can be safely started in the first 24 to 48 hours after a stroke. The optimal amount or dose of therapy for stroke remains undetermined, as more intensive treatments have not been associated with better outcomes compared to standard intensities of therapy. Poststroke depression adversely affects recovery across a variety of measures and is an important target for therapy. Additionally, the use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) appears to benefit motor recovery through pleiotropic mechanisms beyond their antidepressant effect. Other pharmacologic approaches also appear to have a benefit in stroke rehabilitation. Summary: A comprehensive rehabilitation program is essential to optimize poststroke outcomes. Rehabilitation is a process that uses three major principles of recovery: adaptation, restitution, and neuroplasticity. Based on these principles, multiple different approaches, both pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic, exist to enhance rehabilitation. In addition to neurologists, a variety of health care professionals are involved in stroke rehabilitation. Successful rehabilitation involves understanding the natural history of stroke recovery and a multidisciplinary approach with judicious use of resources to identify and treat common poststroke sequelae.
Background: Altered gait mechanics are common following stroke and may increase the risk of falls. Paretic gait impairments have been previously compared to the non-paretic limb or control participants. Unfortunately, the biomechanical parameters underlying instances of naturally occurring unsuccessful foot clearance (trips) have yet to be examined in individuals with chronic stroke. Methods: Gait data from 26 participants with chronic stroke were obtained on a dual-belt instrumented treadmill. Instances of successful and unsuccessful foot swing were identified. Temporal, kinematic, and kinetic measures of the paretic limb occurring during late stance, toe-off, and swing were compared between trip and non-trip steps using paired samples t-tests. An α=0.004 was used to adjust for multiple comparisons. Findings: In the paretic limb, the ankle angle at toe off (P=0.003; d=0.64), knee flexion velocity at toe off (P<0.001; d=0.73), and peak knee extension moment during terminal stance (P<0.001; d=0.74) were significantly different between trips and non-trip steps. During trip steps, ankle plantarflexion at toe-off was 1.0° greater, knee flexion velocity was reduced by 17.6°/sec, and peak knee extension moment was increased by 0.011Nm/kg·m compared to non-trip steps. Interpretation: It appears to take only minor changes in the movement of the paretic limb to result in a trip in individuals with chronic stroke. Although small, the multi-joint biomechanical changes occurring in the paretic limb during unsuccessful foot clearance result in a functionally longer limb. Thus, interventions targeting multiple joints in the paretic limb may be needed to reduce the risk of trips following stroke.
Neurologic rehabilitation interventions may be either therapeutic or compensatory. Included in this article are lower extremity functional electrical stimulation, body weight-supported treadmill training, and lower extremity robotic-assisted gait training. These poststroke gait training therapies are predicated on activity-dependent neuroplasticity. All three interventions have been trialed extensively in research and clinical settings to show a positive effect on various gait parameters and measures of walking performance. This article provides an overview of evidence-based research that supports the efficacy of these three interventions to improve gait, as well as providing perspective on future developments to enhance poststroke gait in neurologic rehabilitation.