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  • Maharaja Agrasen University
  • Chandigarh Engineering College, Jhanjeri, Mohali, Punjab, India

Abstract and Figures

This article offers a brief guide to widely used natural insulation materials and their ranges of thermal conductivities published by various researchers. The properties of composite or hybrid materials from these natural insulator materials can be studied to improve their environmental performance, energy efficiency, and including their costs economics. The thermal characteristics are considered most important in the context of low values of conductivity. A lot of previous researchers showed that the naturally occurring insulation boards can be developed from natural resins, fibers, etc. The researchers were able to fabricate insulation panels which were so good that they could be directly compared to the synthetic boards. In this paper, the authors have studied a lot of past studies and then have shortlisted the most relevant of those studies. Thus the aim is to provide a summary of natural insulation materials and their thermal engineering applications by illustrating the review papers written on various subjects, for readers to link to the latest review papers on such materials and make contributions to the specific area of interest. Thus the basic explanation of natural insulation material with compactable values of various properties is stated and included herein.
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ISSN- 2394-5125
VOL 7, ISSUE 19, 2020
Shalom Akhai1, Suneev Anil Bansal2, Sarabjit Singh3
1Department of Mechanical Engineering, CGC Technical Campus, Mohali, India
2Department of Mechanical Engineering, MAIT, Maharaja Agrasen University, HP, India 174103
3Department of Mechanical Engineering, MAIT, Maharaja Agrasen University, HP, India 174103
ABSTRACT: This article offers a brief guide to widely used natural insulation materials and their ranges of
thermal conductivities published by various researchers. The properties of composite or hybrid materials from
these natural insulator materials can be studied to improve their environmental performance, energy efficiency,
and including their costs economics. The thermal characteristics are considered most important in the context of
low values of conductivity. A lot of previous researchers showed that the naturally occurring insulation boards
can be developed from natural resins, fibers, etc. The researchers were able to fabricate insulation panels which
were so good that they could be directly compared to the synthetic boards. In this paper, the authors have
studied a lot of past studies and then have shortlisted the most relevant of those studies. Thus the aim is to
provide a summary of natural insulation materials and their thermal engineering applications by illustrating the
review papers written on various subjects, for readers to link to the latest review papers on such materials and
make contributions to the specific area of interest. Thus the basic explanation of natural insulation material with
compactable values of various properties is stated and included herein.
KEYWORDS: Insulation material, thermal conductivity, energy efficiency.
The modern era's problems with energy optimization require modern solutions. The advent of the
construction started with the early man making homes for protection and also some relief from the
surroundings. The early construction material was a mixture of mud and leftover crop remains. This shows
that the natural remains are good insulators. The early man also used sheepskins as clothes. All these
indicate that the early man had the key to thermal insulation. The insulation of a structure is done against
both hot and cold climates. The present conditions of insulation are done to protect ourselves against the
harsh outer conditions. The insulation of almost all structures is becoming so natural that there are
nowadays no buildings or structures which are constructed without the use of insulation. The insulation
panels/boards are thick enough to be concealed in between the wall structures. The insulation panels made
of natural renewable sources are gaining a lot of popularity in today’s world. The chemical coating on the
natural insulation panels should be of a certain quality to prevent the loss of any of its natural properties.
The chemicals should only enhance the insulation properties and in no way diminish its thermal properties.
The use of natural insulators helps in reducing the stress on natural resources. This process can be used to
insulate any type of surfaces but the insulation pads require the addition of certain chemicals for binding
and also for increasing their life. The main base of research should also be focused on the proper chemicals
for insulation, so that the natural insulation materials do not lose their properties, but can increase their life
to as long as possible. The selection of raw material should be something that can be allergic to people and
other pets. The natural insulators should be treated well to prevent the panel from decaying and spreading
any kind of bad odor. Technically the efficiency of any process is defined ratio of thermal energy to the
electricity required by the energy-consuming facility [Tareja P. & Tareja M. (2010)]. For example, energy
efficiency in the building can be optimized by the use of proper insulation material in form of roof tiles;
falls ceiling, etc. while using air conditioners [Braulio-Gonzalo M. &Bovea M. (2017)]. Air conditioners
are used to maintain the thermal quality in buildings [Tanwar N, & Akhai S. (2017)]. They are many
systems made by homogenous material that can reduce transmission of heat to the surroundings and
reduced the heating and cooling load of building thereby reducing energy consumption [Akhai S. et al.
(2016)]. By utilizing such insulation materials to isolate systems from surroundings, thermal comfort levels
can be achieved at a low operational cost [Evin D. &Ucar A. (2019)]. The use of insulation materials
cannot be limited to wool, natural fibers, and other crop leftovers, but new materials can be used studied,
to get good results and develop new insulation structures.
ISSN- 2394-5125
VOL 7, ISSUE 19, 2020
The authors in this study have not only focused on the previous research done but also tried to prove the
claims of the researchers, by making an insulation board by using banana barks. The panels were made and
then tested for their thermal conductivity value. These panels are lightweight and can be used for a wide
variety of applications. The banana barks are sometimes found in vast quantities left to rot, or just dumped.
This is easy to obtain the raw material. So panels made of these barks can be cheap.
Thermal insulation materials
This review paper compiles all the existing researches based on synthetic insulation materials. A basic
explanation of insulation material with various/approximate ranges values of their thermal conductivities
are included herein from published literature as presented in Table 1. The table has been carefully
researched well by the authors, to have a compilation of the best and the latest sources in the field of
synthetic insulation panels. The latest studies have been arranged in order, to have an idea of the latest
studies. The thermal conductivity of the materials, studied by the researchers is presented in Table 1.
Several types of research and studies to investigate efficiencies of material characterized by thermal
performance and structural designs have been proposed. Table 1 compiles the existing researches based on
the use of naturally occurring insulation materials in the area of mechanical and structural engineering. It
demonstrates numerous work studies by researchers in which they used natural materials for thermal
insulation for energy saving in buildings.
Table 1: Natural materials used for thermal insulation in engineering applications.
Remarks / Comment
Yildiz, G., et
al. (2020)
0.051 W/m. K.
The fabrication of insulating material
from natural and organic sources can
be a bit difficult, but the insulating
sources thereby made have a lot of
environmental advantages.
Mandili, B.,
et al. (2019)
Waste paper
0.061 W/m. K.
Recycled waste
The low bulk density of the material
composed is low. The water
absorption is high making it possible
to use this material for making bricks.
Wang, Hao,
et al. (2018)
Plant fibers&
0.023 W/m. K.
Development of
green buildings/
Developing insulating construction
materials to decrease the cost of other
wall structures.
Kasperski, J.,
B. (2018)
0.54 W/m. K.
material for
The insulation board can provide high-
quality insulation to roofs and floors.
Cellulose with
0.041 W/m. K.
The composite
material of
cellulose with
fiber for wall
The insulation of walls and other
surfaces can be done using this
Ali, et al.
Rock wool
0.04 W/m. K.
material for
HVAC pipe
Using plastic to increase the thickness
of insulation material on HVAC pipes
to reduce the cost and expenditure on
heating and cooling expenses.
Aditya, Lisa,
et al. (2017)
Sheep wool
0.038 W/m. K.
Insulation of
The optimum insulation thickness has
to be determined to save the costs of
the insulation material and for better
insulation of the building as a whole.
ISSN- 2394-5125
VOL 7, ISSUE 19, 2020
Stone wool
0.035 W/m. K.
Insulation of
HVAC ducts and
The insulation thickness should not be
excessive because that could increase
the weight of the equipment.
Cotton wool
0.037 W/m. K.
Insulation and
acoustic lining
The insulation can act as a barrier
against unwanted sounds and
vibrations too.
Kumar et al.
0.039 W/m. K.
insulation and
moisture control
The use of wood and its fibers acts as
good insulation material and prevents
the movement of moisture also
between the insulated structures.
Palumbo et
al., (2015)
The crop
remains and
0.050 W/m. K.
The insulation of buildings can be
done by using the natural crop remains
from harvested crops and the remains.
This has been used as part of
construction material since time
immemorial and therefore the use of
such crop leftover can be used for
Rock wool
0.039 W/m. K.
Heating pipe
The insulation of a heating pipe is
required to prevent the waste of energy
in the form of heat loss. This
insulation can be applied especially for
district cooling techniques.
(Zach et al.,
Mineral wool
with fibers
0.036 W/m. K
Natural insulation is a better way to
prevent additional stress on the
ecology, but that requires hydrophobic
treatment to prolong its life.
Bektas Ekici,
Gulten, and
Aksoy (2012)
0.038 W/m.K.
The insulation of buildings is
necessary to avoid the loss of thermal
comfort and also reduce the quantity
of energy consumed to provide
comfortable conditions for the
(Korjenic et
al., 2011)
Hemp fibers
0.0458 W/m.
Insulating walls
Natural material can act as good
insulators, but there is a requirement
for a chemical treatment to increase
their lifetime.
Cork, reed flax
0.027 W/m. K.
Insulation of
Propagating people to use materials
like hay, sheep wool for insulating
would be difficult because of their
short lifecycle and inflammable
The above table shows only the most relevant studies related to natural insulation materials. The
researchers have studied each of the insulation boards widely, and the thermal conductivity of the material
used by them was also tested. The thermal conductivity of the materials was also found to be at par with
the synthetic insulation boards.
ISSN- 2394-5125
VOL 7, ISSUE 19, 2020
Figure 1: Banana barks after drying and compaction process
The current research did not only study the past studies alone, but the authors tried to test the accuracy of
the claims. For this reason, the authors made an insulation panel using banana bark. This can be considered
to be a crop residue. The harvested banana tree is generally left to decay, and there is not much use for it.
The bark was peeled and then dried naturally. After drying for a week, the banana bark was pressed and
compacted. This was then tested for its thermal insulation, which showed quite good results. The results
showed that the thermal conductivity was 0.031 W/m. K. The addition of binding chemical and the decay
protection would make this natural leftover material a very good natural insulating material.
The banana barks are quite found in abundance, especially in countries like India and other countries
having a coastline. This is a harmless product and mostly non-allergic to everyone. There is the least odor
from this product. The use of this product should be widely appreciated and people should be made more
aware of the advantages of using this product as an insulation material. This not only reduces the use of
synthetic materials that are harmful to the environment but also helps in the proper disposal of the waste
remains. This product is the light weight after drying and can be transported easily. The use of banana
barks for the insulation materials is a very good example of what all materials can be used for making
insulation panels.
This brief overview discussed the most popular natural insulation materials and the spectrum of their
thermal conductivity as the heat gain or loss may be reduced if the insulation is appropriate. The natural
insulator is although cheaply available and in large quantities but it is difficult to convince people into
using such natural insulation materials because they have a very short life cycle and have to be replaced
every short while. The research is mainly to mix the natural insulation boards with some kind of chemicals
to increase their life cycle. This makes the insulation materials last not only for a long time but helps in
lowering the stress on the ecology. The natural insulators also have additional qualities of reducing the
moisture transited between the structures, noise absorption, and noise cancellations. A lot of research
going on in this direction of development of sustainable material and technologies so daily new product s
are coming up with a comparative analysis of properties but still there is a deficiency of data regarding
composite materials from various admixtures. Care should be taken that some natural fibers can be allergic
to certain people and some pets, but can be prevented by the use of some chemicals. It is necessary to do
show a disclaimer when using natural fiber, to act as a caution.
There is also a huge scope for the development of insulation panels from crop leftovers or remains because
they contribute to a huge part of the waste generated. The burning of such waste can be dangerous. So
using such waste materials for making insulation panels will also help in their proper disposal. The boards
can be made by mixing them with proper binding materials and using other chemicals to increase their life
The study shows that there is a wide scope of development in the field of insulation using natural
materials. There needs to be a wide awareness among users to educate them about the benefits of using
natural insulation panels.
ISSN- 2394-5125
VOL 7, ISSUE 19, 2020
The paper had presented some of the work by some researchers in the field of making insulating material
from natural sources. This was found to be successful, even though there were some drawbacks. It should
be stated here that more research needs to be done in this area, to improve the life cycle of the natural
insulating material and also making people aware of the environmental advantages of using th ese natural
insulators. Research also needs to be done in the area of the coating of natural insulation materials to
prevent the spread of allergy, but the chemical should not affect its properties of thermal insulation. The
life cycle of the insulation board should also be improved to as long as possible. The insulation board
should also be free from any kind of odors, and also prevent any kind of allergic reactions to any of the
A lot of studies are required for the chemical coating mixture in the insulation board, to increase the life of
the insulation board, and also prevent the spread of allergy. The chemical should improve the binding
ability of the panel, the chemical should also prevent the decay of the material and the spread of unwanted
odor and it must also be preferred that waste materials like fly ash which otherwise pose environmental
threats or disposal issues are utilized as admixture. The research should also be focused on the ratio in
which the chemicals should be mixed with the fibers or the natural materials to get the best results. Studies
can be also done to prepare the construction raw materials like bricks, plaster in such a way, that the
insulation materials can be inscribed in them, and thereby get products that have high thermal resistance.
Such products will be cost-effective, and also reduce the space occupied by the insulation panel. People
have to be made aware of the benefits of such products also, to build a greener and ec o-friendly
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Authors Profile
Dr. Shalom Akhai is currently employed as Associate Professor at CGC Technical
Campus, Punjab. He has industrial experience as an engineer in Bhushan Power &
Steel Ltd. He was formerly working at PEC University of Technology at a faculty
position for educating UG and PG courses. He is author of several books in
Mechanical Engineering and guiding ME and Ph.D. candidates in their research
work. His academic articles have been published in various National and
International journals, and he is also the editorial board member in various journals
of repute. He has also served as a team member in several design patents.
Er. Sarabjit Singh has more than 10 years of diverse experience in industry and
academia. He held key positions in various engineering institutions of repute. His
research interest is in the field of manufacturing, materials, polymer/metal
composite materials, automobiles etc. Presently, he is perusing his Ph.D. in
Mechanical Engineering at Maharaja Agrasen University. He has published
research papers and also served as a guide for various award-winning projects.
Dr. Suneev Anil Bansal has more than 15 years of diverse experience in the
industry, research laboratory, and academia. He served key positions in key
projects like automobile development at Hero Motor Corp., fighter aircraft
development at DRDO, and Nanomaterials & manufacturing development at
various Universities. His research interest is in the field of
Micro/nanomanufacturing, materials, 2D materials, graphene, polymer/metal
composite materials, sensing, etc. Presently, he is an assistant professor (& head
Nano/micro-manufacturing and materials research group), Maharaja Agrasen
University. He has published more than 20 research papers, 1 patent, and served as
a subject expert for several journals.
... The practise of energy harvesting, which comprises collecting and storing energy from a variety of sources in order to power devices without having to depend on conventional batteries, has acquired a significant amount of importance in recent years. [1][2][3] This rise in interest may be related to the rising requirement for electronic devices like air conditioners that can't operate without external power across a variety of applications. [4][5][6][7] ...
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Energy harvesting has emerged as a revolutionary method for attaining electronic device autonomy, reducing our reliance on conventional battery sources. This article provides an extensive exploration of energy harvesting techniques, concentrating on their state-of-the-art implementations and the challenges that confront researchers and engineers in realising self-powered electronics. It discusses numerous harvestable energy sources, including solar, kinetic, thermal, radio frequency (RF) energy. The conversion mechanisms and technological advancements of each energy source are exhaustively examined. In addition, this paper examines the current obstacles in the field, such as energy availability, conversion efficiency, energy management, scalability, environmental factors. Through the analysis of case studies and applications, it demonstrates the applicability of energy harvesting in diverse domains, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), wearables, remote sensing. In addition, this paper identifies emergent trends and future orientations, casting light on potential areas for innovation and research to resolve current limitations and influence the landscape of self-powered electronics in the future. Through this in-depth analysis, we contribute to a greater comprehension of the significance of energy harvesting and its central role in the development of sustainable electronic devices.
... However, it is also essential to address the environmental concerns associated with the disposal of e-waste, which is likely to increase with the growth of the biogas industry. [45][46][47][48][49] benefits, such as reducing pollution, creating job opportunities, producing organic nutrients that can be used in many fields like agriculture. India's leadership in compressed biogas technology represents a major stride in the quest to achieve sustainable energy and meet its energy demands • Biogas-powered electricity is a clean and renewable energy source that has the potential to power a variety of appliances, including energy-intensive ones such as air conditioners. ...
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This paper explores the potential of biogas as a renewable fuel. Biogas is a clean and sustainable energy source generated by the breakdown of organic material by certain bacteria under anaerobic conditions. It contains carbon dioxide, hydrogen, methane and can be produced from a wide range of waste materials, including sewage, manure, food, agricultural waste. Anaerobic digestion is the process used to produce biogas, which can then be used for heating, power generation, fuel, raw materials for further processing and production of sustainable chemicals such as hydrogen, CO 2 , biofuels. With a plentiful supply of cost-efficient feedstocks and a broad range of applications, biogas is an attractive and sustainable energy resource. This paper outlines the applications of biogas in power generation and fuel production as potential pathways for its use in the transition towards a more sustainable energy system. The paper also discusses the expanding biogas-based power generation over the past decade and the feasibility and productivity of biogas as an energy resource.
... Smitha K et al. [22] investigated on mechanical and microstructure properties of Al2024-WC-Gr Hybrid Composites which clearly indicates that tensile & compression strength increases up to 3% weight addition of reinforcements with 1% graphite after which there is then decreasing with further increasing the percentage of reinforcements with constant graphite percentage which is in fair agreement with the current outcomes displaying that the reinforcements supplement in the present examination was leading to decrease in strengths for reinforcements above 5% by weight. Many features, including as thermal behavior, sliding wear behavior, and mechanical properties, may still be examined for produced materials, as in comparable studies [23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30]. In current study the maximum UTS of the first reference specimen, made of pure Al2024 alloy, was 113 MPa. ...
Aluminium Metal Matrix Composites (AMMC) have attracted a lot of attention as a result of their high demand in engineering applications since they have excellent mechanical qualities. FA/SiC/Graphite was employed as reinforcement in Al-2024 to create an Al-MMC in this investigation. To minimise the cost of composites, researchers are looking at using naturally accessible materials as reinforcement. The goal of this project is to fill a gap in the present literature by conducting detailed investigation on the strength and wear behaviour of the aluminium alloy AA2024/FA/SiC/Graphite. Four distinct composites, total amounts of 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% by wt.% of FA/SiC/Graphite powder were mixed in equal proportions in Al 2024 via stir casting. Mechanical properties such as tensile strength and wear resistance have all been assessed for the prepared samples. The microstructural examination was also used to look at the reinforcement distribution in the matrix. The micrograph obtained was compared to the mechanical characteristics acquired. The maximum UTS of the first reference specimen, made of pure Al2024 alloy, was 113 MPa. When FA, SiC, and graphite are added in constant volume fractions of 0 percent, 5 percent, 10 percent, 15 percent, and 20 percent, the tensile strength of Al2024/FA/SiC/graphite hybrid MMC is reduced. The ultimate tensile strength of the developed Al2024 hybrid MMCs varies between 90 and 115 MPa depending on the reinforcing combinations tested.
... This alloy can be processed into hybrid aluminium matrix composites by adding materials like fly ash, silicon carbide and graphite, among several other items [4][5][6][7]. Different physical properties are interdependent and improving one property such as wearresistance cannot be obtained at the expense of strength [8][9][10]. ...
In recent years, Aluminum alloys reinforced with non-metallic and metallic materials has emerged as an important class of engineering materials since they have excellent mechanical qualities. However, newer compositions are required to be explored for specific requirements of the industry such as wear resistance. In this paper, aluminium alloy (Al-2024) was embedded with a blend of SiC/Fly Ash/Graphite in various compositions using the stir casting method. Wear and friction characteristics of the prepared compositions were evaluated on a pin-on-disc tribometer. The specimens were tested at a constant load of 20 N and a sliding speed of 1.6 m/s for a sliding distance of 800 m. The wear mechanism was evaluated using a scanning electron microscope. The wear rate of the 15% reinforced sample was recorded to be the lowest among all the developed composites and was found to reduce by 69 times as compared to the Al-2024 alloy matrix alone. The wear mechanism was a combination of abrasive and adhesive wear mechanisms.
... At a similar time, these losses size, amongst further parameters, be contingent on the heat-protective properties of the building wrapper. Assumed the heat losses backgrounds, one can distinguish transmission heat losses through the building envelope, and aeration and penetration heat losses, as an outcome of air infiltration through the intersections of the construction envelope [18][19][20]. ...
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In this study, investigation of the different materials combinations used for roof insulation in Iraq has been conducted. Rate of heat transfer and cost analysis were performed using three samples of roof insulation combinations commonly used in Iraq in addition to the reinforced cement roof as a threshold for comparison. The materials used in these combinations include; concrete tile, sand, concrete, and cork. The study results showed that the rate of heat flow reduced by 79%, 98% and 98% with the implementation of combination B, C and D respectively compared to that of concrete without insulation. However, the cost of materials and construction have been increased when using these combinations compared to that of concrete without insulation. The extra cost per unit reduction of heat flow increased by 60%, 100% and 150% when using combination B, C and D respectively compared to that of concrete without insulation. Though sample D shows slightly better insulation performance, extra cost per unit reduction of heat flow observed compared to sample C. Accordingly, the addition of more insulations in sample D represent extra cost without any significant reduction in the heat flow and the optimum combination achieved with sample C compared to B and D.
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This article explores fly ash, a coal combustion byproduct, and its potential applications in sustainable engineering. Classified as Class F with pozzolanic qualities or Class C with self-cementing capabilities, fly ash is used in construction, environmental cleanup, and innovative materials. It also has potential for climate change mitigation and the circular economy. However, it faces issues like leaching, compositional variability, and economic feasibility. To overcome these, advanced characterization methods, innovative activation approaches, and joint research are suggested. Fly ash integration into sustainable construction, carbon capture, and circular economy principles requires ongoing study and development based on its chemistry. Future research objectives include chemical activation, life cycle assessments, new energy storage, and nanotechnology usage.
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This meta-analysis will examine research on the use of fly ash as an additive to boost the compressive strength of OPC grade 43 concrete. The goal of this meta-analysis is to review research. The study investigates the influence that fly ash has on the structure, mechanical properties, sustainability of concrete. The findings highlight a number of significant benefits, including as increased compressive strength, reduced porosity, improved particle bonding. According to the findings of the study, including fly ash into concrete not only makes the material more robust and resistant to damage, but it also promotes more environmentally responsible practises by reducing the carbon footprint of a company. By providing an overview of recent advances in the use of fly ash, this research sheds light on the potential benefits that might result from making use of fly ash in the construction of future projects. It places a focus on the relevance of environmentally responsible construction practises and demonstrates how fly ash may assist in the reduction of waste production while simultaneously supporting the reuse of waste products from industrial processes. The study highlights the advantages of using fly ash in building materials and the need of implementing environmentally responsible building practises. According to the findings of the research, the percentage of fly ash that is included in concrete varies depending on the kind of cement used, the temperature, the amount of moisture present, the heat of hydration, the age of the concrete. This study has the potential to be helpful to academics and practitioners working in the construction field since it provides a substantial understand of recent research and advancements in the utilisation of fly ash.
Metakaolin (MK) is a pozzolanic amorphous powder substance derived by the calcination of pure kaolinite clay, while fiber reinforcement is the minor pieces of reinforcing material that possesses certain characteristics properties. To attain better efficiency of composites that can be used as a material of concrete the present research is an endeavor to investigate how composite fiber-reinforced concrete with metakaolin as an admixture is efficiently used. The current investigation explores the testing of the concrete cube characteristics when combining with steel fiber and metakaolin to improve the compressive strength and split tensile strength of concrete. This current examination reveals that the optimum value of compression strength and split tensile strength of concrete is achieved by using metakaolin in a proportion of around 15% to 20% along with 1.5% of steel by the weight of cement. Both the findings promote the use of metakaolin and the addition of additives such as hooked steel fibers to provide a concrete of greater strength than ordinary concrete.KeywordsMetakaolin (MK)Steel fiberKaolinite clay
An investigation was conducted in the present work to study the strength characteristics of concrete blended with rice-husk ash (RHA) and fly ash (FA) as partial replacement for cement. Fly ash is obtained from thermal power plants and RHA is an agricultural waste. Both of these materials are available abundantly in India Transportation and disposal of these wastes is a major environmental and health problem. Using them as alternative additional cementitious materials (SCMs) provides a lucrative waste up-cycling opportunity. The strength characteristics of concrete samples with and without FA and RHA were measured and compared by conducting compressive strength, split tensile strength & flexural strength tests. Varying combinations of FA and RHA (0%, 10%, 20%, and 30%) were used as a replacement of cement. The results suggested that at a combination of using 7.5% RHA and 22.5% FA, replacing the cement; the compressive strength, split tensile strengths and flexural strength of concrete increased by 15%, 0.67% and 24% respectively. These results clearly indicated that use of FA and RHA in concrete blend is an efficient and local approach towards sustainable construction.KeywordsConcreteFly ashRice-husk ashAgricultural waste
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In the era of globalization, approach of every industry shifted towards additive manufacturing for the optimum utilization of input resources i.e. man, machine and materials so that better productivity would achieve by way of Rapid Prototyping, 3-D Printing and Digital Manufacturing. This book is primarily designed for fundamental understanding of additive manufacturing approach in core sector industries related to Mechanical, Electronics, Civil, Computer application and Biomechanics research fraternity etc. and full fill the gap of knowledge regarding additive manufacturing in academia and industry. This book is a result of collective efforts of persons with multi-disciplinary field around a common theme, Role of Additive Manufacturing in Industry 4.0 that go with it. This book will provide the original idea of additive manufacturing connecting high quality production efficiency with its pioneering innovation and sustainable practices adopted by the industries for the betterment of societal changes around the world. In vein with the original idea of additive manufacturing, put forth as a vision of creating digital manufacturing, a future for the industries in order to maintain sustainability in the competitive world. The aim of the book reflects the technological advancement in industry with positive societal changes. Hopefully, this book opens new vistas for academicians, industrialists, researchers and scientist’s works in additive manufacturing.
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A by-product after coal burning is kenned as Coal Fly Ash (CFA) deemed to be environmentally perilous. However, fly ash has been used in numerous zones since previous few centuries. Overall, this review survey highlights the research that fixates on the trends of utilization of coal fly generated in India for engineering applications such as cement, concrete, soil stabilization, road base/ embankment, land reclamation, agriculture and much more.
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Due to presence of occupants in the specified volume of design offices the oxygen content goes on decreasing as people continuously inhale oxygen and generate carbon dioxide thus reducing oxygen level and increasing carbon dioxide level which is detrimental for human health. For a particular office space the number of occupants and their time of occupancy adversely affect the performance level of the occupants. Medical reports show that if carbon dioxide concentrations are above the specified levels as mentioned in ASHRAE guidelines, decision-making ability of human will be adversely affected. The present study has been conducted for measurement of carbon dioxide levels in air conditioned industrial design centers for different volumes, different time and different occupancy in generation of carbon dioxide. In the present case the Taguchi method is used to evaluate the parameters which affect the health and performance of the occupants working in design centers. It has been observed that number of occupants, volume and time of occupancy play significant role as compared to temperature of the design center. Based on the results obtained from analysis it is suggested to automate proper air ventilation while using small air conditioners.
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The history of thermal insulation materials is not as long as that of other materials but the necessity of insulation is as old as the building activity. Prehistoric human beings built shelters to protect themselves from the elements. Originally they used organic materials for insulation and later durable ones. Earth-sheltered houses and cave dwellings were also popular because of their benefits (thermal lag of earth covering). However people used not only materials that were found in the nature, but discovered others which were suitable for insulating. Processing organic materials, people produced the first insulated plates of cork, reed, flax, and eelgrass in the 19th century. Meanwhile lots of synthetic materials were invented (slag wool, rock wool, fiberglass, foam glass). In addition insulated bricklaying elements (hollow bricks, AAC) were developed too. Expanded perlite and clay have also been used since the 1930s as loose insulation or aggregate in lightweight concrete. The appearance of plastic foams caused huge revolution. Plastic production was well-known in the 19th century but the first plastic foam was made of XPS in 1941. Nowadays the most popular insulation materials are plastic foams and mineral wool. Only a small amount of natural materials are built in. Their growth is substantial because of many reasons.
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With regard to the requirements of EU directive 2010/31/EU [1] is necessary in the construction and reconstruction of existing buildings to implement effective measures for reducing their energy consumption. From 1. 1. 2021 should get virtually all new buildings, buildings with almost zero energy. These facts mean that the construction of new and reconstruction of existing structures growing consumption of thermal insulation materials. From the perspective of sustainable development from the perspective of environmental (CO2 emissions) are thermally insulating materials based on natural organic fibers promising alternative to synthetic thermal insulation of mineral fibers and foam-plastic substances. The main disadvantages of the thermal insulation materials based on natural, which very often precludes their use in thermal insulation systems structures are: high water absorption and poor response to fire. The paper deals with the possibility of modifying of thermal insulation materials based on technical hemp with a view to reducing water absorption and hygroscopicity.
Thermal insulation materials play an important role in the challenge of nearly zero-energy buildings thanks to their potential in reducing building's energy demand and carbon emissions. However, increasing the thickness of the insulation material in the building's envelope has implications from the energy, environmental and economic viewpoints. In this context, efforts should be made to optimise insulation thickness to balance all these aspects. This study presents a methodology to analyse optimum insulation material for the building's envelope (roof, façade and floor) and its thickness to achieve energy demand reductions in the operation phase of the building, which is based on the Life Cycle Assessment and Life Cycle Costing methodologies to integrate both environmental and economic aspects, respectively. The system boundary includes the life cycle stages of product and use defined by recent European standards. A selection of eleven alternative insulation materials, both conventional and emerging ones based on natural products, were chosen to conduct the study. After applying the methodology to a single-family house in Spain and performing a sensitivity analysis, the results revealed that sheep wool and recycled cotton, jointly with traditionally used mineral and glass wool, should be promoted in the construction industry as they offer the highest eco-efficient performance among the analysed insulation materials. Reductions of up to 40% in energy demand compared to regulations standards can be achieved in theeco-efficiency context.
The natural fibrous materials are widely used as thermal insulator for building application. The thermal insulating performance of natural fibrous material are affecting by the high humidity and temperature. Due to high moisture in natural fibrous insulators, they are very susceptible for microorganisms attack as well as the reduction in the thermal insulating properties. In this work, hydrophobic surface treatment was given to the wood fibrous insulator using octadecyltrichlorosilane (OTS). The deposition of OTS monolayers on wood fibers surface was confirmed by X-ray photoelectron microscopy (XPS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and water contact angle of wood fibers measured by sessile drop method. The influence of hydrophobic treatment on hygric properties of wood fibrous insulator was characterized using especially designed double-climatic set-up. The effectiveness of hydrophobic treated wood fibers towards mould fungi growth was also examined. The hydrophobic treatment improved the hygric properties and effectiveness towards mould significantly.
Vegetal materials were one of the first construction materials used by humans, but the development of petrol-based synthetic materials in the last century replaced them in mainstream construction techniques. However, since environmental impact and resource depletion are increasingly becoming a central issue, vegetal materials are revisited. Natural thermal insulations are mainly developed from woody materials and industrial fibres, but these raw materials are not always locally available. Thus, the use of crop by-products is proposed here. The availability of crop by-products to be used as raw materials for building thermal insulations in Spain is evaluated. It is then compared to demand forecasts based on two different scenarios. Results vary greatly from one scenario to another, but they indicate that the amount of crop by-products is sufficient to meet estimated demand. Barley and wheat straw are by far the most abundant by-products, followed by corn, rice and sunflowers. Available corn by-products would be sufficient to insulate between 250,000 and 450,000 dwellings yearly.
Large amounts of heat losses occur in pipelines of district heating system. If these lines become insulated, a significant energy savings would be obtained. In this study, by using life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) method, the optimum insulation thickness, energy savings, annual costs and payback period were estimated for various pipe diameters and insulation materials of the heating systems in Isparta/Turkey and in the regions with different degree-day values. As a fuel, natural gas was used in the study. In consequence of the calculations, the optimum insulation thickness was found vary between 0.048 and 0.134 m, the energy-saving was found vary between 10.84 and 49.78 $/m; and the payback period was found vary between 0.74 and 1.29 years. According to these results, EPS insulation material with a nominal diameter (DN) of 250 mm provides the highest energy savings, while the lowest value was found to be in fiberglass insulation material with DN 50 mm. As a result, heating systems, selection of suitable pipe diameters and insulation materials with optimum thicknesses provide significant economic advantages and savings.
Environmental preservation is about individual’s culture. It is though a necessity to preserve our globe, but generally people attempt to guise it by using a suitable end of pipe solution. This is easy to implement rather than conceptually attempting to take suitable preventative action bused on cultural change(s).The journey to environment friendly cultural change passes through 3 ‘R’s; which are namely Reuse, Recycle, Reclaim or Recoup, before suitably Refurbish or Refuse it to enviro-friendly degradation.What makes much of the energy or materials down the drain is the lack of culture. Because, much of our activities are unproductive and result in wastages and losses, these leave a considerable scope for saving of resources and possibly redeployment of byproducts into profitable or envirofriendly uses.The present study quantitatively demonstrates the efficiency of a combustion reaction involving carbon (or coal), and its consequent oxidation with various excess air levels. It is demonstrated that deployment of heat is related to the efficiency of combustion.The best routre to environmental preservation is exercising austerity of use. That is, to maintain and sustain environmental preservation, one could collectively deploy various paradigm, duly termed by ‘REALM’ proposed as an acronym duly designed by author.
Because energy efficiency in buildings will be evaluated not only based upon heating demand, but also according to the primary energy demand, the ecological properties of the building materials for the whole assessment has become essential. The demand for green building materials is rising sharply, especially insulating materials from renewable resources. The application of natural materials has become increasingly important as a consequence of the increasing need to conserve energy, use natural materials, incorporate architecture and construction into sustainable development processes, and the recently promulgated discussions on appropriate disposal of used insulation materials such as polystyrene (EPS).Due to the fact that natural materials are more sensitive to moisture, decomposition factors such as temperature, material moisture content, attacks by microorganisms, and possible decomposition of the material or shorter durability, it is necessary to evaluate the degradation rate of built-in materials and also determine their real in situ hygrothermal properties according to their moisture content, and volume changes.This paper describes the results of a research project carried out at the Vienna University of Technology and Brno University of Technology. The objective is to use jute, flax, and hemp to develop a new insulating material from renewable resources with comparable building physics and mechanical properties to commonly used insulations materials. All input components are varied in the tests. The impact of moisture content changes in relation to the rate of change of other properties was the focus of the investigation. The tests results show that the correct combination of natural materials is absolutely comparable with convectional materials.