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Elimination of the biogenic pollution effects on aquatic environments


Abstract and Figures

Intensive water consumption from surface sources leads to debit imbalance and high level of pollution, especially for wastewater discharges, including urban wastewater treatment facilities. Dissolved harmful and organic substances enter a large number of water bodies, which leads to harsh conditions for the survival of the rivers flora and fauna. A demonstrative indicator of environmental troubles is the intensive development of blue-green algae, which are a nutrient medium for cyanobacteria. Their productivity can be limited by hydromechanical capture. It is proposed to use a small-sized mobile vessel with a filter unit using replaceable cartridges and a pump. As a filter material, it is recommended to use crushed reeds. This technical solution allows the environmentally safe disposal of biomass, saturated with phytoplankton and heavy metal ions that are effectively absorbed. An equation of the distribution of concentrations of blue-green algae over the distance measured from the water surface is provided. The calculated data obtained from the proposed dependence allow us to determine the required level of immersion of the suction probes. The optimal time period in days for the operation of filtering units during summer season was revealed.
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Elimination of the biogenic pollution effects on
aquatic environments
Vladimir Sherbakov 1, Konstantin Chizhik 2*, Tatyana Shchukina 1, and Anastasiya
Milyaeva 1
1Voronezh State Technical University, Voronezh, Russia
2Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, Moscow, Russia
Abstract. Intensive water consumption from surface sources leads to
debit imbalance and high level of pollution, especially for wastewater
discharges, including urban wastewater treatment facilities. Dissolved
harmful and organic substances enter a large number of water bodies,
which leads to harsh conditions for the survival of the rivers flora and
fauna. A demonstrative indicator of environmental troubles is the intensive
development of blue-green algae, which are a nutrient medium for
cyanobacteria. Their productivity can be limited by hydromechanical
capture. It is proposed to use a small-sized mobile vessel with a filter unit
using replaceable cartridges and a pump. As a filter material, it is
recommended to use crushed reeds. This technical solution allows the
environmentally safe disposal of biomass, saturated with phytoplankton
and heavy metal ions that are effectively absorbed. An equation of the
distribution of concentrations of blue-green algae over the distance
measured from the water surface is provided. The calculated data obtained
from the proposed dependence allow us to determine the required level of
immersion of the suction probes. The optimal time period in days for the
operation of filtering units during summer season was revealed.
1 Introduction
The urgent problem for metropolises and large cities, especially with powerful industrial
centers, is the low quality of water resources. As a rule, subject to processing and
transportation technologies, water supply from underground sources is satisfactory. A
completely different situation occurs when using the resources of water bodies running
through the territories of regions with a high population density.
The historical formation of settlements, and subsequently large cities on the main
waterways, was predetermined by two main reasons: water demand for household needs (it
was in abundance with such arrangement of buildings and cultivated areas) and opened up
great opportunities for convenient transportation. Then, due to the active development of
production activities, consumption increased significantly, which could be ensured by
existing nearby rivers and lakes. At high rates of industrialization and the emergence of
new high-tech industries, the construction of water bodies with huge reserves of fresh water
was required. However, the effective solution of deficit issues through the creation of
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E3S Web of Conferences 180, 04010 (2020)
TE-RE-RD 2020
reservoirs, the prevailing ecosystems in the occupied territories were irretrievably violated,
and the negative pressure on the environment increased.
The current trend of intensive consumption of water resources, along with the
imbalance introduced, causes pollution of surface sources by wastewater discharge after
treatment facilities. Given the low efficiency of technological treatment cycles, wastewater
entering in large volumes into rivers or reservoirs significantly worsens the quality of the
habitat required to preserve the species diversity of river flora and fauna. Given that the
decay time of harmful substances discharged into water bodies has a rather long period,
their inevitable accumulation occurs, which poses a serious threat to the subsequent
emergence of an environmental disaster. Therefore, wastewater quality indicators must be
achieved at biological treatment plants so that the impurities contained in them would not
cause damage to water bodies and thereby ensure the safe use of surface sources for
industrial, domestic and fishery needs.
Despite rather strict legislative requirements for wastewater treatment, as well as the
reduction in consumption by industrial enterprises and the population, the ecological state
of water bodies in regions with large industrial centers is often of concern. Their intense
pollution occurs for a number of main reasons: violations in the operating modes of
treatment facilities, a mismatch with the high technical level of treatment technology and
deterioration of equipment. In addition, there are other sources of pollution, which include
surface runoff from residential and agricultural areas, as well as soil erosion in coastal
areas. All that creates an environmental threat both for the water body itself (degradation of
aquatic flora and fauna) and for the population as a whole, having a negative impact on the
health of the nation.
2 Materials and methods
As a result of the pollution, biogenic elements such as nitrogen, potassium, calcium,
sodium, sulfur, phosphorus, carbon, and chlorine enter water bodies. Their presence during
natural water metabolism ensures the normal functioning of organisms, but significant
concentrations, especially in soluble organic substances coming from sewage, are the
reason for the intensive development of algae, contributing to the eutrophication of water
bodies. The latter can be caused not only by anthropogenic influences, but also by the
natural aging of the habitat in a water body. In prosperous ecosystems, the development of
algae contributes to the formation of a richer food base for fish and other aquatic
organisms, but at high growth rates caused by anthropogenic influences an additional
deterioration in water quality occurs due to the so-called “flowering”, turbidity and a
decrease in oxygen content. At low visibility indices, the photosynthesis of algae growing
on the bottom ceases and their dying off occurs, exacerbating the ecological situation. The
high degree of eutrophication of water bodies achieved in this case causes the river fauna to
freeze. Therefore, the intensity of growth of concentrations of blue-green algae during the
“flowering” period of water is a fairly clear indicator of the ecological state of the water
body. The main reasons for increasing the reproduction of cyanobacteria include the
decrease in the flow rate, the formation of stagnant, well-heated shallow water and the
intake of a significant amount of nutrients in the composition of dissolved organic
substances. Since blue-green algae are extremely viable species of phytoplankton, they
immediately respond to any environmental threat, adapting to new conditions [1-4]. They
change the pace of their development depending on the hydrodynamic parameters of water
bodies, weather conditions and the availability of essential nutrients. Since the vegetative
period of blue-green algae is short, intensive reproduction leads to the death of a large
amount of phytoplankton, which contributes to the accumulation of detritus that settles in
the deep zone. The resulting biomass is a nutrient medium for destructors, which consume
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oxygen during their lifetime, reducing its concentration in water. In the absence of oxygen,
bacteria-destructors survive due to anaerobic digestion to more auspicious conditions. As a
result, the content of dissolved oxygen varies in depth, significantly decreasing in the
bottom zones.
After the death of phytoplankton, the biogenic elements digested by it during the
subsequent decomposition of detritus are again released at the bottom and then transported
by ascending convective flows to the surface, where they are again consumed by viable
cyanobacteria. Thus, the cycle of biogenic pollution is not only repeated, but also
exacerbated. During intensive “blooming”, water may contain up to 200 various chemical
elements and compounds that pose an environmental threat [5-7]. A high concentration of
blue-green algae contributes to the accumulation of acetone, butyl alcohol, acetic and
butyric acids, phenols, mercaptans, amines, and indole-containing components. These
processes are accompanied by a decrease in the pH of water to 5–4 and lower, as well as an
increase in the temperature of the saturation zone of phytoplankton relative to the average
statistical by 6–8 °C [5–7]. The latter, in turn, contributes to the intense evaporation of algal
metabolites, causing air pollution and specific unpleasant odor. It should also be noted that
a significant amount of dissolved organic compounds serves as a breeding ground for the
preservation and development of pathogenic microflora, which exacerbates the adverse
sanitary and epidemiological situation [8. 9].
If difficulties in achieving the required quality of wastewater arise, it is necessary to
timely eliminate the consequences of biogenic pollution in order to prevent critical
conditions in the ecological balance of water bodies. The development of eutrophication
can be overcome by a fairly reliable and effective way of dealing with excess
phytoplankton, based on the hydromechanical principle of filtering water resources [10,
11]. The devices of simple construction used in this case provide a directed effect on the
epicenter of cyanobacterial reproduction, which helps to localize areas of increased
biogenic pollution, preventing them from spreading. It is advisable to utilize collected
biomass on disposable filter nozzles filled with shredded coarse aquatic vegetation, since
the proteins and carbohydrates contained in phytoplankton are high quality raw materials
for the production of biogas after higher calorie fats. Given the percentage ratio in terms of
alternative fuel reproduction [12], under favorable anaerobic digestion conditions, up to
1300 m3 of biogas can be obtained from 1 ton of fat, and up to 780 m3 from proteins and
carbohydrates of the same mass. This is confirmed by the results of experimental studies
[13] of fermentation of raw phytoplankton in volumes of 1 dm3 for a week at a temperature
of 20-30 °C. The anaerobic process was accompanied by the formation of 700 ml or more
of gas with a composition of 65% methane (CH4), up to 30% carbon dioxide (CO2) and an
average of 1% of the following components H2, H2S, O2 and N2 [13]. According to other
data, in the conversion of 1 kg of dry mass of algae [14] at a temperature of 32 ° C, biogas
is produced with a volume of 0.8-1 m3, the composition of which has practically the same
indicators for the content of various impurities in methane. The amount of gas released
depending on the type of utilized algae is given in the studies [15]. However, filter fillers
saturated with phytoplankton during the cleaning of biogenic pollution zones do not allow
evaluating the ratios of various ichthyoflora species detained in them. Therefore, in this
situation, to assess the possible reproduction of biogas, one should use the averaged values
obtained taking into account the actual moisture content of the raw materials sent to
anaerobic digestion.
To address the issues of effective cleaning of water bodies from the effects of biogenic
pollution, one should consider the distribution of phytoplankton forming in the warm
season of the year in depth in zones of environmental disaster. As already noted, near the
surface of the water, active photosynthesis occurs and, accordingly, favorable conditions
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contribute to the high reproduction of cyanobacteria, which primarily leads to their
distribution in the upper layers. Therefore, the suction devices of the filtering installations
should be located closer to the surface of the water and with a limitation of the depth of
their immersion. It is possible to determine the appropriate range in height of the location of
the probes for collecting biomass when analyzing the process of structural formation of
cyanobacterial colonies in the aquatic environment. With active photosynthesis in the upper
zone caused by the unhindered penetration of solar radiation, the differential equation for
the distribution of the concentration of blue-green algae taking into account the
hydrodynamics of the channel will look as follows:
, (1)
where C is the concentration of blue-green algae, g/m3; z is the vertical axis directed from
the surface of the water to the bottom of the reservoir, m; ν - water flow rate, m/s; h is the
height of the zone of intense photosynthesis, depending on the turbidity of the water, and
the average taken equal to 1 m; ms is the specific mass rate of formation of blue-green algae
in 1 m3 of the aquatic environment, g/(s·m3). The change in the concentration of blue-green
algae along the depth measured from the surface of the water primarily depends on the
dynamic assimilation of the formed cyanobacteria and their accumulation in the intensive
growth zone at the age corresponding to the end of the vegetative period, which is taken
into account in expression (1). The solution to equation (1), including the listed
components, is the dependence :
. (2)
To determine the constant integration c as the boundary condition, we use the
assumption that the concentration of blue-green algae on the surface of the water, that is, at
z = 0, will be equal to the maximum value determined by the level of biogenic pollution of
the reservoir. Then expression (2) becomes :
. (3)
The obtained equation (3) allows us to analyze the structure of the formation of colonies
of cyanobacteria by the height of shallow waters at various degrees of pollution of water
3 Results
As shown by previous studies, the daily mass formation rate of blue-green algae, depending
on the amount of dissolved organic substances, is in the range from 0.1 to 0.5 g/ (day·m3),
therefore, the specific mass velocity ms, which is included in the expression (3) may have
values in the range from 1.16·10-6 to 5.79·10-6 g/(s·m3). The flow velocity in the expansion
zones of blue-green algae, as a rule, does not exceed 0.5 m/s. Therefore, given the values of
these parameters, the ratio msh/v has a weak effect on the distribution of concentrations
over the depth of the aquatic environment. Fundamental in this process is the
photosynthesis of phytoplankton, which floats to the surface to absorb solar radiation and
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Consider the distribution of blue-green algae along the depth of a reservoir with varying
degrees of biogenic pollution. The concentration changes shown in Fig. 1 and obtained by
dependence (3) for a rather problematic environmental situation with reaching the
maximum value of 0.15 g/m3, as well as for more dangerous biogenic pollution,
corresponding to 0.2 g/m3 and to 0.25 g/m3, show that it is the first meter zone that is
subject to active saturation with phytoplankton. Therefore, to clean the reservoir, the
suction devices should be located not lower than 1 m, and if possible, the depth of
immersion should be rigidly fixed, they should be in the range from 0.05 to 0.5 m according
to the distribution of concentrations.
Fig. 1. Change in the concentration of blue-green algae in depth from the surface of the water: 1 -
with a maximum content of blue-green algae B
С= 0.15 g/m3; 2 - at B
С= 0.2 g/m3;
3 - at B
С= 0.25 g/m3
Given the distribution of concentrations (Fig. 1), it should be noted that after the first
hydromechanical treatment of the ecological disaster zone, it is advisable to re-remove the
surfaced blue-green algae after a day, thereby preventing the rapid restoration of
cyanobacteria colonies. Subsequently, with a possible change in weather conditions,
eutrophication can slow down significantly, which will favorably affect the habitat for
ichthyofauna. For the effective organization of hydromechanical cleaning of water bodies,
the operation of the devices should be limited to the period of activation of phytoplankton,
namely from 10:00 to 16:00 hours. By setting immersion probes to the optimum depth and
pumping water through a filter nozzle filled with shredded hard vegetation, not only the
problem of removing phytoplankton is solved, but it also stimulates updating of the river
flora, the aging and dying of which also contributes to eutrophication. Large hydrophytes,
such as reeds or cattail during the vegetative period, are able to extract biogenic elements
from water in large quantities, contributing to the natural cleaning of water bodies. For
example, a dense mature reed thicket with an area of 1 ha can accumulate up to 6 tons of
various mineral substances, including K - 859 kg, N - 167 kg, P - 122 kg, Na - 451 kg, S -
277 kg and Si - 3672 kg [1, 16]. Assimilating the listed elements, the reed performs
cleaning functions in the reservoir, but only if its thickets will be updated every year by
mowing. Cutting and removing this type of coarse algae, crushing and filling filter
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cartridges with it, and then through floating stations trapping phytoplankton and other
impurities on them, the habitat for the river flora can be significantly improved. In addition,
the sorbing properties of the reed allows the purification of water from heavy metal ions by
their absorption by the porous structure of the nozzle.
The collected concentrated biomass can be sent for anaerobic digestion into the
digesters of urban wastewater treatment plants or, in the absence thereof, with a minimum
content of harmful substances, be added into the soil as fertilizer, since it is rich in
nutrients. However, further disposal of the collected phytoplankton is preferable in a biogas
plant. The reed, recommended for use for disposable nozzles, also has high methanogenesis
during anaerobic digestion, which makes it possible to efficiently utilize the total biomass
4 Conclusion
Biogenic pollution of water bodies, especially of artificial origins, at high temperature
conditions in the summer seasons leads to a significant increase in the reproductive ability
of cyanobacteria. In order to avoid intensive “blooming” of water in shallow water heated
by solar radiation, it is advisable to periodically capture blue-green algae through floating
filtering stations. The suction devices of the stations, in accordance to the obtained equation
for the distribution of phytoplankton concentrations, should be located at a depth of 0.05 to
0.5 m from the surface of the water. Shredded reeds should be used as the filler for
disposable filter cartridges. Such plants not only make it possible to collect excess
phytoplankton, but also sorb heavy metal ions by absorbing them by the porous structure of
hard aquatic vegetation filling the nozzles. Disposal of the collected biomass and cartridge
filler should be carried out by anaerobic digestion, i.e. sent to the digesters of urban
wastewater treatment plants or biogas plant reactors.
The proposed method for improving the environmental safety of water bodies by means
of floating filtering stations allows phytoplankton capture not only to remove biogenic
elements absorbed by blue-green algae, but also to additionally clean shallow water from
hard ichthyoflora used to fill cartridges. All this together will cause positive dynamics in
the state of water bodies under the existing threat of intense eutrophication.
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... Taip pat šiai grupei priskirta ir momentinė avarijų, nelaimingų atsitikimų metu pasklidusi tarša. Pagrindiniai šios grupės teršalai: sunkieji metalai, naftos produktai, šarmų ir rūgščių tirpalai bei organinės kilmės medžiagos [7]. ...
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The objective of the article is to determine the variation in the concentration of biogenic substances in the Kulpė river. The theoretical part of this article reviews the division of Lithuanian surface waters into river basin districts and their ecological status. The damage caused to surface waters by the main groups of anthropogenic pollution, as well as preventive pollution reduction measures, is summarised, and the methodology of the study of the surface water is analysed. The samples of the Kulpė River were taken twice on 04/03/2023 and 04/25/2023 in order to determine the change in substances concentration. Sampling sites were selected based on the geographical location of the river, surrounding objects and river flow. During the study of river waters, the following indicators were determined: nitrates (NO3-N, mg/l N), ammonium nitrogen (NH4-N, mg/l N), total nitrogen (Nb, mg/l), phosphate phosphorus (PO4-P, mg/l P), total phosphorus (Pb, mg/l). According to the studied biogenic substances, the worst results were obtained in the northern part of the city of Šiauliai. The concentration level of the ammonium nitrogen reached a bad ecological status in the river sources and the central part of the city. Keywords: biogenic substances, anthropogenic pollution, surface water, Kulpė river.
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The research presented in this manuscript concerns the evaluation of the effectiveness of microstrainers, which are designed to reduce the amount of plankton in treated surface water. The efficiency of microstrainer filtration analysis is very important for the proper course of the water-treatment process not only in the Water-Treatment Plant (WTP) in Zielona Góra (central western Poland) but also in other WTPs around the world. The qualitative and quantitative monitoring of the abundance of plankton including cyanobacteria during the particle-filtration process allows not only for the assessment of the potential cyanotoxic risk in surface water providing a source of drinking water, but also allows the evaluation of the action and the prevention of adverse impacts of microstrainers. Over four years of research, it was observed that the largest amount of cyanobacteria before microstrainer filtration took place in May. The dominant species was Limnothrix redeckei. The microstrainer removal of plankton and cyanobacteria was statistically significant. The quantity of removed plankton increased with its increasing content in raw water. The particle-filtration process, by reducing the amount of cyanobacteria, contributes to a decrease in intracellular microcystins.
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Several thousand metric tonnes of aquatic biomass are removed from water bodies every year, so that these waters can continue to be used for ship and boat traffic and for leisure activities. The mowed material is generally disposed off without any further use. Therefore, the crop properties of samples from 39 weed control measures all over Germany were examined to assess the suitability of aquatic plant biomass as a substrate for anaerobic digestion systems. Analysis of the crop samples consisted of the identification of plant species and the evaluation of sediment contents and concentrations of macroelements. The methane yield was determined for selected aquatic plants. Analysis revealed a carbon/nitrogen ratio (C/N) of between 10 and 20 in 74% of samples. The concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorous in the samples were comparable to grass silages. With regard to heavy metal concentrations, the threshold values for biowaste for nickel, zinc, and cadmium were exceeded in three samples. There were no significant seasonal differences in substrate characteristics and qualities. The specific methane yields of individual aquatic plants were between 142 and 372 LCH4/kg volatile solids (VS). The results of this study showed that aquatic macrophytes can be used as substrates in anaerobic digestion plants without any restrictions.
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The adsorption behavior and mechanism for the uptake of fluoride ions by untreated and desugared reed residues (roots, stems and leaves) were studied through adsorption experiments, elemental analysis, infrared spectroscopy and surface area analysis. The results showed that the adsorption capacity of untreated and desugared reeds followed the order: desugared roots 2136 mg/kg > desugared leaves 1825 mg/kg > desugared stems 1551 mg/kg > untreated roots 191 mg/kg > untreated stems 175 mg/kg > untreated leaves 150 mg/kg, so adsorption capacity of desugared reeds was larger than that of the untreated reeds. The adsorption kinetic of fluoride ions followed a pseudo-first-order model. A Langmuir model could be used to fit the isothermal adsorption process which was a spontaneous endothermic reaction involving mainly physical adsorption. The ΔG for the uptake of fluoride by the desugared reeds was more negative, so the degree of spontaneity was higher than for the use of the untreated reeds. After samples were desugared, the specific surface area and aromaticity of the reed increased, while the polarity and hydrophilicity decreased, which explained the adsorption amount of desugared reed was higher than that of the untreated. This study enriches techniques and methods of removing fluoride ions from water.
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The co-occurrence of cyanotoxins and taste-and-odor compounds are a growing concern for drinking water treatment plants (DWTPs) suffering cyanobacteria in water resources. The dissolved and cell-bound forms of three microcystin (MC) congeners (MC-LR, MC-RR and MC-YR) and four taste-and-odor compounds (geosmin, 2-methyl isoborneol, β-cyclocitral and β-ionone) were investigated monthly from August 2011 to July 2012 in the eastern drinking water source of Lake Chaohu. The total concentrations of microcystins and taste-and-odor compounds reached 8.86 μg/L and 250.7 ng/L, respectively. The seasonal trends of microcystins were not consistent with those of the taste-and-odor compounds, which were accompanied by dominant species Microcystis and Dolichospermum. The fate of the cyanobacteria and metabolites were determined simultaneously after the processes of coagulation/flocculation, sedimentation, filtration and chlorination in the associated full-scale DWTP. The dissolved fractions with elevated concentrations were detected after some steps and the breakthrough of cyanobacteria and metabolites were even observed in finished water. Chlorophyll-a limits at intake were established for the drinking water source based on our investigation of multiple metabolites, seasonal variations and their elimination rates in the DWTP. Not only microcystins but also taste-and-odor compounds should be taken into account to guide the management in source water and in DWTPs.
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The results of long­term research of various ways and methods of collection and processing of blue­green algae that cause “bloom” of the Dnieper reservoirs were presented. The possibility and feasibility of the blue­green algae biomass processing to biogas by methanogenesis were substantiated. It was found experimentally that preliminary mechanical cavitation of the blue­green algae biomass increases the biogas yield by 21.5 %. It was determined that the biogas produced contains up to 72 % of methane and hydrogen, up to 21 % of carbon dioxide, up to 6.5 % of molecular nitrogen. Oxygen, carbon oxide (II), hydrogen sulfide and other impurities constitute up to 2 % of the biogas volume. Biotesting of the spent substrate to determine its toxicity for further use as a biofertilizer in agriculture and forestry was held. Modern methods of electron microscopy found that the average diameter of cells of blue­green algae Microcystis aeruginosa is 3.14 microns. The flow diagram of the blue­green algae biomass complex processing was proposed. It consists in removal of valuable components for medicine, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, production of technical detergents, mixtures of aliphatic alcohols as biofuels or additives to gasoline. Thus, it is possible to obtain more biogas by involving the spent activated sludge from sewage treatment facilities in methanogenesis. This will improve the treatment quality of wastewater of various productions. The similarity of the nutritional value of the blue­green algae spent substrate to the green biomass of plants in terms of the elemental composition was experimentally proved. The environmental, energy saving and agricultural efficiency of the cyanogen biomass use was proved.
Experimental studies on the decontamination and stabilization of sludge beds were conducted using the “Desolac” product, which is a calcium oxide treated with ovicide. As a result of the study, it was established that the sewage sludge of the sludge beds of the MUE “Lipetsk Aeration Station” and “LOS” LLC in Voronezh are safe and can be used as organic fertilizers for the use in grain and industrial crops, as well as in vegetable production. Studies have been conducted to determine the efficiency of sewage sludge from the Left-bank sewage treatment plants in Voronezh and sewage sludge treated with “Desolac” for soil fertility and productivity of winter rapeseed Adrian. Determining the content of macronutrients of mineral nutrition in the soil and the reaction of the soil environment showed that the introduction of organic fertilizers in the form of sludge compared to the version without fertilizers increases the content of nitrate nitrogen, exchangeable potassium, labile phosphorus in the soil. At the same time, the mass fraction of impurities of toxic elements in the soil decreases with the introduction of sewage sludge as organic limestone fertilizer.
sochrysis galbana and Selenastrum capricornutum, marine and freshwater microalgae species respectively, were co-digested with sewage sludge under mesophilic and thermophilic conditions. The substrates and the temperatures significantly influenced biogas production. Under mesophilic conditions, the sewage sludge digestion produced 451 ± 12 mLBiogas/gSV. Furthermore, all digesters were fed with I. galbana, or mixed with sludge, resulting in an average of 440 ± 25 mLBiogas/gSV. On the contrary, S. capricornutum produced 271 ± 6 mLBiogas/gSV and in the mixtures containing sludge produced intermediate values between sludge and microalgae production. Under thermophilic conditions, the sewage sludge digestion achieved yet the highest biogas yield, 566 ± 5 mLBiogas/gSV. During co-digestion, biogas production decreased when the microalgae content increased, and for I. galbana and for S. capricornutum it reached minimum values, 261 ± 11 and 185 ± 7 mLBiogas/gSV, respectively. However, no evidence of inhibition was found and the low yields were attributed to microalgae species characteristics. The methane content in biogas showed similar values, independently from the digested substrate, although this increased by approximately 5% under thermophilic condition.
Landscape and environmental features of reservoirs and ponds of Voronezh region (Voronezh: Voronezh St
  • V B Mikhno
  • A I Dobrov
V. B. Mikhno, A. I. Dobrov, Landscape and environmental features of reservoirs and ponds of Voronezh region (Voronezh: Voronezh St. Pedagogical Un., 2000) 185
Ecological management of the territories of the Voronezh reservoir
  • G S Seydaliev
  • I I Kosinova
  • T V Sokolova
  • K Y Silkin