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Risk assessment in the plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae): intensity of behavioral response differs with predator species


Abstract and Figures

Background: The ability of a prey species to assess the risk that a predator poses can have important fitness advantages for the prey species. To better understand predator–prey interactions, more species need to be observed to determine how prey behavioral responses differ in intensity when approached by different types of predators. The plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae) is preyed upon by all predators occurring in its distribution area. Therefore, it is an ideal species to study anti-predator behavior. In this study, we investigated the intensity of anti-predator behavior of pikas in response to visual cues by using four predator species models in Maqu County on the eastern Qinghai- Tibetan Plateau. Results: The behavioral response metrics, such as Flight Initiation Distance (FID), the hiding time and the percentage of vigilance were significantly different when exposed to a Tibetan fox, a wolf, a Saker falcon and a large-billed crow, respectively. Pikas showed a stronger response to Saker falcons compared to any of the other predators. Conclusions: Our results showed that pikas alter their behavioral (such as FID, the hiding time and the vigilance) response intensity to optimally balance the benefits when exposed to different taxidermy predator species models. We conclude that pikas are able to assess their actual risk of predation and show a threat-sensitive behavioral response.
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Weietal. BMC Ecol (2020) 20:41
Risk assessment intheplateau pika
(Ochotona curzoniae): intensity ofbehavioral
response diers withpredator species
Wanrong Wei1,2*, Qiaoyan Zhen3, Zhongmin Tang4 and Maria K. Oosthuizen5,6
Background: The ability of a prey species to assess the risk that a predator poses can have important fitness advan-
tages for the prey species. To better understand predator–prey interactions, more species need to be observed to
determine how prey behavioral responses differ in intensity when approached by different types of predators. The
plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae) is preyed upon by all predators occurring in its distribution area. Therefore, it is an
ideal species to study anti-predator behavior. In this study, we investigated the intensity of anti-predator behavior
of pikas in response to visual cues by using four predator species models in Maqu County on the eastern Qinghai-
Tibetan Plateau.
Results: The behavioral response metrics, such as Flight Initiation Distance (FID), the hiding time and the percentage
of vigilance were significantly different when exposed to a Tibetan fox, a wolf, a Saker falcon and a large-billed crow,
respectively. Pikas showed a stronger response to Saker falcons compared to any of the other predators.
Conclusions: Our results showed that pikas alter their behavioral (such as FID, the hiding time and the vigilance)
response intensity to optimally balance the benefits when exposed to different taxidermy predator species mod-
els. We conclude that pikas are able to assess their actual risk of predation and show a threat-sensitive behavioral
Keywords: Predator–prey interactions, Plateau pika, Anti-predator behavior, FID, The hiding time, Vigilance
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It is crucial for prey species to evaluate and respond
adaptively to risks posed by their predators, as predators
have strong direct and indirect risk effects on prey spe-
cies. Prey species can be exposed to a wide range of pred-
ator species that differ in size [1], density [2], habitat use
[3], diel activity [4] and hunting styles [5] in natural sys-
tems. Studying the behavioral response intensity of prey
to risks posed by different predator species, is therefore
an important component of improving our understand-
ing of predator–prey interactions [6, 7].
Predation is a pervasive selection force that influences
physiological, morphological, and behavioral adapta-
tions in prey species in order to increase the chances
of a successful escape [8]. Generally, the assessment of
predation risk is translated into the display of an anti-
predator behavior. Antipredator behavioral responses to
predation risks include a reduction in foraging activity
[9, 10], increased vigilance [11, 12], reduced movement
[13], reduced use of conspicuous behavioral displays [14],
increased hiding time in a refuge or shelter [14, 15], and
increased alarm calls [16, 17]. However, these behavio-
ral strategies have associated costs, as they can provoke
a reduction in factors such as energy intake, energetic
Open Access
BMC Ecology
1 Key Laboratory of Southwest China Wildlife Resources Conservation,
College of life Sciences, China West Normal University, Nanchong 637009,
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Weietal. BMC Ecol (2020) 20:41
investment in defensive structures, or lower mating suc-
cess. As risk assessment is difficult to quantify, most
studies use Flight Initiation Distance (FID), the hiding
time in a refuge and vigilance as the metrics to study
the risk levels associated with antipredator behaviors of
prey species [7, 14, 1822]. FID is the distance at which
a prey starts to flee upon approach of a predator [23,
24]. Prey approached by predators often flee into refuges
and emerge after a brief stay [15, 25]. e hiding time is
the time from the moment that prey hides in refuge to
the moment that it re-emerges again [26]. Vigilance is
the time that prey spend in gathering information that
is used to observe predators and assessing the potential
predation risk [27]. In general, a longer FID, a longer
hiding time in a refuge and higher vigilance means that
the prey is experiencing a higher risk of predation [22,
A growing number of studies demonstrated that prey
can assess their actual risk of predation and shape their
antipredator effort accordingly in response to different
degrees of predation threat, which supports the threat-
sensitive predator avoidance hypothesis. e threat-sen-
sitive predator avoidance hypothesis has been verified in
many animals, including insects, crabs, fish, amphibians,
reptiles, mammals and birds [23, 28, 3440]. ese stud-
ies have shown that prey usually exhibit different anti-
predator behavioral response intensities when attacked
by predator species which exhibit different levels of pre-
dation risks. However, to our knowledge, this hypothesis
has rarely been tested in small, burrowing, grassland her-
bivores in the wild.
e plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae) is a small, diur-
nal, social burrowing herbivorous lagomorph, which
occurs in most areas above an altitude of 3300 m in
the Tibetan plateau [41]. e pika is an ideal species to
study the assessment of predation risk because they are
preyed upon by nearly all of the predators occurring on
the plateau. ese predators include wolves (Canis lupis),
Tibetan foxes (Vulpes ferrilata), snow leopards (Uncia
uncia), brown bears (Ursus arctos),steppepolecat(Mus-
telaeversmanni), Alpine weasel (Mustela altaica pal-
las), golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos), upland buzzards
(Buteo hemilasius), saker falcons (Falco cherrug), gos-
hawks (Accipiter gentilis), black kites (Milvus migrans),
little owls (Athene noctua) and large-billed crows (Corvus
macrorhynchos tibetosinensis) [4244]. Previous studies
demonstrated that the Tibetan fox and the Saker falcon
are regarded as the most threatening predators for pikas
since the Tibetan fox is a pika specialist [45, 46] and pikas
are a main food source of the Saker falcon (90% of pellets
under the nest of a Saker falcon contained pika remains)
[42]. Wolves and crows hunt pikas opportunistically or
when other food is scarce, but generally do not pose a
serious risk to pikas [7, 47, 48]. In addition, a previous
study found that pikas responded differently when they
were presented with the calls of different predators [7].
erefore, it is believed that different types of predators
represent different risk levels to pikas [7].
Encounters between predator and prey are rarely
observed in nature. For this reason, the predator models
have been evaluated using indirect studies [4953]. In this
study, we conducted a field experiment to test ‘the threat-
sensitive predator avoidance hypothesis’ using burrow-
ing plateau pikas. We exposed the pikas to four of their
common predators, the Tibetan fox, wolf (Canis lupis),
Saker falcon and large-billed crow, representing different
levels of predation risk to the pikas. We assumed that the
Tibetan fox and Saker falcon are more threatening preda-
tor species than the wolf and large-billed crow based on
whether pikas are the main food source for these preda-
tors. We hypothesized that the pika would have the abil-
ity to assess the level of predation risk and exert different
behavior response intensities when exposed to different
predator species models. Specifically, we predicted that:
(1) pikas would be longer FID when exposed to a more
threatening predator species model; (2) the hiding time
in a refuge would be longer after an unsuccessful ‘attack’
by a more threatening predator species model; and (3)
pikas would allocate more time to vigilance (vigilance is
defined as the total duration of time that a pika has its
head lifted above its back) when they re-emerge from a
refuge after an unsuccessful ‘attack’ by a more threaten-
ing predator species model.
When approached by a saker falcon, crow, fox or wolf,
pikas maintained 16.8m, 7.1m, 8.8m and 5.1m in FID,
respectively (Fig.1a, b; Fig.2). Pikas spent 898s, 263s,
299s and 248s in the refuge, respectively, following
an unsuccessful predation by a saker falcon, crow, fox
or wolf (Fig.1a, b; Fig.2). In addition, when reemerg-
ing from the refuge, pikas spent about 74%, 57%, 61%
and 56% of their time during the first 10min on vigi-
lance after an unsuccessful predation by a saker fal-
con, crow, fox or wolf, respectively (Fig.1a, b; Fig.2). A
mixed linear model analysis showed that SM (F = 7.492,
p = 0.001) and GS (F = 34.864, p < 0.001) had signifi-
cant effects for FID, while P (F = 0.058, p = 0.944) and
EO (F = 0.907, p = 0.533) had not, and the interaction
effects between SM and GS was significant (F = 6.187,
p = 0.002). However, for the hiding time in the refuge,
Kruskal–Wallis tests showed a significant difference
across different predator species model treatments
(p < 0.05). After the p was adjusted, we found no signifi-
cant difference between wolf and crow (p = 1; Fig . 2),
fox and crow (p = 0.163; Fig. 2) and between saker
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Weietal. BMC Ecol (2020) 20:41
falcon and fox (p = 0.120; Fig.2). However, there was a
significant difference between wolf and fox (p = 0.004;
Fig. 2), between wolf and saker falcon (p < 0.001;
Fig.2) and between crow and saker falcon (p < 0.001;
Fig. 2). A mixed linear model analysis showed that
SM (F-value = 6.329, p = 0.002) and GS (F = 16.684,
p < 0.001) had significant effects in vigilance, while P
(F = 0.780, p = 0.468) and EO (F = 1.288, p = 0.285)
had not. However, the interaction effects (F = 3.573,
p = 0.026) of SM and GS did differ significantly in
e results from our study provide evidence that pikas
display different behavioral response intensities when
exposed to different predator species models. e saker
falcon is perceived as the greatest threat by pikas as it
elicited the strongest anti-predator behavioral response,
with the longest FID and hiding time in the refuge, and
the highest vigilance percentage. Our results support the
‘threat-sensitive predation avoidance hypothesis’ that
pikas have the ability to assess the degree of risk posed
by a predator, and that responses are graded in intensity
depending on the threat level perceived [49, 54]. Com-
pared to the previously studies [7, 48], this is the first
report to assess pika anti-predator behavior in response
to the presence of different predator species. ese
results provide valuable information that may be used in
the biological control of one species that can be inhibited
by using the interrelationships with another species.
Prey minimizes the cost of escape by remaining where
they are until the potential cost of staying outweighs
the benefits [19, 21, 55]. is suggests that when a prey
detects a predator early, it should delay escape attempts
until some criterion relating to escape costs to the cost
of not fleeing is met. According to the escape theory,
Fig. 1 The flight initiation distance (a) and the vigilance time (b) of
pika response to the models of four of their native predators (wolf,
fox, crow and saker falcon). Data presented are means with standard
Fig. 2 The hiding time of pika response to the models of four of their
native predators (wolf, fox, crow and saker falcon). Data presented
are means with standard errors. Significant difference (based on a
non-parametric multiple test at alpha < 0.05) is denoted by pairs of
lower case letters
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Weietal. BMC Ecol (2020) 20:41
predators with a higher risk are associated with greater
FID [56, 57], while FID is expected to be shorter when
predation risk is lower [58]. Our results showed that the
FID was strongly influenced by the SM. GS is known to
affect the ability of prey animals to detect predators [59],
which then alter the FID [38]. We also found GS has a
significant influence on FID.
Prey often respond to predator attacks by hiding in
their refuges or safe microhabitats [60, 61]. However,
remaining in refuges can also incur fitness costs, and
the decision of when to come out from a refuge after an
unsuccessful attack by a predator is an important compo-
nent of anti-predator behavior [21, 22]. ere is a trade-
off between staying in refuge with a diminishing risk of
predation over time, but with the increased risk of star-
vation while in the refuge [10, 61, 62]. Cooper and Fred-
erick [21] demonstrated that the hiding time in a refuge
should be longer when the perceived risk is higher. Our
results are similar to previous studies [24, 63, 64], and
support the view that the hiding time in refuge changed
with exposure to different predators which present differ-
ent level of risk.
e level of vigilance is associated with predation
risk and vigilance can increase the ability of prey to
gather information about the current predation risk [7,
9]. In addition, the vigilance level of prey depends on
the level of previous predation risk [9]. In general, prey
reduced foraging time and engaged in anti-predator
behavior when the previous predation risk was high [9].
Our results indicate that the vigilance level was signifi-
cantly higher in response to a saker falcon compared to
the other predators, which indicates pikas perceive the
saker falcon as the greatest risk of our four test predator
Aerobic movements of animals is energetically costly,
especially in QTP [41]. e reduction of unneces-
sary aerobic movements lowers energetic costs and
can increase the survival rate of pikas [41]. Pikas have
adapted to display varying anti-predator behavioural
response intensities depending on the level of risk
posed by different predators [7]. e results of the pre-
sent study indicate that the saker falcon is regarded as
the most dangerous predator because pikas elicited
the strongest anti-predator response (for example, the
furthest FID, the longest hiding time in refuge and
the highest vigilance percentage) when exposed to it.
A possible explanation for the difference in responses
elicited by the different predators is the difference in
the approach speed of the different predator species.
Zhang etal. [7] suggested that raptors (eagle and fal-
con) are more threatening than beasts (fox and wolf)
because raptors approach faster. In contrast, our results
indicate that the threat of a fox is greater than that of
a crow [7]. us, a more likely explanation for the dif-
ference in behavioral response intensities are related
to whether the pika is the main food resource for the
specific predator. In addition, our results also indicate
that the saker falcon poses a greater threat to pikas
than the fox, implying that pikas are able to evaluate
risk levels by assessing the predator visually and having
stronger antipredator behavioral responses when facing
a more threatening predator. e ability to discriminate
between more and less dangerous predators can have
significant advantages for pika survival. Many other
animals also vary their behavioral response intensity
depending on the predator species [23, 28, 3440], and
this adaptation is as a result of co-evolution with preda-
tors over millions of years [7]. However, it is not known
whether the ability of pika to discriminate between
predators is innate or based on experience and would
require further studies to elucidate this.
Predators play an important role in the control of
pikas as the direct and indirect predation risk effects
can significantly affect the fertility and survival of
pikas [45, 65]. Over the past decades, plateau pikas
have been targeted for control by poisoning primarily
because they are believed to have a negative impact on
rangeland and compete with livestock for food [43]. An
unfortunate consequence of these poisoning campaigns
to kill pikas is that the predator species may inadvert-
ently be poisoned [43]. Besides that, many predators of
pikas are being killed for profits [48]. e situation is
further exasperated by the fact that the pika fertility is
far greater than that of its predators [48], and the pika
population can recover rapidly to its original state in a
short time [66]. whereas the predator numbers remain
low due to the killing and poisoning campaigns. Essen-
tially the natural mechanism of pika population control
is eliminated from the system, and the pika populations
continue to increase unchecked. erefore, it is impera-
tive that the poisoning campaigns and the killing of car-
nivore campaigns should be halted.
Our results show that pikas are able to discriminate
between predator species which present different lev-
els of risk and alter their response according to what is
likely to be a larger threat. In addition, our results also
provide support to previous studies suggesting that the
saker falcon is the most threatening predator of pikas in
the alpine meadow of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Finally,
given the critically important role of predators of pikas
in controlling their population densities we urge that the
campaigns to poison pikas and the killing of their carni-
vore predators should be terminated.
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Weietal. BMC Ecol (2020) 20:41
Materials andmethods
Study site
e study site is located in a natural alpine meadow in
Luqu County, Gansu province, northwestern China.
Geographically, the study site is located on eastern part
of Qinghai-Tibetan plateau (lat. 34° 14 N; long. 102° 13
E; alt. 3650m). e site has a typical alpine continental
climate, with mean annual temperatures of 2.3°C. e
average annual precipitation is 543.6 mm, and occurs
predominantly between June and September. e main
soil type is subalpine meadow soil. e vegetation type is
alpine meadow, and dominant species is Kobresia humi-
lis, Elymus nutans, Festuca ovina L, Polygonum vivipa-
rum L, Anemone obtusiloba D. e inclination of study
site (plateau pika habitat) is about 13° on a western slope.
In this area, the distribution of pika families is patchy
and each family contains 4–7 individuals. In our study
area, the range of the active area of a pika family is about
Experiment design
e experiments were conducted 15–29 June, 2016,
after the breeding season. We randomly selected three
different pika populations (P) which were spatially non-
adjacently distributed in our study site. Ten days before
the start of the experiment, we placed two iron pillars
(50cm diameter, 3m high) in each area, where one pil-
lar was situated in the pika colony, the other was situ-
ated on the slope above the pika habitat, and the distance
between the two pillars was 50m (Fig.3). e two pil-
lars were connected by a rope that was strong enough
to hold and slide the predator models. e height of the
rope was adjusted depending on the predator species.
We fixed an infrared high definition camera (Huian: WL-
1008T, LED, 2megapixel, 12.8, Progressive ScanCMOS,
1920 × 1080fps) that can rotate 360° on the pillar that
was in the colony, and used a cable to connect it to a
computer (Lenovo, G5050) in a tent that was 400 m
away from the pika colony. During the experiments, the
anti-predator behavior of the pikas were observed and
recorded. We tested four different conditions: a wolf
(length: 135cm, width: 25cm, height: 30cm), a Tibetan
fox (length: 50cm, width: 15cm, height: 35cm), a large-
billed crow (length: 10cm, width: 5cm, height: 15 cm)
and a saker falcon (length: 45cm, width: 150cm, height:
25cm). e four predator models served as the predator
species models (SM) (Fig.4). Each population was tested
for 4 cycles (each cycle was 2days long) and the interval
between cycles was at least 2days. A cycle consisted of
presenting each of the four predators to a colony of pikas.
e order (EO) of the predators was randomized to avoid
habituation of the pikas to the experimental procedure,
while the interval between different predators in a cycle
was at least 3h. In addition, we recorded the survey dates
(SD) of SM in different P.
During the experimental procedures, the predator
models were placed on the rope and a person dragged the
model from the upper pole to the lower pole inside the
pika colony with a rope by walking 80m away (Human
activities affect the activity of pikas at distances closer
than 30m) [66], parallel to the model at a speed of 5m/s.
When pikas hid in their burrows, the predator model was
moved back up to the upper pole. Tests were conducted
in the morning during peak hours of pika activity (8:00–
9:00) on a sunny day. Taking into account the height of
the animal and its hunting style, we adjusted the height
to 40cm, 90cm, 120cm and 130cm for the tibetan fox,
wolf, large-billed crow and Saker falcon, respectively. Tri-
als were stopped if there were predators in the surround-
ing environments.
We analyzed the videos at one quarter speed and
scored the hiding time and vigilance using J Watcher
1.5.0. In our experiments, we only observed adult pikas
whose vigilance direction was opposite to that of the
approaching predator model to determine the FID
because vigilance direction can influence the FID [23,
67]. In addition, group size (GS) was quantified as it can
also influence FID [7]. When all experiments were ana-
lyzed, we measured the FID and the refuge distance (RD)
measured for individual observed pikas, the FID and
refuge distance was measured to the nearest 0.1m. e
hiding time was defined as the period between first adult
retreating, to the first adult pika emerging again from
burrows [7]. Finally, we measured the vigilance percent-
age within ten minutes once the pika has left the burrow
entrance. e vigilance is the total duration of time that a
pika has its head lifted above its back, regardless whether
it was quadrupedal or bipedal [68].
Fig. 3 The Sample selection and the black wireframe is the active
area of pikas. The range of active area of a pika family is about
470–680 m2 in our study area
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Weietal. BMC Ecol (2020) 20:41
Data analyses
To improve normality, the FID was reciprocally trans-
formed and vigilance was square root transformed, and
were tested with general linear models in SPSS 22.0.
Pearson correlation coefficients were used to identify
collinearity among independent variables. To control
for multicollinearity, we tested correlations of pairs of
independent variables. Association between variables
was assessed using the Spearman correlation index (Rs)
and was considered significant when p < 0.05. We only
maintain one of the correlated collinear variables in the
next analysis. e effect of SM on the FID was analyzed
using a mixed linear model with GS and RD as covari-
ates, P and SD and EO as random variables and SM as
a fixed variable, RD and SD were not included as pre-
dictors in the LMMs as GS and RD, SD and EO were
highly collinear. en we fit a model without RD and
SD to test for the main effects. e effect of SM on the
vigilance was analyzed using a mixed linear model with
GS as covariates, P and SD and EO as random varia-
bles and SM as a fixed variable, SD was not included
as a predictor in the LMMs as SD and EO were highly
collinear. en we fit a model without SD to test for
the main effects. All interactions among these were
included in the model and removed if not significant.
However, hiding time was not normally distributed
despite multiple transformations, therefore we used
Nonparametric Tests (Kruskal–Wallis) followed by all
pairwise multiple comparisons.
FID: Flight initiation distance; P: Pika populations; SM: Species models; EO:
Order; SD: Survey dates; GS: Group size.
We thank Shenghui An for assistance with the field work.
Authors’ contributions
WRW and QYZ designed the study and analysed the data, WRW, ZMT and
QYZ carried out the fieldwork, WRW drafted the manuscript, MKO revised the
manuscript, which was commented by all co-authors. All authors gave final
approval for publication. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
This research was financially supported by the Special Fund for Agro-Scientific
Research in the Public Interest (201203041), the Fundamental Research Funds
of China West Normal University (18Q046), and the Gansu Provincial Science
and Technology Program (1054nkcp159).
Availability of data and materials
The datasets used and analysed during the current study are available from
the corresponding author on reasonable request.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
All fieldwork was carried out according to the national legislation. The behav-
ioral studies were in compliance with the legal regulations of China and were
approved by the Laboratory Animal Ethics Committee of China West Normal
Fig. 4 Four different taxidermy predator species models: a Tibetan fox (Vulpes ferrilata). b Wolf (Canis lupis). c Saker falcon (Falco cherrug). d
Large-billed Crow (Corvus macrorhynchos)
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Weietal. BMC Ecol (2020) 20:41
Consent to publication
Not applicable.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Author details
1 Key Laboratory of Southwest China Wildlife Resources Conservation, College
of life Sciences, China West Normal University, Nanchong 637009, China.
2 State Key Laboratory of Grassland Agro-Ecosystems, College of Pastoral Agri-
culture Science and Technology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730200, China.
3 China West Normal University, Nanchong 637009, China. 4 Gannan Grassland
Workstation in Gansu Province, Hezuo 747000, China. 5 Department of Zool-
ogy and Entomology, University of Pretoria, Private Bag X20, Hatfield 0028,
South Africa. 6 Mammal Research Institute, University of Pretoria, Hatfield 0028,
South Africa.
Received: 25 June 2019 Accepted: 13 July 2020
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... The QTP with its spatially varying degree of grassland degradation presents good opportunities for inves-tigating the effects of vegetation conditions on the genetic structure of mammalian consumers. Plateau pikas (Ochotona curzoniae) are highly social small mammals that are found in the grasslands of QTP (Wei et al. 2020). In natural conditions, pikas are regarded as a keystone species of the alpine grassland ecosystem. ...
... In natural conditions, pikas are regarded as a keystone species of the alpine grassland ecosystem. They are important prey species (Wei et al. 2020) and their tunneling activities are beneficial for soil properties (Wei et al. 2019) and biodiversity (Zhao et al. 2020). However, on grasslands that are degraded, primarily due to livestock overgrazing, pikas have been regarded as pests aggravating grassland degradation (Li et al. 2019;Wang et al. 2024). ...
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Grassland degradation is challenging the health of grassland ecosystems globally and causing biodiversity decline. Previous studies have demonstrated the impact of grassland degradation on the abundance and behavior of small mammals. Little is known about how it affects the genetic structure of gregarious mammals in the wild. This study explores the effects of grassland degradation on the genetic structure of a small burrowing mammal, plateau pika ( Ochotona curzoniae ). We used nine microsatellite loci to analyze the genetic diversity and genetic differentiation between colonies and genetic relatedness between individuals within the colony. We found that pikas in severely degraded grasslands had a significantly higher genetic diversity within colonies, a higher level of gene flow between colonies, and a lower genetic differentiation between colonies compared to pikas in less degraded grasslands. Individuals within colonies had a significantly lower genetic relatedness in severely degraded grasslands than in less degraded grasslands. This study has provided potential evidence of a significant impact of grassland degradation on the genetic structure of pikas, which has caused a breakdown of their kin‐selected colony structure.
... alian herbivore endemic to the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP) of China (Dobson et al., 1998). The preferred habitat of pikas is alpine meadows with sparse, low vegetation where they can easily detect predators, and are the typical representative of small mammals inhabiting open habitats (Dobson et al., 1998;W. Wei, He, Zheng, He, & Oosthuizen, 2020;W. Wei, Zhen, Tang, & Oosthuizen, 2020). Pikas are a keystone species, their abandoned burrows provide shelter for many native birds and lizards (Lai & Smith, 2003), and pikas are also an important prey species for nearly all the plateau carnivores (Delibesmateos et al., 2011;Lai & Smith, 2003; W. R. Wei & Zhang, 2018). In addition, pikas are considered 'ecosystem engineers,' ...
... storation measures were taken in grassland degraded by pikas, but the time to suppress the PD to below a hazard threshold will be prolonged. The ecological control of grassland rodents should focus on the use of the mutual restrictive relationship between the different components of the grassland ecosystem (W.Wei, He, Zheng, He, & Oosthuizen, 2020;W. Wei, Zhen, Tang, & Oosthuizen, 2020). A good example is the open habitats that are preferred by pikas, an increase in vegetation height also increases the predation risk for them (W.Wei et al., 2022). Combined with grazing restrictive measures, reseeding of tall, and dense-leafed indigenous species can reduce pika densities. However, as a result of few native grass species ...
... They have several predators, such Wei et al. Applied Animal Behaviour Science xxx (xxxx) 105745 as wolves (Canis lupis), Tibetan foxes (Vulpes ferrilata), snow leopards (Uncia uncia), etc (Wei et al., 2020b), are therefore adept in assessing predation risk and they can also discriminate between predators (Wei, 2019;Wei et al., 2020b). Pikas are a keystone species in the maintenance of the biodiversity of alpine grassland on the QTPthey are important prey for nearly all of the plateau predators and their abandoned burrows provide shelter for many native birds and lizards (Delibesmateos et al., 2011;Lai and Smith, 2003;Smith and Foggin, 1999;Wei et al., 2007). ...
... They have several predators, such Wei et al. Applied Animal Behaviour Science xxx (xxxx) 105745 as wolves (Canis lupis), Tibetan foxes (Vulpes ferrilata), snow leopards (Uncia uncia), etc (Wei et al., 2020b), are therefore adept in assessing predation risk and they can also discriminate between predators (Wei, 2019;Wei et al., 2020b). Pikas are a keystone species in the maintenance of the biodiversity of alpine grassland on the QTPthey are important prey for nearly all of the plateau predators and their abandoned burrows provide shelter for many native birds and lizards (Delibesmateos et al., 2011;Lai and Smith, 2003;Smith and Foggin, 1999;Wei et al., 2007). ...
The perceived predation risk of animals is often influenced by the structure and complexity of vegetation communities. Plateau pikas (Ochotona curzoniae) are considered a pest species in alpine meadows when their densities exceed a certain threshold. The changes in vegetation structure caused by reseeding Elymus nutans can reduce pika densities, which may result from the increased risk of predation for pikas. However, whether the changes in community structure caused by reseeding of E. nutans is sufficient to alter the perceived predation risk for pikas, remains unknown. In this study, we measured the running speed (spontaneous without stimulation), alert distance (AD) and vigilance to a potential human predator in E. nutans habitat and open habitat by video review to assess perceived predation risk for plateau pikas in the two habitat types. Our results showed that body mass and habitat type influenced the running speed, group size and the habitat type influenced AD, and habitat type and group size influenced vigilance. The running speed of pikas was 1.67 times faster in the E. nutans compared to in open habitat, the AD of pikas was 1.79 times longer in the open than in the E. nutans habitat, and pikas were more vigilant in E. nutans than pikas in open habitat. The shorter AD indicates pikas have poor visibility due to higher vegetation height. The faster running speed and higher vigilance suggest a higher perceived predation risk for pikas in E. nutans habitat. Therefore, we believe that structural changes in vegetation following reseeding of E. nutans can increase the perceived predation risk for pikas, and could be responsible for the decrease in the pika population densities in these areas.
... There are few empirical studies with vertebrate species that have investigated both behaviours. FID and hiding time were, on average, longer in the context of high predation pressure in the Balearic lizard, Podarcis lilford , and when detecting more threatening predators in plateau pika, Ochotona curzoniae (Wei et al., 2020). However, these studies did not investigate the relationship between FID and hiding time in the same individuals. ...
Optimal escape models assume that decisions to escape after a predation attempt depend on the initial risk assessment. However, few studies have explored animals’ decision to return to normal activities after their first escape and how the ecological context influences these behaviors. To address these gaps, we investigated the influence of substrate types on escape behavior and refuge use in the spider Aglaoctenus castaneus. Individuals forage on sheet webs but hide in funnels after detecting potential threats. Spiders from two populations build webs on injurious substrates that can harm predators and non-injurious substrates. The dominant injurious substrate is a large thorny palm species in the “thorny palm” population and razor grass in the “razor grass” population. We hypothesized that spiders constructing webs on injurious substrates would (1) display reduced sensitivity to approaching predators by hiding in the funnel and (2) would more quickly return to their sheet web after detecting a predator. We also assessed whether these behaviors were correlated across and within populations and whether they were affected by the social context (couples or solitary individuals). Spiders inhabiting injurious substrates exhibited shorter flight initiation distances (FID) compared to those in non-injurious substrates. Interpopulation variation was observed, with spiders from the thorny palm population displaying shorter FID and lower hiding time than those from the razor grass population. However, there was no correlation between FID and hiding time. Spiders from the thorny palm population were less sensitivity to predators, probably because this location was safer than the razor grass population. In conclusion, A. castaneus can adjust risk-taking behaviors depending on the damaging potential of the substrate for predators. We proposed new hypotheses with the aim of improving risk assessment research.
... Small mammals usually build additional burrows for shelter where above ground refuges from predators is scarce, to minimize the predation risk (Blumstein et al. 2001;Wilson et al. 2012). It was proposed that pika's preference for open habitats with lower vegetative height and coverage (Wei et al. 2020b) is due to improved visibility and predator avoidance (Pang et al. 2021). However, in such open conditions, they may also be more easily detected by predators (Wheatley et al. 2020). ...
Globally, grassland degradation is an acute ecological problem. In alpine grassland on the Tibetan Plateau, increased densities of various small mammals in degraded grassland are assumed to intensify the degradation process and these mammals are subject to lethal control. However, whether the negative impact of small mammals is solely a result of population size or also a result of activity and behavior has not been tested. In this study, we use plateau pika as a model to compare population size, core area of colony, and the number of burrow entrances and latrines between lightly and severely degraded grassland. We test whether the alleged contribution of pika to grassland degradation is a result of increased population size or increased burrowing activities of individuals in response to lower food abundance. We found that grassland degradation resulted in lower plant species richness, plant height, and biomass. Furthermore, the overall population size of pika was not significantly affected by location in lightly and severely degraded grassland. However, pika core areas in severely grassland degradation were significantly larger and had significantly higher densities of burrows and latrines. Our study provides convincing evidence that habitat-induced changes in the behavior of small, burrowing mammals, such as pika, can exacerbate grassland degradation. This finding has significant implications for managing small mammals and restoring degraded grassland ecosystems.
... alian herbivore endemic to the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP) of China (Dobson et al., 1998). The preferred habitat of pikas is alpine meadows with sparse, low vegetation where they can easily detect predators, and are the typical representative of small mammals inhabiting open habitats (Dobson et al., 1998;W. Wei, He, Zheng, He, & Oosthuizen, 2020;W. Wei, Zhen, Tang, & Oosthuizen, 2020). Pikas are a keystone species, their abandoned burrows provide shelter for many native birds and lizards (Lai & Smith, 2003), and pikas are also an important prey species for nearly all the plateau carnivores (Delibesmateos et al., 2011;Lai & Smith, 2003; W. R. Wei & Zhang, 2018). In addition, pikas are considered 'ecosystem engineers,' ...
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Plateau pikas (Ochotona curzoniae) are often regarded as pests when their population densities exceed a certain threshold. Vegetation restoration measures are commonly used for the ecological control of pikas. Nevertheless, it is not known how effective these measures are, and if effective, which factors are responsible for the decline in pika densities. Four commonly used grassland restoration measures: exclosure [E], exclosure/fertilized [EF], exclosure/overseeding [EO], exclosure/fertilization/over-seeding [EOF], were implemented in grasslands degraded by high densities of pikas, and the pika density (PD) and vegetation traits in each treatment plot were monitored for 4 consecutive years. Neither the PD nor the vegetation composition was affected by any of the vegetation restoration measures within the first year. From the second year onwards, all the vegetation restoration measures had a significant effect on the vegetation composition and structure, such as an increase in the height, cover, and biomass. All the vegetation restoration measures, except E, had a significant suppressive effect on pika densities as time progressed, with the combination EOF measure having the largest effect. The stepwise regression analysis indicated that the vegetation height is the main factor that determines the PD. Similarly, structural equation modelling showed that vegetation restoration measures reduce PD primarily by increasing vegetation height. This may be because the height of the vegetation is closely correlated to the predation risk of pikas. Our results highlight the importance of vegetation height in pika management, suggesting that the key to successful pika management is to find a sustainable grazing system, which is beneficial to the growth of the dominant graminoids and maintains a high plant diversity for the sustainability of grassland ecosystems. K E Y W O R D S alpine meadow, plateau pika, population density, rangeland degradation, vegetation restoration measures
... Heart rate under handling indicates the individual physiological index of coping style and reflects the response of the animal autonomic nervous system to predation risk or fearful stimuli rather than disturbance stress (Koolhaas et al., 2010). Our previous studies demonstrated that in the natural population, the heart rate and personality were correlated in plateau pikas, where the predation risk is high (Qu et al., 2018;Wei et al., 2020), as pikas are the primary prey for almost all predators on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (Harris et al., 2014). In this study, the heart rate was consistent at the start and end of the experiment, indicating that plateau pikas maintained a stable response to human handling, regardless of whether they were exposed to traffic noise exposure; thus, artificial traffic noise may have different affecting mechanisms for wildlife compared with predation risk, and animals show variable coping styles to predation and artificial challenges (Francis and Barber, 2013). ...
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During the last two decades, numerous studies have shown the effects of traffic noise on animal vocal communication. However, studies on the influences of traffic noise on wildlife behavior and physiology are scarce. In the present study, we experimentally manipulated the traffic noise exposure of plateau pika, a native small mammal widely distributed in the alpine meadow of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, to explore the effects of traffic noise exposure on its behavior and physiology. We showed that noise exposure increased the pika’s exploration and cortisol concentration (CORT) but decreased the resting metabolic rate (RMR). In addition, the relationships between RMR and exploration or CORT appeared under traffic noise treatment. This study suggests that traffic noise plays a large role in the behavior and physiology of plateau pikas and may have a long-term negative effect on the fitness of rodent populations. Generalizing these non-lethal effects to different taxa is crucial for the conservation and management of biodiversity in this increasingly noisy world.
... Declining biodiversity is one of the most direct manifestations of degrading grasslands (Harris, 2010;Hopping et al., 2018). Several factors can be responsible for alpine meadow degradation, for example rapidly increasing grazing pressure, rodent damage, and climate change (Li et al., 2013;Wei et al., 2019Wei et al., , 2020c. In addition, the mismanagement of livestock grazing is an important factor which can causes alpine meadow degradation (Harris, 2010). ...
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Vegetation is a crucial component of any ecosystem and to preserve the health and stability of grassland ecosystems, species diversity is important. The primary form of grassland use globally is livestock grazing, hence many studies focus on how plant diversity is affected by the grazing intensity, differential use of grazing time and livestock species. Nevertheless, the impact of the grazing time on plant diversity remains largely unexplored. We performed a field survey on the winter pastures in alpine meadows of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP) to examine the effects of grazing time on the vegetation traits. Livestock species, grazing stocking rates and the initiation time of the grazing were similar, but termination times of the grazing differed. The grazing termination time has a significant effect on most of the vegetation traits in the winter pastures. The vegetation height, above-ground biomass, and the Graminoids biomass was negatively related to the grazing termination time in the winter pastures. In contrast, vegetation cover and plant diversity initially increased and subsequently decreased again as the grazing termination time was extended. An extension of the grazing time did not have any effect on the biomass of forbs. Our study is the first to investigate the effects of grazing during the regrowth period on vegetation traits and imply that the plant diversity is mediated by the grazing termination time during the regrowth period in winter pastures. These findings could be used to improve the guidelines for livestock grazing management and policies of summer and winter pasture grazing of family pastures on the QTP from the perspective of plant diversity protection.
... The average altitude is 3,430 m, the mean annual temperature is −2.3°C, and the average annual rainfall is 643.9 mm, and falls predominantly during summer (June to September). The soil type is specific to alpine meadows (Wei et al., 2020b). The vegetation in this area is dominated by Poaceae, Cyperaceae, Ranunculaceae, and Compositae, such as Kobresia pygmaea, Elymus nutans griseb, Cremanthodium lineare, Anemone rivularis, Leontopium leontopodioides, and Anemone rivularis. ...
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Although grazing is the most common use of grassland, the ecological function of grassland far exceeds its productivity. Therefore, the protection of plant diversity is of the utmost importance and cannot be ignored. Existing research on the effect of grazing on grassland mainly focuses on grazing intensity and the type of livestock, but the consequences of the timing of the grazing on the vegetation community remains unclear. We investigated plant community characteristics of winter pastures in alpine meadow with different grazing termination times (grazing before and during the grassland greenup periods) in Maqu County, eastern QTP. The results showed that vegetation height, coverage, aboveground biomass and Graminoid biomass were lower in grassland when grazing happened during the greenup period compared to grassland where grazing was terminated before the greenup period. However, the total plant species richness and forbs richness were higher in grassland with grazing during the greenup period compared to grassland without grazing during the greenup period. Our structural equation modeling reveals a potential indirect implication for the total plant species richness and forbs richness of winter pastures mainly through a decrease in the vegetation coverage and grass biomass abundance. Our findings imply that grazing during the grassland greenup period may facilitate the maintenance of plant diversity in winter pastures. These findings have important implications for grassland ecosystem functioning and for the conservation of plant diversity.
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Predation is a strong selective force that affects animal population dynamics either through direct killing or predation risk effects. Although recent empirical research has shown that the non-consumptive effect of predator risk on prey dynamics can be as large (or even larger) as direct effects, little is known about the strength of predation risk effects in wild populations or the physiological mechanisms that mediate them. Here, we test both the predator-sensitive food hypothesis and predation-stress hypothesis in a single system by investigating activity budgets, stress/sex hormone levels, and demography of plateau pikas (Ochotona curzoniae) and their predators in Haibei Alpine Meadow Ecosystem Research Station of the Chinese Academy of Science. During the study period (2009 and 2010), plateau pikas experienced various predation pressures due to many predators being poisoned in 2010. In the year of high predator numbers, pikas spent more time on vigilant duty and less time foraging and they also showed higher plasma corticosterone levels and lower plasma estradiol and testosterone levels. Reproductive success and male with developed testes also reduced in the year of higher predation risk. In general, our results support both the predator-sensitive food and predation-stress hypothesis. Predator-induced risk affects prey reproduction by changes in feeding patterns and stress physiology.
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Predation is thought to be one of the main structuring forces in animal communities. However, selective predation is often measured on isolated traits in response to a single predatory species, but only rarely are selective forces on several traits quantified or even compared between different predators naturally occurring in the same system. In the present study, we therefore measured behavioral and morphological traits in young-of-the-year Eurasian perch Perca fluviatilis and compared their selective values in response to the two most common predators, adult perch and pike Esox lucius. Using mixed effects models and model averaging to analyze our data, we quantified and to compared the selectivity of the two predators upon the different morphological and behavioral traits. We found that selection on the behavioral traits was higher than on morphological traits and perch predators preyed overall more selectively than pike predators. Pike tended to positively select shallow bodied and non-vigilant individuals (i.e. individuals not performing predator inspection). In contrast, perch predators selected mainly for bolder juvenile perch (i.e. individuals spending more time in the open, more active), which was most important. Our results are to the best of our knowledge the first that analyzed behavioral and morphological adaptations of juvenile perch facing two different predation strategies. We found that relative specific predation intensity for the divergent traits differed between the predators, providing some additional ideas why juvenile perch display such a high degree of phenotypic plasticity.
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It is necessary to look at the big picture when managing biological resources on the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibetan) plateau. Plateau pikas (Ochotona curzoniae) are poisoned widely across the plateau. Putative reasons for these control measures are that pika populations may reach high densities and correspondingly reduce forage for domestic livestock (yak, sheep, horses), and because they may be responsible for habitat degradation. In contrast, we highlight the important role the plateau pika plays as a keystone species in the Tibetan plateau ecosystem. The plateau pika is a keystone species because it: (i) makes burrows that are the primary homes to a wide variety of small birds and lizards; (ii) creates microhabitat disturbance that results in an increase in plant species richness; (iii) serves as the principal prey for nearly all of the plateau's predator species; (iv) contributes positively to ecosystem-level dynamics. The plateau pika should be managed in concert with other uses of the land to ensure preservation of China's native biodiversity, as well as long-term sustainable use of the pastureland by domestic livestock.
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Ochotona curzoniae were studied near Qinghai Lake on the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau, People's Republic of China. Pikas lived in burrows on an alpine steppe meadow. The dense population (>100/ha) was structured in monogamous family groups composed of a single adult male, a single adult female, older (half-grown) juveniles, and younger (newly weaned) juveniles. Individuals in all sex and age classes were frequently active and engaged in a wide variety of social and nonsocial behaviors. O. curzoniae exhibited a rich vocal repertoire of at least 7 distinct calls. Social interactions and vocalizations associated with these interactions were most often expressed by younger juveniles. Most adult vocalizations were given in a nonsocial context.-from Authors
Empirical studies of mimicry have rarely been conducted under natural conditions. Field investigations of some lepidopteran systems have provided a bridge between experiments examining artificial situations and the mimicry process in nature, but these systems do not include all types of mimicry. The presence of dangerous or deadly models is thought to alter the usual rules for mimicry complexes. In particular, a deadly model is expected to protect a wide variety of mimics. Avoidance of different types of mimics should vary according to how closely they resemble the model. Coral snake mimicry complexes in the neotropics may provide natural systems in which these ideas can be examined, but there is no direct evidence that the patterns of venomous coral snakes or potential mimics are avoided in the wild. Plasticine replicas of snakes were used to assess the frequency of avian predation attempts as a function of color pattern. Avian predators left identifiable marks on the replicas, the position of which indicated that replicas were perceived as potentially dangerous prey items by birds. The number of attacks on unmarked brown replicas was greater than that on tricolor coral snake banded replicas. This result was true whether replicas were placed on natural or plain white backgrounds, suggesting that coral snake banded patterns function aposematically. In a separate experiment, replicas representing all six patterns of proposed coral mimics at the study site were attacked less often than unmarked brown replicas. Within these six banded patterns, some were attacked significantly more often than others. This study provides direct field evidence that coral snake banded patterns are avoided by free-ranging avian predators and supports theoretical predictions about mimicry systems involving deadly models.
When a predator attacks, prey are faced with a series of 'if', 'when' and 'how' escape decisions - these critical questions are the foci of this book. Cooper and Blumstein bring together a balance of theory and empirical research to summarise over fifty years of scattered research and benchmark current thinking in the rapidly expanding literature on the behavioural ecology of escaping. The book consolidates current and new behaviour models with taxonomically divided empirical chapters that demonstrate the application of escape theory to different groups. The chapters integrate behaviour with physiology, genetics and evolution to lead the reader through the complex decisions faced by prey during a predator attack, examining how these decisions interact with life history and individual variation. The chapter on best practice field methodology and the ideas for future research presented throughout, ensure this volume is practical as well as informative.
The decision to hide from predators and the time allocated to hiding are economic decisions that integrate the benefits of escaping a predator and the costs of reduced resource acquisition. Body size is a factor that influences many antipredator decisions. Giant clams, Tridacna maxima, depend on photosynthesis as their main source of energy; thus, retracting their mantle into their shell inhibits energy acquisition and ultimately growth. We experimentally encouraged 95 individual clams to hide by touching them and found that after accounting for variation explained by observer, larger clams remained closed longer. When we looked at the response of these 95 clams to a total of four consecutive experimentally induced closings over about 10 min, we found that larger clams on average hid longer and that clams had individually consistent hiding times and generally habituated to repeated experiments. We then focused on a subset of 30 clams and continued this experiment every other day over 6 days for a total of four sessions. Over this longer duration, clams consistently habituated to repeated disturbance, but the effect of size disappeared. We also found that larger clams were bitten by predators more often than smaller clams. Large clams pay an immediate cost to hiding from benign stimuli and apparently learn to modify their behavior to repeated benign experiences.
Areas with loose soil and abundant food had high Myospalax baileyi density. Numbers were close to carrying capacity and the population structure was relatively stable for natural population before removal and residents after removal. Adults occupied 74% of the total number, and the sex ratio was 1:1. The density of dispersers was low, the number of their young males relatively increased and the number of their adult females decreased to 63%, but the sex ratio was also 1:1. The distance between adjacementest animals was affected by density and was not significantly different between sex. Dispersal averaged 26.5% of the resident population. The dispersing distance was affected by soil and averaged 66.9 m. Body weight of adult dispersers was less than that of adult residents, and showed no difference between young dispersers and young residents. When the population reached to carrying capacity, part of the population dispersed because of increased aggression and food competition.
The present paper investigated the population densities and the survival strategies of plateau pika and plateau zokor, and the predation risks induced by their major natural enemies in the Alpine Meadow Ecosystem. The results showed that the population densities of the pika and the zokor were 4.97 ind./hm2 and 10.6 ind./hm2, respectively, while the densities of the natural enemies were 0.16 ind./100hm2 for red fox, 0.37 ind./100hm2 for steppe polecat and 3. 00ind./ 100hm2 for alpine weasel. We observed that the polecat and weasel mainly captured pika and zokor by searching the burrows, while the red fox hunted pika on the ground and captured zokor by digging the mounds. The examination of diet composition and feeding intensities showed that the pika constituted 100%, 96.1% and 100% of the food of red fox, polecat and weasel, respectively, and the zokor constituted 87.5%, 73.2% and 0%. The average feeding intensities of the natural enemies included 0.703% of pika and 0.038% of zokor and the predation risks of pika and zokor were 0.780 and 0.393, indicating that the pika has higher predation risk than zokor. The survival strategies of pika are to increase the fitness by unique behavior and reproductive rate, while the strategies of zokor are to enhance the fitness by sealing burrow system and survival rate.