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Don't tread on me: an examination of the anti-predatory behavior of Eastern Copperheads (Agkistrodon contortrix)

  • City of Atlanta
  • Susquehannock Wildlife Society
  • Susquehannock Wildlife Society, Inc.

Abstract and Figures

Venomous snake species across the globe have been historically categorized as aggressive and dangerous, leading to widespread persecution and killings. Despite the conservation importance of educating the public about the docile nature of these species, few studies have attempted to quantify the response of viperid species to human interactions. Here we report the responses of free-ranging copperheads to a potential human encounter using a set of hierarchical behavioral trials. Out of a total of 69 snakes, only two individuals feigned striking and only two attempted to bite (3% of all individuals). Our results support the findings of previous studies documenting the docile nature of other viperid species and can hopefully be used to change the public perception of venomous snakes. Convincing the public and policy makers that viperid species are docile is critical to long-term conservation of these species in the U.S. and around the globe.
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Acta Herpetologica 15(1): 31-37, 2020
ISSN 1827-9635 (print) © Firenze University Press
ISSN 1827-9643 (online)
DOI: 10.13128/a_h-7757
Don’t tread on me: an examination of the anti-predatory behavior of
Eastern Copperheads (Agkistrodon contortrix)
A A,,*, J G, S M, E B, H H,
1 STEM Division, Harford Community College, 401 omas Run Road, Bel Air, Maryland, 21015, USA
2 Susquehannock Wildlife Society, 1725 Trappe Church Road, Darlington, Maryland, 21034, USA
3 Department of Biology, University of Miami, 1301 Memorial Drive, #215 Cox Science Center, Coral Gables, Florida, 33146, USA
* Corresponding author. Email:
Submitted on: 2020, 13th January; revised on: 2020, 10th April; accepted on: 2020, 14th April
Editor: Marco Sannolo
Abstract. Venomous snake species across the globe have been historically categorized as aggressive and dangerous,
leading to widespread persecution and killings. Despite the conservation importance of educating the public about
the docile nature of these species, few studies have attempted to quantify the response of viperid species to human
interactions. Here we report the responses of free-ranging copperheads to a potential human encounter using a set of
hierarchical behavioral trials. Out of a total of 69 snakes, only two individuals feigned striking and only two attempted
to bite (3% of all individuals). Our results support the ndings of previous studies documenting the docile nature of
other viperid species and can hopefully be used to change the public perception of venomous snakes. Convincing the
public and policy makers that viperid species are docile is critical to long-term conservation of these species in the
U.S. and around the globe.
Keywords. Human-wildlife conict, optimality theory, venomous species, Viper, Viperidae.
As human populations continue to grow and
encroach further into uninhabited or sparsely populated
areas, there is a subsequent increase in the prevalence of
human-wildlife conict (Woodroe et al., 2005; Skogen
et al., 2008; Dickman, 2010). e outcomes of human-
wildlife conict are rarely more pronounced and poten-
tially lethal to both parties than the interaction between
humans and venomous snakes. Venomous snakes have
long been a source of great fear for the general public,
and have been historically (and currently) mischaracter-
ized as being aggressive and dangerous (Blythe, 1979;
Seigel and Mullin, 2009; Burghardt et al., 2009; Pan-
dey, 2016). Even scientic medical publications describ-
ing envenomations as late as 2002 (Juckett and Hancox,
2002) continued to perpetuate the myth that viperid spe-
cies like the cottonmouth (Agkistrodon piscivorus) are
aggressive and readily attack humans. Misinformation
and negative public perception have led to the wholesale
slaughter of venomous pit vipers across North Amer-
ica and Europe. Events such as Rattlesnake and cop-
perhead roundups in the US (Adams et al., 1994; Fitch,
1998; Burghardt et al., 2009), and the killing of individ-
ual snakes, such as the meadow viper (Vipera ursinii),
the Cyperian Blunt-nosed Viper (Macrovipera lebetina
lebetina), and the Northern adder (Vipera berus) when
they are encountered in Europe (Edgar and Bird, 2006;
Stumpel et al. 2015, Julian and Hodges, 2019) are exam-
ples of direct persecution against viperid species. is
widespread persecution continues to take place in both
areas, and is a serious conservation concern for many
viperid species, despite these species causing very low
numbers of fatalities across these two continents (Chip-
32 Andrew Adams et alii
paux, 2012). It is imperative that any conservation action
plan seeking to protect these species will need to incor-
porate some type of public outreach to reduce direct per-
secution of these species (Seigel and Mullin, 2009).
Despite the largely negative public perception sur-
rounding pit-vipers, papers have been published in
the last two decades that clearly demonstrate the pas-
sive and even cowardly nature of other viperid species
(Shine et al., 2000; Gibbons and Dorcas, 2002; Glaudas
et al., 2005). If snakes are confronted by a large potential
predator, the decision to no longer rely on passive defen-
sive behaviors and strike could have a host of potentially
short and long-term negative consequences for the snake
(Gibbons and Dorcas, 2002; Broom and Ruxton, 2005).
For cryptic species, optimality theory predicts that the
most ecient strategy to both reduce energy waste and
avoid potential mortality is to remain in hiding if pos-
sible and to ee immediately if detected by the preda-
tor (Ydenberg and Dill, 1986; Broom and Ruxton, 2005;
McKnight and Howell, 2015). Like other cryptic species
responding to large predators, cryptic viperid species
should rely primarily on crypsis or eeing as primary
sources of predator evasion, followed only aer these
two tactics have failed, by striking and envenomation.
When confronted and detected by a potential predator, a
snake should rst attempt to escape, then employ a suite
of passive deterrents (e.g., musking, tail vibrating, mouth
gaping), and nally commit to active defenses (biting or
striking; Roth and Johnson, 2004).
In addition to the decision-making process driven
by optimality theory (see Ydenberg and Dill, 1986), there
are a host of intrinsic and extrinsic factors that may act
to mediate the chance that a snake will strike (Cooper
and Vitt, 2002; Roth and Johnson, 2004). Intrinsic fac-
tors such as size (Hailey and Davies, 1986; Whitaker and
Shine, 1999), body temperature (Layne and Ford, 1984;
Goode and Duvall, 1989), sex (Scudder and Burghardt,
1983), time since feeding (Herzog and Bailey, 1987), prior
predator exposure (Glaudus, 2004), and gestation may all
play a role in the likelihood of striking (Glaudas et al.,
2005). However, studies have found contradictory results
regarding the role that each of these factors may play,
suggesting that the exact inuence of these factors are
likely species specic (Roth and Johnson 2004). Extrinsic
factors like the severity of the threat and the relative loca-
tion of the snake may also impact strike likelihood (Gib-
bons and Dorcas, 2002; Shine et al., 2002; Glaudas et al.,
e Eastern copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix) is
perhaps the most commonly persecuted snake species in
the Eastern US. is wide-ranging species can be found
throughout the eastern United States from Massachu-
setts to Florida, west into Texas and across a wide vari-
ety of habitat types (Ernst and Ernst, 2003). Copperheads
are an ideal species for a study examining the defensive
behavior of a Viperid species to human presence and
subsequent interaction, because they are widespread
across the heavily populated areas of the Mid-Atlantic
and Southeastern US, are responsible for a large propor-
tion (49.2%) of the reported envenomations in the US
(Gummin et al., 2017), and are both widely feared and
heavily persecuted when located by the general public.
While there were 2,048 reported copperhead envenoma-
tions in the US in 2016 (Gummin et al., 2017), the over-
whelming majority of these envenomations (94%) were
either of a moderate or lower health-risk and there were
zero reported fatalities (Gummin et al., 2017).
With the continued and rapid expansion of urban-
ized areas across the copperhead’s range, especially in the
Southeastern US, where copperheads are still abundant,
the number of copperhead-human interactions is likely
to increase in the future. erefore, an understanding of
the anti-predatory behavior of copperheads may be used
to dispel misinformation, inform the public about the
behavior of this common and widespread venomous spe-
cies, and potentially serve to mitigate the negative conse-
quences of future human-snake encounters.
e aim of the present research is to examine the
anti-predatory behavior of the Eastern copperhead when
contacted by a potential human predator. Based on opti-
mality theory, we predict that copperheads will rely on
crypsis to avoid predation and will very rarely resort to
defensive anti-predatory tactics.
Our study areas (n = 10) were dispersed throughout the
state of Maryland, a small state located in the mid-Atlantic
region of the US, and included a variety of habitats within each
of the states physiographic provinces. Maryland is comprised
of six physiographic provinces, the Atlantic Continental Shelf
Province, the Coastal Plain Province, the Piedmont Plateau
Province, the Blue Ridge Province, the Ridge and Valley Prov-
ince, and the Appalachian Plateau Province (Reger and Cleaves,
2002). Copperheads are widely distributed across Maryland
and occupy dierent habitats within these physiographic prov-
inces (e.g., bottomland swamps, rocky stream banks, south
facing slopes) across the state. e location of each site was
non-random, with study sites chosen based on prior distribu-
tion records collected through the Maryland Amphibian and
Reptile Atlas (Cunningham and Nadrowicz, 2018) or historical
localities gathered from Harris (1975). All encounters occurred
within the state of Maryland. Searches were conducted dur-
ing the copperhead’s active season, from 01 May 2017 to 01
November 2017, and again from 01 May 2018 to 01 November
Anti-predatory behavior of Eastern copperheads
2018. e snakes were located by visually searching each study
site by foot (Karns, 1986; Gibbons and Dorcas, 2002). In gen-
eral, snakes were found in areas adjacent to wintering den sites
with a large amount of adjacent cover in the form of rock crev-
ices and piles. Once a snake was visually located, the body posi-
tion of each individual, either coiled or extended, was recorded
prior to any further approach (Shine et al., 2000; Glaudas et al.,
2005). Since body surface temperature can play a role in defen-
sive behavior (Arnold and Bennett, 1984), we used a Ryobi Tek4
non-contact infrared digital thermometer (Ryobi, Chicago, IL,
USA) to record body temperature at three dierent locations
on the body (head, mid-section, and cloaca) from a distance of
~2 m and then averaged these values together (Garrick, 2008).
Ambient environmental temperature was recorded by extract-
ing local weather data from the nearest weather station using
the Weather Underground mobile application soware (v5.11.9,
TWC Product and Technology, Atlanta, GA) from the Nation-
al Weather Service, operating under the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (2018).
Once located, snakes had 1) an apparatus with a boot
attached placed directly adjacent to the snake to simulate a
possible human interaction while actively hiking (Gibbons and
Dorcas, 2002; Shine et al., 2002). Aer the initial approach and
rst trial, the snake then had 2) the apparatus placed gently
on top of it (to simulate accidental contact with a hiker; Gib-
bons and Dorcas, 2002). Finally, the snake was 3) grabbed and
picked up using a pair of snake tongs covered with a leather
glove to simulate a human hand (Gibbons and Dorcas, 2002;
Glaudas, 2004; Glaudas et al., 2005; Maritz 2012). A previous
study showed that a human hand elicits a strong anti-predatory
response, suggesting that faux gloved hand might elicit a similar
anti-predatory response (Herzog et al., 1989). Each stage of the
test (1-3) was carried out for 20 seconds and was videotaped
using a digital video camera (to allow post hoc analysis of the
defensive response).
During each phase, the observers recorded the defensive
behavior of the snake from the anterior end. Behaviors were cat-
egorized into four separate categories during each stage of the
experiment (eeing, tail vibrating, feigning a strike, and striking;
Gibbons and Dorcas 2002) to represent escalating levels of anti-
predatory responses. A feigned strike was classied as a lunge
forward without any discernible opening of the mouth. To test
the eect of human activity, environmental temperature, snake’s
body temperature, and the snake’s initial posture on anti-preda-
tory behavior, we categorized each snake’s response across trials
into one ordered value based on their most defensive response
to any of the trials (no-response [0], eeing [1], benign anti-
predatory response [2; tail vibrating], or defensive anti-predato-
ry response [3; feigning a strike or striking]). To test for asso-
ciations between ambient and body temperatures and behavior
we used an ANOVA. Both environmental temperature and the
snake’s body temperature were normally distributed (Shapiro-
Wilk W Test, W = 0.94 and 0.97 respectively). To test for associ-
ations between initial body condition and anti-predatory behav-
ior we used a Mann-Whitney U-Test. All statistical analyses were
conducted in JMP Pro (v14, SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC).
We did not collect and individually mark snakes since it
would have been impossible to collect many of the snakes that
rapidly ed into adjacent cover (e.g., deep rock crevices, den
sites, heavy vegetation) in a manner that did not harm the
snakes or lead to the potential envenomation of the research-
ers. Additionally, since contact prior to the trials would have
biased behavior, marking could not have been performed prior
to the initiation of the trials. To help prevent “double-testing”
of the same snake, integument patterns (specically the darker
“hourglass” bands that may have been thin or wide, uneven,
broken on the dorsal side, etc.) were used as a basis for individ-
ual recognition and were supplemented by recordings of scale
abnormalities (Carlstrom and Edelstam, 1946; Shine et al., 1988;
Moon, et al., 2004). Post-hoc visual photo comparison between
each individual snake was conducted to remove any duplicate
trials. In total, we removed one snake trial from all analysis
aer post-hoc comparison conrmed that it had been tested
during a prior sampling period.
In total, we recorded encounters with 69 snakes
across all 10 sites (Fig. 1). Of these 69 snakes, 15 escaped
immediately upon discovery without performing any
other anti-predatory behavior and were not available
for any further trials. During the initial approach, one
snake performed tail vibrating before eeing, one snake
performed tail vibrating and a feigned strike before ee-
ing, and one snake attempted a strike. Aer accounting
for these 18 snakes, 52 snakes remained for further tri-
als. For a summary of the responses to each of the indi-
vidual trials (stepped next to (N = 52), stepped on (n =
33), and picked up (n = 14)), see Fig. 2. In total across
all trials, ve snakes displayed tail-vibrating behavior and
one exhibited a feigned strike followed by eeing (Fig. 2).
Across all trials, we recorded only two instances of strik-
ing (3% of all snakes).
ere was no relationship between snake anti-preda-
tory behavior and either ambient temperature (ANOVA:
F3,65, P = 0.92) or snake body temperature (ANOVA: F3,62,
P = 0.45). Similarly, there was no dierence in anti-pred-
atory behavior between snakes that were initially coiled
or extended (U = 255, P = 0.496). us, across all con-
ditions snakes showed similarly low percentages of anti-
predatory behavior.
Overall, our results provide evidence to support the
hypothesis that copperheads respond to potential preda-
tors in a manner consistent with their cryptic patterning.
Specically, copperheads are more likely to either remain
in crypsis or ee in the presence of a human rather than
display defensive behavior. Across the various trials of
34 Andrew Adams et alii
Fig. 1. Geographic distribution of the study sites across the state of Maryland. Each study site is represented by a pie chart with the binned
behavioral responses from all individuals at that site.
Fig. 2. Responses of copperheads to four increasing threat levels in a hierarchical anti-predatory trial (Found, Stepped Next To, Stepped On,
Picked Up).
Anti-predatory behavior of Eastern copperheads
the study, 93% of the snakes ed when we approached or
made physical contact with them. Furthermore, a higher
proportion of snakes (6%, n = 4) displayed no response
to any of our interactions (including being picked up)
than those snakes that struck during one of the trials
(3%, n = 2). While the proportion of strikes was low,
these results mirror the ndings of other studies exam-
ining pit-vipers’ responses to humans and consistently
demonstrate that despite the public’s perception of these
species as being dangerous and aggressive, that Pope
(1958) was correct when claiming that snakes are “rst
cowards, then bluers, and last of all, warriors.
To examine how dierent intrinsic and extrinsic fac-
tors inuenced anti-predatory response, we analyzed the
eect of the initial body posture and body temperature of
each individual, and ambient environmental temperature
on anti-predatory responses. While we did not collect
individuals to gather morphometric data, the extremely
low prevalence of snake strikes makes it highly unlikely
that any eect of sex or size class on a snake’s anti-pred-
atory response would have been detected. However, with
a larger sample size, dierences in anti-predatory behav-
ior based on various intrinsic or extrinsic factors may be
detected. e published literature on the anti-predatory
behavior of snakes is full of conicting results regarding
the role of intrinsic and extrinsic factors on anti-preda-
tory behaviors both between and among species (Shine
et al., 2000; Roth and Johnson, 2004). Unfortunately, our
work does little to elucidate the dierences between these
conicting studies, except perhaps to further emphasize
that dierences in evolutionary history may be prohibi-
tive when attempting to produce general models of anti-
predatory behavior in snakes.
While for obvious safety reasons we were unable
to approach the snakes with an exposed hand or fore-
arm, other studies have also used a gloved apparatus to
simulate the human hand (Gibbons and Dorcas, 2002;
Glaudas 2004; Glaudas et al., 2005). While it is possible
that the dierence in temperature between the gloved
apparatus and a human hand may have modied the
anti-predatory behavior of the copperheads due to their
heat-sensing capabilities, no study has yet assessed the
importance of thermal cues in the modication of anti-
predatory behavior in free-ranging pit-vipers. Since no
studies have examined the eect of predator temperature
on anti-predatory behavior, examining the literature on
the inuence of temperature on predatory behavior may
be instructive. However, in the only eld studies conduct-
ed to this point examining the importance of thermal
cues on predatory behavior, Shine and Sun (2003) found
that while adult snakes were more likely to strike at
warmer objects, temperature was not a predictor of juve-
nile strikes, and Schra et al. (2018) found that absolute
temperature was not an important predictor of predation
e public perception of venomous snakes as aggres-
sive and dangerous leads to a suite of problems for the
conservation of viperid species (see Seigel and Mullin,
2009 for an overview). Most notable among these issues
are the large organized round-ups that may lead to local-
ized extirpation of rattlesnakes (Adams et al., 1994; Fitch,
1998; Burghardt et al., 2009) and the lack of resources
that are made available for habitat protection or manage-
ment of these species (Seigel and Mullin, 2009). While
some studies provide cautionary tales about the poten-
tial backring of educational material (Ho and Maple,
1982), it is clear that increasing the public’s positive per-
ception of snakes will be a necessary component of any
long-term conservation plan (Seigel and Mullin, 2009).
More recent studies have shown that well designed edu-
cation programs focusing on biodiversity conservation,
the ecological role or snakes, or the use of antivenom for
medicinal use can improve feelings and attitudes about
snakes (Murphy and Xanten, 2007; Markwell and Cush-
ing, 2009). As part of this public outreach and education,
providing examples demonstrating the docile nature of
most venomous species may convince some individuals
to support legislation to prevent the organized killings
that persist to this day.
e results of this research provide previously una-
vailable information to inform the public of the docile
nature of copperheads and potentially assuage fears sur-
rounding the perceived aggressive nature of viperid spe-
cies. ese striking results should prove useful in con-
vincing the proportion of the public that is still impres-
sionable of the copperheads’ benign nature and may
result in an increase in positive public perception. Future
conservation of imperiled viperid species may hinge on
the ability of scientists to persuade policy makers and
the public of the importance and docile nature of these
species (Seigel and Mullin, 2009). is study provides
further evidence that common venomous species are
not aggressive and rely on striking only as a last resort.
As Charas (1677) noted over 300 years ago, “e viper is
taken by many for an image of malice and cruelty; but in
reality, she is guilty of no such thing”.
We would like to thank M. Addicks, C. Auth, H.
Deery, B. Durkin, M. Gacheny, R. Hamilton, J. Hansen,
V. Lannen, R. Mady, J. Marlow, A. Rodriguez, G. Ross, K.
Stenta, M. Szymanski, and J. Wimmer for their valuable
36 Andrew Adams et alii
assistance in the eld during data collection. C. Searcy, S.
Clements, C. Mothes, D. McKnight, and R. Mady assisted
with manuscript revisions and provided statistical guid-
ance. S. Smith was a critical component of the permitting
process. All work was conducted under Maryland State
Department of Natural Resources Permit # 56452, and
in accordance with ASIH/HL/SSAR Guidelines for use
of Live Amphibians and Reptiles in Field Research. e
authors declare no conict of interest.
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... Although we believe it is likely that other viperids are similarly variable in personality types, more species need to be studied to verify this assumption. Even though other studies of viperid behavior have not explicitly assessed personality traits, there are several studies that have reported substantial intraspecific variability in similar traits (Gibbons and Dorcas 2002;Shine et al. 2002;Glaudas et al. 2005;Adams et al. 2020), and a study on defensive behaviors of Cottonmouth Snakes (Agkistrodon piscivorous) qualitatively reported high levels of individual variation in defensive displays and striking when threatened (Glaudas et al. 2006). ...
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A burgeoning literature in animal behavior has demonstrated that most animals exhibit consistent individual variation in core behavioral traits or personality. However, the taxonomic spread of animal personality studies is uneven, with some ecologically important and diverse taxa still unstudied. Some of these understudied groups, such as venomous snakes, are also frequent targets of mitigation due to human–wildlife conflict, and conservation researchers have been increasingly focused on developing a general understanding of how individual personality, or temperament, mediates wildlife responses to management or mitigation actions. In this study, we used 20 captive Western Rattlesnakes (Crotalus oreganus) in standardized assays to test for repeatable behaviors (i.e., personalities) between individuals and examine possible relationships in personality traits across contexts (i.e., behavioral syndromes). Repeatability of behaviors was assessed over five repeated trials consisting of a handling assay, an open field test, and a threat assay. We found several behaviors related to exploration/avoidance, activity level, and boldness/shyness showed significant repeatability. However, we found no evidence for behavioral syndromes across contexts. Our analysis shows that, similar to many other species and taxonomic groups, viperid snakes also display individual personality traits when tested under standardized conditions, and we discuss the implications of this finding for mitigation, conservation, and comparative analyses across broadly similar species groups. Significance Statement It has now been well established that non-human animals exhibit individual behavioral traits similar to what humans term personality, and animal personality studies are becoming more important in the field of conservation and management. However, there are no previous personality/behavioral studies on venomous snakes, which are not only important predators in many ecosystems, but also a major source of human–wildlife conflict. We used a series of standardized behavioral tests to determine whether individual Western Rattlesnakes showed distinct personalities. We found that individual snakes did indeed exhibit repeatable behavioral traits consistent with personalities, but we did not find that these temperament traits were correlated across contexts. Our findings are important to developing a more nuanced view of the behaviors of venomous snakes and could aid in the development of more humane strategies to reduce human–wildlife conflict.
... As well as variation in human and snake population densities, rates of reporting, and habitat and activity patterns, variation in snake defensiveness may also occur. Controlled experiments studying reactions of vipers to being stepped on show that they are unlikely to bite (Gibbons and Dorcas, 2002;Glaudas et al., 2005;Adams et al., 2020); however, similar studies are lacking for elapids and other groups. Future studies could focus on how existing knowledge on populations vulnerable to snakebite (Longbottom et al., 2018) relate to the behaviour of venomous snakes present in the area. ...
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Snakebite incidence at least partly depends on the biology of the snakes involved. However, studies of snake biology have been largely neglected in favour of anthropic factors, with the exception of taxonomy, which has been recognised for some decades to affect the design of antivenoms. Despite this, within-species venom variation and the unpredictability of the correlation with antivenom cross-reactivity has continued to be problematic. Meanwhile, other aspects of snake biology, including behaviour, spatial ecology and activity patterns, distribution, and population demography, which can contribute to snakebite mitigation and prevention, remain underfunded and understudied. Here, we review the literature relevant to these aspects of snakebite and illustrate how demographic, spatial, and behavioural studies can improve our understanding of why snakebites occur and provide evidence for prevention strategies. We identify the large gaps that remain to be filled and urge that, in the future, data and relevant metadata be shared openly via public data repositories so that studies can be properly replicated and data used in future meta-analyses.
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ABSTRACT - ‘Vanishing Viper 2019’ was organised in the wake of continuing evidence for declines in British populations of the northern viper or adder (Vipera berus). The meeting included British participants as well as those from other European countries, whose insights suggest that the drivers of adder declines in mainland Europe are similar to those in Britain. Consequently, we stand to benefit from their knowledge and experience. It was concluded that if adder declines continue at the present pace then Britain may be left with a few large, flourishing populations, but that many of the smaller populations will be lost as appears to have happened in Belgium, France, Germany and The Netherlands. The meeting considered a range of conservation actions including improvements to habitat management, the creation of adder ‘ARKs’, population restoration by genetic or demographic enhancements, community level promotion and outreach, and opportunities for new policy-driven environmental schemes. It is recommended to create a national Adder Working Group to help crystallise and prioritise the main issues and a larger, more informal Adder Network to link and co-ordinate adder researchers and land managers to ensure a free fl ow of ideas, information and advice. Our chances of success in these ventures will be all the greater if we continue to share experience with our European neighbours.
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Rattlesnakes use infrared radiation to detect prey animals such as small mammals and lizards. Because ectotherm locomotor performance depends on temperature, rattlesnakes could use prey temperature to evaluate the potential of lizards to evade attacks. Here, we tested whether hunting rattlesnakes use infrared information to (1) detect and (2) evaluate prey before attack. We expected thermal contrast between prey and background to be the best predictor of predatory behaviour under the prey detection hypothesis, and absolute prey temperature under the prey evaluation hypothesis. We presented lizard carcasses of varying temperatures to free-ranging sidewinder rattlesnakes (Crotalus cerastes) and scored behavioural responses as a function of thermal contrast, absolute lizard temperature, and light level. Thermal contrast and light level were the most salient predictors of snake behaviour. Snakes were more likely to respond to lizards and/or respond at greater distances at night and when thermal contrast was high, supporting the known prey detection function of infrared sensing. Absolute lizard temperature was not an important predictor of snake behaviour; thus, we found no evidence for temperature-based prey evaluation. Infrared sensing is still poorly understood in ecologically relevant contexts; future research will test whether rattlesnakes learn to evaluate prey based on temperature with experience.
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Background Venomous snakebite and its effects are a source of fear for people living in southern Nepal. As a result, people have developed a negative attitude towards snakes, which can lead to human-snake conflicts that result in killing of snakes. Attempting to kill snakes increases the risk of snakebite, and actual killing of snakes contributes to loss of biodiversity. Currently, snake populations in southern Nepal are thought to be declining, but more research is needed to evaluate the conservation status of snakes. Therefore, we assessed attitudes, knowledge, and awareness of snakes and snakebite by Chitwan National Park’s (CNP) buffer zone (BZ) inhabitants in an effort to better understand challenges to snake conservation and snakebite management. The results of this study have the potential to promote biodiversity conservation and increase human health in southern Nepal and beyond. Methods We carried out face-to-face interviews of 150 randomly selected CNP BZ inhabitants, adopting a cross-sectional mixed research design and structured and semi-structured questionnaires from January–February 2013. Results Results indicated that 43 % of respondents disliked snakes, 49 % would exterminate all venomous snakes, and 86 % feared snakes. Farmers were the most negative and teachers were the most ambivalent towards snakes. Respondents were generally unable to identify different snake species, and were almost completely unaware of the need of conserve snakes and how to prevent snakebites. Belief in a snake god, and the ability of snakes to absorb poisonous gases from the atmosphere were among many superstitions that appeared to predispose negativity towards snakes of BZ residents. Conclusion People with predisposed negativity towards snakes were not proponents of snake conservation. Fear, negativity, ambivalence towards, and ignorance about, snakes and the need for snake conservation were strong indicators of the propensity to harm or kill snakes. It seems that if wanton killing of snakes continues, local snake populations will decline, and rare and endangered snake species may even become locally extirpated. Moreover, inappropriate perception and knowledge about snakes and snakebites may put BZ people at increased risk of venomous snakebite. Therefore, intensive, pragmatic educational efforts focused on natural history and ecology of snakes and prevention of snakebite should be undertaken in communities and at schools and universities.
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Comparing the escape responses of two similar species can help to reveal the underlying causes of different antipredatory responses. In this study, we compared the flight initiation distances of American Bullfrogs (Lithobates catesbeianus) and Green Frogs (Lithobates clamitans). We predicted that larger individuals would allow a predator to approach more closely than smaller individuals because larger individuals can jump further than smaller individuals. Therefore, we expected the smaller species, L. clamitans, to have a greater mean flight initiation distance than L. catesbeianus, and we expected females (which were the smaller sex in the study) to have a greater flight initiation distance than males. We tested these predictions using a model snake that was pulled by an electronic toy car. This is a novel method that may yield more accurate flight initiation distances than using an approaching human as the predator. We found that L. clamitans had a significantly greater mean flight initiation distance (17.8 cm) than L. catesbeianus (13.4 cm). We did not, however, find a significant difference between the flight initiation distances of males and females within either species. We also did not find a significant correlation between frog size (snout-vent length and mass) and flight initiation distance for either sex of either species.
Introduction: This is the 34th Annual Report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers’ (AAPCC) National Poison Data System (NPDS). As of 1 January 2016, 55 of the nation’s poison centers (PCs) uploaded case data automatically to NPDS. The upload interval was 9.50 [7.33, 14.6] (median [25%, 75%]) min, facilitating a near real-time national exposure and information database and surveillance system. Methods: We analyzed the case data tabulating specific indices from NPDS. The methodology was similar to that of previous years. Where changes were introduced, the differences are identified. Cases with medical outcomes of death were evaluated by a team of medical and clinical toxicologist reviewers using an ordinal scale of 1–6 to assess the Relative Contribution to Fatality (RCF) of the exposure. Results: In 2016, 2,710,042 closed encounters were logged by NPDS: 2,159,032 human exposures, 54,019 animal exposures, 490,215 information cases, 6687 human confirmed non-exposures, and 89 animal confirmed non-exposures. US PCs also made 2,718,022 follow-up calls in 2016. Total encounters showed a 2.94% decline from 2015, while health care facility (HCF) human exposure cases increased by 3.63% from 2015. All information calls decreased by 12.5% but HCF information calls increased 0.454%, and while medication identification requests (Drug ID) decreased 29.6%, human exposure cases were essentially flat, decreasing by 0.431%. Human exposures with less serious outcomes have decreased 2.59% per year since 2008 while those with more serious outcomes (moderate, major or death) have increased by 4.39% per year since 2000. The top five substance classes most frequently involved in all human exposures were analgesics (11.2%), household cleaning substances (7.54%), cosmetics/personal care products (7.20%), sedatives/hypnotics/antipsychotics (5.84%), and antidepressants (4.74%). As a class, sedative/hypnotics/antipsychotics exposures increased most rapidly, by 10.7% per year (2088 cases/year), over the last 15 years for cases showing more serious outcomes. The top five most common exposures in children age 5 years or less were cosmetics/personal care products (13.3%), household cleaning substances (11.1%), analgesics (9.21%), foreign bodies/toys/miscellaneous (6.48%), and topical preparations (5.07%). Drug identification requests comprised 28.1% of all information calls. NPDS documented 1977 human exposures resulting in death; 1492 (75.5%) of these were judged as related (RCF of 1 – undoubtedly responsible, 2 – probably responsible, or 3 – contributory). Conclusions: These data support the continued value of PC expertise and need for specialized medical toxicology information to manage more serious exposures, despite a decrease in cases involving less serious exposures. Unintentional and intentional exposures continue to be a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in the US. The near real-time, always current status of NPDS represents a national public health resource for collecting and monitoring US exposure cases and information calls. The continuing mission of NPDS is to provide a nationwide infrastructure for surveillance for all types of exposures (e.g. foreign body, infectious, venomous, chemical agent, or commercial product), and the identification and tracking of significant public health events. NPDS is a model system for the real-time surveillance of national and global public health.
We consider the optimal behavior of a cryptic prey individual as it is approached by a predator searching for prey. Although the predator has not yet discovered the prey, it has an increasing likelihood of doing so as it gets closer to the prey. Further, the closer the predator is to the prey when it discovers it, the more likely the predator will be to capture the prey. These arguments suggest that the prey should flee before the predator discovers it. However, the act of fleeing will alert the predator to the presence of the prey and trigger an attack that might not have occurred otherwise. We capture these conflicting outcomes in a mathematical model, which we then use to predict the optimal behavior of the prey and predator. We argue that the optimal strategy for the prey is either to run as soon as they detect a predator approaching or to only flee in response to having been detected by the predator. Running as soon as the predator is detected is associated with low predator search speeds, a low nonpredation cost to running, a large advantage to the prey in initiating chases rather than reacting, limited ability to spot the predator at distance, a high ability to spot prey by the predator, and a high probability that chases will be successful. The optimal strategy for the predator depends on whether its current trajectory is taking it closer to or further from the prey. In the latter case, the predator should attack immediately on discovering the prey; in the former case, it should delay its attack until it reaches the point on its current trajectory where distance to the prey is minimized. © International Society for Behavioral Ecology; all rights reserved.
In the present century rattlesnake roundups have become popular in various parts of the United States as a form of recreation and as a means of generating income for the sponsoring agencies. Various species of rattlesnakes including Crotalus atrox, C. adamanteus, C. horridus, and C. viridis are hunted. The only Kansas roundup was initiated in 1992 in the town of Sharon Springs and C. viridis is the species hunted. Attributes of the Kansas prairie rattlesnake as a game animal are its fertility (mean litter 10.7) and early maturity (third year). About 80% of females produce young each year, unlike more northern populations of the species that reproduce biennially or triennially. In the Kansas prairie, rattlesnakes natural attrition amounts to from one-fourth to one-third annually. Relatively few of the snakes survive for as long as ten years. In order to assure maintenance of a supply of snakes sufficient to provide the recreation and income expected from the roundup, conservation measures must be adopted. Size limits and bag limits should be enforced. About one-fourth of the snakes captured are gravid females, and these should be released unharmed to ensure a continuing supply.
Optimal escape theory predicts that escape behaviour of an organism is best understood in terms of costs and benefits of escaping relative to risk of predation. However, risk of predation facing an organism is dependent on various biotic and abiotic factors. In order to better understand escape behaviour of an African snake, the Namaqua dwarf adder (Bitis schneideri), I simulated predatory attacks on 51 free-ranging snakes, quantifying whether or not they fled. Additionally I measured body size, sex, body condition, and the surface temperature of the location of each snake, as well as the situation (buried or active on the surface) of the snake. I used generalized logistic regression to assess which variables predicted whether the snake fled during/following the simulated attack or not. Surface temperature was significantly associated with a flight-response, with warmer snakes more likely to flee than cooler snakes. Buried snakes were less likely to flee than snakes that were active on the surface. These findings generally support optimal escape theory in that both factors are strongly linked to risk of predation: temperature is likely to influence sprint performance, while situation is likely to influence the detectability of the snake to predators.