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Abstract and Figures

There are various technological tools and software that can be used to enhance the language teaching-learning process. Research has shown that the integration of ‘gamification’ based software like Kahoot! has the ability to influence and enhance language learning outcomes and can be used as effective teaching and assessment tools in language classrooms. This study explores the language teaching and learning experiences of five teachers and 50 secondary students in an international school when they used Kahoot! in their English classes. The study employed a questionnaire with ten items using a five-level categorical Likert scale and a semi-structured interview to collect data. Almost all the teachers reported that Kahoot! was an effective teaching and assessment tool, and the use Kahoot! enabled the teachers to engage students actively in classes. The results from the questionnaire highlighted that almost all the students reported positive experiences when they had lessons integrated with the use of Kahoot!. The majority of students reported that they were able to engage actively in their language lessons when Kahoot! was used. Almost all the students reported positive experiences when they used Kahoot! in their language classrooms. Generally, it was found that Kahoot! enabled students to engage and actively participate in their language learning processes, and teachers used Kahoot! to create a more meaningful and rich language learning experience for their students.
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International Journal of Modern Education (IJMOE)
Volume 2 Issue 5 (June 2020) PP. 19-28
DOI: 10.35631/IJMOE.25003
Copyright © GLOBAL ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE (M) SDN BHD - All rights reserved 19
International Journal of Modern Education
Journal Website:
eISSN: 2637-0905
Paramjit Kaur 1*, Reenuga Nadarajan 2
School of Education and Modern Languages, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia
GEMS International School Pearl City, Penang, Malaysia
Corresponding Author
Article Info:
Article history:
Received date:13.01.2020
Revised date: 12.06.2020
Accepted date: 14.06.2020
Published date: 15.06.2020
To cite this document:
Kaur, P., & Nadarajan, R. (2020).
Language Learning And Teaching
Using Kahoot!. International Journal
of Modern Education, 2(5), 19-28.
DOI: 10.35631/IJMOE.25003
Research shows that technological hardware and software such as computers, tablets, online
teaching and learning applications have the ability to enhance students’ engagement and
International Journal of Modern Education (IJMOE)
Volume 2 Issue 5 (June 2020) PP. 19-28
DOI: 10.35631/IJMOE.25003
Copyright © GLOBAL ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE (M) SDN BHD - All rights reserved 20
active participation in the classrooms in an effective manner as well as help teachers teach in
a more meaningful and effective manner (Bransford, Brown & Cocking, 2007; Cox &
Rogers, 2005; Chun, Kern & Smith, 2016; Kim & Reeves, 2007; Koile & Singer, 2006).
Technology increasingly occupies most aspects of our lives. Thus education contexts need to
change and adapt according to the current needs learners and their learning strategies and
preferences. Education too needs to prepare citizens for the workplace that is becoming
increasingly dependent on technology. Therefore, teachers and educators should try to
complement traditional textbooks with learning software in order to enhance students’
engagement in learning and prepare students for the job market.
Malaysia requires a workforce that need to function and compete in a globally and
technological enhanced world. Thus, the Ministry Education of Malaysia has outlined a set
of additional skills and competencies that are aligned with the National Education
Philosophy, which will provide students a competitive edge at an international level.
According to the Malaysian Educational Blueprint 2013-2025, there are several strategies to
ensure that students are prepared with the required skills to face global challenges and to
transform students through the application of Science, Technology, Engineering and
Mathematics (STEM) in relevant subjects. Several strategies and curriculum enhancements
have been introduced to increase the development of students’ skills and competencies.
These strategies include new innovative learning approaches and an enhanced curriculum that
emphasises high order thinking skills.
Various learning software and platforms have been specifically developed to assist English
language teachers in their classrooms (Chun, Kern & Smith, 2016). These software and
platforms are also developed to enhance and optimise students’ language learning
experiences. Adaptive learning software such as Kahoot! that are based on gamification
elements enrich classroom activities as this software can engage students, supply feedback
and structure participation courses. Various researches and studies that involve educational
settings have proven that the infusion of ‘gamification’ in the teaching and learning process
has the ability to influence learning experiences as well as studentsbehaviour and language
learning outcomes (Deterding, Dixon, Khaled, & Nacke, 2011). Studies should examine how
students’ experiences with such gamification based activities can lead to higher engagement
in their language learning processes as well as how teachers integrate these activities into
their classroom teaching. This exploratory paper examines the perspectives of English
language teachers and students about the use of Kahoot! in language classrooms in an
international school located in northern Malaysia. Specifically, this study examines the
effectiveness of the Kahoot! platform from students’ and teachers’ point of views in terms of
language learning and teaching experiences.
Literature Review
There three sub-sections in the literature review. These include technology in the language
classroom, gamification in language learning and teaching, and Kahoot! in the language
Technology in the Language Classroom
The education system experiences transformation constantly. These transformations lead to a
high level of complexity in terms of the challenges that arise and place new demands on
learners and teachers. There is a constant need for change and improvement in teaching and
learning methods. For learners today, technology has become part of their culture and lives as
the current generation are known as digital natives. “A digital native is someone who was
International Journal of Modern Education (IJMOE)
Volume 2 Issue 5 (June 2020) PP. 19-28
DOI: 10.35631/IJMOE.25003
Copyright © GLOBAL ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE (M) SDN BHD - All rights reserved 21
raised in a digital, media-saturated world” (Meyer, 2010). Therefore, in order for classrooms
and schools to be relevant to these digital natives, teaching and learning need to cater for the
digital lifestyle of today’s generation, and new technologies need to be integrated in
classrooms. Increasingly, various adaptive learning software and technological tools have
replaced traditional classroom methods that are based on textbooks and blackboards as
learning and teaching tools.
The integration of technology into learning and teaching has been an effective measure to
connect with student’s learning style. All students learn differently, and technology allows
educators to accommodate the unique learning styles of different students (Bernard, Chang,
Popescu & Graf, 2017). Allowing students’ to use technology through their devices such as
tablets and smartphones in their learning activities will encourage them to actively participate
in classrooms. In addition, the use of technology by teachers can also transform traditional
passive learning models to more active modes as teachers take on roles as motivators,
advisors and coaches. Teachers will be able to have better interaction with students as they
assist students through the use of technological tools and obtain responses and feedback from
students throughout the learning process. Teaching and learning become more dynamic and
students gain skills that will help them be more viable for the workforce later on.
Gamification in Language Teaching and Learning
Gamification based educational software use game-based activities and video games to
engage its audience in educational contexts (Icard, 2014). Gamification has been used in
various fields such as marketing, finance, and health; and recent times has been used as a new
type of strategy for language learning and instruction (Deterding et al, 2011). Deterding et al
(2011, p. 9) also states that the main objective of integrating gamification based classroom
activities is to “motivate and increase user activity and retention” via a “rewards and
reputation system”. The creation of interactive games for teaching and learning in classrooms
promotes independent and collaborative learning as well as enhances critical thinking and
problem solving skills (Icard, 2014). Teachers can adapt the interactive games to suit their
lesson outcomes as well assessment criteria. Progress indicators in a game also make learning
and self-evaluation more visible and interactive. Using gamification based tools and software
also helps students adapt and enhance their technological skills that are a requirement of the
21st century. Teachers can also develop materials that will enhance their own teaching
experiences and encourage a classroom environment that is more collaborative and
stimulating. Theoretically, fun and enjoyable gaming environment increases responses and
participation among students’ in the learning process thus generating positive learning
outcomes (Dellos, 2015).
According to Livingstone (2015), gamification based teaching and learning activities allow
learners to be engaged in meaningful communication and take on active roles in their own
learning. Activities that are based on games stimulate learners and motivate them to learn on
their own. These activities also lessen students’ anxiety towards learning English and create a
positive environment for English language learning. Students need to follow instructions
while playing games in order to get the feedback and at the same time they are exposed to the
target language (Piskorz, 2017). Language teachers often face problems to create lessons that
can sustain their students’ interests and attention in class. Thus, gamification based activities
in English classrooms can offer teachers a more fulfilling and engaging classroom
environment as these activities are relatively easy to design and provide learners with
language practice and can also be used as an assessment tool that provides immediate
feedback to students. Teachers can also design lessons that are tailored to suit learners’
International Journal of Modern Education (IJMOE)
Volume 2 Issue 5 (June 2020) PP. 19-28
DOI: 10.35631/IJMOE.25003
Copyright © GLOBAL ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE (M) SDN BHD - All rights reserved 22
individual differences. Gamification based activities and tools offer more effective language
learning and teaching environment for learners and teachers.
Kahoot! in the Language Classroom
Kahoot! is a platform that comprises quizzes, discussions and surveys and is based on
gamification mechanics. Kahoot! has its own unique features that are typical of gaming and
teaching models. Kahoot! is a game-based platform for students to engage in learning in a fun
and competitive manner. Instead of the traditional method of textbooks and notes, Kahoot!
encourages users to learn, collaborate and socialize in virtual classrooms thus creating an
active learning environment (Graham, 2015). Kahoot! is a game-based response system
which is played by the whole class in real-time or ‘live’ time. An example of a Kahoot!
application is during a lesson, questions can be projected on the screen and students would
have to answer the questions via devices such as a tablet, smartphone or computer.
Many education institutions have begun to invest in adopting technological tools and
software such as Kahoot! in classroom activities as an effort to restructure teaching
approaches with current technological advancements (Zhao, Sheldon & Byers, 2002).
Research has shown that students’ are more engaged and have higher collaboration when
Kahoot! is used in their classrooms (Icard, 2014). Students enjoy participating using Kahoot!
in language-based activities as the content is appealing and fun. Students also can compete
with their peers in real time and this gives them a sense of competition. The features of
Kahoot! also enable teachers to analyze and assess if students truly understand the learning
material covered through the use of Kahoot! quizzes and surveys.
Integrating technology in classroom assessment enables the teacher to facilitate and monitor
the lesson without interrupting students’ participation (Moersch, 1998). Thus, language
learning experiences in the classroom becomes more dynamic, open-ended and
multidimensional. In many education settings, the application of technology is slowly
becoming a common practice in giving feedback and assessing students’ learning (Nicol &
Milligan, 2006; Saade, 2003). Kahoot! based activities offer a method of giving feedback
almost instantly without interrupting students’ engagement in the activity. Kahoot! also
allows students to create their own surveys and quizzes to show understanding of the subject
matter (Medvedovska, Skarlupina & Turchina, 2016).
Kahoot! can enhance students’ engagement in activities while still physically remaining in a
typical traditional class. There is no necessity for access to computer labs to engage in
Kahoot! based activities as students can use their own devices such as phones and laptops.
Traditional activities such quiz, discussion and surveys can be conducted on the Kahoot!
platform but in a more fun and interactive way. Bitner & Bitner (2002) state that teachers are
able to use Kahoot! to manage lessons and assessments. The integration of Kahoot! in
classroom activities creates a fun and interactive atmosphere in the classroom (Lee &
Hammer, 2011). Overall, Kahoot! is a great gaming response system that has a variety of uses
for teachers in the classroom because it is user friendly and open ended. Kahoot! offers
students a learning tool that is interactive, fun and offers immediate feedback. The game-
based feature of Kahoot! is attractive for students and especially useful for language learning
activities as it allows students to freely practice their language skills with their peers in real
time as well as get actual reactions.
International Journal of Modern Education (IJMOE)
Volume 2 Issue 5 (June 2020) PP. 19-28
DOI: 10.35631/IJMOE.25003
Copyright © GLOBAL ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE (M) SDN BHD - All rights reserved 23
This paper examines teachers’ and students’ perspectives and experiences of using the
Kahoot! platform in their English language teaching and learning. This exploratory study was
conducted in an international school situated in the northern Malaysia. There are 51
academic staff in the school and a total of 412 students, Malaysians and foreigners. The
international school offers the British International curriculum at early years, primary,
secondary and pre-university levels. The students need to sit for an English exam to be
placed in their respective classes.
The participants of this study comprised of 50 secondary level students with a mix of Year 9,
Year 10 and Year 11 students; as well as five full time teachers. 33 students were Malaysians
and 17 were non-Malaysians. 29 of the students were learning English as second language
while 22 were learning English as a first language. Three of the teachers were teaching at
secondary level and two at primary. Two of the participants (referred to as Teacher A and
Teacher B) in this study are British while the other three participants (Teacher C, Teacher D
and Teacher E) are Malaysians. The teachers had language teaching experience ranging from
five to fifteen years. All of them are university graduates with Bachelor Degrees in English
A self-developed questionnaire consisting of ten questions was used to collect data from the
50 students. The aim of the questionnaire was to gather students’ perspectives and
experiences of the use of Kahoot! in their lessons. The questionnaire was administered with
during school hours. There are two sections in the questionnaire. Section A consists of four
items about participant’s demographic information. Section B consists of ten items with a
five-point Likert scale. The items are all related to the students’ perceptions and feelings
about the use of Kahoot! in their English language classrooms. All the items were in English
as the students were taken to be proficient in the language.
Data from teachers was collected via semi-structured interviews. Teachers were asked about
their experiences and thoughts about the use of Kahoot! in their classrooms. The interview
consisted of 13 open-ended interview questions. The interview questions were developed by
researchers based on literature review. The responses from the five teachers were transcribed
and analyses. Five themes were discovered from the interviews.
Findings and Discussion
This section presents the findings and discussion in two sections; namely teachers’ and
learners’ perspectives.
Teachers’ Perspectives on the Use of Kahoot!
The analysis of the transcribed interviews of the five teachers elicited six themes regarding
teachers’ perspectives on the use of Kahoot! in their language teaching. These themes
included ‘familiarity with Kahoot!’, ‘Kahoot! as teaching tool’, ‘Kahoot! for language
learning’, ‘Kahoot! and assessment’, ‘suitability of Kahoot! as classroom activity’, and
‘student engagement’. All the teachers voiced that they regularly used Kahoot! based
activities in their classroom and it was an effective teaching tool as students were highly
engaged when Kahoot! based activities were carried out. As Teacher A points out about the
effectiveness of Kahoot, “Yes, in my opinion it is. It positively influences students. As a
whole I believe Kahoot! is very helpful in teaching and should be used more in classes and it
brings positivity to students. It also helps me to measure students understanding of a topic at
the end of each lesson”.
International Journal of Modern Education (IJMOE)
Volume 2 Issue 5 (June 2020) PP. 19-28
DOI: 10.35631/IJMOE.25003
Copyright © GLOBAL ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE (M) SDN BHD - All rights reserved 24
Four out of the five teachers are highly experienced users of Kahoot!. Only, one teacher
(Teacher C) had to develop her knowledge and skills of Kahoot! as a result of the school
policy of integrating Kahoot! Teacher A (a highly experienced user of Kahoot!) describes
“Kahoot! is a two-way technology system to assist in conducting classroom activities such as
quizzes, discussions and surveys. Questions will be posted on the screen and students can use
their smart gadgets either mobile phones, iPads, or computers and answer the questions”.
However, Teacher C (initial novice of Kahoot!), expressed that she did not have initial
knowledge or skills about Kahoot! but attempted to learn and use it as it was highly popular
among students and other teachers. Teacher C reported that “I had no idea what Kahoot! is
until I joined this school and realize most teachers utilize this application in classroom
teaching. I gradually learned about Kahoot! and applied it in my teaching process. I also
learnt about challenging people and also sharing, duplicate the Kahoot! game which already
exist in the online Kahoot! application.”
All the teachers expressed that their students were highly engaged during lessons that
integrated Kahoot!. These teachers remarked that students were highly enthusiastic and
collaborated actively to complete tasks. For example, Teacher A remarked about her students
during Kahoot! activities as “They love it. There is a positive active participation. I frequently
hear this from my students; ‘it’s ‘competitive, I like winning games’, ‘it’s nice to use mobile
phones in classroom with teacher’s permission’, ‘the background music makes me to think
well’, ‘it’s a warm up especially in mornings’”. Overall all the teachers interviewed in this
study agreed that Kahoot! based activities that were integrated into their classrooms were
highly beneficial for their students. Teachers are continuously upgrading and adapting to the
latest teaching method in order to keep up with the latest technological changes as well as to
engage with their students who are more technologically inclined (Livingstone, 2015).
Students’ Perspectives on the Use of Kahoot!
The results from the questionnaire that was distributed to 50 respondents were tabulated
based on percentages. Table 1 shows the findings of the study from the questionnaire for the
ten items in the questionnaire.
Table 1: Students’ Perspectives on Kahoot! in English Classes
Kahoot! is a fun way of learning
language subjects.
I feel positive towards my learning when
I participate in Kahoot! games.
I found that Kahoot! application
stimulates learning.
Kahoot! is an innovative tool designed
to engage me with learning.
I feel motivated when I compete with
my friends to get higher scores in
Kahoot! game.
The question sets available in the
Kahoot! application are related to my
International Journal of Modern Education (IJMOE)
Volume 2 Issue 5 (June 2020) PP. 19-28
DOI: 10.35631/IJMOE.25003
Copyright © GLOBAL ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE (M) SDN BHD - All rights reserved 25
Kahoot! team mode enables me to
discuss and collaborate with my
I learn language lessons better when I
can create question and answer sets and
also provide illustrations on the Kahoot!
Language question sets available in
Kahoot! help me to improve my
language learning in interesting way.
I prefer my teacher to conduct Kahoot!
activity at least twice a week.
Based on Table 1, participants mostly chose between ‘strongly agree’ and ‘agree’ for almost
all the items. Items 1, 2 and 3 are concerned with Kahoot! being a useful resource for
learning. Almost all respondents strongly agreed with items 1, 2 and 3 which measured
Kahoot! as a useful resource for learning. Items 4 and 5 which are related to the features of
Kahoot! as being an innovative tool and provides a sense of competition as students complete
activities in real time and their scores can be seen by their peers. Results showed that for
items 4 and 5, respondents also strongly agreed to both items. Most students agreed that the
features of Kahoot! were useful to them and provided them with ample learning
For item 8, the responses show that majority of the respondents agreed with the statement that
creating question and answer sets together with illustrations on the Kahoot! template enabled
them to learn better. However, a small number (8%) chose to stay ‘neutral’ with the
statement. Majority of the respondents strongly agreed with item 9 that states that Kahoot! is
helpful in improving their language learning in an interesting way. However, item 9 is the
only item that had the highest number of ‘neutral’ responses among all the 10 items. Some of
these students may feel that Kahoot! is not a learning activity as it is gamer based, although
teachers may have integrated learning objectives. For item 10, almost all the respondents
were positive towards the statement that Kahoot! should be conducted at least twice a week.
The findings from questionnaires revealed that that almost all the respondents have positive
experiences and feelings about the application of Kahoot! in their language learning. None of
the students strongly disagreed with any of the ten items. Only item 7 “Kahoot! team mode
enables me to discuss and collaborate with my teammatesshowed a ‘disagree’ reaction by
6% of the students. Some of the students may have introvert personalities who prefer to learn
on their own (Bitner & Bitner, 2002). Activities based on Kahoot! mainly need students to
collaborate in order to complete activities, and therefore may be unsuitable for students who
prefer to work alone. For most of the items, majority of the students either agreed or strongly
agreed with the statements. This is indicated that these students had positive perceptions
about the use and the features of Kahoot! in their own language classes. Even the teachers
who were interviewed, largely expressed positive reactions and experiences about the use of
Kahoot! in their teaching. These teachers also expressed that their students seemed to enjoy
and benefitted from the use of Kahoot! based activities.
The findings in this study are similar to the findings of the study done by Bicen (2018) where
it was found that students, who were preservice teachers reported positive reactions on the
use of Kahoot! in their classes. Bicen (2018) reported that the preservice teachers reported
International Journal of Modern Education (IJMOE)
Volume 2 Issue 5 (June 2020) PP. 19-28
DOI: 10.35631/IJMOE.25003
Copyright © GLOBAL ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE (M) SDN BHD - All rights reserved 26
Kahoot! had a positive impact especially the features of instant feedback as well as the
engaging activities in Kahoot! made learning seem fun. Yapici & Karakoyum (2017) also
found that their respondents who were preservice teachers had positive experiences with
Kahoot! where these future teachers indicated that they would adopt the use of Kahoot! in
their own classes when they start teaching. These preservice teachers reported that Kahoot!
made their learning engaging and enhanced their learning experiences (Yapici & Karakoyum,
One factor that needs to be highlighted in this study is the context and sample of the study.
As the context of this study is an international school with students who are mostly proficient
in the English language, this could have influenced the findings and limited the study. An
international school has its own unique features that consist of multinational students, global
curriculum and ample infrastructure that may allow teachers and students to fully use
Kahoot!. Teachers in this school are also encouraged to use Kahoot!. Those who have no
knowledge about Kahoot! are given training to integrate Kahoot! in their classroom activities.
Infrastructure to support the use of technology in teaching and learning is also constantly
upgraded to meet with current changes and advances. Thus, the school provides a platform
and instills an awareness of the importance of technology and its benefits in education.
According to King (2017), information and communication technology improves the quality
of education. Teachers need to be given training to fully utilise technology to enhance their
teaching and enhance students’ learning experiences. Students are digital natives and only
focusing on traditional methods and materials may not be enough to engage these students in
classrooms. Although, the context may limit the generalisation of the findings, this study
shows that given the proper infrastructure and training game-based applications such as
Kahoot! can benefit teachers and learners.
Kahoot! based activities in English language classrooms can help to instil positive attitudes,
increase motivation of students, create fun and enjoyable learning environment (Medina &
Hurtado, 2017). For teachers, Kahoot! offers an alternative assessment method and helps
create meaningful activities that can promote student engagement. Thus, teachers need to
have access to technology within their classrooms and feel comfortable utilizing that
technology in their instruction. Kilickaya & Krajka (2010) found that although technology
appears to make instruction meaningful to students, teachers are unsure how to incorporate
technology into their instruction. Teachers should receive professional development to
incorporate game-based learning platforms into their daily instruction to help students remain
engaged, motivated, and to promote retention (King, 2017).
From this small exploratory study, it can be seen that Kahoot! can provide positive learning
experiences to students in their language classroom. Students involved in this study expressed
positive experiences and outcomes in their language classes when they engaged in activities
via Kahoot! in an organized and sustained manner. Teachers in this particular school also
seemed to be using Kahoot! to assist in their language classes and ample support is given in
terms of IT support and facilities. The expressed that the features of Kahoot! such as real-
time based activities, competing with peers, allows them to track their progress and
interactive nature were beneficial to their language learning.
Kahoot! allows teachers to be innovative and enhances students’ learning engagement.
Feedback can also be given instantly, thus students can monitor their own learning. Kahoot!
based activities are relatively easy to design for teachers and offers students fun and
International Journal of Modern Education (IJMOE)
Volume 2 Issue 5 (June 2020) PP. 19-28
DOI: 10.35631/IJMOE.25003
Copyright © GLOBAL ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE (M) SDN BHD - All rights reserved 27
interactive learning experiences. As the results of this study show, almost all the students
found Kahoot! to be an effective learning experience and they feel happy and competitive
when they are engaged in Kahoot! based activities. Teachers in this study also expressed
positive experiences about the use of Kahoot! in their classes.
Kahoot! is a suitable platform to use for all levels of students, in most subjects and especially
language classes. Students are normally eager to use their mobile phones or tablets and
implement technology into the classroom. These applications provide a positive environment
in the classroom, increase energy and add enjoyable moments in learning (Drigas & Charami,
2014). Kahoot! is also able to motivate students and promote competitive as well as
cooperative learning environments (Malamed, 2012). Kahoot! is also an effective assessment
tool whereby all the results, scores and percentages of the questions can be recorded online
and downloaded manually too. All level of students can benefit by getting involved in game-
based learning platforms like Kahoot!. The games created in the Kahoot! platform too can be
kept for other classes and teachers can re-use and adapt the games for other classes in the
future. Kahoot! provides positive learning experiences to students as shown in this study.
Kahoot! is also a tool for teachers to engage their students in language classrooms.
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... Students noted that the drive to increase their attention and interaction strongly supported their learning in the course. This is consistent with several studies ( [8]; [18]; [11]) of the use of Kahoot! for learning. Our results corroborate Rice's (2012) statement that the use of games to promote students' learning should serve to capture students' interest, as all of us learn better when we are motivated. ...
... Our results corroborate Rice's (2012) statement that the use of games to promote students' learning should serve to capture students' interest, as all of us learn better when we are motivated. Wang and Tahir [25], Singer [23], and Kaur and Nadarajan [11] note that engagement and learning go hand in hand and that you cannot have one without the other. There was an 88.5% positive response rate. ...
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This study investigated the effectiveness of using the Kahoot! game in developing the cognitive achievement and direction of students of pharmacy at Alasmarya Islamic University, Libya. The study design is based on action research. Kahoot! was implemented once at the end of each of three units. The study sample consisted of 30 female students from the first year of university at the Pharmacy Science College in Libya. The students were selected randomly, and studied using Kahoot! technology. For the quantitative part of the study, data were collected through a 20-item questionnaire on 20 participants and 15 participants to gather information on students' perceptions about this application by the interview. Results indicate that the students were able to engage actively in the chemistry lessons and learned the unit on molecular weights effectively, leading them to enjoy basic chemistry, and the surveys allow for anonymous classroom participation, which further engages all students. The results hold implications for the development of more efficient, effective in educational process.
... Despite these challenges, the benefits of technology, such as improved pronunciation and communication skills, drive its continued adoption. Kaur and Nadarajan (2020) found that modern hardware and software effectively increase student engagement and active participation in the classroom. Understanding the impact of technology on student learning is crucial, as it has the potential to either significantly hinder or enhance learning outcomes. ...
... According to Setiawan and Soeharto (2020), Kahoot is an application that allows students to practice answering assessment questions while listening to music in the background, thereby preventing them from becoming fatigued. Kaur and Nadarajan (2020) demonstrated that Kahoot is an engaging evaluation tool. It can be seen in a study where participants share their opinion of using Kahoot. ...
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This research is aimed at finding empirical data from students' perception of used by teachers to assess students' English Grammar mastery. This research was focused on small-scale samples of senior-level students from three schools in East Jakarta. Thus, this research could crack the actual impressions of each student toward the usage of particularly in the grammar assessment context. This research employed a quantitative descriptive approach by using a survey design. This research applied an online G-form instrument that consisted of 24 items with closed and open-ended questionnaire formats. There was a total of 234 students who completed the instruments. The data collection was calculated by using Microsoft Excel and SPSS 25 version. The findings clearly showed positive results towards usage on the aspects of Features and Display (67.91%), Experience; Likeness and Interest (61.91%), and Grammar Assessment Tool (60.97%). These data were also supported by the result of a close-ended questionnaire which presented plenty of good statements. It is convincing to affirm is truly beneficial for the students to assess their English grammar competence. learners. This research aims to expose the descriptive accounts of the teaching and learning process in online learning settings UHAMKA International Conference on ELT and CALL (UICELL) Jakarta, 14-15 December 2023 453 | C o n f e r e n c e P r o c e e d i n g s which is related to critical and creative thinking. This research will be a case study that uses observation and interview as data collection techniques.
... There are a variety of technological equipment and applications used to improve the teaching and learning of languages. According to Kaur and Nadarajan [6], the implementation of "gamification"-based aids like Kahoot! in language education settings can influence and improve language learning outcomes. ...
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Gamification has been applied in language education by many educators all over the world. Kahoot!, known as a gamified learning platform, has a positive effect on English language education when it is utilized as a useful teaching tool in educational institutions. Despite multiple attempts to assess this gamified tool, not much research has concentrated on how well Vietnamese students accept the use of Kahoot! for warm-up activities. Employing a 22-item questionnaire using a five-point Likert scale and a semi-structured interview with the participants of 175 university students, the study aims to explore students' acceptance of using Kahoot! for warm-up activities. The survey questionnaire was created using the technology acceptance model (TAM) as the fundamental framework to investigate students' acceptance of using Kahoot! for warm-up activities. Results indicate that participating students highly appreciated and were satisfied with the use of Kahoot! for warm-up activities because of its pedagogical benefits. It is to suggest practical implications for language educators in using Kahoot! for warm-up activities in different educational settings.
... High-level literary achievement aligns with Kaur et al.'s (2020) study, emphasizing the traditional lecture method's strength in teaching sequencing. However, it acknowledges that some students may struggle, as certain learning styles require direct experiences for optimal learning transfer (Hanus et al., 2018;Kaur et al., 2020;Chiang, 2020). Answering direct recall questions Table 3 outlines the literary comprehension outcomes of the control group using traditional lecture methods, focusing on direct recall questions over four weeks with "The Tell-Tale Heart" and "The Country of the Blind." ...
... Kegiatan pembekalan dan pelatihan bagi guru bahasa Jerman untuk menerapkan media Kahoot dalam Proses dan Evaluasi Pembelajaran dapat menambah pengetahuan dan keterampilan guru bahasa Jerman sehingga efektif untuk digunakan. Senada dengan hasil pelatihan ini, (Kaur & Nadarajan, 2020) dalam penelitiannya juga mengungkapkan bahwa Kahoot adalah alat pengajaran dan penilaian yang efektif yang dapat digunakan oleh guru dalam kelas bahasa. Artinya bahwa aplikasi tersebut dapat membantu guru tidak hanya dalam proses pembelajaran di kelas namun juga pada proses evaluasi. ...
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The use of educational game-based media in general has not been implemented in schools in Ambon city. Even though in the digital era 4.0 educators are required to be able to use educational game-based media in the teaching and learning process. Therefore, it is necessary to provide German teachers in Ambon City at the SMA / SMK level with training on the use of technology in the learning process, one of which is the "Kahoot" Application Training as Media in Learning Process and Evaluation for German Language Teachers at SMA Negeri 6 Ambon. The community service team carries out training activities with the aim of training the use of educational game-based media in the learning process and evaluation. Community service activities are carried out through demonstration methods and direct practice in making learning media using the kahoot application. This activity was attended by German teachers in Ambon City. The end result of this service activity is the production of an educational game-based media (Kahoot) in the learning process and evaluation. This media can be used as an alternative in improving the skills of teachers in the process and evaluation of learning
... The use of Kahoot!, a gamification-based software integration, has been validated as an efficient instructional and evaluative tool in foreign language classrooms. It can affect and enhance language learning outcomes (Kaur & Nadarajan, 2020). A survey with a five-level Likert scale was also used. ...
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Educational digital games can be an effective way to teach English grammatical material because they provide an interactive and engaging learning experience. The purpose of this study is to clarify how playing digital games affects students’ motivation and performance in university-level English grammar classes. [The North-Eastern Federal Institute of MK Ammosova in Neryungri] used a quasi-experimental study, testing, respondent survey, and statistical data analysis method for this purpose. 114 Fourth-year students were the participants, and they were split into the experimental and control groups at random. Students in the experimental group were given a learning format that included the use of digital games designed to teach English grammar (Quizlet and Kahoot!). The traditional teaching strategies offered by the university curriculum were used with the students in the control group (written assignments, textbooks, presentations, and tests). The post-test revealed that the control group’s results were nearly identical to those of the pre-test. The students in the experimental group performed better. The proportion of students scoring “poor” fell from 30 to 10%, while the proportion scoring “moderate” fell from 42 to 27%. The “good” score increased from 17 to 40%, and the “excellent” score increased from 11 to 23%. These results suggest that digital games are a more productive and effective tool for teaching English grammar than traditional games. Students were also highly motivated, as they found digital games to be both entertaining and effective for language acquisition. Academic performance did not significantly improve. Based on this, future research might create electives or courses that teach English grammar more successfully using gamification techniques. These results can also be used to guide future research in education, language acquisition, and modern technology.
... Kahoot! is a game that encourages student participation in order to improve learning outcomes and classroom dynamics. According to research, integrating 'gamification' based software like Kahoot! into language schools can affect and improve the results of language learning can be used as effective teaching and assessment tools (Kaur & Nadarajan, 2020). ...
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There are a variety of technology instruments and software that can be utilized to improve language teaching and learning. According to research, integrating 'gamification' based software like Kahoot! into language, schools can affect and improve language learning results and can be utilized as effective teaching and assessment tools. This study examines the language learning experiences of eleven junior high school students in an international class that used Kahoot! in their English classes, focusing on skimming and scanning. According to the findings of the study, almost all of the students reported favorable outcomes when Kahoot! was used in their courses. The majority of students said that using Kahoot! in their English classes helped them improve their skimming and scanning skills. In general, it was discovered that using the skimming and scanning reading techniques, Kahoot! enabled students to have a better understanding of the content.
... Their joy and happiness in playing the game makes them not realize that they recall and applied their comprehension to complete the game. It is in line with Kaur and Nadarajan (2020) investigation that students could actively take part in the language class when kahoot! application is implemented. ...
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This research was conducted to reveal the description of teaching vocabulary using kahoot! Application through online learning and students’ vocabulary mastery after learning using kahoot! application. It used mixed method which was conducted to 20 students of State Vocational School of Salatiga who joined English Club Program. The researchers used test and observation to get the data. Based on observation result, it is seen that teacher prepared the teaching activity well which was seen from the implementation of teaching vocabulary using kahoot! Application could run as planned. Teacher used zoom application to communicate and interact with students in applying the game in teaching activity. Students are challenged and motivated to fill the game and raced to be the winner. After conducting the test, the researchers calculated the score and found the mean score of each test. The mean score of students’ pre-test is 36 and the mean score of post-test is 84. Based on the research result, the researchers could say that learning while playing could make students more relax to absorb the material and improve their vocabulary mastery as its effect. Kahoot application could be used as one of learning media while implementing teaching through distance learning.
... The effective ideas or approaches included in game designs to encourage positive learning outcomes contribute to the engaging learning experience of game playing, even though fun and entertainment are typically what first draw individuals to games. Some of the most important factors in gamified instruction are concentration, focus, motivation, interest and engagement (Bicen & Kocakoyun, 2018;Cárdenas-Moncada, 2020;Chen et al., 2016;Kaur & Nadarajan, 2020;Kaur & Naderajan, 2019;Mohd Muhridza et al., 2018;Reynolds & Taylor, n.d.;Sanga Lamsari Purba et al., 2019;Tóth et al., 2019;Zarzycka-Piskorz, 2018). Along with these characteristics and the principles of effective learning, well-designed digital games can encourage and support learning by allowing players to actively and critically explore, practise, and reflect on their ideas in a problem-based, contextual, and low-risk context. ...
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Kahoot! is a game-based learning platform used to review students' knowledge, for formative assessment, or as a break from traditional classroom activities. This study implements formative assessment in chemistry education classroom instruction using Kahoot! to monitor students' development and assess their interest in learning. The action research adopted experiments and survey design. Thus, two instruments (a test and a survey) were designed to obtain data from 32 enrolled undergraduate chemistry education students at Sokoto State University. A paired-sample t-test was conducted to monitor students' development between different test scores performed by the same respondents. The result indicated that while pairs 3 and 4 had no significant difference, there was a significant difference between pairs 1, pair 2, pair 5, and pair 6. Moreover, the results also revealed an effective enhancement of students' interest when Kahoot! is implemented as a tool for formative assessment in chemistry instructions. Kahoot! is a free online game-based application that includes quizzes, discussions, and surveys that make learning challenging, fun, and engaging. The study concluded that teachers should cautiously reap the benefits of Kahoot! in engaging, interesting, and monitoring students' development in learning.
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A novel learning experience that increases student motivation can be created in a learning environment that includes a gamification approach to assess competence. Student views on gamification were surveyed to determine the best application of this method, the environment necessary for its use, and the manner by which the application should proceed. The effect of a gamification approach on student achievement through intra-class competition was assessed using quantitative and qualitative methods. In this study, the Kahoot application was the preferred gamification method used. Participating students included 65 undergraduate students studying at the Department of Preschool Teaching. The findings showed that inclusion of a gamification method increased the interest of students in the class, and increased student ambitions for success. This method was also found to have a positive impact on student motivation. Furthermore, the results of this study indicate that the Kahoot application can be used effectively for gamification of lessons. In conclusion, the gamification method has an impact on students that renders them more ambitious and motivated to study.
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The aim of the study is to examine the views of preservice biology teachers about the use of Kahoot in biology teaching and the effect of Kahoot use on preservice biology teachers’ motivation levels. In the study, the mixed model was used. The study group included 15 sophomore pre-service teachers attending the Department of Biology Education in the Spring Term of 2015-2016. As the data collection tools, an interview form and the motivation scale were used in the study. According to the findings in the study, it could be stated that the preservice biology teachers’ motivation levels increased after the application process and that they mostly reported positive opinion about the Kahoot applications. In addition, the preservice teachers said they wanted to use Kahoot in future because it resulted in more enjoyable lessons, active participation and more permanence. On the other hand, some preservice teachers stated that their failure in scoreboard during the application process was demoralizing and that the students’ insufficient technological skills might have affected the process negatively.
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The arrival of technology has transited the path for an increased use of the Web, allowing for access to diverse kinds of information and materials. With this advent of technology, a significant number of distinct technologies have been introduced to assist in human communication and interaction. Since the genesis of Web 2.0 technologies, people all over the world now have the Internet at their finger tips, and can execute communicative acts with little or no difficulty. In educational contexts, Web 2.0 is making great in-roads even though its full effectiveness still needs to be further researched in the said environments. The plethora of didactic technologies offers new and exciting opportunities for students and teachers. Since Web 2.0 is having a profound impact in educational institutions, and is yielding promising results, then there is a very strong possibility that it has the potential to impact significantly on the language learning and teaching process. Bearing in mind the afore-mentioned, this paper seeks to discuss the impact of the Web 2.0 in education and its potential for language learning and teaching. Keywords: web 2.0, web 2.0 technologies, web 2.0 tools, education, language learning and teaching, language teaching, language learning, technology, information and communication technologies (ICTs), computer mediated communication (CMC), computer-assisted language learning (CALL), mobile-assisted language learning (MALL).
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Today's schools face major problems around student motivation and engagement. Gamification, or the incorporation of game elements into non-game settings, provides an opportunity to help schools solve these difficult problems. However, if gamification is to be of use to schools, we must better understand what gamification is, how it functions, and why it might be useful. This article addresses all three questions, exploring both the potential benefits and pitfalls of gamification.
Identifying students’ learning styles has several benefits such as making students aware of their strengths and weaknesses when it comes to learning and the possibility to personalize their learning environment to their learning styles. While there exist learning style questionnaires for identifying a student's learning style, such questionnaires have several disadvantages and therefore, research has been conducted on automatically identifying learning styles from students’ behavior in a learning environment. Current approaches to automatically identify learning styles have an average precision between 66% and 77%, which shows the need for improvements in order to use such automatic approaches reliably in learning environments. In this paper, four computational intelligence algorithms (artificial neural network, genetic algorithm, ant colony system and particle swarm optimization) have been investigated with respect to their potential to improve the precision of automatic learning style identification. Each algorithm was evaluated with data from 75 students. The artificial neural network shows the most promising results with an average precision of 80.7%, followed by particle swarm optimization with an average precision of 79.1%. Improving the precision of automatic learning style identification allows more students to benefit from more accurate information about their learning styles as well as more accurate personalization towards accommodating their learning styles in a learning environment. Furthermore, teachers can have a better understanding of their students and be able to provide more appropriate interventions.
Gamification is not a very new concept. It is the use of game elements and game design techniques in a non-game context. It is used in various contexts for various purposes. There is strong evidence that shows the relationship between game playing and increased motivation. More and more learning games emerge and bring a promise to help to learn a language. There are certain game elements that could be used in non-game contexts to trigger effective player engagement as well as persistence and motivation to win/learn. The paper outlines the influence of specific game elements onto players, presents the motivational aspects of game involvement, and investigates what game elements could be responsible for increasing motivation to participate and engage in a grammar learning game. All of these are investigated on the example of a online game, which was used with the General English language course students attending the classes in The Modern Languages Centre at the Pedagogical University, Cracow, Poland. The main objective of the research paper is to observe and assess how the students' motivation increases - if - to learn and practise grammar and how effective this mode of learning is. It also presents the teachers' evaluation of the design process, its implementation and recommendations for further use.
This article offers a capacious view of technology to suggest broad principles relating technology and language use, language teaching, and language learning. The first part of the article considers some of the ways that technological media influence contexts and forms of expression and communication. In the second part, a set of heuristic questions is proposed to help guide language teachers and researchers in determining how to incorporate technology into their teaching practice or research agenda and evaluate its suitability and impact. These questions are based primarily on the goal of helping learners to pay critical attention to the culturally encoded connections among forms, contexts, meanings, and ideologies that they will encounter and produce in different mediums, both traditional and new.
A great number of articles have been written about English language teaching and the use of ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) during the last decade, achieving a laudable outcome. Recent literature has shown that the use of ICTs in the language classroom has a lot to offer to both learners and teachers, with learners enhancing their vocabulary, improving their reading and speaking skills, and with teachers having to hold a double role; the role of the educator and that of the facilitator, while having to cope with complex situations which include lack of training or lack of equipment in the language classroom. In this paper we shall review and present some representative studies on this field during the last decade.
There are many issues related to the successful use of technology in the classroom. Some of the more salient include securing necessary annual funding, the development of dynamic plans, and decisions concerning platforms, hardware, T1 lines, software, and so forth. While these are perhaps the most obvious considerations, an often-overlooked but crucial determinant of whether technology succeeds or fails in the classroom is a less than obvious one...the teacher. While attention to choosing the appropriate hardware and software for the classroom is prerequisite, it is the skill and attitude of the teacher that determines the effectiveness of technology integration into the curriculum.