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Wild edible fruits generate substantial income for local people of the Gunung Leuser National Park, Aceh Tamiang Region


Abstract and Figures

Background: Gunung Leuser National Park offers a variety of wild edible fruit species (WEFs) with food, nutrition, medicine, and economic value to the local people. In recent times, these WEFs have been threatened by over-exploitation, land-use changes, and biodiversity loss. This study aims to investigate the diversity of WEFs and their contribution to household income for communities living around the National Park.
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Manuscript received: 27/04/2019 Revised manuscript received: 27/06/2020 - Published: 14/07/2020
Wild edible fruits generate
substantial income for
local people of the
Gunung Leuser National
Park, Aceh Tamiang
Adi Bejo Suwardi, Zidni Ilman Navia, Tisna Harmawan,
Syamsuardi, Erizal Mukhtar
Background: Gunung Leuser National Park offers a
variety of wild edible fruit species (WEFs) with food,
nutrition, medicine, and economic value to the local
people. In recent times, these WEFs have been
threatened by over-exploitation, land-use changes,
and biodiversity loss. This study aims to investigate
the diversity of WEFs and their contribution to
household income for communities living around the
National Park.
Methods: The study was conducted in three sub-
districts adjacent to Gunung Leuser National Park.
The plant materials were randomly collected from
three sub-districts, while local knowledge was
gathered through a structured survey and in-depth
interviews. The informant sample comprised 450
people, 150 from each of the three sub-districts.
Results: A total of 54 wild edible fruit plants belonging
to 41 genera and 27 families were recorded in the
study area. Thirty-nine (72.22 %) species were found
growing in forests, 12 (22.22 %) species in farmland,
and 3 (5.56%) species occur in the bush. Several
species have economic value including Baccaurea
macrophylla (Müll.Arg.) Müll.Arg., Baccaurea
polyneura Hook.f., Diospyros kaki L.f., Flacourtia
rukam Zoll.&Moritzi, Garcinia atroviridis Griff. ex
T.Anderson, Garcinia xanthochymus Hook.f. ex
T.Anderson, Lansium domesticum Corrêa,
Mangifera foetida Lour., Mangifera odorata Griff.,
Mangifera laurina Blume, Nephelium cuspidatum
Blume, Passiflora edulis Sims., Pometia pinnata J.R.
Forst. & G. Forst., Syzygium aqueum (Burm. f.)
Alston, and Syzygium malaccense (L.) Merr. & L.M.
Perry. These fruits formed a source of household
income and were harvested by approximately 82%
of respondents. The sale of WEFs contributed
approximately 34.31% of the total annual household
income. These findings confirm the assumption that
WEFs are important for the generation of household
Conclusion: This study demonstrates the importance
of WEFs to local communities in Aceh Tamiang,
Indonesia, particularly rural communities living near
Gunung Palung National Park. WEFs play an
important role in rural livelihoods by ensuring food,
medicine, and sustained income. Policies and
legislation involving stakeholders are required to
ensure the cultivation, management, sustainable
use, and promotion of WEFs in order to encourage
the economic growth of the rural community in the
Aceh Tamiang region.
Adi Bejo Suwardi1*, Zidni Ilman Navia2, Tisna
Harmawan3, Syamsuardi4, Erizal Mukhtar4
1Department of Biology Education, Faculty of
Teacher Training and Education, Samudra
University, Langsa, Aceh, 24416, Indonesia
2Department of Biology, Faculty of Engineering,
Samudra University, Langsa, Aceh, 24416,
3Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering,
Samudra University, Langsa, Aceh, 24416,
4Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and
Sciences, Andalas University, Kampus Limau Manis
Padang, 25163, West Sumatra, Indonesia
*Corresponding Author:
Ethnobotany Research & Applications
20:11 (2020)
Key words: Aceh Tamiang district, biodiversity,
economics, household, value addition
Ethnobotany Research and Applications
Pendahuluan: Taman nasional Gunung Leuser
memiliki berbagai jenis tumbuhan buah edible liar
yang dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat pedesaan,
terutama sebagai sumber pangan, nutrisi, obat-
obatan, dan dapat menjadi sumber pendapatan
keluarga. Saat initumbuhan buah liar terancam oleh
eksploitasi berlebihan, perubahan penggunaan
lahan, dan kehilangan keanekaragaman jenis.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi
keanekaragaman jenis tumbuhan buah edibel liar
dan kontribusinya terhadap pendapatan keluarga
bagi masyarakat yang tinggal di sekitar Taman
Nasional Gunung Leuser.
Metode: Penelitian dilakukan pada tiga Kecamatan
yang berbatasan langsung dengan Taman Nasional
Gunung Leuser. Sampel tumbuhan dikumpulkan
secara acak dari tiga kecamatan, sementara itu,
pengetahuan masyarakat dinilai dengan survey dan
wawancara. Data diambil dengan melibatkan 450
orang dengan masing-masing 150 orang di setiap
Hasil: Sebanyak 54 jenis tumbuhan buah edible liar
yang terdiri dari 41 marga dan 27 keluarga telah
ditemukan selama penelitian. Sebanyak 39 (72.22
%) jenis ditemukan di hutan, 12 (22,22%) jenis di
kebun, dan 3 (5,56%) jenis ditemukan di semak
belukar. Beberapa jenis yang memiliki nilai ekonomi
diantaranya Baccaurea macrophylla (Müll.Arg.)
Müll.Arg., Baccaurea polyneura Hook.f., Diospyros
kaki L.f., Flacourtia rukam Zoll.&Moritzi, Garcinia
atroviridis Griff. ex T.Anderson, Garcinia
xanthochymus Hook.f. ex T.Anderson, Lansium
domesticum Corrêa, Mangifera foetida Lour.,
Mangifera odorata Griff., Mangifera laurina Blume,
Nephelium cuspidatum Blume, Passiflora edulis
Sims., Pometia pinnata J.R. Forst. & G. Forst.,
Syzygium aqueum (Burm. f.) Alston, and Syzygium
malaccense (L.) Merr. & L.M. Perry. Tumbuhan
tersebut menjadi sumber pendapatan keluarga dan
dipanen oleh sekitar 82% responden. Penjulan
tumbuhan tersebut berkontribusi sebesar 34,31%
terhadap total pendapatan tahunan keluarga. Hasil
penelitian ini mengasumsikan bahwa tumbuhan
buah edible liar ini sangat penting dalam mendukung
ekonomi keluarga.
Kesimpulan: Penelitian ini menunjukkan tingkat
kepentingan tumbuhan buah edible liar bagi
masyarakat di Aceh Tamiang, Indonesia, terutama
yang tinggal di sekitar Taman Nasional Gunung
Leuser. Tumbuhan buah edible liar berperan penting
dalam mendukung kehidupan masyarakat pedesaan
sebagai sumber pangan, nutrisi, obat-obatan dan
penghasilan keluarga. Kebijakan dan peraturan
yang melibatkan semua pemangku kepentingan
diperlukan untuk mendukung budidaya, manajemen,
pemanfaatan berkelanjutan, dan promosi WEFs
dalam rangka mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi
masyarakat pedesaan di wilayah Aceh Tamiang.
Wild edible fruit plants (WEFs) refer to fruit plants
growing in the natural habitat (Shava 2005). Wild
plants form an important part of the human diet;
almost 75,000 plant species are known to be edible
(Diamond 2002; Leonti et al. 2006). These plants
are generally grown in different habitats such as
forests, cultivable fields, and even anthropogenically
disturbed areas such as roadsides and wastelands
(Beluhan & Ranogajec 2010). WEFs have played a
significant role in the livelihoods of rural communities
in developing countries (Mwema et al. 2012; Mabaya
et al. 2014; Khruomo & Deb 2018) due to their
nutritional and medicinal value (Biswas et al. 2018).
WEFs provide vitamins and minerals that are
essential for the maintenance of human health (Saka
& Msonthi 1994; Navia et al. 2015; Suwardi et al.
2018). Many WEFs contain more vitamin C than the
commercial species and are capable of providing
macro and micronutrients in the diet (Bvenura &
Sivakumar 2007). They also provide a similar taste,
flavor, and aroma as cultivated fruit plants (Suwardi
et al. 2019a). In addition, WEFs are also important
sources of traditional beverages, food recipes, oil,
medicines, fodder, firewood, and building materials
for rural communities (Maghembe et al. 1998;
Suwardi et al. 2019b; Navia et al. 2020; Suwardi et
al. 2020a). Local communities are known to possess
extensive knowledge about the use of local plants as
food and for other purposes (Sundriyal et al. 1998).
Local people should enjoy continuous access to their
natural habitats so that they maintain and improve
their knowledge on the collection and preparation of
food from wild edible plant resources (Somnasang &
MorenoBlack 2000).
Gunung Leuser National Park (GLNP), one of the
world heritage sites was considered to be a hot spot
of tropical fruit plants in Sumatra. Approximately
4,000 species of flora are found in this area (Wiratno
et al. 2004). More than one million people live around
the GLNP (Wiratno et al. 2004), and rely on forest
resources for income and livelihood security. Fruits
as one of the non-timber forest products offer
potential to enhance the economic conditions of local
communities (Deb et al. 2013). Oryema et al. (2013)
reported that several WEFs have been identified as
being consumed in large quantities, while also
significantly contributing to the livelihoods of the local
community in Gulu District, Uganda. For the local
people in Riau Province, Indonesia, sales of WEFs
accounted for 38% of the total annual family income
Ethnobotany Research and Applications
(Pardede et al. 2018). Similarly, the communities in
Central Aceh, Indonesia and the Eastern Nuba
Mountains of Sudan obtained 43% and 0-100% of
the total annual family income from sold WEFs
(Salih-Kamal & Ali, 2014; Navia et al., 2020). WEFs
are therefore considered vital to sustaining rural
livelihoods, reduce rural poverty, and promote rural
economic growth (Maske et al. 2011; Ahenkan &
Boon 2011). Underutilization, high population
growth, and land-use changes including the
expansion of agricultural sector leading to
deforestation have also to lead to loss of diversity of
the WEFs (Ohiokpehai 2003; Bagra et al. 2006;
Navia et al. 2020; Suwardi et al. 2020b), even in
GLNP. WCS (2019) reported that about 4,685 ha of
GLNP forests had been converted to agricultural
land between 2000 and 2017, which also drove
biodiversity loss. Loss of various species, in
particular WEFs, will lead to increased food
insecurity (Lulekal et al. 2011; Addis et al. 2013).
Therefore, this study aims to investigate the diversity
of WEFs and their contribution to household income
for communities living around Gunung Leuser
National Park, Aceh Tamiang Region.
Materials and methods
Study area
The study was conducted in three sub-districts of
Aceh Tamiang districts (03°53'N, 97°43'E, 700 m
a.s.l.), Aceh province, Indonesia including
Tenggulun, Tamiang Hulu, and Bandar Pusaka as
shown in Figure 1. These areas are typically forested
and part of the buffer zone of the Gunung Leuser
National Park. These areas have a tropical humid
climate with a dry season mainly occurring from
January to June, while the rainy season lasts from
July to December. The rainfall ranges between 406
and 2,886 mm per year with 20 158 rainy days and
the average temperature is around 260 - 300C. The
topography is generally mountainous and the zone is
characterized by a cropping system (The Central
Bureau of Statistics of Aceh Tamiang Regency,
Data collection
The present investigation of WEFs was based on an
extensive field survey carried out from April to
September 2018. Information on WEFs was
obtained through participatory observations. The
study involved a total of 450 respondents (150
individuals from each sub-district), who were
selected through simple random sampling, with
different background characteristics such as sex,
age group, religion, marital status, tribe, and local
language (Table 1). A questionnaire was prepared
with four sections, namely: background
characteristics of the respondents, collections and
harvestings, sales, and other values of WEFs
(Appendix 1). The questionnaire also included the
amount of fruit harvested per year and income
secured from fruit sales. The interview was
conducted face to face in the Indonesian language
and each interview lasted between 30 and 60
Table 1. Demographic characteristics of respondents
Baseline Characteristics
(Total =
Marital status
Local language
Data analysis
The contribution of WEFs to household income was
estimated as a percentage of the total annual
household income generated by WEFs sales.
Computations were made in Microsoft Office Excel
Ethnobotany Research and Applications
Figure 1. Map of Aceh Tamiang district showing the three study areas, Bandar Pusaka, Tamiang Hulu and
Tenggulun sub-districts
A total of 54 wild edible fruit plants, consisting of 41
genera and 27 families, were identified in the study
area. Sapindaceae was the largest family
contributing six species, followed by Meliaceae (5
species), Clusiaceae (4 species), and Myrtaceae (4
species). Anacardiaceae, Fagaceae, Malvaceae,
and Phyllantaceae contributed three species each
(Table 2).
Thirty-nine (72.22 %) species were found growing in
forests, 12 (22.22 %) species in farmland, and 3
(5.56%) species occurred in the bush. The mean
number of WEFs identified by each age group of
respondents ranged from 15.8±2.05 (20-30 years) to
50.31±3.22 (41-50 years). Several WEFs have been
recognized for all ages including Langsat (Lansium
domesticum Corrêa), Kuwini (Mangifera odorata
Griff.), Macang (Mangifera foetida Lour.), Asam pauh
(Mangifera laurina Blume), Tampoi (Baccaurea
macrophylla (Müll.Arg.) Müll.Arg.), Jentik
(Baccaurea polyneura Hook.f.), Ceri (Prunus
beccarii (Ridley) Kalkman), Jambu air (Syzygium
garciniifolium (King) Merr. & L.M.Perry), Jambu bol
(Syzygium malaccense (L.) Merr. & L.M. Perry),
Asam kandis (Garcinia xanthochymus Hook.f. ex
T.Anderson) and Asam gelugur (Garcinia atroviridis
Griff. ex T.Anderson). While Durian enggang (Durio
griffithii (Mast.) Bakh.), Jengkol hutan (Archidendron
borneense I.C. Nielsen), Rambutan hutan
(Nephelium juglandifolium Blume), and Peralih
(Garcinia nigrolineata Planch. ex T.Anderson) are
several examples for such less known species.
The respondents explained that the harvesting of
WEFs is carried out mostly by men compared to
women. Several of the WEFs such as Baccaurea
macrophylla, B. polyneura, Diospyros kaki,
Flacourtia rukam, Garcinia atroviridis, G.
xanthochymus, Lansium domesticum, Mangifera
foetida, M. odorata, M. laurina, Nephelium
cuspidatum, Passiflora edulis, Pometia pinnata,
Syzygium malaccense, and S. aqueum were
harvested by 82% of the respondents. The majority
of respondents collected between 10 to 200 kg of
WEFs for sale or consumption by themselves. L.
domesticum and M. foetida were found to be
harvested in large quantities (more than 100 kg).
Approximately 40 % of respondents reported that
they only harvested small quantities of WEFs such
as Castanopsis costata (Blume) A.DC, Eleiodoxa
conferta (Griff.) Burret., and Garcinia nigrolineata
Planch. ex T. Anders.
Value addition
According to the local people, a total of 15 species
have additional values and are utilized as medicines,
additive, juice, pickles, chutney, and in dried forms
(Table 3).
Ethnobotany Research and Applications
Most fruits were consumed raw and fresh, but
several were consumed as pickles (M. foetida, M.
odorata, M. laurina, S. aqueum, S. garciniifolium,
and S. malaccense), chutney (M. foetida, M. odorata,
and M. laurina), or as an additive (G. atroviridis, G.
xanthochymus, and Syzygium polyanthum (Wight)
Walp). Few species were processed into juice (M.
foetida, M. odorata, and M. laurina). In addition, B.
macrophylla is used as traditional medicine for the
treatment of ringworm, while Santiria laevigata
Blume, and Momordica balsamina L. are used in the
treatment of diarrhea.
Contribution of WEFs to household income
Local communities in the study area collect WEFs for
sale in the traditional market, roadsides, or
neighborhood. Species, traded part, average
quantity, and the market price of WEFs that were
sold by local communities in the study area are
shown in Table 4. Approximately 85.5% of
respondents sold WEFs. Trading of WEFs were
dominated by women compared to men. The highest
quantity of fruits sold were M. foetida (200 ± 12.24
kg), and L. parasiticum (200 ± 10.54 kg), followed by
M. odorata (160 ± 2.82 kg), S. malaccense (100 ±
12.37 kg), S. aqueum (100 ± 13.65 kg), and D. kaki
(60 ± 4.21 kg). Several WEFs such as L.
domesticum, N. cuspidatum, and M. foetida are sold
in traditional markets or promoted on the roadside by
local people. Among fruit species, M. foetida and M.
odorata have high market price of around IDR
15,000-20,000 per kg, followed by L. domesticum
(IDR 12,0000-15,000), D. kaki, G. atroviridis (IDR
10,000-12,000 kg-1), and P. edulis (IDR 10,000 kg-
1). The mean income earned through the selling of
WEFs by the households is IDR 13,220,000 per
year, with the mean income of each respondent
being IDR 1,101,667 per month. Of all households
selling WEFs, 68% earned less than 25,000,000
Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) annually, while 32%
earned more than 25,000,000 IDR. The mean total
annual contribution to the household income from
selling of WEFs was around 34.41%.
Table 2. Wild edible fruits in the study area
Scientific Name
Local Name
Co. No
Actinodaphne cuneata (Blume)
Adenia macrophylla (Blume)
Aglaia tomentosa Teijsm. & Binn.
Aporosa benthamiana Hook.f.
Kayu asam
Archidendron borneense I.C.
Jengkol hutan
Baccaurea macrophylla
(Müll.Arg.) Müll.Arg.
Baccaurea polyneura Hook.f.
Blumeodendron tokbrai (Blume)
Canarium littorale Blume
Castanopsis costata (Blume)
Cheilosa montana Blume
Chisocheton patens Blume
Diospyros kaki L.f.
Durio griffithii (Mast.) Bakh.
Dysoxylum alliaceum (Blume)
Dysoxylum cyrtobotryum Miq.
Eleiodoxa conferta (Griff.) Burret.
Salak Hutan
Ficus lepicarpa Blume
Flacourtia rukam Zoll. &Moritzi
Garcinia atroviridis Griff. ex
Garcinia nervosa (Miq.) Miq.
Ethnobotany Research and Applications
Garcinia nigrolineata Planch. ex
Garcinia xanthochymus Hook.f. ex
Asam kandis
Glycosmis parviflora (Sims) Little
Urot Merah
Grewia laevigata Vahl
Helicia robusta (Roxb.) R.Br. ex
Horsfieldia superba (Hook.f. &
Thomson) Warb.
Knema laurina (Blume) Warb.
Lansium domesticum Corrêa
Lepisanthes fruticosa (Roxb.)
Lepisanthes amoena (Haask.)
Lithocarpus echinulatus
Lithocarpus indutus (Blume)
Mangifera foetida Lour.
Mangifera odorata Griff.
Mangifera laurina Blume
Asam pauh
Microcos latistipulata (Ridl.) Burret
Momordica balsamina L.
Pare hutan
Nephelium cuspidatum Blume
Nephelium juglandifolium Blume
Passiflora edulis Sims.
Physalis angulata L.
Polyspora oblongifolia (Miq.) Orel,
Peter G.Wilson, Curry & Luu
Pometia pinnata J.R. Forst. & G.
Matoa hutan
Pouteria viridis (Pittier) Cronquist
Prunus beccarii (Ridley) Kalkman
Buah Ceri
Santiria laevigata Blume
Solanum betaceum Cav.
Syzygium garciniifolium (King)
Merr. & L.M.Perry
Syzygium polyanthum (Wight)
Syzygium aqueum (Burm. f.)
Jambu Air
Syzygium malaccense (L.) Merr. &
L.M. Perry
Jambu Bol
Voacanga foetida (Blume) Rolfe
Xerospermum noronhianum
(Blume) Blume
Co. No = collection number
Habitat: B = Bush; F = Forest; FL = Farm land
Ethnobotany Research and Applications
Table 3. Species with their value addition
Scientific name
Mangifera foetida
Mangifera odorata
Mangifera laurina
Microcos latistipulata
Momordica balsamina
Garcinia atroviridis
Syzygium aqueum
Syzygium malaccense
Santiria laevigata
Physalis angulata
Syzygium polyanthum
Voacanga foetida
Table 4. Wild edible fruit plants commercialized in the study area
Scientific name
Trade part
Marketing (n=450)
Mean quantity per
respondent (kg)
Market Price
Baccaurea macrophylla
50 ± 1.05
8,000 ± 408.24
Baccaurea polyneura
25 ± 2.75
6,000 ± 712.19
Diospyros kaki
60 ± 4.21
12,000 ± 1,290.99
Flacourtia rukam
10 ± 1.94
5,000 ± 308.11
Garcinia atroviridis
50 ± 1.53
12,000 ± 1,312.33
Garcinia xanthochymus
50 ± 1.93
5,000 ± 406.25
Lansium domesticum
200 ± 10.54
15,000 ± 471.41
Mangifera foetida
200 ± 12.24
20,000 ± 2,818.59
Mangifera odorata
160 ± 2.82
20,000 ± 2,581.57
Mangifera laurina
50 ± 1.08
7,000 ± 1,490.71
Nephelium cuspidatum
40 ± 2.10
7,000 ± 1,220.19
Passiflora edulis
50 ± 1.23
10,000 ± 1,228.29
Pometia pinnata
40 ± 2.16
8,000 ± 302.18
Syzygium malaccense
100 ± 12.37
8,000 ± 430.21
Syzygium aqueum
100 ± 13.65
8,000 ± 204.56
* Mean ± Standard deviation
Note: 1 USD = 14,500 IDR in August 12, 2018 from
Ethnobotany Research and Applications
A total of 54 wild edible fruit species belonging to 41
genera and 27 families were identified in the study
areas. Most WEFs were found to grow wild in the
forest, while several WEFs such as Kuwini (M.
odorata) and Mancang (M. foetida) have been found
to have a natural occurrence in the farmlands. The
harvesting of WEFs is carried out by men compared
to women. Men make more frequent visits to the
forest to gather fuelwood and hunt animals, which
explains this. This study differs from the report by
Mahapatra & Panda (2012) from the state of Orissa,
India, which gathers most of the wild fruits of women
compared to men. Differences between genders in
the collection of WEFs are influenced by different
objectives, perceptions, interests, and access to
resources between communities. In this study area,
men collect WEFs while also collecting fuelwood or
hunting animals. A similar method of the collection
was reported in localities of Peru (Phillips & Gentry
1993), and in Botswana (Legwaila et al. 2011). The
intensity of use of WEFs has been reported on the
characteristics of the plants used and the livelihood
of the people (Shrestha & Dhillion 2006; Suresh et
al. 2014). WEFs have been associated with the
traditions and culture of local peoples (Bussmann et
al. 2006; Medley & Kalibo 2007; Addis et al. 2013).
The high diversity of WEFs in the study area shows
that local people possess traditional knowledge
about local plant species that provide food. Local
people tend to take advantage of a variety of plants
that are more accessible or abundant locally
(Srivastava 1988). The number of species recorded
in this study is comparable to the 56 wild edible fruit
species (26 families) reported from the Orissa state
of India (Mahapatra & Panda 2012), and 56 species
(24 families) in South Aceh, Indonesia (Suwardi et al.
2020b). However, it is also higher than the 44
species reported from the West Aceh, Indonesia
(Suwardi et al. 2019b), 38 species from the Gayo
Highlands of Indonesia (Navia et al. 2020), 33
species from Rupandehi district, Nepal (Acharya &
Acharya 2010), 27 species from Shorobe, Northern
Botswana (Neudeck et al. 2012), 12 species from
Uttara Kannada district of Karnataka (Hebbar et al.
2010), and 11 species reported from Dera Ismail
Khan district of northwestern Pakistan (Marwat et al.
2011). This variance in the diversity of WEFs has
been attributed to disparities in culture and location
(Arora & Anjula 1996).
During the discussions, the respondents stated that
M. foetida and M. odorata are the most preferred fruit
species because of their sweet taste and fragrant
smell. This is similar to that report of Navia et al.
(2020) that M. foetida and M. odorata were the most
popular and preferred fruits by the community in
Central Aceh, Indonesia. The taste was an important
criterion for the preference for fruit (Sujarwo et al.
2015; Navia et al. 2020). Most WEFs have sweet or
a slightly sour taste and are preferred by local people
in the study area which is comparable to cultivated
fruits. WEFs offer various essential nutrients to
maintain human health. For example, M. foetida fruit
is reported to have a high nutritional (Tee et al. 1997)
and antioxidant content (Tyug et al. 2010), and is
essential to supplement nutrients in the community.
In addition, G. atroviridis fruits contain potassium
hydroxycitrate that helps to reduce cholesterol (Jena
et al. 2002), and may be used in the treatment of
obesity (Mattes & Bornmann 2000; Tisdale et al.
2003; Preuss et al. 2004; Hamidon et al. 2017).
Most WEFs are eaten fresh by the local community
in the study area, but several species have additional
value. M. odorata and M. laurina are used for juice,
pickles, and chutneys, while M. foetida, S. aqueum,
S. garciniifolium, and S. malaccense are used for
pickle. This study is in line with the report of Tyug et
al. (2010) from Malaysia, where M. foetida is used as
pickles. G. atroviridis has traditionally been used in
food preparation and cooking, mainly to make food
more filling. Clouatre & Rosenbaum (1994) reported
that G. atroviridis contains HCA (Hydroxy citric acid)
and is traditionally used to make meals more filling.
In addition, G. atroviridis fruit is cut into thin slabs,
dehydrated by sun-drying, and stored for a certain
period before being used as an ingredient or sold on
the market. Its preparation method is similar to that
reported by Rittirut & Siripatana (2006) from
Thailand, where the community often dried G.
atroviridis thin slabs by sun-drying in the air and kept
them before entering the juice production process.
The respondents state that the value addition of
WEFs may increase the price of the product by three
to four times. For example, M. foetida in raw fruit form
is sold in traditional markets at IDR 20,000 kg-1,
whereas, it may increase to IDR 40,000 kg-1 if
processed into mango juice. Diversification of
products is expected to increase profits, which are a
good source of income for the community. The
diversification of products of several wild fruits has
already been adopted in other areas and reported as
highly remunerative (Maikhuri et al. 1998). The fruit
of M. balsamina was used as traditional medicine for
the treatment of diarrhea by people in the Bandar
Pusaka sub-district. Aqueous extract from M.
balsamina showed an antidiarrheal effect (Otimenyin
et al. 2008) and is being used in Nigeria for the
management of diarrhea (Thakur et al. 2009). The
leaves of B. macrophylla are used in the treatment of
ringworm, while leaves of S. laevigata were used in
the treatment of diarrhea. In addition, G. atroviridis is
Ethnobotany Research and Applications
traditionally used to treat cough and stomach pains.
This fruit has been reported to have bioactive
compounds such as saponins, phenolic, flavonoids,
and anthraquinone glycosides (Roslan et al. 2019).
It is traditionally used by the communities in Riau,
Indonesia for pain in the ears, dandruff, cough, and
stomach (Grosvenor et al. 1995; Alsarhan et al.
In the Aceh Tamiang region, all commerce and trade
activities primarily are conducted in the local market.
The frequency of the market days and the demand
for goods depends on the socio-economic conditions
of the people in the area. These markets serve as
collection points for local products as well as for the
distribution of goods. A variety of items are sold in
this market. Some of the common products are fruits,
vegetables, grains, agricultural produce, animals,
and their by-products. In the study area, women and
children usually sell WEFs in limited quantities door
to door or on the roadside around villages. Similar
methods have been reported from Gweta village,
Bostwana (Badimo et al. 2015), in East Kalimantan,
Indonesia (Koizumi 2005), and in Nepal (Shrestha &
Dhillion 2006). However, when the quantity of WEFs
is harvested in large quantities, they are sold in
traditional local markets. The sale of WEFs provides
income used to meet several family needs such as
buying food or paying school fees. Sale of WEFs can
provide 34.41% of the total annual family income in
the study area. This contribution of WEFs is lower
than reported by Pardede et al. (2018) from Riau
Province, Indonesia where they accounted for 38%
of the total annual family income, and in Central
Aceh, Indonesia (43%) (Navia et al. 2020).
WEFs in Aceh Tamiang region offers diverse
benefits to the communities. These plants grow
abundantly in the wild and have economic potential
as a source of household income. However, efforts
should be made to domesticate or cultivate them in
the communities’ farmlands outside the GLNP area.
Training and technology transfer must be provided to
local communities to support the cultivation of WEFs.
These activities must be supported by the
Indonesian government through the Aceh Tamiang
District Agriculture Office to emphasize the
domesticating of WEFs in providing economic
values. Intensive cultivation of WEFs may also
reduce the dependence of communities on the
GLNP. As a result, in addition to providing economic
benefits, the domestication of WEFs is also a
conservation strategy for WEFs in the GLNP. The
marketing of WEFs continues to be a challenge,
especially for local people who are engaged in this
business. The promotion and marketing efforts of
WEFs must be carried out intensively. Fortunately,
the Aceh Tamiang region is an attractive tourist
destination for both natural and cultural tourism,
visited by millions of tourists every year. The
Indonesian government through the Aceh Tamiang
District Tourism, Youth, and Sports Office must be
involved in promoting WEFs. Intensively promoting
and marketing WEFs will have more positive impact
on the economic growth of the people in the Aceh
Tamiang region.
Conclusions and recommendations
A total of 54 WEFs belonging to 27 families and 41
genera were found in the study area. Thirty-nine
(72.22 %) species were found growing in forests, 12
(22.22 %) species in farmland, and 3 (5.56%)
species occur in the bush. Several species have
economic value including Baccaurea macrophylla,
Baccaurea polyneura, Diospyros kaki, Flacourtia
rukam, Garcinia atroviridis, Garcinia xanthochymus,
Lansium domesticum, Mangifera foetida, Mangifera
odorata, Mangifera laurina, Nephelium cuspidatum,
Passiflora edulis, Pometia pinnata, Syzygium
malaccense, and Syzygium aqueum. The sale of
WEFs contributed approximately 34.31% to the total
annual household income, and are thus relevant to
household food security. Policies and legislations
developed by involving all stakeholders are required
to ensure the cultivation, management, sustainable
use, and promotion of WEFs in order to encourage
the economic growth of the rural community in the
Aceh Tamiang region.
List of abbreviations: WEFs = Wild edible fruit
species; GLNP = Gunung Leuser National Park; a.s.l
= above sea level.
Availability of data and materials: Data will be
available from the corresponding author on special
Ethical approval and consent to participate:
Permission was taken from the subdistrict heads of
Tenggulun, Tamiang Hulu, and Bandar Pusaka prior
to data collection. Oral informed consent was
obtained from all informants.
Consent for publication: Not applicable.
Conflict of interests: The authors declare no
competing interests.
Funding: The study received funding from the
Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher
Education, the Republic of Indonesia.
Authors’ contributions: ABS and TH carried out
fieldwork, data analysis, and drafted the manuscript.
ZIN configured the research project. The work was
supervised by S and EM. All authors read, reviewed,
and approved the final version of the manuscript.
Ethnobotany Research and Applications
We are grateful to the Directorate General of the
Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher
Education, the Republic of Indonesia for the
Collaborative Research Grant we received. We
would also like to thank all local people who assisted
and cooperated in this study.
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Ethnobotany Research and Applications
Appendix 1. Survey Questionnaire for Identification of indigenous edible fruit plants to promote diversification and
food security in Aceh Province, Indonesia
No. of Respondent: _______________________ Date: ________________________
Name of Respondent:
Marital status:
1. Are you familiar with the wild edible fruit plants?
2. Where do usually go to find wild edible fruit plants?
3. Have you ever harvested any wild edible fruit plants?
4. How often do you usually harvest wild edible fruit plants in a year?
5. Fill in the species and quantity of wild edible fruit plants that you are harvesting this year!
Common name
Quantity (Kg)
6. How do you consume these wild edible fruit plants? (to be eaten raw, processed, etc.)?
7. How do you use wild edible fruit plants? (for sale, self-consumption, etc.)
1. Have you ever sold any wild edible fruit plants?
2. Where do you usually sell wild edible fruit plants?
3 .Fill in the species, traded part, quantity and market price of wild edible fruit plants that you're selling this year!
Common name
Traded part
Quantity (Kg)
Market Price (Rp)
... The World Conservation Monitoring Center assessment team decided that Kasturi should be listed in the category extinct in situ of extinct in the wild (EW) category. Endemic fruit plants that are wild or have not been cultivated are often threatened by various human activities, such as the expansion of agricultural land, fires, conversion to plantations, and selective harvesting (Suwardi et al. 2020). In the case of Indonesia, mainly in the Kalimantan area, the depletion of forests can be attributed to the conversion of land for agricultural purposes (Busch and Ferretti-Gallon 2017), such as oil palm plantations, and mining. ...
Full-text available
Gunawan, Muhamat, Maghfiroh. 2024. Ethnobotany and conservation of Kasturi (Mangifera casturi Koesterm.) by Banjar Tribe in South Kalimantan, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 25: 1420-1426. Kasturi (Mangifera casturi Koesterm.) is a local fruit and has become the identity flora of South Kalimantan. This study aimed to investigate the knowledge of the Banjar tribe community and formulate a conservation strategy for Kasturi as the identity flora of South Kalimantan. Data on ethnobotanical knowledge were collected through interview technique. There were two types of informant: Key informants and additional informants. Key informants were selected through snowball sampling technique while additional informants were selected a combination snowball sampling and purposive sampling technique. The informants in this study have different background: Sex, age, job, marital status, and educational levels. The informants were grouped based on their age: teenagers (10-18 years), adults (19-59 years), and elders (60+ years). Data were analyzed using the formula of Kasturi plant parts usage (F), Fidelity Level (FL). All data collected were analyzed descriptively and presented in tables or diagrams. The Banjar tribe used M. casturi as source of food (63%), building material (32%), and drugs (5%). The parts of the Kasturi plant that are widely used by the community are fruit, which is 58%, stems are 37%, and leaves are 5%. The values of F (the frequency of parts of Kasturi used) observed from the economic use and health aspects of Kasturi include: building materials, food sources, economic and medicine. The value of F for economic use are 12.78%-100% and the value F for health aspect are 5%. The result of Fidelity Level (FL) analysis proves that all age groups had 100% of FL in utilizing fruits of Kasturi as local food source. The FL of Kasturi bark used is described as follows: 51.34% among teenagers, 89.54% among adults, 87.23% among elder as building materials. The FL value of leaf described 5% among elder. Most of the Banjar tribe get Kasturi fruit from plants that grow wild in their yards (42%) and only 6% have planted. The research indicated that M. casturi had high utility value for Banjar tribe. All parts of the plant (fruits, bark, and leaves) were exploited for economic and health. Conservation of Kasturi can be performed by: (i) Network development and collaboration for conservation efforts, (ii) Ex-situ conservation, (iii) Intensification of socialization and publication of Kasturi's uses, and (iv) Environmental education. The result of the study can be used for management conservation of M. casturi to ensure the availability in the future.
... As illustrated in Table 5, these species are versatile, contributing to various use categories such as technology and craft (TECH), timber (TIM), symbolic (SYM), and human food (HF). Their diverse roles make them vital to the local community, establishing their regional importance [25,58]. Following closely are Capparis spinosa, Morus alba, Thymus linearis, and Quercus baloot, each boasting an RFC of 0.83. ...
Full-text available
Background In northwestern Pakistan, Lotkuh is a high-altitude terrain nestled within the eastern Hindu Kush region. Enclaved by towering peaks and harboring a unique culture, the region mirrors the geographical and cultural diversity of Pakistan. In this geographically isolated region, a treasure trove of ethnobotanical knowledge unfolds through generations of interaction between the inhabitants and indigenous plants, resulting in a profound understanding of the plant uses in nutritional, medicinal, cultural, and ritual contexts. Thus, the study seeks to gather, analyze, and document the indigenous knowledge of plant utilization of the distinct tribal culture. Methods Through semi-structured questionnaires, inventory interviews, and participatory workshops, data were collected by engaging a cohort of 120 local respondents. The collected data were then classified into nine distinct use categories, following which quantitative indices were calculated. Results The research identified a total of 150 plant species spanning across 59 different families and categorized them into 9 distinct usage groups. Among these, Astragalus oihorensis, Astragalus owirensis, Cicer nuristanicum, Geranium parmiricum, and Rochelia chitralensis stand out as novel species with distinctive applications. Notably, medicinal use garnered 600 reports, while animal feed, veterinary applications, human consumption, and toxicity recorded 500, 450, 425, and 104 reports, respectively. Informant consensus was high ranging between 0.8 and 0.9 with most agreement on human food and animal feed category. Platanus orientalis and Juglans regia, with RFC 0.91, were the most cited. The Family Importance Value (FIV) of Juglandaceae and Platanaceae, each with an FIV of 0.91, and Capparidaceae with an FIV of 0.83 indicate the intricate role the families play. Conclusions In this study, we explore 150 ethnobotanical species, uncovering novel entries within ethnobotanical literature. Among these, several species showcase unique uses previously undocumented in Pakistani literature. Our research sheds light on the intricate interaction between plants and the distinct cultural landscape of the Lotkuh region.
... Wild edible plants were growing naturally in different kinds of habitats and it is played a major role in tribal people livelihood in developing countries and also acts as a major source of vitamins and minerals (Singh et al., 2021). The peoples of rural areas of the world used varieties of plants for their daily food and medicinal requirements (Suwardi et al., 2020). ...
Full-text available
The present study clearly gives the relationship between the local people and traditional knowledge about wild food plants in Central Western Ghats. The community peoples of this region have good traditional knowledge about varieties of wild food plants which were used in their daily life for food and medicine. This study aims to explore the relationship and traditional knowledge between the local inhabiting people and wild edible plants by using interview method from 2016–2019. A total of 107 species, belonging to 91 genera and 49 families were documented from the study site.
... It is proven that this Plant grows wild in the protected forest area of Leuser [1]). Asam Gelugur is used as a mixture of traditional cuisines by the Batak Toba tribe [2] and by ethnic Acehnese [3]. The content of natural hydroxycitric acid (HCA) in asam gelugur, whose function is proven to reduce body weight [4,5] , and it becomes this commodity sell well to the export market [6]. ...
Full-text available
Asam gelugur fruit has economic value. The government’s reforestation program empowers farmers through planting asam gelugur seeds at 3 altitudes, The problem is that not all of asam gelugur trees produce fruit. Characterization of morphology needs to be carried out to obtain basic data for selecting prospective mother trees as a source of seed supply that guarantees reforestation trees bear fruit. This study aims to characterize the morphology of asam gelugur based on classification of local wisdom of farmers of North Sumatra, namely classifying Asam gelugur based on the success or failure of the pollination process followed by the formation of fruit at 3 altitudes. This study was conducted in three altitudes: lowlands 1-<400 m above sea level (asl), medium (400- < 800 m asl and highlands (800- 1300 mdpl), exploration using survey method with IPGRI Descriptor guide and purposively sampling. The results found three types of asam gelugur in North Sumatra: Female, Male and Shemale (muzzy) at the three altitudes. There is no effect of altitude on the morphological characters of the three types of asam gelugur, except for the sharpness of the leaves color of the shoots.People namely Female asam gelugur tree, if pollination is successful and produces fruit. the tree routinely produces fruit. The name of a tree that has never been successfully pollinated and never bears fruit is called a male tree.The shemale tree is called a tree whose pollination occurs sometimes successfully. There were five striking differences in the characteristics of the three types asam gelugur based on local wisdom. The different characteristics were the Character shape (canopy), the petal’s color, the shape fruit, the Color of the young leaves, and the thickness of the leaves.
... This condition creates a suitable habitat for many plant species to grow with various uses that the local community can utilise. Generally, local people who have lived in a place for a long time have used different types of plants for some purposes such as medicine, food, customs and household furniture, ropes, dye, retrieved, and preservatives [3, 4, 5, 6,7,8,9]. ...
The Sumba tribe is a local community that inhabits Sumba Island, one of which is in Central Sumba Regency. The majority of the people of the Sumba Tribe still have close interactions with nature, one of which is still using plants used for traditional medicine. This traditional medicine has been carried out for a long time and has become a tradition passed down from generation to generation in the customs of the Sumba people. This study aims to determine the diversity of plant species used for medicine by the Sumbanese people and to determine the Use Value Species (UVS) and the Cultural Significance Index (ICS) of medicinal plants in Central Sumba Regency. This study used the snowball sampling method by conducting open-ended interviews. The results of this study have found a diversity of plants that have potential as medicine. It is known that there are 116 species of medicinal plants used by the people of the Sumba tribe for treatment. Medicinal plants can be found in the yard of the house. Based on the analysis of UVS calculations, it was found that the species with the highest use value, Sambiloto (A. paniculata Ness) had the highest UVS value (5.60), while for the ICS analysis, Papaya (C. papaya L.) had the highest ICS value (850).
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Himachal Pradesh, one of India's Western Himalayan states, is well-known for its distinct culture, traditions and vegetation. Kinnaura is a major tribal community of Himachal Pradesh and for ages, these people are highly dependent on locally available plant resources for fulfilling daily livelihood needs including socio-cultural traditions. Therefore, an effort has been made to; (i) assess the diversity and utilization pattern of plant resources in socio-cultural traditions; (ii) identify endemism and nativity and the threat status of these species; and (iii) suggest management options for conservation. A total of 105 species belonging to 79 genera and 39 families representing trees (14 species), shrubs (17 species), herbs (73 species) and one climber were recorded. Among these, fifty-two species were native to the Himalayan region and fifteen species were near-endemic. Flowers of plants are used in the majority. Among these, eighteen species are in the various threat categories of threatened species. Due to increasing demand, habitat destruction and overexploitation, the population of the preferred species are depleting rapidly. Therefore, assessment of natural populations, demand and supply studies, harvesting trends, developments of propagation methods, afforestation of highly preferred species and community awareness for sustainable utilization and conservation of traditional knowledge have been suggested.
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The perishable nature of the horticulture (fruits, vegetables, and flowers) industry makes it more complex to study. The higher return and nutritional benefits compared to traditional agricultural products expand the research scope for the stakeholders' sustainable benefit. Nevertheless, despite limited research, this study explicitly examines additional facets of smallholder development beyond the traditional economic, social, and environmental dimensions. Methodology / approach. To fill this knowledge gap, we comprehensively reviewed 73 articles published between 2013 and 2022 in international scientific journals with an SJR (Scimago Journal & Country Rank) Q1 ranking. We followed the "Scientific Procedures and Rationales for Systematic Literature Reviews" (SPAR-4-SLR) protocol to identify different aspects of smallholders' development. Literature from Web of Science and Scopus databases was analysed and organised using the TCCM (Theory, Context, Characteristics, and Methodology) framework. Results. The study identified important factors like infrastructure, commercialisation, market access, marketing, credit, policies, information, intervention, training, technology, and collaboration that could uncover crucial economic, political, social, psychological, ecological, cultural, physical and nutritional aspects of development in general. The study also suggests that implementation Agriculture 4.0 through advanced technologies like IoT, AI, and vertical and bio-fortification practices can help in sustainable livelihood development in horticulture. Originality / scientific novelty. The limited or lack of comprehensive studies on smallholders' sustainable livelihood development with different dimensions makes this research a bridge to identify other dimensions instead of only focusing on the horticultural sector's economic, social, and ecological aspects. It uses the Agricultural Innovation System and Farmer First theories, stating that the farmer is the first priority and must collaborate and interact to implement technology and innovations for smallholder livelihood development. Practical value / implications. This research will help in decision-making regarding smallholders' livelihoods in all eight dimensions at all levels of government, private and other stakeholders, suggesting a triple-helix model.
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Home gardens are traditional agroforestry systems that promote plant diversity and ecosystem services while also having direct and positive impacts on human livelihoods. Even though home gardens are considered biodiversity hotspots and have recently been recognised as essential for their role in tropical biodiversity conservation, the benefits of ecosystem services provided by home gardens are understudied. This study investigated plant diversity and ecosystem services in tropical home gardens in the Aceh Timur region of Indonesia. Data was collected from 180 home gardens in 12 villages and recorded 173 plant species associated with 16 ecosystem services. The majority of the cultivated plants were fruit and vegetable plants, which played an important role in supporting food security and household income. Home gardens, with their plant species diversity and ecosystem services, played an important role in biodiversity conservation. Home gardens were important not only for improving household livelihoods, but also for the conservation of plant genetic resources and nearby protected forests.
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The Gayo Highlands offer different indigenous edible fruit species (IEFs) used by the rural community, essentially to provide products such as fruits, oil, medicine, nuts, and fodder. In recent times, these IEFs are being threatened by over-exploitation and biodiversity loss. This study, therefore, aimed to explore the diversity of IEFs and evaluate its contribution to the enhancement of the rural community income in the Gayo Highlands region. The plant materials were randomly collected from nine villages in three districts, while local knowledge was valued through a survey and in-depth interviews. Data were collected by surveying 225 people, 25 from each of the nine villages. A total of 38 species of fruits belonging to 19 families were found with the most utilised including Artocarpus integer, Artocarpus integer, Diospyros kaki, Durio zibethinus, Garcinia mangostana, Lansium parasiticum, Mangifera foetida, Mangifera odorata, Passiflora foetida, Syzygium aqueum, Syzygium attenuatum, Syzygium cumini, and Syzygium malaccense. These fruits made up the main source of food and income and were harvested by approximately 86% of the respondents. Moreover, the sale of IEFs contributed to approximately 43% of the total yearly household income. These findings confirmed the prior assumption that IEFs are of significant importance to the rural economy as a food and through income generation.
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Rural communities in the West Aceh region continue to collect and consume many edible wild fruit plants as a food source. This study was an account of the traditional knowledge and use of wild edible fruit plants by local people in the West Aceh region. The study was conducted in Sungai Mas and Pante Ceureumen, West Aceh Regency, between April and June 2019. Plant specimens have been gathered from the forest, agroforestry and home garden. A total of 100 informants (50 informants at each site) were involved in the survey of Ethnobotanical data. The questionnaires used to investigate the local name of the species, the habitats, the location of the collection, the season of collection, the parts used, the categories of use and the manner of fruit consumption. A total of 44 species of edible fruit plants recorded in West Aceh region, Aceh Province, Indonesia. The Myrtaceae and Malvaceae were the most represented families. Baccaurea motleyana, Durio zibethinus, Garcinia mangostana, Lansium domesticum, Mangifera odorata, and Mangifera foetida were the top six most common wild edible fruits in this region. The local community uses wild edible fruit species for food (44 species), medicine (11 species), construction materials (9 species), furniture (9 species) and firewood. D. zibethinus, M. foetida, M. odorata, M. quadrifida, B. motleyana, L. domesticum, G. xanthochymus, and G. mangostana are also commonly traded in traditional markets.
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The colour, flavour, and taste of fruit products are factors critical to consumer acceptance and the success of these products. The aim of this study was to evaluate the sensory characteristics of five mangoes grown in Aceh Tamiang region. The sensorial evaluation of mangoes was conducted by using a 9 points hedonic scale. One hundred panelists were selected on the basis of their ability to discriminate and scale a broad range of different attributes. Flavour characteristics of Mangifera odorata collected from all region were found to be superior among colour and taste. However, this species was rated inferior for other sensory attributes (colour, taste, and overall acceptability). Mangifera indica was recorded for maximum taste, flavour and overall acceptance score.
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This paper deals with the little known wild edible fruits and seeds of Uttara Kannada district of Karnataka. Leas known 12 wild edible fruit and seed bearing plants are documented. Each plant i. given with the information about its family, voucher specimen number, local Kannada names, place of occurrence. Flowering and fruiting seasons, part used, method of usage, description of edible part and medicinal importance of the plant is also given, wherever available.
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Objective: The objective of this study was to determine the nutritional composition of wild edible tuberous plants that have potential as an alternative food in Lokop, Aceh. Methods: Wild edible tuberous plants were collected from Lokop forest, East Aceh district, Aceh (Indonesia), in June 2016. The nutritive value of the wild edible tubers used as alternative food plants by local people in Lokop village, Aceh, Indonesia, was assessed by their nutritional composition. Results: A total of five wild edible tuberous plant species were founded in Lokop forest, i.e., Amorphophallus muelleri Blume (Araceae), Dioscorea hispida Dennst. (Dioscoreaceae), Homalomena philippinensis Engl. (Araceae), Tacca chantrieri André (Taccaceae), and Tacca minor Ridl. (Taccaceae). The fat crude concentrations varied from 0.18% (A. muelleri) to 1.33% (T. minor) and the protein content ranged from 1.72% to 4.27%. Homalomena philippinensis has highest carbohydrates and Vitamin C which were 26.9% and 1.144 mg/g, respectively. Conclusion: This result indicated that the species have a good nutritional content and have suitable for use as an alternative food source. This information may serve as a basis for increased consumption and utilization.
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Garcinia atroviridis or commonly named as ‘Asam Gelugur’ among locals is extensively used as flavouring agent to provide sour sensation. Apart from being used as flavouring agent, G. atroviridis is also used in many ways to promote health traditionally. Previous investigations of the plant reported many interesting potential of antioxidant, antimicrobial, antifungal, antiobesity and lipid metabolism, cytotoxicity, antiinflammatory, antimalarial and antinicotine stress activities of G. atroviridis. This article discusses on G. atroviridis in aspect of its chemical constituents and bioactivities; in vitro and in vivo as well the clinical study made on this plant despite the limited data available. It is also an effort to update G. atroviridis data on its phytochemical and pharmacological data of the plant in the recent 15 years.
There are many medicinal plants that have been used for thousands of years. These plants can now be found in herbal products and as part of the traditional Malaysian health care system because of their therapeutic efficacy. This paper discusses the use of ten medicinal plants in the traditional medicinal system of Malaysia and related scientific studies on their Pharmaceutical properties, which demonstrate their traditional uses. The plants viewed are Amaranthus spinosus L.
The present study deals with the identification, documentation and exploration of wild edible fruits consumed by different indigenous inhabitants in four districts of Tripura, viz. Khowai (forest of Tablabari, Tulsigarh and Subalsingh), West Tripura (forest of Barmura), Sipahijala and Dhalai (forest of Manu, Ambassa). Wild fruits available in the mentioned area remain one of the major seasonal food intakes and play an important role in well-balanced diet and maintain healthy living of tribal people of Tripura. These fruits have a great socio-economic significance because of their food, nutritional, and medicinal values. Exploration, documentation, preservation and popularization of wild fruits are very important as cheap sources of food for human consumption. Here, a total of 15 wild edible fruits belonging to 13 families were recorded with their botanical, family, and local names in Bengali, Kakborak and Reang, time of availability, taste and use as folk medicines. Most of these fruits are supposed to be extinct, thus, utmost care to be taken for preservation. © 2018, National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources (NISCAIR). All rights reserved.
Without a doubt, fruits and vegetables are important components of a balanced and healthy diet. However, their consumption is very low in the world, with the lowest figures being reported in sub-Saharan Africa. The low consumption of fruits and vegetables means unbalanced and unhealthy diets, which has been linked to various diseases and conditions associated with increased mortality rates in worst cases. Poverty is the major contributor to the low consumption of fruits and vegetables in the majority of cases. However, the world, including sub-Saharan Africa, is endowed with numerous wild fruit and vegetable species which can be exploited and incorporated into the diets and help solve some nutrition related concerns. Therefore, in this review, we explore literature on wild fruits and vegetables with a special emphasis on some of the poorest regions of the world and where the lowest consumption figures are reported; their nutritional compositions; the status of their consumption and their role in the diet with a view to uncover their possible role in delivering a healthy and balanced diet as well as helping lower food and nutrition insecurity. A total of 396 articles were downloaded and analysed but only 213 were considered for this review. The results of the search indicate that wild fruits and vegetables are nutritionally rich and high in phytochemicals, especially antioxidants and therefore can possibly play a significant and positive role in delivering a healthy and balanced diet. However, the major challenge is the acceptability, accessibility as well as a lack of interest in wild fruits and vegetables and sheer neglect. People need to be educated using various forms of media on the nutritional and health benefits of these wild food plants with a view to bring them from the forest to the plate. Researchers need to channel more efforts towards domesticating them for ease of access, among other reasons. Governments need to incentivise the subsistence or commercial production of wild fruits and vegetables in order to encourage farmers to cultivate them. However, seeds and/or seedlings need to be made available and affordable to the farmers. The ‘hidden treasures’ in the forests in the form of edible plants could easily play a positive and huge role in delivering a balanced and healthy diet, especially in poor parts of the world.