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Competence, Professionalism, and Spiritual Intelligence of The Impact on Learning Motivation



This study aims to determine the effect of lecturer competence, lecturer professionalism, and the spiritual intelligence of lecturers on learning motivation at Muhammadiyah University in East Java. The population in this study were all students enrolled at Muhammadiyah University in East Java with a total of 56,400 students. Determination of the research sample using the stratified random sampling method for each university obtained by using the Slovin formula with a 90% confidence level obtained a sample of 135 students. This study was analyzed using Path Analysis with SEM method. The results showed that the lecturers' competence had a significant effect on the learning motivation of students of Muhammadiyah University in East Java. Professionalism of lecturers has a significant effect on the learning motivation of students of Muhammadiyah University in East Java. The lecturer's spiritual intelligence does not significantly influence the learning motivation of Muhammadiyah University students in East Java.
IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS)
Volume 24, Issue 1, Ser. 10 (January. 2019) 84-91
e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845.
DOI: 10.9790/0837-2401108491 www.iosrjournals.org84 |Page
Competence, Professionalism, and Spiritual Intelligence of The
Impact on Learning Motivation
Mochamad Hatip, Khoiriyah, Abadi Sanosra, Nurul Qomariah
Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember
Email:,,, (Correspondence Author)
Corresponding Author:Nurul Qomariah
Abstract: This study aims to determine the effect of lecturer competence, lecturer professionalism, and the
spiritual intelligence of lecturers on learning motivation at Muhammadiyah University in East Java. The
population in this study were all students enrolled at Muhammadiyah University in East Java with a total of
56,400 students. Determination of the research sample using the stratified random sampling method for each
university obtained by using the Slovin formula with a 90% confidence level obtained a sample of 135
students. This study was analyzed using Path Analysis with SEM method. The results showed that the
lecturers' competence had a significant effect on the learning motivation of students of Muhammadiyah
University in East Java. Professionalism of lecturers has a significant effect on the learning motivation of
students of Muhammadiyah University in East Java. The lecturer's spiritual intelligence does not
significantly influence the learning motivation of Muhammadiyah University students in East Java.
Keywords:Lecturer Competence, Lecturer Professionalism, Lecturer Spiritual Intelligence, Learning
Date of Submission: 18-01-2019 Date of acceptance: 02-02-2019
Education is one way in efforts to educate the younger generation. In the national education system
mentioned that the government gives opportunities to private educational institutions to play a role in educate
the younger generation. The role of lecturers is very important in improving student achievement in college. The
improvement of student achievement is very important considering the current competition is increasing. In the
last decade, the challenges faced by educated people in employment are becoming increasingly severe. The most
important challenge is the level of increasingly narrow business competition, while the world of education
continues to print students in all majors. Not to mention the onslaught of reliable technicians from outside who
will enter when the MEA is enforced.
Based on data from the Organization for Economic Co-operation Development (OECD) 2012,
Indonesia is predicted to be the country with the fifth number of scholars in the world by 2020. The data is a
projection of various programs of increasing the number of college graduates conducted each year. However,
the absorption of undergraduate graduates in Indonesia is relatively slow. Until now as many as 442,000
undergraduate graduates in Indonesia are still unemployed and still looking for work. This represents 5.5% of
total open unemployment rate in Indonesia reaching 7.17 million people (Central Bureau of Statistics 2013).
Based on the existing phenomenon, the role of universities both public and private is very important in
improving student achievement so as to compete in obtaining jobs.
Motivation to learn is an energy from the inside that causes us to do what the action is directed to a
specific goal to be achieved. Motivation is a condition in an individual that causes a person to carry out certain
activities to achieve certain goals (Azhad et al. 2015). Various things that are usually contained in various
definitions of motivation include desire, hope, needs, goals, goals, encouragement and incentives. Thus it can be
said that the motive is a psychological condition that encourages, activates or moves and that motive directs and
channeles a person's behavior, attitudes and actions which are always associated with achieving goals, both
organizational goals and personal goals of each member of the organization concerned. That is why it can be
said that however motivation is defined, there are three main components, namely needs, encouragement, and
goals. Needs, which if he feels a lack in him. In a homoestatic sense, needs arise or are created when there is an
imbalance between what is owned and what according to the perceptions concerned should have, both in
physiological and psychological terms. For example, if someone is hungry, there will be a need to eliminate
hunger. As soon as someone eats, that means the situation of imbalance has disappeared.
Competence, Professionalism, and Spiritual Intelligence of The Impact on Learning Motivation
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One of the factors that can influence the increase in student learning motivation is the competence of
lecturers. Lecturer competency is the ability (both knowledge, attitudes and skills) that must be possessed by a
lecturer to carry out and account for his duties in accordance with the prescribed instructions. Referring to
Republic of Indonesia's Law No. 14 of 2005 concerning teachers and lecturers, in order to become professional
lecturers one must have four competencies namely pedagogic competence, personality competence, social
competence and professional competence. The competence of teachers and lecturers is related to the authority to
carry out their duties, in this case in using the field of study as learning material which acts as an educational
tool, and pedagogical competencies related to the functions of teachers and lecturers in paying attention to the
behavior of student learning (Fitri, 2012). Martini and Welas (2013) stated that lecturer competency can
improve student learning motivation. Mahesta (2015) stated that lecturer competency can increase student
learning motivation in Widyatama University students. Tahrir (2013) in his research also stated that lecturer
competency had a linear effect on the learning motivation of the Psychology Faculty students of Sunan Gunung
Djati Bandung 2010-2011.
The next factor that can determine the increase in student learning motivation is professionalism.
Profession is a job that requires certain skills of the culprit. So it can be assumed that the profession is a job that
requires training and mastery of a particular knowledge. But in its application it needs mastery of the systematic
theory that underlies implementation practice, and the relationship between theory and application in the
practice within the scope of the work itself. The profession comes from profession, and professionals come from
the word professional, which has limits varying depending on the context you want to express. Professional
ethics is related to the good and bad behavior of individuals in a job, which has been regulated in a code of
ethics. A profession is usually bound by a professional code of ethics, professional associations, and a
certification and licensing process that is specific to the profession. Professional code of ethics: professional
organizations usually have a code of ethics for their members and disciplinary procedures for those who violate
the rules. This is used to avoid the occurrence of deviations in the code of ethics so as to reduce the honor of the
profession itself. Everyone is allowed to have a job, but not all jobs are the same type because it is measured by
the level of difficulty and education taken by the person to get the job itself. The profession is a job that requires
certain skills of the culprit. So it can be assumed that the profession is a job that requires training and mastery of
a particular knowledge. But in its application it needs mastery of the systematic theory that underlies
implementation practice, and the relationship between theory and application in the practice within the scope of
the work itself. Research on the relationship between the professionalism of teachers / lecturers and students'
learning motivation has done a lot. Manahen's research (2010) states that teacher professionalism can increase
student learning motivation. Mahmud et al. (2017) stated that teacher professionalism had an effect on 13.69%
of the students' motivation.
The next factor that can influence learning motivation is spiritual intelligence. Spiritual intelligence is
an ability that consists of three aspects, namely: the first aspect, namely the aspect of direction, namely the
ability to focus on a problem that must be solved, the second aspect is the adaptation aspect, namely the ability
to adapt to the problem at hand or be flexible in dealing with problems, and the third is the criticsm aspect,
namely the ability to make criticism, both on the problems faced and on itself. As for Goleman (2006) suggests
that intelligence is the ability of individuals to provide the right response (good) to the stimulus they receive. In
Emotional Spiritual Quotient (ESQ) defines spiritual intelligence as the ability to give meaning to worship for
every behavior and activity through natural steps and thoughts, towards a whole person and having integralistic
thought patterns, and principled only because of Allah (Agustian, 2011). Some studies that connect spiritual
intelligence with student learning achievement are one of the studies conducted by Basuki (2015) which states
that there is a significant direct influence of spiritual intelligence on learning motivation. In line with the
research conducted by Hapsari (2010) which states that there is a relationship between spiritual intelligence and
learning motivation in D IV Midwifery students at the Sebelas Maret University Medical School.
Increasing students' learning motivation must continue to be improved so that the achievements
obtained increase given the increasing competition in the work world. For this reason the problem was
immediately solved, one of which was by building a model for increasing the motivation of PTS students in East
Java as an effort to improve the achievement of PTS students in East Java based on lecturer competencies,
lecturers 'professionalism and lecturers' spiritual intelligence. This model has advantages in increasing PTS
student learning motivation in East Java so that it can compete with other graduates in obtaining employment.
The research objective was to determine the effect of lecturer competency, lecturer professionalism and spiritual
intelligence on student learning motivation at Muhammadiyah University in East Java.
In this study, the influence of lecturer competency variables, professionalism of lecturers, spiritual
intelligence of lecturers on students' learning motivation will be analyzed. To determine the effect of lecturer
competency variables, professionalism of lecturers, lecturers' spiritual intelligence on individual student learning
Competence, Professionalism, and Spiritual Intelligence of The Impact on Learning Motivation
DOI: 10.9790/0837-2401108491 www.iosrjournals.org86 |Page
motivation, t test was used, and to find out the effect simultaneously, the F test was used.Population as a
genaralization region consisting of objects / subjects that have certain quantities and characteristics (Ghozali,
2006). Population is all objects or individuals that have certain characteristics, clear and complete to be studied.
The population of this study were all students of Muhammadiyah University in East Java which included
colleges: Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo University, Muhammadiyah Jember University, Muhammadiyah Gresik
University, Muhammadiyah Malang University, Muhammadiyah Ponorogo University, Muhammadiyah
Surabaya University. The population in this study is 56,400 people (Forlap Dikti, 2018). The sampling method
used is stratified random sampling. The number of samples is determined by Slovin formula. From the results of
the Slovin formula with an error rate of 10%, the number of samples was 135 students.
Operational Definition of Variables
In this study the independent variable is the competence of the lecturer. Lecturer competency is the
ability and authority of lecturers in carrying out their duties. According to Law No. 14 of 2005 concerning
teachers and lecturers and PP No. 74 In 2008 the competence of lecturers includes: pedagogic competencies,
professional competencies, personality competencies and social competencies.
Lecturer professionalism is a condition, direction, value, purpose and quality of an expertise and
authority in the field of education and teaching relating to the work of someone who is a livelihood. Professional
lecturers are a determining factor in the quality education process. To be professional, they must be able to find
their identity and actualize themselves. The very low priority given to the development of education over the
past several decades has had a very extensive adverse impact on the life of the nation and state. The indicators
for professionalism of lecturers are: Having special skills, maximizing their abilities, having identity.
Spiritual Intelligence
Spiritual intelligence has more to do with enlightenment of the soul. People who have high spiritual
intelligence are able to interpret life by giving positive meaning to every event, problem, and even suffering they
experience (Zonar san Marrshall, 2003). By giving positive meaning will be able to arouse the soul and do
positive actions and actions. The spiritual nature of humans is known from the major religions in the world that
preach that humans are spiritual beings who are now passing through physical existence as part of human eternal
spiritual journey. The indicators of spiritual intelligence are (Ardana et al, 2013): 1) Social Skills, 2) Faith in
God, 3) Meaning of Life, 4) Love.
Motivation to learn
Azhad et al. (2015) stated that motivation is an impulse that makes someone to do something that can
improve self-performance. Motivation is an energy (encouragement, reason for willingness) from the inside that
causes us to do / act where the action is directed towards certain goals to be achieved (Afritasari, 2013).
According to David (2012), motivation comes from the basic motive, which is interpreted as an effort to
encourage someone to do something. Motives can be said as the driving force from within and within the subject
to perform certain activities in order to achieve a goal. Even motives can be interpreted as an internal condition.
Descriptive statistics
Descriptive analysis is used to determine the average value of the variables used in the study. The
average value of the variable competence of lecturers, professionalism of lecturers, spiritual intelligence, and
learning motivation and student achievement.
Test Validity and Reliability of Instruments
This validity test is conducted to determine the extent to which a measuring instrument (questionnaire)
can measure the information needed. Test the validity of the data can be done by calculating the correlation
between the scores of each item with a total score. To calculate the correlation used the Pearson correlation
formula. Reliability shows the extent to which a measuring instrument in the form of a questionnaire can
produce results that are not different if a re-measurement of the same subject is done at different times.
Measurements were made by measuring the correlation between the results of the answer questions, namely
using the reliability measuring facility with Cronbach Alpha (α) statistical test. A variable will be said to be
reliable if it gives the value of Cronbach Alpha> 0.60 (Ghozali, 2006).
Test Modeling in SEM
Competence, Professionalism, and Spiritual Intelligence of The Impact on Learning Motivation
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Modeling in SEM basically includes: Measurement Model and Structural Model (Ferdinand, 2004).
The measurement model is done to confirm whether the indicators used can confirm a factor or observed
variable capable of defining latent variables. This measurement model is also called Confirmation Factor
Analysis (CFA). While the Structural Model (Structural Model) describes the relationships between latent
variables (exogenous latent variables and endogenous latent variables). The Structural Model is also called the
Structural Equation Model (SEM).
Test Validity
A valid measuring instrument, not only able to reveal data correctly and provide a careful picture of the
data. Validity of a data if the loading factor of the variable indicator has a value above 0.50, it can be said that
the question item as the compiler of the unobserved variable in path analysis is valid (Ghozali, 2005). The
results of statistical calculations related to the validity test indicate that each indicator used in the research
variable has a loading factor value greater than 0.50. This means that the indicators used in this research variable
are valid or valid to be used as data collectors.
Test Reliability
The second test of the measuring instrument (questionnaire) is reliable, i.e. an index that shows the
extent to which a measuring instrument is reliable or reliable. Reliability is a measure of the internal consistency
of the indicators of a formed variable that shows the degree to which each indicator indicates a common formed
variable. In this study in calculating reliability using composite (contruct) reliability with a cut-off value is a
minimum of 0.70 (Solimun, 2002).The results of the reliability test show that each latent variable used in the
study gives a CR value above the cut-off value of 0.7 so that each latent variable can be said to be reliable. After
testing the validity and reliability of each latent variable, an assumption test is performed to see whether the
prerequisites needed in SEM modeling can be fulfilled. The prerequisites that must be fulfilled are the
assumption of normal multivariate, the absence of multicollinearity or singularity and outliers.
Analysis of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)
At this stage, we will discuss the suitability test model and test the significance of causality. The results
of testing with the AMOS version 16.0 program gave the results of the SEM model as shown in the following
figure which shows the influence of lecturer competency, lecturer professionalism, and lecturers' spiritual
intelligence on learning motivation and student achievement at Muhammadiyah University in East Java.
Table 1. SEM Compatibility Index
Value Cut Off
Test Result
Chi Square
Expected to be
smaller than X2 on df
= 169, that is 214,685
Sig. Probability
≥ 0,05
≥ 0,90
≥ 0,90
≤ 2 atau 3
≥ 0,95
≥ 0,95
Source: Data Processed 2018.
From the results of calculations in table 1 it can be seen that out of the eight criteria used to assess
whether a model is feasible or not there are six criteria that have been fulfilled. So that it can be stated that the
model is acceptable which means there is a suitability of the model with the data.
Effect of Competence on Learning Motivation
The results of the study showed that lecturer competency factors had a significant influence on learning
motivation. So that it can be stated that lecturer competency has a significant effect on the achievement of
Muhammadiyah University students in East Java. This means that the better the competence of lecturers, the
better student achievement will be. Competent lecturers are generally seen from how far the lecturers master the
material and the lecturer can apply the appropriate learning model to the material being studied. Competent
educators are educators who have the skills to provide reinforcement, ask questions, make variations, explain,
and open and close the lesson. Professional lecturer competency is the ability (both knowledge, attitude and
Competence, Professionalism, and Spiritual Intelligence of The Impact on Learning Motivation
DOI: 10.9790/0837-2401108491 www.iosrjournals.org88 |Page
skills) that must be possessed by a lecturer to carry out and account for his duties in accordance with the
instructions set. Referring to Republic of Indonesia's Law No. 14 of 2005 concerning teachers and lecturers, in
order to become professional lecturers one must have four competencies namely pedagogic competence,
personality competence, social competence and professional competence. Lecturer competency can be seen
clearly if he has a high value of thinking and has a great commitment in carrying out teaching assignments.
Seeing the severity of the lecturers' responsibility towards the success of education business, the consequences
of lecturers in teaching assignments must be truly professional. Because with his profession, a lecturer can
pursue and live his work so that he always tries to improve his quality. When discussing teaching and learning
activities in the world of campus, it is never separated from the figure of the lecturer, because the profile of a
lecturer is a mirror that is most noticed by students in the teaching and learning process. In fact there is an
assumption, the success of educational efforts on campus lies in how the attitudes, abilities and responsibilities
of a lecturer in carrying out his teaching duties. Good competence of lecturers will improve academic
atmosphere quality and increase student motivation. Ambarita (2016) states that lecturer competence can
increase learning motivation. Tahrir (2013) states that there is a positive relationship between competence and
learning motivation.
Effect of Professionalism on Learning Motivation
The results of the study showed that the factor of lecturer professionalism had a significant influence on
learning motivation. So that it can be stated that the professionalism of lecturers has a significant effect on the
achievements of Muhammadiyah University students in East Java. This means that the better the
professionalism of lecturers, the better student achievement will be. Lecturer professionalism is a condition,
direction, value, purpose and quality of an expertise and authority in the field of education and teaching relating
to the work of someone who is a livelihood. Professional lecturers are a determining factor in the quality
education process. To be professional, they must be able to find their identity and actualize themselves.
Professionalism refers to the commitment of members of a profession to improve their professional abilities and
continuously develop strategies that they use in carrying out work that is in accordance with their profession.
Professionalism is an attitude that is born of the belief in work held as something of high value so that it is
consciously loved, and this is evident from the continuous and continuous effort to make continuous
improvements. Professional lecturers strive to realize attitudes and behaviors towards producing students who
have the desire, determination and ability to advance professions based on science and technology. With attitude
and behavior, lecturers make continuous improvements, increase efficiency creatively through efforts to
increase productivity and optimize the utilization of the resources around them. Based on this description, it can
be stated that the professionalism of lecturers can encourage the improvement of student learning motivation.
Manahen (2010) states that there is a significant influence between teacher professionalism on student learning
motivation. Mahfud et al. (2017) states that there is a positive influence between teacher professionalism on
student learning motivation.
Effect of Lecturer Spiritual Intelligence on Learning Motivation
The results showed that the lecturers' spiritual intelligence did not have a significant effect on learning
motivation. So that it can be stated that the spiritual intelligence of the lecturer does not affect the learning
motivation of Muhammadiyah University students in East Java. This means that the spiritual intelligence of the
lecturer does not directly increase student learning motivation. The insignificant influence of lecturers' spiritual
intelligence on learning motivation can be attributed to the lack of intensity of two-way communication between
students and lecturers. Often, lecturers only carry out teaching assignments, without being accompanied by a
communicative approach with students, so that students do not know their lecturers and include the aspects of
the lecturers' spirituality. This condition is certainly an obstacle for lecturers to be able to increase student
motivation.Spiritual intelligence has more to do with enlightenment of the soul. People who have high spiritual
intelligence are able to interpret life by giving positive meaning to every event, problem, and even suffering they
experience. By giving positive meaning will be able to arouse the soul and do positive actions and actions. The
spiritual nature of humans is known from the major religions in the world that preach that humans are spiritual
beings who are now passing through physical existence as part of human eternal spiritual journey. This research
is not in line with the research of Hapsari (2010) which states that there is a positive influence between spiritual
intelligence on learning motivation.
Based on the analysis that has been done in this study, the conclusions can be drawn as follows:
1. Lecturer competency has a significant effect on learning motivation of Muhammadiyah University students
in East Java.
Competence, Professionalism, and Spiritual Intelligence of The Impact on Learning Motivation
DOI: 10.9790/0837-2401108491 www.iosrjournals.org89 |Page
2. Lecturer professionalism has a significant effect on the learning motivation of Muhammadiyah University
students in East Java.
3. The spiritual intelligence of the lecturer does not have a significant effect on the learning motivation of
Muhammadiyah University students in East Java.
Referring to the conclusions above, suggestions can be given as follows.
1. The results of the study show that lecturers' competence, lecturers' professionalism, and lecturers' spiritual
intelligence influence the motivation of Muhammadiyah University students in East Java. Therefore, the
need to improve lecturers' competencies, lecturers' professionalism, and lecturers' spiritual intelligence can
be done through increasing or updating teaching materials, improving teaching facilities, implementing
learning evaluations in an objective and transparent manner, and encouraging lecturers to attend various
seminars and research activities.
2. For further research it is recommended to add other variables such as the learning environment, facilities,
and others. In addition, there is a need for direct involvement of researchers, so that the objectivity of
research can be achieved. So that it can obtain better findings in explaining learning achievement and is
useful for the development of science.
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This article aims to examine Johari window theory as the grand theory of human resource competence. The concept of human resource competency is known to have an important role in improving employee performance. Employee performance contributes greatly to achieving a company's vision, mission, goals, and objectives. The competence of human resources is one of the important factors to be managed and optimized by minimizing the gap between the expected competencies and the competencies possessed by employees. The increasing number of researchers who research human resource competencies makes choosing the right grand theory an important thing to do as the main source theory, which will then be developed by middle-range theory. The Johari Window Theory states that every self-development possessed by humans is observed from four sides in the form of windows: knowledge, skills, expertise and attitudes. The right grand theory for a research variable will simplify and increase the accuracy of the main theoretical basis used to determine the research concept to be carried out.
p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh kecerdasan spiritual dan motivasi belajar siswa terhadap prestasi belajar matematika siswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survei. Sampel berukuran 120 siswa yang diambil secara random dan berstrata berdasarkan perbandingan jumlah siswa di setiap SMA Negeri di Kota Depok. Analisis data meliputi: analisis deskriptif, uji normalitas, uji Linieritas, uji multikolinieritas, analisis korelasi, koefisien jalur dan analisis jalur. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah uji t. Hasil penelitian menunjukan: 1) Terdapat pengaruh langsung yang signifikan kecerdasan spiritual terhadap motivasi belajar, 2) Terdapat pengaruh langsung yang signifikan kecerdasan spiritual terhadap prestasi belajar matematika, 3) Terdapat pengaruh langsung yang signifikan motivasi belajar terhadap prestasi belajar matematika, dan 4) Terdapat pengaruh tidak langsung yang signifikan kecerdasan spiritual terhadap prestasi belajar matematika melalui motivasi belajar. Dari hasil tersebut dapat diartikan bahwa semakin tinggi kecerdasan spiritual dan motivasi belajar siswa maka semakin tinggi juga prestasi belajar matematika siswa SMA negeri di Kota Depok. </p
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