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Abstract and Figures

Purpose: To determine the characteristics of fundus autofluorescence (FAF) images and visual functions in eyes with Stickler syndrome using ultra-widefield FAF images. Methods: Forty-six eyes of 26 patients with mutations in the COL2A1 gene underwent ultra-widefield FAF imaging. The eyes were categorized into three types; no signs of abnormal AF, predominantly hyperfluorescent AF (hyper-AF), and predominantly hypofluorescent AF (hypo-AF). Goldmann perimetry was performed on 34 eyes, and line-scan images of the abnormal AF lesions were obtained by swept-source optical coherence tomography in 4 eyes. Results: Abnormal AF lesions were found in 37 eyes of 21 (80.7%) of the 26 patients. Hyper-AF was found in 15 eyes and hypo-AF was found in 22 eyes. The FAF changes corresponded with the funduscopically observed radial paravascular retinal degeneration. The average age at the examination was significantly younger in patients who had eyes with hyper-AF or no abnormal AF than in those with hypo-AF (12.8 vs. 28.4 years; P = 0.009). Abnormal AF-associated visual field defects were found in 5/10 (50%) eyes with hyper-AF and 17/18 (94%) eyes with hypo-AF. Hyper-AF changes tended to appear before retinal changes were detectable by fluorescein angiography. An absence of the ellipsoid zone and the outer nuclear layer and a thinning of the overall retinal thickness were found corresponding to the hypo-AF lesions in the swept source optical coherence tomography images. Conclusion: Abnormal FAF is characteristic of eyes with Stickler syndrome. Age-related alterations of the FAF was associated with visual field defects and disruption of the photoreceptors and retinal pigment epithelial cells.
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Purpose: To determine the characteristics of fundus autouorescence (FAF) images and
visual functions in eyes with Stickler syndrome using ultra-wideeld FAF images.
Methods: Forty-six eyes of 26 patients with mutations in the COL2A1 gene underwent
ultra-wideeld FAF imaging. The eyes were categorized into three types; no signs of abnor-
mal AF, predominantly hyperuorescent AF (hyper-AF), and predominantly hypouorescent
AF (hypo-AF). Goldmann perimetry was performed on 34 eyes, and line-scan images of the
abnormal AF lesions were obtained by swept-source optical coherence tomography in 4
Results: Abnormal AF lesions were found in 37 eyes of 21 (80.7%) of the 26 patients.
Hyper-AF was found in 15 eyes and hypo-AF was found in 22 eyes. The FAF changes
corresponded with the funduscopically observed radial paravascular retinal degeneration.
The average age at the examination was signicantly younger in patients who had eyes with
hyper-AF or no abnormal AF than in those with hypo-AF (12.8 vs. 28.4 years; P=0.009).
Abnormal AF-associated visual eld defects were found in 5/10 (50%) eyes with hyper-AF
and 17/18 (94%) eyes with hypo-AF. Hyper-AF changes tended to appear before retinal
changes were detectable by uorescein angiography. An absence of the ellipsoid zone
and the outer nuclear layer and a thinning of the overall retinal thickness were found corre-
sponding to the hypo-AF lesions in the swept source optical coherence tomography images.
Conclusion: Abnormal FAF is characteristic of eyes with Stickler syndrome. Age-related
alterations of the FAF was associated with visual eld defects and disruption of the
photoreceptors and retinal pigment epithelial cells.
RETINA 41:638645, 2021
Stickler syndrome is an inherited systemic disorder
that affects the eyes, ears, cartilage, and articular
The disorder results from an insufcient
expression of collagen due to mutations in the procol-
lagen genes including the COL2A1,COL11A1,
COL11A2, and COL9A1 genes. About 80% to 90%
of the cases are caused by mutations in the COL2A1
The ocular features of Stickler syndrome are
characterized by high myopia, retinal detachments,
vitreous degeneration, and presenile cataracts.
Stickler syndrome is the major cause of pediatric
retinal detachments and blindness,
and a correct
diagnosis in early childhood is critical. The important
diagnostic clues of Stickler syndrome are the character-
istic vitreous degeneration that can be seen by a slit-
lamp microscopy, and the funduscopic alterations of the
pigmentation along the retinal vessels, the so-called
radial paravascular retinal degeneration (RPRD).
However, the characteristics of the RPRDs have been
investigated by only their funduscopic appearance.
Fundus autouorescence (FAF) imaging is a non-
invasive method that requires only a short acquisition
time to obtain the AF images of the fundus. The AF
changes result from an accumulation or the loss of
products of retinol metabolism including pyridinium
bis-retinoid (A2E) in the retinal pigment epithelial
cells suggestive of the functional damages of the outer
retina and choroid.
An ultra-wideeld (UW) fundus camera was
recently developed that allowed clinicians to examine
a greater extent of the posterior pole of the eye. The
UW-FAF images have shown changes of the outer
retina and choroid in several retinal disorders includ-
ing retinitis pigmentosa, multiple evanescent white dot
syndrome, and VoktKoyanagiHarada disease.
To the best of our knowledge, the FAF images in eyes
with Stickler syndrome have not been examined.
Thus, the purpose of this study was to determine the
characteristics of FAF images and associated visual
function in eyes with Stickler syndrome. To accom-
plish this, UW-FAF images of 26 patients with
mutations in the COL2A1 gene were examined.
This was a retrospective multicenter study of patients
from 22 families with Stickler syndrome who had
undergone UW-FAF imaging. The procedures used
conformed to the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki,
and the study was approved by the Ethics Committee of
the University of Occupational and Environmental
Health Japan (H30-096), and Jikei University (24-231
6,997). A signed informed consent was obtained from all
patients or parents to perform the examinations and
present the ndings in medical publications.
A diagnosis of Stickler syndrome was made for 25
families based on the criteria by Richard et al
Dec 2009 and Nov 2017. Genetic examinations were
performed on all families, and 22 families (88%) were
conrmed to have mutations in the COL2A1 gene. All
mutations were localized except for exon 2. The clinical
ndings and mutations in the COL2A1 gene of 21 of the
patients have been reported in detail.
The remain-
ing ve patients were newly studied, and the associated
mutations in the COL2A1 gene were c.3624del (pre-
dicted to p.Gly1209Valfs*18, NM_001844.4) for
Patient 1, c.3188_3211delinsGT (p.Ala1063Glyfs*60)
for Patient 6, c.2353C.T (p.Arg785*) for Patient 7,
and c.1957C.T (p.Arg653*) for Patient 2. Patient 25
was a family member of Patient 24.
All patients underwent an ophthalmologic examina-
tion that included measurements of the refractive error,
best-corrected visual acuity, perimetry by a Goldmann
perimeter (Haag-Streit, Bern, Switzerland), slit-lamp
examination, fundus examination, and b-mode scan of
swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT;
DRI OCT Triton, Topcon, Tokyo, Japan).
Ultra-wideeld fundus photographs, uorescein
angiograms, and FAF images were obtained by the
Optos 200Tx (Optos PLC; Dunfermline, Scotland,
United Kingdom). Eyes were excluded if the quality of
the FAF images was poor or if there was extensive
retinal damage including phthisis with or without
retinal detachments. In the end, 46 eyes of 26 patients
(20 families) were studied, and an image of the central
position of the FAF was analyzed. Abnormal AF
patterns were found as hyperuorescent AF or hypo-
uorescent AF lesions. The hypouorescent AF
lesions were surrounded by hyperuorescent AF
changes (Figure 1). These two AF patterns were often
observed in the same eye, thus the eyes were catego-
rized into three types; no signs of abnormal AF, pre-
dominantly hyperuorescent AF, and predominantly
hypouorescent AF (Figure 1) by the classications
of the three retina specialists (K.F., T.N., H.K.).
Statistical Analyses
Statistical analyses were performed with the JMP
software (version 5.1; SAS Institute Inc, Cary, NC). For
the demographic analysis, we divided the patients into
two groups based on the FAF appearance: Group 1,
both eyes had predominantly hyperuorescent or no
FAF changes; and Group 2, both eyes had predomi-
nantly hypouorescent FAF. One patient (Patient 12)
had predominantly hyperuorescent AF in the left eye
and predominantly hypouorescent AF in the right eye,
and was excluded. The right eye was used if both eyes
were available. The characteristics of the two groups
were compared by one-way analysis of variance. The
statistical signicance was set at P.0.05.
Of the 26 patients, 13 were female and 13 were male
patients. The average age at the time of examination was
21.3 years with a range from 4 to 49 years. For 46 eyes,
the refractive error (spherical equivalent) ranged from
From the *Department of Ophthalmology, University of Occupa-
tional and Environmental Health, Kitakyushu, Japan; Department
of Ophthalmology, Kindai University Faculty of Medicine, Osaka-
sayama, Japan; Department of Ophthalmology, The Jikei Univer-
sity School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan; §Department of
Ophthalmology, Oita University, Oita, Japan; and ¶Department of
Ophthalmology, Shiga University of Medical Science, Otsu, Japan.
Supported by Grants-in-Aid for Scientic Research, grant num-
bers 17K11441, 2017-2019 (H. Kondo). None of the authors has
any nancial/conicting interests to disclose. The authors thank
Professor Duco Hamasaki, Professor Emeritus, Bascom Palmer
Eye Institute, University of Miami, Miami, Florida, for his critical
comments and valuable assistance.
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License 4.0 (CCBY-NC-ND), where it is permissible to download
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be changed in any way or used commercially without permission
from the journal.
Reprint requests: Hiroyuki Kondo, MD, PhD, Department of
Ophthalmology, University of Occupational and Environmental
Health, 1-1, Iseigaoka, Yahatanishiku, Kitakyushu 807-8555,
Japan; e-mail:
23.5 D to 218.0 D with an average of 29.3 D. Four
eyes of four patients underwent pars plana vitrectomy
with or without lens extraction, and ve eyes of three
patients underwent cataract extraction.
Abnormal AF lesions were found in 37 eyes of 21
patients (80.8%) of the 26 patients (Table 1). Predom-
inantly hyperuorescent AF was found in 15 eyes and
predominantly hypouorescent AF in 22 eyes. No sign
of abnormal AF was found in nine eyes. The abnormal
AF lesions were found along the retinal vessels corre-
sponding to the funduscopic appearance of the so-
called RPRD by the ultra-wideeld color fundus pho-
tographs (Figure 1). These AF lesions were occasion-
ally found to deviate from the retinal vessels and run
circumferentially to the temporal equator and resem-
bled peripheral lattice degeneration. The hyperuores-
cent AF lesions of smaller size did not correspond to
any changes in the color fundus photographs. Excep-
tional patterns of abnormal AF lesions were found
including hypouorescent AF circumferential to the
nasal to temporal equator in Patient 4, and hyperuor-
escent AF spots in the macula in Patients 4 and 5 (Table
1 and see Supplemental Figure 1, Supplemental Digi-
tal Content 1,
Thirteen patients were placed in Group 1 and 12
patients in Group 2. The average refractive errors and
average best-corrected visual acuities were not signif-
icantly different between patients in Groups 1 and 2;
210.1 D versus 29.6 D, (P= 0.77) and 0.15 loga-
rithm of the minimum angle of resolution (logMAR)
units versus 0.24 logMAR units, (P= 0.41). However,
the average age at the time of the examination was
signicantly younger in the patients in Group 1 than
in Group 2 (12.8 vs. 28.4 years; P= 0.009).
Fig. 1. Ultra-wideeld FAF
(UW-FAF) images and corre-
sponding color fundus and uo-
rescein angiographic images in
eyes with stickler syndrome. The
images in the left column are
from the left eye of a 13-year-old
boy (patient 14), and the images
in the right column are from the
left eye of a 49-year-old man
(patient 26). Top: FAF images
representing predominantly hy-
peruorescent AF pattern (left)
and predominantly hypouor-
escent AF pattern (right).
Abnormal AF lesions are cate-
gorized into hyperuorescent AF
(white arrows) or hypouor-
escent AF lesions (white arrow-
heads). Photocoagulation scars
can be seen as hypouorescent
AF spots (back arrows) on the
posterior margin of the stickler
syndrome-associated AF lesion.
Middle: Color fundus photo-
graphs showing varying degree
of pigmentary changes along the
retinal vessels, the so-called
radial paravascular retinal
degeneration. The changes cor-
respond to the hyper- or hypo-
uorescent AF changes in the
FAF images are shown by
identical arrows or arrowheads.
Bottom: Fluorescein angio-
graphic images showing window
defects corresponding to the
hypouorescent AF lesions in
the FAF images shown by the
arrowheads. Note that the
abnormalities are not shown
corresponding to hyper-
uorescent AF lesions in the
FAF images.
Table 1. Summary of Fundus Autouorescent Features and Visual Field Defects in Patients With Stickler Syndrome
No. Family Kinship Sex
Age at
(Diopters) BCVA
FAF Status
Visual Field Defect at
Maximum Level of
Isopter: Associated
Findings* Remarks
Patient No of Early
Report (Reference)
1 1 Proband F 5 R 25 20/25 None None Not listed
L25 20/25 None None
2 2 Proband F 5 R 214.5 20/66 None NA Not listed
L213.0 20/40 Hyperuorescent NA
3 3 Proband M 7 R 210 20/16 None NA 22 (15)
L213 20/33 None NA
4 3 Ant F 25 R 27.2520/
Hypouorescent V4: O/O/O/U R) Cat (27 yo), L) Cat
(28 yo), FAF:B)
AF spot, B)
hypourecent AF to
the equator
24 (15)
Hypouorescent V4: O
5 3 Mother F 29 L 215.87 20/25 None V4: Av Cat (28 yo), FAF:
spot, FA: temporal
23 (15)
6 4 Proband F 9 R 212 20/66 Hyperuorescent None Not listed
L212 20/40 Hyperuorescent None
7 5 Proband M 10 L 26.75 20/25 None I4c: U 23 (2)
8 6 Proband M 10 R 214 20/33 Hyperuorescent NA 13 (15)
L212.75 20/
Hyperuorescent NA
9 7 Proband M 10 L 214 20/22 None V4: Pc Vit (9 yo) 1 (15)
10 7 Mother F 35 R 24.520/
Hypouorescent V4: R/Pc L) Vit (35 yo) 2 (15)
Hypouorescent V4: O/Pc
11 7 Sister F 4 R 29 20/50 Hyperuorescent NA 3 (15)
L29 20/20 Hyperuorescent NA
12 8 Proband F 12 R 27.75 20/28 Hypouorescent V4: R/O/O 9 (15)
L27.75 20/40 Hyperuorescent V4: R/R
13 8 Mother F 35 R 26.25 20/20 Hyperuorescent None 11 (15)
L23.75 20/40 Hyperuorescent I4e: R
14 9 Proband M 13 R 25.25 20/20 Hyperuorescent I4e: R/O 27 (2)
L24.75 20/16 Hyperuorescent I4e: R/R
15 10 Proband M 14 R 27.5 20/20 Hyperuorescent V4: U L) Vit (10 yo) 8 (15)
L26.2520/16 None V4: Pc
(continued on next page)
Table 1. (Continued)
No. Family Kinship Sex
Age at
(Diopters) BCVA
FAF Status
Visual Field Defect at
Maximum Level of
Isopter: Associated
Findings* Remarks
Patient No of Early
Report (Reference)
16 11 Proband M 15 R 211 20/22 Hyperuorescent None 21 (15)
L213.25 20/22 Hyperuorescent V4: R
17 12 Proband M 15 R 28 20/16 Hypouorescent V4: O/U B) Cryo 5 (15)
L27 20/22 Hypouorescent V4: O/U
18 13 Proband M 17 R 214 20/33 Hypouorescent NA R) ENC/Vit/Cat (17
yo), L) ENC (14 yo)
4 (15)
L210 20/16 Hypouorescent NA
19 14 Proband M 18 R 23.5 20/66 Hypouorescent V4: R/O R) Vit (14 yo) 6 (15)
L25.25 20/20 Hypouorescent I4e: O
20 15 Proband M 27 R 28 20/16 Hypouorescent V4: O 12 (15)
21 16 Proband F 30 R 29 20/22 Hypouorescent V4: O/O/O/O/O/U Not listed
L210 20/20 Hypouorescent V4: O/O/O/O/U/U
22 17 Proband M 36 L 218 20/16 Hypouorescent V4: O 6 (15)
23 18 Proband F 37 R 211 20/
Hypouorescent NA 19 (2)
L212.25 20/40 Hypouorescent NA
24 19 Proband F 39 R 21420/
Hypouorescent V4: O/O/O/O/O/O/O B) Cat (40 yo) 15 (15)
Hypouorescent V4: O/O/O/O/O/O/O
25 19 Daughter F 13 R 28 20/66 Hypouorescent V4: O/O/O/O/O/Pc Not listed
L212 20/20 Hypouorescent V4: R/U
26 20 Father M 49 L 210.25 20/22 Hypouorescent V4: Pc 20 (15)
*Note that V4: O/O/O/Uindicates four visual eld defects found at an isopter level of V4 consisting of three hypouorescent AF lesions (O) and one lesion due to undetermined cause
Status before surgery.
Av, avascularization; B, both eyes; BCVA, best-corrected visual acuity; Cat, cataract surgery; Cryo, cryotherapy; ENC, encircling; NA, not analyzed; O, hypouorescent; Pc,
photocoagulation; R, hyperuorescent; U, undetermined; Vit, vitrectomy, yo, year-old.
Goldmann perimetry was performed on 34 eyes, and
visual eld defects were detected in 28 eyes (82%). At
least one visual eld defect was associated with the
abnormal AF changes in 24 of the 28 eyes; however,
the visual eld defects were not associated with the
abnormal AF in 4 eyes and were probably attributable to
retinal photocoagulation and retinal avascular changes in
the periphery (Table 1 and Figure 2). Thus, abnormal AF-
associated with visual eld defects were found in 5/10
(50%) eyes with predominantly hyperuorescent AF and
17/18 (94%) eyes with predominantly hypouorescent AF.
Fluorescein angiography was performed on 14 eyes of
8 patients. Of these, eight eyes had a predominantly
hypouorescent FAF pattern and four eyes had a pre-
dominantly hyperuorescent FAF pattern (two eyes had
normal AF). In eight eyes with a predominantly hypo-
uorescent FAF pattern, the window defects corre-
sponded with the hypouorescent AF spots (Figure 1
right). However, in four eyes with predominantly hyper-
uorescent FAF pattern, the window defects were limited
to the part of the hypouorescent AF areas and no angio-
graphic changes were detected corresponding to the hy-
peruorescent AF areas (Figure 1 left and see
Supplemental Figure 2, Supplemental Digital Content
In four eyes, line-scan images of the RPRD lesions
were obtained by SS-OCT. An absence of the ellipsoid
zone and the outer nuclear layer were found, and the
sites of these lesions corresponded with the hypouor-
escent AF lesions (Figure 3). The inner retinal layers
were also thinner to varying degrees over the disrupted
outer retinal layers resulting in a severe reduction of
the total retinal thickness.
Our results showed that abnormal AF was present in
81% of eyes with Stickler syndrome. Younger patients
tended to show no abnormal AF or predominantly the
hyperuorescent AF type, and the older patients had
hypouorescent AF surrounding the hyperuorescent
AF. It is possible that the abnormal AF patterns
transition from hyperuorescent to hypouorescent
AF during the course of the disease process. Typical
abnormal AF changes were consistent with the fundu-
scopic RPRD appearance and window defects by
uorescein angiography. Eyes with predominantly
hypouorescent AF were more likely to be associated
with visual eld defects. The presence or absence of
visual eld defect was not correlated with degree of
In our earlier electroretinographic (ERG) studies,
eyes with Stickler syndrome were found to have
reduced ERGs which worsened with increasing age
progressing to a cone dominant impairment.
Although this tendency was correlated with age, the
reduced ERG amplitudes under scotopic condition was
not signicantly correlated with the degree of myopia.
From this and the results of our earlier studies, the
retinal degenerative changes seem to be age-
dependent. However, the extent of the RPRD was
not directly correlated with the ERG changes.
The RPRDs have been believed to be one of the
characteristic ndings in eyes with Stickler syn-
Hagler et al
analyzed 33 patients with
Stickler syndrome and reported that RPRDs were de-
tected in all eyes during a long-term follow-up study.
Our cross-sectional study showed that nearly 50% of
the Stickler patients (Group 1) had limited or no signs
of RPRD. Although the RPRD is an essential sign in
eyes with Stickler syndrome, it is worth noting that
RPRD is not a requisite for the diagnosis. Ultra-
wideeld FAF is useful because all funduscopic
RPRD changes can be detected more clearly by this
noninvasive method. Moreover, UW-FAF is useful for
an earlier diagnosis of Stickler syndrome because UW-
FAF can show small hyperuorescent AF lesions
before obvious RPRD lesions appear in the ophthal-
moscopic images. Hyperuorescent AF lesions are
Fig. 2. Ultra-wideeld FAF
(UW-FAF) image and visual
eld defects detected by Gold-
mann perimetry of the right eye
of a 39-year-old woman with
stickler syndrome (patient 24).
Left: UW-FAF image showing
a predominantly hypouorescent
AF pattern. Right: Goldmann
perimetry showing visual eld
defects that correspond to hy-
pouorescent AF lesions (num-
bers one through 6).
likely to appear before the corresponding retinal
changes are detectable by uorescein angiography.
The RPRD changes possibly originate from the
retinal vessels which are located in the inner retinal
layers. Our earlier study showed that the b-wave/a-
wave amplitude ratio of the dark-adapted ERGs was
signicantly smaller, and thus the inner retinal layers
including the bipolar cells are more severely affected
than the photoreceptors.
Therefore, we assume that
damages of the neurons in the inner retinal layers pre-
cede those of the photoreceptors and the retinal pig-
ment epithelial cells. Nevertheless, a breakdown of the
inner bloodretinal barrier along the RPRD lesions
was not evident by uorescein angiography.
The SS-OCT images of eyes with Stickler syndrome
showed a disruption of the photoreceptors and retinal
pigment epithelial layers that resulted in a thinning of
the retina at the areas of the RPRD. The degenerative
areas can be superimposed on the hypouorescent AF
lesions associated with visual eld defects. The
combination of the anatomical and functional changes
detected by an OCT, FAF, and perimetry, are
consistent with other retinal dystrophies including
retinitis pigmentosa, macular dystrophy, and pig-
mented paravenous retinochoroidal atrophy.
However, in contrast with these retinal dystrophies
in which the degenerative changes are restricted to
the outer retina, eyes with Stickler syndrome had a ret-
inal thinning involving the inner retina.
No mecha-
nism has been suggested to explain how the retinal
degeneration progresses in Stickler syndrome. A
strong adhesion is inherent between the vitreous and
retinal vessels,
and a pathologic vitreoretinal inter-
face is known to exert traction on the retina in eyes
with Stickler syndrome.
One possibility is that
trauma due to the traction on the retinal vessels leads
to secondary retinal degeneration. Further studies are
needed to understand the mechanism for the retinal
degeneration in Stickler syndrome.
This study has several limitations. First, this was
a retrospective, cross-sectional study. Thus, we were not
able to conclude whether the abnormal AF lesions were
progressive. Second, we used UW-FAF images at the
central position. Using additional images away from the
center can detect further retinal changes in the periphery.
Third, the number of the patients was limited and only
Fig. 3. Swept-source optical
coherence tomographic (SS-
OCT) and ultra-wideeld FAF
(UW-FAF) images showing
changes in the left eye of an 18-
year-old young man (patient 19).
Top left: Fundus photograph
nasal to the posterior pole
showing mild pigmentary
changes along with an upper
nasal vessel. Top right: Part of
UW-FAF image superimposed
on the fundus photograph
showing hypouorescent AF.
Bottom: B-scan SS-OCT image
along the lesion of the hypo-
uorescent AF designated by the
green vertical line of the fundus
photograph. This photograph
demonstrates the regional
absence of the ellipsoid zone and
the outer nuclear layer and
a thinning of the inner retinal
layers. The corresponding extent
is shown by the lines between
the arrows in the three images.
patients with mutations in the COL2A1 gene were exam-
ined. Moreover, we cannot assess the ocular-only type of
Stickler syndrome that is caused by mutations of exon
two of the COL2A1 gene.
Fourth, Goldmann perimetry
measurements may be inuenced by the prociency of
examiners. Nonetheless, we believe the clinical signi-
cance of this study were not altered by these limitations.
Key words: Stickler syndrome, ultra-wide eld,
fundus autouorescence, retinal degeneration, retinal
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... An ultra-widefield fundus autofluorescence photograph (Optos® 200Tx, Optos PLC, Dunfermline, United Kingdom) revealed hyperfluorescence corresponding to radial paravascular retinal degeneration ( Figures 1C, 1D). This was clinically suspicious for Stickler syndrome [3]. In addition, swept-source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT) (DRI OCT-1 Triton, Topcon Corp., Tokyo, Japan) did not clearly show any PPVP ( Figures 1E, 1F). ...
... Collagen molecules have a triple-helix structure in all tissues, including the skin, joints, and eyes, with the structure composed of three polypeptide chains. Currently, a total of 27 types of collagen have been identified, for which there have been 40 associated genes identified [3]. The collagen types present in cartilage and the vitreous body are types II, V, VI, IX, and XXVII [4]. ...
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Stickler syndrome is a genetic disorder characterized by collagen abnormalities leading to various ocular manifestations, such as retinal detachment. We present two cases of siblings clinically diagnosed with Stickler syndrome who exhibited retinal detachment. Case 1, a seven-year-old girl, and case 2, her 14-year-old brother, both displayed severe myopia and other clinical signs consistent with Stickler syndrome. Despite their ages, neither case showed evidence of posterior precortical vitreous pocket (PPVP) on imaging or during surgical intervention. These findings suggest a potential relationship between collagen abnormalities and PPVP dysplasia in Stickler syndrome.
... In the multimodal imaging obtained in one patient with SS (patient no 2), we observed thinned retina and decreased retinal vascularization in the eye after PPV with silicone oil. Predominantly hypofluorescent fundus autofluorescence images with hypofluorescent lesions along vessels and in the periphery in the untreated with PPV are similar to those described by Fujimoto in the large series of SS patients [27]. ...
... In a report on Stickler syndrome over eight generations published in 2002, it was reported that radial perivascular retinal degeneration was present in 100% of patients with Stickler syndrome [12]. However, in a study using ultra-wide field fundus autofluorescence imaging in 2020, radial perivascular retinal degeneration was not found in more than 50% of cases [35]. In particular, retinal findings in Stickler syndrome showed an increase with age in a degenerative pattern, suggesting that young Stickler syndrome patients may not meet the diagnostic criteria. ...
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Stickler syndrome is an inherited connective tissue disorder of collagen. There are relatively few reports of East Asian patients, and no large-scale studies have been conducted in Korean patients yet. In this study, we retrospectively analyzed the genetic characteristics and clinical features of Korean Stickler syndrome patients. Among 37 genetically confirmed Stickler syndrome patients, 21 types of gene variants were identified, of which 12 were novel variants. A total of 30 people had variants in the COL2A1 gene and 7 had variants in the COL11A1 gene. Among the types of pathogenic variants, missense variants were found in 11, nonsense variants in 8, and splice site variants in 7. Splicing variants were frequently associated with retinal detachment (71%) followed by missense variants. This is the first large-scale study of Koreans with Stickler syndrome, which will expand the spectrum of genetic variations of Stickler syndrome.
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Purpose: In previous studies, biallelic LOXL3 variants have been shown to cause autosomal recessive Stickler syndrome in one Saudi Arabian family or autosomal recessive early-onset high myopia (eoHM, MYP28) in two Chinese families. The current study aims to elucidate the clinical and genetic features of LOXL3-associated MYP28 in seven new families and two previously published families. Methods: LOXL3 variants were detected based on the exome sequencing data of 8389 unrelated probands with various ocular conditions. Biallelic variants were identified through multiple online bioinformatic tools, comparative analysis, and co-segregation analysis. The available clinical data were summarized. Results: Biallelic LOXL3 variants were exclusively identified in nine of 1226 families with eoHM but in none of the 7163 families without eoHM (P = 2.97 × 10-8, Fisher's exact test), including seven new and two previously reported families. Seven pathogenic variants were detected, including one nonsense (c.1765C>T/p.Arg589*), three frameshift (c.39dupG/p.Leu14Alafs*21; c.544delC/p.Leu182Cysfs*3, c.594delG/p.Gln199Lysfs*35), and three missense (c.371G>A/p.Cys124Tyr; c.1051G>A/p.Gly351Arg; c.1669G>A/p.Glu557Lys) variants. Clinical data of nine patients from nine unrelated families revealed myopia at the first visit at about 5 years of age, showing slow progression with age. Visual acuity at the last visit ranged from 0.04 to 0.9 (median age at last visit = 5 years, range 3.5-15 years). High myopic fundus changes, observed in all nine patients, were classified as tessellated fundus (C1) in five patients and diffuse choroidal atrophy (C2) in four patients. Electroretinograms showed mildly reduced cone responses and normal rod responses. Except for high myopia, no other specific features were shared by these patients. Conclusions: Biallelic LOXL3 variants exclusively presenting in nine unrelated patients with eoHM provide firm evidence implicating MYP28, with an estimated prevalence of 7.3 × 10-3 in eoHM and of about 7.3 × 10-5 in the general population for LOXL3-associated eoHM. So far, MYP28 represents a common type of autosomal recessive extreme eoHM, with a frequency comparable to LRPAP1-associated MYP23.
Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD) is a sight threatening condition that warrants immediate surgical intervention. To date, 29 genes have been associated with monogenic disorders involving RRD. In addition, RRD can occur as a multifactorial disease through a combined effect of multiple genetic variants and non-genetic risk factors. In this review, we provide a comprehensive overview of the spectrum of hereditary disorders involving RRD. We discuss genotype-phenotype correlations of these monogenic disorders, and describe genetic variants associated with RRD through multifactorial inheritance. Furthermore, we evaluate our current understanding of the molecular disease mechanisms of RRD-associated genetic variants on collagen proteins, proteoglycan versican, and the TGF-β pathway. Finally, we review the role of genetics in patient management and prevention of RRD. We provide recommendations for genetic testing and prophylaxis of at-risk patients, and hypothesize on novel therapeutic approaches beyond surgical intervention.
Background: The aim is to determine the retinal changes in patients with Stickler syndrome caused by a p.R565C missense mutation of the COL2A1 gene. Methods: We reviewed the clinical records of 10 eyes of six patients from two families with the Stickler syndrome. The members of both families were heterozygous for the p.R565C mutation. The clinical features including the visual acuity, fundus appearances, fundus autofluorescence (FAF), optical coherence tomographic (OCT) images, and electroretinograms were examined. Results: Myopia of -12 diopters (D) to -24 D with an average of -16.8 D was observed in 9 eyes of the 5 patients. The FAF images showed different degrees of hyper and hypoautofluorescent patterns in the macula in all but the two youngest patients (7 of 9 eyes, 78%). The OCT images showed the absence of a foveal pit and destruction of the outer retinal layers in the macular area in all patients. The ellipsoid zone (EZ) in the macular region was disrupted in eight eyes (80%) of which seven were fovea sparing. Conclusion: Two families with Stickler syndrome with the p.R565C mutation showed more severe foveal hypoplasia, macular degeneration, and extensive retinal degeneration. A correlation of the OCT and FAF images with the genotype is helpful in determining the prognosis of Stickler syndrome.
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Purpose To determine the characteristics of the full-field electroretinograms (ERGs) of eyes with Stickler syndrome. Methods Twenty-two eyes of 14 Japanese patients from nine families with Stickler syndrome were studied. All of the patients were found to have mutations in the COL2A1 gene and had undergone ERG recordings. The ERGs from one of the two eyes were compared to 11 eyes of 11 normal control subjects who were matched by age, sex, and refractive error. Results One patient had non-recordable ERGs under both scotopic and photopic conditions. For the remaining 13 patients, the amplitudes of the b-waves of the scotopic combined, rod, and cone responses were significantly smaller than those of the control subjects (P = 0.0001, P = 0.015, P = 0.0006, respectively). The implicit times of the b-wave of the scotopic combined and photopic responses were significantly prolonged (P = 0.0037 and P = 0.0126). The age was inversely and significantly correlated with the amplitudes of the scotopic combined a-wave (P = 0.0184) and b-wave (P = 0.0076) in 13 eyes. The amplitudes of the scotopic combined b-wave amplitudes were not significantly correlated with the refractive error. Conclusions The reduced or absent full-field ERGs in eyes with Stickler syndrome indicate that the physiology of the entire retina was negatively altered. The greater reduction in the ERGs with increasing age suggests that the physiological alterations of the retina are progressive.
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Stickler syndrome is an inherited connective tissue disorder that affects the eyes, cartilage and articular tissues. The phenotypes of Stickler syndrome include congenital high myopia, retinal detachment, premature joint degeneration, hearing impairment and craniofacial anomalies, such as cleft palate and midline facial hypoplasia. The disease is genetically heterogeneous, and the majority of the cases are caused by mutations in the COL2A1 gene. We examined 40 Japanese patients with Stickler syndrome from 23 families to determine whether they had mutations in the COL2A1 gene. This analysis was conducted by examining each patient’s genomic DNA by Sanger sequencing. Five nonsense, 4 splicing and 8 deletion mutations in the COL2A1 gene were identified, accounting for 21 of the 23 families. Different mutations of the COL2A1 gene were associated with similar phenotypes but with different degrees of expressivity.
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Purpose The Stickler syndromes are the most common causes of inherited and childhood retinal detachment; however, no consensus exists regarding the effectiveness of prophylactic intervention. We evaluate the long-term safety and efficacy of the Cambridge prophylactic cryotherapy protocol, a standardized retinal prophylactic treatment developed to prevent retinal detachment arising from giant retinal tears in type 1 Stickler syndrome. Design Retrospective comparative case series. Participants Four hundred eighty seven patients with type 1 Stickler syndrome. Methods Time to retinal detachment was compared between patients who received bilateral prophylaxis and untreated controls, with and without individual patient matching. Patients receiving unilateral prophylaxis (after fellow eye retinal detachment) were similarly compared with an appropriate control subgroup. Individual patient matching ensured equal age and follow-up between groups and that an appropriate control (who had not suffered a retinal detachment before the age at which their individually matched treatment patient underwent prophylactic treatment) was selected. Matching was blinded to outcome events. Individual patient matching protocols purposely weighted bias against the effectiveness of treatment. All treatment side effects are reported. Main Outcome Measures Time to retinal detachment and side effects occurring after prophylactic treatment. Results The bilateral control group (n = 194) had a 7.4-fold increased risk of retinal detachment compared to the bilateral prophylaxis group (n = 229) (hazard ratio [HR], 7.40; 95% confidence interval [CI], 4.53–12.08; P<0.001); the matched bilateral control group (n = 165) had a 5.0-fold increased risk compared to the matched bilateral prophylaxis group (n = 165) (HR, 4.97; 95% CI, 2.82–8.78; P<0.001). The unilateral control group (n = 104) had a 10.3-fold increased risk of retinal detachment compared to the unilateral prophylaxis group (n = 64) (HR, 10.29; 95% CI, 4.96–21.36; P<0.001); the matched unilateral control group (n = 39) had a 8.4-fold increased risk compared to the matched unilateral prophylaxis group (n = 39) (HR, 8.36; 95% CI, 3.24–21.57; P<0.001). No significant long-term side effects occurred. Conclusions In the largest global cohort of type 1 Stickler syndrome patients published, all analyses indicate that the Cambridge prophylactic cryotherapy protocol is safe and markedly reduces the risk of retinal detachment.
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The retina exhibits an inherent autofluorescence that is imaged ophthalmoscopically as fundus autofluorescence. In clinical settings, fundus autofluorescence examination aids in the diagnosis and follow-up of many retinal disorders. Fundus autofluorescence originates from the complex mixture of bisretinoid fluorophores that are amassed by retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells as lipofuscin. Unlike the lipofuscin found in other cell-types, this material does not form as a result of oxidative stress. Rather, the formation is attributable to non-enzymatic reactions of vitamin A aldehyde in photoreceptor cells; transfer to RPE occurs upon phagocytosis of photoreceptor outer segments. These fluorescent pigments accumulate even in healthy photoreceptor cells and are generated as a consequence of the light capturing function of the cells. Nevertheless, the formation of this material is accelerated in some retinal disorders including recessive Stargardt disease and ELOVL4-related retinal degeneration. As such, these bisretinoid side-products are implicated in the disease processes that threaten vision. In this article, we review our current understanding of the composition of RPE lipofuscin, the structural characteristics of the various bisretinoids, their related spectroscopic features and the biosynthetic pathways by which they form. We will revisit factors known to influence the extent of the accumulation and therapeutic strategies being used to limit bisretinoid formation. Given their origin from vitamin A aldehyde, an isomer of the visual pigment chromophore, it is not surprising that the bisretinoids of retina are light sensitive molecules. Accordingly, we will discuss recent findings that implicate the photodegradation of bisretinoid in the etiology of age-related macular degeneration.
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To assess the prevalence of peripheral fundus autofluorescence (FAF) abnormalities in chronic Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease (VKH). A retrospective review of cases at the Doheny Eye Institute between December 2009 and April 2010. Patients with chronic VKH who had ultra-wide-field FAF and pseudo-color imaging performed were included. All images were reviewed independently by two reading center certified retina specialists. Twenty eyes of 10 patients were included in this analysis. Fourteen eyes of 7 patients (70%) showed peripheral changes on FAF images outside the posterior pole. Three different patterns were observed: multifocal hypofluorescent spots (n = 11 eyes), hyperfluorescent spots (n = 8 eyes), and a unique lattice-like pattern in both eyes of one patient. There were noticeable disparities between FAF and color images. Peripheral FAF abnormalities are frequent in chronic VKH and are readily revealed by wide-field FAF imaging and manifesting with distinct patterns. Further investigation in prospective studies is warranted.
Purpose: To determine the microstructure of the fovea in patients with Stickler syndrome using imaging by spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD OCT) and swept-source OCT. Design: Retrospective case series study. Participants: A total of 39 eyes of 25 patients with genetically confirmed Stickler syndrome were studied. Methods: All of the patients had mutations in the COL2A1 gene and were diagnosed with Stickler syndrome. Cross-sectional OCT images, OCT angiography (OCTA), and en face OCT images were assessed. The ratio of the foveal inner retinal layer (fIRL) thickness to the parafoveal inner retinal layer (pIRL) thickness, the ratio of the foveal outer retinal layer (fORL) thickness to the parafoveal outer retinal layer (pORL) thickness, and the size of the foveal avascular zone (FAZ) were determined. Main outcome measures: The degree of foveal hypoplasia and the best-corrected visual acuity in patients with Stickler syndrome. Results: A persistence of the inner retinal layers in the fovea with an fIRL/pIRL ratio >0.2 was present in 32 of the 39 eyes (82%). Optical coherence tomography angiography showed that the FAZ was smaller, 0 to 0.19 mm(2), than that of normal eyes, in 25 eyes of 17 patients who underwent OCTA. There was no significant correlation between the visual acuities and the fIRL/pIRL ratios. Conclusions: A mild foveal hypoplasia with a persistence of the IRL is characteristic of eyes with Stickler syndrome. The visual acuities were not correlated with the fIRL/pIRL ratios.
To observe the progression of affected lesion using ultra-wide-field fundus autofluorescence (FAF) in multiple evanescent white dot syndrome. Retrospective, observational case series. Setting: Institutional. Patient Population: 14 eyes of 13 patients (mean age, 35.8 years) with acute disease unilaterally. Observation Procedures: Patients underwent ultra-wide-field FAF, spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT), multifocal electroretinography (mfERG), and Goldmann or automated perimetry; the best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) and refractive error were measured. Main Outcome Measure: Ability of ultra-wide-field FAF to detect lesions with greater sensitivity compared with color fundus photography. Ultra-wide-field FAF imaging enabled improved visualization of the affected lesions and showed that the core lesion was in the posterior fundus involving the peripapillary retina and posterior pole and surrounded by hyperautofluorescent spots outside the vascular arcade. The posterior lesions expanded rapidly and peripheral spots spread farther peripherally and reached a maximal extent during the acute stage. During follow-up, the peripheral hyperautofluorescent spots resolved and then hyperautofluorescence of the posterior fundus gradually faded. SD-OCT showed diffuse disruption of the photoreceptor inner segment/outer segment junction (IS/OS) in the posterior fundus during the acute stage. The correlation between the IS/OS abnormality and hyperautofluorescent areas was unclear. The disrupted IS/OS was restored with normalization of the FAF. Ultra-wide-field FAF showed that the lesions arise from the peripapillary retina and the posterior pole and spread peripherally in a centrifugal manner during the acute stage. The hyperautofluorescent spots faded from the periphery in a centripetal manner. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Purpose To study the correlation between the visual fields (VF) and wide-field fundus autofluorescence (FAF) in patients with retinitis pigmentosa (RP). Design Retrospective, observational, consecutive case series. Methods Twenty-four eyes of 12 patients diagnosed with RP were enrolled. The VFs measured by Goldmann perimetry and wide-field FAF images were compared for each eye. The relationship between the areas of hypoautofluorescence on the wide-field FAF images and scotoma on Goldmann perimetry were evaluated. The VF and FAF images in the central 60 degrees were trimmed and superimposed to calculate the percentage agreement between the hypoautofluorescence and the scotomas and between the isoautofluorescence and hyperautofluorescence and the remaining VFs. Results The areas of hypoautofluorescence on the FAF images were correlated significantly (R=0.86, P<0.001) with the areas of the VF defects on Goldmann perimetry. The mean percentage agreement between the hypoautofluorescence and the scotomas was 91.0±7.7% and that of the isoautofluorescence and hyperautofluorescence with the remaining VFs was 84.5±7.4%. The areas of geographic hypoautofluorescence with or without hyperautofluorescent bands reflected the VF defects, while nummular or mottled hypoautofluorescence without VF defects was seen in seven eyes. Conclusions These results suggested that wide-field FAF imaging is useful to evaluate the remaining retinal function in patients with RP. Abnormal fundus autofluorescence precedes loss of retinal function and is helpful for monitoring disease progression.
Elevated fundus autofluorescence signals can reflect enhanced lipofuscin in RPE cells, augmented fluorescence due to photooxidation, and/or excess bisretinoid fluorophores in photoreceptor cells due to mishandling of vitamin A aldehyde by dysfunctional cells.
Stickler syndrome is a dominantly inherited disorder affecting the fibrillar type II/XI collagen molecules expressed in vitreous and cartilage. Mutations have been found in COL2A1, COL11A1 and COL11A2. It has a highly variable phenotype that can include midline clefting, hearing loss, premature osteoarthritis, congenital high myopia and blindness through retinal detachment. Although the systemic phenotype is highly variable, the vitreous phenotype has been used successfully to differentiate between patients with mutations in these different genes. Mutations in COL2A1 usually result in a congenital membranous vitreous anomaly. In contrast mutations in COL11A1 result in a different vitreous phenotype where the lamellae have an irregular and beaded appearance. However, it is now apparent that a new sub-group of COL2A1 mutations is emerging that result in a different phenotype with a hypoplastic vitreous that fills the posterior chamber of the eye, and is either optically empty or has sparse irregular lamellae. Here we characterise a further 89 families with Stickler syndrome or a type II collagenopathy, and correlate the mutations with the vitreous phenotype. We have identified 57 novel mutations including missense changes in both COL2A1 and COL11A1 and have also detected two cases of complete COL2A1 gene deletions using MLPA.