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The effect of maize‐alfalfa intercropping on the physiological characteristics, Nitrogen uptake and yield of Maize


Abstract and Figures

In Northeastern China, the intensive cropping system and increased use of chemical fertilizer has caused severe problems in terms of sustainable agricultural development. Therefore, to improve agricultural sustainability and crop productivity the farming system needs to be modified in the region. A pot experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of maize–alfalfa intercropping on the physiological characteristics, nitrogen (N) uptake and yield of the maize crops in northeast China in 2017–2018. The study findings showed that intercropping under N fertilization progressively improved the physio‐agronomic indices of the maize crop as compared to mono‐cropping. The grain yield, 100 seed weight and biomass dry matter of maize crop improved in intercropping when it was practiced with N fertilizer. Furthermore, intercropping with N fertilization increased the chlorophyll content of the maize crop at bell‐mouthed, silking, filing and mature stages by 19%, 44%, 12%, and 9% in 2017 and by 23%, 43%, 15%, and 11% in 2018, respectively, as compared with the monocropping system. Unlike monocropping, intercropping with N fertilization increased the photosynthesis rate (14% and 15%), stomatal conductance (74% and 98%) and transpiration rate (74% and 75%) in 2017 and 2018, respectively. However, intercropping reduced intercellular CO 2 ( C i ). Moreover, intercropping with N fertilization increased the maize N content of grain and leaves as well as total N uptake by 49%, 31% and 93% in 2017 and 53%, 34% and 132%, respectively, in 2018 as compared to monocropping. In conclusion, our results suggest that maize–alfalfa intercropping with optimal N fertilization provides a practical method for improving growth, yield and N accumulation in the maize crop.
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The effect of maizealfalfa intercropping on the physiological
characteristics, nitrogen uptake and yield of maize
J. Nasar
, Z. Shao
, A. Arshad
, F. G. Jones
, S. Liu
, M. Z. Khan
, T. Khan
J. S. K. Banda
1 Key Laboratory of Sustainable Utilization of Soil Resources in the Commodity Grain Bases in Jilin Province, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun, 130118,
2 College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, China Agricultural University, Beijing, 100193, China
3 College of Plant Protection, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun, 130118, Jilin Province, China
4 Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
5 Zambia Agriculture Research Institute, P/B 7, Chilanga, Zambia
chlorophyll content; intracellular CO
photosynthetic activity; stomatal
conductance; transpiration rate.
X. Zhou and Q. Gao, Key Laboratory of
Sustainable Utilization of Soil Resources in the
Commodity Grain Bases in Jilin Province, Jilin
Agricultural University, Changchun 130118,
R. Leegood
Received: 13 April 2020; In Revised form:
28 May 2020; Accepted: 17 June 2020
In Northeastern China, the intensive cropping system and increased use of chemical
fertilizer has caused severe problems in terms of sustainable agricultural development.
Therefore, to improve agricultural sustainability and crop productivity the farming
system needs to be modified in the region.
A pot experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of maizealfalfa intercropping
on the physiological characteristics, nitrogen (N) uptake and yield of the maize crops
in northeast China in 20172018.
The study findings showed that intercropping under N fertilization progressively
improved the physio-agronomic indices of the maize crop as compared to mono-
cropping. The grain yield, 100 seed weight and biomass dry matter of maize crop
improved in intercropping when it was practiced with N fertilizer. Furthermore, inter-
cropping with N fertilization increased the chlorophyll content of the maize crop at
bell-mouthed, silking, filing and mature stages by 19%, 44%, 12%, and 9% in 2017
and by 23%, 43%, 15%, and 11% in 2018, respectively, as compared with the
monocropping system. Unlike monocropping, intercropping with N fertilization
increased the photosynthesis rate (14% and 15%), stomatal conductance (74% and
98%) and transpiration rate (74% and 75%) in 2017 and 2018, respectively. However,
intercropping reduced intercellular CO
). Moreover, intercropping with N fertil-
ization increased the maize N content of grain and leaves as well as total N uptake by
49%, 31% and 93% in 2017 and 53%, 34% and 132%, respectively, in 2018 as com-
pared to monocropping.
In conclusion, our results suggest that maizealfalfa intercropping with optimal N fer-
tilization provides a practical method for improving growth, yield and N accumula-
tion in the maize crop.
Northeast China is a shared ecozone for agronomy and animal
husbandry, which plays an important role in China’s agricul-
tural industry. The region is characterized by sandy soils, low
vegetation cover and massive wind erosion, which have damag-
ing effects on the local ecological environment (Shao et al.
2020). Similarly, intensive farming and a long-term single
cropping system has created severe problems in terms of the
agricultural ecosystem and loss of biodiversity (Fragoso et al.
1997; Celette et al. 2009; Li et al. 2014). Moreover, the low soil
fertility caused by terrestrial erosion has adversely affected yield
and quality of the crops (Sun et al. 2014; Sun et al. 2018; Liu
et al. 2019). Besides, high soil erosion and overgrazing have
caused a deterioration in grassland production and quality of
forage (Sun et al. 2014; Nasar & Alam 2018). Together with the
intensive use of chemical fertilizers and herbicides, sustainable
agricultural development in the area is facing severe challenges
(Gao et al. 2014; Sun et al. 2014).
Therefore, to improve agricultural sustainability, ensure
the supply of high-quality forage grass and satisfy increasing
meat product demands, the farming system needs to be
modified in northeast China. In this context, introducing
forage grass to the primary crop farming system and estab-
lishing a cereallegume intercropping system, will enhance
productive resource utilization, leading to an economically
improved and environmentally friendly cropping system (Li
et al. 2001).
Intercropping is the simultaneous cultivation of two or more
crop species on the same piece of land. It is a centuries-old
agricultural practice and still used in modern-day agriculture.
Compared to mono-cropping, intercropping improves the
Plant Biology 22 (2020) 1140–1149 ©2020 German Society for Plant Sciences and The Royal Botanical Society of the Netherlands1140
Plant Biology ISSN 1435-8603
growth and productivity of the crops as a result of the efficient
utilization of available resources (water, light and nutrients)
(Zhang et al. 2013; Nasar et al. 2019). The increased productiv-
ity in an intercropping system is mainly due to the comple-
mentarity and facilitative interactions among intercrops (Li
et al. 2014; Zhang et al. 2014; Raza, et al. 2019b). Complemen-
tarity is achieved through a decrease of interspecific competi-
tion between intercrops having different time, space and
growth characteristics (Hinsinger et al. 2011; Yong et al. 2015;
Raza, et al. 2019c). Moreover, facilitation occurs when one
plant promotes the growth and development of the corre-
sponding neighbour plant in an intercropping system
(Ehrmann & Ritz 2013; Zhang et al. 2014). These complemen-
tarities and interspecific interactions in a cereallegume inter-
cropping system have resulted in better growth, yield and
higher N uptake for both the cereal and the legume crop (Li
et al. 2001; Zhang et al. 2011; Yong et al. 2015).
Maize (Zea mays L) is an important food and forage crop
grown in northeast China. It is also known as the ‘queen of
cereals’ because it’s many cultivars have very high genetic yield
potentials compared with other cereal crops (Sun et al. 2014).
Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L) is a high-yielding herbaceous
legume, rich in protein, vitamins and minerals, with good
palatability and high digestibility for grazing animals (Sun
et al. 2018). Additionally, being a legume, alfalfa improves soil
fertility and the physio-chemical characteristics of the soil due
to its large rooting structure and N-fixing nodules (Sun et al.
2014) and, as a cover crop, also decreases wind erosion of the
cultivated area, retaining the soil throughout the year (Li et al.
2003). Therefore, maize intercropped with alfalfa not only
secures regional food demand and nutritional quality for the
forage industry, but also provides an environmentally friendly
and a promising agricultural system for the future development
of the region.
Intercropping is practiced globally because of the estab-
lished and anticipated advantages, such as higher crop yield
(Saleem et al. 2011), improved agricultural sustainability
(Borghi et al. 2012), land utilization efficiency (Al-Dalain
2009; Kermah et al. 2017), nutrient acquisition (Banik &
Sharma 2009; Raza et al. 2020) and soil quality improvement
with zero to minimal inputs (Regehr 2014). In contrast,
China has developed high input and high output intensive
cropping systems (Zhang et al. 2013). However, the beneficial
consequences of an intercropping system would provide ade-
quate fertilization, in the sense that soil fertility is essential
for the interspecific interaction between intercrops (Zhang
et al. 2014). Several studies have shown that increased nutri-
ent availability enhances interspecific competition because
taller individuals require more space, absorb more light and
use more nutrients and water (Kheroar & Patra 2013; Adeni-
yan et al. 2014). Nevertheless, sufficient N supply could
reduce competition between intercrops (Zhang et al. 2013).
Also, adequate N supply is crucial for growth of photosyn-
thetic organs and is essential in photosynthesis (Evans 1983;
Yang et al. 2010). Adequate fertilizer N application can
enhance plant enzyme content, chlorophyll content and
enzyme activity of plant leaves, thus promoting photosynthe-
sis and crop yield (Giersch & Robinson 1987).
Therefore, the justification for the following experiment
was to evaluate differences in maize physiological characteris-
tics, yield and N uptake between monocropping and
intercropping (with alfalfa) with and without extra N
fertilization. We hypothesized that intercropping with or
without N fertilization would have significant advantages
over maize monocropping.
Experimental design and management
The pot experiment was conducted in 20172018 in a green-
house of Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun
(125°24’50.38" E, 43°48’28.59" N, 248.5 m a.s.l.), Jilin Province,
China. The area is characterized as a moderate to the semi-arid
region with four distinct seasons. The average annual tempera-
ture and rainfall are 46°C and 553914 mm, respectively, and
130150 free-frost days annually. The soil used in this experi-
ment was loam, low in organic matter (12.85 mg kg
), total N
(1.51 g kg
), available N (81.29 mg kg
), available P
(18.93 mg kg
), available K (85.76 mg kg
) and pH 6.37.
The experimental treatments were arranged in a complete
randomized design (CRD) with two N fertilization levels
(NL): N0 (no added N) and N1 (2 g N pot
for maize and
0.5 g N pot
for alfalfa), with three planting patterns (PP);
maize monocropping, alfalfa monocropping and maizealfalfa
intercropping, with four replicates. Medicago sativa L. cv.
Dongmu No. 1 and Zea mays L. cv. Zhengdan 958 were cho-
sen as test crops. All N:P:K fertilizer applications were mixed
with soil before sowing for alfalfa, while for maize 1/3 of the
N:P:K fertilizer was applied as a base application and 2/3of
the N application were used as a top dressing in the small
bell mouth and big bell mouth stages. The NPK fertilizers
were applied according to local fertilization practice. Maize
was treated with 225 kg N ha
, 120 P kg ha
60 K kg ha
, while alfalfa received 53 kg N ha
, 135 kg P
and 90 kg K ha
. The fertilizer sources used were urea
(46% N), phosphorus pentoxide P
(46% P) and potas-
sium oxide K
O (60% K).
The seeds were sown in pots (length 35 cm, width 20 cm,
height 30 cm) at 2-cm depth with a planting density of 3:5
(maize:alfalfa) (Fig. 1). Maize seeds were sown at a field
planting density of 60,000 plants ha
, while alfalfa seeds were
sown at field seed rate of 15 kg ha
. The bottom of the pots
was covered with marble pebbles to prevent nutrient leaching
and placed at a distance of 0.8 m, and the distance between
maize and alfalfa in intercropping was kept at 5 cm. Both
maize and alfalfa were sown on 15 June 2017 and 10 June
2018 and harvested on 10 October 2017 and 15 October
2018. At the three-leaf stage, maize crops were thinned to a
single plant per pot to aid adaptation to the pot environ-
ment. Plants were regularly watered with tap water to keep
the soil at 6070% of field water-holding capacity throughout
the growth stage, and soil temperature in each pot was moni-
tored using micro-tensiometers (Nanjing Institute of Soil
Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences). Weeding was done
with a small hand spade, pests and diseases were cautiously
monitored and controlled to abate effects of insecticides of
the non-targeted plant. Further environmental factors, such
as temperature (°C), rainfall (mm), relative humidity (%),
rainfall days, daylight (h), sunshine (h) and irrigation sched-
ule (l pot
) were carefully monitored and recorded during
the entire growing season (Fig. 2).
Plant Biology 22 (2020) 1140–1149 ©2020 German Society for Plant Sciences and The Royal Botanical Society of the Netherlands 1141
Nasar, Shao, Arshad, Jones, Liu, Li, Khan, Khan, Banda, Zhou & Gao Effects of maize-alfalfa intercropping
Data collection
Physiological characteristics, yield attributes and biomass dry
Data on different physiological aspects of maize crops were
recorded at different growth stages (VT, V9, R1 and R6). The
height of the maize plant was measured with a measuring tape.
Stem diameter, cob length and width were measured with Ver-
nier calipers. After harvesting at full maturity, the rows per cob
and number of seeds per row were recorded by manual count-
ing. After threshing, yield attributes of cob weight, grain yield,
grain per cob and 100-grain weight were measured with an
electronic balance. Subsequently, plant samples were sun-dried
for 3 days and then oven-dried at 70 °C for 72 h to obtain the
biomass as dry matter.
Leaf traits
The number of leaves and leaf area were recorded at the co-
growth stage. The number of leaves per plant was recorded by
manual counting. For leaf area, three fully expanded leaves
(top, middle and bottom) were selected to measure length and
width using a tape-measure and taking three reading per leaf.
However, in intercropping, the maize leaves adjacent to the
alfalfa plant leaves were selected to measure leaf area. The fol-
lowing formula was used to calculate leaf area.
LA cm2
where LA,L, W and Aare leaf area (cm), length (cm) and
width (cm) for maize leaf, respectively. The constant coefficient
is 0.73 for maize leaf area (Dervis
Chlorophyll and photosynthetic characteristics
Leaf chlorophyll content (usually at the ninth leaf stage) was
measured using the SPAD Chlorophyll Meter (SPAD-502;
Minolta, Tokyo, Japan) by taking three readings (Zhang et al.
2013). The photosynthetic characteristics of maize leaves
(photosynthesis rate, stomatal conductance, transpiration rate
and intercellular CO
) were determined (usually at ninth leaf
stage) between 09:00 h an 11:00 h using a Li-6400XT portable
photosynthesis system (LiCor, Lincoln, NE, USA) at a leaf
temperature of ~27 °C, constant light of 1000 μmol m
and CO
level of 400 μmol mol
(Ahmad et al. 2013). For the
intercropping system, the alfalfa leaves adjacent to maize leaves
were selected to determine photosynthetic characteristics, with
three readings per leaf.
Grain and leaf N content and total N uptake
The N contents of grain and leaves were determined by wet
digestion (H
and H
2:1) using the Kjeldahl N determi-
nation apparatus (Zhang et al. 2014). Total N uptake was cal-
culated from the formula below, as suggested by (Nasar & Shah
Total N uptake ðg pot1Þ¼ Grain N contetnt grain yield
þLeaf N contetnt biomass dry matter
Statistical analysis
The collected data were analysed using the statistical software
MS statistix 8.1. Graphical analysis was done with Graph Pad
Prism 6.02. The two-way factorial ANOVA was performed with
NL and PP as main factors and their interaction, separately for
2017 and 2018. The mean among treatments was compared
using the Tukey HSD test at P0.05 (Zhang et al. 2014). The
modest Pearson’s correlation was applied to determine the
relationship between chlorophyll content, photosynthetic activ-
ity and leaf area of the maize crop.
Effect of intercropping and N fertilization on physio-
agronomic indices of the maize crop
Intercropping and N fertilization had a significant effect on the
physio-agronomic indices of maize crops, except for plant
height where there were no significant changes (P<0.05;
Table 1). Results of the 2-year experiment showed that inter-
cropping significantly (P<0.05) improved the physio-agro-
nomic indices of the maize crop. When compared to
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of maizealfalfa intercrop-
ping system. N0, no nitrogen fertilization, N1 nitrogen
Plant Biology 22 (2020) 1140–1149 ©2020 German Society for Plant Sciences and The Royal Botanical Society of the Netherlands1142
Effects of maize-alfalfa intercropping Nasar, Shao, Arshad, Jones, Liu, Li, Khan, Khan, Banda, Zhou & Gao
monocropping, intercropping without N fertilization signifi-
cantly (P<0.05) increased the stem diameter (mm), number
of leaves plant
and leaf area (cm
) of the maize crop by 17%,
13%, and 15%, and by 18%, 16% and 18%, respectively, with
N fertilization in 2017. In 2018, intercropping without N fertil-
ization boosted the stem diameter (mm), number of leaves
and leaf area (cm
) of the maize crop by 18%, 17% and
19% and by 23%, 21% and 22%, respectively with N fertiliza-
tion. Furthermore, intercropping when compared to
monocropping increased the maize cob length (cm), cob width
(mm), cob weight (g), number of rows cob
and grains row
by 12%, 6%, 9%, 8% and 2%, respectively, without N fertiliza-
tion, and by 15%, 8%, 15%, 10% and 23%, respectively, with
N fertilization in 2017. In 2018, compared to monocropping,
intercropping without N fertilization increased the cob length
(cm), cob width (mm), cob weight (g), number of rows cob
and grains row
by 14%, 7%, 11%, 17% and 20% and by 16%,
12%, 14%, 18%, and 26%, respectively, with N fertilization.
Effect of intercropping and N fertilization on chlorophyll
content and photosynthesis parameters
Intercropping with alfalfa and N fertilization had a significant
effect on the chlorophyll content and photosynthetic activity of
the maize crop (P<0.05; Table 2, Fig. 3). The results showed
that intercropping significantly (P<0.05) improved the
chlorophyll content and photosynthetic activity (i.e. photosyn-
thesis rate (P
), stomatal conductance (g
) and transpiration
rate (T
) of the maize crop and reduced the intercellular CO
concentration (C
). In 2017, when compared to monocropping,
intercropping without N fertilization increased the chlorophyll
content (%) of the maize crop by 16%, 37%, 11% and 8% and
by 19%, 44%, 12% and 9% at bell-mouthed, silking, filing and
mature stages, respectively, with N fertilization. In 2018, inter-
cropping without N fertilization increased the chlorophyll con-
tent (%) of the maize crop by 17%, 37%, 14% and 10% and by
23%, 43%, 15% and 11% at the bell-mouthed, silking, filing
and mature stages, respectively. The P
and T
of the maize
crop increased by 5%, 60%, and 57%, respectively, in the inter-
cropping system without N fertilization and by 14%, 74% and
76%, respectively, with N fertilization as compared to
monocropping in 2017. In 2018, when compared to
monocropping, intercropping without N fertilization increased
and T
by 4%, 82%, and 63%, and by 15%, 98% and
73%, respectively, with N fertilization. Nevertheless, the C
response changed in the intercropping production system.
Compared to monocropping, intercropping without and with
N fertilization reduced C
by 17% and 20%, respectively, in
2017, and 17% and 21%, respectively, in 2018.
Effect of intercropping and N fertilization on maize crop N
content and N uptake
Nitrogen fertilization and intercropping significantly affected
the N content and N uptake of the maize crop (Fig. 4). Inter-
cropping significantly (P<0.05) improved the N content and
N uptake of the maize crop as compared to monocropping.
Intercropping increased the maize N content (grain and leaves)
and N uptake up to 42%, 27% and 64%, respectively, with no
N fertilization and by 49%, 31% and 93%, respectively, with N
fertilization in 2017 as compared to monocropping. During
2018, intercropping with no N fertilization increased the maize
N content (grain and leaves) and N uptake up to 42%, 30%
and 105%, and 53%, 34% and 132%, respectively, following N
Effect of intercropping and N fertilization on maize yield and
biomass dry matter
Nitrogen fertilization and intercropping had a significant
impact on yield and biomass dry matter of maize and alfalfa
(P<0.05; Table 3). The 2-year results showed that intercrop-
ping increased the yield and biomass dry matter of the maize
crop. When compared to monocropping, intercropping with-
out N fertilization increased the grain yield (g) and 100-grain
weight (g) of the maize crop by 18% and 21%, respectively,
and by 31% and 22%, respectively, with N fertilization in 2017.
In 2018, intercropping without N fertilization increased the
grain yield (g) and 100-grain weight (g) of the maize crop by
45% and 23%, respectively, and by 54% and 24%, respectively,
with N fertilization.
Furthermore, intercropping without N fertilization increased
the biomass dry matter of maize by 13% and 17% with N fertil-
ization as compared to monocropping in 2017. In 2018, inter-
cropping without N fertilization increased the biomass dry
matter of maize by 14% and by 18% with N fertilization as
Fig. 2. Temperature, humidity, rainfall, rainfall days,
daylight and sunshine and irrigation schedule of the
experimental site.
Plant Biology 22 (2020) 1140–1149 ©2020 German Society for Plant Sciences and The Royal Botanical Society of the Netherlands 1143
Nasar, Shao, Arshad, Jones, Liu, Li, Khan, Khan, Banda, Zhou & Gao Effects of maize-alfalfa intercropping
Table 1. Effect of planting pattern and N fertilization on the physio-agronomic indices of the maize crop
Plant height (cm)
Stem diameter
No of leaves
Leaf area
Cob length
Cob width
Cob weight
No of rows
No of grains
2017 N0 Monocrop 252.50 32.10 3.1 c 9.75 0.8 b 299.81 25.9 c 14.62 1.2 c 50.41 1.4 b 203.25 7.2 c 14.75 1.5 b 30.00 3.2 c
Intercrop 253.25 37.75 1.2 b 11.01 0.7 ab 344.44 39.3 bc 16.42 1.1 bc 53.50 1.6 b 222.50 9.1 bc 16.01 0.8 ab 36.25 1.7 bc
N1 Monocrop 252.25 37.25 2.5 bc 11.01 1.1 ab 374.44 14.5 b 18.80 0.5 ab 52.99 0.5 b 250.01 21.5 b 16.01 0.8 ab 38.03 4.3 b
Intercrop 255.75 44.10 2.1 a 12.75 0.4 a 440.01 26.3 a 21.69 1.8 a 57.28 2.3 a 287.57 8.5 a 17.75 1.7 a 46.89 3.3 a
NL 0.560
0.000*** 0.005** 0.000*** 0.000*** 0.002** 0.000*** 0.036*0.000***
PP 0.271
0.000*** 0.005** 0.001** 0.006** 0.000*** 0.002** 0.036*0.001**
NL x PP 0.471
2018 N0 Monocrop 251.72 31.10 0.6 c 9.00 1.4 b 283.35 26.5 c 15.17 0.6 c 49.53 2.9 b 202.67 7.2 c 13.25 1.3 b 29.75 3.6 c
Intercrop 254.07 36.55 2.5 b 10.50 1.3 ab 335.79 38.5 bc 17.22 2.0 bc 52.96 1.0 b 224.22 5.6 bc 15.50 1.3 ab 35.75 1.5 bc
N1 Monocrop 253.93 34.10 2.4 bc 10.75 2.1 ab 349.96 22.6 b 19.30 1.2 ab 53.32 0.8 b 235.70 7.9 b 16.75 0.9 ab 37.50 4.0 b
Intercrop 256.82 42.07 2.8 a 13.00 0.8 a 427.45 29.5 a 22.36 1.0 a 59.56 4.1 a 267.68 16.0 a 19.75 4.3 a 47.25 3.1 a
NL 0.124
0.002** 0.013*0.000*** 0.000*** 0.002** 0.000*** 0.008** 0.000***
PP 0.105
0.000*** 0.025*0.001*** 0.005** 0.003** 0.001** 0.05
NL x PP 0.857
Mean values with same letters SD show no significant difference at P0.05, Tukey HSD test. N0: no nitrogen, N1: nitrogen fertilization, PP: planting pattern, NL: nitrogen level, *P<0.05, **P<0.01,
***P<0.001 and
Plant Biology 22 (2020) 1140–1149 ©2020 German Society for Plant Sciences and The Royal Botanical Society of the Netherlands1144
Effects of maize-alfalfa intercropping Nasar, Shao, Arshad, Jones, Liu, Li, Khan, Khan, Banda, Zhou & Gao
compared to monocropping. When compared to monocrop-
ping, the biomass dry matter of alfalfa in intercropping fell by
10% without N fertilization and by 8% with N fertilization in
2017. Intercropping reduced the biomass dry matter of alfalfa
by 12% without N fertilization and by 7% with N fertilization
as compared to monocropping in 2018.
Correlation analysis of chlorophyll, photosynthetic activity
and leaf area
Pearson’s correlation analysis was used to quantify the relation-
ship of chlorophyll content, photosynthetic activity and leaf
area of the maize crop (Fig. 5). The correlation analysis
revealed a significant and positive correlation of photosynthesis
(Fig. 5A), stomatal conductance (Fig. 5B), intercellular CO
(Fig. 5C), transpiration (Fig. 5D) and leaf area (Fig. 5E) with
chlorophyll content in maize.
The present study demonstrated that intercropping with alfalfa
significantly improved the growth and yield of a maize crop
compared to monocropping. We also observed that intercrop-
ping enhanced the chlorophyll content and photosynthetic
activity of maize; however, these values were further improved
with the addition of N fertilizer (Table 2, Fig. 3).
Generally, the growth and yield advantages of intercropping
are mainly related to the effective use of available resources
(e.g. water, light and nutrients) (Hinsinger et al. 2011; Mei
et al. 2012; Gao et al. 2014; Raza et al. 2019a). In the current
study, intercropping improved the physio-agronomic attri-
butes of maize, but its effect was more pronounced under N
fertilization as compared to monocropping. Probably, this
might be related to the N fertilization, which helps to improve
plant growth and development (Liu et al. 2018). Also note that
Table 2. Effect of planting pattern and N fertilization on maize chlorophyll content at different growth stages
Bell-mouthed stage (%) Silking stage (%) Filling stage (%) Mature stage (%)NL PP
2017 N0 Monocrop 20.31 1.2 c 22.70 1.2 c 42.32 2.2 c 23.48 2.2 c
Intercrop 23.42 1.8 b 31.21 1.3 b 47.03 1.5 b 25.27 1.5 bc
N1 Monocrop 24.21 0.8 b 28.62 0.9 bc 46.21 0.7 b 26.66 0.8 ab
Intercrop 28.83 1.3 a 41.10 6.0 a 52.03 2.1 a 29.07 2.1 a
NL 0.000*** 0.000*** 0.000*** 0.000***
PP 0.000*** 0.000*** 0.000*** 0.007**
NL x PP 0.330
2018 N0 Monocrop 19.58 1.3 c 23.25 0.8 c 40.44 2.3 c 22.43 2.1 c
Intercrop 22.95 11.2 b 31.77 1.2 b 46.29 2.9 b 24.75 1.3 bc
N1 Monocrop 23.70 2.8 b 29.10 1.7 bc 45.74 1.7 b 26.30 1.4 ab
Intercrop 29.11 3.1 a 41.59 5.2 a 52.79 2.3 a 29.31 1.6 a
NL 0.000*** 0.000*** 0.000*** 0.000***
PP 0.000*** 0.000*** 0.000*** 0.007**
NL*PP 0.223
The mean values with similar letter SD in the table shows no significant difference at P0.05, Tukey HSD test, N0: no nitrogen, N1: nitrogen fertilization,
PP: planting pattern, NL: nitrogen levels, *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001 and
Fig. 3. Effect of intercropping and N fertilization on
photosynthetic activity of maize. A photosynthesis rate,
B stomatal conductance, C intercellular CO
, and D tran-
spiration rate for the growing seasons 20172018. Bars
are SD and lowercase letters indicate significant dif-
ferences with Tukey HSD test at P<0.05.
Plant Biology 22 (2020) 1140–1149 ©2020 German Society for Plant Sciences and The Royal Botanical Society of the Netherlands 1145
Nasar, Shao, Arshad, Jones, Liu, Li, Khan, Khan, Banda, Zhou & Gao Effects of maize-alfalfa intercropping
in intercropping, one plant promotes the growth, fitness and
survival of the other crop (Zhang et al. 2014). It was previously
reported that appropriate N application to maizepigeon pea
(Cajanus cajan L) intercropping increased the number of leaves
per plant (15.5), leaf area (508 cm
), cob length (15.6 cm), cob
weight (168.7 g), no of rows per cob (16.68), 100-grain weight
(32.02 g), stover yield (7293 kg ha
) and grain yield
(8009 kg ha
) of the maize crop compared to monocropping
(Boregowda 2015).
The existing study evidently shows that intercropping also
increased the chlorophyll content of the maize crop at different
growth stages, but this effect was more evident under N fertil-
ization, as reported in Table 2. Perhaps this was related to the
adequate N fertilization, which helps to advance the enzyme
content, enzyme activity and chlorophyll content of the leaves
(Giersch & Robinson 1987), or might be related to better light
utilization (Ahmad et al. 2013; Raza et al. 2019a). Also, the
belowground rhizospheric interaction in intercropping also
improved iron nutrition, which also enhanced the chlorophyll
content (Zuo et al. 2003; Zhang et al. 2013). Similarly, in
maizepeanut intercropping, chlorophyll content was increased
from 128 to 141 in maize and from 217 to 228 in peanut (Gao
et al. 2010). In another study, maizesoybean intercropping
with N fertilization increased the chlorophyll content of the
maize crop compared to monocropping (Zhang et al. 2014).
Changes in the chlorophyll content are expected to affect
photosynthetic activity, which has a significant impact on the
growth, yield and development of the crop (Ahmad et al. 2013;
Zhang et al. 2013). In the current study, intercropping and N
fertilization improved the photosynthetic activity of the maize
crop (Fig. 3). This might be due to an increase in chlorophyll
content (Ahmad et al. 2013) or to the differences in plant
height, which improved ventilation and light conditions of the
taller plants compared to shorter plants obtained in intercrop-
ping (Zhang et al. 2014; Raza , et al. 2019c). It has been docu-
mented that maizesoybean or cotton intercropping enhanced
photosynthesis rate (μmol CO
), stomatal
conductance (mol H
) and transpiration rate (μmol
) of the maize crop by 7.6%, 43.53% and 6.60%,
respectively, and reduced the intercellular CO
content under
appropriate N application (Zhang et al. 2014).
Nitrogen is a crucial nutrient for plant growth and develop-
ment (Liu et al. 2018). In this study, intercropping increased
the N content and total N uptake of the maize crop compared
to monocropping, but these values were further improved with
N fertilization. This might be due to niche complementarity
and facilitative interaction in intercropping (Li et al. 2003;
Richardson et al. 2009; Shao et al. 2020). Also, the soil root-re-
leased chemicals improved the plant nutrient availability,
which improves plant nutrient status (Li et al. 2009; Rivest
et al. 2010). The increased N concentration and total N uptake
of oat (Avena sativa L) and pea (Pisum sativum L) in the inter-
cropping system with maize was predominantly because of the
belowground interspecific root interaction under the same N
level (Neugschwandtner & Kaul 2015). Also, appropriate N fer-
tilization to maizesoybean intercropping further increased the
N content and N uptake in the maize crop (Zhang et al. 2017).
Previous studies have shown that the increased yield and bio-
mass dry matter of cereal crops in an intercropping system are
closely related to the use of available resources required for
optimum growth (nutrients, water and light) (Latati et al.
2013; Yong et al. 2015; Shao et al. 2020; Raza et al. 2019d).
Consistent with these studies, our results showed that inter-
cropping increased the yield and biomass dry matter of the
maize crop compared to monocropping (Table 3). There
might be several reasons for this: (i) improved growth, chloro-
phyll, N content and photosynthetic characteristics in inter-
cropping, (ii) adequate N fertilization, and (iii) utilization
efficiency of the plant available resources. However, intercrop-
ping reduced biomass dry matter of the alfalfa crop as com-
pared to monocropping. One possible reason could be the
difference in plant height. The limited growth of alfalfa was a
result of shading from the taller maize, since light is needed for
the photosynthetic processes (Wang et al. 2015; Shao et al.
Fig. 4. Effect of intercropping and N fertilization on
maize N content (grain and leaves) and total N uptake. A
maize grain N content, B maize leaf N content, C, total
N uptake of maize crop in the growing seasons
20172018. Bars are SD and lowercase letters indi-
cate significant differences with Tukey HSD test at
Plant Biology 22 (2020) 1140–1149 ©2020 German Society for Plant Sciences and The Royal Botanical Society of the Netherlands1146
Effects of maize-alfalfa intercropping Nasar, Shao, Arshad, Jones, Liu, Li, Khan, Khan, Banda, Zhou & Gao
2020). Previously it was reported that maizemung bean
(Vigna radiata L) or maizemash bean (Vigna mungo L) inter-
cropping significantly (P<0.05) improved the grain and yield
of the maize crop (Saleem et al. 2011). Similarly, intercropping
of maizepea under adequate N fertilization boosted the yield
and biomass dry weight of the maize crop as compared to
Table 3. Effect of planting pattern and N fertilization on yield and 100-seed weight of maize and biomass dry matter of maize and alfalfa
Treatments Grain yield (g pot
) Biomass dry matter (g pot
) Biomass dry matter (g pot
) 100-grain weight (g)
NL PP Maize Maize Alfalfa Maize
2017 N0 Monocrop 95.63 7.1 c 202.51 14.8 c 101.86 7.6 ab 22.71 1.7 c
Intercrop 113.21 6.2 b 229.53 3.7 b 91.26 9.1 b 27.62 2.1 b
N1 Monocrop 107.40 5.7 bc 220.83 8.6 bc 116.37 9.1 a 29.51 1.5 bc
Intercrop 140.72 8.7 a 268.73 7.8 a 107.25 4.5 ab 36.33 2.8 a
NL 0.000*** 0.000*** 0.002** 0.000***
PP 0.000*** 0.000*** 0.028*0.000***
NL*PP 0.075
2018 N0 Monocrop 91.50 8.0 c 194.20 8.8 c 102.01 8.6 bc 23.13 2.7 c
Intercrop 132.69 1.0 b 234.64 3.3 b 89.34 6.1 c 28.50 2.3 bc
N1 Monocrop 103.65 9.4 c 217.47 7.3 b 118.33 4.1 a 31.33 1.3 b
Intercrop 160.04 5.1 a 271.20 10.4 a 110.20 4.2 ab 38.71 3.2 a
NL 0.000*** 0.000*** 0.000*** 0.000***
PP 0.000*** 0.000*** 0.005** 0.000***
NL x PP 0.073
Mean values with different lowercase letter SD are significantly different from each other with Tukey HSD test, P(0.05). PP: planting pattern, NL: nitrogen
level, N0: no nitrogen, N1: nitrogen fertilizer, *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001,
Fig. 5. The relationship between chlorophyll and photosynthesis rate (A), stomatal conductance (B), intercellular CO
(C), transpiration rate (D) and leaf area
Plant Biology 22 (2020) 1140–1149 ©2020 German Society for Plant Sciences and The Royal Botanical Society of the Netherlands 1147
Nasar, Shao, Arshad, Jones, Liu, Li, Khan, Khan, Banda, Zhou & Gao Effects of maize-alfalfa intercropping
monocropping (Yang et al. 2018). In another study, maize-
legume intercropping improved the yield and biomass dry
matter of the maize crop primarily because of the improved
growth indices of the maize crop or better resource utilization
in the intercropping system (Gao et al. 2010).
The present study showed that intercropping significantly
(P<0.05) improved the growth and yield attributes of the
maize crop as compared to monocropping, but this effect
was more pronounced under adequate N fertilization. The
study also indicated that intercropping with N fertilization
increased the physiological indices of the maize crop, such as
leaf area, chlorophyll, and photosynthetic activity, and thus
improved the yield attributes of maize as compared to
monocropping. Moreover, intercropping with or without N
fertilization improved the N content (grain and leaves) and
N uptake in the maize crop. These improvements in physio-
logical indices and N accumulation of the maize crop by
intercropping significantly (P<0.05) improved the yield and
biomass dry matter. Based on our findings, it is recom-
mended that intercropping under suitable N fertilization is a
better and more sustainable model for promoting plant
growth and development, yield and N requirements of the
maize crop.
We would like to thank the College of Resources and Environ-
ment, Jilin Agricultural University, for providing the green-
house facility. We also thank Prof. Gao Qiang and Prof. Xue
Zhou of the College of Resources and Environmental Sciences,
Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun, for technical advice
and support throughout the experiment. This work was sup-
ported by the National Natural Science Foundation (31471945;
U19A2035), the Natural Science Foundation of Jilin Province,
China (20190201274JC) and the Science and Technology Pro-
ject of the 13th Five-Year Plan of Jilin Provincial Department
of Education (JJKH20190908KJ).
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Plant Biology 22 (2020) 1140–1149 ©2020 German Society for Plant Sciences and The Royal Botanical Society of the Netherlands 1149
Nasar, Shao, Arshad, Jones, Liu, Li, Khan, Khan, Banda, Zhou & Gao Effects of maize-alfalfa intercropping
... It is therefore relevant to understand the physiological response of maize to intercropping. To date, studies on the response of maize leaf photosynthesis to intercropping have focused on changes in actual rate of leaf photosynthesis (Liu et al., 2018), or the rate of leaf photosynthesis under artificial light at lower than saturated light levels (Nasar et al., 2020(Nasar et al., , 2021(Nasar et al., , 2022Yin et al., 2021). These studies did not elucidate photosynthetic capacity of maize leaves in the field because the photosynthetic capacity is expressed only after a leaf is well adapted to full light, allowing the leaf sufficient time to open the stomata to completely match the CO 2 demand of a well-lit leaf. ...
... Previous studies on the response of maize leaf traits to intercropping have mostly been done either in simultaneous intercrops, in which maize and a legume were sown and harvested simultaneously (Li et al., 2019;Liu et al., 2018;Nasar et al., 2020Nasar et al., , 2022Pelech et al., 2022), or in relay intercrops in which maize was the early-sown species (Feng et al., 2020;Nasar et al., 2021;Yang et al., 2017). If maize is sown before the companion species, maize is the dominant species in the intercrop from the beginning, allowing improved resource capture, e.g., nutrients and light, which could explain why it would have enhanced leaf traits compared to sole maize (Feng et al., 2020). ...
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Mixing crop species in intercrops often results in yield advantages but the underlying processes are not completely understood. Increased resource capture in intercrops, particularly of light and nutrients, has been frequently demonstrated, but there is less information on the effect of intercropping on the photosynthetic capacity of leaves and on the leaf traits related to photosynthesis. Here we determine whether photosynthetic capacity and associated leaf traits are enhanced in intercropped maize (Zea mays L.), a species frequently used in intercrops. We determined leaf photosynthetic capacity (A 1800) and leaf traits of maize leaves in different canopy layers and at different growth stages in relay strip intercrops with spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) or faba bean (Vicia faba L.) and in the maize sole crop. We also measured the distribution of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) in the canopies. Intercropping with wheat or faba bean resulted in larger specific leaf area (SLA; thinner leaves), lower specific leaf nitrogen (SLN), and lower A 1800 of maize leaves during vegetative growth, and differences were larger for maize intercropped with faba bean than wheat, consistent with stronger shading by faba bean than wheat. After the harvest of companion species, maize leaves received more light in the two in-tercrops than in the sole maize crop, but this did not result in increases in leaf N concentration, SLN, and A 1800. Results indicate that shading and lower leaf N caused by relay intercropping maize with an earlier sown species negatively affected leaf photosynthetic capacity of maize leaves. The yield increase of maize in relay intercrops was not due to a higher leaf photosynthetic capacity. Options for mitigating or overcoming these negative intercropping effects are discussed.
... Indeed, the change in biomass weight could be attributed to the effect of the N fixed by the Cp crop in the intercrop system [30]. However, the high Cp biomass weight observed in the Cp-MC treatment compared to the intercropping system could be attributed to competition between the crops for growth resources, such as light, nutrients, and water [32]. This suggests that competition between the Dw and Cp in the intercropping treatment significantly affected Cp growth compared to in the Cp-MC. ...
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The intercropping system is a promising approach to augmenting the soil nutrient status and promoting sustainable crop production. However, it is not known whether intercropping improves the soil phosphorus (P) status in alluvial soils with low P under subtropical climates. Over two growing seasons––2019–2020 and 2020–2021––two experimental fields were employed to explore the effect of durum wheat (Dw) and chickpea (Cp) cropping systems on the soil available P. A randomized complete block design was used in this experiment, with three blocks each divided into three plots. Each plot was used for one of the following three treatments with three replications: Dw monocrop (Dw-MC), Cp monocrop (Cp-MC), and Dw + Cp intercrop (CpDw-InC), with bulk soil (BS) used as a control. A reduction in the rhizosphere soil pH (-0.44 and -0.11 unit) was observed in the (Cp-MC) and (CpDw-InC) treatments over BS, occurring concomitantly with a significant increase in available P in the rhizosphere soil of around 28.45% for CpDw-InC and 24.9% for Cp-MC over BS. Conversely, the rhizosphere soil pH was significantly higher (+0.12 units) in the Dw-MC treatments. In addition, intercropping enhanced the soil microbial biomass P, with strong positive correlations observed between the biomass P and available P in the Cp-MC treatment, whereas this correlation was negative in the CpDw-InC and Dw-MC treatments. These findings suggested that Cp intercropped with Dw could be a viable approach in enhancing the available P through improved pH variation and biomass P when cultivated on alluvial soil under a subtropical climate.
... Intercropping has long been known to produce several beneficial effects compared to monocropping, such as increasing plant biomass and yield of one or more of the component species, improving the nutritional value of yield, and optimizing the use of resources in the system [31][32][33]. Such effects have been observed both in the field as well as in greenhouse pot experiments [34][35][36]. The beneficial effects of intercropping are often measured as a more efficient use of resources compared to the performance of each separate species in a monocropping system. ...
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Future colonists on Mars will need to produce fresh food locally to acquire key nutrients lost in food dehydration, the primary technique for sending food to space. In this study we aimed to test the viability and prospect of applying an intercropping system as a method for soil-based food production in Martian colonies. This novel approach to Martian agriculture adds valuable insight into how we can optimise resource use and enhance colony self-sustainability, since Martian colonies will operate under very limited space, energy, and Earth supplies. A likely early Martian agricultural setting was simulated using small pots, a controlled greenhouse environment, and species compliant with space mission requirements. Pea ( Pisum sativum) , carrot ( Daucus carota ) and tomato ( Solanum lycopersicum ) were grown in three soil types (“MMS-1” Mars regolith simulant, potting soil and sand), planted either mixed (intercropping) or separate (monocropping). Rhizobia bacteria ( Rhizobium leguminosarum ) were added as the pea symbiont for Nitrogen-fixing. Plant performance was measured as above-ground biomass (g), yield (g), harvest index (%), and Nitrogen/Phosphorus/Potassium content in yield (g/kg). The overall intercropping system performance was calculated as total relative yield (RYT). Intercropping had clear effects on plant performance in Mars regolith, being beneficial for tomato but mostly detrimental for pea and carrot, ultimately giving an overall yield disadvantage compared to monocropping (RYT = 0.93). This effect likely resulted from the observed absence of Rhizobia nodulation in Mars regolith, negating Nitrogen-fixation and preventing intercropped plants from leveraging their complementarity. Adverse regolith conditions—high pH, elevated compactness and nutrient deficiencies—presumably restricted Rhizobia survival/nodulation. In sand, where more favourable soil conditions promoted effective nodulation, intercropping significantly outperformed monocropping (RYT = 1.32). Given this, we suggest that with simple regolith improvements, enhancing conditions for nodulation, intercropping shows promise as a method for optimising food production in Martian colonies. Specific regolith ameliorations are proposed for future research.
... Legumes are therefore a sustainable source of N in cereal-legume intercropping systems (Shen and Chu 2004). Several studies have shown that legumemaize intercropping can produce greater yields than either species grown alone (Li et al. 1999;Dahmardeh et al. 2010;Manasa 2020;Nasar et al. 2020). ...
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Intercropping of legumes and cereals has many benefits to both plant partners. In this study, the effect of legume-maize intercropping on plant growth, grain yield and N2 fixation of six legumes was assessed using the 15N natural abundance and ureide techniques. For this, a field experiment involving six legume species and two cropping systems was established at the Malkerns Research Station, Eswatini during the 2017/2018 cropping season. Based on the 15N isotopic and ureide analysis, the six test legumes respectively obtained 39.06 – 70.19% and 16.46 – 55.79% of their N nutrition from symbiosis. The amounts of N-fixed ranged from 12.66 to 66.57 kg ha−1. In general, high amount of N-fixed by legumes correlated strongly with greater shoot dry matter accumulation (r = 0.7981; p < 0.001) and high grain yield (r = 0.5905; p < 0.001), indicating the importance of N2 fixation in plant growth and reproduction. Legumes grown under monocropping recorded higher plant growth, symbiotic performance and grain yield when compared to those grown in mixed culture with maize. However, shoot %Ndfa was much higher under intercropping than sole cropping due to competition by cereal and legume for soil N. Components of maize yield were similar for the two cropping systems. The %N derived from fixation and %relative ureide-N abundance were significantly correlated (r = 0.4005; p < 0.001), indicating that the 15N natural abundance technique and the ureide method were complementary in measuring N2 fixation in the test legumes. These results have provided some insights on the impact of cropping system on plant growth, symbiotic performance and grain yield of six selected legumes.
... Photosynthesis is the plant's most crucial process for growth, biomass production, and yield (Chen et al., 2018). Two of the key traits to determine photosynthetic capacity are specific leaf area and leaf N content (Hikosaka, 2004;Poorter et al., 2009), which enhances chlorophyll content, enzyme content, and enzyme activity, and ultimately improves photosynthetic efficiency (Giersch and Robinson, 1987;Nasar et al., 2020;Noor Shah et al., 2021;Ochieng' et al., 2021). Chlorophyll is highly sensitive to variations in the N content in the soil as a great part (70% of leaf N) of N was reported to part of the pigment's composition (Paul, 1990;Kopsell et al., 2004;Fathi and Zeidali, 2021;Moenirad et al., 2021). ...
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Higher grain yield in high-yielding rice varieties is mostly driven by nitrogen (N) fertilizer applied in abundant amounts leading to increased production cost and environmental pollution. This has fueled the studies on nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) to decrease the N fertilizer application in rice to the possible extent. NUE is a complex physiological trait controlled by multiple genes, but yet to be completely deciphered in rice. With an objective of identifying the promising physiological traits associated with NUE in rice, the performance of 14 rice genotypes was assessed at N0, N50, N100, and N150 for four (two wet and two dry) seasons using agro-morphological, grain yield, flag leaf traits, photosynthetic pigment content, flag leaf gas exchange traits, and chlorophyll fluorescence traits. Furthermore, the data were used to derive various NUE indices to identify the most appropriate indices useful to screen rice genotypes at N50. Results indicate that with the increase in N application, cumulative grain yield increased significantly up to N100 (5.02 t ha⁻¹); however, the increment in grain yield was marginal at N150 (5.09 t ha⁻¹). The mean reduction of grain yield was only 26.66% at N50 ranging from 15.0% to 34.2%. The significant finding of the study is the identification of flag leaf chlorophyll fluorescence traits (Fv/Fm, ΦPSII, ETR, and qP) and Ci associated with grain yield under N50, which can be used to screen N use efficient genotypes in rice under reduced N application. Out of nine NUE indices assessed, NUpE, NUtE, and NUEyield were able to delineate the high-yielding genotypes at N50 and were useful to screen rice under reduced N conditions. Birupa emerged as one of the high yielders under N50, even though it is a moderate yielder at N100 and infers the possibility of cultivating some of the released rice varieties under reduced N inputs. The study indicates the possibility of the existence of promising genetic variability for grain yield under reduced N, the potential of flag leaf chlorophyll fluorescence, and gas exchange traits as physiological markers and best suitable NUE indices to be deployed in rice breeding programs.
... There was a general increase in maize chlorophyll content in agroforestry tree intercrops with higher chlorophyll content recorded in Sesbania sesban treatments. The results are in agreement with those of Nasar, et al. [21] who indicated that maize-soybean intercropping increased the chlorophyll content of the maize crop compared to monocropping. Similar findings were reported by Ahmad, et al. [22] who indicated that chlorophyll content under maize-agroforestry tree intercropping conditions highly increases chlorophyll concentration in the maize leaves compared with monocropping conditions. ...
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Diverse tree species when employed in agroforestry systems may serve as an alternative to increasing soil fertility through nitrogen fixation. However, it is not clearly known how intercropping maize and banana with Sesbania sesban, Calliandra callothyrsus and Leucaena diversifolia may affect growth of maize and banana. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of intercropping agroforestry trees species with maize and banana on the growth, chlorophyll content and yield of maize and banana. Field experiment was laid out at Kenya Agricultural Livestock and Research Organization farm (KALRO) located in Kisii County. The Williams varieties of banana of the same age were obtained from KALRO -Thika and Hybrid seed maize, H513 obtained from Kenya seed company, Kisumu. The agroforestry tree seedlings were spaced: 0.5m by 1m, 0.9m by 0.9m by 0.6m deep and 0.3m by 0.75m between banana and maize respectively. Three replicates were used with seven treatments of Pure maize, pure banana, maize-banana-Calliandra, maize-banana-Leucaena, maize-banana-sesbania, maize-banana and maize-fertilizer, all in a randomized complete block design. Data on maize growth and chlorophyll content was collected at intervals of 2 weeks which commenced 30 days after planting while yield was determined at the end of growing seasons. Data was subjected to the Analysis of Variance. Maize plants and banana that were intercropped with Sesbania sesban had significantly (P≤0.05) highest growth, chlorophyll content and yield compared to other treatments. Therefore, Sesbania sesban is recommended as a suitable agroforestry tree species for intercropping with maize and bananas.
... and harvest. In terms of N addition, previous studies have shown that a rational application of N fertilizer can significantly increase biomass and N uptake in intercropping systems (Nasar et al., 2020;Xia et al., 2013). Similar results were observed in this study, where the biomass and N uptake increased under N addition treatments (Figs. 1 and 2). ...
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In maize-soybean intercropping systems, the transfer of N from soybean to maize gives the intercropping system the advantage of improved N utilization and higher yields. Mycorrhiza acts as an important pathway for N transfer, providing a constant supply of N to sustain the growth and development of maize in its early stages. However, it is not clear how arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) drive the transfer of N from soybean to maize in the intercropping system. Therefore, we quantified the amount of N transferred from soybean to maize under low and high N levels in the intercropping system, and the abundance and diversity of AMF involved in N transfer (15N-AMF) under different conditions by 15N leaf marker and DNA-SIP technology. We found that the interaction between roots and reducing the application of N fertilizer increased the amount of N transfer from soybean to maize. Compared with plastic plate separation (PS), no separation (NS) and mesh separation (MS) significantly increased the N fixation rate (from 14.33% to 39.09%), and the amount of N transfer under NS was 1.95–3.48 times that under MS. N transfer from soybean to maize ranged from 9.7 to 43.42 mg per pot in the no N treatment, while the addition of N fertilizer reduced N transfer by 14.12–66.28%. This is due to root interaction and reduced N fertilization increased the abundance and diversity of the 15N-AMF community, thereby promoting AMF colonization of maize and soybean roots. AMF colonization in soybean and maize roots under NS treatment was 6.47–17.24% higher than under MS treatment in all three levels of N addition. The increase of mycorrhiza in root system increased the N transfer from soybean to maize significantly. These results suggest that reduced N fertilizer in maize-soybean intercropping systems can increase N transfer by the mycorrhizal pathway, meeting maize N requirements and reducing chemical N fertilizer, which is important for sustainable agricultural development.
... Furthermore, the cropping system could also affect fertilizer efficiency. Intercropping is defined as growing two or more crops on the same piece of land at the same time (Nasar et al., 2020) to maximize the use of nutrient resources and enhance plant production with rational nutrient inputs (Bargaz et al., 2017). The positive effect of intercropping is generally related to below-ground complementarity or facilitation phenomena between two crop species . ...
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Our study aimed to assess the role of inoculation of faba bean/wheat intercrops with selected rhizobacterial consortia (composed of one rhizobium and two P solubilizing bacteria “PSB”) to alleviate the effects of combined water deficit and P limitation on faba bean/wheat intercropping vs. monocropping under greenhouse conditions. One Vicia faba L (Aguadulce) and one Triticum durum L. variety (Karim) were grown as a sole crop or were intercropped in pots containing a sterilized substrate (sand:peat 4:1 v/v) with either rock phosphate (RP) (unavailable P) or KH2PO4 in the nutrient solution (available P). Plant inoculation was performed using the rhizobacterial consortia C1 (Rhizobium laguerreae, Kocuria sp., and Pseudomonas sp.) and C2 (R. laguerreae, Rahnella sp., and Kocuria sp.). Two weeks after inoculation, the plants were subjected to water deficit with 40% substrate water holding capacity (WHC) vs. 80% WHC for the well-watered plants. The trial was assessed at the flowering stage, and the results showed that inoculation with both consortia (C1 and C2) improved faba bean biomass in terms of shoot, root, and nodules dry weight compared to inoculation with rhizobia alone. C2 improved these parameters by 19.03, 78.99, and 72.73%, respectively. The relative leaf water content decreased under combined stress, especially in response to C1 conferring significant improvement of this parameter in wheat intercrops. In faba bean under P limitation, inoculation with C2 increased stomatal conductance (gs), phosphatase, and phytase activity by 35.73, 166.94, and 26.16%, respectively, compared to plants inoculated with rhizobia alone. Furthermore, C2 also improved membrane stability under P deficit by 44.33 vs. 16.16% for C1 as compared to inoculation with rhizobia alone. In sole-cropped faba bean, inoculation with both consortia improved N accumulation compared to single inoculation with an increase of 70.75% under P limitation. Moreover, under combined stress, inoculation with C2 improved biomass and N content (112.98%) in intercropped wheat compared to the sole crop. Our findings revealed that consortium C2 might offer an agronomic advantage under water and P deficit and could serve as a useful inoculum for enhancing faba bean and wheat production in monocropping and intercropping systems.
Intercropping is an agroecological practice used to enhance crop yield under environmental constraints, including phosphorus (P) deficiency. Hence, the present study aims at investigating whether durum wheat–chickpea intercropping can enhance plant growth and yield under low P availability. Karim durum wheat (Triticum durum L.) variety and two chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) varieties [Bochra (BO) and Moubarak (MO)] were grown in field over three growing seasons in different strip: monoculture and intercropping patterns with (45 kg P2O5 ha−1) or without P fertilizer inputs. Results indicated that low P availability significantly (p < 0.001) reduced shoot dry weight (SDW) and root dry weight (RDW), total chlorophyll (Chl) and carotenoids (Car) contents, leaf area index (LAI), maximum quantum yield of photosystem II (Fv/Fm), and yield of both species. However, intercropped chickpea varieties, particularly the BO variety, significantly (p < 0.001) increased SDW by 17%, 19%, and 16% and LAI by 22%, 21%, and 26% in low P soil during the 3-year experiment, respectively. Intercropping system wheat-BO increased more grain number (GN) per spike in comparison with wheat-MO. Meanwhile, the GN was decreased in both chickpea varieties. For grain weight (GW), the intercropping system had beneficial effects on wheat GW under stress, particularly when intercropped with the BO variety. In fact, GW was improved by 21%, 16%, and 20% under low P availability during the 3 years of experiment, respectively. Moreover, higher land equivalent ratios (LER > 1) were observed in intercropping system compared with sole cropping. Likewise, intercropped chickpea also improved plant nutrient contents, Chl and Car contents and Fv/Fm ratio in wheat plants. The comparison among the two chickpea varieties revealed that BO was more efficient in improving growth and yield of wheat than MO one. Our findings suggest that intercropping durum wheat–chickpea could be an ecological practice to enhance durum wheat productivity under low P availability.
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Alfalfa is an important fodder crop in the world. It is also called as “queen of fodder.” It is a multi-cut and perennial crop. It is a deep-rooted crop. It is being used as fresh fodder as well as silage. This crop has a significant contribution in the international trade. The yield and quality of alfalfa are currently affected by climate change. In order to feed the livestock, sustained productivity of alfalfa is the need of the hour and market demand.
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Belowground nitrogen (N) transfer from legumes to non-legumes provides an important N source for crop yield and N utilization. However, whether root contact facilitates N transfer and the extent to which N transfer contributes to crop productivity and N utilization have not been clarified. In our study, two-year rain shelter experiments were conducted to quantify the effect of root contact on N transfer in a maize/alfalfa intercropping system. N transfer occurred mainly one direction from alfalfa to maize during the growth period. Following the N0 treatment, the amount of N transfer from alfalfa to maize was 204.56 mg pot −1 with no root barrier and 165.13 mg pot −1 with a nylon net barrier, accounting for 4.72% and 4.48% of the total N accumulated in maize, respectively. Following the N1 treatment, the amount of N transfer from alfalfa to maize was 197.70 mg pot −1 with no root barrier and 139.04 mg pot −1 with a nylon net barrier, accounting for 3.64% and 2.36% of the total N accumulated in the maize, respectively. Furthermore, the amount of N transfer without no root barrier was 1.24-1.42 times higher than that with a nylon net barrier regardless of the level of N addition. Our results highlight the importance and the relevance of root contact for the enhancement of N transfer in a maize/alfalfa intercropping system.
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Strip width management is a critical factor for producing higher crop yields in relay intercropping systems. A 2-year field experiment was carried out during 2012 and 2013 to evaluate the effects of different strip width treatments on dry-matter pro- duction, major-nutrient (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) uptake, and competition parameters of soybean and maize in relay intercropping system. The strip width (SW) treatments were 0.40, 0.40, and 0.40 m (SW1); 0.40, 0.40, and 0.50 m (SW2); 0.40, 0.40, and 0.60 m (SW3); and 0.40, 0.40, and 0.70 m (SW4) for soybean row spacing, maize row spacing, and spacing between soybean and maize rows, respectively. As compared to sole maize (SM) and sole soybean (SS), relay-intercropped maize and soybean accumulated lower quantities of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in all treatments. However, maize in SW1 accumulated higher nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium than SW4 (9%, 9%, and 8% for nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, respectively). Soybean in SW3 accumulated 25% higher nitrogen, 33% higher phosphorus, and 24% higher potassium than in SW1. The improved nutri- ent accumulation in SW3 significantly increased the soybean dry matter by 19%, but slightly decreased the maize dry matter by 6% compared to SW1. Similarly, SW3 increased the competition ratio value of soybean (by 151%), but it reduced the competition ratio value of maize (by 171%) compared to SW1. On average, in SW3, relay-cropped soybean produced 84% of SS seed yield and maize produced 98% of SM seed yield and achieved the land equivalent ratio of 1.8, demonstrating the high- est level in the world. Overall, these results suggested that by selecting the appropriate strip width (SW3; 0.40 m for soybean row spacing, 0.40 m maize row spacing, and 0.60 m spacing between soybean and maize rows), we can increase the nutrient uptake (especially nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium), dry-matter accumulation, and seed yields of relay-intercrop species under relay intercropping systems.
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Shading conditions adversely affect flower-number and pod-number of soybeans under maize-soybean relay-intercropping (MSR). Here we reveal that leaf-removal from maize-canopy improves the photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) transmittance and dry-matter production (DMP) of soybean (especially during the co-growth phase), and compensates the maize seed-yield loss by considerably increasing soybean seed-yield. In a two-year experiment with MSR, maize-plants were subjected to different leaf-removal treatments to increase the PAR-transmittance of soybean; removal of the topmost two-leaves (R2), four-leaves (R4), six-leaves (R6), with no-removal of leaves (R0). Leaf-removal treatments improved the PAR-transmittance, photosynthetic-rate, and morphological-characteristics of soybean under MSR. At 90 days after sowing, the dry-matter of pods, and seeds was increased by 25%, and 32%, respectively under R6 than R0. Importantly, enhanced PAR-transmittance and DMP under R6 enabled soybean to initiate a greater number of flowers 182.2 plant−1 compared to 142.7 plant−1 under R0, and it also decreased the flower-abscission (by 13%, from 54.9% under R0 to 47.6% under R6). These positive responses increased the pod-number by 49% and seed-number by 28% under R6 than R0. Overall, under R6, relay-intercropped soybean produced 78% of sole-soybean seed-yield, and relay-intercropped maize produced 81% of sole-maize seed-yield and achieved the land equivalent ratio of 1.59.
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Background Maize-soybean relay-intercropping (MSR) is a famous system of crop production in developing countries. However, maize shading under this system directly affects the light quality and intensity of soybean canopy. This is a challenging scenario in which to implement the MSR system, in terms of varieties selection, planting pattern, and crop management since the duration of crop resource utilization clearly differs. Methods Therefore, this experiment aimed to elucidate the effect of leaf excising treatments from maize top to fully clarify the needs and balance of light quality and intensity of intercrop-soybean under MSR in field conditions. The effects of different leaf excising treatments (T0, no removal of leaves; T2, removal of two topmost leaves; T4, removal of four topmost leaves; T6, removal of six topmost leaves from maize plants were applied at first-trifoliate stage (V1) of soybean) on photosynthetically active radiation transmittance (PART), red to far-red ratio (R:FR), morphological and photosynthetic characteristics and total biomass production at second-trifoliate stage (V2), fifth-trifoliate stage (V5), and flowering-stage (R1) of soybean were investigated through field experiments for 2-years under MSR. Results As compared to T0, treatment T6 increased the PART and R:FR ratio at soybean canopy by 77% and 37% (V2), 70% and 34% (V5), and 41% and 36% (R1), respectively. This improved light environment in T6 considerably enhanced the leaf area index, SPAD values and photosynthetic rate of soybean plants by 66%, 25% and 49% at R1, respectively than T0. Similarly, relative to control, T6 also increased the stem diameter (by 29%) but decreased the plant height (by 23%) which in turn significantly increased stem breaking strength (by 87%) by reducing the lodging rate (by 59%) of soybean plants. Overall, under T6, relay-cropped soybean produced 78% of sole soybean seed-yield, and relay-cropped maize produced 81% of sole maize seed-yield. Our findings implied that by maintaining the optimum level of PART (from 60% to 80%) and R:FR ratio (0.9 to 1.1), we can improve morphological and photosynthetic characteristics of soybean plants in MSR. Therefore, more attention should be paid to the light environment when considering the sustainability of MSR via appropriate planting pattern selection.
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Planting arrangements affect radiation use efficiency (RUE) and competitiveness of intercrop species in intercropping systems. Here, we reveal that narrow‐wide‐row planting arrangement in maize‐soybean relay‐intercropping system increases the dry matter and competitiveness of soybean, increased the RUE of maize and soybean, and compensates the yield loss of maize by substantially increasing the yield of soybean. In this field study, maize was planted with soybean in different planting arrangements (P1, 20:180, P2, 40:160; P3, 60:140, and P4, 80:120) of relay intercropping, all the relay‐intercropping treatments were compared with sole crops of maize (SM) and soybean (SS). Results showed that P1 improved the total RUE 3.26 g/MJ (maize RUE + soybean RUE) of maize and soybean in relay‐intercropping system. Compared to P4, treatment P1 increased the soybean competition ratio (CR) values (by 55%) but reduced the maize CR values (by 29%), which in turn significantly improved the yield of soybean by maintaining the maize yield. Generally, in P1, soybean produced 82% of SS yield, and maize produced 88% of SM yield, and it achieved the land equivalent ratio of 1.7. These results suggest that by maintaining the appropriate planting distances between maize and soybean we can improve the competitiveness and yield of intercrop species in relay‐intercropping system.
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ARTICLE INFO abstract Crops growing in a mixture is an ancient agricultural practice and usually been used for improving yield and growth of the crops and to fulfill the world fast growing population food demand. The two crops growing on same soil zone may be in direct competition to utilize the available resources because planting plants on same land using the same resources for normal growth. In intercropping system there may be facilitative and competitive interaction among the plants in both above and below ground plants compartments. The intension of intercropping is to utilize the use of physical, temporal and spatial resources both above and below ground plant compartments by maximizing the complementary interaction and minimizing the competitive ones. The changes and complex interaction both in upper and underground plant parts in inter-cropping system those adopted by local farmers in China are not yet fully understood. Information's from such studies are likely to provide knowledge about the complex interactions among two crops growing in a mixture. This study was therefore assessed to perceive how plants in mixture change the above below ground compartments and how they interact.
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Planting patterns affect nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) acquisition and distribution in maize and soybean under intercropping conditions. Here we reveal that strip relay-intercropping increases the N, P, and K uptake and distribution across plant organs (root, straw, and seed) of maize and soybean, accelerates the dry-matter production of intercrop-species, and compensates the slight maize yield loss by considerably increasing the soybean yield. In a two-year experiment, soybean was planted with maize in different planting patterns (SI, 50:50 cm and SII, 40:160 cm) of relay-intercropping, both planting patterns were compared with sole cropping of maize (SM) and soybean (SS). As compared to SI, SII increased the N, P, and K accumulation in each organ of soybean by 20, 32, and 18 (root) %, 71, 61, and 76 (straw) %, and 68, 65, and 62 (seed) %, respectively, whereas decreased the N, P, and K accumulation in each organ of maize by 1, 4, and 8 (root) %, 1, 10, and 3 (straw) %, and 5, 10, and 8 (seed) %, respectively. Overall, in SII, relay-cropped soybean accumulated 91% of total nutrient uptake (TNU) of sole soybean plants, and relay-cropped maize accumulated 94% of TNU of sole maize plants.
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Better management of N fertilizer is essential for improving crop productivity. Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)–peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) relay intercropping rotation systems are a mainstay of the measures to improve the economic and food security situation in China. Therefore, a 2-year field study (2015–2017) was conducted to evaluate the effect of different N fertilizer management regimes on the photosynthetic characteristics and uptake and translocation of N in peanut in the wheat–peanut rotation system. We used common compound fertilizer (CCF) and controlled-release compound fertilizer (CRF) at the same N–P2O5–K2O proportion (The contents of N, P2O5, and K2O in the two kinds of fertilizer were 20, 15, and 10%, respectively.). The fertilizer was applied on the day before sowing, at the jointing stage or the flag leaf stage of winter wheat, and at the initial flowering stage of peanut in various proportions, with 0 kg N ha⁻¹ as the control. Results showed that split applications of N significantly increased leaf area index (LAI) and chlorophyll content and improved photosynthetic rate, thus increasing the pod yield of peanut. Topdressing N at the jointing stage (S1) or at the flag leaf stage of wheat (S2) and supplying part of the N at the initial flowering stage of peanut increased pod yield. Withholding N until the flag leaf stage (S2) did not negatively affect wheat grain yield; however, it increased N accumulation in each organ and N allocation proportions in the peanut pod, ultimately improving pod yield. With the same N–P2O5–K2O proportion and equivalent amounts of nutrient, CRF can decreased malondialdehyde (MDA) and maintain a relatively high LAI and chlorophyll content at the late growth stage of peanut, prolong the functional period of peanut leaves and delay leaf senescence, resulting in an increase of pod yield over that with CCF. At S1, CRF resulted in a better pod yield than CCF by 9.4%, and at S2 it was 12.6% higher. In summary, applying N fertilizer in three splits and delaying the topdressing fertilization until the flag leaf stage of winter wheat increases total grain yields of wheat and peanut. This method could therefore be an appropriate N management strategy for wheat–peanut relay intercropping rotation systems in China.
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Defoliation is widely used for grassland management. Our understanding of how grass species adjust their regrowth and regain balance after defoliation remains limited. In the present study, we examined the regrowth processes of two dominant species after defoliation in grasslands in Inner Mongolia. Our results showed that the aboveground biomass and total biomass of both species significantly decreased and did not completely recover to the control level after 30 days of regrowth. The leaf mass ratio of Leymus chinensis reached the control level at 15 days, but that of Stipa grandis did not recover to the control level. The root mass ratio of these species reached the same levels as that of the control plants within 10 days after defoliation. As indicated by the dynamics of water-soluble carbohydrates (WSCs), protein, and biomass-based shoot: root ratios, both species regained balances of WSCs and protein between above- and below-ground organs at day 10 after defoliation; however, the biomass regained balance 15 days after defoliation. We deduced that the biomass-based shoot:root ratio was regulated by the WSCs and protein concentrations. In conclusion, following defoliation, both grass species first restore their nutrient-based balance between above- and below-ground parts and then regain biomass balance.
Upper canopy leaves of maize decrease the light-transmittance at middle-strata-leaves of maize and soybean canopy in maize-soybean relay-intercropping systems (MS). This affects the uptake of nutrients and distribution patterns in various plant organs of intercrop species in MS. Judicious defoliation of maize plants in MS could help to alleviate this problem and improve nutrient uptake and intercrop yields. In a two-year field experiment with MS, including the measurements of biomass production, nutrients uptake, and distribution at the organ level, and grain yields of intercrop species, maize plants were subjected to four-leaf defoliation treatments to improve the light-transmittance of maize and soybean plants. Defoliation of the topmost two-leaves (T 2), four-leaves (T 4), six-leaves (T 6) was compared to no defoliation (T 0). Compared to T 0 , treatment T 2 improved the uptake of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) in each plant part of maize by 23, 12, and 11% (grain), 22, 19, and 13% (straw), and 28, 14, and 18% (root), respectively. Defoliation also enhanced the uptake of N, P, and K in each plant part of soybean by 5, 5, and 10% (grain), 10, 17, and 13% (straw), and 14, 11, and 11% (root), respectively. The improved nutrient uptake in T 2 increased the total biomass and its distribution in the root, straw, and grain of soybean and maize by 15 and 13%, and 21 and 15%, 20 and 14%, 7 and 10%, respectively compared to T 0. On average, over two years, under T 2 , relay-cropped maize obtained 107% of the sole-yield, and relay-cropped soybean obtained 65% of the sole-yield. The T 2 defoliation treatment also achieved the highest land equivalent ratio of 1.69 and 1.77, with a net profit of 1301.6 $ ha −1 and 1293.4 $ ha −1 in 2017 and 2018, respectively. Following the optimum defoliation treatment of maize in maize-soybean intercrops, i.e., defoliation of the topmost two-leaves, the nutrient uptake can be increased, and the nutrient partitioning over plant organs be better balanced. Optimum defoliation, therefore, enhances the productivity of maize-soybean intercropping systems.