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A Close Look at Aloe Vera Barbadensis and It's Effect on Hair Health



Aloe vera barbadensis has been treasured as a sacred botanical since ancient times, revered across many cultures for its numerous health and healing properties for the hair and the body as a whole. The juice from the plant has been called the “Blood of the Gods.” Aloe vera has also been referred to as “the plant of immortality.” It has earned the name, kumari in Sanskrit which translates as the word, princess, implying the plant’s anthropomorphized feminine and regal existence upon the physical plane. Native Americans thought of the pointy plant spears as each being a “wand of heaven,” using the aloe vera juice to beautify as well as protect their skin and hair from the sun and adverse weather.
A Close Look at Aloe Vera Barbadensis and It’s
Effect on Hair Health
Aloe vera barbadensis has been treasured as a sacred botanical since ancient
times, revered across many cultures for its numerous health and healing properties
for the hair and the body as a whole. The juice from the plant has been called the
“Blood of the Gods.” Aloe vera has also been referred to as “the plant of
immortality.” It has earned the name, kumari in Sanskrit which translates as the
word, princess, implying the plant’s anthropomorphized feminine and regal existence
upon the physical plane. Native Americans thought of the pointy plant spears as
each being a “wand of heaven,” using the aloe vera juice to beautify as well as
protect their skin and hair from the sun and adverse weather.
Dr. Sanusi Umar, MD
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Aloe vera barbadensis has been used since antiquity as a hair treatment, among many other health benefits
The ancient Greeks used aloe vera as a natural hair loss treatment. In Egypt, these
plants were drawn on temple walls, where they were depicted as spiritual offerings to
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the deceased. Legendary queen, Cleopatra used aloe vera as a regular part of her
beauty ritual to achieve silkier hair and softer skin. According to ancient texts, the
aloe plant held the secrets to health, beauty, and even immortality.
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It’s believed that Egyptian queen, Cleopatra used aloe vera for both hair and skin.
The rich lore and mythology surrounding the health and hair enhancing properties of
aloe vera is fascinating without a doubt. Our modern scientists of today are
furthering humanity’s interest in aloe’s healing capabilities. Through the lens of
research, they are looking into the benefits offered by the aloe vera barbadensis
species. These efforts are revealing some rather positive findings for the plant’s
potential to support the hair’s overall health.
Aloe Vera Hair Benefits – What Research
Has to Say
Several prominent research studies document the use of aloe vera extracts ( either
directly or as contributors) to enable significant improvements in the health of the
hair as well as the scalp
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Researchers are finding new answers to the question, what does aloe vera do for hair?
STUDY: Can Aloe Vera Barbadensis Help Improve
Hair Loss Due to Inflammation?
One research study ¹ observed the results of using a topical herbal formulation that
included aloe vera barbadensis as one of the key ingredients. Others included
Accacia concinna, Eclipta alba, Emblica officinalis, Lawsoni ainermis and
Nadosstachys jatamansi. 50 participants took part in this study. They were each
diagnosed as having mild to moderate hair loss, along with dandruff, a symptom
related to inflammation which adversely affects the follicles.
The subjects were asked to massage the formula onto their scalp and leave it on for
30 minutes before rinsing it off. This was repeated twice a day for 7 weeks. 75% of
the subjects reported that they experienced a noticeable improvement in their hair
loss as well as the main symptoms of their dandruff condition which included scalp
dryness, irritation, and itching. Interestingly the subjects also noticed an increase in
their hair tensile strength.
Since aloe vera barbadensis was one of several ingredients used in this study’s
herbal mixture, it is not clear what exact role it played in the final results.
Nonetheless, the decreased hair loss and improved dandruff symptoms due to plant-
based ingredients which included aloe vera is still a significant finding worth noting,
especially for men and women who are hoping to find more natural, non-synthetic
forms of treatment for scalp inflammation and hair shedding issues.
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Internal Consumption of Aloe Vera Fosters Hair
Growth In Sheep
According to researchers, aloe vera hair benefits even apply to sheep when they consume the juice internally
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One interesting animal study focused on the internal consumption of aloe vera juice
on hair loss symptoms.
The scientists studied a sample of 40 sheep ² who displayed alopecia (hair loss)
symptoms due to the progression of various skin diseases and administered aloe
vera orally to these animals twice a day. After just 15 days, 90% of the sheep
showed significantly noticeable hair growth in the areas affected by alopecia.
The authors of this study attribute the observed hair growth effects on the presence
of enzymes, anthranols, and mucopolysccarides within the aloe vera plant.
Although the new hair seen on the sheep is certainly a remarkable phenomenon,
generalizing the correlation between aloe vera and hair growth to humans would
require further research.
A Double-Blind Research Study Tests an Aloe Vera
Hair Treatment for Its Effects on Seborrheic
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Aloe vera barbadensis controls inflammation that affects the hair follicles and scalp
Seborrheic dermatitis is a very similar condition to dandruff, but with more extreme
symptoms that include large greasy grayish, white or yellow scales of skin and
patches of crustiness. Affected individuals also experience severe forms of redness,
itchiness and even burning sensations.
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Both seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff are caused by an overgrowth of skin yeast.
While dandruff is associated with the Malassezia organism, seborrheic dermatitis
may be caused by either Malassezia or Pityrosporum.
The presence of these microbes will trigger the body’s inflammatory responses in
order to destroy these invading organisms. However, the persistent production of
sebum will continue to support their overall growth and proliferation. The yeast and
the high oil production in the skin both contribute to inflammation that may attack the
hair follicles and lead to subsequent hair loss.
In one published overview of aloe vera gel’s clinical uses and proposed action
mechanisms ³, a mixture of 30% aloe vera prepared as a hydrophilic emulsion is
cited as an effective treatment for seborrheic dermatitis when it is topically applied
two times a day to the affected area. According to this source, the mechanism of
action attributed to the active aloe vera ingredient is due to its ability to stimulate two
types of cells:
1. macrophage cells which engulf foreign microbes
2. collagen-producing fibroblast cells which to help rebuild and renew the scalp’s
skin surface.
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Aloe vera barbadensis is being shown by research to be effective for dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis
In a double-blind study ³, 44 adults with seborrheic dermatitis were treated with a
topical emulsion consisting of aloe vera barbadensis (30% crude extract) as the
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active main ingredient.
Participants were required to apply the treatment twice daily for 4-6 weeks.The
double-blind research design meant that neither the participants nor the researchers
knew which treatment was being administered to specific subjects. The results of
this study show that the participants who received the aloe vera treatment
experienced a marked improvement in seborrheic dermatitis symptoms like
scaliness (p<0.008) and pruritus (p<0.046), but not erythema.
The authors of this double-blind study concluded that a crude extract emulsion of
aloe vera can be considered as an effective form of treatment for patients suffering
from seborrheic dermatitis.
For the treatment of dandruff , researchers recommend an aloe vera preparation as
a 0.5% gel within a hydrophilic cream.
Study on Aloe Vera Barbadensis As a Natural Anti-
Microbial Ingredient For Hair Products
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With potent antimicrobial properties, product manufacturers are justified in considering aloe vera hair benefits when choosing their ingredients
Many skin and hair products boast the use of aloe vera as one of their ingredients.
But does this labeling only heighten the allure of these products? Or does aloe vera
actually play a useful and beneficial role in the consumer’s skin and hair? A group of
researchers decided to investigate these questions further .
Prior to the study, they identified the two main chemical compounds in aloe vera
barbadensis which are most likely to have pharmaceutical effects:
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1. Flavenoids – plant metabolites (end products of metabolism resulting from
enzyme reactions
2. Alkaloids – naturally occurring, nitrogen-containing organic compounds with a
diverse range of effects often used or replicated for pharmaceutical
The researchers used the method of disc diffusion to successfully isolate the alkaloid
and flavonoid compounds from the aloe vera pulp. These extracts were applied to
different strains of infectious or disease-causing bacteria, including S. aureus, B
subtilus, Streptococcus sp., S. typhi, and E.coli.
The aloe vera compounds were shown to be quite effective at killing these micro-
organisms. Therefore, the authors of this study concluded that aloe vera can be
used as a natural substitute for certain types of antibiotics. And furthermore, the
results support the addition of aloe vera as a hair treatment in products like
shampoos, moisturizers, and soaps.
Inflammation due to the presence of bacteria can harm the hair follicles and
undermine their ability to grow healthy hair. Therefore, hair products with aloe vera
as an ingredient can indeed help to counter these harmful processes.
Aloe Vera For Hair As A Sun Protectant
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Researchers are finding that keeping hair shiny and healthy may require protection from UV rays.
Scientists are starting to find that UV rays from sunlight change and denature the
hair’s protein structures. Prolonged exposure over time will result in more brittle,
rough texture, breakage, decreased shine and elasticity.
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FS Daud and SB Kulkarni, the authors of a study on the sun protecting properties of
aloe vera , explained that although synthetic compounds exist which have been
studied for sunscreen activity, “the need for exploring an agent from a natural source
was thought to be important.”
Through an interesting design, their research study confirmed that aloe vera does
have the ability to act as a sun protectant for the hair.
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Researchers are finding that aloe vera for hair can protect the strands from becoming denatured by the sun
The research team observed the effects of UV simulated sunlight on different types
of Asian hair strands. They also tested and compared the results of using processed
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and fresh aloe vera juice.
Researchers used a lamp that emitted UV simulated sunlight on different types of
Asian hair:
Untreated with chemical dyes (black)
Grey hair colored with henna and washed
Grey hair treated with artificial chemical colorant and washed
Sample hairs were placed on glass slides and exposed to a lamp that emits both
UVA and UBA light.
An identical group of hairs (as above) were treated with fresh aloe vera barbadensis
A third group (identical to the above) was treated with processed juice from the
same species of aloe vera.
The researchers measured chemical damage as protein degradation in terms of
tryptophan content. Mechanical damage was also noted as changes in physical
properties and texture.
The untreated hair ( no dye, no aloe vera) experienced the most damage. The least
amount of damage was experienced by chemically colored treated hair that received
fresh aloe vera juice.
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Processed aloe vera barbadensis juice also offered photoprotection, but not as
much as the fresh aloe vera juice.
The UV protecting compounds within the unprocessed aloe vera juice are believed
to be the resins and polysaccharides within the plant.
Conclusion – Aloe Vera Hair Benefits
The clear, viscous juice from the aloe vera is packed with numerous restorative and
healing compounds that benefit the body in a multitude of ways. A growing number
of research studies continue to unveil the effectiveness of aloe vera on various
aspects of hair health, supporting its immense potential as an effective treatment
ingredient for the scalp, follicles and hair strands.
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Aloe vera hair benefits are supported by research studies as a natural agent for keeping the hair healthy, soft and lustrous
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FAQ – Aloe Vera Barbadensis and Healthy
Will drinking aloe vera juice have positive benefits
on my hair?
Aloe vera juice is rich in vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and anti-oxidants and surely
offers a wide range of benefits for the entire body. However, the effects of drinking
aloe vera juice on the health and quality of human hair is not yet conclusive due to a
lack of research in this area. If you are interested in adding aloe vera juice as a
regular part of your diet, do so with the broad intent of improving your general state
of health, rather than trying to influence your hair’s growth or the way it looks and
If I want to use aloe vera barbadensis externally on
my hair, what is the best way to do this?
The most common forms of aloe vera that are commercially available include the
juice, which is available in many health food sections and the skin gel. Both may
leave a residue on your hair. However, either form can be used as a simple and easy
aloe vera hair treatment. For the most direct route to hair follicles, it is important to
look for a carefully formulated natural botanical hair product that contains aloe vera.
If I think my hair loss is caused by inflammation, will
aloe vera help?
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The research studies described above support the antimicrobial capabilities of aloe
vera. Since inflammation is triggered by microbes, getting rid of these foreign
invaders will reduce the likelihood of triggering inflammatory responses that
ultimately undermine the health and functioning of the hair follicles. Based on this
mechanism, aloe vera is likely to help with hair loss issues related to inflammation.
But rather than investing your time and efforts entirely on a DIY approach to
treatment, check with a dermatologist or a hair restoration specialist to rule out other
factors that may be responsible for your hair loss such as side effects from
prescription medications, iron deficiencies, and other possible variables. If your hair
loss is not caused by inflammation, a doctor would also be able to determine
whether or not you are suffering from genetic pattern hair loss.
What does aloe vera do for the hair when it is
applied topically?
Each hair strand is made of proteins structures arranged in intricate patterns around
a central core that holds water.
Because aloe vera is 95% water, it serves as a potent moisturizer. Not only can this
add hydration to the skin, but also condition, replenish and repair dry hair.
Is it true that an aloe vera hair treatment could work
as a reparative and moisturizing conditioner?
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The nutrient-rich aloe vera gel contains a specific group of protein compounds with
an overall composition that’s very similar to keratin. When applied externally to the
hair, aloe is capable of helping to refortify the cuticles and restoring lost moisture.
Therefore aloe vera juice mixed with water can work as a natural type of leave-in
hair conditioner when sprayed or gently massaged into the hair strands.
1. Madan A, Arun A, Verma S. A noncomparative open-label pilot study to see
the efficacy and consumer response of Vegetal Hair Well in preventing hair fall
and promoting hair growth. International Journal of Advanced Research
2. Grundmann O. Aloe vera gel research review. An overview of its clinical uses
and proposed mechanisms of action. Natural Medicine Journal 2012;4(9).
3. Vardy AD, Cohen AD, Tchetov T. A double-blind placebo-controlled trial of Aloe
vera (A. barbadensis) emulsion in the treatment of seborrheic dermatitis. J
Derm Treatment 1999;10(1):7-11.
4. Feily A, Namazi MR. Aloe vera in dermatology: a brief review. G Ital Dermatol
Venereol 2009;144(1):85-91.
5. Noreen S, Khan SJ, Chouhdary S, et al. Evaluation of Aloe vera barbadensis
for its antimicrobial, phytochemical, and ethnobotanical status. J Med Plants
Res 2012;6(49):5876-80.
6. Daud FS, Kulkarni SB. Comparative evaluation of photo-protective effect of
Aloe vera Tourn. ex Linn. on UV damage in different Asian hair types. Indian
Journal of Natural Products and Resources 2011;2(2):179-83.
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Further Reading:
1. Learn more about aloe vera as a superfood which can help with diabetes and
heart disease
2. Discover 21 benefits of aloe vera which may surprise you
3. Read more about how drinking aloe vera juice can benefit your body
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... Aloe Vera derives advantages from these attributes in conditions linked to persistent inflammation, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and metabolic diseases. The impact of Aloe Vera on hair cells 1. Macrophage cells that phagocytose foreign germs 2. Fibroblast cells that synthesize collagen and contribute to the regeneration and rejuvenation of the scalp's skin surface 86 . ...
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Flaxseeds, scientifically known as Linum usitatissimum and belonging to the family Lineaceae, are commonly referred to as Alsi, Jawas, and Aksebija in Indian languages. The plant yields blue blossoms and tiny, flattened seeds. The color of the seeds varies from golden yellow to reddish brown. It is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, specifically Alpha-linolenic acid, which helps to minimize hair loss and inflammation of the scalp. This, in turn, aids in the preservation and protection of hair follicles. Flaxseed contains proteins (10.5-31%) that consist of key amino acids such as glutamic acid, serine, arginine, lysine, leucine, and others. These amino acids are crucial for hair health, as they help prevent hair loss and stimulate the creation of new hair. Flaxseed dietary fiber can aid in concealing hair loss and promoting hair density. Flaxseed is a crucial and prominent source of phytochemicals in the functional food industry. Flaxseed exhibits a range of other advantageous impacts, such as promoting newborn brain development, generating blood lipids, safeguarding against cardiovascular diseases, preventing cancer and diabetes, and reducing blood cholesterol levels. The scientific name for Aloe vera is Aloe barbadensis miller. This plant belongs to the Asphodelaceae (Liliaceae) family and is characterized by being a perennial, xerophytic, succulent, shrubby or arborescent species. In nature, it is susceptible to physical damage from ultraviolet (UV) light or insects. The belief that aloe vera possesses wound-healing and antibacterial capabilities may stem from its ability to survive in challenging settings. Consequently, it is not merely a coincidence that aloe vera has been documented to possess immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, UV protective, antiprotozoal, as well as wound-and burn-healing properties. It consists of constituents such as aloesin, which has antioxidant properties, promotes cell growth, inhibits melanin production, and has anti-inflammatory effects.
... Aloe vera acts a sun protectant for hair and prevents their damage. [5] ...
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Introduction - Hair fall is one of the minor diseases which is affecting approximately 1.7% of the world population and challenging task for physicians. Treating Hair issues with ayurvedic medicated oils have gained importance due to the safety and efficacy of their use. Keshohills hair oil is Ayurvedic proprietary medicine formulated as oil with herbs aimed at reducing hair fall and scalp dandruff. Objective - The aim of this clinical study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Keshohills hair oil in the management of hair fall and dandruff of the scalp in adults. Materials and Methods - 50 healthy respondents were enrolled and completed the period of study positively. The 60 Second Hair Comb Test, Adherent Scalp Flaking Score, Objective Hair Assessment Questionnaire, were used in the study. Conclusion - Keshohills hair oil was effective in reducing hair loss, treating Seborrheic dermatitis.
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Phytochemical studies of the plant Aloe vera (barbadensis Miller) were carried out in order to detect the presences of alkaloid and flavonoids in the gel of Aloe vera through certain detection test and Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC). The antimicrobial activity of A. vera (barbadensis Miller) was investigated on some test organisms using disc diffusion method. Ethanol, hot water and cold distilled water were the solvents used for extraction of the active ingredients from the plant leaf. The test organisms used were Escherichia coli, Streptococcus sp., Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhi and Bacillus subtilus. The result showed that A. vera hot water extract had more antibacterial activity then ethanolic and cold water extract. The largest zone of inhibition (42.00 mm) was produced in case of hot water extracts against S. typhi and E. coli. The results also showed that all the organisms tested were susceptible to the extract except E. coli, which was resistant to the cold and ethanolic extract. For susceptible strains, the diameter of zone of inhibition ranged from 33-42 mm.
When exposed to UV radiation, hair undergoes physical and chemical changes leading to several undesirable effects manifested as loss in shine and texture leading to roughness, loss in elasticity leading to breakage and loss in hair colour leading to fading of natural and artificial colour. These changes can be detected through several physical and chemical changes that occur in process. Amongst these amino acid degradation is an important parameter as hair is made of 18 amino acids which contribute to most characteristic properties of hair. There are different types of hair categorized on basis of region (Asian, African, European, etc.), hair colour (blonde, black, brown, etc.), hair thickness, chemical treatment, etc. In the present study, Aloe vera Tourn. ex Linn. which is a known skin care herb with multiple benefits was selected to evaluate its photo-protective effect on different Asian hair types through amino acid degradation studies.
Various Aloe vera extracts are widely used in a variety of over-the-counter skin products, but only a few studies have been conducted to provide support for the use of Aloe vera (A. barbadensis), one of the most commonly used species of Aloe vera, in the treatment of inflammatory skin conditions. Seborrheic dermatitis is a common inflammatory skin disorder for which available topical treatment may be helpful but not curative. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of an emulsion formulated from a crude extract of Aloe vera (A. barbadensis) on seborrheic dermatitis. A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled prospective clinical trial was performed in 44 adult patients with seborrheic dermatitis. A comparison of symptom scores in the Aloe vera (A. barbadensis) and placebo groups, before and after treatment revealed a significant decrease in scaliness, pruritus and the number of sites involved in seborrheic dermatitis, but not in erythema. Global improvement rates in patients treated with Aloe vera (A. barbadensis) were significantly higher than in placebo-treated patients, as assessed by both dermatologists (58% and 15%, respectively; P=0.009) and patients (62% and 25%, respectively; P=0.03). The results of the present study indicate that Aloe vera (A. barbadensis) crude extract emulsion is effective in the therapy of patients with seborrheic dermatitis.
Aloe vera Linne or aloe barbadensis Miller is a succulent from the Aloe family (400 different species), a tropical plant which is easily grown in hot and dry climates and widely distributed in Asia, Africa and other tropical areas. The use of aloe vera is being promoted for a large variety of conditions. The aim of this systematic review was to summarize all dermatology-oriented in vitro and in vivo experiments and clinical trials on aloe vera preparations. Extensive literature search were carried out to identify all in vitro and in vivo studies as well as clinical trials on the subject. Data were extracted from these in a predefined standardized manner. Forty studies were located. The results suggest that oral administration of aloe vera in mice is effective on wound healing, can decrease the number and size of papillomas and reduce the incidence of tumors and leishmania parasitemia by >90% in the liver, spleen, and bone marrow. Topical application of aloe vera is not an effective prevention for radiation-induced injuries and has no sunburn or suntan protection. It can be effective for genital herpes, psoriasis, human papilloma virus, seborrheic dermatitis, aphthous stomatitis, xerosis, lichen planus, frostbite, burn, wound healing and inflammation. It can also be used as a biological vehicle and an anti-microbial and antifungal agent and also as a candidate for photodynamic therapy of some kinds of cancer. Even though there are some promising results with the use of aloe vera for diverse dermatologic conditions, clinical effectiveness of oral and topical aloe vera is not sufficiently and meticulously explored as yet.
A noncomparative open-label pilot study to see the efficacy and consumer response of Vegetal Hair Well in preventing hair fall and promoting hair growth
  • A Madan
  • A Arun
  • S Verma
Madan A, Arun A, Verma S. A noncomparative open-label pilot study to see the efficacy and consumer response of Vegetal Hair Well in preventing hair fall and promoting hair growth. International Journal of Advanced Research 2014;2(2):475-81.
Aloe vera gel research review. An overview of its clinical uses and proposed mechanisms of action
  • O Grundmann
Grundmann O. Aloe vera gel research review. An overview of its clinical uses and proposed mechanisms of action. Natural Medicine Journal 2012;4(9).