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Pedicle Morphometry Variations in Individuals with Degenerative Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

BioMed Research International
  • Zefat Academic College

Abstract and Figures

The aim of this study was to compare pedicle dimensions in degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis (DLSS) with those in the general population. A retrospective computerized tomography (CT) study for lumbar vertebrae (L1 to L5) from two sample populations was used. The first included 165 participants with symptomatic DLSS (age range: 40-88 years, sex ratio: 80 M/85 F), and the second had 180 individuals from the general population (age range: 40-99 years, sex ratio: 90 M/90 F). Both males and females in the stenosis group manifested significantly greater pedicle width than the control group at all lumbar levels (P < 0:05). In addition, pedicle heights for stenosis females were remarkably smaller on L4 and L5 levels compared to their counterparts in the control group (P < 0:001). Males have larger pedicles than females for all lumbar levels (P < 0:001). Age and BMI did not demonstrate significant association with pedicle dimensions. Our outcomes indicate that individuals with DLSS have larger pedicle widths than the control group. More so, pedicle dimensions are gender-dependent but independent of age and BMI.
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Research Article
Pedicle Morphometry Variations in Individuals with Degenerative
Lumbar Spinal Stenosis
Janan Abbas ,
Natan Peled,
Israel Hershkovitz,
and Kamal Hamoud
Department of Anatomy and Anthropology, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 6997801, Israel
Department of Physical Therapy, Zefat Academic College, Zefat 13206, Israel
Department of Radiology, Carmel Medical Center, Haifa 3436212, Israel
Azrieli Faculty of Medicine, Bar-Ilan University, Safed 1311502, Israel
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, The Baruch Padeh Poriya Medical Center, Tiberias 1520800, Israel
Correspondence should be addressed to Janan Abbas;
Received 17 November 2019; Accepted 20 January 2020; Published 24 February 2020
Academic Editor: Alberto Grassi
Copyright © 2020 Janan Abbas et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The aim of this study was to compare pedicle dimensions in degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis (DLSS) with those in the general
population. A retrospective computerized tomography (CT) study for lumbar vertebrae (L1 to L5) from two sample populations
was used. The rst included 165 participants with symptomatic DLSS (age range: 40-88 years, sex ratio: 80 M/85 F), and the
second had 180 individuals from the general population (age range: 40-99 years, sex ratio: 90 M/90 F). Both males and females
in the stenosis group manifested signicantly greater pedicle width than the control group at all lumbar levels (P<0:05). In
addition, pedicle heights for stenosis females were remarkably smaller on L4 and L5 levels compared to their counterparts in the
control group (P<0:001). Males have larger pedicles than females for all lumbar levels (P<0:001). Age and BMI did not
demonstrate signicant association with pedicle dimensions. Our outcomes indicate that individuals with DLSS have larger
pedicle widths than the control group. More so, pedicle dimensions are gender-dependent but independent of age and BMI.
1. Introduction
Degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis (DLSS) is a common
condition in the elderly population that is related to degen-
eration of the three-joint complex and ligaments [1, 2].
Symptomatic DLSS requires the combination of clinical pre-
sentation with radiological ndings such as computerized
tomography (CT) scan and magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) modalities [3, 4]. Typically, neurogenic claudication
and radicular pain are the best described clinical pictures [3].
The surgical treatment of symptomatic DLSS often
requires the use of instrumentation systems. The transpedi-
cular screw xation is stable and worthwhile as it provides
three-dimensional xation and is increasingly used world-
wide [5, 6]. It has been found that the pedicle bone is the
strongest part of the vertebra, even in an osteoporotic one
[7, 8]. Information regarding pedicle morphometry is essen-
tial for using the pedicle screws.
Many previous studies concerning pedicle morphometry
have been conducted in subjects of various ethnic origins
and populations (e.g., Western and Asian) in order to estab-
lish normal range parameters [5, 919]. All of these studies
based their measurements on various approaches such as
direct cadavers [5, 9, 11, 12, 16, 19], radiologic techniques
[10, 15, 17, 18], and combined cadavers and radiologic
methods [13, 14]. It has been stated that CT measurement
is the best means of evaluating pedicle radiographic mor-
phology [18, 20, 21]. Likewise, others have shown that data
obtained from a CT scan for pedicle parameters are almost
identical to those obtained from direct cadaveric measure-
ments [7, 13, 22].
Because a previous study has found that lumbar vertebral
bodies for DLSS individuals are signicantly greater com-
pared to those found in the general population [23], we
hypothesized that the pedicle morphology for the DLSS pop-
ulation will be varied.
BioMed Research International
Volume 2020, Article ID 7125914, 6 pages
The aim of this study was to assess the pedicle parameters
for the DLSS population and to compare these parameters
with those for the general population.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Design. This is a cross-sectional retrospective
study with two groups of individuals [24]. The rst group
(control) included 180 individuals without spinal stenosis-
related symptoms (age range: 40-99 years, sex ratio: 90
M/90 F) who were referred to the Department of Radiology,
Carmel Medical Center, Haifa, Israel, for abdominal CT
scans due to abdominal problems. The second group
included 165 patients with symptomatic DLSS (age range:
40-88 years, sex ratio: 80 M/85 F), who had intermittent
claudication accompanied by other symptoms related to spi-
nal stenosis [25]. Their CT scan images showed a reduced
cross-sectional area (CSA) of the dural sac (<100 mm
[26] of at least one lumbar level. The diagnostic criteria for
DLSS were based on the combination of symptoms and signs
together with the imaging ndings [3]. Individuals under 40
years of age as well as those with congenital stenosis
(AP diameter of the bony canal < 12 mm) [27], fractures,
spondylolysis, tumors, Pagets disease, steroid treatment,
severe lumbar scoliosis (>20 degrees), and iatrogenic con-
ditions (postlaminectomy, postfusion) were excluded from
the study.
A high-resolution CT image (Brilliance 64, Philips Med-
ical Systems; voltage 120 kV, current 150570 mA) was uti-
lized which enabled scan processing in all planes. All CT
images for both groups were taken in the same position.
This research was approved by the ethical committee of
the Carmel Medical Center (0083-07-CMC).
2.2. Pedicle Dimensions
2.2.1. Pedicle Width (PW)/Transverse Pedicle Parameter. This
parameter was measured in the axial plane at the middle of
the pedicular height and dened as the distance between its
medial and lateral cortices (Figure 1). The measurements
were done on both sides (left and right), and the mean values
were then calculated.
2.2.2. Pedicle Height (PH). This parameter was measured in
the sagittal plane at the middle of the pedicle width and
was dened as the distance between its superior and inferior
cortices (Figure 2). The measurements were taken on both
sides (left and right), and the averages were then calculated.
In order to identify the association between pedicle diam-
eters and age, we classied the control group into two age
groups: (a) the middle group included individuals between
40 and 60 years and (b) the older group included individuals
who were 60 years and older.
2.3. Statistical Analysis. The sample size of this study was
based on power analysis (α=0:05,β=0:8), and all the para-
metric variables (e.g., pedicle width and height) were checked
for normal distribution. Statistical analysis was done via SPSS
version 20. The Student t-test was used for each gender sep-
arately to compare the studied groups (control vs. stenosis)
for all the parametric variables and to examine the associa-
tion between pedicle diameters and age. Pearson correlation
and one-way ANOVA were also used to determine the asso-
ciation between pedicle parameters and BMI and lumbar
levels. A logistic regression analysis via the Forward LR
method was used (separated by gender) to dene the associ-
ation between DLSS and pedicle parameters (dependent var-
iable: DLSS; independent variables: pedicle width, pedicle
height, age, and BMI). The intraclass correlation (ICC) coef-
cients were calculated to determine the intratester and
intertester reliability of the measurement taken (repeated
measurements of 20 individuals). Intratester reliability of
the measurements was assessed by one of the authors (JA)
who took the measurements twice within intervals of 3-5
days. Intertester reliability involved two testers (JA and
KH) who took the measurements within an hour of each
other. Both testers were blinded to the results of the measure-
ments. Signicant dierence was set at P<0:05.
3. Results
The intra- and interclass correlations for pedicle parameters
ranged from 0.867 to 0.976 and from 0.751 to 0.943,
No signicant dierences were found in the mean age of
the control males and females compared to their counter-
parts in the stenosis group (Table 1). However, BMI values
were signicantly greater in the stenosis groups compared
to their counterparts in the control group.
3.1. Pedicle Parameters in the Study Groups. The mean PWs
in both males and females in the stenosis group were signi-
cantly greater compared to those in their counterparts in the
control group (Table 1). Furthermore, mean PHs for stenosis
females were considerably smaller on L4 and L5 levels com-
pared to those for their counterparts in the control group.
Our results indicate that L5 PW in both genders and L1
PW, L4 PH, and L5 PH for females are signicantly associ-
ated with DLSS (Table 2).
Of the 180 individuals in the control group, 41 subjects
(22.7%) had PW less than 5 mm on the upper lumbar spine
(L1 and L2), compared to only 12 subjects (11.8%) in the
stenosis group (Table 3). In addition, 50% to 94% of the
control group had PW less than 6 and 7 mm, respectively,
on the upper lumbar region, compared to 27.3% to 60.7%
in the stenosis group.
Figure 1: Measurement of pedicle width as conducted on an axial
CT scan (a) at the middle height of the pedicle (b).
2 BioMed Research International
3.2. The Association between Pedicle Parameters and Gender,
Age, BMI, and Lumbar Levels. Analysis of the control
group (n= 180) revealed that males have larger values of
PW and PH than females along all the lumbar levels
(P<0:001). Generally, PWs and PHs were not associated
with age and BMI (P>0:05).
A signicant increase in PWs was noted as we descend
caudally (P<0:001), except between L1 and L2 (P=0:810):
L1 = 7 mm ± 1:7,L2 = 7:3mm±1:6,L3 = 8:8mm±1:8,L4
=10:7mm±1:9, and L5 = 15:2mm±2:2. In contrast, lum-
bar PH values signicantly decrease caudally (P<0:001) with
the exception of L2 and L3 (P=0:743): L1 = 14:9mm±1:4,
L2 = 14:1m1:3,L3 = 14 mm ± 1:2,L4 = 13 mm ± 1:2,
and L5 = 11:7m1:2.
4. Discussion
The most important nding of the present study is that indi-
viduals with DLSS manifest larger pedicle width compared
Figure 2: Measurement of pedicle height as conducted on a sagittal CT scan (a) at the middle of pedicle width (b).
Table 1: Age, BMI, PW, and PH values of the study groups (control vs. stenosis) for each gender separately.
Variables Males Females
Control (mean ± SD) Stenosis (mean ± SD)Pvalue Control (mean ± SD) Stenosis (mean ± SD)Pvalue
Age (years) 62:9±12:38 66:2±10:82 0.066 62 ± 12:97 62:5±8:63 0.795
BMI (kg/m
)27:4±4:21 28:9±4:55 0.021 27:61 ± 5:13 31:48 ± 5:83 <0.001
L1 PW (mm) 7:7±1:28:5±2 0.005 6:3±1:77±1:30.007
L2 PW (mm) 8:1±1:38:9±1:70.001 6:4±1:57:3±1:3<0.001
L3 PW (mm) 9:7±1:610:7±1:8<0.001 8±1:59:1±1:5<0.001
L4 PW (mm) 11:5±1:712:6±1:6<0.001 9:8±1:710:8±1:4<0.001
L5 PW (mm) 16 ± 2 17:6±2:3<0.001 14:5±2 16±1:9<0.001
L1 PH (mm) 15:6±1:215:7±1:80.938 14:2±1:213:9±1:20.088
L2 PH (mm) 14:8±1:115:1±1:80.238 13:6±1:113:4±1:10.378
L3 PH (mm) 14:5±1:214:7±1:60.338 13:5±1 13:2±1:20.108
L4 PH (mm) 13:5±1:113:4±1:70.645 12:5±1:111:8±1:2<0.001
L5 PH (mm) 12:2±1:312±1:70.564 11:3±1 10:5±1:1<0.001
SD: standard deviation; BMI: body mass index; PW: pedicle width; PH: pedicle height.
Table 2: A logistic regression analysis demonstrating the variables
that are signicantly associated with degenerative lumbar stenosis
(males and females listed separately).
OR 95% CI Pvalue
Age 1.032 1.003-1.063 0.029
BMI 1.079 1.000-1.165 0.050
L5 PW 1.361 1.171-1.581 <0.001
BMI 1.1 1.026-1.180 0.007
L1 PW 1.444 1.108-1.883 0.007
L5 PW 1.457 1.171-1.814 0.001
L4 PH 0.593 0.391-0.899 0.014
L5 PH 0.663 0.441-0.998 0.049
OR: odds ratios: CI: condence intervals; BMI: body mass index; PW: pedicle
width; PH: pedicle height.
Table 3: Percentage of pedicle width less than 5, 6, and 7 mm in the
studied groups at the lumbar level.
Levels Control group (n= 180) Stenosis group (n= 165)
<5mm <6mm <7mm <5mm <6mm <7mm
L1 13.3 28.3 49.4 4.8 16.4 35.2
L2 9.4 22.2 43.9 2.4 10.9 25.5
L3 1.7 3.9 15.6 0 1.2 3.6
L4 0 0 2.2 0 0 0
L5 000000
3BioMed Research International
to the general population. This result is not surprising, as we
initially assumed, because lumbar vertebral body size was
greater in individuals with DLSS relative to the general
population. Similarly, others have reported a signicant
correlation between vertebral body size and pedicle dimen-
sions [28, 29].
It is noteworthy that pedicle parameters in the stenosis
and control groups were consistently similar to the trend
observed in previous studies [5, 15, 17, 30]: PW values
increase caudally whereas PHs decrease from L1 to L5.
Pedicle morphometry is essential for developing and
designing pedicle instrumentations since it has become a
common tool for the spine surgeons. Likewise, the use of a
transpedicular screw is also widespread for the DLSS popula-
tion when segmental instability exists [31]. There is a consen-
sus that PW is the most important parameter in relation to
screw size xation due to its smaller size compared with PH
[7, 20, 22]. One of the main factors regarding the rigidity of
the xation system is the pullout strength of the transpedicular
screw [32]. It has also been reported that an increase of 1 mm
of the screw diameter improves the pullout strength [14, 33];
thus, a wider screw results in better xation. The outer screw
diameter should match precisely the internal transverse diam-
eter of the pedicle without exceeding its external borders [19].
The outer diameters of the most commonly used pedicle
screws range from 5 to 7mm [20, 34]. The result regarding
PWs in the control group showed that 22.7% of this group
had PW of less than 5 in the upper lumbar spine (L1 and
L2) which was quite similar to results obtained from the stud-
ies of Scoles et al. [16] and Oram et al. [35]. In comparison,
only 0 to 2.2% of the subjects have PW less than 6 and 7mm
on the lower lumbar region (L4, L5), respectively. These nd-
ings imply that (1) utilizing a screw diameter of 6 mm in the
upper lumbar spine for the general population should be
avoided and (2) a screw diameter of 7mm could be acceptable
in the lower lumbar region. We believe that these ndings are
not surprising as they are in accordance with other studies [12,
1517]. Weinstein and colleagues have also indirectly sup-
ported this idea when they reported a 40% failure rate when
attempting insertion of a screw diameter of 7 mm in the upper
lumbar spine [36]. Our result also showed that the percentage
of PW less than 5 and 6mm on the upper lumbar spine for the
control group is almost 3 times greater than that for the steno-
sis group (22.7% vs. 7.2% and 50.5% vs. 27.3%, respectively).
This indicates that for DLSS individuals, compared to the gen-
eral population, screws with a larger diameter could be utilized
for the entire lumbar spine.
We also postulate that subjects with spine disorder might
display variant pedicle morphometry. This proposal can be
partially supported by Cheung and colleagues as they reported
that individuals with low back pain might manifest dierent
pedicle morphometry than the general population [10].
Comparing our outcomes of pedicle parameters (control
group) with previous radiologic studies (Table 4) revealed
that PWs were, in general, similar to those obtained from
the Asian population [5, 15, 17, 37] but smaller than those
of Western studies [13, 20, 22, 38]. This result could empha-
size the eect of diering populations on the wide disparity in
the reported results [12, 15, 17]. In addition, PHs were
greater than PWs and decreased caudally. The lowest value
Table 4: Pedicle diameters in the current study compared with only radiologic studies.
Study Mean diameters (mm) L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
Current study (n= 180)PW 7 7.3 8.8 10.7 15.2
PH 14.9 14.1 14 13 11.7
Mohanty et al., 2018 (n= 102-124) PW 7.2 7.6 8.4 10.1 13
Acharya et al., 2010 (n=50) PW 7.20 7.62 8.97 11.12 13.91
Chadha et al., 2003 (n=14-20) PW 6.69 7.26 8.43 10.81 13.47
Kadioglu et al., 2003 (n=29)PW 8.8 9.7 10.3 10.8 14.6
PH 14.7 14.5 13.6 13.6 13.4
Mitra et al., 2002 (n=20)PW 7.34 7.45 8.51 9.71 14.49
PH 16.42 15.65 15.24 15.29 15.17
Cheung et al., 1994 (n=35-134) PW 5.3 6.7 9.5 11.5 14.7
Bernard and Seibert, 1992 (n= 154) PW ND 8.13 8.7 10.88 14.54
Olsewski et al., 1990 (n=37-42) PW 8.2 8.3 10 12.6 16.6
PH 18.2 17.2 16.9 15.6 13.8
Marchesi et al., 1988 (n=28-46) PW 7.1 7.8 9.7 13 18
PH 15.4 14.8 14.2 13.9 13.7
Zindrick et al., 1987 (n=26-56) PW 8.7 8.9 10.3 12.9 18
PH 15.4 15 14.9 14.8 14
Krag et al., 1986 (n=14-24) PW 7.01 8.67 9.30 11.03 15.15
ND: no data; PW: pedicle width; PH: pedicle height.
4 BioMed Research International
measured for PH was 8.35 mm, and the greatest value was
19.3 mm. This outcome is mostly consistent with the studie s
of Marchesi et al. [13] and Kadioglu et al. [39], with the
exception of L5.
The current study also found that males had signi-
cantly larger pedicle diameters than females along all the
lumbar levels. This result conrms what is commonly
reported [5, 9, 19, 35, 38, 40] but contradicts others [10,
11]. Similar to the studies of Yu et al. [9] and Cheung
et al. [10], the current study did not demonstrate any sig-
nicant relationship between age and pedicle diameters.
With respect to BMI, we also failed to conrm signicant
correlations with pedicle parameters. This result is in
agreement with Oran et al. [35], but not with Yu et al.
[9]. We assume that our nding contrasts the results of
Yu and colleagues due to the diering studied populations
and methods of measurements: CT images for the living
population vs. direct measurement for dry specimens. It
is well known that the CT scan is the gold standard for
pedicle measurements [35]. Likewise, some authors found
similar results for pedicle parameter values when they
based their methods on both the direct measurement and
CT technique [20, 22]. We believe that studies conducted
on living populations are preferable to those based on
cadaver specimens, because preoperative CT scans are usu-
ally used to determine the precise screw dimensions.
4.1. Limitation of the Study. Although this study has the larg-
est series that was conducted on CT scans, a large-scale pop-
ulation with DLSS is needed to conrm the association
between this phenomenon and pedicle diameters. Pedicle
length and transverse pedicle angle are required to better
dene the screw dimensions and to avoid nerve root injury
and inadvertent penetration of the screw in the spinal canal.
More so, some studies have reported that the transverse ped-
icle angle could be smaller in subjects with degenerative spi-
nal diseases that may be attributable to developmental
changes [41, 42].
5. Conclusions
The current study revealed that symptomatic subjects with
DLSS manifest dierent pedicle diameters than the general
population. When planning instrumentation for DLSS indi-
viduals, the pedicles will be able to accept larger screws than
those of the general population. Furthermore, pedicle diame-
ters are gender-dependent and independent of age and BMI.
Data Availability
The data used to support the ndings of this study are avail-
able from the corresponding author upon request.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare that they have no conicts of interest.
The authors would like to thank the Dan David Foundation,
the Israel Science Foundation (Grant number 1397/08), and
the Tassia and Dr. Joseph Meychan Chair for the History
and Philosophy of Medicine for funding this research. We
also thank Margie Serling Cohn and Chaim Cohen for their
editorial assistance.
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6 BioMed Research International
... All the CT measurements were taken from L1 to S1 levels and included the vertebral body diameters (width, length and height), bony canal dimensions such as anterior-posterior (AP), medio-lateral, and cross-section area (CSA) [8]. We also addressed the facets orientation and tropism [27], pedicle width and height [28], spinous process orientation [29], laminar inclination and inter-laminar angle [8]. Spine pathology such as vacuum phenomenon, intervertebral disc height, and the presence of Schmorl's nodes [30,31] were also recorded. ...
... We evaluated the performance of RF classifier by the following measures: (1) sensitivity (SE) which represent the true positive (TP) rate, (2) specificity (SP) which represents the true negative (TN) rate (complement of sensitivity), and (3) precision (PR) which represents the ability to correctly predict the positive target condition to the total [28]. In addition, we assessed the accuracy (ACC) which represents the classifier ability to predict the target condition correctly, and the F-measure that illustrates the classifier ability to predict the target condition correctly (compared to ACC, it is more accurate in cases of imbalanced data set, since it considers both PR and SE) [35]. ...
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Background: Degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis (DLSS) is the most common spine disease in the elderly population. It is usually associated with lumbar spine joints/or ligaments degeneration. Machine learning technique is an exclusive method for handling big data analysis; however, the development of this method for spine pathology is rare. This study aims to detect the essential variables that predict the development of symptomatic DLSS using the random forest of machine learning (ML) algorithms technique. Methods: A retrospective study with two groups of individuals. The first included 165 with symptomatic DLSS (sex ratio 80 M/85F), and the second included 180 individuals from the general population (sex ratio: 90 M/90F) without lumbar spinal stenosis symptoms. Lumbar spine measurements such as vertebral or spinal canal diameters from L1 to S1 were conducted on computerized tomography (CT) images. Demographic and health data of all the participants (e.g., body mass index and diabetes mellitus) were also recorded. Results: The decision tree model of ML demonstrate that the anteroposterior diameter of the bony canal at L5 (males) and L4 (females) levels have the greatest stimulus for symptomatic DLSS (scores of 1 and 0.938). In addition, combination of these variables with other lumbar spine features is mandatory for developing the DLSS. Conclusions: Our results indicate that combination of lumbar spine characteristics such as bony canal and vertebral body dimensions rather than the presence of a sole variable is highly associated with symptomatic DLSS onset.
... All the CT measurements were taken from L1 to S1 levels and included the vertebral body diameters (width, length and height), bony canal dimensions such as anterior-posterior (AP), medio-lateral, and cross-section area (CSA) [8]. We also addressed the facets orientation and tropism [28], pedicle width and height [29], spinous process orientation [30], laminar inclination and inter-laminar angle [8]. Spine pathology such as vacuum phenomenon, intervertebral disc height, and the presence of Schmorl's nodes [31,32] were also recorded. ...
... We have evaluated the performance of RF classi er by the following measures: (1) sensitivity (SE) which represent the true positive (TP) rate, (2) speci city (SP) which represents the true negative (TN) rate (complement of sensitivity), and (3) precision (PR) which represents the ability to correctly predict the positive target condition to the total [29]. In addition, we have assessed the accuracy (ACC) which represents the classi er ability to predict the target condition correctly, and the F-measure that illustrates the classi er ability to predict the target condition correctly (compared to ACC, it is more accurate in cases of imbalanced data set, since it considers both PR and SE) [36]. ...
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Background Degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis (DLSS) is the most common spine disease in the elderly population. It is usually associated with lumbar spine joints/or ligaments degeneration. Machine learning technique is an exclusive method for handling big data analysis; however, the development of this method for spine pathology is rare. This study aims to detect the essential variables that predict the development of symptomatic degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis (DLSS) using the random forest of machine learning (ML) algorithms technique. Methods A retrospective study with two groups of individuals. The first included 165 with symptomatic DLSS (sex ratio 80 M/85F), and the second included 180 individuals from the general population (sex ratio: 90M/90F) without lumbar stenosis symptoms. Lumbar spine measurements such as vertebral/or spinal canal diameters from L1 to S1 were conducted on computerized tomography (CT) images (Brilliance 64, Philips Medical System, Cleveland, OH). Demographic and health data of all the participants (e.g., body mass index and diabetes mellitus) were also recorded. Results The decision tree model of ML demonstrate that the AP diameter of the bony canal at L5 (males) and L4 (females) levels have the greatest stimulus for symptomatic DLSS (scores of 1 and 0.938). In addition, combination of these variables with other lumbar spine features is mandatory for developing the DLSS. Conclusions Our results indicate that combination of lumbar spine characteristics such as bony canal and vertebral body dimensions rather than the presence of a sole variable is highly associated with symptomatic DLSS onset.
... The average pedicle width of normal Israel population(L3:8-9.7 mm;L4:9.8-11.5 mm; L5:14.5-16 mm) from a cross-sectional retrospective study is smaller than those in degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis (DLSS) population [33]. The transverse pedicle isthmus width from [18]. ...
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To investigate a novel approach for establishing the transverse pedicle angle (TPA) of the lower lumbar spine using preoperative digital radiography (DR). Computed Tomography (CT) datasets of the lower lumbar were reconstructed using MIMICS 17.0 software and then imported into 3-matic software for surgical simulation and anatomical parameter measurement. A mathematical algorithm of TPA based on the Pythagorean theorem was established, and all obtained data were analyzed by SPSS software. The CT dataset from 66 samples was reconstructed as a digital model of the lower lumbar vertebrae (L3-L5), and the AP length/estimated lateral length for L3 between the right and left sides was statistically significant (P = 0.015, P = 0.005). The AP length of the right for L4 was smaller than that of the left after a paired t test was executed (P = 0.006). Both the width of the pedicle and the length of the pedicle (P2C1) were consistent with TPA (L3<L4<L5). There were no significant differences in TAN-TPA and DR-TPA compared with real TPA. The ICCs for the real TPA and DR-TPA within L3 showed good reliability, and the ICCs for the real TPA and DR-TPA within both L4 and L5 showed moderate reliability. Our novel approach can be considered a reliable way to determine the transverse pedicle angle from routine DR, and the width and length of the pedicle within lumbar DR should be considered to determine the length and trajectory of the screw during preoperative planning.
... There are however, some confounders to the association of the PII and the screw angulation, which includes the depth of the actual posterior superior iliac spine and its relationship to the entry point of the screw of the S1 pedicle as a longer length would likely result in a less angulated screw [7]. Consideration should also be given to the natural variation in pedicle width in each individual patient, as demonstrated in other segments of the spine [11], as well as compromises required to align the screw heads to connect the rods. Furthermore, other patient factors, such as age, underlying pathology, degree of osteopaenia/ osteoporosis, indication for fixation and total length of the fixation construct, and others, will likely have profound influences on the strength and reliability of a construct, beyond that of angulation [9,10]. ...
Introduction: Surgical fixation is widely practised in the management of spinal deformity. S1 screws are commonly incorporated in lumbosacral fusions and can be performed in both open and percutaneous techniques. However, their entry point is determined by the position of the pedicle as well as the posterior iliac interval (PII), as it creates an impedance for screw angulation. A wider angle screw has the potential to achieve a greater length and thus strength versus a narrow screw angle insertion due to risk of anterior breach. Methods: A retrospective analysis of 50 consecutive patients between July 2018 andDecember 2021 undergoing lumbo-sacral fusion with include S1 screw insertion from a single institution and surgeon. The age, screw angles, and the posterior iliac intervals were measured. Results: The patients ranged from age 27 to 83 years old (mean 64.7) with a posterior iliac interval (PII) ranging from 7.76 to 12.62 cm (mean 10.24) and the average S1 screw angle on the right was 76.01 degrees (range 59.37 to 88.48) and on the left 74.37 degrees (range 59.75 to 87.47 degrees). Applying the Pearson Correlation co-efficient, a wider PII correlated with a more angulated screw entry (P < 0.05). Conclusion: As expected, a wider PPI is significantly associated with a more angulated S1 screw trajectory and may have implication on patient biomechanics in lumbo-sacral fusion constructs.
... 37,38 Another shortcoming of the study was the profile contour of the vertebrae, BMD, the dimensions of the pedicle, the thickness of the vertebral plate, and the length of the transverse process and spinous process were based on the highresolution CT images of a single adult healthy woman, and might not be representative of the patient population. 39,40 Third, only the axial pullout was simulated, and the screw actually experienced loads in many directions, like bending loads up and down. 13,41 A last limitation of the study was that the results based on the FEA must be verified by in vitro experiments in the future to be truly convincing. ...
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Research design: Finite element analysis based on CT images from the lumbar spine. Objective: Determined the pull-out strength of unsatisfactorily placed screws and repositioned screws after unsatisfactory place in lumbar spine surgery. Background: Pedicle screws are widely used to stabilize the spinal vertebral body. Unsatisfactory screws could lead to surgical complications, and may need to be repositioned. Screw removal and reposition, however, may decrease pull-out strength. Methods: We conducted a three-dimensional finite element analysis based on high-resolution CT images from a 39-years-old healthy woman. Pull-out strength was determined with the screw placed in different orientations at the same entry point (as selected by the Magerl method), as well as after removal and reposition. The material properties of the vertebral body and the screw were simulated by using grayscale values and verified data, respectively. A load along the screw axis was applied to the end of the screw to simulate the pullout. Results: The pull-out strength was 1840.0 N with the Magerl method. For unsatisfactorily placed screws, the pull-out strength was 1500.8 N at 20% overlap, 1609.6 N at 40% overlap, 1628.9 N at 60% overlap, and 1734.7 N at 80% overlap with the hypothetical screw path of the Magerl method. For repositioned screws, the pull-out strength was 1763.6 N, with 20% overlap, 1728.3 N at 40% overlap, 1544.0 N at 60% overlap, and 1491.1 N at 80% overlap with the original path. Comparison of repositioned screw with unsatisfactorily placed screw showed 14.04% decrease in pull-out strength at 80% overlap, 5.21% decrease at 60% overlap, 7.37% increase at 40% overlap, and 17.51% increase at 20% overlap with the screw path of the Magerl method. Conclusion: Removal and reposition increased the pull-out strength at 20% and 40% overlap, but decreased the pull-out strength at 60% and 80% overlap. For clinical translation, we recommend removal and reposition of the screw when the overlap is in the range of 20%-40% or less. In vitro specimen studies are needed to verify these preliminary findings.
... There have been many studies on the morphology and imaging of the lumbar spine in recent years, mainly comparing the differences in different ethnic, gender, and national populations [13][14][15][16][17][18][19]. Morita K et al. measured and analyzed the thoracolumbar pedicle morphology and size in 227 Japanese patients. ...
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Purpose The short rod technique (SRT) is a novel method for lumbar pedicle screw placement to reduce surgical trauma and avoid damage to the facet joint and articular surface. The core concept is to change the entry point and angle of the screw on the vertebrae at both ends in the sagittal plane to shorten the length of the longitudinal rods. The purpose of this study is to determine the sagittal screw angle (SSA) and its safe Maximum (MAX) value on each lumbar vertebra for the SRT and to observe the shortening effect on the longitudinal rods. Methods A total of 152 healthy adults were investigated by measuring the lumbar spine lateral view images. The SSA and MAX-SSA were measured with SRT as reference to the conventional placement technique method. The distance between the entry points of the proximal and distal vertebrae was measured to compare the changes in the length of the longitudinal rods using the two screw placement techniques. Results + SSA increased from L1 to L4, and −SSA increased from L2 to L5, in which the −SSA of L2, L3, and L4 were significantly greater than those of + SSA (P < 0.05). + MAX-SSA at L1–L4 was 23.26 ± 3.54°, 23.68 ± 3.37°, 24.12 ± 3.29°, and 24.26 ± 3.42°, respectively. −MAX-SSA at L2–L5 was 36.25 ± 3.26°, 38.26 ± 3.73°, 38.62 ± 3.63° and 37.33 ± 3.31°, respectively. Theoretical reductions by calculation for the 2-segment lumbar pedicles were: L1–2: 9 mm, L2–3: 9.29 mm, L3–4: 6.23 mm, and L4–5: 7.08 mm; And the 3-segment lumbar pedicles were: L1–3: 16.97 mm, L2–4: 16.73 mm, L3–5, and 18.24 mm, respectively. Conclusions The application of the SRT to lumbar pedicles is a safe screw placement method that can significantly shorten the length of the used longitudinal rods.
... accordance with the results of various other studies(4,7,9,11,13). However, few authors who were in disagreement with the current results included ChawlaK et al. (2011) who inferred that the mean pedicular width is equal on both sides (13) and Patil DK and Bhuiyan PS (2014) who concluded that mean pedicular width of lumbar vertebrae is more on left side as compared to the right side (8). ...
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Background & Aims: With change of posture from quadrupeds to bipeds, a shift of body weight from appendicular skeleton to the axial skeleton (spine) occurs. As a result, various changes in the spine took place and the human spine became more prone to diseases such as scoliosis, spondylolisthesis, osteoporosis of vertebrae and many more. Over the past decade, a number of corrective surgeries have been designed but trans-pedicular screw fixation in spondylosyndesis remains the gold standard for the correcting spinal deformities. Hence, the current study was designed to frame out the morphometric measurements of the pedicle of lumbar vertebrae so that guidelines can be delineated for the manufacturers of lumbar screw implants. Materials and Methods: The present cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted on 100 lumbar vertebrae of unknown age and sex obtained from the Department of Anatomy Govt. Medical College (GMC) Jammu. All the measurements were taken twice on both right and left side with the help of sliding vernier calipers, averaged out and then tabulated in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Results: The dimensions of the pedicle height of the lumbar vertebrae on the right side were recorded to be from 20.05 to 10.32mm with mean of 13.83±2.08mm. However, mean of the pedicle height on left side was 13.71± 2.09mm with the range of 20.01 to 10.22mm with statistically significant p- value of 0.025. Further, the range of pedicular width of lumbar vertebrae on the right side was 17.71 to 5.38mm with a mean of 10.8±2.73mm and on left side was from 17.69 to 5.37 mm with mean of 9.77±2.57 mm with statistically significant p value of 0.037. The mean inter-pedicular distance of lumbar vertebrae was 21.73±2.62mm with a range of 11-28mm. Conclusions: The results of the present study concluded that mean pedicular width and mean pedicular height are more on right side and mean inter- pedicular distance was 21.73±2.62mm. Hence, it was concluded that measurements should be taken before designing the lumbar screws for North Indian population.
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Introduction: For severe degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis (DLSS), the conventional percutaneous endoscopic translaminar decompression (PEID) has some limitations. The modified PEID, Cross-Overtop decompression, ensures sufficient decompression without excessive damage to the facet joints and posterior complex integrity. Objectives: To evaluate the biomechanical properties of Cross-Overtop and provide practical case validation for final decision-making in severe DLSS treatment. Methods: A finite element (FE) model of L4-L5 (M0) was established, and the validity was verified against prior studies. Endo-ULBD (M1), Endo-LOVE (M2), and Cross-Overtop (M3) models were derived from M0 using the experimental protocol. L4-L5 segments in each model were evaluated for the range of motion (ROM) and disc Von Mises stress extremum. The real clinical Cross-Overtop model was constructed based on clinical CT images, disregarding paraspinal muscle influence. Subsequent validation using actual FE analysis results enhances the credibility of the preceding virtual FE analysis. Results: Compared with M0, ROM in surgical models were less than 10°, and the growth rate of ROM ranged from 0.10% to 11.56%, while those of disc stress ranged from 0% to 15.75%. Compared with preoperative, the growth rate of ROM and disc stress were 2.66%–11.38% and 1.38%–9.51%, respectively. The ROM values in both virtual and actual models were less than 10°, verifying the affected segment stability after Cross-Overtop decompression. Conclusion: Cross-Overtop, designed for fully expanding the central canal and contralateral recess, maximizing the integrity of the facet joints and posterior complex, does no significant effect on the affected segmental biomechanics and can be recommended as an effective endoscopic treatment for severe DLSS.
Objective: The present study was conducted to collect morphometric data on the lumbar vertebrae pedicles of the adult population from the eastern parts of India and analyse the variations, if any, with other parts of the country and the world. Methods: The retrospective cross-sectional study where lumbar pedicle morphometric data was obtained via dried bone, the 3D Lumbar vertebrae images were obtained by scanning the dried lumbar vertebrae, and the 3D lumbar vertebrae model was generated from a 1 mm thin CT scan slice of the Lumbar spine of patients who were advised to have a CT scan of the abdomen for reasons other than related to the vertebral column. Both linear and angular measurements in the lumbar pedicles were made bilaterally. Results: The transverse pedicle width is widest at L3 and the narrowest at L2 vertebra bilaterally. The sagittal pedicle width at L4 vertebrae was observed to be the widest bilaterally, while L3 had the narrowest pedicle. The pedicular and body length along the pedicular axis is longer than the central axis at all the lumbar levels. The linear measurement along the pedicular axis was longest at L5 bilaterally via both modes, with a range of 18.2–47.31 mm for bones and 21.03–49.28 mm for CT scan morphometry. The transverse pedicular angle on analysis was observed to increase as one goes down the spine from L1 to L5, with a steep rise between L4 and L5. In contrast, the sagittal pedicular angle decreased as we went caudally toward the L5 vertebrae. Conclusion: The present study data had significant differences among the values reported in the literature from the different populations for the parameters studied. The data obtained by this study will be highly beneficial for the success of the free-hand technique of pedicle screw insertion.
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Background: Pedicle screw instrumentation has revolutionized spine surgery on account of its superiority over other stabilization systems. It is safe when properly placed and versatile for a range of procedure from fracture fixation to complex deformity correction. Sound anatomical knowledge of the pedicle may also be helpful during surgical approach to lumbar foramina disc herniation and epidural steroid injection as well as in the diagnosis of some lumbar degenera­tive diseases and chronic back pain. In this study we aimed to provide locoregional data on lumbar pedicle morphometry of Nepalese population. Methods: A descriptive observational study was conducted on 50 dry adult human lumbar vertebrae of unknown sex at Chitwan Medical College from August 2020 to December 2020. Pedicular width, height and the interpedicular distance were measured. All the data were numerally coded in excel and analysis was done in Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20. Results: The mean width of the pedicles of left side gradually increased as we moved down the vertebrae and measured 7.43 ±0.84 mm in L1 and 12.18±1.71 mm in L5 vertebrae. The mean width of the pedicles on the right side, however, showed an increasing trend with a lower value at L3 level and was measured as 7.91± 1.17 mm. The mean height of the pedicles alternatively decreased and increased down the vertebrae for both the sides. The mean interpedicular distance gradually in­creased craniocaudally and was found to be 20.35±0.95 for L1 and 25.97±3.58 mm for L5 vertebrae. Conclusions: This study confirmed the measurement of lumbar pedicles’ dimensions and provides its regional data on Nepalese population. These data may be critical for clinicians working near the vicinity of the lumbar pedicles.
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Background Degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis (DLSS) is a common health problem in the elderly and usually associated with three-joint complex degeneration. Schmorl’s nodes (SNs) are described as vertical herniation of the disc into the vertebral body through a weakened part of the end plate that can lead to disc degeneration. Since SNs can harm the spine unit stability, the association between DLSS and SNs is expected. The aim of this study is to shed light on the relationship between degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis and SNs. Methods Two groups of individuals were studied: the first included 165 individuals with DLSS (age range: 40–88, sex ratio: 80 M/85 F) and the second 180 individuals without spinal stenosis related symptoms (age range: 40–99, sex ratio: 90 M/90 F). The presence or absence of SNs on the cranial and caudal end plate surfaces at the lumbosacral region (from L1 to S1 vertebra) was recorded, using CT images (Brilliance 64 Philips Medical System, Cleveland Ohio, thickness of the sections was 1–3 mm and MAS, 80–250). Chi-Square test was taken to compare the prevalence of SNs between the study groups (control and stenosis) by lumbar disc level, for each gender separately. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was also used to determine the association between DLSS and SNs. ResultsThe prevalence rate of SNs was significantly greater in the stenosis males (L1-2 to L5-S1) and females (L4-5 and L4-S1) compared to their counterparts in the control (P < 0.001). In addition, the presence of SNs in both males and females was found to increase the likelihood for DLSS. Conclusions Our results indicate that SNs prevalence is significantly greater in the DLSS group compared to the control. Furthermore, SNs are strongly associated with DLSS.
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As life expectancy increases, degenerative lumbar spinal stenosis (DLSS) becomes a common health problem among the elderly. DLSS is usually caused by degenerative changes in bony and/or soft tissue elements. The poor correlation between radiological manifestations and the clinical picture emphasizes the fact that more studies are required to determine the natural course of this syndrome. Our aim was to reveal the association between lower lumbar spine configuration and DLSS. Two groups were studied: the first included 67 individuals with DLSS (mean age 66 ± 10) and the second 100 individuals (mean age 63.4 ± 13) without DLSS-related symptoms. Both groups underwent CT images (Philips Brilliance 64) and the following measurements were performed: a cross-section area of the dural sac, vertebral body dimensions (height, length and width), AP diameter of the bony spinal canal, lumbar lordosis and sacral slope angles. All measurements were taken at L3 to S1. Vertebral body lengths were significantly greater in the DLSS group at all levels compared to the control, whereas anterior vertebral body heights (L3, L4, L5) and middle vertebral heights (L3, L5) were significantly smaller in the LSS group. Lumbar lordosis, sacral slope and bony spinal canal were significantly smaller in the DLSS compared to the control. We conclude that the size and shape of vertebral bodies and canals significantly differed between the study groups. A tentative model is suggested to explain the association between these characteristics and the development of degenerative spinal stenosis.
PurposeTo assess the pedicle morphology in the lower thoracic and lumbar spine in an Indian population and to determine the causes of pedicle wall violation by pedicle screws. Methods Computerised tomographic scans of 135 consecutive patients with thoracolumbar and lumbar spine fractures were prospectively analysed to determine the pedicle morphology. The transverse pedicle angle, pedicle diameter and screw path length at 527 uninjured levels were measured. Post-operative CT scans of 117 patients were analysed to determine the accuracy of 468 pedicle screws at 234 vertebrae. ResultsThe lowest (mean ± SD) transverse pedicle width in the lower thoracic spine was 5.4 ± 0.70 mm, whereas in the lumbar spine it was 7.2 ± 0.87 mm. The shortest (mean ± SD) screw path length in lower thoracic pedicles was 35.8 ± 2.10 and 41.9 ± 2.18 mm in the lumbar spine. The mean transverse pedicle angle in the lower thoracic spine was consistently less than 5°, whereas it gradually increased from L1 through L5 from 8.5° to 30°. Forty-one screws violated the pedicle wall, due to erroneous angle of screw insertion. Conclusions In the current study, pedicle dimensions were smaller compared to the Western population. In Indian patients, pedicle screws of 5 mm diameter and 30 mm length, and 6 mm diameter and 35 mm length can safely be used in the lower thoracic and lumbar spine, respectively. However, it is important to assess the pedicle morphology on imaging prior to pedicle fixation.
Study Design. An anatomic study of pedicle dimensions was performed for lumbar vertebrae from American subjects. To quantify the dimensions of the lumbar pedicles and to better define the demographic factors that could ultimately govern the caliber selection of pedicle screws. Transpedicular screw fixation allows for segmental instrumentation into multiple vertebrae across multilevel fusion area, offering considerable biomechanical advantage over the conventional hook and lateral mass fixation. Large variations in morphology from previous studies may be related to differences in demographics, sample size, and methodology. For this study, L1-L5 vertebrae from 503 American human cadavers were directly measured with a digital caliper. Examiner measured each vertebra to determine medial-lateral pedicle width (PW) and cranial-caudal pedicle height (PH). Demographic information regarding age, sex, and race, as well as body height and weight, was available for all 503 subjects. PH decreased in size caudally down the lumbar spine, but PW increased in size. The largest PH was at the L1 level with a mean of 15.75 mm. The widest PW was at the L5 level with a mean of 18.33 mm. Males have larger pedicles than females for all lumbar levels. The tallest and heaviest groups generally had larger pedicles than the shorter and lighter groups, respectively. Age and race did not consistently affect pedicle dimension in a statistically significant manner. Our large-scale study of American specimens characterized the relationship between pedicle dimensions and a variety of demographic factors such as age, sex, body height and weight. With substantial statistical power, the current study showed that male, taller, and heavier individuals had larger lumbar pedicles.
Intraoperative technical complications of pedicle screw fixation include screw cutout or maldirection and pedicle fracture. The aims of this study were 1) to use computed tomography to determine the average pedicle diameter; and 2) to compare these measurements with the outer diameter measurements of commonly used pedicle screws. The pedicle diameters of L2, L3, L4, L5, and S1 were measured in 154 adult patients (81 men, 73 women) who had low-back pain. The distance across the isthmus of the pedicle was measured with the distance mode on the axial computed tomographic image in the bone window setting. The lateral computed tomographic scout view was used to select the axial section through the midportion of the pedicle. To standardize data retrieval, the lower four motion segments were denoted as L2-S1, even when there were more or fewer than five lumbar vertebrae. The pedicle diameter at each level was measured and averaged for all patients and for men and women separately. The percentage of pedicles that measured less than 7 mm was determined at each level. The average pedicle diameters were 8.13 mm for L2, 8.7 mm for L3, 10.88 mm for L4, 14.54 mm for L5, and 18.37 mm for S1. Twenty percent of the L2 pedicle diameters, 15.6% of L3, and 1.9% of L4 were less than 7 mm; none of the L5 or S1 pedicles measured less than 7 mm. The outer diameters of the most commonly used pedicle screws range from 5 mm to 7 mm. Screw pitch, tooth profile, outer diameter, and depth of penetration affect implant strength. Choosing the largest diameter screw that can be accommodated by a pedicle increases resistance to pullout. The pedicles of L5 and S1 can safely accept 7-mm screws. A 7-mm screw can be used in 98% of L4 pedicles. Preoperative computed tomographic pedicle measurements should be obtained before instrumenting the L2 or L3 pedicles.
Although several clinical applications of transpedicular screw fixation in the lumbar spine have been documented for many years, few anatomic studies concerning the lumbar pedicle and adjacent neural structures have been published. The lumbar pedicle and its relationships to adjacent neural structures were investigated through an anatomic study. Our objective is to highlight important considerations in performing transpedicular screw fixation in the lumbar spine. Twenty cadavers were used for observation of the lumbar pedicle and its relations. After removal of whole posterior bony elements including spinous processes, laminae, lateral masses, and inferior and superior facets, the isthmus of the pedicle was exposed. Pedicle width and height (PW and PH), interpedicular distance (IPD), pedicle-inferior nerve root distance (PIRD), pedicle-superior nerve root distance (PSRD), pedicle-dural sac distance (PDSD), root exit angle (REA), and nerve root diameter (NRD) were measured. The results indicated that the average distance from the lumbar pedicle to the adjacent nerve roots superiorly, inferiorly and to the dural sac medially at all levels ranged from 2.9 to 6.2 mm, 0.8 to 2.8 mm, and 0.9 to 2.1 mm, respectively. The mean PH and PW at L1-L5 ranged from 10.4 to 18.2 mm and 5.9 to 23.8 mm, respectively. The IPD gradually increased from L1 to L5. The mean REA increased consistently from 35 to 39. The NRD was between 3.3 and 3.9 mm. Levels of significance were shown for the P<0.05 and P<0.01 levels. On the basis of this study, we can say that improper placement of the pedicle screw medially and inferiorly should be avoided.
The purpose of the study was to compare the effectiveness of CT and MRI in visualizing soft tissues in lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS), and to correlate the images with preoperative symptoms. A total of 163 patients who had undergone unilateral laminotomy for bilateral decompression to treat LSS at L4-5 were retrospectively analyzed. The narrowed spinal canal area was measured on axial images with CT and MRI, and compared with the acquired dimensions from preoperative Visual Analog Scale (VAS) and Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) scores. The mean compromised spinal canal areas were 75.08 mm(2) on MRI and 63.13 mm(2) on CT, which were significantly different. Mean VAS for back pain was 5.37, and 7.94 for leg pain. Mean ODI was 55.17%. There was no significant correlation noted between clinical parameters and narrowed spinal canal area. Spinal canal area was more narrowed on CT than on MRI in axial cuts. This finding can be explained by the superior ability of multidetector CT to discriminate cortical bone from soft tissue such as the ligamentum flavum. Our study highlights the value of CT examination in combination with MRI prior to LSS surgery.
The clinical syndrome of lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) is a common diagnosis in older adults presenting with lower extremity pain. To systematically review the accuracy of the clinical examination for the diagnosis of the clinical syndrome of LSS. MEDLINE, EMBASE, and CINAHL searches of articles published from January 1966 to September 2010. Studies were included if they contained adequate data on the accuracy of the history and physical examination for diagnosing the clinical syndrome of LSS, using a reference standard of expert opinion with radiographic or anatomic confirmation. Two authors independently reviewed each study to determine eligibility, extract data, and appraise levels of evidence. Four studies evaluating 741 patients were identified. Among patients with lower extremity pain, the likelihood of the clinical syndrome of LSS was increased for individuals older than 70 years (likelihood ratio [LR], 2.0; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.6-2.5), and was decreased for those younger than 60 years (LR, 0.40; 95% CI, 0.29-0.57). The most useful symptoms for increasing the likelihood of the clinical syndrome of LSS were having no pain when seated (LR, 7.4; 95% CI, 1.9-30), improvement of symptoms when bending forward (LR, 6.4; 95% CI, 4.1-9.9), the presence of bilateral buttock or leg pain (LR, 6.3; 95% CI, 3.1-13), and neurogenic claudication (LR, 3.7; 95% CI, 2.9-4.8). Absence of neurogenic claudication (LR, 0.23; 95% CI, 0.17-0.31) decreased the likelihood of the diagnosis. A wide-based gait (LR, 13; 95% CI, 1.9-95) and abnormal Romberg test result (LR, 4.2; 95% CI, 1.4-13) increased the likelihood of the clinical syndrome of LSS. A score of 7 or higher on a diagnostic support tool including history and examination findings increased the likelihood of the clinical syndrome of LSS (LR, 3.3; 95% CI, 2.7-4.0), while a score lower than 7 made the diagnosis much less likely (LR, 0.10; 95% CI, 0.06-0.16). The diagnosis of the clinical syndrome of LSS requires the appropriate clinical picture and radiographic findings. Absence of pain when seated and improvement of symptoms when bending forward are the most useful individual findings. Combinations of findings are most useful for identifying patients who are unlikely to have the diagnosis.
STUDY DESIGN.: Prospective, computer aided pedicle morphometric data measurements obtained from computed tomography (CT) scan of lower thoracic (T9-T12) and lumber vertebrae in a large group of Indian population. OBJECTIVES.: Measurement on CT scan of the surgically relevant parameters of transverse pedicle isthmus width, transverse pedicle angle, and depth to anterior cortex along the midline axis and the pedicle axis by Computer software aid in a large sample of Indian population. To compare the results with those of similar studies of Western and Indian population in literature by other methods and to deduce safety parameters for pedicular screw placements in these areas. SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA.: Although differences have been reported in literature between various ethnic groups, most studies reported are for white populations and Indian studies are few. The Indian studies have had small sample size, and been done on patients with preexisting spinal disorder or cadavers and by manual data measurements. To the authors' knowledge, the present study is the largest published for patients from the Indian subcontinent and only using computer software aided measurements. METHODS.: CT scans of the lower thoracic and lumbosacral spine of patients free from spinal disorders from the Indian subcontinent were reviewed. We analyzed a total of 450 vertebrae in 50 consecutive patients. Parameters recorded were transverse pedicle isthmus width, transverse pedicle angle, and depth to anterior cortex along the midline axis and the pedicle axis with help of computer software. RESULTS.: The mean transverse pedicle isthmus width was least at the T9 level (5.65 mm). Majority of pedicles at thoracic level had diameter over 5 mm T9 (94%), T10 (100%), T11 (96%), T12 (100%). At lumber all had diameters over 7 mm with wide range at upper levels. The mean transverse pedicle angle faced laterally at thoracic vertebrae with exception of T9. In lumber area, all were medially directed with maximum at L5 and least at L1. The depth to the anterior cortex was more along the pedicle axis at all levels except T11 and T12. CONCLUSION.: Significant differences exist between the pedicles of Indian and white populations. It is suggested that preoperative software-based morphometric data should be collected if possible for preoperative planning of pedicle implant placement and sizes to avoid inadvertent complications. Further, data from study can be used as a guide for implant size, intraoperative placement trajectory at lower thoracic and lumber vertebrae pedicles.
A descriptive computed tomography (CT) study of the ligamentum flavum (LF) thickness in individuals with normal and stenotic lumbar spines. To establish standards for normal and pathologic range of LF thickness and its asymmetry as indicated in CT images and to examine its association with vertebral body size, age, and gender. LF lines a considerable part of the posterior and lateral walls of the spinal canal and is a major role contributor to spinal canal stenosis. Due to methodologic deficiencies (e.g., small sample size, lack of control for vertebral body size, gender, and age), the normal range of LF thickness is still controversial. Furthermore, data on important aspect of LF thickness such as left-right differences are missing. Two groups of individuals were studied. The first group included 65 individuals with lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) (mean age: 66 +/- 9.7 years) and the second, 150 individuals (mean age: 52 +/- 19 years) without LSS-related symptoms. LF thickness was measured on CT images (Philips Brilliance 64), obtained from axial plane scan at the intervertebral disc level. Measurements were performed at the levels of L3-L4, L4-L5, and L5-S1. Analysis of variance and t test were carried out to evaluate the association between LF thickness and demographic factors. Absolute and relative LF thickness were significantly greater in the LSS group at the levels of L3-L4 and L4-L5 on both sides, compared to control group (P < 0.05). LF thickness was independent of gender (absolute and relative thickness). Even though LF thickness at all levels significantly increases with age, significant changes after the age of 60 occurred only at L3-L4. Significant asymmetry in LF thickness was found at L3-L4 (2.9 +/- 0.90 mm on the right vs. 2.76 +/- 0.90 mm on the left) and L5-S1 (3.42 +/- 1.1 mm on the right vs. 3.22 +/- 1.22 mm on the left) (P < 0.05). LF thickness is an age-dependent and gender-independent phenomenon. LF is significantly thicker on the right side. The borderline between normal and pathologic LF thickness should not be set at 4 mm.