
Human Resource Management, 10th edition

... These managers establish performance metrics, provide feedback on employee performance, and facilitate goal-setting processes. By conducting regular performance appraisals, HR managers help employees identify their strengths and areas for improvement, thereby promoting continuous growth and development (Stone et al., 2020). These evaluations have implications on employee promotions, bonuses, and recognition, ensuring that employees are rewarded for their contributions (Zhang et al., 2019). ...
... HR needs to establish standards for employee performance based on which the appraisal of the employees can happen. This involves creation of performance metrics, offering feedback on employee performance, and facilitating goal-setting processes (Stone et al., 2020). Regular performance appraisals conducted by HR managers enable employees to identify their strengths and areas for improvement, fostering continuous growth and development (Stone et al., 2020). ...
... This involves creation of performance metrics, offering feedback on employee performance, and facilitating goal-setting processes (Stone et al., 2020). Regular performance appraisals conducted by HR managers enable employees to identify their strengths and areas for improvement, fostering continuous growth and development (Stone et al., 2020). These evaluations also have implications for employee promotions, bonuses, and recognition, ensuring that employees receive appropriate rewards for their contributions (Zhang et al., 2019). ...
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This study aims to explore the role of HR managers in Omani hospitals through a qualitative analysis. The research involved in-depth interviews with HR managers and healthcare professionals in various Omani hospitals. The study found that HR managers play a vital role in developing the skills and knowledge of healthcare professionals through training, mentoring, and providing opportunities for professional development. However, several challenges, such as a lack of resources and limited budgets, hinder the effective implementation of HR strategies in healthcare organizations. Further, it was identified that most of the healthcare organizations do not have a dedicated HR department, and the HR activities are performed by the senior officials or medical doctors. The study recommends that every established health care system should have a dedicated HR department where the HR managers can collaborate with healthcare professionals to identify their learning needs and prioritize training and development programs to enhance their skills and knowledge. Introduction:
... Good human resources are crucial to the success of higher education institutions (HEIs) for several reasons. Good human resources practices help to create a positive and inclusive workplace culture that supports and motivates employees, encourages collaboration, and enhances job satisfaction [1]- [3]. Good human resources practices provide opportunities for employee development, such as training and professional development programs, which can help employees acquire new skills and improve their performance [3]. ...
... Good human resources practices help to create a positive and inclusive workplace culture that supports and motivates employees, encourages collaboration, and enhances job satisfaction [1]- [3]. Good human resources practices provide opportunities for employee development, such as training and professional development programs, which can help employees acquire new skills and improve their performance [3]. Effective human resources management can improve organizational performance by aligning employees' skills and motivations with the institution's goals and objectives [4]. ...
... When employees understand the steps they need to take to advance in their careers, they are more likely to feel invested in their work and motivated to stay with the institution [18]. Organizational commitment refers to an employee's attachment to, involvement in, and identification with the organization [3], [19]. Employees who feel committed to the organization are more likely to stay with the institution and be motivated to perform their best. ...
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This research examines the effect of career development, organizational commitment, and organizational support on employee retention among employees. The sample of 70 employees was selected from a population of 391 employees of a particular university using purposive sampling. A questionnaire was used to collect data on the four variables, which were analyzed using statistical techniques such as validity and reliability testing, multiple regression analysis, hypothesis testing, and coefficient of determination. The results indicate a significant simultaneous effect of career development, organizational commitment, and organizational support on employee retention. These findings support the expectancy theory and the social exchange theory, suggesting that organizations can improve employee retention by providing opportunities for career development, promoting organizational commitment, and providing support to their employees. The study highlights the importance of creating a positive work environment and fostering employee satisfaction for higher levels of employee retention.
... Human resource management strategies provide organizations with competent employees in alignment with organizational goals (Picardi, 2019), and effective organizational performance relies on HRM strategies to improve employees' capacities and productivity (Stone et al., 2020). Noe et al. (2022) claim that achieving long-term competitive advantages is a primary output for organizations. ...
... Trost (2020) has designed the selection process to identify applicants who possess the necessary skills, qualifications, and experience that align with work requirements. The training process should aim to equip employees with specific information, awareness, and support to improve their behaviors, attitudes, abilities, and work perceptions (Stone et al., 2020). However, the compensation process aims to provide employees with a sense of satisfaction and security, ensuring job satisfaction and loyalty, motivating employees to perform better, and enhancing organizational performance and sustained competitive advantage (Patterson, 2023). ...
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This study aims to examine the impact of human resource management strategies on gaining a competitive advantage in Jordanian commercial banks. Human resource strategies can help organizations achieve their goals by attracting and retaining skilled workers who contribute to the organization’s competitive advantage. A competitive environment requires effective human resource strategies. Thus, the study utilizes a descriptive analysis approach to analyze the data and test the hypotheses through SPSS and PLS-SEM-4. The study population comprises 13 banks, and the sample includes all employees of human resources departments. A total of 411 respondents joined a comprehensive survey, and 405 questionnaires were deemed valid. The findings reveal that human resource management strategies have a positive impact on competitive advantage (p = 0.000) and organizational climate (p = 0.000); organizational climate positively affects competitive advantage (p < 0.001). Furthermore, the study shows an indirect relationship between human resource management strategies and competitive advantage through organizational climate (p < 0.001).
... Chelladurai & Kim (2022) conducted a study addressing human resource management issues in sports and recreation. The book authored by Stone, Cox & Gavin (2020) comprehensively examines general aspects of human resource management. Mohammad, Darwish, Singh & Khassawneh (2021) contributed to the literature on human resource management and organizational performance by examining the mediating role of social exchange. ...
... Methodologically, this domain is characterized by a distinct conceptual framework with delineated characteristics and performance indicators, along with proprietary procedures and methods. These methods encompass evidence-based approaches, experimental methodologies, research methods, and the analysis of work content tailored for various types of personnel (Stone, Cox & Gavin, 2020). ...
The initiation of a full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation, coupled with the imposition of martial law, has prompted a paradigm shift in the comprehension of psychological and socio-communication dimensions inherent in the management of human resources. This underscores the significance of the present work. The primary objective of this study is to conduct a thorough examination of stress, motivation, will, and the efficacy of working conditions as integral components constituting the psychological and socio-communication facets of HR management during wartime. The article employs methodological approaches such as analysis, synthesis, scientific generalization, and the formal logical method. The business landscape in Ukraine, under the constraints of martial law, is marked by diminished production volumes, logistical and supply chain challenges, and financial constraints. In this pivotal juncture, human resources (HR) management necessitates the systematic implementation of planning, organization, motivation, control, and regulation. Presently, structural adjustments in HR management encompass elements such as flexible management, decentralization, integration, privatization, heightened innovation, organizational workflow optimization, and enhancement of the quality of working life. Furthermore, there is a noticeable escalation in individuals' interest in self-management. Motivating personnel amid a military conflict poses inherent challenges, given that warfare induces stress, anxiety, and restlessness among employees. Stress, in a general sense, constitutes the body's defensive response to threats or tension, and its adverse impacts on HR management become particularly pronounced in the context of military conflicts, where these factors synergistically manifest.
... Consistent with research on in-and outgroup bias, gay men are excluded from the optimal high-high (e.g., high competence-high warmth) classification (Clausell & Fiske, 2005). Such bias is important because perceptions of competence and warmth account for up to 80% of the variance in perceivers' impressions of others (Carpini, Cox, et al., 2023), contributing to both valuable work (e.g., favorable performance appraisal) and interpersonal outcomes (e.g., social inclusion; . Specifically, perceived lack of competence is related to direct discrimination such as unequal access to promotion, pay, and hiring; whereas perceived lack of warmth is more strongly related to interpersonal discrimination such as incivility, microaggressions, and hostility (Morgan et al., 2013). ...
... Butch lesbians are stereotypically portrayed similarly to bears because they tend to be low on both thinness and muscularity. Despite these similarities, research suggests theoretical insights are not readily generalizable across gays and lesbians offering opportunities for nuanced theoretical development (Carpini, Cox, et al., 2023). Second, scholars can extend our consideration of gay body composition subgroups beyond the rainbow community to heterosexuals. ...
... Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (MSDM) memiliki fokus pada upaya organisasi untuk merencanakan, menarik, mempekerjakan, melatih, memotivasi karyawan. Menurut DeCenzo, et al. (Stone & Gavin, 2021). ...
... Perhatian untuk memenuhi persyaratan strategis saat ini dan masa depan serta memfasilitasi adaptasi organisasi untuk mengatasi ketidakpastian masa depan merupakan titik awal untuk model rekrutmen dan seleksi strategis (Millmore, et al., 2007). Stone & Gavin (2021) selanjutnya menambahkan bahwa rekrutmen merupakan proses identifikasi dan penarikan kandidat yang memenuhi syarat untuk suatu pekerjaan, sedangkan seleksi merupakan proses pemilihan kandidat yang paling memenuhi kriteria untuk menjadi anggota organisasi (karyawan). Manajemen harus memastikan bahwa orang-orang yang diseleksi tersebut memiliki pengetahuan, keterampilan, perilaku dan nilai-nilai yang diperlukan dalam mencapai tujuan organisasi. ...
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The world of education has the most significant composition of human resources, namely teachers, who have an essential role in achieving the success of educational goals. The right HR management strategy is needed to produce performance according to organizational expectations. Employee satisfaction with the implemented HR management practices influences the achievement of HR performance. This study aimed to determine teacher satisfaction with the HR management practices of the XYZ educational foundation. This study uses descriptive quantitative methods and data collection methods using surveys. Analysis of survey results using the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) method to determine the importance and performance/implementation of HR management practices in XYZ educational foundation. The study results stated that implementing recruitment and selection management at the XYZ educational foundation exceeded employee expectations, and HR development management was maintained. In contrast, performance management and compensation received priority for improvement. XYZ educational institutions can use the findings from this study to improve HR management strategies to increase teacher-employee satisfaction, improve teacher performance, and achieve the foundation's goals
... Bagaimana perusahaan secara kreatif menyikapi permasalahan pemasaran tersebut akan menjadi faktor kunci dalam meningkatkan nilai perusahaan... [8] Pengembangan SDM Manajemen sumber daya manusia suatu organisasi dapat dipahami sebagai komponen disiplin manajemennya yang berkonsentrasi pada pengelolaan peran personel. [9] Manajemen sumber daya manusia juga mencakup serangkaian proses yang berkaitan dengan perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pengarahan dan pengendalian kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan perolehan, pengembangan, rekrutmen, perekrutan, pemeliharaan dan pelaksanaan sumber daya manusia. ...
... Manajemen sumber daya manusia juga melibatkan kegiatan perencanaan dan penerapan rencana yang terkoordinasi untuk memastikan penggunaan sumber daya manusia yang efektif dan efisien untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi. [9] Pendekatan perencanaan dalam mengelola operasi, termasuk perencanaan, pengorganisasian dan pengendalian seluruh aspek manajemen sumber daya manusia, dapat disebut manajemen sumber daya manusia.. Strategi ini diterapkan dalam berbagai tahapan termasuk proses tarikmenarik, seleksi, pelatihan, pengembangan, ketenagakerjaan termasuk promosi, demosi dan mutasi, peninjauan kinerja, kompensasi dan manajemen ketenagakerjaan serta pemutusan hubungan kerja. Tujuan dari strategi ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kontribusi produktif personel dalam organisasi sehingga tujuan organisasi dapat tercapai dengan lebih efektif dan efisien. ...
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Abstrak Perkembangan dunia usaha yang disertai perubahan lingkungan telah menimbulkan kompleksitas bagi perusahaan, menjadikan pengelolaan risiko sebagai hal krusial untuk kelangsungan bisnis. Manajemen risiko menjadi aspek penting dalam mengelola peluang dan ancaman terkait pembangunan berkelanjutan, seperti perubahan iklim, krisis kesehatan, dan masalah ekonomi sosial. Sumber daya manusia dianggap sebagai aset kunci untuk kesuksesan perusahaan, dan pengembangan mereka menjadi landasan utama supaya meningkatkan dalam persaingan dan memperoleh tujuan organisasi yang diharapkan. Di Indonesia, implementasi manajemen risiko serta pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) memerlukan kerja sama lintas sektor dan dukungan dari pemerintah, pihak swasta, masyarakat, dan lembaga internasional agar dapat mewujudkan pembangunan yang sesuai sebagaimana tujuan Sustainable Development Goals. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil adalah bahwa manajemen risiko memiliki peran krusial dalam mencapai SDGs di Indonesia dengan fokus pada penguatan kapasitas negara dalam peringatan dini, pengurangan risiko kesehatan, dan manajemen risiko lingkungan. Peran industri asuransi juga sangat penting dalam konteks ini. Data penting seperti hasil Survei Sosial Ekonomi Nasional (Susenas) digunakan untuk mengukur kemajuan pencapaian SDGs. Pengembangan SDM, yang mencakup aspek ekonomi, sosial, dan lingkungan, menjadi fokus utama untuk menciptakan masyarakat yang berkelanjutan. SDGs 2030, dengan 17 tujuan dan 169 targetnya, meliputi aspek aspek, seperti pengentasan kemiskinan sampai pada perlindungan lingkungan. Keadilan sosial, keberlanjutan ekonomi, dan perlindungan lingkungan hidup menjadi poin penting dalam agenda ini, bertujuan untuk memastikan inklusivitas dan keberlanjutan bagi semua lapisan masyarakat di Indonesia. Kata Kunci: Manajemen Risiko, Pengembangan SDM, Sustainable Development Goals PENDAHULUAN Perkembangan dalam dunia bisnis, seiring dengan perubahan lingkungan, menciptakan kompleksitas tantangan yang dihadapi oleh perusahaan. Dalam situasi ketidakpastian lingkungan tersebut, pengelolaan potensi dan risiko menjadi krusial untuk memastikan kelangsungan dan masa depan perusahaan[1]. Manajemen risiko'merupakan aspek penting dalam merencanakan bisnis, dan harus dipertimbangkan secara cermat dalam seluruh keputusan dan aktivitas manajemen, terutama kegiatan yang menyangkut tentang menggunakan sumber daya perusahaan terutama yang mempunyai nilai ekonomi. Kegagalan dalam merencanakan dengan hati-hati dan mempertimbangkan risiko meningkatkan risiko kegagalan dan kerugian. Oleh karena itu, prosedur manajemen risiko harus dikembangkan secara komprehensif untuk menghindari atau mengurangi risiko terjadinya peristiwa dan situasi yang dapat menimbulkan kerugian atau kerugian bagi perusahaan.. Manajemen risiko mencakup adopsi budaya, implementasi proses, dan pembentukan struktur yang bertujuan untuk mengelola secara efektif baik peluang-peluang potensial maupun dampak-dampak negatif yang mungkin timbul.[2] Peran krusial manajemen risiko terletak pada pemahaman, identifikasi, dan pengelolaan berbagai risiko yang mungkin menghambat pencapaian tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan. Sumber risiko dapat berasal dari faktor-faktor divers seperti perubahan iklim, kerentanan ekonomi, masalah sosial, bahkan krisis kesehatan seperti pandemi yang berpotensi memengaruhi berbagai sektor kehidupan masyarakat.
... Human resource management research has emphasized the critical role of employees in an organization's success (Stone et al., 2020). Employees' skill sets, which include knowledge, skills, and experiences, are often the sources of an organization's competitive advantage and financial performance because they reflect the organization's human capital that helps increase productivity, efficiency, and innovation (Wilkinson and Dundon, 2021). ...
... This finding is in line with Ristova (2019), Ristova and Dimitrov (2019), Shi and Liao (2013), and Zsarnoczky (2018), who pointed out the vital role of supplier cooperation and the need to consider suppliers when firms build a big data organizational culture. Furthermore, the role of employees' skill sets is evident in the development of a firm (Stone et al., 2020). Employees with IT skills can perform well to enhance a firm's efficiency and productivity (Lall, 2001;Otoo and Mishra, 2018). ...
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This study investigates key stakeholder factors that contribute to big data organizational culture, leading to the adoption of digitalization strategy in the hospitality industry. It also determines the interaction between big data organizational culture and leader commitment in influencing digitalization strategy adoption. Following a pilot test to ensure the suitability of the measures, a three-wave survey was conducted to obtain data from 438 hotels in an emerging economy. Structural equation modeling results reveal that three stakeholder factors (i.e., customer orientation, supplier cooperation, and employee information technology skills) positively affect big data organizational culture, which in turn enhances the adoption of digitalization strategies. Moreover, leader commitment moderates the link between big data organizational culture and digitalization strategy adoption. These findings advance the extant literature on hospitality digital transformation and digitalization strategy. They also provide important implications for hospitality managers in understanding and promoting big data culture and digitalization strategy adoption.
... Manajemen sumber daya manusia diartikan sebagai bagian dari ilmu manajemen yang memfokuskan perhatiannya pada pengaturan peranan sumber daya manusia dalam kegiatan suatu organisasi (Stone et al., 2020). Manajemen sumber daya manusia juga merupakan rangkaian proses yang terdiri dari perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pengarahan dan pengawasan kegiatankegiatan pengadaan, pengembangan, pemberian kompensasi, pengintegrasian, pemeliharaan dan pelepasan sumber daya manusia agar tercapai berbagai tujuan individu, organisasi dan masyarakat (Arraniri et al., 2021;Darsana & Sukaarnawa, 2023). ...
... Stone, dalam bukunya mengungkapkan juga bahwa manajemen sumber daya manusia adalah proses memperoleh, melatih, menilai, dan memberikan kompensasi kepada karyawan, memperhatikan hubungan kerja mereka, kesehatan, keamanan dan masalah keadilan. Manajemen sumber daya manusia juga dapat diisi dengan kegiatan menyiapkan dan melaksanakan suatu rencana yang terkoordinasi untuk memastikan sumber daya manusia yang ada dapat dimanfaatkan dengan secara efektif dan efisien guna mencapai tujuan organisasi (Stone et al., 2020). ...
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Objective - This research was conducted to design a strategy model for increasing human resources towards the independence of MSMEs in Palangka Raya City in realizing Sustainable Development Goals. Design/Methodology/Approach - The method that will be used in this research is the soft system methodology (SSM). This method is almost the same as other systems approaches, where the essence of SSM is to provide a comparison between the real situation in the implementation of MSMEs and a model designed to represent the world itself. Research findings - based analysis, it is known that relevant human resource development in improving the development of MSMEs in Palangka Raya City includes business protection, business policies, business operational systems, business administration, ability to innovate, ability to identify opportunities, which can be done with openness and participatory and able to look for opportunities to anticipate change. Implications –The government needs to support the provision of infrastructure and learning instruments in the form of instructions and regulations, and the involvement of industry and the private sector needs to be encouraged to contribute through the provision of capital and business assistance.
... For this reason, it is not surprising that many companies compete to provide facilities such as competitive compensation ranging from salary schemes, benefits, bonuses, insurance, and promotions to permanent employee status (Greer, 2021;Stone et al., 2020). Create work or output that is unique and difficult to imitate by competing companies (Eldor, 2020). ...
... Companies need to improve the quality of human resources because no matter how sophisticated technology is, it is useless without the support of qualified human resources with high commitment and integrity to their work and the company they work for. For this reason, it is not surprising that many companies compete to provide facilities such as competitive compensation ranging from salary schemes, benefits, bonuses, insurance, and promotions to permanent employee status (Stone et al., 2020). They create work or output that is unique and difficult to imitate by competing companies. ...
Increasingly competitive business competition in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 creates a competitive advantage. One of the company's efforts is to improve the quality of human resources, competing to provide good compensation for human resources. On the other hand, a number of things need to be of concern to companies related to HR. High turnover intention is a problem because they have to train new employees. Quantitative research method The sampling technique used is purposive sampling with 100 respondents. The sample is determined by considering certain characteristics the researcher has determined according to the research objectives. Characteristics of respondents in this study, namely: (1) status as contract employees; (2) Working period of fewer than 3 years; (3) Willing to be a respondent. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire or questionnaire at PT Bandar Alam Jakarta. The study results show that organizational commitment negatively and significantly affects employee turnover intention. This means that the lower the employee's organizational commitment, the higher the employee turnover intention. Conversely, the higher the organizational commitment, the lower the employee turnover intention. The study results show that organizational commitment negatively and significantly affects employee turnover intention. This means that the lower the employee's organizational commitment, the higher the employee turnover intention. Conversely, the higher the organizational commitment, the lower the employee turnover intention.
... Competency is defined as the underlying characteristics of a person that leads to superior performance [28]. Based on the Iceberg Model which was developed by Spencer and Spencer [29], competency can be divided into visible and hidden elements. ...
... Based on the RBV and Competency Theory, skilled workers are rare and valuable assets for companies in the construction industry, it is imperative for firms to pay attention to the three key factors as they directly impact on the construction supply chain performance. The research findings further prove the findings of Stone et al. [28]. ...
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The purpose of this paper is to investigate how the skill shortage impacts the performance of the construction supply chain in Australia. The study has adopted a quantitative research method. The quantitative data were collected by conducting a survey of employees who work in construction companies in Australia. A regression analysis was used to analyze the data from 113 respondents. The findings of the study reveal that the construction sector in Australia has high labour costs, but workers are still thinking they are not getting paid enough and cannot invest more in themselves to improve their skills. There is a lack of academic and vocational training programs offered to them. Insufficient recruitment and incentive policies are also main barriers to attract talents to the construction industry in Australia. The situation became more serious during the COVID-19 period due to the lockdowns, lack of skilled migrants, and Government working visa policies. The study implies that firms should have a deeper understanding of the reasons for the skill shortage. Firms also need to devise strategies for hiring the right talent. Further, it was found that quality talent can come from the local or foreign markets. More effective selection criteria should be designed so that the best-fit approach can be implemented. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2023-09-02-08 Full Text: PDF
... Human resource managers were frequently treated as an afterthought rather than an active participant in the management effort to improve technology innovation. Stone, Cox, & Gavin, (2020) suggested that the only way to improve commercial and industrial growth is to employ effective human resource management methods across the board, including marketing, manufacturing, finance, and other departments. Because of their incapacity to use science and technology, most developing countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America were unable to harness their natural, material, and human resources for socio-economic growth. ...
There is an intricate relationship between the adoption of technological innovations, change management, and employee performance. Within commercial road transport, the adoption of technological innovations can have a double-edged impact on performance. However, research is limited among commercial road transport companies in Ghana. The primary objective was to explore the specific state of technological innovation within the Ghanaian transport sector and its impact on employee performance, mediated by change management practices. An integrated theoretical framework combining the Technology-Organization-Environment (TOE) Model, Roger's Diffusion of Innovation Theory, and Change Management theory guides this study. A quantitative approach was employed, gathering data from a convenient sample of 300 employees from transport companies in Accra and Kumasi Metropolis. Validated questionnaires assessed technology adoption, employee performance, and change management. Data analysis vi utilized descriptive statistics, correlation tests, and multiple regression using IBM’s SPSS version 27. Findings from the study revealed ten different technologies implemented within Ghanaian transport companies, with fleet management software, GPS tracking systems, and inventory management software being the most widely adopted. The findings revealed a negative impact of increasing technological innovations on employee performance, while high technological adoption improved performance. Change management mediated the relationship between technological adoption and employee performance. Commercial road transport companies are increasingly adopting technology in their operations. However, while technological innovations are having a positive impact on employee performance, the increasing number of adoptions is having a negative impact on employee performance. Problematic change management practices are accounting for why the adoption is impacting negatively on performance. The findings underscore the importance of comprehensive change management strategies, clear change goals, prioritized employee training, technological readiness culture, and continuous assessment of change barriers
... The acquisition of resources, the primary financial resources and human capital, and their control is a core task of managing each company (Stone et al., 2020). The characteristics of companies' performance over the last 15 years are characterised by a flexible and less stable inflow of funding through various national and international projects (Boss and Krauss 2022). ...
... A wealth of research underscores the central role of human resources in organizational success. Human resources are the lifeblood of an organization, providing the essential skills, knowledge, and motivation required to achieve its objectives (Ford & Ford, 1995;Stone, Cox, Gavin, & Carpini, 2024). Therefore, optimizing human capital utilization is paramount for PT JIEP to successfully navigate the volatile business terrain. ...
Purpose: This study delves into the vital topic of performance management in the realm of human resources. Given the increasing demand for effective performance management systems in organizations, this study aims to bridge the gap between current practices and the need for a holistic approach that aligns individual goals with organizational objectives. Method: To achieve this, we employed a mixed-method approach, gathering data through surveys and interviews from a diverse range of employees and managers. Statistical techniques were used to analyze the data and provide insights into the effectiveness of the proposed model. Results: We expect our results to validate the proposed model, demonstrating clear improvements in employee and organizational performance metrics when implemented. The findings reveal strong correlations between the use of our model and enhanced performance outcomes. This study’s contribution to performance management is noteworthy. It introduces a comprehensive, adaptable model that can be applied across different organizations, offering both academic insights and practical solutions. This research not only advances theoretical knowledge but also provides a valuable tool for practitioners aiming to enhance performance management practices in their organizations.
... We based our decision on the HRM strategies typology of Stone, Cox, Gavin and Carpini (2023), focusing on strategies that are directly or indirectly related to strategic objectives. We focused on HRM approaches outlined by Naseer et al. (2023) such as green recruiting, green training, green performance appraisal, and green encouragement, which greatly influence GSCM. ...
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This systematic review rigorously analyses the impact of Human Resource Management (HRM) methods on enhancing Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) practices in order to accomplish strategic organisational goals. The paper systematically compiles and analyses previous research, specifically examining how HRM methods are incorporated into GSCM environments and how they affect the long-term viability of organisations. Using the PRISMA method, this review rigorously synthesises data to identify and evaluate the effectiveness of several HRM initiatives in supporting sustainable supply chain practices. The findings indicate a significant correlation between strategic human resource management (HRM) initiatives and the operational performance of green supply chain management (GSCM) practices. This correlation contributes to the attainment of firms' overarching strategic objectives. The review underscores the need of connecting Human Resource Management (HRM) with Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) to attain environmental and organisational goals. Additionally, it suggests areas for future research, specifically focusing on investigating long-term effects, developments in technology, and applicability across different sectors. The conclusions emphasise the importance of incorporating HRM methods into GSCM to promote sustainable business models and accomplish long-term strategic goals.
... Human Resource Management (HRM) practices play a pivotal role in employee retention (Mahal, 2012;Pfeffer, 1994;Stone et al., 2020). Past researchers have indicated that compensation plays a significant role in the retention of employees. ...
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This is an abridged and reviewed version of my PhD Thesis. Purpose: The purpose of this paper was to test whether employees’ perceptions of an organization’s human resource practices impact their job embeddedness and in turn, employee retention in the Information Technology and its related industry (IT/ITES). The current study used job embeddedness, a relatively new construct, to investigate its mediation effect on the relationship between employee retention and six areas of human resource practices: compensation, training and development, performance appraisal, growth opportunities, supervisor support and job security with the focus on the IT/ITES industry. Furthermore, the aim of the current study was to arrive at a model that can estimate the impact of human resource practices on employee retention by assessing the mediating role of job embeddedness on the relationship between HRM practices and employee retention especially in the IT/ITES sector. Design/methodology/approach: A questionnaire was given to the employees working in the IT/ITES sector. During the time of this research, the world was hit by the pandemic – Covid 19. Therefore, the researcher decided to leverage on technology, social media platforms and her own connections in the IT/ITES industry to gather responses on the survey questionnaire. The survey questionnaire was created on Google Forms. The link of this survey was posted on the professional social media platform LinkedIn. The researcher also distributed this link to other respondents via WhatsApp. The eligibility criteria for any respondent to participate in this study was clearly mentioned in the form. There were largely two criteria a) Participant should work in a technology (IT/ITES) or its related industry, and b)Participant should be an Indian or an International working employee in India. The results of this questionnaire were analyzed utilizing the correlation analysis, regression analysis and PROCESS method specifically for mediation analysis. Findings: Employees’ perception about Job Security, Growth Opportunities, Performance Appraisal and Supervisor Support strongly and significantly influenced Job Embeddedness, while Compensation, Training and Development moderately but significantly influenced Job Embeddedness. Additionally, Training and Development. Growth Opportunities and Supervisor Support influenced employees’ retention, while Compensation, Performance Appraisal and Job Security moderately but significantly influenced retention. Growth Opportunities and Supervisor Support play a pivotal role in enmeshing employees in an organization and thereby influencing the intention to stay. It is critical that organizations continue to focus on monetary benefits and compensation packages. If employees are not appropriately compensated after their training, they are more likely to switch to another job. Additionally, Training and Development should enhance the performance appraisal and growth opportunities for an employee. Monetary benefits relating to compensation, training and development and performance appraisal continue to be the common thread in retaining the employees. Moreover, Job embeddedness mediated Human Resource Management Practices and employees’ intention to stay in the organization, thereby implying that Human Resource Management Practices may not significantly impact an employees’ intention to stay unless it creates the fit, link and sacrifices that make employees embed in an organization. Research Limitations/implications: Convenience sampling was deployed. While the respondents are representative, the future research can obtain more diversified samples and continue to expand current research by examining additional areas of Human Resource Management practices. Practical implications: Organizations can utilize several strategies and tactics from a variety of human resource management practices in order to build deeper links, make a better fit, and create greater potential sacrifices for employees should they decide to look for or pursue other employment opportunities. Originality/value: This paper presents one of the first studies in India especially in the IT/ITES sector to examine how Job Embeddedness develops, and what Human Resource Management practices lead to employees embedded in their jobs and keep them away from leaving the organization. Keywords: Human Resource Management Practices, Job Embeddedness, Employee Retention, Information Technology, India
... However, such a social context may have ramifications for selecting highly conscientious individuals. That is, this social context may weaken the extent to which the voice of conscientious employees is noticed, which in turn negatively influences perceptions of their ethicality-a key characteristic of employees many organizations strive to engender (Stone et al., 2023). ...
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Human resource (HR) managers hire conscientious employees because they are both productive and are viewed as upholding high ethical standards due to their propensity to engage in voice. Organizations may strive to create a work context conducive to all employees acting ethically, not just conscientious ones, by centralizing decision‐making authority and promoting formalization through a higher hierarchy of authority. Yet, we propose that from the social information processing perspective, in higher hierarchy of authority contexts, peers may view their highly conscientious colleagues as less ethical. We hypothesize these effects through the lens of trait activation theory, according to which in a higher hierarchy of authority context, others are less likely to notice the voice behaviors of conscientious employees. Problematically, when others fail to notice conscientious employees' voice, they may perceive these workers as being less ethical. We tested our hypothesized moderated mediation model in a matched sample of employees ( N = 820), their supervisors ( N = 445), and peers ( N = 529). As predicted, hierarchy of authority moderated the positive relationship between conscientiousness and voice, which in turn explained others' perceptions of their ethicality. Conscientiousness was positively related to peer assessments of ethicality via promotive (not prohibitive) voice when hierarchy of authority was lower (but not higher), partially supporting our hypotheses. These results suggest HR practitioners should be cognizant of the differential evaluations of highly conscientious employees in contexts with different levels of hierarchy of authority, and continuing challenges associated with balancing flexibility and formalization.
... has a strong influence on the people of the country and thus their views, through process and belief system. In reference to The Contact Company, the company is required to assess an in-depth examination of the culture of South Korea in order to establish a facility there. Assessment of culture will help make crucial decisions in relation to IHRM (Stone et. al. 2020). The culture of South Korea will highly impact the critical HRM decisions and functions. These involve administration, management of employee relations, provision of developmental opportunities, and strategic decision-making, performance appraisal. ...
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Culture can be defined as the patterns of basic assumptions that a group has discovered and developed in learning to deal with the problems of external adaptation and internal integration. International human resource management or IHRM is a terminology used for the companies that manage their human resource functions and activities at a global level. The culture of a nation creates a substantial impact on human resource policies and management. The significant aspects of IHRM are strategic issues, international context, global workforce, operational issues, and cultural considerations. Culture has a strong influence on the people of the country and thus their views, through process and belief system.
... The value that leaders bring to their businesses is gauged through performance appraisal (Gumus et al., 2022). The most recent trend in performance appraisal for management development is the use of upward and 360-degree assessment to ensure unbiased and effective assessment (Stone et al., 2020). It is very helpful for evaluating Superkeepers, or employees who greatly exceed organizational expectations, and Keepers, or employees who exceed expectations, because different behaviors or skills of employees are evaluated in 360-degree assessment systems not only by subordinates but also by coworkers, customers, superiors, and yourself (Sengupta & ...
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This study aimed to develop an integrated principal performance appraisal model in the disruption era to evaluate the junior high school principal’s performance in Surabaya. The study used a research and development research design with a qualitative research approach. There were two stages undertaken namely the research stage aimed at exploring potentials and problems and analyzing the needs required in developing the appraisal model and the development stage aimed at developing a complete appraisal model along with a performance assessment tool and a performance e-report card. The performance appraisal model was developed following Sugiyono Model Level 1’s developmental research. The results of the development were in the form of a prototype model for evaluating the performance of school principals in the form of dimensions of performance targets and work behavior. The dimensions of the performance targets included the dimensions of Principal Leadership, Principal Technology Leadership, Implementation of Main Tasks, School Achievement, Personal Achievement, Civil Servant Discipline. The validation results of the performance target and work behavior instruments were valid, reliable, and very good. The developed prototype model was carried out in a limited trial on school principals, supervisors, and education experts. The result of the feasibility test for the entire principal performance appraisal prototype model was categorized very feasible and could be used to assess the performance of school principals.
... For the effective implementation of employee retention processes, attention must be devoted to several fundamental principles. These include the principles of benefits and efficiency, needs and satisfaction, fairness and feasibility, adherence to legal regulations, and alignment with the company's capabilities (Ghani et al., 2022;Stone et al., 2020). The integration of these principles ensures a comprehensive approach to employee retention that not only meets organizational goals but also addresses the well-being and satisfaction of individual employees and their families. ...
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This research explores the intricate relationship between compensation, motivation, and employee performance within the Public Works and Spatial Planning Office of North Aceh Regency. Through a quantitative approach employing multiple and simple linear regression analyses with SPSS, the study investigates the impact of compensation and motivation on employee performance, using a sample of 60 employees selected through random sampling. The findings indicate that both compensation and motivation significantly contribute to heightened employee performance, constituting crucial elements for organizational success. The compensation regression coefficient is 0.569, affirming that increased compensation positively influences employee performance. Similarly, the motivational regression coefficient is 1.022, suggesting that heightened motivation positively impacts employee performance. The study underscores the theoretical significance of recognizing compensation and motivation as pivotal factors in human resource management. Practical implications include the need for well-structured compensation systems and effective motivational strategies to optimize employee performance. Despite these contributions, caution is advised in generalizing findings, and future research could delve into additional factors influencing employee performance for a more comprehensive understanding in the public sector.
... Responsible CEOs tend to support the recruitment of mid-level management who align their personal green values with the organization's environmental strategies. Mid-managers act as change agents (Stone, Cox & Gavin, 2020) in organizational contexts and are recognized as the enablers or inhibitors of change (Errida & Lotfi, 2021). To enable success, senior team members should communicate, motivate and empower managers to cultivate and identify with the firm's sustainable development (Wang et al., 2021); resulting in an active propagation and implementation of green strategies by top and middle management with their line responsibilities. ...
As organizations have recognized their cause/solution relationship with the environment, increasing attention is being given to the role of employees make in achieving green organizational objectives. Even though, business sustainability initiatives are often led by leaders; employee green behavior (EGB) plays a vital role in success of such initiatives. The current paper focuses on relatively less researched topic of EGB. It uses a narrative review approach to develop a multi-level conceptual framework that draws upon the connectivity of leadership influence at firm and team levels, and how this influences individual level EGB. The paper offers a holistic approach to influencing effective green strategies in organizational contexts. By doing so, it contributes to the larger debate on different dimensions, mechanisms, and levels of environmentally responsible behavior in organizational settings and opens up new avenues for multi-level and cross-layer empirical research.
... The integration and harmony of all efforts, activities, and resources, including thoughts, funds, and functions of all units, will create a powerful force that overcomes organizational weaknesses. Therefore, coordination is crucial for success (Stone et al., 2020). This analysis assesses the effectiveness of sub-district governance coordination, examining four dimensions of successful coordination that Stoner &Wankel proposed in 1993: communication, cooperation, synchronization, andintegration of action. ...
This study aims to determine how effective coordination is in the implementation of public services, especially in Sumbergempol District and Tulungagung. Public service refers to a service activity conducted by government officers (apparatus) who must provide the best service to the community to create community welfare. This study used the descriptive-qualitative research method. Researchers use data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observations, and documentation. While data analysis and interpretation are carried out by the analysis process, which is data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The results showed that coordination in the implementation of public services in Sumbergempol District generally has been running well, yet the results have not been effective. From the results of this study, it can be concluded that public services in Sumbergempol District and Tulungagung Regency need changes to improve public service efforts so that the results are more effective.
... The things that workers expect had given value are changed over time. Employees wanted more than just money; these employees wanted an excellent workplace, maximum chances to learn grow, a good mix between work life, a sense of meaning in the job (Stone et al., 2020;Khan, 2017). Organizations, that meet these standards might retain their workers to rivals. ...
This research examines the impact of transformation styles dimensions on employees' intention to quit the positions from the banking sector business in Sindh, Pakistan. This research uses the Transformational Theory of Leadership to examine the impact of leaders' behaviours on employees' intentions to leave the current positions or the organisations as a whole. This research employs data collected through convenience sampling method from the subordinated staff employees working in banking sector of province of Sindh, Pakistan, uses structural equation modelling analysis to examine the associations between dependent and independent variables. The research findings indicate a substantial relationship between transformative leadershiptowards intentions to depart the organization also indicated that idealized influence proved non-significant, whereas inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, individual consideration show significant and strong negative affect on the turnover intention among employees. Transformational leaders cultivate a favourable work milieu by facilitating employee empowerment, motivation, providing individualized support, establishing a collective sense of purpose. This phenomenon decreases the likelihood of workers' inclination to resign from their positions in the banking industry. This research contributes to the existing literature by applying the Transformational Theory of Leadership to the banking sector of Sindh, Pakistan. This research contributes to the existing body of knowledge by examining the impact of transformation leadership dimensions' practice on workers' intentions to remain in or depart from the current employment. It enhances our undersetting of how leadership behaviours might influence employees' decision-making processes about job retention. The findings of this study provide valuable insights for both researchers' practitioners, serving as a foundation for further investigation into the impact of transformational leadership on workers' intentions to quit their positions within the banking sector of Sindh, Pakistan.
... This industry accounts for the lion's share (60%) of all animal protein consumed. At the same time, Bangladesh is blessed with enormous water resources of inland culture (8,21,923 ha), inland capture (38,90,282 ha) and marine (1,18,81,300 ha), having great potentials of fisheries production (Hasan et al., 2021). Inland culture, inland capture and marine fisheries provides 56.76%, 28.19% and 15.05% fisheries production, respectively (Hasan et al., 2021). ...
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Bangladesh's fisheries organizations are one of the most productive and vibrant sectors in the country. This industry is essential to the economy's food security, employment, and foreign exchange revenues. However, the human resource management (HRM) practice in the fisheries organizations in Bangladesh is not well studied yet. HRM is the process of employing and developing personnel to increase their value to the business. Proper utilization of human resources may result in improving efficiency, increasing productivity, and others. Thus, the purpose of this research is to analyze the present state of HRM practices in the fisheries organization of Bangladesh. The research is designed with questionnaire survey. Purposive sampling was used to obtain data from 100 respondents from different fisheries enterprises in the Khulna division of Bangladesh who were representative from each organization. Respondents in this survey were asked to follow several HR functions. According to the responses, the organization follows a recruiting and selection procedure, provides salary, ensures health and safety, provides training, and other processes. However, they also stated that the corporation does not have a distinct HR department to do the specialized task. They believe that having a distinct HR department within the firm is necessary. They also believe that the firm's specialized HR approach will lead to greater efficiency, allows the company to build good relationships with the employees and perform well in the country's economy.
... The human resource management system refers to processes and systems at the intersection between information technology and human resource management, and its integration is a system in particular that integrates human resource activities and operations with the field of information technology [1]. Information management systems such as academic systems and credit reporting systems include the interest and interaction of many people. ...
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To guarantee data confidentiality and information sensitivity, human resource management requires secure systems. In the field of authorization and dependability in recognizing and identifying persons, facial recognition has grown in importance. In this research, a secure authentication system is proposed based on biometric aspects of the user's face and identifying it using the CNN classification model is provided to give access to human resource management and update data. The system is divided into four major stages: First, set up the system environment, beginning with smart cards, card readers, Arduino, and so on. Second, after undergoing pre-treatment steps, the facial characteristics are extracted using LDA. Third, create a high-accuracy CNN model to recognize and classify the user's face among the system's users. Finally, the user is allowed to enter the system and update his information. When compared to the accuracy of classification using machine learning techniques with a CNN proposed model, the accuracy of the model with LDA was up to 100%. K-NN has 91%, while TD has 94%.
... Labour is the fundamental resource in a country's economy, and human capital is considered the most prominent input factor in the production of goods and services [1,2]. Labour generates wages and salaries, which finance consumer spending and secure economic performance in a country, while taxation of income from work contributes to covering welfare expenditures [3]. ...
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Background: Employers are legally obligated to ensure the safety and health of employees, including the organizational and psychosocial working environment. The Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ III) covers multiple dimensions of the work environment. COPSOQ III has three parts: a) work environment b) conflicts and offensive behaviours and c) health and welfare. We translated all three parts into Norwegian and evaluated the statistical properties of the 28 work environment dimensions in part a), using a sample of registered nurses. Methods: The original English version was translated into Norwegian and back translated into English; the two versions were compared, and adjustments made. In total, 86 of 99 items from the translated version were included in a survey to which 8804 registered nurses responded. Item response theory models designed for ordinal manifest variables were used to evaluate construct validity and identify potential redundant items. A standard confirmatory factor analysis was performed to verify the latent dimensionality established in the original version, and a more exploratory factor analysis without restrictions is included to determine dependency between items and to identify separable dimensions. Results: The measure of sampling adequacy shows that the data are well suited for factor analyses. The latent dimensionality in the original version is confirmed in the Norwegian translated version and the scale reliability is high for all dimensions except 'Demands for Hiding Emotions'. In this homogenous sample, eight of the 28 dimensions are found not to be separate dimensions as items covering these dimensions loaded onto the same factor. Moreover, little information is provided at the low and high ends of exposure for some dimensions in this sample. Of the 86 items included, 14 are found to be potential candidates for removal to obtain a shorter Norwegian version. Conclusion: The established Norwegian translation of COPSOQ III can be used in further research about working environment factors and health and wellbeing in Norway. The extended use of the instrument internationally enables comparative studies, which can increase the knowledge and understanding of similarities and differences between labour markets in different countries. This first validation study shows that the Norwegian version has strong statistical properties like the original, and can be used to assess work environment factors, including relational and emotional risk factors and resources available at the workplace.
... Human resources should meet the requirements of being Muslim, mature, and capable of legal action (Edriyanti et al., 2021;Abbazi & Zarqan, 2019;Fatoni et al., 2019). Human resource development is more focused on long-term needs (Swanson, 2022;Armstrong & Taylor, 2020;Stone et al., 2020). It is intended to support each other's efforts to increase capital income and productivity (Syamsuri et al., 2020). ...
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Purpose – This paper aims to find the factors for designing an index of the quality of developing human resources as nadzir waqf to control and to be the reference for waqf management in every waqf institution.Methodology – This study used a qualitative method with the Analytic Network Process. The data analysis shows the most dominant influence and determines the priority order, and decision-making. The data analysis will be the weighted sum for the performance ratings for each alternative across all attributes using the Simple Additive Weighting method and at the end, the Nazhir Wakaf Index (INW) value will be obtained.Findings – The research finds the factors in the internal and external resolutions bringing experts into the field by monitoring, and synergies with the government. The Nazhir Waqf Index that tried implemented is low with a score of 40.731. From the table and figure, it can be concluded that the highest variable design score of the Nazhir Wakaf Index (INW) at Pondok Modern Gontor is the assignment with a score of 100. With that assignment, the nadzir waqf has the autonomy to develop his competencies and abilities.Implications – If approached the index one would be the solution to the development. By offering a preliminary index and delivering informative advertising nadzir waqf resources will ensure the ability to provide efficient management.Originality – This research takes an important research gap to analyze the competence of nadzir waqf by making measurements in the development of nadzir waqf resources that can be used by any waqf institution.
... Existing employees need to acquire new skill and knowledge. Changes, particularly in technology, mean that people and organizations are continually faced with situations that required new learning as stated by Stone (1995). He further stated three (3) reasons for training and development. ...
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This paper is set up to assess the effect of training and development as a tool for improving employees productivity with special reference to some selected small scale industries in Gombe. The methodology used in conducting the study is survey method, which involves both primary and secondary sources of data. And the chi-square statistic was used for the analysis of data and tested the hypothesis. The study discovered that training and development plays significant role in improving employees' productivity. However, there are some problems affecting the level of training and development carried out by the industries. It is recommended that management should not underestimate the role of training and development regar dless of its duration. Because the more industries try to avoid the expenses of training in the beginning; it is increasing the cost of it in the future. Also management should identify the problems associated with training and development program and device means of addressing it.
... If the performance is still not in accordance with the talents, interests and abilities, or not in accordance with the qualifications available, it can be said that the competence of Human Resources has not shown good performance (Jumady & Lilla, 2021;Meswantri & Awaludin, 2018). Competence of human resources also has involvement in the preparation of financial reports because of limited knowledge which is the background to the problem of lack of understanding or mastery in managing regional finances properly and correctly (Hirawati et al., 2021;Stone et al., 2020), a mismatched competency according to their position (Piwowar-Sulej, 2021), and an educational background that is also not appropriate with his position (Heslina & Syahruni, 2021). ...
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Background: The ability and traits that a person possesses in the form of knowledge, skills, and behavioral attitudes required in the workplace are known as human resource competence (HR). Whether a region can adequately manage its domestic issues or not depends in part on the effectiveness of the government machinery. Aim: The purpose of this study was to empirically determine the effect of human resource competence on the financial performance of the Bireuen district government. Method: The variables used in this study are human resource competence as the independent variable and financial performance as the dependent variable. The approach used in this study is the quantitative by testing theories through measuring research variables and analyzing data with statistical procedures using SPSS V.22 for Windows. The type of data used in conducting this research is primary data obtained from the results of distributing questionnaires to BKPSDM Bireuen district. The sampling method in this study was saturated sampling method where the samples obtained were 46 respondents. Findings: The results stated that the direction of the influence of variable X on Y is positive, through the t test where tcount > ttable (9.380 > 2.015) thus Ha is accepted H0 is rejected. The human resource competency variable (X) is able to explain the effect on financial performance (Y) which is equal to 66.7% and the remaining 33.3% is influenced by other variables outside of this study.
... Human resources are an important asset and play a role as the main driving factor in the implementation of all agency activities or activities, so they must be managed properly through Human Resource Management (Salamzadeh et al, 2019). According to human resource management experts are as follows: According to Stone et al (2020), human resource management is the withdrawal, selection, development, maintenance, and use of human resources to achieve both individual and organizational goals. According to Sukawati et al (2020) Human Resource Management is a science and art that regulates the relationship and role of the workforce so that it is active and efficient in helping the realization of company, employee and community goals. ...
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This study aims to determine Human Resource management and strategy in developinga performance culture at Baitul Mal throughout Aceh Province. Approach, directionand human resources synergize to achieve a goal and have great potential to manageBaitul Mal in Aceh Province as an Islamic Sharia Region. Therefore, researchers areinterested in researching how the strategy of human resources in the Baitul Mal of theProvince of Aceh in improving the welfare of the community regarding themanagement of Zakat, Infaq, and Sadaqah (ZIS) funds in the Province of Aceh. Theapproach used in this research is qualitative. While the methods used are observation,in-depth interviews, and documentation studies. This research also collected data fromthe Baitul Mal of Aceh Province, West Aceh, South Aceh, and the Municipality ofBanda Aceh
... HRM is concerned with all aspects of how people are employed and managed within various types of organizations, and it has been a field of extensive research [10][11][12][13][14]. A recent comprehensive review on sustainable HRM can be found in [15], where sustainable HRM was identified as an emerging concept worldwide. ...
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To meet the collective goal of providing an efficient, sustainable, and safe transportation system, motorway managers are oriented toward establishing an optimal traffic management system (TMS). However, there are no straightforward guidelines through which to deploy the optimal integration scenario for traffic control centers (TCCs). An important component of TMSs is traffic control decisions, implying that human resources represent a critical feature of a TMS. In this study, we introduce human resource management (HRM) into the process of selecting the most appropriate integration scenario, which is achieved by developing a model to determine the number of employees. We formulated the problem as the mixed integer nonlinear programming problem based on the analysis of traffic incidents and road infrastructure data, considering also the employee voice and some HRM specificities in incident situations. Combining these findings with a SWOT analysis of the possible integration scenarios in Slovenia, we propose the most suitable scenario, in which TMS is organized as a cloud service. Moreover, this study predicts TCCs’ space requirements and identifies threats of neglecting HRM in TMS design. This paper can serve as a guideline and a baseline of expertise for motorway managers to create an effective and sustainable TMS in their region.
... The operations that are carried out by human resource management follow the functions that they have. Human resource management functionally has several functions that are interrelated with one another (Stone et al., 2020). ...
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Finding best practices in human resource management, especially in advancing global tourism, both services and goods, is an exciting topic, mainly when much scientific evidence has been investigated in various advanced provinces in the tourism industry. To obtain valid data to support this research question, we collect several publications which are scientific evidence in the field and analyze them using a phenomenological approach which includes, among others, in-depth data coding systems, in-depth evaluation, and data synthesis and interpretation to obtain valid findings to answer the research problem. We electronically scoured many literary data sources for our data. Next, we made a descriptive qualitative report, in which we looked at various points of view with findings including that the key to tourism success, as in several provinces in Indonesia, lies in the skills and excellence of government and private human resources in managing tourism to make their province the best tourist destination. Those are some reviews from various studies that are scientific evidence to answer this study question. Hopefully useful for further studies.
... The global hotel industry received 550 billion USD in revenue in 2016. The leading companies were the British hotel chain InterContinental Hotels Group, which in 2015 made a profit of 24 billion USD with assets of more than 4,800 hotels worldwide, Hilton Worldwide and Marriott International with 4,278 and 4,424 hotels, respectively (Sardak, 2015;Stone et al., 2020). ...
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The growing importance of international trade is affecting national tourism. Transnational companies (TNCs) are becoming increasingly important in the tourism sector. The purpose of the article is to clarify the significance of the transnationalization of tourism for economic processes throughout the world and in individual countries. To achieve the goal, the article used the methods of analysis and study of statistical data. As a result, it can be noted that the influence of TNCs on the economic sector is considerable, but reciprocal. The economic component of each country determines the level of opportunities for the development of a tourist destination. In the future, tourism will mainly grow in developing destinations. Many of these countries are at least partly dependent on international tourism to support their economic development. TNCs can contribute to the socio-economic development of these countries, for example, through foreign direct investment and transfer of technology and expertise, concluding management contracts or franchising.
... According to research, organizations with a strong human capital base are more competitive and may perform better on the job and in terms of creativity (Stone et al., 2020). ...
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Purpose: The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between spiritual leadership and creative behavior with workplace climate as mediating variable in the Jordanian banking. Theoretical framework: The purpose of this study, which extends the theories of intrinsic motivation and social exchange, is to acquire a deeper knowledge of the mechanisms underlying the relationship between spiritual leadership and innovative workplace behavior. Design/methodology/approach: The study used quantitative research approach through a survey based on random sampling method from (n= 358) employees of 13 Jordanian commercial banks in Amman. For purposes of analysis, structural equation modeling was then utilized for the examination of the research hypotheses. Findings: The results of the research indicated that workplace climate mediates the link between spiritual leadership and creative behavior. Specifically, greater levels of creative behavior among employees were related to spiritual leadership, as was a favorable working environment. Research, Practical & Social implications: The study offers managerial and theoretical implications while considering the study’s limitations to provide guidance for the future. Originality/value: The study identifies the magnificent influence of spiritual leadership and the workplace climate by delineating how these factors stimulate creative behaviors among employees. Specifically, the study focuses on how spiritual leadership and the workplace climate stimulate creative behaviors among employees. We examine the consequences of these findings for both research and practice.
... Human Resources (HR) implies coordinates mastery that comes from the considering and physical control had by each individual [3]. Human resources include each individual's mental and physical power [4]. More clearly, human resources are an ability in every human being determined by his mental and physical powers. ...
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This research aims to analyze the factors that affect the impediment of the ship maintenance system in PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero), which consists of variables of competence and work motivation for employee performance of the Ship Division at PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia Regional 1 (Persero). The research method used a saturated sample or census, where all population members were sampled, amounting to 121 respondents. The collection was performed by distributing questionnaires which were then analyzed using linear regression analysis with the SPSS program. The results of the study show that 1) competence has a positive and significant consequence on employee performance, 2) work motivation has a positive and significant consequence on employee performance, and 3) simultaneously, competence and work motivation have an consequence on employee performance.
The current research examines the personal factors as well as organizational factors, such that those may affect the turnover intention of subordinate employees working under the supervision of manager in the local private banking sector of Sindh, Pakistan. This study determines at the effects of four basic types of transformational leadership: idealized influence, inspiring motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individual consideration. It also examines the effects of two main job-related factors such as: work-family conflict and other job possibilities. This study used primary data, which were responses to an online survey questionnaire that was provided as a Google form posted on the WhatsApp numbers and email addresses of the subordinate employees. There were750useful responses obtained from subordinate employees from different banks of Sindh, Pakistan, voluntarily participated in the current study. Smart PLS version 3and Spss-25 version were used to examine the data and determine how important and vital the links were between the factors. The results shows that idealized influence do not significantly affect the turnover intention. However, workers in the banking industry of Sindh, Pakistan, were found to be less likely to want to leave their current jobs, when same persons were motivated as well as inspired, intellectually stimulated, and treated as individuals. These results show that subordinate employees at local private banking sector of Sindh such that thinking their bosses are inspiring, mentally stimulating, and caring are less likely to want to leave their existing jobs. The study also discovered that work-family conflict and perceived alternative job opportunities had a good and significant effect on the intention to leave a job. This means that workers who have many problems at balancing work and family conflict or have good job chances elsewhere are more likely to consider leaving their current organization. Keywords: Transformational leadership, Idealized influence, Inspirational motivation, Intellectual stimulation, Individualized consideration, Work-family conflict, Perceived alternative job opportunities, Turnover intention, Banking sector of Sindh, Pakistan.
This chapter delves into the dynamic landscape of outsourcing 4.0, tracing its historical evolution from rudimentary models to the interconnected and technologically sophisticated era. Outsourcing 1.0 initiated the journey with cost-centric delegation, paving the way for outsourcing 2.0, marked by a shift toward collaboration and relationship management. The intricacies of a globalized economy and the integration of cloud technology have played pivotal roles in shaping outsourcing 3.0, paving the way for the current epoch of outsourcing 4.0. This latest phase integrates digital technologies, strategic partnerships, and a holistic outsourcing approach, emphasizing Industry 4.0's role in supply chain digitalization. The chapter underscores the dynamic nature and necessity for agile, responsive management amid global crises. The chapter underscores the need for organizations to balance benefits, address challenges, and seize opportunities for a competitive edge in the evolving digital landscape. In this transformative era, agility and forward-thinking are essential to fully harness outsourcing 4.0 in supply chain management.
Soyut Küreselleşmenin gelinen aşaması dünya çapında hem özel sektörde hem de kamu sektöründe önemli değişikliklere ve zorluklara neden olmaktadır. Bu, teknolojideki hızlı gelişmelerin yerel ve dünya çapındaki rekabetle birleştiğinde iş ortamını nasıl yeniden şekillendirdiğini ve performansı, bağlılığı, eğitim ve gelişim yatırımlarını nasıl hayati hale getirdiğini vurguluyor. Bir kuruluşun uzun vadeli başarısını belirleyen en önemli faktörlerden ikisi, işgücü ve işyeridir. İş performansına ilişkin önceki çalışmalar, İK yetkinliğinin kurumsal hedeflere ulaşmak için gerekli olmasına rağmen, çalışan sadakati ve eğitim programlarının, iş performansının iyileştirilmesi için kaliteli insan kaynaklarının arttırılmasında oynadığı kritik rolleri vurgulamak için yeterince şey yapmamıştır. Bu çalışma, kaliteli insan kaynağının iş performansı üzerindeki etkisini araştırarak, çalışan bağlılığının aracılık rolünü ve eğitim ve gelişim programlarının bu dinamiğe katkı sağlama rolünü dikkate alarak yeni bir çığır açmaktadır. PLS-SEM 4'ü kullanarak ve Ganalı kamu hastanelerinden 175 kişiyle anket yaparak bulgularımız, iş performansının çalışan bağlılığının yanı sıra eğitim ve gelişim fırsatlarından da önemli ölçüde ve olumlu şekilde etkilendiğini gösterdi. Bulgular aynı zamanda kaliteli insan kaynakları ile iş performansı arasındaki ilişkinin tamamen çalışan bağlılığının aracılık ettiğini gösterdi. Ayrıca sonuçlar, çalışan bağlılığı ile iş performansı arasındaki pozitif bağlantının eğitim ve gelişim olanakları tarafından yönetildiğini gösterdi. Politikalar, çalışanların bağlılığını artıran ve dolayısıyla iş performansını artıran eğitim ve gelişim programlarına birinci önceliği sağlamalıdır.
Human Resource Management (HRM) plays one of the crucial roles in achieving productivity and success in modern organizations. Competent human resources are very important for driving research, innovation, and patent creation. Nowadays, there is a growing interest in innovative HRM practices and their connection to technological advancements. Hence, this study presents a comprehensive analysis of innovation in the HRM field using patent data. The methodology involved extensive data collection, patent landscape analysis, and an exploration of the technical content of HRM patents. The analysis is based on a dataset of 2109 patent families related to HRM using PatSeer databases. The findings shed light on the geographical distribution of HRM innovation, temporal trends, key players, technical diversity, core innovation themes, and technology intersections, and thus provided a foundation for understanding HRM innovation from a patent-driven perspective. While providing useful insights, it also emphasizes the need for more study to investigate the practical consequences, partnerships, and changing trends in the dynamic subject of HRM.
In this study, the emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide is an important factor contributing to global climate change. These crises have further exacerbated the growing structural weaknesses of the past decade. We support governments and private sector clients in addressing the ongoing crisis and rebuilding. Even if the Sustainable Development Goals are achieved by 2030, climate change could easily erode those gains. In recent years, greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural production have attracted increasing attention. Especially in the context of the carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals, the development of low-carbon agriculture is particularly important. Further we investigate whether technology innovation capability directly impacts the performance of root companies, which is considered to be one of their key strengths. As a second objective, we examined whether internal resources that are considered. In order to maintain a company's competitive advantage and achieve excellent business results, it is essential business performance mediate the technology innovation capability and business performance of root companies. Financial and non-financial performance are positively affected by R and D capability, which is an element of technology innovation capability. Investment ratios are proven to affect financial results such as market share, sales and yield, as well as non-financial outcomes such as corporate image and employee satisfaction. Among the factors affecting technology innovation capability, the technology innovation system has positive effects on both financial and non-financial performance. Ensuring ownership rights of technology, developing technology and funding, and efficiently using resources can all be considered aspects of technology ownership.
The use of information systems has increased to facilitate services and obtain results with high accuracy, and one of the most important of these services is employment. Most information systems on human resources currently seek sustainable development, in order to reach an employment system that preserves and protects the environment. By minimizing the use of material resources to achieve the desired objectives of the recruitment process. This research helps to understand the requirements and methodology followed for recruitment using human resources information systems, and to review the positiveness provided by the systems to achieve sustainability in organizations, as well as other goals such as saving time, effort, and money, by extracting suitable resumes for the offered jobs. The research presented in this paper attempts to answer the fundamental question of whether there should be a methodology for e-recruitment and recruitment cycle automation, using Zoho Recruitment. The results indicate that e-recruitment by Zoho Recruitment transforms the traditional recruitment process into an efficient and intelligent recruitment process. The stages of the recruitment cycle are also tracked, starting from opening the job to the last stage of recruitment and archiving.KeywordsRecruitmente-recruitmenthiring cycleartificial intelligencegreen hiringZoho RecruitmentSDG11
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The purpose of this paper is the examination of the impact of human resource training on the integration and success of organizational change in Greek four and five-star hotels. The literature review has revealed that training is the most important variable for the success of a change management program. Thus, it is essential to examine its impact on the integration and success of a change management program. Hence, the authors conducted quantitative research on a sample of 513 employees who worked in Greek hotels through an electronic questionnaire where the measurement tools of Theriou (2009), Miller (1997), and Zand and Sorenson (1975) were used. The outcome of the research indicated that some of the human resource training dimensions can be significant positive predictors of integration and success of change, while other training dimensions are negative predictors of integration and change. As a result, hotel management should identify the training programs which will have to be applied according to the needs of the employees
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The aim of this publication is the examination of the relationship between strategic leadership and the integration and success of organizational change in four and five-star hotels in Greece. The value of this research lies in the fact that the hotel industry is subject to a turbulent environment which leads to constant changes. Therefore, it is necessary to examine all aspects of change, including the role of strategic leadership. For this reason, the authors have implemented quantitative research that relied on a sample consisting of 513 hotel employees in four and five- star hotels in Greece. The outcome of the research suggests that the management of hotels in Greece has a leadership orientation. Nonetheless, it seems that the integration of change and the success of change are moderate. More specifically, the findings of the study indicate that indeed, strategic leadership is a positive predictor for integration and organizational change
This study was conducted to determine the level of project management skills, people management skills and operational excellence of construction project managers in private construction services. The respondents were the project management team composed of 215 engineers, architects, technical staff and document controllers fairly distributed to the three business units. The study utilized the descriptive correlational research method. Analysis of data revealed the following findings: The construction project managers had a high level of project management skills in terms of scope management skills, schedule management skills, resources management skills, risks management skills, and quality management skills (=3.62). The construction project manager had a very high level of people management skills in terms of integrity, influence and persuasion, leadership, and planning (= 3.64). In terms of operational excellence, the construction project managers obtained a very high level on customer focus, flexibility, and systematic problem solving (= 3.62). A significant relationship was noted between construction project manager’s project management skills and people management skills; a significant relationship was perceived between project manager’s project management skills and operational excellence; and a significant relationship was noted on people management skills and operational excellence. Based on the summary of findings, the following conclusions were drawn, (1) The construction project managers had a very high level of project management skills in terms of scope management skills, schedule management skills, cost management skills, resources management skills, risks management skills, and quality management skills. (2) The construction project managers had a very high level of people management skills in terms of integrity, influence and persuasion, leadership, and planning. (3) The construction project managers had a very high level of operational excellence in terms of customer focus, flexibility, and systematic problem-solving. (4) The higher the level of construction project manager’s project management skills, the higher the level of their people management skills. (5) The higher the level of construction project manager’s project management skills, the higher the level of their operational excellence. (6) The higher the level of construction project manager’s people management skills, the higher the level of their operational excellence. (7) All the constructs of project management skills, only risks management skills and management skills are the significant predictors of the respondents’ level of operational excellence, implying that the higher the level of project management skills in terms of risks management and scope management skills, the higher the level of operational excellence of the respondents. To deliver the project successfully, the construction project managers should consistently demonstrate and balance the application of project management and people management since the area of focus of CPM in the project revolves in day to day managing of resources (material, manpower and equipment), solving problems, overcoming project challenges, dealing with changes in project requirements, communicating with stakeholders and satisfying the customer’s expectations. With these, the decision and approach of CPM would be solid and cohesive through collaboration with the project management team.
Companies seek for improving quality in order to survive in the competitive market. To survive, you must search for the right candidates and hire them in the best-fit position at the right time. Due to the rapid development in the world, several methods (traditional methods) are no longer efficient. People and companies are looking forward deploying more efficient methods in recruiting candidates. Currently, the trend in recruitment is moving forward applying artificial intelligence. This paper focus on impact of Artificial intelligence (AI) on private sectors. Since this industry is introduced recently, various companies are interested in applying AI. But the dilemma is that the advantages and disadvantages of applying AI in HR is still not commonly known for all of them. Also, the long-term effects for this industry still not revealed.
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