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ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 8(05), 1007-1016
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Article DOI: 10.21474/IJAR01/11012
Devi Ulan Sekti
Pendidikan Biologi, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Jember Jalan Kalimanta No. 37 Kampus
Tegalboto Jember Jawa Timur 68121, Indonesia.
Manuscript Info Abstract
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Manuscript History
Received: 18 March 2020
Final Accepted: 20 April 2020
Published: May 2020
Key words:-
Critical Thinking,Concept Mapping,
Problem-Based Learning
This study aims to determine differenes critical thinking ability of high
school students in fungi using Problem Based Learning with concept
mapping technique between the class that uses the application of the
learning model and the class that uses the lecture method. This
quantitative research applied quasi-experimental with nonequivalent
control group design by involving first-grader Science High School
students as the experimental group and the control group. The
experimental group use Problem Based Learning methode with concept
mapping but the control group use lacture and assigment methode in
discussion. The one-sample Kolmogorov Smirnov test and
homogeneity is used to select the experimental group and the control
group. The experimental group using concept mapping to help
problems in the course while the control group is not using concept
mapping in the course. The evaluation of the data is using Independent
Sample T-Test and the result shows the significant score is <0,05.
Means that H0 is unaccepted and H1 accepted so Problem Based
Learning method with concept mapping technique has an effect on
students’ critical thinking.
Copy Right, IJAR, 2020,. All rights reserved.
Biology is an important field of learning in the curriculum because biology can help students in understanding the
environment, assist students in developing, fostering positive attitudes towards the environment, scientific attitudes,
and student independence (Kustiana et al., 2019). This research about learning material teaching high school biology
class X one of which is a fungi. Fungi is material that conveys everything related to fungi, from understanding,
grouping, reproduction, ways of life, and also roles in daily life. Material fungi have a variety of types of fungi and
many classifications that use scientific words that are rarely heard by students before. Diverse fungi cause fungi to
have different forms, different ways of life, and different reproduction according to their respective types.
Characteristics of relatively high material and using many different terms cause fungi material is considered difficult
because students have difficulties in remembering material for a long time. After all, it requires a memorization
process that does not consume a little time. Fungi material needs to be understood by students well because it is
closely related to daily life in the surrounding environment. Because learning is an activity between educators and
students as a result of changing behavior for learning experiences to achieve learning goals (Utomo et al., 2020 ).
Corresponding Author:- Devi Ulan Sekti
Address:- Pendidikan Biologi, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Jember Jalan
Kalimanta No. 37 Kampus Tegalboto Jember Jawa Timur 68121, Indonesia.
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 8(05), 1007-1016
Learning objectives that must be achieved in the 21st century, there are 3 main components that must be met,
namely the first is an adaptive curriculum, an adaptive curriculum is a curriculum that is adapted to the times and is
adapted to the needs of students who support students' thinking to progress and develop, which second is a more
participatory learning model, the learning model is significant in the learning process because it can determine the
success of students in receiving material during learning so that they can develop collaborative, interactive, creative
and innovative abilities well then the third is meaningful assessment, meaningful assessment is an assessment that
does not refer to the memorization of students or assessments that rely on memory. In the 21st-century, student skills
needed were critical thinking 78%, information technology 77%, health and fitness 76%, innovation 74%, financial
responsibility 74%, and innovation 74% (Saputra et al ., 2019). The greatest need is critical thinking, so critical
thinking needs to be familiarized and assessed for the needs of work and higher education. The ability to think
critically is considered important by many experts because it aims to form wise students in problem-solving and
improve the quality of life in the future (Sulaiman, 2013).
Critical thinking is a thought that is involved in solving problems, formulating problems, calculating possibilities,
and making decisions. Critical thinking can be the ability of students who do not develop skills with students'
cognitive abilities in problem-solving, so it is an essential need in learning (Sada et al., 2016).
Comprehensive critical thinking is critical thinking that meets dispositions; these dispositions include the search for
truth, an open mind, systematic, curiosity, and self-confidence (Tiruneh, 2014). Realizing critical thinking skills in
students will have many good effects for students because critical thinking will synergize with cognitive, affective,
and psychomotor learning outcomes (Lubis et al ., 2019).
According to Richard Paul and Linda Elder, critical thinking is an art that is used to improve thinking skills in
analyzing and evaluating certain problems in learning. Someone who thinks critically will practice or accustom
themselves to have the ability to formulate questions and problems clearly and precisely, collect and assess relevant
and effective information for use in problem-solving, and the third is to produce logical conclusions and be able to
test them using judgment by certain predetermined standards (Widana et al., 2018).
To realize critical thinking in students, a teacher must choose a learning model and convey learning with the right
techniques so that learning material and learning objectives can be conveyed to students properly. Critical thinking
is done in groups because by emphasizing student learning activities by exchanging ideas can describe the quality of
student thinking (Pratiwi et al., 2016). The learning model and techniques used must involve students' full activeness
through inquiry. Because the 2013 curriculum learning revision of a learning-centered on students and teachers as
facilitators, therefore a learning model must be chosen and prepared carefully to achieve the learning objectives
(Fuad et al. , 2016).
The learning model chosen is the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model. Problem Based Learning (PBL) is
a model of learning that is problem-based and raises problems from real life and is a constructivist learning model.
Kostruktivis refers to student-centered learning. Using problem-based learning, students can build their own
knowledge and will strengthen their memories about the knowledge they have acquired (Ulger K, 2014 ).
The learning model Problem-Based Learning (PBL) have procedures in the conduct of learning first teacher gives
problems to the students, the students identify the given problem, the three students seeking a variety of sources to
solve the problem and that the four students chose to solve the problem and draw conclusions obtained (Saputra et
al., 2019 ).
PBL can realize students' critical thinking skills because PBL focuses on proceeding beginning with problems rather
than exposition or learning, combining learning experiences with cases faced, and active focus on students (Hamdan
et al., 2014). Learning by giving problems to students with PBL if done continuously in all fields will realize
students who have high critical thinking skills (Azmi et al., 2016)
This learning model has strengths and weaknesses, the strengths of this learning model can improve student
enthusiasm for learning, make students feel challenged in solving problems faced so that students feel given more
control in their learning activities (A Keziah, 2010). Can improve student learning outcomes, can train students to
think critically and can make students more memories attached to the students' memories because they build their
own knowledge.
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 8(05), 1007-1016
While the weakness of PBL is that it makes students reluctant to solve problems if the material in question is poorly
understood, so students feel less confident and afraid to solve problems (Azmi et al ., 2016) especially have a lot of
discussions and there are many different terms for students as there are many scientific names in it, for example, are
fungi material taken in this study. Lack of confidence from students to solve problems can be overcome by using a
learning technique.
The right learning technique to overcome PBL weaknesses is the concept map technique. Mechanical map concept
is a technique conceptualize the discussion in a broad outline of the material to facilitate the students to remember
the material relevant when solving problems. So making a concept map at the beginning of learning becomes a
provision for students to solve the given issues which are then connected to the material being studied. Using
appropriate learning models and concept map techniques can require students to better understand the material being
learned and is an effective technique used in learning, so as to increase student motivation ( Wepe et al., 2016).
Student motivation is very necessary for students because, with the motivation to learn, students will be eager to
learn and have the enthusiasm for learning lessons from beginning to end smoothly.
Without a concept map, students will feel confused and unsure of being able to solve the problem they are facing
because they have doubts about solving the problem. Material fungi is a subject that has a variety of contents and
has many foreign languages for students or the scientific language used therein, so students will feel their memories
stronger and more confident if they have previously made a concept map to remember the material outline but cover
the whole.
Research Methods:-
The research conducted was a quasi-experimental study. Quasi-experiment is experimental research involving two
classes. One class is used as an experimental class, and the other class is used as a control class. Before deciding
which class to use, the first thing to do is make observations at the school that is estimated to be appropriate for the
purpose of the study. After observing and deemed appropriate to the title of the study, further observations were
made. Further observations were made by digging further information from the tutor teacher who had been
appointed by the school to guide during the research. Data retrieval is then carried out with several actions, namely,
continued observation, documentation, interviews, and tests.
Follow-up observations are also used to obtain data on the value of the final semester of odd biology material. The
class selection starts with testing for normality and homogeneity. The normality test is carried out using the odd
semester-end exam data that has been obtained, as well as the homogeneity test. After the data is proven to be
normally distributed and homogeneous, random sampling is carried out to select the experimental class and the
control class.
Documentation is carried out to obtain data on student grades before research or after the research is conducted, both
syllabus or lesson plans, lesson photographs, and other supporting files. Interviews were conducted with the tutor
teacher and also conducted to students to find out the extent of the success of the research conducted and their
weaknesses and strengths. The research was carried out by a test, where the test was conducted to obtain the value
data used to measure the success of the learning model used on students' critical thinking skills.
The control class was treated with a Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model with a concept map technique.
While the control class does not use PBL because it is used as a measure of the successful implementation of the
Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model in the experimental class. The difference in the treatment of the
learning model applies but does not affect the material, and practical activities carried out in learning. Learning is
carried out with a learning implementation plan (RPP) and other assessment instruments that have been validated
before the research takes place.
Assessment of critical thinking in learning is assessed through Student Discussion Sheets (LDS) using assessments
in accordance with 12 indicators of critical thinking taken 5 indicators in it. The results of the data obtained will be
compared between classes one with other classes and also tested using SPSS with the Independent Sample T-Test to
see the significant critical thinking skills of students.
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 8(05), 1007-1016
Normality test is conducted using the one-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, and homogeneity test is done at the
beginning to prove the data used is normal and homogeneous data distribution to determine the experimental class
and the control class.
Significant value from class mipa 1 to mipa 7> 0.05 so that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. It can be interpreted
that the data is normally distributed. The data is proven to be normally distributed so that homogeneity testing can
Table 2:- Homogeneity Test.
Score Significant
The data is proven to be homogeneous because it has a significant value> 0.05, which is 0.827, so H0 is rejected,
and H1 is accepted and means that the data is homogeneous, this homogeneous data is used when the data is
normally distributed.
After the data is proven to be normal and homogeneous distribution, random sampling is used, namely the
determination of the experimental class and the control class at random, and the class Mipa 1 is obtained as the
experimental class and Mipa 7 as the control class. Once determined, learning is carried out in accordance with the
learning model in each class. The experimental class uses Problem Based Learning (PBL) through the concept
mapping technique. Whereas the control class uses the STAD learning model.
The learning model has been applied and obtained the results of students' critical thinking skills throughthe Student
Discussion Sheet (LDS) has done in groups and help with engineering concept mapping. Data obtained from the
assessment according to aspects of critical thinking.
Table 3:- Results of Values of Critical Thinking Aspects of Experimental Classes.
Indicators of Critical Thinking
Identify the problem
Very critical
Analyze the problem
Evaluate the problem
Draw a conclusion
Very critical
Determine trusted sources
Very critical
Table 3:- Results of Values of Critical Thinking Aspects of Control Classes l.
Indicators of Critical Thinking
Identify the problem
Analyze the problem
Evaluate the problem
Draw a conclusion
Determine trusted sources
There is a difference in the average value of critical thinking skills between the experimental class and the control
class. In the experimental class has the ability to think critically superior or higher than the control class. The results
of the data were tested using the Independent Sample T-test.
Table 5:- Test Independent Sample T-Test.
t-test for Equality of Means
Sig. (2-tailed)
Std. Error
95% Confidence
Interval of the
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 8(05), 1007-1016
Equal variances assumed
Equal variances not assumed
The SPSS test results produced a significant value <0.05 that is 0,000 so that H0 was rejected, and H1 was accepted,
which means there was a difference in the quality of critical thinking between the experimental class and the control
class. The experimental class has higher critical thinking skills compared to the control class.
The ability to think students critically between the experimental class and the control class can be seen the
difference in graphical form, so the comparison is clearly seen, where the critical thinking ability in the experimental
class is higher than the control class.
Graph 1:- Differences in Students' Thinking Ability in the Experimental and Control Classes.
The assessment of students' critical thinking of the experimental class and the control class was taken through an
assessment rubric that was made before implementation to assess student learning outcomes in measuring critical
thinking skills.
Figure 1:- Discussion Results of Experimental Class Students.
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 8(05), 1007-1016
Figure 2:- Discussion Results of Control Class Students.
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 8(05), 1007-1016
It can be seen from the results of discussions undertaken by students having answers to the problem solving with
different qualities and by different answers. Because the learning model used is different, and the application is also
different. This shows that in the same material and the same target students will produce different abilities according
to the accuracy of the learning model used in classroom learning
This study aims to measure and see students' critical thinking skills on the subject of fungi with the Problem Based
Learning (PBL) learning model through the concept map technique. Critical thinking is a thought that is involved in
the problem-solving process and is an intellectual thought process that deliberately evaluates the thinker using
reflective, independent, clear, and rational thinking. Critical thinking assessments are obtained from student
discussion sheets given by the teacher to students in groups. Student discussion sheets contain problem-solving in
learning and are designed in groups to train students in critical thinking and can compete with one another with
members of the argument so that the ability to think critically will be honed more. Research results in students'
critical thinking skills that differ between the experimental class and the control class. The value of critical thinking
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 8(05), 1007-1016
follows in accordance with the assessment of students' critical thinking indicators consisting of 12 indicators and 5
indicators taken in this study. These indicators are identifying problems, analyzing problems, evaluating problems,
drawing conclusions, and determining reliable sources.
Table data. 3 and tables. 4 proves that in the experimental class using the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning
model through concept maps can realize students who have the critical thinking skills needed to prepare students
who are more able to compete in the future and for each future when faced with problems both in everyday life or
work life. In the experimental class, the critical thinking value with an average of 80.25 is classified as very critical,
while in the control class, 64.99 is classified in the critical category, but it differs significantly from the ability
produced in the experimental class. This can happen because use appropriate learning models, if at collaborate with
the right material, then can produce targeted capabilities that result in increased critical thinking skills. Such as the
use of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model, which is able to increase students' enthusiasm in realizing
critical thinking skills supported by concept maps to overcome the weaknesses that exist in PBL. With concept
maps, students can facilitate learning material in an outline with a good concept in order to avoid students'
misconceptions of the material being studied with the problem being solved, so that when students solve problems in
PBL, they do not experience difficulties and doubts related to the learning material.
The learning model used in the experimental class is different from the control class, the experimental class uses the
Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model through the concept map technique while the control class does not,
because the control class is used as a benchmark of success and improvement in students' critical thinking skills. In
the experimental class applied concept mapping at the beginning of learning as a provision or handle in solving
problems in learning fungal material. After making a concept map, students work on the problems given by the
teacher in groups according to PBL syntax regarding real problems that exist in daily life, so that students' critical
thinking skills can be sharpened well. While the control class does not apply concept mapping at the beginning of
learning, but listens to the teacher's brief explanation and then solves the problem given by the teacher but does not
conform to PBL syntax.
The results of the student discussion were assessed in accordance with the assessment rubric made earlier, after data
obtained in the assessment of critical thinking skills in accordance with the specified indicators then proceed with
the Independent Sample T-Test to see that there was a significant increase in critical thinking skills and to
distinguish between increased abilities think critically from both of these classes. The test results are in the table. 5.
The test shows the significance of critical thinking is 0,000. P sig <0.05 so that it can be concluded that H0 is
rejected, and H1 is accepted, which means there is a significant difference in critical thinking skills, and the
experimental class has a higher value than the control class. The test used was the Independent Sample T-Test
because no pre-implementation tests were carried out on the students but instead compared the results between the
experimental class and the control class with different treatments. The factors that influence the difference in ability
according to what has been explained because of the application of an appropriate learning model that is Problem
Based Learning (PBL) is supported by appropriate techniques to balance between the learning model undertaken
with the learning material implemented so that learning objectives can be met well and affect the quality of students'
critical thinking.
The Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model is compatible with fungi material. Material that has a lot of
discussions really requires the concept of map techniques in learning, such as fungi material. Where ministers fungi
have a lot of material and coupled with scientific language alien to students because they have not heard before, so
need time and process to know him. The scientific names contained in fungi such as fungi are Ascomycota,
Basidiomycota, Zygomycota and deuteromycota, saccharomyces cerevisiae, and classification as well as different
names that use scientific names, such as rhizopus sp., Fusarium, Volvariella volvacea, saccharomyces cerevisiae and
the other. Such material will be easily forgotten by students because the memorization system is less effective.
However, this technique is not only done for this material and can be done on similar material in other subjects.
Characteristics of fungi material that has many scientific terms and has many types of fungi and how to breed, get
nutrition, different places of life cause students to need extra memory to solve problems and memorize. Fung
classification has a sequence and accompanied by features that are increasingly developing between the
classification of species with one another type. The development of these materials must be well known by students
because fungi are related to the daily lives of students both at school, at home, or in the surrounding environment.
Because fungi have many kinds and must be known and understood by students. Each type of fungi has different
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 8(05), 1007-1016
breeding and way of life so that extra memory capabilities are needed, so there is a need for techniques to make it
easier by using concept map techniques.
The role of concept maps in PBL is to help the PBL process because PBL is a learning model with the demands of
students to solve problems that are given properly and correctly, but not apart from existing theories. In order to
facilitate students' memories on a large amount of material and to be able to synchronize material and problem
solving, a concept map is needed. Concept maps are done at the beginning of learning before students receive a little
material or LDS. Through the concept map, students are required to more easily master the material even though the
material faced a lot, and there are many scientific terms as well. Using the concept map technique can also increase
students' motivation to be more enthusiastic in learning.
Concept maps are different from mind maps. The difference is the concept map is the beginning of learning while
the main map at the end of learning. The concept map is simpler but covers the whole while the main map is more
detailed with brief understandings contained therein. Concept maps are used and intended for capital in solving
problems in PBL that are done after making the concept map.
The implementation of learning using the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model was successful even
though in the experimental class there were still some that were considered less while in the control class there were
some students who were considered to have more ability than others, but from the average value the experimental
class had the ability which is superior to the control class. There is one equivalent indicator between the
experimental class and the control class that is evaluating the problem. From this it can be seen that students of the
experimental class and the control class have the same ability in learning, because basically the way students solve
problems is the same, but with the application of an appropriate learning model and not right will affect the
development and ability of students further. So it is really needed the right learning model for students in accordance
with the material that they are dealing with.
There is an obstacle in the implementation of the difficulty in dividing time well in the implementation of learning in
class with learning in the laboratory, because students who are new to understanding scientific words and new things
need more time to understand the material and must slowly to through the syntax of the model learning so that
learning objectives can be achieved properly.
The effectiveness of the application of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model to fungi material has been
proven through LDS work on students in groups and presented data in the form of tables or graphs wherein the
tables and graphs there are indicators of critical thinking assessment taken by a total of five applicators covering the
whole in the assessment Critical thinking of students in accordance with the LDS that has been made. The graphs
and tables clearly show that the critical thinking skills of experimental class students are higher than those of the
control class. In this way, it has been proven that the learning model can improve students' critical thinking skills so
that the learning model can be applied to other similar material.
With the PBL and concept maps in the discussion, students' critical thinking can be achieved well in accordance
with the 21st Abd learning target that expects critical thinking to be controlled by each student with a large
Based on the results of the discussion, it can be seen that students' critical thinking skills can be fulfilled and
achieved due to the application of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model with concept maps techniques
that support the discussion of fungi.
Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning models that prioritize real-world problems to students. PBL has strengths
and weaknesses; one of the weaknesses is that it can cause doubts and fears of students in completing learning
because students lack confidence in their memories. Weaknesses are overcome with concept maps, which can also
overcome many fungal materials, and there are many scientific languages in them. By applying the learning model
then produced high critical thinking skills with a significant 0,000 and with an average of 80.28. From the data, the
Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model through the concept map technique can improve the quality of
students' critical thinking.
ISSN: 2320-5407 Int. J. Adv. Res. 8(05), 1007-1016
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... The quantity of the drugs used in this stage seems to play an important part in determining its effectiveness [49]. Different biological apps of smartphones may be used to obtain the result graph [51]. ...
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Cancer is re-unowned by production of neoplastic cells. In cancer, undeveloped cells are produced by bone marrow. After their entry into the blood normal cells are unable to produce and cause anemia. Several oncogenes, including the p53, c-fms and Ras genes, can be activated by point mutations that change the amino acid sequence in the critical portion of protein. L-asparaginase is an enzyme which, by hydrolysis, produces aspartic acid and ammonia. It is used as medicine and in the food industry. It acts as a chemo-therapeutic agent to diagnose the ALL and lymphoproliferative syndrome. The level of Asparagine reduced in plasma decreases the formation of Deoxy ribonucleic acid and Ribonucleic acid. In ALL, asparaginase used in chemotherapy medicines for dealing the patients. it donates the important development in therapy results and helps achieve reform sullener approximately 90% of patients.
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Biotechnology material will be more meaningful if done with practice. STEM education in improving student skills and is very suitable when collaborated with biotechnology materials. This study aims to analyze the metacognitive skills and creative thinking of students at STEM education in senior high school. The analysis in this paper uses descriptive analysis using mix method analysis. The sample in this study was 150 senior high school students. Data was collected using questionnaires and observations. Data collection techniques of creative thinking using observation with five assessment instrument that is inquisitive, imaginative, persistent, collaborative, and disciplined and metacognitive skills use the MAI ( Metacognitive Awareness Inventory ) questionnaire test. The result showed the metacognitive skills with STEM education increases in good categories with an average of 73,5. The highest students’ creative thinking skills are persistent at 63,33% and the lowest was inquisitive 56,58%.
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Classroom action research aims to determine the improvement of critical thinking skills and student learning outcomes in the Faraidh material fiqh lessons. The research location is MTS. Medan PAI in class IX. This research was conducted in 3 cycles. Each cycle consists of Planning, Implementation, Observation, and Reflection. The results showed an increase in student learning from Cycle I, II, III. Research results show that in Cycle I: Scores of 90-100 (30%), 80-89 (50%), 70-79 (10%), 60-69 (10%), <59 (0%), At Cycle II, Score Range 90-100 (40%), 80-89 (40%), 70-79 (15%), 60-69 (5%), <59 (0%), In Cycle III. Scores of 90-100 (60%), 80-89 (40%), 70-79 (0%), 60-69 (0%), <59 (0%). The results of the study also showed that there was an increase in students' thinking skills which was characterized by several indicators namely Find and formulate problems, Analyzing problems, Expressing criticism and ideas, Presentation of solutions.
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This research aimed at examining the effectiveness of collaboration of Jigsaw and problem-based learning (PBL) model in developing students' critical thinking skills. This research exerted an experimental design using pre-experimental one group pretest-posttest. The implementation of such model collaboration was carried out in SMK Batik 1 Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia by engaging 37 accounting students of class XI. Before and after the implementation of the two-model collaboration, the students were given the tests of critical thinking skills which were set in the same composition. The research data were in the form of pretest and posttest scores which were analyzed by examining t-test and gain score whose calculation was assisted by SPSS 23 program. The result indicated that there was a difference between the pretest score and the posttest score with the significance level of 0,000 < 0,05. The average of pretest and posttest scores respectively referred to 48,44 and 68,93. Accordingly, the implementation of collaboration of Jigsaw and problem-based learning (PBL) model was effective in developing students' critical thinking skills. From this research finding, there was an impediment of time limitation in enacting the collaboration of the two models. This constraint happened while presenting the result of group discussion.
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The problem-based learning (PBL) approach was implemented as a treatment for higher education visual arts students over one semester to examine its effect on the creative thinking and critical thinking disposition of these students. PBL had a significant effect on creative thinking, but critical thinking disposition was affected to a lesser degree. One possible reason for this result is that in this study, open structures were used for learning activities as a nonroutine problem-solving process to develop creative thinking. Accordingly, the results of this study indicate that PBL can help students with nonroutine problem-solving processes by maintaining uncertainty and enhancing creative thinking. However, a similar conclusion could not be reached for critical thinking disposition. Therefore, future studies regarding critical thinking disposition and the PBL approach should be conducted.
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The aims of this study were (1) to find out the differences in critical thinking skills among students who were given three different learning models: differentiated science inquiry combined with mind map, differentiated science inquiry model, and conventional model, (2) to find out the differences of critical thinking skills among male and female students. This study is a quasi-experimental research with pretest-posttest nonequivalent control group design. The population in this research is the seventh grade students of junior high schools in Kediri, Indonesia. The sample of the research is in the number of 96 students distributed in three classes at different schools. The data of critical thinking skills are gained from test scores and then analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics through ANCOVA. The results of research revealed that there are different skills in critical thinking in different models. The highest skills in critical thinking are reached by students who were given differentiated science inquiry model combined with mind map in their learning. There are also differences in critical thinking skills between male and female students.
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Critical-thinking skills (CTS) are among the essential skills required in the contemporary world of work. However, building CTS among technical college students in Nigeria is making little impact on students as current teaching uses is “traditional” rote learning methods which do not foster the building of skills. Therefore, a new teaching method is required that emphasizes learning, understanding, and measuring skills rather than rote learning. Educators unanimously agree that, CTS can be taught using different teaching methods including concept mapping, critical questioning workshops, and systematic literature reviews and to problem based learning (PBL). PBL is a student-centered, task-based instructional method in which the teacher serves as a facilitator. The paper adapted a library based work; the data were collected using textbooks, journals articles and internet search. The literatures reveal that; PBL is the best approach to build CTS, integrating it into all areas of learnings and to the student’s entire life. In PBL, students demonstrate an enhanced ability to use CTS in their activities. Against this backdrop, the paper aim to outline the impact of PBL in building CTS among the technical colleges students. The paper recommends that, for the purpose of filling the CTS gap, technical colleges should equip their students with the required skills through the application of a superior teaching method such as PBL. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2016.v7n3p356
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Promoting students' critical thinking (CT) has been an essential goal of higher education. However, despite the various attempts to make CT a primary focus of higher education, there is little agreement regarding the conditions under which instruction could result in greater CT outcomes. In this review, we systematically examined current empirical evidence and attempted to explain why some instructional interventions result in greater CT gains than others. Thirty three empirical studies were included in the review and features of the interventions of those individual studies were analyzed. Emphasis was given to the study features related to CT instructional approach, teaching strategy, student and teacher related characteristics, and CT measurement. The findings revealed that effectiveness of CT instruction is influenced by conditions in the instructional environment comprising the instructional variables (teaching strategies and CT instructional approaches), and to some extent by student-related variables (year level and prior academic performance). Moreover, the type of CT measures adopted (standardized vs. non-standardized) appear to influence evaluation of the effectiveness of CT interventions. The findings overall indicated that there is a shift towards embedding CT instruction within academic disciplines, but failed to support effectiveness of particular instructional strategies in fostering acquisition and transfer of CT skills. The main limitation in the current empirical evidence is the lack of systematic design of instructional interventions that are in line with empirically valid instructional design principles.
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Critical thinking and effective problem solving skills have been regarded as an important element and as an educational outcome in professional nursing. The purpose of this study is to examine the implementation of Problem Based Learning (PBL) among nursing students. More specifically, it compares pretest and post test scores of the implementation of PBL among third year students. The correlation between the levels of satisfaction of students toward PBL and the effectiveness of PBL were examined. Convenient sample methods were chosen and ninety four third year students participated from a private nursing college, Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Data of this study was analyzed using t-test. Findings indicated significant differences in overall scores of pretest and posttest among third year students. The result also demonstrated that the students' level of satisfaction towards PBL correlated with the effectiveness of PBL. From the finding, it has been concluded that implementation of PBL can be further developed through creative and innovative approach in the students' learning process.
Problem-based learning (PBL) is an innovative method involving problem-first learning via work in small group and independent study. With its promises, PBL is gaining popularity in higher institutions. The purpose of this study, therefore, is to compare PBL and lecture-based learning (LBL) in Senior Secondary School (SSS) students' motivation to learn science. Eight-hundred and ten (810) science SSS II students were used. Students' interest inventory (SII) was used for data collection. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software (version 9.0) aided data analysis using mean (X) and standard deviation (SD). The difference between two means was calculated using t-test, and the significance level was set at alpha 0.05. The findings show that PBL enhanced students' motivation to learn Biology more than the LBL. It also proved that PBL-students, though particularly the boys, are more inclined to taking responsibility of their own learning. Thus, this study having proved that PBL is equally useful at secondary school level, it is expected that some fresh perspectives on applications of PBL on secondary school students would issue from here.