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"Aliens" and UFOs

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While the link between Unidentified Aerial Phenomena or Unidentified Flying Objects (UAP or UFOs) and the existence of alien life has long been discredited as pseudoscience, an increasing number of government disclosures and reports on UFOs and their witnesses have recently surfaced that challenge this assertion. However, it is often difficult to believe in the possibility of alien visitors due to the gap between verified UAP sightings and urban legend-like stories of aliens. This article examines multifaceted information and provides a holistic overview to assess the obscurity and controversy behind UAP. First, it examines documented accounts from children witnesses involved in 5 separate UAP encounters. Subsequently, it reviews 5 verified cases reported by groups of adults that fulfill specific criteria, such as third-party testimonies, consistent stories, physical evidence, polygraph tests, and follow-up government investigations. Further, the article outlines examples of pilots who have experienced UAP, along with military reports on "Foo-Fighters" that can be traced back to World War I. Furthermore, it explores 20 historical accounts of UAP pre-dating the invention of airplanes. Finally, the article considers official reports and statements from the government, military, and scientists to deduce the connection between UAP and alien life.
“Aliens” and UFOs
Go Han
Abstract: While the link between Unidentified Aerial Phenomena or Unidentified
Flying Objects (UAP or UFOs) and the existence of alien life has long been
discredited as pseudoscience, an increasing number of government disclosures and
reports on UFOs and their witnesses have recently surfaced that challenge this
assertion. However, it is often difficult to believe in the possibility of alien visitors
due to the gap between verified UAP sightings and urban legend-like stories of aliens.
This article examines multifaceted information and provides a holistic overview to
assess the obscurity and controversy behind UAP. First, it examines documented
incidents from children witnesses involved in 5 separate UAP encounters.
Subsequently, it reviews 5 verified cases reported by groups of adults that fulfill
specific criteria, such as third-party testimonies, consistent stories, physical evidence,
polygraph tests, and follow-up government investigations. Further, the article
outlines examples of pilots who have experienced UAP, along with military reports
on “Foo-Fighters” that can be traced back to World War I. Furthermore, it explores
20 historical accounts of UAP pre-dating the invention of airplanes. Finally, the
article considers official reports and statements from the government, military, and
scientists to deduce the connection between UAP and alien life.
Keywords: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, Aliens, Pilots, Children
Video Footage of UFO Sightings
Categories: Disk or tic-tac shaped UFOs, Orb shaped UFOs (Red, White, Blue),
Water UFOs, Flashing UFOs, Metallic-Ball Shaped UFOs, Other UFO shapes,
Pilot/Plane UFOs, Row of lights, UFO Formations
The author received no specific funding for this work
Correspondence regarding this article can be addressed to:
Go Han, Hanyang University, 222 Wangsimni-ro, Sageun-dong, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, South Korea
1. Introduction
In December 2017, Luis Elizondo made headlines around the world
(Watkins & Todd, 2017). The former employee of the Office of the Under
Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (OUSDI) and former head of the Advanced
Aerospace Threat Identification Program—a classified UFO study funded by the
United States Department of Defense—stated, “My personal belief is that there is
very compelling evidence that we may not be alone.” Subsequently, on December
16, 2017, The New York Times released two videos depicting a United States Navy
pilot’s close encounter with an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) (Cooper,
Blumenthal, & Kean, 2017). Three months later, another video was released
revealing F-18 fighters’ encounters with UFOs (Eltagouri, 2018). The release of
these videos was orchestrated by Elizondo, who left the head of the program and
the Pentagon in 2017 due to the “bureaucratic challenges and inflexible mindsets”
present in every level of the Department (History, 2019).
In response to one of the videos, U.S. Navy Commander David Fravor
acknowledged witnessing a UFO while piloting an F/A-18 Hornet on a training
mission in 2004. He stated, “I have never seen anything in my life, in my history of
flying that has the performance, the acceleration – keep in mind this thing had no
wings” (ABC 10 News). Navy pilots were, in fact, witnessing UFOs on an almost
daily basis from the summer of 2014 to March 2015 (Cooper, Blumenthal, & Kean,
2019). Regarding the recent disclosure, Christopher Mellon, the former Deputy
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence stated, “We know that UFOs exist.
This is no longer an issue.” He questions, “The issue now is why are they here?
Where are they coming from and what is the technology behind these devices that
we are observing?” (Hopkins, 2019). On September 18, 2019, the Navy officially
admitted that all previously released UFO footage taken by Navy pilots is authentic
(Martinez, 2019). Furthermore, on April 27, 2020, the Pentagon officially
declassified the leaked videos taken by Navy pilots (Weisberger, 2020). In recent
years, news reports related to UFOs have dramatically increased, often involving
personnel from organizations such as the Navy, the Pentagon, Congress, the Senate,
and NASA (Specktor, 2020; Colombano, 2018; Bender, 2019; CNN, 2019; Letzter,
2018; McMillan, 2020) (see Supplementary Video File).
The idea that UFOs are of extraterrestrial or interdimensional origin has
been speculated by government officials and scientists (Kean, 2011; Grossman,
2019). This link between Unidentified Flying Objects and intelligent alien life is an
interesting yet controversial possibility. As such, there have been unverifiable
sightings where individuals claim to have encountered aliens and UFOs. In regards
to hoax-like cases, such “witnesses” are often motivated by financial gains through
books or publicity from their “alleged experiences” (Hagi, 2017; Holden & French,
2002). For cases that cannot be dismissed as simple fabrications, psychologists
assume that the alleged individuals’ alien encounters result from of out-of-body
experiences or sleep paralysis (McNally & Clancy 2005; Wolchover, 2011).
Consequently, the gap between verified UFO records and individuals’
obscure and disputable alien encounters complicates whether one believes that
there may be something substantial behind the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena
(UAP), or if the possibility of alien aircrafts is simply a product of one’s mind.
However, cases exist in which young children and groups of adults have witnessed
strange entities emerge from UFOs, rendering it difficult to attribute such an
anomaly to human psychology. This article aims to examine the connection
between UFOs and aliens by first reviewing selected accounts from young
children, followed by those of adult group witnesses. As these cases have been
largely overlooked by the mainstream scientific community, this article seriously
considers the possibility of UFO and alien encounter claims by identifying the key
characteristics of each case. This research involved selecting only those alleged
alien encounters involving children witnesses and adult groups that had been
reported by major media outlets or other reputable sources. Furthermore, the
continuous and extensive history of UFO sightings comprising reports by pilots,
scholars, and credentialed witnesses is reviewed in conjunction with the ten alleged
alien encounters. Finally, the article examines the official stance of the government,
military, and scientists before outlining all existing evidence to assess the possible
connection between UFOs and alien life forms.
2. Child Witnesses and Unidentified Flying Objects
The following section will focus on cases in which young children were
witnesses in alleged alien spacecraft cases. This witness group is important
because young children are statistically the worst of all age groups at lying (Debey
et al, 2015). Children lack the ability to place themselves in an observer’s position,
and their deception is poorly concealed due to their early stages of cognitive
development and muscular control (Feldman & White, 1980; Charlesworth &
Kreutzer, 1973). The following five incidents do not include stories of adults that
claim to have encountered alien ships when they were kids.
The Voronezh Incident
The Voronezh Incident was an alleged UFO sighting reported in
Voronezh, Soviet Union. First reported by Tass, the largest Russian news agency,
this paranormal event and its witnesses were examined by various major outlets
around the world, such as ABC (Madrid’s oldest daily newspaper), AP, EFE (the
world’s fourth-largest news agency), The New York Times, and TVE 1 (the first
Spanish Television channel) (EFE, 1989; Frías, 1989; Sotillo 1989; Fein, 1989).
On September 27, 1989, a group of 5th- and 6th-grade children, including Vasya
Surin, Zhenya Blinov, and Yuliya Sholokhova, allegedly observed a red ball in the
sky that turned into a disc. They claim they then witnessed a silver-suited
humanoid with a robot escort emerge from the hatch (Fein, 1989). The head of the
Voronezh Geophysical Laboratory, Genrikh M. Silanov, requested that the three
children draw what they had witnessed. Despite being separated from one another,
their drawings were quite similar. TVE 1 interviewed Volodya Startshev, another
12-year-old witness who had seen the same and felt very scared at the time. Sergei
A. Matveyev, of the Voronezh district police station, stated that although he had
not seen the aliens themselves, he did see the strange object on the same day (Fein,
1989). He stated, “'It was certainly a body flying in the sky, moving noiselessly at a
very high speed and very low altitude” (Fein, 1989). While an above-average
presence of the radioactive isotope cesium was found, investigators remained
unconvinced (Afp, 1989). The UFO was also reported by several local inhabitants
during this time (La Vanguardia, 1989) (see Supplementary Video).
The Broad Haven Primary School Incident
A class of students playing football at the Broad Haven Primary School in
Wales reported a peculiar sighting to their teachers and headmasters on February 4,
1977. A group of 10- and 11-year-olds allegedly witnessed a cigar-shaped aircraft,
and some claimed to have seen a figure in a silver suit emerge. The incident was
published in the BBC and The Independent (Barnett, 2017; Herd, 2012; BBC,
2017). In an interview with the BBC, 10-year-old David Davies said, “I was a
natural born skeptic so after the bell rang, I decided to go to the area that the
children said they had seen it.” Teachers, in disbelief, separated the children and
asked them to draw what they had seen; their drawings were all very similar (BBC,
2017). The two headmasters at the school agreed that the children were not lying
and that they must have witnessed something.
According to the UK National Archives, one family claimed to have
witnessed UFOs and silver-suited creatures within a week of the incident at the
Broad Haven Primary School (Bourton, 2007). The owner of the Haven Fort Hotel,
Mrs. Granville, also reported being woken late at night and seeing a saucer and
silver humanoids through her window (Herd, 2012; ITV Report. 2016).
Investigators, however, suspected pranksters behind these alien sightings (see
Supplementary Video).
The Kofu Incident
In 1975, two 7-year-olds’ alleged encounter with “aliens” in Kofu, Japan
was reported by the Yamanashi Daily News (山梨日日新聞); several witnesses
involved in the incident were later interviewed by Nippon Television Network
(1982). This famous incident was revisited by Fuji TV, one of the five largest
commercial broadcasting stations in Japan (Yamanashi Daily, 1975; Fuji TV,
2018). On the evening of February 23, 1975, two grade-school boys, Masato Kono
(河野雅人) and Katsuhiro Yamahata (山畠克博), were roller-skating near the Hinode
Housing Estate in Kofu, Yamanashi. They noticed a pair of bright orange objects in
the sky: the larger of the two objects flew toward Mt. Atago, and the smaller object
descended to the ground. From its hatch, a silver humanoid allegedly emerged.
Yamahata fell down, as he was frightened by the creature that approached him, and
Kono ran toward home carrying Yamahata. The terrified children relayed the wild
story to their parents and took them to the location of the alleged incident. The
children’s mothers and Kono’s father then witnessed an orange light in the sky.
Similarly, 8-year-old Ichiro Minegishi reported a shiny object flying toward
Hinode Housing Estate a half-hour before these two boys claimed to have
encountered the object (Yamanashi Daily, 1975). Overall, there was not enough
evidence to verify the UFO landing; however, higher than natural levels of
radiation and traces of artificial radioisotope were detected near the site (see
Supplementary Video).
The Cussac Incident
On March 22, 2007, the French Space Agency CNES voluntarily
disclosed its UFO files to the public (Tagliabue, 2007). One particular UFO case
involving two children in Cussac, France was revisited by The Washington Post
and Le Figaro, the oldest newspaper in France (Suply, 2007; Moore, 2007).
August 29, 1967, a 13-year-old boy and his 9-year-old sister, François and Anne-
Marie, spotted “four small black beings” while watching over their family’s cows.
They observed them enter the spherical space ship and depart into the air. The
sphere emitted a bright light and gave off the smell of sulfur. After the sphere
disappeared with a whistling sound, the scared children raced home. The father of
these children, Mr. Depleuch, was also the mayor of Cussac; he immediately
alerted the gendarmerie (La Montagne, 1967). On the spot, the gendarmes noted
the smell of sulfur and the drying of the grass where the sphere had landed (Suply,
2007). Investigators further confirmed that the account given by the frightened
children was consistent with other details such as a strange whistling noise heard
by the rural guard. Overall, this particular incident was labeled by the investigators
and the French government as “most credible,” and “one of the most astonishing
observed in France” (Moore, 2007).
The Ariel School Incident
On September 14, 1994, a group of private school students were involved
in an “alien” encounter in Ruwa, Zimbabwe (Grant, 2016; Coan, 2008). This
incident was examined by Tim Leach, BBC bureau chief for Southern Africa, and
the head of the Foreign Correspondents’ Association in Zimbabwe (Ariel
Phenomenon, 2019). The 62 children, who ranged between the ages of 8 and 12,
were left unsupervised in the schoolyard while the teachers participated in a staff
meeting during school morning recess. The children allegedly witnessed a silver
aircraft and aliens, and they ran screaming back to the teachers. The teachers at the
school initially ignored the student’s fearful cries, assuming that they were nothing
more than a schoolyard prank. However, children went home and told their strange
stories to their parents, and their parents came to the school wanting to know what
had happened. Later, children were asked separately to draw pictures of what they
had seen. Their drawings were identical.
The children were interviewed by John E. Mack, the head of the
department of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. Their interviews, along with
other interviews of the headmaster, teachers, and BBC reporter Tim Leach, are
available for review (Ariel Phenomenon, 2016; Bobby Gooner, 2016). Notably,
some of the children involved in the sighting also claimed that an “alien”
communicated to them without words, but the children were too young to grasp the
concept of telepathy. The alleged telepathic communication can be only implied
from their words in their interview. The following are quotes from one of the
interview clips (see Supplementary Video).
Child: “What I thought was maybe the world is going to end maybe they
telling us the world’s gonna end.”
Mack: “Well why do you think they might want us to be scared.”
Child: “because maybe because we don't look after the planet and the
The archived page is accessible through Wayback Machine.
Mack: “Is this an idea that you have had before that we don’t look after
the planet properly or the air or did this idea come to you when you had
this experience?”
Child: “When I had this experience.”
After investigating this incident, Leach claimed, “I could handle war
zones, but I could not handle this” (Ariel Phenomenon, 2019). There were also
several reports of alien sightings around the same time: a young boy and his
mother reported a daylight sighting, and a trucker had seen strange beings on the
road at night (Mail & Guardian, 2014).
Miscellaneous Sightings by Children
There are other notable sightings reported by children where only
Unidentified Flying Objects are involved: the 1966 Westall Primary UFO incident
in Australia, the 1967 Crestview Elementary School incident in Florida, and the
1973 Nakdong Elementary School Case in Korea. These cases will be briefly
discussed here, as there is not enough information to conclude a connection
between these UFO sightings and alien intelligence.
On April 6, 1966, the Westall Primary UFO incident had hundreds of
witnesses, including many young children. In this instance, onlookers noticed a
flying saucer playing a “game of cat and mouse” with jets (National Geographic,
2017; Studio 10, 2016; Foster, 2018). A similar incident occurred on April 7, 1967
at Crestview Elementary School in Florida, where a flying saucer witnessed by
teachers and children was explored on Quest TV (2020). On April 13, 1973, the
case of two silver Unidentified Flying Objects accelerating and disappearing near
Nakdong Elementary School in Korea was widely publicized; witnesses in this
case included 22 elementary school children and a school teacher (Dong-A Ilbo,
1982; Monthly Chosun Magazine, 2007) (see Supplementary Video).
The existence of many cases of young children around the world
witnessing UFOs and aliens does not automatically guarantee that these findings
are valid; however, these stories are unexplainable. Young children are capable of
lying, as studies have shown that kids and children learn to lie progressively as
they age; in this case, however, they would need to be quite specific and act
realistically amazed or frightened while making up such vivid stories about UFOs
(Talwar, 2018). Adults and teenagers may fabricate stories about aliens for their
own benefit, but there seem to be no real motives for a group of young children to
act this way. In addition, scientific studies that investigate lying in children involve
simple lies related to toys and puppets that are not nearly as extravagant or strange
as these stories of UAP and alien visitors (Talwar & Lee, 2008). It is also difficult
to explain the matching drawings of children that were put in separate rooms,
third-party witnesses other than these children, and the children’s detailed answers
to interviewers’ questions. An alternative scientific clarification to their improbable
stories requires an explanation of why the young children and third-party witnesses
would tell uniform, vivid recollections of UFOs and “aliens.”
3. Group Witnesses and Alien Encounters
It is necessary to examine the following cases of adult groups around the
world witnessing “alien aircrafts” because such accounts lead to the dichotomy of
whether witnesses are lying about their “experience.” While psychological factors
can account for an individual adult’s paranormal experience, it is unlikely, if not
impossible, for a group of adults to experience the same exceedingly wild “alien
encounter” phenomenon simultaneously (Mcnally & Clancy 2005; Wolchover,
2011). In other words, adult groups are either fabricating stories or sharing their
experiences. Nevertheless, any group of adults can easily lie, and claims or reports
from adults will be less reliable than those from young children. If, however,
enough evidence can be presented to support the group’s account, their cases may
be worth examining. The following events all satisfy at least several of the
following criteria.
1. There were third-party groups other than the encounter group that testified.
2. Witnesses passed the polygraph test and their stories were extensively
examined for consistency.
3. Investigations reported traces of physical evidence.
4. The witnesses did not profit from the event.
5. The case was taken very seriously by the investigators or the government.
The Pascagoula Incident
The Pascagoula Incident is an alleged alien encounter published and
revisited by various media outlets and news agencies such as the Associated Press,
Hattiesburg American, Tampa Bay Times, United Press International, and The
Washington Post (Brockell, 2019; CBS, 2019; Nelson, 2018; Amy, 2013; AP,
1973a, 1973b; UPI, 1973). On the evening of October 11, 1973, 42-year-old
Charles Hickson and 19-year-old Calvin Parker Jr. were fishing near the west bank
of the Pascagoula River. They noticed a blue light reflecting on the water and saw
an oval-shaped object unlike any aircraft that they had ever seen. After a blinding
light, strange creatures allegedly appeared, took them aboard the object, examined
them, and eventually released them. “They were frantic. They told authorities they
had just been abducted by aliens. Each had a puncture wound in one arm,” writes
The Washington Post. The officers at the sheriff’s department thought that they
were either lying or drunk, and deputies secretly taped them. Jackson County
Sheriff’s Captain Glen Ryder says, “We did everything we knew to try to break
their stories.” He continued, “If they were lying to me, they should be in
Hollywood” (Brockell, 2019). Ryder notes that there were several related sightings
of unexplainable lights during and before the night of the incident. The two men
would pass sobriety tests and polygraph tests. Subsequently, Calvin Parker Jr.
avoided media attention for decades, and neither became rich from the story. While
it is difficult to conclude that their experiences were genuine, there were several
third-party witnesses to corroborate the strange sighting (Watkins, 2018). Mike
Cataldo, a former petty officer of the Navy in Rotonda West, Florida, reported that
he saw “a very strange object on the horizon” late that afternoon when he was
driving on U.S. 90 between Pascagoula and Ocean Springs. Many other witnesses
that came forward were interviewed by The Clarion Ledger and WLOX television
station (Keeton, 2019; Broom, 2019) (see Supplementary Video).
The Kentucky Women Incident
WLEX-TV, Lexington’s first television station, and the Lexington Herald-
Leader revisited an alleged alien encounter case involving three women: Mona
Stafford, Louise Smith, and Elaine Thomas (LEX18 News, 2011; Copley, 2012).
The case was previously explored in several local papers such as the Chicago
Tribune, the Kentucky Advocate, and The Advocate-Messenger (Mabley, 1977;
Brown, 1997; Edwards, 1997). On January 6, 1976, three women were driving a
car on Route 78 after celebrating one of the women’s birthdays at Redwoods
Restaurant near Stanford. Between Stanford and Hustonville, the women allegedly
saw a domed shaped object emitting blue light, and their car began to malfunction
as the glowing object approached. The three women experienced memory loss,
inflammation, and burning sensations when they reached Hustonville. Noting that
it took more than two hours to arrive at their destination, which normally should
have only taken 30 minutes, the women reached out to the police. Their claims
were held up by polygraph tests administered individually by the Lexington Police
Department. Aside from amnesia, the three women also suffered swollen eyes,
headaches, anxiety, and red welts on the backs of their necks (Edwards, 1997).
Therapy sessions involving hypnosis revealed that the women were taken aboard
metallic, disk-shaped aircraft and examined by “aliens.”
While their claims pertaining to this “alien encounter” cannot be verified,
the women did not cash in from their stories (Brown, 1997). Two of the three
women were, in fact, grandmothers, and they were all respected members of the
local community (Edwards 1997). Independent witnesses also gave credence to
their claims. On the same day, Donna Coffrey and her family reported seeing a
“small object with blue lights” (Brown, 1997). In 2011, Mona Stafford, the only
woman currently alive out of the three women, decided to speak out and was
interviewed on WLEX-TV (LEX18 News, 2011) (see Supplementary Video).
The A70 Incident
Reported in The Scotsman, a daily morning newspaper published in
Edinburgh, and The Herald, the longest-running national newspaper in the world,
the A70 incident is one of the most well-known documented UFO cases in
Scotland (The Newsroom, 2012; Swarbrick, 2018).
On August 27, 1992, Garry
Wood and Colin Wright were on their way to deliver a satellite TV system to the
village of Tarbrax when the alleged “alien encounter” occurred. While driving,
they noticed a disc-shaped object hovering over the A70 road. Hoping to get away
from the object, Wood put his foot down on the accelerator. Wood and Wright were
temporarily enveloped in a black void when a mist emitted from the object
allegedly reached the car. When they regained control of the car, they realized that
they were late to drop off a satellite TV system at their destination. Similar to the
Kentucky Women case, it took about two hours to arrive at Tarbrax when the trip
would normally have taken about 30 minutes (The Scotsman, 2019).
The archived page is accessible through Wayback Machine.
Declassified government files reveal that Garry Wood contacted the
police, a doctor, a university, and a psychologist to seek an explanation. Several
months later, the two men went through hypnotic regression, and therapy sessions
revealed that the “aliens” had abducted, examined, and communicated with them
(McCue, 2018). Garry Wood went on to pass a polygraph test organized by the
BBC, and the pair defended their claims (Farrimond, 2018). Rather than being
regarded as Hollywood fiction, the 1992 case was serious enough to be
investigated by the Ministry of Defense (Urquhart, 2012).
The Varginha Incident
This “alien encounter” occurred in Varginha, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The
events were reported by the Grupo Record, the third-largest media company in
Brazil; Empresa Brasil de Comunicação, a public broadcasting company in Brazil;
and Grupo Globo, the largest mass media group of Latin America (, 1996;
Moffett, 1996; Silva & Melo, 2016; Pedrosa, 2016; Augusto, 2019; G1, 2017). On
the afternoon of January 20, 1996, a red-eyed “alien creature” was allegedly seen
by three women aged 14 to 21: sisters Liliane and Valquíria Fátima Silva, and their
friend Kátia Andrade Xavier. The sisters and Kátia immediately fled and told
Silva’s mother that they had seen the “devil.” The mother and the girls returned to
the area where they supposedly saw the creature. The older woman noticed a
strong odor of ammonia, a dog sniffing the location of the encounter, and a mark
on the floor.
Prior to this encounter, Oralina and Eurico de Freitas, owners of a farm in
the city, claimed to have seen a UFO hovering over their cattle and heading toward
the Fernão Dias highway. On January 13, 1996, Pilot Carlos de Souza reported
seeing an object that passed by Fernão Dias. In 2010, an official inquiry led by the
Brazilian military authorities, however, concluded that witnesses had actually
come across a mentally unstable homeless hobo nicknamed “Mudinho” covered in
mud (Pedrosa, 2016). He remains a part of their neighborhood in Varginha, and the
girls, who know him, have always denied this conclusion. Regardless, the lives of
these women were all negatively impacted by this alleged event. One pregnant
woman separated from her husband, and another dropped out of school. In 2012,
the case was revisited by National Geographic, and the three witnesses were
interviewed (National Geographic, 2012) (see Supplementary Video).
The Kelly Cahill Incident
The alleged “alien encounter” in Australia was reported by The Sydney
Morning Herald, the oldest newspaper in Australia; the Australian Broadcasting
Corporation, Australia’s national broadcaster; and, Australia’s most
popular news website (Brown 2016; Miletic, 2016; Lambert, 2016). On August 8,
1993, a couple from Melbourne witnessed an object with orange lights floating
over Belgrave-Hallam Road as they were driving through the Dandenong Ranges
in Victoria. Kelly Cahill (pseudonym) and her husband stated that the object
accelerated like nothing that they had ever seen, and a blinding light appeared in
front of the road. Like a “cut to scene,” the couple suddenly felt confused and
sluggish. The disoriented couple realized an hour and a half had been lost when
they returned home. The time loss was identical to that of the Kentucky Women
Incident and the A70 Incident (Cahill, 1996). In this specific case, however, there
were three independent groups of witnesses in three separate cars. Kelly Cahill
later recalled details of the night, such as getting out of her car to inspect the light
in the middle of the road. She also reported “aliens” emerging beneath the lights
and approaching them. Multiple witnesses in the other two cars described the same
experience, illustrated images similar to the sketches of Ms. Cahill, and recalled
being taken on board “some kind of object” (Lambert, 2016). Kelly Cahill and two
other female witnesses also reported similar markings on their bodies near their
navel (see Supplementary Video).
Miscellaneous Cases
There are many notable UFO encounters around the world involving
single witnesses, including the 1964 Lonnie Zamora incident, the 1965 Valensole
UFO Encounter, the 1967 Falcon Lake incident, the 1980 Rosedale Case, and the
1981 Trans-en-Provence Case. The 1964 Lonnie Zamora incident involving a New
Mexico police officer was listed as “the best-documented case on record” in
Studies in Intelligence (CIA, 2016). This particular case persuaded Dr. J. Allen
Hynek to seriously consider the possibility of “alien ships” (Hynek, 1977). Dr.
Hynek was a professor of astrophysics who served as a scientific advisor to an Air
Force project that assessed UFO reports; he had originally explained UFO
phenomena as “swamp gas” to Congressman Gerald Ford (Fordlibrarymuseum,
1966). Furthermore, the 1965 Valensole encounter in France left physical evidence,
as nothing grew for two years in the location of the encounter (Hars, 2015; Quilici-
Orlandi, 2019). The 1967 Falcon Lake incident in Canada left the witness with
unexplainable burns in a grid-like pattern, and a radioactive piece of metal was
recovered (Bernhardt, 2017). The 1980 Rosedale encounter in Australia left a
circular brown mark with a diameter of approximately 30 feet and emptied a
10,000-gallon water tank. In addition, it was impossible to move livestock into the
paddock where the mark was (Cavanagh, 2015; Gippsland Times, 1980). In the
1981 Trans-en-Provence case, a follow-up investigation by the French government
ruled out the possibility of military activity or an aircraft (Wilson, 2001; New
Scientist, 2007). While the specific details of these sightings were reported by
single witnesses, additional independent witnesses reported the alleged objects,
particularly in the Lonnie Zamora and Rosedale cases.
While such single witness cases are well-documented and not considered
simple hoaxes, these incidents were all omitted from the current research; this
article deemed that any incidents involving single witnesses were too weak to
effectively dismiss skeptics’ possible arguments against such single witnesses.
Understandably, there will always be skeptics aiming to disprove every UFO case
and exclude the possibility of “alien” visitors due to numerous infamous hoaxes.
While their approach may help filter out such hoaxes, their methods carry the
predetermined assumption that all “alien” visitations are 100% fake.
4. Modern History of UFOs
If any one of the cases described above are accurate descriptions of real
events, the implications would be overwhelming; however, these noteworthy cases
alone cannot lead to the conclusion that humans have been visited by aliens.
Undoubtedly, suspicion may surround these notable cases based on the large
number of hoaxes related to Unidentified Flying Objects and alleged alien
encounters. Others may question why aliens are not choosing to appear now if
humans have allegedly encountered them in the past. Consequently, it is only
logical to doubt UFO accounts and investigate how, when, and where these stories
of Unidentified Flying Objects or “alien ships” originated regardless of the recent
video disclosure by the Navy. In order to address this, the extensive history of UFO
phenomena will be explored in this section.
Modern Pilots and UFOs
On April 12, 1969, two pilots in Pori, Finland named Jouko Kuronen and
Tarmo Tukeva reported seven plate-shaped objects in a formation that flew at
“ällistyttävällä” (incredible) speeds; the objects were later detected via radar nearly
200 kilometers away in Vaasa. This particular sighting was acknowledged by the
Finnish Air Force and published in Ruotuväki (2012), the Finnish Defense Forces’
magazine. Comparably, on November 11, 1979 in Manises, Spain, the crew of
TAE-SE 210 and the Air Force Captain of Mirage F1 testified that they witnessed
red dome-shaped objects that accelerated and vanished in the sky (Guardian, 2015;
COPE, 2019; Cuatro, 2019).
Other similar testimonies have come from pilots around the world. On
March 31, 1980, four Korean pilots were given orders to chase an Unidentified
Flying Object during Team Spirit, a joint military training exercise between the
United States and South Korea. Korean Air Vice Marshal Im Byungsun spoke of
closely witnessing an object flying at a trajectory that was rendered impossible by
the limits of man-made technology (Jung, 2016; JTBC Culture, 2019). He stated,
“The Unidentified Flying Object was disc-shaped and as big as three McDonnell
Douglas F-4 Phantom IIs. It was strongly emitting sparks and lights from the core.
The color was similar to what one would see in oxy-fuel welding.” The sighting
was further corroborated by Air Force colonel Lee Seungbae and Air force colonel
Park Osang. On July, 31, 1995, near Bariloche Airport in Argentina, witnesses such
as Captain Jorge Polanco from a Boeing 727, Air Force Major Jorge Luis Oviedo,
and the crew of the GN705 (Argentine National Gendarmerie) including Juan
Domingo Gaitán and Rubén Cipuzak, reported an intense light that “did not move
according to the laws of physics that we know” (se mueve bajo como reglas físicas
que nosotros no manejamos) (AFP, 1995; Crónica, 1995; Investigación X, 1996; El
Coldillerano, 2013). The observers from the Boeing 727 noted that the object had
two green lights at the end (see Supplementary Video).
Although a number of UFO sightings by modern pilots around the world
are well-acknowledged, official records are not synonymous with every encounter.
Air & Space Magazine (2015) explains that for a pilot, “filing a UFO report can
potentially hurt one’s career.” Christopher Mellon, a former Deputy Assistant
Secretary of Defense for Intelligence in the Clinton and Bush administrations,
explains that pilots tend not to speak up about UFOs and worry that reporting such
events will adversely affect them (Paul, 2019; Koren, 2019). Well-known examples
are the Milton Torres UFO encounter and the Japan Airlines Flight 1628 incident.
In 1957, Milton Torres, the pilot of an F-86D Sabre jet, was ordered to fire at an
Unidentified Flying Object (Griffiths, 2008; Spangler, 2008). This particular object
that was “not made of this Earth” vanished before the pilot could shoot, and Torres
was debriefed that he would be breaching national security if he were to discuss
what happened. Similarly, in 1987, the Japanese crew of a JAL Boeing 747
reported three Unidentified Flying Objects, one of which Captain Kenju Terauchi
nicknamed the “Mothership” (UPI, 1987). The follow-up investigation concluded
that the crew was “normal, professional, rational, (and had) no drug or alcohol
involvement.” The Captain, however, was grounded for talking to the press openly
about UFOs even though he was a veteran pilot with 29 years of experience (UPI,
1987; Lean, 2001).
Furthermore, pilots themselves often avoid unwanted publicity and any
stigma associated with aliens (Phelan, 2019; Ruppelt, 2011). Richard Haines, a
former senior research scientist at NASAs Ames Research Center explains that
only a small percentage of incidents are ever reported, in part because professional
pilots fear ridicule and potential damage to their careers (Morella, 2012). Joseph
Gradisher, spokesperson for the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information
Warfare, clarifies that the term “UFO” itself discourages pilots from reporting
incidents for fear of being ridiculed (Rodriguez, 2019). Nevertheless, a number of
pilot encounters with UFOs are verifiable and well-established. They have been
witnessed by military pilots, commercial airline pilots, two pilots in different
planes, pilots and passengers in the same plane, a U.S. Navy pilot commander, and
a veteran pilot that worked with former President Obama (Cot, 2007; Danziger,
2018; Rohrer, 2007; CBS News, 2018; AP News, 1985; Specktor, 2018) (see
Supplementary Video).
5. Before Modern Pilots
Did the UFO phenomena exist before modern pilots? Allied aircraft pilots
used the term “Foo-Fighter” in World War II to describe numerous UFOs or UAP
seen in the skies over the European and Pacific theaters of operations (Krasney,
2016; Robertson, 2006). TIME Magazine published an article titled “Foo-Fighter”
in its January 15, 1945 edition, where it reported that “balls of fire” had been
following U.S. night fighters for more than a month; the pilots referred to them as
The color of the fire varied, but the witnesses concurred that their
plane was closely followed by the strange lights at high speed. Generally, pilots
have assumed that the Foo-Fighters were classified weapons used by enemy forces
(NYT, 1945). However, it was discovered that this was not the case; identical
sightings were also observed by German and Japanese pilots (Rutledge, 1981;
Haines, 1997).
Similar anomalies were observed in the subsequent wars in Korea and
Vietnam (UPI, 1973; Dong-A Ilbo, 1952; Haines, 1990). Originally, many
researchers assumed the sightings were Soviet experiments built on German
engineering and anti-gravity technology (Haines, 1997). In the following years
after the collapse of the Soviet Union, a number of Soviet reports also revealed
UFO sightings and discredited these assumptions (Edwards, 2013). UAPs were,
however, not exclusively limited to post-World War II Periods. Historian Denis
Winter (1982) writes in his book, The First of the Few: Fighter Pilots of the First
World War,
The archived page is accessible through Wayback Machine.
green glowing balls which twisted about like live things and seemed to
chase an aeroplane, turning over end on end in a leisurely way yet, as
Bishop observed, terrifying because moving just too fast for an aeroplane
to take evasive action. Part of their terror was that no one knew what they
were, or has found out even today.
In 1916, Flight Sub-Lieutenant J.E. Morgan reports firing at an airship
whereupon he says that ‘the lights alongside rose rapidly’ and disappeared
(Morris, 1969). Even before the advent of military airplanes in 1909, UFO
sightings existed. One verifiable sighting comes from Lieutenant Frank Schofield,
later to become Commander-in-Chief of the Pacific Battle Fleet. On February 28,
1904, the anomalous sighting was witnessed by three crew members on the USS
Supply, 300 miles west of San Francisco (Richland Shield and Banner, 1904).
Schofield reported, “that at first their motion was rapid and the color a rather bright
red. As they approached the ship, they appeared to soar above the clouds at an
elevation of about forty-five degrees” (NYT, 1904).
Sightings Prior to the 20th Century
Prior to the modern tales of UFOs and the Foo-Fighters reported during
World War II, stories of mysterious lights and phantom airships existed between
the late 19th and early 20th centuries (Guardian, 1913). These stories are attributable
not only to the contemporary development of effective airships during the aerial
age, but also to anomalous sightings observed during this time. The following
section will introduce two types of pre-20th century UFO sightings that are not
mutually exclusive:
A. Verified firsthand accounts from scholars and professionals with
credentials related to UFOs, and
B. Reports that match videos of UFOs or modern accounts of “alien ship”
The 19th-century sightings listed here pertain to both categories, with the
exception of two cases that are recorded in the Dianshizhai Pictorial and Annals of
Songzi County.
1893 “An Atmospheric Phenomenon in the North China Sea” –Nature (Type B)
Captain Norcock of H.M.S. Caroline writes,
During a recent wintry cruise in H.M.S. Caroline in the North China Sea,
a curious phenomenon was seen which may be of interest to your readers.
The ship was on passage between Shanghai and the western entrance of
the famous inland sea of Japan. On 24th February, at 10 p.m., when in
latitude 32° 58’ N., longitude 126° 33’ E., which, on reference to the map,
will be seen to be sixteen to seventeen miles south of Quelpart island
(south of the Korean peninsula) some unusual lights were reported by the
officer of the watch between the ship and Mount Auckland, a mountain
6,000 feet high. It was a windy, cold, moonlight night. My first impression
was that they were either some fires on shore, apparently higher from the
horizon than a ship’s masthead, or some junk’s “flare up” lights raised by
mirage. To the naked eye they appeared sometimes as a mass; at others,
spread out in an irregular line, and, being globular in form, they
resembled Chinese lanterns festooned between the masts of a lofty vessel.
They bore north (magnetic), and remained on that bearing until lost sight
of about midnight. As the ship was passing the land to the eastward at the
rate of seven knots an hour, it soon became obvious that the lights were
not on the land, though observed with the mountain behind them.
On the following night, February 25th, about the same time, 10 p.m., the
ship having cleared Port Hamilton, was steering east, on the parallel of
34, when these curious lights were again observed on the same bearing,
at an altitude of 3 or 4° above the horizon. It was a clear, still, moonlight
night, and cold. On this occasion there was no land in sight on a north
bearing when the lights were first observed, but soon afterwards a small
islet was passed, which for the time eclipsed the lights. As the ship
steamed on at a rate of seven knots an hour, the lights maintained a
constant bearing (magnetic) of N. 2°W., as if carried by some vessel
travelling in the same direction and at the same speed. The globes of fire
altered in their formation as on the previous night, now in a massed
group, with an outlying light away to the right, then the isolated one
would disappear, and the others would take the form of a crescent or
diamond, or hang festoon-fashion in a curved line. A clear reflection or
glare could be seen on the horizon beneath the lights. Through a
telescope the globes appeared to be of a reddish colour, and to emit a thin
I watched them for several hours, and could distinguish no perceptible
alteration in their bearing or altitude, the changes occurring only in their
relative formation, but each light maintained its oval, globular form.
Captain Castle, of H.M.S. Leander, informed me that, not long ago, the
officers of his ship saw lights in the same locality which they thought at
first were caused by a ship on fire. The course of the vessel was altered at
once with a view of rendering assistance, but finding that the lights
increased their altitude as he approached, he attributed them to some
volcanic disturbance, and being pressed for time, resumed his course. The
background of high land seen on the first night dispels all idea of these
extraordinary lights being due to a distant volcano. The uniformity of the
bearing renders the theory of their being fires on the shore most
improbable. I am inclined to the belief that they were something in the
nature of St. Elmo’s fires. It is probable that there are travelers among the
readers of your interesting journal who have seen or heard of this
phenomenon, and will be able to describe its origin and the atmospheric
conditions necessary for its appearance (Nature, 1880).
(See Supplementary Video - Ocean Flash UFOs, Moving Lights UFOs.)
1892: “Flying Red Flame” (
) - China: Dianshizhai Pictorial (China’s
earliest pictorial) by Wu Youru (
Wú yǒurú)
On September 28, 1892, a large egg-like red object sailed very slowly from
the West to the East before eventually disappearing from sight. This incident in
Nanjing City had hundreds of witnesses, and many tried to speculate the nature of
the phenomenon. Some thought it was a meteor, but it was too slow (stagnant).
Others thought that it was a sky (Chinese) lantern, but the direction of the wind
suggested otherwise. One witness pointed out that the object made a subtle noise
when it arrived.
(Dianshizhai Pictorial, 1892;, 2014; Shanghai Archives, 2008)
1880 “A Strange Phenomenon”- Nature (Type B)
The article, “A Strange Phenomenon,” was published in Nature on
February 26, 1880. R. E. Harris, Commander of the S.S. Shahjehan, writes,
The most remarkable phenomenon that I have ever seen at sea was seen
by myself and officers on the 5th instant between Oyster Reef and Pigeon
Island (Malabar coast). At 10 P.M., we were steaming along very
comfortably; there was a perfect calm, the water was without a ripple
upon it, the sky was cloudless, and, there being no moon, the stars shone
brightly. The atmosphere was beautifully clear, and the night was one of
great quietude. At the above-named hour I went on deck, and at once
observed a streak of white matter on the horizon bearing south-south-
west. I then went on the bridge and drew the third officer’s attention to it.
In a few minutes it had assumed the shape of a segment of a circle
measuring about 45° in length and several degrees in altitude about its
centre. At this time it shone with a peculiar but beautiful milky whiteness,
and resembled (only in a huge mass, and greater luminous intensity) the
nebulae sometimes seen in the heavens. We were steaming to the
southward, and as the bank of light extended, one of its arms crossed our
path. The whole thing appeared so foreign to anything I had ever seen,
and so wonderful, that I stopped the ship just on its outskirts, so that I
might try to form a true and just conception of what it really was. By this
time all the officers and engineers had assembled on deck to witness the
scene, and were all equally astonished and interested. Some little time
before the first body of light reached the ship I was enabled, with my
night glasses, to resolve in a measure what appeared, to the unassisted
eye, a huge mass of nebulous matter. I distinctly saw spaces between what
again appeared to be waves of light of great lustre. These came rolling on
with ever-increasing rapidity till they reached the ship, and in a short time
the ship was completely surrounded with one great body of undulating
light, which soon extended to the horizon on all sides (Nature, 1880).
(See Supplementary Video - Moving Lights UFOs, Ocean Flash UFOs.)
This is similar to the account written by Shen Kuo in 1088.
1880 Annals of Songzi County (Type B)
《松滋縣志》 (Annals of Songzi County) of Hubei Province records a
strange story of a local farmer in Xiyanzui on May 8, 1880 (Chinese Lunar
There is a farmer who went for a walk in the mountain forest behind the
house in the morning. There was an object in the woods, which was
emitting a strange, colorful light. He went near it and felt his body being
lifted off the ground as if he was floating on clouds. The sound of
whistling wind kept ringing in his ears. His mind was confused, and his
body could not move completely. He suddenly falls, and he is on a
mountainous hill. He is very surprised as if he had just woken up from a
dream. A woodcutter then comes and asked him where he was from. The
farmer replied that he was from Songzi County, Hubei Province. The
woodcutter said in a curious way: How come you are here? This is
Guizhou Province. It is five or six hundred kilometers away from your
hometown. The farmer came down the mountain as he was told. He
returned home, and 18 days had already passed.
指其途下山. ,抵家已逾十八日矣
(Annals of Songzi County, 1982; Chinanews, 2013; Shanghai Archives,
2008; Wang, 2008).
(See the Kentucky Women Case, the A70 Case, and the Kelly Cahill
1879 Henry Murray (Type A, B)
Sir James Augustus Henry Murray, the primary editor of the Oxford
English Dictionary from 1879 until his death, reported a strange phenomenon.
Sir,—On Saturday evening last I was walking northward on the eastern
pavement in St. Giles’s, Oxford, and, having just passed the entrance of
St. John’s, was still within the enclosed area in front of that College when
my eyes were arrested by a brilliant luminous body which suddenly
emerged over the tops of the trees before me on the left and moved
eastward across the sky above and in front of me. Its appearance was, at
the first glance, such as to suggest a brilliant meteor, considerably larger
than Venus at her greatest brilliancy, but the slowness of its motion, as it
sailed or floated majestically across the field of vision, as if driven by a
strong wind, made me doubt whether it was not some artificial firework.
Expecting to see it explode or go out, I watched for a second or two till it
neared its culminating point and was about to be hidden from me by the
lofty College building, on which I sprang over the corner of the low stone
wall of the enclosure and, walking sidewise and backwards across St.
Giles’s, I was enabled to see it through the space between the old and new
buildings of the College, as it continued its course toward the eastern
horizon. It did not explode, emit any spark, or leave any train or track; but
it became rapidly dimmer and fainter as it approached the horizon, and
finally disappeared behind a tree seen through the space in question,
leaving me quite uncertain as to its nature (Bailey, 1991).
(See Supplementary Video - Moving Lights UFOs, Flashing UFOs.)
1853 Scientific American (Type A, B)
We have received a letter from Professor A. C. Carnes, of Burritt College,
Tenn., with the following account of a singular phenomenon, that was
seen by a number of the students, on June 1st., at 4 A. M., just as the sun
was rising :— “Two luminous spots were seen, one about 2 north of the
san, and the other about 30 minutes further in the same direction. When
seen, the first had the appearance of a small new moon; the other that of a
large star.— The small one soon diminished, and became invisible; the
other assumed a globular shape, and then elongated parallel with the
horizon. The first then became visible again, and increased rapidly in size,
while the other diminished, and the two spots kept changing thus for
about half an hour. There was considerable wind at the time, and light
fleecy clouds passed by, showing the lights to be confined to one place.”
The students have asked for an explanation, but neither the President nor
Professors are satisfied as to the character of the lights, but think that
electricity has something to do with it. The phenomenon was certainly not
an electrical one, so far we can judge, and possibly was produced by
distant clouds of moisture.
(See Supplementary Video - Flashing UFOs.)
This sighting is similar to one observed in Nature 15, 451 (1877).
1825 Diary of Andrew Bloxam (Type A, B)
Andrew Bloxam was the naturalist on board the H.M.S. Blonde and a
noted mycologist and botanist. The following is written in the Diary of Andrew
Bloxam: Naturalist of the “Blonde” on Her Trip from England to the Hawaiian
Islands (1824-25).
August 12. About half-past three o’clock this morning the middle watch
on deck was astonished to find everything around them suddenly
illuminated. Turning their eyes to the eastward they beheld a large, round,
luminous body rising up about seven degrees apparently from the water to
the clouds, and falling again out of sight, and a second time rising and
falling. It was the color of a red-hot shot and appeared about the size of
the sun. It was only visible for a few seconds and after its final departure
some rays of light were seen in the same direction. It was probably a
meteor or fireball. No sound was heard. It gave so great a light that a pin
might be picked up on deck (Bloxam, 1925).
(See Supplementary Video - Moving Lights UFOs, Ocean Flash UFOs,
Red Light UFOs.)
This sighting is similar to one recorded in Philosophical Magazine v35
(1868) p.61.
Sightings Prior to the 19th Century
Vallee and Aubeck (2010) list as many as 127 anomalous sightings in the
19th century. They note that the number of recorded sightings may have
significantly increased during this time period due to encouragement in natural
philosophy and growth in scientific education. The increased number of sightings
during this time, however, is also attributable to contemporary technological
advances. The improvement of the life of an average person from mass-production
and labor-saving inventions would have provided more opportunities to watch
anomalies in the sky. Additionally, technological advances such as steamboats
could have helped more people witness anomalies near the ocean.
Nevertheless, these abnormal aerial sightings predate the start of the
Industrial Revolution in the mid-18th century and the invention of the first hot air
balloon in 1783. The absence of technological advances from industrialization,
combined with a lack of astronomical knowledge at the time, may explain why
there were fewer sightings reported during the 17th and 18th centuries. More
importantly, a large portion of sightings from this period were located in the two
most populated and thriving nations, France and Great Britain. It is also worth
noting that in the 17th century, Paris was the largest city in Europe; in the 18th
century, the largest city was London.
1799 - The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal
of Science (Type B)
Currently known as Philosophical Magazine, it is one of the oldest and
longest-running scientific journals. One article states, “In July 1799, Dr. Forsters
father saw a meteor cross the sky from south to north, then return southward, and
finally bend to the north-west.” It further writes, “And Dr. Forster himself saw a
whitish globe stationary for two seconds, and then turn a fine red” (Brewster et al.,
(See Supplementary Video - Moving Lights UFOs, Flashing UFOs, Red
Light UFOs.)
1775 The Annual Register (Type B)
The Annual Register, or A View of the History, Politics, and Literature for
the Year 1775, is an essential reference that recorded major events around the
world. The work stated,
A meteor, resembling a nebulous star, appeared just above the moon,
passed eastward, with a slow motion, parallel to the ecliptic, through an
arch of about 5 or 6 degrees, and then disappeared. It subtended an angle
of 6 or 7 minutes, and was of the same brightness and colour with the
moon (Burke, 1776).
(See Supplementary Video - Moving Lights UFOs, Flashing UFOs.)
1758 London Magazine (Type B)
The following letter was published in one of England’s oldest periodicals.
Extract of a Letter from a Gentleman at Colchester, December 31.
On Friday evening, about seven or eight o’clock, a few miles from this
town, as I was riding gently home, on a sudden I was surrounded with a
very glaring light, which at first I imagined might be a flash of lightning;
but on its continuing some, seconds of time, I quickly turned myself
round, and raw a great ball of fire (apparently about the bigness of a
common foot-ball) descending from the heavens. Its direction was north
east, its motion much like what is vulgarly called the shooting of a star. It
vanished in the same manner as a squib that makes no report. There were
several people close by me, who were greatly terrified et this unusual
phenomenon. And the same account was related to me the same evening
by a person who was about six miles distant another way (Kimber, 1758).
(See Supplementary Video - Moving Lights UFOs, Flashing UFOs,
Ocean Flash UFOs.)
1740 Histoire de l’Académie royale des sciences, avec les mémoires de
mathématique (Type B)
The following sighting in Toulon, France was recorded by the French
Academy of Sciences.
During the night of 23 to 24 February, a purple globe of fire was seen that
rising gradually, plunging into the sea and rebounding. After reaching a
certain height, it burst and spread several balls of fire, which appeared to
fall into the sea and the mountains.
La nuit du 23 au 24 Février on vit vers la Rade de Toulon un Globe de feu
comme violet, qui s'étant élevé peu à peu, plongea enfuite dans la Mer,
d'où il fe releva comme une Balle qui réfléchiroit, après quoi étant
parvenu à une certaine, après quoi étant parvenu à une certaine hauteur, il
creva, & répandit divers globes de feu , dont les uns parurent tomber dans
la Mer, & les autres fur les Montagnes (Académie royale des sciences,
(See Supplemental Videos - Ocean Flash UFOs, Red Light UFOs.)
1701 Histoire naturelle de l’air et des météores (Type B)
(Natural History of Air and Meteors)
M. le C. de Forbin (Tom. II of his memoirs, the year 1701):
He tells that being near the cape of Passaro, on the coast of Sicily, they
came to warn him during the night that there was a new sun. “I went up
on deck,” he said, “and I saw indeed a great fire which burned in the air,
and which lighted up so that I could read a letter. Although the wind was
very violent, this meteor did not move; it burned for about two hours and
disappeared, slowly fading away. The pilots, the sailors, and all the
frightened crew looked at it as the unmistakable mark of a storm that
threatened us; there was no way to get them out of there.”
M. le C. de Forbin (Tom. II de fes mémoires, an. 1701):
Raconte qu'étant près du cap de Passaro, sur les côtes de Sicile, on vint
l'avertir pendant la nuit qu'il paroissoit un nouveau soleil. Je mon-tai, dit-
il, sur le pont, & je vis effectivement un grand feu qui brûloit en l'air, &
qui éclairoit affez pour pouvoir lire une lettre. Quoique le vent fût très-
violent, ce météore ne branloit point; il brûla environ pendant deux heu
res, & disparut en s'éteignant peu à peu. Les pilotes, les matelots, & tout
l'équipage effrayé, le regardèrent comme la marque infaillible d'une
tempête dont nous étions menacés; il n'y eut pas moyen de les tirer de-
(Richard, 1771).
(See Supplemental Videos - Ocean Flash UFOs, Red Light UFOs,
Flashing UFOs.)
1684 Histoire de l’Academie Royale des Sciences (Type B)
The following sighting in Toulon, France was recorded by the French
Academy of Sciences.
The Father of Lannion reported that he saw an extraordinary phenomenon
on the 17th of November near S. Aubin in Brittany; it was a teardrop-
shaped flame as big as one's hand, coming down from the sky slowly for
about 7 to 8 minutes. We could see this flame clearly enough, it was a
little bluish; Its tail threw off sparks of some kind, and it was opposite the
M. l’Abbé de l’Anion a rapporté qu'il avoit vû un Phénomene
extraordinaire le 17 Novembre vers les ro heures du matin étant proche de
S. Aubin en Bretagne; c’étoit une flamme en forme de larme , grosse
comme la main qui dercendit du Ciel assés lentement pendant l’espace
d’environ 7 à 8 minutes. On voyoit cette flamme assés clairement, elle
paroissoit un peu bleuë; la queuë jettoit des espéces d’étincelles, & elle
étoit opposée au Soleil (Histoire de l’Académie royale des sciences
depuis 1666 jusqu’en 1699, 1733).
(See Kentucky Encounter, Pascagoula Encounter, Blue Domed/Tear Drop
1676 “Disc-like” object, Italy (Type B)
Considered one of Florence and Tuscany’s greatest mysteries, the first
possible use of the word “disc” to characterize an Unidentified Flying Object is
written in “Succinta relazione di un insolito lume apparso per tutta la Toscana, e in
molti altri luoghi d’Italia la sera del 31 marzo 1676 (A succinct report of an
unusual light which appeared throughout Tuscany, and in many other places in
Italy on the evening of March 31, 1676 )” (Barzini, 1676; Toscanalibri, 2015). The
report states,
On the evening of March 31, 1676, a luminous “disc-like” object
appeared in the Tuscan skies and was seen crossing from the Adriatic Sea
to the Mediterranean with one or more bursts.
La sera del 31 di marzo del 1676 è comparso nei cieli toscani un corpo
luminosissimo a forma di disco – o sacco di grano, o covone ma alquanto
più rotondo – che in meno tempo di dire un miserere, si vidde traghettare
dal mare Adriatico al Mediterraneo, con uno o più scoppi.
(See Supplementary Video - Disc Shaped UFOs).
1639 Journal of John Winthrop (Type B)
This account parallels one written in the Annals of Songzi County in that
they both reported missing time and a UAP. For 350 years, Governor John
Winthrop’s journal has been recognized as the central source for the history of
Massachusetts in the 1630s and 1640s. On March 1, 1639, it reports,
In this year one James Everell, a sober, discreet man, and two others, saw
a great light in the night at Muddy River. When it stood still, it flamed up,
and was about three yards square; when it ran, it was contracted into the
figure of a swine: it ran as swift as an arrow towards Charlton, and so up
and down about two or three hours. They were come down in their lighter
about a mile, and, when it was over, they found themselves carried quite
back against the tide to the place they came from. Divers other credible
persons saw the same light, after, about the same place (Winthrop, 2009).
(See Kentucky Women Case, A 70 Case, and Kelly Cahill Case.)
1603 Narration historique et topographique des convens de J’ordre de St-Frangois
(Type B)
In the year 1603, being in Besangon for the duties of my charge as Visitor
to Sainte Claire monastery, it happened that on a Thursday, the 23rd day
of January, between 7 and 8 P.M., we were told that all the people were
assembling in the streets, terrified. I went out, and like the others, I saw a
great light in the air over the cathedral, covering the whole of Mount
Saint Etienne with a round-shaped, heavy cloud, reddish in color, while
all the air was clear and the sky so devoid of fog that the stars were seen
shining brilliantly. This light remained quasi-motionless over Mount Saint
Etienne, and from there we saw it coming so low that it nearly touched
the houses and lit up the nearby streets, but with a motion so slow that it
was hardly noticeable, and it halted for at least a quarter of an hour over
Saint Vincent Abbey, where some pieces of relics of two glorious Saints
are kept. Then, escaping over the Grande place of Chammar to the Doubs
river, it went away through the Grande rue that goes to the bridge, and
straight to the cathedral where it vanished, but as we said before, with
such a slow-motion that its travel lasted until 9:30 at night, which is to
say at least two hours (Vallee, Trans.).
(Original Text Link, see Supplementary Videos - Ocean Flash UFOs, Red
Light UFOs, Flashing UFOs.)
1578 Ming Dynasty, Wanli Emperor (China) (Type B)
A “comet” spins like a wheel and illuminates the sky. Time passes and the
light goes out.
(南澳, 2000; Acta Astronomica Sinica, 2003).
1520 Annals of Joseon Dynasty (South Korea) (Type B)
In 1520, the Joseon Dynasty of Korea, after a red “Qi” in the sky was
reported by an astrologer, two members of the Royal Secretariat also
witnessed the same red “Qi” that was flickering like a torch. It was
moving irregularly for hours. The particular phenomenon was reported to
King Jungjong. He feared that it could be an ominous sign (Annals of
Joseon Dynasty, 1520).
(See Supplementary Videos - Moving Lights UFOs, Flashing UFOs, Red
Light UFOs.)
Sightings Prior to the 17th Century
Around 1450, Gutenberg introduced the movable metal type in Europe;
subsequently, religious texts such as the rationale Divinorum Officiorum, Mainz
Psalter, and the Bible, were the first to be published. The first newspapers (1605),
magazines (1663), and academic journals (1665), on the other hand, were not
printed until the 17th century. The contemporary lack of a scientific method and
professional journalism obfuscates the identification of UFO sightings.
Specifically, most records of “UFOs” before the 17th century’s Scientific
Revolution contain a substantial amount of astrological or religious explanation,
making sightings debatable. For example, the Byzantium historian George
Sphrantzes writes about the fall of Constantinople in 1453: “Every night a fire
descended from the sky, stood over the City, and enveloped her with light all night
long. Their first interpretation of this heavenly sign was that God was expressing
his wrath against Christians, indicating that the City would be burned and that her
inhabitants would be enslaved to the Turks” (Marios, 1980). Other unreliable
sightings describe a “cross” appearing in the sky (Fincelius 1556; Christian, 1981).
Despite these controversial records, objective sightings, such as vanishing globe in
1296 or a glistening globe in 1547, still exist (Vallee & Aubeck, 2010; Garratt,
1894; Goulart, 1600).
Additionally, several important UFO sightings that predate this time are
found in the Song Dynasty of China. It is worth noting that this golden age in
China had unrivaled levels of social development, prosperity, and technological
advances that are comparable to those at the peak of the Roman Empire. The
earliest use of compasses, gunpowder, paper money, and the metal printing press
prior to Gutenberg are all attributed to this period. One sighting comes from a
Leonardo of Song Dynasty, Shen Kuo (1031–1095); this genius was best known
for his first use of the magnetic compass for navigation and discovery of true
north. In Shen’s book, Mengxi bitan, he explains the first geometrical and
quantitative workings of a camera obscura, the use of the magnetic compass for
navigation, a solar eclipse, a lunar eclipse, the geological process of land
formation, and gradual climate change (AAAS, 2012). In this same book (1088),
he describes a UFO (, 2010).
During the Chia-yu reign-period [1056–1064] there was a huge “pearl” in
Yangchow, seen frequently at night. At first, it appeared out of the
marshes in T’ien-ch’ang county; later it moved to Pi-she Lake; finally, it
settled at Hsin-k’ai Lake. For more than ten years residents and travelers
saw it often. A friend of mine had a retreat by the lake. One night he
noticed that the “pearl” was very nearby. At first, it opened its door just
slightly. A bright light emerged from its “shell,” like a single ray of
golden thread. A moment later the “shell” suddenly opened to about the
size of half a mat. Inside there was a white light like silver. The “pearl”
was as big as a fist, so bright one could not look at it directly. Shadows
cast in the forests for more than ten tricents [one tricent 300 paces] distant
were just like those cast by the first rays of sunshine in the morning. In
the distance one could see only a red sky, like a forest fire. Quickly the
“pearl” sped far off, as if it were flying, floating above the waves, bright
and brilliant as sunlight (V. Mair, Trans.).
nberg, 2020)
The phenomenon was observed again in Jinshan Temple, located near
Yangchow. This sighting in 1071 was recorded by Su Dongpo (Su Shi), the
polymath of the Song Dynasty, and a pre-eminent figure in East Asian literature,
art, and culture. He states,
The fire shines in the middle of the lake. The flying fire lights up the
mountain and scares a crow. Bewildered, I return home in bed and my
mind is puzzled. It's not a work of man or ghost. What is it?
江心似有炬火明 飛焰照山棲烏驚 悵然歸臥心莫識 非鬼非人竟何物
(胡懷琛, 1978).
He further adds in the end that he himself has witnessed the event (原註:
NASA Scientist Richard B. Stothers (2007) notes that Unidentified Flying
Objects have even been recorded in Ancient Rome. He classifies historical
sightings in the Roman Empire into two subgroups: “flying armaments,” in which
sightings are recorded in military language, and “fiery globes” that are explained in
meteorological and astronomical language. The subgroup “flying armaments”
reflects the tendency to associate the most contemporary advanced military
technology in modern UFO reports. He provides historical descriptions that would
fall into the same categories as modern UFO reports, such as “round shields”
(parmas) seen in the sky in 217 BC and “a round shield” (clipeus) burning and
emitting sparks in 100 BC (Stothers, 2007).
Thus, it may be difficult to pinpoint the beginnings of the UFO
phenomenon. Despite their controversy, UAP or UFOs are historically well-
documented and have been reported by scholars and others that hold valid
credentials. Furthermore, objective records of anomalies that correspond to modern
UFO sightings can be found in most flourishing and populated parts of the world
throughout history. Long before they became a phenomenon in the United States,
these sightings existed in the Roman Empire, the Song Dynasty, France, and Great
Britain. Nevertheless, a number of arguable records of UFOs that predate the
Scientific Revolution of the 17th century are not discussed here due to people’s
widespread lack of astronomical knowledge at the time and their tendency to
consider the aerial phenomena a religious omen. Therefore, their hyperbolic
descriptions are often superfluous in exploring the possible connection between
UFOs and alien intelligence.
Unfortunately, the discussion of historical UFOs has been abused to
attract people’s attention, including exceedingly wild and unverified speculations
of how ancient aliens influenced human civilizations. Consequently, this over-
representation has tainted any effort to analyze UAP with a “lunatic fringe” and
successfully prevented actual scientists from exploring this topic.
6. U.S. Government’s Stance on UFOs
In 2006, a UFO was reported at Chicago O’Hare International Airport: a
metallic, saucer-shaped craft was witnessed by pilots, airline personnel, and
mechanics. United Airlines and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) initially
denied that they had any information on the O’Hare UFO sighting (Hilkevitch,
2007). After the Chicago Tribune filed a Freedom of Information Act request, the
federal agency “quickly reversed its position” (Hilkevitch, 2007). Following their
request, an internal FAA review of air-traffic communications tapes revealed a call
by the airline supervisor to an FAA manager concerning a “mysterious elliptical-
shaped craft.”
The effort to underplay UFO sightings is not a recent trend. In the 1940s,
Project Grudge was instituted by the U.S. Air Force to investigate and debunk
UFOs. The director of Project Grudge, Captain Edward J. Ruppelt (1956), writes,
“Everything was being evaluated on the premise that UFOs couldn’t exist. No
matter what you see or hear, don’t believe it.” In 1966, a growing number of
sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects were reported in Michigan, and people
were alarmed. Future President Gerald Ford, who was a congressman at the time,
was not satisfied with the laughable “swamp gas” explanation of the sightings and
declared that people deserved a better explanation (Fordlibrarymuseum, 1966).
Ironically, astrophysicist scientist J. Allen Hynek, who delivered the “Swamp gas”
explanation to Gerald Ford, would later become a believer in UFOs and alien
aircrafts from another dimension (Kelly, 2019).
Furthermore, the effort to classify UFO sightings is not a new movement
either. According to pilot Bill Paynter and Norman C. Miller, the Washington
Bureau chief for The Wall Street Journal, President Ronald Reagan witnessed a
UFO (Alexander, 2012; Ramasseul, 2015). In 2009, Gorbachev revealed that
Reagan asked him point-blank during the 1985 Geneva Summit, “What would you
do if the United States were suddenly attacked by someone from outer space?
Would you help us?” (Orr, 2009). Likewise, President Carter himself reported a
UFO in 1973 before he became president (O’Toole, 1977). Nevertheless,
throughout their office terms, the release of UFO files by government agencies was
denied due to national security concerns (Sinclair, 1981; Hansen, 1984). In 2015,
John Podesta, a one-time chief of staff to Bill Clinton and an outgoing advisor to
Barack Obama, wrote, “Finally, my biggest failure of 2014: once again not
securing the disclosure of the UFO files.” He was also the chairman of Hillary
Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. One of Hilary Clinton’s campaign promises
was, in fact, declassifying records and revealing the truth about UFOs (Watkins,
2016; Chozick, 2016).
Recent publicized disclosures made the government agencies’ ambiguous
stance on UFOs even more evident. In 2016, the Advanced Aerospace Threat
Identification Program (AATIP) was revealed as a classified program funded by
the Department of Defense to investigate UFOs. The former head of AATIP, Luis
Elizondo, arranged the release of UFO footage; Joseph Gradisher, a spokesperson
for the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Warfare, responded that
the public was never supposed to see the videos (Rodriguez, 2019). Following the
2016 disclosures, the Navy admitted that the UFO videos are authentic. The Navy
does not associate UFOs with evidence of alien life, but witnesses consisting of
more than 120 former or retired military personnel testified to witnessing UFO
activities and their capability to deactivate missile sites (PR Newswire, 2010;
Adams, 2016; CBS, 2010). When some voiced their concerns to superiors, they
were told it was “top secret” or that it “didn't happen” (CBS, 2010). In 2019, Navy
officers were directed by their chain of command to erase the evidence of a 2004
UFO Encounter due to pressure from “unknown individuals” (McMillan, 2019). In
2020, the Navy announced that releasing top-secret UFO files would “Gravely
Damage” U.S. National Security (Daniels, 2020) (see Supplementary File).
The reason American government agencies are not comfortable with
UFOs is not as strange as one might assume. It cannot be emphasized enough that
the United States has by far the strongest military force in the world, spending
more money on defense than the next seven countries combined (Peter G. Peterson
Foundation, 2019). The most advanced military on Earth absolutely knows when
an object is unidentifiable, and that such aircrafts can easily outperform the fastest
jets of the most powerful and largest military force in the world. In this regard,
UFOs are seen as a threat to the current world order, national security, and
particularly the United States itself because it challenges the belief of American
supremacy (Bender, 2019). More importantly, the United States is the most
religious wealthy country in the world, and the existence of aliens may create
various complications (Fahmy, 2018). To further elaborate, more than 70% of
Americans are Christian, and the existence of alien intelligence would impact lay
people and professionals alike. One employee at Chicago O’Hare International
Airport, for example, “experienced some religious issues” after witnessing the
UFO in 2006. Likewise, some Pentagon officials opposed the AATIP based on
religious grounds (Knapp & Adams, 2019).
7. Conclusion
Since the Scientific Revolution in the 18th century, a number of
unexplainable anomalies have been carefully recorded by professional astronomers
(Vallee & Aubeck, 2010). As expected, these 18th- and 19th-century records of
anomalous sightings are consistent with modern findings. In 1977, astrophysics
professor Peter Sturrock sent 2,611 UFO sighting questionnaires to members of the
American Astronomical Society (Wald, 1979). He received 1,356 responses from
which 62 astronomers (4.6%) reported unexplained aerial phenomena being
observed or recorded. Among the 1,356 responses, 80% expressed modest or
strong approval of whether UFOs merit scientific study.
An unusual double standard exists regarding the ambivalent public
perspective on “paranormal” experience. Alleged witnesses or believers of ghosts
or angels are casually regarded as religious or spiritual, but belief in the possibility
of “alien” visitors is ridiculed and disparaged. Unidentified Flying Objects,
however, are not “paranormal.” They are well-documented phenomena that have a
long history of sightings. The scientific community has been hesitant in making
any assertions due to the over-representation of hoaxes in the media and effective
attempts to rule out or obscure UFO records. The most rational answer regarding
UAP that may have continued from ancient times to date is that they are not
demonic entities, as some Pentagon officials and many other religious groups have
believed (Costa, 2018; Knapp & Adams, 2019; Hamill, 2018).
The following supporting evidence has been discussed in this paper to
further substantiate UFO and alien encounter claims.
1. Unexplainable encounters of child witnesses,
2. Noteworthy groups of adult witnesses,
3. Modern pilots as witnesses,
4. Long history of UFO sightings, and
5. Government and military’s stance on UFOs
Upon examining such factors, two possibilities remain:
a) Numerous groups coordinate the use of children, trained actors,
reporters, and third-party witnesses, and possibly manipulate the military,
government officials, generals, pilots, or presidents to promote the belief
in UFOs and alien life. These UFO-related groups have been in operation
for several centuries, and even date to ancient times. Or,
b) Objects created by non-human entities whose technologies may be far
superior to our own have already visited Earth.
There exists modern footage from pilots and military generals, as well as
historical evidence, of UFOs or UAP that confirms such objects in sightings were
not man-made. This coincidentally dovetails with stories presented by child
witnesses and notable group witnesses in the past. The governments’ classified
UFO studies (AATIP), and verified statements from pilots, scientists, government
officials, and the military, only work to strengthen this conclusion. Needless to say,
skeptics will always find ways to fault the UFO or “alien ship” encounters that are
mentioned here; however, dismissing all notable cases would make this article less
of an objective assessment of the possibility of “alien visitors” than a skeptic’s
attempt to explain them all away.
The aforementioned events witnessed by young children and groups of
adults, in conjunction with UFOs that have been reported by commercial and
military pilots, scientists, and astronomers, written about in ancient times, recorded
during wartimes, and witnessed all around the world, can only mean that there is
some truth to this phenomena. Associating Unidentified Flying Objects with aliens
has seldom been regarded as taboo or as a conspiracy theory; however, an
alternative, “scientific” explanation that there are a group of organizations working
to falsely promote the existence of alien aircraft for their unknown agenda is an
even larger conspiracy theory. The fact that truly unidentified UFOs are
maneuvered by “aliens” is the simplest explanation that connects the five
previously mentioned pieces of the puzzle; it is impossible to deduce an alternative
explanation that denies this fact and offers a solution to all five aspects. Assuming
that verified UFOs (e.g. reported by Navy pilots) are not the work of “aliens”
would require a nonsensical, convoluted “conspiracy theory” that would backfire
elsewhere. This does not mean that all reported accounts of “aliens” or “alien
ships” are true; however, a small portion of alien encounter reports are worthy of
serious examination.
With the advent of smartphones, ubiquitous security cameras, high-speed
internet, and increased population density, any close encounter with “alien ships”
or “aliens” would now equate to official contact. If these “alien ships” were to
make contact now as they supposedly did with children in the past, humanity as a
whole will be forced to accept their existence. Any discussion on ethics,
philosophy, or religion would be reexamined, and it would fracture the minds of
many that are dependent on the contemporary paradigm. Why these aliens have not
yet chosen to reveal themselves to mankind should not be used as an argument
against the possibility of “alien visitors”; there are still indigenous populations in
the Amazon, African rainforests, and South Asia that remain untouched by outside
visitors and the advent of modern civilization (Čirjak, 2020).
Skeptics that are unwilling to consider the slightest possibility of “alien
visitors” may be over-glorifying human civilization as a whole. While this is not to
underplay any literary or scientific works, discoveries, or technological inventions
that have benefited mankind, homo sapiens are still responsible for global
warming, deforestation, desertification, forest fires, the extinction of countless
species, the genocide of their own kind, and the extinction of the closely related
hominins (Lejeune et al., 2018; Dirzo et al., 2014). Moreover, a depressingly large
number of people choose to remain “skeptical” of vaccines, global warming,
evolution, and the spherical Earth despite the developments from the greatest
minds that have ever lived (The Guardian, 2019; Pilkington, 2019).
Further Discussion
Alien life has been speculated by many scholars; going one step further
and claiming that aliens could have visited Earth, or relating UFOs to alien
intelligence, has been regarded as taboo. Noteworthy claims have been ignored by
scientists and scholars because there have been notoriously boundless
controversies regarding UFO cases. Hoax-like cases are often overrepresented due
to one’s desire to seek attention or profit, while respectable witnesses are less
willing to discuss details of the events in public out of fear of being ridiculed, thus
jeopardizing their career. Unfortunately, attention-seekers and scammers in
Please read the author’s note at the end of the article.
tabloids and social media platforms that present extremely far-fetched stories of
aliens are likely the ones that easily catch people’s attention, and they have
contributed to discrediting other cases that should not be dismissed. The extensive
history of UFOs and noteworthy cases from modern witnesses have been ignored
when it comes to the scientific examination of alien intelligence and UFOs.
Furthermore, while the idea of intelligent alien visitors may seem wild
and modern, the foundation for belief in “alien” life can be traced back to ancient
Greek philosophers. Infinite worlds forming and disintegrating were first
speculated by Anaximander, the 6th-century BC philosopher who also
conceptualized the evolutionary view of the world prior to Darwin (Nardo, 2010;
McKirahan, 2001). This idea of an infinite number of worlds, or multiverse, was
later adopted by notable atomists such as Leucippus, Democritus, and Epicurus
(Rubenstein, 2015). Plato and Aristotle disagreed, however, as they felt that the
Earth is unique and that there can be no other such worldly systems; this idea,
along with Ptolemy’s geocentric model, neatly fit in with later anthropocentric
Christian ideas (Perry et al., 2015). Similarly, in the 3rd century BC, Greek
philosopher Aristarchus was the first to theorize a heliocentric view of the solar
system, but his ideas were relinquished in favor of the geocentric model of the
universe. It was not until Galileo’s conflict with the Church and the invention of
the telescope that the heliocentric model began to be accepted in favor of
Ptolemy’s geocentric model.
Throughout history, scholars progressively overcame their traditional
beliefs and outdated ideas in favor of more scientific answers and logical
explanations. We are in a transitional stage where the possibility of alien visitors
will supersede the belief in angels, demons, or ghosts. Even though it is often
believed that science-fiction novels or films are largely responsible for belief in
UFOs as alien aircraft, this is somewhat misleading. What innovative Sci-fi films
and novels actually did was make the idea of alien aircraft and the possibility of
alien intelligence easily accessible to the public. Before ingenious works from
science-fiction writers existed, people who have closely encountered UFOs or
aliens have resorted to religious or spiritual explanations, including ghosts, angels,
demons, or God(s). It is only because the concept of “alien” was popularized in the
late 20th century that modern UFO witnesses were able to accept the unusual
events as a non-spiritual experience and consider the possibility of “alien” visitors.
Prospects for Humanity
Public acknowledgment of “aliens” and the disclosure of classified files
would be beneficial for removing the taboo associated with aliens and UFOs in the
science community. This official revelation would inject more information into the
public and encourage scientists to study these subjects, as our current knowledge is
incomplete. People will be curious, and thus, scientists will feel obliged to
investigate the subject instead of simply dismissing sightings as an anomaly or a
hoax. More declassified information, combined with knowledge gained from
questioning aliens’ purpose, their composition, and their origin, would ultimately
help scientists better grasp the concept of the universe and humanity as a whole.
More importantly, although seemingly unrelated, the acceptance of alien
life would be helpful in persuading religious groups to accept climate change.
Studies have shown that belief in conservative religions is correlated with doubts
of climate change and evolution; conversely, religiously unaffiliated people
account for the highest percentage stating that climate change is driven by human
activities (Barker & Bearce, 2013; Pew Research, 2015; Rosenau, 2015). Similarly,
the belief in the existence of alien life and religion is inversely correlated, with the
highest percentage being the religiously unaffiliated group (Salisbury, 2014). In
other words, alien intelligence is difficult to explain from the perspective of
anthropocentric religions. The possibility of alien intelligence is, however,
something that can be predicted or backed by science (Colombano, 2018; Sousa-
Silva et al., 2020; Levin et al., 2019). If anything, the seemingly frightening
existence of aliens can help people accept science before religion and mitigate
people’s strict textbook-based religious beliefs, thereby helping people realize that
global warming is caused by humans.
Finally, official disclosure on these strange beings would help us to
objectively discern, analyze, and ultimately reassess our current infrastructure and
systems. Realizing that while we are the most intelligent animals on Earth, we are
not the center of the universe, can encourage us to reexamine things from a third-
person point of view. The disclosure and official recognition of these intelligent
beings would help mankind grow internally and provide a chance to reassess
ourselves rather than clinging onto an outdated, unscientific idea. It can reduce the
irrational supremacism traced to religion, nation, interest groups, and institutions.
It may even help us overcome a sense of superiority, exclusivity, and prejudice that
fuels meaningless and wasteful conflicts to this day. In the end, the existence of
alien intelligence is more about us rather than them. Thus, humans would have
another chance to reexamine our thoughts and realize that the universe does not
“revolve” around us.
Implications and Limitations
The terms used for UFO/UAPs may have changed over time; however,
they have been observed throughout history. Their different names are, in fact,
reflective of the contemporary technological developments at the time of their
origin. They were called “Foo Fighters” during World War II and “airships” in the
early 20th and late 19th centuries. Before this period, they were often referred to as
comets, meteors, balls of fire, shields, or balloons. The development of aerial
technology has allowed us to objectively discern that these objects, whose names
have changed throughout history, exhibited capabilities beyond the realms of man-
made technology. Only then were these objects finally labeled as UFOs.
Interestingly, the same theory may also apply to aliens as well.
There are some historical accounts of ghosts involving strange lights from
the early 20th and late 19th centuries, which precede the modern alien encounter
stories of the mid and late 20th century (St. Louis Globe-Democrat, 1876; The Salt
Lake Herald, 1897; Hutchinson News, 1913; The Springfield Leader, 1927).
However, genuine UFO encounters were uncommon, and the number of genuine
alien encounters throughout history is likely to be even lower. For one, there would
not have been as much controversy or debate surrounding UFOs, aliens, or
“ghosts” in the first place if people commonly and frequently encountered UFOs.
Therefore, further research is required to determine if aliens or UFOs are directly
responsible for the origin of myths related to ghosts or evil spirits. An example of
this is the worldwide superstition related to whistling. Several Eastern and Western
cultures believe that whistling can attract ghosts or evil spirits; coincidentally,
UFOs are often reported to be accompanied with a low humming or whistling
Ultimately, this article discussed the possibility of ten alleged “alien”
encounters in detail along with two possible alien encounters from the 17th and 19th
centuries. Some of these stories involve telepathic communication, erasing
memories, and possible teleportation; moreover, some specific details of
noteworthy alien encounters may still seem too paranormal to be true.
Nevertheless, such strange phenomena may be occurring within the scope of
science. In 2014, scientists successfully created computer-mediated brain-to-brain
“telepathic” communication of simple two words—“hola” and “ciao”—with the
help of widely used medical technologies (Grau et al., 2014). In 2017, scientists
succeeded in selectively erasing memories of Aplysia (sea snail) by blocking one
of two types of the protein Kinase M; the researchers were encouraged by the fact
that the same principle can be applied to human patients who have suffered a
traumatic experience (Hu et al., 2017). In 2019, researchers were able to teleport a
qutrit in a three-dimensional quantum state for the first time, and now aim to
extend this work to the quantum teleportation of the entire quantum state of an
atom (Luo et al., 2019). In other words, although supposed alien technological
capabilities may be unachievable, they are not unthinkable.
Funding Details: The author received no specific funding for this work.
Disclosure Statement: The author has no conflict of interest to declare.
About the Author
Author’s Note
“I had the impression that this object could foresee what I was thinking. This is an
experience that has changed me for the rest of my life,” says Captain Jorge Polanco,
one of the witnesses in the 1955 Bariloche Incident (see Supplementary Video).
If UFOs already possess the technology to dwarf the jets of the U.S.
Navy, they most likely have the data on recent man-made technologies like the
internet and smartphones. Now, with smartphones, the internet, and surveillance
cameras everywhere, even one very clear video of an alien encounter and UFO
landing would equate to official contact. To put it simply, we lack close-up footage
of UFOs because that is not what they want us to see.
Thus, assuming that these aliens may be choosing not to contact us for
now, one might wonder why they chose to appear before some children in rural
areas in the past. A logical guess as to why these aliens might have appeared to
children but not to credentialed professionals might have to do with Earth’s own
internal level of development. Specifically, if such alien encounters were to happen
to a notable person, it would disrupt the person’s original “intended” course of life.
Specifically, they might have become ufologists instead of achieving feats in their
relevant field as an aftermath of a life-changing experience. All things considered,
if aliens are making any contact with us, they want to minimize their impact on
humanity while gradually helping us realize that we are not alone.
Nevertheless, in recent years, UFOs appeared in front of U.S. Navy pilots
to the point where the Navy and Pentagon were officially forced to acknowledge
their existence. The United States had effectively denied the existence of UFOs until
now. Its sudden change in stance has rendered government agencies questionable
and suspicious in the eyes of the general public. To me, it seems these UFOs are
aware of humanity’s censorship of alien life, and they are not “comfortable” with the
elites or media corporations currently governing mankind.
Due to recent political and media polarization, the American public is more
divided than ever. These UFOs will appear more frequently as the mainstream media
becomes even less trustworthy and the mainstream scientific community fails to
explain them. Specifically, the aliens themselves will appear when society’s
cynicism toward human nature is at its peak. For this reason, I suspect something
worse than the recent COVID-19 outbreak is awaiting humanity.
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A long-term goal of exoplanet studies is the identification and detection of biosignature gases. Beyond the most discussed biosignature gas O2, only a handful of gases have been considered in detail. In this study, we evaluate phosphine (PH3). On Earth, PH3 is associated with anaerobic ecosystems, and as such, it is a potential biosignature gas in anoxic exoplanets. We simulate the atmospheres of habitable terrestrial planets with CO2- and H2-dominated atmospheres and find that PH3 can accumulate to detectable concentrations on planets with surface production fluxes of 1010 to 1014 cm-2 s-1 (corresponding to surface concentrations of 10s of ppb to 100s of ppm), depending on atmospheric composition and ultraviolet (UV) irradiation. While high, the surface flux values are comparable to the global terrestrial production rate of methane or CH4 (1011 cm-2 s-1) and below the maximum local terrestrial PH3 production rate (1014 cm-2 s-1). As with other gases, PH3 can more readily accumulate on low-UV planets, for example, planets orbiting quiet M dwarfs or with a photochemically generated UV shield. PH3 has three strong spectral features such that in any atmosphere scenario one of the three will be unique compared with other dominant spectroscopic molecules. Phosphine's weakness as a biosignature gas is its high reactivity, requiring high outgassing rates for detectability. We calculate that tens of hours of JWST (James Webb Space Telescope) time are required for a potential detection of PH3. Yet, because PH3 is spectrally active in the same wavelength regions as other atmospherically important molecules (such as H2O and CH4), searches for PH3 can be carried out at no additional observational cost to searches for other molecular species relevant to characterizing exoplanet habitability. Phosphine is a promising biosignature gas, as it has no known abiotic false positives on terrestrial planets from any source that could generate the high fluxes required for detection.
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The effects of past land-cover changes on climate are disputed1–3. Previous modelling studies have generally concluded that the biogeophysical effects of historical deforestation led to an annual mean cooling in the northern mid-latitudes3,4, in line with the albedo-induced negative radiative forcing from land-cover changes since pre-industrial time reported in the most recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report⁵. However, further observational and modelling studies have highlighted strong seasonal and diurnal contrasts in the temperature response to deforestation6–10. Here, we show that historical deforestation has led to a substantial local warming of hot days over the northern mid-latitudes—a finding that contrasts with most previous model results11,12. Based on observation-constrained state-of-the-art climate-model experiments, we estimate that moderate reductions in tree cover in these regions have contributed at least one-third of the local present-day warming of the hottest day of the year since pre-industrial time, and were responsible for most of this warming before 1980. These results emphasize that land-cover changes need to be considered when studying past and future changes in heat extremes, and highlight a potentially overlooked co-benefit of forest-based carbon mitigation through local biogeophysical mechanisms.
Quantum teleportation allows a “disembodied” transmission of unknown quantum states between distant quantum systems. Yet, all teleportation experiments to date were limited to a two-dimensional subspace of quantized multiple levels of the quantum systems. Here, we propose a scheme for teleportation of arbitrarily high-dimensional photonic quantum states and demonstrate an example of teleporting a qutrit. Measurements over a complete set of 12 qutrit states in mutually unbiased bases yield a teleportation fidelity of 0.75(1), which is well above both the optimal single-copy qutrit state-estimation limit of 1/2 and maximal qubit-qutrit overlap of 2/3, thus confirming a genuine and nonclassical three-dimensional teleportation. Our work will enable advanced quantum technologies in high dimensions, since teleportation plays a central role in quantum repeaters and quantum networks.
Since the emergence of developmental psychology, scientists and laypersons have been fascinated with children’s lie- telling because it is a lens through which to view a multitude of behaviors, including children’s developing cognitive, social, and moral abilities (Darwin 1877; Hall 1891; Stern, Stern, and Lamiell 1909; Hartshorne and May 1928). The scientific study of the development of lying began at the turn of the twentietth century, when the field of developmental psychology was just being established. However, a shift away from examining social influences and mental activity, and toward behaviorist principles meant that the investigation of deception lay dormant for nearly half a century. It is only during the last three decades, as cognitive and social explanations have regained acceptance among developmental scientists as playing a role in the development of intentional systems in children, that lying has become the focus of investigative efforts among researchers. The widespread prevalence of lying in everyday life (e.g., DePaulo et al. 1996) coupled with a strong emphasis on the promotion of children’s truthful behaviors in society has also made the topic of interest to parents, educators, and professionals who work with children in clinical and forensic settings. Despite its ubiquity in everyday life, lying is considered a negative and reprehensible behavior (Bok 1999). Given the social interpersonal implications including loss of trust and credibility, and increased risk of antisocial behavior associated with chronic lying (Stouthamer- Loeber 1986; Gervais et al. 2000), researchers are interested in how this behavior emerges and develops in children and the factors that influence its manifestation as a social strategy.
Generalization of fear responses to non-threatening stimuli is a feature of anxiety disorders. It has been challenging to target maladaptive generalized memories without affecting adaptive memories. Synapse-specific long-term plasticity underlying memory involves the targeting of plasticity-related proteins (PRPs) to activated synapses. If distinct tags and PRPs are used for different forms of plasticity, one could selectively remove distinct forms of memory. Using a stimulation paradigm in which associative long-term facilitation (LTF) occurs at one input and non-associative LTF at another input to the same postsynaptic neuron in an Aplysia sensorimotor preparation, we found that each form of LTF is reversed by inhibiting distinct isoforms of protein kinase M (PKM), putative PRPs, in the postsynaptic neuron. A dominant-negative (dn) atypical PKM selectively reversed associative LTF, while a dn classical PKM selectively reversed non-associative LTF. Although both PKMs are formed from calpain-mediated cleavage of protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms, each form of LTF is sensitive to a distinct dn calpain expressed in the postsynaptic neuron. Associative LTF is blocked by dn classical calpain, whereas non-associative LTF is blocked by dn small optic lobe (SOL) calpain. Interfering with a putative synaptic tag, the adaptor protein KIBRA, which protects the atypical PKM from degradation, selectively erases associative LTF. Thus, the activity of distinct PRPs and tags in a postsynaptic neuron contribute to the maintenance of different forms of synaptic plasticity at separate inputs, allowing for selective reversal of synaptic plasticity and providing a cellular basis for developing therapeutic strategies for selectively reversing maladaptive memories.
A combined historical and scientific approach is applied to ancient reports of what might today be called unidentified flying objects (UFOs). Many conventionally explicable phenomena can be weeded out, leaving a small residue of puzzling reports. These fall neatly into the same categories as modern UFO reports, suggesting that the UFO phenomenon, whatever it may be due to, has not changed much over two millennia.
Theologian Mary-Jane Rubenstein explores a controversy that has been raging for thousands of years