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Abstract and Figures

This chapter illustrate how to write PhD thesis in simple way.
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How to write your thesis
1. Introduction
Dissertations and theses are monographs that help in scientific communication, however
the basic use is to proof that the candidate in an academic organization have the ability to
create and drive independent and original research. Where, the word ‘thesis’ is derived
from the Greek word for ‘position’, referring to an intellectual proposition. Thesis has a
similar structure in many countries but, there are different ways for evaluated, however,
according to the academic organization requirements, writing and formatting the thesis will
vary. Therefore, we advise the candidate first of all to understand and aware these
requirements such as (file format, references style, chapters, tables, figures….and so on.
This chapter presents guide on writing a thesis in order to assist final year and postgraduate
students. The components of thesis are: structure, content and style, in section (2) we will
focus on the standardization of writing while the style of thesis writing presents in two
sections section (3) shown how to write thesis depending on published articles Moreover,
section (4) explain the free style writing. Finally, in section (5) illustrate cons and pros
regarding to each style.
2. Standardization of writing
Before starting on writing your thesis, there are some important steps that should perform
such as organizing your references and create an outline of your thesis at the outset and to
agree same with your supervisor. Every thesis should consist of three parts: beginning, the
body text and the ending. Each part has several sections that must be laid out according to
certain rules. The layout and contents of thesis should be in the order as shown in figure
Where, the beginning of thesis consists of some information starting from the thesis title
which summarize the idea of your research, a good title contains few numbers of words
that describe the content of study generally we can use the following formula in writing
the thesis title:
[Result]: A [method] study of [topic] among [sample]
Declaration In declaration you must certify that the thesis is all your own work, If the thesis
is based on a group project, then you must explicitly state the extent of your contribution,
with reference to any other theses submitted or published by each collaborator in the
project. Whereas, acknowledgment its optional which are consist of contributions of others
are involved, every effort is made to indicate this clearly, with due reference to the
literature, and acknowledgement of collaborative research and discussions.
Title page
Table of contents
List of tables
List of figures
List of abbreviations
References text
Content of thesis References
Body text
The ending
Figure (1) Structure of thesis
Next, the abstract this part reflects the content of your thesis in one page using meaningful
strong words the number of words depend of the style of university however no more than
300 words in order to provides a summary of the thesis. The purpose of the Table of
Contents is to provide a listing of the headings and subheadings of the thesis, along with
their corresponding page numbers in same context, the list of tables and list of figures
illustrate the all tables and figures in the thesis with their corresponding page numbers.
Next, abbreviations this part use in order to define specialist abbreviations, symbols and
terms that are used in your thesis. where use only standard abbreviations without using full
stops with abbreviations. The second part of thesis is content which consists of some
chapters depending on the type of research, generally thesis can be containing six chapter
as shown in figure (2). there is brief description for each chapter in this figure.
Presents research background
, problem statement, research
objectives , and Significance
of study.
Literature review
To investigate existing studies
regarding to research area in
order to highlight the gap and
specific problem.
Methodology phases
in order to present an
overview and descriptions of
the proposed methodology
that will follow to achieve the
research objectives
Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter three
Results and discussion
This chapter presents the
results of the proposed
solution that represent the
output of the proposed
methodology phases .
Validation and evaluation
In this chapter, the validation
and evaluation of the
proposed solution results.
Conclusion and future study
This chapter highlights a
summary of the main findings
and contributions, limitations
and future work of this
Chapter four
Chapter six
Chapter five
Figure (2) thesis chapters
In more details; chapter one give problem statement and the objectives of your research the
problem and issues that impact on this problem was derived from literature review in
chapter two. while the objectives consist of two compulsory objectives (we mean by
compulsory that these objectives don’t fulfillment of the requirements for the PhD or MSc
degree) all researcher should achieve these objectives which are always the first objective
(regarding to investigate the existing study during literature review) and last objective
(regarding to validate and evaluate the results of research). whereas the other objectives
will be in between the first and last objective according the type of research in order to
fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of study
Chapter two consist of the justification for your research and a detail about the work that
has already been done on your chosen subject. as well as case study and highlight the gaps
and weakness in this research moreover what are the recommended solution for this
problem depending on the previous studies which has been done by the other researchers.
Chapter three, during this chapter give information that allows readers to judge whether
the experimental methods are suitable or not, as well as provide full details of your
methodology so that other researchers could repeat your experiments. In this chapter you
have to use precise, accurate words and terms to describe the materials and methods
without contain any results, and can divided the methodology into some phases in order to
show the reader how we can achieve the objectives of this research using the methodology
phases, each phase corresponding one objective.
Chapter four contain the data of thesis which represent the core of thesis, this chapter can
be one or two chapter depending on the type of research, Usually, results are presented in
the past tense. The results display in clearly and simply way because they are what you are
contributing to the field of knowledge. Results are provided in full, with any non-essential
data being placed in the Appendices. Moreover, provide discussion based on all of the
results: do they support or reject the hypothesis, as well as compare results between
experiments and describe the principal results that led to your conclusions
In chapter five we have to validate and evaluate the results of research using methods or
metric engineering which has been derived from the literature review in chapter two.
Moreover, compare the proposed method (solution) with previous methods (benchmark)
in order to proof the effectiveness of the proposed solution in our study.
Finally, chapter six provide the explanation about how the objectives have been achieved
using the proposed solution as well as determine the limitation of this study and future
study and recommendations, furthermore can listed the contributions of our study.
The following figure (3) shows the relationship among thesis chapter items, and the starting
point in writing, where the start point is chapter two and then derived chapter one and three
from chapter two and then continue with others chapters. As shown in mentioned figure
the methodology phases use in order to achieve the research objectives shown using black
arrows whereas, how to perform these phases shown using blue arrows.
Chapter one
Literature review
Objective 1
Objective 2
Objective 3
Objective 4
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Methodology phase No.1
Methodology phase No.2
Methodology phase No.3
Methodology phase No.4
Results and
Chapter Four
Validation and
Chapter Five
Conclusion and
future study
Chapter Six
Black arrow :In order to achieve
Blue arrow :How to achieve
Figure (3) illustrate the connection among thesis chapters items
The ending of thesis with the conclusion that is a part of chapter six. Finally, the references
are the last part of thesis. There are some of programs available to organize your references,
such as Mendeley and EndNote.
3. Thesis by articles
In this style, a thesis is a collection of articles also known as thesis by published works,
where the thesis is a collection of research papers with an introductory section consisting
of summary chapters. A thesis by publication is a form of compilation thesis (a term used
in Nordic countries). Today, article thesis is the standard format in natural, medical, and
engineering sciences, while in social and cultural sciences, there is a strong but decreasing
tradition to produce coherent monographs i.e. thesis as a series of linked chapters. Other
times, doctoral students may have a choice between writing a monograph or a compilation
thesis. Figure (4) shows how to collect thesis from published articles and distribute the
content of these articles in thesis chapters.
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter four
Chapter three
Chapter five
Chapter six
Review article
Methodological aspect
Discussion article
Research article
Figure (4) Thesis by published articles
4. Free style writing
Free style writing by using meaningful words down on paper, you can use free style in
writing your thesis by follow the university style of thesis regardless the published articles.
A thesis has to argue something, and writer can make that argument strong by keeping the
text focused and specific on the research problem and objectives as well as other parts of
5. Cons & Pros
1.Writing thesis by published articles have an advantage that some of the articles can be
written together with other authors, which may be helpful especially for new doctoral
students. A majority of the articles should be reviewed by referees outside the student’s
own department, supplementing the audit carried out by the supervisory staff and
dissertation opponent, thus assuring international standards.
2. Writing thesis using free style, you should focus on create as favorable an impression as
possible by writing as accurately as you can because Some examiners will begin by
checking the references of your thesis in order to ascertain whether you have sufficient
knowledge of your chosen field of study. Others may read the Abstract, Table of Contents,
Introduction and Discussion prior to reading the actual chapters themselves.
6. Summary points
There are three aspects in writing of thesis are structure, substance and style. The most
important part is substance. Start writing in literature review in order to figure out the gap
and research problem as well as investigate the existing studies in your research area, and
then complete the rest of thesis. Avoid verbiage, clutter. Develop your own writing style
by careful reading and even more careful writing. as well as avoid the duplicate in writing.
Furthermore, you have to check the grammar of writing and check the plagiarism before
submit the thesis or publish.
In the following some important points regarding to writing thesis:
1. Find and read copies of successful theses in your area of research.
2.It is difficult to write a thesis on a topic that you know nothing about.
3.If you are having trouble beginning your paper or writing your thesis, take a piece of
paper and write down everything that comes to mind about your topic and discover any
ideas or connections in order to create the shape your thesis.
4. Dedicate to your thesis enough time for writing.
5. Be attentive about backing up your files from the start of the writing process. Update
your files regularly and save them in different ways.
Full-text available
Writing theses is an essential requirement for getting an MA degree in Iraq. MA students are required to produce a formal academic piece of writing concerning a certain assigned subject. A thesis must involve creative inspection of a topic based on the MA candidate’s own innovative ideas. As a result, it regularly yields significant and considerable ideas on a certain topic; it must be organized and written in terms of the standards for academic and knowledgeable presentation. However, MA students are frequently witnessed to commit various types of errors, among which are linguistic (syntactic and semantic) errors. Thus, the objective of this study is to analyze the linguistic errors regularly committed by MA students in writing their thesis, focusing on the reasons behind these errors and finding out the pedagogical recommendations which help students to overcome these problems. Based on the grammatical description of Quirk et al. (1985) and Huddleston and Pullum (2005), a qualitative analysis of twenty MA theses is made to provide an explanation and description of the errors committed by students and to detect the causes of these faults in the hope of finding a solution to such problematic issue. The paper concludes MA students’ errors occur due to the interference of L1, translation from L1, lack of or having confined awareness of L2 grammatical rules, and maybe students’ inattentiveness.
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