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Intravenous versus topical tranexamic acid in lumbar interbody fusion: A protocol of randomized controlled trial



Background: Questions still remain about the safest and most effective route of administration for tranexamic acid (TXA) in lumbar interbody fusion. As such, the goal of this randomized clinical trial was to assess the efficacy and safety of topical TXA compared with intravenous TXA in lumbar interbody fusion. Methods: This was a prospectively randomized trial that investigated the effectiveness and safety of the intravenous and topical administrations of TXA with regard to lumbar interbody fusion. Approval from Clinical Studies Ethical Committee in our hospital was obtained. The patients were randomized to 1 of 2 treatment options:Patients, surgeons, anesthesiologists, nurses, and research assistants collecting data were blinded to group allocation. The primary outcome measures were perioperative calculated blood loss, total drain output at 24 hours, and perioperative blood transfusion rate. Secondary outcomes included an analysis of complications, namely symptomatic venous thromboembolism, cerebrovascular accident, and arterio-occlusive events. Data were analyzed using the statistical software package SPSS version 25.0 (Chicago, IL). Results: There are several limitations to this study. We did not include a group of patients who did not receive TXA. Another potential limitation is that the study population contains heterogeneity such as varying patient diagnosis and surgical technique/approach. Despite these limitations, the validity of our results should be maintained, as the same methodology was applied to both treatment arms. Trial registration: This study protocol was registered in Research Registry (researchregistry5564).
Intravenous versus topical tranexamic acid in
lumbar interbody fusion
A protocol of randomized controlled trial
Fei Song, MD, Zhouhai Zheng, MD
Background: Questions still remain about the safest and most effective route of administration for tranexamic acid (TXA) in lumbar
interbody fusion. As such, the goal of this randomized clinical trial was to assess the efcacy and safety of topical TXA compared with
intravenous TXA in lumbar interbody fusion.
Methods: This was a prospectively randomized trial that investigated the effectiveness and safety of the intravenous and topical
administrations of TXA with regard to lumbar interbody fusion. Approval from Clinical Studies Ethical Committee in our hospital was
obtained. The patients were randomized to 1 of 2 treatment options:
(1) topical group and
(2) intravenous group.
Patients, surgeons, anesthesiologists, nurses, and research assistants collecting data were blinded to group allocation. The
primary outcome measures were perioperative calculated blood loss, total drain output at 24hours, and perioperative blood
transfusion rate. Secondary outcomes included an analysis of complications, namely symptomatic venous thromboembolism,
cerebrovascular accident, and arterio-occlusive events. Data were analyzed using the statistical software package SPSS version
25.0 (Chicago, IL).
Results: There are several limitations to this study. We did not include a group of patients who did not receive TXA. Another potential
limitation is that the study population contains heterogeneity such as varying patient diagnosis and surgical technique/approach.
Despite these limitations, the validity of our results should be maintained, as the same methodology was applied to both treatment
Trial registration: This study protocol was registered in Research Registry (researchregistry5564).
Abbreviation: TXA =tranexamic acid.
Keywords: lumbar interbody fusion, prospective, protocol, tranexamic acid
1. Introduction
Lumbar interbody fusion has been associated with substantial
blood loss and risk of transfusion. Postoperative anemia will
impede physical functioning, delay rehabilitation, and increase
As a result, approximately one-thirds of the patients
may require allogeneic blood transfusion. However, allogeneic
transfusion is associated with risks for disease transmission,
immunosuppression, and transfusion reactions.
Recently, the use of tranexamic acid (TXA), a lysine analog
and antibrinolytic agent, has become more common. Surgical
trauma causes hyperbrinolysis, which induces brin clot
dissolution to sustain bleeding.
TXA act as a lysine analog
which inhibits hyperbrinolysis by blocking the interaction of
plasminogen with brin to prevent the dissolution of the brin
clot and thereby reduce bleeding.
Many studies have
conrmed that TXA has an effective hemostatic function in
joint-replacement surgery.
TXA application is relatively late
for lumbar interbody fusion, which requires additional study in
many aspects.
Many published studies have reported that the intravenous or
topical administration of TXA plays a role in reducing the blood
loss and blood transfusion rates during the perioperative period
of posterior lumbar interbody fusion.
However, questions
still remain about the safest and most effective route of
administration. If the drug is administered systemically, throm-
bosis may be a concern in certain populations. Therefore, some
This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
(No. 81777408). The funders had no role in study design, decision for
publication and preparation of the manuscript.
The authors have no conicts of interest to disclose.
Data sharing not applicable to this article as no datasets were generated or
analyzed during the current study.
Department of Orthopedics, Peoples Hospital of Nanchuan District, Chongqing,
Correspondence: Zhouhai Zheng, Peoples Hospital of Nanchuan District,
Chongqing, Chongqing China (e-mail:
Copyright ©2020 the Author(s). Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License 4.0 (CCBY), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
How to cite this article: Song F, Zheng Z. Intravenous versus topical tranexamic
acid in lumbar interbody fusion: a protocol of randomized controlled trial.
Medicine 2020;99:24(e20619).
Received: 6 May 2020 / Accepted: 8 May 2020
Study Protocol Clinical Trial Medicine®
practitioners advocate topical application of TXA in the surgical
wound. However, the efcacy and safety of topical TXA have not
been well reported. As such, the goal of this randomized clinical
trial was to assess the efcacy and safety of topical TXA
compared with intravenous TXA in lumbar interbody fusion.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Study design
This was a prospectively randomized trial that investigated the
effectiveness and safety of the intravenous and topical admin-
istrations of TXA with regard to lumbar interbody fusion.
Approval from Clinical Studies Ethical Committee in our hospital
was obtained. This study has been published at the Research
Registry (researchregistry5564). We followed the Consolidated
Standards of Reporting Trials guidelines for reporting random-
ized trials and provided a consolidated standards of reporting
trials ow diagram (Fig. 1).
2.2. Patients
Patients diagnosed with lumbar degenerative disease at our
hospital and who had no history of posterior lumbar
decompression or interbody fusion with pedicle screw xation
were selected for this study. Before surgery, informed consents
were obtained from all patients after a full explanation of the
therapeutic procedure.
The exclusion criteria were as follows:
(1) history of thromboembolism or evidence of existing throm-
bus on preoperative vascular B-mode ultrasound;
(2) use of antiplatelet aggregation drugs within 6 months or
symptom of coagulation dysfunction before surgery;
(3) internal diseases such as cardiovascular disease, hepatorenal
insufciency, and hematologic system disease;
(4) conrmed allergy history or high risk of allergy to TXA;
(5) history of smoking (more than 10 cigarettes per day for more
than 6 months) or drinking (at least 50 g of liquor with an
alcohol volume ratio over 40% per day for more than 3
months) with unsuccessful cessation within 6 months before
surgery; 6) a body mass index less than 18.5 or over 30.0; and
7) an inability to understand the study protocol after
explanation or an unwillingness to participate.
2.3. Randomization and blinding
The patients were randomized to 1 of 2 treatment options: A)
topical group and B) intravenous group. Randomization was
Assessed for eligibility
n= ?
Excluded (n = ?)
Eligible for enrolment
n= ?
Refused to participate
(n = ?)
Consented and randomized
n= ?
Randomized to group A Randomized to control group B
n = ? n = ?
Figure 1. Flow diagram of the study.
Song and Zheng Medicine (2020) 99:24 Medicine
performed without any stratication. Randomization listings
were prepared with a probability of 0.4 to 0.6 and after that,
randomization letters were printed according to the results of the
randomization. After the patient had given consent, a member of
the in-hospital clinical study center chose 1 of the 2 letters and the
patient was assigned to 1 group. Patients, surgeons, anesthesi-
ologists, nurses, and research assistants collecting data were
blinded to group allocation.
2.4. Surgical techniques and rehabilitation exercise
All operations were performed using the same surgical technique.
After performing posterior decompression, 2 polyetheretherke-
tone cages for interbody fusion and posterior stabilization with
pedicle screws and rods were utilized in all patients. To improve
bone fusion, a mixture of a locally-harvested autograft obtained
during posterior decompression and a demineralized bone matrix
was packed inside and outside the polyetheretherketone cages.
All patients were managed with the same postoperative
medications and rehabiliation program protocols. Patients wore
a lumbo-sacral orthosis for 3 months after the surgery and were
allowed to ambulate on the rst day post-surgery. Patients were
not permitted to sit for long periods of time for the rst month
after surgery, and at 3 months post-surgery, patients were
allowed to resume normal activities.rehabilitation exercise.
2.5. Interventions
For patients in the intravenous group, the TXA (15 mg/kg
dissolved in 100 mL of normal saline) was started 30 minutes
before surgery and completed 15 minutes before surgery. During
surgery, the intravenous administration of TXA was maintained
at a dose of 1 mg/kg, and 4 pieces of gelatin sponges soaked in 50
mL of saline for 5 minutes were placed in the surgical area before
incision closure. For the topical group, 100 mL of normal saline
was administered intravenously 30 minutes before surgery, and 4
pieces of gelatin sponge saturated with TXA (1 g TXA dissolved
in 50 mL of normal saline and gelatin sponge soaked therein for 5
minutes) were placed at in the surgical area before incision
closure. A standard closed suction drain was placed before the
wound was closed. All drains were removed 24 hours after
2.6. Outcome measures
The primary outcome measures were perioperative calculated
blood loss, total drain output at 24 hours, and perioperative
blood transfusion rate. The calculated blood loss was deter-
mined from the difference between the preoperative hemoglobin
level and the lowest postoperative hemoglobin level during the
hospital stay (or prior to transfusion, if applicable) according to
the formula by Nadler et al. Of note, drain output is not
accounted for in this calculation. Other, secondary outcomes
included an analysis of complications, namely symptomatic
venous thromboembolism, cerebrovascular accident, and arte-
rio-occlusive events (such as myocardial infarction). The criteria
for the transfusion of blood products were a hemoglobin level of
<8 g/dL or a hemo globin lev el of <10 g/dL in a patient with
symptomatic anemia or deemed at high risk because of notable
underlying cardiac comorbidities. Blood was administered 1
unit at a time, and the presence of symptoms or signs was
2.7. Statistical analysis
Data were analyzed using the statistical software package SPSS
version 25.0 (Chicago, IL). Continuous variables were described
as the mean ±standard deviation, and differences between groups
were analyzed using a series of one-way analysis of variance
(ANOVA) with Bonferronis post-hoc test, while differences
between groups over time were analyzed using multi-way
ANOVA with Bonferroni post-hoc test. Categorical variables
were described as the number (%), and were analyzed by Fisher
exact test. A Pvalue of <.05 was considered statistically
3. Discussion
TXA has gained popularity because of itsefcacy and ease of
administration. Numerous studies have shown that intravenous
TXA reduces perioperative blood loss and postoperative
transfusion rates through its action as a potent antibrino-
Despite several recent studies reporting the safety of
intravenous TXA in spine surgery, there is still concern about its
safety prole.
Topical TXA has been utilized as an
alternative; however, the efcacy and safety of topical TXA
have not been well reported, as the majority of studies have been
underpowered randomized clinical trials or retrospective in
Therefore, the goal of the present study was to
perform an adequately powered, high-quality randomized
clinical trial analyzing the efcacy and safety of both
intravenous and topical TXA in lumbar interbody fusion,
with an emphasis on perioperative calculated blood loss, total
drain output at 24 hours, and perioperative blood transfusion
There are several limitations to this study. We did not include a
group of patients who did not receive TXA. From an ethical
standpoint, it is reasonable to assert that the literature at this
point would not support TXA versus no-TXA groups. Another
potential limitation is that the study population contains
heterogeneity such as varying patient diagnosis and surgical
technique/approach. Despite these limitations, the validity of our
results should be maintained, as the same methodology was
applied to both treatment arms.
Author contributions
Conceptualization: Fei Song.
Data curation: Fei Song.
Formal analysis: Fei Song.
Funding acquisition: Zhouhai Zheng.
Investigation: Fei Song, Zhouhai Zheng.
Methodology: Zhouhai Zheng.
Resources: Zhouhai Zheng.
Software: Zhouhai Zheng.
Supervision: Zhouhai Zheng.
Validation: Fei Song.
Visualization: Fei Song.
Writing original draft: Fei Song, Zhouhai Zheng.
Writing review & editing: Fei Song, Zhouhai Zheng.
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Song and Zheng Medicine (2020) 99:24 Medicine
Background: Postoperative surgical site hematoma (SSH) following lumbosacral surgery carries significant morbidity and increased length of stay (LOS). Intravenous tranexamic acid (ivTXA) has been shown to reduce SSH rate. Topical TXA (tTXA) could benefit patients with contraindications to ivTXA. However, this has not been widely studied. Objectives: We sought to demonstrate that a quality improvement (QI) protocol using tTXA with/without ivTXA in patients undergoing elective open and minimally invasive lumbosacral surgery could decrease the SSH rate and LOS with no increase in associated complications. Methods: A retrospective chart review for July 2018-June 2019 demonstrated our pre-implementation baseline SSH rate. We conducted interdisciplinary meetings to develop standardized institutional measures and perioperative tTXA administration protocol. The primary outcome was SSH necessitating evacuation. The secondary outcome was LOS and TXA-related complications. The post-implementation data were collected prospectively from July 2020-October 2020. Univariate analysis was used to compare pre-implementation and post-implementation cohorts. We considered a p-value <.05 significant. Results: Comparing consecutive lumbosacral surgical patients in pre- (219 patients) and post-implementation (258 patients), the post-implementation group demonstrated a significantly reduced rate of SSH requiring evacuation (.38% vs. 3.3%, p<.001), significantly increased tTXA utilization (86.0% vs. 9.6%, p<.001), significantly lower incidence of SSH in tTXA patients (.45% vs.4.8%, p=.037), and significantly decreased LOS (3.4 ± 2.5 vs. 3.1 ± 2.7, p=.003). There were no complications attributable to TXA use. Conclusions: Our QI project successfully increased compliance with the use of tTXA. Post-implementation rate of SSH requiring evacuation and LOS was significantly lowered with no associated complications.
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Background: Intravenous (IV), topical and combination of both application of tranexamic acid (TXA) can reduce blood loss, hemoglobin drop, and transfusion rate in patients following total hip arthroplasty (THA). Lately, published articles reported that oral TXA had as similar blood-saving as IV and topical TXA in THA. The purpose of this meta-analysis is to investigate the efficiency and safety of oral TXA in THA. Methods: We systematically searched articles about oral administration of TXA in THA from PubMed, Embase, Scopus, Web of Science, the Cochrane Library, and the Chinese Wanfang database. Study eligibility criteria: The outcomes were collected and analyzed by the Review Manager 5.3. Results: Nine RCTs and 1 CCT, containing 1305 patients, were ultimately included according to the inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria in the meta-analysis. The effectiveness of oral TXA was as similar as the IV or topical TXA in regard to hemoglobin drop (SMD = -0.14; 95% CI, [-0.28, 0.01]; P = .06), total blood loss (SMD = 0.01; 95% CI, [-0.13, 0.16]; P = .84), transfusion rate (OR = 0.76; 95% CI, [0.38, 1.55]; P = .37). Compared with single oral TXA or blank group, multiple oral TXA effectively reduced hemoglobin drop (SMD = -1.06; 95% CI, [-1.36, -0.77]; P < .05), total blood loss (SMD = -1.30; 95% CI, [-1.66, -0.94]; P < .05), transfusion rate (OR = 0.53; 95% CI, [0.29, 0.95]; P = .03). There were no significant difference in terms of length of stay and complication among all of enrolled studies. Conclusion: Oral TXA has favorable effect of blood-saving and do not increase risk of complication in patients following THA. Oral TXA may have no effect in the length of stay. More high quality RCTs are necessary.
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Background: Perioperative bleeding during total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is an ongoing problem for surgeons. Intravenous or topical application of tranexamic acid (TXA) can effectively stop bleeding, but there is still no uniform standard for the best method of administration and dose. Methods: From October 2016 to September 2018, 218 patients with unilateral primary knee osteoarthritis requiring knee replacement were enrolled and randomly divided into four groups. Group 1 (n = 55) received intra-articular injection (IAI) of TXA and peri-articular injection (PAI) of placebo, group 2 (n = 55) received IAI of placebo and PAI of TXA, group 3 (n = 51) received IAI of TXA and PAI of TXA, and group 4 (n = 57) received double placebo (IAI of placebo and PAI of placebo). The demographic characteristics, surgical indices, hematological indices, wound healing history, and thromboembolic events were investigated. Results: Eight patients were lost to follow-up and 210 patients were included in the analysis. The median TBLs in patients who received IAI of TXA and PAI of placebo and those who received IAI of placebo and PAI of TXA were 470.81 ml and 481.54 ml, respectively. These TBL levels were significantly higher compared to those in patients who received IAI of TXA and PAI of TXA (359.18 ml, P ≤ .001), but significantly lower compared to those in patients who received the double placebo (522.71 ml, P ≤ .001). Compared to other groups, more patients in the double placebo group needed a blood transfusion (P = .013). In the short-term, the double placebo group had higher VAS pain scores and less ROM after surgery (P = .011 and P = .001, respectively). In the long-term (6-month follow-up), there were no significant differences in ROM, VAS, DVT, PE, or wound-related complications. Conclusion: The combined use of IAI and PAI of TXA can significantly reduce the TBL and the need for blood transfusion without delaying wound healing or increasing the risk of DVT and PE. In the short-term after surgery, this combined method reduces the pain VAS scores and improves the ROM; however, there are no long-term effects on VAS and ROM.
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Background: This study aimed to compare the efficacy and safety of oral tranexamic acid (TXA) with intravenous (IV) TXA in reducing perioperative blood loss in total-knee arthroplasty (TKA) and total-hip arthroplasty (THA). Methods: PubMed, Web of Science, Embase, and Cochrane Library were fully searched for relevant studies. Studies comparing the efficacy and safety of oral TXA with IV TXA in TKA and THA were included in this research. Odds ratio (OR) or risk difference (RD) was applied to compare dichotomous variables, while mean difference (MD) was used to compare continues variables. Results: A total of 7 studies (5 randomized controlled trials and 2 retrospective studies) were included into this study. As for patients undergoing TKA or THA, there were no obvious differences between oral TXA group and IV TXA group in hemoglobin (Hb) drop (MD = 0.06, 95% confidence interval [CI] = -0.01 to 0.13, P = .09), transfusion rate (OR = 0.78, 95% CI = 0.54-1.13, P = .19), total blood loss (MD = 16.31, 95% CI = -69.85 to 102.46, P = .71), total Hb loss (MD = 5.18, 95% CI = -12.65 to 23.02, P = .57), length of hospital stay (MD = -0.06, 95% CI = -0.30 to 0.18, P = .63), drain out (MD = 21.04, 95% CI = -15.81 to 57.88, P = .26), incidence of deep vein deep vein thrombosis (RD = 0.00, 95% CI = -0.01 to 0.01, P = .82) or pulmonary embolism (RD = 0.00, 95% CI = -0.01 to 0.01, P = .91). The sample size of this study was small and several included studies were with relatively low quality. Conclusion: Oral TXA is equivalent to IV TXA in reducing perioperative blood loss and should be recommended in TKA and THA. More high-quality studies are needed to elucidate this issue.
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To compare percutaneous vertebroplasty (VP) and balloon kyphoplasty (BKP) for their effectiveness and safety in the treatment of newly onset osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures (VCF). Patients with confirmed diagnosis of newly onset osteoporotic VCF and treated in our center between January 2008 and December 2016 were retrospectively included in the study. Patients were divided into 2 groups according the surgical treatment they have received. They were followed for 12 months after surgery by outpatient visits and phone interviews. Changes in VAS and ODI scores, quantity of injected bone cement, cost of treatment, changes in the height of the vertebra, incidence of complications such as bone cement leakage, adjacent level vertebral fracture during follow up and total were compared between the 2 groups. A total of 338 patients were included in the final analysis. Demographic characteristics were similar in 2 groups. There were no significant differences between the 2 groups concerning VAS and ODI scores after the surgery and at last follow up (P > .05). However, total cost of treatment, quantity of injected bone cement, incidence of adjacent level fracture, restored vertebral height and the loss of vertebral body height at the last follow up were significantly higher in the BKP group than the VP group (P < .05). Considering the similar key outcome parameters such as VAS and ODI scores and significantly more cost of BKP, VP can be prioritized over BKP in the treatment of patients with newly onset osteoporotic VCF.
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Introduction: Hepatitis B and C are among the most important transfusion-transmitted infections and sources of liver diseases worldwide. In Veracruz, Mexico, liver diseases are important causes of mortality, and the prevalence reports of these viruses are scarce. This study sought to determine the prevalence of these infections in blood donors, in order to increase the safety of blood products in this region. Methodology: A retrospective study was performed on blood donors who attended the Veracruz State Blood Transfusion Center from 2006 to 2010. All samples were screened for transfusion-transmitted infections. The prevalence rates of hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) were determined, and demographic data obtained from clinical records were used to evaluate risk factors. Results: A total of 56,377 donors were serologically screened; of them, 403 were seropositive for HCV (357 men and 46 women), and 61 were positive for HBsAg (52 men and 9 women). The overall prevalence rates were 0.72% (0.63%–0.76%) for HCV and 0.11% (0.08%– 0.14%) for HBsAg. The risk factors for HBsAg positivity were being a cattleman and living in the Huasteca Baja region, whereas those for HCV were being a fisherman, living in the Papaloapan region, and having an elementary-level or lower education. Conclusions: This is the first study to show that being a fisherman is a risk factor for HCV. The implementation of nucleic acid test technology will help to identify the real risks for transfusion-transmitted hepatitis C in Veracruz.
Background: Tranexamic acid (TXA) is an antifibrinolytic drug. Topical administration of TXA during total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is favored for certain patients because of concerns about thrombotic complications, despite a lack of supporting literature. We compared local and systemic levels of thrombogenic markers, interleukin (IL)-6, and TXA between patients who received intravenous (IV) TXA and those who received topical TXA. Methods: Seventy-six patients scheduled for TKA were enrolled in this randomized double-blinded study. The IV group received 1.0 g of IV TXA before tourniquet inflation and again 3 hours later; a topical placebo was then administered 5 minutes before final tourniquet release. The topical group received an IV placebo before tourniquet inflation and again 3 hours later; 3.0 g of TXA was administered topically 5 minutes before final tourniquet release. Peripheral and wound blood samples were collected to measure levels of plasmin-anti-plasmin (PAP, a measure of fibrinolysis), prothrombin fragment 1.2 (PF1.2, a marker of thrombin generation), IL-6, and TXA. Results: At 1 hour after tourniquet release, systemic PAP levels were comparable between the IV group (after a single dose of IV TXA) and the topical group. At 4 hours after tourniquet release, the IV group had lower systemic PAP levels than the topical group (mean and standard deviation, 1,117.8 ± 478.9 µg/L versus 1,280.7 ± 646.5 µg/L; p = 0.049), indicative of higher antifibrinolytic activity after the second dose. There was no difference in PF1.2 levels between groups, indicating that there was no increase in thrombin generation. The IV group had higher TXA levels at all time points (p < 0.001). Four hours after tourniquet release, wound blood IL-6 and TXA levels were higher than systemic levels in both groups (p < 0.001). Therapeutic systemic TXA levels (mean, 7.2 ± 7.4 mg/L) were noted in the topical group. Calculated blood loss and the length of the hospital stay were lower in the IV group (p = 0.026 and p = 0.025). Conclusions: Given that therapeutic levels were reached with topical TXA and the lack of a major difference in the mechanism of action, coagulation, and fibrinolytic profile between topical TXA and a single dose of IV TXA, it may be a simpler protocol for institutions to adopt the use of a single dose of IV TXA when safety is a concern. Level of evidence: Therapeutic Level I. See Instructions for Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.
Study design: A prospective randomized trial of patients enrolled at a university affiliated tertiary medical center between February and December 2017. Objective: To compare perioperative blood loss in patients undergoing elective posterior thoracolumbar fusion who were treated with intravenous (IV) versus oral (PO) tranexamic acid (TXA). Summary of background data: The use of antifibrinolytic agents such as TXA to decrease operative blood loss and allogenic blood transfusions is well documented in the literature. While evidence supports the use of IV and topical formulations of TXA in spine surgery, the use of PO TXA has not been studied. Methods: Eighty-three patients undergoing thoracolumbar fusion were randomized to receive 1.95 g of PO TXA 2 hours preoperatively or 2 g IV TXA (1 g before incision and 1 g before wound closure) intraoperatively. The sample was further stratified into three categories based on number of levels fused (1-2 level fusions, 3-5, and >5). The primary outcome was the reduction of hemoglobin. Secondary outcomes included calculated blood loss, drain output, postoperative transfusion, complications, and length of hospital stay. Equivalence analysis was performed with a two one-sided test (TOST). A P-value of <0.05 suggested equivalence between treatments. Results: Fourty three patients received IV TXA and 40 patients received PO TXA. Patient demographic factors were similar between groups except for body mass index (BMI). The mean reduction of hemoglobin was similar between IV and PO groups (3.36 g/dL vs. 3.43 g/dL, respectively; P = 0.01, equivalence). Similarly, the calculated blood loss was equivalent (1235 mL vs. 1312 mL, respectively; P = 0.02, equivalence). Eight patients (19%) in IV TXA group received a transfusion compared with five patients in PO TXA group (13%) (P = 0.44). One patient (2% and 3% in IV and PO, respectively) in each group experienced a deep venous thrombosis/pulmonary embolism (P = 0.96). Conclusion: Patients treated with IV and PO TXA experienced the same perioperative blood loss after spinal fusions. Given its lower cost, PO TXA represents an excellent alternative to IV TXA in patients undergoing elective posterior thoracolumbar fusion and may improve healthcare cost-efficiency in the studied population. Level of evidence: 1.
Study Design: A single-center, placebo-controlled, randomized design. Objective: The current study investigated the effects of intravenous and topical administrations of Tranexamic acid (TXA) on the visible and hidden blood loss of patients receiving posterior lumbar interbody fusion (PLIF). Summary of Background Data: TXA significantly reduces the visible and hidden blood loss associated with joint replacement. At present, many studies have examined the safety and effectiveness of the intravenous or topical administration of TXA after posterior lumbar surgery. However, randomized and controlled trials examining the presence of differences in the effect of TXA on the visible and hidden blood loss between these two modes of administration are lacking. Methods: A total of 150 patients with lumbar degenerative disease who underwent PLIF between September 2015 and August 2017 volunteered for this study. Of these patients, 126 fulfilled the inclusion criteria and were randomly assigned to one of three groups: the intravenous administration group (n = 45, group A), the topical administration group (n = 39, group B), or the placebo group (n = 42, group C). SPSS 17.0 was used to analyze the patient data, their blood biochemical indices, blood loss, and the number of blood transfusions across the three groups during the perioperative period. Results: The postoperative drainage volume, number of blood transfusions, length of hospital stay, and extubation time significantly differed between group C and both groups A and B (P < 0.05); however, no significant differences were noted between groups A and B (P > 0.05). Intraoperative blood loss and visible or hidden blood loss as well as the levels of postoperative hemoglobin (HGB) and hematocrit (HCT) significantly differed among the three groups (P < 0.01). The results of the visual analogue scale (VAS), prothrombin time (PT), and fibrinogen (FIB) content did not significantly differ among the three groups (P > 0.05). Conclusions: For patients undergoing double-segment PLIF, both administrations of TXA can reduce blood loss, extubation time, and the length of hospital stay. Moreover, intravenous administration can reduce both visible and hidden blood loss more efficiently.
Background: Tranexamic acid (TXA) reduces bleeding and the need for transfusion after total knee arthroplasty. Most literature has focused on intravenous (IV) administration of TXA, with less data available on the efficacy of topically administered TXA. This multicenter randomized clinical trial specifically assessed the efficacy of topical TXA compared with IV TXA as measured by calculated blood loss, drain output, and transfusion rates. Complications, including venous thromboembolism (VTE), were reported. Methods: A total of 640 patients who underwent primary unilateral total knee arthroplasty for osteoarthritis at 2 large academic centers were randomized to receive 1 g of IV TXA prior to tourniquet inflation and 1 g at closure, or 3 g of TXA diluted in 45 mL of normal saline solution (total volume of 75 mL) and topically applied after cementation. Age, sex, body mass index, American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) score, and preoperative hemoglobin level were similar between the groups. Univariate, multiple linear regression, and multiple logistic regression analyses were performed. Results: Patients who received topical TXA had significantly greater calculated blood loss compared with those who received IV TXA (mean of 324 compared with 271 mL; p = 0.005). Drain output was significantly higher in the topical TXA group compared with the IV TXA group (mean of 560 compared with 456 mL; p < 0.0001). The rate of transfusion was low in the topical and IV groups, with no significant difference on univariate analysis (1.6% compared with 0.6%, respectively; p = 0.45); however, on multiple logistic regression analysis, patients who received topical TXA were 2.2-fold more likely to receive a transfusion (p < 0.0001). The topical and IV TXA groups did not differ significantly with respect to the rate of thrombotic events (0.6% compared with 1.6%, respectively; p = 0.45). Conclusions: In this large, randomized clinical trial involving patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty, both IV and topical TXA were associated with a low rate of transfusion. While IV TXA was associated with less calculated blood loss, lower drain output, and fewer transfusions, the small differences between the groups may not be clinically important. Given the low prevalence of thrombotic complications, the relative safety of one formulation of TXA over the other cannot be definitely established. Level of evidence: Therapeutic Level I. See Instructions for Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.
Intravenous tranexamic acid (TXA) has been shown to be effective in reducing blood loss and the need for transfusion after joint replacement. Recently, there has been interest in applying it topically before the closure of surgical wounds. This has the advantages of ease of application, maximum concentration at the site of bleeding, minimising its systemic absorption and, consequently, concerns about possible side-effects. We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis which included 14 randomised controlled trials (11 in knee replacement, two in hip replacement and one in both) which investigated the effect of topical TXA on blood loss and rates of transfusion. Topical TXA significantly reduced the rate of blood transfusion (total knee replacement: risk ratio (RR) 4.51; 95% confidence interval (CI): 3.02 to 6.72; p < 0.001 (nine trials, I ² = 0%); total hip replacement: RR 2.56; 95% CI: 1.32 to 4.97, p = 0.004 (one trial)). The rate of thromboembolic events with topical TXA were similar to those found with a placebo. Indirect comparison of placebo-controlled trials of topical and intravenous TXA indicates that topical administration is superior to the intravenous route. In conclusion, topical TXA is an effective and safe method of reducing the need for blood transfusion after total knee and hip replacement. Further research is required to find its optimum dose for topical use. Cite this article: Bone Joint J 2014;96-B:1005–15.