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Modified AlexNet Convolution Neural Network For Covid-19 Detection Using Chest X-ray Images Article history


Abstract and Figures

First outbreak of COVID-19 was in the city of Wuhan in China in Dec.2019 and then it becomes a pandemic disease all around the world. World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed more than 5.5 million cases and 341,155 deaths from the disease till the time of writing this paper. This new worldwide disease forced researchers to make more precise way to diagnose COVID-19. In the last decade, medical imaging techniques show its efficiency in helping radiologists to detect and diagnose the diseases. Deep learning and transfer learning algorithms are good techniques to detect disease from different image source types such as X-Ray and CT scan images. In this work we used a deep learning technique based on Convolution Neural Network (CNN) to detect and diagnose COVID-19 disease using Chest X-ray images. Moreover, the modified AlexNet architecture is proposed in different scenarios were differing from each other in terms of the type of the pooling layers and/or the number of the neurons that have used in the second fully connected layer. The used chest X-ray images are gathered from two COVID-19 X-ray image datasets and one dataset includes large number of normal and pneumonia X-ray images. With the proposed models we obtained the same or even better result than the original AlexNet with having a smaller number of neurons in the secondfully connected layer.
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Kurdistan Journal of Applied Research (KJAR)
Print-ISSN: 2411-7684 | Electronic-ISSN: 2411-7706
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Modified AlexNet Convolution
Neural Network For Covid-19
Detection Using Chest X-ray
Shadman Q. Salih
Hawre Kh. Abdulla
Database Technology Department
Database Technology Department
Technical College of Informatics
Technical College of Informatics
Sulaimani Polytechnic University
Sulaimani Polytechnic University
Sulaimani, Iraq
Sulaimani, Iraq
Zanear Sh. Ahmed
Nigar M. Shafiq Surameery
Information Technology Department
Building and Construction Engineering Department
Erbil Technical institute
College of Engineering
Erbil Polytechnic University
University of Garmian
Erbil, Iraq
Kalar, Sulaimani, Iraq
Rasber Dh. Rashid
Software Engineering Department
Faculty of Engineering
Koya University
Koya, Erbil, Iraq
Article Info
Special Issue on
Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Article history:
Received: 29 May 2020
Accepted 03 June 2020
First outbreak of COVID-19 was in the city of Wuhan in China
in Dec.2019 and then it becomes a pandemic disease all around
the world. World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed more
than 5.5 million cases and 341,155 deaths from the disease till
the time of writing this paper. This new worldwide disease forced
researchers to make more precise way to diagnose COVID-19. In
the last decade, medical imaging techniques show its efficiency
in helping radiologists to detect and diagnose the diseases. Deep
learning and transfer learning algorithms are good techniques to
detect disease from different image source types such as X-Ray
and CT scan images. In this work we used a deep learning
technique based on Convolution Neural Network (CNN) to detect
and diagnose COVID-19 disease using Chest X-ray images.
Moreover, the modified AlexNet architecture is proposed in
different scenarios were differing from each other in terms of the
type of the pooling layers and/or the number of the neurons that
have used in the second fully connected layer. The used chest X-
ray images are gathered from two COVID-19 X-ray image
datasets and one dataset includes large number of normal and
pneumonia X-ray images. With the proposed models we obtained
Chest X-Ray Images,
Deep Learning.
Kurdistan Journal of Applied Research | Special Issue on Coronavirus (COVID-19)| 120
the same or even better result than the original AlexNet with
having a smaller number of neurons in the second fully
connected layer.
Copyright © 2020 Kurdistan Journal of Applied Research.
All rights reserved.
At the end of 2019 an emerged novel Corona Virus has declared in Wuhan, Hubei
Province, China after investigating the unidentified pneumonia cases which caused
by a disease officially is called COVID-19 [1, 2]. The virus is rapidly spread in other
countries all over the world and millions of people have infected by the disease.
Consequently, World Health Organization announced COVID-19 as a global health
emergency [3]. In addition, a report categorizes the cases of COVID-19 into two
parts which are active and closed, under the active cases 98 percent infected patients
in mild condition [3]. The prodrome of the virus includes high temperature, cough,
dyspnea also it causes middle east respiratory syndrome (MERS-COV) and sever
acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) that is known as (SARS-COV) [4, 5].
As the virus is transmitted human-to-human, accordingly, it is strongly
recommended to halt direct contact with others and put social distancing to prevent
the distribution the disease from one person to another [6]. Hence, identifying those
who are infected by the virus in early stage is very important to save their lives. The
diagnoses of the disease become an issue for the hospitals due to the shortage of the
test kits, limited finding rate and it takes time as well as using reverse transcription
polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) to determine the infected patient is not accurate
as per the rate is from 30 to 60 percent, which means a large number of COVID-19
patients have not detected and will not take proper treatment and isolation.
Moreover, inaccurate test helps the disease to speared faster as it transmits person to
person [7]. Furthermore, the X-ray and (CT) scan of chest are also used to establish
the MERS- COV and SARS-COV in early stage of the disease. In this technology
era, enhancing the CT and X-ray based on artificial intelligence (AI) tools may help
clinicians to detect and monitor the virus faster and more efficiently [7].
Additionally, there are a bunch of researches [1, 7, 8, 9] used deep learning-based
techniques to detect the infected patients which help to reduce the load on doctors
and hospitals to identify the disease and make the process faster in compare with
Accordingly, we have studied available Convolution Neural Network (CNN) in the
literature named AlexNet. Based on this CNN architecture, we proposed a modified
version of AlexNet to train and test the available X-ray images for the study. The
aim is to determine and identify the COVID-19 cases from other two class cases
named Normal and Abnormal cases.
Nowadays, due to rapidly spreading the COVID-19 disease, more attention goes to
the field of detecting the disease by the researchers. In [10] the researchers proposed
two different techniques to evaluate lung pneumonia and cancer namely modified
AlexNet (MAN), moreover, in the study, the principle component
analysis (PCA) used by combination with MAN. In the first proposed technique, the
classification result improved by using five blocks from 1-5 with two fully
connected layers, so, each initial block consists of Convolution, max pooling, ReLU
and normalization. At the end, the SoftMax layer has been replaced by Support
Kurdistan Journal of Applied Research | Special Issue on Coronavirus (COVID-19)| 121
Vector Machin (SVM). The proposed technique was tested on two different chest
image types X-ray and lung CT scans with including only two types of classes
Normal and Abnormal for each of them. The accuracy obtained was 96% and
97.27% for X-ray and CT scans respectively. According to [11] the new CNN
proposed including 16 layers only, the method designed to distinguish the Normal
and COVID-19 classes only. The algorithm tested on both X-ray and CT scan
images. It is worth to mention that the proposed technique was obtained good
accuracy performance with declaring that they used a very small number of cases.
In [12]  three different scenarios have been tested with using three different available
CNN architecture that are: AlexNet, googlenet, and resnet18. The idea of
transferring learning (TL) is used for all of the three scenarios. The scenarios are
different from each other in the number of classes that have used. In the first one,
four different classes (Normal, COVID-19, Viral, and Bacteria) have been used with
googlenet that resulting in having the accuracy rate of 80.6 %. In the second
scenario, three different classes have been used (Normal, COVID -19, and
Pneumonia) and obtaining the accuracy rate about 85.2 with using AlexNet CNN
architecture, while in the third scenario, only two classes have been used (Normal
and COVID-19) and the algorithm guaranteed 100% of accuracy with using
googlenet architecture. Jianping Zhang et al. [13] presents a new deep learning
model for detecting COVID-19 that contain three components, they used 100 X-Ray
images as a Covid-19 from 70 patients and 1431 X-Ray images as non covid-19. The
result shows 96% for detecting covid-19 and 70.65% for detecting non-covid-19.
Wang et al. [14] proposed a new CNN architecture named as COVID-Net. They
generate the COVIDx dataset by combining and modifying two different datasets,
covid-19 image data collection and “RSNA Pneumonia Detection Challenge
dataset, and it contain 16,756 chest radiography across 13,645 patient cases from the
two different dataset that have been mentioned above. The accuracy of testing
COVIDx is 92.4%.
From the proposed works available in the literature, it is clear that a good accuracy
performance can be obtained when they tested and applied over only two classes
(Normal and COVID-19). The challenge is to have more than two classes, therefore
in this work, we aimed to design and test a new CNN architecture to be suitable for
more than two classes. Moreover, we aim to design an architecture to distinguish
three different classes (Normal, COVID-19, and Pneumonia (Bacteria and other
(Non COVID-19) Viral).
3. AlexNet Architecture Analysis
The history of deep CNN starts with the LeNet which originally designed for the
purpose of handwritten digit recognition. The LeNet not performed well due to its
limitation to the handwritten digit recognition tasks [15]. Thus, the AlexNet is
supposed to be the first deep CNN architecture because of its’ outstanding results for
the classifications and recognition tasks performed on images [16]. In early 2000, the
learning capacity of the deep CNN architectures was restricted to small size because
of the hardware limitations. Thus, in order to overcome the limitations of the
hardware and getting the whole capacity of deep CNN, AlexNet was trained on two
NVIDIA GTX 580 GPUs in parallel.
In order to make the CNN applicable for different types of images, in AlexNet, the
CNN depth was extended from only (5) layers in the LetNet CNN to (8) layers. The
layers are: five convolutional layers, two fully connected hidden layers, and one
fully connected output layer, as it shown in Fig1.
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Figure 1: AlexNet Architecture Design
Although increasing the depth of the architecture will improve the generalization for
different image resolutions, on the other hand, it results in the overfitting issue. To
fix this issue, the dropout algorithm has been used, in which the algorithm randomly
removes some transformational units during the training process to motivate the
model to learn more better features [17, 18]. In addition, the local response
normalization and overlapping subsampling have been applied to reduce the
overfitting in order to improve the generalization. Moreover, in AlexNet, the sigmoid
activation function has been replaced by the ReLU function in order to improve the
convergence rate by reducing the problem of vanishing gradient [19, 20].
As it is clear in Fig1, in AlexNet, the input image must be augmented to a fix size of
227x227x3, in the first layer the 96 convolution filter with window shape of size 11
× 11 applied, whereas in the second layer 256 convolution filter with window shape
size of 5×5 applied, followed by 384, 384, and 256 convolution filter with window
size of 3×3 for the rest of the other three layers applied. Moreover, after the first,
second, and the last convolutional layers, the network contains 3 × 3 maximum
pooling layers with stride of 2. In addition to this five convolution layers, there are
two fully-connected layers with 4096 neuron outputs after the fifth convolutional
layer. This is followed by one fully connected output layer placed at the end of the
network which is originally having 1000 output classes. Finally, Dropout, ReLU and
preprocessing represent the important key steps in achieving excellent performance
in computer vision tasks.
In this paper we used the original AlexNet as a transfer learning mode by modifying
the last output layer to be suitable to the number of the X-ray classes that have been
used in these experiments. We replaced the 1000 classes that the original AlexNet
have, with only 3 classes because we tested only three classes (COVID-19, Normal,
and Pneumonia ) in this study.
4. Proposed Models (Modified AlexNet)
In this research, we proposed a new CNN model by modifying the architecture
layers of the AlexNet Convolution Neural Network to see how the classification
result will be affected and improved. In fact, we selected the AlexNet architecture
because the structure of the AlexNet is the simplest among other CNN systems and
need suitable time and efficiency for learning phase especially we are using the
normal personal computer with normal CPU based systems. The proposed model(s)
Kurdistan Journal of Applied Research | Special Issue on Coronavirus (COVID-19)| 123
has been developed using software package in MATLAB program. Another reason
of using this architecture is high performance and fast training with very few epochs.
We propose four different modified models based on the original AlexNet
architecture. In all of the four models, the structure of the original AlexNet remain
with having modifications on some layers. The four modified models can be
described as follows:
Model 1: All of the 3x3 Max Pooling layers that are available in the original AlexNet
have been replaced with corresponding 3x3 Average Pooling layers with remaining
the stride value as its which is 2. See figure 2.
Figure 2: Model 1 of Modified AlexNet Architecture
Model 2: The 3x3 Max Pooling layers that are available after the first and second
convolution layers are replaced with corresponding 3x3 Average Pooling layers with
remaining the Max Pooling after the fifth convolution without any changes (i.e Max
Pooling), again the stride value remain as it is which is 2 in all of the three Pooling
layers. See figure 3.
Figure 3: Model 2 of Modified AlexNet Architecture
Model 3: As shown in Figure 4, the number of the neurons in the second fully
connected layer has been reduced form 4096 neurons to 2096 neurons. All other
available layers are remained as the original AlexNet. This model designed to see
how reducing the number of neurons affects the results besides increasing the
Kurdistan Journal of Applied Research | Special Issue on Coronavirus (COVID-19)| 124
Figure 4: Model 3 of Modified AlexNet Architecture
Model 4: In this model, we combined the two previously proposed models’ number 2
and 3 as shown in figure 5. This means that we replaced the Max Pooling layers after
the first and second convolution layers with Average Pooling layers and the Max
Pooling after the fifth convolution remain as it is, in addition, we reduced the number
of the neurons in the second fully connected layer form 4096 neurons to 2096
Figure 5: Model 4 of Modified AlexNet Architecture
5. Experimental Data and Setup
Recently, Covid-19 virus has affected a global population. The virus continues to have a huge
influence on the welfare and health of the people around the world. The essential step in
confrontation this risky virus is radiology examination. This could help the doctors to
diagnose the disease and gave the rapid treatment to the patient in a precise way [21]. These
radiographs are then stored as X-ray or CT-scan images in various public available sources
such as COVIDx dataset by Cohen [22], a set of 6290 chest X-ray images of non-Covid-19
viral cases, bacterial infections and confirmed normal images by Kermany et al authors [23].
Another source of dataset is a collection of 79 Covid-19 chest X-ray confirmed radiographs
that was recently made public by some websites such as Radiopedia, SIRM (Italian Society
of Medical and Interventional Radiology) and RSNA (Radiological Society of North
America) [24].
The main reason of these huge-data collection and made them publicly available
sources is to provide a free access mechanism for the researchers to be able to use
them in their research papers as well as helping them to contribute and share their
de-identified COVID-19 chest X-ray data to the project. Hence, in this section, we
will explain the details of the datasets that have been used for the train and test
Kurdistan Journal of Applied Research | Special Issue on Coronavirus (COVID-19)| 125
process in this paper for purpose of Covid-19 and other cases detections such as
Normal, Bacterial and Viral.
5.1 First Dataset (COVIDx)
The COVIDx dataset recently made available at [22] by the authors of Covid-Net,
which is one of the first open source network. It is a deep CNN, which is made
publicly available to detect corona virus from CT-Scan or X-ray images. The dataset
is consists of 13,975 X-ray and CT scans images taken from 13,870 patient cases. In
the recent version of the COVIDx dataset, there was a total of 111 Covid-19 X-ray
images from approved corona virus patients. In this paper work, we used all 111
chest X-ray positive Covid-19 images.
5.2 Second Dataset
This dataset was collected and made publicly available by Kermany and et. al. It
contains 6290 chest X-ray images from numerous patients with normal infections,
bacterial and other viral (non-Covid-19) cases [23]. In this huge data set
images, only 1108 chest radiography images has been chosen to train, validation and
test. More especially, we used 554 images from normal cases, 277 images from
bacterial cases and 277 images from viral (non-Covid-19) cases.
5.3 Third Dataset
Third dataset contains only 79 positive chest X-ray images. It was recently composed
from Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), Radiopedia, and
Italian Society of Medical and Interventional Radiology (SIRM) websites. This
collection of confirmed positive images are publicly available in [24]. In this dataset
only 43 chest X-ray positive Covid-19 images are nominated to train, validation and
test sets. Figure 6 shows random samples of the images for all classes.
Figure 6: Chest X-ray samples
As a result, from the three above mentioned databases, we used in total 154 (100 for
train and 54 for test) X-ray images of confirmed Covid-19 cases, 554 (500 for train
and 54 for test) X-ray images of Normal cases, and 554 (500 for train and 54 for test)
X-ray images of Abnormal (pneumonia) cases. The 554 cases of Abnormal
(pneumonia) cases originally taken from 277 cases of bacteria and 277 cases of viral
(Non-Covid-19) cases.
It is valuable to be mentioned that the number of Covid-19 X-ray images is
considerably lower than other classes that lead to imbalance classification issue.
However, to reduce the impact of imbalance classification we tried to not use all
available cases of normal and pneumonia and only the above mentioned number of
cases have been used.
To investigate and test the mentioned proposed models in the previous section as
well as the original AlexNet architecture, we used the above-classified dataset. The
same train and test sets have been used with the original AlexNet architecture as well
as the proposed modified models. See the next section for the experimental results
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6. Experimental Results
The process of utilizing learning weights or using obtained data from determining
and solving one issue to another correlated issue is known as Transfer Learning
(TL). Weights enhanced from the AlexNet architecture on X-ray image dataset used
in TL model. In this paper, TL approach has been adopted to investigate the
performance discussion of original AlexNet CNN architecture and then compared
with Modified AlexNet architectures. Accordingly, in all of the layers, the weights
are re-trained on our chest X-ray images. The resizing process to the appropriate
dimensions of the original AlexNet and Modified AlexNet architectures has been
done on the entire set of the images from the training and the testing sets. According
to the former researches in literature review, no preprocessing applied to input
images, hence the same norm has been followed.
For all CNN architectures, the training parameters in TL are as follows: Mini Batch
Size =15, Number of Epochs =10, Initial Learn Rate = 3e-4. The software package
MATAB is used for conducting all experimental results. Two metrics were
recorded in order to measure the performance of CNN classification, which
are specificity and sensitivity. For calculating the mentioned metrics, we recorded
the following classifications test measurements:
TP True Positive: represents the number of the correctly recognized positive cases.
TN True Negative: represents the number of the correctly recognized negative
FP False Positive: represents the number of the incorrectly identified negative
FN False Negative: represents the number of the incorrect classification of disease.
The amount of the unhealthy cases appropriately identified by CNN models is known
as Sensitivity while the Specificity measures the amount of negative cases properly
detected as healthy by CNNs. For the purpose of comparisons as well as testing the
performance, we calculate the sensitivity and specificity of the original and all of the
four modified proposed models. Table 1 shows the obtained results from all
experiments conducted. Moreover, the table shows the sensitivity and specificity of
all of the three individual classes Covid-19, Normal, and Abnormal (pneumonia). To
see individual classified cases for every single experiment, we calculated the
confusion matrix among the classes, figure 7 shows the confusion matrix of the
original AlexNet while figure 8 shows the confusion matrix of obtained results from
all of the four proposed models.
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Table 1: Testing result for Original and Modified AlexNet architecture
Figure 7: Confusion matrix of original AlexNet
CNN Architecture
Original AlexNet
Proposed (Model 1)
Proposed (Model 2)
Proposed (Model 3)
Proposed (Model 4)
Kurdistan Journal of Applied Research | Special Issue on Coronavirus (COVID-19)| 128
(a) Model 1
(b) Model 2
(c) Model 3
(d) Model 4
Figure 8: Confusion matrix of Proposed Models
From table1 and figure7, we can notice that the obtained results from the
original AlexNet for recognising Covid-19 cases is promising but there is
a problem with the results of detecting the normal case. There are 15 cases out of 54
cases are misclassified. Although our aim is to detect the Covid-19 cases accurately,
there is a problem when the normal cases are classified as affected cases especially in
the medical side. Therefore, the proposed models are designed to decrease
incorrectly classified cases. For example, when we compare the obtained results
from model1 with the original AlexNet results, we can see that the sensitivity and the
specificity of both of the normal and abnormal classes are increased with decreasing
the sensitivity and the specificity of the Covid-19 class. In model2, after we
mixed the average and max pooling, we obtained higher detection degree for Covid-
19 classes compared to model1. Again having better detection degree for both of the
normal and abnormal classes comparing to the original AlexNet. Although reducing
the number of neurons of the original AlexNet such as in model3 increased the
efficiency of executing the training phase, the same conclusion as model2 can be
obtained when the results are compared with the original AlexNet. Finally when we
combine both of the ideas in model2 and model3, we can guaranteed the efficiency
as well as the better detection rate of Covid-19 classes if compared with all other
three proposed models and losing a small degree of detection if compared with
the original AlexNet, taken in account that model4 have better detection for both
other classes normal and abnormal when compared with the original AlexNet.
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If we take overall, the detection rate and counting the corrected number of cases for all of the
three classes in each architecture, we can say that out of 162 cases the
original AlexNet classified 141 cases correctly while the correctly classified cases are 139,
144, 143, and 144 for our four proposed model1, model2, model 3, and model 4 respectively.
7. Conclusion and Future Work
Many researchers have exhibited that the already existing convolutional neural network
architectures have a significant ability of detecting COVID-19 from X-ray or CT-Scan images
in an accurate manner and provide excellent results [11, 25, 26]. However, their results can be
improved by modifying their structure in one or more of their layers or their other features. In
this paper we used original AlexNet architecture for Covid-19 detection, Pneumonia, and
Normal cases. This architecture consists of eight layers: five convolutional layers and three
fully-connected layers with some of the features that are new approaches to convolutional
neural networks and have made the AlexNet special [27].
The aim of this paper was to introduce four effectives Modified AlexNet CNN models that
can outperform pre-trained AlexNet for the purpose of helping radiologists to recognize and
detect correctly the classes from chest X-ray images. These models were differing from each
other in terms of the type of the pooling layers and/or the number of the neurons that have
used in the second fully connected layer. Moreover, the images that have been used in this
study are collected from three different sources. So, we collectively make the use of these X-
ray images to be publicly available for the researchers. From the obtained results, it became
obvious that in case of a small dataset and unbalanced number of the X-ray images, we can
conclude that with replacing all of the max pooling layers with average Pooling layers, the
result has been enhanced even though we have a noticeable reduction in the sensitivity of the
Covid-19 detection result. This issue was reduced by replacing just the first two max pooling
layers with average Pooling layers, which results in the improvement of the Covid-19 case
sensitivity from 79.6 to 81.46. On the other hand, with reducing the number of the neurons by
2000, we have got the same or even better result than the original AlexNet with a little bit
reduction in the Covid-19 case sensitivity. Finally, one open door for any experiments further
is to apply the same models with a large-scale dataset where its images can be collected from
different countries. In addition, more than three classes can be tested with keeping in mind the
balancing issue. Moreover, trying to apply the same modifications on deeper transfer networks
such as Densenet, and Inceptionresnet can be another future research direction.
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... In [89] three pre-trained CNN namely NASANet Large, DenseNet, and NASNet Mobile were finely tuned on a dataset consisting of 3309 chest x-ray images, the evaluation of the proposed model showed a satisfying result of about 99.5% specificity and 99.45% sensitivity. AlexNet was modified on MATLAB and 4 systems were proposed, but when compared with the original AlexNet it has been observed that the original AlexNet performed better than all 4 proposed modified AlexNet [90]. [91] has shown the importance of pre-processingthe dataset to enhance the performance of the CNN model to detect Covid-19, Large dataset of 15,134 chest X-ray images helped the author to achieve considerable results (Specificity 97.53%, accuracy 97.48%). ...
Purpose: The world was facing a global health crisis in December 2019 and World Health Organization declared a state of biological emergency on 30 January 2020 due to a newly emerged virus called SARS-CoV (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus). According to the report published by WHO, there were 761 million confirmed cases and 6.8 million deaths were reported globally as of 21 march 2023. Artificial intelligence which includes Deep learning has played a great role in tackling medical emergencies so far, Purpose of this paper is to throw light on the work done to detect Covid-19 using X-ray images and CT-Scan images, Present paper will act as trailblazing and State of Art for all the future work that needs to be done. Methods: The main challenge for the healthcare department was to detect the virus at the earliest to give suitable treatment to the patient. The prevailing RT-PCR (Reverse Transcription-Polymer Chain Reaction) takes 2-3 days. Therefore, it was an urgent call to engage Artificial intelligence in the system for timely results. Radiological images combined with AI (Artificial Intelligence) proved to be a very powerful tool in the early detection of various diseases. We have collected and scrutinized the best papers that have proposed deep learning models. A total of 104 papers are used for the review. Results: Promising results are given by different deep learning models, some of the models have achieved accuracy and precision of up to 100%. Novel architectures have performed better as compared with the pre-trained deep learning model in terms of accuracy but we cannot justify which model is best as dataset used by each model is different. Conclusion: Deep analysis of the models implemented by different researchers has shown huge potential in winning the war against Covid-19. Our findings also indicate some of the challenges that need to address for the proper implementation of AI models in the medical sphere.
... The architecture consists of five convolutional layers, three pooling layers, and three fully connected layers, with approximately 60 million trainable parameters. This approach effectively exploits the potential of deep convolutional neural networks in the 21st century [19,20]. ...
... To get better accuracy, several image pre-processing algorithms were used to remove diaphragms and normalize image contrast and the ratio (Heidari et al. 2020). The other deep learning models have a very modest use in the state of the art, namely: Inception & Xception (Abbas et al. 2021;Khan et al. 2020;Singh et al. 2020) and Alexnet (Maghdid et al. 2021;Salih et al. 2020). ...
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The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, originating in Wuhan, China, in 2019, has spread to over 200 countries, posing a significant burden on global health systems and the global economy. The urgent need for faster and more accessible diagnostic methods has become evident, especially in regions with limited resources. Early detection can help reduce the death rate and prevent the spread of disease between people. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) tests have been widely used as a reliable method for detecting the presence of the virus. However, PCR testing has its drawbacks, such as being time-consuming, expensive, and putting healthcare workers at risk due to close contact with patients. In response to these challenges, medical imaging techniques like X-rays have been utilized for COVID-19 screening due to their speed, safety, and wider availability compared to traditional methods. Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into image processing has shown promising results in accurately distinguishing between normal and diseased chest radiographs, aiding in early diagnosis and patient management. In this study, we propose a deep learning model to analyze COVID-19 chest X-rays, aiming to address the limitations of PCR testing and enhance the efficiency of diagnosis. One of the major challenges faced in this research is the low amount of available data for training the deep learning model. The lack of comprehensive and well-labeled datasets hinders the model’s ability to generalize effectively and may limit its performance. Despite this limitation, we aim to achieve the best possible results using the available data. The proposed method includes a preprocessing step to improve image quality, followed by lung segmentation using UNet to eliminate irrelevant data and improve learning. Data augmentation is applied to address the class imbalance, ensuring the model’s generalization capability. The core of the system is a lightweight convolutional neural network (CNN), optimized for small training datasets and low computation cost, making it suitable for resource-limited devices and real-time applications. The classification performance of the proposed model is compared with widely-used CNN models, including DenseNet, ResNet, InceptionV3, VGG16, and VGG19. The results demonstrate the superiority of the lightweight CNN model in terms of computation cost and generalization, showing great promise for its practical implementations. This research contributes to advancing the diagnosis and medical decision support system of COVID-19 through deep learning techniques, particularly in regions where PCR testing is limited or not readily accessible. By providing a faster, reliable, and cost-effective alternative to PCR testing, the proposed method can aid in mitigating the spread of the virus and improve patient outcomes.
... AlexNet could quickly down sample the intermediate representations with the use of strided convolutions and max-pooling layers. Vectorized convolutional maps are utilized as inputs to a sequence of two FCLs, as depicted in Figure (2) [7,8]. ...
Conference Paper
Deep learning is a development of machine learning that has obtained good performance in image segmentation, prediction, classification, and machine translation. CNN has a variety of architectures that have undergone various changes and improvements. One area of medicine that requires automatic classification is white blood cell classification. The traditional blood cell classification process has many shortcomings, one of which is inefficient and takes a long time. In addition, some conventional methods can also damage the blood cell sample. This study aims to perform a comparative analysis of the performance of CNN architectures such as AlexNet, VGG19, VGG16, and ResNet50, improve accuracy performance and classify white blood cells using blood cell images. The research process involves creating and training models for each architecture using the same input data. The results showed that the model built with the ResNet50 architecture required the longest training time of 3391 seconds but produced the best accuracy in white blood cell classification of 99%, with recall, precision, and 99% f1-score values. Meanwhile, models with AlexNet, VGG19, and VGG16 architectures only obtained an accuracy of 98%, 94%, and 95%, respectively
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A trustworthy and secure identity verification system is in great demand nowadays. The automatic recognition of the 3D middle finger knuckle is a new biometric identifier that could offer a precise, practical, and efficient alternative for personal identification. According to earlier studies, deep learning algorithms could be used for biometric identification. However, the accuracy of the current 3D middle finger knuckle recognition model is relatively low. Motivated by this fact, in this study, seven deep learning neural networks have been modified and trained to identify 3D middle finger knuckle patterns using transfer learning. Using the Hong Kong Polytechnic University’s 3D knuckle image dataset, an extensive experiment was performed. Two sessions of data from different camera lenses were used to assess the performance of the suggested deep learning model. The results show that the InceptionV3 method significantly enhanced the recognition of 3D middle finger knuckle patterns with 99.07% accuracy, followed by Xception, NasNetMobile, and DenseNet201 (97.35%, 92.92%, and 92.59%, respectively), which is superior to the current middle finger knuckle recognition model. This accurate, fast, and automatic middle finger knuckle identification will help to be implemented in real-time and small-scale settings like offices, schools, or personal devices like laptops and smartphones, where training is simple.
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The 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), with a starting point in China, has spread rapidly among people living in other countries and is approaching approximately 101,917,147 cases worldwide according to the statistics of World Health Organization. There are a limited number of COVID-19 test kits available in hospitals due to the increasing cases daily. Therefore, it is necessary to implement an automatic detection system as a quick alternative diagnosis option to prevent COVID-19 spreading among people. In this study, five pre-trained convolutional neural network-based models (ResNet50, ResNet101, ResNet152, InceptionV3 and Inception-ResNetV2) have been proposed for the detection of coronavirus pneumonia-infected patient using chest X-ray radiographs. We have implemented three different binary classifications with four classes (COVID-19, normal (healthy), viral pneumonia and bacterial pneumonia) by using five-fold cross-validation. Considering the performance results obtained, it has been seen that the pre-trained ResNet50 model provides the highest classification performance (96.1% accuracy for Dataset-1, 99.5% accuracy for Dataset-2 and 99.7% accuracy for Dataset-3) among other four used models.
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The novel coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) first appeared in Wuhan province of China and spread quickly around the globe and became a pandemic. The gold standard for confirming COVID-19 infection is through Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) assay. The lack of sufficient RT-PCR testing capacity, false negative results of RT-PCR, time to get back the results and other logistical constraints enabled the epidemic to continue to spread albeit interventions like regional or complete country lockdowns. Therefore, chest radiographs such as CT and X-ray can be used to supplement PCR in combating the virus from spreading. In this work, we focus on proposing a deep learning tool that can be used by radiologists or healthcare professionals to diagnose COVID-19 cases in a quick and accurate manner. However, the lack of a publicly available dataset of X-ray and CT images makes the design of such AI tools a challenging task. To this end, this study aims to build a comprehensive dataset of X-rays and CT scan images from multiple sources as well as provides a simple but an effective COVID-19 detection technique using deep learning and transfer learning algorithms. In this vein, a simple convolution neural network (CNN) and modified pre-trained AlexNet model are applied on the prepared X-rays and CT scan images. The result of the experiments shows that the utilized models can provide accuracy up to 98% via pre-trained network and 94.1% accuracy by using the modified CNN.
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The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic continues to have a devastating effect on the health and well-being of the global population. A critical step in the fight against COVID-19 is effective screening of infected patients, with one of the key screening approaches being radiology examination using chest radiography. It was found in early studies that patients present abnormalities in chest radiography images that are characteristic of those infected with COVID-19. Motivated by this and inspired by the open source efforts of the research community, in this study we introduce COVID-Net, a deep convolutional neural network design tailored for the detection of COVID-19 cases from chest X-ray (CXR) images that is open source and available to the general public. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, COVID-Net is one of the first open source network designs for COVID-19 detection from CXR images at the time of initial release. We also introduce COVIDx, an open access benchmark dataset that we generated comprising of 13,975 CXR images across 13,870 patient patient cases, with the largest number of publicly available COVID-19 positive cases to the best of the authors’ knowledge. Furthermore, we investigate how COVID-Net makes predictions using an explainability method in an attempt to not only gain deeper insights into critical factors associated with COVID cases, which can aid clinicians in improved screening, but also audit COVID-Net in a responsible and transparent manner to validate that it is making decisions based on relevant information from the CXR images. By no means a production-ready solution, the hope is that the open access COVID-Net, along with the description on constructing the open source COVIDx dataset, will be leveraged and build upon by both researchers and citizen data scientists alike to accelerate the development of highly accurate yet practical deep learning solutions for detecting COVID-19 cases and accelerate treatment of those who need it the most.
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The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is putting healthcare systems across the world under unprecedented and increasing pressure according to the World Health Organization (WHO). With the advances in computer algorithms and especially Artificial Intelligence, the detection of this type of virus in the early stages will help in fast recovery and help in releasing the pressure off healthcare systems. In this paper, a GAN with deep transfer learning for coronavirus detection in chest X-ray images is presented. The lack of datasets for COVID-19 especially in chest X-rays images is the main motivation of this scientific study. The main idea is to collect all the possible images for COVID-19 that exists until the writing of this research and use the GAN network to generate more images to help in the detection of this virus from the available X-rays images with the highest accuracy possible. The dataset used in this research was collected from different sources and it is available for researchers to download and use it. The number of images in the collected dataset is 307 images for four different types of classes. The classes are the COVID-19, normal, pneumonia bacterial, and pneumonia virus. Three deep transfer models are selected in this research for investigation. The models are the Alexnet, Googlenet, and Restnet18. Those models are selected for investigation through this research as it contains a small number of layers on their architectures, this will result in reducing the complexity, the consumed memory and the execution time for the proposed model. Three case scenarios are tested through the paper, the first scenario includes four classes from the dataset, while the second scenario includes 3 classes and the third scenario includes two classes. All the scenarios include the COVID-19 class as it is the main target of this research to be detected. In the first scenario, the Googlenet is selected to be the main deep transfer model as it achieves 80.6% in testing accuracy. In the second scenario, the Alexnet is selected to be the main deep transfer model as it achieves 85.2% in testing accuracy, while in the third scenario which includes two classes (COVID-19, and normal), Googlenet is selected to be the main deep transfer model as it achieves 100% in testing accuracy and 99.9% in the validation accuracy. All the performance measurement strengthens the obtained results through the research.
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In late 2019, a new Coronavirus disease, referred to as Corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19), emerged in Wuhan city, Hubei, China, and resulted in a global pandemic---claiming a large number of lives and affecting billions all around the world. The current global standard used in diagnosis of COVID-19 in suspected cases is the real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) test. Although the RT-PCR remains the standard reference for diagnosis purposes, it is a time-consuming and expensive test, and moreover, it usually suffers from high rates of false-negatives. Several early works have reported that the sensitivity of the chest Computed Tomography (CT) and the chest X-ray imaging are noticeably greater than that of the RT-PCR test at the initial representations of the disease, making them great candidates for developing new and sophisticated methodologies for analysis and classification of COVID-19 cases. In this paper, we establish the use of a rapid, non-invasive and cost-effective X-ray-based method as a key diagnosis and screening tool for COVID-19 at early and intermediate stages of the disease. To this end, we develop a novel and sophisticated deep learning-based signal and image processing technique as well as classification methodology for analyzing X-ray images specific to COVID-19 disease. Specifically, we consider a semi-supervised learning methodology based on AutoEncoders to first extract the infected legions in chest X-ray manifestation of COVID-19 and other Pneumonia-like diseases (as well as healthy cases). Then, we utilize this highly-tailored deep architecture to extract the relevant features specific to each class (i.e., healthy, non-COVID pneumonia, and COVID-19) and train a powerful yet efficient classifier to perform the task of automatic diagnosis. Furthermore, the semi-supervised nature of the proposed framework enables us to efficiently exploit the limited available dataset on COVID-19 while exploiting the vast amount of available X-ray dataset for healthy and non-COVID classes. Moreover, such a semi-supervised approach does not require an expert-annotated lesion area for each class. Our numerical investigations demonstrate that the proposed framework outperforms the state-of-the-art methods for COVID-19 identification while employing approximately ten times fewer training parameters as compared to other existing methodologies for classification of the COVID-19 from X-ray images (facilitating efficient training in a limited data regime). We further develop explainable artificial intelligence tools that can explain the diagnosis by using attribution maps while providing an indispensable tool for the radiologist in triage state. We have made the codes of our proposed framework publicly available to the research and healthcare community.
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Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infec-tious disease with first symptoms similar to the flu. COVID-19appeared first in China and very quickly spreads to the rest of theworld, causing then the 2019-20 coronavirus pandemic. In manycases, this disease causes pneumonia. Since pulmonary infectionscan be observed through radiography images, this paper inves-tigates deep learning methods for automatically analyzing querychest X-ray images with the hope to bring precision tools to healthprofessionals towards screening the COVID-19 and diagnosingconfirmed patients. In this context, training datasets, deep learn-ing architectures and analysis strategies have been experimentedfrom publicly open sets of chest X-ray images. Tailored deeplearning models are proposed to detect pneumonia infection cases,notably viral cases. It is assumed that viral pneumonia casesdetected during an epidemic COVID-19 context have a highprobability to presume COVID-19 infections. Moreover, easy-to-apply health indicators are proposed for estimating infectionstatus and predicting patient status from the detected pneumoniacases. Experimental results show possibilities of training deeplearning models over publicly open sets of chest X-ray imagestowards screening viral pneumonia. Chest X-ray test images ofCOVID-19 infected patients are successfully diagnosed throughdetection models retained for their performances. The efficiencyof proposed health indicators is highlighted through simulatedscenarios of patients presenting infections and health problemsby combining real and synthetic health data.
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A novel coronavirus (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, SARS-CoV-2) causing a cluster of respiratory infections (coronavirus disease 2019, COVID-19) in Wuhan, China, was identified on 7 January 2020. The epidemic quickly disseminated from Wuhan and as at 12 February 2020, 45,179 cases have been confirmed in 25 countries, including 1,116 deaths. Strengthened surveillance was implemented in France on 10 January 2020 in order to identify imported cases early and prevent secondary transmission. Three categories of risk exposure and follow-up procedure were defined for contacts. Three cases of COVID-19 were confirmed on 24 January, the first cases in Europe. Contact tracing was immediately initiated. Five contacts were evaluated as at low risk of exposure and 18 at moderate/high risk. As at 12 February 2020, two cases have been discharged and the third one remains symptomatic with a persistent cough, and no secondary transmission has been identified. Effective collaboration between all parties involved in the surveillance and response to emerging threats is required to detect imported cases early and to implement adequate control measures.
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Lung abnormalities are highly risky conditions in humans. The early diagnosis of lung abnormalities is essential to reduce the risk by enabling quick and efficient treatment. This research work aims to propose a Deep-Learning (DL) framework to examine lung pneumonia and the cancer. This work proposes two different DL practices to evaluate the considered problem: (i) The initial DL method, named a modified AlexNet (MAN), is implemented to classify chest X-Ray images into normal and pneumonia class. In the MAN, the classification is implemented using with Support Vector Machine (SVM), and its performance is compared against Softmax. Further, its performance is validated with other pre-trained DL techniques, such as AlexNet, VGG16, VGG19 and ResNet50. (ii) The second DL work implements a fusion of handcrafted and learned features in the MAN to improve the classification accuracy during lung cancer assessment. This work employs serial fusion and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) based features selection to enhance the feature vector. The performance of this DL structure is tested by the benchmark lung cancer CT images of LIDC-IDRI and superior classification accuracy of >97.27% is achieved.
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Although deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have significantly boosted the performance of many computer vision tasks, their complexities~(the size or the number of parameters) are also dramatically increased even with slight performance improvement. However, the larger network leads to more computation requirements, which are unfavorable to resource-constrained scenarios, such as the widely used embedded systems. In this paper, we tentatively explore the essential effect of CNN parameter layout, ıe, the allocation of parameters in the convolution layers, on the discriminative capability of CNN. Instead of enlarging the breadth or depth of networks, we attempt to improve the discriminative ability of CNN by changing its parameter layout under strict size constraint. Toward this end, a novel energy function is proposed to represent the CNN parameter layout, which makes it possible to model the relationship between the allocation of parameters in the convolution layers and the discriminative ability of CNN. According to extensive experimental results with plain CNN models and Residual Nets, we find that the higher the energy of a specific CNN parameter layout is, the better its discriminative ability is. Following this finding, we propose a novel approach to learn the better parameter layout. Experimental results on two public image classification datasets show that the CNN models with the learned parameter layouts achieve the better image classification results under strict size constraint.
The implementation of clinical-decision support algorithms for medical imaging faces challenges with reliability and interpretability. Here, we establish a diagnostic tool based on a deep-learning framework for the screening of patients with common treatable blinding retinal diseases. Our framework utilizes transfer learning, which trains a neural network with a fraction of the data of conventional approaches. Applying this approach to a dataset of optical coherence tomography images, we demonstrate performance comparable to that of human experts in classifying age-related macular degeneration and diabetic macular edema. We also provide a more transparent and interpretable diagnosis by highlighting the regions recognized by the neural network. We further demonstrate the general applicability of our AI system for diagnosis of pediatric pneumonia using chest X-ray images. This tool may ultimately aid in expediting the diagnosis and referral of these treatable conditions, thereby facilitating earlier treatment, resulting in improved clinical outcomes. Video Abstract Download video (30MB)Help with mp4 files