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Defining a Conceptual Framework in Educational Research

Citation and Referencing: Shikalepo, E.E. (2020). Defining a Conceptual Framework in Educational Research.
Retrieved from: (insert website) Accessed on: (insert date accessed).
Defining a Conceptual Framework in Educational Research
Elock Emvula Shikalepo
Namibia University of Science and Technology
Windhoek, Namibia
June 2020
1. Introduction and background
Conducting educational research involves
various stages, with an interdependence and
inter-relationship which can be both iterative
and progressive in nature. One of these stages
is the review of literature sources related to the
focus of the research. Reviewing related
literature involves tracing, examining,
critiquing, evaluating and eventually
recommending various forms of contents to the
intents of the research based on the content’s
typicality, relevance, correctness and
appropriateness to what the research intends to
achieve. The main variables as stated in the title
of the research, the research questions, the
research objectives and the hypotheses, dictates
the literature sources to review.
Reviewing literature focuses on the existing
related topics that bear relevance to the title of
the research and through which reviewing,
appropriate theories can be picked up as the
review of related topics and phrases goes on. As
soon as the related topics are reviewed and main
points noted, the reviewing process proceeds to
review the theories underpinning the study.
Some of these theories would have been
established while reviewing the related topics
and can now gain momentum, while other
theories can now be generated considering the
title, research questions, research objectives
and findings of the topics reviewed and
discussed earlier.
Reviewing related topics generates main points
of arguments, solutions, gaps and propositions.
Similarly, reviewing theories does produce the
same set of corresponding or contrasting
agreements, gaps and propositions. Despite
reviewing different sources of literature, it is the
same research at hand, with same objectives
and same methodological layout. Hence, a need
to shape a strategic, literature direction for the
research by consolidating the key findings of
the different sources reviewed, in view of the
intents of the research.
The process of consolidating the multiplicity of
key literature findings relevant to the research
into a whole single unit, with one standpoint
revealing the strategic literature direction for
the research, is called constructing a conceptual
framework. The end product of this
construction is the conceptual framework,
which is the informed and consolidated results
presented narratively or schematically,
Citation and Referencing: Shikalepo, E.E. (2020). Defining a Conceptual Framework in Educational Research.
Retrieved from: (insert website) Accessed on: (insert date accessed).
revealing the strategic position of the study in
relation to what exists in literature.
This paper clarifies at a considerable depth and
length the concept of a conceptual framework,
by providing narrative conceptual expressions
compounded with schematic presentations
alongside their interpretations in order to
reinforce concrete conceptual understanding of
the concept Conceptual Framework.
Overall, this paper seeks to help researchers
attend successfully to typical research questions
that comes to mind in relation to conceptual
frameworks, such as:
a) What is a conceptual framework?
b) How should I present a conceptual
framework in a research report?
In addition, Leshem and Trafford (2007) asserts
that conceptual frameworks also raise the
following questions:
a) Where do conceptual frameworks
come from?
b) What does a conceptual framework
look like?
c) Why should I have a conceptual
framework in the thesis?
d) Where would I place a conceptual
framework in the thesis?
This paper intends to capacitate prospective
educational researchers to answer the above
questions confidently and successfully, and
navigate their research terrains on the basis of
sound conceptual understandings of their
research projects.
2. What is a Conceptual Framework?
Various scholars have attempted to explain and
clarify the concept of conceptual framework. A
conceptual framework is the end result of
bringing together a number of related concepts
to explain and give a broader understanding of
the phenomenon under research (Imenda,
2014). This implies that a conceptual
framework is a synopsis of various findings
from the literature sources that have been
reviewed about the research, setting out the
research agenda for increased understanding of
the research intentions. The understanding is
achieved by providing a structure that organises
the currents of thoughts that provide focus and
direction to an inquiry (Rallis & Rossman,
Conceptual framework represents the
organisation of central ideas and central
concepts from theories, key findings from
research, policy statements and other
professional wisdom that guide the research
project. The conceptual framework organises
the key concepts in the study in order to define
the focus and direction for the study. The key
concepts are derived from reviewing the related
topics and phrases existing in literature, and
from the findings of the literature theories.
Thomas (2012) revealed that a conceptual
framework emerges from wide and intensive
reading of relevant literature, and links research
projects to ongoing conversations in the
researcher’s field by establishing the following
parameters; firstly, it reminds the researcher
what is the focus and what is not the focus of
Citation and Referencing: Shikalepo, E.E. (2020). Defining a Conceptual Framework in Educational Research.
Retrieved from: (insert website) Accessed on: (insert date accessed).
the research project, and; secondly, it provides
direction for the formulation research
questions, the research design and the further
search for the literature to review.
In addition, a conceptual framework provides
coherence to the researcher’s thoughts, making
it easy to convey how and why the researcher’s
ideas matter relative to existing bodies of ideas
embodied in the research area, as well as in
relation to the writings and experience of other
scholars in the discipline (Schram, 2006).
Summarising the importance of conceptual
frameworks in conducting educational
research, Leshem and Trafford (2007) states
that a conceptual framework helps researchers
a) tell the theoretical components of
their research;
b) model relationships between
theories and variables;
c) reduce theoretical data into
statements or models for easy
d) provide theoretical basis for
research design, analysis and
e) assist researchers to visualise and
explain what they intends to
The above essentials signifies the strategic
function of the conceptual frameworks in the
execution of research projects, by informing the
shape of research projects in different
components and outlines. Hence, it is vital for
scholars to acquire a balanced understanding of
conceptual frameworks so that they can
construct it correctly, and apply it appropriately
in their research projects. The following section
presents a narrative and schematic orientation
of a conceptual framework for reinforced
3. Constructing a conceptual framework
Supposed a researcher researching on the nexus
between teacher motivation and learner
performance, has taken time to review literature
sources in the form of topics, concepts, phrases
and theories related to teacher motivation and
learner performance. After reviewing different
sources of literature, the researcher should now
be able to pick up key concepts, main points and
key phrases that were raised from all the
literature sources reviewed. To construct a
conceptual framework, the researcher would
need to summarise and merge the key points or
concepts as findings of the review, into a
consolidated unit with a common literature
position that can easily be understood. This
common literature position as an end result of
what has been reviewed, represents the
conceptual framework of the study.
A conceptual framework can either be
presented narratively or schematically, in order
to make clear of the relationships existing
between concepts arrived at, as a literature
standpoint for the research. Narrative
presentation of the conceptual framework
implies describing the relationships between
variables, theories and key phrases in words as
plain text. Schematic presentation implies
describing relationships between variables,
Citation and Referencing: Shikalepo, E.E. (2020). Defining a Conceptual Framework in Educational Research.
Retrieved from: (insert website) Accessed on: (insert date accessed).
theories and key phrases through the use of
figures and illustrations.
When using illustrations, it is vital to explain
illustrations as readers might view illustrations
from a different angle and context other than the
intended one. A schematic conceptual
framework for a study that reviewed literature
sources and theories related to teacher
motivation and learner performance would look
like the one depicted by the figure below:
Figure 1: Conceptual Framework for the relation between teacher motivation and learner
Meaningful job
Challenging tasks
Job satisfaction
Reasonable salaries
Fair compensation
Teacher Motivation
Context Content
Attraction Teaching
Retention Facilitating
Loyalty Assessing
Learner performance
High achievement
Adequate facilities
Able leadership
Good co-workers
Manageable class
Adapted from: Shikalepo (2018)
Figure 1 above shows a conceptual framework,
revealing that teacher motivation is influenced
by factors relating to the work itself, the reward
systems in place, the working environment and
the profession attributes. It required a
comprehensive review of relevant topics and
theories to be able to get hold of these main
factors raised in literature. Without a holistic
consideration and review of the related
literature accounts, it would have been
impossible to; firstly, trace the factors essential
for teacher motivation; and secondly, construct
such a framework.
Citation and Referencing: Shikalepo, E.E. (2020). Defining a Conceptual Framework in Educational Research.
Retrieved from: (insert website) Accessed on: (insert date accessed).
In terms of interpretation, the conceptual
framework shows that when teachers’ desired
needs attached to these factors are met, teachers
become motivated, both with the context in
which they execute their work, and with the
content of the work they do. In this regard, the
conceptual framework reveals that teacher
motivation is a function of the followings:
a) A work that is meaningful, where
teachers derive challenging tasks and
job satisfaction;
b) A reward system that recognise
teachers’ efforts and provide
commensurate compensations;
c) A working environment that is
conducive and well-resourced, and;
d) Sufficient opportunities for career
growth and professional development.
When all the above motivating factors are
successfully met, teachers becomes motivated
both contextually and contently. In terms of the
context, motivated teachers becomes attracted
to the specific work, and want to remain with
the specific work, committed to what they are
doing. With regard to the content of the work,
motivated teachers becomes optimally involved
in teaching and facilitating the learning process
as well as assessing learners’ academic
As an outcome of work done by motivated
teachers, learner performance in standardised
national examinations becomes optimally high,
manifested by high achievement rates,
promotions to next grades and Awards for good
performance to both teachers and learners.
The philosophy underlying this conceptual
framework postulates that appropriate teacher
motivation strategies should culminate in
improved learner performance. The process is
cyclical, as good learner performance prompts
school management to continuously revisit
motivational factors and motivate teachers to
enable learners to produce the same good
results repeatedly.
Consequently, motivating teachers requires
school leaders to fulfil crucial work-related
needs which are both intrinsic and extrinsic in
nature. The fulfilment of these needs in return
motivate teachers to increase their performance
which is demonstrated by learner achievement
in standardised national examinations. Desired
learner achievement can prompt school leaders
to continuously adhere to fulfilling teachers’
work-related needs in order to energise teachers
to maintain increased learner performance.
The above schematic presentations and
interpretations defines what a conceptual
framework is, and how it can be presented. The
variables and phrases of the framework can
play a role in shaping further research aspects
and stages, such as informing the research
questions and follow-up questions, visiualising
the type of data to be collected and establishing
analysis methods and subsequent
interpretations and discussions.
4. Conclusion
The conceptual framework is an overall
comprehensive presentations of the main ideas
raised in the literature sources and theories
reviewed. Ordinarily, the conceptual
Citation and Referencing: Shikalepo, E.E. (2020). Defining a Conceptual Framework in Educational Research.
Retrieved from: (insert website) Accessed on: (insert date accessed).
framework is usually presented as the last topic
of the chapter of the Review of Related
Literature in a research report, because it
intends to summarise the main points of the
literature chapter into an informed,
consolidated, coherent and logical literature
position, which can provide better insights to
the empirical investigation.
It can be seen how the conceptual framework
has been illustrated, and how the illustration has
been interpreted in the context of the specific
research. Anyone reading the conceptual
framework will acquire a better insight of the
direction the research is driving towards.
Providing illustrations and explaining them
may help readers acquire a better
comprehension of the connections existing
between research variables than plain text alone
can do.
In studies dealing with like variables, a
conceptual framework may be adapted from
existing studies and then adopted to fit the
context and intent of the research underway. If
there are no existing studies from which a
conceptual framework can be borrowed,
researchers construct conceptual frameworks
on the basis of the literature reviewed and
intentions of their researches. The conceptual
framework is vital in helping the researcher
making clear of the findings of the sources
reviewed, clarifying the relationships between
these findings and motivating how these
findings fits in with the overall aim of the
research being conducted.
Broadly considered, a conceptual framework
may culminate into the development of
theories, explaining how certain processes
happen and the relationship existing between
the different inputs and outputs of a process.
Hence, it is essential to first review all relevant
sources and theories to get the main phrases and
concepts raised in the arguments in relation to
the research, which phrases and concepts can
then be used as a basis to construct a conceptual
framework for the research.
This implies that a conceptual framework is an
end product of findings from the sources
reviewed, thus the last section of the chapter
dealing with the review of related literature.
Writing a conceptual framework without
comprehensive literature reviews is not only
illogical for having no basis to lay the
framework, but also runs the risk of omitting
important concepts, key findings and phrases
which could have added value and substance to
the framework, or risk having to re-consider the
framework for updating every time a new
concept is found, thus time-consuming.
A conceptual framework is not a mere listing of
concepts and words that relates to the variables
being studied, but rather an informed and
motivated structures of thoughts drawn from a
multiplicity of sources to shape the research
Imenda, S. (2014). Is there a conceptual
difference between theoretical and conceptual
frameworks? Journal of Social Sciences,
Citation and Referencing: Shikalepo, E.E. (2020). Defining a Conceptual Framework in Educational Research.
Retrieved from: (insert website) Accessed on: (insert date accessed).
Leshem, S. & Trafford, V. (2007). Overlooking
the conceptual framework. Innovations in
Education and Teaching International, 44(1):
Rallis, S.F. & Rossman, G. B. (2012). The
Research Journey: Introduction to Inquiry.
Guilford: Guilford Publication.
Schram, T.H. (2006). Conceptualizing and
proposing qualitative research (2nd Ed.). Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Merrill Prentice
Shikalepo, E.E. (2018). The influence of
financial incentive on teacher motivation and
learner performance in rural Namibian
schools. Unpublished Thesis. Pretoria:
University of South Africa.
Thomas, A.S. (2012). . Constructing conceptual
frameworks: Building the route. In: Sharon,
F.R. & Gretchen, B.R. The research journey:
Introduction to inquiry (pp. 89). New York:
Guilford Publications.
Author Profile
Elock Emvula
Shikalepo is a
Namibian scholar,
academic and
researcher, at the
Namibia University
of Science and
Technology. He
holds both graduate
and post-graduate
qualifications in
teaching, education law, systems and
management. He obtained his Doctor of
Philosophy from the University of South
Africa, focusing on staff motivation and
performance. His thesis analysed the influence
of financial incentive on teacher motivation
and learner performance in rural Namibian
schools. His research and publication interests
features education and training, teaching and
learning, management and leadership, research
and supervision. He can be reached at
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Although the phenomenon of technology is gradually being integrated into tertiary education in Ghana, the perceptions of students to adopt and adapt to learning technologies for smooth integration of technology into academic programmes in public universities is an issue of concern. Using the Constructivist and Positivist paradigm, this study adopted the quantitative approach and the purposive and quota sampling technique to solicit data from 1704 level 400 students in six (6) accredited public universities. Adopting the regression analyses approach with ten hypotheses tested the results were analyzed with PLS-SEM. The study found that the attitudes of students significantly impact the integration of technology. Indirectly, Students’ Acceptance and Adjustment (AA) to use technology and Learning Management System (LMS) usage significantly mediates the relationship between the Attitude of Students (AS) and the Integration of technology (IG). Furthermore, students’ acceptance and adjustment to adopt technology and the use of the LMS, are key predictors of the integration of technology, but Interactivity is a weak predictor of the integration of technology into academic programmes in the topmost public universities in Ghana. Keywords: Attitude, Acceptance and Adjustment, Interactivity, Learning Management Systems, Integration of Technology.
Background: Tanzania, like other developing countries, sees commerce as one of the most important tools for the country's growth and progress. Given that export is one of Tanzania's primary economic sectors, several empirical studies on the relationship between international commerce and the country's economic growth have been conducted. Objectives: The study looked primarily at the influence of traditional exports as the primary independent variable. Furthermore, the Natural Logarithm of Terms of Trade (TOT), the currency rate, and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) are control variables, whereas GDP is the dependent variable. Methods: The research employed time-series data from the World Bank, the Bank of Tanzania (BOT), and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) that spans 31 years from 1991 to 2021 based on the Vector Error Correlation Model (VECM). Results: The findings revealed a link between Tanzania's economic growth and traditional exports, trade terms and currency rate. Furthermore, studies have found a negative and substantial association between exchange rates and economic growth in both the short and long run. Conclusion: The findings indicated that trade terms and traditional exports had a favorable and considerable influence on economic growth in the short run. In the long run, traditional exports and FDI had a negative and positive influence on economic growth, but trade terms had a considerable and positive effect. As a result, the study argues that Tanzania's government should prioritize export promotion measures above traditional exports to accelerate Tanzania's economic growth. The government should prioritize the establishment of factories that will add value to traditional export items
The conceptual framework is alluded to in most serious texts on research, described in some and fully explained in few. However, examiners of doctoral theses devote considerable attention to exploring its function within social science doctoral vivas. A literature survey explores how the conceptual framework is itself conceptualised and explained. Drawing upon experience of conducting programmes for doctoral candidates and supervisors, field-tested models illustrate how conceptual frameworks may be devised and used.
Constructing conceptual frameworks: Building the route
  • A S Thomas
  • F R Sharon
  • B R Gretchen
Thomas, A.S. (2012).. Constructing conceptual frameworks: Building the route. In: Sharon, F.R. & Gretchen, B.R. The research journey: Introduction to inquiry (pp. 89). New York: Guilford Publications.