Conference PaperPDF Available

Study of Imagism with Special Reference to Ezra Pound’s ‘In a Station of the Metro’

  • Chhatrapati Shivaji College, Satara (Autonomous) Maharashtra (India)


The present paper is an attempt to study imagist literary movement of early 20th century and also an effort to study poetry of Ezra Pound in context with imagist movement. It is my deliberate attempt to analyze Ezra Pound‘s poem „In a Station of the Metro‟ from imagist perspective. As it observed that the poet bears acute pains while creating a timeless literary creation. To my knowledge the same is the case with the present poem. Present poem, which is the classical example of imagist poetry replete with varied images with conscious or unconscious efforts of the poet. The paper focuses on the basic characteristics and application of imagist movement.
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