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Exact approaches for competitive facility location with discrete attractiveness

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Abstract and Figures

We study a variant of the competitive facility location problem, in which a company is to locate new facilities in a market where competitor’s facilities already exist. We consider the scenario where only a limited number of possible attractiveness levels is available, and the company has to select exactly one level for each open facility. The goal is to decide the facilities’ locations and attractiveness levels that maximize the profit. We apply the gravity-based rule to model the behavior of the customers and formulate a multi-ratio linear fractional 0–1 program. Our main contributions are the exact solution approaches for the problem. These approaches allow for easy implementations without the need for designing complicated algorithms and are “friendly” to the users without a solid mathematical background. We conduct computational experiments on the randomly generated datasets to assess their computational performance. The results suggest that the mixed-integer quadratic conic approach outperforms the others in terms of computational time. Besides that, it is also the most straightforward one that only requires the users to be familiar with the general form of a conic quadratic inequality. Therefore, we recommend it as the primary choice for such a problem.
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Optimization Letters (2021) 15:377–389
Exact approaches for competitive facility location with
discrete attractiveness
Yun Hui Lin1·Qingyun Tian2
Received: 5 November 2019 / Accepted: 13 May 2020 / Published online: 19 May 2020
© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020
We study a variant of the competitive facility location problem, in which a company
is to locate new facilities in a market where competitor’s facilities already exist. We
consider the scenario where only a limited number of possible attractiveness levels is
available, and the company has to select exactly one level for each open facility. The
goal is to decide the facilities’ locations and attractiveness levels that maximize the
profit. We apply the gravity-based rule to model the behavior of the customers and
formulate a multi-ratio linear fractional 0–1 program. Our main contributions are the
exact solution approaches for the problem. These approaches allow for easy implemen-
tations without the need for designing complicated algorithms and are “friendly” to
the users without a solid mathematical background. We conduct computational exper-
iments on the randomly generated datasets to assess their computational performance.
The results suggest that the mixed-integer quadratic conic approach outperforms the
others in terms of computational time. Besides that, it is also the most straightforward
one that only requires the users to be familiar with the general form of a conic quadratic
inequality. Therefore, we recommend it as the primary choice for such a problem.
Keywords Competitive facility location ·Gravity model ·Conic programming ·
Outer approximation ·Mixed-integer linear programming
1 Introduction
The classical competitive facility location problem (CFL) studies a “newcomer” com-
pany who enters a market where competitor’s facilities already exist. The company
BYun Hui Lin
1Department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Management, National University of
Singapore, Singapore, Singapore
2School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore,
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
... It is assumed that given a set of open facilities, customers decide which facility to patronize following some probabilistic choice rule that is linked to the attraction of the facilities. Therefore, the paper pertains to the area of the competitive facility location problem (CFL) where an entrant competes for the demand with the competitor, and customers' choices are typically explained in a probabilistic manner [11,12,31,33]. Unlike the traditional CFL where the market size is fixed and the only decision is to locate the facilities, in this paper, the market expansion effect (due to the introduction of new facilities) and the additional decision on the zone-specialized variable attractiveness (aiming to increase the total attraction of a facility to a specific customer zone) are explicitly considered. ...
... In its definition, the probability of a customer patronizing a facility is proportional to the utility or the attraction of the facility. Two classical proportional rule models are the gravity model [11,24,31] and the multinomial logit model (MNL) [5,22,32,33]. The validity of both models has been addressed in recent studies using big data [34,38]. ...
... The problem allows for unlimited variations in the possible value of attractiveness levels. By contrast, Aboolian et al. [1] and Lin and Tian [31] considered the case where only a limited number of possible attractiveness levels is available, and the company has to select exactly one level for each open facility. In the aforementioned works, variable attractiveness is only attached to the facility, and increasing the level makes the facility more attractive to all customer zones. ...
We study a competitive facility location problem, in which a company enters a market where competitor’s facilities exist. Customers with elastic buying powers make choices following the gravity rule. Each facility, once open, has an intrinsic fixed attraction to customers. Besides, zone-specialized variable attractiveness can be provided to increase the total attraction of a facility to a specific customer zone. The objective of the company is to maximize profit by determining the locations of the facilities and the facility-customer pairwise attractiveness level, accounting for the expected revenue and the cost. The problem is formulated as a mixed-integer nonlinear program and subsequently solved by a tailored generalized Benders decomposition algorithm with tunable parameters. We then conduct extensive computational studies to demonstrate the efficiency of the algorithm. Finally, we analyze the solution structures under different scenarios and provide managerial implications for real-world applications.
... It simulates residents' visit behavior as a probability, assuming that the probability of visiting a facility is directly proportional to its attractiveness and inversely proportional to the spatial distance between residents and the facilities (Latifi et al., 2022). Residents make decisions based on this visiting probability, following the principle of maximum utility (Lin & Tian, 2021). ...
Equalizing preprimary education is vital for promoting social welfare and aligns with the UN's 2030 Agenda Sustainable Development Goals, particularly SDG 4.2 which advocates equal and adequate access to quality preprimary education for all children. We developed an accessibility‐based analysis framework to assess the SDG 4.2 progress at local scale, providing improved policy recommendations for local governments by considering spatiality, equality, and adequacy across different spatial scales. The Huff–G2SFCA model was used at the grid scale to capture progress and spatial heterogeneity in preprimary education facilities and parental preferences. We used the Gini coefficient to measure the resource distribution equality at the subdistrict and district scales. The adequacy of resources across districts was evaluated using the supply–demand ratio. Our findings in Nanjing highlight challenges due to inadequate and unequal allocation of preprimary education resources, hindering SDG 4.2 advancement. Approximately 8% of children face difficulties accessing quality preprimary education, and a Gini coefficient of 0.52 indicating educational inequality. Despite positive progress in Nanjing's central urban area, suburban, and rural regions, especially the Gaochun and Lishui Districts, face significant challenges of preprimary education resource adequacy and equality in their pursuit of SDG 4.2.
This study proposes an emergency network design model that uses a fleet of drones to deliver naloxone in response to opioid overdoses. The network is represented as a collection of M/G/K queueing systems with variable capacity and service time modelled as a decision-dependent random variable. The model is a complex queuing-based optimization problem which locates drone bases and dispatches drones to opioid incidents. The authors devise an efficient solution framework in which they linearize the multiple nonlinearities (fractional, polynomial, exponential, factorial terms), derive an equivalent mixed-integer linear reformulation, and design an outer approximation branch-and-cut algorithm. The authors demonstrate the generalizablity of the approach to any problem minimizing the response time of M/G/K queueing systems with unknown capacity. Tests on Virginia Beach data reveal that drones can decrease response time by 82%, increase survival chance by more than 273%, save up to 33 additional lives annually, and provide up to 279 additional quality-adjusted life years.
We study a service expansion problem for chained business facilities under endogenic facility congestion and exogenous market competition. More specifically, we consider a company that operates a chain of facilities and plans to expand service capacities with the objective of maximizing its profit, accounting for revenue and expansion costs. To estimate revenue, the company needs to anticipate customer behaviors. Due to the co-existence of competition and congestion, customer behaviors are explained as a two-stage process. In the first stage, customers make “channel” choices, i.e., they decide whether to seek services from the company. Such a choice reflects the market competition and is predicted by a discrete choice model. Subsequently, customers who select the company will choose one facility to patronize. Owing to congestion, the facility choice will induce “user equilibrium”, which in return affects the outcome of market competition. To facilitate the company’s decision-making in this complex business environment, we develop a generic modeling framework. Unfortunately, the proposed model is nonconvex. To solve it, we first design an approximate mixed-integer linear programming approach subject to adjustable approximation errors. We then propose a surrogate optimization framework for large-scale instances, which explores the hidden bilevel structure of the model and leverages a “learning-to-optimize” problem and a customer behavior estimation subroutine. Using extensive computational experiments, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches. Finally, we conduct sensitivity analysis and draw practical implications.
Most companies operate to maximize profits and increase their market shares in competitive environments. Since the proper location of the facilities conditions their market shares and profits, the competitive facility location problem (CFLP) has been extensively applied in the literature. This problem generally falls within the class of NP-hard problems, which are difficult to solve. Therefore, choosing a proper solution method to optimize the problem is a key factor. Even though CFLPs have been consistently solved and investigated, an important question that keeps being neglected is how to choose an appropriate solution technique. Since there are no specific criteria for choosing a solution method, the reasons behind the selection approach are mostly unclear. These models are generally solved using several optimization techniques. As harder-to-solve problems are usually solved using meta-heuristics, we apply different meta-heuristic techniques to optimize a new version of the CFLP that incorporates reliability and congestion. We divide the algorithms into four categories based on the nature of the meta-heuristics: evolution-based, swarm intelligence-based, physics-based, and human-based. GAMS software is also applied to solve smaller-size CFLPs. The genetic algorithm and differential evolution of the first category, particle swarm optimization and artificial bee colony optimization of the second, Tabu search and harmony search of the third, and simulated annealing and vibration damping optimization of the fourth are applied to solve our CFLP model. Statistical analyses are implemented to evaluate and compare their relative performances. The results show the algorithms of the first and third categories perform better than the others.
Rapid changes and evolution in technological innovation have spilled over many industries and compelled firms to release new products periodically. The advent of new products intensifies the importance of analyzing sales data trends and finding the most profitable portfolio that can no longer be ignored in production planning. The topic of diffusion processes has evoked considerable interest from academics and practitioners to forecast sales patterns of two or three competitive generations. However, there is still a lack of in-depth discussion on the effects of core determinants on customers' preferences and choices. This paper bridges the gaps in the literature by conceptualizing the interaction effects among current and new products on diffusion processes that could affect supply chain operations. Specifically, the Bass diffusion model (BDM) is modified to estimate market volume, advertisement effects, and sales data trends, then combined with a choice model to examine how consumers' propensities affect the choice probability of alternatives. The proposed choice-based diffusion model is incorporated into a supply chain problem for joint planning on a production-location-inventory problem concerning the economic and social aspects of designing multi-generation production lines. The model formulation is a bi-objective mixed-integer nonlinear problem with a computation burden. Thus an outer approximation-based algorithm is proposed to reduce computational complexity and combined with an augmented ε-constraint to generate efficient Pareto sets. The model is validated by conducting a case study in Iran and compared to other established models. The computational results demonstrate the proposed model outperforms the expert forecasts, and there are no significant differences between the total sales estimated by the proposed model and the actual sales. The manager is advised to adopt a conscious policy for adoption engagement under supply constraints. It should price the products in a way be more tightly aligned with customers’ desirability and overcome the supply constraints by increasing production or storage capacities.
As the ongoing battle between brick‐and‐mortar stores and e‐commerce shops escalates, managers of the former are becoming more cautious regarding their strategic store site selection and decoration decisions, particularly if foreseeable competition from rival companies exists. This article investigates a bilevel competitive facility location problem (BCFL), where two companies, a leader and a follower, plan to enter a market sequentially. Each company has a budget to open and design facilities. The goal is to maximize expected revenue that is forecasted through a discrete choice model. To reflect a practical environment, we further consider a situation with elastic demand, explaining the market expansion effect when customers are offered better service due to open new facilities. We formulate the problem as a nonlinear 0‐1 bilevel program. Because of the bilevel structure and the market expansion effect, this problem is such challenging that we are unaware of any exact algorithms in the literature. Motivated by this gap, we develop an exact framework that leverages the state‐of‐the‐art value‐function‐based approach. However, this framework requires solving a mixed‐integer non‐convex optimization problem (MINOP) at each iteration, which is computationally prohibitive even for medium‐scale instances. To mitigate the intractability, we propose a new framework that avoids MINOP and tackles instances with hundreds of location variables. Finally, we conduct extensive computational studies to show the efficiency and effectiveness of our method as well as provide insightful guidance for managers to have win‐win/dominate outcomes and choose an appropriate market size function when dealing with expansion decisions in chained business operations. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved
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Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, son yıllarda Rekabetçi Tesis Yer Seçimi (RTYS) problemlerinin ve problem bileşenlerinin literatürde ele alınış biçimlerine ilişkin bir bilimsel yayın taraması sunmaktadır. Yöntem: İlk olarak literatürde problemin temel bileşenlerinin ele alınış biçimlerine yer verilmiştir. Daha sonra RTYS problemi için literatürdeki en temel sınıflandırma kriteri olan rekabet tiplerine göre problem türleri incelenmiştir. Son olarak genişletilmiş RTYS problem türlerini ve çok amaçlı RTYS problemlerini ele alan çalışmalara yer verilmiş ve tarama çalışmasının sonuçları sunulmuştur. Bulgular: Tarama çalışması sonucu RTYS alanında gelecek vadeden çalışma konuları; birden fazla firmanın pazar paylarının enbüyüklenmesi amaçlarının çok-amaçlı olarak ele alındığı RTYS problemleri, müşterilerin tesis seçimlerinin çok amaçlı eniyileme kullanılarak yapıldığı RTYS problemleri, ikiden fazla rakip firma içeren RTYS problemleri olarak belirlenmiştir. Özgünlük: RTYS, hem tedarik zinciri için en önemli stratejik kararlardan biri olması hem de gerçek hayat problemlerine uygulanabilirliğinin yüksek olması sebebiyle araştırmacıların üzerinde durdukları bir alan olmuştur. Özellikle son yıllarda RTYS problemleri ve varyasyonları üzerinde önemli gelişmeler kaydedilmiştir. RTYS literatürüne ilişkin son çalışma Ashtiani (2016) tarafından yapılmıştır ve 2015 yılına kadar yapılan çalışmaları içermektedir. Bu çalışmada 2010 – 2020 arasında yapılan bilimsel çalışmaları içeren özgün bir tarama çalışması sunulmaktadır.
In this note we study multiple-ratio fractional 0–1 programs, a broad class of NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems. In particular, under some relatively mild assumptions we provide a complete characterization of the conditions, which ensure that a single-ratio function is submodular. Then we illustrate our theoretical results with the assortment optimization and facility location problems, and discuss practical situations that guarantee submodularity in the considered application settings. In such cases, near-optimal solutions for multiple-ratio fractional 0–1 programs can be found via simple greedy algorithms.
This paper investigates a classical Stackelberg competitive facility location problem (SCFL), where two companies, a leader and a follower, plan to enter a market sequentially. Each company has a budget that can be spent on opening and designing the facilities. The goal is to compete for attracting more customers, i.e., to maximize the expected market share that is forecasted using a discrete choice model. In the Stackelberg setting, the follower observes the leader’s decision before responding in an optimal manner. Therefore, if we aim to find out the leader’s best strategy, then we need to anticipate the follower’s reaction at first. We formulate the problem as a nonlinear 0-1 bi-level program and develop an exact solution framework that iteratively rotates between solving an upper-bounding problem and a lower-bounding problem. We then conduct extensive computational experiments using a broad testbed. The results reveal that in most cases, the proposed algorithm converges in only a limited number of iterations, and it is efficient for the nonlinear SCFL even when tackling instances with hundreds of customer zones and hundreds of location variables.
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We consider a class of nonlinear integer optimization problems commonly known as fractional 0–1 programming problems (also, often referred to as hyperbolic 0–1 programming problems), where the objective is to optimize the sum of ratios of affine functions subject to a set of linear constraints. Such problems arise in diverse applications across different fields, and have been the subject of study in a number of papers during the past few decades. In this survey we overview the literature on fractional 0–1 programs including their applications, related computational complexity issues and solution methods including exact, approximation and heuristic algorithms.
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We study several joint facility location and inventory management problems with stochastic retailer demand. In particular, we consider cases with uncapacitated facilities, capacitated facilities, correlated retailer demand, sto-chastic lead times, and multi-commodities. We show how to formulate these problems as conic quadratic mixed-integer problems. Valid inequalities, includ-ing extended polymatroid and extended cover cuts, are added to strengthen the formulations and improve the computational results. Comparing with the existing modeling and solution methods, the new conic integer programming approach not only provides a more general modeling framework but also leads to fast solution times in general.
We consider the constrained assortment optimization problem under the mixed multinomial logit model. Even moderately sized instances of this problem are challenging to solve directly using standard mixed-integer linear optimization formulations. This has motivated recent research exploring customized optimization strategies and approximation techniques. In contrast, we develop a novel conic quadratic mixed-integer formulation. This new formulation, together with McCormick inequalities exploiting the capacity constraints, enables the solution of large instances using commercial optimization software.
Customers’ perception of a particular facility’s attractiveness is likely to be heterogeneous. However, existing competitive facility location models assume that facilities’ attractiveness levels are fixed. We extend the gravity model assuming randomly distributed facilities’ attractiveness. We propose two effective solution methods. One is based on discretizing the attractiveness level distribution. The second is based on the concept of an “effective” attractiveness. Effective attractiveness is the level of fixed attractiveness whose calculated optimal market share approximately equals the expected optimal market share under random attractiveness. We show how effective attractiveness is calculated.
We consider a family of competitive facility location problems in which a “newcomer” company enters the market and has to decide where to locate a set of new facilities so as to maximize its market share. The multinomial logit model is used to estimate the captured customer demand. We propose a first branch-and-cut approach for this family of difficult mixed-integer non-linear problems. Our approach combines two types of cutting planes that exploit particular properties of the objective function: the first one are the outer-approximation cuts and the second one are the submodular cuts. The approach is computationally evaluated on three datasets from the recent literature. The obtained results show that our new branch-and-cut drastically outperforms state-of-the-art exact approaches, both in terms of the computing times, and in terms of the number of instances solved to optimality.
This paper presents a bi-level, nonlinear, integer programming model for the competitive facility location problem with foresight. The developed model’s objective is to maximize the leader’s market share while also taking into consideration the follower’s response. In the classical competitive facility location model, it is assumed that the facility competes for all customers, no matter how far away they are. Instead, this paper considers a new kind of customer behavior in which people only patronize facilities within a range they feel is convenient, which is more realistic than the existing models. To solve the model, a two-stage hybrid tabu search algorithm is proposed. A set of randomly generated instances are presented and analyzed statistically in order to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. The results indicate that the proposed algorithm provides an effective means to solve the problems and that service distance is proved to be a significant factor in the model.
CVXPY is a domain-specific language for convex optimization embedded in Python. It allows the user to express convex optimization problems in a natural syntax that follows the math, rather than in the restrictive standard form required by solvers. CVXPY makes it easy to combine convex optimization with high-level features of Python such as parallelism and object-oriented design. CVXPY is available at under the GPL license, along with documentation and examples.
We consider discrete competitive facility location problems in this paper. Such problems could be viewed as a search of nodes in a network, composed of candidate and customer demand nodes, which connections correspond to attractiveness between customers and facilities located at the candidate nodes. The number of customers is usually very large. For some models of customer behavior exact solution approaches could be used. However, for other models and/or when the size of problem is too high to solve exactly, heuristic algorithms may be used. The solution of discrete competitive facility location problems using genetic algorithms is considered in this paper. The new strategies for dynamic adjustment of some parameters of genetic algorithm, such as probabilities for the crossover and mutation operations are proposed and applied to improve the canonical genetic algorithm. The algorithm is also specially adopted to solve discrete competitive facility location problems by proposing a strategy for selection of the most promising values of the variables in the mutation procedure. The developed genetic algorithm is demonstrated by solving instances of competitive facility location problems for an entering firm.
In this paper we investigate a leader–follower (Stackelberg equilibrium) competitive location model. The competitive model is based on the concept of cover. Each facility attracts consumers within a “sphere of influence” defined by a “radius of influence.” The leader and the follower, each has a budget to be spent on the expansion of their chains either by improving their existing facilities or constructing new ones. We find the best strategy for the leader assuming that the follower, knowing the action taken by the leader, will react by investing his budget to maximize his market share. The objective of the leader is to maximize his market share following the follower׳s reaction.
In this paper we consider the use of extended formulations in LP-based algorithms for mixed integer conic quadratic programming (MICQP). Through an homogenization procedure we generalize an existing extended formulation to general conic quadratic constraints. We then compare its effectiveness against traditional and extended formulation-based algorithms for MICQP. We find that this new extended formulation can be used to improve various LP-based algorithms. In particular, the formulation provides an easy-to-implement procedure that, in our benchmarks, significantly improved the performance of commercial MICQP solvers.