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The Impact of The Weight Status on Cardiovascular Parameters Related to Physical Effort in Young Athletes


Abstract and Figures

Excess weight leads to an impaired cardiovascular response to physical exertion even at a young age. Sports training during youth promotes cardiovascular adaptations. The aim of the study is to verify the impact of weight status on cardiovascular parameters related to physical effort in young people who engage in competitive sports. A retrospective study was conducted on 8307 young athletes (5578 males and 2729 females) aged 6-18 years (mean age 13.9 ± 2.2 years). The data concerning graded exercise tests of young athletes in normal weight and overweight were compared. Approximately, 13.4% of the sample had excess weight. Young overweight athletes show a higher resting heart rate as well as systolic and diastolic pressure than young normal weight athletes. Excess weight condition leads to a reduction in the duration of the graded exercise test, reaching higher blood pressure values at the end of the test compared to those with normal weight. After four min from the end of the test, heart rate and systolic/diastolic blood pressure remained higher in the young overweight athletes. Excess weight affects cardiovascular parameters both at rest and in response to physical exertion during youth; however, competitive sport seems to be able to keep these parameters within the normal range even in young overweight athletes.
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Sustainability 2020, 12, 3964; doi:10.3390/su12103964
The Impact of The Weight Status on Cardiovascular
Parameters Related to Physical Effort in Young
Gabriele Mascherini 1,*, Cristian Petri 1, Laura Stefani 1, Loira Toncelli 1, Vittorio Bini 2,
Piergiuseppe Calà 3 and Giorgio Galanti 1
1 Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, University of Florence, 50134 Florence, Italy; (C.P.); (L.S.); (L.T.); (G.G.)
2 Dipartimento di Medicina, Università di Perugia, 06156 Perugia, Italy;
3 Sector “Health and Safety in the Workplace and Special Processes in the Field of Prevention”,
Directorate of Citizenship Rights and Social Cohesion, Tuscany Region, 50139 Florence, Italy;
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +39-339-689-5925
Received: 26 April 2020; Accepted: 7 May 2020; Published: 12 May 2020
Abstract: Excess weight leads to an impaired cardiovascular response to physical exertion even at a
young age. Sports training during youth promotes cardiovascular adaptations. The aim of the study
is to verify the impact of weight status on cardiovascular parameters related to physical effort in
young people who engage in competitive sports. A retrospective study was conducted on 8307
young athletes (5578 males and 2729 females) aged 6–18 years (mean age 13.9 ± 2.2 years). The data
concerning graded exercise tests of young athletes in normal weight and overweight were
compared. Approximately, 13.4% of the sample had excess weight. Young overweight athletes show
a higher resting heart rate as well as systolic and diastolic pressure than young normal weight
athletes. Excess weight condition leads to a reduction in the duration of the graded exercise test,
reaching higher blood pressure values at the end of the test compared to those with normal weight.
After four min from the end of the test, heart rate and systolic/diastolic blood pressure remained
higher in the young overweight athletes. Excess weight affects cardiovascular parameters both at
rest and in response to physical exertion during youth; however, competitive sport seems to be able
to keep these parameters within the normal range even in young overweight athletes.
Keywords: youth; overweight; competitive sport; exercise test; obese; heart rate; incremental test;
blood pressure
1. Introduction
The prevalence of obesity in children and adolescents is a current public health problem [1].
Excess weight involves both metabolic and hemodynamic alterations [2]. The main hemodynamic
changes in obese youth are an increase in resting blood pressure and resting heart rate and an increase
in peak heart rate during exercise tests compared to lean controls [3].
Cardiovascular parameters related to physical effort are generally assessed through the graded
exercise test (GXT) which currently is widely used for detection of coronary artery disease, prediction
of cardiovascular events, and evaluation of physical capacity [4]. In normal subjects, during exercise
there is an increase in muscle work, which leads to an increase in oxygen demand. To meet these
growing requirements, the cardiovascular system applies a gradual rise in cardiac output. [5].
Sustainability 2020, 12, 3964 2 of 13
During GXT, heart rate (HR) and arterial blood pressure (BP) are the main parameters
monitored. Dynamic exercise involves an HR increase linear with workload and oxygen demand [6].
The speed in reduction of HR after termination of the GXT, termed HR recovery, currently is
considered as an index of cardiorespiratory fitness and is associated with mortality risk [7].
In addition for BP, dynamic exercise induces a systolic blood pressure (SBP) increase because of
increasing cardiac output, whereas diastolic blood pressure (DBP) remains the same or slightly
reduced due to peripheral vasodilatation [8]. After exercise, the decrease of cardiac output produces
a decline in systolic blood pressure, usually reaching resting levels within six min [9].
The interpretation of GXT data in pediatric subjects requires special considerations; these results
may have different connotations based on the age, size, and sex of the child [10]. The impact of body
weight is well established on HR response to exercise in children, particularly during an incremental
test, the increase in peripheral oxygen demand increases the HR in direct proportion to body weight
[11]. Similarly, age and body mass index (BMI) are related to exercise duration in both boys and girls;
age has a direct correlation, while BMI has an inverse relationship [12].
However, the influence of BMI on the recovery process after maximal exercise test, measured
with HR recovery, is not clear [7,12,13]. Maximal BP response to exercise in children appear mostly
influenced by age and sex [14]. Systolic BP decreased about 10% four min after the end of the test in
both sexes from 6 to 11 years [15,16]; this recovery process appear to be influenced by excess body
weight in non-athletic children [17]. Currently the influence of body weight on cardiovascular
performance in young people has been studied mainly on small samples sizes [11], in non-athletic
subjects [13] and using different protocols. In addition, most studies with a large sample size did not
examine the role of weight status on cardiovascular response to exercise [12,14–16].
Young people who engage in competitive sports have improvements in physical performance
and a better cardiovascular response to effort than non-sports peers [18]. While sports appear to play
a role in reducing the prevalence of youth obesity [19], it is unclear whether it also has a protective
role for cardiovascular parameters related to physical exertion.
Therefore, the purpose of the study is to verify the impact of weight status on the cardiovascular
parameters before, during, and after a graded exercise test in a large population of young athletes.
2. Materials and Methods
Since 1982, all children in Italy have undergone pre-participation screening to obtain eligibility
for competitive sports. A retrospective study was conducted on the data coming from surveillance
carried out during the pre-participation screening of sports eligibility. These data came from the
regional reference center for Sports Medicine of the Tuscany Region, Italy in the period of 1 January
1998 to 31 October 2018, inclusively.
2.1. Study Population
We analyzed the data from 8307 young athletes (5578 males and 2729 females) aged between 6
and 18 years (mean age 13.9 ± 2.2 years). Inclusion criteria for the subjects were: Caucasian, practice
sports at a competitive level, and not to have any contraindications to sports eligibility. Exclusion
criteria in the analyses were having already carried out the same visit and being already included in
the study sample at a lower age, having received a temporary suspension of sports eligibility, having
received indications for further clinical and/or instrumental evaluations, having received sports
eligibility for less than 12 months and an age outside the range of ±6 months compared to the average
age of its own stratum.
The study was carried out in conformity with the ethical standards laid down in the 1975
Declaration of Helsinki. This study is part of a project of the Tuscany Region called “Sports Medicine
to support regional surveillance systems”. It was approved in the Regional Prevention Plan 2014–
2018 with the number O-Range18. All data were processed anonymously.
Sustainability 2020, 12, 3964 3 of 13
2.2. Clinical Evaluation
The procedures of clinical evaluation were in accordance with the Italian protocol [20], which
includes family and personal history, physical examination, and finally cardiological evaluation.
The physical examination also included the measurement of height and weight by trained
personnel, using appropriate equipment (Seca GmbH & Co., Hamburg, Germany). BMI was
calculated using the formula weight/height2 (kg/m2). In order to define normal weight (NW) and
overweight/obese status (O&O), a subdivision according to BMI, age, and sex was adopted following
the classification based on the International Obesity Task Force (IOTF) for children and adolescent
Cardiological evaluation consisted of a 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) at rest and during a
GXT. Appropriate-sized and adjustable equipment was used to meet the demands of the pediatric
age. Both sexes performed GXT on treadmills or cycle ergometer. The GXT was performed by
increasing the speed and/or the grade of the treadmill or by increasing the work on the cycle
ergometer with the same pedaling frequency. In particular, Bruce modified protocol for the treadmill
and an increase of 25 W every 3 min with a pedaling frequency of 70 rpm for the cycle ergometer
were adopted [4] with up to 85% of age-predicted maximal HR [20].
Sport eligibility certification is 1 year and generally it does not coincide with the beginning of
the competitive season. Therefore, the evaluations were performed during the regular season.
2.3. Variables
The variables used in this study derive from the clinical evaluation for eligibility in competitive
sports. Those resulting from the physical exam are gender, age, height, weight, BMI, weight status
(NW or O&O), resting HR and resting BP. Those resulting from the GXT are the number of completed
stages, HR at the interruption of the test (HR max), HR after 4 min post-test (HR rec), systolic and
diastolic BP at the end of the test (SBP max, DBP max), and the systolic and diastolic BP after 4 min
post-test (SBP rec, DBP rec). In order to evaluate the magnitude of increase and decrease during and
after the GXT, the differences between resting, maximum, and recovery values were calculated for
heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure HR max-rest, Δ HR max-rec, Δ SBP max-rest, Δ
SBP max-rec, Δ DBP max-rest, Δ DBP max-rec).
2.4. Statistical Analysis
The Mann–Whitney test was used to analyze independent and non-normally distributed
continuous variables (deviation from Gaussian distribution was checked by using the Shapiro–Wilks
test); data, for simplicity, are shown as mean ± SD. All statistical analyses were performed using IBM-
SPSS® version 25.0 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA, 2017). In all analyses, a two-sided p-value ≤0.05
was considered significant.
3. Results
Starting from 8307 subjects that were included in the study, 3075 males and 1299 females carried
out the cycle ergometer GXT and 2503 males and 1430 females carried out the treadmill GXT. The
prevalence of overweight and obesity in the whole sample was 13.4% (14.7% of males and 10.8% of
In the whole group, the excess weight condition led to higher resting HR (NW = 84.2 ± 14.2; O&O
= 86.9 ± 14.4 bpm; p < 0.001), SBP (NW = 102.2 ± 11.6; O&O = 106.2 ± 12.7 bpm; p < 0.001), and DBP
values (NW = 63.9 ± 8.3; O&O = 66.3 ± 8.3; p < 0.001).
On average, the O&O subjects managed to perform fewer stages during the GXT (Table 1., This
occurs mainly on the tests performed on the treadmill (NW = 7.8 ± 1.0, O&O = 7.4 ± 1.0; p < 0.001) and
in males (NW = 7.6 ± 1.5, O&O = 7.3 ± 1.4; p < 0.001). No differences were found in the maximum HR
values, not even based on the sex and type of exercise performed (Figures 1 and 2).
Sustainability 2020, 12, 3964 4 of 13
Table 1. Differences in Δ HR and in Δ BP performances according to weight status, gender, and type of exercise performed.
(kg/m2) n. stages
14.0 ±
19.1 ±
2.2 **
7.2 ±
1.5 **
95.3 ±
13.8 **
78.1 ±
13.1 *
34.6 ±
14.7 *
10.4 ±
8.7 **
28.5 ±
13.1 *
5.9 ±
13.5 ±
2.2 24.3 ± 2.7 7.1 ±
92.9 ±
77.3 ±
35.8 ±
11.5 ±
29.5 ±
6.4 ±
14.2 ±
19.3 ±
2.2 **
7.6 ±
1.5 **
97.3 ±
13.4 **
78.9 ±
12.9 *
36.5 ±
15.2 *
11.0 ±
8.9 *
30.1 ±
6.2 ±
13.7 ±
24.4 ±
7.3 ±
94.5 ±
77.7 ±
37.9 ±
11.9 ±
6.5 ±
13.7 ±
18.8 ±
2.2 **
6.5 ±
91.3 ±
13.8 *
76.5 ±
30.7 ±
12.7 *
9.1 ±
25.4 ±
5.3 ±
(298) 12.8 ± 2.3 24.0 ±
6.4 ±
88.5 ±
76.1 ±
29.7 ±
10.6 ±
25.0 ±
6.1 ±
14.3 ±
19.4 ±
2.1 **
6.8 ±
97.0 ±
13.8 **
77.2 ±
13.2 *
38.1 ±
15.5 *
10.8 ±
30.5 ±
13.9 *
5.0 ±
(560) 13.8 ± 2.1 24.5 ±
6.8 ±
94.2 ±
76.1 ±
39.6 ±
11.5 ±
31.9 ±
5.2 ±
13.7 ±
18.9 ±
2.3 **
7.8 ±
93.3 ±
13.5 *
79.1 ±
30.6 ±
9.8 ±
8.4 **
26.2 ±
7.0 ±
(556) 13.2 ± 2.3 24.1 ±
7.4 ±
91.7 ±
78.5 ±
31.9 ±
11.5 ±
27.1 ±
7.6 ±
Legend: HR: heart rate; BP: blood pressure; NW: normal weight; O&O: overweight and obese; SBP: systolic blood pressure; DBP: diastolic blood pressure. * p < 0.05 between
normal weight and overweight and obese subjects, ** p < 0.001 between normal weight and overweight and obese subjects. In parentheses, the number of subjects referred
to the group.
Sustainability 2020, 12, 3964 5 of 13
Figure 1. Differences in HR performances during cycle ergometer graded exercise test (GXT)
according to weight status and gender. Legend: HR: heart rate, NW: normal weight; O&O: overweight
and obese. * p < 0.05 between normal weight vs. overweight and obese females, # p < 0.05 between
normal weight vs. overweight and obese males.
Figure 2. Differences in HR performances during treadmill GXT according to weight status and
gender. Legend: HR: heart rate, NW: normal weight; O&O: overweight and obese. * p < 0.05 between
Sustainability 2020, 12, 3964 6 of 13
normal weight vs. overweight and obese females, # p < 0.05 between normal weight vs. overweight
and obese males.
SBP values reached at the end of the test were higher in O&O subjects (NW = 136.7 ± 18.8; O&O
= 141.9 ± 20.2 mmHg; p < 0.001; Figure 3 and Figure 4). The maximum DBP was on average higher in
the O&O (NW = 53.5 ± 8.0; O&O = 54.7 ± 8.2 mmHg; p < 0.001); however, this difference disappeared
by taking the test on the treadmill (NW = 53.7 ± 7.9, O&O = 54.3 ± 8.2 mmHg; p > 0.05; = NS; Figure
Figure 3. Differences in blood pressure (BP) performances during cycle ergometer GXT according to
weight status and gender. Legend: BP: blood pressure; NW: normal weight; O&O: overweight and
obese. * p < 0.05 between normal weight vs. overweight and obese females, # p < 0.05 between normal
weight vs. overweight and obese males.
Sustainability 2020, 12, 3964 7 of 13
Figure 4. Differences in blood pressure (BP) performances during treadmill GXT according to weight
status and gender. Legend: BP: blood pressure; NW: normal weight; O&O: overweight and obese. * p
< 0.05 between normal weight vs. overweight and obese females, # p < 0.05 between normal weight
vs. overweight and obese males.
After 4 min from the end of the GXT, in whole group the HR remained higher in the O&O
subjects (NW = 101.4 ± 13.1, O&O = 102.6 ± 12.7 bpm; p < 0.05; Figure 1 and Figure 2). The same
behavior is also described in Figure 3 and Figure 4 for SBP (NW = 108.2 ± 13.4, O&O = 112.4 ± 14.3
mmHg; p < 0.001) and for DBP (NW = 59.4 ± 7.8, O&O = 61.1±7.8 mmHg; p < 0.001).
The results relating to the magnitude of the increase and decrease in HR, SBP, and DBP are
shown in Table 1. These values show a high statistical difference (p < 0.001) in ΔHR max-rest and
ΔSBP max-rest, a statistical difference (p < 0.05) in ΔHR max-rec and ΔSBP max-rec, and finally no
difference in the ΔDBP max-rec between athletic subjects NW and O&O.
Figures 1 and 2 show the chronotropic increase and decrease during and after the GXT. In
particular, Figure 1 shows that from the 3rd stage there are no differences in HR in male subjects who
performed the cycle ergometer GXT (NW = 123.0 ± 18.5, O&O = 124.8 ± 18.0 bpm; p = NS). Table 1
shows that on the cycle ergometer there were no differences on the number of competed stages
(NW=6.8±1.7, O&O = 6.8 ± 1.7 bpm; p = NS) between NW and O&O subjects.
Table 2 reports the results stratified by age and gender. The differences in cardiovascular
parameters between NW and O&O appear greater in males and with increasing age. However, the
differences already begin in the age group of 8–10 years: resting BP is greater in O&O males. From
the age group 12–14 years and onwards, all parameters analyzed (except HR max) show higher
values in males. In contrast, O&O athletic females show higher BP values in comparison with NW
athletic females.
Sustainability 2020, 12, 3964 8 of 13
Table 2. Differences in HR and BP performances at rest, at the maximum effort and after 4 min of recovery according to weight status, age, and gender.
Rest Maximum Recovery
HR rest
SBP rest
DBP Rest
HR Max
SBP max
DBP max
HR rec
SBP rec
DBP rec.
86.4 ±
88.5 ±
8.0 *
57.2 ±
7.0 *
180.1 ±
116.1 ±
14.4 *
50.2 ±
93.7 ±
91.6 ±
10.2 *
55.3 ±
89.4 ±
93.9 ±
60.3 ±
180.7 ±
122.7 ±
50.9 ±
93.9 ±
95.9 ±
55.8 ±
95.3 ±
89.7 ±
57.2 ±
7.8 *
183.2 ±
113.3 ±
49.8 ±
100.9 ±
91.0 ±
9.7 *
54.8 ±
94.8 ±
92.0 ±
60.4 ±
184.9 ±
117.5 ±
51.7 ±
102.7 ±
95.4 ±
56.4 ±
85.6 ±
94.8 ±
8.7 **
59.8 ±
7.3 **
180.9 ±
124.6 ±
14.4 **
52.1 ±
96.3 ±
13.1 *
98.8 ±
10.0 **
57.5 ±
7.3 *
88.4 ±
100.1 ±
63.1 ±
181.3 ±
132.1 ±
53.1 ±
99.7 ±
105.3 ±
59.4 ±
92.5 ±
94.1 ±
9.0 **
59.2 ±
6.8 **
183.1 ±
121.8 ±
51.1 ±
104.2 ±
97.3 ±
9.7 *
56.8 ±
7.1 *
95.4 ±
99.8 ±
63.9 ±
183.8 ±
124.4 ±
51.5 ±
105.1 ±
103.5 ±
59.8 ±
83.9 ±
13.2 **
99.7 ±
10.3 **
62.1 ±
7.7 **
180.1 ±
133. 5 ±
16.1 **
54.4 ±
8.4 **
99.3 ±
12.7 *
105.8 ±
11.9 **
58.2 ±
7.1 **
87.1 ±
105.2 ±
65.6 ±
180.3 ±
139.9 ±
52.1 ±
101.5 ±
110.9 ±
60.6 ±
92.0 ±
14.3 *
99.4 ±
9.8 **
62.5 ±
7.2 *
181.1 ±
130.6 ±
14.7 **
53.2 ±
104.6 ±
104.9 ±
10.9 **
58.7 ±
7.6 *
94.5 ±
103.7 ±
64.4 ±
181.6 ±
134.9 ±
54.2 ±
106.7 ±
107.9 ±
60.9 ±
years Males NW
80.2 ±
13.0 *
107.0 ±
10.6 **
66.2 ±
8.1 **
178.5 ±
145.4 ±
16.8 **
54.2 ±
8.1 **
101.4 ±
12.7 *
113.9 ±
11.8 **
60.4 ±
7.9 **
Sustainability 2020, 12, 3964 9 of 13
82.1 ±
112.2 ±
69.0 ±
178.4 ±
153.5 ±
56.1 ±
103.1 ±
120.4 ±
62.3 ±
87.9 ±
102.3 ±
9.8 *
64.3 ±
7.8 *
179.0 ±
134.1 ±
14.6 *
54.6 ±
7.6 *
103.0 ±
108.5 ±
11.2 *
59.9 ±
88.0 ±
106.5 ±
67.0 ±
179.3 ±
139.0 ±
56.7 ±
105.1 ±
112.3 ±
61.0 ±
77.5 ±
13.0 *
110.1 ±
10.7 **
68.5 ±
176.5 ±
151.6 ±
18.1 **
55.5 ±
8.4 *
101.2 ±
12.5 *
118.1 ±
11.9 **
62.4 ±
8.2 **
81.0 ±
114.1 ±
70.5 ±
176.5 ±
159.6 ±
57.2 ±
103.1 ±
123.3 ±
65.1 ±
86.2 ±
102.2 ±
65.2 ±
7.7 *
178.4 ±
135.5 ±
15.5 *
55.6 ±
107.9 ±
108.8 ±
12.8 *
60.2 ±
89.5 ±
105.4 ±
67.4 ±
177.0 ±
139.4 ±
55.6 ±
103.9 ±
112.7 ±
60.8 ±
Legend: HR: heart rate; BP: blood pressure; NW: normal weight; O&O: overweight and obese. * p < 0.05 between normal weight and overweight and obese subjects, ** p <
0.001 between normal weight and overweight and obese subjects. In parentheses, the number of subjects referred to the group.
Sustainability 2020, 12, 3964 10 of 13
4. Discussion
The objective of this study was to describe the impact of excess weight on the cardiovascular
parameters in young athletes; therefore, heart rate and blood pressure values resulting from a GXT
were analyzed. Although the results of the present study were within normal range, they
demonstrate how excess weight affects the cardiovascular parameters recorded both at rest and
during physical exertion, even in young, healthy, and sporty people [22].
Epidemiologically, the prevalence of overweight and obesity is in agreement with previous
studies carried out on young athletic subjects of the same territory [23–25].
Unlike previous studies [3], HR max was the only parameter not affected, both by analyzing the
sample based on gender and the type of exercise performed. However, Italian guidelines declare that
the achievement of 85% of age-predicted maximal HR is a main criterion to define a sufficient effort
during GXT and generally, it is used in combination with other parameters to terminate the
evaluation [20]. Although HR max shows no differences between the NW and O&O subjects, the
magnitude of increase or decrease, studied with Δ HR max-rest and Δ HR max-rec, is influenced by
the parameters of HR rest and HR recovery, both greater in subjects with excess weight [12]. In
particular, the differences between NW and O&O in HR at rest start from the age group of 12–14
years in the male group. This confirms the results of previous studies conducted on non-sports
subjects [26]; however, the HR rest of non-athletic obese children appears higher than the results
obtained from O&O subjects of the present study conducted on a sample of young athletic subjects.
The differences between NW and O&O in HR recovery also begin in the male group but already from
10–12 years. The comparison in HR recovery between the values of the sports subjects recorded after
4 min with those of the non-sports subjects recorded after 6 min from the end of the GXT describe a
better performance in young athletes on average of 5 bpm for the subjects NW than for O&O [26].
Therefore, it is possible to speculate that sports practice can improve HR at rest and the recovery
process after physical effort also in excess body weight condition. Furthermore, the differences in HR
between NW and O&O can be shown early through physical exertion. In fact, the GXT results show
these differences in a previous age group compared to those shown in resting conditions.
The parameter that appears most influenced by excess weight is the SBP, which undergoes an
increase both in resting values, at the peak of the effort and after 4 min from the interruption of the
GXT, probably due to a greater cardiac output in the O&O subjects [17]. As reported by previous
studies [14], our results also show that older athletes have a lower SBP max value than younger ones.
The physiological response of SBP during dynamic exercise usually involves an increase from 50 to
70 mmHg in young people whether they are normotensive or hypertensive [27]; however, Δ SBP
max-rest shows data around 30–40 mmHg, with higher values in the exercise performed by the
females and with cycle ergometer. This lower Δ SBP max-rest value obtained by young athletic
subjects suggests a better relationship between cardiac output and the response of the vascular
endothelium. The analysis of the Δ SBP max-rec results show less significant differences, therefore
the SBP has slightly higher values but the effort in excess weight conditions has a reduced effect on
the recovery of blood pressure in young athletes.
There is currently no behavior recognized as physiological in DBP's response to exercise; some
published studies have shown a decrease in DBP, whereas others have reported no change in the
levels observed at rest and a few have noted an increase in DBP [10,28]. Our DBP results shows a
decrease behavior of about 10 mmHg upon reaching the peak of the exercise. Excess weight affects
resting values in both sexes, while the values related to effort are mainly higher in males from 12
years old. In particular, the analysis of Δ DBP does not seem to add information in this context.
Body weight influences physical performance [26,29]; the results relating to the number of
completed stages show lower values in O&O subjects. A condition that appears to reduce this
behavior is the use of the cycle ergometer. This is probably because in young athletes, where there is
no state of physical deconditioning, the support that the tool exerts on weight is somehow useful,
avoiding any direct gravity action of the body on the ground.
The use of the cycle ergometer also promotes the reduction of the differences between NW and
O&O in DBP values in females at the maximum effort and during recovery. However, it appears
Sustainability 2020, 12, 3964 11 of 13
more effective in reducing chronotropic increase differences in males. No difference, in fact, was
registered from the third stage, probably because of the body weight support action.
The present study shows strengths. First, the subjects were different from each other, they all
belonged to the same center, and the evaluation methodology was standardized. The second is the
homogeneity of the sample, all young people practiced organized sports at a competitive level.
The study has the limitation of being retrospective; this influences causality because the
registered weight status is established in advance of the exercise test day. In addition, the study
defines the weight status through the BMI: this method has the intrinsic limitation in distinguishing
an overweight condition due to an excess of body fat from that due to a prevalence of muscle tissue.
However, the authors chose this study design and the use of BMI in order to achieve this sample size
with the homogeneity between the subjects described above.
This study did not distinguish children and adolescents by maturity stage; it could be inferred
that the heterogeneity of the sample could alter the accuracy of the results. However, the objective of
the study does not foresee the evaluation following growth phases, since this aspect involves an
additional variable that would not allow the evaluation carried out on such a large sample [30].
5. Conclusions
Excess weight affects cardiovascular parameters both at rest and in response to physical exertion
during youth. The cardiovascular parameters analyzed in the present study are heart rate and blood
pressure: the effect that excess weight has on these parameters increases with the progress of growth.
The parameters that could help provide further information seem to be the differences (Δ)
between rest and peak of effort and between peak of effort and after 4 min of recovery.
However, competitive sports seem to be able to keep these parameters within the normal range
even in young overweight athletic subjects. This once again highlights the effectiveness of youth from
a public health perspective.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, G.M. and C.P.; methodology, G.M.; software, V.B.; formal analysis,
V.B.; investigation, G.M, L.S., and L.T; data curation, G.M.; writing—original draft preparation, G.M.;
supervision, G.G.; project administration, P.C. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the
Funding: This research received no external funding
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
1. WHO. Obesity Fact Sheet. Available online:
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... This study analyzed the performance of 1915 subjects aged 14-15 years to generate, for the first time, sex-and age-specific normative values for physical fitness for Florentine adolescents. These normative values are added to the existing standards for the Florentine youth population on other cardiovascular risk factors related to physical exertion [19][20][21], adiposity [22], body mass index [23], eating habits [24], and lifestyle [25,26]. Although these fitness percentiles are not directly linked to the health status of the youth population, they help to monitor the phases of health surveillance. ...
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Physical fitness during youth is linked to the health of today’s young people and future adults. Therefore, fitness evaluation can direct any physical exercise interventions and verify improvements. The study aims to provide normative values of the physical fitness of the Florentine adolescent population. This cross-sectional study enrolled 1915 subjects aged 14 and 15 from the first and second high school classes. Tests were performed to assess cardiovascular endurance, upper and lower limb strength, running speed and agility, and lower limb muscle flexibility. Sex and age-related percentiles were elaborated. The study included 1028 subjects in the first class (aged 14.3 ± 0.8 years; 54.5% females) and 887 in the second class (aged 15.3 ± 0.7 years; 53.4% females). Males showed higher values than females except for flexibility. Furthermore, both genders show increased results in transitioning from the first to the second class, except for muscle flexibility and running speed. The percentiles of the present study provide normative values of the physical fitness of the 14–15-year-old Florentine adolescent population. These results, characterized by a sociocultural specificity linked to the territory from which they were collected, can contribute to the assessment and improvement of the physical status of young people, promoting current and future health.
Objectives Assessing the systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressure during acute physical exertion can allow the discovery of many cardiovascular diseases even at a young age. However, this response depends on the age, sex of the subject, and the modality of the graded exercise test. This study aims to provide sex-and age-related normative values of peak and recovery blood pressure performance and to develop a predicted model of SBP and DBP peak in young athletes. Design Retrospective study. Methods We analyzed 8224 young athletes (5516 males and 2708 females) aged between 8 and 18 who underwent pre-participation screening to obtain eligibility for competitive sport. Anthropometric and blood pressure parameters related to the effort are reported. Then, according to sex, graded exercise test modality, and age were calculated 1) the fifth, tenth, fiftieth, ninetieth, and ninety-fifth percentiles for the SBP and DBP at peak and after one minute of recovery; 2) predictive equations of SPB and DBP at the peak. Results Younger athletes show lower peak blood pressure values, gradually increasing as they age. Males showed higher peak SBP values starting at 12–13 years on the cycle ergometer and 10–11 years on the treadmill, while there was no difference in peak DBP values. Conclusions Sex, age, and the specificity of the movement performed must be considered in assessing the blood pressure response in the young population. In addition, providing reference values and predictive equations of BP response to acute physical exertion may allow for a better functional assessment of young athletes.
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The assessment of the chronotropic response during acute physical exertion can allow the discovery of many cardiovascular diseases even at a young age. However, the increase in heart rate (HR) depends on the age and sex of the subject and the modality of the graded exercise test. This study aims to provide sex‐ and age‐related normative values for heart rate performance in young athletes aged 10–18. A retrospective study was carried out on 7896 young athletes (5356 males and 2540 females) aged between 10 and 18 who underwent pre‐participation screening to obtain eligibility for competitive sport. First, anthropometric parameters, performance data, and HR are reported. Thus, each age calculated third, tenth, twenty‐fifth, fiftieth, seventy‐fifth, ninetieth, and ninety‐seventh percentiles for the stage‐by‐stage HR response, according to sex and graded exercise test modality category. Young female athletes of all ages showed lower performance with fewer stages performed on the cycle ergometer and the treadmill. Young male athletes on treadmill and cycle ergometers show lower HR values at submaximal intensities. The treadmill allows a longer duration than the cycle ergometer for males and females. Sex, age, and the specificity of the movement performed must be considered in assessing the chronotropic response in the young population, particularly for those who carry out a training program. In addition, providing reference values of HR response to acute physical exertion may allow for a better functional assessment of the young athletes.
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The aim of the study is to establish a simple and low-cost method that, associated with Body Mass Index (BMI), differentiates overweight conditions due to a prevalence of lean mass compared to an excess of fat mass during the evaluation of young athletes. 1046 young athletes (620 male, 426 female) aged between eight and 18 were enrolled. Body composition assessments were performed with anthropometry, circumferences, skinfold, and bioimpedance. Overweight was established with BMI, while overfat was established with the percentage of fat mass: 3.5% were underweight, 72.8% were normal weight, 20.1% were overweight, and 3.5% were obese according to BMI; according to the fat mass, 9.5% were under fat, 63.6% were normal fat, 16.2% were overfat, and 10.8% were obese. Differences in overfat prediction were found using BMI alone or with the addition of the triceps fold (area under the receiver operating characteristics curve (AUC) for BMI = 0.867 vs. AUC for BMI + TRICEPS = 0.955, p < 0.001). These results allowed the creation of a model factoring in age, sex, BMI, and triceps fold that could provide the probability that a young overweight athlete is also in an overfat condition. The calculated probability could reduce the risk of error in establishing the correct weight status of young athletes.
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Overweight during youth is a large-scale public health issue. Engaging in regular physical activity generally reduces weight status. The hypothesis of the study is that organized sport plays an active role in maintaining a correct body weight during youth. The purpose of this study is to trace growth charts by height, weight, and body mass index (BMI) to be applied to the youth sports population. A retrospective study was conducted on 14,700 young athletes (10,469 males and 4231 females) aged between 6 and 18 years from surveillance carried out during the pre-participation screening of sports eligibility. The calculation of the prevalence of overweight and obesity was also performed. The new percentiles for the youth sports population show BMI values at 18 years 21.9 kg/m 2 for males and 20.7 kg/m 2 for females at the 50th percentile. The male sample shows 12.3% of the subjects were overweight and 1.5% were obese, while the female sample shows 9.8% are overweight and 1.1% obese. The higher prevalence of excess weight is evident up to 12 years old in both sexes and then gradually decreases. The development of the new specific growth charts for the youth sports population could reduce the risk of error in identifying the correct weight status of young athletes.
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The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of chronological age (CA) and somatic maturation on body composition (BC) and bioimpedance parameters in male elite soccer players. BC and bioimpedance variables were measured in a sample of 249 players aged 9-18 years of age and registered in two professional Italian soccer teams. Results from segmental analysis showed transition time points where the influence of CA and somatic maturation on bioimpedance patterns and BC characteristics increased or subsided. The accelerated phases were assessed for fat free mass, total body water, and upper muscle area, with a starting time point at approximately -2.00 years from peak at velocity (YPHV), and for body cell mass, whose developmental tempo sped up around -1.00 YPHV. An increase in the rate of development was also observed close to -2.00 YPHV for phase angle (PA), although without accelerated phases. From a CA point of view, significant slope changes were found for all BC and bioimpendance variables, except for the calf muscle area. Although the starting points and the span of the accelerated phases were different, they subsided or disappeared at ~15 years, except for PA, whose growth waned at ~17 years.
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The aim of this study was to analyze the association between overweight and obesi-ty with high blood pressure (HBP) according to sports practice in young people. Took part in this study 636 young people aged 10 to 17 years of Londrina, Parana State, Brazil. Sex, age, paren-tal education, sedentary behavior, sports prac-tice, nutritional status and blood pressure were analysed. Poisson regression was used to estimate the prevalence ratio (PR) and 95% confidence intervals. Overweight and obesity young people showed higher prevalence of HBP compared to eutrophics when analysed the total sample (25,7 e 29,5 vs 15,2%) and non sport practitioners (29,7 e 33,3 vs 15,1%), which did not occur with sports practitioners (17,1 e 18,2 vs 15,5%). Positive associations were found between overweight and obesity with HBP in total sample (PR = 1,60, 1,02-2,52 and 1,93, 1,15-3,25) and on non sport practitioners (RP = 1,80, 1,05-3,14 and 2,15, 1,10-4,16). For young people sports practitioners were not found associations between overweight and obesity with HBP (PR = 1,01, 0,36-2,82 and 1,09, 0,48-2,48). Weight excess was not associated with HBP in young people sports practitioners, suggesting cardiovascular protection in young people with overweight and obesity.
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Background: Autonomic dysfunction is an emerging non-traditional cardiovascular risk factor that correlates with obesity, components of metabolic syndrome, as well as cardiorespiratory fitness. As a simple and validated index of autonomic balance, heart rate recovery (HRR) has been reported as a useful biomarker for predicting cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Objectives: The aim of this study was to compare HRR in metabolically healthy vs. metabolically unhealthy obese children. Methods: A total of 56 obese children of whom 31 had metabolic syndrome were examined. All the participants underwent the multistage submaximal cycle ergometer test and HRR was determined one minute after the test. Results: The HRR was significantly lower (18.9 ± 3.7) in a group of metabolically unhealthy obese children compared to metabolically healthy obese children (24 ± 4.1) p<0.001. Logistic regression analysis showed that reduction in HRR was also influenced by higher BMI. Conclusion: Our findings implicate the presence of the autonomic dysfunction as reflected by impaired heart rate recovery (HRR) in obese children with metabolic syndrome.
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The aim of the study was to determine arterial blood pressure response to exercise in young athletes. The study group comprised 711 young athletes (457 boys, 254 girls) aged 10 to 18 years (mean 13.41 ± 3.12 years) who had been training for an average of 7.62 ± 4.2 h per week for an average of 4.01 ± 2.5 years. Participants with elevated arterial blood pressure above the 90th percentile at rest were excluded from investigation. A symptom-limited, multistage exercise test to exhaustion was performed using a Monark cycle ergometer. Arterial blood pressure was measured with an aneroid manometer in the third minute of each stage of the test. Mean systolic arterial blood pressure during peak exercise was significantly higher in boys than in girls: 183.21 ± 27.97 mm Hg and 170.97 ± 21.4 mm Hg, respectively (p = 0.03). Multivariate linear regression analysis showed that age and workload had significant effects on arterial blood pressure during the test. Systolic arterial blood pressure during the exercise can be described with the following equations: boys, SBPex (mm Hg) = -1.92 × age (years) + 0.55 × workload (W) + 120.84; girls, SBPex (mm Hg) = -0.88 × age (years) + 0.48 × workload (W) + 111.22. The study results describe reference values of arterial blood pressure during the exercise test. The presented equations and figures can help to assess whether the arterial blood pressure at each stage of the exercise test exceeds the normal range or not.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine differences in heart rate recovery (HRRec) and oxygen consumption recovery (VO2 recovery) between young healthy-weight children and children with obesity following a maximal volitional graded exercise test (GXTmax). Method: Twenty healthy-weight children and 13 children with obesity completed body composition testing and performed a GXTmax. Immediately after the GXTmax, HRRec and VO2 recovery were measured each minute for 5 consecutive minutes. Results: There were no statistically significant group differences in HRRec for the 5 min following maximal exercise, Wilks's Lambda = .885, F(4, 28) = 0.911, p = .471, between the healthy-weight children and children with obesity despite statistically significant differences in body fat percentage (BF%; healthy-weight children, 18.5 ± 6.1%; children with obesity, 41.1 ± 6.9%, p < .001) and aerobic capacity relative to body mass (VO2 peak; healthy-weight children, 46.8 ± 8.2 mL/kg/min; children with obesity, 31.9 ± 4.7 mL/kg/min, p < .001). There were statistically significant differences in VO2 recovery for the 5 min following exercise, Wilks's Lambda = .676, F(4, 26) = 3.117, p = .032. There were no statistically significant correlations between HRRec and body mass index (BMI), BF%, VO2peak, or physical activity. Conclusions: In a healthy pediatric population, obesity alone does not seem to significantly impact HRRec, and because HRRec was not related to obesity status, BMI, or BF%, it should not be used as the sole indicator of aerobic capacity or health status in children. Using more than one recovery variable (i.e., HRRec and VO2 recovery) may provide greater insight into cardiorespiratory fitness in this population.
Background: The aim of this study is to assess if the evaluation of Body Mass Index is sufficient to define an overweight index in young athletes, or if a more effective evaluation is preferable in order to examine body fat mass, free-fat mass and hydration status in young athletes. Methods: 299 young athletes between the ages of 8 to 18 have been analyzed in this study. Data from evaluation in body composition of young athletes were studied and subdivided by age, sex and method used. In order to measure body composition in young people, the participants who attend our Department for sport eligibility examination, were evaluated through anthropometric measurements as far as, fat mass, fat-free mass and hydration status are concerned. Results: The statistical differences showed with Body Mass Index and body fat assessment reflect that more accurate evaluation is preferable: the normal-weight with Body Mass Index are 78.0 %, overweight 18.7% and obese 3.3 % respect to a 75.0%, 14.0% and 11.0% detected with a body fat evaluation (p<0.000); statistical differences have been found also subdividing the group per sex, higher in males (p= 0.046) than to females (p<0.000). Bio- impedance data shown a statistical differences in young obese athletes. Conclusion: The results obtained show clearly that the analysis of the Body Mass Index is not sufficient in young athletes. Therefore for young athletes a full assessment of body composition would be appropriate to reduce classification errors.
Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the lifestyle, in according to physical activity and eating habits in young athletes. Methods: In order to measure physical activity and eating habits in young people, 922 young athletes between the ages of 8 to 18 have been analyzed in this study. The participants were all patients came to our Department for sport eligibility evaluation; we have asked to them to complete an accurate questionnaire in order to assess their personal physical activity levels and their regular eating habits. Parents were invited to sign a letter who was explaining the aims of the study and for request permission for their child to take part on the study. Results: The eating habits and the physical activity levels of the young athletes observed are resulted improper. We have noticed that the 13.7% of the participants were overweight and obese, despite their practiced sport activity. The physical activity, without sport activity, is resulted inadequate in 38.6% of participants: these ones didn't practices regular physical activity. Conclusion: The results of the study clearly indicate that higher education is therefore necessary in order to promote a healthy lifestyle in both terms of eating habits and physical activity not only in young people, but also in parents and coaches of teams.
Objective: To investigate differences in the response of systolic blood pressure (SBP) to exercise in black and white boys while controlling for the possible confounding effects of relative body weight, body surface area, physical work capacity index, preexercise SBP, and average power output.Design: Comparative and correlational.Participants: Eighty-seven black and 52 white boys between the ages of 5 and 16 years. Participants were recruited from day camps, community centers, and summer recreation programs in and near Augusta, Ga.Interventions: None.Measurements/Main Outcomes: The slope of the SBP response to exercise was not significantly different between groups. Analysis of covariance revealed race, age, relative body weight, body surface area, preexercise SBP, and average power output to be significant univariate predictors of SBP at each power output. With multiple regression analyses, the effect of race was removed, and only preexercise SBP and average power output were found to be significant predictors of exercise SBP.Conclusion: There were no significant differences between black and white boys in the SBP response to exercise after controlling for the effects of preexercise SBP and average power output.(Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 1994;148:1027-1031)