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Clin. Pract. (2020) 17(2), 1463-1465 ISSN 2044-9038
syndrome-A rare case report
Aishwarya Ghule,
Sourya Acharya*,
Vidya Hulko and
Yash Gupte
Department of Medicine, Daa Meghe
Instute of Medical Sciences (Deemed
to be University) Jawaharlal Nehru
Medical College Sawangi, India
*Author for correspondence:
Parkinsonism-Hyperpyrexia Syndrome (PHS)
was rst described in 1981. If not suspected
early it can be life-threatening [1]. Sometimes
it is misdiagnosed as a neuroleptic malignant
syndrome (NMS), sepsis with multi-organ
failure, infection. It is a hypodopaminergic
state that results due to the sudden stoppage of
levodopa [2]. Clinical manifestations of PHS are
very akin to neuroleptic malignant syndrome
(NMS) [2,3]. PHS presents with myriads of
features ranging from hyperpyrexia, rigidity,
altered sensorium, autonomic dysfunction and
elevated creatine kinase (CK). Early diagnosis
and prompt reinstitution of antiparkinsonian
medications are the cornerstones of the
treatment of this condition [2].
Case Report
A 66-year-old male presented to us with a
history of high-grade fever and altered sensorium
for 12 hours. ere was no history of headache,
vomiting, diplopia or seizures. ere was no
history of diabetes, hypertension. He was a
known case of PD for 12 years and was taking
Levodopa (200 mg)+Carbidopa (50 mg) twice a
day. He had last visited his treating physician 2
months back before the presentation.
ree days back he went to a relative’s place
and had forgotten to pack his medications. He
had come back to his home after 3 days and
presented with the sudden development of
symptoms in the form of irrelevant talking, not
recognizing relatives and fever for which he was
brought to this hospital.
On examination, the Glasgow Coma Scale
was 11(E-3/M-5/V-3). Temperature -104.2°F,
Pulse -166 beats/min, regular. Blood pressure
was 100/70 mmHg. ere was no signicant
lymphadenopathy, JVP was normal and there
was no oedema foot. ere were no rashes
over the body. CVS, RS, and P/A examination
were normal. Neurologic examination revealed
hypertonia and cogwheel rigidity in all 4 limbs.
Plantars were bilateral exor. e patient did
not co-operate for the elicitation of apping
On investigations complete blood count
was normal. LFT and serum electrolytes were
normal. Blood urea was 78 mg/dl and serum
creatinine was 3.9 mg/dl. X-ray chest and USG
abdomen did not reveal any abnormality. Total
CPK was 2800 U/L (normal -39-308 U/L). CT
brain revealed cortical atrophy. Malaria antigen
test, IgM dengue was negative. ABG revealed
metabolic acidosis.
Parkinsonism-Hyperpyrexia Syndrome (PHS) though rare, is a catastrophic treatment-related complication of Parkinsons
Disease (PD). It is a hypodopaminergic state which occurs due to the abrupt withdrawal of dopaminergic medications
in patients with PD. Clinically PHS resembles neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS). We report a case of a 66-year-old
male who was diagnosed with PD 12 years earlier and was on Levodopa (200 mg)+Carbidopa (50 mg) twice a day and
Tablet Selegeline 5 mg once in the morning. He had abruptly stopped taking medications because he went on a trip to
his relative’s place and presented to us with hyperpyrexia and acute kidney injury. He recovered after the reinstitution of
Keywords: parkinsonism, hyperpyrexia, hypodopaminergic state, acute kidney injury
10.4172/clinical-practice.1000416 Clin. Pract. (2020) 17(2)1464
CASE REPORT Ghule, Acharya, Hulkoti & Gupte
He was treated with antipyretics, IV uids,
empirical antibiotics, external cooling with
ice packs, injection soda bicarbonate and two
sessions of hemodialysis. In the next 24 hours
his fever did not come down and mental
obtundation persisted. At this point, the history
was re-evaluated and levodopa was reinstituted.
Over the next 72 hours his fever subsided, the
mental condition improved, creatinine came
down to 1.9 mg/dl and total CPK was decreased
to 600 U/L. rough the next 5 days, his
recovery was signicant and he was discharged
with normal sensorium, normal temperature,
and normal biochemical prole.
PHS is a medical emergency that resembles
NMS. Diagnosis is usually straight forward if
the prior history of PD is known and the history
of the sudden stoppage of levodopa is elicitated.
Our patient had hyperpyrexia, rigidity, altered
sensorium, rhabdomyolysis induced AKI
with high CPK levels which required holistic
management including dialysis. But dramatic
recovery occurred only after the reinstitution
of levodopa. Literature suggests if the diagnosis
of PHS is delayed, multiple complications like
AKI, pulmonary embolism, and DIC can occur,
leading to death [2].
e most common cause of PHS is sudden
withdrawal or sudden decrease in the doses
of levodopa or dopa agonists. Amantadine
an antiviral drug used to treat PD also can
predispose to PHS after sudden withdrawal.
Untreated it is potentially fatal [3].
PHS is also known as Neuroleptic Malignant
Like Syndrome (NMLS) [1] because it
resembles the clinical presentation of NMS.
Diagnosis is straightforward if a careful drug
history is elicitated regarding discontinuation
of antiparkinsonian medication [4,5]. Our
case had features suggestive of NMS and the
reinstitution of levodopa improved the clinical
picture. If the diagnosis of PHS is delayed then
catastrophic complications in the form of AKI,
aspiration pneumonitis and DIC may prove to
be fatal [6,7].
Medical literature has documented evidence
of the occurrence of PHS mostly in the form of
case reports and case series [8-15].
e most common etiology of PHS in
these cases was abrupt withdrawal/reduction
and/or alteration of anti-parkinsonian
medication especially levodopa /dopa agonists
[4,5]. Two case reports of PHS also describe the
failure of deep brain stimulator due to exertion
of its battery or withdrawal of DBS. All these
cases improved after the reinstitution of therapy,
though some cases reported mortality [16-22].
e underlying pathophysiology of PHS
is a sudden hypodopaminergic state which
occurs by the abrupt cessation of anti-
parkinsonian therapy. Muscular rigidity of
PHS is due to decreased dopaminergic activity
and hyperthermia is due to dysregulation of
preoptic, anterior hypothalamic and posterior
hypothalamic functions. e aection of
mesolimbic and mesocortical pathways through
dopamine deletion explains the mental status
changes [16,17].
It is important to dierentiate PHS from
NMS. A careful clinical examination and a drug
history resolve the issue in most of the cases. Any
patient of Parkinson’s disease who presents with
a clinical picture of NMS should be entertained
as a high index of suspicion for PHS. Supportive
measures and reinstitution of anti-parkinsonian
drugs are the cornerstone of therapy.
10.4172/clinical-practice.1000416Clin. Pract. (2020) 17(2)
Parkinsonism-hyperpyrexia syndrome-A rare case report
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Full-text available
Neuroleptic malignant-like syndrome (NMLS) is a rare but catastrophic complication of drug treatment for Parkinson’s disease (PD). Sudden withdrawal and abrupt reduction of antiparkinsonian drugs are major risk factors. Just as its name suggests, the clinical features of NMLS are similar to neuroleptic malignant syndrome, which is a dangerous adverse response to antipsychotic drugs. Both of these conditions can present with hyperthermia, marked muscle rigidity, altered consciousness, autonomic dysfunction, and elevated serum creatine-kinase (CK) levels. However, we describe a special NMLS case with a slight elevation of CK levels and respiratory failure in the full course of her treatment. The patient, a 68-year-old woman with a 4-years history of Parkinson’s disease, presented with hyperthermia and severe muscular rigidity. During the course of her treatment, her maximum temperature was extremely high (above 41°C). At the beginning, the diagnosis of NMLS secondary to dopamine decrease was difficult to make, because her initial blood examination revealed that her serum CK levels were mildly elevated and decreased to normal range rapidly. Although antiparkinsonian drugs and supportive treatment were applied, the patient developed an acute respiratory failure in the early course of treatment. This case report highlights that when confronted with Parkinson’s patients with high body temperature and muscle rigidity, NMLS should be taken into consideration even if there is no CK elevation. Likewise, the need for supportive care is essential, because its complications are severe, even such as respiratory failure.
Full-text available
The parkinsonism hyperpyrexia syndrome is a rare but potentially fatal complication seen in patients with Parkinson's disease. It is characterized by mental status changes, muscle rigidity, hyperthermia and autonomic dysfunction. Mortality of up to 4% has been reported but an additional one-third of patients have permanent sequelae.
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Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS), also called parkinsonism-hyperpyrexia syndrome (PHS), is a severe, general, sometimes fatal, physical reaction, induced by sudden and strong blockade of dopamine receptors. When subthalamic nucleus (STN)-deep brain stimulation (DBS) is used on patients with Parkinson disease (PD), dopaminergic medications are transiently stopped prior to the procedure, and a reduction in the use of drugs is routinely attempted after the procedure. Although a sudden stop or abrupt reduction of dopaminergic medications may set the stage for NMS/PHS, only three cases have been reported after STN-DBS surgery. Here, we describe a 75-year-old woman with PD who experienced delayed onset, yet fatal, PHS after STN-DBS. Although STN-DBS might prevent or suppress PHS, its protective effect is not always complete. We must be aware that fatal PHS can occur when the use of medication for PD is reduced or altered, even when patients are under continuous STN stimulation.
Parkinsonism-hyperpyrexia syndrome (PHS) is a neurologic emergency associated with anti-Parkinson medication withdrawal; however, its clinical presentation mimics sepsis. We describe the case of a 69-year-old man with advanced Parkinson disease who presented for exchange of the depleted battery in his subthalamic deep brain stimulator. The patient's preoperative symptoms of fever, rigidity, altered consciousness, and autonomic instability presented a dilemma whether to proceed with battery exchange to treat PHS or postpone surgery due to potential sepsis. The administration of dopaminergic medications, dantrolene, and antipyretic drugs are temporary supportive measures, while prompt restoration of deep brain stimulator function is the most important therapeutic treatment for PHS.
A patient with symptoms suggestive of neuroleptic malignant syndrome after levodopa withdrawal is described. The patient presented with persistent high fever, stupor, autonomic dysfunction, rigidity, and rhabdomyolysis. He was successfully treated with intravenous dantrolene, resumption of levodopa, and forced alkaline diuresis. Doctors should be aware of the risk of abrupt cessation of dopamine agonists.