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Estimating temporary populations: a systematic review of the empirical literature


Abstract and Figures

The estimation of temporary populations is a well-established field, but despite growing interest they are yet to form part of the standard suite of official population statistics. This systematic review seeks to review the empirical literature on temporary population estimation and identify the contemporary “state of the art”. We identify a total of 96 studies that attempt to estimate or describe a method of estimation. Our findings reveal strong growth in the number of studies in recent decades that in part has been driven by the rise in both the type and availability of new sources of information, including mobile phone data. What emerges from this systematic review is the lack of any “gold standard” data source or methodology for temporary population estimation. The review points to a number of important challenges that remain for estimating temporary populations, both conceptually and practically. What remains is the need for clear definitions along with identification of appropriate data and methods that are able to robustly capture and measure the diverse array of spatial behaviours that drive temporary population dynamics. To our knowledge, this is the first review on this topic that brings together literature from various disciplines and collates methods used for estimation.
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Estimating temporary populations: a systematic
review of the empirical literature
Radoslaw Panczak 1, Elin Charles-Edwards1& Jonathan Corcoran1
The estimation of temporary populations is a well-established eld, but despite growing
interest they are yet to form part of the standard suite of ofcial population statistics. This
systematic review seeks to review the empirical literature on temporary population estima-
tion and identify the contemporary state of the art. We identify a total of 96 studies that
attempt to estimate or describe a method of estimation. Our ndings reveal strong growth in
the number of studies in recent decades that in part has been driven by the rise in both the
type and availability of new sources of information, including mobile phone data. What
emerges from this systematic review is the lack of any gold standarddata source or
methodology for temporary population estimation. The review points to a number of
important challenges that remain for estimating temporary populations, both conceptually
and practically. What remains is the need for clear denitions along with identication of
appropriate data and methods that are able to robustly capture and measure the diverse
array of spatial behaviours that drive temporary population dynamics. To our knowledge, this
is the rst review on this topic that brings together literature from various disciplines and
collates methods used for estimation.
Conventional population estimates capture a population at a single point in time. In doing
so, such estimates ignore the short-term dynamism of populations that are caused by
temporary population mobility, a territorial movement that does not result in a per-
manent change of usual residence (Bell and Ward, 2000). Temporary population movements are
dened as moves of one or more nights duration but can be broadened to also include diurnal
movements, such as daily commuting (Smith, 1989).
Temporary population mobility can exert
substantive impacts on both the size and composition of populations at the small-area level
(Charles-Edwards and Panczak, 2018) impacting trafc, housing, retail sales, medical services
and emergency preparedness to name a select few (Smith, 1989; Smith and House, 2007). As a
consequence of these impacts, there exists a growing interest and need for temporary population
estimates across a broad range of purposes including the planning and delivery of goods and
services (Markham et al., 2013), scal equalisation (Graebert et al., 2014), retail analysis
(Soundararaj et al., 2019), transport demand (Toole et al., 2015), emergency preparedness (Gao OPEN
1Queensland Centre for Population Research, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
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et al., 2014), and as better denominators for crime and epide-
miological models (Charles-Edwards et al., 2020)for a full range
of purposes please refer to Supplementary Table 1, Part 1, Source,
type, purpose main data and methods.
Scholarship concerned with developing a conceptual basis for
temporary population estimates is longstanding with early work
rst appearing in the United States in the 1950s (Foley, 1954;
Schmitt, 1956). This early work proposed building on approaches
previously used for the estimation of resident populations to
generate temporary population estimates. Schmitt (1956) was the
rst to recognise the value of symptomatic data as a source for
such estimates. Several decades later, it was Smith (1987,1989)
that proposed a set of metrics (visitor-days and visitor-years) to
capture measures of temporary populations as well as high-
lighting the difculty of validating temporary population esti-
mates. More recently, Bell (2000,2004) argued that estimates of
temporary populations are contingent on developing a rigorous
understanding of temporary population mobility. Here he drew
attention to four dimensions of temporary mobility (movement
intensity, duration, seasonality, and spatial impact), which he
argued drive change in the stock of temporary visitors at both the
origin and at the destination.
Despite growing interest in temporary population statistics,
they are not yet part of the standard suite of ofcial population
statistics. Historically, this has been due to a lack of the requisite
data capturing temporary populations, but also nascent con-
ceptualisation of temporary populations along with a lack of
standard methodologies for their production. Indeed, Smith
(1989), in his seminal paper on the estimation of temporary
populations, noted that the development of a methodology
applicable across a wide range of populations and situational
contexts was most likely impossible(p. 430). At the time of
writing he could not have predicted the proliferation of geo-
located data from mobile phones and other emergent technolo-
gies that have arisen in the 21st Century with potential for the
sensing of temporary populations across large geographic areas
and in widely differing contexts. Set against this backdrop, the
current study assesses progress in the eld of temporary popu-
lation statistics. To this end, we conduct a systematic review of
the international literature on the estimation of temporary
populations to identify the contemporary state of the art. In doing
so, we seek to understand the volume, geography, population
coverage along with the data and methods used to generate
temporary population estimates.
The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. In the
section Methods: Protocol and capture, we detail the study
methods including information sources and search terms, elig-
ibility criteria and data extraction. In the section Results and
discussion: Estimating temporary populations, we report the
results of the review across a number of themes including: pub-
lication time frame, sources and reasons for estimates; data types;
estimation methods; the geography of estimates; the temporal
units of estimates; estimated population size and composition;
and reproducibility. In the nal section of the paper we sum-
marise the current state of the art in the eld.
Methods: Protocol and capture
The review was conducted using the principles of the PRISMA
Statement for Reporting Systematic Reviews (Moher et al., 2009)
(see Supplementary Table 1 online). In order to deal with com-
plexity and lack of standardisation in the eld and to account for
the theory-building character of this work we additionally
adopted the mixed-method reviewmethodology (Gough, 2015).
This approach allowed us to combine methods of a systematic
review (e.g. selection of keywords and sources and eligibility
criteria) with the openness and exibility of traditional reviews.
No review protocol was used in this study.
The articles that constituted the review were captured via a
search of four databases; (1) Web of Science; (2) Scopus; (3)
Google Scholar; and, (4) arXiv. A set of keywords that collectively
encompass the breadth of synonyms associated with temporary
populations were used. More specically, we employed a suite of
terms derived from the authorscollective knowledge of the eld,
as well as key words that emerged during early stages of the
review process. Terms included: temporary population,
working population,daytime population,mobile popula-
tion,service population,oating population,elusive popu-
lation,ambient population,seasonal population,non-
resident population,real-time census,social sensingand
spatiotemporal population. We additionally scrutinised the
reference lists of included studies to ensure a full coverage of
articles. Final searches were conducted on 24 November 2017. In
order to enhance the currency and coverage of the articles cap-
tured principles of the living systematic review methodology were
adopted (Elliott et al., 2014). To this end updates from three
databases covering all original queries were congured along with
periodic manual searches on the fourth database (arXiv) to ensure
any new articles following the nal search were included in the
review. The nal inclusion of studies into the review was con-
ducted on 13 October, 2019. Supplementary Text 1 online con-
tains details of the full search strategy.
To supplement the key search terms listed above, inclusion and
exclusion criteria were developed. These were;
Studies were included if they produced estimates or forecasts
of temporary populations.
Studies were required to detail their methodology for at least
one geographical region and capture non-resident popula-
Studies were excluded if they focused their analyses on certain
population bases (for instance, social media or mobile phone
users) without any extrapolation to the total population of a
given case study region.
Studies examining tourist and crowd behaviours were
excluded as this is a distinct and voluminous literature
deemed extraneous to the core motivation of this study.
Book reviews and magazines were excluded.
Only studies published in English were included.
Each of the above criteria were designed to capture studies that
offered an in-depth empirical analysis of temporary population
estimation. Beyond the above criteria, there were no restrictions on
publication date, or publication status (for example, a published
journal article versus an unpublished thesis). In cases where the
same or a similar methodology was used across several studies, one
representative article was selected for inclusion in the review and
used to collect additional references for the supplementary materials.
We developed a data extraction template that was iteratively
revised during the extraction process to ensure applicability
across all included studies. One author (RP) extracted data from
each study that was subsequently split into two major groups:
1. Publication details: Publication metadata included: author
(s), title, source, year and publication type. We classied
studies according to the primary source of data: mobile
phone, remote sensing, social media, transport (e.g. cordon
counts, trafc and smart card data), ofcial statistics (e.g.
national censuses, large scale or national demographic
surveys and population registers), surveys (e.g. time use
surveys, holiday accommodation occupancy surveys), Wi-
Fi and data from utility providers (e.g. electricity consump-
tion). Studies could belong to more than one category.
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2. Estimation: Characteristics of the temporary population
estimates reported in the study including whether estimates
captured daytime or overnight populations, the country and
region for which estimates were made, data sources,
methods and software employed, data and population size,
number and characteristics of the spatial and temporal
units, estimate validation and the purpose for which the
estimates were produced.
All analyses were conducted in R (R Core Team, 2019) version
3.6.1. Data management used several packages of the tidyverse
family (Wickham, 2019a,b; Wickham and Bryan, 2019; Wickham
et al., 2019; Wickham and Henry, 2019); descriptive statistics
were done using sjmisc package (Luedecke, 2020); reporting was
facilitated with knitr (Xie, 2019) accompanied by scales (Wick-
ham, 2018) and bibtex (Francois, 2017); and graphs were pro-
duced using the ggplot2 package (Wickham, 2016).
Results and discussion: Estimating temporary populations
Publications time frame, sources and reasons for estimates.
Collectively, our search strategy initially identied around 22,900
documents (Fig. 1). After removing duplicates, titles and abstracts
were screened for eligibility resulting in a reduction to 122 arti-
cles. The nal stage involved a screening of full texts resulting in
the removal of a further 68 articles. An additional 26 articles were
identied from other sources, while 16 were identied by scan-
ning updates of the search results. A total of 96 studies were
selected for analysis (see Supplementary Text 2 online).
The 96 studies were published between 1925 and 2019 (median
publication year, 2011) (Table 1; see Supplementary Table 2
online). Notably, there has been exponential growth in the
number of studies since the rst publication in 1925, with more
than a third of the studies (35.4%) published since 2015. A total of
55% of the studies were published as articles followed by 22% as
reports and 12% as conference proceedings or presentations.
Taken together articles focused on various aspects of temporary
population estimation, including emergency planning (n=22),
understanding service populations (n=8), epidemiology (n=4)
and commuting (n=3).
Data types.Ofcial statistics, dened as large scale data collected
by national statistical agencies (such as censuses, population
surveys, administrative records or registers), formed the basis, or
were an important component of the largest number of studies
(Fig. 2). The rst recorded report used data on place of work
collected at the 1921 Census data from England and Wales to
estimate daytime populations (Census of England and Wales
1921, 1925). Similar work was undertaken by the US Census
Bureau in the 1950s (Bureau of the Census 1956), and such
estimates continue to be produced in many countries around the
world. A more recent innovation are workday population esti-
mates, which combine estimates of working populations with
night-time usual resident counts. These estimates were produced
for England and Wales using data from the 2011 Census (Ofce
for National Statistics 2013); see also related work in Supple-
mentary Table 3 online]. In a similar vein, the US Census Bureau
has constructed commuter-adjusted population estimates using
data from the American Community Survey (McKenzie et al.,
Fig. 1 Flowchart of study selection.
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Census data have served as an input into a host of other
population estimates. Census-based studies from the United
States include the work from the Seattle City Planning
Commission (1951), Fulton (1984), Gober and Mings (1984),
Nelson and Nicholas (1992), McPherson and Brown (2003),
Kobayashi et al. (2011), Swanson and Tayman (2011), Hodur and
Bangsund (2015), Kim and Ahn (2017), Boeing (2018) and Esri
(2018). These papers used a range of methods to adjust Census
estimates at a variety of temporal and spatial scales, often
accompanied by other data sources including place of work,
transportation models or payroll data that helps to determine size
and location of daytime or seasonal populations. Census data
from the United Kingdom have formed a key input into the
recent work of Smith et al. (2005) and Martin et al., (2015).
Census data has also been used for the estimation and analysis
of temporary populations in a number of other countries. Taking
advantage of the availability of the place of residence and place of
enumeration data, Bell and Ward (1998); (see also subsequent
work in Supplementary Table 3 online) looked at the one-day
snapshot of the mobility of Australians across multiple census
years and spatial scales. Similarly, Taylor (1998) used census data
to estimate the mobility of indigenous Australians. Gao et al.,
(2014) and Qi et al., (2015) employed Chinese census data
adjusted with information for tourists, school and patient
populations extended with land use models to calculate daytime
population estimates. The main advantage of census data is that it
provides close to full enumeration of the population; however, it
captures only a snapshot of temporary populations on one day or
night, every 5 or 10 years. We know that many forms of
temporary population mobility are highly seasonal, thus census
data will not reect the population present across other times of
the year. To address this decit a number of studies have drawn
upon large administrative datasets such as health service
utilisation records (Markham et al., 2013), building (Greger,
2015) or second home registries (Adamiak et al., 2017), however,
these studies tend to target specic population groups or
geographical regions, and may not directly capture the mobility
of visitors. Notwithstanding these limitations, ofcial statistics
remain a crucial component of many temporary population
The second most common group of studies drew on survey
data. Surveys vary widely with respect to the target population,
spatial coverage and sample size and include urban travel surveys,
destination surveys (Erickson, 1961; Happel and Hogan, 2002)
and large-scale household surveys (Wurtele and Wellisch, 1968;
Kavanaugh, 1990; Stutz et al., 1992; Roddis, 1996; Collins and
Greaves, 2007; Lau, 2009; Horanont and Shibasaki, 2010; Charles-
Edwards, 2011; Sekimoto et al., 2011; Himoto and Kimata, 2014;
Kashiyama et al., 2017). Surveys have the singular advantage of
being able to collect detailed information on the spatial and
temporal dynamics of mobility, including the timing and
duration of visits, as well as the characteristics of movers. They
can be used to target transient populations such as seasonal
snowbirds (Happel and Hogan, 2002) or indigenous Australians
(Warchivker et al., 2000) not captured in ofcial statistics. The
major disadvantage of surveys are related to capturing rare events
through random sampling. Even in large-scale origin-based
surveys, sampling error can limit the utility of survey data for
estimating temporary populations in small areas and over short
time periods. Purposive surveys of accommodation providers or
particular target populations fare better, but are usually limited
with respect to both population and geographic coverage.
The third largest category of studies, and one that experienced
the fastest growth in recent years, is work based on mobile phone
data. Some of the early attempts to use this emergent source of
data in tracking large-scale population distribution changes came
from the SENSEable City Laboratory and their work in Milan
(Ratti et al., 2006) and Rome (Reades et al., 2007). This was
followed by work on seasonal residents in Estonia (Silm and
Ahas, 2010). However these rst studies did not attempt to
Table 1 Selected characteristics of included studies.
Characteristic Value n/median %/min; max
Year of publication 2011 1925; 2019
Search method Systematic 54 56.25
Manual 26 27.08
Update 16 16.67
Type of publication Article 53 55.21
Report 21 21.88
Conference 12 12.5
Thesis 7 7.29
Book chapter 3 3.12
Purpose of publicationaEmergency planning 22 22.92
Other 9 9.38
Service population 8 8.34
Epidemiology 4 4.16
Commuting 3 3.12
Main type of dataaOfcial statistics 53 55.20
Survey 40 41.68
Mobile phones 19 19.80
Transport 13 13.56
Other 11 11.44
Utilities 5 5.20
Remote sensing 2 2.08
Wi-Fi 2 2.08
Social media 1 1.04
Study region Single city 52 54.17
Country 17 17.71
Administrative region 14 14.58
Multiple cities 10 10.42
Regions for estimatesaAdministrative 55 57.30
Grid 28 29.16
Custom 8 8.34
Points 7 7.30
Building 3 3.12
Voronoi 2 2.08
Number of regions for
34 1; 52,000
Temporal unit of estimates Minute/hour 35 36.46
Daytime/nighttime 21 21.88
Daytime 14 14.58
Month 10 10.42
Other 7 7.29
Day 2 2.08
Weekday/weekend 2 2.08
Size of estimated population 355,100 1868;
Size of dataset 722,000 422;
aIndicates that the study can belong to more than one category.
Fig. 2 Cumulative distribution of year of publication across data types.
Studies can belong to more than one category; The Social Mediacategory
has been excluded as it only has one member.
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extrapolate the mobile phone user base to the whole population
and the earliest such application was in response to the Haiti
earthquake (Bengtsson et al., 2011). This approach was followed
by large-scale estimates for Japan (Terada et al., 2013) and
analyses of temporary populations in France and Portugal
(Deville et al., 2014). The spatial coverage of mobile phone-
based studies often reects the availability and accessibility of
such data. For instance, Italy and in particular Milan, have been
the foci for a number of studies given that local telecom providers
have offered access to the aggregated and anonymised call records
(Khodabandelou et al., 2016). Mobile phone data are also used in
parallel with other sources and methods for instance in
dasymetric interpolation (Järv et al., 2017) or transport survey
data (Lwin et al., 2016). While mobile phone data can provide
detailed information on short-term change in population
numbers at ne spatial resolutions they provide limited informa-
tion on the characteristics of movers. Finally, as a commercially
collected data set, they can be both difcult and costly to access.
Transportation data, collected via cordon counts, or more
recently by smart cards, are an important source of information,
particularly for diurnal population estimates. Early work from the
United States can be traced back to Thornthwaite who estimated
the daytime population of a Central Business District using data
from a trafc survey (1929; cited in Wheeler and Brunn, 2002).
Others followed including Breese (1947), Sharp (1955)andWeir
(1960). The New York Regional Plan Association (1949), Seattle
City Planning Commission (1951) and Institute for Research in
Social Science at the University of North Carolina (1952) employed
various transportation surveys and cordon counts to estimate the
number of people in Central Business Districts. Similar work from
the United Kingdom was undertaken by Menzler (1952). More
recently and with the advent of public transport smart card data
(Ma et al., 2017) along with technologies such as number plate
recognition (Fehr & Peers, 2014) offer new data sources with utility
for temporary population estimation. These studies have the
advantage of longer collection periods, but tend to be limited to
relatively narrowly dened geographic regions, usually cities, and
tend to be employed for diurnal rather than seasonal population
estimates (see Fehr & Peers, (2014) for an exception).
Less common, yet still important, are studies based on a range
of symptomatic indicators including utilities data (Goldschmidt
and Dahl, 1976; Monmouth County Planning Board, 2008; Rigall-
I-Torrent, 2010; McKenzie and Canterford, 2016; Edmondson
and Nantucket Data Platform team, 2019), remote sensing data
(Taubenböck et al., 2007; Stathakis and Baltas, 2018) and Wi-Fi
data (Kontokosta and Johnson, 2017; Crols and Malleson, 2019).
At their most basic, these studies assume a constant relationship
between a regions de facto population (including residents,
diurnal and overnight visitors) and a single symptomatic
indicator. Symptomatic variables theoretically enable the genera-
tion of continuous estimates of visitor populations in both a
timely and cost effective manner, but are contingent on
understanding the relationship between the symptomatic indi-
cator and populations, which may vary across space and time. In
addition, it can be difcult to identify appropriate symptomatic
indicators when estimates are sought for a large number of
regions. For example, a scoping study undertaken by the
Australian Bureau of Statistics was unable to identify any
symptomatic indicators that could be used to estimate visitor
populations across ve Local Government Areas in Australia
(Lee, 1999). Contrary to our expectations, social media data were
only used in one study (Lwin et al., 2016). Here geotagged Twitter
data were used together with mobile phone records to predict
scaled counts from a large person trip survey.
Slightly more than one-third of studies (38.5%) drew on
multiple data sets. Census data was employed as a starting point,
for the calibration of models, or as a source of validation. For
instance, the seminal work of LandScancapturing the ambient
population (an average population over a 24 hour period) at a
1 km resolution(Bhaduri et al., 2007) used census data as one of
the main inputs and Ma et al. (2017) used smart card
transportation data to redistribute census (night-time) counts of
population across a city region. Studies also draw on multiple
data sources to estimate the components of temporary popula-
tions in particular regions (Edmondson and Nantucket Data
Platform team, 2019), while Rigall-I-Torrent (2010) combined
multiple symptomatic indicators with survey data to establish the
relationship between household size, type and period of the year
to produce population estimates. What emerges from this
systematic review is the lack of any gold standarddata source
for temporary population estimation.
Estimation methods. Smith (1989) in his original study identied
two approaches for the estimation of temporary populations: the
directapproach which draws on information collected directly
from temporary residents via censuses and surveys and the
indirectwhich draws upon symptomatic variables that reect
changes in temporary populations. This distinction is increasingly
fuzzy due to the emergence of new data sources such as mobile
phone and Wi-Fi data which can be both treated as either direct
or indirect sources depending on the methodology employed. In
addition, a number of studies combine both direct and indirect
sources to generate estimates for individual regions (Rigall-I-
Torrent, 2010) or to apportion temporary visitors across geo-
graphic areas (Lwin et al., 2016). Moreover studies are increas-
ingly drawing on sophisticated simulation and modelling
approaches to produce temporary population estimates (see Crols
and Malleson (2019) for an example).
The earliest method of deriving temporary population statistics
was to use direct estimates, either from the Census (Census of
England and Wales 1921, 1925), survey data (Thornthwaite, 1929)
or by combining multiple formerly disparate sources of data
(Breese, 1947). These studies often took advantage of availability of
information about the workplaces of individuals (Ofce for
National Statistics, 2013), their status of residence (Gober and
Mings, 1984) or place of enumeration (Bell and Ward, 1998)to
distinguish between two or more states of population distribution
such as nighttime and daytime populations, or visitors and usual
residents. An allied approach involves the scaling of population
counts from one or more sources to the whole population based on
expansion factors. This approach was used by both early survey-
based studies (New York Regional Plan Association, 1949;Foley,
1952) and more contemporary analyses based on mobile phone or
Wi-Fi data. In the latter case, various strategies of deriving factors
were adopted, some based on the penetration rate of mobile data
providers (Bengtsson et al., 2011), night-time Census populations
(Deville et al., 2014) or ancillary survey data (Kontokosta and
Johnson, 2017). Studies either used a single factor for an entire
region (Thomas et al., 2017) or multiple factors, varying each
geographically (Batran et al., 2018) or over population subgroups
(Picornell et al., 2018).
Temporary populations have also been estimated using
population accounts or component-based approaches. These
methods used generic or area-specic equations to derive counts
of temporary residents from usual residents by subtracting
departures and adding arrivals to a spatial unit at a given time
(Yong li, 1998). For instance Journey-to-Work data (from the
Census) has been used to estimate the working population
(McKenzie et al., 2013), second home users and usage could be
used to capture seasonal populations in specic areas (Adamiak
et al., 2017) or sales tax data could be used to derive equivalent
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residents (Thakur, 2018). Additionally, separate estimates have
been derived for specic subgroups of the population (Swanson
and Tayman, 2011).
As discussed previously, symptomatic data such as electricity
usage have been used to track seasonal variation in populations
across specic regions (see Goldschmidt and Dahl, 1976). An
allied strand of research draws on symptomatic data to
redistribute temporary populations from larger to smaller spatial
units. These include dasymetric techniques commonly used for
mapping small area resident populations. The LandScan model
(Bhaduri et al., 2007) for instance has the largest spatial coverage
providing gridded population estimates of the nighttime and
daytime population for the United States. Martin et al.s(2015)
model for Southampton on the other hand is an example of a
more spatially and temporally detailed approach that can be
adapted to various grid sizes and temporal resolutions. This
model has also been implemented in other locations and settings
(see Supplementary Table 3 online). The redistribution approach
usually uses ancillary data such as land use (Batista e Silva et al.,
2017) or building type (Greger, 2015) as well as data from
Censuses, surveys, mobile phones (Järv et al., 2017), transporta-
tion (Ma et al., 2017) and social media (Lwin et al., 2016) as input.
Finally, a number of studies employ some form of modelling or
simulation. These include agent-based simulation (Walker and
Barros, 2012; Kashiyama et al., 2017; Crols and Malleson, 2019),
cellular automaton models (Khakpour and Rød, 2016), and
neural networks (Liu et al., 2018; Chen et al., 2018).
The geography of estimates. Only 18% of studies generated
estimates for all geographic units within an entire country (Fig.
3). The United States was the best represented with a total of ve
studies, followed by Australia (n=3) and England and Wales
(n=2). Only one developing country, Nepal, (Wilson et al., 2016)
was represented and one study reported estimates from two
countries (Deville et al., 2014). Studies covering a part of the
country were again most frequent in the United States (n=32).
This was followed by China, Australia, Japan and the United
Kingdom as well as a handful of developing nations (namely,
Haiti, Bangladesh, Mozambique, Myanmar and Vietnam). A little
more than half (54%) of the studies were focused on a single city.
Two types of spatial unit for the estimates dominated; 57% of
studies used some form of administrative unit (for example, a
statistical division, a county, a township or metropolitan region)
and 29% used grids of varying sizes. Other types of spatial unit
included points, buildings, or some custom units such as Voronoi
polygons. A number of studies (n=11) reported estimates for
more than one type of spatial unit.
There was a large variation in the number of spatial units used
to produce estimates ranging from 1 to 52,000 with a median
value of 34. A total of 10 studies reported on a single spatial unit
including islands (Edmondson and Nantucket Data Platform
team, 2019), a single administrative region (e.g. Fehr & Peers,
2014), a city (e.g. Goldschmidt and Dahl, 1976) and a university
campus (Charles-Edwards and Bell, 2013). Studies reporting
estimates for larger numbers of units provided estimates at the
building level (Ara, 2014), high-resolution grids (Adamiak et al.,
2017) or administrative areas (e.g. McKenzie et al., 2013), and
were often alongside national or large sub-national area
coverages. Half of the studies (n=47) did not report the exact
number of spatial units for which estimates were produced.
Temporal units of estimates. No study revealed efforts to pro-
duce and maintain an ongoing series of estimates. In contrast to
the majority of studies presenting ad hoc analyses using oppor-
tunistic data sources only a few analyses and associated estimates
received any form of update. Examples of these studies include,
ESRI Daytime Population (Esri, 2018) and analyses of Australian
Census from 1991 (Bell and Ward, 1998) to 2018 (Charles-
Edwards and Panczak, 2018).
The majority of studies (77%) report on daytime (or both
daytime and seasonal) populations and this reected in the choice
of the temporal units used in the estimates. A total of 36% of
studies used minutes or hours as their temporal unit, with
seconds as the most common unit that was split between daytime
and night-time estimates (22%) or daytime only (15%) (Fig. 4).
Estimated population size and composition. There was a large
variation in the sizes of estimated populations, ranging from
1,868 to 53,349,074 with a median value of 355,100. The size of
dataset used for estimation ranged from 422 to 55,963,096 with
median value of 722,000. Combining the size of the dataset and
the size of estimated populations, largest populations were used
or estimated when mobile phone data were employed, followed
by smaller amount of transport-based studies (Fig. 5). Other large
studies used monthly sales tax data from counties in North
Carolina to derive equivalent residentssurplus to the perma-
nent population.
In terms of composition, the majority of studies focused on
total populations present or working populations. For those
studies concerned with population estimates of summer resort
towns the total population was extended to include temporary or
seasonal visitors (Erickson, 1961; Goldschmidt and Dahl, 1976).
Fig. 3 Country of temporary population estimates and national coverage.
Study of Deville et al. (2014) describes two countries. Fig. 4 Temporal units used for estimates.
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The majority of studies (71%) did not report on any
characteristics of estimated populations. This was often driven
not by the theoretical or practical considerations but rather by data
availability. For instance, many studies drawing on mobile phone
data did not have access to any individual-level information (such
as, age, sex, reason for visitation). Some studies sought to capture
specic groups of temporary movers including retired individuals
undertaking seasonal movements (Rose and Kingma, 1989; Happel
and Hogan, 2002), school pupils (Campbell, 2010), second home
users (Adamiak et al., 2017), indigenous populations (Warchivker
et al., 2000), or on functional areas such as a university campus
(Charles-Edwards and Bell, 2013).
Reproducibility. 61% of studies did not report estimates nor
indicate where they could be obtained. Similarly, 95% of studies
did not report on the type of software and/or code used to pro-
duce the estimates. In some cases, particularly when relatively
simple methods were used (for example, equation based), this
does not limit reproducibility or replicability of the studies or the
possibility of their implementation across different situational
contexts. However, for the remaining studies, particularly those
based on proprietary data, the prospects of generating estimates
across different areas allied with their validation are limited. More
particularly, validation of the estimates was not common practice
with only 36% reporting some attempt at validation with a lack of
suitable data often quoted as a main reason for not undertaking
the task.
This study sought to systematically review the empirical lit-
erature on temporary population estimation to identify the
contemporary state of the art. To this end we revealed an
interest and demand for temporary population estimates that is
approaching 100 years in the making. However, it has been over
the past two decades where there has been strong growth in the
number of studies that is in part driven by the rise in both the
type and availability of emerging sources of ICT-based data.
This growth is likely to continue, set against the broader
backdrop of big datathese new databases will need to be
assessed and evaluated for their relevance for temporary
population estimation along with their capacity to either unveil
previously unknown temporary population dynamics or act as
additional information source to bolster existing sources (both
traditional and emergent). To this end recent studies using
credit card information (see for example, De Montjoye et al.,
2015; Whitaker, 2019) would seem one of a number of pro-
mising new sources of data with the potential to reveal
important dimensions of population mobility. That said,
despite the rise in the number of studies using emergent sources
of information, there remains no single source of data for the
estimation of temporary populations. Rather traditional sources
of information including the census and survey data remain an
important backbone through which temporary population
estimates are founded.
Notwithstanding the growing prevalence of temporary population
studies, a disconnect currently exists with the lack of availability of
such estimates through national statistical agencies. To this end the
translation of temporary population studies into standardised pro-
ducts appears yet to occur in lieu of rising demand for such infor-
mation that reect the so far unresolved conceptual and
methodological challenges. Often, in the absence of ofcial estimates,
cities and regions generate their own estimates (Lamb, 1999;Mon-
mouth County Planning Board, 2008;Fehr&Peers,2014;Hodurand
Bangsund, 2015; Edmondson and Nantucket Data Platform team,
2019;Harrisetal.,2019). However, it would appear that this situation
is likely to change with the recent emergence of major coordinated
programs of research focused on temporary population estimates to
include ENhancing ACTivity and population mapping (ENACT)
(Batista e Silva et al., 2017) and the Population 24/7 (Martin et al.,
2015) projects (see also the subsequent work in Supplementary Table
3 online). It is likely that through these dedicated research programs
the conceptual and methodological challenges will be systematically
addressed and resolved.
It is important to highlight two interrelated limitations of the
current study. The rst pertains to the fragmented nature of the
temporary population literature and its presence across multi-
ple academic domains. For instance 28.1% of studies included
in this review were found outside of the literature searches.
Both the range and number of keywords (13 individual key
words) used to capture studies of temporary populations
reviewed here underscore this issue with the result of generat-
ing a large amount of false positive ndings during the litera-
ture search. Second, there is a relatively large volume of grey
literature represented. To this end, 27% of studies included in
this study were published as reports. As such, this makes it
difcult to systematically capture, classify as well as monitor the
development in this eld.
In sum, there is little doubt that the eld of temporary population
estimation will continue to grow however there remains a number
of important challenges. Conceptually there is need for the research
community and national statistical agencies to develop and agree on
clear denitions that enable temporary populations to be classied
in order to differentiate them from permanent residents. Practically,
there remains much work to complete that comprehensively cap-
tures and measures the diverse array of spatial behaviours that
involve different spatial circuits which are undertaken for a myriad
of different purposes. Coordinated efforts that address both of these
remaining challenges will ensure that we progress towards a more
robust conceptual and empirical framework for the estimation of
temporary populations.
Data availability
The datasets generated during and/or analysed during the current
study are available in the Zenodo repository,
Received: 20 November 2019; Accepted: 1 April 2020;
Published online: 06 May 2020
Fig. 5 Size of population by main data type. The rst category used. Box
width is proportional to the total number of studies. Studies that did not
report on an estimated population size the size of dataset was used
whenever possible.
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1 Whilst we adopt the denition of temporary populations by Smith (1989) for reasons
of inclusiveness and simplicity, we recognise there exists a number of alternate
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time (de Gans, 1994). For practical purposes it is necessary to delimit temporal and
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The authors wish to thank the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), in particular -
Denise Carlton, Andrew Howe, Anthony Grubb, Glen West, Beidar Cho and Karen
Ecclestone of ABS for their input on various aspects of the paper. However, the inter-
pretations of the analysis are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reect the
views and opinions of the ABS or any of their employees. We would like to also thank the
authors that responded to queries about details of their work: Christoph Aubrecht, Filipe
Batista e Silva, Andrew Collins, Donald G. Janelle, Nik Lomax, David Martin, Chris
Needham, Andy Newing, Paola Pucci, Stanley Smith and Martijn Tennekes. This
research was funded by the Australian Government through the Australian Research
Council Linkage project scheme, LP160100305.
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
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... Growing use of new information-communication technologies holds the promise of allowing researchers to analyse and describe societal phenomena in ways that were not possible before (Kitchin, 2014). This has spurred an increasing interest in including estimations of de facto populations, temporary populations, and mobility statistics in crisis management [10,11]. Wearable devices such as mobile phones provide new insight about movement and positioning of people. ...
... Wearable devices such as mobile phones provide new insight about movement and positioning of people. As 90% of people in the developed world own a personal mobile phone (Telecommunication Union, 2021), mobile phone data is believed to be the best method to estimate de facto populations within certain places and timeframes [10]. ...
... Mobile phone data allow the characterization of people based on information that is otherwise hard to collect via official statistics or surveys [10]. In the context of disaster management, mobile phone data have been used to differentiate between regular and displaced population sizes in geographical areas [7], to study movement patterns of total populations [12,13] as well as the presence of particular population groups [8]. ...
... While previous research has examined both spatial (Lee et al. 2016; Wong, Lin, and Lin 2019) and temporal (Setzler, Saydam, and Park 2009;Sariyer et al. 2016) patterns of ambulance demand, little is known about how changes in people's daily routine activities influence health care needs in certain areas. For example, when people commute to work, population compositions change in both the origin and the destination (Panczak, Charles-Edwards, and Corcoran 2020). People may also be exposed to different levels of risks that are more or less specific to different places, for instance due to the risk of traffic-related injuries in proximity to dangerous road crossings or violent acts in the proximity of alcohol-selling districts. ...
... Emergency services: theoretical background and previous studies 1.1.1. Theoretical background Population mobility, such as commuting to work in the daytime, changes the size and composition of populations at macro and micro levels (Panczak, Charles-Edwards, and Corcoran 2020). Daily work-related commuting tends to increase population size in urban areas as that is where most work opportunities are located. ...
... A general trend of land use variables explaining the higher risk of requiring an ambulance during the night and lower risk during the day indicates that routine activity such as commuting greatly influences the proportionality between ambulance dispatches and population numbers. As population sizes and characteristics change throughout the day due to commuting (Xia et al. 2019;Panczak, Charles-Edwards, and Corcoran 2020), urban-rural differences in the risk of requiring an ambulance may be exacerbated as some groups (working age) commute, while others (older adults) do not. The spatiotemporally varying explanatory power of land use factors may thus be explained by the fact that the type of land use dictates where, and when, certain population groups agglomerate. ...
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This study investigates the spatiotemporal variations in ambulance demand in southern Sweden, and how land use factors and sociodemographic factors are associated with variations in demand. A standardized ambulance demand ratio (SADR) indicating whether the risk of requiring an ambulance exceeded the expected was calculated using ambulance dispatch data in southern Sweden in 2018. Spatial analysis using a geographic information system (GIS) and spatial statistical methods underlie the methodology. Findings show that although rural areas are associated with a higher risk of requiring an ambulance (especially in daytime), this risk may be obscured by the more numerous dispatches occurring in urban areas. The increased risk in areas with bars and nightclubs, schools, industrial areas or road crossings reflects temporal variations in people’s routine activities. By dictating how and when population’s reshuffle, land use factors can help explain variations in risk for requiring an ambulance. Confirming previous research, areas with a higher share of older adults are associated with a higher ambulance demand while areas with a high median income are associated with lower demand. Population size may be an inadequate indicator of ambulance demand. Planning should account for daily changes in population sizes and compositions as this impacts ambulance demand.
... Demographers are often interested in migrants who move into or out of a geographic area in a particular year, as the net number of migrants is an important component in determining how much the annual population in an area has increased or decreased. While annual migration rates are important to measure and have traditionally been the focus in demographic estimation, considering more granular temporal scales can shed light on both the measurement of migration and the dynamics of population compositional change (Bell and Ward 2000;Bernard and Perales 2021;Fiorio et al. 2017;Panczak, Charles-Edwards, and Corcoran 2020). With a focus on shorter time scales, population mobility need not even constitute "migration" but rather might reflect more transient movements for work or leisure. ...
... The most common of these data sources, and the fastest growing in the United States, is cellphone data. This source is incredibly rich from the point of view of spatial and temporal granularity (Panczak, Charles-Edwards, and Corcoran 2020). A major issue here is one of access to data: cellphone records are usually privately owned and so can be accessed only through purchase of the data or some other data-sharing agreement for research purposes. ...
... They should also be consistent with other approaches to estimate population counts when other high-quality data sets are available. Indeed, if many case studies providing dynamic maps of mobile phone users exist, focusing only on mobile phone users with-out any extrapolation to the total population is of limited interest for official population statistics (Panczak et al. 2020). Mobile network data represent an opportunity for developing countries where alternative data sets are scarce and high-quality census data are not always available. ...
... Hence, all applied sciences and policy support that require spatially detailed information on population distribution must rely on a fractional and static representation of reality (Batista e Silva et al. 2020). This is a major issue for planning of infrastructure and transport for instance, as well as assessment of human exposure to natural, environmental, epidemiological, and technological hazards (Freire and Aubrecht 2012;Panczak et al. 2020). ...
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Mobile network data records are promising for measuring temporal changes in present populations. This promise has been boosted since high-frequency passively-collected signaling data became available. Its temporal event rate is considerably higher than that of Call Detail Records – on which most of the previous literature is based. Yet, we show it remains a challenge to produce statistics consistent over time, robust to changes in the “measuring instruments” and conveying spatial uncertainty to the end user. In this article, we propose a methodology to estimate – consistently over several months – hourly population presence over France based on signaling data spatially merged with fine-grained official population counts. We draw particular attention to consistency at several spatial scales and over time and to spatial mapping reflecting spatial accuracy. We compare the results with external references and discuss the challenges which remain. We argue data fusion approaches between fine-grained official statistics data sets and mobile network data, spatially merged to preserve privacy, are promising for future methodologies.
... Recently, the rapid development of mobile devices and the enrichment of locationbased service (LBS) big data have enabled researchers to analyze human mobility patterns and map population spatial distributions at a finer temporal resolution [45][46][47]. Currently, Baidu heat map data and mobile signaling data are the most popular among dynamic LBS data and possess precise spatiotemporal information, which can be used to study the dynamic distribution of populations and improve the temporal resolution of gridded population density maps [48][49][50]. ...
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Population distribution data with high spatiotemporal resolution are of significant value and fundamental to many application areas, such as public health, urban planning, environmental change, and disaster management. However, such data are still not widely available due to the limited knowledge of complex human activity patterns. The emergence of location-based service big data provides additional opportunities to solve this problem. In this study, we integrated ambient population data, nighttime light data, and building volume data; innovatively proposed a spatial downscaling framework for Baidu heat map data during work time and sleep time; and mapped the population distribution with high spatiotemporal resolution (i.e., hourly, 100 m) in Beijing. Finally, we validated the generated population distribution maps with high spatiotemporal resolution using the highest-quality validation data (i.e., mobile signaling data). The relevant results indicate that our proposed spatial downscaling framework for both work time and sleep time has high accuracy, that the distribution of the population in Beijing on a regular weekday shows “centripetal centralization at daytime, centrifugal dispersion at night” spatiotemporal variation characteristics, that the interaction between the purpose of residents’ activities and the spatial functional differences leads to the spatiotemporal evolution of the population distribution, and that China’s “surgical control and dynamic zero COVID-19” epidemic policy was strongly implemented. In addition, our proposed spatial downscaling framework can be transferred to other regions, which is of value for governmental emergency measures and for studies about human risks to environmental issues.
... The academic literature contains many contributions on temporary movements of population (from the perspective of people) and temporary populations (from the perspective of places) (e.g., Bell and Ward 2000;Panczak et al. 2020). Yet the demography of dwellings, and the connections between populations and dwellings remains very undeveloped in the literature, a sentiment expressed by Myers (1990) over 30 years ago, which still largely applies today. ...
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Background The 2021 Census in Australia revealed that just over 1 million dwellings were ‘unoccupied’ on census night. This finding was widely reported and may have given the impression of a large number of vacant dwellings ready for households to move into, potentially offering a solution to homelessness and those struggling to find suitable or affordable accommodation. Aims The aim of the paper is to investigate whether there really were 1 million unoccupied dwellings in Australia in 2021, to shed some conceptual and empirical light on exactly what is meant by an ‘occupied’ and an ‘unoccupied’ dwelling, and also try to understand why dwellings were unoccupied. Data and methods We used a variety of census, population, and dwelling data to estimate the number of private dwellings disaggregated by occupancy on both a de facto basis (whether people were present in dwelling on census night or not) and on a usual residence basis (whether people are usually resident in a dwelling or not). A comparison with the situation at the time of the 2016 Census is made. Results The results show that there were indeed about 1 million dwellings unoccupied on a usual residence basis in Australia in 2021. But they were not the exact same 1 million unoccupied on census night, and not all of these dwellings were available to households to live in. There was a substantial increase in the number of dwellings unoccupied by usual residents between 2016 and 2021; we suggest some possible reasons for this, including Covid-related effects. Conclusions Greater clarity and more detail are needed in census dwelling data. In addition, it would be useful if there were detailed annual official statistics on dwellings and households to better inform housing policy and research.
... Moreover, timely data about temporary population can be life-saving during crisis management. For instance, a natural disaster such as a flood or a hurricane or about mass-gathering events such as demonstrations, sport events, etc. Panczak et al. (2020) provides a review of the literature on empirical methods to estimate temporary populations, whereas Jo et al. (2020) shows how spatial patterns of temporary populations estimated using mobile phone data show gender gaps in the use of urban spaces in Seoul. ...
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With the consolidation of the culture of evidence-based policymaking, the availability of data has become central to policymakers. Nowadays, innovative data sources offer an opportunity to describe demographic, mobility, and migratory phenomena more accurately by making available large volumes of real-time and spatially detailed data. At the same time, however, data innovation has led to new challenges (ethics, privacy, data governance models, data quality) for citizens, statistical offices, policymakers and the private sector. Focusing on the fields of demography, mobility, and migration studies, the aim of this report is to assess the current state of data innovation in the scientific literature as well as to identify areas in which data innovation has the most concrete potential for policymaking. Consequently, this study has reviewed more than 300 articles and scientific reports, as well as numerous tools, that employed non-traditional data sources to measure vital population events (mortality, fertility), migration and human mobility, and the population change and population distribution. The specific findings of our report form the basis of a discussion on a) how innovative data is used compared to traditional data sources; b) domains in which innovative data have the greatest potential to contribute to policymaking; c) the prospects of innovative data transition towards systematically contributing to official statistics and policymaking.
... Within urban centres, high population densities can occur temporarily or can persist over longer time periods; population mobility means that the spatial distribution of the population is not constant. 12,13 Temporary high population densities can be a singular occurrence (such as crowds associated with an event) or occurring on a regular basis (such as daily commuters at a transport hub). If not combined with guidance on adequate ventilation and correct wearing of protective masks, high population densities -whether temporary, routine or persistent -may facilitate rapid transmission. ...
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With the onset of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, public health measures such as physical distancing were recommended to reduce transmission of the virus causing the disease. However, the same approach in all areas, regardless of context, may lead to measures being of limited effectiveness and having unforeseen negative consequences, such as loss of livelihoods and food insecurity. A prerequisite to planning and implementing effective, context-appropriate measures to slow community transmission is an understanding of any constraints, such as the locations where physical distancing would not be possible. Focusing on sub-Saharan Africa, we outline and discuss challenges that are faced by residents of urban informal settlements in the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. We describe how new geospatial data sets can be integrated to provide more detailed information about local constraints on physical distancing and can inform planning of alternative ways to reduce transmission of COVID-19 between people. We include a case study for Nairobi County, Kenya, with mapped outputs which illustrate the intra-urban variation in the feasibility of physical distancing and the expected difficulty for residents of many informal settlement areas. Our examples demonstrate the potential of new geospatial data sets to provide insights and support to policy-making for public health measures, including COVID-19.
Fine-grained crowd distribution forecasting benefits smart transportation operations and management, such as public transport dispatch, traffic demand prediction, and transport emergency response. Considering the co-evolutionary patterns of crowd distribution, the interactions among places are essential for modelling crowd distribution variations. However, two issues remain. First, the lack of sampling design in passive big data acquisition makes the spatial interaction characterizations of less crowded places insufficient. Second, the multi-order spatial interactions among places can help forecasting crowd distribution but are rarely considered in the existing literature. To address these issues, a novel crowd distribution forecasting method with multi-order spatial interactions was proposed. In particular, a weighted random walk algorithm was applied to generate simulated trajectories for improving the interaction characterizations derived from sparse mobile phone data. The multi-order spatial interactions among contextual non-adjacent places were modelled with an embedding learning technique. The future crowd distribution was forecasted via a graph-based deep neural network. The proposed method was verified using a real-world mobile phone dataset, and the results showed that both the multi-order spatial interactions and the trajectory data enhancement algorithm helped improve the crowd distribution forecasting performance. The proposed method can be utilized for capturing fine-grained crowd distribution, which supports various applications such as intelligent transportation management and public health decision making.
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Background Temporary population mobility, moves of more than one night’s duration that do not entail a change in usual residence, are an important feature of the Australian population surface. The ABS Census of Population and Housing (Census) provides a snapshot of temporary movements one night every five years. Aims This paper examines the intensity, age and spatial patterns of temporary movements captured at the 2016 Census, and creates a classification of regions based on the age profile of movers on Census nights. Data and methods 2016 Census data were extracted using ABS TableBuilder Pro. Summary metrics were calculated to measure the intensity and age profile of movements. Origin–destination flows were derived from a cross-classification of data on Place of Usual Residence and Place of Enumeration. A classification of regions (SA4s) was constructed from the age profile of movers at origins and at destinations. Results 1,142,005 individuals (about 5 per cent of the Australian population) were enumerated away from home on Census night 2016. Mobility peaked in younger (20–30) and older (65–70) age groups. Most movements were between capital city regions; however, resource regions and coastal areas were also implicated. The mobility surface was segmented by age: younger people dominated visits to cities and older movers comprise the majority of visitors to coastal areas, while remote areas had a significant proportion of visitors in the peak working ages. Conclusions Temporary population mobility is selective by age and sex and geographically segmented by these characteristics. Improved understanding of the attribute of visitors to regions can assist to formulate and validate estimates of temporary populations from emerging data sets.
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There is considerable demand for official statistics on temporary populations to supplement statistics on resident and working populations. Progress has been slow, with temporary population statistics not part of the standard suite of measures produced by national statistical offices. This article adopts the framework for official statistics proposed by Raymer and colleagues as a guide to aspects relating to society, concepts, data, processing, outputs and validation. The article proposes a conceptual framework linking temporary population mobility, defined as a move more than one night in duration that does not entail a change in usual residence, and temporary populations. Using Australia as an example, we discuss various dimensions of temporary mobility that complicate its measurement. We then report the outcomes of a survey of user needs for temporary population statistics along with a desktop review of OECD countries to identify the best formulation of temporary population statistics, and current international practice respectively. The article concludes by proposing two related concepts for temporary populations: population present and person-time, which overcome a number of issues currently impeding progress in this area and discuss their potential implementation.
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Urban areas seem to be enjoying a renaissance of sorts due in part to the many young professionals who have moved into central neighborhoods since the 2000s. Many of these young professionals are thought to move back out after they have started families, but the details of these migration patterns are not well-known. I analyze data from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York/Equifax Consumer Credit Panel to answer 12 questions about these temporary urbanists—those who choose to move into an urban neighborhood and spend part of their early adulthood there.
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The ambient population, i.e. the demographics and volume of people in a particular location throughout the day, has been studied less than the night-time residential population. Although the spatio-temporal behaviour of some groups, such as commuters, are captured in sources such as population censuses, much less is known about groups such as retired people who have less documented behaviour patterns. This paper uses agent-based modelling to disaggregate some ambient population data to estimate the size and demographics of the constituent populations during the day. This is accomplished by first building a model of commuters to model typical 9-5 workday patterns. The differences between the model outputs and real footfall data (the error) can be an indication of the contributions that other groups make to the overall footfall. The research then iteratively simulates a wider range of demographic groups, maximising the correspondence between the model and data at each stage. An application of this methodology to the town centre of Otley, West Yorkshire, UK, is presented. Ultimately this approach could lead to a better understanding about how town- and city-centres are used by residents and visitors, contributing useful information in a situation where raw data on the populations do not exist.
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Air pollution is one of the greatest challenges cities are facing today and improving air quality is a pressing need to reduce negative health impacts. In order to efficiently evaluate which are the most appropriate policies to reduce the impact of urban pollution sources (such as road traffic), it is essential to conduct rigorous population exposure assessments. One of the main limitations associated with those studies is the lack of information about population distribution in the city along the day (population dynamics). The pervasive use of mobile devices in our daily lives opens new opportunities to gather large amounts of anonymized and passively collected geolocation data allowing the analysis of population activity and mobility patterns. This study presents a novel methodology to estimate population dynamics from mobile phone data based on a user-centric mobility model approach. The methodology was tested in the city of Madrid (Spain) to evaluate population exposure to NO2. A comparison with traditional census-based methods shows relevant discrepancies at disaggregated levels and highlights the need to incorporate mobility patterns into population exposure assessments.
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The mobility patterns and trip behavior of people are usually extracted from data collected by traditional survey methods. However, these methods are generally costly and difficult to implement, especially in developing cities with limited resources. The massive amounts of call detail record (CDR) data passively generated by ubiquitous mobile phone usage provide researchers with the opportunity to innovate alternative methods that are inexpensive and easier and faster to implement than traditional methods. This paper proposes a method based on proven techniques to extract the origin–destination (OD) trips from the raw CDR data of mobile phone users and process the data to capture the mobility of those users. The proposed method was applied to 3.4 million mobile phone users over a 12-day period in Mozambique, and the data processed to capture the mobility of people living in the Greater Maputo metropolitan area in different time frames (weekdays and weekends). Subsequently, trip generation maps, attraction maps, and the OD matrix of the study area, which are all practically usable for urban and transportation planning, were generated. Furthermore, spatiotemporal interpolation was applied to all OD trips to reconstruct the population distribution in the study area on an average weekday and weekend. Comparison of the results obtained with actual survey results from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) indicate that the proposed method achieves acceptable accuracy. The proposed method and study demonstrate the efficacy of mining big data sources, particularly mobile phone CDR data, to infer the spatiotemporal human mobility of people in a city and understand their flow pattern, which is valuable information for city planning.
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Data preparation is a common task in research, which usually takes the most amount of time in the analytical process. There are typically two types of data transformation: arranging and reshaping data sets (like filtering observations or selecting variables, combining data sets etc.) and recoding and converting variables. Statistical software packages should provide convenient tools to fulfil these tasks. For the R Project for Statistical Computing, packages have been released recently that are known to be part of the tidyverse. Some of those packages focus on the transformation of data sets. Packages with special focus on transformation of variables, which fit into the workflow and design-philosophy of the tidyverse, are missing. sjmisc is a package for the statistical progamming language R, which tries to fill this gap. Basically, this package complements the dplyr package (Wickham et al. 2017) in that sjmisc takes over data transformation tasks on variables, like recoding, dichotomizing or grouping variables, setting and replacing missing values, etc.
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Daytime population density reflects where people commute and spend their waking hours. It carries significant weight as urban planners and engineers site transportation infrastructure and utilities, plan for disaster recovery, and assess urban vitality. Various methods with various drawbacks exist to estimate daytime population density across a metropolitan area, such as using census data, travel diaries, GPS traces, or publicly available payroll data. This study estimates the San Francisco Bay Area's tract-level daytime population density from US Census and LEHD LODES data. Estimated daytime densities are substantially more concentrated than corresponding night-time population densities, reflecting regional land use patterns. We conclude with a discussion of biases, limitations, and implications of this methodology.
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Fine-grained prediction of urban population is of great practical significance in many domains that require temporally and spatially detailed population information. However, fine-grained population modeling has been challenging because the urban population is highly dynamic and its mobility pattern is complex in space and time. In this study, we propose a method to predict the population at a large spatiotemporal scale in a city. This method models the temporal dependency of population by estimating the future inflow population with the current inflow pattern and models the spatial correlation of population using an artificial neural network. With a large dataset of mobile phone locations, the model’s prediction error is low and only increases gradually as the temporal prediction granularity increases, and this model is adaptive to sudden changes in population caused by special events.
The accurate measurement of human activity with high spatial and temporal granularity is crucial for understanding the structure and function of the built environment. With increasing mobile ownership, the Wi-Fi ‘probe requests’ generated by mobile devices can act as a cheap, scalable and real-time source of data for establishing such measures. The two major challenges we face in using these probe requests for estimating human activity are: filtering the noise generated by the uncertain field of measurement and clustering anonymised probe requests generated by the same devices together without compromising the privacy of the users. In this paper, we demonstrate that we can overcome these challenges by using class intervals and a novel graph-based technique for filtering and clustering the probe requests which in turn, enables us to reliably measure real-time pedestrian footfall at retail high streets.