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Constraints on the Abundances of Carbon and Silicon in Mercury's Core From Experiments in the Fe‐Si‐C System

Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets

Abstract and Figures

The composition of a planet's core has important implications for the thermal and magmatic evolution of that planet. Here, we conducted carbon (C) solubility experiments on iron‐silicon (Fe‐Si) metal mixtures (up to 35 wt% [~52 atom%] Si) at 1 GPa and 800–1800°C to determine the carbon concentration at graphite saturation (CCGS) in metallic melt and crystalline metal with varying proportions of Fe and Si to constrain the C content of Mercury's core. Our results, combined with those in the literature, show that composition is the major controlling factor for carbon solubility in Fe‐rich metal with minimal effects from temperature and pressure. Moreover, there is a strong anticorrelation between the abundances of carbon and silicon in iron‐rich metallic systems. Based on the previous estimates of <1–25 wt% Si in Mercury's core, our results indicate that a carbon‐saturated Mercurian core has 0.5–6.4 wt% C, with 6.4 wt% C corresponding to an Si‐free, Fe core and 0.5 wt% C corresponding to an Fe‐rich core with 25 wt% Si. The upper end of estimated FeO abundances in the mantle (up to 2.2 wt%) are consistent with a core that has <1 wt% Si and up to 6.4 wt% C, which would imply that bulk Mercury has a superchondritic Fe/Si ratio. However, the lower end of estimated FeO (≤0.05 wt%) supports CB chondrite‐like bulk compositions of Mercury with core Si abundances in the range of 5–18.5 wt% and C abundances in the range of 0.8–4.0 wt%.
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Constraints on the Abundances of Carbon and
Silicon in Mercury's Core From Experiments
in the FeSiC System
Kathleen E. Vander Kaaden
, Francis M. McCubbin
, Amber A. Turner
and D. Kent Ross
Jacobs, NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX, USA,
NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX, USA,
Department of Geoscience, University of Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV, USA,
University of Texas at El PasoCASSMAR, El
Paso, TX, USA
Abstract The composition of a planet's core has important implications for the thermal and magmatic
evolution of that planet. Here, we conducted carbon (C) solubility experiments on ironsilicon (FeSi)
metal mixtures (up to 35 wt% [~52 atom%] Si) at 1 GPa and 8001800°C to determine the carbon
concentration at graphite saturation (CCGS) in metallic melt and crystalline metal with varying proportions
of Fe and Si to constrain the C content of Mercury's core. Our results, combined with those in the literature,
show that composition is the major controlling factor for carbon solubility in Ferich metal with minimal
effects from temperature and pressure. Moreover, there is a strong anticorrelation between the abundances
of carbon and silicon in ironrich metallic systems. Based on the previous estimates of <125 wt% Si in
Mercury's core, our results indicate that a carbonsaturated Mercurian core has 0.56.4 wt% C, with 6.4 wt%
C corresponding to an Sifree, Fe core and 0.5 wt% C corresponding to an Ferich core with 25 wt% Si. The
upper end of estimated FeO abundances in the mantle (up to 2.2 wt%) are consistent with a core that has
<1 wt% Si and up to 6.4 wt% C, which would imply that bulk Mercury has a superchondritic Fe/Si ratio.
However, the lower end of estimated FeO (0.05 wt%) supports CB chondritelike bulk compositions of
Mercury with core Si abundances in the range of 518.5 wt% and C abundances in the range of 0.84.0 wt%.
Plain Language Summary The composition of a planet's core can provide clues as to how the
planet has changed over time. In this study, we conducted experiments at high pressures and
temperatures to investigate potential carbon and silicon abundances in the core of Mercury. We utilized a
variety of ironsilicon metal mixtures (up to 35 wt% silicon) and graphite capsules in order to examine the
concentration of carbon in metallic melts and crystalline metals at graphite saturation with the intention of
constraining the carbon and silicon content of Mercury's core. Combining the results of this study with those
in the literature, we found that composition is the major controlling factor of carbon solubility in
siliconbearing, ironrich metal, with minimal effects from temperature. More importantly, our results
showed a strong anticorrelation between the abundances of carbon and silicon in ironrich metallic systems.
Since Mercury may have formed in a region of the solar system with less oxygen available, it is likely that
some silicon partitioned into Mercury's core as silicon becomes more siderophile under reducing conditions.
These ndings, when combined with other elemental data, can be used to place constraints on the bulk
composition of Mercury, which could help to constrain its origin.
1. Introduction
Results from the MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry and Ranging (MESSENGER) space-
craft indicate elevated abundances of carbon (C) on the surface of Mercury (Klima et al., 2018; Murchie
et al., 2015; Peplowski et al., 2015, 2016). Recent studies show carbon enrichment as high as 4 wt% over
the local mean in the low reectance materials (LRM) excavated from depth and as much as 2.5 wt% carbon
enrichment in regional deposits associated with the most heavily cratered terrains (Klima et al., 2018).
Furthermore, the XRay Spectrometer on board MESSENGER measured up to 3 wt% sulfur (S) and less than
2 wt% iron (Fe) on Mercury's surface (e.g., Nittler et al., 2011; Vander Kaaden et al., 2017; Weider et al., 2012),
suggesting the planet's oxygen fugacity is between 2.6 and 7.3 log
units below the IronWüstite (IW) buffer
(McCubbin et al., 2012; Zolotov et al., 2013). As discussed by Nittler et al. (2011) and Hauck II et al. (2013),
©2020. American Geophysical Union.
All Rights Reserved.
Key Points:
Composition is the main control of
carbon concentration at graphite
saturation in Ferich metal, with
minimal effects from temperature
and pressure
Mercury requires 27 wt% Si and
0.5 wt% C in its core if it has a bulk
EH chondritic composition
Mercury requires 518.5 wt% Si and
0.84.0 wt% C in its core if it has a
bulk CB chondritic composition
Supporting Information:
Supporting Information S1
Table S1
Table S2
Correspondence to:
K. E. Vander Kaaden,
Vander Kaaden, K. E., McCubbin,
F. M., Turner, A. A., & Ross, D. K.
(2020). Constraints on the abundances
of carbon and silicon in Mercury's core
from experiments in the FeSiC system.
Journal of Geophysical Research:
Planets,125, e2019JE006239. https://
Received 14 OCT 2019
Accepted 20 MAR 2020
Accepted article online 30 APR 2020
under such highly reducing conditions, the majority of the iron available on the planet partitions into the
core, leaving behind a silicate mantle that is highly depleted in FeO, although the magnitude of the depletion
is still an open question. In fact, estimates of the FeO abundance in the mantle range from 1.02.2 wt% on the
basis of measured iron abundances from the surface (McCubbin et al., 2017) and from 0.020.03 wt% on the
basis of melting experiments conducted at an oxygen fugacity of 56 log
units below the IW buffer (Nittler
et al., 2019, and references therein). Even more enigmatic, Mercury also has a large core and thin mantle
compared to the other terrestrial planets in the solar system, with the coremantle boundary at an estimated
pressure (P) of only 47 GPa (e.g., Hauck II et al., 2013). Combined, these constraints have important impli-
cations for the constitution, structure, and thermochemical evolution of Mercury.
One of the implications of Mercury's lowFeO silicate composition is that the density of silicate melts on
Mercury are lower and within a narrower range than other planetary bodies (Agee, 1998; Agee &
Walker, 1993; Bertka & Fei, 1997; Misawa, 2004; Vander Kaaden et al., 2015; Vander Kaaden &
McCubbin, 2015; Warren et al., 1996). In fact, the melt density was sufciently low that graphite would have
been the only buoyant major rockforming mineral in a lowFeO Mercurian magma ocean (Vander Kaaden
& McCubbin, 2015). Given the evidence that coarsegrained graphite was the primary darkening agent in the
LRM (Murchie et al., 2015) and that the pressure of the coremantle boundary on Mercury is below the dia-
mond stability eld, Vander Kaaden and McCubbin (2015) hypothesized that Mercury had a primary ota-
tion crust of graphite. This hypothesis was later supported by Peplowski et al. (2016) who used the
lowaltitude data collected toward the end of the MESSENGER mission to show that carbon is the only mate-
rial that is consistent with both the visible to nearinfrared spectra and the neutron measurements of low
reectance material on Mercury. They also showed that graphite was sourced from depth and likely com-
prised a global layer of graphitic material, consistent with a graphite otation crust. More recently, Klima
et al. (2018) found that the 600nm band depth in LRM deposits is related to carbon content and estimated
enrichments in carbon as high as 4 wt% over the local mean in LRM deposits and an average enrichment of
~2.5 wt% carbon in regions associated with the most heavily cratered terrains on Mercury.
The conrmation of carbon on the surface of Mercury leads to many subsequent questions regarding the role
of carbon during the differentiation and evolution of Mercury. In particular, the presence of a primary gra-
phite otation crust implies that the core was saturated in carbon, at least at the coremantle boundary at the
time of differentiation. Given that the solubility of carbon in silicate melts is negligible at low oxygen fugacity
and low hydrogen fugacity (Ardia et al., 2013; Hirschmann et al., 2012; Li et al., 2015, 2017), the bulk carbon
content of Mercury is dependent, primarily, on the solubility of carbon in the Mercurian core, although the
abundances of hydrogen in the mantle would have exerted some control on the storage capacity of carbon in
the silicate mantle at graphite saturation (Ardia et al., 2013; Hirschmann et al., 2012; Li et al., 2015, 2017;
McCubbin & Barnes, 2019). Given the high bulk density of Mercury and relatively thin silicate mantle,
Mercury is assumed to have a large metallic core that is dominated by iron and likely alloyed with at least
one light element (e.g., Chabot et al., 2014; Chen et al., 2008; Hauck & Johnson, 2019; Malavergne
et al., 2010). Prior to, and with preliminary data from, the MESSENGER mission, sulfur was the main light
element of focus for alloying with iron in Mercury's core (e.g., Hauck II et al., 2007; Riner et al., 2008;
Stevenson et al., 1983). However, with the highly reduced nature of Mercury exposed through
MESSENGER results, the focus shifted to silicon as the likely primary light element in Mercury's core
(e.g., Chabot et al., 2014; Margot et al., 2019). Although the exact composition of Mercury's core is unknown,
purportedly, it lies somewhere between an ironsilicon endmember and a mixture of iron, silicon, and sul-
fur (Margot et al., 2019).
In the present study, we seek to evaluate the implications of a graphite otation crust on the composition of
Mercury's core with a primary focus on the FeSiC system and a secondary focus on the FeNiSCSi system.
Importantly, numerous researchers have examined carbonbearing metallic systems in the past (e.g.,
Bouchard & Bale, 1995; Chabot et al., 2006, 2017; Dasgupta et al., 2013; Dasgupta & Walker, 2008;
Kawanishi et al., 2009; Li et al., 2015, 2016, 2017; Righter & Drake, 2000; Wood, 1993, and references
therein), but they have not focused exclusively on the implications for carbon in the Mercurian core.
Furthermore, many previous studies did not have access to the Field Emission Gun Electron Microprobe
and cold nger attachment used in this study to strengthen the vacuum and minimize carbon contamination
allowing for higher precision carbon measurements in the metallic phases; nor did they report experiments
over a wide range of temperatures (T). Therefore, we supplement existing experimental data with new
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets
experimental data on carbon solubility within ironsilicon metal mixtures
(up to 35 wt% silicon) at 1 GPa and 8001800°C. These experiments were
conducted within graphite capsules to determine the carbon concentra-
tion at graphite saturation (CCGS) in metallic melt and crystalline metal
with varying proportions of iron and silicon. Moreover, carbon abun-
dances in the metals were determined using an analytical method devel-
oped specically for the accurate measurement of carbon within
metallic phases in petrologic experiments (Li et al., 2015). Our experimen-
tal results are combined with previously published data on the
FeNiSCSi system to determine the effects of pressure, temperature, and composition on carbon solubility
in metallic phases at graphite saturation. We use these data to evaluate the implications of a
graphitesaturated core on Mercury to place constraints on the C and Si abundances in Mercury's core over
a range of proposed bulk Mercury compositions. Although we do not have denitive constraints on the bulk
composition of Mercury at this time, our results are used to determine under what conditions Mercury has
chondritic or superchondritic Fe/Si and C/Si ratios when the core is saturated in carbon. Our results are also
used to place broad constraints on the abundances of C and Si in Mercury's core on the basis of the FeSiC
system as well as the FeNiSCSi system.
2. Methods
2.1. Starting Materials
The synthetic starting materials (Table 1) used to investigate CCGS were prepared at the Institute of
Meteoritics, University of New Mexico (UNM), using highpurity Fe and Si metal powders that were hand
mixed in a glass vial for several hours for homogenization. Four different metallic mixtures, each with a dis-
tinct Fe:Si ratio, were produced in order to examine a range of possible Si abundances in the Mercurian core.
The Low Si (5 wt% Si) and Intermediate (Int)High Si (22 wt% Si) compositions were chosen based on the
thermal minima of the liquidus temperatures along the FeSi metallicbinary join (Predel, 1995, and refer-
ences therein). The IntHigh Si composition is also close to the upper limit of Si in a Mercurian core (e.g.,
up to 25 wt% Si; Chabot et al., 2014; Margot et al., 2019). The LowInt Si and High Si compositions were cho-
sen to expand the range of possible core compositions on Mercury to be examined.
2.2. Piston Cylinder Experimental Methods
With the exception of the 1300°C experiments, which were conducted at UNM following the procedures out-
lined in Vander Kaaden and McCubbin (2016), all piston cylinder (PC) CCGS experiments were conducted
in the highpressure laboratory at NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC). Each experiment began by rst pack-
ing one of the SiFe metal mixtures into a graphite capsule using a Teon coated spatula and wooden tamper
to minimize Fe loss due to magnetization with the spatula/tamper. The main difference between the UNM
setup and the JSC setup is the pressure medium used in the experiments. For the CCGS experiments at JSC,
the loaded graphite capsules were placed within barium carbonate (BaCO
) cell pressure media, with crush-
able MgO parts and a graphite furnace. A hardred alumina disk was placed between the top of the thermo-
couple wire and the graphite capsule to ensure no contact during the run that could result in oxidation or
corrosion of the thermocouple wire. Experiments were conducted in a nonendloaded piston cylinder appa-
ratus, calibration given in Appendix A. The temperature and pressure calibration methods for the JSC PC
and the UNM PC were identical (see McCubbin et al., 2015; Vander Kaaden et al., 2015), which lends con-
dence to the direct comparison of our experimental results. A Type C (W5%Re vs. W26%Re) thermocouple
was used to monitor temperature throughout the run and was controlled by either a Love controller or a
Eurotherm 2416 controller throughout the duration of each run. Each experiment was quenched by shutting
off power to the furnace and slowly decompressing the run. Experiments were run at ~1.0 GPa in the tem-
perature range of 8001800°C, with run durations of 824 hr, with the exception of the sole 1800°C experi-
ment that was held for ~1.25 hr.
2.3. Approach to a Steady State
The geometric conguration of our experiments can be used to determine the minimum amount of time
required to reach a steady state. We computed the time it would take for a single atom of carbon to diffuse
from the graphite capsule across the entirety of the experimental charge along the longest dimension of the
Table 1
Composition of the Metal Starting Materials Used in the CCGS Study
Low Si LowInt Si IntHigh Si High Si
Si 5 (9.5) 10 (18.1) 22 (35.9) 35 (51.7)
Fe 95 (90.5) 90 (81.9) 78 (64.1) 65 (48.3)
Total 100 100 100 100
Note. Values are in wt% with atom% listed parenthetically.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets
capsule (typically ~0.25 cm), which is a conservative measurement given that graphite is present on all sides
and hence only half this distance is required. Previous studies have reported a range in diffusion coefcients
for C in Fe metal (Tibbetts, 1980; Wert, 1950). At 1500°C it takes an average of 0.71 hr for C to diffuse across
the longest dimension of the graphite capsule with a maximum time of 1.11 hr, depending on the diffusion
coefcient utilized. At higher temperatures of 1800°C however, it takes, on average, 0.18 hr for C to diffuse
across the longest dimension of the graphite capsule with a maximum of 0.28 hr.
Additionally, a set of time series experiments was conducted on the IntHigh composition at 1 GPa. The time
series consisted of experiments run at 1500°C and held at target pressuretemperature (PT) conditions for 1,
4, 8, and 11 hr to assure the calculated time of 0.75 hr using carbon diffusion coefcients was sufcient for
approaching a steady state in these experiments. The results from the time series experiments are shown in
Figure 1. These data indicate that carbon, iron, and silicon abundances are very similar for the 1hr duration
experiments and the 11hr duration experiments. Therefore, only experiments held for longer than 1 hr were
considered in this study.
2.4. Analysis of CCGS Experiments
All run products were polished using hexagonal boron nitride powder as a lubricant instead of water to
ensure no carbonbearing phases were lost from the experimental charges (Murthy et al., 2003). All phases
within the CCGS experiments were analyzed for Fe, Si, and C using a JEOL 8530F microprobe at NASA's
JSC. For the analysis of C, we adapted existing procedures that have been developed and veried through
comparison with secondary ion mass spectrometry (e.g., Dasgupta & Walker, 2008; Li et al., 2015). Those
techniques were developed at NASA JSC, and sample preparation protocols were specically optimized
for the quantitative analysis of C. We did not coat our samples with carbon or any other conducting material,
so each sample was painted with Pelco® colloidal silver slurry from the capsule to the edge of the 1inch
round epoxy plug to ensure overlap and electrical contact with the sample holder. To minimize charging
Figure 1. CCGS time series on Si
metal at 1 GPa and 1500°C. Symbols correspond to a particular element. Error
bars are the standard deviation of the data points collected for a given element in that experiment.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets
effects during analyses, the edges of the capsule were also surrounded by silver paint. Since each experiment
only contained metal, there was no need to coat the samples in an additional conductive material. All
analyses were collected at 15 keV and 30 nA, and we kept the cold nger on the electron microprobe
lled with liquid N
) throughout the duration of our probe sessions to strengthen the vacuum and
minimize carbon contamination during the residence time within the instrument (Robaut et al., 2006).
Specically, the cold nger was lled with LN
prior to the beginning of each session (causing the
vacuum to initially increase), allowed to cool for approximately 1 hr while the vacuum on the microprobe
strengthened to optimal operating conditions (9E
Pa), and then relled periodically throughout each
analytical session. The use of the cold nger signicantly diminishes ambient carbon contamination
during electron probe analysis. For example, analysis done in this laboratory at a single location to
measure C in Fe metal showed an increase in C concentrations of <0.8 wt% after 600 s when the cold
nger was in use but >3 wt% after 600 s when the cold nger was not in use.
Si, Fe, and C were analyzed in each experiment. Si (Simetal standard) and Fe (Fe metal standard) were ana-
lyzed using the TAP and LIFH crystals, respectively. C was analyzed using the LDE2 synthetic multilayer
crystal and was standardized using a synthetic cohenite (Fe
C) synthesized at 1 GPa, 1162°C, for 339 hr in
the piston cylinder apparatus at JSC (Righter et al., 2017). An additional check on the C standardization
was provided by a synthetic moissanite (SiC) (Figure 2d) that was synthesized at 1 GPa, 1800°C, for
~40 min in the piston cylinder apparatus at JSC. The crystal structure and composition of the synthetic cohe-
nite and moissanite standards were veried by selected area electron diffraction utilizing a JEOL 2500SE
eld emission scanning transmission electron microscope at JSC under the direction of Dr. Lindsay
Keller. Owing to the wide Xray peaks on the LDE2 crystal during Electron Probe MicroAnalysis (EPMA),
as well as an interference between the backgrounds of C and Si, an optimal background was chosen to
Figure 2. Backscattered electron images of experimental run products (a) CSM1121 (1 GPa, 800°C, Si
metal), (b)
CSM1003 (1 GPa, 1700°C, Si
metal), (c) CS3 (1 GPa, 1300°C, Si
metal), and (d) SiC standard used in EPMA
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets
ensure this overlap was avoided. Peak and background counts for major elements were 30 and 15 s,
respectively, and peak and background counts for carbon were 60 and 30 s, respectively. Error for each
element in each analysis is reported in Table 2 as the standard deviation of a given element from n
analyses. All data were corrected using the phirhoz correction method, which is ideal when analyzing
light elements (Merlet, 1994).
3. Results
3.1. HighTemperature (13001800°C) Experiments
Each CCGS experiment conducted at or above 1300°C resulted in a single liquid at run conditions that dis-
played a variety of textures when quenched to a solid (Figures 2a2c). This liquid metal was a single phase at
the PTconditions of our runs and typically quenched to a dendritic texture of SiFerich, Cpoor dendrites
surrounded by Crich, FeSi interstitial phases. Although present throughout the experimental charge,
higher concentrations of dendrites are typically found near the edges of the capsules or around graphite
grains suggesting they are nucleating on the available solid surfaces. In the experiments containing
22 wt% Si, the interstitial phases were typically too small to accurately analyze using EPMA. In some
experimental charges, vermicular intergrowths of graphite in metal were also present. These textures are
similar to superliquidus metals produced by Zhang et al. (2018) when quenched to room temperature.
In order to fully characterize each experimental charge, we analyzed the samples using both broad beam
analyses (~1520 μm) representative of the melt composition at high PTconditions and spot analyses
(~15μm) on the dendrites and surrounding regions (see supporting information). For all discussions of
composition moving forward, only the broad beam analyses are considered. For the hightemperature
experiments, the broad beam analyses show a range in C abundances from 0.64.5 wt% (Table 2;
Figure 3). Broad beam analyses for the highTexperiments, representative of the average interstitial compo-
sition at the experimental PTconditions, incorporating both quenched melt and dendritic phases, con-
tained ~4.522.4 wt% Si and ~79.292.8 wt% Fe, indicative of the wide range in starting compositions that
were used in this study (Table 1).
Table 2
EPMA Data for All Broad Beam (~1520 μm) Analyses on the CCGS Experiments (wt%)
Exp #
Nominal mix
composition (wt%)
Hold time
time2 (hr) n Si (wt%) Std C (wt%) Std Fe (wt%) Std Total (wt%) Std
CS3 Si5Fe95 1300 24 23 4.58 0.4 4.5 0.5 92.09 0.6 101.2 0.6
CSM982 Si5Fe95 1500 8 16 5.07 0.1 3.5 0.3 92.50 0.3 101.1 0.2
CSM983 Si5Fe95 1600 8 11 4.79 0.1 3.5 0.4 92.31 0.8 100.6 1.0
CSM993 Si5Fe95 1700 8 15 5.24 0.4 3.6 0.8 91.91 0.9 100.8 1.0
CSM997 Si5Fe95 1800 1.25 13 9.16 0.3 2.5 0.3 89.44 0.6 101.1 0.4
CSM1120 Si5Fe95 1500 0.25 800 9 10 4.96 0.4 1.6 0.4 94.23 1.3 100.8 1.1
CSM1123 Si5Fe95 1500 0.25 900 9 15 5.05 0.9 1.7 1.0 94.00 1.0 100.7 1.1
CS4 Si10Fe90 1300 24 20 9.87 0.3 2.4 0.2 89.45 0.2 101.7 0.2
CSM998 Si10Fe90 1500 8 11 4.46 0.4 3.4 0.5 92.83 0.7 100.7 0.3
CSM1002 Si10Fe90 1600 8 14 9.95 0.7 2.3 0.4 88.79 0.4 101.0 0.4
CSM1003 Si10Fe90 1700 8 13 9.32 0.5 2.4 0.3 87.86 0.3 99.6 0.6
CSM1121 Si10Fe90 1500 0.25 800 9 6 8.86 0.6 0.4 0.03 91.82 1.2 101.1 0.9
CSM1129 Si10Fe90 1500 0.25 900 9 21 8.10 0.6 0.6 1.2 91.75 1.5 100.5 1.0
CS5 Si22Fe78 1300 24 16 20.42 0.5 0.9 0.1 81.07 0.5 102.4 0.4
CSM984 Si22Fe78 1500 8 14 18.43 0.1 1.0 0.1 79.28 0.3 98.7 0.3
CSM996 Si22Fe78 1600 8 12 19.02 1.1 1.0 0.1 80.40 1.0 100.4 1.1
CSM995 Si22Fe78 1700 8 11 15.18 1.2 1.3 0.2 83.49 0.4 99.9 1.3
CSM1004 Si22Fe78 1500 4 13 19.57 0.4 1.1 0.2 79.17 1.1 99.8 1.3
CSM1005 Si22Fe78 1500 1 6 18.60 0.4 1.3 0.1 79.76 1.3 99.7 1.2
CSM1019 Si22Fe78 1500 11 6 17.47 0.4 1.5 0.5 80.81 1.5 99.8 1.3
CSM1122 Si22Fe78 1500 0.25 800 9 14 15.82 1.7 0.4 0.1 84.02 2.1 100.3 1.0
CSM1133 Si22Fe78 1500 0.25 900 9 13 18.55 1.8 0.5 0.04 81.93 2.0 100.9 0.7
CS2 Si35Fe65 1300 24 16 22.37 1.3 0.6 0.1 79.94 1.3 102.9 0.3
Note. Std = standard deviation; n = number of analyses included in average
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets
3.2. LowTemperature (800900°C) Experiments
Each CCGS experiment with a dwell temperature at or below 900°C
resulted in a single solid metal phase. The broad beam analyses for the
lowtemperature experiments, representative of the average composition
at the experimental PTconditions, contained ~5.018.6 wt% Si and
~84.094.2 wt% Fe, again indicative of the wide range in starting composi-
tions that were used in this study (Table 1). These broad beam analyses of
the lower temperature experiments show a range in C abundances from
0.41.7 wt% (Table 2; Figure 3).
4. Discussion
4.1. Compositional Effects on C Solubility in FeRich
Metallic Phases
4.1.1. Effect of Carbon on Melting in the IronSilicon System
at 1 GPa
The addition of C into the FeSi system lowers the melting temperature of
the system (Ahn et al., 2014). Based on the Cfree 1bar FeSi phase dia-
gram, the runs at 1300°C in a Si
and Si
mixture are subsolidus
(Hansen, 1958). However, the quenched dendritic texture in these runs
(Figure 2a2c) indicate these compositions were liquid at the PTcondi-
tions of the experiments. Given that our experiments were at 1 GPa, this
observation indicates that the addition of C into the FeSi system depresses the melting temperature such
that it outcompetes the effect of pressure to raise the melting temperature, indicating that C has a strong
effect on liquidus depression in the FeSiC system at the conditions of core formation in celestial bodies
(e.g., Greiner et al., 1933; Hansen, 1958). This observation has important implications for the thermochemi-
cal evolution of Mercury's core, in particular the ratio of crystalline metal to molten metal over the
planet's history.
4.1.2. Distribution of Carbon Between Quenched Metallic Melt and
Crystalline Metallic Alloys
The experiments that were quenched directly from a superliquidus state
(i.e., experiments run at 1300°C) have more carbon than the experi-
ments that were held under subsolidus conditions before quenching
(i.e., experiments run at 800900°C; Figure 3). These results are consistent
with previous studies on the partitioning of C between metallic melt and
crystalline metal (e.g, Chabot et al., 2017; Greiner et al., 1933;
Hansen, 1958, and references therein) and indicate that the solidliquid
metal ratio in the Mercurian core will likely play an important role in
its capacity to store C.
4.1.3. Solubility of Silicon and Carbon in IronRich Metallic Phases
There is a clear and consistent trend (Figure 35) that indicates an antic-
orrelation between Si abundance and C abundance in Ferich metallic
melt and crystalline Ferich metal alloys, an effect that has also been
observed and/or predicted in numerous other studies (e.g., Ahn et al., 2014;
Bouchard & Bale, 1995; Kawanishi et al., 2009; Li et al., 2015, 2016;
Shürmann & Kramer, 1969; Wade & Wood, 2005). Although evidenced
across the entire data set, this is much clearer when examining only the
experiments that contained a molten metallic phase at the time of quench
(Figure 35) rather than those that were subsolidus at the time of quench.
Given these results, under reducing conditions, where Si exhibits more
siderophile behavior and hence partitions into a metallic phase (e.g.,
Chabot et al., 2014), one should expect lower amounts of carbon to be pre-
sent than in a similarly Sipoor, Ferich metallic phase. This result is simi-
lar to a study by Chen et al. (2015) who examined C solubility in a molten
Figure 3. CFeSi (molar) ternary. The color of the symbol corresponds to
temperature. All data (see Table 2) analyzed using a broad beam (~15
20 μm).
Figure 4. Plot of mol% carbon versus mol% Si in the FeSiC system at 0
1 GPa to examine the effects of composition and temperature on CCGS.
All data on experiments quenched from a superliquidus state in the present
study (i.e., experiments run at 13001800°C) are included along with error
bars that represent 1σstandard deviations on the mean value from replicate
analyses of each experiment. Diamond symbols represent experimental
data at 0 GPa in the FeSiC system from Shürmann and Kramer (1969).
Solid black lines represent computed solubilities of C in molten metallic
FeSi at 0 GPa and 1800°C as well as at 1300°C based on the model of Wade
and Wood (2005).
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets
FeNiSi alloy for steel making purposes and found lower C contents with
higher Si contents. Although we did not have silicates present in our
experiments, we reexamined the metal present in some graphitesaturated
experiments from Vander Kaaden and McCubbin (2016). These experi-
ments had pure Simetal as one of the main starting materials in order
to reduce the oxygen fugacity of the experimental charges to
Mercurianlike conditions. EPMA analyses of these metals yielded unde-
tectable amounts of carbon, consistent with the results from this study.
The combination of our experimental results with those in the literature
shows that bulk composition has a substantial effect on CCGS in metallic
4.1.4. Solubility of Carbon in IronRich Planetary Cores
As described in Table 1, our experiments were conducted on a simplied
system, similar to that used in Knibbe and van Westrenen (2018) to model
the thermal evolution of Mercury's core. Specically, we used the FeSiC
system to evaluate the effect of temperature and Si on CCGS in Ferich
metals and metallic melts. However, in nature, one would expect a more
chemically complex core with substantial amounts of Ni (i.e., several wt
%) and potentially low amounts of S. Dasgupta et al. (2013) investigated
Ferich Nibearing metallic melts at similar pressures to the experiments
in this study (i.e., 1 and 3 GPa) under lower oxygen fugacities than those
typical for the Earth and Mars (i.e., ~IW1.5 to IW1.9). Their 1600°C data
showed that at these pressures and oxygen fugacities, C solubility in
Ferich metallic melts decreases with increasing Ni content, the same gen-
eral trend that is seen for Si in the present study. This observation is
further supported by Kim et al. (2014) who examined the solubility of carbon in liquid Fe that also contained
vanadium, molybdenum, and nickel. Kim et al. (2014) also showed that carbon solubility decreases with
increasing Ni content. Contrary to these results, Malavergne et al. (2014) conducted experiments at 1 GPa
from 13002000°C on an enstatite chondritelike composition and showed increasing carbon contents with
increasing Ni contents within the metallic phases of their experiments. However, these metals also con-
tained S, Pd, Mo, Cr, and V along with being Fedominated. The experimental results from Malavergne
et al. (2014) support a decrease in C content (2.8 to 0.1 wt%) with increasing Si (6.04 to 23.66 wt%) in the
metal phases, complimentary to the results in this study. Zhang et al. (2018, and references therein) showed
a similar effect in the FeNiS system conducted from 27 GPa and 12001600°C. These observations coupled
with our own indicate that there are likely structural controls on the incorporation of C in metallic melts that
are consistent with a paucity of bonds between C and nonFe metallic melt components (Elardo &
Shahar, 2017; HumeRothery, 1966). Although this is not a surprising result for Si given the high melting
temperatures in the SiC system (Hansen, 1958), C is fairly soluble in Ni metallic melts at low pressure with
a similar solubility as that exhibited in the FeC system for a given temperature (Hansen, 1958). Nonetheless,
the results of our study and previous studies on the solubility of C in metallic melts indicates that C solubility
decreases with increasing substituents (of any element) for Fe in the metallic melt of planetary cores.
4.2. Temperature Effects on Carbon Solubility in IronSilicon Metallic Phases
The solubility of C in molten metallic Fe increases as a function of increasing temperature by approximately
1 wt% C every 200°C over the range of 13002400°C at 0 GPa (e.g., Kawanishi et al., 2009; Wade &
Wood, 2005). At 2 GPa, an increase of ~1 wt% C in molten metallic Fe occurs every 250°C over the range
of 20002410°C (e.g., Dasgupta & Walker, 2008), indicating that the effect of temperature on C solubility
is subdued at higher pressure in the FeC system. In contrast, previous experimental studies have reported
an increase in C solubility in molten metallic FeSi alloy of ~1 wt% C every 390°C over the range of
1300°C to 1800°C at 0 GPa (Bouchard & Bale, 1995; Kawanishi et al., 2009; Shürmann & Kramer, 1969;
Wade & Wood, 2005), indicating that the effect of temperature on C solubility is diminished in the
FeSiC system compared to the FeC system. Furthermore, the temperature effect on C solubility dimin-
ished with increasing Si abundance in the alloy from an increase of 1 wt% C every 380°C at 10 mol% Si to
1 wt% C every 410°C at 30 mol% Si over the range of 1300°C to 1800°C at 0 GPa (Kawanishi et al., 2009;
Figure 5. Plot of mol% carbon versus mol% Si in the FeNiPSiSC system
at 15001600°C to examine the effects of composition and pressure on
CCGS. Only data on experiments quenched from a superliquidus state at
15001600°C from the present study are shown along with error bars that
represent 1σstandard deviations on the mean value from replicate analyses
of each experiment. Diamond symbols represent experimental data at
0 GPa in the FeSiC system from Shürmann and Kramer (1969) and data
from the FePSiC system from Bouchard and Bale (1995). Square symbols
represent experimental data at 3 GPa from Li et al. (2015), and the error
bars on the square symbols are based on the errors reported by Li
et al. (2015).
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets
Shürmann & Kramer, 1969; Wade & Wood, 2005). Although the overall trends on the effect of temperature
on C solubility in molten FeSi alloys are in agreement among previous studies at 0 GPa, the CCGS in FeSi
alloys as a function of temperature and composition were not always in agreement (Ahn et al., 2014;
Figure 4). Our superliquidus experiments span a temperature range of 13001800°C at a pressure of
1 GPa, and we did not detect a measurable temperature dependence on the solubility of C in molten metallic
FeSi alloy (Figures 34). Both the Fe:Si ratio of our system and the temperature range of our experiments
encompass the range of temperaturecomposition conditions of the previous studies pertaining to 0 GPa
(Bouchard & Bale, 1995; Kawanishi et al., 2009; Shürmann & Kramer, 1969; Wade & Wood, 2005).
Consequently, we infer that either the temperature effect on C solubility was overestimated in previous stu-
dies or pressure diminishes the positive temperature dependence on C solubility in molten FeSi alloys. In
support of the latter point, experimental data support minimal temperature dependence on C solubility in
the FeSiSC system between 9201700°C and 3.520 GPa (Deng et al., 2013). Although temperature likely
exerts some control over the C solubility of SiFe bearing metals, composition plays a more substantial role
than temperature.
4.3. Pressure Effects on Carbon Solubility in IronSilicon Metallic Phases
Previous studies that report the effect of pressure on the solubility of C in molten metallic Fe do not agree
and indicate either a slight increase in C solubility with pressure (Dasgupta et al., 2013; Siebert et al., 2011;
Wood, 1993) or a slight decrease in C solubility as a function of pressure (Dasgupta & Walker, 2008;
Nakajima et al., 2009). Previous studies on the ternary FeSiC system have been evaluated at 0 GPa, which
we compare to our experiments conducted at 1 GPa to assess for a pressure effect on C solubility in molten
FeSi alloys. However, given the disparities among the various 0 GPa data regarding the effect of temperature
on C solubility in FeSi alloys (Ahn et al., 2014; Bouchard & Bale, 1995; Kawanishi et al., 2009; Shürmann &
Kramer, 1969; Wade & Wood, 2005) coupled with the near absence of a temperature effect in our 1 GPa
experiments (Figure 4), we cannot begin to assess for any isothermal pressure effect on C solubility in molten
FeSi alloys. As noted in section 4.2, one possible explanation for our observation of no detectable effect of
temperature on C solubility in molten FeSi alloys is that pressure causes a reduction in the intensity of
the temperature effect on C solubility, which was noted previously in the FeC system (Dasgupta
& Walker, 2008).
Additional data on CCGS for more complex Sibearing metallic systems are available over a range of pres-
sures from 03 GPa over a narrow temperature range of 15001600°C (Bouchard & Bale, 1995; Dasgupta
& Walker, 2008; Li et al., 2015; Shürmann & Kramer, 1969), the data from which are compiled along with
our 1 GPa data over the same range of temperature (Figure 5). These systems represent a wide range of ele-
ments that may comprise planetary cores, including Fe, Ni, Si, P, S, and C. Over the range of 03 GPa, we
observe a slight positive pressure dependence on C solubility in multicomponent Ferich, Sibearing molten
alloys with up to ~10 mol% Si (Figure 5); however, the limited data for systems with more than 10 mol% Si do
not exhibit a discernable pressure effect up to 3 GPa (Figure 5). The effects of pressure and temperature are
both subordinate to the effect of alloy composition on CCGS, particularly the abundance of Si.
4.4. Constraints on the Carbon and Silicon Content of Mercury's Core
We do not currently know the bulk carbon content of Mercury nor the bulk composition of its core. However,
we can use several observations to place constraints on these unknowns using data from this study as well as
from previous studies. The presence of a graphite otation crust on Mercury (Vander Kaaden &
McCubbin, 2015) would likely require that Mercury's core is saturated in carbon (at least at the
coremantle boundary). Furthermore, the surface composition measured by the MESSENGER spacecraft
indicates that the planet formed under highly reducing conditions (McCubbin et al., 2012; McCubbin
et al., 2017; Zolotov et al., 2013). The geochemical behavior of elements under these highly reducing condi-
tions will differ from what is observed under more oxidizing conditions, like Earth (Vander Kaaden &
McCubbin, 2016). At conditions as reducing as IW3toIW7, Si is expected to be a minor or major component
of the core of the planet in the range of <125 wt% (Chabot et al., 2014; Hauck II et al., 2013; Margot
et al., 2019; Nittler et al., 2019). Based on the experimental results in the present study, the more Si that parti-
tions into an Ferich planetary core, the less carbon that can be stored in that core. Over this range of Si abun-
dances in the core of Mercury, our results indicate that the carbon content of Mercury's core is in the range of
approximately 0.56.4 wt% C, based on a solid inner core radius of 960 ± 430 km (Genova et al., 2019), a core
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets
radius of ~2,024 km (Margot et al., 2019), and the presumption that pressure and temperature have minimal
effects on C solubility in the Mercurian core, which is supported by literature data, possibly up to 20 GPa
(Bouchard & Bale, 1995; Dasgupta & Walker, 2008; Deng et al., 2013; Li et al., 2015; Shürmann &
Kramer, 1969; Figure 5). Considering the estimated mass fraction of Mercury that is composed of the core
(i.e., 0.712 to 0.775, computed based on the range of core density from 6,7007,260 kg/m
, range of mantle
density from 2,8003,600 kg/m
, the planet radius of ~2,440 km, and the core radius of ~2,024 km; Margot
et al., 2019), this range in C abundance would require that the bulk planet has 0.35.0 wt% C without
including any contributions from a graphite otation crust. However, the solidliquid ratio in the core will
have an effect on this estimate. Specically, the carbon content of the bulk core at carbon saturation,
hence the minimum bulk planet C abundances, would decrease with increasing solidliquid ratios. Our
results indicate the C saturation values in the core would be lower by a factor of 24 for a fully solidied core.
To further assess the rationality of the estimated range of carbon contents in a carbonsaturated Mercurian
core, we use the carbon contents of various chondrite meteorite groups, thought to represent planetary
building blocks (Lodders & Fegley, 1998), to estimate whether Mercury would need superchondritic or sub-
chondritic abundances of carbon to be Csaturated. In particular, we compute the Si abundance that would
be required in an Ferich metallic melt to saturate the core in carbon assuming bulk Mercury has a chondri-
tic abundance of C. For these computations, we include CI chondrites, which best approximate the compo-
sition of the solar photosphere, as well as enstatite chondrites and CB meteorites given their broad
geochemical similarities with presentday Mercury (Brown & ElkinsTanton, 2009; Nittler et al., 2019;
Taylor & Scott, 2004).
CI chondrites have an average of 3.45 wt% C (Lodders & Fegley, 1998), but they span a range of 25 wt% C
(Grady & Wright, 2003). If we assume the bulk C abundance in Mercury is equivalent to that of average CI
chondrites, based on the mass ratio of 0.7120.775 for the core of Mercury relative to the total mass of
Figure 6. Bulk C/Si (wt.) versus bulk Fe/Si (wt.) for Earth, Mars, Mercury, and numerous chondrite types. The Mercury
range was computed based on (1) the estimated range in mass fraction of core to bulk planet Mercury (i.e., 0.7120.775;
computed from data in Margot et al., 2019), (2) the mass ratio of liquid core to solid core (0.6580.983; computed from
data in Margot et al., 2019 and Genova et al., 2019), (3) our experimental results on the C solubility in molten FeSi
metal and solid FeSi metal with C solubility in Sifree molten metallic Fe set at 6.5 wt% based on data in Dasgupta and
Walker (2008), (4) an average mantle Si abundance of 25 wt% (after Chabot et al. 2013; Nittler et al., 2019) and an average
mantle Fe abundance of 0.021.5 wt% (McCubbin et al., 2017; Nittler et al., 2019), and (5) an Fe/Ni mass ratio in the core
of 17 (Lodders & Fegley, 1998). The dashed line represents the dividing line between nonCB chondritic and
superchondritic and/or CBlike Fe/Si ratios. The core Si abundance at the minimum nonCB chondritic Fe/Si ratio for
bulk Mercury is indicated at 27 wt% Si, and the range in CB chondritic Fe/Si ratios that are allowable for Mercury
are also indicated in the range of 518.5 wt% Si. Data for C, Si, and Fe in bulk Earth, Mars, and nonCB chondrites are
from Grady and Wright (2003) and Lodders and Fegley (1998). Data from CB chondrites are from Ivanova et al. (2008),
Lauretta et al. (2009), Rubin et al. (2003), and Weisberg et al. (1990).
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets
Mercury, at least 0.33 wt% Si would be needed in the core in order to be saturated in C and have chon-
dritic to subchondritic abundances of C. This model represents a lower limit on the bulk Si content of
Mercury's core, given that the Earth is depleted in C relative to CI chondrite by a factor of 47
(McDonough, 2003), and any planetary depletion in C relative to CI would require higher Si abundances
in the core for the core to be saturated in C. However, carbon becomes less volatile under highly redu-
cing conditions owing to the expansion of the graphite stability eld and the stability elds of various
carbides (e.g., Wood, 1993), so Mercury could have been more efcient at retaining C than the Earth.
In contrast, the Fe/Si ratio of CI chondrite only matches the bulk composition of Mercury at core Si
abundances in the range of 2931 wt% Si (Figure 6), which is above the previous upper estimates of
the Si content of Mercury's core based on thermal, density, moment of inertia, and experimental con-
straints (e.g., Chabot et al., 2014; Hauck II et al., 2013).
If Mercury were composed of CB chondrite building blocks, which has been proposed given their reduced
nature and elevated metal abundances (Brown & ElkinsTanton, 2009; Taylor & Scott, 2004), and the carbon
contents of these meteorites represented the bulk C of Mercury (0.351.21 wt% C; Grady & Wright, 2003), it
would require 1728 wt% Si in the core of Mercury to saturate the core in C. However, the upper end of this
range is higher than the highest estimates on the Si content of Mercury's core based on thermal, density,
moment of inertia, and experimental constraints (e.g., Chabot et al., 2014; Hauck II et al., 2013).
Interestingly, the estimated bulk Fe, Si, and C abundances of Mercury match CB chondritic proportions
at Si abundances in the core ranging from 518.5 wt% (Figure 6). These Si abundances correspond to carbon
abundances in the core of 0.84.0 wt% C (Figure 6).
Finally, if Mercury were composed of EH and EL chondrite building blocks, which has been proposed
given their highly reduced nature and chemical similarities to Mercury (e.g., Wasson, 1988), and the car-
bon contents of these meteorites represent the bulk C of Mercury (0.150.7 wt% C; Grady &
Wright, 2003), it would require ~16.536 wt% Si in the core of Mercury to saturate the core in C.
However, similar to the CB scenario, much of this range is above the previous upper estimates of the
Si content of Mercury's core based on thermal, density, moment of inertia, and experimental constraints
(e.g., Chabot et al., 2014; Hauck II et al., 2013). Furthermore, the estimated bulk Fe, Si, and C abun-
dances of Mercury match EH and EL chondritic proportions at Si abundances in the core ranging from
2729 wt% and 3638 wt%, respectively (Figure 6). These Si abundances correspond to carbon abun-
dances in the core of 0.30.5 and ~0.20 wt%, respectively (Figure 6).
The previous chondritic models provide some constraints on the Si abundance of a carbonsaturated
Mercurian core, and these models indicate that at least 0.3 wt% Si is needed in the Mercurian core if
it is saturated in carbon and the bulk planet has chondriticsubchondritic abundances of C. However,
much higher abundances of Si, in the range of 2739 wt% Si, are needed in the core of Mercury to main-
tain a nonCB chondritic bulk planet Fe/Si ratio (Figure 6), and a range of 518.5 wt% Si is permitted in
the core for a CB chondritic Fe/Si ratio (Figure 6). These elevated abundances of Si in the core seem dif-
cult to reconcile with estimates of a bulk silicate portion of Mercury that has 0.942.19 wt% FeO
(McCubbin et al., 2017; Vander Kaaden et al., 2017), indicating that either the FeO abundances in
Mercury's mantle are overestimated (cf., Nittler et al., 2019) or the bulk composition of Mercury has a
superchondritic Fe/Si ratio. A superchondritic Fe/Si ratio of Mercury could be consistent with a giant
impact model for Mercury (Benz et al., 1988), which would have enriched bulk Mercury in siderophile
elements relative to chondrite.
With respect to the estimated abundances of carbon in Mercury's core, the chondritic models all assume
a simplied core composition in the FeNiSiC system with a chondritic Fe/Ni ratio of 17 (Lodders &
Fegley, 1998); however, the core of Mercury is likely to have additional major or minor components,
in particular, S. Previous studies have demonstrated that the addition of S and Ni to the FeSiC system
will further diminish the solubility of C (Dasgupta et al., 2013; Kim et al., 2014; Li et al., 2015; Zhang
et al., 2018). Furthermore, we do not have sufcient evidence to rule out the possibility that Mercury
has a superchondritic abundance of C, which could have been attained contemporaneously with a super-
chondritic Fe/Si resulting from a giant impact. The possible attainment of both superchondritic Fe/Si and
C abundance is supported by C partitioning relationships between silicate melt and Ferich metal (e.g.,
Dasgupta et al., 2013; Li et al., 2015, 2017). Additional experiments in the FeNiSCSi system under
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets
Mercurian conditions will be valuable in further constraining the composition, physical properties, and
thermal history of Mercury's core.
4.5. Assessment of Mercury's Core Composition
Our experiments did not include Ni, and our calculations in section 4.4 did not take into account S; however,
some constraints can be placed on these elements based on previous studies. For the computations in
section 4.4, we assume that Mercury has a chondritic bulk composition with respect to the Fe/Ni abundance
ratio of Mercury's core. The Fe/Ni ratio is likely to be chondritic given that Fe and Ni are both highly side-
rophile at the low oxygen fugacity under which the planet differentiated, which is orders of magnitude below
both the IW and nickelnickel oxide (NNO) buffers. Consequently, we infer that Mercury's core has an Fe/Ni
weight ratio of 17 (Lodders & Fegley, 1998). Li et al. (2015) showed that the addition of S in an Ferich metal
alloy does not have a considerable effect on carbon solubility in the alloy melt, although Zhang et al. (2018,
and references therein) showed that C solubility diminishes with increasing S content, similar to the results
of Bouchard and Bale (1995). Furthermore, Chabot et al. (2014) showed that even up to 5 wt% S in the core of
Mercury allows for more than 8 wt% Si in the metal. Therefore, given the solubility relationships in metal
between FeNiSCSi and the presence of a graphite otation crust on Mercury, we suggest the core of
Mercury is likely composed of FeNi in chondritic proportions and some combination of SSiC in lower
abundances (5 wt% each for S and C and up to 25 wt% Si). The Si content of the core remains the least con-
strained in the presumed FeNiSCSi system. The upper end of estimated FeO abundances in the mantle of
Mercury are 1.02.2 wt% FeO, which is consistent with a core that has <1 wt% Si and would imply that bulk
Mercury has a superchondritic Fe/Si ratio. In contrast, the core requires 27 wt% Si to have a nonCB chon-
dritic Fe/Si ratio and 518.5 wt% Si for a CB chondritic Fe/Si ratio. These Si abundances are consistent with a
Mercurian mantle with 0.1 wt% FeO, consistent with bulk mantle FeO abundances estimated by Nittler
et al. (2019). Whether or not Mercury has a chondritic or superchondritic Fe/Si ratio has potentially impor-
tant implications for the origin of Mercury, specically the building block materials for the planet and
whether or not a portion of the mantle was removed by impact. Given the relatively circular orbit of the
spacecraft and higher resolution of data from the southern hemisphere of the planet, additional constraints
on the C and Si abundance in Mercury from the BepiColombo spacecraft may allow tighter constraints to be
placed on these values in the future (Benkhoff et al., 2010).
5. Conclusion
The current study aimed to examine the role of C in the Mercurian core. Our experimental results, combined
with additional experiments on C solubility in Ferich metallic systems from the literature, suggest the core
of Mercury is likely composed of FeNi in chondritic proportions with minor abundances of C and S. Si abun-
dances are largely unconstrained but likely in the range of <125 wt%. The evidence of a graphite otation
crust on Mercury (e.g., Klima et al., 2018; Murchie et al., 2015; Peplowski et al., 2016; Vander Kaaden &
McCubbin, 2015) implies that the core is saturated in C, with estimated abundances around 0.40.5 wt%
C and 27 wt% Si for a core with EH chondrite Fe/Si and C/Si (Figure 6) or 0.84.0 wt% C and 518.5 wt%
Si for a core with CB chondrite Fe/Si and C/Si (Figure 6). In contrast, our data indicate that a Sifree core
yields a superchondritic bulk Mercury Fe/Si and a maximum C abundance in the core of 6.4 wt% C for an
entirely molten Fe core. The highly reducing nature of Mercury as well as its enrichment in volatiles
(Evans et al., 2015; Nittler et al., 2011; Peplowski et al., 2011) has led to an extremely complex and exotic
thermal and magmatic evolution, with a wide array of possible light elements in its core. Understanding
the abundances and distributions of all volatiles present on Mercury is imperative to unlocking its origin
and geologic history.
Appendix A: Piston Cylinder Pressure Calibration
Given the changes that have been made to our 13 mm press since the calibration of Filiberto et al. (2008), an
updated calibration is presented here. Pressure calibration of the barium carbonate cell assembly was con-
ducted using the melting point of optical grade sodium chloride (NaCl) (Clark, 1959; Pistorius, 1966) pur-
chased from Alfa Aesar. The NaCl was ground to a negrained powder and kept in an oven at ~100°C
until the time of each experiment. The melting Tof NaCl was bracketed using a variation of the falling
sphere method. The bulk of the molybdenum capsule was rst lled with natural NaCl (ρ2.16 g/cm
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets
powder. On top of this, two Fo
(ρ3.31 g/cm
) spheres, a few hundreds of microns in diameter, were
placed with careful precision so they were in the center of the capsule and not touching the capsule walls.
The remainder of the capsule was then lled with a thin layer of ground NaCl powder to make sure the
spheres were not touching the molybdenum lid. An experimental assembly identical to those described in
the section 2.2 of this manuscript was employed. For each experiment, the temperature was initially
raised to 800°C at 300°C/min, then to 50°C below the target temperature at 100°C/min, and nally to the
target temperature at 50°C/min. Once at target PT conditions, each experiment was held for ~15 min.
Experiments were quenched at ~60°C/s. Cross sections of the quenched capsules were polished dry using
boron nitride powder as a lubricant. If the spheres were still at the top of the cell assembly after quench,
the NaCl was assumed not to have melted. If the spheres were at the bottom of the assembly at the end of
the experiment, the NaCl was assumed to have melted. The updated calibration is given in Figure A1.
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Figure A1. Updated calibration for the 13 mm piston cylinder (Q) at JSC constructed using the melting point of NaCl.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets
All data used in this manuscript,
including individual EPMA analyses
and BSE images of run products, are
publicly available in Harvard Dataverse
( at https://doi.
org/10.7910/DVN/KAURFB). The
manuscript itself will be made publicly
available at NASA PubSpace (https://
nasa/). The authors thank Lisa
Danielson, Kellye Pando, and Jenny
Rapp for helpful discussions and
assisting in laboratory procedures as
well as Megan Mouser and Justin
Reppart for helping with calibration of
the piston cylinder. We thank Ian
Szumila, Zia Rahman, and Lindsay
Keller for helping with synthesizing
and characterizing the SiC standard.
We also thank the MESSENGER
Science Team, with special thanks to
the MESSENGER Geochemistry
Discipline Group, specically Nancy
Chabot, for fruitful discussions
regarding the interpretation of
MESSENGER data and run products.
The authors are appreciative of
numerous anonymous reviewers for
their helpful comments and suggestions
on previous versions of this manuscript
as well as the efforts of the Editors for
their review and handling of this
manuscript. Support for this research
was provided in part by NASA's
planetary science research program as
well as by NASA's Solar System
Workings Program. This work was also
supported by NASA Headquarters
under the NASA Earth and Space
Science Fellowship ProgramGrant
NNX15AQ80H awarded to K. E. V. K.
Dasgupta, R., Chi, H., Shimizu, N., Buono, A. S., & Walker, D. (2013). Carbon solution and partitioning between metallic and silicate melts
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Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets
... Because of the highly reduced conditions that prevailed during Mercury's differentiation (in the range IW − 2.6 to IW − 7.3 8,9 , reported in log units relative to iron-wüstite thermodynamic equilibrium, IW), light elements in Mercury's iron core are thought to be dominated by silicon, sulfur, and carbon [10][11][12][13] . Although carbon likely degassed from the magma ocean as CO 2 , CO, and CH 4 species [14][15][16][17][18] and was lost to space, the abundance of graphite in the Mercurian crust indicates that the planet remained saturated in a carbon phase during metal-silicate differentiation, core formation, and the entirety of magma ocean crystallization 6 . ...
... As such it was considered that graphite was the only stable carbon-bearing phase during magma ocean crystallization 21 . Because graphite (ρ ≈ 2200 kg m −3 ) is less dense than a magma ocean melt (ρ ≈ 2700 kg m −3 ), it is expected to have floated and contributed to the formation of Mercury's primordial crust 13,20 , analogous to the formation of the primordial anorthosite crust on the Moon 22,23 . However, the nature of the C-bearing phase requires reassessment in light of the most recent gravity field models for Mercury [24][25][26] . ...
... The carbon concentration in the core of a C-saturated Mercury can be constrained by the anticorrelation between the abundances of silicon and carbon in the iron-rich metallic core [e.g., refs. 13,14]. Using a compilation of experiments on metal-silicate equilibration (Methods, Supplementary Fig. S9), we calculated a probability density distribution for carbon concentrations in the core based on the silicon concentration in the core 25 and obtained an average value of 3.4 ± 1.0 wt% C using MOI = 0.333 ± 0.005 24 and 1.67 ± 1.0 wt% C using MOI = 0.343 ± 0.006 26 (Methods, Supplementary Fig. S10). ...
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Abundant carbon was identified on Mercury by MESSENGER, which is interpreted as the remnant of a primordial graphite flotation crust, suggesting that the magma ocean and core were saturated in carbon. We re-evaluate carbon speciation in Mercury’s interior in light of the high pressure-temperature experiments, thermodynamic models and the most recent geophysical models of the internal structure of the planet. Although a sulfur-free melt would have been in the stability field of graphite, sulfur dissolution in the melt under the unique reduced conditions depressed the sulfur-rich liquidus to temperatures spanning the graphite-diamond transition. Here we show it is possible, though statistically unlikely, that diamond was stable in the magma ocean. However, the formation of a solid inner core caused diamond to crystallize from the cooling molten core and formation of a diamond layer becoming thicker with time.
... In addition, recent MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) missions have found a lot of S and little FeO on the surface of Mercury, suggesting that the environment of the Mercury is reducing (Evans et al., 2012;Nittler et al., 2011;Weider et al., 2012). The low oxygen fugacity (f O 2 ) of the interior of Mercury (Cartier & Wood, 2019;McCubbin et al., 2012;Nittler et al., 2017;Zolotov et al., 2013) enables a significant amount of Si partitioning into the core (Berthet et al., 2009;Kilburn & Wood, 1997;Steenstra et al., 2020;Vander Kaaden et al., 2020). ...
... The core of Mercury makes up ∼80% of its total volume, whose radius is about 2,000 km Knibbe et al., 2021;Rivoldini & Van Hoolst, 2013). Furthermore, the low oxygen fugacity (f O 2 ) shows a reducing condition in the Mercury (Iron-Wüstite (IW) is between 2.6 and 7.3) (McCubbin et al., 2012;Nittler et al., 2017;Zolotov et al., 2013), and Si has been considered the dominant light element within the core of Mercury (Berthet et al., 2009;Kilburn & Wood, 1997;Steenstra et al., 2020;Vander Kaaden et al., 2020). The P-T conditions within the interior of Mercury are 1,800 K and 5-7 GPa at the CMB and 2,200 K and 36-40 GPa at the inner-core-boundary (ICB) (Berrada et al., 2021;L. ...
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The species and contents of the light elements within the metallic cores play a crucial role in understanding the structure, thermal state, geodynamo, and evolution of the terrestrial planets and satellites. While silicon (Si) has been considered as a primary candidate light element in the cores of small terrestrial bodies, the sound velocities of face‐centered cubic (fcc) Fe‐Si are rarely investigated. Here we measured the compressional (VP) and shear (VS) wave velocities of Fe alloyed with 3 wt.% and 6 wt.% Si up to 6.3 GPa and 1,273 K using pulse‐echo overlap technique coupled with energy‐dispersive X‐ray diffraction. The incorporation of Si could increase the VP of body‐centered cubic (bcc) Fe by 0.074(15) km/s and decrease the VS by 0.024(9) km/s with each weight percent Si at 300 K. However, 3 wt.% Si has minimal effect on the VP of fcc‐Fe if not negligible. The incorporation of 6 wt.% Si stabilizes the Fe in mixture bcc and fcc phases at high temperature and increases the VP by 0.59 km/s compared with that of fcc‐Fe. Based on the Apollo seismic observation and VP of Fe and Fe‐Si alloys, Si is unlikely to be the sole light element in the lunar core. The solid core of the Mercury would be in the fcc phase if the Si content is less than 3 wt.% and the VP profiles is 5.65–6.34 km/s. While 6 wt.% Si would stabilize the Mercury's core in mixed bcc and fcc phases, the VP profiles would be 6.17–6.85 km/s.
... A recent consensus has emerged that carbon in the form of graphite is the dominating opaque phase on Mercury 10,14 . Geochemical modelling has predicted that differentiation of the highly reduced and FeO-poor magma ocean of Mercury may have formed a primary flotation crust that was composed of graphite 15 and that carbon may be saturated at the core-mantle boundary 16,17 . Low-reflectance material (LRM), a major colour unit on Mercury that typically occurs as basin ejecta and exhibits the smallest reflectances, may contain up to about 4 wt% of graphite as predicted by spectral modelling 18 . ...
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The surface of Mercury is enriched in carbon compared with the other terrestrial bodies. Up to 4 wt% of carbon in the form of graphite has been invoked to explain its mysteriously low surface reflectance. However, the exact abundance and phase of carbon on Mercury were loosely constrained by orbital observations. Here we show that the oldest and darkest colour units on Mercury, comprising low-reflectance materials, consist of two spatially coherent subunits that do and do not have spectral characteristics attributed to graphite enrichment, respectively. We find from spectral modelling that a combination of less than 1 wt% of microcrystalline graphite and similar amounts of metallic iron is adequate for explaining the overall reflectances of various colour units on Mercury. Our results indicate that most carbon on Mercury may occur in forms other than intergrain graphite and that carbon did not entirely drain from the mantle during magma ocean crystallization.
... In particular, Mercury experienced the most reduced conditions among the terrestrial planets of our solar system, with fO 2 expected to be between IW − 7 and IW − 3 (i.e., 7 to 3 log units below the fO 2 of the iron-wüstite equilibrium; McCubbin et al., 2012;Zolotov et al., 2013;Namur et al., 2016a). These peculiar reducing conditions affect elemental partitioning, which itself impacts Mercury's core composition via the incorporation of light elements into liquid iron, such as Si (Chabot et al., 2014;Boujibar et al., 2019;Vander Kaaden et al., 2020;Knibbe et al., 2021). ...
... However, the XRS-derived Ti abundance was not used to test whether other redox conditions would still reconcile surface compositions with chondrites. Boujibar et al. (2019) also showed that if Mercury's core was formed at fO 2 higher than IW-4, Mercury would not have enough Si in its core to yield a chondritic Fe/Si ratio, although this may be reconcilable for a CB-like Mercury bulk composition (Vander Kaaden et al., 2020). Finally, Anzures et al. (2020) suggested that Mercury's mantle has log fO 2 between IW-4 and IW-2, based on the correlation of Ca and S concentrations observed at the surface of the planet and on the formation of CaS complexes in silicate melts at this range of fO 2 values. ...
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Mercury, the innermost planet, formed under highly reduced conditions, based mainly on surface Fe, S, and Si abundances determined from MESSENGER mission data. The minor element Cr may serve as an independent oxybarometer but only very limited Cr data have been previously reported for Mercury. We report Cr/Si abundances across Mercury's surface based on MESSENGER X‐Ray Spectrometer data throughout the spacecraft's orbital mission. The heterogeneous Cr/Si ratio ranges from 3.6 × 10⁻⁵ in the Caloris Basin to 0.0012 within the high‐magnesium region, with an average southern hemisphere value of 0.0008 (corresponding to about 200 ppm Cr). Absolute Cr/Si values have systematic uncertainty of at least 30%, but relative variations are more robust. By combining experimental Cr partitioning data along with planetary differentiation modeling, we find that if Mercury formed with bulk chondritic Cr/Al, Cr must be present in the planet's core and differentiation must have occurred at log fO2 in the range of IW‐6.5 to IW‐2.5 in the absence of sulfides in its interior and a range of IW‐5.5 to IW‐2 with an FeS layer at the core‐mantle boundary. Models with large fractions of Mg‐Ca‐rich sulfides in Mercury's interior are more compatible with moderately reducing conditions (IW‐5.5 to IW‐4) owing to the instability of Mg‐Ca‐rich sulfides at elevated fO2. These results indicate that if Mercury differentiated at a log fO2 lower than IW‐5.5, the presence of sulfides whether in the form of a FeS layer at the top of the core or Mg‐Ca‐rich sulfides within the mantle would be unlikely.
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Plain Language Summary Mineral assemblages that constitute the mantles of reduced exoplanets, such as those formed in the inner regions of stellar nebulae, have been scarcely investigated. We propose that these exoplanets share several physical and chemical properties with planet Mercury in our Solar System, as they formed in a similar geochemical environment. In order to outline the minerals constituting these mantles, we take in account all the chemical compositions previously proposed to match Mercury's observed characteristics. These compositions are extrapolated from several classes of meteorites, among the most pristine materials currently known and best candidates as “building blocks” of planetary objects. We, then use the well‐established thermodynamic code Perple_X to predict the stable minerals at pressure and temperature ranges assumed for these exoplanets' interiors. We find that silicate mantles of exoplanets located in inner regions of nebulae are dominated by pyroxene group minerals, rather than olivine, as in the Earth's mantle. This results in different rheological (e.g., viscosity) and physical properties (e.g., melting behavior) for these reduced exoplanets, with significant implications for their mantle dynamics and evolution over time.
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Ganymede is the only known moon with an active dynamo. No mission has discovered intrinsic magnetism at the other Galilean satellites: Io, Europa, and Callisto. A dynamo requires a large magnetic Reynolds number, which in turn demands, for these moons, a large metallic core that is cooling fast enough for convection. Here we quantify these requirements to construct a regime diagram for the Galilean satellites. We compute the internal heat fluxes that would sustain a dynamo over the wide ranges of plausible radii for their metallic cores. Below a critical radius, no plausible heat flux will sustain a dynamo. Europa likely sits on the opposite side of this limit than Ganymede and Io. We predict that future missions may confirm a small (or absent) core, meaning that Europa could not sustain a dynamo even if its interior were cooling as quickly as Ganymede’s core.
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Geodetic analysis of radio tracking measurements of the MESSENGER spacecraft while in orbit about Mercury has yielded new estimates for the planet's gravity field, tidal Love number, and pole coordinates. The derived right ascension (α = 281.0082° ± 0.0009°; all uncertainties are 3 standard deviations) and declination (δ =61.4164° ± 0.0003°) of the spin pole place Mercury in the Cassini state. Confirmation of the equilibrium state with an estimated mean (whole-planet) obliquity ϵ of 1.968 ± 0.027 arcmin enables the confident determination of the planet's normalized polar moment of inertia (0.333 ± 0.005), which indicates a high degree of internal differentiation. Internal structure models generated by a Markov-Chain Monte Carlo process and consistent with the geodetic constraints possess a solid inner core with a radius (r ic ) between 0.3 and 0.7 that of the outer core (r oc ).
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The chemical composition of a planetary body reflects its starting conditions modified by numerous processes during its formation and geological evolution. Measurements by X-ray, gamma-ray, and neutron spectrometers on the MESSENGER spacecraft revealed Mercury's surface to have surprisingly high abundances of the moderately volatile elements sodium, sulfur, potassium, chlorine, and thorium, and a low abundance of iron. This composition rules out some formation models for which high temperatures are expected to have strongly depleted volatiles and indicates that Mercury formed under conditions much more reducing than the other rocky planets of our Solar System. Through geochemical modeling and petrologic experiments, the planet's mantle and core compositions can be estimated from the surface composition and geophysical constraints. The bulk silicate composition of Mercury is likely similar to that of enstatite or metal-rich chondrite meteorites, and the planet's unusually large core is most likely Si rich, implying that in bulk Mercury is enriched in Fe and Si (and possibly S) relative to the other inner planets. The compositional data for Mercury acquired by MESSENGER will be crucial for quantitatively testing future models of the formation of Mercury and the Solar System as a whole, as well as for constraining the geological evolution of the innermost planet.
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We have studied the thermal and magnetic field evolution of planet Mercury with a core of Fe–Si alloy to assess whether an Fe–Si core matches its present-day partially molten state, Mercury's magnetic field strength, and the observed ancient crustal magnetization. The main advantages of an Fe–Si core, opposed to a previously assumed Fe–S core, are that a Si-bearing core is consistent with the highly reduced nature of Mercury and that no compositional convection is generated upon core solidification, in agreement with magnetic field indications of a stable layer at the top of Mercury's core. This study also present the first implementation of a conductive temperature profile in the core where heat fluxes are sub-adiabatic in a global thermal evolution model. We show that heat migrates from the deep core to the outer part of the core as soon as heat fluxes at the outer core become sub-adiabatic. As a result, the deep core cools throughout Mercury's evolution independent of the temperature evolution at the core-mantle boundary, causing an early start of inner core solidification and magnetic field generation. The conductive layer at the outer core suppresses the rate of core growth after temperature differences between the deep and shallow core are relaxed, such that a magnetic field can be generated until the present. Also, the outer core and mantle operate at higher temperatures than previously thought, which prolongs mantle melting and mantle convection. The results indicate that S is not a necessary ingredient of Mercury's core, bringing bulk compositional models of Mercury more in line with reduced meteorite analogues.
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Carbon contents in reduced Martian basalts at graphite saturation were experimentally studied at 1400–1550°C, 1–2 GPa, and logfO 2 of IW À 0.4 to IW + 1.5 (IW denotes the Fe-FeO buffer). The results show that carbon solubility in Martian basalts, determined by secondary ion mass spectrometry, is 20 to 1400 ppm, increasing with increasing fO 2. Raman and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic measurements on the quenched silicate glasses show that the dominant carbon species in Martian basalts is carbonate (CO 3 2À). The experimental data generated here were combined with literature data on similar graphite-saturated carbon solubility for mafic-ultramafic compositions to develop an empirical model that can be used to predict carbon content of graphite-saturated reduced basalts at vapor-absent conditions: At IW þ 1:7 ≥ logf O 2 ≥ IW À 1 : log C; ppm ð Þ¼À 3702 ±534 ð Þ=T À 194 ±49 ð ÞP=T À 0:0034 ±0:043 ð ÞlogX H2O þ0:61 ±0:07 ð ÞNBO=T þ 0:55 ±0:02 ð ÞΔIW þ3:5 ±0:3 ð Þ R 2 ¼ 0:89 À Á At IW À 5:3 ≤ logf O 2 ≤ IW À 1 : log C; ppm ð Þ¼0:96 ±0:19 ð ÞlogX H2O À 0:25 ±0:04 ð ÞΔIW þ 2:83 ±0:34 ð Þ R 2 ¼ 0:6 À Á in which T is temperature in K, P is pressure in GPa, X H2O is mole fraction of water in basalts, ΔIW is the oxygen fugacity relative to the IW buffer, and NBO/T = 2 total O/T À 4 (T = Si + Ti + Al + Cr + P). This model was applied to predict carbon content in graphite-saturated mantle melts of the Mercury, Mars, and the Moon. The results show that graphite may be consumed during the production and extraction of some Martian basalts, and CO 2 released by volcanism on Mars cannot be an efficient greenhouse gas in the early Mars. The lunar mantle carbon may be one of the main propellant driving the fire-fountain eruption on the Moon; however, the Mercurian mantle carbon may not be an important propellant for the explosive eruption on Mercury.
The presence of H2O within differentiated terrestrial bodies in the inner Solar System is well established; however, the source(s) of this H2O and the time of its arrival to the inner Solar System is an area of active study. At present, the prevailing model for the origin of inner Solar System H2O calls upon carbonaceous chondrites as the source. This is largely based on reported observations that H- and N-isotopic compositions of differentiated planetary bodies are largely the same and within a range of values that overlaps with carbonaceous chondrites as opposed to comets or the Sun. In this contribution, we evaluate the efficacy of this model and other models for the origin of inner Solar System H2O by considering geochronological constraints on early Solar System history, constraints on primary building blocks of differentiated bodies based on nucleosynthetic isotope anomalies, and constraints from dynamical models of planet formation. In addition to H- and N-isotopic data, these constraints indicate that an interstellar source of H2O was present in the inner Solar System within the first 4 Ma of CAI formation. Furthermore, the most H2O-rich carbonaceous chondrites are unlikely to be the source of H2O for the earliest-formed differentiated bodies based on their minimally overlapping primary accretion windows and the separation of their respective isotopic reservoirs by Jupiter in the timespan of about 1–4 Ma after CAI formation. The presence of deuterium-rich, non-nebular H2O sources in the inner Solar System prior to the formation of carbonaceous chondrites or comets implies early contributions of interstellar ices to both the inner and outer Solar System portions of the protoplanetary disk. Evidence for this interstellar ice component in the inner Solar System may be preserved in LL chondrites and in the mantle of Mars. In contrast to the earlier-formed bodies within the inner Solar System, Earth's protracted accretion window may have facilitated incorporation of H2O in its interior from both the inner and outer Solar System, helping the Earth to become a habitable planet.
We examine the global distribution and spectral properties of low-reflectance material (LRM) across Mercury to estimate the relative carbon abundance of prominent exposures and to test hypotheses for the origin of carbon in LRM. Our mapping demonstrates that LRM is consistently excavated from depth and that the spectral curvature attributed to carbon becomes more subdued as these surface deposits age. We find that the 600-nm band depth in LRM deposits is related to carbon content and can be used to estimate carbon enrichment. LRM deposits excavated by basins and large craters may be enriched with as much as 4 wt% carbon over the local mean. Regional deposits, associated with the most heavily cratered terrains, are enriched by an average of ~2.5 wt% carbon. The association of LRM with excavation from depth shows that the carbon in LRM is native to the planet, rather than deposited over time by impacts.
To investigate the effect of metal/sulfide and Ni/Fe ratio on the C storage capacity of sulfide melts, we determine carbon solubility in Fe-Ni-S melts with various (Fe + Ni)/S and Ni/Fe via graphite-saturated high-pressure experiments from 2–7 GPa and 1200–1600 °C. Consistent with previous results, C solubility is high (4–6 wt.%) in metal-rich sulfide melts and diminishes with increasing S content. Melts with near M/S = 1 (XS > 0.4) have <0.5 wt.% C in equilibrium with graphite. C solubility is diminished modestly with increased Ni/Fe ratio, but the effect is most pronounced for S-poor melts, and becomes negligible in near-monosulfide compositions. Immiscibility between S-rich and C-rich melts is observed in Ni-poor compositions, but above ∼18 wt.% Ni there is complete miscibility. Because mantle sulfide compositions are expected to have high Ni concentrations, sulfide-carbide immiscibility is unlikely in natural mantle melts. An empirical parameterization of C solubility in Ni-Fe-S melts as a function of S and Ni contents allows estimation of the C storage capacity of sulfide in the mantle. Importantly, as the metal/sulfide (M/S) ratio of the melt increases, C storage increases both because C solubility increases and because the mass fraction of melt is enhanced by addition of metal from surrounding silicates. Under comparatively oxidized conditions where melts are near M/S = 1, as prevails at <250 km depth, bulk C storage is <3 ppm. In the deeper, more reduced mantle where M/S increases, up to 200 ppm C in typical mantle with 200 ± 100 ppm S can be stored in Fe-Ni-S melts. Thus, metal-rich sulfide melts are the principal host of carbon in the deep upper mantle and below. Residual carbon is present either as diamond or, if conditions are highly reduced and total C concentrations are low, solid alloy.
Data from the Gamma-Ray Spectrometer (GRS) that flew on the MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging spacecraft indicate that the O/Si weight ratio of Mercury's surface is 1.2 ± 0.1. This value is lower than any other celestial surface that has been measured by GRS and suggests that 12-20% of the surface materials on Mercury are composed of Si-rich, Si-Fe alloys. The origin of the metal is best explained by a combination of space weathering and graphite-induced smelting. The smelting process would have been facilitated by interaction of graphite with boninitic and komatiitic parental liquids. Graphite entrained at depth would have reacted with FeO components dissolved in silicate melt, resulting in the production of up to 0.4-0.9 wt % CO from the reduction of FeO to Fe⁰-CO production that could have facilitated explosive volcanic processes on Mercury. Once the graphite-entrained magmas erupted, the tenuous atmosphere on Mercury prevented the buildup of CO over the lavas. The partial pressure of CO would have been sufficiently low to facilitate reaction between graphite and SiO2 components in silicate melts to produce CO and metallic Si. Although exotic, Si-rich metal as a primary smelting product is hypothesized on Mercury for three primary reasons: (1) low FeO abundances of parental magmas, (2) elevated abundances of graphite in the crust and regolith, and (3) the presence of only a tenuous atmosphere at the surface of the planet within the 3.5-4.1 Ga timespan over which the planet was resurfaced through volcanic processes.