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Middle interhemispheric variant of holoprosencephaly: First prenatal report of a ZIC2 missense mutation

Clinical Case Reports

Abstract and Figures

We present a case of a middle interhemispheric variant of antenatal discovery associated with a de novo missense variant (NM_007129.5: c.1109G>A p.(Cys370Tyr)) in the ZIC2 gene. Our case represents the first prenatal description of a ZIC2 missense mutation found in association with syntelencephaly. We present a case of a middle interhemispheric variant of antenatal discovery associated with a de novo missense variant (NM_007129.5: c.1109G>A p.(Cys370Tyr)) in the ZIC2 gene. Our case represents the first prenatal description of a ZIC2 missense mutation found in association with syntelencephaly.
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Clin Case Rep. 2020;8:1287–1292.
Holoprosencephaly (HPE; MIM# 236100) is the most recur-
rent congenital brain malformation (1/10 000 live births),
resulting from the incomplete midline division of the prosen-
cephalon between 18th and 28th day of gestation and affect-
ing the forebrain and the face.1,2 It is characterized by a wide
clinical spectrum, ranging from severe HPE (alobar form:
with a single cerebral ventricle and cyclopia) to clinically un-
affected carriers. According to the degree of brain separation
and whether the failure occurs ventrally or dorsally, two main
classes of HPE can be distinguished: classic and middle in-
terhemispheric variant (MIHV). In classic HPE, the lack of
separation is most severe ventrally. This leads to a spectrum
of classic HPE, of which alobar HPE is the most severe form,
followed by semilobar and lobar forms (in which most of the
cerebral hemispheres are separated except at the ventral level
of the frontal poles where the interhemispheric fissure re-
mains absent).2 A septopreoptic type, in which nonseparation
is restricted to the subcallosal cortex and/or the ventral preop-
tic region, is also described in small case series.3 On the other
hand, MIHV (otherwise known as syntelencephaly), firstly
described in 1993,4 is characterized by the failure of division
of posterior frontal and parietal regions of the cerebral hemi-
spheres along the dorsal midline. Nevertheless, this condition
entails the normal separation of the basal forebrain, anterior
frontal lobes, and occipital regions.
Similarly to its wide clinical spectrum, HPE etiology
is very heterogeneous.5-7 Environmental (consume of cu-
mulative tobacco with alcohol, insulin-dependent maternal
diabetes, retinoic acid and statins intakes) and infectious
causes (toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, syphilis, rubella)
Received: 29 November 2019
Accepted: 24 January 2020
DOI: 10.1002/ccr3.2896
Middle interhemispheric variant of holoprosencephaly: First
prenatal report of a ZIC2 missense mutation
VanessaGouder de Beauregard3
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.
© 2020 The Authors. Clinical Case Reports published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Caroline Gounongbé and Martina Marangoni equally contributed to this work.
Marie Cassart and Julie Désir equally supervise this work.
1Department of Fetal Medicine, CHU Saint-
Pierre, Brussels, Belgium
2Center of Human Genetics, Hôpital
Erasme, Université Libre de Bruxelles,
Brussels, Belgium
3Department of Pediatrics, CHU Saint-
Pierre, Brussels, Belgium
4Department of Radiology, Hôpitaux Iris
Sud and CHU Saint-Pierre, Brussels,
Caroline Gounongbé, Department of Fetal
Medicine, CHU St Pierre, Rue Haute 322,
1000 Brussels, Belgium.
We present a case of a middle interhemispheric variant of antenatal discovery associ-
ated with a de novo missense variant (NM_007129.5: c.1109G>A p.(Cys370Tyr))in
theZIC2gene. Our case represents the first prenatal description of a ZIC2 missense
mutation found in association with syntelencephaly.
middle interhemispheric variant of holoprosencephaly, missense mutation, syntelencephaly, ZIC2
are known to cause HPE. Moreover, chromosomal anom-
alies (numeric: trisomy 13, 18, triploidy; structural: de-
letions or duplications involving various regions of 13q,
del(18p), del(7)(q36), dup(3)(p24-pter), del(2)(p21),
del(21)(q22.3)) are responsible of the majority of HPE
cases (up to 50%), while the remaining cases (including
both syndromic or nonsyndromic HPE) are associated to
pathogenic mutations. In nonchromosomal and nonsyn-
dromic cases, HPE is usually considered to be inherited
in an autosomal dominant mode.8-12 In particular, fourteen
genes have been implicated in nonsyndromic HPE (SHH,
FOXH1, GAS1, PTCH1, NODAL, TDGF1). In classic
HPE, the most commonly mutated genes are SHH (12%)
and ZIC2 (9%), which together account for ~85% of solved
cases.9-11,13 ZIC2, located on chromosome 13q32, was
firstly identified in patients with brain anomalies and har-
boring deletions involving the long arm of chromosome 13.
It belongs to the zinc finger protein of the cerebellum fam-
ily, encoding for a transcription factor that plays two dis-
tinct roles in the forebrain development. Interestingly, and
conversely to the classic HPE genes, ZIC2 mutations have
been found across the entire HPE phenotypic spectrum,
including MIHV. In particular, just few mutations (splice
variants, small deletions, and duplications) in ZIC2 have
been reported in patients displaying MIHV to date. Herein,
we describe a fetus presenting MIHV and harboring a de
novo ZIC2 missense mutation.
We present the sixth pregnancy of a 39-year-old woman
of Moroccan origin with no familial history of genetic dis-
eases. Although a notion of second-degree consanguinity
was known, the couple had already five healthy children.
The mother was not ill during the pregnancy and did not
take any medication, alcohol, or other toxic substances.
She was protected for toxoplasmosis and rubella. Her
serologies were negative for human immunodeficiency
virus, hepatitis B and C viruses, and syphilis. The first
trimester ultrasound performed at 13.6weeks of amenor-
rhea appeared normal. Noninvasive prenatal testing was
performed, and no chromosomal anomalies involving the
chromosomes 13, 18, and 21 were found. The morphologi-
cal ultrasound performed at 22weeks was of poor quality
and did not reveal any particular malformation. In addition,
the diabetes screening was normal. During the 3rd trimes-
ter ultrasound, we observed the absence of a septal cavity
with a fusion of the occipital horns of the lateral ventricles.
In sagittal section, the corpus callosum seemed to be pre-
sent in its anterior part but interrupted between the knee
and the body. The anterior cerebral artery had a deviating
forward path, with an absent pericallosal artery. The lateral
ventricles were moderately dilated (12mm). The cerebel-
lum was morphologically normal, and its measurement
was less than the 3rd percentile according to Hadlock. No
other anomalies were detected during the morphological
We decided to carry out fetal cerebral magnetic res-
onance imaging (fMRI) and amniocentesis in order to
perform array comparative genomic hybridization (ar-
ray-CGH). The fMRI confirmed the septal agenesis and
showed an interhemispheric parenchymal bridge connect-
ing the frontal lobes, wrongly interpreted on ultrasound
as the anterior part of the corpus callosum (Figure1). It
concluded in a complex midline malformation correspond-
ing to syntelencephaly. Moreover, fMRI confirmed the
cerebellar hypoplasia (Figure1C) and depicted a posterior
fossa arachnoid cyst (Figure 1A). On the other hand, as
array-CGH showed no pathogenic chromosomal abnor-
malities, clinical exome sequencing was proposed to the
couple. The analysis performed in duo (fetus and mother)
revealed a probably de novo variant c.1109G>A p.(Cy-
s370Tyr) in the exon 2 of the ZIC2 gene (NM_007129.5)
(Figure2A), predicted pathogenic and fitting with the brain
phenotype. Sanger sequencing of both parents confirmed
the de novo character (Figure2B), allowing classifying the
variant as probably pathogenic (Class IV). The couple de-
cided to continue the pregnancy. At 35.3weeks and after
a spontaneous and premature labor, the mother gave birth
to a girl of 2830 g, length of 46 cm, and head circum-
ference of 36cm. Her Apgar was 9-10-10 and, the pH at
the cord was 7.23 and -3 excess base. Immediate neona-
tal adaptation was excellent. The neurological assessment
on the third day of life was also reassuring, with a nor-
mal electroencephalogram and no dysmorphism. Cerebral
postnatal MRI performed at 1month of age confirmed the
hypoplasia of the falx cerebri (absent in its anterior part),
agenesis of the corpus callosum, and septum pellucidum. It
also allowed the visualization of gyration anomalies, focal
polymicrogyria as well as subependymal heterotopias of
gray matter at the left ventricular crossroads. At 3months,
the patient's follow-up was reassuring in terms of her neu-
rological evolution. At 9months, the girl was hypotonic
and a neurological physiotherapy support was set up once
a week. Then, at 11months the neurological evolution was
The parents gave written consents for them and the index case
for the participation in this study (approved by local Hôpital
Erasme Ethical committee under P2016/236 reference). Array-
CGH was performed on a CytoSure™ Constitutional v3 8x60K
array (Oxford Gene Technology) and analyzed with CytoSure
Analysis Software (Oxford Gene Technology). Clinical exome
sequencing was performed in duo (on fetal DNA extracted di-
rectly from amniotic fluid and maternal DNA [paternal DNA
was not available at that time]), using an in-house SeqCap EZ
choice XL capture (Roche Nimblegen) on a NovaSeq 6000
(Illumina) at the Brussels Interuniversity Genomics High
Throughput core (BRIGHTcore). Sequences were aligned to
the reference genome (hg19) and variants were called using
a BWA-mem Unified Genotyper-Haplotype Caller GATK
pipeline. Filtering of the variants was accomplished using
Highlander (http://sites.uclou ander). Details on
pipeline and filtering are available on request. Sanger sequenc-
ing was performed for the validation of the detected ZIC2
variant. DNA was amplified using a standard PCR (primers
sequences are available upon request). PCR products were pu-
rified with BigDye® XTerminator™ Purification Kit (Applied
Biosystems, Thermo Fischer Scientific) and analyzed on a
3130XL Genetic Analyser (Biosystems).
Here, we described the first MIHV case displaying a
ZIC2 missense mutation (NM_007129.5: c.1109G>A
p.(Cys370Tyr)). Our detected variant is not present in
frequency databases (gnomAD, Exome Variant Server) and
several prediction tools (SIFT, MutationTaster, FATHMM,
PolyPhen-2, DEOGEN14) agree to predict this change as del-
eterious. Like a considerable part of all ZIC2 mutations,15
our variant is localized into the well conserved zinc finger
domain of the protein. To date, only five variants (one splice
variant, one small deletion, and three small duplications) in
the ZIC2 gene have been described in MIHV (Figure2C).16,17
As a matter of fact, the majority of ZIC2 mutations gener-
ally result in classic HPE, and more often in severe structural
brain anomalies (alobar or semilobar presentations) which
account for 75% of the ZIC2-associated HPE cases in which
the phenotype is recorded.15 Moreover, our variant arose as
a de novo event in the fetus, similarly to the data provided
by several HPE cohorts showing that ZIC2 mutations appear
often de novo, with inherited mutations accounting for 27%-
30%.9,11,17 Focusing on the ZIC2-associated MIHV, ZIC2
mutations appeared de novo in three cases, while in the other
two the mutation was inherited (in one case from the father
and in the other from the mother, with an assumed germline
To date, our case represents the first prenatal report of
ZIC2-associated MIHV. Overall, only six prenatal reports
of MIHV, including 10 fetuses, are described in the liter-
ature. The presence of chromosomal anomalies solved six
cases (monosomy 13q and 21q were found in five and one
FIGURE 1 A, Midsagittal slice
showing the agenesis of the posterior
part of the corpus callosum, the fused
parenchyma on the midline (arrow), and the
retrocerebellar arachnoid cyst (arrow head).
B, Coronal slice through the third ventricle
showing the parenchymal bridge (arrow).
C, D, Axial slices showing the cerebellar
hypoplasia (C) and the parenchymal bridge
(D, arrow)
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
case, respectively) and a normal karyotype was observed
in the remaining four cases and no other genetic tests were
performed. Among these 10 prenatal cases, medical termi-
nation of pregnancy has been carried out in seven cases.18-20
Pulitzer et al21 described a fetus carrying several extrace-
rebral malformations who died in utero. Robin et al22 re-
ported a fetus presenting an isolated syntelencephaly who
was born at term and with a normal neonatal development
at 2months. For the last prenatal case, the antenatal and
postnatal evolutions were not transmitted. Overall, our pa-
tient represents the eleventh case of antenatal MIHV di-
agnosis and the second case born alive. In particular, our
case displayed the classic radiological signs of MIHV and
its associated abnormalities, including posterior fossa mal-
formation (cerebellar hypoplasia and arachnoid cyst), sub-
ependymal heterotopias, and tight areas of polymicrogyria.
Nineteen percent of MIHV patients described in Simon's
report (21 children) have a malformation of the poste-
rior fossa, including one case of cerebellar hypoplasia.23
Interestingly, no arachnoid cysts have previously been
described in the literature. The co-occurrence of MIHV
and cerebellar malformations in patients with ZIC2 mu-
tations may be explained by its involvement in the neural
tube closure. Furthermore, malformations of the posterior
fossa (like Chiari [types 1 and 2] and cephalocele) are also
often being associated with MIHV.23 Foci of subependy-
mal heterotopia and polymicrogyria of gray matter appear
to be relatively common in MIHV cases. They have been
described in six postnatal case studies and 86% of the chil-
dren in Simon's study had cortical dysplasia.23 Regarding
the hypothalamic-pituitary axis, it appeared intact in our
report as well as in the six antenatal studies, whereas it
FIGURE 2 A, De novo c.1109G>A p.(Cys370Tyr) variant in exon 2 of the ZIC2 gene visualized in IGV. B, Presence of the mutation in
the fetus but none of the parent was confirmed by Sanger sequencing. C, Schematic representation of the ZIC2 gene and its protein (with the main
protein domains) along with the mutation described in MIHV until now (data collected from Ref.14,15). Our missense mutation is shown in red
has been described as hypoplastic in two postnatal stud-
ies.24 In Simon's cohort, 23% of the children had pituitary
gland hypoplasia. Endocrine disorders are therefore also
less frequent in MIHV than in holoprosencephaly, where
midline abnormalities frequently initiate the development
of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland.1 Associated ex-
tracerebral abnormalities, including two types of cardiac
abnormalities (transposition of the great vessels, situs in-
versus with interventricular septum anomaly), have been
described in seven fetuses and two children (under 1year
of age).25,26 One patient showed diaphragmatic hernia with
vertebral malformations21 and another presented cleft pal-
ate, clubfoot, and hypospadias.27 In some reports, five fe-
tuses and 15 children displayed facial dysmorphia such as
cleft lip and palate and hypertelorism, limb abnormalities,
external genitalia, and renal hypoplasia.18,28 In these cases,
the genetic studies (karyotype) were normal, with the ex-
ception of five cases where a 13q monosomy was found.18
Moreover, craniofacial anomalies are common in HPE but
the majority of MIHV patients present moderate facial dys-
morphia or even a normal face,18,28 like in our case. The dif-
ferent embryological origin of MIHV and HPE explains this
clinical difference: MIHV arises as a consequence of failed
dorsal patterning, while HPE is associated with failed ven-
tral patterning. Thus, ZIC2 gene is believed to be responsible
for the more posterior defects presented in MIHV, being less
often associated with facial malformations. Interestingly, it
has been shown that even severe HPE linked to ZIC2 genes
have mild facial dysmorphic features. However, a typical fa-
cial phenotype can be associated in ZIC2-associated HPE, in-
cluding bitemporal narrowing, up slanting palpebral fissures,
flat nasal bridge, short nose with anteverted nares, broad and
deep philtrum, and large ears.17
Regarding the postnatal clinical outcome of our case,
the patient has no dysmorphism and she seems to pres-
ent subnormal neurological development at 11 months.
Previous studies identified spasticity as the main clin-
ical sign of MIHV (found in 86% of children inLewis's
study28), probably due to the fact that the abnormal fusion
zone of the cortex is close to the motor cortex. In addition,
57% of patients display some degree of hypotonia, over-
lapping with our patient who needed physiotherapy sup-
port for hypotonia at 9months. Although choreoathetosis
has been frequently found in semilobar holoprosencephaly,
no cases displaying this symptom have been described in
MIHV.28 This is probably due to the fact that, conversely
to HPE, caudate and lenticular nuclei are normal in MIHV.
In conclusion, our findings expand the mutational spec-
trum and delineate the prenatal phenotype found in ZIC2-
associated MIHV. As there are limited prenatal MIHV cases
harboring ZIC2 mutations, this work may be an important
support for the prenatal diagnosis and the subsequent man-
agement of MIHV cases.
The authors thank the family who gave its written consent for
this publication. The authors acknowledge all the members of
the Molecular Genetics laboratory of Hôpital Erasme for their
valuable technical assistance. They also thank all the mem-
bers of the Saint-Pierre UHC fetal medicine team for their
participation in the management of this clinical case. The au-
thors acknowledge Guillaume Smits for critically reading the
manuscript. MM is supported by a FNRS-FRIA fellowship.
None declared.
CG and MM: wrote the article. VG: examined the patient.
MD and MM: analyzed the genetics data. PJ: served as the
author of the postnatal MRI. MC: served as the author of the
antenatal MRI. MC and JD: coordinated and approved the
final version of the manuscript.
Caroline Gounongbé https://orcid.
Martina Marangoni https://orcid.
Marie Cassart
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How to cite this article: Gounongbé C, Marangoni M,
Gouder de Beauregard V, et al. Middle interhemispheric
variant of holoprosencephaly: First prenatal report of a
ZIC2 missense mutation. Clin Case Rep. 2020;8:1287–
... confirmó la deleción y las regiones afectadas (Tabla 2). Recientemente, una asociación a mutación del gen ZIC2 ha sido descrita asociada a sintelencefalia 28 . Con relación a la evolución a más largo plazo, el caso 1 (diagnóstico año 2012) tuvo seguimiento hasta los 3 años de vida; los casos 4 y 5 cumplieron 6 meses de vida al momento de redactar este manuscrito. ...
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Introducción y objetivo: Demostrar el valor del plano axial del complejo posterior, como apoyo a la detección antenatal de sintelencefalia, variante de holoprosencefalia. Método: Se incluyeron todas las pacientes con diagnóstico de sintelencefalia evaluadas desde el año 2008. En todos los casos se consignaron los datos clínicos, de neurosonografía (NSG), de resonancia magnética (RM) y genética. Resultados: Cuatro casos fueron diagnosticados en el segundo trimestre y en todos se realizó estudio genético y RM. Tres tuvieron en su evolución anomalías extra-SNC y dos de ellos alteraciones cromosómicas, una de ellas incompatible con la vida extrauterina. Lo hallazgos descritos en neuroimagen para esta afección fueron detectados en la NSG, con una excelente correlación con RM, ya fuera esta última realizada en periodo fetal o posnatal. Conclusión: El diagnóstico prenatal de variantes de holoprosencefalia es difícil, considerando la existencia de una fusión medial más acotada que en las formas clásicas. El presente estudio demuestra la utilidad del plano del complejo posterior para la sospecha diagnóstica de sintelencefalia.
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(Abstracted from Genet Med 2022;24:344–363) Approximately 2% to 3% of pregnancies are affected by fetal abnormalities, and many of these are detected by ultrasound. After identification of suspected fetal structural anomaly, invasive procedures such as chorionic villus sampling and amniocentesis are offered as a method of prenatal genetic diagnosis.
Purpose We compared the diagnostic yield of fetal clinical exome sequencing (fCES) in prospective and retrospective cohorts of pregnancies presenting with anomalies detected using ultrasound. We evaluated factors that led to a higher diagnostic efficiency, such as phenotypic category, clinical characterization, and variant analysis strategy. Methods fCES was performed for 303 fetuses (183 ongoing and 120 ended pregnancies, in which chromosomal abnormalities had been excluded) using a trio/duo-based approach and a multistep variant analysis strategy. Results fCES identified the underlying genetic cause in 13% (24/183) of prospective and 29% (35/120) of retrospective cases. In both cohorts, recessive heterozygous compound genotypes were not rare, and trio and simplex variant analysis strategies were complementary to achieve the highest possible diagnostic rate. Limited prenatal phenotypic information led to interpretation challenges. In 2 prospective cases, in-depth analysis allowed expansion of the spectrum of prenatal presentations for genetic syndromes associated with the SLC17A5 and CHAMP1 genes. Conclusion fCES is diagnostically efficient in fetuses presenting with cerebral, skeletal, urinary, or multiple anomalies. The comparison between the 2 cohorts highlights the importance of providing detailed phenotypic information for better interpretation and prenatal reporting of genetic variants.
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Objectives/Hypothesis To develop and validate the Reflux Symptom Score (RSS), a self‐administered patient‐reported outcome questionnaire for patients with laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR). Study Design Prospective controlled study. Methods A total of 113 patients with LPR were enrolled and treated with diet and 3 months of pantoprazole, alginate, and/or magaldrate depending on the LPR characteristics (acid, nonacid, or mixed). Eighty asymptomatic individuals completed the study. Patients and controls completed the RSS twice within a 7‐day period to assess test‐retest reliability. Internal consistency was measured using Cronbach's α for the RSS items in patients and controls. Validity was assessed by comparing the baseline RSS with the Reflux Symptom Index (RSI) and Voice Handicap Index (VHI). Seventy‐seven patients completed the RSS at baseline and after 6 and 12 weeks of treatment to assess responsiveness to change. The RSS cutoff for determining the presence and absence of LPR was examined by receiver operating characteristic analysis. Results Test‐retest reliability (rs = 0.921) and internal consistency reliability (α = 0.969) were high. RSS exhibited high external validity indicated by a significant correlation with the RSI (rs = 0.831). Internal validity was excellent based on the higher RSS in patients compared with controls (P = .001). RSS, RSI, and VHI scores significantly improved from pre‐ to posttreatment, indicating a high responsiveness to change. RSS >13 can be considered suggestive of LPR‐related symptoms. RSS was not influenced by the occurrence of gastroesophageal reflux disease, LPR subtypes, or patient characteristics. Conclusions RSS is a self‐administered patient‐reported outcome questionnaire that demonstrates high reliability and excellent criterion‐based validity. RSS can be used in diagnosing and monitoring LPR disease. Level of Evidence 3b Laryngoscope, 2019
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The ZIC2 transcription factor is one of the most commonly mutated genes in Holoprosencephaly (HPE) probands. HPE is a severe congenital defect of forebrain development which occurs when the cerebral hemispheres fail to separate during the early stages of organogenesis and is typically associated with mispatterning of the embryonic midline. Recent study of genotype-phenotype correlations in HPE cases has defined distinctive features of ZIC2-associated HPE presentation and genetics, revealing that ZIC2 mutation does not produce the craniofacial abnormalities generally thought to characterise HPE but leads to a range of non-forebrain phenotypes. Furthermore, the studies confirm the extent of ZIC2 allelic heterogeneity and that pathogenic variants of ZIC2 are associated with both classic and middle interhemispheric variant (MIHV) HPE which arise from defective ventral and dorsal forebrain patterning, respectively. An allelic series of mouse mutants has helped to delineate the cellular and molecular mechanisms by which one gene leads to defects in these related but distinct embryological processes.
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Objective: The middle interhemispheric (MIH) variant of holoprosencephaly (HPE) is the incomplete separation of midline cerebral hemispheres with the absence of callosal body. We aimed to describe the additional knowledge of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) over conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the evaluation of patients with MIH variant of HPE: Methods: Conventional MRI and DTI data of five patients were retrospectively evaluated. The parenchymal anomalies as well as changes at white matter tracts were systematically reviewed. Results: Except the callosal body and central cingulum fibers, which were missing in all patients, all other major white matter tracts (superior and inferior longitudinal, superior and inferior fronto-occipital, subcallozal and uncinate fasciculi, and anterior commissure) had normal course, thickness and integrity on DTI images. The genial and splenial callosal fibers were altered and rarefied on tractography. All patients had a central ventricular notch extending into the non-cleaved heterotopic grey matter involving the body of corpus callosum, which is very typical for the middle interhemispheric variant of holoprosencephaly. The remnant traversing white matter fibers above non-cleaved heterotopic grey matter and incomplete partition of interhemispheric fissure were also identified. No Probst bundles were detected. A single common ventricle without septum pellucidum was noted in all patients. One patient had incomplete partition of thalami, and two patients had abnormally oriented thalami without any prominent interthalamic connection. Vertically oriented hippocampi were detected in four out of five patients. Three patients had relatively flat and vertically oriented Sylvian fissures and in two patients, fissures were abnormally connected over the vertex. Conclusion: Additional DTI findings not only can clearly reveal the white matter alterations better than conventional MRI but also can provide a better understanding of the etiological changes that cause the MIH variant of HPE. Advances in knowledge: DTI can provide a better analysis of cerebral white matter connectivity and promotes understanding the underlying microstructural changes that occur in patients with the MIH variant of HPE.
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Holoprosencephaly (HPE) is the most common congenital cerebral malformation, characterized by impaired forebrain cleavage and midline facial anomalies. Heterozygous mutations in 14 genes have been associated with HPE, and are often inherited from an unaffected parent underlying complex genetic bases. It is now emerging that HPE may result from a combination of multiple genetic events, rather than from a single heterozygous mutation. To explore this hypothesis, we undertook whole exome sequencing (WES) and targeted high-throughput sequencing approaches to identify mutations in HPE subjects. We report here two HPE families in which two mutations are implicated in the disease. In the first family presenting two fetuses with alobar and semi-lobar HPE, we found mutations in two genes involved in HPE, SHH and DISP1, inherited respectively from the father and the mother. The second reported case is a family with a 9-year old girl presenting lobar HPE, harbouring two compound heterozygous mutations in DISP1. Together, these cases of digenic inheritance SHH/DISP1 and autosomal recessive HPE suggest that in some families, several genetic events are necessary to cause HPE. This study highlights the complexity of HPE inheritance and has to be taken into account by clinicians to improve HPE genetic counseling.
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Middle Interhemispheric variant (MIH) is a rare subtype of holoprosencephaly (HPE), also known as syntelencephaly. We present a case of MIH, which was diagnosed as an interhemispheric cyst on antenatal sonography at 19 weeks, but later diagnosed as MIH variant of holoprosencephaly after a postabortal MRI and perinatal autopsy.
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Holoprosencephaly (HPE) is the most common forebrain defect in humans. It results from incomplete midline cleavage of the prosencephalon. A large European series of 645 HPE probands (and 699 relatives), consisting of 51% fetuses and 49% liveborn children, is reported. Mutations in the four main genes involved in HPE (SHH, ZIC2, SIX3, TGIF) were identified in 25% of cases. The SHH, SIX3, and TGIF mutations were inherited in more than 70% of these cases, whereas 70% of the mutations in ZIC2 occurred de novo. Moreover, rearrangements were detected in 22% of the 260 patients screened by array comparative genomic hybridisation. 15 probands had two mutations providing additional support for the 'multiple-hit process' in HPE. There was a positive correlation between the severity of the brain malformation and facial features for SHH, SIX3, and TGIF, but no such correlation was found for ZIC2 mutations. The most severe HPE types were associated with SIX3 and ZIC2 mutations, whereas microforms were associated with SHH mutations. The study focused on the associated brain malformations, including neuronal migration defects, which predominated in individuals with ZIC2 mutations, and neural tube defects, which were frequently associated with ZIC2 (rachischisis) and TGIF mutations. Extracraniofacial features were observed in 27% of the individuals in this series (up to 40% of those with ZIC2 mutations) and a significant correlation was found between renal/urinary defects and mutations of SHH and ZIC2. An algorithm is proposed based on these new phenotype-genotype correlations, to facilitate molecular analysis and genetic counselling for HPE.
Middle interhemispheric variant of holoprosencephaly (MIH) is a rare brain malformation; hemispheric fusion does not occur at the rostral forebrain, but rather across the posterior frontal region. Barkovich and Quint¹ first described and proposed MIH as part of the holoprosencephaly (HPE) spectrum in 1993. Although classic HPE and MIH share several similarities, they are related to different embryological mechanisms: classic HPE is caused by a defect in the formation of the embryonic floor plate, whereas MIH occurs after a disturbance to the roof plate formation.² The gene ZIC2 is important for the differentiation of the roof plate in the dorsal midline of the neural tube of the developing embryo. In humans, ZIC2 mutations have been identified in 3%–4% of HPE cases, including individuals with MIH, thus confirming that MIH is a variant of HPE.³
Motivation: There are now many predictors capable of identifying the likely phenotypic effects of single nucleotide variants (SNVs) or short in-frame Insertions or Deletions (INDELs) on the increasing amount of genome sequence data. Most of these predictors focus on SNVs and use a combination of features related to sequence conservation, biophysical, and/or structural properties to link the observed variant to either neutral or disease phenotype. Despite notable successes, the mapping between genetic variants and their phenotypic effects is riddled with levels of complexity that are not yet fully understood and that are often not taken into account in the predictions, despite their promise of significantly improving the prediction of deleterious mutants. Results: We present DEOGEN, a novel variant effect predictor that can handle both missense SNVs and in-frame INDELs. By integrating information from different biological scales and mimicking the complex mixture of effects that lead from the variant to the phenotype, we obtain significant improvements in the variant-effect prediction results. Next to the typical variant-oriented features based on the evolutionary conservation of the mutated positions, we added a collection of protein-oriented features that are based on functional aspects of the gene affected. We cross-validated DEOGEN on 36 825 polymorphisms, 20 821 deleterious SNVs, and 1038 INDELs from SwissProt. The multilevel contextualization of each (variant, protein) pair in DEOGEN provides a 10% improvement of MCC with respect to current state-of-the-art tools. Availability and implementation: The software and the data presented here is publicly available at CONTACT: : information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.
Clinical molecular diagnostic centers routinely screen SHH, ZIC2, SIX3 and TGIF for mutations that can help to explain holoprosencephaly and related brain malformations. Here we report a prospective Sanger sequence analysis of 189 unrelated probands referred to our diagnostic lab for genetic testing. We identified 28 novel unique mutations in this group (15%) and no instances of deleterious mutations in two genes in the same subject. Our result extends that of other diagnostic centers and suggests that among the aggregate 475 prospectively sequenced holoprosencephaly probands there is negligible evidence for direct gene-gene interactions among these tested genes. We model the predictions of the observed mutation frequency in the context of the hypothesis that gene×gene interactions are a prerequisite for forebrain malformations, i.e. the "multiple-hit" hypothesis. We conclude that such a direct interaction would be expected to be rare and that more subtle genetic and environmental interactions are a better explanation for the clinically observed inter- and intra-familial variability.