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Structural analysis of the reducing‐end xylose‐releasing exo‐oligoxylanase Rex8A from Paenibacillus barcinonensis BP‐23 deciphers its molecular specificity

The FEBS Journal

Abstract and Figures

Reducing‐end xylose‐releasing exo‐oligoxylanases (Rex) are GH8 enzymes that depolymerize xylooligosaccharides complementing xylan degradation by endoxylanases in an exo manner. We have studied Paenibacillus barcinonensis Rex8A and showed the release of xylose from xylooligomers decorated with methylglucuronic acid (UXOS) or with arabinose (AXOS). This gives the enzyme a distinctive trait among known Rex, which show activity only on linear xylooligosaccharides. The structure of the enzyme has been solved by X‐ray crystallography showing a (α/α)6 folding common to GH8 enzymes. Analysis of inactived Rex8A‐E70A complexed with xylotetraose revealed the existence of at least four binding subsites in Rex8A, with the oligosaccharide occupying subsites −3 to +1. The enzyme shows an extended Leu320‐His321‐Pro322 loop, common to other Rex, which blocks the binding of longer substrates to positive subsites further than +1 and seems responsible for the lack or diminished activity of Rex enzymes on xylan. Mutants with smaller residues in this loop failed to increase Rex8A activity on the polymer. Analysis of the complexes with AXOS showed the accommodation of arabinose at subsite −2, which cannot be allocated at subsite −1. Arabinose substitutions at the xylose O2 or O3 are accommodated by hydrophobic interaction and seem tolerated rather than recognized by Rex8A. A strained binding of the branch is facilitated by the lack of direct polar interactions of the xylose occupying this subsite, its water‐mediated links allowing some conformational flexibility of the sugar. The plasticity of Rex8A is a notable property of the enzyme for its application in xylan deconstruction and upgrading. Database Structural data are available in PDB database under the accession numbers 6SRD (native form), 6TPP (E70A mutant in complex with EDO), 6TOW (E70A in complex with Xyl4), 6SUD (L320A mutant in complex with xylose), 6SHY (L320A/H321S double mutant in complex with EDO), 6TO0 (E70A in complex with AX3), and 6TRH (E70A in complex with AX4).
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Structural analysis of the reducing-end xylose-releasing
exo-oligoxylanase Rex8A from Paenibacillus barcinonensis
BP-23 deciphers its molecular specificity
Elena Jim
, Susana Valenzuela
, Mercedes Ram
Francisco Javier Pastor
and Julia Sanz-Aparicio
1 Macromolecular Crystallography and Structural Biology Department, Institute of Physical-Chemistry ‘Rocasolano’, CSIC, Madrid, Spain
2 Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Biology, University of Barcelona, Spain
3 Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (IN2UB), University of Barcelona, Spain
decorated xylan; GH8 specificity; reducing-
end xylose-releasing exo-oligoxylanase;
xylanase structure
J. Sanz-Aparicio, Department of
Crystallography and Structural Biology,
Institute of Physical-Chemistry ‘Rocasolano’,
CSIC, Serrano 119, Madrid 28006, Spain
Tel: +34 91 561 9400
F. J. Pastor, Department of Microbiology,
Faculty of Biology, University of Barcelona,
Av. Diagonal 643, Barcelona 08028, Spain
Tel: +34 93 4034626
Elena Jim
enez-Ortega and Susana
Valenzuela contributed equally to this work
(Received 28 February 2020, revised 27
March 2020, accepted 9 April 2020)
Reducing-end xylose-releasing exo-oligoxylanases (Rex) are GH8 enzymes
that depolymerize xylooligosaccharides complementing xylan degradation by
endoxylanases in an exo manner. We have studied Paenibacillus barcinonensis
Rex8A and showed the release of xylose from xylooligomers decorated with
methylglucuronic acid (UXOS) or with arabinose (AXOS). This gives the
enzyme a distinctive trait among known Rex, which show activity only on lin-
ear xylooligosaccharides. The structure of the enzyme has been solved by
X-ray crystallography showing a (a/a)
folding common to GH8 enzymes.
Analysis of inactived Rex8A-E70A complexed with xylotetraose revealed the
existence of at least four binding subsites in Rex8A, with the oligosaccharide
occupying subsites 3 to +1. The enzyme shows an extended Leu320-
His321-Pro322 loop, common to other Rex, which blocks the binding of
longer substrates to positive subsites further than +1 and seems responsible
for the lack or diminished activity of Rex enzymes on xylan. Mutants with
smaller residues in this loop failed to increase Rex8A activity on the polymer.
Analysis of the complexes with AXOS showed the accommodation of arabi-
nose at subsite 2, which cannot be allocated at subsite 1. Arabinose substi-
tutions at the xylose O2 or O3 are accommodated by hydrophobic interaction
and seem tolerated rather than recognized by Rex8A. A strained binding of
the branch is facilitated by the lack of direct polar interactions of the xylose
occupying this subsite, its water-mediated links allowing some conformational
flexibility of the sugar. The plasticity of Rex8A is a notable property of the
enzyme for its application in xylan deconstruction and upgrading.
Structural data are available in PDB database under the accession numbers 6SRD (native form),
6TPP (E70A mutant in complex with EDO), 6TOW (E70A in complex with Xyl4), 6SUD (L320A
mutant in complex with xylose), 6SHY (L320A/H321S double mutant in complex with EDO),
6TO0 (E70A in complex with AX3), and 6TRH (E70A in complex with AX4).
AX3, 2
-a-L-arabinofuranosyl-xylotriose (Ara
); AX4, 3
-a-L-arabinofuranosyl-xylotetraose (Ara
); AXOS, arabinose-decorated
xylooligosaccharides; BaRex, Bifidobacterium adolescentis RexA; BhRex, Bacillus halodurans C-125 Rex; BiRex, Bacteroides intestinalis
Rex8; BiXyn, Bacteroides intestinalis Xyn8A; BsXyn, Bacillus sp. KK-1 XynY; CtCelA, Clostridium thermocellum b-glucanase; GH, glycosyl
hydrolase; PbRex, Paenibacillus barengoltzii Rex; PhXyl, Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis xylanase; PhXyn, Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis
Xyn8; Rex8A, Paenibacillus barcinonensis BP-23 reducing-end xylose-releasing exo-oligoxylanase; TtXyl, Teredinibacter turnerae xylanase;
UXOS, methylglucuronic acid-branched xylooligosaccharides.
5362 The FEBS Journal 287 (2020) 5362–5374 ª2020 Federation of European Biochemical Societies
Nowadays, biomass and its derivatives are emerging as
a promising raw material to replace petrol-based prod-
ucts for the development of a sustainable circular
economy [1]. One of the central components of bio-
mass is xylan, an heteropolysaccharide composed of
chains of xylose that are ramified to a different extent
and with different substituents depending on the
source of the polymer [2]. The enzymatic decomposi-
tion of xylan involves the catalysis of a complex pool
of hydrolytic enzymes to debranch and depolymerize
the main backbone of the polysaccharide [3]. Endoxy-
lanases (EC are the key enzymes in the depoly-
merization process since they randomly cleave the
xylan backbone to soluble xylooligosaccharides. Based
on sequence and structure similarities of their catalytic
domain, xylanases have been classified into glycosyl
hydrolase (GH) families 10, 11, and 30 in CAZy data-
base (, but xylanase activity is
also found in GH families 5, 8, and 43 [4]. Comple-
menting the xylanase activity, GH8 family contains the
few members of the reducing-end xylose-releasing exo-
oligoxylanases (Rex) (EC described to date
[5-9]. Rex enzymes display the hydrolysis in an exo-
splitting manner, progressively removing xylopyranosyl
units from the reducing ends of the substrates. The
attributed role for Rex enzymes lies in the intracellular
depolymerization of xylooligosaccharides since four of
the five enzymes described until the date have no sig-
nal peptide [8].
GH8 enzymes present an inverting single-displace-
ment reaction mechanism and fold into a (a/a)
common to other inverting glycosidases. They have
been divided into three subfamilies depending on the
position of the residue acting as the base catalyst [10].
Rex8A belongs to subfamily GH8a, which has the
aspartate at the N terminus of helix a
of the barrel.
The three-dimensional structures of three GH8a mem-
bers, all of them endo-enzymes, have been reported,
that is, the b-glucanase from Clostridium thermocellum,
CtCelA [11], and the xylanases from Pseudoal-
teromonas haloplanktis, PhXyl [12], and Teredinibac-
ter turnerae, TtXyl [13]. Additionally, the molecular
basis of the exo-activity observed in Rex enzymes [14]
has been attributed to a kink in the loop preceding
, by crystallographic analysis of Bacillus halodurans
C-125 Rex, BhRex [5].
Rex8A from Paenibacillus barcinonensis is one of the
few examples of Rex enzymes described so far [8].It
belongs to the complex xylanolytic system of this bac-
terium, including several enzymes with industrial
potential [15-18]. As the other characterized Rex
enzymes, Rex8A shows an efficient removal of xylose
from linear xylooligosaccharides but only shows minor
activity on xylan. However, contrary to known Rex, it
also releases xylose from decorated xylooligosaccha-
rides (methylglucuronic acid-branched xylooligosaccha-
rides, UXOS), which gives RexA a distinctive trait
among other Rex enzymes [8]. In this work, we have
studied the structural traits of Rex8A that could give
insight into the unique properties of the enzyme. We
have solved the three-dimensional structure of Rex8A
and several mutants that have been constructed,
including those in the loop blocking the access to poly-
meric substrates, and analyzed their binding abilities
to xylooligomers by soaking and cocrystallization
experiments. We have also shown that the activity of
Rex8A on decorated oligomers extends to
xylooligosaccharides with arabinose decorations
(AXOS), and depicted their interaction within the
binding subsites by crystallographic analysis of their
complexes. The results obtained contribute to deci-
phering the function of Rex8A in xylan depolymeriza-
tion. Further research needs to be done to understand
the role of Rex enzymes in biomass deconstruction
and their potential in the upgrading of lignocellulosic
residues to added-value products.
Results and Discussion
Crystal structure of Rex8A
To elucidate the molecular basis of its enzymatic activ-
ity, the crystal structure of native Rex8A was solved at
A resolution (Fig. 1). Experimental details and
structure determination procedures are given in the
Materials and methods section and in Table 1. The
crystals belong to the P1 space group, with two mole-
cules in the asymmetric unit and 50% solvent content
within the cell. A xylose molecule from the cryoprotec-
tant solution used prior to data collection has been
captured at the active site (WT-xylose). The structure
was determined by means of molecular replacement
using as the search model the coordinates from the
reducing-end xylose-releasing exo-oligoxylanase from
B. halodurans C-125, BhRex (PDB entry 1WU4)[5].
Inactivated mutant Rex8A-E70A was also crystallized
and used for soaking experiments with xylotetraose
and xylohexaose; however, only two molecules of ethy-
lene glycol, used as additive in the precipitant solution,
were found bound at the active site (E70A-EDO),
which is explained in terms of the occlusion of part of
the active site by a proximal protein molecule located
next to the cavity, as explained below.
5363The FEBS Journal 287 (2020) 5362–5374 ª2020 Federation of European Biochemical Societies
E. Jim
enez-Ortega et al.Rex8A structure and specificity
Rex8A is folded into the expected (a/a)
common to GH8 members, with long loops surround-
ing one axis of the barrel, and the C- and N-terminal
segments tightly packed against the opposite face
(Fig. 1). Besides the known structure of BhRex, having
64% sequence identity with Rex8A, the coordinates of
the Paenibacillus barengoltzii G22 PbRex, with 68%
identity, were recently released (PDB code 5YXT).
Structural comparison shows that the folding of the
three enzymes is very well conserved, as reflected in
the very low r.m.s.d. of 0.74 and 0.76
A of the two
enzymes vs. Rex8A, for 374 and 370 residues (Qscores
of 0.92 and 0.91), respectively. The most significant
difference is the Pro250-Arg260 loop highlighted in
Fig. 1, which is the most variable region and clearly
longer in Rex8A with respect to the other Rexs. A
xylobiose molecule bound in the BhRex crystal at the
2, 1 subsites suggested the importance of this loop
in determining substrate binding. Curiously, this is the
loop impeding active site cleft accessibility in Rex8A
by being inserted into the distal subsites of the adja-
cent molecule (Fig. 1, inset), which reinforces its role
in binding affinity. Therefore, additional experiments
were undertaken to find new crystallization conditions
that would allow the formation of complexes with
The structure of the Rex8A-Xyl4 complex depicts
the active site
The inactivated mutant Rex8A-E70A was incubated
with xylotetraose prior to the setting of new crystal-
lization screenings, leading to a new crystal form with
different habit and a new trigonal symmetry (E70A-
Xyl4). From these crystals, the structure of the
Rex8A-Xyl4 complex was determined at 2.05
A resolu-
tion, the electron density maps showing the oligosac-
charide occupying subsites 3to+1, as seen in
Fig. 2A. The clear electron density observed in all the
subsites could indicate a strong interaction and, conse-
quently, the existence of at least four binding subsites
in Rex8A.
The overall structure of the complex is very similar
to that of the unliganded crystals, and only minor
rearrangement of the Pro250-Arg260 loop, which
approximates by 0.5
A to the ligand, is observed upon
Fig. 1. Structure of Rex8A. Superimposition
of native Rex8A-Xyl complex (prune) onto
(pale cyan). The position of two
ethylene glycol molecules trapped in the
E70A crystals is shown in yellow. The
different molecules are occupying subsites
2, 1, and +1. The N- and C-terminal
residues of Rex8 chain are represented as
spheres and highlighted with arrows. The
sequence alignment of the Rex8 loop
Pro250-Arg260, highlighted in the cartoon,
is shown in a box marking position Leu255-
His256. Inset: Crystal packing locates
Leu255, from loop 250-260 of an adjacent
molecule (beige), blocking Rex8A active site
cleft. Model generated using PyMol
Molecular Graphics System [30].
5364 The FEBS Journal 287 (2020) 5362–5374 ª2020 Federation of European Biochemical Societies
Rex8A structure and specificity E. Jim
enez-Ortega et al.
Table 1. Crystallographic statistics (values in parentheses are for the high-resolution shell).
WT-xyl E70A-EDO E70A-Xyl4 L320A-Xyl L320A/H321S-EDO E70A-AX3 E70A-AX4
soaking, and
23% PEG6K
100 mMTris,
pH 8
200 mMNaCl
10 mM[Co
25% glycerol
50 mMxylose
20% PEG6K
100 mM
200 mM
10 mM[Co
20% ethylene
18% PEG3350K
100 mM
propane pH
200 mM
20% PEG400
50 mM
22% PEG6K
100 mM
200 mM
10 mM[Co
6% glycerol
20% ethylene
50 mMxylose
22% PEG6K
pH 7
200 mMMgCl
10 mM[Co(NH
6% glycerol
20% ethylene
50 mMxylose
16% PEG3350K
100 mMBisTris
propane pH 7.5
200 mMKSCN
20% glycerol
15 mM2
20% PEG3350
100 mMBisTris
propane pH 7.5
200 mMKSCN
25% glycerol.
Space group P1P1P3
Unit cell parameters
A) 51.6, 59.2, 79.5 51.7, 58.4, 79.3 84.6, 84.6, 274.6 51.5, 59.2, 79.4 51.3, 58.6, 78.7 87.9, 87.9, 274.2 82.3, 82,7, 465.3
a,b,c(°) 87.8, 78.0, 74.3 87.3, 78.2, 73.5 90, 90, 120 87.3, 78.4, 74.6 87.5, 78.1, 74.3 90, 90, 120 90, 90, 90
Data collection
100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Wavelength (
A) 1.04191 0.979490 0.979260 0.979490 0.979250 0.979260 0.979260
Resolution (
A) 48.581.93 (1.98
77.632.64 (2.77
43.942.05 (2.09
57.041.74 (1.77
45.781.81 (1.85
44.491.88 (1.88
46.621.86 (1.86
Data processing
225 331 (13 133) 72 150 (9770) 481 963 (29 580) 265 064 (13 708) 209 507 (11 875) 660 511 (32 568) 961 039 (17 154)
64 154 (4213) 24 307 (3296) 72 614 (4419) 87 761 (4448) 75 674 (4471) 100 926 (4930) 129 847 (5330)
Multiplicity 3.5 (3.1) 3.0 (3.0) 6.6 (6.7) 3.0 (3.1) 2.8 (2.7) 6.5 (6.6) 7.4 (3.2)
96.4 (93.2) 94.4 (95.2) 100.0 (100.0) 96.6 (95.0) 96.2 (94.8) 99.9 (99.5) 97.2 (80.7)
Mean I/r(I) 7.2 (2.0) 5.4 (1.8) 12.2 (2.9) 7.1 (2.1) 5.6 (2.0) 13.8 (2.7) 7.4 (3.2)
(%) 12.5 (72.3) 16.4 (68.2) 9.3 (64.2) 9.8 (62.8) 11.1 (64.8) 7.8 (60.9) 15.3 (65.8)
(%) 7.8 (48.9) 10.9 (45.5) 3.8 (26.4) 6.7 (42.3) 7.7 (46.3) 3.2 (25.3) 5.2 (37.7)
CC1/2 (%) 99.2 (66.3) 97.1 (56.3) 99.8 (90.4) 98.7 (78.7) 98.4 (62.2) 99.9 (99.5) 99.2 (56.8)
Molecules per
22222 2 4
(%) 18.9/22.9 19.0/23.7 23.6/26.5 24.2/27.7 17.6/20.6 23.4/25.7 23.8/26.3
No. of atoms/average B(
Protein 6226/16.90 6218/29.20 6259/34.33 6254/14.99 6230/20.61 6248/29.96 12 557/35.88
Ligand 44/23.48 16/33.57 74/45.61 102/23.31 72/36.50 86/28.17 184/33.96
606/28.25 227/25.21 311/36.36 597/24.79 487/30.74 423/37.54 194/32.81
All atoms 6876/17.94 6461/29.08 6644/34.55 6953/15.95 6789/21.50 6757/30.42 12 935/35.88
Ramachandran plot (%)
Favored 99 97 98 98 98 98 96
Outliers 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
RMS deviations
Bonds (
A) 0.006 0.006 0.007 0.006 0.006 0.007 0.006
Angles (°) 1.418 1.450 1.447 1.461 1.503 1.474 1.417
PDB accession
(hkl), where I
(hkl) is the ith measurement of reflection hkl and [I(hkl)] is the weighted mean of all mea-
[1/(N1)] 1/2
(hkl), where Nis the redundancy for the hkl reflection.;
|, where F
is the calculated and F
is the observed structure-factor amplitude of reflection hkl for the working/free (5%) set,
5365The FEBS Journal 287 (2020) 5362–5374 ª2020 Federation of European Biochemical Societies
E. Jim
enez-Ortega et al.Rex8A structure and specificity
sugar binding (Fig. 2B). The movement toward the
substrate at the main chain of two regions near subsite
+1 previously reported in BhRex [5] and corresponding
to Thr62-Asn64 and Lys355-Arg358 in Rex8A is not
observed in our complex, although a different orienta-
tion of the Lys357 and Arg358 side chains is evident
in the crystal. The relevance that this observation may
have in substrate binding is discussed later.
Xyl4 is occupying the narrow cleft in an extended
conformation with hydrophobic stacking interactions
of the xyloses at subsites 2 and +1 to Trp112 and
Tyr361 side chains, respectively (Fig. 2B). In addition,
the oligosaccharide is accommodated by many polar
interactions with the residues at the active site, includ-
ing several well-ordered water molecules.
As has been described for the other Rex enzymes,
subsite 3 seems quite open to the solvent, the xylose
ring making only hydrophobic contacts to the con-
served Ile187. A higher K
for xylooligosaccharides
longer that xylotetraose has been reported in BhRex8A
[14] although no structural rationale supported the
negative effect of binding at this subsite [5]. In Rex8A,
the cleft is narrowed by the longer Pro250-Arg260
loop (Fig. 1A), which situates the C5-O5 moiety
within 5
A from His256 ring and making hydrophobic
contact to its side chain. In addition, O2 is linked to
the Pro125 main chain through a water molecule,
which may contribute to fix the xylose bound at this
subsite. A subsite 3 has been previously reported to
be present in the endoglucanase CtCelA [11] and the
endoxylanase TtXyl, with 26% and 38% sequence
identity, respectively, to Rex8A [13], but not in PhXyl
[12]), with 30% identity. We reported previously that
Rex8A shows maximum activity vs. xylotriose, with
lower activity vs. xylotetraose, which is consistent with
the low number of interactions accommodating xylose
bound at this subsite. Therefore, despite that clear
electron density seems to indicate a fixed position for
xylose, the contribution of this subsite to substrate
affinity might be moderate. On the other hand, consid-
ering its position and orientation, decoration of xylose
at this subsite could be allowed only at O3 that is
open to the solvent.
The xylose located at subsite 2 is sandwiched
between Trp112 and Phe186 (this last through a T-in-
teraction pattern) in a way conserved in all known
GH8 enzymes degrading xylose-based oligosaccharides.
In addition, most of its O atoms are involved in
water-mediated polar interactions. Thus, O2 and O5
are linked through water molecules to Tyr197 hydroxyl
and to Tyr243 (O2) and Phe186 main chain (O5). Lar-
gest differences in the active site with respect to the
known Rexs are found in this subsite 2 due to the
presence of its extended Pro250-Arg260 loop, contain-
ing His256, and the substitution of a Tyr by Phe259 in
Rex8A. This makes a narrowed cavity at O3, and a
wider cleft at O2 filled by a well-ordered net of water
molecules that fixes O2 from xylose rings at subsites
2 and 1, and the O glycoside link. Therefore, deco-
rations could appear, in principle, impeded at O3, but
possible at O2, but this issue was further investigated,
as explained later.
Distortion of the sugar ring located at subsite 1isa
common requirement in GH enzymes for the hydrolysis
to proceed. In the case of GH8 enzymes, a
transition state was proposed in the CtCelA as this con-
formation had been observed in the reported complex
of this enzyme with cellopentaose [11]. However, in the
two other reported complexes with xylooligosaccharides
spanning subsites 1, +1 of GH8 endoxylanases from
TtXyl-Xyl6 [13] and PhXyl-Xyl5 [12], this boat confor-
mation has not been trapped, the xylose located at sub-
site 1 being in a
chair noncatalytically relevant
conformation. In the particular case of the TtXyl-Xyl6
complex, xylose at subsite 1 is in a very peculiar ring-
flipped, Southern Hemisphere
conformation. Fur-
thermore, by in silico docking analysis, a conforma-
tional change from the chair ground state to a
pretransition state local minimum in a
tion was proposed [12]. In our Rex8A-Xyl4 complex,
the xylose is in a distorted
conformation with C1,
C2, C3, C4, and C5 being rather flat. Thus, the O2 and
O3 atoms keep polar interactions with Asp128 (O2, O3)
and Arg268 (O2) similarly to that observed in the
CtCelA complex, but the cyclic O5 atom is puckered
and makes a polar interaction with the Arg68 side
chain, absent in the CtCelA enzyme. The relevance of
this conformation is uncertain, considering that inacti-
vation of the enzyme involves removal of the proton-
donor side chain in the Glu70Ala replacement, which
might introduce artificial biases at this subsite. The
same biases could have happened in the previously
reported GH8 complexes, in which the proton donor
(CtCelA-E95Q), the base (TtXyl-D281N), or a third
catalytically relevant aspartate (PhXyl-D144A) has
been altered (Fig. 2C). Consequently, the specific nat-
ure of the catalytically relevant enzymesubstrate com-
plex and the conformational itinerary of these class of
enzymes remains to be confirmed. Nevertheless, and
despite the different conformations captured at subsite
1, a remarkable similarity in the position and ring ori-
entation of the Glu/Xyl bound from 2to+1 subsites
is evident in Fig. 2C. This feature, together with a simi-
lar chain bending at the scissile bond, reveals a very
conserved catalytic machinery within both endo- and
exo-GH8 enzymes.
5366 The FEBS Journal 287 (2020) 5362–5374 ª2020 Federation of European Biochemical Societies
Rex8A structure and specificity E. Jim
enez-Ortega et al.
The xylose located at subsite +1 is stacked to
Tyr361, conserved in all the GH8 enzymes, and is
tightly fixed by many polar interactions to residues
unique to the Rex enzymes. Thus, O1, O2, and O3 are
making direct polar links to His321, Asp61, and
Arg68 side chains. In addition, O3 and O5 are making
water-mediated interaction to Tyr360 and Ser264 side
chains. Interestingly, O2 is pointing to a polar cavity
occupied by well-ordered water molecules making a
net of hydrogen links connecting the sugar to Asp61
carboxylate and to the main chain of Arg358, Tyr360,
and Tyr361. This network of polar links seems essen-
tial for keeping the integrity of the subsite +1 architec-
ture, as will be illustrated below. On the other hand,
the most important difference found in the Rex sub-
family with respect to the other GH8 enzymes is a
kink in the loop Leu320-Pro322 that blocks the active
site at the reducing-end and impedes bindings of
longer substrates [5]. Thus, exo-GH8 enzymes may
have evolved from their endo-partners by just a few
changes in this section of the active site, which may
suggest that the reversal of this endo-character could
be possibly accomplished, in principle, by mutating
selected key residues, an issue that is explained below.
Molecular basis of the exo/endo-activity
As mentioned before Rex8A does not show positive
subsites further than +1 because it is blocked by loop
Leu320-His321-Pro322 that impedes binding of longer
substrates. This loop is conserved among the charac-
terized Rex enzymes, while it is not found in known
GH8 xylanases. As an exception, the sequence LHP is
not found in the Rex from Bacteroides intestinalis
(BiRex), although it has an extra span of amino acids
in the corresponding region of the enzyme (Fig. 3).
This fact should preclude the endo-activity of the Rex
enzymes that show only a very minor activity on
xylans probably resulting from its reducing-end exo-ac-
tivity. To analyze the contribution of the loop to the
exo- vs. endo-activity of Rex8A, a series of mutants
were constructed in which the residues Leu and His
were replaced by smaller Ala residues. The activity of
the two single mutants constructed, L320A and
H321A, was assayed on different types of xylans
(Table 2). Wild-type enzyme showed higher activity on
arabinoxylans from wheat and oat spelt than on
beechwood glucuronoxylan, although all the activity
values detected were very small. The activity on xylans
was also confirmed by TLC analysis, which showed
the release of xylose from the polymers (data not
shown). L320A showed a similar low activity on
Fig. 2. Rex8A active site. (A) Molecular surface of Rex8A-Xyl4
complex, showing the sugar as olive sticks and the xylose bound
at the native crystals in red. Blue/red are positive/negative Rex8A-
charged regions. Inset: final 2FoFc electron density map of Xyl4,
contoured at 1r. (B) Detail of the atomic interactions in the Rex8A-
Xyl4 complex, with polar links shown as dashed lines. The residues
that rearrange upon substrate binding are highlighted showing its
position in the native crystal as salmon sticks. The catalytic
residues are colored in magenta. (C) Superimposition of the Rex8-
Xyl4 complex (olive) onto the reported GH8 complexes PhXyl-Xyl5
[12] (slate) and CtCelA-Xyl5 [11] (beige), showing
B and
conformation, respectively, at the sugar bound at subsite 1. Only
the catalytic base, the proton donor and a third relevant aspartate
are represented, with the replacement done in each case to
inactivate the enzymes. Model generated using PyMol Molecular
Graphics System.
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arabinoxylans, while no activity was found on glu-
curonoxylan. A double-mutant L320A/H321S con-
structed showed similar behavior on xylans than
L320A. On the other hand, H321A mutant did not
show activity on the xylans tested.
Then, the activity of wild-type Rex8A and its
mutant derivatives was analyzed on linear
xylooligosaccharides (Fig. 4A). Rex8A showed activity
on the substrates tested, xylotriose, xylotetraose, and
xylohexaose, releasing xylose and xylobiose as main
hydrolysis products, in accordance with its exo mode
of action. Null mutant E70A did not show activity on
these oligomers, while L320A showed similar activity
on xylooligosaccharides to that observed with the
wild-type enzyme. On the contrary, H321A and
L320A/H321S showed a diminished activity on these
substrates, this decrease being more apparent in the
double mutant tested against xylohexaose.
We investigate the molecular basis of these results
performing crystallization experiments, which yielded
crystals from the single L320A and double L320A/
H321S mutants. The structure of the L320A mutant
with a trapped xylose (L320A-Xyl in Table 1) is identi-
cal to that from the native-xylose complex shown in
Fig. 1, which reveals an equivalent binding mode at
subsite +1 consistent with the similar behavior
observed in the activity of this mutant vs.
xylooligosaccharides and xylan. Thus, Leu320 does
not appear critical for Rex8A exo-activity. In contrast,
the double mutant L320A/H321S (L320A/H321S-
EDO) shows structural rearrangement of some regions
delineating the active site, particularly at the loops
Leu60-Asp65 and Arg354-Tyr360, at the end of helices
a1 and a8 of the barrel, which shift by 1
A probably
as a consequence of the loss of polar links associated
with the removal of the His321 side chain. As it is
shown in Fig. 4B, the His321 side chain interacts with
Asp362 that is linked to Arg354, which, in turn, inter-
acts with Arg358 main chain. Therefore, removal of
His321-Asp362 link might disrupt the polar network
building this part of the active site with the observed
shift in the loops, what can be detrimental for sub-
strate binding. Most important seems the loss of the
His321xylose interaction, as the NH-O1 hydrogen
bond has been reported to be critical for discrimina-
tion of the a/bxylose isomer [5]. As it is observed in
Fig. 4C,D, removal of His321 makes a wider cavity in
the mutant, as compared to native, which allows to
bind an EDO molecule linked to the introduced
Ser321-OH. However, the fact that soaking crystals
with xylose did not trap xylose at the active site points
to an important decrease in affinity, which agrees with
the extremely reduced activity observed in this mutant.
Therefore, the elongation of the active site does not
induce an endo-mode of action but, rather, disturbs
the active site for proper positioning of the xylose at
+1 subsite, with a detrimental effect in activity.
Analysis of the specificity vs decorated
As mentioned before, previous works showed the
activity of Rex8A on methylglucuronic acid-decorated
xylooligosaccharides (UXOS). The substrates reported
aldotetraouronic (MeGlcA
) and aldohexaouronic
), showing the decoration in the third
xylose from the reducing-end, were shortened in one
xylose residue but were not further hydrolyzed [8].
These results together with docking analysis suggested
the accommodation of the methylglucuronic moiety in
2 subsite of the enzyme, while the 1 subsite would
not allow decorations [8]. This type of substrate
accommodation resembled to that described for GH30
bacterial xylanases, which require accommodation in
Fig. 3. Sequence alignment of reducing-end xylose-releasing exo-oligoxylanases (Rexs). Alignment of the amino acid sequences was
performed using the CLUSTAL OMEGA ( The Rex sequences shown are Bacteroides intestinalis Rex8A
(BiRex, GenBank EDV05843.1), Bifidobacterium adolescentis RexA (BaRex, GenBank AAO67498.1), Paenibacillus barcinonensis BP-23
Rex8A (Rex8A, GenBank ALP73600.1), Paenibacillus barengoltzii Rex (PbRex, GenBank WP_016314299.1), and Bacillus halodurans C-125
Rex (BhRex, GenBank BAB05824.1). GH8 xylanase sequences shown are Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis Xyn8 (PhXyn, GenBank
CAD20872.1), Bacillus sp. KK-1 XynY (BsXyn, GenBank AAC27700.1), and Bacteroides intestinalis Xyn8A (BiXyn, GenBank EDV05067.1).
Residues 320322 forming the LHP loop are highlighted in a green square.
5368 The FEBS Journal 287 (2020) 5362–5374 ª2020 Federation of European Biochemical Societies
Rex8A structure and specificity E. Jim
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2 subsite for activity on glucuronoxylans and UXOS
[19-22]. We compared hydrolysis products released by
a GH30 xylanase, P. barcinonensis Xyn30D, or by
Rex8A from aldotetraouronic and aldohexaouronic
acids by TLC analysis. The products released by the
enzymes showed identical mobility, clearly indicating
the accommodation of decorations in 2 subsite of
Rex8A (Fig. 5A).
In addition to the ability of Rex8A to hydrolyse
methylglucuronic acid-decorated xylooligosaccharides,
our present work reveals that Rex8A exhibits moder-
ate activity on the two tested arabinoxylans (Table 2).
Furthermore, from inspection of the crystal structure
reported here, we can expect that the cavity observed
at 2 subsite could also accommodate arabinose sub-
stituents of xylan oligomers. Thus, we tested Rex8A
activity on two different arabinose-decorated
xylooligosaccharides (AXOS), 2
xylotriose (Ara
AX3) and 3
nosyl-xylotetraose (Ara
AX4), which show the
arabinose decoration in the third xylose from the
Table 2. Activity of Rex8A and derived mutants on xylans
). ND, not detected; mUmg
, milliunits per milligram.
Oat spelt
Wt 38.3 4 26.6 2 8.1 3
L320A 42.6 1.6 26.8 4ND
L320A7H321S 13.2 1.1 5.1 4ND
Fig. 4. Exo/endo-activity of Rex8. (A) Xylotriose (X3), xylotetraose (X4), and xylohexaose (X6) were incubated with Rex8A wt and derived
mutants E70A (E), L320A (L), H321A (H), or L320A/H321S (L/H), and the hydrolysis products were analyzed by thin-layer chromatography.
Lanes: c, control sample (no digestion); M, size markers X1, X2, X3, X4, and X5. (B) Superimposition of native Rex8A (salmon) onto the
L320A/H321S double mutant (slate), showing polar interactions of native His320 as black dashed lines, and that of mutated Ser320 as a
cyan line. The loops that rearrange in the mutant are labeled. Molecular surface of native (C) and double mutant (D), showing the larger
cavity created in the mutated protein and the molecules bound at each active site. Xylose position is shown in (D) as a reference. Model
generated using PyMol Molecular Graphics System.
5369The FEBS Journal 287 (2020) 5362–5374 ª2020 Federation of European Biochemical Societies
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reducing-end, but differ, besides length, in the xylose
carbon atom to which the arabinose moiety is linked,
C2 or C3, respectively. Considering the shape of the
cavity observed in Rex8A at subsite 2, only decora-
tions at O2 would have been expected, as O3 is point-
ing to a more constricted, narrower pocket, as
commented before. Surprisingly, Rex8A cleaved both
AXOS, which were shortened in a xylose residue that
was released (Fig. 5B). The shortened AXOS were not
further cleaved by Rex8A, similarly to the results
shown for UXOS. These results confirm the
accommodation of decorations in 2 subsite, while the
1 subsite would not allow main chain substituents.
On the other hand, the activity of mutants on these
substrates follows the same pattern to that observed
on xylan and linear xylooligosaccharides (Table 2and
Fig. 5B).
To investigate the binding mode of branched
xylooligosaccharides and the specific recognition of the
corresponding substitutions, the E70A-inactivated
mutant was incubated with both substrates and new
crystallization conditions were tested. Crystals were
grown from the Rex8A-AX3 and Rex8A-AX4 com-
plexes, and their structures were solved leading to the
final data given in Table 1. The analysis of both com-
plexes reveals that both AXOS are able to accommodate
within the narrow slot similarly to the unsubstituted
Xyl4, showing no significant changes in the residues
delineating the active site (Fig. 6A). However, some dif-
ferences are observed in the binding mode and in the
conformation adopted by each substrate. First, the AX3
is bound with the three xylose units in a chair conforma-
tion and keeping the same interactions pattern described
in the Rex8A-Xyl4 complex (Fig. 6B). At subsite 2,
the introduced arabinose is oriented to the hydrophilic
cavity surrounding the catalyst Asp265 and filled with
water molecules, in a way that its ring oxygen is making
the same hydrogen bonds presented by the unsubsti-
tuted O2 of Xyl4. This seems the only polar interaction
stabilizing the decoration. In the case of the Rex8A-
AX4 complex, binding of the substituted tetrasaccharide
involves a distortion of the xylose at subsite 3, which
is stabilized by a new water-mediated polar interaction
to Gly124, while the arabinose at subsite 2 is directed
out from the cavity showing no interactions with the
enzyme (Fig. 6C). Apart from this, the hydrogen bond
pattern at the other subsites is essentially similar to the
other two complexes.
Therefore, it seems that Rex8A is not specifically
recognizing the arabinose substitutions of these sub-
strates but, rather, it would be tolerating the existence
of these decorations at its active site. The structural
rationale for this hypothesis is made clear from the
complexes here reported. The analysis of the binding
mode of the tested xylooligosaccharides reveals that
the 2 and 3 subsites lack direct polar links between
the protein and the substrate, which might confer
more plasticity to them. At subsite 2, the xylose unit
is fixed by stacking to Trp112 and hydrophobic T-in-
teraction to Phe186. Moreover, the Rex8A QLH motif
makes a more prominent loop that narrows the slot,
placing the decorations in a very constrained position.
Thus, in the case of substitutions at O3, some move-
ment of the flexible loop could have been expected to
Fig. 5. Rex8A activity against decorated xylooligosaccharides. (A) A
mixture of aldouronic acids [aldotetraouronic (MeGlcA
) and
aldohexaouronic (MeGlcA
)] was incubated with enzymes, and
the hydrolysis products were analyzed by thin-layer
chromatography. Lanes: 1, control sample (no digestion); 2, sample
digested with Rex8A; 3, sample digested with Xyn30D; 4, sample
digested with Rex8A and Xyn30D; M, size markers X1, X2, X3, X4,
X5, and X6. (B) Arabinose-decorated xylooligosaccharides: 2
arabinofuranosyl-xylotriose (Ara
) and 3
xylotetraose (Ara
) were incubated with Rex8A wt and derived
mutants E70A (E), L320A (L), H321A (H), or L320A/H321S (L/H),
and the hydrolysis products were analyzed by thin-layer
chromatography. Lanes: c, control sample (no digestion); M, size
markers X1, X2, X3, X4, and X5. Each digestion was performed
and analyzed in three independent experiments to confirm the
5370 The FEBS Journal 287 (2020) 5362–5374 ª2020 Federation of European Biochemical Societies
Rex8A structure and specificity E. Jim
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open the slot making room for the branch at O3. On
the contrary, fitting of the decorated substrate leads to
slight distortions at the adjacent subsite 3 that seem
easily tolerated by Rex8A.
The reducing-end specificity of Rex8 enzymes has been
attributed to a kink in the loop Leu320-His321-Pro322
blocking subsite +2. According to this, a limited num-
ber of mutations have been proposed to mediate the
evolution from the general endo-activity of GH8 to
the particular exo-xylooligosaccharide activity of Rexs.
In an attempt to reverse this evolution, we have inves-
tigated the effect of changes in the motif LH and cor-
related the results with the crystal analysis. While
mutants at Leu320 do not introduce significant
changes, removal of His321 impedes a proper position-
ing of the xylose at +1 subsite, explaining the detri-
mental effect observed in activity. Thus, construction
of a more extended active site does not induce the
expected exo-activity but, rather, introduces slight
rearrangement of some loops at the active site that
result in decreased activity.
Furthermore, we have expanded our previous work
on the unique activity of Rex8A on branched glu-
curono-xylooligosaccharides, by elucidating its ability
to degrade arabino-substituted substrates. Moreover,
detailed structural analysis of complexes with linear
and decorated oligomers reveals the molecular basis of
its specificity, and a unique loop at 2 subsite that
delineates a narrow pocket determining a constrained
binding mode of the decorations at this subsite. Arabi-
nose substitutions at the xylose O2 or O3 are accom-
modated by hydrophobic interaction and seem
‘tolerated’ rather than recognized by Rex8A. This
strained binding of the branch is facilitated by the lack
of direct polar interactions of the xylose occupying this
subsite, its water-mediated links allowing some confor-
mational flexibility of the sugar.
Rex8 are very interesting enzymes for deconstruction
of xylan. Its molecular analysis could be of great value
in the design of efficient xylanases to transform ligno-
cellulose and cell wall materials into biofuel or added-
value products, with the aim of achieving more sus-
tainable industrial processes.
Materials and methods
Cloning and mutagenesis of Rex8A
Construction of Rex8A and Rex8A-E70A expression vectors
was previously reported [8]. Rex8A-L320A, Rex8A-H321A,
and Rex8A-L320A/H321S were generated by site-directed
mutagenesis using the same strategy as with Rex8A-E70A
[8]. The following mutagenic oligonucleotide primers were
used in the PCR: Rex8A-L320A-fw (5-aacgagcccgcaGCgc
accccgtaggcctgctggccaccaat-3) and Rex8A-L320A-rv (5-gcc
Fig. 6. Binding mode of decorated substrates to Rex8A. (A).
Superimposition of Xyl4 (green), AX3 (purple), and AX4 (slate) as
found at the active site of Rex8A; the arabinose decorations have
been highlighted with thicker sticks. Relevant residues are
represented. (B, C) Binding of AX3 and AX4n to Rex8A showing
the polar interactions as dashed lines and relevant water
molecules. Final 2FoFc electron density map of AX3 and AX4 are
contoured at 1r. The catalytic residues are highlighted in a lighter
tone. Model generated using PyMol Molecular Graphics System.
5371The FEBS Journal 287 (2020) 5362–5374 ª2020 Federation of European Biochemical Societies
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tacggggtgcGCtgcgggctcgttgaacggttcaccctc-3); Rex8A-H321A-
fw (5-gagcccgcattgGCccccgtaggcctgctggccaccaatgct-3) and
Rex8A-H321A-rv (5-caggcctacggggGCcaatgcgggctcgttgaacgg
ttcacc-3); Rex8A-L320A/H321S-fw (5-aacgagcccgcaGCgAGc
cccgtaggcctgctggccaccaat-3) and Rex8A-L320A/H321S-rv (5-
attggtggccagcaggcctacggggCTcGCtgcgggctcgtt-3) (mis-
matched codons are underlined, changed bases are in capital).
Expression and purification of Rex8A and
Recombinant proteins were purified from Escherichia coli
BL21 Star (DE3) clones containing the respective plasmid
as described elsewhere [8]. Briefly, exponential phase cul-
tures were induced with 0.5 MIPTG at 16 °C for 18 h and
cells were lysed by a Homogenizer PandaPLUS 2000
onen, Germany). Recombinant His-Tag proteins
were purified from cleared cell extracts by immobilized
metal affinity chromatography (IMAC) using HisTrap HP
columns of 1 mL (GE Healthcare, Chicago, IL, USA) on a
fast protein liquid chromatography system (
FPLC TM; GE Healthcare). Samples were then desalted
with PD-10 columns (GE Healthcare) and finally eluted in
20 mMTris/Cl buffer, pH 7. Proteins concentration was
performed in Centricon Centrifugal Filter Units of 30 kDa
MWCO (Millipore, Burlington, MA, USA). The purity of
the protein was verified by SDS/PAGE, and the concentra-
tion of the enzymes was measured with NanoDrop
1000 (NanoDrop Technologies, Inc, Wilmington, DE,
USA), using an extinction coefficient (e) at 280 nm of
99 950 for all the variants.
Crystallization and data collection
Initial crystallization conditions for Rex8A (5 mgmL
20 mMTris/HCl pH 7) were explored by high-throughput
techniques with a NanoDrop robot (Innovadyne Technolo-
gies Inc., Wilmington, DE, USA), using six different com-
mercially screens: PACT and JCSG +Suites from Qiagen
(QIAGEN N.V., Venlo, The Netherlands); JBScreen Classic
14 from Jena Bioscience (Jena, Germany); and Index, Crys-
tal Screen, and SaltRx packages from Hampton Research
(Aliso Viejo, CA, USA). These assays were carried out using
the sitting-drop vapor-diffusion method in MRC 96 well
crystallization plates (Molecular Dimensions, Sheffield, UK).
Rod-shaped crystals diffracting at moderate resolution grew
in 2225% (w/v) PEG 6K, 200 mMNaCl, and 100 mMTris
pH 8. Additional optimization experiments led to good-qual-
ity crystals with 10 mMof the additive Co[NH
data collection, crystals were transferred to cryoprotectant
solutions consisting of mother liquor plus 25% (v/v) glycerol
before being cooled in liquid nitrogen.
Additional optimization experiments were performed
with the E70A, L320A, and L320A/H321S mutants, leading
to the final conditions given in Table 1. For getting the
E70A-Xyl4 complex, new conditions were investigated with
the commercial screens by incubating the inactivated
enzyme with the sugar, previously to setting the experi-
ments. This produced a new crystal form allowing occu-
pancy of the active site by the substrate. The complexes of
E70A with the AXOS were obtained by cocrystallization
and optimizing these conditions, which in the case of AX4
led to a new crystal form. Final cryoprotectant solutions
used with the different crystals are summarized in Table 1.
Diffraction data were collected using synchrotron radia-
tion at the XALOC beamline at ALBA (Cerdanyola del
es, Spain). Diffraction images were processed with XDS
[23] and merged using AIMLESS from the CCP4 package [24].
A summary of data collection and data reduction statistics
for all the crystals is shown in Table 1.
Structure solution and refinement
The structure of Rex8A was solved by molecular replace-
ment using the MOLREP program [25]. The search model was
the B. halodurans exo-oligoxylanase (PDB entry 1WU4 [5]),
from which a template was prepared using the program
CHAINSAW [26] and a protein sequence alignment of Rex8A
onto the template. A solution containing two molecules in
the asymmetric unit was found using reflections up to
A resolution range. Crystallographic refinement was
performed using the program REFMAC [27] within the CCP4
suite with flat bulk-solvent correction, maximum likelihood
target features. Free R-factor was calculated using a subset
of 5% randomly selected structure-factor amplitudes that
were excluded from automated refinement. Extensive model
building using the program COOT [28] was combined with
several rounds of refinement leading to a model showing a
continuous density for the whole polypeptide chain. At the
later stages, water molecules were included in the model,
combined with more rounds of restrained refinement that
led to a final R-factor of 18.9 (R
22.9). Refinement
parameters are reported in Table 1. The structure of E70A,
L320A, and L320/H321S mutants was solved by difference
Fourier synthesis using the refined coordinates of the
native. The structure of the E70-Xyl4, E70-AX3, and E70-
AX4 complexes, showing a different space group, was
solved by molecular replacement using MOLREP and the
coordinates of native Rex8A as the search model. Refine-
ment for all structures was performed using REFMAC, com-
bined with model building with COOT, and coordinates for
the ligands were taken from the Protein Data Bank and
manually built into the electron density maps and refined,
to reach the R-factors listed in Table 1.
Stereochemistry of the models was checked with PRO-
CHECK [29], and the figures were generated with PYMOL [30].
Root mean square deviation analysis was made using the
program SUPERPOSE within the CCP4 package [24].
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Rex8A structure and specificity E. Jim
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Rex8A activity measurements
The catalytic activity of Rex8A and mutants on xylan sub-
strates was analyzed by measuring the amount of reducing
sugars released from their hydrolysis using the dinitrosali-
cylic (DNS) reagent method as assayed by Ref. [31] (https:// with some modifica-
tions. The standard assay was performed in 100 lLreaction
volume using 1.5% of substrate (w/v) in 50 mMTris/Cl buf-
fer, pH 7, at 40 °C and 300 r.p.m. The enzymatic reactions
were carried out for 18 h unless otherwise stated. The opti-
cal absorbance was measured at 540 nm, and xylanase activ-
ity was measured in terms of international units (IU). One
unit of xylanase activity was defined as the amount of
enzyme that releases 1 lmol of xylose reducing sugar equiva-
lent per min under the assay conditions described. The tested
xylans were beechwood xylan from Carl Roth, oat spelt
xylan from Sigma-Aldrich (Darmstadt, Germany), and
wheat arabinoxylan from Megazyme (Bray, Ireland).
Analysis of hydrolysis products
Xylan and xylooligosaccharide hydrolysis products were ana-
lyzed by thin-layer chromatography (TLC) performed on sil-
ica gel plates (Macherey-Nagel, Duren, Germany). Typical
assays were performed in Eppendorf tubes using final concen-
trations of 500 lgmL
of enzyme, 10 mgmL
of xyloo-
ligosaccharide, or 1.5% of xylan in 20 mMTris/HCl buffer
pH 7. Reactions were incubated at 40 °Cand300r.p.m.for
18 h, and supernatants were concentrated by evaporation
before loading in silica plates. Xylobiose, xylotriose, xylote-
traose, and xylopentaose were purchased from Megazyme.
xylopyranosyl-(1?4)-D-xylose, 2
xylotriose, (Ara
AX3), and b-D-xylopyranosyl-(1?
D-xylopyranosyl-(1?4)-D-xylose, 3
lotetraose (Ara
AX4) were purchased from Megazyme.
Mixtures containing the aldouronic acids 4-O-methyl-a-D-
ranosyl-(1?4)-D-xylose, (MeGlcA
) (aldotetraouronic
acid), and b-D-xylopyranosyl-(1?4)-b-D-xylopyranosyl-(1?
(1?4)-b-D-xylopyranosyl-(1?4)-D-xylose, (MeGlcA
(aldohexaouronic acid), were prepared from beechwood 4-
O-methyl-D-glucuronoxylan by xylanase treatment as des-
cribed before [8]. The solvent used was chloroform/acetic acid/
water (30 : 60 : 10), and the hydrolysis products were detected
by spraying ethanol/sulfuric acid mixture (95 : 5) on the plate
and revealing with a heat gun until spots become visible.
This work was supported by grants from the Spanish
Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through
grants BIO2016-76601-C3-3-R, BIOFABCEL CTQ2017-
84966-C2-2-R. We are grateful to the staff of the Syn-
chrotron Radiation Sources at Alba (Barcelona, Spain)
and ESRF (Grenoble, France) for providing access
and for technical assistance at BL13-XALOC and
Massif beamlines, and to the ‘Xarxa de Refer
encia en
Biotecnologia’ (XRB).
Conflict of interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Author contributions
FJP and JS-A conceived and designed the experiments.
EJ-O, MR-E, and SV carried out the experiments and
analyzed data. FJP and JS-A analyzed data and wrote
the manuscript. All the authors contributed to criti-
cally discuss the results and reviewed and approved
the manuscript.
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5374 The FEBS Journal 287 (2020) 5362–5374 ª2020 Federation of European Biochemical Societies
Rex8A structure and specificity E. Jim
enez-Ortega et al.
... However, modeling of BeRex8A using Phyre2 56 yielded a predicted protein structure with 95% coverage and 100% confidence based on the structurally determined E70A variant of PbRex8A from Paenibacillus barcinonensis (PDB ID: 6TRH; 42% seq. id. to BeRex8A; Fig. 4d) 57 . PbRex8A was previously shown to have minimal activity on xylan and a loop comprised of Leu320-His321-Pro322 blocking the active site after the + 1 subsite was ...
... PbRex8A was previously shown to have minimal activity on xylan and a loop comprised of Leu320-His321-Pro322 blocking the active site after the + 1 subsite was attributed to the inability of the enzyme to efficiently bind polysaccharides and generate products longer than xylose 57 . Attempts to reduce the size of the loop to open up the active site did however not improve the activity on xylan 57 . ...
... attributed to the inability of the enzyme to efficiently bind polysaccharides and generate products longer than xylose 57 . Attempts to reduce the size of the loop to open up the active site did however not improve the activity on xylan 57 . An equivalent to the Leu320-His321-Pro322 loop in PbRex8A is not found in BeRex8A, but the modeled structure shows a similar active site groove, blocked by a single arginine residue (Arg670; Fig. 4d). ...
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Bacteroidetes are efficient degraders of complex carbohydrates, much thanks to their use of polysaccharide utilization loci (PULs). An integral part of PULs are highly specialized carbohydrate-active enzymes, sometimes composed of multiple linked domains with discrete functions—multicatalytic enzymes. We present the biochemical characterization of a multicatalytic enzyme from a large PUL encoded by the gut bacterium Bacteroides eggerthii. The enzyme, BeCE15A-Rex8A, has a rare and novel architecture, with an N-terminal carbohydrate esterase family 15 (CE15) domain and a C-terminal glycoside hydrolase family 8 (GH8) domain. The CE15 domain was identified as a glucuronoyl esterase (GE), though with relatively poor activity on GE model substrates, attributed to key amino acid substitutions in the active site compared to previously studied GEs. The GH8 domain was shown to be a reducing-end xylose-releasing exo-oligoxylanase (Rex), based on having activity on xylooligosaccharides but not on longer xylan chains. The full-length BeCE15A-Rex8A enzyme and the Rex domain were capable of boosting the activity of a commercially available GH11 xylanase on corn cob biomass. Our research adds to the understanding of multicatalytic enzyme architectures and showcases the potential of discovering novel and atypical carbohydrate-active enzymes from mining PULs.
... Purified MG43 28 was tested against the panel of five XOS and seven AXOS using four different enzyme concentrations (0.3, 1, 6, and 32 M). The product profiles for MG43 28 showed diverse hydrolytic products that changed depending on the enzyme concentration ( Fig. 3). At the lowest concentration tested (0.3 M), MG43 28 completely removed an O-2 arabinose from a non-reducing-end singly substituted xylose, i.e., A 2 XX to X 3 (AXH-m2 activity). ...
... In addition, at concentrations at or above 0.3 M MG43 28 , both O-2 and O-3 arabinoses were partially removed from the non-reducing-end doubly substituted xylose of A 2ϩ3 XX, resulting in X 3 (AXH-d2,3 activity), but higher concentrations (6 M) were needed for a full conversion. The internal O-2 arabinose from XA 2 XX was only removed at concentrations at or above 1 M, and even at the highest concentration studied (32 M), MG43 28 was not able to remove O-2 and O-3 arabinoses from XA 2ϩ3 XX, indicating that the internal single/double arabinose substitutions were less accessible for hydrolysis. Removal of the O-3 arabinoses from A 3 XX and XA 3 XX (AXH-m3 activity), resulting in X 3 and X 4 , respectively, was observed at or above 1 M MG43 28 . ...
... However, X 6 seemed to be converted to X 2 more slowly, due to possible hindrances in accommodating long XOS into MG8 catalytic subsites or to product inhibition, indicating a preference for smaller XOS. As is typical for Rex enzymes, MG8 required two nonsubstituted xyloses from the reducing end to hydrolyze the reducingend xylose (28,29). This was observed when the reducing-end xylose monomer was hydrolyzed from A 2 XX, A 3 XX, A 2ϩ3 XX, XA 2 XX, XA 3 XX, and XA 2ϩ3 XX, but not when A 3 X was used as a substrate. ...
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Arabinoxylan is mainly found in the hemicellulosic fractions of rice straw, corn cobs, and rice husk. Converting arabinoxylan into (arabino)xylo-oligosaccharides as added-value products that can be applied in food, feed, and cosmetics presents a sustainable and economic alternative for the biorefinery industries. Efficient and profitable AX degradation requires a set of enzymes with particular characteristics. Therefore, enzyme discovery and the study of substrate preferences are of utmost importance. Beavers, as consumers of woody biomass, are a promising source of a repertoire of enzymes able to deconstruct hemicelluloses into soluble oligosaccharides. High-throughput analysis of the oligosaccharide profiles produced by these enzymes will assist in the selection of the most appropriate enzymes for the biorefinery.
... xylosidases acquired the exo-acting character is somewhat similar to the one observed for the reducing-end xylose-releasing exooligoxylanases (Rex) from the GH8 family(Fushinobu et al., 2005;Jiménez-Ortega et al., 2020;Van Petegem et al., 2003). The GH8 family includes both endo-xylanases and Rex, which have the same (α/α) 6 -barrel fold. ...
... The GH8 family includes both endo-xylanases and Rex, which have the same (α/α) 6 -barrel fold. Despite structural similarities, GH8 endo-xylanases randomly cleave the internal β−1,4 glycosidic bonds from heteroxylans liberating XOS of different sizes, whereas the GH8 Rex progressively remove xylose residues from the reducing end of XOS with DP more than or equal to 3(Fushinobu et al., 2005;Jiménez-Ortega et al., 2020;Van Petegem et al., 2003). The drastic differences in their catalytic mechanisms rely on the structure of their catalytic sites: GH8 endo-xylanases have a large tunnel-like cleft adequate for the access of long-chain xylan polymers(Van Petegem et al., 2003).The aglycon side of their active site cleft (subsites +2 and +1) are relatively open. ...
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The heteropolysaccharide xylan is a valuable source of sustainable chemicals and materials from renewable biomass sources. A complete hydrolysis of this major hemicellulose component requires a diverse set of enzymes including endo‐β‐1,4‐xylanases, β‐xylosidases, acetylxylan esterases, α‐l‐arabinofuranosidases, and α‐glucuronidases. Notably, the most studied xylanases from glycoside hydrolase family 11 (GH11) have exclusively been endo‐β‐1,4‐ and β‐1,3‐xylanases. However, a recent analysis of a metatranscriptome library from a microbial lignocellulose community revealed GH11 enzymes capable of releasing solely xylobiose from xylan. Although initial biochemical studies clearly indicated their xylobiohydrolase mode of action, the structural features that drive this new activity still remained unclear. It was also not clear whether the enzymes acted on the reducing or nonreducing end of the substrate. Here, we solved the crystal structure of MetXyn11 in the apo and xylobiose‐bound forms. The structure of MetXyn11 revealed the molecular features that explain the observed pattern on xylooligosaccharides released by this nonreducing end xylobiohydrolase.
... In addition to the endo-xylanases, the genome of Paenibacillus sp. LS1 also comprised a GH8 oligosaccharide reducing-end xylanase (peg.181), which is reported to release xylose from xylooligosaccharides from the reducing end (14), thereby complementing the action of endo-xylanases. The processing of xylooligosaccharides to monomeric xylose units could be mediated by the encoded b-1,4-xylosidases in Paenibacillus sp. ...
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Xylan is the most abundant hemicellulose in hardwood and graminaceous plants. It is a heteropolysaccharide comprising different moieties appended to the xylose units. Complete degradation of xylan requires an arsenal of xylanolytic enzymes that can remove the substitutions and mediate internal hydrolysis of the xylan backbone. Here, we describe the xylan degradation potential and underlying enzyme machinery of the strain, Paenibacillus sp. LS1. The strain LS1 was able to utilize both beechwood and corncob xylan as the sole source of carbon, with the former being the preferred substrate. Genome analysis revealed an extensive xylan-active CAZyme repertoire capable of mediating efficient degradation of the complex polymer. In addition to this, a putative xylooligosaccharide ABC transporter and homologues of the enzymes involved in the xylose isomerase pathway were identified. Further, we have validated the expression of selected xylan-active CAZymes, transporters, and metabolic enzymes during growth of the LS1 on xylan substrates using qRT-PCR. The genome comparison and genomic index (average nucleotide identity [ANI] and digital DNA-DNA hybridization) values revealed that strain LS1 is a novel species of the genus Paenibacillus. Lastly, comparative genome analysis of 238 genomes revealed the prevalence of xylan-active CAZymes over cellulose across the Paenibacillus genus. Taken together, our results indicate that Paenibacillus sp. LS1 is an efficient degrader of xylan polymers, with potential implications in the production of biofuels and other beneficial by-products from lignocellulosic biomass.
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Main conclusion Several pine members of the gymnosperm-specific GT61 clades were demonstrated to be arabinosyltransferases and xylosyltransferases catalyzing the transfer of 2-O-Araf, 3-O-Araf and 2-O-Xyl side chains onto xylooligomer acceptors, indicating their possible involvement in Araf and Xyl substitutions of xylan in pine. Abstract Xylan in conifer wood is substituted at O-2 with methylglucuronic acid (MeGlcA) as well as at O-3 with arabinofuranose (Araf), which differs from xylan in dicot wood that is typically decorated with MeGlcA but not Araf. Currently, glycosyltransferases responsible for conifer xylan arabinosylation have not been identified. Here, we investigated the roles of pine glycosyltransferase family 61 (GT61) members in xylan substitutions. Biochemical characterization of four pine wood-associated GT61 members showed that they exhibited three distinct glycosyltransferase activities involved in xylan substitutions. Two of them catalyzed the addition of 2-O-α-Araf or 3-O-α-Araf side chains onto xylooligomer acceptors and thus were named Pinus taeda xylan 2-O-arabinosyltransferase 1 (PtX2AT1) and 3-O-arabinosyltransferase 1 (PtX3AT1), respectively. Two other pine GT61 members were found to be xylan 2-O-xylosyltransferases (PtXYXTs) adding 2-O-β-Xyl side chains onto xylooligomer acceptors. Furthermore, sequential reactions with PtX3AT1 and the PtGUX1 xylan glucuronyltransferase demonstrated that PtX3AT1 could efficiently arabinosylate glucuronic acid (GlcA)-substituted xylooligomers and likewise, PtGUX1 was able to add GlcA side chains onto 3-O-Araf-substituted xylooligomers. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that PtX2AT1, PtX3AT1 and PtXYXTs resided in three gymnosperm-specific GT61 clades that are separated from the grass-expanded GT61 clade harboring xylan 3-O-arabinosyltransferases and 2-O-xylosyltransferases, suggesting that they might have been recruited independently for xylan substitutions in gymnosperms. Together, our findings have established several pine GT61 members as xylan 2-O- and 3-O-arabinosyltransferases and 2-O-xylosyltransferases and they indicate that pine xylan might also be substituted with 2-O-Araf and 2-O-Xyl side chains.
In order to better understand the function of a putative GH8 xylanase gene in the xylan-degrading bacterium Paenibacillus physcomitrellae XB, a novel reducing-end xylose-releasing exo-oligoxylanase (Rex) PphRex8A of GH8 family was characterized. Phylogenetic analysis showed that it was clustered tightly with other published GH8 Rexs and exhibited the highest amino acid sequence identity (77.4%) with the Rex of PbRex8 from P. barengoltzii G22. The three-dimensional (3D) structure of PphRex8A was also built based on the template of PbRex8 (5YXT) and three conserved catalytic active sites (Glu71, Asp263, and Asp129) were predicted and further confirmed by the enzymatic inactivity of their mutants (E71A, D129A, and D263A). The hydrolysis assay of PphRex8A showed that it could hydrolyze xylo-oligosaccharides (XOSs) with a degree of polymerization (DP)≥3, such as xylotriose (X3) through xylohexaose (X6), and some natural XOSs, such as corncob xylan (CCX) and oat spelt xylan (OSX) to release xylose. However, it could not hydrolyze pNPX, which suggested that it mainly released xylose from the reducing-end of XOSs and belonged to a Rex. In addition, PphRex8A also could deconstruct xylans with high DP, such as wheat flour arabinoxylan (AX) and beech wood xylan (BWX) to produce XOSs with DP3-6. Moreover, PphRex8A had synergistic effects with other xylanolytic enzymes of P. physcomitrellae XB, such as with PphXyn10 or PphXyn11 at a ratio of 1:3, or with PpXyl43B as a ratio of 3:1, significantly increasing the amounts of reducing sugars toward different xylan substrates. Thus, PphRex8A could be an exo-xylanase toward XOSs and could improve the deconstruction capability of high DP xylans, thereby complementing other xylanolytic enzymes to contribute to xylan degradation and improve the efficiency of converting hemicellulose biomass into energy by P. physcomitrellae XB.
Although xylanase have a wide range of applications, cold-active xylanases have received less attention. In this study, a novel glycoside hydrolase family 8 (GH8) xylanase from Sorangium cellulosum with high activity at low temperatures was identified. The recombinant xylanase (XynSc8) was most active at 50 °C, demonstrating 20% of its maximum activity and strict substrate specificity towards beechwood and corncob xylan at 4 °C with Vmax values of 968.65 and 1521.13 μmol/mg/min, respectively. Mesophilic XynSc8 was active at a broad range of pH and hydrolyzed beechwood and corncob xylan into xylooligosaccharides (XOS) with degree of polymerization greater than 3. Moreover, incorporation of XynSc8 (0.05–0.2 mg/kg flour) provided remarkable improvement (28–30%) in bread specific volume and textural characteristics of bread compared to commercial xylanase. This is the first report on a novel cold-adapted GH8 xylanase from myxobacteria, suggesting that XynSc8 may be a promising candidate suitable for bread making.
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Background: Xylan is the major component of hemicelluloses, which are the second most abundant polysaccharides in nature, accounting for approximately one-third of all renewable organic carbon resources on earth. Efficient degradation of xylan is the prerequisite for biofuel production. Enzymatic degradation has been demonstrated to be more attractive due to low energy consumption and environmental friendliness, when compared with chemical degradation. Exo-xylanases, as a rate-limiting factor, play an important role in the xylose production. It is of great value to identify novel exo-xylanases for efficient bioconversion of xylan in biorefinery industry. Results: A novel glycoside hydrolase (GH) family 8 reducing-end xylose-releasing exo-oligoxylanase (Rex)-encoding gene (PbRex8) was cloned from Paenibacillus barengoltzii and heterogeneously expressed in Escherichia coli. The deduced amino acid sequence of PbRex8 shared the highest identity of 74% with a Rex from Bacillus halodurans. The recombinant enzyme (PbRex8) was purified and biochemically characterized. The optimal pH and temperature of PbRex8 were 5.5 and 55 °C, respectively. PbRex8 showed prominent activity on xylooligosaccharides (XOSs), and trace activity on xylan. It also exhibited β-1,3-1,4-glucanase and xylobiase activities. The enzyme efficiently converted corncob xylan to xylose coupled with a GH family 10 endo-xylanase, with a xylose yield of 83%. The crystal structure of PbRex8 was resolved at 1.88 Å. Structural comparison suggests that Arg67 can hydrogen-bond to xylose moieties in the -1 subsite, and Asn122 and Arg253 are close to xylose moieties in the -3 subsite, the hypotheses of which were further verified by mutation analysis. In addition, Trp205, Trp132, Tyr372, Tyr277 and Tyr369 in the grove of PbRex8 were found to involve in glucooligosaccharides interactions. This is the first report on a GH family 8 Rex from P. barengoltzii. Conclusions: A novel reducing-end xylose-releasing exo-oligoxylanase suitable for xylose production from corncobs was identified, biochemically characterized and structurally elucidated. The properties of PbRex8 may make it an excellent candidate in biorefinery industries.
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The biological conversion of lignocellulosic matter into high-value chemicals or biofuels is of increasing industrial importance as the sector slowly transitions away from nonrenewable sources. Many industrial processes involve the use of cellulolytic enzyme cocktails – a selection of glycoside hydrolases and, increasingly, polysaccharide oxygenases – to break down recalcitrant plant polysaccharides. ORFs from the genome of Teredinibacter turnerae , a symbiont hosted within the gills of marine shipworms, were identified in order to search for enzymes with desirable traits. Here, a putative T. turnerae glycoside hydrolase from family 8, hereafter referred to as TtGH8, is analysed. The enzyme is shown to be active against β-1,4-xylan and mixed-linkage (β-1,3,β-1,4) marine xylan. Kinetic parameters, obtained using high-performance anion-exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection and 3,5-dinitrosalicyclic acid reducing-sugar assays, show that TtGH8 catalyses the hydrolysis of β-1,4-xylohexaose with a kcat / Km of 7.5 × 10 ⁷ M⁻¹ min ⁻¹ but displays maximal activity against mixed-linkage polymeric xylans, hinting at a primary role in the degradation of marine polysaccharides. The three-dimensional structure of TtGH8 was solved in uncomplexed and xylobiose-, xylotriose- and xylohexaose-bound forms at approximately 1.5 Å resolution; the latter was consistent with the greater kcat / Km for hexasaccharide substrates. A 2,5B boat conformation observed in the −1 position of bound xylotriose is consistent with the proposed conformational itinerary for this class of enzyme. This work shows TtGH8 to be effective at the degradation of xylan-based substrates, notably marine xylan, further exemplifying the potential of T. turnerae for effective and diverse biomass degradation.
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Importance: A GH8 family enzyme involved in xylan depolymerization has been characterized. The enzyme, Rex8A, from Paenibacillus barcinonensis is involved in the glucuronoxylan depolymerization, a major component of the lignocellulosic substrates. The study show that Rex8A is a reducing end xylose-releasing exo-oligoxylanase that efficiently hydrolyses xylose from neutral and acidic xylooligosaccharides generated by the action of other xylanases also secreted by the strain. The activity of a Rex enzyme on branched xylooligosaccharides has not been described up to date. This study provides original and useful information on the porperties of a new exemplar of the uncommonly studied Rex enzymes. The depolymerisation of highly substituted xylans is crucial for biomass valorization as platform for biofuels, chemicals and solvent generation.
A circular economy relies on the value of resources being maximised indefinitely, requiring that virtually no unrecoverable waste occurs. Biomass is highly significant in a circular economy in terms of material products and the provision of energy. To establish a circular bioeconomy, the practical implications of biomass use need to be appreciated by stakeholders throughout the value chain, from product design to waste management. This review addresses sustainable biomass production and its function as a feedstock from a European perspective. Anaerobic digestion of food waste is used as a case study to represent appropriate waste treatments. Crucial challenges are (1) Uncoupling the petrochemical industry and biomass production with renewable fertilisers; (2) Providing plentiful biomass for bio-based products by prioritising other renewable sources of energy; (3) Waste arising from food and agriculture must be minimised and returned to the economy; (4) Enhancing stakeholder cooperation across value chains.
Antioxidant activity of xylooligosaccharides (XOS) released from beechwood and birchwood glucuronoxylans by two different xylanases, one from family GH10 (Xyn10A) and another from family GH30 (Xyn30D) was examined. The ABTS (2, 2′-Azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid)) method was used, since it resulted more accurate for the antioxidant activity determination of XOS. Thin layer chromatography and MALDI-TOF MS analysis showed that Xyn10A produced a mixture of neutral and acidic XOS whereas the XOS produced by Xyn30D were all acidic, containing a methylglucuronic acid (MeGlcA) ramification. These acidic XOS, MeGlcA substituted, showed a strongly higher antioxidant activity than the XOS produced by Xyn10A (80% vs. 10% respectively, at 200 μg mL⁻¹). Moreover, the antioxidant activity increased with the degree of polymerization of XOS, and depended on the xylan substrate used. The antioxidant capacity of eucalyptus autohydrolysates after xylanase treatment was also analysed, showing a decrease of their antioxidant activity simultaneous with the decrease in XOS length.
Obtaining chemicals and materials in sustainable ways is of growing importance. A potential source of sustainable chemicals and materials is lignocellulosic biomass residues generated as waste from agriculture. Hemicellulose which is a large component in lignocellulosic biomass residues, provides many potential applications such as the generation of chemicals, packaging materials, drug delivery and biomedical applications. This review deals with the various techniques which can be used for the extraction of hemicellulose from biomass residues, purification and some potential applications of the extracted hemicellulose. The methods that have been used to further produce chemicals from extracted hemicellulose as well as their applications are discussed.
Significant progress over the past few years has been achieved in the enzymology of microbial degradation and saccharification of plant xylan, after cellulose being the most abundant natural renewable polysaccharide. Several new types of xylan depolymerizing and debranching enzymes have been described in microorganisms. Despite the increasing variety of known glycoside hydrolases and carbohydrate esterases, some xylan structures still appear quite recalcitrant. This review focuses on the mode of action of different types of depolymerizing endoxylanases and their cooperation with β-xylosidase and accessory enzymes in breakdown of complex highly branched xylan structures. Emphasis is placed on the enzymatic hydrolysis of alkali-extracted deesterified polysaccharide as well as acetylated xylan isolated from plant cell walls under non-alkaline conditions. It is also shown how the combination of selected endoxylanases and debranching enzymes can determine the nature of prebiotic xylooligosaccharides or lead to complete hydrolysis of the polysaccharide. The article also highlights the possibility for discovery of novel xylanolytic enzymes, construction of multifunctional chimeric enzymes and xylanosomes in parallel with increasing knowledge on the fine structure of the polysaccharide.
Glucuronoxylanase Xyn30D is a modular enzyme containing a family 30 glycoside hydrolase catalytic domain and an attached carbohydrate binding module of the CBM35 family. We present here the three-dimensional structure of the full-length Xyn30D at 2.4 A resolution. The catalytic domain folds into an (α/β)8 barrel with an associated β-structure, while the attached CBM35 displays a jellyroll β-sandwich including two calcium ions. Although both domains fold in an independent manner, the linker region makes polar interactions with the catalytic domain allowing a moderate flexibility. The ancillary Xyn30D-CBM35 domain has been expressed and crystallized and its binding abilities have been investigated by soaking experiments. Only glucuronic acid-containing ligands produced complexes, and their structures have been solved. A calcium dependent glucuronic acid binding site shows distinctive structural features as compared to other uronic acid specific CBM35s, as the presence of two aromatic residues delineating a wider pocket. The non-conserved Glu129 makes a bidentate link to calcium and defines region E, previously identified as specificity hot spot. The molecular surface of Xyn30D-CBM35 shows a unique stretch of negative charge distribution extending from its binding pocket that might indicate some oriented interaction with its target substrate. The binding ability of Xyn30D-CBM35 to different xylans was analyzed by affinity gel electrophoresis. Some binding was observed with rye glucuronoarabinoxylan in presence of calcium chelating EDTA, which would indicate that Xyn30D-CBM35 might establish interaction to other components of xylan, such as arabinose decorations of glucuronoarabinoxylan. A role in depolymerization of highly substituted chemically complex xylans is proposed.