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Molecular Docking and Evaluation of Antileishmania Activity of a Ruthenium Complex with Epiisopiloturine and Nitric Oxide


Abstract and Figures

Leishmaniasis is an infectious disease that affects both animals and humans, caused by flagellated parasites belonging to the genus Leishmania. The disease is estimated to reach about 700,000 to 1 million people, causing the deaths of 20 to 30,000 individuals annually. Thus, the present study aims to perform molecular docking tests and evaluation of antileishmania activity in vitro of a ruthenium complex with epiisopiloturine and nitric oxide. AutoDockTools-1.5.6 software was used to perform molecular docking tests. Molecular targets were considered rigid, and Epiruno2 considered flexible. The genetic algorithm Lamarckian (AGL) with global search and pseudo-Solis and Wets with local search were the methods adopted in the docking. The most promising results of molecular interaction were achieved in the targets Pteridine reductase and UDP-glucose Pyrophosphorylase with rates of -10.68 Kcal·mol-1 and -10.51 Kcal·mol-1, respectively. This demonstrates that Epiruno2 has molecular affinity with the targets of L. major. In vitro assays prove the antileishmania activity of the complex in the face of promastigote forms with inhibition of growth, concluding through this study that the Epiruno2 complex has antileishmania activity.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Journal of Biosciences and Medicines, 2020, 8, 42-53
ISSN Online: 2327-509X
ISSN Print: 2327-5081
Molecular Docking and Evaluation of
Antileishmania Activity of a Ruthenium
Complex with Epiisopiloturine and Nitric Oxide
Joabe Lima Araújo1,2,3*, Ruan Sousa Bastos2,3,4, Gardênia Taveira Santos5,
Michel Muálem de Moraes Alves6, Kayo Alves Figueiredo7, Lucas Aires de Sousa8,
Ionara Nayana Gomes Passos2, Fernando Aécio de Amorim Carvalho9,
Francisco das Chagas Alves Lima10, Jefferson Almeida Rocha2,3
1Postgraduate Program in Nanoscience and Nanobiotechnology, Department of Genetics and Morphology, University of Brasília,
Brasília, DF, Brazil
2Research Group in Natural Sciences and Biotechnology, Department of Natural Sciences/Chemistry, Federal University of
Maranhão, Grajaú, MA, Brazil
3Research Group in Medicinal Chemistry and Biotechnology, QUIMEBIO, Federal University of Maranhão, São Bernardo,
MA, Brazil
4Postgraduate Program in Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Modeling, Federal University of Pará, Belém, PA, Brazil
5Department of Nursing, State University of Maranhão, Colinas, MA, Brazil
6Department of Veterinary Morphophysiology, Federal University of Piauí, Teresina, PI, Brazil
7Department of Health, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Piauí, Teresina, PI, Brazil
8Postgraduate Program in Materials Science, Center for Social Sciences, Health and Technology, Federal University of Maranhão,
Imperatriz, MA, Brazil
9Department of Biochemistry and Pharmacology, Federal University of Piauí, Teresina, PI, Brazil
10Department of Chemistry, Quantum Computational Chemistry Laboratory, Federal University of Piauí, Teresina, PI, Brazil
Leishmaniasis is an infectious disease that affects both animals and humans,
caused by flagellated parasites belonging to the genus
. The disease
is estimated to reach about 700,000 to 1 million people, causing the deaths of
20 to 30,000 individuals annually. Thus, the present study aims to perform mo-
lecular docking tests and evaluation of antileishmania activity
in vitro
of a ru-
thenium complex with epiisopiloturine and nitric oxide.
was used to perform molecular docking tests. Molecular targets were
considered rigid, and Epiruno2 considered flexible. The genetic algorithm La-
marckian (AGL) with global search and pseudo-
Solis and Wets with local
search were the methods adopted in the docking. The most promising results
of molecular interaction were achieved in the targets Pteridine reductase and
UDP-glucose Pyrophosphorylase with rates of 10.68 Kcalmol−1 and
Kcalmol−1, respectively. This demonstrates that Epiruno2 has molecular affinit
with the targets of
In vitro
assays prove the antileishmania activity of
How to cite this paper:
Araújo, J.L., Bastos
.S., Santos, G.T., de Moraes Alves, M.M.,
Figueiredo, K
.A., de Sousa, L.A.,
.N.G., de Amorim Carvalho, F.A.,
Chagas Alves Lima,
F. and Rocha, J.A.
20) Molecula
r Docking and Evaluation
of Antileishmania Activity of a Ruthenium
Complex with Epiisopil
turine and Nitric
Journal of Biosciences and Medicines
, 42-53.
March 7, 2020
April 27, 2020
April 30, 2020
DOI: 10.4236/jbm.2020.85005 Apr. 30, 2020 42 Journal of Biosciences and Medicines
J. L. Araújo et al.
1. Introduction
Leishmaniasis is a disease that affects more than 98 countries worldwide, with
about 700,000 to 1 million new cases reported annually, and an annual rate of 20
to 30,000 deaths [1]. There are several ways for the disease to manifest clinically,
and may present as cutaneous, mucocutaneous and visceral. Infection with
mania major
) species has a chronic evolution that affects the structures
of the nasopharyngeal epidermis and cartilage, either localized or diffuse [2]. The
parasitic cycle results from the abundance of carbohydrates on the surface of
, which includes lipophosphoglycans, glycosylphosphatidylinositol
lipid-anchored proteins and proteophosphoglycans [3]. These glycoproteins are
part of the promastigote infectious glycocalyx, which is the most important
process in host infectivity [4] and phlebotomine interaction [5].
After diagnosis, the patient undergoes treatment that depending on the in-
fecting strain will be treated with some of the drugs available on the pharma-
ceutical market, they are: pentavalent antimonial; AmBisomew; liposomal; am-
photericin B; miltefosine and diamidines, among others. All of these drugs are
potentially toxic and have reduced efficacy in addition to adverse side effects.
That in many cases, the patient chooses not to undergo treatment so that he does
not suffer from side effects caused by drugs [6] [7].
Besides this problem, the pharmaceutical industries neglect investments in the
search for new pharmacological agents that present high inhibition rates with
new mechanisms of action and low toxicity. This lack of interest is related to mar-
ket demand, as it is a neglected disease, that is, it affects only underdeveloped
and developing countries, the sector has high risks of not making profits on their
investments, because the population would not be able to afford it. With the
costs of treatment, even the state would not be able to finance the services of-
fered by the industries [8].
Thus, there is a clear need to search for new compounds with pharmacological
potential and low toxicity by alternative methods that bring reliability in their
results, speed and cost benefit. Thus, computational quantum chemistry presents
itself as a promising alternative, using several computational tools that predict
molecular properties related to a pharmacological potential. Using the laws of
quantum chemistry and various programming techniques that are capable of
predicting energy state, molecular structures, vibrational frequencies of atomic
and molecular systems and molecular interaction between two molecules de-
vel-oping virtual models saving time and materials that would be wasted on ex-
periments in the field laboratory [9] [10].
the complex in the face of promastigote forms with inhibition of growth, con-
cluding through this study that the Epiruno2 complex has antileishmania activity.
Molecular Docking Simulation, Neglected Diseases,
Leishmania major
Copyright © 2020 by author(s) and
Research Publishing Inc.
This work is licensed under the Creative
Commons Attribution International
License (CC BY
Open Access
DOI: 10.4236/jbm.2020.85005 43 Journal of Biosciences and Medicines
J. L. Araújo et al.
In this sense, ruthenium (Ru) complexes have become attractive in pharma-
cological studies because they have low toxicity and are an excellent conductor
of energy when dealing with a transition metal, where it plays an important role
in the bioactive process of a compound in reaction with a target disease, having
little energy loss in its path [11] [12]. The Ru complex with epiisopiloturin and
nitric oxide (Epiruno2) was synthesized by Rocha (2018) in anti-schistosoma
mansoni studies, where the Epiruno2 complex showed schistosomicidal activity
in sílico
ex vivo
studies. There was a 10-fold increase in the biological activ-
ity of Epiisopiloturin (EPI) when coupled with the Ru complex against Schisto-
soma parasites, eliminating 60% of male worms at a concentration of 50 µM
within 72 hours, showing antiparasitic activity [13].
Associated with the antiparasitic schistosomicidal effect presented by the Epi-
runo2 complex in studies by Rocha (2018), we assume that the complex has anti-
leishmania activity. Thus, the present study aims to perform molecular docking
tests and evaluation of antileishmania activity
in vitro
of a ruthenium complex
with epiisopiloturine and nitric oxide.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Molecular Docking
The 3D molecules of
targets were extracted from the PDB (
Protein data
) database with codes 5g20 (Glycyl Peptide N-tetradecanoyltransferase); 5nzg
(UDP-glucose Pyrophosphorylase); 5c7p (Nucleoside diphosphate kinase); 1e7w
(Pteridine reductase); and 1ezr (
Nucleoside hydrolase
) [14] prepared for dock-
ing by removing mutant chains and all water molecules, ions and other groups
Chimera v
[15] [16].
The three-dimensional molecular structure of the Epiruno2 complex was de-
signed using
[17] and optimized by DFT (Density Func-
tional Theory) calculation using the B3lyp functional and the 6-311++G (d, p)
available in
W software
[18] [19].
The molecular docking process followed the protocol developed by Rocha and
collaborators, with some modifications [20]. All molecular docking procedures
were performed by
targets and the
Epiruno2 complex were prepared for docking simulations, where targets were
considered rigid and Epiruno2 was considered flexible. Partial charges were cal-
culated after the addition of all hydrogens. The nonpolar hydrogen atoms of the
protein and binder were subsequently fused. A 60 × 60 × 60 point cubic box with
a spacing of 0.375 Å between grid points was generated for the simulations. The
molecular affinity grid centers were defined from the coordi-nates of the atoms
of their respective active sites Asn376, Lys380, Gly91, Asn109 and Asp15, re-
The Lamarckian global search (LGA) genetic algorithm [22] and the pseu-
do-Solis and Wets [23] local search (LS) methods were applied in the search for
molecular docking. The Epiruno2 complex was subjected to 100 independent
DOI: 10.4236/jbm.2020.85005 44 Journal of Biosciences and Medicines
J. L. Araújo et al.
runs of molecular coupling simulations [24]. The remaining parameters were set
to default values.
Molecular docking analysis focused on the results that presented lower fitting
conformation with lower
energy, in addition to the interactions by hy-
drogen bridge and inhibition constant presented by the Epiruno2 complex in the
of the molecular targets of
2.2. In Vitro Trials on Promastigote forms MHOM/IL/80/Friedlin
of L. major
in vitro
assays, the method adopted by Carneiro and collaborators was used,
with some modifications [25]. The MHOM/IL/80/Friedlin promastigotes of
were donated by the Laboratory of Antileishmania Activity, located at the
Research Core in Medicinal Plants of the Federal University of PiauíUFPI and
cultivated in Schneider media (Sigma, USA), supplemented with 10% bovine fetal
serum (BFS) (Sigma, USA) and penicillin-streptomycin 10,000 IU/10mg (Sigma,
USA) at 26˚C in a greenhouse of biological oxygen demand (BOD).
promastigote forms MHOM/IL/80/Friedlin in log phase were seeded
1 × 106 parasites per well in a 96-well cell culture microplate containing supple-
mented Schneider medium and Epiruno2 at serial concentrations of 800 to 6.25
µg/mL, respectively. Then the plates were incubated in a BOD greenhouse at
26˚C. After 48 h resazurine (1 mM) was added and the plate was re-infiltrated in
the BOD incubator for another 6 h. Then the spectrophotometer reading was
performed to obtain the optical density at 550 nm. Negative control was per-
formed with Schneider medium at 0.2% DMSO and considered as 100% viability
of the parasites. The amphotericin B (Amp-B) at a concentration of 2 µg/mL was
used as a positive control to validate the experiment.
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Molecular Docking
The evaluation criteria were defined by the results that showed lower cluster
conformation with lower
energy, besides the hydrogen bridge interac-
tions and inhibition constant presented by the Epiruno2 complex against the
molecular targets.
The molecular docking between the Epiruno2 complex and the 1e7w protein
obtained the lowest
energy among all molecular couplings performed in
this study, obtaining an energy of 10.68 Kcal∙mol−1 and an inhibition constant
of 14.8 nM (Table 1). This low
energy indicates high molecular affinity of
the complex with the target protein [26]. Thus, inhibiting its action would be to
interrupt the disease development process, since the 1e7w enzyme has a function
of reducing conjugated and unconjugated pterins, one example is biopterin and
dihydrobiopterin (DHB), followed by 5, 6, 7, 8-tetrahydrobiopterin (THB) or
DHF folate. It is the only protein known to reduce biopterin in Leishmania,
proving to be essential for
in vivo
growth through genetic knockout studies [27].
DOI: 10.4236/jbm.2020.85005 45 Journal of Biosciences and Medicines
J. L. Araújo et al.
Table 1. Molecular affinity parameters of the Epiruno2 complex with
Kib (µM)
Number of independent
docking runs
Number of conformations
in the first ranked cluster
Amino acids that interact through
hydrogen bondsc
Epiruno2/1e7w 10.68 14.8 nM 100 7 Asp232, Lys198, Ser111, Ser227
Epiruno2/5nzg 10.51 19.74 nM 100 6 Asp221, Gly220, Lys95
Epiruno2/5g20 9.65 83.81 nM 100 81 -
Epiruno2/5c7p 8.22 935.7 nM 100 43 Arg104, Asn114, Ser98
Epiruno2/1ezr 8.19 996.06 nM 100 4 Pro11, gln40
Note: Epiruno2ruthenium complex with epiisopiloturine and nitric oxide; 1e7wPteridine reductase; 5nzgUDP-glucose Pyrophosphorylase;
5g20Glycyl Peptide N-tetradecanoyltransferase; 5c7pNucleoside diphosphate kinase; and 1ezrNucleoside hydrolase. (Araújo
et al
., 2020).
The most intense interactions between the target protein and the Epiruno2
complex occur between the residues Asp232, Lys198, Ser111 and Ser227, places
where the highest intermolecular forces act (Figure 1).
The Epiruno2 complex also showed excellent molecular affinity results with
the target protein 5nzg of
, obtaining a
energy of 10.51 Kcal∙mol−1
(Table 1) and formation of three hydrogen bridges located on amino acids Asp211,
Gly220 and Lys95, where the most intense interactions between the complex and
the target protein occur (Figure 1). This may be related to UGP (UDPglucose
pyrophosphorylase) catalyzing the synthesis of activated form glucose, UDP-Glc,
uridine triphosphate (UTP) and glu-cose-1-phosphate (Glc-1p). Because the
UDP-Glc reaction is critical in the production of carbohydrates such as cell surface
glycans and other pathogen processes becoming an attractive target in interac-
tion and molecular inhibition studies [28] [29] [30]. The resulting inhibition
constant was 19.74 nM, presenting antileishmania inhibitory activity of the Epi-
runo2 complex against target protein 5nzg (Table 1).
This result indicates that the Epiruno2 complex has antileishmania inhibitory
activity, since docking studies analyze the inhibitory action of coupled compounds
at the active site of the target protein [26] even if there is a difference between
in vitro
experiments, the results tend to differ, where
in sílico
by molecular docking pre-dict quickly and reliably if a compound has biological
activity and experimental labora-tory studies validate their analyzes, complement-
ing each other, providing technical via-bility in the results presented [31] [32].
The 5g20 protein also showed molecular affinity with the Epiruno2 complex
obtaining attractive
energy in docking molecular affinity studies with 9.65
Kcal∙mol−1 and an inhibition constant of 83.81 nM [26] (Table 1). This molecu-
lar interaction did not result in hydrogen bridges, unlike previous interactions
between the Epiruno2 complex with the 1e7w and 5nzg proteins that had 4 and 3
hydrogen bridges, respectively, however, the interactions in the Val374, Leu227
and His219 residues make intense interactions in the active site borders of the
protein, in particular the interactions Val374 with O1 and Leu227 with O2 and
DOI: 10.4236/jbm.2020.85005 46 Journal of Biosciences and Medicines
J. L. Araújo et al.
Figure 1. Molecular docking between Epiruno2 complex and 1e7w and 5nzg target proteins. (a) Docking
at target protein active site 1e7w; (b) molecular interaction between Epiruno2 and target protein
1e7w; (c) Docking at 5nzg target protein active site; (d) molecular interaction between Epiruno2 and
5nzg target protein.
both residues with C8 (Figure 2). These interactions at the edges of the active site
make the Epiruno2 complex have a very promising high inhibitory action, and the
tertiary structure is part of recognition elements that facilitate the molecular in-
teractions between protein and ligand, in this case the Epiruno2 complex [33] [34].
Molecular docking between the 5c7p protein and the Epiruno2 complex
formed three hydrogen bridges at amino acids Arg104, Asn114 and Ser98
(Figure 2) and showed
energy of 8.22 Kcal∙mol−1 and an inhibition con-
stant of 935.7 nM (Table 1). These results are promising against this indispensa-
ble protein for the maintenance of intracellular nucleoside triphosphate (NTP)
levels [35]. They carry the γ-phosphoryl group from an NTP to a nucleoside di-
phosphate (NDP) through a functional scheme called ping-pong involving the
covalent intermediate phosphohistidine. Eukaryotic NDKs are composed of 15
to 18 KDA subunits with similarities in their general structures and a conserved
active site [36] [37].
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Figure 2. Molecular docking between the Epiruno2 complex and the 5g20, 5c7p and 1ezr proteins. (a) Docking at active site of protein
5g20; (b) molecular interaction between 5g20 protein and Epiruno2 complex; (c) molecular interaction between 5c7p protein and
Epiruno2 complex; (d) Docking at active site of protein 1ezr; (e) molecular interaction between 1ezr protein and Epiruno2 complex.
The 1ezr protein can be identified in free extracts of Leishmania cells, is also
present in several parasitic protozoa. It is a protein useful in parasitic infections,
acting as a catalyst for the hydrolysis of both purine and pyrimidine nucleosides
[38] [39], where its inhibition is fundamental for the treatment of
. In
this sense, the Epiruno2 complex presented interesting interaction and molecular
affinity results, obtaining a
energy of 8.19 Kcal.mol−1 and an inhibition
constant of 996.06 nM [26] (Table 1). The most intense interactions between the
complex and the protein occur at residues Pro11 and Gln40, the two hydrogen
bonds formed (Figure 2).
3.2. In Vitro Trials on Promastigote Forms MHOM/IL/80/Friedlin
of L. major
In these trials we evaluated the leishmanicidal effects of the Epiruno2 complex
promastigote MHOM/IL/80/Friedlin parasites. The Epiruno2
complex showed 50.53% inhibition of promastigote growth at a concentration of
800 µg/mL (Figure 3), a significant reduction by analyzing the half maximal in-
hibitory concentration (CI-50) (Table 2) showing antileishmania activity, con-
firming the results presented
in sílico
tests by molecular docking. However, these
DOI: 10.4236/jbm.2020.85005 48 Journal of Biosciences and Medicines
J. L. Araújo et al.
values are not considered clinically relevant, according to Santos
et al
. [40],
which defines in their studies that only IC-50 lower than 500 µg/mL can be con-
sidered therapeutically relevant.
It is observed that the results presented in molecular docking analyzes were
more promising than the results presented
in vitro
assays. This may be related to
the topological polar surface area (TPSA), which uses functional groups obtained
from a structural database, avoiding calculations of the ligand’s three-dimensional
(3D) structures, in this case the Epiruno2 complex or the confirmation of which
conformation. Since this biological method is relevant, this method is used in 2D
structures for 14 sets of diverse pharmacological activity data. This methodology
is promising for classic 2D descriptors such as calculated LogP (ClogP) and cal-
culated molar refractivity (CMR) in the 2D-QSAR literature [41].
The discovery of new antileishmania chemical compounds has long been rea-
lized from the isolation of plant extracts. There are already several extracts and
compounds that have proven antileishmania activity on promastigote and amas-
tigote forms of through
in vitro
assays [42] [43] [44]. Despite several microbio-
logical studies, several analyzes of new compounds extracted from natural and
synthetic resources are still needed, as the search for new pharmacological po-
tential leishmanicide has been important, since the drugs in the pharmacological
market have high toxicity and reduced efficacy [6] [45].
Figure 3. IC-50 of the Epiruno2 complex against
Table 2. IC-50 values of
promastigotes in the presence of the Epiruno2 complex.
Epiruno2 complex
800 µg/mL
Note: IC-50 half maximal inhibitory concentration (Araújo
et al
., 2020).
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4. Conclusions
The Epiruno2 complex presented antileishamania activity both
in sílico
by molecular docking and
in vitro
study. Its best molecular affinity parameter
presented in docking studies was for target proteins 1e7w and 5nzg with
energies 10.68 Kcalmol−1 and 10.51 Kcalmol−1, respectively. In addition to
these two targets, it was found that the complex has molecular affinity for the
other molecular targets of
analyzed in this study.
In vitro
assays proved the antileishmania activity of the complex against
promastigotes MHOM/IL/80/Friedlin with significant growth inhibitions.
However, the values are not considered clinically relevant, concluding from
in vitro
studies that the Epiruno2 complex has antiparasitic activity
that can be tested on other Leishmania targets such as
and also in other pathogens.
To the Department of Natural Sciences/Chemistry at the Federal University of
MaranhãoUFMA, campus of Grajaú, MA and to the members of the Labora-
tory of Antileishmania Activity, located at the Research Center for Medicinal
Plants at the Federal University of Piauí—UFPI.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this paper.
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DOI: 10.4236/jbm.2020.85005 53 Journal of Biosciences and Medicines
... The complex [Ru(bpy) 2 (EPI)NO 2 ] + (14), represented in Figure 4, was recently reported to inhibit L. major promastigotes (MHOM/IL/80/Friedlin strain) with an IC 50 of 1.07 µM [44]. Molecular docking studies were conducted on complex 14 and target proteins of leishmania. ...
... Complex 14 also showed excellent molecular affinity towards the target protein 5nzg of L. major (inhibition constant of 19.74 nM), through the formation of three hydrogen bonds. This protein is vital for the production of cell surface glycans, and is also involved in other processes that generate parasite pathogenicity [44]. ...
... Molecular docking between complex 14 and the target proteins 1e7w (a) and 5nzg (b); the bottom images show the three-dimensional details of the molecular interaction between complex 20 and the proteins 1e7w (c) and 5nzg (d). Reproduced from Ref.[44]. ...
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This review addresses the search for activity enhancement of leishmanicidal organic compounds through their coordination chemistry with ruthenium. In an introduction to leishmaniasis, its clinical manifestations, geographical distribution, available forms of treatment, and challenges to disease management are presented. Ruthenium complexes, owing to their physico-chemical and biological properties, are introduced as a suitable molecular library from which to find alternatives to current medicines. The main sections of the review describe complexes reported in the literature, organised into two main groups: organometallics and inorganic complexes. The activity of the ruthenium complexes is presented compared with that of the ligands for a critical assessment of their utility in future clinical application.
... µM for (69) and miltefosine, respectively. In another study [127], they docked compound (69) in five different targets of Leishmania major: glycyl peptide Ntetradecanoyltransferase (PDB code: 5g20), UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (PDB code: 5nzg), nucleoside diphosphate kinase (PDB code: 5c7p), pteridine reductase (PDB code: 1e7w) and nucleoside hydrolase (PDB code: 1ezr). The highest affinity was observed for 1e7w (binding energy -44.69 kJ/mol and inhibition constant 14.80 µM) with four hydrogen bonds being formed and for 5nzg (binding energy -43.97 kJ/mol and inhibition constant 19.74 µM) with three hydrogen bonds. ...
... µM for (69) and miltefosine, respectively. In another study [127], they docked compound (69) in five different targets of Leishmania major: glycyl peptide N-tetradecanoyltransferase (PDB code: 5g20), UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (PDB code: 5nzg), nucleoside diphosphate kinase (PDB code: 5c7p), pteridine reductase (PDB code: 1e7w) and nucleoside hydrolase (PDB code: 1ezr). The highest affinity was observed for 1e7w (binding energy -44.69 kJ/mol and inhibition constant 14.80 µM) with four hydrogen bonds being formed and for 5nzg (binding energy -43.97 kJ/mol and inhibition constant 19.74 µM) with three hydrogen bonds. ...
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This review examines the existing knowledge about Ru(II)/(III) ion complexes with a potential application in medicine or pharmacy, which may offer greater potential in cancer chemotherapy than Pt(II) complexes, which are known to cause many side effects. Hence, much attention has been paid to research on cancer cell lines and clinical trials have been undertaken on ruthenium complexes. In addition to their antitumor activity, ruthenium complexes are under evaluation for other diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and HIV. Attempts are also being made to evaluate ruthenium complexes as potential photosensitizers with polypyridine ligands for use in cancer chemotherapy. The review also briefly examines theoretical approaches to studying the interactions of Ru(II)/Ru(III) complexes with biological receptors, which can facilitate the rational design of ruthenium-based drugs.
... Although molecular docking is valuable for predicting the binding affinity of molecules, discrepancies in reliability have been reported when it comes to correlating scoring functions with experimental validation [28][29][30]. Consequently, the selection of compounds for antimalarial in vitro assessment in this study is not only based on docking results, i.e. highest binding affinity. Instead, additional criteria are crucial for the protocol selection of compounds in this work. ...
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Malaria remains a major public health problem worldwide, including in Southeast Asia. Chemotherapeutic agents such as chloroquine (CQ) are effective, but problems with drug resistance and toxicity have necessitated a continuous search for new effective antimalarial agents. Here we report on a virtual screening of ∼300 diarylpentanoids and derivatives, in search of potential Plasmodium falciparum lactate dehydrogenase (PfLDH) inhibitors with acceptable drug-like properties. Several molecules with binding affinities comparable to CQ were chosen for in vitro validation of antimalarial efficacy. Among them, MS33A, MS33C and MS34C are the most promising against CQ-sensitive (3D7) with EC50 values of 1.6, 2.5 and 3.1 μM, respectively. Meanwhile, MS87 (EC50 of 1.85 μM) shown the most active against the CQ-resistant Gombak A strain, and MS33A and MS33C the most effective P. knowlesi inhibitors (EC50 of 3.6 and 5.1 μM, respectively). The in vitro cytotoxicity of selected diarylpentanoids (MS33A, MS33C, MS34C and MS87) was tested on Vero mammalian cells to evaluate parasite selectivity (SI), showing moderate to low cytotoxicity (CC50 > 82 μM). In addition, MS87 exhibited a high SI and the lowest resistance index (RI), suggesting that MS87 may exert effective parasite inhibition with low resistance potential in the CQ-resistant P. falciparum strain. Furthermore, the in vivo toxicity of the molecules on early embryonic development, the cardiovascular system, heart rate, motor activity and apoptosis were assessed in a zebrafish animal model. The overall results indicate the preliminary potential of diarylpentanoids, which need further investigation for their development as new antimalarial agents.
... 100 µL of the resveratrol and RNE (50, 100, 200, and 400 µg/mL) were added to the wells with L. major amastigote and then incubated at 37ºC in 5% CO 2 for 24 h. After the incubation times, the level of NO was analyzed using cell culture supernatant by an ELISA plate reader at 550 nm [24]. ...
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Background Leishmaniasis is a vector-borne disease that is endemic in the tropical and sub-tropical areas of the world. Low efficacy and high cytotoxicity of the current treatment regimens for leishmaniasis is one of the most important health problems. In this experimental study, anti-leishmanial effects of different concentrations of resveratrol and resveratrol nano-emulsion (RNE) were assessed. Methods RNE was prepared using the probe ultra-sonication method. The cytotoxicity was evaluated using the MTT technique on the L929 cell line. The anti-leishmanial activities on promastigotes of leishmania were assessed using vital staining and infected BALB/c mice were used to assess the in vivo anti-leishmanial effects. Results In vitro and in vivo assays revealed that all concentrations of resveratrol and RNE had valuable inhibitory effects against Leishmania major in comparison to the control group (P < 0.05). The half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC 50 ) values were calculated as 16.23 and 35.71 µg/mL for resveratrol and RNE, respectively. Resveratrol and RNE showed no cytotoxicity against the L929 cell line. Conclusions According to the potent in vitro and in vivo anti-leishmanial activity of RNE at low concentration against L. major , we suggest that it could be a promising anti-leishmanial therapeutic against L. major in the future.
... Researchers synthesized structures with various metals and compare their effectiveness (Hassoon et al., 2020). Araújo et al. (2020) and Rocha et al. (2018) also studied a biological activity of Ruthenium (Ru) a heavy metal and in toxic, proving its effectiveness as antileishmanial and antischistosoma, respectively. ...
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Cadmium is a toxic metal from 12th group and 5th period of the periodic table. It’s common its use in batteries manufacturing and metal alloys production. It is absorbed by the organism of animals and plants causing risks to human health by bioaccumulation. Even with proven levels of toxicity, complexes involving this atom have biological activity according to several studies. As a study methodology, data were prospected in different databases for patents and the scientific papers published in the period up 1962 to 2021. Only 3 patents were found regarding the biological activity of complexes containing cadmium, although 3.257 results have been found for Cd (II) articles. The database with the highest number of published articles was Scifinder with 63% (2.037) of the articles. Few articles approached anthelmintic activity, showing that future research related to chemical substances containing this metal is a possibility in the new anthelmintic drugs investigation.
... A estrutura química da cloroquina foi projetada utilizando o software GaussView 5.0 (Araújo et al., 2020a), gerando as matrizes de coordenadas cartesianas correspondentes para geração de arquivos de entrada para os cálculos computacionais. Em seguida ocorreu à otimização de geometria empregando-se o método DFT (Functional Density Theory -Teoria do Funcional da Densidade) (Hohenberg & Kohn, 1964;Kohn & Sham, 1965) fazendo uso do funcional B3LYP do conjunto de funções de base 6-311++G(d,p) como disponível no software Gaussian 09W (Araújo et al., 2019), as geometrias otimizadas foram usadas como entrada para as simulações de acoplamento molecular, conforme apresentado no protocolo de Araújo et al. (2020b). ...
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Em Wuhan, China, um paciente foi diagnosticado com sintomas atípicos de pneumonia viral. A amostra encontrou um novo coronavírus, chamado de novo coronavírus 2019 (nCoV2019). Em meio a isso, os cientistas estão procurando alternativas eficazes para lidar com a doença, pois ainda não existem medicamentos para o COVID-19. Assim, este estudo teve como objetivo elucidar o melhor ajuste e orientação da afinidade molecular da droga cloroquina frente à proteína 3CL-pro do novo coronavírus. O acoplamento molecular foi realizado usando o software Autodock Tools. A proteína 3C-Lpro foi considerada rígida e a cloroquina flexível. Os resultados mostram forte interação da ponte de hidrogênio, obtendo afinidade de cloroquina com a proteína 3CL-pro, energia de ligação livre de -5,59 Kcal/mol e constante de inibição de 79,37 μM, além de possuir potencial biológico promissor, sendo necessária uma análise in vitro para medir a eficácia de sua ação inibitória contra células SARS-CoV-2.
... A estrutura química da rimantadina foi projetada utilizando o software GaussView 5.0 (Araújo et al., 2020a), gerando as matrizes de coordenadas cartesianas. Após, foi submetido a cálculos quânticos pelo software Gaussian 09W (Araújo et al., 2019) utilizando o método DFT e o conjunto de bases 6-311++(d,p) de forma a obter a estrutura química tridimensional do medicamento para realização do acoplamento molecular, conforme apresentado no protocolo de Araújo et al. (2020b). ...
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O SARS-CoV-2, até 28 de junho de 2020, já infectou 10.012.244 pessoas em todo o mundo, levando a 499.486 óbitos, sendo as Américas o atual epicentro da doença. A OMS aconselha os países a adotar medidas de isolamento social para mitigar a propagação do vírus, pois não há tratamento para a doença. Assim, este estudo teve como objetivo reposicionar o fármaco rimantadina para o tratamento do novo coronavírus por estudo de docking molecular. O acoplamento foi realizado pelo software Autodock Tools. A proteína 3CL-pro foi considerada rígida e a rimantadina flexível. O algoritmo genético lamarckiano com busca global e pseudo-Solis e Wets com busca local foram adotados para este estudo. A rimantadina apresentou energia livre de ligação estável de -6,13 Kcal/mol, tendo êxito no encaixe molecular à proteína 3CL-pro , mostrando-se promissor com interações intensas, sendo recomendado análises in vitro para elucidar seu potencial biológico em células do SARS-CoV-2.
... A estrutura química do atazanavir foi projetada utilizando o software GaussView 5.0 (Araújo et al., 2020b), gerando as matrizes de coordenadas cartesianas. Após, foi submetido a cálculos quânticos pelo software Gaussian 09W (Araújo et al., 2019) utilizando o método DFT e o conjunto de bases 6-311++(d,p) de forma a obter a estrutura química tridimensional do medicamento para realização do acoplamento molecular, conforme apresentado no protocolo de Araújo et al. (2020c). ...
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Em Wuhan, China, ocorreu um surto de pneumonia decorrente de infecções por SARS-CoV-2, que até o dia 28 de junho de 2020 já infectou cerca de 10.012.244 pessoas, levando 499.342 a óbito. Diante disso, ainda não existe tratamento para essa doença. Assim, este estudo teve como objetivo elucidar a melhor orientação de ajuste de encaixe e afinidade molecular do medicamento atazanavir frente à proteína-chave 3CL-pro do SARS-CoV-2. O acoplamento foi realizado pelo software Autodock Tools. A proteína 3CL-pro foi considerada rígida e o atazanavir flexível. O algoritmo genético lamarckiano com busca global e pseudo-Solis e Wets com busca local foram adotados para este estudo. Foi elucidado forte afinidade do atazanavir ao se ligar à proteína 3CL-pro, apresentando energia livre de ligação de -6,47 Kcal/mol e constante de inibição de 18,2 µM. Mostrando possuir potencial biológico, sendo necessária análise in vitro para elucidar sua ação inibitória frente a células do SARS-CoV-2.
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SARS-CoV-2 belongs to the Coronaviridae family and of the order Nidovirales, which has positive non-segmented RNA, of the enveloped type that causes a severe acute respiratory syndrome in humans, which has already infected more than 9 million people worldwide, leading to 496,075 deaths by June 27, 2020, making the search for alternative treatment for this pathogen urgent. Thus, this study aimed to conduct a bibliographic survey of research that presents treatment alternatives for the new coronavirus. Thus, a qualitative and descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out, and a comparative analysis was carried out with the prospective results achieved as presented in a study carried out by Reis and collaborators. Publications from the last 7 months were considered, that is, from December 2019 to June 2020, the period in which studies of SARS-CoV-2 started. In this way, a total of 4,898 studies related to the treatment alternative for SARS-CoV-2 were found, in which the drugs remdesivir, atazanavir, favipiravir, EIDD-2801 and hydroxychloroquine associated with azithromycin stand out, where they presented attractive preliminary results and are recommended for clinical studies in humans as an alternative way of coping with the new coronavirus
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A Leishmaniose é uma doença infecciosa que ocasiona a morte de 26.000 a 65.000 pessoas anualmente, estima-se que no ano de 2019 houve 700.000 a 1 milhão de novos casos. Estes dados são preocupantes e está relacionado à falta de saneamento básico que favorece a proliferação dos vetores, além da ausência de medicamentos eficientes com mecanismos de ação alternativos e com menos efeitos colaterais. Em meio a essa necessidade de novos agentes inibitórios, este estudo teve como objetivo realizar uma predição computacional de alvos moleculares de Leishmania para um complexo metálico de rutênio com epiisopiloturina e óxido nítrico (Epiruno2). O processo de docking molecular foi realizado empregando-se o software Autodock Tools (ADT) versão 1.5.6. As proteínas alvos foram consideradas rígidas, enquanto que o Epiruno2 foi considerado flexível. A glicoproteína GP63 (1lml) representa mais de 1% da proteína total do parasito tendo em vista que a 1lml é uma metaloprotease que predomina grupos funcionais em seu sítio ativo, torna-se um alvo atrativo em estudos de atividade inibitória. O docking molecular entre o Epiruno2 e a 1lml resultou na melhor conformação de encaixe deste estudo, com energia de Gbinda de -8,05 Kcal.mol-1 e uma constante de inibição de 1,26 µM. Também foi observada a formação de quatro pontes de hidrogênio, demonstrando ser um forte candidato a fármaco antileishmania. Concluindo-se que o composto epiruno2 é clinicamente atrativo para estudos experimentais futuros ex vivo, in vitro e in vivo, pois seus resultados in sílico apresentaram boas interações moleculares para todas as proteínas alvo deste estudo.
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Leishmaniasis is an infectious disease that affects both animals and humans, caused by flagellated parasites belonging to the genus Leishmania may present in different clinical forms depending on the infecting strain and the immune reaction of the host. The disease is estimated to reach about 700,000 to 1 million people, causing the deaths of 20 to 30,000 individuals annually. Thus, the present study aims to perform a molecular coupling simulation of the ruthenium complex with epiisopiloturin and nitric oxide against the protein Nucleoside diphosphate kinase from Leishmania amazonensis. The NDK 3D molecule was extracted from the PDB nucleic proteins and acids database. The 3D molecular structure of the Epiruno2 complex was designed using gaussview 5.0 software. The NDK target and Epiruno2 complex were prepared for docking simulations, where NDK was considered rigid and Epiruno2 was considered flexible. The Epiruno2 complex presented a good molecular affinity rate with the target protein, making it attractive for experimental trials in laboratories for Leishmania's NDK protein and NDKs of other pathogens, however, the drug miltefosin presented low molecular affinity for the same target, corroborating studies presented in the literature on the reduced efficacy of current drugs against leishmaniosis.
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Objective: The objective of this work is to perform a bioactive analysis of Leishmania major Pteridine Reductase 1 inhibitors (LmPTR1) through in silico molecular docking studies. Method: The receptor and the ligands were prepared using CHIMERA v. 13.1 suppressing all waste. The Lamarckian Genetic Algorithm (LGA) with global search and pseudo-Solis and Wets with local search, were the methods used in molecular docking. Each simulation consisted of 100 independent runs. The rest of the parameters were set to default values. Results: The main molecular interaction between the ligand and the receptor obtained -7.05 kcal.mol-1 of binding energy for the paromomycin, however the highest inhibition constant was obtained between the simulation of miltefosine with the receptor, obtaining 58.21 μM of inhibition constant. Conclusion: The results reveal a reduced efficacy of the four drugs tested in this study against Leishmaniasis, thus highlighting the need for novel bioactive antileishmania alternatives.
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Objetivo: Avaliar a atividade bioativa da desloratadina através de estudos in sílico por docagem molecular em organismos do gênero Schistosoma. Metodologia: Para o estudo foram coletadas proteínas em 3D dos alvos cathepsin B1 (2cb1), purine nucleoside phosphorylase (pnp), thioredoxin glutathione reductase (tgr), e uridine phosphorylase (up) no banco de dados Protein Data Bank (PDB). As análises de docagem foram realizadas pelo software Autodock Tools (ADT) versão ADT 1.5.6. Posteriormente o ligante desloratadina foi obtido no banco de dados PubChem em estrutura 2D e desenhado no programa GaussView 5.0 e otimizado pelo software Gaussian 09W em método Hartree-Fock na base Default Spin/3-21G. O restante dos parâmetros foi definido de acordo com o método padrão. Resultados: De todos os alvos analisados, a desloratadina obteve os melhores resultados nos receptores up e 2cb1 com energias de ligação de -8,49 e -8,35 Kcal.mol-1 respectivamente. Conclusão: Esses valores demonstram uma boa afinidade molecular em interação dos organismos com a droga desloratadina, além de terem resultados elevados de constante de inibição, demonstrando atividade bioativa da droga antiesquistossomose. Com os presentes resultados in sílico, a droga se torna uma alternativa em estudos bioativos antiesquistossomose, podendo dar continuidade em ensaios in vitro e ex vivo.
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Schistosomiasis affects million people and its control is widely dependent on a single drug, praziquantel. Computational chemistry has led to the development of new tools that predict molecular properties related to pharmacological potential. We conducted a theoretical study of the imizadole alkaloids of Pilocarpus microphyllus (Rutaceae) with schistosomicidal properties. The molecules of epiisopiloturine, epiisopilosine, isopilosine, pilosine, and macaubine were evaluated using theory models (B3lyp/SDD, B3lyp/6-31+G(d,p), B3lyp/6-311++G(d,p)). Absorption, distribution, metabolization, excretion, and toxicity (ADMET) predictions were used to determine the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of the alkaloids. After optimization, the molecules were submitted to molecular docking calculations with the purine nucleoside phosphorylase, thioredoxin glutathione reductase, methylthioadenosine phosphorylase, arginase, uridine phosphorylase, Cathepsin B1 and histone deacetylase 8 enzymes, which are possible targets of Schistosoma mansoni. The results showed that B3lyp/6-311++G(d,p) was the optimal model to describe the properties studied. Thermodynamic analysis showed that epiisopiloturine and epiisopilosine were the most stable isomers; however, the epiisopilosine ligand achieved a superior interaction with the enzymes studied in the molecular docking experiments, which corroborated the results of previous experimental studies on schistosomiasis.
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The leishmaniases are severe parasitic diseases that occur worldwide, caused by protozoa of the genus Leishmania. Studies with medicinal plants can lead to a range of possibilities for treating and improving the patients' quality of life. Research on Azadirachta indica fractions and extracts has shown that they have excellent anti-leishmanial activity based on bioactivity-guided fractionation of ethanolic extracts of leaves and seeds and in vitro activity against promastigotes. In this research the most efficient extracts and fractions were selected for tests on intracellular amastigotes of Leishmania amazonensis. The ethanolic extract of the leaves and dichloromethane and chloroform fractions had IC50 values of 38, 3.9 and 1.2 μg/mL for promastigotes and 9.8, 1.1 and 0.6 μg/mL for amastigotes, respectively, at 72 hours. For the ethanolic extract and dichloromethane fraction from nut tegument, the IC50 was 2.7 and 2.1 μg/mL for promastigotes and 0.4 and 0.6 μg/mL for amastigotes. The cytotoxicity of the fractions presented selectivity that was between 8 to 32 times more toxic to promastigotes and 15 to 72 times to amastigotes than to macrophages. The extracts and fractions from leaves and fruits were more effective against amastigotes, and the fractionation increased activity against both promastigotes and amastigotes, enabling us to obtain potentially active fractions with low toxicity.
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The parasite Plasmodium vivax is the most widely distributed cause of recurring malaria. N-Myristoyltransferase (NMT), an enzyme that catalyses the covalent attachment of myristate to the N-terminal glycine of substrate proteins, has been described as a potential target for the treatment of this disease. Herein, we report the synthesis and the structure-guided optimization of a series of quinolines with balanced activity against both Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum N-myristoyltransferase (NMT).
Four new organoruthenium complexes with formula [RuCl(η6-p-cymene)(μ-FCZ)]2[Cl]2 (1), [RuCl(FCZ)(η6-p-cymene)(PPh3)]PF6 (2), [RuCl(CTZ)(η6-p-cymene)(PPh3)]PF6 (3) and [RuCl(KTZ)(η6-p-cymene)(PPh3)]PF6 (4) (where FCZ: 2-(2,4-difluorophenyl)-1,3-di(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)-2-propanol, CTZ: 1-[(2-chlorophenyl)-diphenylmethyl-1H-imidazole and KTZ: cis-1-acetyl-4-[4-[[2-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-2-(1H-imidazol-1-ylmethyl)-1,3-dioxolan-4-yl]methoxy]phenyl]piperazine) were synthesized, characterized and evaluated as potential...
Biocatalysts utilize allosteric mechanisms to control selectivity, catalytic activity and the transport of reaction components. The allosteric control of catalysis has a high potential for the development of drugs and technologies. In particular, it opens the way to specific regulation of vital enzymes with conserved active sites. Using the central metabolic enzyme UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase from the pathogen Leishmania major (LmUGP), we demonstrate how specific allosteric inhibition sites and their links to the catalytic center can be revealed rationally, through analysis of molecular interfaces along the enzymatic reaction cycle. Two previously unknown specific allosteric inhibition sites in LmUGP were rationally identified and experimentally verified. The molecular scaffold for allosteric inhibitor targeting the pathogen's enzyme was developed. This led to the identification of murrayamine-I as an allosteric inhibitor that selectively blocks LmUGP. The presented approach opens up the possibility of using central metabolic enzymes with highly conserved active sites as allosteric drug targets, thus solving the cross-reactivity problem. In particular, it paves the ways to anti-microbial treatments.
Cutaneous leishmaniasis is a major public health problem and causes a range of diseases from self-healing infections to chronic disfiguring disease. Currently, there is no vaccine for leishmaniasis, and drug therapy is often ineffective. Since the discovery of CD4(+) T helper 1 (TH1) cells and TH2 cells 30 years ago, studies of cutaneous leishmaniasis in mice have answered basic immunological questions concerning the development and maintenance of CD4(+) T cell subsets. However, new strategies for controlling the human disease have not been forthcoming. Nevertheless, advances in our knowledge of the cells that participate in protection against Leishmania infection and the cells that mediate increased pathology have highlighted new approaches for vaccine development and immunotherapy. In this Review, we discuss the early events associated with infection, the CD4(+) T cells that mediate protective immunity and the pathological role that CD8(+) T cells can have in cutaneous leishmaniasis.