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Quality of chest compressions during pediatric resuscitation with 15:2 and 30:2 compressions-to-ventilation ratio in a simulated scenario


Abstract and Figures

The main objetive was to compare 30:2 and 15:2 compression-to-ventilation ratio in two simulated pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) models with single rescuer. The secondary aim was to analyze the errors or omissions made during resuscitation. A prospective randomized parallel controlled study comparing 15:2 and 30:2 ratio in two manikins (child and infant) was developed. The CPR was performed by volunteers who completed an basic CPR course. Each subject did 4 CPR sessions of 3 minutes each one. Depth and rate of chest compressions (CC) during resuscitation were measured using a Zoll Z series defibrillator. Visual assessment of resuscitation was performed by an external researcher. A total of 26 volunteers performed 104 CPR sessions. Between 54–62% and 44–53% of CC were performed with an optimal rate and depth, respectively, with no significant differences. No differences were found in depth or rate of CC between 15:2 and 30:2 compression-to-ventilation ratio with both manikins. In the assessment of compliance with the ERC CPR algorithm, 69.2–80.8% of the subjects made some errors or omissions during resuscitation, the most frequent was not asking for help and not giving rescue breaths. The conclusions were that a high percentage of CC were not performed with optimal depth and rate. Errors or omissions were frequently made by rescuers during resuscitation.
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SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | (2020) 10:6828 |
Quality of chest compressions
during pediatric resuscitation with
15:2 and 30:2 compressions-to-
ventilation ratio in a simulated
Gema Manrique1,2,3,4, Araceli González2, Maitane Iguiñiz2, Ana Grau2, Blanca Toledo5,
Miriam García1,3,4 & Jesús López-Herce1,2,3,4 ✉
The main objetive was to compare 30:2 and 15:2 compression-to-ventilation ratio in two simulated
pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) models with single rescuer. The secondary aim was to
analyze the errors or omissions made during resuscitation. A prospective randomized parallel controlled
study comparing 15:2 and 30:2 ratio in two manikins (child and infant) was developed. The CPR was
performed by volunteers who completed an basic CPR course. Each subject did 4 CPR sessions of
3 minutes each one. Depth and rate of chest compressions (CC) during resuscitation were measured
using a Zoll Z series debrillator. Visual assessment of resuscitation was performed by an external
researcher. A total of 26 volunteers performed 104 CPR sessions. Between 54–62% and 44–53% of
CC were performed with an optimal rate and depth, respectively, with no signicant dierences. No
dierences were found in depth or rate of CC between 15:2 and 30:2 compression-to-ventilation ratio
with both manikins. In the assessment of compliance with the ERC CPR algorithm, 69.2–80.8% of the
subjects made some errors or omissions during resuscitation, the most frequent was not asking for help
and not giving rescue breaths. The conclusions were that a high percentage of CC were not performed
with optimal depth and rate. Errors or omissions were frequently made by rescuers during resuscitation.
Pediatric cardiac arrest (CA) is an important health problem since it has high mortality (52–80%) and a large
proportion of survivors suer from permanent and severe neurologic disability (poor outcome in 20–50%)14.
Previous studies have shown that optimizing maneuvers of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in children
could improve survival and prognosis4,5. Nevertheless, many studies documented that CPR is oen not optimally
The 2015 European Resuscitation Council (ERC) guidelines recommend a synchronized 15:2
compression-to-ventilation ratio during basic pediatric CPR1,8,9. However, there is not a strong evidence to indicate
the best compression-to-ventilation ratio in pediatric CPR10,11. Firstly, maintaining an adequate ventilation is crucial
during CPR in children because pediatric CA is primarily caused by respiratory failure2. e 15:2 ratio delivers more
ventilations whereas the 30:2 ratio delivers more chest compressions (CC). In the other hand, dierent recommen-
dations for the compression-to-ventilation ratio between children (15:2 ratio) and adults (30:2 ratio) could increase
the errors or omissions and impair learning. In adult simulation models1214, there are dierent studies that compare
the quality of CC in both compression-to-ventilation ratio. However, only one study conducted in pediatric models,
but it was developed by volunteers with pediatric advanced life support (PALS) accreditation15. In our knowledge,
there are no previous studies comparing the quality of CC between 15:2 and 30:2 compression-to-ventilation ratio
during pediatric CPR conducted by volunteers training in basic life support.
1Pediatric Intensive Care Department, Gregorio Marañon University Hospital, Madrid, Spain. 2Public Health,
Maternal and Child Department, School of Medicine, Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain. 3Health
Research Institute of the Gregorio Marañón Hospital, Madrid, Spain. 4Research Network on Maternal and Child
Health and Development (RedSAMID), Madrid, Spain. 5Pediatric Department, Gregorio Marañon University Hospital,
Madrid, Spain. e-mail:
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SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | (2020) 10:6828 |
Hypothesis and objectives. e hypothesis of the study is that the quality of chest compressions is the
same with 15:2 as 30:2 ventilation-to-compression ratio in a pediatric simulation model. For this purpose, the
main objective was to compare the quality of chest compressions and performance of single rescuer CPR com-
paring two compressions-to-ventilation ratios 15:2 and 30:2 in a simulated scenario with two manikins (infant
and child model). e secondary aim was to describe the visual assessment of the quality of resuscitation in both
Design. We designed a prospective randomized parallel controlled study of simulated pediatric CPR to com-
pare the depth and rate of CC using a 15:2 vs 30:2 compression-to-ventilation ratio in manikins. e CPR was
performed by medical students and pediatric residents and two manikins were used: infant and child model. e
study was approved by the Gregorio Marañón Ethics Committee of Madrid, Spain.
Participants. Twenty-six volunteer senior medical students who recently completed a basic pediatric CPR
course. All participants provided their informed consent.
Equipment and materials. Two CPR training manikins were used: Resuscijunior and Resuscibaby
(Laerdal, Wappingers Falls, NY, USA). CPR electrodes were applied onto sternum and connected to a Zoll R Series
Monitor/Debrillator (ZOLL Medical Corporation, Chelmsford, MA, USA) to record CPR-quality parameters.
Intervention. Before beginning CPR, participants received a practical demonstration of pediatric and infant
basic life support algorithm in both manikins by one of the senior researchers. All participants could practice
chest compressions and ventilation in both manikins prior to CPR session.
Each rescuer performed four CPR sessions, of three minutes duration each of them, with a resting period of
at least 5 minutes between each period. Two of the CPR sessions were performed on the infant manikin and two
on the child manikin. Two CPR sessions with dierent compression-to-ventilation ratio (30:2 and 15:2) were
developed on each manikin. e order of beginning each session were randomized.
Child CPR was delivered while kneeling beside the manikin on the oor. On the infant manikin, an encircling
technique was used for chest compressions with the manikin lying on a table1.
For child manikin, compression depth between 3.8 and 5.1 centimeters (cm) and a rate between 100 and
120 min1 were considered optimal. For the infant manikin optimal compression depth was between 3 cm and
4 cm.
e rescuers did not receive feedback of depth and rate of CC from the monitor during CPR sessions.
Measurements. ree researchers trained in pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation participated in CPR
sessions. One researcher coordinated CPR sessions, other researcher made sure that the debrillator measured
properly and the third researched visually assessed whether the maneuvers were properly performed.
Data measured and stored in Zoll debrillator were analyzed with RescueNet Code Review program. e
following variables over one-minute intervals were analyzed: depth and rate of CC, release velocity (mm/s), time
without CC and the percentage of optimal compressions (in depth and rate).
Video recordings of the CPR sessions were performed to check the researcher’s visual assessment of the over-
all quality of resuscitation. One of the researchers (always the same one) checked whether the basic life support
algorithm and maneuvers were satisfactorily followed by each rescuer. e opening of the airway was considered
inadequate if any of these events occurred: in the child manikin the rescuer did not perform a good neck exten-
sion or did not pinch the nose, and, in the infant manikin, the rescuer did not have a good placement of the hands
in the front-chin maneuver. Ventilation maneuver was inadequate when the observer researcher considered it to
be too fast, too slow, or excessive or shallow chest rise. Other items assessed were whether the rescuer requested
help, if they checked breathing or pulse and the accomplishment of the order of the basic life support algorithm.
At the end of all sessions, participants were asked which compression-ventilation ratio (15:2 or 30:2) they
preferred in each manikin.
Statistical analysis. e SPSS statistical package, version 20.0 (SPSS Inc, Chicago, USA) was used for statis-
tical analysis. Normal distribution of variables was tested with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Continuous varia-
bles are expressed as mean and standard deviations or medians with interquartile ranges and categorical variables
as percentages. Paired Student t-test was used to compare continuous variables. McNemar’s test was used to
compare categorical variables with paired data. P values less than 0.05 were considered signicant.
Statement. All methods were carried out in accordance with relevant guidelines and regulations.
Twenty-six volunteers, 53.8% men, performed 104 resuscitation sessions (four per rescuer). All of them had pre-
viously completed a pediatric CPR course, 7.8 ± 1.0 months before the study.
Parameters of CPR quality. Table1 showed CC rate in the infant and child manikin (including variables
of data collection sheet and those analyzed by the program RescueNet Code Review). Only 59.6% and 54.9% of
the CC, respectively, were performed with a guideline recommended rate. ere were no dierences in the rate of
CC between the ratio 15:2 and 30:2.
ere were no dierences in the percentage of optimal compressions in depth between the 15:2 and 30:2
ratios, neither in the child or the infant manikin (Table2).
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SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | (2020) 10:6828 |
Deeper of CC was found in the rst minute (3.1 ± 0.6) than in the third minute (3 ± 0.5) of resuscitation in
infant model with 30:2 ratio (p = 0.018). In the rest of resuscitations, although depth and rate were slightly higher
in the rst than in the third minute, no signicant dierences were found with both ratios (15:2 and 30:2) and
manikins. No dierences were found in rate of CC, nevertheless, the number of CC performed in each minute in
the third minute was higher than in the rst minute with both compression-to-ventilation ratios and manikins
(p < 0.05).
In the infant manikin, 15:2 ratio had higher percentage of CC performed with optimal depth than 30:2. With
both manikins the ratio 30:2 achieved a higher number of compressions and less time without compressions than
the ratio 15:2. e release velocity was higher with the ratio 15:2 at the end of the resuscitation (Table2).
Visual assessment of the quality of resuscitation. Compliance with European CPR protocol was ana-
lyzed: in the child manikin some errors or omissions were found in 69.2% of resuscitations with 30:2 ratio and in
80.8% with 15:2 ratio. In the infant manikin there were CPR algorithm errors in 69.2% of the resuscitations with
30:2 ratio and in 73,1% with 15:2 ratio. Over the half of the volunteers (53,8%) performed at least one CPR session
without any errors or omissions, most of them (64,3%), executed without errors more than one session. e most
common error in both manikins and both ratios was do not give rescue breaths (23.1%) and not ask for help or do
it too late (21.2%). Errors or omissions performed during resuscitation are shown in Fig.1. No dierences were
found in errors or omissions between the 15:2 and 30:2 ratio in both manikins.
In the visual assessment of the resuscitation: airway opening in the child manikin was adequate in 65.4% of the
resuscitations with 30:2 ratio and in 50% of 15:2 ratio. In the infant manikin it was adequate in 84.6% of the resus-
citations with both ratios. Ventilation maneuver in child manikin was adequate in 92.3% of the resuscitations
Children manikin Infant manikin
15:2 ratio 30:2 ratio
15:2 ratio 30:2 Ratio
p(n = 26) (n = 26) (n = 26) (n = 26)
Mean rate (min-1)
Mean (SD)
Minute 1 109.0 (9.2) 109.0 (11.8) 0.98 106.3 (10.7) 107.8 (11.4) 0.54
Minute 2 109.3 (11.1) 108.2 (12.3) 0.63 106.2 (10.4) 107.3 (11.9) 0.64
Minute 3 108.9 (10.4) 108.2 (11.8) 0.74 105.4 (12.1) 106.6 (13.0) 0.64
Overall 109.1 (11.5) 108.5 (12.7) 0.78 108.3 (13.7) 107.2 (12.4) 0.68
Percentage of chest compressions
Mean (SD)
Lower rate than optimal 14.3 (22.6) 20.3 (30.6) 0.35 18.5 (21.0) 23.8 (33.2) 0.39
Optimal rate 55.8 (35.1) 54.1 (39.1) 0.83 62.1 (31.5) 57.0 (31.1) 0.55
Higher rate than optimal 29.4 (34.5) 28.8 (40.1) 0.94 19.4 (31.5) 19.2 (25.8) 0.98
Number of chest compressions
Mean (SD)
Minute 1 54.4 (10.4) 67.5 (12.4) <0.01 56.1 (9.5) 67.3 (12.2) <0.01
Minute 2 64.0 (11.9) 81.0 (10.7) <0.01 66.1 (10.8) 80.9 (10.6) <0.01
Minute 3 63.1 (10.5) 80.6 (11.9) <0.01 65.3 (11.8) 80.9 (10.1) <0.01
Mean 60.5 (10.2) 76.4 (9.0) <0.01 62.5 (8.9) 76.4 (9.0) <0.01
Time without compressions (seconds in each CPR session)
Mean (SD) 74.0 (12.6) 45.3 (7.1) <0.01 68.4 (18.6) 42.9 (11.3) <0.01
Table 1. Rate of chest compressions. Paired T-student test.
Children manikin Infant manikin
15:2 ratio 30:2 ratio
15:2 ratio 30:2 r atio
p(n = 26) (n = 26) (n = 26) (n = 26)
Mean depth (cm) Mean
Minute 1 4.4 (0.8) 4.4 (0.9) 0.84 3.1 (0.5) 3.1 (0.6) 0.62
Minute 2 4.4 (0.8) 4.3 (0.8) 0.81 3.0 (0.5) 3.0 (0.6) 0.99
Minute 3 4.4 (0.8) 4.3 (0.8) 0.45 3.1 (0.5) 3.0 (0.5) 0.07
Global 4.4 (0.8) 4.3 (0.8) 0.66 3.1 (0.5) 3.0 (0.5) 0.41
Percentage of chest
compressions Mean (SD)
Lower depth than
optimal 27.7 (37.6) 31.5 (41.3) 0.35 44.9 (39.2) 51.8 (41.3) <0.01
Optimal depth 48.4 (37.3) 44.1 (38.1) 0.83 52.7 (36.8) 43.7 (38.0) <0.01
Higher depth than
optimal 23.9 (36.4) 24.4 (36.5) 0.94 2.4 (4.9) 4.5 (14.5) 0.015
Release velocity (mm/s)
Mean (SD)
Minute 1 300.7 (59.4) 296.5 (79.9) 0.71 239.0 (44.3) 243.2 (61.6) 0.011
Minute 2 284.2 (56.6) 273.2 (64.7) 0.22 226.7 (45.3) 213.8 (44.4) <0.01
Minute 3 288.9 (58.9) 266.0 (65.1) 0.017 223.5 (47.0) 208.8 (41.6) <0.01
Mean 291.3 (54.4) 278.6 (67.3) 0.13 229.8 (42.7) 221.9 (45.8) 0.23
Table 2. Depth and release velocity of CC. Paired T-student test.
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SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | (2020) 10:6828 |
with 30:2 ratio and in 76.9% with 15:2 ratio. In the infant manikin it was adequate in 88.5% with 30:2 ratio and in
80.8% with 15:2 ratio. No dierences were found between both ratios for any of the two manikins.
Preferred compression-to-ventilation ratio. For the child manikin, 65.4% of the rescuers preferred
30:2 ratio. In contrast, for infant manikin, 76.9% of the participants reported that 15:2 ratio was more comfortable
because 30:2 produced more weariness of the ngers.
e main objective of our study was to compare CC quality between 30:2 and 15:2 compression-to-ventilation
ratio in pediatric and infant manikins. In our study, there were no dierences in the rate or depth of CC between
the ratio 15:2 and 30:2. A high percentage of compressions were not performed with optimal rate and depth.
Furthermore, depth and rate of CC were not modied throughout the CPR session. e results could not allow
to conclude that a compression-ventilation ratio is better than the other. Our study highlights the relevance of
periodic recertications.
No differences were found in depth or rate of CC in both manikins between 15:2 and 30:2
compression-to-ventilation ratio. In our knowledge, there are no studies in pediatric CPR comparing CC quality
in 15:2 or 30:2 compressions-to-ventilations ratios developed by volunteers without PALS accreditation. ere is
only one study11 that compared, in manikin-simulated pediatric resuscitation, three compressions-to-ventilations
ratios (5:1, 10:2 and 15:2). In this study there were no dierences in depth and rate between the three ratios.
Although depth and rate of chest compressions is the same with both compression-to-ventilation ratios, it is
not clear whether survival increases with increasing number of ventilations or prioritizing chest compressions.
In a study of adults with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, continuous CC without ventilations did not result in sig-
nicantly higher rates of survival or favorable neurologic function than 30 compressions to two ventilations16.
In other similar study the percentage of one-month survival patients with good neurological outcome was lower
with continuous CC, however, in the multivariate analysis the continuous CC group showed better neurological
outcome than the CC plus ventilation group17. In a pediatric asphyxial arrest animal model18 CC plus ventilation
produced better oxygenation, ventilation, and cerebral oxygenation than compression-only CPR. In observa-
tional studies of children resuscitation who had out-of-hospital CA19,20 CPR with CC plus ventilation produced
better outcomes than compression-only CPR. e fact that the main cause of pediatric CA is respiratory failure
could be the reason for better outcomes of CPR with CC plus ventilations than compression-only CPR.
We found slightly higher chest compression release velocity with 15:2 ratio but these dierences are not rel-
evant. One study showed the association of chest compression release velocity with higher survival and favora-
ble neurologic outcome aer out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in adults patients21. In this study the adjusted odds
of survival increased from slow (<300 mm/s) to fast release velocity (400 mm/s) and from moderate (300–
399.9 mm/s) to fast (400 mm/s) release velocity. It should be noted that in our study the release velocity in all
groups oscillated between 220 and 300 mm/s, corresponding in all cases with the slow velocity. However, the
inuence of CC release velocity and survival is still controversial because other studies have found no relationship
between them22. More studies are needed to analyze the role of this parameter in the quality of resuscitation.
ere is good evidence supporting the use of CPR feedback/prompt devices during CPR training to evaluate
and improve CPR quality23. In our study, we use one device to analyze CC quality. We also used video recordings
to asses pediatric resuscitation management and to detect errors or omissions during resuscitation because pre-
vious studies showed that it is a useful tool for this purpose24.
Some studies have investigated optimal depth of CC but there is a lack of evidence in infants and children
CC2527. Although deeper CC have shown higher arterial blood pressure28, excessive CC depth may cause serious
mechanical complications25. In both manikins but, especially, in the infant model, high percentage of CC were
shallower than recommended. is fact may be due to the diculty of performing CC in an infant manikin encir-
cling the chest and compressing only with the thumbs. Smereka and Ladny designed a new technique for chest
compressions in infants using two thumbs directed at the angle of 90 degrees to the chest while closing the ngers
of both hands in a st. ey described this new technique and compared it in two studies performed on manikins
with those maneuvers used routinely29,30 showing that a higher simulated blood pressure was reached with this
new technique29,30. As in our study, other studies that have analyzed the quality of CC in pediatric manikins,
Figure 1. CPR algorithm errors or omissions during resuscitations.
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SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | (2020) 10:6828 |
found a depth of CC lower than recommended7. erefore, shallow CC could also be related to low delity of the
manikin used.
Vaillancourt et al.13 developed an adult simulated CPR manikin cross-over study with elderly volunteers that
compare 15:2 to 30:2. is study showed that the 15:2 ratio resulted in proportionally more adequate compres-
sions (dened as depth of 4–5 cm followed by full decompression during each minute). ey used a metronome
to encourage the administration of chest compressions at a rate of 100 per minute, so rate of CC should not be
In our study, in both compression-to-ventilation ratios, an important percentage of CC were performed with
a higher or lower rate than optimal (>120 or <100 cpm). It should be noted that, although half of CC were per-
formed with optimal rate, the number of CC performed in each minute is not high, which can be explained by
the time used for ventilation. With the ratio 30:2 the number of CC performed was higher than the ratio 15:2. In
a study by Haque et al.15 more compression cycles were achieved with 30:2 ratio without eect in compression
depth and rate, similar to our results. However, they reported higher subjective fatigue in the 30:2 ratio.
Depth and rate of chest compressions did not change signicantly during the three minutes of CPR with
any of the compressions-to-ventilation ratios in our study. is might have been because each CPR session
lasted only 3 minutes. Nevertheless, other published studies with simulated CPR sessions and shorter periods
found a decrease in depth over time26. Vaillancourt et al.13 measured objective fatigue by changes in heart rate,
mean arterial pressure and venous lactate, and perceived level of exhaustion using the validated Borg Rating of
Perceived Exertion scale. ey have found that the 30:2 ratio resulted in similar objective measures of fatigue,
but higher perceived fatigue than the 15:2 ratio. In our study, 60% of the rescuers felt that 30:2 ratio was more
comfortable than 15:2 in the child model. is could be due to the smaller number of position changes for
ventilation that needs to be done in 30:2 ratio. In contrast, 82% of the volunteers reported that the 15:2 ratio
was more comfortable for infant CPR, attributing it to the fact that the 30:2 ratio caused greater weariness of
the ngers.
We have observed that, despite having done a pediatric CPR course in the last year, a high percentage of res-
cuers made some errors or omissions in CPR algorithm, the most frequent giving ve initial recue breaths and
forgetting to ask for help. Rescuers who performed without error or omissions one CPR session, usually did it
without errors in another session. is may be because some volunteers internalize knowledge better than oth-
ers. ere is no agreement in which the best time interval for doing CPR recertication courses is and the best
method to keep the skills acquired. Traditionally it has been recommended that recertication should be done
every 1 or 2 years at most31. Our results highlight the importance of frequent refreshment of CPR training, pos-
sibly between 6 months and 1 year.
e study is a pediatric simulation model with manikins that compare to compression-to-ventilation ratios.
Experimental or clinical studies should be carried out, in which other factors that may aect survival, such as
ventilation, oxygenation, blood pressure, etc., will be analyzed in addition to the quality of CC.
e scope of the study is limited to single rescuer CPR. It could be dierent in situations in which two rescuers
are providing CPR. e pauses of transitions between compressions and ventilations by a single rescuer should
be longer than when CPR is performed by more than one rescuer. e study also has the inherent limitations
of those performed with manikins. Experimental and clinical studies are needed to analyze the eect of the
two compression-to-ventilation ratios and the interaction between quality of chest compressions and ventilation
and oxygenation achieved during resuscitation. Other potential limitation was that the researchers could not be
blinded to resuscitation method and the small sample size. e assessment of the resuscitations maneuvers as
opening of the airway and ventilation was carried out subjectively, although evaluation criteria were dened pre-
viously. e qualitive assessment was performed by the same researcher to avoid interobserver variability. Finally,
in our study participant expressed their preference between 15:2 or 30:2 ratio from and subjective point of view,
but no other objective fatigue scale was used as in Vaillantcourt13 stu dy.
In this model of pediatric CPR simulation, a high percentage of chest compressions were not performed
with optimal frequency and depth. No dierences were found in depth or rate of CC between 15:2 and 30:2
compression-to-ventilation ratio with both manikins. Depth and rate of CC were not modified during de
CPR session. e participants preferred 30:2 ratio in the child manikin and 15:2 ratio in the infant manikin.
Approximately three quarters of the participants performed errors or omissions during resuscitation.
Received: 17 January 2020; Accepted: 6 April 2020;
Published: xx xx xxxx
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We acknowledge to all volunteers who participated in the study.Funding:This work was supported by the
PI15/00743 of Carlos III Health Institute, responsible for Spain’s Health Research and Development Strategy,
co-nanced by the European Union ERDF funds (European Regional Development Fund) and the Mother-Child
Health and Development Network (Red SAMID) - RETICS funded by the PN I+D+I 2013-2016 (Spain), ISCIII-
Sub-Directorate General for Research Assessment and Promotion and the European Regional Development Fund
(ERDF), ref. RD16/0022. Funders did not participate in the study design, dataset collection and analysis and
writing the manuscript.
Author contributions
G.M. was a major contributor in writing the manuscript and contributed in interpretation of data and statistical
analysis. A.G., M.I. and A.G. contributed with the acquisition of the data and developedCPR sessions. B.T.
contributed with the acquisition of the data. M.G. contributed to dra the work and with the acquisition of the
data. J.L.H. contributed to the conception, design of the work and revised the manuscript. All authors read and
approved the nal manuscript.
Competing interests
e authors declare no competing interests.
Additional information
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to J.L.-H.
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... A sample size calculation was performed accepting an alpha risk of 0.05 and a beta risk of 0.2. ROSC was considered the main effect, with an estimated incidence of 30% based on previous experiences [10][11][12] with the same animal model. An effect size of 25% on the usual incidence of ROSC was considered significant. ...
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A secondary analysis of a randomized study was performed to study the relationship between volumetric capnography (VCAP) and arterial CO2 partial pressure (PCO2) during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and to analyze the ability of these parameters to predict the return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) in a pediatric animal model of asphyxial cardiac arrest (CA). Asphyxial CA was induced by sedation, muscle relaxation and extubation. CPR was started 2 min after CA occurred. Airway management was performed with early endotracheal intubation or bag-mask ventilation, according to randomization group. CPR was continued until ROSC or 24 min of resuscitation. End-tidal carbon dioxide (EtCO2), CO2 production (VCO2), and EtCO2/VCO2/kg ratio were continuously recorded. Seventy-nine piglets were included, 26 (32.9%) of whom achieved ROSC. EtCO2 was the best predictor of ROSC (AUC 0.72, p < 0.01 and optimal cutoff point of 21.6 mmHg). No statistical differences were obtained regarding VCO2, VCO2/kg and EtCO2/VCO2/kg ratios. VCO2 and VCO2/kg showed an inverse correlation with PCO2, with a higher correlation coefficient as resuscitation progressed. EtCO2 also had an inverse correlation with PCO2 from minute 18 to 24 of resuscitation. Our findings suggest that EtCO2 is the best VCAP-derived parameter for predicting ROSC. EtCO2 and VCO2 showed an inverse correlation with PCO2. Therefore, these parameters are not adequate to measure ventilation during CPR.
... High-quality infant cardiopulmonary resuscitation (iCPR) is considered critical to a positive outcome after cardiac arrest [3,4]. However, it is often poorly performed [5,6], predominantly because of ineffective learning, poor retention, and decay of skills over time [7,8]. ...
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Background Effective training and retraining may be key to good quality paediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation (pCPR). PCPR skills decay within months after training, making the current retraining intervals ineffective. Establishing an effective retraining strategy is fundamental to improve quality of performance and potentially enhance patient outcomes. Objective To investigate the intervals and strategies of formal paediatric resuscitation retraining provided to healthcare professionals, and the associated outcomes including patient outcomes, quality of performance, retention of knowledge and skills and rescuer’s confidence. Methods This review was drafted and reported using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR). PubMed, Medline, Cochrane, Embase, CINAHL Complete, ERIC and Web of Science were searched and studies addressing the PICOST question were selected. Results The results indicate complex data due to significant heterogeneity among study findings in relation to study design, retraining strategies, outcome measures and length of intervention. Out of 4706 studies identified, 21 were included with most of them opting for monthly or more frequent retraining sessions. The length of intervention ranged from 2-minutes up to 3.5 hours, with most studies selecting shorter durations (<1h). All studies pointed to the importance of regular retraining sessions for acquisition and retention of pCPR skills. Conclusions Brief and frequent pCPR retraining may result in more successful skill retention and consequent higher-quality performance. There is no strong evidence regarding the ideal retraining schedule however, with as little as two minutes of refresher training every month, there is the potential to increase pCPR performance and retain the skills for longer.
... High-quality infant cardiopulmonary resuscitation (iCPR) is considered critical to a positive outcome after cardiac arrest [3,4]. However, it is often poorly performed [5,6], predominantly because of ineffective learning, poor retention, and decay of skills over time [7,8]. ...
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Infant cardiopulmonary resuscitation (iCPR) is often poorly performed, predominantly because of ineffective learning, poor retention and decay of skills over time. The aim of this study was to investigate whether an individualized, competence-based approach to simulated iCPR retraining could result in high skill retention of infant chest compressions (iCC) at follow-up. An observational study with 118 healthcare students was conducted over 12 months from November 2019. Participants completed pediatric resuscitation training and a 2-min assessment on an infant mannequin. Participants returned for monthly assessment until iCC competence was achieved. Competence was determined by passing assessments in two consecutive months. After achieving competence, participants returned just at follow-up. For each ‘FAIL’ during assessment, up to six minutes of practice using real-time feedback was completed and the participant returned the following month. This continued until two consecutive monthly ‘PASSES’ were achieved, following which, the participant was deemed competent and returned just at follow-up. Primary outcome was retention of competence at follow-up. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze demographic data. Independent t-test or Mann–Whitney U test were used to analyze the baseline characteristics of those who dropped out compared to those remaining in the study. Differences between groups retaining competence at follow-up were determined using the Fisher exact test. On completion of training, 32 of 118 participants passed the assessment. Of those achieving iCC competence at month 1, 96% retained competence at 9–10 months; of those achieving competence at month 2, 86% demonstrated competence at 8–9 months; of those participants achieving competence at month 3, 67% retained competence at 7–8 months; for those achieving competence at month 4, 80% demonstrated retention at 6–7 months. Conclusion : Becoming iCC competent after initial training results in high levels of skill retention at follow-up, regardless of how long it takes to achieve competence. What is Known: • Infant cardiopulmonary resuscitation (iCPR) is often poorly performed and skills decay within months after training . • Regular iCPR skills updates are important, but the optimal retraining interval considering individual training needs has yet to be established . What is New: • Infant chest compression (iCC) competence can be achieved within one to four months after training and once achieved, it can be retained for many months . • With skill reinforcement of up to 28 minutes after initial training, 90% of individuals were able to achieve competence in iCC and 86% retained this competence at follow-up .
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The European Resuscitation Council (ERC) Paediatric Life Support (PLS) guidelines are based on the 2020 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Science with Treatment Recommendations of the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR). This section provides guidelines on the management of critically ill or injured infants, children and adolescents before, during and after respiratory/cardiac arrest.
These European Resuscitation Council Paediatric Life Support (PLS) guidelines, are based on the 2020 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Science with Treatment Recommendations. This section provides guidelines on the management of critically ill infants and children, before, during and after cardiac arrest.
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Background: For children with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, previous observational studies regarding chest-compression-only CPR (CC-CPR) versus conventional CPR yielded inconsistent results. We aimed to summarize the current evidence and compare the outcomes after CC-CPR with those after conventional CPR by bystanders in children with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Methods: Observational studies that compared CC-CPR to conventional CPR for children with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest were identified through systematic searches of three databases (PubMed, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Library). The primary outcome was 30-day survival after hospital discharge. STATA 11.0 was used for data analysis. Results: Five studies with 14,427 participants were included. Pooled results indicated that children who received conventional CPR had a higher 30-day survival than those who received CC-CPR (odds ratio, 1.49; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.27-1.74). Moreover, conventional CPR led to a higher 30-day neurologically intact survival compared to CC-CPR (odds ratio, 1.63; 95%CI, 1.30-2.04). Subgroup analyses showed that the higher survival associated with conventional CPR was only significant in children who had cardiac arrest with non-cardiac causes (odds ratio, 1.77; 95% CI, 1.30-2.40). Conclusions: Children who receive conventional CPR for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest may have better outcomes than those who receive CC-CPR. Due to the limited number of studies and lack of randomized trials included in this meta-analysis, more evidence is needed to confirm our findings.
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Background: Pediatric cardiac arrest is a fatal emergent condition that is associated with high mortality, permanent neurological injury, and is a socioeconomic burden at both the individual and national levels. The aim of this study was to test in an infant manikin a new chest compression (CC) technique ("2 thumbs-fist" or nTTT) in comparison with standard 2-finger (TFT) and 2-thumb-encircling hands techniques (TTEHT). Methods: This was prospective, randomized, crossover manikin study. Sixty-three nurses who performed a randomized sequence of 2-minute continuous CC with the 3 techniques in random order. Simulated systolic (SBP), diastolic (DBP), mean arterial pressure (MAP), and pulse pressures (PP, SBP-DBP) in mm Hg were measured. Results: The nTTT resulted in a higher median SBP value (69 [IQR, 63-74] mm Hg) than TTEHT (41.5 [IQR, 39-42] mm Hg), (P < .001) and TFT (26.5 [IQR, 25.5-29] mm Hg), (P <.001). The simulated median value of DBP was 20 (IQR, 19-20) mm Hg with nTTT, 18 (IQR, 17-19) mm Hg with TTEHT and 23.5 (IQR, 22-25.5) mm Hg with TFT. DBP was significantly higher with TFT than with TTEHT (P <.001), as well as with TTEHT than nTTT (P <.001). Median values of simulated MAP were 37 (IQR, 34.5-38) mm Hg with nTTT, 26 (IQR, 25-26) mm Hg with TTEHT and 24.5 (IQR,23.5-26.5) mm Hg with TFT. A statistically significant difference was noticed between nTTT and TFT (P <.001), nTTT and TTEHT (P <.001), and between TTEHT and TFT (P <.001). Sixty-one subjects (96.8%) preferred the nTTT over the 2 standard methods. Conclusions: The new nTTT technique achieved higher SBP and MAP compared to the standard CC techniques in our infant manikin model. nTTT appears to be a suitable alternative or complementary to the TFT and TTEHT.
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The International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation has initiated a near-continuous review of cardiopulmonary resuscitation science that replaces the previous 5-year cyclic batch-and-queue approach process. This is the first of an annual series of International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations summary articles that will include the cardiopulmonary resuscitation science reviewed by the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation in the previous year. The review this year includes 5 basic life support and 1 pediatric Consensuses on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations. Each of these includes a summary of the science and its quality based on Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation criteria and treatment recommendations. Insights into the deliberations of the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation task force members are provided in Values and Preferences sections. Finally, the task force members have prioritized and listed the top 3 knowledge gaps for each population, intervention, comparator, and outcome question.
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This focused update to the American Heart Association guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and emergency cardiovascular care follows the Pediatric Task Force of the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation evidence review. It aligns with the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation's continuous evidence review process, and updates are published when the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation completes a literature review based on new science. This update provides the evidence review and treatment recommendation for chest compression-only CPR versus CPR using chest compressions with rescue breaths for children <18 years of age. Four large database studies were available for review, including 2 published after the "2015 American Heart Association Guidelines Update for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care." Two demonstrated worse 30-day outcomes with chest compression-only CPR for children 1 through 18 years of age, whereas 2 studies documented no difference between chest compression-only CPR and CPR using chest compressions with rescue breaths. When the results were analyzed for infants <1 year of age, CPR using chest compressions with rescue breaths was better than no CPR but was no different from chest compression-only CPR in 1 study, whereas another study observed no differences among chest compression-only CPR, CPR using chest compressions with rescue breaths, and no CPR. CPR using chest compressions with rescue breaths should be provided for infants and children in cardiac arrest. If bystanders are unwilling or unable to deliver rescue breaths, we recommend that rescuers provide chest compressions for infants and children.
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Background Early identification of predictors for a poor long-term outcome in patients who survive the initial phase of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) may facilitate future clinical research, the process of care and information provided to relatives. The aim of this study was to determine the association between variables available from the patient’s history and status at intensive care admission with outcome in unconscious survivors of OHCA. Methods Using the cohort of the Target Temperature Management trial, we performed a post hoc analysis of 933 unconscious patients with OHCA of presumed cardiac cause who had a complete 6-month follow-up. Outcomes were survival and neurological function as defined by the Cerebral Performance Category (CPC) scale at 6 months after OHCA. After multiple imputations to compensate for missing data, backward stepwise multivariable logistic regression was applied to identify factors independently predictive of a poor outcome (CPC 3–5). On the basis of these factors, a risk score for poor outcome was constructed. ResultsWe identified ten independent predictors of a poor outcome: older age, cardiac arrest occurring at home, initial rhythm other than ventricular fibrillation/tachycardia, longer duration of no flow, longer duration of low flow, administration of adrenaline, bilateral absence of corneal and pupillary reflexes, Glasgow Coma Scale motor response 1, lower pH and a partial pressure of carbon dioxide in arterial blood value lower than 4.5 kPa at hospital admission. A risk score based on the impact of each of these variables in the model yielded a median (range) AUC of 0.842 (0.840–0.845) and good calibration. Internal validation of the score using bootstrapping yielded a median (range) AUC corrected for optimism of 0.818 (0.816–0.821). Conclusions Among variables available at admission to intensive care, we identified ten independent predictors of a poor outcome at 6 months for initial survivors of OHCA. They reflected pre-hospital circumstances (six variables) and patient status on hospital admission (four variables). By using a simple and easy-to-use risk scoring system based on these variables, patients at high risk for a poor outcome after OHCA may be identified early.
Background Current cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) guidelines do not define the optimal type of CPR (chest compression-only CPR [CCCPR] or conventional CPR with rescue breathing [CCRB]) to be performed by bystanders when they witness someone collapse. Methods Using a nationwide database of 1.17 million patients who underwent out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) in Japan, we enrolled consecutive bystander-witnessed OHCAs of medical origin with resuscitation attempts from January 2005 through December 2014. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was used to assess the association between the type of bystander CPR and the OHCA outcome after one-to-one propensity score matching for CCCPR versus CCRB. The primary outcome measure was one-month survival with a favorable neurological outcome, defined as a cerebral performance category of 1 or 2. Results Among 143,500 eligible patients with bystander-witnessed OHCAs receiving bystander-initiated CPR, 71.4% received CCCPR and 28.6% received CCRB. In the univariate analysis, the proportion of one-month survival cases with favorable neurological outcome was lower in the CCCPR group than the CCRB group (5.6% [5749/102,487] vs. 6.5% [2682/41,013], odds ratio [OR]; 0.85 [95% confidence interval {CI}; 0.81–0.89]). However, in the multivariate analysis, the CCCPR group showed a more favorable neurological outcome than the CCRB group (adjusted OR 1.12, 95% CI; 1.06–1.19). In the propensity-matched cohort, the CCCPR group also showed a more favorable neurological outcome than the CCRB group (7.2% [2894/40,096] vs. 6.5% [2610/40,096], adjusted OR 1.14, 95% CI; 1.09–1.22). Conclusions CCCPR is an acceptable resuscitation technique for lay-rescuers responding to bystander witnessed OHCA of presumed medical origin.
Objective: In treating patients of different ages and diseases in the pediatric resuscitation bay, management errors are common. This study aimed to analyze the adherence to advanced trauma life support and pediatric advanced life support guidelines and identify management errors in the pediatric resuscitation bay by using video recordings. Methods: Video recording of all patients admitted to the pediatric resuscitation bay at University Children's Hospital Zurich during a 13-month period was performed. Treatment adherence to advanced trauma life support guidelines and pediatric advanced life support guidelines and errors per patient were identified. Results: During the study period, 128 patients were recorded (65.6% with surgical, 34.4% with medical diseases). The most common causes for admission were traumatic brain injury (21.1%), multiple trauma (20.3%), and seizures (14.8%). There was a statistically significant correlation between accurate handover from emergency medical service to hospital physicians and adherence to airway, breathing, circulation, and disability sequence (correlation coefficient [CC], 0.205; P = 0.021), existence of a defined team leader and adherence to airway, breathing, circulation, and disability sequence (CC, 0.856; P < 0.001), and accurate hand over and existence of a defined team leader (CC, 0.186; P = 0.037). Unexpected errors were revealed. Cervical spine examination/stabilization was omitted in 40% of admitted surgical patients, even in 20% of patients with an injury of spine/limbs. Conclusions: Video recording is a useful tool to evaluate patient management in the pediatric resuscitation bay. Analyzing errors of missing the adherence to the guidelines helps to pay attention and focus on specific items to improve patient care.
The International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation has initiated a near-continuous review of cardiopulmonary resuscitation science that replaces the previous 5-year cyclic batch-and-queue approach process. This is the first of an annual series of International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations summary articles that will include the cardiopulmonary resuscitation science reviewed by the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation in the previous year. The review this year includes 5 basic life support and 1 pediatric Consensuses on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations. Each of these includes a summary of the science and its quality based on Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation criteria and treatment recommendations. Insights into the deliberations of the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation task force members are provided in Values and Preferences sections. Finally, the task force members have prioritized and listed the top 3 knowledge gaps for each population, intervention, comparator, and outcome question. U ntil recently, the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) science review process has been un-dertaken in 5-year cycles, the last being published in 2015. 1,2 This batch-and-queue approach has the advantage of enabling a well-planned and systematic update of guidelines and training materials, but it could potentially delay the implementation of new effective treatments. In 2016, ILCOR adopted a new process that would enable a near-continuous review of resuscitation science by using task force-prioritized population, intervention, comparator, and outcome (PICO) questions. There will be 2 distinct pathways for evidence evaluation. Knowledge synthesis units (KSUs), organizations with expertise in searching scientific databases and performing systematic reviews and meta-analyses, will address PICOs that are large and complicated or topics for which several PICOs can be grouped together and addressed through sensitivity or subgroup analyses. Contracted systematic reviewers will undertake simple systematic reviews involving typically single PICO questions. Both pathways involve content experts, and critical steps during evidence evaluation are discussed with relevant task forces when needed.
Introduction: Pediatric cardiac arrest is an uncommon but critical life-threatening event requiring effective cardiopulmonary resuscitation. High-quality cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is essential, but is poorly performed, even by highly skilled healthcare providers. The recently described two-thumb chest compression technique (nTTT) consists of the two thumbs directed at the angle of 90° to the chest while having the fingers fist-clenched. This technique might facilitate adequate chest-compression depth, chest-compression rate and rate of full chest-pressure relief. Methods: 42 paramedics from the national Emergency Medical Service of Poland performed three single-rescuer CPR sessions for 10 minutes each. Each session was randomly assigned to the conventional two-thumb (TTHT), the conventional two-finger (TFT) or the nTTT. The manikin used for this study was connected with an arterial blood pressure measurement device and blood measurements were documented on a 10-seconds cycle. Results: The nTTT provided significant higher systolic (82 vs. 30 vs. 41 mmHg). A statistically significant difference was noticed between nTTT and TFT (p<.001), nTTT and TTHT (p<0.001), TFT and TTHT (p=0.003). The median diastolic preassure using nTTT was 16 mmHg compared with 9 mmHg for TFT (p<0.001), and 9.5 mmHg for TTHT (p<0.001). Mean arterial pressure using distinct methods varied and amounted to 40 vs. 22. vs. 26 mmHg (nTTT vs. TFT vs. TTHT, respectively). A statistically significant difference was noticed between nTTT and TFT (p<0.001), nTTT and TTEHT (p<0.001), and TFT and TTHT (p<0.001). The highest median pulse pressure was obtained by the nTTT 67.5 mmHg. Pulse pressure was 31.5 mmHg in the TTHT and 24 mmHg in the TFT. The difference between TFT and TTHT (p=0.025), TFT and nTTT (p<0.001), as well as between TTHT and nTTT (p<0.001) were statistically significant. Conclusions: The new nTTT technique generated higher arterial blood pressures compared to established chest compression techniques using an infant manikin model, suggesting a more effective chest compression. Our results have important clinical implications as nTTT was simple to perform and could be widely taught to both healthcare professionals and bystanders. Whether this technique translates to improved outcomes over existing techniques needs further animal studies and subsequent human trials.