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Cold-water coral reefs thriving under hypoxia


Abstract and Figures

Reefs formed by scleractinian cold-water corals represent unique biodiversity hot spots in the deep sea, preferring aphotic water depths of 200–1000 m. The distribution of the most prominent reef-building species Lophelia pertusa is controlled by various environmental factors including dissolved oxygen concentrations and temperature. Consequently, the expected ocean deoxygenation and warming triggered by human-induced global change are considered as a serious threat to cold-water coral reefs. Here, we present results on recently discovered reefs in the SE Atlantic, where L. pertusa thrives in hypoxic and rather warm waters. This sheds new light on its capability to adapt to extreme conditions, which is facilitated by high surface ocean productivity, resulting in extensive food supply. Putting our data in an Atlantic-wide perspective clearly demonstrates L. pertusa’s ability to develop population-specific adaptations, which are up to now hardly considered in assessing its present and future distributions.
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Cold-water coral reefs thriving under hypoxia
Dierk Hebbeln
Claudia Wienberg
Wolf-Christian Dullo
Furu Mienis
Covadonga Orejas
¨rgen Titschack
Received: 12 August 2019 / Accepted: 6 April 2020 / Published online: 21 April 2020
ÓThe Author(s) 2020
Abstract Reefs formed by scleractinian cold-water corals
represent unique biodiversity hot spots in the deep sea,
preferring aphotic water depths of 200–1000 m. The dis-
tribution of the most prominent reef-building species
Lophelia pertusa is controlled by various environmental
factors including dissolved oxygen concentrations and
temperature. Consequently, the expected ocean deoxy-
genation and warming triggered by human-induced global
change are considered as a serious threat to cold-water
coral reefs. Here, we present results on recently discovered
reefs in the SE Atlantic, where L. pertusa thrives in
hypoxic and rather warm waters. This sheds new light on
its capability to adapt to extreme conditions, which is
facilitated by high surface ocean productivity, resulting in
extensive food supply. Putting our data in an Atlantic-wide
perspective clearly demonstrates L. pertusa’s ability to
develop population-specific adaptations, which are up to
now hardly considered in assessing its present and future
Keywords Cold-water corals Lophelia pertusa
Hypoxia Adaptation Global change
Being ecosystem engineers, framework-forming sclerac-
tinian cold-water corals (CWCs) provide habitat for thou-
sands of deep-sea species, revealing equally remarkable
levels of biodiversity as found in tropical coral reefs
(Henry and Roberts 2017). Lophelia pertusa is the domi-
nant reef-forming CWC in the Atlantic, and based on its
distribution correlated with ocean conditions, upper and
lower tolerable limits for basic oceanographic parameters
were proposed for this species (e.g., Davies and Guinotte
2011). Among them, dissolved oxygen concentrations
) can exert control on its biogeographic distribution
(e.g., Tittensor et al. 2009). However, lowest DO
inhabited by this species apparently differs between NE
Atlantic (*3.7 mL L
; Dullo et al. 2008) and NW
Atlantic (*2mLL
; e.g., Brooke and Ross 2014) reef
sites. These observations are corroborated by laboratory
experiments, revealing that L. pertusa individuals collected
from DO
of 6 mL L
at the Scottish margin, NE
Atlantic, were unable to maintain normal aerobic functions
at DO
\3.2 mL L
(Dodds et al. 2007). Moreover,
for L. pertusa specimens collected from DO
*2.8 mL L
in the Gulf of Mexico, 7-day exposure to
of *1.5 mL L
proved fatal (Lunden et al.
Topic Editor Mark R Patterson
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this
article ( contains sup-
plementary material, which is available to authorized users.
&Dierk Hebbeln
MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences,
University of Bremen, Leobener Strasse 8, 28359 Bremen,
GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research,
Wischhofstr. 1-3, 24148 Kiel, Germany
Marine Research Department, Senckenberg am Meer (SAM),
¨dstrand 40, 26382 Wilhelmshaven, Germany
NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research and
Utrecht University, 1790 AB Den Burg, Texel, The
Group of Ecosystems Oceanography (GRECO), Instituto
˜ol de Oceanografı
´a, Centro Oceanogra
´fico de Baleares,
Moll de Ponent s/n, 07015 Palma, Spain
Coral Reefs (2020) 39:853–859
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2014). Furthermore, discoveries of L. pertusa in the oxygen
minimum zones (OMZ) of the subtropical eastern Atlantic
(Colman et al. 2005; Le Guilloux et al. 2009) hinted to an
even wider tolerance of L. pertusa to low DO
. Never-
theless, the limited capability of L. pertusa to thrive under
(artificially) reduced below those of their natural
environment (Dodds et al. 2007; Lunden et al. 2014),
questions its ability to cope with the global change-induced
ocean deoxygenation expected for the coming century
(e.g., Sweetman et al. 2017).
Although hitherto hypoxic settings were regarded as
unsuitable habitats for CWC (e.g., Tittensor et al. 2009),
here, we present the discovery of L. pertusa-dominated
CWC reefs thriving in the hypoxic OMZ off Angola in the
SE Atlantic. The regional adaptation of the Angolan CWC
to such extreme conditions sheds new light on their
potential capability to cope with expected future environ-
mental changes in the ocean.
During RV Meteor expedition M122 in January 2016
(Hebbeln et al. 2017), in situ oceanographic parameters
such as DO
and temperature were recorded off Angola
(Fig. 1). Data were collected during eight dives with the
remotely operated vehicle (ROV) MARUM SQUID (On-
line Resource 1), three benthic lander deployments
(2.5–6.8 days; Online Resource 2) and 17 conventional
CTD casts (Online Resource 3). The conventional CTD
was additionally equipped with a non-calibrated fluores-
cence sensor only providing relative values shown as
means per water depth averaged from all CTD casts.
Results and discussion
Discovery of cold-water coral reefs in the oxygen
minimum zone off Angola
ROV video observations revealed the presence of CWC
reefs dominated by L. pertusa, which colonize the slopes
and summits of up to 100-m-high coral mounds (Fig. 1;
Hebbeln et al. 2017). While dispersed CWC colonies were
found in a depth range of 250–500 m, large aggregates of
healthy colonies were restricted to 330-470 m water depth
(Fig. 2). The observation of [50-cm-high colonies
(Fig. 2) clearly evidenced the continuous proliferation of
CWC off Angola for many years.
The available oceanographic data revealed water tem-
peratures of 6.8–14.2 °C around the CWC (250–500 m;
Fig. 3). The corresponding DO
of 0.6–1.5 mL L
the lowest ever obtained from waters bathing flourishing L.
pertusa colonies (Fig. 3). The ROV–CTD DO
surements show the smallest variations. The slightly larger
ranges of the lander and conventional CTD data (Fig. 3)
likely reflect the impacts of internal waves (Hanz et al.
2019) and the larger geographical coverage, respectively.
To gain insight into the seasonal variability of DO
off Angola, as the M122 data only represent an 8.5-day
snapshot from January 2016, we included further 21 CTD
casts obtained within the mapped area off Angola (Fig. 1)
between 1995 and 2013 (Tchipalanga et al. 2018; Online
Resource 4). These data, spanning from March to
September, almost completely correspond to the M122 data
or reveal even lower DO
(Fig. 3). Interestingly, even in
this hypoxic environment, most prolific CWC reefs are
bound to the center of the Angolan OMZ where lowest
prevail (Fig. 3), which coincide with enhanced
water-column fluorescence pointing to an increased avail-
ability of relatively fresh organic matter (Fig. 3).
Oxygen sensitivity of Lophelia pertusa in the Atlantic
Based on field observations in the NW and NE Atlantic
(Dullo et al. 2008; Freiwald et al. 2009; Brooke and Ross
2014; Georgian et al. 2016), the assumed lower limit of L.
pertusa’s oxygen tolerance ranges around DO
2–3.7 mL L
. This has recently been challenged by very
low DO
of 1.1–1.4 mL L
reported from CWC sites
off Mauritania (Ramos et al. 2017), which, however, are
associated with only sporadic occurrences of small L.
pertusa colonies (Wienberg et al. 2018). The new Angolan
data documented for the first time L. pertusa’s ability to
develop thriving reefs even under DO
of \1mLL
(Fig. 3).
In addition, off Angola L. pertusa lives at temperatures
of up to 14.2 °C (Fig. 3), which are among the highest
temperatures ever observed for this species (13.9–15.2 °C;
854 Coral Reefs (2020) 39:853–859
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CTD Lander
ROV dives CWC reefs
Coral Reefs (2020) 39:853–859 855
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e.g., Freiwald et al. 2009; Mienis et al. 2014). Thus, off
Angola, the partly high temperatures could act as a second
stressor since respiration rates of L. pertusa increase with
increasing temperature (Dodds et al. 2007).
Stress induced by low DO
and relatively high tem-
peratures is energetically a challenge for the metabolism of
most marine species, but can be compensated by the
availability of large quantities of high-quality organic
matter (Diaz and Rosenberg 1995). The Angolan and
Mauritanian margins belong to highly productive upwel-
ling systems triggering extensive OMZs. Also at many
other Atlantic reef sites, L. pertusa is most abundant at
depth intervals with highest oxygen depletion (Freiwald
2002; Georgian et al. 2016), most likely linked to highest
concentrations of suspended food particles in this layer
(e.g., Freiwald 2002) which also applies to Angola (Fig. 3).
Comparing ambient DO
and temperature with site-
specific net primary productivity, used as a food supply
indicator, for several Atlantic CWC sites, it appears plau-
sible that the negative effects of hypoxia and high tem-
peratures on L. pertusa seemingly could be compensated
by significantly enhanced food supply (Fig. 4).
With respect to L. pertusa preferring regional oxygen
minima, ambient DO
cannot provide any information
about its capability to also cope with lower DO
However, some information is provided by the aforemen-
tioned laboratory experiments. Lophelia pertusa collected
in the NE Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico could not
withstand DO
of less than 40–50% of the ambient
values (see above, Dodds et al. 2007; Lunden et al. 2014).
Consequently, the range of low DO
tolerable by L.
pertusa—also beyond its natural environment—might
depend on the conditions the corals are acclimated to, thus
pointing to a possible genotypic adaptive capacity of L.
pertusa. Thus, although on a global scale the tolerable
limits for L. pertusa range from \1to
, smaller ranges define these limits on regional
The future of Lophelia pertusa in a changing ocean
Cold-water coral reefs are vulnerable marine ecosystems
that are partly protected within marine protected areas.
These can safeguard CWC from destructive human impact
(e.g., bottom trawling, hydrocarbon exploration), but offer
no sustainable protection against global change-induced
threats. In concert with ocean acidification (e.g., Turley
et al. 2007) and warming of intermediate waters (e.g.,
Lunden et al. 2014), also deoxygenation is expected to
become a major stressor for CWC (e.g., Sweetman et al.
bFig. 1 Multibeam bathymetry map showing the distribution of cold-
water coral reefs off Angola. Locations of CTD casts, benthic lander
deployments, and ROV dives are indicated
Fig. 2 Thriving cold-water
corals observed in the oxygen
minimum zone (OMZ) off
Angola. a, b Lophelia pertusa
reefs in the center of the OMZ
(350 m water depth).
cTransported but alive L.
pertusa colony in the lower
OMZ (500 m depth). dLophelia
pertusa colony with many living
polyps (439 m depth) (ROV
images ÓMARUM)
856 Coral Reefs (2020) 39:853–859
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
2017). However, L. pertusa’s general capacity to thrive
under well-oxygenated as well as hypoxic bottom waters
reveals a rather high oxygen tolerance, although individual
L. pertusa populations appear to have limited adaptive
capabilities to cope with reductions of 40–50% of ambient
values (Dodds et al. 2007; Lunden et al. 2014).
Consequently, the expected decrease in oxygenation of
*2% along the Atlantic continental margins until 2100
(Sweetman et al. 2017) by itself might not exert a serious
threat to L. pertusa, except for already hypoxic settings like
the Angolan margin. However, paleo studies revealed that
during the last *20,000 years regional changes in water
column structure caused the collapse of L. pertusa-
dominated ecosystems due to decreasing DO
berg et al. 2018; Tamborrino et al. 2019). Thus, unlike a
small overall decrease in DO
, major regional reductions
in DO
driven by global change-induced changes in
ocean circulation have the potential to eradicate regional L.
pertusa populations.
Even if smaller decreases in DO
alone might not
pose a serious threat to L. pertusa reefs, these have to be
considered in concert with other changing environmental
parameters that might form additional stressors (e.g.,
temperature and pH) with largely unknown consequences
for the coral’s biological functions. Moreover, the flux of
particulate organic carbon from the surface ocean might
Shipboard data (RV Meteor M122)
(January 2016; CTD/ROV-CTD/Lander)
Literature data (Nansen Programme)
(March to September, 12 different years)
WC gn
vil de
fo egn
m 005-
of OMZ
005 004 003 002
htped reta
Shipboard data (RV Meteor M122)
(January 2016; CTD/ROV-CTD)
DO (mL L )
DO (mL L )
fluorescence (mg m )
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
6.8 days 2.6
2.5 days
DO (mL L )
DO (mL L )
temperature (°C)
CTD (17 casts)
Lander (3 deployments) March (6 casts)
April/May (4 casts)
June/July (6 casts)
Aug/Sept (5 casts)
CTD (17 casts)
temperature fluorescence
calibrated values)
Fig. 3 Hydrographic setting at the Angolan cold-water coral (CWC)
reef site recorded in January 2016. aWater-column temperature (red
symbols) and mean relative fluorescence data (green symbols)
obtained by conventional CTD and ROV-mounted CTD (temperature
only). bDissolved oxygen concentrations (DO
) obtained by
conventional CTD, ROV-mounted CTD and benthic lander systems
(light gray shading indicates entire spread of DO
data obtained
during RV Meteor expedition M122; same in c). cLiterature DO
data spanning from March to September collected between 1995 and
2013 in the same area (Tchipalanga et al. 2018). For all graphs, the
depth intervals of either well-developed CWC reefs and/or single
living CWC colonies are marked in dark and light yellow,
Coral Reefs (2020) 39:853–859 857
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decline by *30% until 2100 along the Atlantic margins
(Sweetman et al. 2017), resulting in a lower food supply to
the CWC and deep-sea organisms in general, thus reducing
their capacity to cope with increasing stress.
Acknowledgements Open Access funding provided by Projekt
DEAL. We like to thank the nautical and scientific crews for on-board
assistance during RV Meteor cruise M122. This research received
support from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) through
providing ship time and access to the ROV and through the DFG
Research Center/Cluster of Excellence ‘‘MARUM—The Ocean in the
Earth System.’’ C.O. received a scholarship by the German Academic
Exchange Service (DAAD, Grant No. 91723955) supporting her
research stay in Bremen, Germany.
Compliance with ethical standards
Conflict of interest On behalf of all authors, the corresponding
author states that there is no conflict of interest.
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons
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adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as
long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the
source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate
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... Lophelia pertusa, synonymous with Desmophyllum pertusum (Addamo et al. 2016), is a cold-water Scleractinian coral found worldwide, and it is the major reef-forming coral in the North Atlantic (Davies and Guinotte 2011;Buhl-Mortensen et al. 2015a, b;. The greatest density of Lophelia reefs known so far has been found along the Norwegian coast (Buhl- Mortensen et al. 2015a, b) but it occurs throughout the Atlantic and is present along the West African coast (Buhl- Mortensen et al. 2017;Wienberg et al. 2018, Hanz et al. 2019Hebbeln et al. 2020). Globally, Lophelia reefs occur within a wide depth range (39-3380 m). ...
... The latter found that L. Background data is provided in Table 3 pertusa could thrive in hypoxic and rather warm waters in the NE Atlantic off Angola. Hebbeln et al. (2020) stated that reefs appear to thrive at DO concentrations of 1 ml L −1 and at temperatures up to 14.2 °C and the authors speculate that the negative effects of hypoxia and high temperature could be compensated for by enhanced food supply. This theory seems to be at odds with the general observation that increased feeding will increase respiration rate (Maier et al. 2013) and thus the oxygen demand. ...
... The tolerance to hypoxia could be related to the relatively low respiration rate of cold water Scleractinia (Buhl- Mortensen et al. 2007, Maier 2013. Maier et al. (2013) and Hebbeln (2020) suggest that local adaptation can affect tolerance to environmental stressors and highlights the need to compare reefs in contrasting settings. ...
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he health status of cold-water coral reefs on the West African coast was investigated with the main objective of obtaining knowledge of the adaptive capacity of Lophelia pertusa to environmental stressors. Three coral sites were studied, in Northern Morocco, in the Morocco/Mauritania region (both in 2020) and, in the Ghana and Ivory coast region (visited in 2012, 2017, and 2019). Area cover of live colonies, explored through underwater videos, was used as an indicator of reef health and compared with the environmental variables: reef position, depth, water mass, temperature, dissolved oxygen concentration (DO), carbonate chemistry (pH, aragonite saturation (ΩAr), macronutrients and particles (visual). For a broader picture of the adaptations presented by Lophelia our results were compared with reefs in contrasting environments. Off Ghana and Mauritania healthy reefs (i.e., having areas with more than 20 % cover of live colonies) were found to reside at DO concentrations between 1.1 and 1.6 ml L−1, in corrosive waters (pH 7.7 and ΩAr 1.0) with high nutrient concentrations. By contrast, the reefs off the North of Morocco, sitting in well-oxygenated waters with oversaturated ΩAr, had no or few live colonies. Our findings together with data from other studies show that Lophelia has a wide tolerance to hypoxia and acidification, and that in relation to climate change increased temperature and silting could pose more serious threats. These findings highlight the importance of continued studies of Lophelia reefs in contrasting environmental conditions to better understand their adaptation potential to climate change-related stressors.
... Cold-water coral (CWC) reefs are widely distributed in oceans and seas around the world and occur on continental margins and seamounts mainly at 200-1500 m depth (Roberts et al., 2006(Roberts et al., , 2009Clark et al., 2006;Althaus et al., 2009;Williams et al., 2020). They are distributed in the east Atlantic from Northern Norway and Iceland (Buhl- Mortensen et al., 2015Mortensen et al., , 2019 down to NW (Glogowski et al., 2015;Buhl-Mortensen et al., 2023) and SW Africa (Le Guilloux et al., 2009;Buhl-Mortensen et al. 2017a, 2023Wienberg et al., 2018;Hanz et al., 2019;Hebbeln et al., 2020;Tamborrino et al., 2019). In the western Atlantic from Nova Scotia along the eastern US margin, in the Gulf of Mexico, and along the South America Atlantic margin (e.g. ...
... Hanz et al., (2019) reported DO concentrations of 0.5-1.5 ml L − 1 from sites with live reefs on the Angolan margin. An explanation to the observed hypoxia tolerance was presented by Hebbeln et al. (2020) which stated that reefs appear to thrive at oxygen concentrations of 1 ml L − 1 and at temperatures up to 14.2 • C. The suggested that the negative effects of hypoxia and high temperature could be compensated for by the enhanced food supply. This is an interesting theory that appears to be at odds with the general observations that increased feeding also increases respiration rate (Maier et al., 2013) and thus oxygen demand. ...
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The occurrence of cold-water coral (CWC) reefs off Northwest Africa that has a broad oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) is poorly studied. A 400 km long almost continuous coral mound chain off Mauritania that was investigated by earlier expeditions revealed mainly dead corals. In 2021, the EAF-Nansen Programme conducted a survey at the border between Mauritania and Senegal with the main objective to map CWCs. Acoustic mapping with multibeam echosounder was used to target mounds at 450-650 m depth and 14 video lines were conducted using a remotely operated vehicle (ROV). The occurrence and health status of CWC reefs along video transects were annotated using the software "CampodLogger", oceanographic variables were measured using a CTD sonde, and terrain and backscatter analysis were conducted. Here we present the environment and health status of 13 Lophelia reefs established in the study area, six of them were large and healthy reefs with areas having 15-50% cover of live colonies. Oxygen concentrations were measured to be as low as 1 ml L − 1 and temperature ranged from 8.8 to 11.6 • C. We compare reef health with the environmental variables: temp, salinity, oxygen, and particle load. A GIS based model was developed to predict the occurrence of live reefs in the study area based on the observed average range of a set of terrain descriptors measured where live Lophelia reefs occurred. Our findings of healthy Lophelia reefs are unexpected and further north in the OMZ reefs have been described as dormant. There is an urgent need for visual seafloor mapping to aid the development of spatial management plans in these understudied waters.
... However, dissolved oxygen and temperature gradients across intermediate and lower-slope water masses (AAIW, NADW) are very limited when compared to harsher bottom water conditions (<O 2 and >>T) where scleractinian and octocoral associations have been sampled in other basins. For example, L. pertusa reefs have been found thriving under dissolved oxygen concentrations (DO) lower than 3.0 ml l -1 in the Gulf of Mexico (Davies et al. 2010) and under hypoxia (DO < 1.5 ml l -1 ) on the Namibian margin (Hebbeln et al. 2020). As a result, it is unlikely that dissolved oxygen concentrations limit current growth of coral-reef builders over Brazil's margin. ...
... On the Namibian margin, the Lophelia reefs are also under exceptional high temperatures (14.2 °C) and productivity regimes (>3.6 g C m 2 day -1 ). Thermal stress (and higher metabolic demand) would be compensated by an increased food input (Hebbeln et al. 2020). On the Brazilian margin, temperatures below 14 °C are typically encountered below 400 m northward of 35°S, but shallower (200 m) on the Equatorial margin (5°S and 5°N; Mémery et al. 2000). ...
In the region of Brazil, cold-water corals are distributed from the Equatorial to the Southern Brazilian margins and on nearby seamounts, mainly between 250 and 1200 m water depth, forming reefs, carbonate banks, and octocoral gardens. Larger reef structures formed by Lophelia pertusa are only known from the Southeast-Southern (SE-S) slope, with depth ranges limited by high temperatures (>12 °C) and the lower aragonite saturation state of lower bathyal water masses. Besides L. pertusa, three other reef-forming scleractinians occur in larger numbers, Solenosmilia variabilis, Enallopsammia rostrata, and Madrepora oculata. On the SE Brazilian continental margin, these species are associated with mounds formed by authigenic carbonates related to seabed pockmarks with active seepage. Particulate organic carbon flux may be important to the development of Brazilian scleractinian deep reefs, but Octocorallia and Antipatharia are apparently not restricted to similar environmental filtering as the calcifying species and are common at depths below 1200 m. The limited information on the ecology and economic importance of cold-water coral ecosystems in Brazil prevent any measure of economic losses associated with impacts by the deep-water fisheries and the offshore oil and gas industry. In the next decades, climate change effects will likely decrease habitat suitability for cold-water corals on the upper slope by changing patterns of primary productivity, with higher temperatures and decreased pH of the oceans. Brazil potentially harbors rich deep-water coral reefs similar to other provinces in the North Atlantic, but limited government investment and management will keep these treasures in the dark.
... Since warmer temperatures increase the energy demand of CWCs (Dodds et al., 2007;Dorey et al., 2020;Chapron et al., 2021), suitable CWC habitats are expected to deepen in a warmer climate (Morato et al., 2020). A sufficient food supply for CWCs can however compensate for adverse environmental conditions to some degree (da Costa Portilho-Ramos et al., 2022;Hebbeln et al., 2020;Dorey et al., 2020;Büscher et al., 2017). Wienberg et al. (2020) similarly found (for the Belgica cold-water coral mound province) that the depth of CWC growth decreased following a decrease in the depth of internal-wave activity, which they linked to water mass boundaries. ...
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Internal tides are known to be an important source of mixing in the oceans, especially in the bottom boundary layer. The depth of internal-tide generation therefore seems important for benthic life and the formation of cold-water coral mounds, but internal-tide conversion is generally investigated in a depth-integrated sense. Using both idealized and realistic simulations on continental slopes, we found that the depth of internal-tide generation increases with increasing slope steepness and decreases with intensified shallow stratification. The depth of internal-tide generation also shows a typical latitudinal dependency related to Coriolis effects. Using a global database of cold-water corals, we found that, especially in Northern Hemisphere autumn and winter, the global depth pattern of internal-tide generation correlates (rautumn = 0.70, rwinter = 0.65, p < 0.01) with that of cold-water corals: shallowest near the poles and deepest around the Equator, with a decrease in depth around 25° S and N, and shallower north of the Equator than south. We further found that cold-water corals are situated significantly more often on topography that is steeper than the internal-tide beam (i.e. where supercritical reflection of internal tides occurs) than would be expected from a random distribution: in our study, in 66.9 % of all cases, cold-water corals occurred on a topography that is supercritical to the M2 tide whereas globally only 9.4 % of all topography is supercritical. Our findings underline internal-tide generation and the occurrence of supercritical reflection of internal tides as globally important for cold-water coral growth. The energetic dynamics associated with internal-tide generation and the supercritical reflection of internal tides likely increase the food supply towards the reefs in food-limited winter months. With climate change, stratification is expected to increase. Based on our results, this would decrease the depth of internal-tide generation, possibly creating new suitable habitat for cold-water corals shallower on continental slopes.
... A sufficient food supply may compensate for adverse environmental effects up to a certain limit (Büscher et al., 2017;Dorey et al., 2020;da Costa Portilho-Ramos et al., 2022;Hebbeln et al., 2020). But we show that the hydrodynamically stimulated food supply in winter is one of the major factors controlling coral reef cover, at least at the Logachev cold-water coral mound province. ...
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Framework-forming cold-water corals (CWCs) are ecosystem engineers that build mounds in the deep sea that can be up to several hundred metres high. The effect of the presence of cold-water coral mounds on their surroundings is typically difficult to separate from environmental factors that are not affected by the mounds. We investigated the environmental control on and the importance of ecosystem engineering for cold-water coral reefs using annotated video transect data, spatial variables (MEMs), and hydrodynamic model outputs in a redundancy analysis and with variance partitioning. Using available hydrodynamic simulations with cold-water coral mounds and simulations where the mounds were artificially removed, we investigated the effect of coral mound ecosystem engineering on the spatial configuration of reef habitat and discriminated which environmental factors are and which are not affected by the mounds. We find that downward velocities in winter, related to non-engineered environmental factors, e.g. deep winter mixing and dense-water cascading, cause substantial differences in reef cover at the broadest spatial scale (20–30 km). Such hydrodynamic processes that stimulate the food supply towards the corals in winter seem more important for the reefs than cold-water coral mound engineering or similar hydrodynamic processes in summer. While the ecosystem-engineering effect of cold-water corals is frequently discussed, our results also highlight the importance of non-engineered environmental processes. We further find that, due to the interaction between the coral mound and the water flow, different hydrodynamic zones are found on coral mounds that likely determine the typical benthic zonations of coral rubble at the mound foot, the dead coral framework on the mound flanks, and the living corals near the summit. Moreover, we suggest that a so-called Massenerhebung effect (well known for terrestrial mountains) exists, meaning that benthic zonation depends on the location of the mound rather than on the height above the seafloor or water depth. Our finding that ecosystem engineering determines the configuration of benthic habitats on cold-water coral mounds implies that cold-water corals cannot grow at deeper depths on the mounds to avoid the adverse effects of climate change.
... Oxygen in seawater is the basis of coral respiration, and the absence of sufficient oxygen will lead to coral asphyxia. When DO levels are excessively high, the process of photosynthesis is hindered, and the calcification of corals can occur (Nelson and Altieri, 2019;Hebbeln et al., 2020). In this study, the response curve for the DO-Lt. ...
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Modern cold-water corals (CWCs) occur in a wide range of water depths, with Desmophyllum pertusum being one of the most common species. Pleistocene, Holocene, and modern coral mound formation by living CWC reefs have previously been described in the Porcupine Seabight from water depths greater than 700 m in the vicinity of the transitional zone between the Eastern North Atlantic Water and Mediterranean Outflow Water. Here we document occurrence of fossil corals retrieved from two cores at 370 m depth in the Macnas Mounds, a relatively shallow occurrence for mounds on the Irish shelf-edge. Both cores feature D. pertusum restricted to the upper two metres, immediately overlying an erosive surface and a coeval major down-core change in grain size from sand to mud. Radiocarbon dating of coral specimens indicates the CWC mounds initiated 7.82 Cal ky BP. Our study unequivocally documents the existence of Holocene shelf-edge coral mounds in the eastern Porcupine Seabight and highlights the possibility of other occurrences of CWCs in similar settings elsewhere in the northeast Atlantic. Given that no living CWCs were encountered in the study area, we suggest that the area previously experienced more favourable conditions for CWC mound initiation and development along the shelf-edge margin, possibly due to differing conditions in the European Slope Current which flows northward along the continental slope from south of the Porcupine Bank to the Faroe-Shetland Channel. Graphical Abstract
The intracellular coral–dinoflagellate symbiosis is the engine that underpins the success of coral reefs, one of the most diverse ecosystems on the planet. However, the breakdown of the symbiosis and the loss of the microalgal symbiont (i.e. coral bleaching) due to environmental changes are resulting in the rapid degradation of coral reefs globally. There is an urgent need to understand the cellular physiology of coral bleaching at the mechanistic level to help develop solutions to mitigate the coral reef crisis. Here, at an unprecedented scope, we present novel models that integrate putative mechanisms of coral bleaching within a common framework according to the triggers (initiators of bleaching, e.g. heat, cold, light stress, hypoxia, hyposalinity), cascades (cellular pathways, e.g. photoinhibition, unfolded protein response, nitric oxide), and endpoints (mechanisms of symbiont loss, e.g. apoptosis, necrosis, exocytosis/vomocytosis). The models are supported by direct evidence from cnidarian systems, and indirectly through comparative evolutionary analyses from non‐cnidarian systems. With this approach, new putative mechanisms have been established within and between cascades initiated by different bleaching triggers. In particular, the models provide new insights into the poorly understood connections between bleaching cascades and endpoints and highlight the role of a new mechanism of symbiont loss, i.e. ‘symbiolysosomal digestion’, which is different from symbiophagy. This review also increases the approachability of bleaching physiology for specialists and non‐specialists by mapping the vast landscape of bleaching mechanisms in an atlas of comprehensible and detailed mechanistic models. We then discuss major knowledge gaps and how future research may improve the understanding of the connections between the diverse cascade of cellular pathways and the mechanisms of symbiont loss (endpoints).
Cold-water corals (CWC) form reef structures in continental margin and seamount settings at tropical, temperate, and even some polar latitudes. This global distribution makes them more widespread than shallow-water reefs, while their role in these regions is no less important than the influence that shallow-water coral reefs have on shallow, tropical systems. They create habitat structure, host endemic species, enhance elemental cycling, alter current flow, sequester carbon, and provide many other ecosystem services that we are just beginning to understand. This introductory chapter to The Cold-Water Coral Reefs of the World reviews historical and recent information, reveals new findings from reefs that have been discovered only recently, and presents key avenues for future research. Global distribution and environmental data are synthesized into an ensemble model that described the niche of key species of framework-forming corals. Using an algorithm to distinguish coral colony occurrence from coral reef and mound occurrence, we further describe the subset of conditions under which CWC form reefs. This effort reveals new areas that are highly likely to host undiscovered CWC reef habitats and provides a framework for future ocean exploration. We are on the cusp of understanding the critical role that CWC reefs play in the world ocean, and this chapter and this book helps to set the stage for future efforts to determine their global impact and potential threats to the ecosystem services they provide.
The discoveries of large reefs within cold-water coral mound provinces revealed that the West African margin is a coral hotspot area in the Atlantic Ocean. The most striking observation is that cold-water corals thrive in extensive oxygen minimum zones under extreme conditions. This points to a wide tolerance of cold-water corals in these regions to low oxygen concentrations. The coral mound provinces off Mauritania, Angola, and Namibia, which are located in the centre of the local oxygen minimum zones, were selected as key study areas, and their regional oceanographic, bio-ecological, and geo-morphological settings are described in detail. Even though all three provinces are characterised by highly productive, oxygen-depleted, and relatively warm environmental conditions, they differ considerably with respect to the present-day reef status and the timing of mound formation during the last glacial-interglacial cycle. Today’s bottom-trawl fishing and oil and gas exploration pose severe threats to the coral communities, and together with predicted ocean warming and deoxygenation, these areas may not continue to support living coral reefs. To fully understand the ecology of the West African cold-water corals and the regional environmental control mechanisms, research strategies following a multidisciplinary and integrated approach are needed.
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Thriving benthic communities were observed in the oxygen minimum zones along the southwestern African margin. On the Namibian margin, fossil cold-water coral mounds were overgrown by sponges and bryozoans, while the Angolan margin was characterized by cold-water coral mounds covered by a living coral reef. To explore why benthic communities differ in both areas, present-day environmental conditions were assessed, using conductivity–temperature–depth (CTD) transects and bottom landers to investigate spatial and temporal variations of environmental properties. Near-bottom measurements recorded low dissolved oxygen concentrations on the Namibian margin of 0–0.15 mL L−1 (≜0 %–9 % saturation) and on the Angolan margin of 0.5–1.5 mL L−1 (≜7 %–18 % saturation), which were associated with relatively high temperatures (11.8–13.2 ∘C and 6.4–12.6 ∘C, respectively). Semidiurnal barotropic tides were found to interact with the margin topography producing internal waves. These tidal movements deliver water with more suitable characteristics to the benthic communities from below and above the zone of low oxygen. Concurrently, the delivery of a high quantity and quality of organic matter was observed, being an important food source for the benthic fauna. On the Namibian margin, organic matter originated directly from the surface productive zone, whereas on the Angolan margin the geochemical signature of organic matter suggested an additional mechanism of food supply. A nepheloid layer observed above the cold-water corals may constitute a reservoir of organic matter, facilitating a constant supply of food particles by tidal mixing. Our data suggest that the benthic fauna on the Namibian margin, as well as the cold-water coral communities on the Angolan margin, may compensate for unfavorable conditions of low oxygen levels and high temperatures with enhanced availability of food, while anoxic conditions on the Namibian margin are at present a limiting factor for cold-water coral growth. This study provides an example of how benthic ecosystems cope with such extreme environmental conditions since it is expected that oxygen minimum zones will expand in the future due to anthropogenic activities.
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Fossil cold-water coral mounds overgrown by sponges and bryozoans were observed in anoxic conditions on the Namibian margin, while mounds colonized by thriving cold-water coral reefs were found in hypoxic conditions on the Angolan margin. These low oxygen conditions do not meet known environmental ranges favoring cold-water corals and hence are expected to provide unsuitable habitats for cold-water coral growth and therefore reef formation. To explain why the living fauna can nevertheless thrive in both areas, present day environmental conditions at the southwestern African margin were assessed. Downslope CTD transects and the deployment of bottom landers were used to investigate spatial and temporal variations of environmental properties. Temporal measurements in the mound areas recorded oscillating low dissolved oxygen concentrations of 0–0.17 ml l−1 (≙ 0–9 % saturation) on the Namibian and 0.5–1.5 ml l−1 (≙ 7–18 % saturation) on the Angolan margin, which were associated with relatively high temperatures (11.8 13.2 °C and 6.4–12.6 °C respectively). Semi-diurnal barotrophic tides were found to interact with the margin topography producing internal waves with excursions of up to 70 and 130 m for the Namibian and Angolan margins, respectively. These tidal movements temporarily deliver water with more suitable characteristics to the coral mounds from below and above the hypoxic zone. Concurrently, the delivery of high quantity and quality of suspended particulate organic matter was observed, which serves as a food source for cold-water corals. On the Namibian slope organic matter indicates a completely marine source and originates directly from the surface productive zone, whereas on the Angolan margin the geochemical signature of organic material suggest an additional mechanisms of food supply. A nepheloid layer observed above the cold-water coral mound area on the Angolan margin may constitutes a reservoir of fresh organic matter, facilitating a constant supply of food particles by tidal mixing. This suggests that the cold-water coral communities as well as the associated fauna may compensate unfavorable conditions induced by low oxygen levels and high temperatures with an enhanced availability of food. With the expected expansion of oxygen minimum zones in the future due to anthropogenic activities, this study provides an example on how ecosystems could cope with such extreme environmental conditions.
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The eastern boundary region off Angola encompasses a highly productive ecosystem important for the food security of the coastal population. The fish-stock distribution, however, undergoes large variability on intraseasonal, interannual, and longer time scales. These fluctuations are partly associated with large-scale warm anomalies that are often forced remotely from the equatorial Atlantic and propagate southward, reaching the Benguela upwelling off Namibia. Such warm events, named Benguela Niños, occurred in 1995 and in 2011. Here we present results from an underexplored extensive in situ dataset that was analyzed in the framework of a capacity-strengthening effort. The dataset was acquired within the Nansen Programme executed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and funded by the Norwegian government. It consists of hydrographic and velocity data from the Angolan continental margin acquired biannually during the main downwelling and upwelling seasons over more than 20 years. The mean seasonal changes of the Angola Current from 6° to 17°S are presented. During austral summer the southward Angola Current is concentrated in the upper 150 m. It strengthens from north to south, reaching a velocity maximum just north of the Angola Benguela Front. During austral winter the Angola Current is weaker, but deeper reaching. While the southward strengthening of the Angola Current can be related to the wind forcing, its seasonal variability is most likely explained by coastally trapped waves. On interannual time scales, the hydrographic data reveal remarkable variability in subsurface upper-ocean heat content. In particular, the 2011 Benguela Niño was preceded by a strong subsurface warming of about 2 years’ duration.
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The largest coherent cold-water coral (CWC) mound province in the Atlantic Ocean exists along the Mauritanian margin, where up to 100 m high mounds extend over a distance of ~400 km, arranged in two slope-parallel chains in 400e550 m water depth. Additionally, CWCs are present in the numerous submarine canyons with isolated coral mounds being developed on some canyon flanks. Seventy-seven Uranium-series coral ages were assessed to elucidate the timing of CWC colonisation and coral mound development along the Mauritanian margin for the last ~120,000 years. Our results show that CWCs were present on the mounds during the Last Interglacial, though in low numbers corresponding to coral mound aggradation rates of 16 cm kyr-1. Most prolific periods for CWC growth are identified for the last glacial and deglaciation, resulting in enhanced mound aggradation (>1000 cm kyr-1), before mound formation stagnated along the entire margin with the onset of the Holocene. Until today, the Mauritanian mounds are in a dormant state with only scarce CWC growth. In the canyons, live CWCs are abundant since the Late Holocene at least. Thus, the canyons may serve as a refuge to CWCs potentially enabling the observed modest re-colonisation pulse on the mounds along the open slope. The timing and rate of the pre-Holocene coral mound aggradation, and the cessation of mound formation varied between the individual mounds, which was likely the consequence of vertical/lateral changes in water mass structure that placed the mounds near or out of oxygen-depleted waters, respectively.
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Over half of all scleractinian coral species inhabit ocean depths greater than 50 m, some of which are capable of constructing reefs tens of kilometers long and hundreds of meters high. The biodiversity of life found on these cold-water coral reefs is astounding yet remarkable since, in contrast to the photic and mesophotic zones, so few coral species actually create a framework matrix at these depths. In light of rapid climate change and unprecedented rates of anthropogenic disturbance, it is urgent we understand how biodiversity in the depths of our oceans is coupled to the persistence of these habitats. We provide a synthetic overview of animal biodiversity associated with major reef framework-forming species, discussing this with respect to global trends in species diversity, composition, and regional species pools, large knowledge gaps, and also the frontiers in technology that cold-water coral science is adopting to help address these gaps.
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The deep sea encompasses the largest ecosystems on Earth. Although poorly known, deep seafloor ecosystems provide services that are vitally important to the entire ocean and biosphere. Rising atmospheric greenhouse gases are bringing about significant changes in the environmental properties of the ocean realm in terms of water column oxygenation, temperature, pH and food supply, with concomitant impacts on deep-sea ecosystems. Projections suggest that abyssal (3000–6000 m) ocean temperatures could increase by 1°C over the next 84 years, while abyssal seafloor habitats under areas of deep-water formation may experience reductions in water column oxygen concentrations by as much as 0.03 mL L –1 by 2100. Bathyal depths (200–3000 m) worldwide will undergo the most significant reductions in pH in all oceans by the year 2100 (0.29 to 0.37 pH units). O 2 concentrations will also decline in the bathyal NE Pacific and Southern Oceans, with losses up to 3.7% or more, especially at intermediate depths. Another important environmental parameter, the flux of particulate organic matter to the seafloor, is likely to decline significantly in most oceans, most notably in the abyssal and bathyal Indian Ocean where it is predicted to decrease by 40–55% by the end of the century. Unfortunately, how these major changes will affect deep-seafloor ecosystems is, in some cases, very poorly understood. In this paper, we provide a detailed overview of the impacts of these changing environmental parameters on deep-seafloor ecosystems that will most likely be seen by 2100 in continental margin, abyssal and polar settings. We also consider how these changes may combine with other anthropogenic stressors (e.g., fishing, mineral mining, oil and gas extraction) to further impact deep-seafloor ecosystems and discuss the possible societal implications.
Technical Report
R/V METEOR expedition M122 focused on the investigation of cold-water coral (CWC) occurrences in the Southeast Atlantic Ocean off the coasts of Namibia and Angola, a region characterised by a distinct oxygen minimum zone. Special emphasis was on the distribution, the appearance, the faunal assemblage and the vitality of these ecosystems under present and past (glacial) conditions. Based on detailed mapping (multibeam echosounder, PARASOUND and multichannel seismic) in the two working areas off Namibia and Angola, a total of 16 dives with the MARUM ROV SQUID were conducted to allow for a detailed characterisation of the existing facies and fauna. These observations were complemented by studies on the structure (CTD and water samples) and variability (lander systems) of the water column and by extensive seabed sampling including long sediment cores that will enable to study the development of CWC ecosystems in the Southeast Atlantic under changing environmental conditions, e.g., over glacial-interglacial cycles. The most remarkable result of the expedition was the observation of living CWC within the oxygen minimum zone off Angola. Thriving CWC under dissolved oxygen concentrations of <1 ml L-1, as found off Angola, have never been observed before, neither in nature nor in laboratory experiments. In contrast, off Namibia, where dissolved oxygen concentrations are even lower with <0.5 ml L-1, only fossil CWC were encountered. However, their presence is a clear indicator for the existence of better living conditions for the CWC in the past. With the framework-building CWC acting as ecosystem engineers, their vitality is decisive for the local biodiversity in the investigated upper continental slope settings.
An exceptionally large cold-water coral mound province (CMP) was recently discovered extending over 80 km along the Namibian shelf (offshore southwestern Africa) in water depths of 160–270 m. This hitherto unknown CMP comprises >2000 mounds with heights of up to 20 m and constitutes the largest CMP known from the southeastern Atlantic Ocean. Uranium-series dating revealed a short but intense pulse in mound formation during the early to mid-Holocene. Coral proliferation during this period was potentially supported by slightly enhanced dissolved oxygen concentrations compared to the present Benguela oxygen minimum zone (OMZ). The subsequent mid-Holocene strengthening of the Benguela Upwelling System and a simultaneous northward migration of the Angola-Benguela Front resulted in an intensification of the OMZ that caused the sudden local extinction of the Namibian corals and prevented their reoccurrence until today.
This book compiles the main findings of the multidisciplinary long-term research program developed in the continental margin of one of the more productive and unknown areas of the world oceans, Northwest Africa. The more than 25,000 preserved fishes and benthic invertebrates and quantitative data collected in 342 trawling stations, the 267 oceanographic profiles, the 211 sediment samples and the 28,122 km2 prospected by multi˗beam echo sounding allowed to obtain an overview of the amazing biodiversity of the demersal and benthic fauna inhabiting soft- and hard-bottom habitats, as well as the fascinating geomorphology and oceanography, hidden in the Mauritanian slope.
This chapter describes the main features of the giant mounds structure running parallel to the shelf break along the Mauritanian slope between the Senegalese border and Cape Timiris. At over 580 km long, it is the world’s largest identified cold-water coral mounds barrier and, in our opinion, conforms to a single province, the Mauritanian Province. The Maurit series of Spanish-Mauritanian oceanographic surveys collected multibeam echosounder data, performed 16 conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) profiles and 13 rock dredgesamplings, which led to the mapping of the reefcomplex, oceanographic characterization of water masses and faunistic studies. The reef framework is mostly composed of dead coral, mainly Lophelia pertusa, with a minor fraction of Madrepora oculata. Associated fauna mainly consists of Acesta excavata and other bivalve and prosobranch molluscs, soaked in abundant, fine compacted mud. At least 150 macrobenthic species of 27 high-range taxa inhabit this reef. The coral surface is either almost devoid of sessile fauna or poorly colonized by small encrusting epifaunal species. We only found fragments of living L. pertusa in the four southernmost stations. The multivariate analysis clearly groups some areas where corals and other suspension-feeders exhibit the highest diversity. Despite their small size, the 17 taxa of suspension-feeders represent 75% of abundance and biomass. Surprisingly, despite the unfavourable history of climatic change episodes, current environmental conditions, deterioration and overall faunistic poverty of the mounds, Lophelia specimens still survive in some areas, sheltering communities of apparently similar structure to those on well-developed cold-water coralreefs in Northern Atlantic latitudes.