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On the Border Between East and West: Turkey from the 19th Century to the Foundation of the Republic. Carnival - Journal of the International Students of History Association, 13 (2011), 111-126.



Article deals with Turkey from 19th century to the foundation of Republic. It is spoken about Eastern question and westernization processes in Tanzimat period as well as in the period of Republic.
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This essay examines late Ottoman and Turkish perceptions of Europe from a number of perspectives. A key concept in this regard is identity and a key coordinating relationship is that between Europe and the Ottoman Empire and the Republic of Turkey. This historical relationship has been played out within global processes. The essay opens with an introduction to Turkish identity and Europe. In particular, the dangers of locating Turkish identity as a constant are noted and the construction of "Europe," or what Europe means, is challenged. The second part of the essay focuses on the historical relationship between Turkey and Europe. The analysis then proceeds to classify Islam, particularly political Islam in Turkey. The essay concludes by looking at European identity and some key Turkish perceptions of Europe.
The Republic of Turkey was founded in 1923 as a modern nation‐state. The years preceding this, 1919 to 1922, are seen by the Turks as the years of their struggle for independence (millî mücadele), led by Mustafa Kemal (1881–1938), later known as Atatürk and the first president of the republic. On October 15–20, 1927, Kemal presented his famous six‐day speech (Nutuk) at the General Congress of the Republican Party, giving his own account of the War of Independence. This essay analyzes the role this speech plays in defining the official historical view of the foundation of the Turkish Republic.
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