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Factors affecting cognition and emotion in patients with traumatic brain injury


Abstract and Figures

Background: Cognitive and emotional disturbances are common serious issues in patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI). However, predictors associated with neuropsychological functions were not consistent. Objective: To investigate factors affecting cognition and emotion in patients with TBI, we evaluated executive function, memory, and emotion based on injury severity and lesion location. Methods: Neuropsychological outcomes of 80 TBI patients were evaluated via Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST), Color Trail Test (CTT), Controlled Oral Word Association Test (COWAT), Everyday Memory Questionnaire (EMQ), Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), and Agitated Behavior Scale (ABS). WCST, CTT, and COWAT assessed executive function; EMQ assessed everyday memory; and GDS, STAI, and ABS assessed emotion. Patients were categorized according to lateralization of lesion and existence of frontal lobe injury. Results: Patients with longer duration of loss of consciousness (LOC) showed more severe deficits in everyday memory and agitated behaviors. The frontal lesion group showed poorer performance in executive function and higher agitation than the non-frontal lesion group. Patients with bilateral frontal lesion showed greater deficits in executive function and were more depressed than unilateral frontal lesion groups. Especially in those unilateral frontal lesion groups, right side frontal lesion group was worse on executive function than left side frontal lesion group. Conclusions: Duration of LOC and lesion location are main parameters affecting executive function, everyday memory, and emotion in neuropsychological outcomes following TBI, suggesting that these parameters need to be considered for cognitive rehabilitation interventions.
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NeuroRehabilitation xx (20xx) x–xx
IOS Press
Factors affecting cognition and emotion
in patients with traumatic brain injury
Eun Hee Kwaka,b, Soohyun Wia, MinGi Kima, Soonil Pyoa,c, Yoon-Kyum Shina,c, Kyung Ja Ohb,
Kyunghun Hand, Yong Wook Kimaand Sung-Rae Choa,c,e,
aDepartment and Research Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine, Yonsei University Medical Center, Seoul, Korea5
bDepartment of Psychology, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea6
cBrain Korea 21 PLUS Project for Medical Science, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea7
dDivision of Sport science, Pusan National University, Busan, Korea8
eRehabilitation Institute of Neuromuscular Disease, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
BACKGROUND: Cognitive and emotional disturbances are common serious issues in patients with traumatic brain injury
(TBI). However, predictors associated with neuropsychological functions were not consistent.
OBJECTIVE: To investigate factors affecting cognition and emotion in patients with TBI, we evaluated executive function,
memory, and emotion based on injury severity and lesion location.
METHODS: Neuropsychological outcomes of 80 TBI patients were evaluated via Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST),
Color Trail Test (CTT), Controlled Oral WordAssociation Test (COWAT), EverydayMemory Questionnaire (EMQ), Geriatric
Depression Scale (GDS), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), and Agitated Behavior Scale (ABS). WCST, CTT, and
COWAT assessed executive function; EMQ assessed everyday memory; and GDS, STAI, and ABS assessed emotion. Patients
were categorized according to lateralization of lesion and existence of frontal lobe injury.
RESULTS: Patients with longer duration of loss of consciousness (LOC) showed more severe deficits in everyday memory
and agitated behaviors. The frontal lesion group showed poorer performance in executive function and higher agitation than
the non-frontal lesion group. Patients with bilateral frontal lesion showed greater deficits in executive function and were more
depressed than unilateral frontal lesion groups. Especially in those unilateral frontal lesion groups, right side frontal lesion
group was worse on executive function than left side frontal lesion group.
CONCLUSIONS: Duration of LOC and lesion location are main parameters affecting executive function, everyday memory,
and emotion in neuropsychological outcomes following TBI, suggesting that these parameters need to be considered for
cognitive rehabilitation interventions.
Keywords: Traumatic brain injury, executive function, memory, emotion28
1. Introduction
Cognitive and emotional disturbances are com-30
mon serious issues in patients with traumatic brain
injury (TBI) (Dikmen et al., 2009; Hammond, Hart,
Bushnik, Corrigan, & Sasser, 2004), which exert a
Address for correspondence: Sung-Rae Cho, Department and
Research Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine, Yonsei Univer-
sity College of Medicine, Rehabilitation Hospital 5th Floor, 50
Yonsei-ro, Seodaemoon-gu, Seoul, South Korea 03722. E-mail:
negative impact on their quality of life and rehabilita- 34
tion process (Hesdorffer, Rauch, & Tamminga, 2009; 35
Rogers & Read, 2007). Neuropsychological dysfunc- 36
tion following TBI can be influenced by severity 37
of injury, lesion site, duration after brain injury, 38
intelligence, educational level, age, drug usage, and 39
socioeconomic factors such as family and financial 40
state (Ponsford et al., 2000; Rosenthal, Christensen, 41
& Ross, 1998). 42
Cognitive functions, which are affected by TBI, 43
include attention, memory, information processing 44
ISSN 1053-8135/20/$35.00 © 2020 IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved
This article is published online with Open Access and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (CC BY-NC 4.0).
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2E.H. Kwak et al. / Factors affecting cognition and emotion in patients
speed, perception, judgment, language, and exec-45
utive function (Carney et al., 1999; Cicerone et46
al., 2000). Emotional and behavioral disturbances
can be derived from either direct brain injury or48
secondary psychological responses. The following49
conditions are frequently observed in TBI: agita-
tion, impulsivity, restlessness, emotional instability,
apathy, unwillingness, depression, anxiety, stress sen-
sitivity, and denial (Jorge et al., 2004; Prigatano,
1992). It has been known that deficits in executive54
function and memory are easily noticed in TBI due55
to the vulnerability of brain areas such as frontal56
lobe and temporal lobe (Carlozzi, Grech, & Tul-
sky, 2013), and these are relatively more difficult to58
treat than other cognitive impairments (Sohlberg &
Mateer, 1989).
Neuropsychological functions in TBI can be
improved, depending on the time after brain injury62
(Ashman et al., 2004; Dikmen, Machamer, Pow-63
ell, & Temkin, 2003; Hammond et al., 2004;
Salmond, Menon, Chatfield, Pickard, & Sahakian,65
2006; Senathi-Raja, Ponsford, & Schonberger, 2010;
Whelan-Goodinson, Ponsford, Schonberger, & John-67
ston, 2010). In particular, age or educational level
before brain injury has been considered to be associ-69
ated with reserved capacity and vulnerability of brain70
against cognitive deficits after TBI, indicating that71
these variables need to be controlled in this study
(Scheibel et al., 2009; Sole-Padulles et al., 2009).
However, previous studies have shown that some
predictors were not consistent in the properties of75
subject groups and study designs, while related vari-
ables were not controlled (Ciurli, Formisano, Bivona,
Cantagallo, & Angelelli, 2011; Glascher et al., 2009;78
Whelan-Goodinson et al., 2010).79
Emotional issues, shown after brain injury, can80
impair the quality of patient’s life beyond cognitive
deficits or physiological disorders. However, the sig-
nificance of such issues might have been overlooked83
in previous studies (Binder, Kelly, Villanueva, &
Winslow, 2003; Rogers & Read, 2007). Studies on85
predictive variables related to emotional disorders
are even more complex (Horner, Selassie, Lineberry,87
Ferguson, & Labbate, 2008; Whelan-Goodinson et88
al., 2010).89
Therefore, the purpose of this study was90
to establish predictors that are associated with91
neuropsychological outcomes by analyzing neurobe-92
havioral assessments and investigating the effects of
TBI on executive function, memory, and emotions
such as depression, anxiety, and agitation by control-
ling the effect of other extraneous variables.
2. Methods 97
2.1. Subjects 98
A total of 80 patients (62 males and 18 females) 99
with TBI were recruited (Table 1). Neuropsycho- 100
logical assessment was performed on patients aged 101
between 17 and 63 via Wisconsin Card Sorting Test 102
(WCST), Color Trail Test (CTT), Controlled Oral 103
Word Association Test (COWAT), Everyday Memory 104
Questionnaire (EMQ), Geriatric Depression Scale 105
(GDS), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), and 106
Agitated Behavior Scale (ABS). The ranges of period 107
for loss of consciousness (LOC) and time after brain 108
injury were 1–120 days and 3–36 months, respec- 109
tively. Patients were categorized into having left side 110
(n= 19), right side (n= 16), and bilateral (n= 45) 111
lesions. In addition, there were 49 patients with 112
frontal lobe lesion. Of these, 14 patients had only 113
frontal lobe lesion, and 35 patients had lesions on 114
both frontal and non-frontal lobes, while 31 patients 115
had no frontal lesion. Among patients with frontal 116
lesion, 11 patients had lesions on the left side while 117
15 had lesions on the right side, and 23 patients had 118
bilateral lesions. The representative MRI images of 119
each TBI group were shown in Fig. 1. 120
The study was approved by the Ethics Committee, 121
and participants signed informed consent prior to the 122
study. The Institutional Review Board of Severance 123
Table 1
Demographic characteristics of subjects (n= 80)
Variables Values
Age at assessment (years) 36.26 ±13.86
Education (years) 14.24 ±3.15
Period of LOC (days) 16.90 ±21.22
Time after brain injury (months) 11.20 ±10.12
Male 62 (77.5%)
Female 18 (22.5%)
Site of lesion
LHL 19 (23.8%)
RHL 16 (20.0%)
BDL 45 (56.3%)
FL 14 (17.5%)
F-NFL 35 (43.8%)
NFL 31 (38.7%)
LFL 11 (22.4%)
RFL 15 (30.6%)
BFL 23 (46.9%)
Values are mean ±standard deviation. LOC, loss of
consciousness; LHL, left hemisphere lesion; RHL,
right hemisphere lesion; BDL, bilateral or diffuse
lesion; FL, frontal lobe lesion; F-NFL, frontal-non-
frontal lobe lesion; NFL, non-frontal lobe lesion; LFL,
left frontal lobe lesion; RFL, right frontal lobe lesion;
BFL, bilateral frontal lobe lesion.
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Fig. 1. The representative MRI images of each TBI group. (A) Right frontal injury (B) Left frontal injury (C) Bilateral frontal injury (D)
Non-frontal injury, Right temporal injury. MRI, Magnetic Resonance Imaging; TBI, Traumatic brain injury.
Hospital, Yonsei University Health System approved
this procedure as well as the entire study (no. 4-2016-125
2.2. Measures127
2.2.1. Wisconsin card sorting test
WCST is one of the representative measures of
prefrontal executive function, requiring mental flex-
ibility and problem solving ability. It was performed
by the standardized procedures proposed by Heaton 132
and percentage scores were used for dependent data to 133
control the differences in a number of trials adminis- 134
tered (Heaton RK, 1993). In this study, we analyzed 135
four indices (i.e., percent errors, percent persevera- 136
tive errors, percent conceptual level responses, and 137
number of categories completed) because previous 138
studies reported that these scores are decreased in 139
TBI patients compared to those of healthy control 140
(Haut et al., 1996). 141
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4E.H. Kwak et al. / Factors affecting cognition and emotion in patients
2.2.2. Color trail test142
CTT measures visual attention, visual scan-143
ning, and graphomotor skills, while recording the
information-processing speed as well as motor-hand145
coordination. Although this test originated from Trail146
Making Test (TMT), it was modified in this study to
eliminate the difference arising from cultural diver-148
sity. Reaction time of CTT2 was analyzed as CTT2149
covers alternative patterns of orders, and to evalu-150
ate the system of the frontal lobe (D’Elia, 1996). TBI
patients tend to exhibit poor performance in their abil-
ity to smoothly change cognitive frames (Kim, 2003).
The reaction time was limited to less than 5 minutes,
as it has been suggested not to last the task for more
than 4 to 5 minutes in order to help lower the influence156
from extreme scores.
2.2.3. Controlled oral word association test
COWAT is the measurement of word fluency and
idea generation as a proper index of divergent think-160
ing by frontal lobe (Milner, 1984). Within one minute,161
participants are required to generate as many words162
as they can that belong to a specific category and
begin with a specific letter. The total number of words
generated is recorded for two categories and three let-165
ters. Test-retest reliability of COWAT-Korean version166
has been found to be 0.56 to 0.62 in an adult sample167
population (Kang, 2000).
2.2.4. Everyday memory questionnaire169
EMQ is direct data on memory defects and ret-170
rospective evaluation of memory failure shown in
everyday life in a week, by averaging reports from
patients and their families (Sunderland, 1983). This
test was translated in Korean and administrated.
There were 35 questions in five memory categories175
including language, reading and writing, face and176
place, behaviors, and new learning ability. The total177
score range was 0 to 140.178
2.2.5. Geriatric depression scale
GDS is a self-reported, True or False type depres-
sion scale (Yesavage et al., 1982). Although GDS
was developed for the elderly, it is more useful for
brain injury patients with impaired cognition. The test
consists of 30 questions, with the total scores rang-
ing from 0 to 30. The cut-off point of this test was185
reported as 18 (sensitivity 65.6%, specificity 64.9%)186
in standardized studies in Korea(Jung, 1997).187
2.2.6. State-trait anxiety inventory 188
In this study, STAI state anxiety scale which has 189
been widely used to evaluate anxiety level caused 190
by stress factors such as surgeries, treatments, and 191
examinations was used (Hahn, 2000). The inventory 192
consisted of 20 questions, and total score range was 193
20 to 40. 194
2.2.7. Agitated behavior scale 195
ABS is used to evaluate TBI patients’ behav- 196
iors by measuring them through 14 questions with 197
a four-point scale (1 to 4 point) which includes 198
distraction, impulsivity, noncooperation, aggression, 199
restlessness, repetitive behaviors, and mood swings. 200
The score range was from 14 to 56. This scale that 201
has been suggested to offer a reliable measurement 202
(Cronbach’s =0.84 to 0.92) of behavioral distur- 203
bance in TBI patients (Corrigan, 1989). 204
2.3. Statistical analysis 205
Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package 206
for the Social Sciences (SPSS v.15). Age, education 207
level, duration of LOC and time after brain injury 208
effects on executive function, everyday memory and 209
emotional function were analyzed by Pearsons cor- 210
relation coefficients. Additionally, age, education 211
level, duration of LOC and time after brain injury 212
effects on brain lesion properties were analyzed by 213
ANOVA. Effects of brain lesion properties on exec- 214
utive function, memory, and emotion were analyzed 215
by MANCOVA and MANOVA. 216
3. Results 217
3.1. Correlations between patient characteristics 218
Detailed information about subjects is listed in 219
Table 1 and correlations patient characteristics (age, 220
education level, duration of LOC and time after 221
injury) and neuropsychological functions were ana- 222
lyzed using Pearson’s correlation coefficients listed 223
in Table 2. Age was negatively correlated with 224
percent conceptual level responses and the num- 225
ber of completed categories of WCST (r=–0.36, 226
p< 0.001; r=–0.43, p< 0.001, respectively), while 227
positively correlated with CTT2, percent error and 228
percent perseverative errors of WCST (r= 0.36, 229
p< 0.001; r= 0.32, p< 0.01; r= 0.26, p< 0.05, respec- 230
tively). Age was also positively correlated with 231
GDS (r= 0.24, p< 0.05). Education level was pos- 232
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Table 2
Factors affecting neuropsychological functions
Age Education Period of LOC Time after brain injury
% errors 0.32** –0.27* 0.18 –0.13
% perseverative errors 0.26* –0.19 0.08 –0.02
% conceptual level responses –0.36*** 0.28* –0.19 0.10
No. of completed categories –0.43*** 0.27* –0.16 0.06
CTT2 0.36*** –0.23 0.19 –0.11
COWAT –0.21 0.29** –0.14 0.19
EMQ –0.03 –0.14 0.41*** 0.09
GDS 0.24* –0.26* 0.14 0.03
STAI 0.17 –0.10 0.11 0.05
ABS 0.09 –0.34** 0.32** 0.04
*p< 0.05, **p< 0.01, ***p< 0.001. WCST, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test; CTT2, Color Trail Test 2; COWAT,
Controlled Oral Word Association Test; EMQ, Everyday Memory Questionnaire; GDS, Geriatric Depression
Scale; STAI, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory; ABS, Agitated Behavior Scale.
itively correlated with COWAT, percent conceptual
level responses and the number of completed cate-234
gories of WCST (r= 0.29, p< 0.01; r= 0.28, p< 0.05;235
r= 0.27, p< 0.05, respectively), while negatively cor-
related with percent errors of WCST, ABS and237
GDS (r=–0.27, p< 0.05; r=–0.34, p< 0.01; r=–0.26,238
p< 0.05, respectively). The duration of LOC showed
a significantly positive correlation with EMQ and240
ABS (r= 0.41, p< 0.001; r= 0.32, p< 0.01, respec-241
tively). The duration of LOC significantly affected242
everyday memory and agitated behaviors. In case of243
everyday memory, a longer period of LOC showed
more severe everyday memory deficits and agitated245
behaviors. However, the duration of LOC did not have246
an effect on percent perseverative errors of WCST,
GDS, and STAI when excluding the effects of demo-248
graphic variables.
3.2. Comparison of neuropsychological
functions by lesion lateralization251
The results of comparison of characteristics of each252
group in regard to lesion lateralization showed no dif-253
ference between groups in the education level, the
duration of LOC and time after injury while age
was significantly different between groups (F= 3.25,
p< 0.05) in Table 3. Bilateral or diffuse damaged257
group were significantly older than the group with
unilateral lesion groups.259
To examine any difference in neuropsychological260
functions depending upon the lateralization of brain261
lesion when age was controlled, MANCOVA anal-262
ysis was performed shown in Table 4. Even though263
the types of lateralization of brain lesion had no sig-264
nificant impact on executive function and everyday265
memory in general (Wilks’ Lambda 0.73, F= 1.65,266
p= 0.07), emotional functioning was significantly 267
affected (Wilks’ Lambda 0.80, F= 2.87, p< 0.05). 268
According to the results of MANOVA in Table 5, 269
lateralization of brain lesion showed significant dif- 270
ferences between groups in GDS (F= 8.36, p< 0.001) 271
and STAI (F= 4.70, p< 0.01). In results of post hoc 272
test, TBI groups with unilateral lesion were not dif- 273
ferent in depression and anxiety parameters, while 274
bilateral lesion group was more depressed compared 275
to unilateral lesion group and more anxious than left- 276
sided lesion group. Therefore, bilateral lesion group 277
might be more vulnerable in terms of emotional dys- 278
function than any other lesion group after severe TBI. 279
3.3. Comparison of neuropsychological 280
functions by frontal lobe damage 281
In the results of analysis of properties of sub- 282
groups divided according to the existence of frontal 283
lobe lesion, age (F= 4.70, p< 0.05), education level 284
(F= 3.07, p< 0.05), duration of LOC (F= 8.55, 285
p< 0.001) were different between groups in Table 5. 286
Frontal lobe lesion group was significantly older than 287
the other groups, and non-frontal lesion group was 288
the youngest among three groups. The education 289
level was higher in the non-frontal lesion group com- 290
pared to the two frontal lobe lesion groups while 291
the duration of LOC was significantly longer in 292
the frontal-non-frontal lesion group compared to the 293
other groups. 294
To investigate whether frontal lobe lesion affects 295
neuropsychological functions when controlling the 296
effects of other extraneous variables including age, 297
education level and duration of LOC, MANCOVA 298
was performed shown in Table 6. According to the 299
results, whether the frontal lobe is damaged or not sig- 300
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Table 3
Factors associated with lateralization of lesion
(n= 19) (n= 16) (n= 45)
Age 29.42 ±6.96 37.56 ±15.51 38.69 ±13.85 3.25*
Education level 15.47 ±2.27 13.81 ±3.73 13.87 ±3.17 1.97
Period of LOC 13.05 ±16.59 10.56 ±12.89 20.78 ±24.55 1.81
Time after brain injury 11.21 ±12.50 10.56±10.07 11.41 ±9.23 0.41
*p< 0.05. LHL, Left Hemisphere Lesion; RHL, Right Hemisphere Lesion; BDL, Bilat-
eral or Diffuse lesion.
Table 4
Multiple analysis of covariances with covariance for neuropsychological functions by lateralization of lesion
Independent variables Dependent variables Wilks’ Lambda(F) univariate F df η2
Lateralization of lesion % errors 0.73(1.65) 1.62 2/75 0.04
% perseverative errors 2.68 2/75 0.07
% conceptual level responses 2.10 2/75 0.05
No. of categories completed 2.06 2/75 0.05
CTT2 0.19 2/75 0.01
COWAT 1.01 2/75 0.03
EMQ 3.21* 2/75 0.08
GDS 0.80(2.87)* 8.36*** 2/75 0.18
STAI 4.70** 2/75 0.11
ABS 1.86 2/75 0.05
*p< 0.05, **p< 0.01, ***p< 0.001 Covariates: Age.
Table 5
Mean comparison of neuropsychological functions by lateralization of lesion
(n= 19) (n= 16) (n= 45)
% errors 32.00 ±14.29 42.87 ±18.91 45.29 ±21.21 1.62
% perseverative errors 17.74 ±7.60 20.56 ±10.47 27.78 ±17.95 2.68
% conceptual level responses 60.47 ±19.05 44.69 ±26.01 41.13 ±27.63 2.10
No. of completed categories 4.58 ±1.71 2.81 ±2.32 2.82 ±2.50 2.06
CTT2 174.84 ±88.74 192.25 ±79.80 206.96 ±90.05 0.19
COWAT 38.68 ±27.64 42.94 ±21.47 33.58 ±20.18 1.01
EMQ 52.79 ±39.37 42.63 ±34.75 67.33 ±39.65 3.21
GDS 7.58 ±5.01 10.69 ±8.96 15.96 ±8.06 8.36***
STAI 39.58 ±9.89 45.69 ±15.02 49.91 ±13.02 4.70**
ABS 6.95 ±8.13 10.38 ±8.59 11.93 ±8.39 1.86
**p< 0.01, ***p< 0.001 Covariates: Age, Sex. LHL, Left Hemisphere Lesion; RHL, Right Hemisphere Lesion;
BDL, Bilateral or Diffuse lesion; WCST, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test; CTT2, Color Trail Test 2; COWAT, Con-
trolled Oral Word Association Test; EMQ, Everyday Memory Questionnaire; GDS, Geriatric Depression Scale;
STAI, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory; ABS, Agitated Behavior Scale.
nificantly affected on the executive functions (Wilks’
Lambda 0.69, F= 1.97, p< 0.05) and emotional func-
tioning was significantly affected (Wilks’ Lambda
0.79, F= 2.99, p< 0.01).304
According to the results of MANOVA, the results305
of WCST showed frontal lobe lesion group signifi-306
cantly performed worse than non-frontal lobe lesion307
group on percent errors (F= 10.89, p< 0.001), per-
cent perseverative errors (F= 6.11, p< 0.01), percent309
conceptual level responses (F= 9.23, p< 0.001), and310
number of completed categories (F= 9.53, p< 0.001)
as shown in Table 7. Although no significant differ-312
ence in everyday memory was found, patients with 313
frontal lobe lesion showed a significant difference in 314
ABS was observed (F= 8.80, p< 0.001) and more 315
severe agitated behavior compared to non-frontal 316
lobe lesion group shown in Table 8. Furthermore, 317
In results of post hoc, frontal lobe lesion group and 318
frontal-non-frontal lobe lesion group significantly 319
performed worse than non-frontal lobe lesion group 320
on the four indexes of WCST measuring execu- 321
tive function. However, no significant differences 322
in everyday memory were found between patients 323
with or without frontal lobe lesion. Moreover, frontal 324
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Table 6
Factors associated with existence of frontal lobe lesion
(n= 14) (n= 35) (n= 31)
Age 41.71 ±12.44 39.03 ±15.30 30.68 ±10.87 4.70*
Education level 14.71 ±2.79 13.29±3.46 15.10 ±2.69 3.07*
Period of LOC 8.29 ±8.30 27.09 ±27.80 9.29 ±8.00 8.55***
Time after brain injury 5.37 ±4.69 12.42 ±10.41 11.36 ±10.63 2.15
*p< 0.05, ***p< 0.001. FL, frontal lesion; F-NFL, frontal-non-frontal lesion; NFL, non-frontal lesion.
Table 7
Multiple analysis of covariances with covariance for neuropsychological functions depended on existence of frontal lobe lesion
Independent variables Dependent variables Wilks’ Lambda(F) univariate F df η2
With or Without % errors 0.69(1.97*) 10.08*** 2/74 0.23
Frontal lesion % perseverative errors 5.90** 2/74 0.14
% conceptual level responses 9.25*** 2/74 0.20
No. of categories completed 9.73*** 2/74 0.21
CTT2 1.56 2/74 0.04
COWAT 0.96 2/74 0.03
EMQ 1.72 2/74 0.04
GDS 0.79(2.99**) 0.58 2/74 0.02
STAI 0.94 2/74 0.03
ABS 9.03*** 2/74 0.20
*p< 0.05, **p< 0.01, ***p< 0.001 Covariates: Age, Education, period of LOC.
Table 8
Mean comparison of neuropsychological functions depended on existence of frontal lobe lesion
(n= 14) (n= 35) (n=31)
% errors 53.00 ±19.79 49.97 ±17.96 27.13 ±12.10 10.89***
% perseverative errors 31.86 ±20.65 28.34 ±13.79 15.42 ±9.33 6.11**
% conceptual level responses 32.07 ±26.56 35.49 ±23.88 65.29 ±16.98 9.23***
No. of completed categories 2.00 ±2.32 2.17 ±2.20 5.00 ±1.43 9.53***
CTT2 213.14 ±93.73 227.54 ±77.15 153.65 ±81.04 1.49
COWAT 30.57 ±20.56 32.40 ±21.85 44.23 ±22.39 0.91
EMQ 50.07 ±44.07 74.86 ±34.36 44.97 ±37.38 1.76
GDS 12.07 ±9.47 15.37 ±7.47 10.52 ±8.34 0.57
STAI 44.43 ±13.42 50.26 ±13.26 43.48 ±12.78 0.89
ABS 11.57 ±9.51 14.94 ±8.30 4.84 ±4.11 8.80***
**p< 0.01, ***p< 0.001 Covariates: Age, Education, period of LOC. FL, frontal lesion; F-NFL, frontal-non-frontal
lesion; NFL, non-frontal lesion; WCST, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test; CTT2, Color Trail Test 2; COWAT, Controlled
Oral Word Association Test; EMQ, Everyday Memory Questionnaire; GDS, Geriatric Depression Scale; STAI, State-
Trait Anxiety Inventory; ABS, Agitated Behavior Scale.
lobe lesion group and frontal-non-frontal lobe lesion
group showed more severe agitated behavior prob-326
lems than non-frontal lobe lesion group.327
3.4. Comparison of neuropsychological328
functions by lateralization of frontal lobe329
The comparison between groups with unilateral331
frontal lobe lesion and bilateral frontal lobe lesion
showed that there were no differences in age, educa-
tion level, duration of LOC, time after injury between
the groups in Table 9.
To test if the lateralization of frontal lobe damage 336
affects neuropsychological functions, MANCOVA 337
was performed shown in Table 10. The lateralization 338
of the frontal lobe damage significantly influenced 339
executive function and everyday memory in general 340
(Wilks’ Lambda 0.43, F= 2.97, p< 0.001). Addi- 341
tionally, the lateralization of frontal lobe damage 342
significantly affected emotion in general (Wilks’ 343
Lambda 0.72, F= 2.08, p< 0.05). 344
For the executive functions, conceptual level 345
(F= 13.40, p< 0.001), percent error (F= 12.03, 346
p< 0.001), percent perseverative error (F= 10.05, 347
p< 0.001), number of categories completed (F= 8.85, 348
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Table 9
Factors associated with lateralization of frontal lobe lesion
(n= 11) (n= 15) (n= 23)
Age 38.00 ±13.22 38.73 ±14.70 41.35 ±15.31 0.25
Education level 14.64 ±2.91 14.40 ±3.29 12.78 ±3.41 1.70
Period of LOC 14.27 ±21.11 24.93 ±27.58 23.17 ±25.93 0.63
Time after brain injury 7.81 ±10.20 11.85 ±10.07 10.91 ±10.10 0.54
*p< 0.05, ***p< 0.001. FL, frontal lesion; F-NFL, frontal- non-frontal lesion; NFL, non-frontal lesion.
Table 10
Multiple analysis of covariances for neuropsychological functions by lateralization of frontal lobe lesion
Independent variables Dependent variables Wilks’ Lambda(F) univariate F df η2
Lateralization of frontal % errors 0.43(2.97***) 12.03*** 2/46 0.34
lobe lesion % perseverative errors 10.05*** 2/46 0.30
% conceptual level responses 13.40*** 2/46 0.37
number of categories completed 8.85*** 2/46 0.28
CTT2 3.56* 2/46 0.13
COWAT 4.03* 2/46 0.15
EMQ 4.12* 2/46 0.15
GDS 0.72(2.08*) 4.86** 2/46 0.18
STAI 0.72 2/46 0.03
ABS 0.85 2/46 0.04
*p< 0.05, **p< 0.01, ***p< 0.001.
Table 11
Mean comparison of neuropsychological functions by lateralization of frontal lobe lesion
(n= 11) (n= 15) (n= 23)
% errors 33.45 ±18.37 48.73 ±17.04 60.52 ±11.98 12.03***
% perseverative errors 18.09 ±9.34 23.87 ±10.60 38.30 ±16.51 10.05***
% conceptual level responses 59.00 ±23.88 36.53 ±24.24 21.48 ±13.80 13.40***
No. of completed categories 4.09 ±2.07 2.20 ±2.24 1.13 ±1.60 8.85***
CTT2 199.64 ±90.37 192.93 ±80.75 254.70 ±68.44 3.56
COWAT 34.64 ±27.29 42.33 ±22.39 23.74 ±13.57 4.03
EMQ 57.00 ±42.32 51.60 ±31.27 83.48 ±36.35 4.12
GDS 11.00 ±6.13 11.47 ±8.59 18.00 ±7.42 4.86**
STAI 42.27 ±15.30 45.87 ±11.15 51.00 ±14.00 0.72
ABS 11.00 ±8.94 15.20 ±8.44 14.61 ±8.81 0.85
**p< 0.01, ***p< 0.001. LFL, left frontal lesion; RFL, right frontal lesion; BFL, bilateral frontal lesion;
WCST, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test; CTT2, Color Trail Test 2; COWAT, Controlled Oral Word Association
Test; EMQ, Everyday Memory Questionnaire; GDS, Geriatric Depression Scale; STAI, State-Trait Anxiety
Inventory; ABS, Agitated Behavior Scale.
p< 0.001) of WCST showed significant differences349
between the groups. And there were no significant
differences in anxiety and agitation while depres-351
sion (F= 4.86, p< 0.01) was significantly different
between groups shown in Table 11. In results of
post hoc, bilateral frontal lobe lesion group showed
significantly higher percent error, and higher per-
cent perseverative error and lower conceptual level of356
WCST compared to the groups with unilateral frontal357
lobe lesion. The number of categories completed was358
not significantly different between right frontal lobe359
lesion and bilateral frontal lobe lesion groups; yet360
these groups were significantly lower than left frontal
lobe lesion group. Additionally, the depression of 362
bilateral frontal lobe lesion group was severe than 363
the unilateral frontal lobe lesion group. 364
4. Discussion 365
In this study, we found that the duration of LOC 366
and lesion location are main parameters that affect 367
executive function, memory, and emotion in neu- 368
ropsychological outcomes following TBI. It has 369
been generally accepted that the severity of brain 370
injury induces various degrees of neuropsychologi- 371
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E.H. Kwak et al. / Factors affecting cognition and emotion in patients 9
cal impairment after TBI (Fisher, Ledbetter, Cohen,372
Marmor, & Tulsky, 2000; Halldorsson et al., 2008).
As patients had longer periods of LOC, their cogni-374
tive and emotional problems were more serious. In375
this study, the duration of LOC was a main parame-376
ter for agitated behavior in severe TBI patients, while
no significant associations were noted for anxiety and378
depression. LOC had a strong prognostic value, espe-379
cially for everyday memory and agitated behaviors,380
which is consistent with the results of previous stud-
ies: there are many studies showing that mild TBI382
patients exhibit dysfunction in early phase of memory383
formation such as difficulties in encoding strategies,
and moderate TBI patients have difficulties in long-385
term memory related to storage; therefore, having
severe head injury may induce more serious mem-387
ory impairment (Alexander, Stuss, & Fansabedian,388
2003; Norton, Malloy, & Salloway, 2001). It has been
shown that agitation is more common in the acute390
phase when neurological state of brain is unstable,391
and further emotional disturbances due to organic fac-392
tors are more frequently shown in the patients who393
have serious brain injury (Levy et al., 2005). In a394
recent study (Ciurli et al., 2010), severe TBI patients395
frequently showed that various emotional problems,
such as apathy and disinhibition, were correlated with
severity of brain injury, which was in agreement with398
our results.
Although lateralization of brain lesion did not400
affect executive function, everyday memory, agitated401
behaviors, group differences in anxiety and depres-
sion were observed in this study. Bilateral lesion403
group was significantly more depressive compared
to both left and right lesion groups and showed
significantly higher anxiety level than left lesion406
group. Moreover, bilateral lesion group showed lower407
performances on executive function and everyday408
memory with more agitated agitation than the other409
groups. Therefore, bilateral lesion group might be410
more vulnerable to cognition, especially emotional
dysfunction, than any other lesion groups after severe412
TBI. Results of previous studies regarding emotional
problems in TBI by lateralization of lesion were414
inconsistent and mixed, and emotional characteris-415
tics of bilateral lesion groups were not sufficiently416
analyzed (Gazzaniga, 2002; Grafman et al., 1996;417
Robinson, 1999; Zillmer, 2001).418
Frontal lobe deficit had a significant impact on419
executive function indicated by performances on
WCST, showing worse performance on four indices
of WCST and exhibiting agitated behaviors more
often compared to the group without frontal damage.
In contrast, no significant difference in trail making, 424
word fluency, everyday memory, depression, and anx- 425
iety tests was found between frontal and non-frontal 426
lesion groups. Previous study on this subject showed 427
that TBI patients with frontal damage also exhib- 428
ited executive dysfunction (Lindsay Wilson, 1990; 429
Wallesch, Curio, Galazky, Jost, & Synowitz, 2001; 430
Wallesch, Curio, Kutz, et al., 2001). Particularly, a 431
series of investigations have shown that poor per- 432
formance on WCST in patients with frontal lesion 433
compared to patients with non-frontal lesion (Stuss 434
& Levine, 2002; Stuss et al., 2000; Wallesch, Curio, 435
Galazky, et al., 2001). On the other hand, there were 436
studies suggesting that frontal lobe lesion in TBI was 437
significantly associated with emotional restlessness, 438
agitation, and impulsive behaviors (Ciurli et al., 2011; 439
Lequerica et al., 2007). 440
Bilateral frontal lesion group scored significantly 441
worse than unilateral frontal lesion groups on WCST. 442
Compared to unilateral frontal group, they lacked the 443
ability to respond against external feedback and the 444
insight on accurate conceptual classification, while 445
having severe preservation due to internal rigidity. On 446
the other hand, left side frontal lesion group showed 447
a significantly better performance in percent error, 448
percent conceptual level responses, and completed 449
categories compared to right side frontal and bilat- 450
eral frontal lesion groups. Performance of right side 451
frontal lesion group was somewhat intermediate in 452
general. Bilateral frontal lesion group was also more 453
depressive than unilateral frontal lesion group. How- 454
ever, lateralization of frontal lesion had no significant 455
impact on visual tracking, word fluency, everyday 456
memory, anxiety, and agitation. It has been suggested 457
that the brain activity of left hemisphere increases 458
after TBI (Scheibel et al., 2009), and if it is explained 459
as a compensation mechanism of brain dysfunction, 460
left frontal lesion patients may have relatively better 461
performances on executive function tasks compared 462
to right frontal lesion patients. However, there were a 463
few and inconsistent previous studies exist on depres- 464
sion after TBI (Jorge et al., 2004; Kim, 1991; Lee, 465
1990; Robinson & Szetela, 1981). 466
Nonetheless, using the duration of LOC and lesion 467
location, this study may provide meaningful informa- 468
tion for not only setting the framework for predicting 469
cognitive and emotional dysfunctions and functional 470
recovery after severe TBI, but also for identifying 471
the patients who are exposed to high risk of suf- 472
fering from serious neuropsychological impairments. 473
Using these parameters in clinical setting could help 474
determine the direction of intervention. 475
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10 E.H. Kwak et al. / Factors affecting cognition and emotion in patients
5. Conclusions476
Duration of LOC and lesion location are main477
parameters affecting executive function, every-478
day memory, and emotion in neuropsychological
outcomes following TBI, suggesting that these480
parameters need to be considered for cognitive reha-481
bilitation interventions.482
Conflict of interest
None to report.
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... It is well known that deficits in executive function and memory are commonly detected within TBI, and these deficits are more difficult to treat as compared with deficits associated with other cognitive disorders as a result of the vulnerability of the affected brain regions (such as the frontal and temporal lobes). These sequalae negatively affect patients' quality of life as well as their rehabilitation process (8). Numerous studies have demonstrated that cognitive training can improve multiple cognitive domains inTBI involving reasoning, goal management, attention, as well as reorganized modular networks (9)(10)(11). ...
... As age, education level, TBI severity, and patients' state of consciousness have been reported as factors influencing patients' cognition (8), this study was proposed to conduct subgroup analyses following measurements of baseline levels of RLAS and MoCA to reduce the effects of raw scores on the obtained results. The rTMS in this study applied to two sites of targeting and may have different efficacy in different subjects, providing a new direction for rTMS intervention in cognition in TBI. ...
Full-text available
Cognitive impairment, defined as a decline in memory and executive function, is one of the most severe complications of traumatic brain injury (TBI). Patients with TBI are often unable to return to work due to cognitive impairment and their overall quality of life is reduced. TBI can bring a serious economic burden to patient's families and to society. Reported findings on the efficacy of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in improving cognitive impairment following TBI are inconsistent. The purpose of the proposed study is to investigate whether rTMS can improve memory and executive function in patients with TBI. Herein, we propose a prospective randomized placebo-controlled (rTMS, sham rTMS, cognitive training), parallel-group, single-center trial. 36 participants with a TBI occurring at least 6 months prior will be recruited from an inpatient rehabilitation center. Participants will be randomly assigned to the real rTMS, sham rTMS, or cognitive training groups with a ratio of 1:1:1. A 20-session transcranial magnetic stimulation protocol will be applied to the left and right dorsolateral prefrontal cortices (DLPFC) at frequencies of 10 Hz and 1 Hz, respectively. Neuropsychological assessments will be performed at four time points: baseline, after the 10th rTMS session, after the 20th rTMS session, and 30 days post-intervention. The primary outcome is change in executive function assessed using the Shape Trail Test (STT). The secondary outcome measures are measures from neuropsychological tests: the Hopkins Verbal Learning Test (HVLT), the Brief Visuospatial Memory Test (BVMT), the Digit Span Test (DST). We report on positive preliminary results in terms of improving memory and executive function as well as beneficial changes in brain connectivity among TBI patients undergoing rTMS and hypothesize that we will obtain similar results in the proposed study.
... Besides WM, contusion cores were observed in frontal, temporal and orbital gyri. Hee Kwak et al. [97] have recently reported that patients with frontal lesions showed higher agitation (e.g. aggressiveness, restlessness or mood swings measured by on the Agitated Behaviour Scale) and poorer performance in executive and emotional functions (measured by Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, for more detail the reader is referred to [83,97]). ...
... Hee Kwak et al. [97] have recently reported that patients with frontal lesions showed higher agitation (e.g. aggressiveness, restlessness or mood swings measured by on the Agitated Behaviour Scale) and poorer performance in executive and emotional functions (measured by Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, for more detail the reader is referred to [83,97]). ...
Neuroimaging studies are becoming increasingly bigger, and multi-centre collaborations to collect data under similar protocols, but different scanning sites, are now commonplace.However, with increasing sample size the complexity of databases and the entailed data management as well as computational burden are growing. This thesis aims to highlight and address challenges faced by large multi-centre magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) studies. The methods implemented are then applied to traumatic brain injury (TBI) data.Firstly, a pre-processing pipeline for both anatomical and diffusion MRI was proposed, that allows for a high throughput of MRI scans. After describing the choices for processing tools,the performance of the integrated quality assurance was assessed based on the results from a large multi-centre dataset for TBI. Secondly, the applicability of the pipelines for processing mild TBI (mTBI) data from three sites was shown in a case study. For this, volumetric and diffusion metrics in the acute phase are analysed for their prognostic potential. Further-more, the cohort was examined for longitudinal changes. Thirdly, independent scan-rescan datasets are examined to gain a better understanding of the degree of reproducibility which can be achieved in imaging studies. This involves analysing the robustness of brain parcellations based on structural or diffusion imaging. The effect of using different MRI scanners or imaging protocols was also assessed and discussed. Fourthly, sources of diffusion MRI variability and different approaches to cope with these are reviewed. Using this foundation,state-of-the art methods for diffusion MRI harmonisation were compared against each other using both a benchmark dataset and mTBI cohort. Lastly, a solution to localise brain lesions was proposed. Its implications for lesion analysis, are assessed in the light of an application to a more severe TBI patient cohort, imaged on two different scanners. Furthermore, a lesion matching algorithm was introduced to automatically examine lesion evolution with time post-injury. In summary, this thesis explored different options for MRI data analysis in the context of large multi-centre studies. Different approaches are studied and compared using a number of different MRI datasets, including scan-rescan data across different MRI scanners and imaging protocols. The potential of the optimised solutions was illustrated through applications to TBI data.
... Early parcellation efforts aimed at defining regional boundaries using limited samples, including the widely used Brodmann atlas and automated anatomical labeling (AAL) atlas [36,37]. The Brainnetome Atlas is a connectivity-based parcellation of the brain, which establishes a priori, biologically valid brain parcellation scheme of the entire cortical and subcortical GM into sub-regions showing a coherent pattern of anatomical connections and provides a new framework for human brain research and in particular connectome analysis [38][39][40][41]. ...
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Background: Traumatic brain injury (TBI) often results in persistent cognitive impairment and psychiatric symptoms, while lesion location and severity are not consistent with its clinical complaints. Previous studies found cognitive deficits and psychiatric disorders following TBI are considered to be associated with prefrontal and medial temporal lobe lesions, however, the location and extent of contusions often cannot fully explain the patient′s impairments. Thus, we try to find the structural changes of gray matter (GM) and white matter (WM), clarify their correlation with psychiatric symptoms and memory following TBI, and determine the brain regions that primary correlate with clinical measurements. Methods: Overall, 32 TBI individuals and 23 healthy controls were recruited in the study. Cognitive impairment and psychiatric symptoms were examined by Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), and Wechsler Memory Scale-Chinese Revision (WMS-CR). All MRI data were scanned using a Siemens Prisma 3.0 Tesla MRI system. T1 MRI data and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) data were processed to analyze GM volume and WM microstructure separately. Results: In the present study, TBI patients underwent widespread decrease of GM volume in both cortical and subcortical regions. Among these regions, four brain areas including the left inferior temporal gyrus and medial temporal lobe, supplementary motor area, thalamus, and anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) were highly implicated in the post-traumatic cognitive impairment and psychiatric complaints. TBI patients also underwent changes of WM microstructure, involving decreased fractional anisotropy (FA) value in widespread WM tracts and increased mean diffusivity (MD) value in the forceps minor. The changes of WM microstructure were significantly correlated with the decrease of GM volume. Conclusions: TBI causes widespread cortical and subcortical alterations including a reduction in GM volume and change in WM microstructure related to clinical manifestation. Lesions in temporal lobe may lead to more serious cognitive and emotional dysfunction, which should attract our high clinical attention.
Purpose While prior research has established that traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a risk factor for violent offending, there is little understanding of mechanisms that may underpin this relationship. This is problematic, as a better understanding of these mechanisms could facilitate more effective targeting of treatment. This study aims to address these gaps in the extant literature by examining TBI as a predictor of violent offending and test for mediation effects through cognitive constructs of dual systems imbalance and hostility among a sample of justice-involved youth (JIY). Design/methodology/approach The Pathways to Desistance data were analyzed. The first three waves of this data set comprising the responses of 1,354 JIY were analyzed. Generalized structural equation modeling was used to test for direct and indirect effects of interest. A bootstrap resampling process was used to compute unbiased standard errors for determining the statistical significance of mediation effects. Findings Lifetime experience of TBI was associated with increased violent offending frequency at follow-up. Hostility significantly mediated this relationship, but dual systems imbalance did not. This indicated that programming focused on reducing hostility among JIY who have experienced TBI could aid in reducing violent recidivism rates. Originality/value To the best of the author’s knowledge, this study was the first to identify significant mediation of the relationship between TBI and violent offending through hostility.
Objectives: To investigate the role of short nucleolar RNA host gene 1 (SNHG1) in regulating inflammation and brain injury in traumatic brain injury (TBI). Methods: The Feeney's free-falling method was used to induce moderate TBI model in mice. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was employed to construct the microglia in vitro. Reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR) was conducted to monitor expression of SNHG1, microRNAs (miR)-377-3p, oxidative and inflammatory factors. TdT-mediated dUTP nick end labeling and immunohistochemistry were adopted to determine neuronal cell apoptosis. Flow cytometry was conducted to measure apoptosis. Moreover, Bax, Bcl2, Caspase3, dual-specific phosphatase-1 (DUSP1)/mitogen-activated protein kinase/NF-KB were tested by western blot. Furthermore, bioinformatics, dual-luciferase assay and RNA-binding protein immunoprecipitation experiment were implemented to verify the targeting relationship among SNHG1, miR-377-3p and DUSP1. Results: SNHG1 was knocked down, while miR-377-3p was overexpressed in TBI mice and lipopolysaccharide-induced microglia. Meanwhile, overexpressing SNHG1 reduced neuronal damage and weakened the oxidative stress and inflammation in TBI on matter in vivo or in vitro. Additionally, overexpressing SNHG1 attenuated miR-377-3p-mediated inflammatory factors, oxidative stress and neuronal damage. Moreover, miR-377-3p was the target of SNHG1 and DUSP1. Conclusions: This study provides a better understanding of the SNHG1/miR-377-3p/DUSP1 axis in regulating the development of TBI, which is helpful to formulate a treatment plan for TBI.
Background Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality today, which will surpass many infectious diseases in the coming years/ decades. Post-traumatic epilepsy (PTE) is one of the most common debilitating consequences of TBI. PTE is a secondary, acquired epilepsy that causes recurrent, spontaneous seizures more than a week after TBI. The extent of head injury in individuals who develop PTE is unknown; however, trauma is thought to account for 20% of symptomatic epilepsy worldwide. Understanding the mechanisms of epilepsy following TBI is crucial for the discovery of new anticonvulsant drugs for the treatment of PTE, as well as for improving the quality of life of patients with PTE. Objective This review article explains the rationale for the usage of a chemical model to access new treatments for post-traumatic epilepsy. Results There are multiple methods to control and manage PTE. The essential and available remedy for the management of epilepsy is the use of antiepileptic drugs. Antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) decrease the frequency of seizures without affecting the disease's causality. Antiepileptic drugs are administrated for the prevention and treatment of PTE; however, 30% of epilepsy patients are drug-resistant, and AED side effects are significant in PTE patients. There are different types of animal models, such as the liquid percussion model, intracortical ferric chloride injection, and cortical subincision model, to study PTE and neurophysiological mechanisms underlying the development of epilepsy after head injury. However, these animal models do not easily mimic the pathological events occurring in epilepsy. Therefore, animal models of PTE are an inappropriate tool for screening new and putatively effective AEDs. Chemical kindling is the most common animal model used to study epilepsy. There is a strong similarity between the kindling model and different types of human epilepsy. Conclusion Today, researchers use experimental animal models to evaluate new anticonvulsant drugs. The chemical kindling models, such as pentylenetetrazol, bicuculline, and picrotoxin-induced seizures, are important experimental models to analyze the impact of putative antiepileptic drugs.
Objective: This study investigated the performance on, and correlates of, the Brief Visuospatial Memory Test - Revised (BVMT-R) in patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI). Methods: Participants included 100 patients with TBI and 100 demographically matched controls. We first used regression analysis to determine predictors of BVMT-R performance in the clinical group. We then used analysis of variance as well as logistic regression to determine how BVMT-R findings differed between the clinical and control groups. Results: Injury severity and visuospatial ability both contributed to the prediction of BVMT-R Total Recall and Delayed Recall scores in the TBI group. Mean differences between the TBI and control groups on these variables were statistically significant, but overall individual classification accuracy was limited at 59%. Conclusions: The BVMT-R has some clinical utility in the evaluation of patients with TBI but should not be used in isolation.
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Background: Adults with chronic traumatic brain injury (TBI) may experience long-term deficits in multiple cognitive domains. Higher-order functions, such as verbal memory, are impacted by deficits in the ability to acquire verbal information. Objective: This study investigated the effects of a neuroplasticity-based computerized cognitive remediation program for auditory information processing in adults with a chronic TBI. Methods: Forty-eight adults with TBI were randomly assigned to an intervention or control group. Both groups underwent a neuropsychological assessment at baseline and post-training. The Intervention group received 40 one-hour cognitive training sessions with the Brain Fitness Program. Results: The intervention group improved in performance on measures of the Woodcock-Johnson-III Understanding Directions subtest and Trail Making Test Part-A. They also reported improvement on the cognitive domain of the Cognitive Self-Report Questionnaire. Conclusions: The present study demonstrated that a neuroplasticity-based computerized cognitive remediation program may improve objective and subjective cognitive function in adults with TBI several years post-injury.
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This review aimed at providing a brief and comprehensive summary of recent research regarding the use of the Wisconsin Card-Sorting Test (WCST) to assess executive function in patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI). A bibliographical search, performed in PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Cochrane Library, and PsycInfo, targeted publications from 2010 to 2020, in English or Spanish. Information regarding the studies' designs, sample features and use of the WCST scores was recorded. An initial search eliciting 387 citations was reduced to 47 relevant papers. The highest proportion of publications came from the United States of America (34.0%) and included adult patients (95.7%). Observational designs were the most frequent (85.1%), the highest proportion being cross-sectional or case series studies. The average time after the occurrence of the TBI ranged from 4 to 62 years in single case studies, and from 6 weeks up to 23.5 years in the studies with more than one patient. Four studies compared groups of patients with TBI according to the severity (mild, moderate and/or severe), and in two cases, the studies compared TBI patients with healthy controls. Randomized control trials were seven in total. The noncomputerized WCST version including 128 cards was the most frequently used (78.7%). Characterization of the clinical profile of participants was the most frequent purpose (34.0%). The WCST is a common measure of executive function in patients with TBI. Although shorter and/or computerized versions are available, the original WCST with 128 cards is still used most often. The WCST is a useful tool for research and clinical purposes, yet a common practice is to report only one or a few of the possible scores, which prevents further valid comparisons across studies. Results might be useful to professionals in the clinical and research fields to guide them in assessment planning and proper interpretation of the WCST scores.
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Personality disturbances associated with traumatic brain injury are reviewed. The varied structural pathology of the brain in this patient group makes it difficult to specify how different brain lesions may result in specific emotional and motivational disturbances. However, an attempt to clarify terms and review empirical findings is made. Longitudinal prospective studies that utilize appropriate control groups are needed. Future research may especially benefit by considering the long-term effects of early agitation following traumatic brain injury as well as the problem of aspontaneity and impairment of self-awareness.
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To estimate the prognostic value of injury severity, location of event, and demographic parameters, for symptoms of pediatric traumatic head injury (THI) 4 years later. Data were collected prospectively from Reykjavik City Hospital on all patients age 0-19 years, diagnosed with THI (n = 408) during one year. Information was collected on patient demographics, location of traumatic event, cause of injury, injury severity, and ICD-9 diagnosis. Injury severity was estimated according to the Head Injury Severity Scale (HISS). Four years post-injury, a questionnaire on late symptoms attributed to the THI was sent. Symptoms reported were more common among patients with moderate/severe THI than among others (p < 0.001). The event location had prognostic value (p < 0.05). Overall, 72% of patients with moderate/severe motor vehicle-related THI reported symptoms. There was a curvilinear age effect (p < 0.05). Symptoms were least frequent in the youngest age group, 0-4 years, and most frequent in the age group 5-14 years. Gender and urban/rural residence were not significantly related to symptoms. Motor vehicle related moderate/severe THI resulted in a high rate of late symptoms. Location had a prognostic value. Patients with motor vehicle-related THI need special consideration regardless of injury severity.
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To characterize neuropsychiatric symptoms in a large group of individuals with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) and to correlate these symptoms with demographic, clinical, and functional features. The Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI), a frequently used scale to assess behavioral, emotional, and motivational disorders in persons with neurological diseases, was administered to a sample of 120 persons with severe TBI. Controls were 77 healthy subjects. A wide range of neuropsychiatric symptoms was found in the population with severe TBI: apathy (42%), irritability (37%), dysphoria/depressed mood (29%), disinhibition (28%), eating disturbances (27%), and agitation (24%). A clear relationship was also found with other demographic and clinical variables. Neuropsychiatric disorders constitute an important part of the comorbidity in populations with severe TBI. Our study emphasizes the importance of integrating an overall assessment of cognitive disturbances with a specific neuropsychiatric evaluation to improve clinical understanding and treatment of persons with TBI.
Objective: To determine the relationship between traumatic brain injury (TBI) and long-term psychiatric health outcomes, occurring 6 months or more after TBI. Participants: Not applicable. Design: Systematic review of the published, peer-reviewed literature. Primary Measures: Not applicable. Results: We identified studies that examined psychiatric disorders following TBI. There was sufficient evidence of an association between TBI and depression and similarly compelling evidence of an association between TBI and aggression. There was limited/suggestive evidence of an association between TBI and subsequent completed suicide, decreased alcohol and drug use compared to preinjury levels, and psychosis. While there was also limited/suggestive evidence for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in military populations with TBI, there was inadequate evidence to reach a conclusion about whether TBI was associated with PTSD in civilian populations. Conclusion: TBI is associated with a wide range of psychiatric disorders among individuals surviving at least 6 months. The association between mild TBI and PTSD seems to differ in military and civilian populations.
This study was designed to examine the construct validity of the Wechsler Memory Scale-Fourth Edition (WMS-IV) in individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI). One hundred individuals with TBI (n = 35 complicated mild/moderate TBI; n = 65 severe TBI) and 100 matched controls from the WMS-IV normative dataset completed the WMS-IV. Multivariate analyses indicated that severe TBI participants had poorer performance than matched controls on all index scores and subtests. Individuals with complicated mild/moderate TBI performed more poorly than controls on all index scores, as well as on tests of visual memory (Designs I and II; Visual Reproduction I and II) and visual working memory (Spatial Addition; Symbol Span), but not on auditory verbal memory tests (Logical Memory I and II; Verbal Paired Associates I and II). After controlling for time since injury, severe TBI participants had significantly lower scores than the complicated mild/moderate TBI on 4 of the 5 WMS-IV index scores (Auditory Memory, Visual Memory, Immediate Memory, Delayed Memory) and 4 of the 10 WMS-IV subtests (Designs I and II, Verbal Pairs II, Logical Memory II). Effect sizes for index and subtest scores were generally moderate for the complicated mild/moderate group and moderate-to-large for the severe TBI group. Findings provide support for the construct validity of the WMS-IV in individuals with TBI.
The relationship between memory performance in everyday life and performance on laboratory tests was investigated in a group of subjects with normal memory and two groups of severely head-injured subjects differing in time since injury (several months vs several years). Everyday memory was assessed using questionnaires and checklists completed by each subject and independently by a relative who was in daily contact with him. Overall, a high degree of consistency was found among these measures, though the lower consistency of the subjects' questionnaire illustrated the problems of validity with self-assessment. The relatives' questionnaire correlated with test performance for normal subjects and for the long-term head-injured group but not for the recently head-injured subjects who had not yet reached a stable state. The highest correlations were with prose recall and paired-associate learning. The absence of correlations with visual memory tests may have been due to low salience of visual errors in everyday life.
The study of patients with excisions from the frontal lobes has revealed specific cognitive deficits that appear against a background of normal functioning on a variety of perceptual and memory tasks, as well as on conventional intelligence tests. These deficits include a reduced output on fluency tasks, faulty regulation of behaviour of external cues, and impaired organization and monitoring of material to be remembered, and of the subject's own responses. Differential effects related to the side of the lesion are less consistently observed after frontal-than after temporal-lobe excisions. Such effects, when they do occur, may depend as much on the demands of the task as on the nature of the test material.