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  • Agriculture university


The study was carried out since 25 th March, 2020. The major objective of the study was climate and the cororan virus in the world. Total 18 articles were downloaded from the net and read many times and analyzed the situation and draw the conclusion. The result indicates that Warm and humid season have negative relationship with corona virus increasing in the world. The temperature affects its transmission from one person to another. Sometime more temperature kill to this virus while few one claimed the warm and humid season has no relationship with this virus multiplication in the world. It is the new virus and its immunity power is more for survival of life and very easily it kill to human. The study further explores that there are also other variables which play great role in corona virus controlling.
Dr.Naushad Khan
Institute of Development Studies, The University of Agriculture Peshawar
Corresponding Author Email:-
Shah Fahad
Department of Rural Sociology, The University of Agriculture Peshawar
Mahnoor Naushad
Student of B.Sc(Hons) Agriculture, The University of Agriculture Peshawar
Anees Muhammad
College of Medical Technology, Medical Teaching Institution, Bacha Khan Medical College, Mardan,
The study was carried out since 25th March, 2020. The major objective of the study was climate and the
cororan virus in the world. Total 18 articles were downloaded from the net and read many times and
analyzed the situation and draw the conclusion. The result indicates that Warm and humid season have
negative relationship with corona virus increasing in the world. The temperature affects its transmission
from one person to another. Sometime more temperature kill to this virus while few one claimed the
warm and humid season has no relationship with this virus multiplication in the world. It is the new
virus and its immunity power is more for survival of life and very easily it kill to human. The study
further explores that there are also other variables which play great role in corona virus controlling.
Majority scientists attach to this virus with SARS and told that it was controlled in June July and Insha
Allah this virus will be also controlled in the month of June July. Similarly this theory was also
presented by Trump while latter on this theory was failed and in some warm countries more people
have been infected by corona virus recently. Different theories by different scientists have been
presented while China has controlled to this corona virus by locked down and no social contacts by no
gathering and now there no case has been registered, so it is the great success of China. China claim
was also like Trump that it will be controlled in the month of June July because the people mostly in
the open air absorb the vitamin-D and melatonin from the sun which play great role in immunity
strengthen of the human being. Few scientists also claimed that in cold season the people mostly live
indoor room, so there the contact is more which play great role in virus multiplication in the world. It
was also reviewed in the literature that SARS speed was very slow while this virus speed is very high
but the SARS was announced very early while this virus was very lately announced by China. During
20 days many people go here and there which have transferred the virus to the whole world every
coroner. China has worked day and night for controlling to this virus while the other countries were
slept and they have no care of this virus which latter on abruptly spread in the South Korea, Italy,
Pakistan, Spain, Saudi Arab, Iran etc. Now it is pandemic in the whole world and has killed to many
people while China has controlled to this epidemic disease in their country very easily in the start.
Every country in the world after appearing Corona Virus in Wuhan have not followed best quarantine
and because of this it spread to the whole world and now everyone in the world is in the tension for its
controlling while on the other side this epidemic has destroyed the world economy. Majority
commodities price were raised while the price of the oil decreased due to less import of the oil in the
world. Every sector of the economy has been destroyed by this virus and there is no one to escape the
economy from this epidemic disease. World is in a bad position. There are so many problems in the
world which have spread this epidemic disease in the world. WHO is trying for its solution and UNO
funding to those who are very poor and they have no fund for epidemic disease control. The study
further also explain that Passive techniques which was discovered by China Doctors also play great
role in coronal virus control while few one claimed that the medicine Vitamin-C, Pandal tablets and
most lemons juice and fruit eating play great role in corona virus control in the World. Someone say
Chlooriqeen Tablet play great role in reducing of corona virus disease but in some area of the world
miss happening report has been also received that it increase the speed of the corona in the world On
the basis of problems the study recommend that to obey the order of the government for corona virus
control; Help of one another in the time of trouble and give money to poor community in the time of
lock down for purchasing daily commodities are requested; Not increase the price of the medicine and
normal goods in their countries; Stay at your home; Keep away from social gathering; Mask should be
worn during visit to Hospital; Avoid social contacts with one another; Follow the Quarantine of the
country and corona virus test should be done; Always inform the government health department about
the corona cases where you observed in the country; Always help with army personal and Doctors;
Always wash your hands with soap and sanitizer; Shake hand methodology should be not applied
during visit in the world; Avoid from fake social propaganda on Face book and YouTube; Listen News
on TV and inform from the surrounding of the world. Use more lemon for Vitamin-C and keep the
room hot and always use hot water for drinking; Blood pressure , Diabetes, Heart disease able person
and old age people should used good quarantine for their safety; In the last run the authors told that
this panic will be finished till June July because this virus has close negative relationship with warm
and humid season, So I advise to everyone to stay at warm and humid season countries because it play
great role in this virus control.
Key Words:- Explanation, Corona, Control, Novel, Warm, Humid, Season, World
1. Introduction
Corona virus is the type of virus which has created great hustle and bustle in China Province Hoebi
and City Wuhan in the month of December 2020. In the first time Dr.Li identified to this virus and
then reported on Wechat while the government considered it a rumor while latter on emergency
was declared on 20th Jan, 2020 while during 20 days it was spread to the whole world. China tried
best and sealed the city Wuhan and lock down was imposed on the community of that area. China
has controlled the situation very easily after 5000 death while latter on the emergency was declared
in the whole world by WHO. In the start the cases number in other country of the world was very
less while gradually it increased and the number reached into four digit. Now Italy is on the top and
South Korea is the second country among the world while Iran is the third country where large
number persons were infected while till to day 182 countries are in the list there many people have
been affected by this virus. The UNO and WHO is tried for its solution- and told to all countries of
the world to lock down your countries and ban on social contacts and gathering in the world for this
pandemic virus. Pakistan is also on the affected list of the world. Total 898 people infected in
Pakistan by this virus. The number in Sindh and Punjab are more than the other provinces and IMF
has also funded to this country for the control of this virus. So this virus infection is increasing day
by day in Pakistan. Now a day Prime Minister Pakistan struggled for this virus controlling while
Army is in the ground and they help in every coroner of the corona virus problems. Two sectors
mostly Health and Army play great role in this virus controlling. All world doctors are in the lab for
discovery of vaccine while still no vaccine has been discovered. They told that it process will take
mostly 18 months while some scientists told that it will be controlled till June July as like SARS
because the virus did not quickly transmit in the warm season from one person to another while few
one claimed that this is the new virus and it is impossible to control through warm and humid
season. Therefore it is requested to follow the methodology of China for its controlling. Avoid
social contacts and wash your hand with sanitizer and soap. Isolated from the affected people and
use mostly Vitamin C for its controlling while it is also identified to use chlroqeen for its
controlling. So many people told on different angle for its controlling while still no scientific
medicine has been discovered for corona virus controlling. Seeing to its importance the present
study was arranged. The major objective of the study was the explanation of Corona virus control
Novel by warm and humid season in the world.
2. Material And Method
The study was carried out since 25th March, 2020. The universe of the study was the world. Total
18 relevant articles were downloaded from the net and read many time and draw the conclusion
about the situation what role climate play in corona virus control in the world
3. Literature of Climate and Corona Virus in the World
A. Nature may help diminish the pandemic if aggressive measures to control the spread of
infections continue, experts say. That doesn’t mean the virus won’t return. Communities living
in warmer places appear to have a comparative advantage to slow the transmission of
coronavirus infections, according to an early analysis by scientists at the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology. The researchers found that most coronavirus transmissions had occurred in
regions with low temperatures, between 37.4 and 62.6 degrees Fahrenheit (or 3 and 17 degrees
Celsius).While countries with equatorial climates and those in the Southern Hemisphere,
currently in the middle of summer, have reported coronavirus cases, regions with average
temperatures above 64.4 degrees Fahrenheit (or 18 degrees Celsius) account for fewer than 6
percent of global cases so far.“Wherever the temperatures were colder, the number of the cases
started increasing quickly,” said Qasim Bukhari, a computational scientist at M.I.T. who is a co-
author of the study. “You see this in Europe, even though the health care there is among the
world’s best.” The temperature dependency is also clear within the United States, Dr. Bukhari
said. Southern states, like Arizona, Florida and Texas, have seen slower outbreak growth
compared with states like Washington, New York and Colorado. Coronavirus cases in
California have grown at a rate that falls somewhere in between. sThe seasonal pattern is
similar to what epidemiologists have observed with other viruses. Dr. Deborah Birx, the global
AIDS coordinator in the United States and also a member of the Trump administration’s
coronavirus task force, said during a recent briefing that the flu, in the Northern Hemisphere,
generally follows a November to April trend. The four types of coronavirus that cause the
common cold every year also wane in warmer weather. Dr. Birx also noted that the pattern was
similar with the SARS epidemic in 2003. But she stressed that because the virus outbreaks in
China and South Korea began later, it was difficult to determine whether the new coronavirus
would take the same course. At least two other studies published on public repositories have
drawn similar conclusions for the coronavirus. One analysis by researchers in Spain and Finland
found that the virus seemed to have found a niche in dry conditions and temperatures between
28.3 degrees and 49 degrees Fahrenheit (or minus 2 and 10 degrees Celsius). Another group
found that before the Chinese government started imposing aggressive containment measures,
cities with higher temperatures and more humid environments reported a slower rate of
infection transmission early in the outbreak. But none of the studies have been peer-reviewed
by other scientists, and Dr. Bukhari acknowledged that factors such as travel restrictions, social
distancing measures, variations in the availability of tests and hospital burdens might have
affected the number of cases in different countries. The possible correlation between
coronaviruses cases and climate should not lead policymakers and the public to complacency.
“We still need to take strong precautions,” Dr. Bukhari said. “Warmer temperatures may make
this virus less effective, but less effective transmission does not mean that there is no
transmission.” Warmer temperatures might make it harder for the coronavirus to survive in the
air or on surfaces for long periods of time, but it could still be contagious for hours, if not days,
Dr. Bukhari said.Even seasonal viruses like influenza and the viruses that cause the common
cold don’t completely disappear during summer. They are still present at low levels in many
people’s bodies and in other parts of the world, biding their time until conditions are suitable for
infections to spread again. Some viruses have the opposite pattern. Polio, for example, tend to
spread faster in warmer climates. And some viruses may have no seasonal variation at all. It
will take another four to six weeks before health officials will have a clearer picture of how
weather patterns shape the trajectory of the coronavirus, said Jarbas Barbosa, the assistant
director at the Pan American Health Organization, the regional office of the World Health
Organization that focuses on the Americas. The fact that local transmission is happening across
the global south signals that this virus may be more resilient to warmer temperatures than the
flu and other respiratory viruses that spread across borders in the past. That is why W.H.O.
officials still urge countries to act urgently and aggressively to try and contain the virus while
case numbers are relatively low and close contacts can easily be traced and quarantined.“One of
the big perils in assuming that the virus is less dangerous in warmer temperatures, among
particular ages or for any specific group is complacency,” said Julio Frenk, a physician who
served as health minister in Mexico and is now president of the University of Miami. “If people
fail to heed the warnings and recommendations of public health professionals, the results will
be disastrous.”But because high humidity and heat only align perfectly during mainly July and
August in some parts of the Northern Hemisphere, Dr. Bukhari cautioned that the effects of
warmer weather on reducing transmissions might only last for a brief period in some
regions.“This suggests that even if the spread of the coronavirus decreases at higher humidity,
its effect would be limited for regions above 40 degrees North, which includes most of the
Europe and North America,” he said. And because so much is unknown, no one can predict
whether the virus will return with such ferocity in the fall.
B. Whiting (20 March, 2020) reported that Duong has analyzed that with influenza, there is a
seasonal pattern it spikes up in the winter and goes down in the summer. But is it the virus
itself or are there other factors? The four factors to look at are the environment, so the
temperature and humidity. Then the human factor: we tend to stay indoors, closer to one
another [in winter months], and that increases transmissibility. The third is our immune system.
There’s some hypotheses that our immune system is lowered in colder months because those of
us in the northern hemisphere, we don’t see the sun as much and the sun helps generate
something called vitamin D, which is an immune-system booster. The fourth thing is the ability
for the virus itself to replicate given the number of susceptible hosts as the proportion of
susceptible contacts declines, the epidemic peaks, and eventually declines. We have to take all
those factors into account. Coronaviruses are enveloped viruses and the envelope itself tends to
be a bit more fragile with increased heat and increased humidity. But that’s not the case for all
enveloped viruses. Studies that came out of the Middle East around MERS-CoV, the last
coronavirus epidemic, found that it did prefer colder temperatures and lower humidity. With the
SARS one, it tended to follow that as well. But it did not go away because of warmer weather,
but rather because of the political choices that were put into place to control that epidemic, such
as social distancing and isolating cases and quarantining their contacts. And that was the major
reason we saw the SARS epidemic go away; SARS did not go away because of the warmer
temperature effect. So, with the new virus, the SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19,
although we could expect it to behave like other coronaviruses, at this point in time, we just
don’t know. And we don’t have enough data because it’s so new, so for entire economies or
countries to make policy decisions based on the behavior of other similar viruses would not be
prudent or advisable. Similarly POLLACK wrote that Even if it behaves the same as the
influenza virus in terms of these factors, that doesn’t eliminate transmissibility, it might just
reduce it somewhat. And one major difference between SARS-CoV-2 and influenza is that
SARS-CoV-2 is a novel virus - no one in the world has any immunity to it. So in the summer
months in the northern hemisphere with influenza, the transmissibility goes down for a number
of factors, and that’s enough to shut off transmission. And that may be partly because a lot of
the population has immunity already, because of vaccination or partial immunity from previous
infection. With SARS-CoV-2, even if transmissibility is reduced in the summer, it is very
unlikely that’s going to have enough of an effect that the virus will disappear, because there are
enough susceptible people to sustain transmission. POLLACK: Each of these viruses seem to
affect humans differently, so I think it’s difficult to extrapolate from MERS and SARS to
COVID-19. SARS had a much higher mortality rate. And the number of asymptomatic or
mildly symptomatic people after infection was quite low. So, it was a lot easier to do isolation
and contact tracing with SARS, because if you were infected, then it was quite obvious. And so
SARS really went away because of public health measures. But with COVID-19 it’s much
harder to find and track those who are infected. It’s a good thing that it’s less deadly than SARS
and MERS, but the [higher] transmissibility makes it much more difficult to control. DUONG:
With this virus at this global scale, there’s so much uncertainty and that causes a lot of anxiety
and fear in people. Government’s job is to communicate around that uncertainty and
communicate the decisions that they’re making based on what is fact and what is conjecture.
Governments in places like Singapore and Taiwan have said: This is what we know. This is
what we’re assuming. So therefore, these are the measures that are put in place. And that really
helps calm the population. Transparency in the communication process with governments is so
important at this point in time. Especially in an uncertain situation when we have new data that
comes out every single day that may contradict the old data. POLLACK: The good news is that
we have examples of countries that have had major outbreaks and found ways to slow them. In
China, in Wuhan, the outbreak was successfully contained through aggressive quarantine and
isolation measures. In South Korea, we saw the importance of widespread testing as part of the
containment strategy. They are testing tens of thousands of people every day and isolating those
who test positive from others and allowing for less restrictive measures for the rest of the
population. The key thing is to keep infected people away from uninfected people. And how to
do that depends a bit on society and your resources and what you have available, but some
combination of aggressive testing, isolation of infected people, and social distancing is what
we've seen to be effective. POLLACK: People should understand that even if they are at lower
risk for serious health consequences, they can contribute to the continual spread of the virus in
their community, which affects those who are at higher risk of a bad outcome. That’s the
purpose of social distancing and everyone should take it seriously even if their individual risk is
low. DUONG: This is a ‘novel’ virus for a reason, because it’s so new, we don’t understand
much about it and the science is still changing. However, given what we do know, the best thing
that the general public can do right now, is to ‘flatten the curve’, through social distancing
measures. And we know that soap and water helps kill the virus. So wash your hands, practice
social distancing, and if you have symptoms, report them and pay attention to them. But we
need to be prepared for uncertainty. There could be a seasonality effect, but there is no amount
of seasonality effect that will work better than the current mitigation and suppression efforts
that we’re doing to control this virus. That still trumps everything else. POLLACK: We should
all be prepared for the fact that this COVID-19 is likely to be an issue for some time to come.
C. Madhukalya and Kapoor (15, Feb, 2020) reported that the virus remains active and stable
when temperatures are around 4-6 degree Celsius and loses potency in warmer environment.
Coronavirus: The deadly novel coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread with the death toll
nearing 1,400. However, multiple researches show that there is a correlation between the deadly
virus and changing temperatures. The novel coronavirus becomes increasingly ineffective with
a rise in temperature and is more effective in lower temperatures. As temperatures start to rise
in India due to the onset of the summer, the country is likely to be relatively safer from the
deadly grip of the virus. According to a report by the National University of Singapore (NUS),
there is reason to believe that the seasonal pattern of novel coronavirus is similar to that
of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) or COVP9 that broke out in 2003. The research
says that in countries such as China and US, flu season starts in December and peaks in January
or February, following which it decreases. SARS coronavirus strain had also disappeared in the
northern summer of 2003 after which it has not made any significant comeback. Researchers in
NUS say that the novel coronavirus strain is similar to that of influenza infection and SARS and
will ebb down by May, when temperatures spike up in China. The report says that regular
coronavirus which is one of the causes of common cold survives 30 times longer in places with
temperature of 6 degree Celsius as compared to places with temperature of 20 degree Celsius
and high humidity. Other researches have also suggested that low temperatures allowed SARS
virus to survive longer. Similarly, a report in the peer-reviewed medical publication Journal of
Hospital Infection, points out that human coronavirus can remain potent on inanimate surfaces
at room temperature for up to 9 days but if the temperature is more than 30 degree Celsius then
the duration of its potency remains shorter. Similar results were produced by the National
Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) that stated that the SARS coronavirus stayed
stable at 4 degree Celsius, at room temperature and at 37 degree Celsius for at least 2 hours but
were converted to non-infectious after 90, 60 and 30 minutes of exposure at 56, 67 and 75
degree Celsius respectively. Moreover, NUS states that person-to-person infection spreads
faster during colder weather as more time is spent indoors and in closer contact to other people.
The report further states that the novel coronavirus is similar to other respiratory viruses and
can be spread by saliva droplets, phlegm by cough or sneeze etc. "That happens when a person
touches a contaminated surface and then touches his or her nose, mouth or eyes, inadvertently
transmitting the virus. In fact, studies have shown that these respiratory droplets spread farther
when the air is cold and dry," states the report. Additionally, intensive use of air conditioning
could also lend a lifeline to the virus. In light of these findings, India is set to be in a safer zone
as temperatures have already started rising. Highest temperature a month from now will
increase to around 36 degree Celsius in Kochi. Delhi will witness highest temperature of 30
degree Celsius, while Ahmedabad in Gujarat will record highest temperature of 34 degree
Celsius, Hyderabad 38 degree Celsius, Kolkata 35 degree Celsius, Bengaluru 34 degree Celsius
and Chennai 34 degree Celsius on March 14, according to AccuWeather.Meanwhile in China,
temperatures rise around March but April is when it really picks up. Summer sets in around
May-June which is when the country sees its fair share of rain. While the spread of coronavirus
is still being looked into, researchers remain optimistic that the onset of summer in China will
slow down the virus.
D. Russman (16, March, 2020) reported that warmer weather may slow the spread of this virus in
some parts of the world. But the evidence suggests it won't stop the pandemic. As the
coronavirus death toll continues to rise, some have suggested that the approaching warmer
spring weather in the northern hemisphere may slow or even stop the spread of the disease. US
president Donald Trump echoed this, saying: “The heat, generally speaking, kills this kind of
virus.” But is he right? The idea that the approaching spring may stem the spread of the disease
comes largely from a comparison with the flu. In many ways, COVID-19 is like the fluboth
spread in similar ways (respiratory secretions and contaminated surfaces) and both cause
typically mild respiratory diseases that can develop into life-threatening pneumonia. But the
transmissibility and severity of COVID-19 are much greater than the flu. And it isn’t clear if
COVID-19 transmission will be affected by seasonal temperature variation. For the flu, the start
of spring causes a significant drop in the number of cases that persists until the return of colder
temperatures in autumn. This seasonality of the flu is thought to be caused by the sensitivity of
the virus to different climates and by seasonal changes in the human immune system and in our
patterns of behavior. First, the flu virus appears to survive better in cold, dry weather with
reduced ultraviolet light. Second, for many of us, the shorter winter days lead to reduced levels
of vitamin D and melatonin, which can affect the performance of our immune system. Third, in
the winter we spend more time with other people, indoors and in closer proximity, increasing
opportunities for the virus to spread. How then would these factors affect coronavirus
transmission? It is not clear what effect temperature and humidity have on the coronavirus
itself, nor on its transmission. Some other coronaviruses are seasonal, causing common colds in
the winter months. The 2002-2003 Sars epidemic also began in the northern hemisphere winter
and ended in July 2003 with a small resurgence in cases in the following winter. But Sars cases
peaked in the warmer month of May, and the end of the epidemic in July may simply reflect the
time required for virus containment, rather than an effect of the summer weather on virus
transmission. Also, the related Mers coronavirus is primarily transmitted in hot countries.
Returning to the comparison with the flu, the 2009-2010 influenza virus pandemic began in the
spring, increased in strength over the spring and summer and peaked the following winter. This
suggests that in a pandemic, the high number of cases in many countries around the world could
enable continued transmission of the virus throughout the summer, overcoming any seasonal
variability that would be seen in smaller epidemics. So the approaching warmer weather may
reduce viral transmission in the northern hemisphere (while potentially increasing transmission
in the coming southern hemisphere winter), but it is highly unlikely that the weather itself will
end this growing epidemic.
E. Madison Dapcevich (Mar. 20, 2020 09:14AM EST) reported that as the world continues to cope
with the onset of SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for the disease COVID-19, there is hope
that the virus may follow the suit of similar respiratory illnesses and see a slower spread during
the warmer months. A growing body of evidence suggests a link between higher temperatures
and decreased transmission rates of coronavirus while, on the other hand, a rising number of
confirmed cases in countries now in the middle of their summer may prove otherwise. Flu and
cold viruses tend to peak in the colder months and slow down during the summer. Despite
popular belief, this has little to do with a virus' ability to survive warmer temperatures and more
to do with how people's behaviors change during the seasons. During the winter, people tend to
congregate and stay inside, increasing the number potentially exposed to one who is infected
and contagious as well as meeting in large groups in places like schools and
universities."Coronaviruses tend to be associated with winter because of how they're
spread," Elizabeth McGraw, director for the Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics at
Pennsylvania State University, told NPR. She adds that respiratory viruses spread through
respiratory droplets that are more likely to see spikes in transmission rates during winter
conditions largely due to the nature of the virus. For example, Influenza thrives in colder, dry
conditions such as those present during winter in the northern hemisphere, which helps the virus
to spread more easily from person to person."What we know is that they're [the droplets] are
better at staying afloat when the air is cold and dry, " said McGraw. "When the air is humid and
warm, [the droplets] fall to the ground more quickly, and it makes transmission harder."Experts
hope that the coronavirus will behave in a similar fashion as the warmer months approaches the
northern half of the world, despite differences between Influenza and COVID-19. Even so,
Nelson Michael, the director for infectious disease research at Walter Reed Army Institute of
Research, said at a Pentagon briefing last week that it is possible that the virus returns again in
the colder months, reports CNN. "We have to be ready that even if this epidemic begins to
wane, we have to be ready for next winter when it may come back again," said Nelson. Then
again, there is a possibility that warmer weather may not impact infection rates. Warm, humid
environments are still seeing their share of confirmed cases. Argentina, Brazil and Australia are
in the midst of their summer and are seeing increasing rates of infection and are actively
monitoring the situation as it progresses. Experts caution that several factors will determine
whether transmission rates decline in the coming months, such as government responses, the
quality of medical care and population density, among others."The short answer is that while
we may expect modest declines in the contagiousness of SARS-CoV-2 in warmer, wetter
weather and perhaps with the closing of schools in temperate regions of the Northern
Hemisphere, it is not reasonable to expect these declines alone to slow transmission enough to
make a big dent," explained Marc Lipsitch, professor of epidemiology and director at the Center
for Communicable Disease. He adds that "even seasonal infections can happen 'out of season'
when they are new" due to their "temporary but important advantage: few or no individuals are
immune to them." Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are common in both people
and many species of animals, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It is
rare for an animal coronavirus to infect and then spread between people, but such spread was
noted in 2003 with respiratory illnesses caused by SARS-CoV and again with MERS-CoV in
2012. The first U.S. vaccine trial for the novel coronavirus began Monday but will likely take a
year to 18 months to be fully validated, reports The Associated Press. There is currently no cure
for the respiratory disease caused by the virus. Health officials advise that the best protection
against infection and spreading continue to be non-pharmaceutical interventions like hand
washing, sanitizing surfaces, social distancing and staying home when feeling ill. As of March
18th, the World Health Organization reports more than 191,000 confirmed cases resulting in
just under 8,000 deaths around the world. Recent research conducted by the National Institutes
of Health, the CDC and several educational institutes suggests that the SARS-CoV-2 virus is
stable for several hours to days in aerosols. The New York Times reports that timeframe may
last up to three days, which means that people may become infected by the virus both through
the air and after touching contaminated surfaces, further advancing the potential for spread
when indoors. Children have also been shown to exhibit milder symptoms when infected with
the virus, which could help further spread the virus as they remain active and attend social
functions, reports.
F. Gunia A. (FEBRUARY 28, 2020 ) reported that .as coronavirus continues to spread
across the world, a simple solution has been repeated by some leaders: Warm summer
temperatures will stop the outbreak in its tracks. U.S. President Donald Trump floated
the idea that by April the coronavirus problem would solve itself. He told a crowd at a
Feb. 10 rally in New Hampshire: You know, in theory when it gets a little warmer, it
miraculously goes away, that’s true.In Southeast Asia, officials in Indonesia have
offered the warm climate as the reason that no cases have been diagnosed there.
“Indonesia’s air is not like the air in China that is subtropical,said Achmad Yurianto, a
senior official in Indonesia’s health ministry, in response to a study suggesting there are
likely to be undetected cases in the country. However, infectious disease experts say
while the factors that cause other viruses to retreat during the summer months could
affect this coronavirus, called COVID-19, in a similar way, there’s no way to be sure.
And, even if the virus’ spread does slow as temperatures rise, that doesn’t mean it will
be gone for good. There’s precedent for the idea that the COVID -19 outbreak will
collapse with the onset of summer. The common cold is most prevalent in the winter and
spring, and influenza is most common during the fall and winter in the U.S., with flu
activity peaking between December and February, according to the CDC.It appears that
COVID-19 is transmitted in the same fashion as the flu and common cold: by close
contact with infected people and from respiratory droplets when an infected person
sneezes or coughs. There’s a variety of reasons that influenza and cold infections
plummet in the summer, but a major one is that that warm, humid weather can make it
harder for respiratory droplets to spread viruses.“The droplets that carry viruses do not
stay suspended in humid air as long, and the warmer temperatures lead to more rapid
virus degradation,” says Elizabeth McGraw, director of the Center for Infectious Disease
Dynamics at Pennsylvania State University.Human activity also changes in summer
months, says Thomas Bollyky, the director of the Global Health Program at the
Washington D.C.-based Council on Foreign Relations. People spend less time indoors
where they tend to be in closer contact with each other, making it easier for the virus to
spreadin the summer. But health experts aren’t so sure that COVID -19, which has
infected more than 83,000 people since officials first discovered the disease in
December, can be stopped by the onset of summer. Other health experts that TIME
spoke to agree that it’s too early to say if warmer weather will impact the virus’s spread.
McGraw, of Penn State University, says there will likely be many factors that determine
when and how the outbreak ends. “Rate of virus spread, effec tiveness of infection
control practices, weather and human immunity will likely all play a role in determining
its future,” she says. Additionally, because COVID -19 is so new, “there is no natural
immunity in the population and thus all bets are off,” says John Nicholls of the
University of Hong Kong. Looking at two other deadly members of the coronavirus
family, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory
syndrome (MERS), could, Bollyky says, help us understand how COVID-19 may act in
the summer heat. “Past coronavirus outbreaks, SARS and MERS, haven’t really
exhibited clear evidence of being seasonal, Bollyky says.”The SARS outbreak did end
in July, but it is not clear that weather. MERS does not show any sign of being
seasonal.”Though the largest clusters of the coronavirus are in locations above the
equatormainland China, South Korea, Italy, Japan and Iranthe virus has now spread
to all continents except Antarctica. This includes countries like Brazil and Australia in
the southern hemisphere. Experts caution that even if the seasonal change in the
northern hemisphere brings a reprieve in the number of cases, it may mean that other
places become more susceptible to its spread. And experts warn that even if COVID-19
becomes less active in the summer, it could return if public health officials do not gain
control of the outbreak first.If we continue to see sustained transmission in multiple
countries, it will be very difficult to eradicate the virus,says Charles Chiu, a professor
of laboratory medicine at the University of California, San Francisco. “There is a risk
that it may end up becoming a seasonal virus without global concerted public health
interventions to prevent spread.”He points to the 2009 outbreak of the H1N1 virus,
otherwise known as swine flu, which began in April of that year. He says that as it
adapted to the human population, it adopted a seasonal pattern, with most infections now
occurring during the winter months. Others agree that officials must not be complacent
as the summer months approach.“Policymakers and health officials should not rely on
warmer temperatures to save us from COVID-19,” Bollyky, of the Council on Foreign
Relations, says. “The only things that can do that are public health preparedness and
level-headed policies to reduce the number of people infected, protect healthcare
workers, and improve the diagnosis and treatment of those who do get ill.”
G. A dramatic surge in coronavirus infections in Southeast Asia in recent days has increased
doubts over a theory that warmer weather could stem the spread of the virus, health experts say.
Relatively low cases of infections in many Southeast Asian countries had been cited as possible
evidence that hotter weather was suppressing the virus, giving hope to Europe and the United
States as they head into spring. But countries from Indonesia to Thailand to Malaysia and the
Philippines have recorded their highest rate of infections in recent days as testing has ramped
up, in a sign seasonal factors may only play a limited role in coronavirus' spread."The
temperature theory doesn't really hold up given what's happening right now in much of
Southeast Asia," said Tikki Pangestu, a professor at Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew School of
Public Policy"People in Europe hope warm weather will kill the virus. I doubt this will be the
reality."The coronavirus, which causes a respiratory disease called COVID-19, has infected
almost 170,000 and over 6,500 have died. Though a limited amount is known about the new
virus, some of the symptoms show similarities with winter influenza, which is more widespread
in colder temperatures, although this is partly attributed to people crowding together inside.
Places where the virus has been felt most severely, such as Wuhan in central China, northern
Italy and parts of the United States, share similar climates and temperatures. The 2002-2003
epidemic of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) eased over the summer months,
although it is not clear if that was related to weather or coincided with tighter public health
interventions. The World Health Organization said this month that there was no evidence that
temperature would play a role in the coronavirus outbreak but it was an avenue worth exploring.
In Southeast Asia, which shares a hot tropical climate, many countries had reported few cases
even months after the initial outbreak at the end of last year in China, in spite of the region's
close travel, business and investment ties to China. But health experts said, rather than the hot
climate, this was more down to limited testing, under-detection due to a lack of resources and
more imported cases as the virus moves to multiple epicenters outside of China."At best, warm
weather might influence the spread but it will not see the end of it," said Dale Fisher, chair of
the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network coordinated by the World Health
Organization."What is important is how effectively countries are isolating cases, removing
people from communities. That's the biggest factor, not the weather."The spike of cases in many
Southeast Asian countries has been dramatic in recent days, leading governments to take drastic
action to stem the tide. In the Philippines, deaths more than doubled to 12 at the weekend, with
confirmed cases rising to 140 compared to three 10 days ago - prompting authorities to place
the entire capital Manila under "community quarantine". Malaysia reported a further 125
coronavirus cases on Monday - bringing its total to 553 - the highest in Southeast Asia. Many
were linked to a single event at a mosque. Thailand, which reported 33 new cases on Monday,
its biggest daily jump, plans to close schools, bars, movie theatres, cockfighting arenas and
other entertainment centers. Indonesia confirmed 17 more cases on Monday, taking its toll to
134, amid concerns that there could be large under-reporting in the world's fourth most
populous country. Indonesia, which only recorded its first cases on March 2, had carried out
only 220 tests a week ago but that has now risen to nearly a thousand. Singapore, which has
been widely praised for its monitoring and isolation of infected patients, from Monday
implemented tighter restrictions on visitors from other Southeast Asian countries after a wave
of imported cases from the region. With so much still not known about the coronavirus, health
experts say countries should not rely on warmer weather to slow the rapid spread of the virus
across the globe."It is too simplistic to suggest a tropical climate can stop coronavirus because
there are many other factors, like human to human contact which can happened very fast," said
Sugiyono Saputra, a microbiology researcher at the Indonesian Institute of
Sciences."Environmental factors may not affect the virus at all." -
H. There's a seasonality to many viruses. Flu and cold viruses tend to peak in winter months, then
die down with warmer weather. Will the newly identified coronavirus and the disease it causes
COVID-19 follow a similar pattern? Before that question can be answer, let's consider
how seasons and temperature influence the spread of viruses."Coronaviruses tend to be
associated with winter because of how they're spread," explains Elizabeth McGraw, who directs
the Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics at Pennsylvania State University. For one thing, in
winter months, people may cluster together more indoors, increasing the number of folks at risk
of becoming infection by someone who's contagious. In addition, there's the matter of
transmission. Viruses spread through respiratory droplets that are released when an infected
person coughs or sneezes. And the droplets are more likely to spread under certain conditions.
"What we know is that they're [the droplets] are better at staying afloat when the air is cold and
dry, " says McGraw. "When the air is humid and warm, [the droplets] fall to the ground more
quickly, and it makes transmission harder."Not every coronavirus hews to the same rules. For
instance, the one that causes Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) has not shown the
capacity to spread easily from person to person, says Amesh Adalja, an infectious disease
physician and a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security: "It doesn't have
that seasonality because it's really an animal to human virus and not something that you see
causing disease in a seasonal pattern."But he says COVID-19 seems more akin to the seasonal
cold. And up to a third of common colds are caused by coronaviruses."We've seen, basically,
explosive spread inside China of person-to-person transmission, so in that sense it really
is behaving like a common-cold causing coronavirus," says Adalja.For that reason, he says, "I
do think seasonality will play a role. As this outbreak unfolds and we approach spring and
summer, I do think we will see some tapering off of cases."So as China and the rest of the
Northern Hemisphere head into spring, the virus could begin to peter out or plateau. But the
southern half of the globe is headed into fall and winter "so we may see this [virus] have
increased transmission" in parts of the southern hemisphere, says Adalja for example, in
Australia. That's similar to what happens with the flu each year."It's not unreasonable to make
the assumption" that cases will die down come spring, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told NPR. "We hope when the weather
gets warmer it will diminish a bit," he says. But he sounds a cautionary note: "However, we
don't know that about this [new] coronavirus. We don't have [a] backlog of history." Dr. Nancy
Messionnier of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention sounds a similar note when it
comes to predicting a slowdown of cases with warmer weather. "I think it's premature to
assume that," she said during a call with reporters on Wednesday. "We haven't been through
even a single year with this pathogen." Given the uncertainty, public health officials say they
must plan for the unexpected and for the possibility that the outbreak drags on regardless of the
I. John Roach, AccuWeather staff writer (Updated Feb. 8, 2020 8:11 AM) reported that weather
could play a role in the spread and also the suppression of the novel coronavirus, according to
AccuWeather experts who have studied the weather’s impact on past diseases. More
than 28,000 cases of coronavirus have been confirmed and 565 deaths have been reported as of
Feb. 6. The United States Embassy confirmed the first American diagnosed with coronavirus in
Wuhan, China, has died because of the virus. The embassy released the following
statement:"We can confirm a 60-year old U.S. citizen diagnosed with coronavirus died at
Jinyintian Hospital in Wuhan, China on February 6. We offer our sincerest condolences to the
family on their loss. Out of the respect for the family's privacy, we have no further
comment."AccuWeather’s experts looked at transmission patterns of past flus and viruses such
as SARS in 2003, the 1918 Spanish Flu and U.S. flu data over the last decade.“Right now and
over the next several months, because of the weak sun and the colder temperatures in the
northern hemisphere, the weather may be helping to spread the virus,” AccuWeather Founder
and CEO Dr. Joel N. Myers said. "However, based on what we’ve seen from past flus and
viruses, including the SARS virus and others, there is less viral spread when the sun is strong
and the temperatures are warm from May to September. It's possible the sunshine intensity, the
longer daylight periods and the warmer weather could suppress the virus in the summer
months."Still, this coronavirus may be very different and we’re just learning about it. The
possibility is this does not behave like all of the others and that it does not decline once the sun
gets stronger and the temperatures increase throughout the spring and summer,” said Myers.
“Instead, if it continues to compound through the entire spring and summer it may infect
millions and become a pandemic." The World Health Organization (WHO) declared a global
health emergency due to the rapid spread of the coronavirus as the number of confirmed cases
continued to climb. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) said the number of confirmed cases
in the United States had reached 12. At least 26 other countries have reported cases. When
asked by AccuWeather if seasonality could contribute to the spread of coronaviruses, Johns
Hopkins professor and vice chair Dr. Andrew Pekosz said, “Respiratory coronaviruses do
appear more frequently in cooler months (late fall, winter). Since we don’t know how this virus
was transmitted within its natural host, it’s difficult to predict if it will have the same pattern as
human respiratory coronaviruses.” As to whether temperature and humidity have an effect on
the spread of this strain of the virus, which was first observed in December 2019, Dr. Pekosz
cautioned, "We have no data on how this might affect 2019-nCoV transmission."click here for
the free accuweather appmyers agrees about the uncertainty of this particular virus. “And, of
course, it is also possible that even if then it is found that the sun and warmth slows it down but
does not stop it, then once we go into declining sunlight again in September and October -- like
we saw with the Spanish Flu in 1918 -- it could erupt in an enormous fashion because a vaccine
still may not have been developed according to the experts,” he said.
J. Harvey (March 9, 2020) told that President Trump assured the American public that the onset
of warmer weather could halt the spread of the coronavirus. But experts caution there's no
evidence to support that idea. His assertion raises new questions about the role temperatures
have on infectious diseases as Earth gets warmer. The impacts of climate change on the
coronavirus are unknown, but research related to other illnesses suggest that the risk of
pandemics is growing as rising temperatures ignite animal migrations and other changes. The
COVID-19 virus continues to spread even as the first hints of spring begin to appear across the
Northern Hemisphere. It's true that in temperate parts of the world, like the United States,
Europe and much of Asia, flu season tends to spike in the winter and drop off in the spring. And
some other types of coronaviruses, which have been around longer and been better studied than
COVID-19, have also exhibited seasonal patterns. But COVID-19, being a novel disease, still
holds more questions than answers. Scientists aren't sure what kinds of patterns to expect as it
spreads or how it might be affected by weather and climate. Confirmed reports of the
coronavirus have now topped 100,000 cases worldwide, with no signs of slowing down. More
than 3,000 people around the globe have already died, the majority in China. Even if it does
turn out to have some seasonal components in the future, that affect will likely be small this
year, experts say. Since it's a new disease with very little immunity built up in the human
population, it will likely continue to spread quickly. Answering these kinds of questions about
the coronavirus will take time. But in general, links between climate and infectious disease are a
growing subject of interest among scientists. As the Earth continues to warm, many scientists
expect to see changes in the timing, geography and intensity of disease outbreaks around the
world. And some experts believe climate change, along with other environmental disturbances,
could help facilitate the rise of more brand-new diseases, like COVID-19. There's a great deal
of research about climate and vector-borne diseases these are illnesses that are transmitted to
humans by other animals, such as mosquitoes or ticks. But it's much harder to research climate
impacts on human-to-human disease transmission. "We can put mosquitoes in a lab," said
Rachel Baker, an expert on climate and infectious diseases at the Princeton Environmental
Institute. "Put mosquitoes in labs, looking at everything from life length and egg-laying
properties and all these different physiological life cycle characteristics and relating those back
to climate drivers."Studies suggest that vectors like mosquitoes and ticks may shift their ranges
as the climate warms. This means that certain vector-borne diseases, such as malaria, dengue
fever or Lyme disease, may move into new territories in the future. But with directly
transmitted diseases, like influenza or COVID-19, it's much harder to run experiments. Some
viruses flu, for example can be tested in animals like guinea pigs. But that's not true for
every viral illness. And animals don't provide a perfect analogy for the way diseases spread in
human societies. Much of what we know about climate and directly transmitted diseases comes
from large-scale observations of the way these diseases behave in the world. In this way,
scientists are slowly starting to gain insight into how climate affects some of the most common
viral diseases. But there are more questions than answers. Take influenza, for instance. In
temperate parts of the world, flu exhibits strong seasonal patterns and tends to peak in the
winter. Experts believe the virus survives better in colder, drier conditions. Human behavior
may have something to do with it, as well people tend to stay indoors more in the winter,
meaning they're more likely to be in close quarters with one another and may infect others more
easily. In the warmer tropics, on the other hand, flu season tends to spread out throughout the
year, with some spikes during the rainy season. As a result, some experts suggest that climate
change may cause flu outbreaks in temperate regions to become less intense but more evenly
distributed across the seasons, Baker noted. Researchers have observed similar patterns in RSV,
another common, directly transmitted respiratory virus. But limited studies have suggested
climate change could have other effects, as well. A paper in 2013 found that unusually warm
winters tend to be followed by earlier, more severe flu seasons the next year. The researchers
suggest this is because fewer people come down with the flu during warmer winters, leaving
their immune systems more vulnerable the following year. Another paper, published earlier this
year, suggested that rapid swings in the weather may also make flu epidemics worse. Flu
certainly isn't representative of all directly transmitted diseases. But the research on flu, one of
the most common and well-studied viruses in the world, helps demonstrate the challenges of
parsing out the influence of climate change. Much of the research on common diseases, like the
flu, is still focused on how climate and weather affect the disease today which is the first
step to understanding how changes in the climate might affect the disease in the future. The
same foundation will be necessary for scientists to make predictions about the future of
emerging diseases, like COVID-19."We really need to have that understanding before we can
think about climate change," Baker said. "There are still a lot of open questions in terms of how
is climate important."The rapid spread of the coronavirus is sparking challenging conversations
about how to prepare for epidemics, especially new or little-known diseases. Climate change
may make these conversations even more important. For one thing, climate change may cause
diseases that are common in some places to shift into new geographic locations. That's a
particular risk with vector-borne diseases, as mosquitoes and ticks expand their ranges. In that
scenario, the disease itself isn't unknown to the world but it may be new to many of the
places it affects in the future."It seems like what we expect from mosquito-borne diseases with
climate change is that they're going to change in their distribution and affect new populations
that are not used to being under that threat," said Christine Johnson, director of the EpiCenter
for Disease Dynamics at the University of California, Davis' School of Veterinary Medicine.
"And in some cases, very vulnerable populations that don't have a lot at the ready in terms of
mosquito control."Scientists are working on ways to improve their projections of where these
types of diseases may crop up in the future, so communities can prepare to deal with them. It's
also possible that climate change may affect the emergence of entirely novel diseases, like
COVID-19.Exactly how is highly uncertain. But it's worth keeping in mind that most novel
diseases originate in wildlife before they spread to humans, said Johnson. The COVID-19 virus,
for instance, is thought to have originated in bats. As the climate changes, many animal species
are likely to change their behavior or migrate to new areas. It's possible that in some cases, this
could increase their likelihood of coming into contact with humans. Climate change isn't the
only environmental disturbance to keep an eye on. Other human activities may also increase the
likelihood of human-wildlife contact and the risk of emerging diseases. Deforestation is one
major potential factor. Wildlife markets are another, Johnson added. That said, the effects of
environmental disturbances on novel diseases remain highly uncertain."I think we can say that
things are going to change, and that we expect the risk to increase," Johnson said. "But we can't
say with any certainty which diseases, in which locations and at which time."For now, some of
the greatest lessons the world is learning from coronavirus may simply be the value of
preparing for the unexpected. And that's a lesson the world is learning from climate change, as
well."Something I hear a lot in this field is, we can't predict next year's flu season, so how could
we possibly make predictions out to 2100 or 2050 on what the flu season is going to look like
with climate change?" Baker said. "I think there's a great analogy here with climate science
itself. People make the same case: How do we know what climate change is going to look like
in 50 or 100 years when we don't know what next week's snowfall is going to be?"The key
thing to remember in both cases, she said, is that short-term fluctuations may be hard to predict
but observing long-term patterns over many years can give scientists great confidence in
their predictions about what the future might hold. Keeping up these efforts in both climate
science and infectious disease research is critical."I think the analogy there is an important one,"
Baker said.
K. Lewis (16th Mar 2020) told that the simple answer to this is: we don’t know yet. Not enough
is known about the new coronavirus to say that it will disappear, or even have its spread
reduced, in the UK as the temperature increases. Evidence from similar viruses suggests that the
virus may transmit less efficiently in the spring and summer months. Alongside changes in
temperature, it is thought that humidity, differences in human behaviour and human immune
system functioning also play a role in this pattern. However, even if it ultimately turns out to be
a seasonal virus, it is unlikely to behave like similar viruses in the short term. This is because it
is so new that very few people are immune from it. Why might we think that the virus will
become less dangerous in spring? The idea that warmer weather will help the fight against the
disease is widespread. (The World Health Organisation (WHO) calls the disease itself Covid-
19, and the virus that causes it SARS-CoV-2, and we will use that naming system here.) For
example in February, US President Donald Trump said on Fox News “You know in April,
supposedly, it dies with the hotter weather.” He also tweeted that China will be successful in
stopping SARS-CoV-2 “especially as the weather starts to warm & the virus hopefully becomes
weaker”. However, following his tweet, experts interviewed by news outlets said that it was too
early to say that warmer weather will weaken the virus. Last week, similar claims appeared
in the Telegraph with an article called “coronavirus: why a warm spring could stop the virus in
its tracks”. This article compares the new virus to the seasonal flu, which peaks during winter in
the northern hemisphere. And the government’s Chief Scientific Adviser, Sir Patrick Vallance,
also said at a press briefing that “there may be less transmission of [the] virus” in the summer
months, as “respiratory infections in general tend to be a bit less common”. Seasonal flu is
caused by a group of influenza viruses, which are more common during winter in places with
temperate climates, like the UK. Other coronaviruses generally show the same seasonal pattern.
Given our experience with these similar viruses, it’s not unreasonable to speculate that SARS-
CoV-2 could peak during colder months and dissipate in the spring or summer. (That is if it
lasts beyond the current outbreak. In 2003, the SARS coronavirus was containedlargely
through public health interventionsand did not become a seasonal virus.)But, as explained
in an article written by Professor Marc Lipsitch from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public
Health, new viruses behave differently to ones that have been in the population for a long
time. To predict what might happen, we need to look at the reasons why viruses are seasonal.
The reasons behind the seasonality of viruses are not fully known, however, there are several
related factors that likely play a role. Temperature, moisture, dehydration, and UV light can
impact on the effectiveness of viruses. A study of cases of Covid-19 in China and other affected
countries found that absolute humidity had a positive, and temperature a slightly negative,
association with the growth of Covid-19. However, the authors of this study also warn that
“weather alone… will not necessarily lead to declines in case counts without the
implementation of extensive public health interventions”.There are also differences in human
behaviour during colder months. People are more likely to spend time indoors and transmission
of viruses is more likely in crowded indoor environments. In addition, the human immune
system becomes slightly depleted in colder months. Vitamin-D and melatonin, both related to
daylight, are thought to contribute to this phenomenon. A fourth factor, as explained by
Professor Lipsitch, is the depletion of susceptible hosts. This means that, at a certain point, so
many people are or have been infected that there are less susceptible people to infect.
Importantly, SARS-CoV-2 is so new that very few people are immune to it. This means that
there is an abundance of susceptible hosts to infect and, therefore, this new coronavirus is
unlikely to behave like other well established seasonal viruses. Whatever the effect of
temperature is on SARS-CoV-2, we will still need to take precautions .The US Centres for
Disease Control and Prevention states that “at this time, it is not known whether the spread of
COVID-19 will decrease when [the] weather becomes warmer”. It also says that, whilst
seasonal viruses like the common cold and flu spread more in the winter, it is still possible to
catch these illnesses in other months. The WHO has stressed that cold weather and snow cannot
kill SARS-CoV-2, reiterating the advice that “The most effective way to protect yourself
against the new coronavirus is by frequently cleaning your hands with alcohol-based hand rub
or washing them with soap and water.”
L. Woods told that Warm temperatures slow down the spread of the novel coronavirus but
don’t completely eradicate it, according to new studies. Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology found that 90 percent of COVID-19 transmissions that occurred until Sunday
happened in regions with low temperatures between 37.4 and 62.6 degrees Fahrenheit.
Coronavirus cases have been reported in countries with equatorial climates and those in the
Southern Hemisphere which are now in summer. But regions with average temperatures
above 64.4 degrees Fahrenheit currently account for fewer than 6 percent of global
cases.“Wherever the temperatures were colder, the number of the cases started increasing
quickly,” Qasim Bukhari, a computational scientist at the university who co-authored the
study, told the New York Times. “You see this in Europe, even though the health care there is
among the world’s best.”That pattern applies in the US too, Bukhari told the paper. The
outbreak has developed more slowly in Southern states like Arizona, Florida and Texas
compared to New York, Washington state and Colorado, for example, according to Bukhari. In
California, the rate is somewhere in the middle. Epidemiologists have seen a similar pattern
with other viruses including the flu, which generally follows a November-to-April trend in
the Northern Hemisphere, Dr. Deborah Birx, a member of the White House’s coronavirus task
force, said during a recent briefing, according to the Times. The four types of coronavirus that
cause the common cold also pick up in the winter and drop off in the summer. At least two
other studies have come to similar conclusions including one conducted by Chinese
researchers at Beihang University and Tsinghua University. The authors found that between
Jan. 21 and 23 before China’s authorities intervened to stop the spread of the deadly bug
the infection was more contagious in northern China, with low temperatures and relative
humidity, than in warmer, more humid cities along the southeast coast, according to the Wall
Street Journal. Researchers in Spain and Finland found that the virus tends to spread in regions
with dry conditions and temperatures between 28.3 and 49 degrees Fahrenheit, according to the
Times. But these studies have yet to be peer-reviewed and factors such as travel restrictions,
social distancing, testing availability and hospital burdens may have influenced the results.
Policymakers should not become complacent in hopes that the virus will die out as temps warm
up, Bukhari told the Times.“We still need to take strong precautions,” Bukhari said. “Warmer
temperatures may make this virus less effective, but less effective transmission does not mean
that there is no transmission.”Public health officials at the World Health Organization and the
US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say it’s too soon to draw any conclusions about
the infection’s seasonal behavior, according to the Journal. Expert Andy Pekosz, a
microbiologist at the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health who wasn’t
involved in the studies, told the paper it’s safest to assume the virus won’t taper off in the
summer.“We don’t know with the COVID-19 virus how it will behave in the warmer weather,”
Pekosz said. “Prepare for having to deal with this in the summer months and assume there will
be no respite.”
M. Lopez , (March 12, 20207:34 am) reported that With the ongoing spread of the coronavirus many
are hoping that, similar to the flu, the warmer weather will see it dissipate now that spring is on the
way. And despite the World Health Organization now labeling COVID-19 a pandemic and over
1000 cases in the United States so far, some experts believe higher temperatures could usher in a
seasonal downturn for its spread. Dr. Gregory Gray, infectious disease epidemiologist and Professor
at Duke University, says the warmer months may slow things down but won’t completely curtail the
transmission of coronavirus. "Routinely seen coronaviruses often wane during summer months as
buildings have more air circulation, [people] tend to congregate less, and people are more exposed to
UV light which can kill viruses,” he told CBS News. Another thing to keep in mind is that with it
getting warmer in our part of the world, countries below the equator will soon be entering their
colder season and could see an increase in transmission rates."The virus will soon be very active in
both the Southern and Northern Hemispheres, which have opposing summers and winters," Gray
added. "Hence, a summer slowdown in the Northern Hemisphere may be offset with a concomitant
winter increase in the Southern Hemisphere."Dr. Stefan Baral, an associate professor of
epidemiology at Johns Hopkins University, also speculates that the summer months could thwart the
speed at which COVID-19 is spreading.“As we move into warmer weather and people are more out
in the open, I expect there to be a natural decrease, similar and consistent with the decrease with
other upper respiratory tract infections,” Dr. Baral told the Boston Herald. “It’s more seasonal in
nature. Obviously, it’s been a relatively warm winter, but as we’re outside more, we just expect less
of those types of infections to take place.”Unfortunately, they both agree that there’s still much to
learn about the virus and no one can say for sure when the coronavirus will cease being an issue.“My
hunch is we may see a 10% to 20% slowdown in transmission, but I doubt the virus will cease
infecting people during summer months." The Center for Disease Control maintains that it’s still too
early to know if the warm weather will have a seasonal effect on the spread of coronavirus."Some
other viruses, like the common cold and flu, spread more during cold weather months but that does
not mean it is impossible to become sick with these viruses during other months," the CDC said on
its website."At this time, it is not known whether the spread of COVID-19 [the illness caused by the
coronavirus] will decrease when weather becomes warmer. There is much more to learn about the
transmissibility, severity, and other features associated with COVID-19 and investigations are
N. Basharat ( Islamabad, March 13, 2020) reported that as the government officially confirmed 21
novel coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in the country, health experts on Thursday said the rise in
mercury will likely to reduce the risk of virus spread.“The rise in temperature does affect
reducing the risk of COVID-19 risk as it also behaves like influenza,” Dr. Rana Muhammad
Safdar, an expert on infectious diseases, said this while talking to The Nation here. He said that
the virus will not survive in hot temperature especially the mercury rises to 30 degrees. “It will
also reduce its transmission,” he said. Microbiologist from Lanzhou University China, Dr.
Kamran Malik, viewed that the assumption that coronavirus COVID-19 will disappear itself
with hot weather is only based on the pattern of other viruses like influenza and SARS-CoV
virus as they are considered less efficient during the hot weather.“But a very recent research
publication showed that temperature alone couldn’t kill the virus while public awareness and
adopting the precautionary measures can only reduce the virus spread,” he said. He said the
Centre for Disease Control (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) are of the view that
effect of warm weather on corona virus is still unclear because of the novelty of this virus. Dr.
Kamran said that the COVID-19 can spread through air droplet when an infected person coughs
or sneezes, the evolving droplets stay on the near surface and survive till 8-10 hours, but in the
hot weather, only this type of viral spread can be reduced, as the hot surfaces can’t aid the viral
stay.“But person-to-person viral spread may remain on boom,” he added. Commenting about
the research being done on the virus, Dr. Kamran said that scientists hypothesize that low
humidity, which often occurs in winter, might impair the function of the mucus in our nose,
which our body uses to trap and expel foreign bodies like viruses or bacteria. He said that cold
and dry air can make that normally gooey mucus drier and less efficient at trapping a virus. Ian
Lipkin, Director of the Columbia University’s Center for Infection and Immunity, has been
studying the novel coronavirus and, according to him, sunlight, which is less abundant in
winter, can also help break down viruses that have been transmitted to surfaces. Referring to the
research of David Heymann from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, he
said it is not enough known about this new virus to predict how it will change with different
weather conditions. Meanwhile, Gilgit-Baltistan reported another case of coronavirus taking the
total number of cases to 21 in Pakistan. According to spokesperson of the Gilgit-Baltistan
government Faizullah Firaq, the patient a 31-year-old resident of Shigar district had a
travel history of Iran. He said that the patient was under treatment at the Skardu hospital.
Meanwhile, the Emergency Core Group (ECG) on COVID-19 attended by high federal and
provincial authorities discussed the preventive measures taken in the regions. Special Assistant
to PM (SAPM) on National Health Services (NHS) Dr. Zafar Mirza confirmed 20 cases on
COVID-19 in the country. He said that WHO has declared the COVID-19 as pandemic and
while federal and provincial authorities are coping with the challenge with coordination. He
said that the government is enforcing the screening of all passengers and putting suspects in
quarantine as well. The SAPM on health said that the diagnostic facility in Gilgit Baltistan (GB)
has been provided with the coordination of National Institute of Health (NIH).Earlier, the WHO
situation report revealed that nine recent cases of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) were imported
in Pakistan from Syria and United Kingdom (UK). The situation report of March 10, 2020
issued by WHO on Pakistan said that 11 new cases reported till March 10 had a travel history of
Syria, United Kingdom (UK) and Iran. According to the details, six cases were reported from
Syria, 3 from UK and 2 were from Iran. Earlier, the Ministry of NHS had reported all the
confirmed cases from neighboring country Iran. The WHO situation report also said that 59
contacts of the newly confirmed cases are being traced and will be tested for COVID-19 while
31 identified contacts have been home quarantined.
O. Khan and Naushad (Feb, 4, 2020) carried out a study whose major objective was that to examine the
effect of corona virus on the world community. Total fourteen articles were downloaded from the net
and read 10 to 20 times in depth and analyzed the situation and draw the conclusion. The result indicates
that corona virus problem was raised in late December 2019 in Wuhan and Hubei provinces in China.
The hub of the center was Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market and the source of the virus was bat soup.
A team at the Wuhan Institute of Virology led by virologist Zheng-Li Shi isolated the virus from a 49-
year-old woman, who developed symptoms on 23 December 2019 before becoming critically ill. Doctor,
Li Wenliang on 31 December told that an unknown virus has been developed in the province of Wuhan
and Hubei provinces as like SARS and MERS. The symptoms were found fever, throat sore and
sneezing by woman in the hospital. The Doctor Li has shared the knowledge on E-Chat while police
department has declared the rumors against the country and told to Dr.Li to delete the said statement
from the E-Chat and keep the data in secrecy while latter on 20, January, 2020 it was announced by
government media that Corona Virus has killed many people in the provinces of Wuhan and Hubei. Due
to late coverage in the mean time the virus was spread to the whole world which has damaged majority
people in their area and emergency was announced by China and world Health Organization. They have
sealed majority airports and visas were cancelled by different countries in the world. Globally 4594
cases of the corona Virus was confirmed. China total confirmed cases number was 4537 while 6973
were suspected and 976 were found severe and 106 deaths were recorded. Similarly outside of China 57
cases were confirmed and 16 countries were declared affected. According to data Japan affected number
was 6, Republic of Korea 4, Viet Nam 2 ,Singapore 7. Australia 5, Malaysia 4, Cambodia 1, Thailand
14, Nepal 1, Sri Lanka 1, United States of America 5, Canada 2, France 3, Germany 1 and Pakistan 1.
World Health Organization has tried best for its controlling and the Director General did meeting with
the President Xi Jiping for overcoming this problems in the emergency in china. World Pathologists’
were informed for Vaccine preparation. Similarly world economy has been damaged and the economy
of the China was highly affected by this virus and the new year program was halted on the spot The
China has struggled best and its program was highly appreciated for this virus controlling. The review
further shows that the people of the China are very patriotic and they made hospital in day night for
treatment of the affected people by virus. The review further explains that through sneezing and human
contact the virus were spread to whole community of the world. So for protection purpose Wuhan and
Hubei provinces were sealed for further spreading this virus. Masks were prepared in for protection of
community. On the basis of problems the following recommendations were suggested for its controlling
in future. Mostly Halal food should be provided to China community in future. World wise Quarantines
should be developed by each country for different germs protection; Good hospital and quality Doctors
should be produced by each country; Give freedom to media for awareness of community to take action
in time to protect the world from the epidemic disease; Safety net should be provided by WHO in the
developing countries in time. More funds should be provided to health department in the world.
Similarly research fund should be increased in all hospital of the world for conducting research on the
medical background. Testing laboratories and food inspectors should be multiplied for protection of
different diseases in the world.
P. Khan carried out study since 18th March, 2020. The universe of the study was the whole
world. The study major objective was to study quarantine role in the control of corona
virus in the world and its impact on the world economy. Secondary data was used and
total 14 articles were downloaded from the net and studied 10 to 20 times and analyzed
the situation. The results indicates that the quarantine play important role in corona virus
control but on the other side disturb the business activities of the world which affect the
price level of different commodities of the world, and create unemployment problems in
the world which further negatively affected the socioeconomic conditions of the world
community. Through this way balance of trades of all the countries of the world negatively
affected which further disturb the prosperity of the world. So quarantine on one side
control the corona virus in the world, while on the other side affect all business activities of
the world and make the world environment unfavorable, which crash the whole world
economy. Similarly when first corona virus appeared in China Wuhan where in the first
instance it was not declared due to unavoidable effect on the China economy while lately it
was announced because of this the corona spread into the whole world now 100 countries
have been affected and total 200000 persons were infected by this virus. Out of the whole
70% belong to China and 30 percent belong to other remaining countries of the world. It
was the main reason of the poor quarantine of the world countries and delay information
of the China which was given to We chat by Dr.Li which latter on died by this virus. The
study also explained that the quarantine of the world of all the countries are very weak and
because of this the people which came from Wuhan were not properly checked and allow
to their countries which latter on spread the Corona virus in their countries and make
environment unfavorable and multiplied the number of Electronic copy available at: affected in the world and crash the economy and
spread a huge panic in the world. Now UNO try for solution while WHO on the start not
focus on the quarantine and told that no need of the quarantine while latter on the
epidemic reached to multiple countries of the world which killed large number of people in
their countries. So quarantine and social distance are the two factors which reduce the
corona virus in the world while on other side which affect the world economy negatively. If
the epidemic continue for large time then there is a chance of world economy crashing
because the number of corona virus in China day by day decreasing while in other
countries of the world day by day increasing which have closed all department of the world
countries out of China. China has controlled the situation and the number digit came into
single while in other countries the digit increase, such as Italy, South Korea, Iran, are the
top countries in the world. On the basis of problems the study recommends that to impose
strong quarantine in the whole world and focus on China and when anyone come from
Wuhan the corona symptoms are observed or not but social distance should be kept from
those people and give a separate place to them in the country till June July 2020. Special
train health services group should be kept for corona virus sick people in the country on
the basis of emergency, if the sick people are present or not; Boundaries of all countries
should be sealed and all department of the countries should be closed till June July 2020;
Social gathering should be baned in each country of the world; Province to province
boundaries should be closed and sealed in a proper way while on quarantine places armies
personal should be appointed for tight security; Face Mask should be supplied to all
people of the world on free price; Honest staff should be appointed for duty of corona
virus control; Mobile set should be provided to all world on free price for contact of one
another; Fund should be provided by UNO to all affected countries of the world; Stigma
and fake propaganda of corona virus should be reduced; Number of the hospital should be
multiplied in all countries of the world for control of corona Virus; Net classes should be
started for school, college and university student; Airport and transport facilities should be
closed in the area for control of corona virus; World Doctor should be tried for vaccine
invention; Islamic principle should be applied by people for corona virus control; In week
one day market should be opened for purchasing of daily need commodities in all
countries of the world; Information cell center should be opened in each country of the
world for communication of information to concerned head quarter. Always keep the body
warm and escape from coldness in the country. Always want help from Allah.
Q. Khan et al carried out a study since 3, March, 2020. The major objective was that to see the
epidemiology of corona virus in the world and its effects on the China economy. Secondary data was
used and total 15 articles were downloaded from the net and read again and again and draw the
conclusion about epidemiology of the corona virus in the world and checked its effects on China
economy. The result indicates that the virus was spread from the Hunan Sea food market China and then
spread to the whole world slowly gradually which reached to majority world countries and have created
panic in the whole world. Every country of the world now try how to control the situation but the main
epicenter is the China City Wuhan province Hoebi. The China government have sealed the boundaries of
this city and no one has right to cross the boundaries of this city in China. They all are locked in the
homes for protection purpose and China all Health departments are engaged in health services to
infected community of the country. Majority Health servants have been affected by this virus but the
people of the health services try how to control the situation. The trend is now on the declined while new
cases were also appeared day by day but the nation is struggling for its control measures. WHO experts
involved in China how to control this epidemic disease which have destroy the whole world. All schools
and colleges have been closed and there is a ban on all social activities in the country. No factory was
run for the purpose of production and all airports of the country have been sealed while all outsiders
have been banned for entering into China. The China country is in a position of hustle and bustle. All
developmental programs of the country have been closed for further activates of development. Due this
panic the country inflation rate of the goods are very high which reached to 50%. The growth of the
economy is also on the declined at 2% which was 6% in the past. China is the big country of the world
and this country economy is linked with all world countries economy. Through this way all world
economy is in a trouble because they have sealed their airports and no one have right to come from
China or someone go to China. Similarly the virus reached to every corner of the world and indifferent
countries the trend is different of the infected people. The number of South Korea infected person is
seconded in the world and followed by Iran, Japan, United State, Thailand, Denmark, Ireland etc. These
countries have great traded activities with the china and because of this those countries have been highly
affected by this virus. Majority hypertension, diabetes infected people were died by this virus. Still no
vaccine was discovered for its control and it is reported that the world scientist are busy in vaccine
discovery and it is the possibility that in one year the vaccine will be discovered. No proper treatment in
the world have been identified for this virus controlling but the infected people only are kept in hospital
and only first aid applied to them and the people who immunity power is high who very easily recovered
from the virus. The study further explain that the virus sever attack is on the old people whose age is
above 80 while below 9-15 years infection is less than the other age people. Through social contact this
virus transmitted to other people in the study area. People mostly wear the facemask and plastic cloth for
its protection. Similarly the virus was carried out by traveling from one country to another. It was also
found that the transmitting source is the Hoebi Province and Wuhan City in the world. The study further
clarified that the whole world is in the panic and everyone try how to control the situation. On the basis
of problems the study recommend that all airports of the world should be closed and entry from one
country to other country should be banned; Plastic clothe and facemask should be wore for its transition
from one person to another; Food items should be checked by food inspector; All boundaries of all
countries of the world should be sealed; Test laboratories of corona virus should be multiplied in the
world; All countries of the world should be helped of one another in this panic and terror time, World
scientist should try for discovery of vaccine; More funds should be provided to china and also provided
good Doctors by WHO for this problem solution; Help mostly on humanitarian basses; Keep the
infected person in warm room and should be treated well; Always wear the facemask and plastic cloths
when contact to infected persons in the hospital; Through air craft, food and medicine should be
provided to affected country of the world for food and medicine crisis’s; All countries of the world
population virus test is requested for its best control.
R. The study was carried out since 24th Feb, 2020. The universe of the study was China. The major
objective was to critical review the present situation of corona virus in China. Total 14 articles were
downloaded from the net and 10 to 20 times reads and conclusion was draw about this virus in China.
The study indicates that Corona was spread from the Hunan Seafood market Wuhan Province and then
spread in the whole world as SARS and MERS. Few cases by doctor in the start was identified in
December in 2019 but the government has considered rumor in the country and warning were given to
Doctor which was latter on died by this virus. Due to late advertisement by media the virus spread in the
whole world and transfered to 33 countries which affected different number. The highest number was
found in China 78966 followed by Diamond Princess where number of affectee was 691 while South
Korea number was 602. The total death number was 2468 which was so high number than the SARS and
MERS. Through this way the economy of China was highly damaged and countries boundaries were
sealed while in and out were closed. Mostly the province of Wuhan and Hoebi were highly affected
where the death number was 81 percent of the whole number. Canada, United stated and WHO helped in
virus controlling. They give huge funds to China. The virus story is very complicated and the diagnosed
was difficult. The shape of the virus was like crown while crown mean Corona, So its name was called
corona. This virus has different form SARS, Ebola, Flu, MERS and Influenza. All were dangerous for
body of human and all attacked mostly in the season of winter and damage the lungs and other tissue of
the body. The virus is live in the body of bat but the immunity power is high and it cannot damage to
bats. Similarly SARS and MERS live in the body of Covit and Camel while it do not damage to them.
The main reason is temperature and immunity. So it is necessary for world expert to analyze the
situation and check the temperature and immunity role in Corona virus control. All virus of flu, Ebola,
SARS and MERS attacked in the winter season. So it is also necessary to keep the body of the affected
person warm for this virus controlling. The bat and camel body temperature is also high, so there the
virus affection is nil. Do the experiment on bat, camel and Covit why the virus do not affect their body
On the basis of problems the review recommend that to keep the body of the affected person warm for
its controlling; When touch animals then wash your hand with soap; Quarantine should be follow and
keep constant in the country market; New hospital should be made for proper treatment; Face mask
should be made in large number in the country; When some cases appeared then in time reported to
concerned department for its treatment; Use more vegetables in daily life; Social talk should be closed
when someone is affected by corona virus; All meat food should be cooked nicely. More fund should be
kept for health problems solution in the country; Always speak truth and never propagate fake
information in the world.; Always kept eye on animal and wash your hand in the time of animal contact.
4. Conclusion and Recommendations
The study finally concluded that climate and corona virus has a great relationship in spreading the
disease in the world. Warm and humid season has a negative relationship with this new initiated
corona virus disease. The scientists of the world told that when warm season and humidity increase
then virus transmission and spreading will be decreased. Similarly the number of infecting person
will also be decreased in the world. Majority Doctor told that temperature and humidity disturb the
life of the corona virus which latter on negatively affect the transmission of the corona virus in the
world. They further told that in clod season the exposure to sun is less which decreases the vitamin-D
and melatonin absorption in the human body which play great role in human immunity in the world.
So all Doctors of the world claimed that warm and humid season, play great role in corona virus
control in the world. Similarly majority scientists of the world told that coronavirus transmission
more occurred in low temperature region of the world where temperature is between 37.4 and 62.6
degrees Fahrenheit (or 3 and 17 degrees Celsius) while in some countries the temperature is above
64.4 degree Fahrenheit but the cases in these countries is less than 6 percent only of the global cases.
So the scientists of the world claimed that not only temperature and humidity affect the transmission
of corona cases from one person to other but also quarantine, social distance, gathering, isolation,
lock down, blood group, facilities of testing laboratories, Doctors and Hospitals etc also affect the
corona cases number in the world. They told that more gathering and social contact multiply the
corona cases number in the world. So every government of the world has applied the methodology of
China for control of corona virus. The past studies also clarified that in different era different viruses
have been pandemic to human being , such as flu, SARS whose number of cases in the winter were
found more while its number decreased in the season of summer and the disease was controlled in the
month of June, July. Similarly Corona Virus will be also controlled in the summer season
automatically while some scientists told that it is the new virus and it is not possible to control in the
summer season. So it is necessary for the whole world countries to apply the methodology of China
for controlling of this virus, otherwise it will be very soon reached to every corner of the world. So
tight quarantine and lock down is required for control of corona virus in the world. China economy
was strong and they have facilities for lock down and quarantine while for developing countries it is
very difficult to apply the methodology of china, so for this purpose the UNO funding help is
required to poor countries of the world for its controlling; The china people were well disciplined and
they were honest and ready for every action of the government while in the developing countries the
lock down and quarantine application is very difficult because they are very poor and they have no
money to purchase daily goods during lock down time, So there the help of the developed countries
are requested for funding. On the basis of problems the study recommend that to obey the order of the
government for corona virus control; Help of one another in the time of trouble and give money to
poor community in the time of lock down for purchasing daily commodities; Not increase the price of
the medicine and normal goods in their countries; Stay at your home; Keep away from social
gathering; Mask should be worn during visit to Hospital; Avoid social contacts with one another;
Follow the Quarantine of the country and corona virus test should be done; Always inform the
government health department about the corona cases where you observed in the country; Always
help with army personal and Doctors; Always wash your hands with soap and sanitizer; Shake hand
methodology should be not applied during visit in the world; Avoid from fake social propaganda on
Face book and YouTube; Listen News on TV and inform from the surrounding of the world. Always
trust on God and pray to God for solution of this problem.
5. Authors Contributions
Dr.Nausahd Khan created the idea and discussed with Shah Fahad and Mahnoor Naushad. They both
analyzed the situation about the warm and humid season relation with corona virus and for the said
purpose 14 articles were downloaded from the net and draw the conclusion while Dr.Naushad khan
give pattern to Paper and wrote the paper in a logical manner and then submit to SSRN for approval.
6. References
[1]. Warmer Weather May Slow, but Not Halt, Coronavirus. .
[2]. Whiting K. (20, March, 2020)Two experts explain what other viruses can teach us about COVID-19
and what they can’t
[3]. Anwesha Madhukalya | Mudit Kapoor New Delhi Last Updated: February 15, 2020 | 16:11 IST.
Novel coronavirus: Summer temperatures in India to keep virus at bay.
[4]. Rossman J., ( March 16, 2020) Donald Trump thinks warm weather will stop coronavirus here’s
why he’s wrong.
[5]. Madison Dapcevich Mar. 20, 2020 09:14AM EST Will Warmer Weather Curb the Spread of
[6]. Gunia A. (FEBRUARY 28, 2020 ).Will Warmer Weather Stop the Spread of the
Coronavirus? Don't Count on It, Say Experts.
[7]. CORPORATE NEWS ( 17 March 2020 7:15 AM ). Can hot weather, like in Malaysia, stop
[8]. Roach, J., (Updated Feb. 8, 2020 8:11 AM).Spring may impact the spread of the coronavirus.
[9]. Harvey C., E&E News ( March 9, 2020). What Could Warming Mean for Pathogens like
[10]. Lewi K., (16th Mar 2020). Could the new coronavirus outbreak be stopped by warmer weather?
[11]. Woods A., (March 24, 2020 | 10:56am). “Studies show warm weather can slow coronavirus, but
won’t stop it”.
[12]. Lopez J (March 12, 20207:34 am). Will Warm Weather Make Coronavirus Go Away By Summer?
[13]. By Harvey C., E&E News on March 9, 2020. What Could Warming Mean for Pathogens like
[14]. Basharat R., (13 March, 2020).Rise in mercury likely to control coronavirus:
[15]. Khan, Nausad. and Fahad, Shah and Faisal, Shah and Naushad, Mahnoor, Quarantine Role in the Control of
Corona Virus in the World and Its Impact on the World Economy (March 18, 2020). Available at
SSRN: or
[16]. Khan, Naushad and Faisal, Shah, Epidemiology of Corona Virus in the World and Its Effects on the China
Economy (March 3, 2020). Available at
SSRN: or
[17]. Khan, Naushad and Fahad, Shah, Critical Review of the Present Situation of Corona Virus in China (February
23, 2020). Available at SSRN: or
[18]. Khan, Naushad and Naushad, Mahnoor, Effects of Corona Virus on the World Community (February 4, 2020).
Available at SSRN: or
... This virus can survive for three days on surfaces in the form of secretions (18). Given the persistence of the Coronaviruses in the environment, preventive measures such as hand washing with soap and water or disinfectant solution can break the cycle of infection (19). Therefore, preventive behaviors are necessary to reduce the severity of complicated COVID-19 cases (20,21). ...
Full-text available
Background: Hand hygiene compliance is the simplest, the most important, and the most cost-effective way to prevent and reduce healthcare-associated infections. Its implementation requires adequate knowledge and awareness. This study aimed to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practice of hand hygiene among healthcare workers in referral hospitals of Bushehr province, southern Iran, in 2021. Method: This is a cross-sectional descriptive-analytical survey of 205 medical staff. A stratified sampling technique was used to select the respondents. They completed the questionnaire, which included demographic information (age, gender, education, etc.) and questions in three sections to assess the level of knowledge, attitude, and practice of medical staff. Results: The results showed that the mean age of the population studied was 34.18 ± 7.15 years. Of these, 63.9% were female, most of the participants (80.0%) were married, nurses (66.8%), had a bachelor's degree (70.2%), and worked in the COVID-19 wards (51.7%). The mean scores for staff knowledge, attitude, and practice of hand hygiene among the staff were 7.7 ± 2.4 (from 0-12), 69.7 ± 7.1 (from 19-95) and 56.8 ± 9.1 (from 14-70), respectively, indicating relatively adequate knowledge among medical staff. In the non-COVID-19 wards, staff compliance with hand hygiene was higher than in the COVID-19 wards (P<0.001). There was a direct relationship between hand hygiene knowledge, attitude, and practice scores and education, gender, occupation, and type of employment (P value <0.05). Conclusion: Due to staff shortages in hospitals and overcrowding in emergency departments and wards such as COVID-19, hand hygiene is usually not practiced because staff believe that their duties of caring for patients are more important than cleaning their hands, or that wearing gloves instead of washing their hands is sufficient. Ongoing infection control education programs for healthcare workers, especially medical staff, are essential.
... 15.4% of the participants provide disinfectants from centers other than pharmacies and health centers. The huge profits from the sale of disinfectants after the outbreak of the coronavirus have led some profiteers to produce counterfeit disinfectants using hazardous chemicals; many of disinfectants produces have been seized by legal authorities [49,50]. Therefore, it is recommended that people obtain disinfectants from reputable centers and stores and ensure the safety of these substances. ...
Full-text available
Background and objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the pattern of disinfectants use within outbreak of COVID-19 and estimate their adverse effects on the consumer's health. Methods: In this descriptive-analytical study, 1090 participants were entered into the study without age and gender limitations. A researcher-made electronic checklist containing 43 questions was applied to collect data. The checklist included three sections: demographic characteristics (8 questions), disinfection of body and non-living surfaces (21 questions), and adverse effects of disinfectants on health (15 questions). Results: 87% of participants used the incorrect proportions of water and alcohol to make this disinfectant available at home. The percentage of people with wrong proportion of sodium hypochlorite was 74.2%. Approximately 42% of participants experienced at least one disorder on their hands, feet, eyes, respiratory or gastrointestinal systems after sequential uses of disinfectants. The most common disorders among the participants were found to be skin dryness (76.3%), obsession (42.2%), skin itching (41.2%), coughing (41.1%), and eyes irritation (39.5%). The mean frequency of hand washing and hand disinfecting were 15.28 and 10.74 times per a day, respectively, and the clean-up in case of surfaces was 2.99 times a day. The frequency of hand washing and disinfecting in women group (16.4 and 11.2 times a day) were higher than in men (14.0 and 10.3 times a day) group. In addition, these self-care actions in married people (15.6 and 11.0 times a day) were higher compared to those in single people (14.0 and 10.6 times a day). Conclusion: Being unaware of participants with instruction for preparation and use disinfectants may harm their health. Therefore, it is suggested that the authorities provide the necessary training program for public through official media.
Full-text available
Neither war nor recession or any kind of prior disaster has been considered a prelude to the looming threat of climate change over the past era as coronavirus (hereafter COVID-19) has in only a few months. Although numerous studies have already been published on this topic, there has not been compelling evidence critically assessing the impact of COVID-19 by and on climate change. The present study fills this gap by taking a more holistic approach to elaborate factors, e.g., natural and anthropogenic factors, ocean submesoscales, radiative forces, and greenhouse gas/CO2 emissions, that may affect climate change in a more prevalent and pronounced manner. Based on the statistical data collected from the NASA Earth Observatory, the European Space Agency, and the Global Carbon Project, the findings of this study reveal that the climate/environment has improved during COVID-19, including better environmental quality and water quality with low carbon emissions and sound pollution. In the lockdown during the epidemic, the emissions of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) significantly decreased because of the lower usage of transportation, decreased electricity demand, and halted industrial activities. The policy implications of this study suggested that keeping the climate healthy even in the post-COVID-19 era is a serious concern that needs to be addressed by investing in clean and green projects, ensuring green energy evolution, dealing with a large volume of medical waste, building health-ensuring and livable societies, and halting the funding of pollution. For governmental and regulatory bodies, these factors will provide a strong foundation to build safer, healthier, and environmentally friendly societies for generations to come.
Full-text available
With the outbreak of Covid-19 globally, many measures were taken to reduce this epidemic’s effects. The most important of these was the advice to stay home, which became the main line of witness slogans. With this recommendation, schools, offices, and factories were closed. The Covid-19 epidemic has had a profound effect on people’s lifestyles and is likely to have other consequences. The article’s main question is: What opportunities and challenges do the Covid epidemic pose to the environment, and how does it affect environmental rights? Quarantine policies have led to reduced production and transportation and a significant reduction in the pollution caused by these behaviors. Other effects may become apparent immediately. Covid-19 may increase survival damage in the future against contamination. Other developments may occur, including rethinking environmental and economic values and rethinking how resources are allocated and consumed, as Covid-19 affects the global, national, and local economies. Considering each of these consequences and their effects can help to develop environmental law and formulate effective strategies.
Two experts explain what other viruses can teach us about COVID-19 -and what they can
  • K Whiting
Whiting K. (20, March, 2020)Two experts explain what other viruses can teach us about COVID-19 -and what they can't
2020) Donald Trump thinks warm weather will stop coronavirus-here's why he's wrong
  • J Rossman
Rossman J., ( March 16, 2020) Donald Trump thinks warm weather will stop coronavirus-here's why he's wrong.
09:14AM EST Will Warmer Weather Curb the Spread of Coronavirus?
  • Madison Dapcevich
Madison Dapcevich Mar. 20, 2020 09:14AM EST Will Warmer Weather Curb the Spread of Coronavirus?
Will Warmer Weather Stop the Spread of the Coronavirus? Don't Count on It
  • A Gunia
Gunia A. (FEBRUARY 28, 2020 ).Will Warmer Weather Stop the Spread of the Coronavirus? Don't Count on It, Say Experts.
Can hot weather, like in Malaysia, stop coronavirus
  • Corporate News
CORPORATE NEWS ( 17 March 2020 7:15 AM ). Can hot weather, like in Malaysia, stop coronavirus?.
8:11 AM).Spring may impact the spread of the coronavirus
  • J Roach
Roach, J., (Updated Feb. 8, 2020 8:11 AM).Spring may impact the spread of the coronavirus.
What Could Warming Mean for Pathogens like Coronavirus
  • C Harvey
  • News
Harvey C., E&E News ( March 9, 2020). What Could Warming Mean for Pathogens like Coronavirus?.
Studies show warm weather can slow coronavirus, but won't stop it
  • A Woods
Woods A., (March 24, 2020 | 10:56am). "Studies show warm weather can slow coronavirus, but won't stop it".