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Computer-assisted navigation in complex cervical spine surgery: tips and tricks


Abstract and Figures

Stereotactic navigation is quickly establishing itself as the gold standard for accurate placement of spinal instrumentation and providing real-time anatomic referencing. There have been substantial improvements in computer-aided navigation over the last decade producing improved accuracy with intraoperative scanning while shortening registration time. The newest iterations of modeling software create robust maps of the anatomy while tracking software localizes instruments in multiple display modes. As a result, stereotactic navigation has become an effective adjunct to spine surgery, particularly improving instrumentation accuracy in the setting of atypical anatomy. This article provides an overview of stereotactic navigation applied to complex cervical spine surgery, details the means for registration and direct referencing, and shares our preferred methods to implement this promising technology.
J Spine Surg 2020;6(1):136-144 |© Journal of Spine Surgery. All rights reserved.
The intimate relationship between the cervical vertebra and
its surrounding neurovascular structures creates inherent
surgical challenges when operating on the cervical spine.
Accurate placement of spinal implants is critically important
to avoid iatrogenic complications and costly returns to
the operative suite. Screw breach places nearby structures
at risk, which has spurred critical appraisal of screw
placement using volumetric imaging (1). In an effort to
improve accuracy, there has been a surge of image-guided
technology. As a result, the use of stereotactic navigation has
become increasingly more mainstream. This is especially
the case when usual anatomic landmarks cannot reliably
orient the surgeon intraoperatively, as is the case with
significant trauma, severe degeneration, or developmental
The first iterations of the technology relied on
preoperatively acquired computed tomography (CT) scans
to map the patient anatomy (2-4). Intraoperatively, the
CT images were loaded to a navigation station and the
digital three-dimensional (3D) model was referenced to the
patient’s anatomy using a guided probe touching specific
anatomic landmarks (e.g., spinous processes) or externally
applied reference markers. This referencing method was
termed the “point merge technique”. The protocol worked
well for cranial surgery when the software needed only
register an immobile skull fixed in a rigid external frame.
However, as one would expect, alterations in spine position
on the operating table created considerable registration
Review of Techniques on Advanced Techniques in Complex Cervical Spine Surgery
Computer-assisted navigation in complex cervical spine surgery:
tips and tricks
Nicholas Wallace1, Nathaniel E. Schaffer1, Brett A. Freedman2, Ahmad Nassr2, Bradford L. Currier2,
Rakesh Patel1, Ilyas S. Aleem1
1Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Division of Spine Surgery, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA; 2Department of Orthopedic Surgery,
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA
Contributions: (I) Conception and design: IS Aleem, R Patel, BL Currier, A Nassr, BA Freedman; (II) Administrative support: All authors; (III)
Provision of study materials or patients: IS Aleem, R Patel; (IV) Collection and assembly of data: N Wallace; (V) Data analysis and interpretation:
N Wallace, NE Schaffer, IS Aleem, R Patel; (VI) Manuscript writing: All authors; (VII) Final approval of manuscript: All authors.
Correspondence to: Ilyas S. Aleem, MD, MSc. Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Division of Spine Surgery, University of Michigan, 1500 East
Medical Center Drive, 2912 Taubman Center, SPC 5328, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA. Email:
Abstract: Stereotactic navigation is quickly establishing itself as the gold standard for accurate placement
of spinal instrumentation and providing real-time anatomic referencing. There have been substantial
improvements in computer-aided navigation over the last decade producing improved accuracy with
intraoperative scanning while shortening registration time. The newest iterations of modeling software
create robust maps of the anatomy while tracking software localizes instruments in multiple display modes.
As a result, stereotactic navigation has become an effective adjunct to spine surgery, particularly improving
instrumentation accuracy in the setting of atypical anatomy. This article provides an overview of stereotactic
navigation applied to complex cervical spine surgery, details the means for registration and direct referencing,
and shares our preferred methods to implement this promising technology.
Keywords: Stereotaxic techniques; surgery; computer-assisted/instrumentation; cervical vertebrae/surgery; spine/
surgery; orthopedic procedures/instrumentation
Submitted Oct 30, 2019. Accepted for publication Nov 22, 2019.
doi: 10.21037/jss.2019.11.13
View this article at:
137Journal of Spine Surgery, Vol 6, No 1 March 2020
J Spine Surg 2020;6(1):136-144 |© Journal of Spine Surgery. All rights reserved.
errors and instrument inaccuracy when this technology was
applied to spine surgery (5). To compensate for changes
in vertebrae position, each level of interest would need to
be registered individually, adding substantial time to the
navigation set up. The advent of intraoperatively acquired
imaging dramatically improved accuracy and registration
times, transforming the technology from novelty to
standard practice. Now navigation systems use frameless,
integrated registration processes, which have reduced the
time to place an image-guided pedicle screw in half (5).
The literature describes several freehand and
fluoroscopically-guided methods of screw placement
(6-8), with reported rates of pedicle wall violation ranging
from 5.2–54.7% (9-11). Though errantly placed screws are
rarely clinically relevant (<5%), in the cervical spine the
screws place vital neurovascular structures at risk (9,12-16).
Computer-navigation is shown to decrease rates of pedicle
wall violation, lower operative times, and decrease the rate
of revision procedures (11,17-24). Despite the improved
accuracy, it is important to note that no form of navigation
has proven to decrease neurologic or vascular complications,
increase fusion rates, or improve pain or health outcome
scores (10,18,25).
This article describes the practicalities of stereotactic
navigation, details our methods for registration and
direct referencing, and shares tips on best practices for
this burgeoning technology, all with a focus on complex
cervical spine surgery using the Medtronic O-arm and
StealthStation (Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN, USA).
Several other systems are available including Iso-C
C-arm (Siremobil Iso-C 3D; Siemens Medical Solutions,
Erlangen, Germany) and NaviVision (VectorVision,
BrainLab, Germany), and our discussion should be
generally applicable as, to date, the systems have shown no
differences in pedicle screw placement accuracy (22,26-28).
Additionally, many instrumentation systems have been FDA
cleared for use with Medtronic’s Navlock Tracker system
on its StealthStation including Alphatec Spine Inc., Globus
Medical Inc., Orthofix Inc., among others. Each system
has its pros and cons, and every surgeon has his or her
individual preferences, but the principles remain constant.
The O-arm and SteathStation are only highlighted due to
our familiarity with the systems rather than any superiority
over other commercially available systems.
How it works
Stereotactic navigation systems will use CT or pulsed
fluoroscopic images (obtained either preoperatively or
intraoperatively) and an image processing software to
generate a volumetric model of the patient’s anatomy. Both
two-dimensional (2D) and 3D projections are available as
the surgeon and case requires. For 3D modelling, a series of
pulsed X-ray exposures are collected by an image intensier
that spins 360 degrees around the patient, and from these
images a reconstruction algorithm generates a 3D model.
The resolution of the voxel rendered image depends on
several factors including the image frequency and intensity
and rotational speed of the X-ray source.
Prior to image acquisition, a reference frame is rigidly
positioned with respect to the patient’s anatomy to permit the
navigation station to correlate the 3D image to points with
the patient’s position in space. Optical or electromagnetic
(EM) localization is used to detect the frame. With optical
tracking, a camera detects infrared light from optical markers
(either reflective spheres or light-emitting diodes attached
to the instruments and reference frame). Once infrared
light is emitted by the camera and reected off the spheres
(or emitted directly by LEDs), the system uses two camera
lenses to geometrically triangulate the spatial coordinates of
each optical marker and transmits the data to the navigation
software for computation. EM tracking works similarly but
uses an emitter, which emits a low-energy magnetic field
with unique field properties at every coordinate within the
eld. The instruments contain EM sensors which allow the
navigation software to identify the instrument’s location
within the field. Spine cases will normally employ optical
tracking rather than EM, as the navigation field for optical
tracking is much larger than that for EM tracking.
After receiving the localization data, the navigation
station processes the sensor data in real-time to compute the
position and angle of the surgical instruments in relation to
the registered model. For the software to correctly display
the instrument’s spatial location, the software must create
a map between points on the patient and points in the
images. This process is called registration. After registration
is complete, the computer uses the created map to identify
corresponding points between the image and patient. The
navigation station can then display the data in several forms,
including simultaneous axial, coronal, and sagittal images;
3D models; or 2D projections analogous to uoroscopy.
Method for employing stereotactic navigation
Room set up
The operating table must be selected to be compatible with
138 Wallace et al. Navigated cervical spine surgery
J Spine Surg 2020;6(1):136-144 |© Journal of Spine Surgery. All rights reserved.
the image acquisition system. In this case, a radiolucent
table with table supports at the head and foot are used
which allows the O-arm gantry to pass around a patient and
close the telescoping door (i.e., Jackson or Allen table). For
prone positioning, the patient’s arms are secured to their
sides to provide additional room at the head of the bed.
Whereas securing a patient’s arms at their sides typically
diminishes resolution of 2D radiography, 3D acquired
images are protected from this image degradation. If there
is concern about having sufcient space at the head of the
bed, the O-arm should be tested before prepping to conrm
that the appropriate placement is possible.
Next, attention should be turned toward room layout.
The O-arm, navigation station, and StealthStation take up
considerably more room than a standard uoroscopy unit,
and therefore, image-guided cases are ideally performed in
larger operative suites. For cervical cases, the StealthStation
is preferably placed at the head of the bed to ensure the
reference frame and instruments fall within the ideal
navigation eld (between 0.95 and 2.4 meters). However, if
the angle of approach for instrumentation favors the sensors
at the foot of the bed, this would supersede convention.
Ideally, the passive reference frame is transxed on the side
of the wound nearest the sensor. This prevents obstructing
the line-of-sight between the camera and reference frame
when using instruments within the navigation field. The
O-arm should remain on the side closest to the door, so it
may be removed when not in use. It need only be present
for a brief time during image acquisition, and therefore, a
single O-arm can support several simultaneous stereotactic
navigation cases if separate navigation stations are available.
Tracked instruments and the reference frame
With any image-guided system, special instruments are
needed, and costs scale with the number used due to the
disposable tracking spheres that must be attached. We
generally use the following tracked instruments for pedicle
screw placement: drill, tap, ball-tip probe, and screw driver.
For optical tracking, each instrument has a unique array
where reflective spheres are secured, which the infrared
camera then uses to track. These balls must be rmly set in
place (conrmed by a click). If not fully seated, the tracking
software will be unable to register or track the array. If the
spheres become dirtied, the infrared light will no longer
reflect and the tracking will fail. If blood covers a sphere,
wipe it with a moist sponge followed by a dry one to restore
its reective surface.
Selecting the method of transxing the passive reference
array is critically important to ensure accurate registration
of patient anatomy without obstructing the surgical field.
For cases involving the upper cervical spine, we prefer
to use a Mayfield attachment (Figure 1) when possible as
this provides a rigid position in relation to the spine while
remaining out of the surgical eld. The non-sterile post is
covered with a sterile clear plastic drape then the remainder
Figure 1 Setup for the reference array attached to the Mayeld. (A) A non-sterile arm connects to the back side of the Mayeld to provide
a mount point for the reference array; (B) the mounting arm is covered with a sterile clear plastic drape then brought through a hole in the
standard surgical drape. The hole in the surgical drape is closed off with a rubber band; (C) the reference array is inserted into the mounting
bracket by poking through the sterile clear drape.
139Journal of Spine Surgery, Vol 6, No 1 March 2020
J Spine Surg 2020;6(1):136-144 |© Journal of Spine Surgery. All rights reserved.
of the draping is performed as usual. The outer drapes are
cut over the sterilely-draped post with scissors that are
passed off the eld. The blue drape is secured to the post
with rubber bands and the frame is inserted through the
clear plastic drape into the post. If direct fixation to the
skeleton is required, the frame can be placed on the spinous
process of C2 for higher accuracy at the cost of crowding
the field. Alternatively, a spinous process clamp on T1
or T2 can be used for lower cervical levels. The spinous
process clamp minimizes the distance of the reference
frame to instrumented levels which optimizes accuracy, yet
the proximity of the frame to the working eld creates new
challenges. Instruments will have to circumvent the frame
while working in the wound, and if the frame is bumped,
the accuracy may degrade.
Before securing the reference frame to the patient,
register the instruments with the unsecured passive frame.
Registering the instruments after image acquisition
introduces risk of inaccuracy if the reference frame or
patient anatomy is inadvertently displaced by the process.
Because instrument registration confirms a known spatial
relationship between the frame and instrument arrays, the
frame does not need to be fixed to the patient. Thus, the
surgical scrub can register instruments at any time after the
StealthStation is set up.
Wound management
The entire exposure should be performed before securing
the passive frame. The surgeon should conrm the infrared
lenses can visualize the frame and instruments at their
desired levels and trajectories. If the frame and instruments
obstruct each other or the lenses cannot identify them
individually, the frame must be adjusted or moved to a
different spinous process.
The deep retractors can remain in the wound throughout
the case, including image acquisition. Leaving the retractors
in the wound limits the risk of inadvertently bumping the
reference frame while replacing them, saves some time,
and avoids potential motion within the registered anatomy.
However, this constant retraction risks potential tissue
necrosis and the retained retractors will blemish images
with metal artifact. When placing or removing retractors,
avoid contacting the passive frame to preserve the fidelity
of the system’s map. Special care should be taken when the
passive frame post is located at the apex of the skin incision.
The retracted tissues can tension the apex which will
shorten the length of the wound and distort the position of
the spinous process clamp after image acquisition.
Direct referencing
For cases involving multiple levels or spinal instability, we
use a “direct referencing” technique in order to repeatedly
verify accuracy of the map anatomy. To do so, we place
1.8 mm cranial plate xation screws strategically on lamina
across the planned surgical levels. These act as fiducial
markers. The locations are recorded and the screws
removed before decortication or wound closure. While
navigating, the screws create easily identiable and reliable
reference points. The fiducial markers should be used
to verify proper orientation of the images and accuracy
of the instruments (Figure 2). The system uses dynamic
referencing and will constantly recompute instrument
location using the reference frame. Throughout the case,
and particularly before key portions of instrumentation,
verify the accuracy and responsiveness of the tracking
system by using the probe to touch bony landmarks or
ducial markers at various points in the eld. Conrm these
points correspond to the correct position on the imaged
model. Should the accuracy degrade, the surgeon should
pause and re-register the system, abandon the process,
or use additional confirmatory imaging with fluoroscopy.
Occasionally, moving the reference frame closer to the
vertebrae of interest may improve accuracy.
Image acquisition
There are several techniques to prepare the surgical field
to ensure sterility and improve registration accuracy.
Commercial drapes are available for the O-arm to maintain
sterility during gantry positioning, but they incur additional
cost. We employ an alternative method to protect the
sterile eld. First, the wound is lled with sterile saline to
prevent tissue desiccation and minimize air-tissue contrast
within the image. Two three-quarter drapes are placed over
the patient, slightly overlapping and connected together
at midline with staples or clips. The reference array is
excluded from this draping and sticks out from between
the two drapes. A third drape or towel covers the reference
frame while the gantry positions itself and telescoping door
closes around the patient. This should be removed, and
gloves changed, to reveal the reference frame prior to image
acquisition. After all images are acquired and the O-arm
removed, the protective drapes are separated and discarded,
taking caution not to contaminate the field. Again, gloves
140 Wallace et al. Navigated cervical spine surgery
J Spine Surg 2020;6(1):136-144 |© Journal of Spine Surgery. All rights reserved.
should be changed after touching these protective drapes.
This setup preserves sterile environment below the drape.
With the O-arm in position, 2D scout images are
obtained to confirm the gantry is properly positioned. If
the levels of interest cannot be captured in a single spin,
then multiple spins can be performed without changing
the draping or frame. The occiput to T2 levels typically
requires no more than two spines. Spins should marginally
overlap to guarantee that all pedicles and lateral masses are
captured. The O-arm has two settings for image quality:
high-denition (HD) and standard. We use HD modes with
larger patients, when metallic implants are already present,
when retractors remain in place during image acquisition,
or when working at the occipitocervical or cervicothoracic
junctions. In standard mode, the rotor spins the X-ray
source at 30 degrees per second, acquiring images at
30 frames per second. In HD mode, the rotor spins at
15 degrees per second, effectively doubling the exposure
dose. If the recommended HD 3D dosing is selected
for a large patient (120 kVp, 240 mAs) for the smallest
field of view (20 cm), this will result in an exposure of
approximately 38 mGy. However, most other protocols
range from 10 to 20 mGy depending on the field and
dosing. If radiation exposure is a concern, a low dose mode
is available that will decrease the dosing by 35% from
the standard protocol. Once the image quality is selected,
anesthesia should hold respirations during image acquisition
(usually 14–28 seconds). After image acquisition, the O-arm
can be removed from the suite.
Image-guided instrumentation
After constructing the navigated image, instrumentation
can proceed. Decompression is deferred until after
instrumentation (or at least after preparing the screw holes)
because decompression initiates new bony bleeding, exposes
vulnerable neural structures, and risks decreased navigation
accuracy from displacing the spine from its imaged position.
Using anatomic landmarks, select a desired start point
and use the navigated ball-tip probe to conrm the proper
trajectory and depth to pass the drill through the pedicle and
into the vertebral body (seen on sagittal and axial planes)
(Figure 3). A projection from the tip of the instrument
assists visualization of the path the instrument will take
during advancement. Images are displayed on overhead
monitors or directly on the navigation station within clear
view of the surgeon while using the instruments.
The StealthStation screen can display up to four separate
images simultaneously (axial, sagittal, probe’s eye, 2D
uoroscopy, or 3D model). We routinely use the axial and
sagittal views (Figure 4). The axial view will confirm the
appropriate start point, guide midline angulation, and help
estimate depth. The sagittal view will assist in centering the
tool within the pedicle. The probe’s eye view is the least
helpful, but it shows a composite view in the coronal plane
along the axis of the instrument. Finally, the 2D and 3D
Figure 2 A small screw placed prior to the O-arm spin can act as a ducial marker to verify accuracy of the navigation system. The ball-
tipped probe is placed in the head of the screw, and the projection is conrmed to reect placement at this landmark.
141Journal of Spine Surgery, Vol 6, No 1 March 2020
J Spine Surg 2020;6(1):136-144 |© Journal of Spine Surgery. All rights reserved.
model views provide a more global assessment.
After an appropriate start point is identified with the
ball-tip probe, the dorsal cortex is burred to create a pilot
hole. The drill tip is positioned in the pilot hole. As the drill
advances, it is tracked on the navigated image in real-time
so minor adjustments can be made to center the drill within
the pedicle. The mapping software can modify the image to
overlay a simulated pedicle screw, which conrms the length
and diameter of the screw. On the navigation system, the
length of the prepared screw track is measured by placing
one cursor at the start point and another at the preferred
depth of insertion producing a display of the linear distance
between them. If the images differ from the preoperative
plan or intraoperative landmarks, the preoperative
measurements are preferentially used or position and depth
are veried with uoroscopic imaging.
We use a standard ball-tip probe to conrm the ve walls
were not breeched by the drill (lateral, medial, inferior,
superior, and the screw hole floor). The navigated ball-
tip probe can conrm drill hole depth is appropriate. The
hole is then tapped using a navigated tap, one millimeter
undersized from the intended screw. The probe again
confirms intact walls. The screw is then placed using a
navigated driver (Figure 5). Both handheld and powered
drivers are available. Powered insertion provides a steadier
navigated image, however current drivers are off-the-shelf
systems that have been adapted to attach a navigation array.
As such, these modified drivers tend to be awkward and
While inserting the screw, attention is given to the
capture between the driver and the screw head because it
can loosen during screw insertion and produce an inaccurate
display of the screw position. The connection between the
screw and the shaft of the driver is routinely retightened
during insertion. After completion of instrumentation,
Figure 3 The O-arm is brought in on the side of the patient
closest to the door with the eld covered by two drapes that leave
only the reference array exposed, and the arm is closed around the
patient without touching the drape.
Figure 4 The ball-tipped probe may be used to assess the anatomy and nd a safe screw trajectory. A projection from the tip of the probe
demonstrates the path of the planned screw.
142 Wallace et al. Navigated cervical spine surgery
J Spine Surg 2020;6(1):136-144 |© Journal of Spine Surgery. All rights reserved.
standard 2D fluoroscopic images confirm proper screw
position so any hardware complications can be identified
and addressed before closure. Typically, an O-arm spin after
instrumentation is not required unless a screw is close to a
critical structure or the native anatomy is so distorted that
uoroscopic imaging is ineffective.
Other indications
Beyond screw insertion, computer-assisted navigation can
be utilized in a number of other ways to aide complicated
spine procedures. The ball-tip probe is commonly used to
verify adequate decompression and to localize and measure
anatomic structures. Stereotactic navigation has found a role
in both short and long segment instrumentation. In some
studies, it has been shown to shorten implantation times
and decrease blood loss (17,29). Additionally, stereotactic
navigation clearly improves implantation accuracy. This
is most notable within the thoracic spine, where pedicle
breeches are reported as high as 47% (11,13,18,22,30).
These benets are offset by increased radiation exposure to
the patient and higher capital costs compared to standard
fluoroscopic or freehand techniques. Though the surgical
team benets from lessened radiation exposure, the patient
on average is subject to an effective radiation dose of 6 mSv.
Fortunately, this is a low dose exposure and should not pose
a specific carcinogenic risk (31,32). However, a standard
abdominal CT is ~8 mSv, and, by epidemiologic data, is
correlated with a small cancer risk. Therefore, the surgeon
should include an honest discussion of radiation risks in the
informed consent if the O-arm will be utilized.
ary and case example
A 25-year-old patient with Klippel-Feil Syndrome
presented to our clinic with signs and symptoms of
severe progressive cervical myelopathy. Imaging showed
numerous formation and segmentation abnormalities, as
well as anomalous vertebral artery anatomy. We undertook
a circumferential cervical decompression and fusion
consisting of C5–6 anterior cervical discectomy and fusion
surgery (ACDF) and posterior C1–T2 decompression and
fusion. We summarize below our steps with regards to use
of stereotactic navigation in this complex case:
(I) reference frame secured opposite to the Mayfield
clamp (Figure 1);
(II) after exposure, O-arm brought in for image
acquisition (Figure 3);
(III) identication of ducial markers to verify accuracy
(Figure 2);
(IV) navigated drill used to confirm screw start point,
followed by projected drill track and screw
placement (Figure 5);
(V) intraoperative uoroscopic imaging showed screw
placement along projected track.
Stereotactic navigation is a burgeoning technology that
has a proven benefit in certain situations. Provided is a
historical, theoretical, and methodological background to
permit an informed decision about using image-guidance
in practice. Navigated surgery requires constant vigilance.
Figure 5 The screw is inserted on a navigated driver so that a projection from the tip of the driver may be tracked as it advances into the
143Journal of Spine Surgery, Vol 6, No 1 March 2020
J Spine Surg 2020;6(1):136-144 |© Journal of Spine Surgery. All rights reserved.
Surgeons should not fall into a state of complacency when
using navigated instruments. Repeated accuracy checks with
direct referencing screws should be employed to verify the
navigation mapping has not degraded. If images deviate
from the preoperative plan or intraoperative landmarks,
the system must be re-registered or abandoned. Employed
correctly, stereotactic navigation is a powerful tool in
complex cervical cases, as described here, where traditional
techniques fall short.
Funding: None.
Provenance and Peer Review: This article was commissioned
by the Guest Editors (Lee A. Tan and Ilyas S. Aleem) for
the series “Advanced Techniques in Complex Cervical Spine
Surgery” published in Journal of Spine Surgery. The article
was sent for external peer review organized by the Guest
Editors and the editorial ofce.
Conflicts of Interest: The series “Advanced Techniques in
Complex Cervical Spine Surgery” was commissioned by
the editorial ofce without any funding or sponsorship. ISA
served as the unpaid Guest Editors of the series “Advanced
Techniques in Complex Cervical Spine Surgery” published
in Journal of Spine Surgery. The other authors have no
conicts of interest to declare.
Ethical Statement: The authors are accountable for all
aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related
to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are
appropriately investigated and resolved.
Open Access Statement: This is an Open Access article
distributed in accordance with the Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International
License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0), which permits the non-
commercial replication and distribution of the article with
the strict proviso that no changes or edits are made and
the original work is properly cited (including links to both
the formal publication through the relevant DOI and the
license). See:
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Cite this article as: Wallace N, Schaffer NE, Freedman BA,
Nassr A, Currier BL, Patel R, Aleem IS. Computer-assisted
navigation in complex cervical spine surgery: tips and tricks. J
Spine Surg 2020;6(1):136-144. doi: 10.21037/jss.2019.11.13
... Investigations have demonstrated high efficacy of CAN technology in complex anatomical surgeries such as thoracic pedicle screw insertion for adult spinal deformity surgery and cervical decompression in a patient with Klippel-Feil syndrome. 18,19 Recent research has showcased significant advancements in CAN technology, leading to improved accuracy during intraoperative scanning and reduced registration time. 18,20 These developments are driven by modeling software that generates detailed anatomical maps, and tracking software that localizes instruments in real time across multiple displays. ...
... 18,19 Recent research has showcased significant advancements in CAN technology, leading to improved accuracy during intraoperative scanning and reduced registration time. 18,20 These developments are driven by modeling software that generates detailed anatomical maps, and tracking software that localizes instruments in real time across multiple displays. 18,21 Consequently, stereotactic navigation has emerged as a valuable supplement for spine surgery, notably improving instrumentation accuracy in cases with atypical anatomy. ...
... 18,20 These developments are driven by modeling software that generates detailed anatomical maps, and tracking software that localizes instruments in real time across multiple displays. 18,21 Consequently, stereotactic navigation has emerged as a valuable supplement for spine surgery, notably improving instrumentation accuracy in cases with atypical anatomy. 18 Accurate instrumentation of the cervical spine is critical due to its proximity to vital structures such as the vertebral artery, nerve root, and spinal cord. ...
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Key Clinical Message Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH) involves spine ligament ossification. Computer‐assisted navigation (CAN) effectively aids complex surgeries, such as anterior cervical osteotomy, to alleviate progressive DISH‐related dysphagia. Abstract We describe a 68‐year‐old man with sudden onset dysphagia to both solids and liquids. Radiographic Imaging revealed DISH lesions from C2 down to the thoracic spine. The patient was successfully treated with CAN anterior osteotomy and resection of DISH lesions from C3–C6 and had complete symptom relief within 2 weeks post‐operatively.
... Indications for computer-aided navigation utilization during cervical surgery differ from those during thoracolumbar surgery. Although computer-aided navigation is more typically used in thoracolumbar surgery for threedimensional visualization, minimally invasive surgery, and pedicle screw implementation [15,16], it is used less typically in cervical surgery to assist surgeons with instrumentation in patients with atypical spine anatomy [17]. Therefore, costs, utilization, and demographics varied among the cervical and thoracolumbar populations in this study. ...
... For cervical cases utilizing computer-aided navigation, the rate of 90-day readmission increased substantially from 2.9% in 2015 to 27.0% in 2018. Computer-aided navigation is utilized in cervical cases involving typically complex spinal anatomy [17], such as C1-C2 deformity. Revision surgery readmission rates likely increased substantially from 2015 to 2018 because of the increased adoption of computer-aided navigation for complex cervical cases in patients with increased comorbidities. ...
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Study design: Retrospective national database study. Purpose: This study is conducted to assess the trends in the charges and usage of computer-assisted navigation in cervical and thoracolumbar spinal surgery. Overview of literature: This study is the first of its kind to use a nationwide dataset to analyze trends of computer-assisted navigation in spinal surgery over a recent time period in terms of use in the field as well as the cost of the technology. Methods: Relevant data from the National Readmission Database in 2015-2018 were analyzed, and the computer-assisted procedures of cervical and thoracolumbar spinal surgery were identified using International Classification of Diseases 9th and 10th revision codes. Patient demographics, surgical data, readmissions, and total charges were examined. Comorbidity burden was calculated using the Charlson and Elixhauser comorbidity index. Complication rates were determined on the basis of diagnosis codes. Results: A total of 48,116 cervical cases and 27,093 thoracolumbar cases were identified using computer-assisted navigation. No major differences in sex, age, or comorbidities over time were found. The utilization of computer-assisted navigation for cervical and thoracolumbar spinal fusion cases increased from 2015 to 2018 and normalized to their respective years' total cases (Pearson correlation coefficient=0.756, p =0.049; Pearson correlation coefficient=0.9895, p =0.010). Total charges for cervical and thoracolumbar cases increased over time (Pearson correlation coefficient=0.758, p =0.242; Pearson correlation coefficient=0.766, p =0.234). Conclusions: The use of computer-assisted navigation in spinal surgery increased significantly from 2015 to 2018. The average cost grossly increased from 2015 to 2018, and it was higher than the average cost of nonnavigated spinal surgery. With the increased utilization and standardization of computer-assisted navigation in spinal surgeries, the cost of care of more patients might potentially increase. As a result, further studies should be conducted to determine whether the use of computer-assisted navigation is efficient in terms of cost and improvement of care.
... The former, common in applications of neurosurgery, demands systems to track surgeons' instrument movements (Pivazyan et al. 2023). The latter, common in applications of spinal surgery, necessitates systems guiding instruments precisely to specific points on the patient's body (Wallace et al. 2020). In this context, instrument mobility is restricted with an emphasis on achieving greater precision. ...
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Computer-assisted surgical navigation systems have gained popularity in surgical procedures that demand high amounts of precision. These systems aim to track the real-time positioning of surgical instruments in relation to anatomical structures. Typically, state-of-the-art methods involve tracking reflective 3D marker spheres affixed to both surgical instruments and patient anatomies with infrared cameras. However, these setups are expensive and financially impractical for small healthcare facilities. This study suggests that a fully optical navigation approach utilizing low-cost, off-the-shelf parts may become a viable alternative. We develop a stereoscopic camera setup, costing around $120, to track and monitor the translational movement of open-source based fiducial markers on a positioning platform. We evaluate the camera setup based on its reliability and accuracy. Using the optimal set of parameters, we were able to produce a root mean square error of 2 mm. These results demonstrate the feasibility of real-time, cost-effective surgical navigation using off-the-shelf optical cameras.
... Intraoperative CT or fluoroscopy can be integrated into navigation systems, providing real-time feedback on the surgical progress and ensuring that the surgeon adheres to the preoperative plan [32]. Surgeons can make dynamic adjustments based on intraoperative imaging, enhancing adaptability to unexpected anatomical variations. ...
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Limb salvage surgery has revolutionized the approach to bone tumors in orthopedic oncology, steering away from historical amputations toward preserving limb function and enhancing patient quality of life. This transformative shift underscores the delicate balance between tumor eradication and optimal postoperative function. Primary and metastatic bone tumors present challenges in early detection, differentiation between benign and malignant tumors, preservation of function, and the risk of local recurrence. Conventional methods, including surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and targeted therapies, have evolved with a heightened focus on personalized medicine. A groundbreaking development in limb salvage surgery is the advent of 3D-printed patient-specific implants, which significantly enhance anatomical precision, stability, and fixation. These implants reduce soft tissue disruption and the associated risks, fostering improved osseointegration and correction of deformities for a more natural and functional postoperative outcome. Biological and molecular research has reshaped the understanding of bone tumors, guiding surgical interventions with advancements such as genomic profiling, targeted intraoperative imaging, precision targeting of molecular pathways, and immunotherapy tailored to individual tumor characteristics. In the realm of imaging technologies, MRI, CT scans, and intraoperative navigation systems have redefined preoperative planning, minimizing collateral damage and optimizing outcomes through accurate resections. Postoperative rehabilitation plays a crucial role in restoring function and improving the quality of life. Emphasizing early mobilization, effective pain management, and a multidisciplinary approach, rehabilitation addresses the physical, psychological, and social aspects of recovery. Looking ahead, future developments may encompass advanced biomaterials, smart implants, AI algorithms, robotics, and regenerative medicine. Challenges lie in standardization, cost-effectiveness, accessibility, long-term outcome assessment, mental health support, and fostering global collaboration. As research progresses, limb salvage surgery emerges not just as a preservation tool but as a transformative approach, restoring functionality, resilience, and hope in the recovery journey. This review summarizes the recent advances in limb salvage therapy for bone tumors over the past decade.
... The former, common in applications of neurosurgery, demands systems to track surgeons' instrument movements (Pivazyan et al (2023)). The latter, common in applications of spinal surgery, necessitates systems guiding instruments precisely to specific points on the patient's body (Wallace et al (2020)). In this context, instrument mobility is restricted with an emphasis on achieving greater precision. ...
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Computer-assisted surgical navigation systems have gained popularity in surgical procedures that demand high amounts of precision. These systems aim to track the real-time positioning of surgical instruments in relation to anatomical structures. Typically, state-of-the-art methods involve tracking reflective 3D marker spheres affixed to both surgical instruments and patient anatomies with infrared cameras. However, these setups are expensive and financially impractical for small healthcare facilities. This study suggests that a fully optical navigation approach utilizing low-cost, off-the-shelf parts may become a viable alternative. We develop a stereoscopic camera setup, costing around $120, to track and monitor the translational movement of open-source based fiducial markers on a positioning platform. We evaluate the camera setup based on its reliability and accuracy. Using the optimal set of parameters, we were able to produce a root mean square error of 2 mm. These results demonstrate the feasibility of real-time, cost-effective surgical navigation using off-the-shelf optical cameras.
To evaluate the accuracy and feasibility of robot-assisted cervical screw placement and factors that may affect the accuracy. A comprehensive search was made on PubMed, Embase, Cochrane Library, Web of Science, CNKI, and Wanfang Med for the selection of potential eligible literature. The outcomes were evaluated in terms of the relative risk (RR) or standardized mean difference (MD) and corresponding 95% confidence interval (CI). Subgroup analyses of the accuracy of screw placement at different cervical segments and with different screw placement approaches were performed. A comparison was made between robotic navigation and conventional freehand cervical screw placement. Six comparative cohort studies and five case series studies with 337 patients and 1342 cervical screws were included in this study. The perfect accuracy was 86% (95% CI, 82–89%) and the clinically acceptable rate was 98% (95% CI, 95–99%) in robot-assisted cervical screw placement. The perfect accuracy of robot-assisted C1 lateral mass screw placement was the highest (96%), followed by C6-7 pedicle screw placement (93%) and C2 pedicle screw placement (86%), and the lowest was C3-5 pedicle screw placement (75%). The open approach had a higher perfect accuracy than the percutaneous/intermuscular approach (91% vs 83%). Compared with conventional freehand cervical screw placement, robot-assisted cervical screw placement had a higher accuracy, a lower incidence of perioperative complications, and less intraoperative blood loss. With good collaboration between the operator and the robot, robot-assisted cervical screw placement is accurate and feasible. Robot-assisted cervical screw placement has a promising prospect.
Background To assess the accuracy of robot‐assisted Magerl screw placement and explore the factors affecting the accuracy. Methods A retrospective analysis of patients who underwent robot‐assisted Magerl screw placement was performed. The accuracy of Magerl screw placement was evaluated according to the Gertzbein and Robbins scale. Results 47 Magerl screws were placed in 24 consecutive patients. 32 Magerl screws were narrower than the C2 isthmus height and 26 of them were grade A. 15 Magerl screws were wider than the C2 isthmus height and all of them were grade B. Temporary fixation after decompression and a smaller difference between the C2 isthmus height and screw diameter were associated with a higher probability of cortical breach. Conclusion The accuracy of robot‐assisted Magerl screw placement was excellent. Temporary fixation after decompression and a smaller difference between the C2 isthmus height and screw diameter increased the risk of cortical breach.
Study design: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Objectives: To evaluate the accuracy of placement for cervical pedicle screws with and without the use of spinal navigation. Methods: A structured search was conducted in electronic databases without any language or date restrictions. Eligible studies reported the proportion of accurately placed cervical pedicle screws measured on intraoperative or postoperative 3D imaging, and reported whether intraoperative navigation was used during screw placement. Randomized Studies (MINORS) criteria were used to evaluate the methodological quality of how accuracy was assessed for cervical pedicle screws. Results: After screening and critical appraisal, 4697 cervical pedicle screws from 18 studies were included in the meta-analysis. The pooled proportion for cervical pedicle screws with a breach up to 2 mm was 94% for navigated screws and did not differ from the pooled proportion for non-navigated screws (96%). The pooled proportion for cervical pedicle screws placed completely in the pedicle was 76% for navigated screws and did not differ from the pooled proportion for non-navigated screws (82%). Intraoperative screw reposition rates and screw revision rates as a result of postoperative imaging also did not differ between navigated and non-navigated screw placement. Conclusions: This systematic review and meta-analysis found that the use of spinal navigation systems does not significantly improve the accuracy of placement of cervical pedicle screws compared to screws placed without navigation. Future studies evaluating intraoperative navigation for cervical pedicle screw placement should focus on the learning curve, postoperative complications, and the complexity of surgical cases.
Objectives: The main aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of minimally invasive stabilization with polyaxial screws-rod using neuronavigation and to assess accuracy and safety of percutaneous drilling of screw corridors using neuronavigation in thoracolumbar spine and compare it between an experienced and a novice surgeon. Study design: Feasibility of minimally invasive polyaxial screws-rod fixation using neuronavigation was first performed in the thoracolumbar spine of two dogs. Accuracy and safety of drilling screw corridors percutaneously by two surgeons from T8 to L7 in a large breed dog using neuronavigation were established by comparing entry and exit points coordinates deviations on multiplanar reconstructions between preoperative and postoperative datasets and using a vertebral cortical breach grading scheme. Results: Feasibility of minimally invasive stabilization was demonstrated. For the experienced surgeon, safety was 100% and mean (standard deviation) entry point deviations were 0.3 mm (0.8 mm) lateral, 1.3 mm (0.8 mm) ventral and 0.7 mm (1.8 mm) caudal. The exit points deviations were 0.8 mm (1.9 mm) lateral, 0.02 mm (0.9 mm) dorsal and 0.7 mm (2.0 mm) caudal. Significant difference in accuracy between surgeons was found in the thoracic region but not in the lumbar region. Accuracy and safety improvement are noted for the thoracic region when procedures were repeated by the novice. Conclusion: This proof of concept demonstrates that using neuronavigation, minimally invasive stabilization with polyaxial screws-rod is feasible and safe in a large breed dog model.
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Purpose: This study was conducted to compare the efficacy and accuracy of intraoperative navigation (O-arm or Arcadis navigation) and preoperative CT-based navigation in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) surgery. Methods: Sixty-seven patients with scoliosis were grouped according to the method of navigation used in their fixation surgeries. A total of 492 pedicle screws were implanted in 27 patients using intraoperative navigation, and 626 screws were implanted in 40 patients using preoperative navigation. We analyzed the postoperative CT images for pedicle violations using the Gertzbein classification. Results: There was no statistical difference in the accuracy of pedicle screw placement between two groups. However, in the apical region (the apex ± 2 vertebrae), the accuracy of safe pedicle screw placement (grades 0, 1) was significantly higher in the intraoperative navigation group than in the preoperative navigation group (94.8 vs 89.2%, respectively; P = 0.035). Intraoperative navigation significantly diminished medial perforation compared to preoperative navigation (P = 0.027), and the number of screws per vertebra that could be placed in the apical region was significantly higher in intraoperative navigation group (P < 0.001). In addition, the time required for the registration procedure and insertion of one pedicle screw was 11.3 ± 2.1 min in the preoperative group, but significantly decreased to 5.1 ± 1.1 min in the intraoperative group (P < 0.001). Conclusions: Both preoperative CT-based and intraoperative navigation systems provide sufficient accuracy and safety in pedicle screw insertion for AIS surgery. Intraoperative navigation systems facilitate pedicle screw insertion in the apical region and reduce registration time during AIS surgery which improves the efficacy and accuracy of pedicle screw insertion.
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Study Design Literature review. Objective Several studies have shown that the accuracy of pedicle screw placement significantly improves with use of computed tomography (CT)-based navigation systems. Yet, there has been no systematic review directly comparing accuracy of pedicle screw placement between different CT-based navigation systems. The objective of this study is to review the results presented in the literature and compare CT-based navigation systems relative only to screw placement accuracy. Methods Data sources included CENTRAL, Medline, PubMed, and Embase databases. Studies included were randomized clinical trials, case series, and case–control trials reporting the accuracy of pedicle screws placement using CT-based navigation. Two independent reviewers extracted the data from the selected studies that met our inclusion criteria. Publications were grouped based on the CT-based navigation system used for pedicle screw placement. Results Of the 997 articles we screened, only 26 met all of our inclusion criteria and were included in the final analysis, which showed a significant statistical difference (p < 0.0001, 95% confidence interval 0.92 to 1.23) in accuracy of pedicle screw placement between three different CT-based navigation systems. The mean (weighted) accuracy of pedicle screws placement based on the CT-based navigation system was found to be 97.20 ± 2.1% in StealthStation (Medtronic, United States) and 96.1 ± 3.9% in VectorVision (BrainLab, Germany). Conclusion This review summarizes results presented in the literature and compares screw placement accuracy using different CT-based navigation systems. Although certain factors such as the extent of the procedure and the experience and skills of the surgeon were not accounted for, the differences in accuracy demonstrated should be considered by spine surgeons and should be validated for effects on patients' outcome.
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A cadaveric study to determine the accuracy of percutaneous screw placement in the thoracic spine using standard fluoroscopic guidance. While use of percutaneous pedicle screws in the lumbar spine has increased rapidly, its acceptance in the thoracic spine has been slower. As indications for pedicle screw fixation increase in the thoracic spine so will the need to perform accurate and safe placement of percutaneous screws with or without image navigation. To date, no study has determined the accuracy of percutaneous thoracic pedicle screw placement without use of stereotactic imaging guidance. Eighty-six thoracic pedicle screw placements were performed in four cadaveric thoracic spines from T1 to T12. At each level, Ferguson anterior-posterior fluoroscopy was used to localize the pedicle and define the entry point. Screw placement was attempted unless the borders of the pedicle could not be delineated solely using intraoperative fluoroscopic guidance. The cadavers were assessed using pre- and postprocedural computed tomography (CT) scans as well as dissected and visually inspected in order to determine the medial breach rate. Ninety pedicles were attempted and 86 screws were placed. CT analysis of screw placement accuracy revealed that only one screw (1.2%) breached the medial aspect of the pedicle by more than 2 mm. A total of four screws (4.7%) were found to have breached medially by visual inspection (three Grade 1 and one Grade 2). One (1.2%) lateral breach was greater than 2 mm and no screw violated the neural foramen. The correlation coefficient of pedicle screw violations and pedicle diameter was found to be 0.96. This cadaveric study shows that percutaneous pedicle screw placement can be performed in the thoracic spine without a significant increase in the pedicle breach rate as compared with standard open techniques. A small percentage (4.4%) of pedicles, especially high in the thoracic spine, may not be safely visualized.
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Study design: Retrospective prognostic study. Objective: To evaluate whether patients with anatomical deformity due to scoliosis have a higher frequency of inaccurate pedicle screw insertion and related complications using the free-hand technique compared with those whose normal anatomy had been impacted by trauma. Methods: Consecutively treated trauma patients with otherwise normal anatomy (48 patients instrumented with 291 screws, group A) and scoliosis patients (24 patients instrumented with 287 screws, group B) were evaluated. Screw position on CT was evaluated using the classification by Gertzbein and Robbins with modification by Karagoz Guzey. (See web appendix at for complete classification description.) Images were examined by two fellows and one junior staff member none of whom participated in patient management. Screw position was determined by consensus. Results: In group A, five (1.7%) out of 289 screws were severely misplaced and 26 (9%) screws caused either medial (3.8%) or lateral (5.2%) cortical breeches. The other 258 (89.3%) screws were fully contained within the cortical boundaries of the pedicle. In group B, seven (2.8%) out of 256 screws were severely misplaced. Thirty-three (13%) screws caused cortical breeches, either medial (9%), lateral (2%), or anterior (2%), and 216 (84.3%) screws were fully contained within the cortical boundaries of the pedicle and the vertebra. Neurological complications were reported in one patient with scoliosis. No vascular complications were reported in either group. Conclusions: The percentage of incorrectly placed screws was similar in both groups, trauma and deformity patients. The presence of vertebral anatomical changes related to adult scoliosis was not associated with an increase in the screw-related neurological or vascular complications. [Table: see text] The definiton of the different classes of evidence is available on page 73.
Background context: Pedicle screws in spinal surgery have allowed greater biomechanical stability and higher fusion rates. However, malposition is very common and may cause neurologic, vascular, and visceral injuries and compromise mechanical stability. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the malposition rate between intraoperative computed tomography (CT) scan assisted-navigation and free-hand fluoroscopy-guided techniques for placement of pedicle screw instrumentation. Study design/setting: This is a prospective, randomized, observational study. Patient sample: A total of 114 patients were included: 58 in the assisted surgery group and 56 in the free-hand fluoroscopy-guided surgery group. Outcome measures: Analysis of screw position was assessed using the Heary classification. Breach severity was defined according to the Gertzbein classification. Radiation doses were evaluated using thermoluminescent dosimeters, and estimates of effective and organ doses were made based on scan technical parameters. Methods: Consecutive patients with degenerative disease, who underwent surgical procedures using the free-hand, or intraoperative navigation technique for placement of transpedicular instrumentation, were included in the study. Results: Forty-four out of 625 implanted screws were malpositioned: 11 (3.6%) in the navigated surgery group and 33 (10.3%) in the free-hand group (p<.001). Screw position according to the Heary scale was Grade II (4 navigated surgery, 6 fluoroscopy guided), Grade III (3 navigated surgery, 11 fluoroscopy guided), Grade IV (4 navigated surgery, 16 fluoroscopy guided), and Grade V (1 fluoroscopy guided). There was only one symptomatic case in the conventional surgery group. Breach severity was seven Grade A and four Grade B in the navigated surgery group, and eight Grade A, 24 Grade B, and one Grade C in free-hand fluoroscopy-guided surgery group. Radiation received per patient was 5.8 mSv (4.8-7.3). The median dose received in the free-hand fluoroscopy group was 1 mGy (0.8-1.1). There was no detectable radiation level in the navigation-assisted surgery group, whereas the effective dose was 10 µGy in the free-hand fluoroscopy-guided surgery group. Conclusions: Malposition rate, both symptomatic and asymptomatic, in spinal surgery is reduced when using CT-guided placement of transpedicular instrumentation compared with placement under fluoroscopic guidance, with radiation values within the safety limits for health. Larger studies are needed to determine risk-benefit in these patients.
Background context: Pedicle screws are routinely used in contemporary spinal surgery. Screw misplacement may be asymptomatic, but is also correlated with potential adverse events. Computer assisted surgery has been associated with improved screw placement accuracy rates. However, this technology has substantial acquisition and maintenance costs. Despite its increasing usage, no rigorous full economic evaluation comparing this technology to current standard of care has been reported. Purpose: Medical costs are exploding in a unsustainable way. Health economic theory requires that medical equipment costs be compared to expected benefits. To answer this question for computer assisted spinal surgery, we present an economic evaluation looking specifically at symptomatic misplaced screws leading to reoperation secondary to neurological deficits or biomechanical concerns. Study design/setting: Observational case-control study from prospectively collected data of consecutive patients treated with the aid of computer-assisted surgery (treatment group) compared to a matched historical cohort of patients treated with conventional fluoroscopy (control group). Patient sample: Consecutive patients treated surgically at a quaternary academic center. Outcome measures: The primary effectiveness measure studied was the number of reoperations for misplaced screws within one year of the index surgery. Secondary outcome measures included were: total adverse event rate and post-operative CT usage for pedicle screw examination. Methods: A patient-level data cost-effectiveness analysis from the hospital perspective was conducted to determine the value of a navigation system coupled with intra-operative 3D imaging (O-arm® Imaging and the StealthStation® S7 Navigation Systems, Medtronic, Louisville, CO) in adult spinal surgery. The capital costs for both alternatives were reported as equivalent annual costs based on the annuitization of capital expenditures method using a 3% discount rate and a 7-year amortization period. Annual maintenance costs were also added. Finally, reoperation costs using a micro-costing approach were calculated for both groups. An incremental cost-effectiveness ratio was calculated and reported as cost per reoperation avoided. Based on reoperation costs in Canada and in the US, a minimal caseload was calculated for the more expensive alternative to be cost saving. Sensitivity analyses were also conducted. Results: A total of 5132 pedicle screws were inserted in 502 patients during the study period, 2682 screws in 253 patients in the treatment group and 2450 screws in 249 patients in the control group. Overall accuracy rates were 95.2% for the treatment group and 86.9% for the control group. Within one year post treatment, two patients (0.8%) required a revision surgery in the treatment group compared to 15 patients (6%) in the control group. An incremental cost effectiveness ratio of $15,961/reoperation avoided was calculated for the computer-assisted surgery group. Based on a reoperation cost of $12,618, this new technology becomes cost-saving for centers performing more than 254 instrumented spinal procedures per year. Conclusion: Computer-assisted spinal surgery has the potential to reduce reoperation rates and thus to have serious cost-effectiveness and policy implications. High acquisition and maintenance costs of this technology can be offset by equally high reoperation costs. Our cost-effectiveness analysis showed that for high-volume centers with a similar case complexity to the studied population, this technology is economically justified.
Background Context Intraoperative imaging is essential in spinal surgery to both determine the correct level, and place implants safely. Surgeons have a variety of options: C-arm fluoroscopy (C-arm), portable X-ray radiography (XR), and portable cone-beam computed tomography (O-arm®). While these modalities have their respective advantages and disadvantages, direct comparison of radiation exposure for either the patient or operating room (OR) staff has not been made. Purpose To determine the amount of radiation exposure to patients and OR staff during spine surgery with C-arm, XR, and O-arm®. Study Design An experimental model to assess radiation exposure to operating room staff and phantom patient during spine surgery. Methods The study was supported by a grant from our institution. A plastic phantom was created to emulate patient volume and absorption scattering characteristics of a typical sized adult abdominal volume. Radiation exposure was measured with ion chamber dosimeters to determine entrance phantom exposure and scatter exposure at common positions occupied by OR staff for C-arm, XR, and O-arm® in typical image acquisition during spinal surgery. Results Single lateral(LAT)/posterior-anterior(PA) entrance patient radiation exposure for C-arm was on average 116mR/102mR; single exposure XR for LAT/anterior-posterior(AP) was 3,435mR/2,160mR; and single exposure O-arm® for LAT/AP was 4,360mR/5,220mR. O-arm® surface exposure LAT/AP was equivalent to 38/41 C-arm exposures and 1.5/2.4 XR exposures. The surgeon and surgeon assistant had higher levels of scatter radiation for C-arm, followed by O-arm® and XR. For the LAT C-arm acquisition, a 7.7 fold increase in radiation exposure was measured on the x-ray tube side compared to the detector side. The anesthesiologist scatter radiation level for a single acquisition was highest for O-arm®, followed by XR and C-arm. The radiologic technologist scatter radiation level was highest for XR, followed by O-arm® and fluoroscopy. Overall radiation exposure to OR staff was less than 4.4 for a single acquisition in all modalities. Conclusion Assessment of radiation risk to the patient and OR staff should be part of the decision for utilization of any specific imaging modality during spinal surgery. This study provides the surgeon with information to better weigh the risks and benefits of each imaging modality.
Object: Recent years have been marked by efforts to improve the quality and safety of pedicle screw placement in spinal instrumentation. The aim of the present study is to compare the accuracy of the SpineAssist robot system with conventional fluoroscopy-guided pedicle screw placement. Methods: Ninety-five patients suffering from degenerative disease and requiring elective lumbar instrumentation were included in the study. The robot cohort (Group I; 55 patients, 244 screws) consisted of an initial open robot-assisted subgroup (Subgroup IA; 17 patients, 83 screws) and a percutaneous cohort (Subgroup IB, 38 patients, 161 screws). In these groups, pedicle screws were placed under robotic guidance and lateral fluoroscopic control. In the fluoroscopy-guided cohort (Group II; 40 patients, 163 screws) screws were inserted using anatomical landmarks and lateral fluoroscopic guidance. The primary outcome measure was accuracy of screw placement on the Gertzbein-Robbins scale (Grade A to E and R [revised]). Secondary parameters were duration of surgery, blood loss, cumulative morphine, and length of stay. Results: In the robot group (Group I), a perfect trajectory (A) was observed in 204 screws (83.6%). The remaining screws were graded B (n = 19 [7.8%]), C (n = 9 [3.7%]), D (n = 4 [1.6%]), E (n = 2 [0.8%]), and R (n = 6 [2.5%]). In the fluoroscopy-guided group (Group II), a completely intrapedicular course graded A was found in 79.8% (n = 130). The remaining screws were graded B (n = 12 [7.4%]), C (n = 10 [6.1%]), D (n = 6 [3.7%]), and E (n = 5 [3.1%]). The comparison of "clinically acceptable" (that is, A and B screws) was neither different between groups (I vs II [p = 0.19]) nor subgroups (Subgroup IA vs IB [p = 0.81]; Subgroup IA vs Group II [p = 0.53]; Subgroup IB vs Group II [p = 0.20]). Blood loss was lower in the robot-assisted group than in the fluoroscopy-guided group, while duration of surgery, length of stay, and cumulative morphine dose were not statistically different. Conclusions: Robot-guided pedicle screw placement is a safe and useful tool for assisting spine surgeons in degenerative spine cases. Nonetheless, technical difficulties remain and fluoroscopy backup is advocated.
PURPOSE: Single center evaluation of the placement accuracy of thoracolumbar pedicle screws implanted either with fluoroscopy or under CT-navigation using 3D-reconstruction and intraoperative computed tomography control of the screw position. There is in fact a huge variation in the reported placement accuracy of pedicle screws, especially concerning the screw placement under conventional fluoroscopy most notably due to the lack of the definition of screw misplacement, combined with a potpourri of postinstrumentation evaluation methods. METHODS: The operation data of 1,006 patients operated on in our clinic between 1995 and 2005 is analyzed retrospectively. There were 2,422 screws placed with the help of CT-navigation compared to 2,002 screws placed under fluoroscopy. The postoperative computed tomography images were reviewed by a radiologist and an independent spine surgeon. RESULTS: In the lumbar spine, the placement accuracy was 96.4 % for CT-navigated screws and 93.9 % for pedicle screws placed under fluoroscopy, respectively. This difference in accuracy was statistically significant (Fishers Exact Test, p = 0.001). The difference in accuracy became more impressing in the thoracic spine, with a placement accuracy of 95.5 % in the CT-navigation group, compared to 79.0 % accuracy in the fluoroscopy group (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: This study underlines the relevance of CT-navigation-guided pedicle screw placement, especially when instrumentation of the middle and upper thoracic spine is carried out.
In this paper the authors' goal was to compare the accuracy of computer-navigated pedicle screw insertion with nonnavigated techniques in the published literature. The authors performed a systematic literature review using the National Center for Biotechnology Information Database (PubMed/MEDLINE) using the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) terms "Neuronavigation," "Therapy, computer assisted," and "Stereotaxic techniques," and the text word "pedicle." Included in the meta-analysis were randomized control trials or patient cohort series, all of which compared computer-navigated spine surgery (CNSS) and nonassisted pedicle screw insertions. The primary end point was pedicle perforation, while the secondary end points were operative time, blood loss, and complications. Twenty studies were included for analysis; of which there were 18 cohort studies and 2 randomized controlled trials published between 2000 and 2011. Foreign-language papers were translated. The total number of screws included was 8539 (4814 navigated and 3725 nonnavigated). The most common indications for surgery were degenerative disease, spinal deformity, myelopathy, tumor, and trauma. Navigational methods were primarily based on CT imaging. All regions of the spine were represented. The relative risk for pedicle screw perforation was determined to be 0.39 (p < 0.001), favoring navigation. The overall pedicle screw perforation risk for navigation was 6%, while the overall pedicle screw perforation risk was 15% for conventional insertion. No related neurological complications were reported with navigated insertion (4814 screws total); there were 3 neurological complications in the nonnavigated group (3725 screws total). Furthermore, the meta-analysis did not reveal a significant difference in total operative time and estimated blood loss when comparing the 2 modalities. There is a significantly lower risk of pedicle perforation for navigated screw insertion compared with nonnavigated insertion for all spinal regions.