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Alkaloids and Their Pharmacology Effects from Zanthoxylum Genus


Abstract and Figures

Zanthoxylum genus (Rutaceae) comprises about 212 species distributed in warm temperature and subtropical areas in the worldwide. Zanthoxylum species have been used in traditional for the treatment of tooth decay, snakebites, blood circulation problems, stomach problems, inflammation, rheumatic, and parasitic diseases. The chemical investigations of Zanthoxylum have been studied by many scientists over the world. Several classes of compounds have been isolated from this genus such as alkaloids, coumarins, and monoterpenes. Of these, alkaloids are the main components and play an important role in Zanthoxylum species. Alkaloids have been shown the potential promise about biological activities: cytotoxic, antimalarial, leishmanicidal, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiviral, and antibacterial activities. This chapter will focus on the structure elucidation and pharmacological activities of alkaloids from Zanthoxylum species. In addition, the absolute configuration of some alkaloids from Zanthoxylum genus will be also discussed.
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Alkaloids and Their Pharmacology
Effects from Zanthoxylum Genus
Nguyen Xuan Nhiem, Pham Minh Quan
and Nguyen Thi Hong Van
Zanthoxylum genus (Rutaceae) comprises about 212 species distributed in warm
temperature and subtropical areas in the worldwide. Zanthoxylum species have been
used in traditional for the treatment of tooth decay, snakebites, blood circulation
problems, stomach problems, inflammation, rheumatic, and parasitic diseases. The
chemical investigations of Zanthoxylum have been studied by many scientists over
the world. Several classes of compounds have been isolated from this genus such as
alkaloids, coumarins, and monoterpenes. Of these, alkaloids are the main compo-
nents and play an important role in Zanthoxylum species. Alkaloids have been
shown the potential promise about biological activities: cytotoxic, antimalarial,
leishmanicidal, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiviral, and antibacterial activities.
This chapter will focus on the structure elucidation and pharmacological activities
of alkaloids from Zanthoxylum species. In addition, the absolute configuration of
some alkaloids from Zanthoxylum genus will be also discussed.
Keywords: Zanthoxylum, Rutaceae, alkaloids,
C-NMR, circular dichroism
1. Introduction
Zanthoxylum genus is one of the biggest genera belonging to the Rutaceae family,
including 212 species in the world and widely distributed in the warm or tropic
temperate zones. Research findings showed that Zanthoxylum genus have many
interesting biological activities such as antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, antimalar-
ial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, tuberculosis, cardiovascular, and liver protec-
tive activities, especially cytotoxic activities. From the Zanthoxylum species, many
compounds have been isolated, including alkaloids, lignans, coumarins, flavonoids,
terpenoids, steroids, etc.; they are the specific classes of compounds in Zanthoxylum
genus. The main components presented in this genus are alkaloids and coumarins,
with significant biological activities, especially anticancer activities. In particular,
this genus contains high levels of benzophenanthridine alkaloids that not only shown
their potential cytotoxic in vitro but also their ability to inhibit tumor in vivo through
many mechanisms, resistant against many pathogenics including MRSA strain
(methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus)a bacterium caused dangerous infec-
tions in hospital [1] and also shown anti-inflammatory activity [2] (Figure 1).
2. Alkaloids constituents from Zanthoxylum genus
A total of 35 Zanthoxylum species have been studied and showed the presence of
alkaloids: Z. acanthopodium,Z. ailanthoides,Z. americanum,Z. arborescens,Z.
atchoum,Z. austrosinense,Z. avicennae,Z. bouetense,Z. budrunga,Z. bungeanum,Z.
caribaeum,Z. chiloperone,Z. clava-herculis,Z. colantrillo,Z. coriaceum,Z. culantrillo,
Z. cuspidatum,Z. dimoncillo,Z. fagara,Z. integrifoliolum,Z. lemairei,Z.
monophyllum,Z. myriacanthum,Z. nitidum,Z. ovalfolium,Z. paracanthum,Z.
procerom,Z. rhoifolium,Z. riedelianum,Z. rubescens,Z. schinifolium,Z. simulans,Z.
tingoassuiba,Z. usambarense, and Z. williamsii.
2.1 Benzophenanthridine
Benzophenanthridine alkaloids (151) were isolated from Zanthoxylum species.
Of these, nitidine (1), chelerythrine (2), and arnottianamide (48) were found in
almost Zanthoxylum species (Figure 2 and Table 1).
2.2 Aporphines and benzylisoquinolines, and furoquinolines
Aporphines and benzylisoquinolines, and furoquinolines (5275) were reported
from Zanthoxylum species. Magnoflorine (52), lauriforine (55), skimmianine (69),
γ-fagarine (70), and dictamnine (71) were found in Zanthoxylum species such as Z.
americanum,Z. bouetense,Z. budrunga,Z. caribaeum,Z. clava-herculis,Z.
cuspidatum,Z. dimoncillo,Z. fagara,Z. monophyllum,Z. nitidum,Z. ovalifolium,Z.
rubescens,Z. schinifolium,Z. simulans,Z. usambarense, and Z. williamsii (Figure 3
and Table 2).
Figure 1.
Photographs of the Zanthoxylum species. The images were obtained from
Alkaloids and Their Pharmacology Effects from Zanthoxylum Genus
2.3 Quinolines, quinolones, and quinazolines
There were 19 quinolines, quinolones, and quinazolines (7997) isolated from
Zanthoxylum species. They are mainly found in Z. simulans and Z. nitidum (Figure 4
and Table 3).
2.4 Indolopyridoquinazolines, acridones, and canthinones
There are 10 indolopyridoquinazolines, acridones, and canthinones (98107)
isolated from Zanthoxylum plants (Z. atchoum,Z. simulans, and Z. ovalfolium).
Figure 2.
The structures of alkaloids 151.
No. Compound names Sources Ref.
1Nitidine Z. myriacanthum,Z. williamsii,Z. clava-
herculis,Z. americanum,Z. bouetense,Z.
nitidum,Z. usambarense,Z. ovalifolium,Z.
lemairei,Z. atchoum
2Chelerythrine Z. williamsii,Z. monophyllum,Z. clava-herculis,
Z. americanum,Z. bouetense,Z. nitidum,
Z. usambarense,Z. simulans,Z. lemairei,
Z. atchoum
[48, 11,
13, 14, 17]
3Fagaridine Z. nitidum,Z. atchoum [6, 17]
4Isofagandine Z. nitidum [6]
5Terihanine Z. ovalifolium [10]
6Isoterihanine Z. ovalifolium [10]
711-Nitronitidine Z. atchoum [17]
8Sanguinarin Z. nitidum [11, 13]
9Methoxyfagaridine Z. atchoum [17]
10 9-Methoxy chelerythrine
Z. rubescens [5]
11 8-Methoxynorchelerythrine Z. nitidum [9]
12 8-Methoxysanguinarine Z. nitidum [19]
13 Norchelerythrine Z. nitidum,Z. simulans [17, 2023]
14 Decarine Z. nitidum,Z. simulans [13, 2024]
15 N-Nortidine Z. myriacanthum [23, 25]
16 7,9-Dimethoxy-2,3-methylen
Z. myriacanthum [25]
17 Zanthoxyline Z. rhoifolium,Z. nitidum [18, 26]
18 Noravicine [23]
19 Rhoifoline A Z. rhoifolium,Z. nitidum [13, 26, 27]
20 Rhoifoline B Z. rhoifolium [26]
21 6,7,8-Trimethoxy-2,3-methylen
Z. nitidum [11]
22 8-Methoxyisodecarine Z. nitidum [19]
23 Dihydronitidine Z. myriacanthum,Z. nitidum [3, 12]
24 Dihydrochelerythrine Z. coriaceum,Z. nitidum,Z. simulans [9, 1113, 18,
20, 22, 28]
25 5,6-Dihydro-6-methoxynitidine Z. nitidum [29]
26 6-Acetonyldihydronitidine Z. rhoifolium,Z. nitidum [12, 26, 30]
27 6-Acetonyldihydroavicine Z. rhoifolium [26]
28 6-Acetonyldihydrochelerythrine Z. rhoifolium,Z. nitidum [12, 18,
22, 23, 26]
29 (R)-8-(1-hydroxyethyl)
Z. nitidum [9, 23, 31]
30 8-Methoxydihydrochelerythrine Z. nitidum,Z. bungeanum [9, 13, 23]
31 8-Hydroxydihydrochelerythrine Z. nitidum [9, 13, 23]
32 Dihydrochelerythrinyl-8-
Z. nitidum [13]
Alkaloids and Their Pharmacology Effects from Zanthoxylum Genus
Until now, only a small number of this class of compounds have been published
(Figure 5 and Table 4).
2.5 Other alkaloids
Amines were mainly found in Z. coriaceum. But tryptamines were only found in
Z. nitidum. 16 amines and 6 tryptamines have been reported (Figure 6 and
Table 5).
3. Biological activities of alkaloids
The abundance and diversity as well as the valuable properties in terms of
chemical compositions and biological activities of the Zanthoxylum genus have
attracted the attention of many research scientists. The studies have shown that the
extracts and alkaloids from Zanthoxylum species have many valuable biological
No. Compound names Sources Ref.
33 Bocconoline Z. nitidum [18]
34 Carboxymethyl
Z. nitidum [18, 23]
35 6-Methoxy-7-hydroxydihydro
Z. nitidum [23]
36 6-Nitro-8-methoxy-7,8-
Z. atchoum [17]
37 8-(20-Cyclohexanone)-7,8-
Z. nitidum [31]
38 6-Acetonyl-N-methyl-
Z. lemairei,Z. riedelianum,Z. nitidum [14, 18]
39 Ethoxychelerythrine Z. nitidum [32]
40 Zanthomuurolanine Z. nitidum [33]
41 epi-Zanthomuurolanine Z. nitidum [33]
42 Zanthocadinanine A Z. nitidum [33]
43 Zanthocadinanine B Z. nitidum [33]
44 epi-Zanthocadinanine B Z. nitidum [33]
45 epi-Zanthocadinanine A Z. nitidum [22]
46 Oxynitidine Z. nitidum [17, 22]
47 Oxyavicine Z. nitidum,Z. ailanthoides [9, 11,
13, 22, 23]
48 Arnottianamide Z. nitidum,Z. simulans,Z. bungeanum,Z.
ailanthoides,Z. austrosinense
[13, 17,
49 Isoarnottianamide Z. nitidum,Z. myriacanthum [13]
50 10-O-demethyl-17-O-
Z. lemairei [14]
51 Integriamide Z. nitidum [13]
Table 1.
Benzophenanthridines from Zanthoxylum species.
activities: anticancer, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and
antioxidant activities. Many trials of biological properties of these species have been
studied and evaluated promising applications in medicine. However, the most
prominent compounds with cytotoxic activity in the genus Zanthoxylum are amides
and alkaloids.
3.1 Cytotoxic activities
In folk medicine, many species of Zanthoxylum are used as drugs to treat cancer,
such as: the people in Kakamega, Kenya use the leaves and roots of Z. gilletii to treat
breast and skin cancers [48]; fruits of Zanthoxylum species are used in Indians and
South Korea for chemopreventive effects [49, 50], while Cameron people use them
to treat anemia disease sickle erythrocytes [51] and Japanese people use as one of the
main components in the traditional medicine daikenchuto to treat gastrointestinal
and chronic diseases [52]. The chloroform-soluble fraction of Z. ailanthoides showed
cytotoxic activity against HL-60 and WEHI-3 cell lines with IC
values of 73.06
and 42.22 μg/ml, respectively [53].
The methanol, hexane, and chloroform extracts from Z. usambarense were eval-
uated for cytotoxicity against two breast cancer cell lines, MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7
and one brain tumor cell line, U251 using MTT assay [54]. The crude extract of Z.
setulosum collected in Monteverde, Costa Rica showed potent cytotoxic activity
(100% cells killed at 100 μg/ml) on three cancer cell lines, MCF-7, MDA-MB-231,
Figure 3.
The structures of alkaloids 5278.
Alkaloids and Their Pharmacology Effects from Zanthoxylum Genus
No. Compound names Sources Ref.
52 Magnoflorine Z. fagara,Z. williamsii,Z. monophyllum,Z. clava-
herculis,Z. americanum,Z. usambarense,Z. nitidum
[4, 7, 8, 34]
53 Cocsarmine Z. tingoassuiba [4]
54 Xanthoplanine Z. tingoassuiba [4]
55 Lauriforine Z. fagara,Z. williamsii,Z. clava-herculis,Z.
[4, 34]
56 N-methyl isocorydine Z. caribaeum,Z. coriaceum [28, 34]
57 Zanthoxoaporphine A Z. paracanthum [35]
58 Zanthoxoaporphine B Z. paracanthum [35]
59 Zanthoxaporphine C Z. paracanthum [35]
60 Liriodenine Z. nitidum [11, 13,
20, 22,
32, 36]
61 ()-N-acetylanonanine Z. simulans,Z. nitidum [21, 22]
62 N-acetyldehydroanonaine Z. simulans,Z. nitidum [21, 22]
63 Berberine Z. caribaeum,Z. monophyllum,Z. clava-herculis [34, 4]
64 Berberubine Z. nitidum [11, 13]
65 Coptisine Z. nitidum [11, 13]
66 ()-Usambarine Z. usambarense [7]
67 ()-cis-N-methylcanadine Z. usambarense,Z. nitidum [7, 8]
68 N-methylcanadine Z. coriaceum [28]
69 Skimmianine Z. dimoncillo,Z. caribaeum,Z. fagara,Z. williamsii,
Z. americanum,Z. rubescens,Z. bouetense,Z.
simulans,Z. nitidum,Z. atchoum
[4, 5, 17, 21,
22, 29,
34, 37]
70 γ-Fagarine Z. americanum,Z. simulans,Z. nitidum,Z.
[4, 21,
22, 24,
29, 37]
71 Dictamnine Z. budrunga,Z. ovalifolium,Z. nitidum,Z.
schinifolium,Z. avicennae,Z. acanthopodium
[10, 13,
29, 37, 38]
72 8-Methoxy dictamnine Z. rubescens [5]
73 Robustine Z. simulans,Z. nitidum [21, 24]
74 5-Methoxydictamine Z. ovalifolium,Z. nitidum [10, 29]
75 Haplopine Z. nitidum [37]
76 4-Methoxyfuro[2,3-b]
Z. nitidum [24]
77 Zanthonitidine A Z. nitidum [24]
78 (+)-N-methylplatydesmine Z. usambarense [7]
Table 2.
Aporphines and benzylisoquinolines, and furoquinolines from Zanthoxylum species.
and MDA-MB-468 [55]. The methanol extract of Z. avicennae inhibited the highly
metastatic HA22T liver cancer cell migration and invasion effects through PP2A
activation [56]. Most recently, the methanol extract of Z. alatum showed the apo-
ptotic activity on Ehrlich ascites tumor in Swiss albino mice [57].
A screening study of cytotoxic activity of the extracts from 11 species used as
salad in Korea showed that the methanol extract of Z. schinifolium had the strongest
cytotoxic against Calu-6 cell line with the IC
values <25.0 μg/ml, meanwhile the
methanol extract of Z. piperitum exhibited antioxidant effects through ability to
arrest radical DPPH. Through the results of this study, the authors suggested that
these salad vegetables can be used as functional foods to support cancer treatment
[58]. The linear fatty acid amides of the sandshool class are the major ingredient
found in seeds of Z. piperitum exhibited cytotoxicity in the A-549 cell line [59].
Glycoprotein from the seeds of Z. piperitum prevented damage to liver tissue caused
by N-nitrosodiethylamine in the experimental mouse model [49].
Thirteen benzophenanthridines were isolated from Z. nitidum by Wang et al.
[23]. The research indicated that 6-methoxy-7-hydroxydihydrochelerythrine
exhibited the moderate cytotoxic activity against A549, Hela, SMMC-7721 and EJ,
with the IC
values of 27.50, 37.50, 16.95 and 60.42 μM, respectively. 6-
Methoxydihydrochelerythrin and 8-(10-hydroxyethyl)-7,8-dihydrochelerythrine
also showed strong cytotoxicity when tested against the four human cancer cell
lines (A549, Hela, SMMC-7721 and EJ). These results suggested that benzophenan-
thridines may become a valid alternative of potential basis for new anti-
proliferative agents [23]. Methyl 7-(β-D-mannopyranosyloxy)-1H-indole-2-carbox-
ylate (126), methyl 7-[(3-O-acetyl-β-D-mannopyranosyl)oxy]-1H-indole-2-carbox-
ylate (127), and 2-methyl-1H-indol-7-yl β-D-mannopyranoside (128) were isolated
from the ethanol extract of Z. nitidum roots.Biological evaluation revealed that
these alkaloids possess significant cytotoxicities against all the tested tumor cell
lines with the IC
values of less than 30 μM [46]. Liriodenine (60) was the active
compound against the MCF-7, NCI-H460, and SF-268 cell lines with IC
values of
2.19, 2.38, and 3.19 μg/ml, respectively [22]. In addition, normelicopidine (101)
Figure 4.
The structures of alkaloids 7997.
Alkaloids and Their Pharmacology Effects from Zanthoxylum Genus
Figure 5.
The structures of alkaloids 98107.
No. Compound names Sources Ref.
79 Edulitine Z. simulans,Z. nitidum [21, 24, 37]
80 Lunacridine Z. budrunga [39]
81 Edulinine Z. williamsii,Z. nitidum [4, 37]
82 Tembetarine Z. fagara,Z. usambarense,Z.
[4, 7, 8]
83 (R)-(+)-isotembetarine Z. nitidum [8]
84 ()-Oblongine Z. usambarense [7]
85 Simulenoline Z. simulans [21]
86 Peroxysimulenolin Z. simulans [21]
87 Benzosimulin Z. simulans [21]
88 Zanthodioline Z. simulans,Z. nitidum [21, 24, 37]
89 Zanthosimuline Z. simulans [21]
90 Huajiaosimuline Z. simulans [21]
91 Zanthobisquinolone Z. simulans [21]
92 Flindersine Z. nitidum [22]
93 4-Methoxy-1-methyl-2-quinolone Z. nitidum [22, 24]
94 1-Methyl-3-(20-phenylethyl)-lH,3Hquinazoline-2,4-dione Z. arborescens [34]
95 1-Methyl-3-[20-(4-methoxyphenyl) ethyl]-lH,3H
Z. arborescens [34]
96 Arborine Z. budrunga [38]
97 2-(20,40,60-Trimethyl-heptenyl)-4-quinozolone Z. budrunga [38]
Table 3.
Quinolines, quinolones, and quinazolines from Zanthoxylum species.
from Z. simulans showed the cytotoxic activities against PC-3M, LNCaP, and Dd2
with the IC
values of 12.5, 21.1, and 18.9 μg/ml respectively.
Acridone alkaloid derivatives isolated from the roots and fruits of Z. leprieurii
showed the selective moderately active against two cancer cell lines, A549 and
DLD-1 in comparison to normal cell line, WS1 [60]. Liriodenine (60) was also
isolated from Z. nitidum and showed significant cytotoxic activity against three
human cancer cell lines, MCF-7, NCI-H460, and SF-268 with IC
values of 2.19,
2.38, and 3.19 μg/ml, respectively. A series of benzo[c]phenanthridine alkaloids
isolated from Zanthoxylum species showed significant cytotoxic activities:
huajiaosimuline (90) and zanthosimuline (89) isolated from Z. simulans showed
significant antiplatelet aggregation activity and induced terminal differentiation
with cultured HL-60 cells [61], 7,8-dehydro-1-methoxyrutaecarpine,
norchelerythrine (13), ethoxychelerythrine (39), 6-acetonyldihydrochelerythrine
(29), γ-fagarine (70), skimmianine (69), ()-matairesinol, and canthin-6-one
(106) isolated from the roots of Z. integrifoliolum exhibited cytotoxic activities on
two human cancer cell lines, P-388 and HT-29 (IC
values <4μg/ml) [62]. A new
benzophenanthridine-type alkaloid, rutaceline isolated from the stem bark powder
of Z. madagascariense and induced cell cycle arrest in the GO/G1 phase, decreased of
cells in S phase as well as induced DNA fragmentation in both cancer cell lines
(human colorectal adenocarcinoma (Caco-2) and the African green monkey kidney
(Vero) cell lines) [63]. Three others alkaloids isolated from the rhizome of Z. capense
exhibited strong anticancer activity in HCT-116 colon carcinoma cell line [64].
Nitidine (1), a specific compound in Zanthoxylum species: Z. myriacanthum,
Z. williamsii,Z. clava-herculis,Z. americanum,Z. bouetense,Z. nitidum,
Z. usambarense,Z. ovalifolium,Z. lemairei,Z. atchoum inhibited gastric tumor cell
growth, induced tumor cell apoptosis in vitro and effectively suppressed the vol-
ume, weight, and microvessel density of human SGC-7901 gastric solid tumors at a
dosage of 7 mg/kg/d (intraperitoneal injection) [15], suppressed the growth and
pro-apoptotic effects on renal cancer cells both in vitro and in vivo [16]. Nitidine
could inhibit breast cancer cell migration and invasion both in vitro and in vivo [65].
Chelerythrine (2) was found in Z. williamsii,Z. monophyllum,Z. clava-herculis,
No. Compound names Sources Ref.
98 3-Hydroxydehydroevodiamine Z. atchoum [17]
99 Dehydroevodiamine Z. atchoum [17]
100 Evodiamine Z. atchoum [17]
101 Normelicopidine Z. simulans [40]
102 Normelicopine Z. simulans [40]
103 Melicopine Z. simulans [40]
104 Melicopidine Z. simulans [40]
105 Melicopicine Z. simulans [40]
106 6-Canthinone Z. ovalfolium [10, 41]
107 5-Methoxycanthin-6-one Z. chiloperone [42]
Table 4.
Indolopyridoquinazolines, acridones, and canthinones from Zanthoxylum species.
Alkaloids and Their Pharmacology Effects from Zanthoxylum Genus
Figure 6.
The structures of alkaloids 108131.
No. Compound names Sources Ref.
108 Synephrine Z. fagara,Z. culantrillo [4]
109 Candicine Z. clava-herculis,
Z. americanum
110 Hordenine Z. coriaceum [28]
111 4-(2-N-methyltyraminyl)-(Z)-1,2-epoxy-2-ethylbut-
Z. coriaceum [28]
112 Fagaramide Z. rubescens [5]
113 -(2-methoxyethyl)-N,N-dimethyl benzenamine Z. nitidum [43]
114 (+)-Aegiline Z. coriaceum [28]
115 Alfileramine Z. coriaceum,Z. integrifoliolum [28, 44]
116 N0-demethylalfileramine Z. coriaceum [28]
117 N-demethylalfileramine Z. coriaceum [28]
118 N,N0-demethylalfileramine Z. coriaceum [28]
119 Culantraraminol Z. procerom,Z. colantrillo [45]
120 Culantraramine Z. coriaceum [28]
121 N,N0-demethylculantraramine Z. coriaceum [28]
Z. americanum,Z. bouetense,Z. nitidum,Z. usambarense,Z. simulans,Z. lemairei,
and Z. atchoum. Chelerythrine increased cellular ROS level, leading to endoplasmic
reticulum stress, inactivating STAT3 activities and inducing apoptosis in RCC cells
which were suppressed by NAC, a special ROS inhibitor [66]. Chelerythrine signif-
icantly reduced the gastric ulcer index, myeloperoxidase activities, macroscopic and
histological score in a dose-dependent manner [67].
Magnoflorine (52) could inhibit the apoptosis of the cells stimulated with TNF-
α/IFN-γ. Further animal experiments confirmed that magnoflorine significantly
attenuated the AD-like symptom and inhibited the AD-induced increases in IgE/IL-
4, as compared with positive control [68]. Doxorubicin effects on the inhibition of
migration and invasion of breast cancer cells was significantly promoted by
magnoflorine. Doxorubicin-induced cell distribution in G2/M phase was markedly
elevated when co-treated with magnoflorine. It is observed that apoptosis process
were enhanced through doxorubicin/magnoflorine combinatory treatment rather
than using doxorubicin alone through inducing Caspase-3 cleavage. In addition,
magnoflorine markedly promoted the role of doxorubicin in autophagy induction
by elevating light chain 3 (LC3)-II expression [69].
Liriodenine (60) was commonly found in Zanthoxylum genus. The effect of
liriodenine induced significant apoptosis and suppression of cell growth of the
MCF-7 cell line. The results indicated that the anticancer effects of liriodenine
suppress cell growth and induce the apoptosis of human breast cancer MCF-7 cells
through inhibition of Bcl-2, cyclin D1 and VEGF expression, and upregulation of
p53 expression [70].
Skimmianine (69) significantly inhibit the growth of non-small cell lung cancer
cells and markedly induce apoptosis in non-small cell lung cancer cells [71].
3.2 Inflammatory effects
Inflammation defines as the immune system responses to injury or infection
with foreign organisms such as bacteria and viruses. However, excessive chronic
inflammation represents the basis of inflammatory diseases including rheumatoid
arthritis, diabetes, and chronic hepatitis. Several research groups have reported the
No. Compound names Sources Ref.
122 Integramine Z. integrifoliolum [44]
123 Isoalfileramine Z. coriaceum [28]
124 N,N,N-trimethyltryptamine Z. nitidum [8]
125 N-trimethyltryptamine Z. nitidum [8]
126 Methyl 7-(β-D-mannopyranosyloxy)-1H-indole-2-
Z. nitidum [46]
127 Methyl 7-[(3-O-acetyl-β-D-mannopyranosyl)oxy]-
Z. nitidum [46]
128 2-Methyl-1H-indol-7-yl β-Dmannopyranoside Z. nitidum [46]
129 4,5-Dihydroxy-1-methyl-3-oxo-2-(trichloromethyl)-
3H-indolium chloride
Z. nitidum [43]
130 Zanthonitiside A Z. nitidum [47]
131 Zanthonitiside B Z. nitidum [47]
Table 5.
Other alkaloids from Zanthoxylum species.
Alkaloids and Their Pharmacology Effects from Zanthoxylum Genus
inflammatory activity of Zanthoxylum genus. In LPS-induced endotoxemic mice,
nitidine (1) increased IL-10 production, suppressed inflammatory responses, and
reduced mortality remarkably. In LPS-stimulated RAW264.7 cells and in peritoneal
macrophages from endotoxemic mice, nitidine significantly enhanced the activa-
tion of Akt, a critical signal transducer for IL-10 production, and inhibition of Akt
prevented nitidine from enhancing IL-10 production and ameliorating endotoxemia
[72]. Chelerythrine (2) markedly suppressed TNF-α, IL-6, and IL-1βproduction
and oxidative LPS-induced [73]. Chelerythrine was found to inhibit NO production,
pro-inflammatory IL-6 and TNF-αlevel in serum and gastric mucosal in the mice
exposed to ethanol induced ulceration in a dose-dependent manner [67].
Skimmianine (69) significanly decreased in the mRNA levels of TNF-αand IL-6,
which are upstream events of the inflammatory cascade. The levels of PGE2 and NO
and the activities of COX-2 and 5-LOX were also significantly reduced after
skimmianine treatment [71].
3.3 Antifungal and antibacterial activities
Besides cytotoxic activities, the Zanthoxylum species has also showed antifungal
and antibacterial activities. In traditional medicine, many Zanthoxylum species are
used commonly to treat skin diseases, purulent dermatitis, diarrhea, hepatitis and
nephritis. Aqueous-ethanol 90% extracts of leaves, roots, and stem barks of Z.
leprieurii and Z. xanthoxyloides inhibited the in vitro growth of Candida albicans,
Cryptococcus neoformans and seven filamentous fungi tested [74]. Ethanolic extracts
of the Z. fagara,Z. elephantiasis, and Z. martinicense showed antifungal activity [75].
Antifungal activity was also found in all extracts of leaves, fruits, twigs, bark, and
roots of Z. americanum [76, 77]. Canthin-6-one (106) and 5-methoxycanthin-6-one
(107) are major components in Z. chiloperone showed the broad-spectrum antifun-
gal activity [78, 79]. In addition, benzophenanthridines such as dictamnine (71),
γ-fagarine (70), 5-methoxydictamnine from Z. nitidum [29], liriodenine from
Z. tetraspermum showed significant antifungal activity [80].
The screening in vitro and in vivo activity against the tuberculosis bacterium of
compounds isolated from Z. capense showed that a benzophenanthridine alkaloid,
decarine (14) and a N-isobutylamide N-isobutyl-(2E,4E)-2,4-tetradecadienamide
exhibited antibacterial activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv (MIC
value of 1.6 μg/ml) [81]. 6-Acetonyldihydronitidine (26) and 6-acetonyldihy-
droavicine (27) isolated from the stem bark of Z. tetraspermum [80] and from the
bark and twigs of Z. rhoifolium and Z. tetraspermum [26], showed significant
antibacterial activity.
In particular, benzophenanthridine alkaloids from Zanthoxylum genus exhibited
strong activity against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRAS) such as:
dihydrochelerythrine (24) from Z. rhetsa [82], decarine (14), norchelerythrine
(13), dihydrochelerythrine (24), 6-acetonyldihydrochelerythrine (28),
tridecanonchelerythrine, and 6-acetonyldihydronitidine (26) from Z. capense [83],
bis-[6-(5,6-dihydro-chelerythrinyl)] ether, 6-ethoxy-chelerythrine, and 4-
methoxy-N-methyl-2-quinolone from Z. monophyllum [83], chelerythrine (2) from
Z. clava-herculis [31]. The polymeric proanthocyanidins from Z. piperitum also
showed antibacterial activity against MRAS [84]. 4-Methoxy-N-methyl-2-quino-
lone from Z. monophyllum exhibited significant inhibitory activity against MRSA
bacteria with the IC
value of 1.5 μg/ml [1].
Chelerythrine showed strong antibacterial activities against Gram-(+) bacteria,
Staphylococcus aureus, Methicillin-resistant S. aureus, and extended spectrum
β-lactamase S. aureus. Chellerythrine experiments on three bacteria resulted in
MICs were all 0.156 mg/ml. It suggest the primary anti-bacterial mechanism of this
compound could be originated from the destruction of the channels across the
bacterial cell membranes which lead to protein leakage to the outside of the cell and
its inhibition on protein biosynthesis [85].
3.4 Other biological effect
Besides above mentioned biological activities, the alkaloid from Zanthoxylum
plants also showed antivirus, cardioprotective, liver protective, antidiabetic, and
antimalarial activities. Benzophenanthridine alkaloids, 5,6-dihydro-6-methoxynitidine,
skimmianine, and 5-methoxydictamnine from Z. nitidum showed significant
antiviral activities against hepatitis B virus [29], decarine, γ-fagarine, (+)-
tembamide from the root bark of Z. ailanthoides against HIV with EC
<0.1 μg/ml [86]. Nitidine showed similar in vitro activity in CQ-sensitive and
resistant strains, and also a satisfying selectivity index (>10) when compared with
a non-cancerous cells line. Nitidine can be considered a potential anti-malarial lead
compound [87].
4. Structure elucidation of benzophenanthridine alkaloids from
Zanthoxylum genus
4.1 NMR methods
Benzophenanthridine alkaloids are the most popular class of compounds isolated
from Zanthoxylum genus. Structures of benzophenanthridines were elucidated by
configurations of these compounds were also determined by XRAY, and experi-
mental CD as well as calculated CD.
Study on the structures of benzophenanthridine from Zanthoxylum genus, we
found some following specifics: dioxymethylene group at C-2 and C-3, unsaturated
and saturated bond at N/C-6; some substitutions at C-6 such as sesquiterpenes.
Tables 6 and 7summarized
C-NMR characteristics of benzophenanthridine as
1.When dioxymethylene group at C-2/C-3,
C-NMR chemical shift was about
102.0 ppm.
2.The N-methyl group at N was confirmed by chemical shift about 50.153.0
ppm when the presence of double bond at N/C-6; chemical shift about
41.141.2 ppm when the presence of single bond at N/C-6.
3.When C-substitution at C-6, chemical shifts at C-6 appeared around 57.366.7
ppm (methine carbon).
4.The positions of methoxy groups at benzophenanthridines normally appear at
C-6, C-7, C-8, and C-9 with chemical shift around 55.762.8 ppm. Especially
when the presence of single bond at N/C-6, the chemical shift of methoxy
group at C-6 as 40.941.2 ppm.
5.When substitution groups at C-6 appear, they will have additional signals such
as sesquiterpene.
Alkaloids and Their Pharmacology Effects from Zanthoxylum Genus
4.2 Circular dichlorism
Circular dichroism (CD), a spectroscopic technique based on differential
absorption of left- and right-handed circularly polarized light, is ideally disposed to
analyze molecular structure, composition and interactions of chiral systems. Quan-
tum mechanical calculations based on density functional theory (DFT) and its time-
dependent formulation theory (TD-DFT) could be used to determine the theoreti-
cal chiroptical response of all the possible conformations of complexed-structures;
1 107.3 108.0 104.7 106.2 104.4 104.4 104.7 104.7 104.5 104.2
2 151.0 154.0 147.6 150.4 148.2 147.9 147.6 147.4 147.4 147.1
3 150.5 153.5 147.1 150.3 148.2 148.1 147.0 147.0 145.9 147.7
4 103.9 106.0 102.6 104.7 100.7 100.8 100.6 102.6 101.4 100.6
4a 132.6 123.0 121.1 121.2 126.9 128.3 120.8 121.0 120.0 126.2
4b 152.2 138.0 135.7 132.7 136.9 138.7 152.4 135.8 128.0 142.6
6 134.6 155.0 162.7 163.4 145.5 145.7 164.0 164.3 162.7 48.6
6a 134.5 122.0 119.8 129.2 120.6 121.4 135.9 119.0 126.4 126.1
7 109.7 110.0 150.3 147.0 144.1 142.1 106.6 108.6 145.7 146.0
8 154.2 155.0 152.8 151.1 149.4 147.5 148.2 149.6 148.1 152.2
9 161.4 160.0 118.0 127.0 120.5 123.5 131.1 153.5 126.4 110.9
10 105.6 105.0 117.9 119.1 118.6 118.5 102.6 102.7 118.6 118.6
10a 121.6 133.0 129.0 120.2 127.3 126.4 132.0 128.9 118.1 126.2
10b 128.3 119.0 117.3 126.4 120.0 120.0 116.8 116.7 123.7 123.7
11 120.0 144.0 118.5 117.9 118.4 118.5 118.5 118.3 118.7 120.0
12 131.9 128.0 123.4 132.1 127.6 127.0 123.2 123.2 127.1 123.6
12a 122.3 132.0 131.8 133.9 129.5 129.2 120.9 131.8 129.1 130.8
O 104.4 103.0 101.6 103.4 101.4 101.4 101.5 101.5 101.8 100.9
O 102.3
O 101.9
52.2 53.0 50.1 41.2
40.9 49.7 41.1 41.2 41.2
61.8 61.5 61.1 60.9
57.2 58.0 56.7 56.7 56.2 59.9 55.7
57.9 58.0 56.1
Solv. mmmm d d c c m c
Ref. [71] [17] [9] [19] [72] [72] [26] [26] [19] [72]
c, recorded in chloroform-d
; d, DMSO-d
; m, methanol-d
Table 6.
C-NMR data of benzophenanthridine alkaloids.
1 123.3 106.9 106.0 101.2 104.0 105.2 105.1 105.0 104.9 105.0
2 148.7 149.9 152.5 147.6 147.5 148.4 148.4 148.3 148.3 148.4
3 149.0 150.9 152.0 147.9 146.5 148.9 148.8 148.5 148.5 148.8
4 104.3 101.6 101.0 104.2 99.3 101.9 102.0 102.6 102.7 102.4
4a 123.8 128.8 130.5 131.0 123.1 132.1 132.1 132.0 132.0 132.1
4b 130.9 140.0 141.0 140.0 137.8 141.3 141.1 141.1 141.1 141.1
6 60.0 66.7 92.0 56.2 54.3 58.5 57.4 56.6 56.3 57.4
6a 123.5 126.0 121.0 126.2 121.3 131.1 131.1 131.5 131.4 131.3
7 100.4 149.3 112.0 146.7 149.5 147.0 147.0 147.0 147.0 147.1
8 147.5 154.4 150.0 151.9 143.8 153.0 153.0 153.0 153.0 153.0
9 148.2 114.4 150.0 111.3 116.0 112.1 111.8 112.0 112.0 111.9
10 106.4 121.4 110.0 119.1 118.7 119.3 119.3 119.3 119.3 119.2
10a 139.0 127.2 127.0 125.3 130.1 125.8 125.8 125.9 125.9 125.8
10b 127.0 126.7 119.0 123.2 127.4 124.8 124.8 124.8 124.8 124.9
11 119.6 121.9 144.0 119.6 119.5 120.7 120.7 120.8 120.7 120.7
12 110.4 126.7 121.0 123.5 123.6 124.4 124.5 124.4 124.3 124.4
12a 127.3 133.4 130.0 127.4 126.4 128.7 128.7 128.7 128.7 128.6
O 101.3 103.4 104.0 101.0 101.0 101.2 101.3 101.3 101.3 101.3
42.4 44.2 40.0 42.3 42.4 43.3 43.2 43.2 43.1 43.2
62.8 60.8 60.0 60.9 60.9 61.0 61.0 61.0
56.1 57.9 57.0 55.7 55.8 55.6 55.7 55.7 55.7
56.0 57.0
10148.4 69.3 53.3 47.2 48.2 42.6 50.7 47.9 47.3
20207.9 20.4 211.9 206.1 21.7 21.6 23.6 23.4 23.6
3031.5 41.8 30.0 30.8 30.8 29.9 29.5 29.4
4028.9 135.7 134.6 135.5 136.4 136.3
5023.8 128.2 128.2 126.0 125.2 125.9
6030.4 35.2 35.0 38.0 40.3 40.3
7044.6 44.6 46.7 46.5 47.1
8020.0 20.0 20.4 17.7 22.3
9032.4 32.8 34.5 36.3 36.2
10076.1 76.1 74.3 76.3 76.3
11043.1 43.0 44.1 44.2 43.4
12027.4 27.3 26.6 26.2 26.4
13015.9 15.8 15.6 15.4 15.4
14022.4 22.2 21.8 21.8 22.0
15023.0 23.1 23.2 22.3 18.2
48.1 48.3 48.7 48.4 48.3
Solv. cmmc dppppp
Ref. [30] [9] [17] [31] [14] [33] [33] [33] [33] [33]
c, recorded in chloroform-d
; d, DMSO-d
; m, methanol-d
; p, pyridine-d
Table 7.
C-NMR data of benzophenanthridine alkaloids (continued).
Alkaloids and Their Pharmacology Effects from Zanthoxylum Genus
by comparison with the experimental CD spectra. This approach can lead to the
elucidation of possible absolute structure in the absence of X-ray crystallography or
NMR data.
Van et al. isolated four new compounds from Z. nitidum. Of these compounds
130 and 131 have the same constitution. This suggested the aglycone could be
enantiomer. Thus, the absolute configuration at C-11 of 130 and 131 were elucidated
by the comparison of its experimental ECD spectra with those calculated spectra.
The TD-DFT calculated ECD spectra [47] of a pair of epimers (130a and 131a) are
shown in Figure 7. The CD spectra of 130 and 131 were found to be similar to 130a
and 131a indicating the absolute configuration at C-11 as Rand S, respectively.
Yang et al., isolated five novel dihydrobenzo[c]phenanthridine alkaloids,
zanthomuurolanine (40), epi-zanthomuurolanine (41), zanthocadinanine A (42),
zanthocadinanine B (43), and epi-zanthocadinanine B (44) from Z. nitidum [33].
The absolute configurations of these compounds were determined by XRAY and
also CD spectra.
Zhao et al. isolated a pair of new enantiomeric furoquinoline alkaloids,
zanthonitidine A (77) from Z. nitidum. There is no obvious absorption of electronic
circular dichroism indicated that zanthonitidine A was proposed to be a racemate
Figure 7.
Experimental CD and calculated ECD spectra of 130 and 131 (calculated spectra are shifted by 8 nm).
The figure was cited from Van et al [47].
Figure 8.
Two possible stereochemical structures of 77; experimental ECD spectra of (+)-77/()-77 and calculated
ECD spectra of (80R,9
0S)of77. The figure was cited from Zhao et al [24].
mixture. Thus, they used Chiralpak ID column chromatography to separate the
mixtures to obtain the enantiomers, (+) and (-)-zanthonitidine A. The absolute
configurations of the enantiomers were then determined by comparing the experi-
mental CD to the calculated ECD using TD-DFT of the Gaussian 9.0. By analyzing
ECD spectra at the same theory level, the absolute configurations of (+) and ()-
zanthonitidine A were evaluated as (80R,90R)-zanthonitidine A and (80S,90S)-
zanthonitidine A [24] (Figure 8).
Overall, experimental and calculated ECD spectra could play an important role
for determine absolute configurations of alkaloids from Zanthoxylum species.
5. Conclusions
Alkaloids are the main constituents of Zanthoxylum species, present in the fruits,
leaves, bark and root of plants. There are different types of skeletons of these
alkaloids, including benzophenanthridines, aporphines, benzylisoquinolines,
furoquinolines, quinolines, quinolones, quinazolines, indolopyridoquinazolines,
acridones, canthinones, amines and tryptamines; in which benzophenanthridines
are the main ingredient. Alkaloids from Zanthoxylum species have been displayed a
variety of valuable biological activities, such as antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral,
anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, cardiovascular protect and especially anti-cancer
effects. Some alkaloids of which shown their potential to become natural healing
agents, this has increasingly attracted scientistsinterest in the genus Zanthoxylum.
The data collected in this chapter has clearly shown that Zanthoxylum alkaloids with
abundance of chemical structures and a wide range of cytotoxic activities on many
the cancer cell lines. These could be good sources of potential cancer chemo-
preventive agents. Further studies should be carried out to know more clearly the
anticancer mechanisms of these alkaloids.
Conflict of interest
The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the
research, authorship, and/or publication of this book chapter.
Alkaloids and Their Pharmacology Effects from Zanthoxylum Genus
Author details
Nguyen Xuan Nhiem
, Pham Minh Quan
and Nguyen Thi Hong Van
1 Institute of Marine Biochemistry, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology,
Hanoi, Vietnam
2 Institute of Natural Products Chemistry, Vietnam Academy of Science and
Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam
*Address all correspondence to:
© 2020 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution License (
by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
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... Nitidine chloride ( Figure 3A) is a bioactive benzophenanthridine alkaloid found in species of the Zanthoxylum genus, particularly in Zanthoxylum nitidum (Hu et al., 2006;Cai et al., 2007). It was described to have anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic, and antifungal properties (Nhiem et al., 2020). Interestingly, this metabolite was reported to possess potent antitumor activities by inhibiting proliferation and inducing apoptosis in several types of cancer models (Chen et al., 2012;Liao et al., 2013;Fang et al., 2013;Cui et al., 2020;Nhiem et al., 2020). ...
... It was described to have anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic, and antifungal properties (Nhiem et al., 2020). Interestingly, this metabolite was reported to possess potent antitumor activities by inhibiting proliferation and inducing apoptosis in several types of cancer models (Chen et al., 2012;Liao et al., 2013;Fang et al., 2013;Cui et al., 2020;Nhiem et al., 2020). Since oxynitidine is the 6-oxo analogue of nitidine, we decided to test whether nitidine also depicts selective cytotoxicity against BRCA1-deficient cells. ...
... To explore the underlying mechanism of action associated to the SL-induction triggered by nitidine, we explored different hypotheses. While several biological properties were reported for nitidine (Reviewed in Nhiem et al., 2020), we focused on two main activities that might be responsible for its selective antitumoral effect in BRCA1-deficient contexts. On the one hand, it was described that nitidine disrupts AKT signaling (Fang et al., 2013;Cheng et al., 2016;Ding et al., 2016), which was recently reported to be involved in SL-induction in BRCA1deficient cells (Villafañez et al., 2019). ...
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Several plants from South America show strong antitumoral properties based on anti-proliferative and/or pro-apoptotic activities. In this work we aimed to identify selective cytotoxic compounds that target BRCA1-deficient cancer cells by Synthetic Lethality (SL) induction. Using a high-throughput screening technology developed in our laboratory, we analyzed a collection of extracts from 46 native plant species from Argentina using a wide dose-response scheme. A highly selective SL-induction capacity was found in an alkaloidal extract from Zanthoxylum coco (Fam. Rutaceae). Bio-guided fractionation coupled to HPLC led to the identification of active benzophenanthridine alkaloids. The most potent SL activity was found with the compound oxynitidine, which showed a remarkably low relative abundance in the active fractions. Further validation experiments were performed using the commercially available and closely related analog nitidine, which showed SL-induction activity against various BRCA1-deficient cell lines with different genetic backgrounds, even in the nanomolar range. Exploration of the underlying mechanism of action using BRCA1-KO cells revealed AKT and topoisomerases as the potential targets responsible of nitidine-triggered SL-induction. Taken together, our findings expose an unforeseen therapeutic activity of alkaloids from Zanthoxylum-spp. that position them as novel lead molecules for drug discovery.
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Abnormal production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) has been implicated in the physiopathology of neuronal cell death. Increased ROS levels are associated with exacerbated peptide aggregation, inflammation, and mitochondrial dysfunction, which facilitate the triggering of specific cell death pathways. Antioxidant molecules are potentially useful in the amelioration of neurodegeneration. In this regard, natural products are an invaluable source of antioxidants. Therefore, we investigate the antioxidant and neuroprotective activities of four Colombian angiosperm extracts. Antioxidant activity was evaluated by phytochemical assays using TLC techniques with Dragendorff reagent, ninhydrin, and chloranil in dioxane, NH 3 , Fast Blue, and FeCl 3 , together with bioautography using DPPH and β-carotene. In vitro neuroprotective activity, cell death, and ROS accumulation were evaluated by MTT and flow cytometry in the SH-SY5Y cell line exposed to paraquat and C2-ceramide. We found that Zanthoxylum rhoifolium Lam, Zanthoxylum martinicense , Nectandra membranacea , and Nectandra reticulata extracts have antioxidant activity higher than quercetin under a β-carotene bleaching assay and protect SH-SY5Y cells against paraquat and C2-ceramide associated with a reduction in ROS. In conclusion, these extracts have a strong neuroprotective potential, and the precise mechanism requires more evaluation.
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Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by irregularities in cell growth, which lack the reproductive control required by their original function. Despite efforts, most currently used cytotoxic drugs have various adverse effects on patients, thus new candidates in cancer therapy are urgently needed. Benzophenanthridine alkaloids are the main metabolites of the genus Zanthoxylum (Rutaceae), species distributed worldwide in almost all regions. Alkaloids have various proven biological activities such as antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and cytotoxic. However, in many cases the available sample quantities are not feasible to carry out multiple tests or they are very expensive due to their complexity. In this sense, computationally assisted rational drug design is a useful tool to predict the properties of molecules. This work reports the use of the free web platform PASS (Prediction of Activity Spectra of Substances) to explore the antineoplastic activity of 32 alkaloid structures as well as the mechanisms of action involved. The results obtained show that these molecules can activate the apoptotic cascade as well as inhibit key genes in oncogenesis, suggesting them as possible candidates for future in vitro studies.
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Zanthoxylum species (Syn. Fagara species) of the Rutaceae family are widely used in many countries as food and in trado-medicinal practice due to their wide geographical distribution and medicinal properties. Peer reviewed journal articles and ethnobotanical records that reported the traditional knowledge, phytoconstituents, biological activities and toxicological profiles of Z. species with a focus on metabolic and neuronal health were reviewed. It was observed that many of the plant species are used as food ingredients and in treating inflammation, pain, hypertension and brain diseases. Over 500 compounds have been isolated from Z. species, and the biological activities of both the plant extracts and their phytoconstituents, including their mechanisms of action, are discussed. The phytochemicals responsible for the biological activities of some of the species are yet to be identified. Similarly, biological activities of some isolated compounds remain unknown. Taken together, the Z. species extracts and compounds possess promising biological activities and should be further explored as potential sources of new nutraceuticals and drugs.
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Breast cancer is a leading cause of cancer death among women worldwide. Doxorubicin (DOX) is a broad-spectrum anti-breast cancer agent, but its clinical use is restricted due to irreversible tissue toxicity. Thereby, new therapeutic approaches are urgently required to promote the sensitivity of breast cancer cells to DOX. Magnoflorine (Mag), a quaternary alkaloid isolated from Chinese herb Magnolia or Aristolochia, has various biological activities, such as anti-inflammation, anti-cancer, and anti-anxiety. In the study, we explored the effects Mag on the sensitivity of breast cancer cells to DOX. We demonstrated that Mag strongly promoted DOX-induced anti-proliferative effects in breast cancer cells while not in normal cells. Mag addition markedly promoted the effects of DOX on the inhibition of migration and invasion in breast cancer cells. DOX-triggered DNA damage in breast cancer cells was further accelerated by combination with Mag. DOX-induced cell distribution in G2/M phase was markedly elevated when co-treated with Mag. Additionally, DOX/Mag combinational treatment significantly induced apoptosis in breast cancer cells when compared to DOX alone group through inducing Caspase-3 cleavage. Moreover, Mag markedly promoted the role of DOX in autophagy induction by elevating light chain 3 (LC3)-II expression. Combination treatment with DOX and Mag significantly inhibited the activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/protein kinase B/mammalian target of rapamycin (PI3K/AKT/mTOR) signaling, and promoted p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway. In addition, treatment with wortmannin (Wor, a blocker of autophagosome formation) markedly reduced DOX/Mag-induced p38 MAPK activation and LC3 conversion in breast cancer cells. Further, in MCF-7 xenograft model, DOX combined with Mag displayed a significant anti-tumor effect with little toxicity to organs such as liver, heart, kidney and spleen. These findings suggested that Mag promoted the anti-cancer effects of DOX to induce cellular apoptosis and autophagy in breast cancer cells.
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Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is a heterogeneous histological disease and it is one of the most common kidney cancer. The treatment of RCC has been improved for the past few years, but its mortality still remains high. Chelerythrine (CHE) is a natural benzo[c]phenanthridine alkaloid and a widely used broad‐range protein kinase C inhibitor which has anti‐cancer effect on various types of human cancer cells. However, its effect on RCC has not been fully elucidated. In this study, we evaluated the effect and mechanism of CHE on RCC cells. Our study showed that CHE induced colony formation inhibition and G2/M cell cycle arrest in a dose‐dependent manner in RCC cells. In addition, CHE increased cellular ROS level, leading to endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, inactivating STAT3 activities and inducing apoptosis in RCC cells which were suppressed by NAC, a special ROS inhibitor. We further found that both knockdown of ATF4 protein and overexpression of STAT3 protein could reduce CHE‐induced apoptosis in Caki cells. These results demonstrated that the apoptosis induced by CHE was mediated by ROS‐caused ER stress and STAT3 inactivation. Collectively, our studies provided support for CHE as a potential new therapeutic agent for the management of RCC.
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Four new alkaloid glycosides, zanthonitisides A–D (1-4), together with five known compounds (5–9) were isolated from the aqueous fraction of stems and twigs of Zanthoxylum nitidum (Roxb.) DC. Their structures were determined on the basis of extensive spectroscopic methods, including 1D-, 2D-NMR, MS, and CD data. All isolated compounds were evaluated for their cytotoxic activity against three human cancer cell lines, CT-26, MCF-7, and MKN-45. As results, compound 4 showed significant cytotoxic activity on MKN-45 cancer cell line with IC50 value of 7.4 ± 1.0 μM. Compound 9 exhibited moderate cytotoxic activity on all tested cancer cell lines with an IC50 values ranging from 34.7 to 44.7 μM.
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Chelerythrine (CH), is a kind of benzo[c] phenanthridine alkaloid isolated from plants such as Chelidonium, with pharmacological activities as antitumor, antibiosis and anti-inflammation. However, few studies have demonstrated whether CH could protect against lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced acute lung injury (ALI), and the underlying mechanism is also uncertain. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the anti-inflammatory effects of CH on LPS-induced ALI in mice and in RAW264.7 cells. In this study, we demonstrated that treatment with CH significantly ameliorated LPS-induced pathological changes in the lung. CH also attenuated LPS-induced W/D ratio, inflammatory cell infiltration. Meanwhile, LPS-induced Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), interleukin 6 (IL-6), and interleukin 1β (IL-1β) production and oxidative stress were markedly suppressed by CH. Furthermore, western blot showed that CH suppressed LPS-stimulated inflammation of RAW264.7 cells through activation of nuclear factor kappa-B (NF-κB) pathway. Knocking down of nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) led to the reduction of nuclear translocation of the NF-κB p65, which triggered inflammation. These experimental results provided evidence that CH could be a potential therapeutic candidate for the intervention of ALI caused by LPS.
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Background: Antimicrobial resistance was one of serious worldwide problems confused many researchers. To solve this problem, we explored the antibacterial effect of chelerythrine, a natural compound from traditional Chinese medicine and studied its action. Methods: The contents of chelerythrine from different fractions of Toddalia asiatica (Linn) Lam (T. asiatica) were determined. The anti-bacterial activities of chelerythrine were tested by disc diffusion method (K-B method). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), alkaline phosphatase (AKP), bacterial extracellular protein leakage and SDS-PAGE analysis were also used to investigate the antibacterial mechanism of chelerythrine. Results: Analytic results of High Performance Liquid Chromatography showed that the content of chelerythrine (1.97 mg/g) in the ethyl acetate fraction was the highest, followed by those of methanol fraction and petroleum ether fraction. The in vitro anti-bacterial mechanisms of chelerythrine from T. asiatica were assessed. Chelerythrine showed strong antibacterial activities against Gram-positive bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus (SA), Methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA), and extended spectrum β-lactamase S. aureus (ESBLs-SA). The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of chelerythrine on three bacteria were all 0.156 mg/mL. Furthermore, results suggested that the primary anti-bacterial mechanism of chelerythrine may be attributed to its destruction of the channels across the bacterial cell membranes, causing protein leakage to the outside of the cell, and to its inhibition on protein biosynthesis. Images of scanning electron microscope revealed severe morphological changes in chelerythrine-treated bacteria except control, damage of parts of the cell wall and cell membrane as well as the leakage of some substances. Conclusions: Chelerythrine isolated from root of Toddalia asiatica (Linn) Lam possesses antibacterial activities through destruction of bacterial cell wall and cell membrance and inhibition of protein biosynthesis.
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A pair of new enantiomeric furoquinoline alkaloids, (±)-zanthonitidine A (1), together with nine known ones (2–10) were isolated from the radix of Zanthoxylum nitidum. Their chemical structures were elucidated based on the extensive spectroscopic analysis. The racemic mixture of 1 was separated by chiral column chromatography, and the absolute configurations of (+)-1 and (−)-1 were determined by the comparison of experimental and calculated electronic circular dichroism spectra. Antibacterial activities of compounds 1–9 were evaluated, and compounds (+)-1, (−)-1, 3, 7 and 8 showed antibacterial activities against Bacillus subtilis, Enterococcus faecalis or Staphylococcus aureus. Graphical Abstract Open image in new window
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Liriodenine has wide pharmacological functions in phytochemistry, pharmacology and antitumor activities. The anticancer effects of liriodenine on the cell growth and apoptosis of human breast cancer MCF-7 cells, and the underlying mechanisms, are yet to be elucidated. Therefore, the present study investigated the anticancer effects of liriodenine on the cell growth and apoptosis of human breast cancer MCF-7 cells. We used MTT assay to measure cell growth, and flow cytometer and DAPI staining was used to analyze cell apoptosis. Then, Western blot analysis was executed to measure B-cell lymphoma-2 protein (Bcl-2), cyclin D1, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and p53 protein expression. The effect of liriodenine induced significant apoptosis and suppression of cell growth of the MCF-7 cells. Furthermore, the potential mechanism underlying its antitumor effect on MCF-7 cells may result from activation of caspase-3 activity, Bcl-2, cyclin D1 and VEGF, and promotion of p53 protein expression in MCF-7 cells. Therefore, the present results indicated that the anticancer effects of liriodenine suppress cell growth and induce the apoptosis of human breast cancer MCF-7 cells through inhibition of Bcl-2, cyclin D1 and VEGF expression, and upregulation of p53 expression. Therefore, liriodenine may be a potential therapy for the treatment of human breast cancer.
Aims: In Sheng Nong's herbal classic in China, Rhizoma coptidisa(RC) could be used to treat Atopic dermatitsb(AD), but its core ingredient(s) and mechanism remains unknown. The present study aimed to find out the ingredients against AD and expound its mechanisms. Materials and methods: Seven alkaloids were isolated from RC to compare the inhibition against HaCaT cells by MTT assays and apoptosis of cells stimulated with TNF-α/IFN-γ by flow cytometry. The effects of target alkaloids against AD were evaluated on DNCBc (2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene)-induced atopic dermatitis in mice. Key findings: Seven alkaloids were isolated from RC successfully. The results from MTT and flow cytometry indicated that among these alkaloids, only magnoflorine d(MAG) had no obvious toxicity on cells, but could inhibit the apoptosis of the cells stimulated with TNF-α/IFN-γ. Further animal experiments confirmed that MAG significantly attenuated the AD-like symptom and inhibited the AD-induced increases in IgE/IL-4, as compared with control (P < 0.01). Moreover, MAG reduced the low Δψme(mitochondrial membrane potential) in HaCaT cells. The results of western blotting proved that MAG inhibited apoptosis of keratinocytes through decreasing the expressions of CTSBf (cathepsin B), Cyte Cg (cytochrome C), Bid and caspase-3/7/8/9. Significance: Overall, MAG inhibited apoptosis by decreasing the expression of apoptotic pathway-related proteins, and laid a foundation for the study of AD mechanisms.
In the effort to identify natural products that regulate immunity and inflammation, we found that nitidine chloride (NC), an alkaloid from herb Zanthoxylum nitidum, enhanced IL-10 production in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated myeloid cells. While NC was shown to be capable of inhibiting topoisomerase I (TOP1), NC analogs that could not inhibit TOP1 failed to increase IL-10 production. Moreover, medicinal TOP1 inhibitors TPT and SN-38 also augmented IL-10 production significantly, whereas knockdown of TOP1 prevented NC, TPT, and SN-38 from enhancing IL-10 expression. Thus, NC promoted IL-10 production by inhibiting TOP1. In LPS-induced endotoxemic mice, NC and TOP1 inhibitors increased IL-10 production, suppressed inflammatory responses, and reduced mortality remarkably. The anti-inflammatory activities of TOP1 inhibition were markedly reduced by IL-10-neutralizing antibody and largely absent in IL-10-deficient mice. In LPS-stimulated RAW264.7 cells and in peritoneal macrophages from endotoxemic mice, NC and TOP1 inhibitors significantly enhanced the activation of Akt, a critical signal transducer for IL-10 production, and inhibition of Akt prevented these compounds from enhancing IL-10 production and ameliorating endotoxemia. These data indicated that NC and TOP1 inhibitors are able to exert anti-inflammatory action through enhancing Akt-mediated IL-10 production and may assist with the treatment of inflammatory diseases.