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  • Royal Global University

Abstract and Figures

The present study "Transparency and Adaptability of Heterogeneous Computer networks" deals with the study of specially two protocols TCP/IP and IPv6. The two protocols differ in their structures and features. The proposed study entitled "Transparency and Adaptability of Heterogeneous computer networks" is basically an analysis of protocols of different environments such as TCP/IP and IPv6. The proposed study deals in mapping from TCP/IP to IPv6 and vice versa. The mapping is done for frame formats and error detection. In this study the mapping of frame format is done by using C++ language. The error detection and correction is done by using Hamming Code technique and C++ language. So, this paper outlines the various features of TCP/IP and IPv6 protocol environment and the mapping from TCP/IP to IPv6 and vice versa considering the two components frame format and error detection.
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IRACST - International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology & Security (IJCSITS), ISSN: 2249-9555
Vol. 2, No.6, December 2012
Anupam Das, Department of Computer Science & IT, Cotton College, Guwahati, Assam, India
The present study “Transparency and Adaptability
of Heterogeneous Computer networks” deals with
the study of specially two protocols TCP/IP and
IPv6. The two protocols differ in their structures
and features. The proposed study entitled
“Transparency and Adaptability of Heterogeneous
computer networks” is basically an analysis of
protocols of different environments such as TCP/IP
and IPv6. The proposed study deals in mapping
from TCP/IP to IPv6 and vice versa. The mapping
is done for frame formats and error detection. In
this study the mapping of frame format is done by
using C++ language. The error detection and
correction is done by using Hamming Code
technique and C++ language. So, this paper
outlines the various features of TCP/IP and IPv6
protocol environment and the mapping from
TCP/IP to IPv6 and vice versa considering the two
components frame format and error detection.
Transparency, Heterogeneous-networks, TCP/IP-
Protocol, IPv6-Protocol, Hamming-Code,
Network-Transparency, Location-Transparency,
Large scale shared internet-works are difficult to
design but they provide a unified application and
usability for easy operations. These systems are
built using multistage processor-memory nodes that
are connected through interconnection network,
such as torus, hypercube or multistage
interconnection network (MIN), in a distributed
shared memory organization. The performance
evaluation of such multistage interconnection
network either in homogeneous or in a
heterogeneous condition has been an active area of
research in recent years. This has contributed to the
advances in the design and implementation of the
internet-works to a great extent. However, these
advances have made the networks much more
complex and now it is difficult to capture all the
details of a network into simple analytical and
simulated model. The effect of all these advances in
the interconnection networks has to be judged from
the real changes in the execution time on network
flow and applications.
Network Ttransparency means an environment
when networks with different protocol, architecture,
speed, Band-width, topology etc communicate or
transfer data among them without any hazards or
information transferring problem. For example, Sun
Microsystem's NFS, which has become a de facto
industry standard, provides access to shared files
through an interface called the Virtual File System
(VFS) that runs on top of TCP/IP. Users can
manipulate shared files as if they were stored
locally on the user's own hard disk.
In computer networks location transparency
describes names used to identify network resources
independent of both the user's location and the
resource location. A distributed system will need to
employ a networked scheme for naming resources.
In other words it is an idea that the resources can be
accessed by a user from anywhere on the network
without knowing where the resource is located. A
file could be on the user's own PC, or thousands of
miles away on other servers.
IRACST - International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology & Security (IJCSITS), ISSN: 2249-9555
Vol. 2, No.6, December 2012
Any change in a computing system, such as new
feature or new component, is transparent if the
system after change adheres to previous external
interface as much as possible while changing its
internal behaviour. The purpose is to shield from
change all systems (or human users) on the other
end of the interface. Confusingly, the term refers to
overall invisibility of the component; it does not
refer to visibility of component's internals (as in
white box or open system). The term transparent is
widely used in computing marketing in substitution
of the term invisible, since the term invisible has a
bad connotation (usually seen as something that the
user can't see and has no control over) while the
term transparent has a good connotation (usually
associated with not hiding anything). The vast
majority of the times, the term transparent is used
in a misleading way to refer to the actual
invisibility of a computing process. The term is
used particularly often with regard to an abstraction
layer that is invisible either from its upper or lower
neighbouring layer. Also temporarily used later
around 1969 in IBM and Honeywell programming
manuals the term referred to a certain programming
technique. An application code was transparent
when it was clear of the low-level detail (such as
device-specific management) and contained only
the logic solving a main problem. It was achieved
through encapsulation - putting the code into
modules that hid internal details, making them
invisible for the main application.
Transparency means that any form of distributed
system should hide its distributed nature from its
users, appearing and functioning as a normal
centralized system. There are many types of
Access transparency - Regardless of how
resource access and representation has to be
performed on each individual computing entity,
the users of a distributed system should always
access resources in a single, uniform way.
Location transparency - Users of a distributed
system should not have to be aware of where a
resource is physically located.
Migration transparency - Users should not be
aware of whether a resource or computing
entity possesses the ability to move to a
different physical or logical location.
Relocation transparency - Should a resource
move while in use, this should not be
noticeable to the end user.
Replication transparency - If a resource is
replicated among several locations, it should
appear to the user as a single resource.
Concurrent transparency - While multiple
users may compete for and share a single
resource, this should not be apparent to any of
Failure transparency - Always try to hide any
failure and recovery of computing entities and
Persistence transparency - Whether a
resource lies in volatile or permanent memory
should make no difference to the user.
Security transparency - Negotiation of
cryptographically secure access of resources
must require a minimum of user intervention,
or users will circumvent the security in
preference of productivity.
The degree to which these properties can or
should be achieved may vary widely. Not every
system can or should hide everything from its
users. For instance, due to the existence of a fixed
and finite speed of light there will always be
more latency on accessing remote resources. If
one expects real-time interaction with the
distributed system, this may be very noticeable.
TCP is based on concepts first described
by Cerf and Kahn. The TCP fits into a layered
protocol architecture just above a basic Internet
Protocol which provides a way for the TCP to
send and receive variable-length segments of
information enclosed in internet datagram
"envelopes". The internet datagram provides a
means for addressing source and destination
TCPs in different networks. The internet protocol
also deals with any fragmentation or reassembly
of the TCP segments required to achieve
transport and delivery through multiple networks
and interconnecting gateways.
IRACST - International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology & Security (IJCSITS), ISSN: 2249-9555
Vol. 2, No.6, December 2012
1.3.1 SCOPE
The TCP is intended to provide a reliable
process-to-process communication service in a
multi-network environment. The TCP is
intended to be a host-to-host protocol in
common use in multiple networks.
Transmission is made reliable via the use of
sequence numbers and acknowledgments.
Conceptually, each octet of data is assigned a
sequence number. The sequence number of the
first octet of data in a segment is transmitted
with that segment and is called the segment
sequence number. Segments also carry an
acknowledgment number which is the sequence
number of the next expected data octet of
transmissions in the reverse direction. When
the TCP transmits a segment containing data, it
puts a copy on a retransmission queue and
starts a timer; when the acknowledgment for
that data is received, the segment is deleted
from the queue. If the acknowledgment is not
received before the timer runs out, the segment
is retransmitted. An acknowledgment by TCP
does not guarantee that the data has been
delivered to the end user, but only that the
receiving TCP has taken the responsibility to
do so. To govern the flow of data between
TCPs, a flow control mechanism is employed.
The receiving TCP reports a "window" to the
sending TCP. This window specifies the
number of octets, starting with the
acknowledgment number, that the receiving
TCP is currently prepared to receive.
TCP segments are sent as internet datagrams.
The Internet Protocol header carries several
information fields, including the source and
destination host addresses. A TCP header
follows the internet header, supplying
information specific to the TCP protocol. This
division allows for the existence of host level
protocols other than TCP.
Figure-TCP Header Format
The checksum field is the 16 bit one's
complement of the one's complement sum of all
16 bit words in the header and text. If a
segment contains an odd number of header and
text octets to be check summed, the last octet is
padded on the right with zeros to form a 16 bit
word for checksum purposes. The pad is not
transmitted as part of the segment. While
computing the checksum, the checksum field
itself is replaced with zeros.
Figure-TCP/IP Frame Format
The TCP interfaces on one side to user or
application processes and on the other side to a
IRACST - International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology & Security (IJCSITS), ISSN: 2249-9555
Vol. 2, No.6, December 2012
lower level protocol such as Internet Protocol.
The interface between an application process
and the TCP is illustrated in reasonable detail.
This interface consists of a set of calls much
like the calls an operating system provides to an
application process for manipulating files. For
example, there are calls to open and close
connections and to send and receive data on
established connections. It is also expected that
the TCP can asynchronously communicate with
application programs. Although considerable
freedom is permitted to TCP implementers to
design interfaces which are appropriate to a
particular operating system environment, a
minimum functionality is required at the
TCP/user interface for any valid
implementation. The interface between TCP
and lower level protocol is essentially
unspecified except that it is assumed there is a
mechanism whereby the two levels can
asynchronously pass information to each other.
Typically, one expects the lower level protocol
to specify this interface. TCP is designed to
work in a very general environment of
interconnected networks. The lower level
protocol which is assumed throughout this
document is the Internet Protocol.
As noted above, the primary purpose of the
TCP is to provide reliable, securable logical
circuit or connection service between pairs of
processes. To provide this service on top of a
less reliable internet communication system
requires facilities in the following areas:
Basic Data Transfer, Reliability, Flow Control,
Multiplexing, Connections, Precedence and
Security The basic operation of the TCP in each
of these areas is described in the following
The following diagram illustrates the place of
the TCP in the protocol hierarchy:
Figure-Protocol Relationship
It is expected that the TCP will be able to
support higher level protocols efficiently. It
should be easy to interface higher level
protocols like the ARPANET Telnet or
To identify the separate data streams that a TCP
may handle, the TCP provides a port identifier.
Since port identifiers are selected
independently by each TCP they might not be
unique. To provide for unique addresses within
each TCP, we concatenate an internet address
identifying the TCP with a port identifier to
create a socket which will be unique throughout
all networks connected together. A connection
is fully specified by the pair of sockets at the
ends. A local socket may participate in many
connections to different foreign sockets. A
connection can be used to carry data in both
directions, that is, it is "full duplex". TCPs are
free to associate ports with processes however
they choose. However, several basic concepts
are necessary in any implementation. There
must be well-known sockets which the TCP
associates only with the "appropriate"
processes by some means.
The data that flows on a connection may be
thought of as a stream of octets. The sending
user indicates in each SEND call whether the
data in that call (and any preceeding calls)
should be immediately pushed through to the
IRACST - International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology & Security (IJCSITS), ISSN: 2249-9555
Vol. 2, No.6, December 2012
receiving user by the setting of the PUSH flag.
A sending TCP is allowed to collect data from
the sending user and to send that data in
segments at its own convenience, until the push
function is signaled, then it must send all
unsent data. When a receiving TCP sees the
PUSH flag, it must not wait for more data from
the sending TCP before passing the data to the
receiving process. There is no necessary
relationship between push functions and
segment boundaries. The data in any particular
segment may be the result of a single SEND
call, in whole or part, or of multiple SEND
calls. The purpose of push function and the
PUSH flag is to push data through from the
sending user to the receiving user. It does not
provide a record service. There is a coupling
between the push function and the use of
buffers of data that cross the TCP/user
interface. Each time a PUSH flag is associated
with data placed into the receiving user's
buffer, the buffer is returned to the user for
processing even if the buffer is not filled. If
data arrives that fills the user's buffer before a
PUSH is seen, the data is passed to the user in
buffer size units. TCP also provides a means to
communicate to the receiver of data that at
some point further along in the data stream than
the receiver is currently reading there is urgent
data. TCP does not attempt to define what the
user specifically does upon being notified of
pending urgent data, but the general notion is
that the receiving process will take action to
process the urgent data quickly.
The TCP makes use of the internet protocol
type of service field and security option to
provide precedence and security on a per
connection basis to TCP users. Not all TCP
modules will necessarily function in a
multilevel secure environment; some may be
limited to unclassified use only, and others may
operate at only one security level and
compartment. Consequently, some TCP
implementations and services to users may be
limited to a subset of the multilevel secure case.
TCP modules which operate in a multilevel
secure environment must properly mark
outgoing segments with the security,
compartment, and precedence. Such TCP
modules must also provide to their users or
higher level protocols such as Telnet or THP an
interface to allow them to specify the desired
security level, compartment, and precedence of
IPv6 is a new version of the internetworking
protocol designed to address the scalability and
service shortcomings of the current standard,
IPv4. Unfortunately, IPv4 and IPv6 are not
directly compatible, so programs and systems
designed to one standard can not communicate
with those designed to the other. Consequently,
it is necessary to develop smooth transition
mechanisms that enable applications to
continue working while the network is being
upgraded. In this paper we present the design
and implementation of a transparent transition
service that translates packet headers as they
cross between IPv4 and IPv6 networks. While
several such transition mechanisms have been
proposed, ours is the first actual
implementation. As a result, we are able to
demonstrate and measure a working system,
and report on the complexities involved in
building and deploying such a system.
The address and protocol translation presented
in this section enables both the communication
between nodes in an IPv4 site with nodes in the
IPv6 network, and between nodes in an IPv6
site with nodes in an IPv4 nodes. Figures 1 and
2 illustrate these scenarios, and the following
paragraphs describe them in more detail.
IRACST - International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology & Security (IJCSITS), ISSN: 2249-9555
Vol. 2, No.6, December 2012
Figure-1Translator for a TCP/IP site
Figure- 2 Translator for an IPv6 site.
Figure 1 illustrates a translator for an IPv6 site
communicating with nodes in a TCP/IP
network. The internal routing of the IPv6 site
must be configured such that packets intended
for TCP/IP nodes route to the translator. Hosts
in the IPv6 site send packets to nodes in the
TCP/IP network using IPv6 addresses that map
to individual TCP/IP hosts.
Address translation is trivial when using IPv6-
mapped and IPv6-compatible TCP/IP
addresses. For the TCP/IP-to-IPv6 direction the
translator simply extracts the lower 64-bits of a
TCP/IP address to obtain an IPv6 address. For
the opposite direction the translator sets the
lower 64-bits of the TCP/IP source/destination
addresses to the IPv6 source/destination
addresses, and sets the upper 192-bits of the
IPv6 source and destination addresses to the
IPv6-mapped and IPv6-compatible prefix,
respectively. However, it is considered to be a
very bad idea to use IPv6-mapped address as it
has the drawback of requiring TCP/IP routers
to contain routes to IPv6-mapped addresses.
The alternative is to use TCP/IP-only addresses
to refer to IPv6 nodes, which requires the
translator to maintain an explicit mapping
between IPv6 and TCP/IP addresses.
Protocol translation consists of a simple
mapping between the two IP protocols, with
some special rules for handling fragments and
path MTU discovery. The basic operation is to
remove the original IP header and replace it
with a new header from the other IP version.
The implementation of the adaptability of
computer networks is confined with the various
transformation from one type of protocol to
another type of protocol. In the proposed study,
I implemented the mapping of data frame
formats of TCP/IP to data frame formats IPv6
and vice-versa.
Figure- Mapping of TCP/IP Frame formats to
IPv6 Frame formats:
IRACST - International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology & Security (IJCSITS), ISSN: 2249-9555
Vol. 2, No.6, December 2012
Figure- Mapping of IPv6 Frame formats to
TCP/IP Frame formats
The two basic strategies for error detection and
correction while transmitting information
through the electronic media are:
i) To include enough redundant
information along with each
block of data sent to the
ii) To include enough redundancy
to enable the receiver to detect
the error (if any).
The first one uses the error correcting codes
and the second one uses the error detecting
codes. Richard Hamming at Bell Laboratory
devised a code called Hamming Code capable
of correcting one error and detecting two errors.
While devising this code, it is assumed that for
m-bits of information, r-number of redundant
bits are required and thus making the total
transmitted bit as n = m + r.
This n-bit unit containing data and
redundant bits (check bits) is called n-bit code
word. The number of bit position(s) by which
two Code word differ is referred to as,
Hamming distance(d). The detect ‘d’ errors;
(d+1) Hamming distance code is required.
Similarly, to correct ‘d’ errors, the required
Hamming distance is (2d+1).
For a Code word containing m – data bits,
r check bits, the number of bits needed to
correct a single bit error is 2r – 1 m + r. Or
2r m + r + 1 That is, r > log2 (m + r).
Thus, for single error detection and correction
on a 4-bit BCD Code for a single decimal digit,
3 (three) check bits are necessary. It is seen
from (5.3.2) and (5.3.3) that, for m = 16, r 5;
and for m = 32, r 6. In general, in an n-bit
code word, the check bit positions can be found
out from the expression.C2
k = 2k, where, k = 0,
1, 2, 3…..etc.Thus, 1st check bit position: C1,
[2k = 20 = 1, (k = 0)] 2nd check bit position: C2,
[2k = 21 = 2, (k = 1)], 3rd check bit position: C4,
[2k = 22 = 4, (k = 2)], 4th check bit position:
C8, [23 = 8, (k = 3)] Nth check bit position,
The value of the check bits can be derived
from the following check matrix M, M = [Mij]
= {1, if I th check bit maintain even Party for a
subset of bit positions} Si , otherwise 0, }
The following is the output of the program
implemented for error correction and detection.
IRACST - International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology & Security (IJCSITS), ISSN: 2249-9555
Vol. 2, No.6, December 2012
The program is further developed for detecting
any form of message and it converts the
message to 64- bit sequence and then detects
and corrects the message as:
The proposed study entitled “Transparency and
Adaptability of heterogeneous Networks” is
basically an analysis of protocols of different
environments such as TCP/IP and IPv6 etc. The
proposed study deals in mapping from TCP/IP
to IPv6 and vice versa. The mapping is done for
frame formats and error detection. The other
mappings such as baud rate, width, topology,
IEEE standards are not discussed because of
time constraint.
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IRACST - International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology & Security (IJCSITS), ISSN: 2249-9555
Vol. 2, No.6, December 2012
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10. J. Postel. Internet Control Message
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11. J. Postel. Internet Protocol. RFC 791,
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12. B. Fink, 6Bone Overview and Links.
13. B. N. Bershad, S. Savage, P. Pardyak,
E.G. Sirer, M. E. Fiuczynski, D.
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Extensibility, Safety and Performance
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14. Y. Rekhter, B. Moskowitz, D.
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ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
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Conference Paper
This paper describes the motivation, architecture and performance of SPIN, an extensible operating system. SPIN provides an extension infrastructure, together with a core set of extensible services, that allow applications to safely change the operating system's interface and implementation. Extensions allow an application to specialize the underlying operating system in order to achieve a particular level of performance and functionality. SPIN uses language and link-time mechanisms to inexpensively export fine-grained interfaces to operating system services. Extensions are written in a type safe language, and are dynamically linked into the operating system kernel. This approach offers extensions rapid access to system services, while protecting the operating system code executing within the kernel address space. SPIN and its extensions are written in Modula-3 and run on DEC Alpha workstations.