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Integrating golog++ and ROS for Practical and Portable High-level Control

Integrating golog++ and ROS
for Practical and Portable High-Level Control
Maximillian Kirsch, Victor Matar´
ea, Alexander Ferrein band Stefan Schiffer c
Mobile Autonomous Systems and Cognitive Robotics Institute (MASCOR)
FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences, Eupener Str. 70, 52066 Aachen, Germany, {matare, ferrein, s.schiffer}
Keywords: Reasoning about Action and Change, GOLOG, Robot Operating System, ROS
Abstract: The field of Cognitive Robotics aims at intelligent decision making of autonomous robots. It has matured over
the last 25 or so years quite a bit. That is, a number of high-level control languages and architectures have
emerged from the field. One concern in this regard is the action language GOLOG. GOLOG has been used in
a rather large number of applications as a high-level control language ranging from intelligent service robots
to soccer robots. For the lower level robot software, the Robot Operating System (ROS) has been around
for more than a decade now and it has developed into the standard middleware for robot applications. ROS
provides a large number of packages for standard tasks in robotics like localisation, navigation, and object
recognition. Interestingly enough, only little work within ROS has gone into the high-level control of robots.
In this paper, we describe our approach to marry the GOLOG action language with ROS. In particular, we
present our architecture on integrating golog++, which is based on the GOLOG dialect Readylog, with the
Robot Operating System. With an example application on the Pepper service robot, we show how primitive
actions can be easily mapped to the ROS ActionLib framework and present our control architecture in detail.
In mobile robotics, the recent years have been
marked by notable progress in recognition, manipula-
tion and planning algorithms. The advent of robotics
frameworks and middlewares has caused a consoli-
dation of software stacks, with the Robot Operating
System (ROS) emerging as the de-facto standard. The
most noteworthy achievement of ROS is the growth of
a lively community that shares re-usable components
with well-defined interfaces.
The field of high-level control, however, has not
seen the same amount of technical consolidation, over
time leading to a disconnect between the ROS world
and the Cognitive Robotics community. Of the many
existing high-level action and planning languages,
there exists only the ROSPlan package (Cashmore
et al., 2015) in ROS which uses PDDL (McDermott
et al., 1998; McDermott, 2000) as the declarative in-
put language. While having PDDL readily available
is certainly very valuable, we do believe that a purely
planning-based approach is not necessarily the best
choice for every real-world robotics problem. How-
ever, within the ROS ecosystem, the only other op-
tions for high-level control are based on finite au-
tomata (Bohren and Cousins, 2010; Brunner et al.,
2016), which makes them more of a complement to
PDDL than an alternative.
One approach that sits precisely in-between purely
declarative problem description (planning) and im-
perative behavior prescription (like finite automata)
is GO LO G (Levesque et al., 1997; Reiter, 2001). It
allows for combining classical imperative program-
ming constructs with more exotic constructs like
the non-deterministic choice of action and argument.
One feasible architecture is, for example, having a
GOL OG agent play the role of an executive below a
PDDL-based planner. Another option with some di-
alects of GOLO G is to have decision-theoretic plan-
ning integrated in the GO LO G interpreter itself. Dif-
ferent practical applications in robotics have shown
that really any permutation of the three approaches
can be suitable, depending on the domain require-
ments. High-level controllers based on Golog have
been used for various domains such as robotic soc-
cer (Ferrein and Lakemeyer, 2008) or domestic ser-
vice robotics (Schiffer et al., 2012).
In this paper, we want to focus on the GO LO G
language family and propose an interface that makes
it a first-class citizen of the ROS world. Since our
golog++-ROS interface aims to do for GOL OG what
ROSPlan does for PDDL, there are some functional
similarities, but also significant differences in non-
functional requirements and the technical realization.
We start with some background, history and mo-
tivation for the development of golog++ in Sec-
tion 2 before we review related approaches in other
high-level languages in Section 3. Next, we give
an overview of the central ideas behind golog++
in Section 4. In Section 5 we describe the interface
between ROS and golog++ both from an abstract
and an implementation-oriented perspective. We con-
clude with a discussion of the results and future work
in Section 6.
Interfacing to some kind of execution platform is
obviously an issue that all high-level agent languages
have to deal with. In the following, we will give an
overview over the most important concepts and the
history of the GOLOG language family. Since we
want to focus on ROS in this paper, we continue with
a short introduction to its most relevant ideas and con-
cepts, in particular those that cater to agent languages.
2.1 The GOLOG Language Family
All GO LO G dialects, including the original one
(Levesque et al., 1997) have in common that they have
a formal semantics based on the Situation Calculus
(McCarthy, 1963; McCarthy and Hayes, 1969). The
Situation Calculus is a second order logical language
with equality which allows for reasoning about ac-
tions and their effects. The world evolves from situa-
tion to situation due to actions, starting in an initial sit-
uation S0. Possible world histories are represented by
sequences of actions. Properties of the world which
can change from situation to situation are stored in so-
called fluents, predicates or functions with a situation
term as their last argument. Each action has precon-
ditions and effects that formalize when it is possible
to execute the action and how this action will change
the world with regard to fluents. A basic action theory
(BAT) contains axioms about the initial situation, ac-
tion precondition axioms and successor state axioms
as well as unique names and some additional founda-
tional axioms.
GOL OG combines the declarative approach of the
Situation Calculus with imperative programming, of-
fering constructs such as loop and conditionals known
from imperative programming languages. Many
dialects also support less standard constructs such
as concurrent program execution, nondeterministic
choice or decision-theoretic planning. The purpose
of the nondeterministic constructs is to generate the
search space for a planning operator which can thus
be used not only to search the entire action space,
but to search for an executable parameterization of
a nondeterministic program. Additionally, an agent
must be able to perform both active and passive sens-
ing, i.e. to actively execute an action to acquire new
knowledge about its environment (Lakemeyer, 1999)
(e.g. using sensors), and to passively receive new
knowledge (i.e. react to uncontrollable events like the
press of a button on the robot) (De Giacomo et al.,
1997). Noteworthy about active sensing (i.e. sensing
actions) is that their sensed effect is unknown during
planning—only when the action is actually being ex-
ecuted will the agent’s knowledge be updated. Pas-
sive sensing—a background update of fluents when-
ever a sensor value has changed in the world—is of
course also unplannable by definition, and is usually
modelled by so-called exogenous actions. These are
actions that are beyond the control of the agent, but
update its internal knowledge about the world.
In practical robotics, actions are not normally
completed instantaneously. This is reflected in the
concept of durative actions (Reiter, 1996), which in-
troduces instantaneous actions that mark the begin
and end of an ongoing activity. This also allows the
agent to do other things (e.g. plan) while a physical
action is in progress.
Many different GOLOG dialects have been pro-
posed. CO NGO LO G (De Giacomo et al., 1997) im-
plements exogenous actions, interrupts and the abil-
ity execute actions concurrently, and INDIGOLOG
(De Giacomo and Levesque, 1999; De Giacomo
et al., 2009) expands on that allowing for incremen-
tal planning. DTGOLOG (Boutilier et al., 2000) in-
troduces decision-theoretic planning, i.e. the abil-
ity to generate plans that are optimized with re-
gard to some reward function. REA DYLO G (Ferrein,
2010b; Ferrein and Lakemeyer, 2008) builds upon
that base and integrates features from CC GOL OG and
PGOL OG (Grosskreutz, 2002; Grosskreutz and Lake-
meyer, 2000) to handle actions with uncertain out-
comes and fluents that change continuously.
While most of the GOLOG-related research deals
with language semantics, practical use has shown that
the issue of interfacing with and executing actions
on a real robot is also not entirely trivial. GOLEX
ahnel et al., 1998) is one of the first developments
that identified some important interfacing issues: The
Level of Abstraction in GOL OG is generally too high
to directly map primitive GOLOG actions to direc-
tives for robot actuators. Execution Monitoring is
needed, since in reality actions can fail for many rea-
sons beyond the control and/or scope of the agent pro-
gram. To enable Sensing and interaction, the lan-
guage semantics actually had to be extended (Lake-
meyer, 1999). It was also determined that some re-
source management system is required “since certain
resources such as motors cannot be shared simultane-
ously”. At that time, GOLEX did not support parallel
actions; so it was not able to react to user inputs, say,
while the robot was travelling.
2.2 The Robot Operating System (ROS)
ROS (Quigley et al., 2009) is an open-source middle-
ware designed for robotic application development.
It offers fundamental concepts and tools to manage
distributed robot applications, as well as ready-to-use
packages for common problems such as localization,
navigation, vision, motion etc.
Its fundamental architecture is a loosely coordi-
nated, network-transparent multi-process system. In-
dividual components are called nodes, and they com-
municate asynchronously by publishing messages un-
der a so-called topic. Topics have a specific message
type and are organized within a namespace. To re-
ceive messages, a node subscribes to a certain topic,
after which it will receive all messages published un-
der that topic. To support synchronous communica-
tion, there are so-called services which employ a re-
quest/response pattern.
This fundamental architecture has caused a leap
forward in robotics research by fostering a commu-
nity that can easily exchange software components
with clearly defined interfaces.
2.3 ROS ActionLib
The ROS ActionLib1is an execution monitoring in-
terface in the sense of (H¨
ahnel et al., 1998). Client
and server communicate over action-specific mes-
sages that define a goal,2afeedback and a result.
To execute an action with certain arguments, an Ac-
tionClient sends a GoalMessage to a specific Action-
Server. The action server is then responsible for ex-
ecuting the action with the given goal, tracking its
progress (possibly giving feedback), and finally no-
tifying the client if and when the goal has succeeded
2Note that the term goal here has nothing to do with
the goal concept in the context of a planning system. No
reasoning is involved at this level.
or was aborted, possibly along with some data as a
result. For example, an action server can provide the
action to move the robot from position A to B. The
goal parameters could be the (x, y)coordinates the
robot has to reach. As feedback, the action server
could then, for instance, periodically notify the client
about the current position, or it could simply give an
estimated percentage driven of the planned trajectory.
While the robot is on its way, the state of the goal is
running. A running goal can be canceled, whereupon
the action server stops the execution and the status
of the goal is set to preempted. When the movement
stops, the action server notifies the client with the fi-
nal state (succeeded,preempted or aborted), possibly
along with the final position.
All actions can be started in blocking or non-
blocking mode. In the former case, the action client
simply performs a function call which returns when
the action server is done with execution, or in the lat-
ter case, the function dispatching a goal returns im-
mediately, and the end of action execution is signalled
with a callback.
ROSoClingo (Andres et al., 2013; Gebser et al.,
2011) is one example of an action language that lever-
ages the ROS ActionLib. It interfaces to the ROS Ac-
tionLib through two topics, one for output (i.e. ex-
ecuting actions) and one for input (i.e. action feed-
back/results and sensing). These two topics have to
be subscribed to by special adapter nodes that trans-
late the ROSoClingo-specific messages into ROS Ac-
tionLib goals.
Another noteworthy work is the framework ROS-
Plan (Cashmore et al., 2015) which embeds the ac-
tion language PDDL (Fox and Long, 2011) into the
ROS system. ROSPlan provides an interface to exe-
cute the planned actions of PDDL on a robot running
ROS. Therefore, a dispatcher component holds the in-
formation of the next planned PDDL action to be ex-
ecuted, but it is up to the developer how the planned
action should be executed in ROS. One of the reasons
for this is that ROSPlan integrates several solvers that
can solve a planning problem. A ROSPlan GitHub
software repository demonstrates the execution of the
planned action on a robot platform with the ROS Ac-
The so-called Cognitive Robot Abstract Machine3
(CRAM) (Beetz et al., 2010) is another agent de-
velopment framework that uses the Actionlib to in-
terface with ROS. It targets robots in everyday (e.g.
domestic) environments, with a focus on integrat-
ing common-sense knowledge from multiple sources,
sharing (updated) knowledge between robots and
learning from past experience.
EXP COG (Eppe et al., 2014) integrates several in-
dependent logic-based action calculi in one frame-
work. Among others, a STRIPS-like planning sys-
tem implemented in SWI-Prolog, an ASP-based on
OCLINGO and a situation calculus-based on GOLOG
and INDIGOLOG. However to our current knowledge
there is no straightforward ROS integration.
The work of (Adam et al., 2017) transforms
declarative expert domain models into PDDL prob-
lems. For this purpose, a Java interface must be im-
plemented for each robot that calls the functions of
the connected middleware. At the time of writing this
paper, there was however no publicly available ROS
Most research about high-level control focuses on
language semantics, while architectural aspects such
as code reusability, portability and maintainability as
well as usability and ergonomics receive less atten-
tion. The golog++ framework offers an alternative
approach over other existing implementations that
takes such aspects into account. It extends previous
work on Golog such as YAGI or golog.lua (Ferrein,
2010a; Ferrein and Steinbauer, 2010; Ferrein et al.,
2012; Ferrein et al., 2016).
The main purpose of golog++ (Matar´
e et al.,
2018) is to factor the concerns of execution/platform-
interfacing and static semantics out of the runtime se-
mantics. This clear separation of concerns helps to
significantly improve language usability, safety and
The runtime semantics can be implemented in dif-
ferent ways, e.g. by embedding an existing GO LO G
interpreter. With the ReadylogSemantics,golog++
supports both active and passive sensing, decision-
theoretic planning and concurrency. Furthermore
golog++ offers some unique features that are not
found in other GO LO G dialects:
Code model: The C++ object model that forms
the core of golog++ supports all features re-
quired for an integrated development environ-
ment, i.e. full code introspection with reference
Type safety: Everything has a type, and inconsis-
tent use of types generates a specific error mes-
symbol domain objects = {
symbol domain position = {
string fluent sought_object() {
initially: () = null;
number fluent found_position() {
initially: () = null;
action dialog(string question) {
action detect_position(symbol obj) {
action say(string say_str) {}
Figure 1: Exemplary BAT (defines a world and available
procedure main() {
dialog("What shall I search?");
if (sought_object() != null) {
start(say("Give me a second."));
if (found_position() != null) {
say("The " + sought_object() + " is at the "
+found_position() + " position.");
say("Thanks for your attention");
say("Sorry, I couldn’t find the "
say("Sorry, I didn’t understand.");
Figure 2: Exemplary imperative procedure that implements
a simple behaviour on top of the BAT in fig. 1. Some details
(like animations) are left out for conciseness.
sage. Compound key-value types and list types
can be freely defined and nested.
Syntax checking: golog++ comes with its own
syntax and a special parser, so the syntax is strict,
specific, and errors are pinpointed precisely.
In golog++, when a programmer defines an action
A(x), it is implicitly a durative action. That means
that in terms of classical GO LO G,A(x)actually de-
fines a primitive action startA(x)that begins some
activity, and another primitive action endA(x)that
waits for it to end.
The golog++ example program shown in Fig-
ures 1 & 2 demonstrates the use of durative actions
and active/passive sensing actions. The scenario can
be seen in Figure 3: The robot Pepper (Pandey and
Gelin, 2018) is standing in front of a table with a traf-
fic light, a bottle and a stop sign on it. Spectators can
swap the objects’ positions around, and then ask Pep-
per for the position of either one. This example does
not leverage golog++s planning capabilities, but it
does serve to show that a simple AI demo application
Figure 3: Interactive demo with Pepper at an event. Top:
Pepper listens to a spectator who names an object that Pep-
per should look for. Bottom: Pepper looks for the object on
the table and points out its position.
can be written up with minimal effort.
In the next section, we will outline the underly-
ing infrastructure that enables this kind of high-level
behaviour development.
Since golog++ is designed to work with differ-
ent platforms, the PlatformBackend is an abstract in-
terface that requires a platform-specific implementa-
tion. Its job is to map the durative actions, exogenous
and sensing actions in a golog++ program onto a
certain robot platform. Figure 4 gives an overview
which functions the RosPlatformBackend has to im-
plement. As the names suggests, the function exe-
cute activity is called when the agent decides to be-
gin some activity, and preempt activity is called when
the agent wants to cancel a currently ongoing activ-
ity. The function update activity is already imple-
mented in the PlatformBackend and must be called
by the RosPlatformBackend to set the state finish,fail
or preempted, and to (possibly) pass a sensing result
when a running activity terminates.
In the following, we describe how the require-
ments of executing actions concurrently and active/-
passive sensing can be satisfied with the ActionLib
stack and ROS core functionality.
Action execution Obviously, the action concept
of the ROS ActionLib is quite similar to that of
golog++. As described in Section 2.3, the action
server can finish in the states succeeded,aborted and
The RosPlatformBackend implements the exe-
cute activity method simply by dispatching a goal to
the appropriate action server in non-blocking mode.
When the action is done, the callback then calls up-
date activity, informing golog++ of the action’s
success/failure. This ultimately allows the agent to
execute the primitive action endA(x)and to decide
whether/which effect has to be applied.
Another ROS concept that maps easily to
golog++ actions is executing ROS service calls. A
service call could be to e.g. enable face tracking on
the Pepper platform (cf. Fig. 3). Since service calls
are synchronous by nature, they have to be started in
an own thread, so that they don’t block the execu-
tion of the golog++ agent program. The thread then
waits until the service reply has been received, and
calls update activity with finish or fail depending on
whether the service call was successful or not.
Active sensing As described in Section 2.3, both
an action server and a service call can return a spe-
cific result. The RosPlatformBackend translates the
result into a golog++ Value and passes it to the
update activity function as a sensing result, together
with the outcoming action state. So active sensing
is realized like a normal golog++ action with the
only difference that the action server (or service) has
to provide a result in addition to the success/failure
Exogenous actions Exogenous actions are event-
based by nature, which precisely matches the core
message-passing architecture of ROS. Thus imple-
menting an exogenous action comes down to simply
subscribing to a topic where a message is published
when the desired event occurs. The message is then
converted into an ExogEvent object to be handled by
the golog++ event loop.
One problem we did not mention so far is the fact that
all ROS message types are realized as generated C++
headers with a strict typing discipline. Since every
ActionLib action uses specific messages for the com-
munication between ActionServer and ActionClient,
both have to be either hand-written or generated in
C++. Currently, the ROS ActionLib can generate Ac-
tionClients, but it does so without making use of in-
heritance, so there is no abstraction that would allow
handling an ActionClient in a generic manner.
+ exog_queue_push( in e: ExogEvent)
+ run( in program: Block)
+ execute_activity( in a: Activity)
+ preempt_activity( in a: Activity)
+ update_activity( in a: Activity)
+ make_request( in a: Activity): RequestT
+ convert( in r: ResponseT): Value
SrvT: Class
+ convert( in r: MsgT): Value
MsgT: Class
- make_goal( in a: Activity): GoalT
+ convert( in r: ResultT): Value
ActionT: Class
+ execute_activity( in a: Activity)
+ preempt_activity( in a: Activity)
+ service
+ goal
Figure 4: A UML class diagram that shows the most im-
portant properties of the golog++ PlatformBackend and
some implementation details of the RosPlatformBackend.
ActionManager <
>::make_goal(const gpp::Activity &a)
darknet::obj_detectionGoal goal;
goal.obj_to_detect =std::string(
return goal;
Figure 5: Specialization of the make goal method, which
assigns the argument of an activity to a goal member for the
action server. The string argument to the mapped arg value
method specifies the name of the golog++ action’s pa-
rameter, which can optionally be remapped from within the
golog++ code (hence the method’s name).
That is why, as shown in Figure 4, the Action-
Manager,ExogManager and ServiceManager classes
exist, and why they must all be template classes.
Their template argument is the action/service type for
the ActionManager and ServiceManager respectively,
and the plain message type of the subscribed topic for
the ExogManager. With this design, we are able to
keep almost all of the glue code generic and lever-
age the code generation of the C++ template system
to significantly reduce the amount of work that needs
to be done to make a specific ROS action, service or
topic accessible to golog++.
The only thing that remains to be written specifi-
cally for an action/service/topic is the actual mapping
of data fields. As an example, consider the specializa-
tion of if the make goal method in Figure 5. It sim-
ply maps the arguments of a golog++ action onto a
goal for the DarkNet4ActionServer that does the ob-
ject recognition used in Figures 1 and 2. The rest is
taken care of by generic template code that is instan-
tiated by the C++ compiler when it sees this special-
ization. If/when an outcome from the action server
should be delivered as a sensing result, that is han-
dled by another template specialization which trans-
lates that specific result type to a golog++ value.
The most obvious benchmark to compare the
golog++ RosPlatformBackend to is the ROSPlan
PDDL interface. ROSPlan interfaces to the outer
world by publishing generic ActionDispatch mes-
sages that have to be received by another ROS node
which then somehow implements the desired be-
haviour. Most commonly, that is done by executing
some ActionLib action, just as in golog++. Unlike
in golog++, in ROSPlan the programmer also has
the freedom to not use ActionLib and write a free-
form ROS node that can do anything. This freedom
however can also be viewed as a lack of interface
rigidity, and it comes with the cost of large amounts
of boilerplate code. Having such a fundamentally un-
restricted behaviour node also significantly increases
the risk of programmer errors, especially when con-
sidering that it requires high-level developers to read
into low-level ROS concepts.
In contrast, the golog++ RosPlatformBackend
defines an extremely rigid interface for the platform
integrator to implement. The behaviour required
of the convert,make goal and make request method
templates is completely specified by their respective
input and output types (cf. Fig. 5). Most importantly,
agolog++ platform integrator needs only to be pro-
ficient in C++, no further knowledge about ROS con-
cepts (or even golog++ concepts for that matter)
is required except what can be gleaned immediately
from the types in the method’s signature. Should
action-specific quirks be required at other points in
the control flow, the RosPlatformBackend also sup-
ports that by deriving from the ActionManager,Ex-
ogManager or ServiceManager class templates.
The difference between the two approaches also
becomes apparent in the number of lines of code that
are required to e.g. make a MoveBase action avail-
able. In golog++ that amounts to 12 LoC to trans-
late action arguments into a MoveBaseAction goal. In
ROSPlan, an entire ROSNode needs to be written for
the same job, which weighs in around 50 LoC, most
of which deals with managing the node itself as well
as ActionClient objects, callbacks and other accesso-
rial data structures which are hidden from the user in
Practical tests on the Pepper platform (Fig. 3)
have shown that golog++ in combination with ROS
yields an easy-to-use and robust high-level agent ar-
chitecture. Since Pepper is a platform directly tar-
geted at human-robot interaction, implemented tasks
revolved around social robotics. That is, Pepper acts
as a simple tour guide in the rooms of the MAS-
COR Institute, or demonstrates simple speech-based
human-robot interaction and neural network-based
object recognition at science fairs and other events.
golog++’s concise syntax and interpreted nature
turned out to be very helpful in such scenarios by
making it easy to adapt a demo application on the
spot, e.g. to address questions from the audience.
Preliminary user studies have also shown that,
given some rudimentary documentation and exam-
ple code, users with varying backgrounds in robotics
and computer science were able to interface their first
new action to the golog++ RosPlatformBackend in
about one hour. Subsequent action interfaces were
then done within mere minutes.
In the future, we plan on releasing golog++ with
the RosPlatformBackend as a ROS package to make
it as accessible as possible. The next development
step will be to hook into the ROS message generation
infrastructure to completely automate the process of
interfacing a ROS action to golog++ so that no ad-
ditional C++ coding will be necessary.
We are also following the development of ROS2
and will consider a port as soon as important function-
alities like the ActionLib are sufficiently developed.
This work was supported by the German Na-
tional Science Foundation (DFG) under grant number
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... Temporal logic Probabilistic logic SWI-Prolog (Wielemaker et al. 2012) Readylog (Kirsch et al. 2020) Clingo ROSPlan (Cashmore et al. 2015) LTLMoP (Finucane et al. 2010) TuLiP (Wongpiromsarn et al. 2011a) Problog (De Raedt et al. 2007) Distributional Clauses (Gutmann et al. 2011) ProbCog (Jain et al. 2009) Probabilistic CTL (Rutten et al. 2004) Ginesi et al. 2019), human-robot interaction (Lemaignan et al. 2010;Bruno et al. 2017) and complex industrial (Diab et al. 2019) and domestic (Tenorth and Beetz 2013) scenarios. Description logic offers high expressivity, allowing to reason on sub-classes, properties and more complex relations between entities of the knowledge base. ...
... These features have increased the appeal of Prolog in many challenging robotic scenarios. Relevant are the many Prolog-based implementations of the Golog action language (Levesque et al. 1997), such as in Janssen et al. (2016) for multi-robot hierarchical task planning in the context of RoboEarth project (Waibel et al. 2011);Kirsch et al. (2020), where a useful integration of the Golog dialect Readylog with ROS is proposed through C++ bindings (Golog++ by Mataré et al. (2018)), with an application to the Pepper service robot; Gierse et al. (2016), where INTRGOLOG is presented to implement task interruption and resumption in reaction to anomalous events; Schiffer et al. (2012), where Readylog is used for task planning in domestic scenario with Caesar robot; Farinelli et al. (2007), where TEAMGOLOG is used for multi-robot coordination in a search-and-rescue application under partial observability. Among main implementations of Prolog, also SWI-Prolog (Wielemaker et al. 2012) shall be mentioned, which implements constructs for optimal query answering and plan generation under the paradigm of preference reasoning (Brewka et al. 2008) and has been used, e.g., in the Tartarus framework for the integration and coordination of multiple robots in cyber-physical systems (Semwal et al. 2015); Muñoz-Hernandez and Wiguna (2007), where Fuzzy Prolog is used to deal with missing information in real-time robotic soccer; Javia and Cimiano (2017), where multi-robot coordination for domestic activities is implemented in Prolog; Xu et al. (2014), where an efficient software integration between qualitative Prolog calculus and quantitative C++ processing is implemented for robotic assistance to elderly and disabled people; Pineda et al. (2013), which proposes Sit-Log, a Prolog-based planner for service robotic tasks in domestic scenario, in the context of RoboCup@Home international competition; Nevlyudov et al. (2008); Fakhruldeen et al. (2016) for robotic assembly in industry. ...
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Over the last decade, the use of robots in production and daily life has increased. With increasingly complex tasks and interaction in different environments including humans, robots are required a higher level of autonomy for efficient deliberation. Task planning is a key element of deliberation. It combines elementary operations into a structured plan to satisfy a prescribed goal, given specifications on the robot and the environment. In this manuscript, we present a survey on recent advances in the application of logic programming to the problem of task planning. Logic programming offers several advantages compared to other approaches, including greater expressivity and interpretability which may aid in the development of safe and reliable robots. We analyze different planners and their suitability for specific robotic applications, based on expressivity in domain representation, computational efficiency and software implementation. In this way, we support the robotic designer in choosing the best tool for his application.
... Temporal logic Probabilistic logic SWI-Prolog (Wielemaker et al. 2012) Readylog (Kirsch et al. 2020) Clingo ROSPlan (Cashmore et al. 2015) LTLMoP (Finucane et al. 2010) TuLiP (Wongpiromsarn et al. 2011a) Problog (De Raedt et al. 2007) Distributional Clauses (Gutmann et al. 2011) ProbCog (Jain et al. 2009) Probabilistic CTL (Rutten et al. 2004) Ginesi et al. 2019), human-robot interaction (Lemaignan et al. 2010;Bruno et al. 2017) and complex industrial (Diab et al. 2019) and domestic (Tenorth and Beetz 2013) scenarios. Description logic offers high expressivity, allowing to reason on sub-classes, properties and more complex relations between entities of the knowledge base. ...
... These features have increased the appeal of Prolog in many challenging robotic scenarios. Relevant are the many Prolog-based implementations of the Golog action language (Levesque et al. 1997), such as in Janssen et al. (2016) for multi-robot hierarchical task planning in the context of RoboEarth project (Waibel et al. 2011);Kirsch et al. (2020), where a useful integration of the Golog dialect Readylog with ROS is proposed through C++ bindings (Golog++ by Mataré et al. (2018)), with an application to the Pepper service robot; Gierse et al. (2016), where INTRGOLOG is presented to implement task interruption and resumption in reaction to anomalous events; Schiffer et al. (2012), where Readylog is used for task planning in domestic scenario with Caesar robot; Farinelli et al. (2007), where TEAMGOLOG is used for multi-robot coordination in a search-and-rescue application under partial observability. Among main implementations of Prolog, also SWI-Prolog (Wielemaker et al. 2012) shall be mentioned, which implements constructs for optimal query answering and plan generation under the paradigm of preference reasoning (Brewka et al. 2008) and has been used, e.g., in the Tartarus framework for the integration and coordination of multiple robots in cyber-physical systems (Semwal et al. 2015); Muñoz-Hernandez and Wiguna (2007), where Fuzzy Prolog is used to deal with missing information in real-time robotic soccer; Javia and Cimiano (2017), where multi-robot coordination for domestic activities is implemented in Prolog; Xu et al. (2014), where an efficient software integration between qualitative Prolog calculus and quantitative C++ processing is implemented for robotic assistance to elderly and disabled people; Pineda et al. (2013), which proposes Sit-Log, a Prolog-based planner for service robotic tasks in domestic scenario, in the context of RoboCup@Home international competition; Nevlyudov et al. (2008); Fakhruldeen et al. (2016) for robotic assembly in industry. ...
Full-text available
Over the last decade, the use of robots in production and daily life has increased. With increasingly complex tasks and interaction in different environments including humans , robots are required a higher level of autonomy for efficient deliberation. Task planning is a key element of deliberation. It combines elementary operations into a structured plan to satisfy a prescribed goal, given specifications on the robot and the environment. In this manuscript, we present a survey on recent advances in the application of logic programming to the problem of task planning. Logic programming offers several advantages compared to other approaches, including greater expressivity and interpretability which may aid in the development of safe and reliable robots. We analyze different planners and their suitability for specific robotic applications, based on expressivity in domain representation, computational efficiency and software implementation. In this way, we support the robotic designer in choosing the best tool for his application.
... Important progress towards language usability and integration has been made by golog.lua (Ferrein, 2010) and the YAGI dialect (Ferrein et al., 2012), the latter of which has inspired the the golog++ architecture and its action execution interface (Kirsch et al., 2020). ...
... The coexistence with alternatives is especially relevant for the platform backend: golog++'s interface to a real execution platform (i.e., a robot, a simulation, etc). It typically leverages the functionality of some robotics middleware framework like ROS (Quigley et al., 2009) or Fawkes (Niemueller et al., 2010) to dispatch and monitor action execution and to asynchronously notify golog++ of any relevant exogenous events (Kirsch et al., 2020). Additionally, it supplies a clock source with a timed wakeup mechanism and manages low-level components according to the platform models shown later in section 3.3. ...
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As robotics technology evolves, we believe that personal social robots will be one of the next big expansions in the robotics sector. Based on the accelerated advances in this multidisciplinary domain and the growing number of use cases, we can posit that robots will play key roles in everyday life and will soon coexist with us, leading all people to a smarter, safer, healthier, and happier existence.
Conference Paper
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To achieve any meaningful tasks, a robot needs some form of task-level executive which acquires knowledge, reasons or plans, and performs and monitors actions. A formal approach for such agent programming is the GOLOG agent programming language. GOLOG is based on a first-order logic representation, and a drawback of common implementations is that in order to program agents, also knowledge of Prolog functionality is typically needed. In this paper, we present a prototype implementation of YAGI, a language rooted in GOLOG that offers a practical subset of the rich GOLOG framework in a more familiar syntax. Bridging imperative-style programming with an action-based specification, YAGI is more accessible to developers and provides a better ground for robot task-level executives. Moreover, we developed bindings for popular robotics frameworks such as ROS and Fawkes. As a proof of concept we present a YAGI-based agent for the RoboCup Logistics League which shows the expressiveness and the possibility to easily embed YAGI into robot applications.
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Knowledge representation and reasoning capacities are vital to cognitive robotics because they provide higher level cognitive functions for reasoning about actions, environments, goals, perception, etc. Although Answer Set Programming (ASP) is well suited for modelling such functions, there was so far no seamless way to use ASP in a robotic environment. We address this shortcoming and show how a recently developed reactive ASP system can be harnessed to provide appropriate reasoning capacities within a robotic system. To be more precise, we furnish a package integrating the reactive ASP solver oClingo with the popular open-source robotic middleware ROS. The resulting system, ROSoClingo, provides a generic way by which an ASP program can be used to control the behaviour of a robot and to respond to the results of the robot's actions.
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In this paper we present Caesar, an intelligent domestic service robot. In domestic settings for service robots complex tasks have to be accomplished. Those tasks benefit from deliberation, from robust action execution and from flexible methods for human-robot interaction that account for qualitative notions used in natural language as well as human fallibility. Our robot Caesar deploys AI techniques on several levels of its system architecture. On the low-level side, system modules for localization or navigation make, for instance, use of path planning methods, heuristic search, and Bayesian filters. For face recognition and human-machine interaction, random trees and well-known methods from natural language processing are deployed. For deliberation, we use the robot programming and plan language Readylog, which was developed for the high-level control of agents and robots; it allows to combine programming the behaviour with using planning to find a course of action. \Readylog{} is a variant of the robot programming language Golog. We extended Readylog to be able to cope with qualitative notions of space frequently used by humans such as ``near'' and ``far''. This facilitates human-robot interaction by bridging the gap between human natural language and the numerical values needed by the robot. Further, we use Readylog to increase the flexible interpretation of human commands with decision-theoretic planning. We give an overview of the different methods deployed in Caesar and show the applicability of a system equipped with these AI techniques in domestic service robotics.
Like classical planning, the execution of high-level agent programs requires a reasoner to look all the way to a final goal state before even a single action can be taken in the world. This deferral is a serious problem in practice for large programs. Furthermore, the problem is compounded in the presence of sensing actions which provide necessary information, but only after they are executed in the world. To deal with this, we propose (characterize formally in the situation calculus, and implement in Prolog) a new incremental way of interpreting such high-level programs and a new high-level language construct, which together, and without loss of generality, allow much more control to be exercised over when actions can be executed. We argue that such a scheme is the only practical way to deal with large agent programs containing both nondeterminism and sensing. Introduction In (De Giacomo, Lesperance, & Levesque 1997) it was argued that when it comes to providing high level control to...
GOLOG is a high-level programming language for the specification of complex actions. It combines the situation calculus with control structures known from conventional programming languages. Given a suitable axiomatization of what the world is like initially and how the primitive actions change the world, the GOLOG interpreter derives for each program a corresponding linear sequence of legally executable primitive actions, if one exists. Despite its expressive power, GOLOG’s applicability is severely limited because the derivation of a linear sequence of actions requires that the outcome of each action is known beforehand. Sensing actions do not meet this requirement since their outcome can only be determined by executing them and not by reasoning about them. In this paper we extend GOLOG by incorporating sensing actions. Instead of producing a linear sequence of actions, the new interpreter yields a tree of actions. The idea is that a particular path in the tree represents a legal execution of primitive actions conditioned on the possible outcome of sensing actions along the way.
A formal theory is given concerning situations, causality and the possibility and effects of actions is given. The theory is intended to be used by the Advice Taker, a computer program that is to decide what to do by reasoning. Some simple examples are given of descriptions of situations and deductions that certain goals can be achieved.
Conference Paper
Abstract— This paper gives an overview of ROS, an open- source robot operating,system. ROS is not an operating,system in the traditional sense of process management,and scheduling; rather, it provides a structured communications layer above the host operating,systems,of a heterogenous,compute,cluster. In this paper, we discuss how ROS relates to existing robot software frameworks, and briefly overview some of the available application software,which,uses ROS.