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Acoustic ferromagnetic resonance and spin pumping induced by surface acoustic waves

IOP Publishing
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics

Abstract and Figures

Voltage induced magnetization dynamics of magnetic thin films is a valuable tool to study anisotropic fields, exchange couplings, magnetization damping, and spin pumping mechanism. A particularly well-established technique is the ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) generated by the coupling of microwave photons and magnetization eigenmodes in the GHz range. Here we review the basic concepts of the so-called acoustic ferromagnetic resonance technique (a-FMR) induced by the coupling of surface acoustic waves (SAW) and magnetization of thin films. Interestingly, additional to the benefits of the microwave excited FMR technique, the coupling between SAW and magnetization also offers fertile ground to study magnon-phonon and spin rotation couplings. We describe the in-plane magnetic field angle dependence of the a-FMR by measuring the absorption/transmission of SAW and the attenuation of SAW in the presence of rotational motion of the lattice, and show the consequent generation of spin current by acoustic spin pumping.
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Acoustic ferromagnetic resonance and spin pumping induced by surface acoustic waves
Jorge Puebla,1, Mingran Xu,1, 2 Bivas Rana,1Kei Yamamoto,1, 3 Sadamichi Maekawa,1,3, 4 and Yoshichika Otani1, 2,
1CEMS, RIKEN, Saitama, 351-0198, Japan
2Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo,
5-1-5 Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa, Chiba, 277-8581, Japan
3Advanced Science Research Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Tokai 319-1195, Japan
4Kavli Institute for Theoretical Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, Peoples Republic of China
(Dated: January 28, 2020)
Voltage induced magnetization dynamics of magnetic thin films is a valuable tool to study anisotropic fields,
exchange couplings, magnetization damping and spin pumping mechanism. A particularly well established
technique is the ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) generated by the coupling of microwave photons and magneti-
zation eigenmodes in the GHz range. Here we review the basic concepts of the so-called acoustic ferromagnetic
resonance technique (a-FMR) induced by the coupling of surface acoustic waves (SAW) and magnetization of
thin films. Interestingly, additional to the benefits of the microwave excited FMR technique, the coupling be-
tween SAW and magnetization also offers fertile ground to study magnon-phonon and spin rotation couplings.
We describe the in-plane magnetic field angle dependence of the a-FMR by measuring the absorption / trans-
mission of SAW and the attenuation of SAW in the presence of rotational motion of the lattice, and show the
consequent generation of spin current by acoustic spin pumping.
PACS numbers:
Arguably, one of the most enlightening works by the late
physicist Charles Kittel1is the theoretical description of the
ferromagnetic resonance absorption, published first in 1947
[1] and extended to shape anistropies in 1948 [2]. At these
early works, Kittel described the magnetization dynamics ex-
erted in a ferromagnetic specimen subjected to a strong dc
field Hzand a weak perpendicular microwave field Hx, such
that the magnetization dynamics can be well described by
M/∂t =γ[M×H]; where γis the gyromagnetic ratio, M
the magnetization and His the external field with components
(Hx, Hy, Hz). If the dc field is in-plane and strong enough to
fully align the magnetization M, then the magnetization pre-
cess as a single magnetic domain, a phenomenon we know
nowadays as ferromagnetic resonance (FMR). The corre-
sponding frequency at the resonance condition f0is described
by the so-called Kittel formula f0=γ
Nowadays, the FMR is a versatile tool that allows study-
ing magnetization dynamics in thin films [3], spin waves [4],
magnetization switching [5] and spin pumping [6]. Remark-
ably, 10 years after his description of FMR, it was the same
Charles Kittel who first formulated the coupling of spin waves
(magnons) and lattice vibrations (phonons) at resonance con-
ditions, giving origin to the acoustic excited FMR [7]. One
initial conclusion was that microwave phonons were neces-
sary for reaching the resonance condition. Conveniently, mi-
crowave phonons can be generated by interdigital transduc-
ers fabricated on top of piezoelectric substrates. Additional
to the previous description of applications of standard FMR
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1Charles Kittel passed away the last 15th of May 2019 at the age of 102
(microwave field excited), Kittel suggested that magnetic bulk
crystals may show nonreciprocal acoustic properties, and in-
duce strong phonon attenuation.
Here, we first overview the main characteristics of acoustic
ferromagnetic resonance (a-FMR) excited by GHz frequency
surface acoustic waves (SAW). Then, we review the descrip-
tion of the magnetization coupling with elastic rotation and its
dependence when varying in-plane magnetic field [8,9]. Fur-
thermore, we recalled an example of the generation of spin
current by a-FMR, the so-called acoustic spin pumping. We
show that the order of magnitude of the spin current density is
of the same order of the more standard spin pumping mech-
anism excited by microwave photons. Additional to the most
recent works of a-FMR [8,9], we describe the less explored
coupling of magnetization with lattice rotation, first published
more than 40 years ago by one of the authors of the present re-
view [10]. Finally, beyond the a-FMR study we conclude with
an outlook for the coupling of SAW with magnetic and non-
magnetic materials for spintronic research and applications.
A. Surface acoustic waves
As its name suggests, surface acoustic waves (SAW) are
elastic waves that travel parallel to the surface of an elastic
material, with a decay perpendicular to the surface into the
bulk with an approximated decay length equal to the acous-
tic wavelength λSAW . Figure 1(a) shows the schematics of
a two port interdigital transducer (IDT) device on a piezo-
electric substrate (LiNbO3, Lithium Niobate) for generation
of SAW, the wavelength of acoustic waves, λSAW , depends
on the periodicity of IDTs as also shown in the schematics.
The generation of SAW is done by the inverse piezoelectric
effect, where elastic deformation is produced by injection of
arXiv:2001.09581v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 27 Jan 2020
rf-voltage. The reading of SAW is done by the direct piezo-
electric effect, converting elastic deformation back to voltage
signal. The SAW frequency is defined by fSAW =vs
λSAW ,
where vsis the sound velocity of the piezoelectric material.
Figure 1(b) shows a scanning electron microscope (SEM) im-
age of IDTs with 400 nm width and λSAW = 1.6µm. The
IDTs are patterned by electron beam lithography and made of
Ti(5nm)/Au(30nm) by the lift-off method. Since the sound ve-
locity vs= 4000 m/s in LiNbO3, we expect the generation of
SAW with an approximate frequency fSAW = 2.5GHz. Fig-
ure 1(c) shows the characterization of the scattering parame-
ter for transmission S12 by a vector network analyzer (VNA),
giving a SAW resonance frequency fSAW = 2.38 GHz. The
voltage generation of SAW also induces generation of spuri-
ous electromagnetic waves (EMW); since the SAW and EMW
velocities are different, it is possible to filter out the EMW
by a technique called time-gating that employs Fourier trans-
form operations. IDTs act not only as the generator and re-
ceiver for acoustic phonons, but also as an antenna, receiving
the microwave signals through the air. And acoustic phonon
is propagating in a speed of vs, which is in thousand meters
per second level, while the velocity of EMW is approximately
3×108m/s. Hence, SAW signal arrive to the second IDT port
after the EMW. As an additional function of our VNA, we are
able to analyze the signal in time-domain. In order to rule out
the noise brought by the EMW, we set a gate in time-domain,
to take the signal which arrives in the interval expected ac-
cording the the SAW velocity vsand the lenght of our device.
And by using Fourier transform, we obtain frequency-domain
signal. The comparision of the signal with and without time
gating is presented in figure 1(c).
B. Magnetization coupling with elastic strain
When SAWs propagate on a ferromagnetic layer it produces
a time variant strain tensor field ˆε(t)in the lattice, which cou-
ples to the local magnetic environment via the magnetoelas-
tic effect; as a consequence a time varying magnetic field is
exerted. Here, we describe how this time varying magnon-
phonon coupling induces a-FMR.
Let us start by describing first the dynamics exerted on the
normalized magnetization vector m=M/|M|when an ef-
fective driving magnetic field µ0Heff is present. Such dy-
namics are described by the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG)
m/∂t =γm×µ0Heff +αm×m/∂t (1)
where αis the Gilbert damping constant and the gyromagnetic
ratio γis taken as negative. In standard FMR the µ0Heff
is given by the magnetic field generated by microwave pho-
tons, commonly achieved by coplanar waveguides. In a SAW
excited a-FMR, the magnetoelastic coupling links the time
dependent lattice strain tensor ˆε(t)to the magnetic environ-
ment. To calculate µ0Heff as a function of the strain ten-
sor components εij and magnetization components miwhere
i, j =x, y, z; we phenomenologically postulate the ther-
modynamic relation of Gibbs µ0Heff =−∇mGtot, which
FIG. 1: (a) Illustration of experiment setup. The surface acoustic
waves (SAW) are generated by applying RF voltage on an interdigital
transducer port (IDT) via the inverse piezoelectric effect. A second
IDT port measures the transmittance of SAW via the direct piezoelec-
tric effect. (b) Scanning electron microscope (SEM) image of IDT
fingers with a nominal width of 400 nm. (c) Transmittance measure-
ment of SAW by vector network analyzer, the measurement shows a
SAW resonance frequency, fSAW = 2.38 GHz. We show the mea-
surement before (red open circles) and after (blue open squares) time
gating filtering removal of electromagnetic waves.
should be valid for linear response around equilibrium: Foll-
wing Dreher et al. [9], we have introduced Gtot =G+Gme
where Gis the free energy density normalized by |M|in a
ferromagnet, which may for instance be taken to be
Here Bd=µ0|M|/2is the shape anisotropy and Buis the
in-plane uniaxial anisotropy along the unit vector u. Al-
though one could further include other terms such as dipole-
dipole and exchange interactions, the detailed form of Gis
largely irrelevant in the following discussions and we omit
them here. Gme is the magnetoelasitc contribution to the
(|M|-normalized) free energy density, which for a cubic crys-
tal reads
Gme =b1(εxxm2
x+εyy m2
y+εzz m2
+ 2b2(εxymxmy+εy zmymz+εz xmzmx),(3)
where b1,2are the magnetoelastic coupling constants. We
define a new coordinate system (x1, x2, x3) so that the mag-
netization components are accordingly (m1, m2, m3); where
the equilibrium direction of the magnetization m0lies in x3
(m3), while m1and m2are the small dynamical compo-
nents perpendicular to each other and perpendicular to m3
(see schematic in fig. 2(a)). Now we can expand the effective
field µ0Heff under the influence of magnetoelastic coupling
to first order in m1,2
µ0Heff =
G11m1+G12 m2
G12m1+G22 m2
Here G3=m3G|m=m0and Gab =mambG|m=m0,
a, b = 1,2are constants whose details are not needed. The
transverse components of the strain induced field h1,2are
given shortly while the longitudinal component h3is irrele-
vant in our present setup. Since the components of the driving
field µ0Heff that induce a-FMR are those transverse to the
equilibrium of magnetization m0(m3), we rewrite the LLG
equation in its matrix form as
G11 G3+α
G12 +
γG22 G3+α
Solving for the transverse components (m1,m2) to the mag-
netization in equilibrium m0, we have
where χis the Polder susceptibility tensor which describes the
dependence on the material parameters and static magnetic
field following from the free energy density Gof Eq. (2)
χ=µ0|M| G11 G3+α
G12 +
γG22 G3+α
h1and h2are the transverse components of the driving field
induced by elastic strain, such that
µ0h1=2b1sin θcos θ[εxx cos2φ+εyy sin2φεzz ]
2b2[cos 2θ(εxz cos φ+εyz sin φ)+2εxy
sin θcos θsin φcos φ],(8)
µ0h2=2b1sin θsin φcos φ[εxx εyy ]2b2[cos θ
(εyx cos φεxz sin φ) + εxy sin θcos 2φ].(9)
We observe that different from conventional FMR, the a-FMR
has a strong dependence in the angles θ(out of plane angle)
and φ(in plane angle) between the magnetization m0and the
strain components εij . Rayleigh waves in SAW contain the
strain components εxx,εxz , where the dominant component
is the longitudinal strain (εxx). For a pure longitudinal strain
εxx when the m0is in-plane configuration θ= 0, the max-
imum value of the driving field µ0h1(2) is at φ= 45where
the magnetoelastic torque is larger, and vanishes at φ= 0
and φ= 90, as schematically shown in fig. 2(b). This an-
gle dependence gives origin to the now characteristic four-
fold butterfly shape of the a-FMR excited by SAW [8,9,11].
FIG. 2: (a) Schematic representation of the coordinates of magnetiza-
tion components m1,m2and m3(m0). (b) Schematic representation
of stress fields of SAW from a top view. The maximum magnetoe-
lastic torque is induced at φ= 45, and vanishes at φ= 0and
φ= 90
While the SAW power absorption PSAW (φ)is in general
proportional to the imaginary part of (h
1, h
2)χ(h1, h2)T[9],
its angular dependence in the in-plane configuration is well-
captured by the approximate formula [8]
PSAW (φ)[b1εxx sin φcos φ2b2εxz cos φ]2,(10)
where εxx,xz are the amplitudes of εxx,xz respectively and
corresponds to the SAW propagation along ±ˆ
Figure 3(a) shows the spectrum at resonance condition for
FMR driving of a Ni layer of 10nm within a Ni/Cu/Bi2O3
heterostructure (inset), with an external magnetic field angle
φ= 240. The full in-plane magnetic field angle dependence
of the SAW power absorption PSAW shows the four-fold
butterfly shape of a-FMR in figure 3(b) which is well-fitted by
Eq. (10).
C. Possible role of magnetization coupling with lattice rotation
The four-fold butterfly shape is expected to be symmetric
for pure longitudinal strain εxx, however, an asymmetric dis-
tribution may arise due to the contribution of the shear strain
εxz. Such asymmetric SAW absorption of a-FMR has recently
received increasing attention [8,12]. The origin of the asym-
metric SAW absorption on these works was explained as inter-
ference of the longitudinal (εxx) and shear (εxz ) strain com-
ponents. Under this scenario one may expect that the shear
strain component should be dominant or at least comparable
to the longitudinal strain [12]. However, in the thin film limit,
kd << 1, where kis the wavevector and dthe film thickness,
the shear strain is strongly suppressed and longitudinal strain
is dominant.
Even though the shear strain εxz is strongly suppressed in
the thin film limit, Maekawa and Tachiki theoretically demon-
strated that a rotational deformation of the lattice ωxz =
1/2(∂ux/∂z ∂uz/∂x)survives and can couple to the mag-
netic anisotropy (out of plane, i.e. along z-direction) [10],
where the displacement vector components uxand uzare
FIG. 3: (a) Power absorption PSAW of SAW at resonance condi-
tion for FMR driving of a Ni layer of 10nm within a Ni/Cu/Bi2O3
heterostructure (inset). (b) Normalized in-plane magnetic field angle
dependence of PSAW . Figure (b) is adapted from ref.[8].
given by
eklzcos(qx ωt),(11)
uz=Aq ektz2ktkl
eklzsin(qx ωt),(12)
where A is the amplitude of the SAW, kt=pq2(ω/vt)2,
kl=pq2(ω/vl)2, with vtand vlbeing the transverse and
longitudinal sound velocities. One can compute ωxz as
ωxz =1
2Aq2ξ2(ektz) cos(qx ωt).(13)
ξis given by the ratio of the velocities vtand vl. Follow-
ing [10], different from the standard magnetoelastic coupling,
here the rotational deformation ωxz couples to the uniaxial
crystal anisotropy (out of plane, z)Dasociated with a spin Si
in the i-th site, such that
iz +ωxz(SizSix +Six Siz)] (14)
If we insert Eq. (13) in Eq. (14) we obtain the Hamiltonian
describing the interaction between SAW and spins via the ro-
tational deformation ωxz
(ektliz )(SizSix+SixSiz ) cos(qlix ωt)
FIG. 4: Asymmetric power absorption PSAW of SAW in (a)
Ni/Cu/Bi2O3and (b) Ni/Ag/Bi2O3. Figures are adapted from ref.[8].
where lxi is the x-component of the position vector for the i-th
site. The interaction described by Eq. (15) implies that SAW
may excite surface magnons via rotational motion, and induce
SAW attenuation even in the absence of shear strain.
Figure 4shows a comparison of the in-plane magnetic
field dependence of SAW attenuation for Ni/Cu/Bi2O3and
Ni/Ag/Bi2O3. Although, nominally both heterostructures
contain similar Ni and Bi2O3, and Cu and Ag posses simi-
lar acoustic attenuation, it is possible to observe a significant
difference in the asymmetric behavior of SAW absorption be-
tween the two heterostructures. In a previous report, we at-
tributed such difference in asymmetric SAW absorption to in-
terference of longitudinal and shear waves [8], as was also
suggested for other systems [12]. However, the authors have
recently become aware of a report suggesting enhancement
of magnetic anisotropy energy in the Ag/Ni interface [14].
Such enhancement of magnetic anisotropy most likely is the
result of spin reorientation due to intefacial spin orbit cou-
pling; however, further studies are necessary to clarify it. To-
gether with recent independent experiments [13], this asym-
metric absorption in figure 4, may be due to the lattice rotation
coupling with magnetization as described by Eq. (15).
As described by Tserkovnyak et al [15,16], magnetization
dynamics following the LLG equation can pump spin current
from a ferromagnetic layer into a nonmagnetic metal. Such
spin pumping is the result of loss of torque acting in the mag-
netization vector, and can be directly related to enhancements
in the Gilbert damping α. The conservation of angular mo-
mentum indicates that the damping of magnetization preces-
sion can pump angular momentum or spin current into an ad-
jacent layer. The spin current generated by acoustic ferromag-
netic resonance can be converted to charge current by either
inverse spin Hall effect (ISHE) [17,18] or inverse Edelstein
FIG. 5: (a) Inverse Edelstein effect (IEE) signal rectified at the
Cu/Bi2O3(red circles) and Ag/Bi2O3(blue triangles) interfaces. (b)
Angle dependence of the spin current density Jsfor Ni/Cu/Bi2O3.
Figures adapted from ref.[8].
effect (IEE) [8]. Figure 5(a) shows the IEE signal rectified at
the Cu/Bi2O3(red circles) and Ag/Bi2O3(blue triangles) in-
terfaces. The opposite signs of rectified signal reflect the op-
posite Rashba spin splitting at these two interfaces [19]. We
can use the IEE signal to estimate the generated spin current
density Jswith the following formula taken from [8]
λIE E wRsinθ(16)
where V(φ)is the voltage signal detected while the mag-
netic field is applied at angle φ,λIE E is the inverse Edelstein
length, wis the sample width and Rthe electric sample re-
sistance. Figure 5(b) shows the angle dependence of the spin
current density for Ni/Cu/Bi2O3, with the following parame-
ters: λIE E = 0.17nm, w= 10µm, R= 42.87Ω. The angle
dependence of spin current density shows similar behavior of
that of the power absorption of SAW presented in figure 3(b).
The spin current density is in the order of 108A/m2, same
order of magnitude to spin current density generated by stan-
dard microwave photon FMR [6,20]. For completeness, we
show in figure 6the power dependence of IEE signal rectified
at the Cu/Bi2O3interface. As the input power increases the
IEE voltage increases monotonically. At low input powers the
signal can be approximated to a linear increase, however, at
high input power the signal increases nonlinearly.
FIG. 6: Power dependence of rectified Inverse Edelstein effect (IEE)
signal at the Cu/Bi2O3interface
We provided an overview of the basic characteristics of
SAW and description of the magnon-phonon coupling that
triggers acoustic ferromagnetic resonance. We extended our
discussion in a relatively yet unexplored coupling mecha-
nism of lattice rotation and magnetic anisotropies [10]. Such
coupling mechanism offers a novel direction for promoting
SAW asymmetric attenuation. Enhancement and modulation
of asymmetric electrical charge conductivity in electronic cir-
cuits allowed the development of the electronic diode technol-
ogy. The coupling mechanism between magnetic anisotropy
and lattice rotation paves the way to explore significant en-
hancements of asymmetric SAW attenuation in the GHz fre-
quency range, with potential for the development of the
magneto-acoustic analog to an electronic diode [13]. We de-
scribed and showed the spin current density generated by a-
FMR, the so-called acoustic spin pumping. The order of mag-
nitude of the spin current density Jsis comparable to that
produced by standard FMR technique. Here, acoustic wave
reflectors [21] may represent an opportunity for further en-
hancement of the generated spin current densities in acoustic
spin pumping. Beyond the specific topic presented here, SAW
can also couple to nonmagnetic layers via the so-called spin
rotation coupling and generate spin currents in the absence
of magnetic materials or external magnetic fields [22]. Initial
experimental evidence of spin rotation coupling has been re-
cently reported via spin transfer torque mechanism in Cu/NiFe
bilayer [23]. However, it would be interesting to demon-
strate the generation of SAW induced spin current in an all-
nonmagnetic structure. Coupling involving SAW has multi-
ple applications that range from wireless technology, sensing,
biology to control of elemental charges in condensed matter
and coupling to quantum states of matter [24], which offers
opportunities for interdisciplinary research and device devel-
This work was supported by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific
Research on Innovative Areas (No. 26103001, No. 26103002)
and JSPS KAKENHI (No. 19H05629). MX was supported
by JSPS KAKENHI (No. JP19J21720). KY would like to ac-
knowledge support of JSPS KAKENHI (JP 19K21040). SM
was financially supported by ERATO, JST, and KAKENHI
(No 17H02927 and No. 26103006) from MEXT, Japan.
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... Some designs for enhancing the efficiency of magnetoacoustic coupling have also been proposed and implemented. [31][32][33] At the same time, remarkable progress has been made in the understanding of the coupling theory, [34][35][36][37][38][39][40] which is very useful for guiding experiments. Moreover, great interest has been put into the nonreciprocal SAW transmission due to its potential application in phonon isolators or diodes. ...
... 24,25 Because of the large magnetostrictive coefficient of Ni film, 59,60 the magnetoelastic interaction caused by inverse magnetostriction play a dominant role in our experimental results. Other coupling mechanisms, such as magneto-rotation coupling, 35,36 spin-rotation coupling, 37,39,40 and gyromagnetic coupling, 38 can be ignored. ...
... where v is the Polder susceptibility tensor 24,36,47 describing the response of magnetic moments to the effective driving field. In Fig. 2(a), we show the normalized SAW transmission DS 21 [DS 21 ¼ S 21 (H) À S 21 (5 kOe)] as a function of the orientation u H and magnitude H of the external magnetic field in the SAW device with h ¼ 0 . ...
We study the acoustically driven spin wave resonance (ADSWR) in a Ni film sputtered on a 128° Y-cut lithium niobate (LiNbO3) substrate under the condition that the beam steering effect exists due to the surface acoustic waves (SAWs) transmitted along several selected crystal orientations. SAW devices with that effect exhibit significantly different ADSWR spectra from devices without it. By using the magnetoelastic coupling theory and finite element simulation associated with SAW, we find that the beam steering effect of magnetoacoustic waves has an important influence on the acoustic attenuation. The relationship between its group velocity direction and the magnetization vector can be used to define the magnetoacoustic wave mode. The mode affects acoustic attenuation magnitude, which can break the fourfold symmetry. Increasing its power flow angle will significantly increase the maximum acoustic attenuation caused by magnon–phonon coupling.
... The high spin-wave frequencies can be prohibitive for probes based on microwave electronics, while the insensitivity to measurement techniques such as SQUID magnetometry or the magneto-optical Kerr effect limit the effectiveness of these popular conventional magnetic probes. A less well-known probe, which has proven itself useful in the study of ferromagnets, relies not on optical or direct magnetic sensing but instead employs the magnetoelastic interaction between spin waves and acoustic waves [3,4]. When in contact with a piezoelectric material, the magnetic film can be irradiated with surface acoustic waves (SAWs). ...
... When in contact with a piezoelectric material, the magnetic film can be irradiated with surface acoustic waves (SAWs). Beyond the magnetic film, the transmitted SAWs can be measured, providing information on the magnet's response to external stimuli [3,5]. Aside from the energy efficient generation, inherently low attenuation, suitability for miniaturization, and long distance propagation of SAWs [3,6,7], a particular advantage of this technique is that it does not discriminate between ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic order, and indeed may even be stronger for the latter [8]. ...
... Beyond the magnetic film, the transmitted SAWs can be measured, providing information on the magnet's response to external stimuli [3,5]. Aside from the energy efficient generation, inherently low attenuation, suitability for miniaturization, and long distance propagation of SAWs [3,6,7], a particular advantage of this technique is that it does not discriminate between ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic order, and indeed may even be stronger for the latter [8]. ...
Harnessing the causal relationships between mechanical and magnetic properties of Van der Waals materials presents a wealth of untapped opportunity for scientific and technological advancement, from precision sensing to novel memories. This can, however, only be exploited if the means exist to efficiently interface with the magnetoelastic interaction. Here, we demonstrate acoustically driven spin-wave resonance in a crystalline antiferromagnet, chromium trichloride, via surface acoustic wave irradiation. The resulting magnon-phonon coupling is found to depend strongly on sample temperature and external magnetic field orientation, and displays a high sensitivity to extremely weak magnetic anisotropy fields in the few mT range. Our work demonstrates a natural pairing between power-efficient strain-wave technology and the excellent mechanical properties of Van der Waals materials, representing a foothold toward widespread future adoption of dynamic magnetoacoustics.
... The SAW attenuation as a function of the magnitude and angle of the applied magnetic field (in both cases, the magnetic field was swept from negative to positive values) is presented in Fig. 2. In both samples, a large attenuation is observed, regardless of the angle, at a fixed magnetic field that corresponds to the magnetization-switching field of the film. In addition, Ni [ Fig. 2(a)] shows the typical fourfold shape with large attenuation between ±30 • and ±50 • and a maximum around 45 • where the ME torque is the largest [16,33,34]. As the angle between SAW and the magnetic field exceeds 50 • or drops below 30 • , the attenuation decreases, reaching the minimum ME torque at 0 • and 90 • . ...
... At 3 GHz SAW excitation, we found a reduction in the amplitude of the MAWs in Ni that requires decreasing the magnetoelastic constant (to ∼0.3 MJ/m 3 ) approximately a factor of 30 compared to 1 GHz excitation. Although our model does not account for the direct transfer of the phonon angular momentum to magnetization [34,48], which might be dependent on frequency, we consider that a plausible explanation for the drop in efficiency at 3 GHz could be related to a frequency dependence of the strain transfer efficiency between LiNbO 3 and the Ni film. ...
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We use surface acoustic waves of 1 and 3 GHz in hybrid piezoelectric-magnetic systems with either nickel or cobalt as a magnetic layer to generate magnetoacoustic waves and directly image them using stroboscopic x-ray magnetic circular dichroism imaging. Our measurements visualize and quantify the amplitudes of both acoustic and magnetic components of the magnetoacoustic waves, which are generated in the ferromagnetic layer and can propagate over millimeter distances. Additionally, we quantified the magnetoelastic strain component for nickel and cobalt through micromagnetic simulations. Published by the American Physical Society 2024
... The SAW transmission out of magnetic resonance decreases when H approaches the resonance field condition since the phonons are used to excite magnons [14,15,19,20,41]. Figure 2(b) shows the absorption of jS 21 j 2 of the main SAW peak in Fig. 2(a) when ϕ H ¼ 0°, 25°, and 50°. Figure 2(c) shows jS 21 j 2 as a function of μ 0 H and ϕ H . In the case of a typical magnetoelastic coupling excited by a Rayleigh-SAW, the absorption amplitude shows maximum when ϕ H ¼ 45° [14,15,[19][20][21]25,37,41,42]. ...
... Figure 2(b) shows the absorption of jS 21 j 2 of the main SAW peak in Fig. 2(a) when ϕ H ¼ 0°, 25°, and 50°. Figure 2(c) shows jS 21 j 2 as a function of μ 0 H and ϕ H . In the case of a typical magnetoelastic coupling excited by a Rayleigh-SAW, the absorption amplitude shows maximum when ϕ H ¼ 45° [14,15,[19][20][21]25,37,41,42]. However, our results indicate that the maximum absorption across all ϕ H ranges at ϕ H ∼ 25°and no absorption was detected when ϕ H > 30°. ...
Here, we report the observation of strong coupling between magnons and surface acoustic wave (SAW) phonons in a thin CoFeB film constructed in an on-chip SAW resonator by analyzing SAW phonon dispersion anticrossings. We employ a nanostructured SAW resonator design that, in contrast to conventional SAW resonators, allows us to enhance shear-horizontal strain. Crucially, this type of strain couples strongly to magnons. Our device design provides the tunability of the film thickness with a fixed phonon wavelength, which is a departure from the conventional approach in strong magnon-phonon coupling research. We detect a monotonic increase in the coupling strength by expanding the film thickness, which agrees with our theoretical model. Our work offers a significant way to advance fundamental research and the development of devices based on magnon-phonon hybrid quasiparticles.
... The coupling between surface acoustic waves (SAWs) and spin waves (SWs) has drawn increasing attention in recent years due to its potential for the realization of integrated microwave devices benefiting from the best of both magnonics and microwave acoustics [1][2][3][4][5][6]. Particularly, the coupling of SWs in magnetic thin films with SAWs allows excitation, manipulation, and detection of various magnetoelastic waves. ...
Synthetic antiferromagnets host spin waves that are highly tunable. It is of practical interest to analyze the symmetry of their coupling to surface acoustic waves with the design of hybrid devices in view. For this we calculate the layer-resolved susceptibility tensor of a synthetic antiferromagnet, the effective magnetoelastic and magnetorotation fields associated with a traveling elastic wave, and the power irreversibly transferred by the elastic wave to the magnetic layers. We consider Rayleigh-type surface acoustic waves (a) that travel in an elastically isotropic, nonpiezoelectric substrate, or (b) that propagate along the X direction at the surface of a Z-cut LiNbO3 substrate, or (c) that are guided in a thin Z-cut LiNbO3 film grown on a sapphire substrate. In particular, we show that the complementary angular dependencies of the acoustic and optical spin wave modes in synthetic antiferromagnets make it possible to excite spin waves for any relative orientation of magnetization and acoustic wave vector. In addition, we discuss the symmetries of the driving fields and of the energy transferred to the magnetic degree of freedom. We give evidence of new interaction channels coupling the magnetization eigenmodes when elastic anisotropy and piezoelectricity of the substrate are considered.
... The coupling between surface acoustic waves (SAWs) and spin waves (SWs) has drawn increasing attention in recent years due to its potential for the realization of integrated microwave devices benefiting from the best of both magnonics and microwave acoustics [1][2][3][4][5][6]. Particularly, the coupling of SWs in magnetic thin films with SAWs allows excitation, manipulation and detection of various magneto-elastic waves. ...
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Synthetic antiferromagnets host spin waves that are highly tunable. It is of practical interest to analyze the symmetry of their coupling to surface acoustic waves with the design of hybrid devices in view. For this we calculate the layer-resolved susceptibility tensor of a synthetic antiferromagnet, the effective magneto-elastic and magneto-rotation fields associated to a travelling elastic wave, and the power irreversibly transferred by the elastic wave to the magnetic layers. We consider Rayleigh-type surface acoustic waves: (a) that travel in an elastically isotropic, non-piezoelectric substrate, or (b) that propagate along the X direction at the surface of a Z-cut LiNbO 3 substrate, or (c) that are guided in a thin Z-cut LiNbO 3 film grown on a sapphire substrate. In particular, we show that the complementary angular dependencies of the acoustic and optical spin wave modes in synthetic antiferromagnets makes it possible to excite spin waves for any relative orientation of magnetization and acoustic wavevector. In addition, we discuss the symmetries of the driving fields and of the energy transferred to the magnetic degree of freedom. We evidence new interaction channels coupling the magnetization eigenmodes when elastic anisotropy and piezoelectricity of the substrate are considered.
Acoustic waves in solids have two modes of propagation: the bulk acoustic wave (BAW), which propagates inside solids in the form of longitudinal or transverse wave, and the surface acoustic wave (SAW), which is generated on the surface of solids and propagates along the surface. Acoustic radio frequency (RF) technologies utilize acoustic waves to intercept and process RF signals, which are typified by the rapidly developing RF filter technology. Acoustic filters have the advantages of small size, low cost, steady performance and simple fabrication, and are widely applied in mobile communications and other fields. Due to the mature fabrication process and well-defined resonance frequency of acoustic devices, acoustic wave has become an extremely intriguing way to manipulate magnetism and spin current, with the goal of pursuing miniaturized, ultra-fast, and energy-efficient spintronic device applications. The integration of magnetic materials into acoustic RF devices has also provided a new way of thinking about the means of acoustic device modulation and performance enhancement. This review firstly summarizes various physical mechanisms of magneto-acoustic coupling, and then based on these mechanisms, a variety of magnetic and spin phenomena such as acoustically controlled magnetization dynamics, magnetization switching, magnetic domain wall and magnetic skyrmions generation and motion, and spin current generation are systematically introduced. In addition, the progress of research on magnetic control of acoustic wave, the inverse process of acoustic control of magnetism, is discussed, including the magnetic modulation of acoustic wave parameters and nonreciprocal propagation of acoustic waves, as well as new magneto-acoustic devices developed based on this, such as SAW-based magnetic field sensors, magneto-electric antennas, tunable filters, and so on. Finally, possible future research goals and applications of magneto-acoustic coupling are envisioned. In summary, the field of magneto-acoustic coupling is still in a stage of rapid development, and a series of groundbreaking breakthroughs have been made in the last decades, and this paper summarizes the major advances in this field. The field of magneto-acoustic coupling is expected to make further significant breakthroughs, and we hope that this review will further advance the physical phenomena of the coupling between magnetism and acoustic wave, spin and lattice, as well as the potential device applications.
The spin Seebeck effect (SSE) consists of the generation of a spin current in a magnetic insulator under a temperature gradient that is converted into a charge current in an attached thin metallic layer with strong spin-orbit interaction. The theoretical models proposed to explain the experimental observations of the SSE in the so-called longitudinal configuration consider that the spin current is entirely produced by the thermal excitation of magnons in the magnetic material. Here we show that actually, at low temperatures, the SSE is entirely dominated by a phonon drag mechanism, in which phonons in the heat current generate a spin current by means of magnon-phonon interaction. The theory explains quantitatively quite well the experimental observations of Iguchi et al. [Iguchi et al., Phys. Rev. B 95, 174401 (2017)], demonstrating that the SSE in yttrium iron garnet (YIG)/platinum structures has a pronounced peak at low temperatures following the behavior of the thermal conductivity in YIG.
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Today, surface acoustic waves (SAWs) and bulk acoustic waves are already two of the very few phononic technologies of industrial relevance and can been found in a myriad of devices employing these nanoscale earthquakes on a chip. Acoustic radio frequency filters, for instance, are integral parts of wireless devices. SAWs in particular find applications in life sciences and microfluidics for sensing and mixing of tiny amounts of liquids. In addition to this continuously growing number of applications, SAWs are ideally suited to probe and control elementary excitations in condensed matter at the limit of single quantum excitations. Even collective excitations, classical or quantum are nowadays coherently interfaced by SAWs. This wide, highly diverse, interdisciplinary and continuously expanding spectrum literally unites advanced sensing and manipulation applications. Remarkably, SAW technology is inherently multiscale and spans from single atomic or nanoscopic units up even to the millimeter scale. The aim of this Roadmap is to present a snapshot of the present state of surface acoustic wave science and technology in 2019 and provide an opinion on the challenges and opportunities that the future holds from a group of renown experts, covering the interdisciplinary key areas, ranging from fundamental quantum effects to practical applications of acoustic devices in life science.
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We demonstrate a spin to charge current conversion via magnon-phonon coupling and an inverse Edelstein effect on the hybrid device Ni/Cu(Ag)/Bi2O3. The generation of spin current (Js≈10^8 A/m^2) due to magnon-phonon coupling reveals the viability of acoustic spin pumping as a mechanism for the development of spintronic devices. A full in-plane magnetic field angle dependence of the power absorption and a combination of longitudinal and transverse voltage detection reveals the symmetric and asymmetric components of the inverse Edelstein effect voltage induced by Rayleigh-type surface acoustic waves. While the symmetric components are well studied, asymmetric components still need to be explored. We assign the asymmetric contributions to the interference between longitudinal and shear waves and an anisotropic charge distribution in our hybrid device.
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We report the direct observation of uniform in-plane spin accumulation at room temperature by magneto optical Kerr effect, at the interface formed between nonmagnetic metal (Cu, Ag) and oxide (Bi2O3). Recent reports show spin to charge conversion at these interfaces suggesting the presence of Rashba like spin orbit coupling (SOC). The formation of spin accumulation is the result of current induced spin polarization at our interfaces (direct Rashba–Edelstein effect), without external magnetic field or proximity to ferromagnetic materials. We observe opposite orientation of spin accumulation at Cu/Bi2O3 and Ag/Bi2O3 interfaces reflecting their opposite sign of Rashba SOC (Rashba parameter). Moreover, estimation of spin accumulation from values of Rashba parameters obtained by independent spin pumping measurements, agrees well with the difference in amplitude of our normalized Kerr signals for Cu/Bi2O3 and Ag/Bi2O3 interfaces. Uniform in-plane spin accumulation due to Rashba-Edelstein effect can be applied for spin filter devices and efficient driving force for magnetization switching.
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We have investigated surface acoustic wave propagation in Ni/LiNbO$_3$ hybrid devices. We have found the absorption and phase velocity are dependent on the sign of wave vector in a device, which indicates the nonreciprocal propagation characteristic of systems with time reversal and spatial inversion simultaneously broken symmetries. The nonreciprocity is reversed by the 180$^\circ$ rotation of magnetic field. Nonreciprocity seems largely dependent on the shape of ferromagnetic Ni film. The origin of these observations is ascribed to film shape dependent magnetoelastic coupling.
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Through combined ferromagnetic resonance, spin pumping, and inverse spin Hall effect experiments in Co|Pt bilayers and Co|Cu|Pt trilayers, we demonstrate consistent values of ℓsfPt=3.4±0.4 nm and θSHEPt=0.056±0.010 for the respective spin diffusion length and spin Hall angle for Pt. Our data and model emphasize the partial depolarization of the spin current at each interface due to spin-memory loss. Our model reconciles the previously published spin Hall angle values and explains the different scaling lengths for the ferromagnetic damping and the spin Hall effect induced voltage.
Modifying the interfacial conditions of magnetic layers by capping with overlayers can efficiently enhance the magnetic functionality of a material. However, the mechanisms responsible for this are closely related to the crystalline structure, compositional combinations, and interfacial quality, and are generally complex. In this contribution, we explored the use of Ag ultrathin overlayers on annealed Ni/(√3×√3)R30°- Ag/Si(111). A method for preparing magnetic layers with different levels of enhanced magnetic anisotropy energy was developed. The method essentially involves simply modifying the contact area of the metallic/magnetic interface. The rougher interface results in a larger contact area between the Ag and Ni layers resulting in an increase in magnetic anisotropy energy. Moreover, post-annealing treatments led to the segregation of Ni atoms, thus making the enhancement in coercive force even more efficient. A model permits an understanding of the contact area and a strategy for enhancing magnetic anisotropy energy and coercive force was developed. Our approaches and the developed model promise to be helpful in terms of developing potential applications of ultrathin magnetic layers in the area of spintronics.
We demonstrate the generation of alternating spin current (SC) via spin-rotation coupling (SRC) using a surface acoustic wave (SAW) in a Cu film. Ferromagnetic resonance caused by injecting SAWs was observed in a Ni-Fe film attached to a Cu film, with the resonance further found to be suppressed through the insertion of a SiO2 film into the interface. The intensity of the resonance depended on the angle between the wave vector of the SAW and the magnetization of the Ni-Fe film. This angular dependence is explicable in terms of the presence of spin transfer torque from a SC generated via SRC.
Conference Paper
In spite of a number of theoretical predictions of interesting properties of surface magnons, observations have been severely restricted because of the smallness of the surface‐to‐volume ratio and the fact that only the magnetic resonance method has been available. In this paper, we propose theoretically a surface‐acoutic‐wave attenuation technique to observe a surface magnon with wave number equal to that of the acoustic wave. The surface acoustic wave gives a rotational motion to the lattice near the surface and induces a local deviation of the axis of magnetic anisotropy. Although shear strains responsible for the usual bulk magnon excitation vanish at the free surface, this rotational motion in anisotropic magnetic leads to the same effect as that of the rotating magnetic field in the magnetic resonance method. Thus, the surface acoustic wave can excite a surface magnon. As an example, it it shown how a surface spin‐flop instability proposed by Mills and Saslow may be easily observed in MnF2 by using this method. The attenuation coefficient in anisotropic ferromagnets with surface anisotropy is also calculated.
The Rashba effect is an interaction between the spin and the momentum of electrons induced by the spin-orbit coupling in surface or interface states. We measured the inverse Rashba-Edelstein effect via spin pumping in Ag/Bi and Ag/Sb interfaces. The spin current is injected from the ferromagnetic resonance of a NiFe layer towards the Rashba interfaces, where it is further converted into a charge current. Using spin pumping theory, we quantify the conversion parameter of spin to charge current to be 0.11 ± 0.02 nm for Ag/Bi and a factor of ten smaller for Ag/Sb. The relative strength of the effect is in agreement with spectroscopic measurements and first principles calculations. We also vary the interlayer materials to study the voltage output in relation to the change of the effective spin mixing conductance. The spin pumping experiment offers a straight-forward approach of using spin current as an efficient probe for detecting interface Rashba splitting.
A spin current generated from a surface acoustic wave (SAW) was observed in an Y3Fe5O12 (YIG)/Pt hybrid structure. At the YIG/Pt interface, a SAW generated in the YIG layer was found to pump a spin current into the Pt layer, which was detected through the inverse spin-Hall effect in the Pt. The YIG/Pt lateral structure combined with a piezoelectric wedge transducer enables the systematic investigation of the spin-voltage distribution due to the SAW in the YIG. Since the observed phenomenon has high affinity with SAW-based electronics, it will pave the way for constructing spintronic SAW devices.