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Exploring Student Approaches to Learning through Sequence Analysis of Reading Logs


Abstract and Figures

In this paper, we aim to explore students' study approaches (e.g., deep, strategic, surface) from the logs collected by an electronic textbook (eBook) system. Data was collected from 89 students related to their reading activities both in and out of the class in a Freshman English course. Students are given a task to study reading materials through the eBook system, highlight the text that is related to the main or supporting ideas, and answer the questions prepared for measuring their level of comprehension. Students in and out of class reading times and their usage of the marker feature were used as a proxy to understand their study approaches. We used theory-driven and data-driven approaches together to model the study approaches of students. Our results showed that three groups of students who have different study approaches could be identified. Relationships between students' reading behaviors and their academic performance is also investigated by using association rule mining analysis. Obtained results are discussed in terms of monitoring, feedback, predicting learning outcomes, and identifying problems with the content design.
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Exploring Student Approaches to Learning through Sequence
Analysis of Reading Logs
Gökhan Akçapınar
Hacettepe University
Ankara, Turkey
Brendan Flanagan
Kyoto University
Kyoto, Japan
Mei-Rong Alice Chen
Kyoto University
Kyoto, Japan
Hiroaki Ogata
Kyoto University
Kyoto, Japan
Rwitajit Majumdar
Kyoto University
Kyoto, Japan
In this paper, we aim to explore students’ study approaches (e.g.,
deep, strategic, surface) from the logs collected by an electronic
textbook (eBook) system. Data was collected from 89 students
related to their reading activities both in and out of the class in a
Freshman English course. Students are given a task to study reading
materials through the eBook system, highlight the text that is
related to the main or supporting ideas, and answer the questions
prepared for measuring their level of comprehension. Students in
and out of class reading times and their usage of the marker feature
were used as a proxy to understand their study approaches. We used
theory-driven and data-driven approaches together to model the
study approaches of students. Our results showed that three groups
of students who have different study approaches could be
identified. Relationships between students’ reading behaviors and
their academic performance is also investigated by using
association rule mining analysis. Obtained results are discussed in
terms of monitoring, feedback, predicting learning outcomes, and
identifying problems with the content design.
• Information systems~Data mining • Computing methodologies~
Machine learning Applied computing~Interactive learning
environments • Applied computing~E-learning
Study approaches, sequence analysis, reading logs, clustering,
association rule mining, learning analytics
ACM Reference format:
Akçapınar, G., Chen, M. R. A., Majumdar, R., Flanagan, B. and Ogata, H.
2020. Exploring Student Approaches to Learning through Sequence
Analysis of Reading Logs. In Proceedings of the 10th International
Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK’20). ACM, New
York, NY, USA, 6 pages.
1 Introduction
Students are using different study approaches to achieve a specific
learning task [1-3]. Understanding these approaches is important
for designing further interventions for particularly low-performing
students [4]. It is also a challenging task for researchers for several
reasons. First of all, study approaches are dynamic phenomenon
and may vary depending on many variables (e.g., subject, task
difficulty, etc.). Therefore, in many cases, it might not be
convenient to capture students’ study approaches by using self-
report methods. On the other hand, previous studies showed that
students’ learning traces (observable behaviors) in online learning
environments can be used as a proxy to understand latent constructs
such as students’ cognitive and metacognitive strategies [4],
learning strategies [5], and study patterns [6]. Although written
materials are the core of education, there is still limited research
that analyzes reading logs to understand students learning
Thanks to digital textbook systems, now it is possible to collect
detailed data regarding the students’ reading processes which is not
possible with traditional textbooks. A previous study that analyzed
students’ digital textbook interaction data indicates that the course
outcome is directly related to reading of a textbook [7, 8]. Junco
and Clem [8] found that students who were in the top 10th percentile
in the number of highlights had significantly higher course grades
than those in the lower 90th percentile. They also found that
students, those who spent a longer time reading textbooks earned
higher grades in the course over those who spent less time. Huang,
et al. [9] proposed a Knowledge Tracing model that measures
students’ level of knowledge on the underlying concept by looking
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ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-7712-6/20/03$15.00
LAK’20, March 23–27, 2020, Frankfurt, Germany
G. Akçapınar et al.
at the amount of time s/he has spent on the related pages (e.g.
In this study, we aim to explore the study approaches of students
while they are studying the content in or out of the class. We use a
theory-driven and data-driven approaches together to this end.
Based on the existing Student Approaches to Learning (SAL)
theory literature, we have formed our research questions and
decided features that can be used as a proxy to understand students’
study approaches. On the other hand, the data-driven approach
helped us to identify students who are using similar learning
approaches. We also analyzed relationships between study
approaches and learning outcomes.
2 Background
2.1 Student Approaches to Learning Theory
The origins of the Student Approaches to Learning (SAL) theory
date back to the 1970s. In one of the early attempts, Marton and
Säljö [2] asked the students to read the reading passages within the
given time limit. Then students were asked to answer a series of
questions measuring their level of understanding. Students were
also asked open-ended questions about how they approached
reading tasks. When the researchers compared the students’ level
of understanding and the approach they used, they found that the
students are using either surface or deep approaches while
performing the reading task.
Later studies confirmed these findings and also found that there
was a third approach in addition to deep and surface. This approach
was named achieving by Biggs [1] and strategic by Entwistle and
Ramsden [10]. Characteristics of each approach are given below [5,
Deep approach: A deep approach to learning is characterized
by students' desires to understand, learn with meaning, and
recognize underlying principles and connections among related
Surface approach: A surface approach to learning often
involves students' memorizing information and doing only what is
necessary to succeed on an upcoming assessment. Students with a
surface approach prefer teaching that directs learning towards
assessment requirements even if this leads to a lack of both
understanding and purpose.
Strategic approach: A strategic approach to learning is
accompanied by students' close attention to details such as expected
test format, the structure of the content as laid out in the text, and
close adherence to an instructor's guidelines for studying. Students
who show a strategic approach can discern and use the aspects of a
learning environment that will support their way of studying.
Previous studies also investigated the relationships between
study approaches and learning outcomes. The surface approach
linked to poor learning outcomes, while the deep approach linked
to better learning outcomes.
Questionnaires are mainly used to measure students' approaches
to learning. However, students may use different strategies at
different times. Moreover, students may not want to self-report
their approaches to learning accurately, especially if they are
surface learners [12]. Therefore, in this study, we aimed at
identifying students’ study approaches from the reading logs
collected by the eBook reader.
2.2 Measuring Latent Variables from Learning
Analyzing latent variables from the students’ learning traces has
recently gained attention in learning analytics and educational data
mining communities. Cicchinelli, et al. [4], tried to identify
students’ self-regulation strategies (e.g., metacognitive and
cognitive strategies) from their interactions with the learning
management system in a blended course setting. They also
compared the results with the self-report data. They found that
observable features (e.g. content access, question-solving, etc.)
could better explain self-regulated learning behavior and its effects
on academic performance than self-report data. In another study,
researchers investigated temporal characteristics of learning
strategies and their association with feedback from the three years
of logs were collected from online pre-class activities of a flipped
classroom [13]. After analyzed data by using clustering, sequence
mining, and process mining approaches, researchers found a
positive association between personalized feedback and effective
strategies. Boroujeni and Dillenbourg [6] analyzed video viewing
and assignment submission behaviors of 7527 students in a MOOC
environment to find out temporal study patterns of the students
during assessment periods.
While most of the studies were conducted with data from
MOOC and learning management systems and often with video-
based learning materials, we focus on the reading-based learning
scenario for our study.
3 Research Questions
In this paper, we hypothesize that features extracted from digital
textbook reader logs can be used to identify students’ approaches
to learning (e.g., surface, deep and strategic). Specifically, the
following research questions were addressed:
RQ 1: Is it possible to identify surface, deep and strategic
learners from the reading logs?
RQ 2: What is the relationship between study approaches and
learning outcomes?
RQ 3: What are the characteristic association rules between
surface, deep, strategic learners’ reading behaviors and their
academic performance?
4 Method
4.1 Instructional Context & Data Collection
We analyzed more than 25,000 rows of click-stream data that are
collected (see Table 1 for details) from 89 students registered in a
Freshman English course at a university. The course was offered to
first-year undergraduate university students. Students used the
Exploring Student Approaches to Learning through Sequence
Analysis of Reading Logs
LAK’20, March 2327, 2020, Frankfurt, Germany
WOODSTOCK’18, June, 2018, El Paso, Texas USA
eBook system to access course materials that were uploaded by the
instructor. Data collection took place in two weeks. In the first
class, students introduced the reading material and were instructed
by the teacher regarding how to use functions in the eBook system.
Students were asked to read content through the eBook system,
highlight main ideas and answer the questions that were developed
to assess their level of comprehension. In the second week, the rest
of the content is completed. All the interactions (e.g. next, previous,
jump, highlight, adding a memo, bookmark, etc.) with the eBook
system were recorded in a database.
Table 1: Number of logs in each event
Event Type
Number of Logs
Quiz attempt
In this study, data was collected from an eBook system which is
currently being used in different universities in Asia. More than
10,000 university-students are using this eBook system as their
main source of learning inside and outside of the classrooms. The
eBook system is an integrated component of a learning analytics
framework. This framework makes it possible to collect all kinds
of interaction data related to students’ eBook reading while
ensuring their privacy. eBook tool has a feature similar to red or
yellow markers to highlight some parts of the text. Students’ can
add memos to remember important points or bookmark pages to
access them quickly while they are reviewing the content.
4.2 Reading Pattern Extraction
At the beginning of data analysis, features from the click-stream
data were extracted. Extracted features were used as a proxy to
understand students’ study approaches. A brief description of
features is given below.
Time IN: Total time spent on content during the class.
Time OUT: Total time spent on content during out of the class.
Marker: Number of yellow and red markers added by the
The content consists of 25 pages. Students’ level of
comprehension was assessed based on 11 questions located inside
the eBook system. With the help of an automated script, students’
in and out-class reading times and marker counts for each page
were extracted. After extracting features, all the numerical data
discretized into three levels. If a student does not have any activity
on a specific page, it is labeled as no activity (na). Then the rest of
the data split into low and high by using the median as a cut-off.
This process is repeated for each feature (e.g., Time IN, Time Out,
and Marker) and each page of the content. At the end of the feature
extraction, 75 columns long data obtained for each student (89 x 75
4.3 Data Analysis
After transforming students’ click-stream data into the page level
categorical data, Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering based on
Ward’s algorithm [14] was used to group students with similar
reading patterns. Optimal matching distance (OM distance) was
used as a similarity calculation method. The optimal number of
clusters decided based on the SAL theory. Dendrogram of the
hierarchical cluster analysis also checked to validate the theoretical
decision. A similar approach previously applied successfully for
detecting students’ learning strategies [4, 6, 13].
For labeling obtained clusters, two graphs were checked. First,
we compared the visualization of page-level data for each cluster.
Then, we analyzed the distribution of aggregated raw data in each
cluster along with quiz results. To extract representative learning
patterns of each cluster, association rule mining analysis was
employed. Data analysis was conducted by the R data mining tool
[15] with the following packages. Sequence analysis conducted by
TraMiner [16], and Association Rules were extracted by using
arules [17] package.
5 Results
5.1 Cluster Analysis
Based on the SAL theory we aim at identifying three clusters in
data related to surface, strategic and deep learning approaches.
Therefore, after confirming with the dendrogram of the hierarchical
cluster analysis (see Fig. 1) we clustered data into 3 groups.
Figure 1: Dendrogram of the hierarchical cluster analysis
Fig. 2 shows the distribution of students’ reading behaviors in each
cluster. Here, each row represents the data of a single student. The
x-axis shows the students’ reading behaviors related to different
LAK’20, March 23–27, 2020, Frankfurt, Germany
G. Akçapınar et al.
features (e.g., Time IN, Time Out, and Marker). Time IN part
shows students’ reading times during the class for each page of the
content. The middle part shows students’ out of class reading times.
The last block shows students' marker activities.
It can be seen from Fig. 2 that students in Cluster 1 (n=38) are
mainly not active in terms of out of the class activity and marker
usage. Regarding the time spent in class, most of them have low
activity in the first 5-10 pages of the content, however, they do not
have any activity on the other pages. Students in Cluster 2 (n = 26)
are highly active in-class and in terms of marker usage. Although
some of them have low activity, most of them have no activity out
of the class. Students in Cluster 3 (n = 25) have similar patterns
with the students in Cluster 2, however, almost all of the students
in this cluster also have high activity across the content during out
of the class.
Figure 2: Visualization of students’ reading behaviors in each
Before labeling the clusters, we also checked the distribution of
quiz scores in each cluster along with the total time spent in class,
out class, and the total number of markers added. Distribution
observed in Fig 3. is in accordance with the page level data. In terms
of quiz scores, students in Cluster 1 have the lowest scores and
students in Cluster 3 have the highest scores. However, students in
Cluster 2 have both low and high scores. Finally, we labeled Cluster
1 as a surface approach, Cluster 2 as a strategic approach, and
Cluster 3 as a deep approach.
Figure 3: Box plots of aggregated data related to reading
behaviors and quiz scores by cluster
5.2 Association Rules
To see the representative patterns of each cluster and its relation
with the academic performance we conducted association rule
mining analysis. To make obtained rules simple and easy to
understand we used aggregated data instead of page-level data. We
calculated total values for Time IN, Time OUT and Marker
features. Discretized Quiz scores (quiz_low, quiz_high) were also
included data to see the relationship between students’ reading
behaviors and their academic performances. Rules are generated for
each cluster with minimum support of 0.1 (%10) and minimum
confidence of 0.8 (%80). Rules which are not related to academic
performance were filtered. In this case, 12 rules generated for
Cluster 1, 10 rules generated for Cluster 2 and 12 rules generated
for Cluster 3. The frequency of items in each cluster can be seen in
Fig 4. The top 5 rules for each cluster selected based on the support
values are discussed below.
Cluster 1 - Surface Approach: The most frequent items in Cluster
1 are quiz_low, timein_low, and timeout_na (see Fig. 4). The first
rule in Table 2 means that if the student has no activity during out-
class time then s/he will get a low quiz score with a support value
Exploring Student Approaches to Learning through Sequence
Analysis of Reading Logs
LAK’20, March 2327, 2020, Frankfurt, Germany
WOODSTOCK’18, June, 2018, El Paso, Texas USA
of 76% and a confidence value of 94%. support value shows that
this rule covers 76% of the students in Cluster 1 and confidence
value means that the probability of getting a low quiz score after
low out-class time is 0.94. Similar patterns can be observed for the
other rules given in Table 2. Most of the students in Cluster 1 have
no activity or low activity in terms of reading times and marker
usage. Most of them also have low quiz scores.
Figure 4: Frequent items in each cluster
Table 2: Top 5 Rules with the highest Support for Cluster 1
[timeout_na] => [quiz_low]
[timein_low] => [quiz_low]
[timein_low, timeout_na] =>
[marker_low, timein_low] =>
[marker_low] => [quiz_low]
Cluster 2 - Strategic Approach: The most frequent items in Cluster
2 are timein_high, quiz_low, and timeout_na (see Fig. 4). Different
than other clusters, this cluster has a similar number of low and high
performers. From the rules given in Table 3, it can be noted that
marker usage is key to separate low and high performers in this
cluster. If a student spends more time in class but his/her marker
usage is low then s/he will get a low quiz score (Rule 1). On the
other hand, high marker usage can be related to high quiz scores
(e.g., Rule 4, Rule 5). Therefore, coverage (support) of the rules in
this cluster is lower than others. High confidence values also
indicate that different rules can be used to identify low and high
performers in this cluster.
Table 3: Top 5 Rules with the highest Support for Cluster 2
[marker_low, timein_high] =>
[timeout_low] => [quiz_low]
[timein_high, timeout_low] =>
[marker_high, timein_high,
timeout_na] => [quiz_high]
[marker_high, timeout_na] =>
Cluster 3 - Deep Approach: The most frequent items in Cluster 3
are marker_high, quiz_high, and timein_high (see Fig. 4). The first
rule in Table 4 means that if the student has high marker usage, then
s/he will get a high quiz score with a support value of 64% and a
confidence value of 76%. All the rules with higher support value
related to high quiz performance. High out-class time also related
to high quiz scores for this group of students (e.g. Rule 4).
Table 4: Top 5 Rules with the highest Support for Cluster 3
[marker_high] => [quiz_high]
[marker_high, timein_high] =>
[timein_high] => [quiz_high]
[timeout_high] => [quiz_high]
[marker_high, timeout_high] =>
6 Conclusions
In this study, we tried to determine students’ approaches to learning
from their reading behaviors exhibited while performing a given
reading task. For this purpose, a theoretical basis of students'
learning approaches from the SAL literature was considered.
Features from the reading log data were extracted that can then be
used as a proxy to understand the approaches. These features are
LAK’20, March 23–27, 2020, Frankfurt, Germany
G. Akçapınar et al.
students' in and out of class reading times and the number of
markers they used. Obtained results showed that the students could
be divided into three clusters identified as surface, strategic and
deep study approaches. Further, the relationship between reading
behaviors and quiz performances of each cluster was examined by
association rule mining analysis.
The results highlighted that the majority of the students who had
followed surface approach did not use markers, their content
completion rates were also low, and they did not use the tool outside
the class. Also, their quiz performance was low. Students using a
deep approach showed high activity both within the class and out
of the class. They used markers actively while reading the content
and their quiz performances were also high. Students using a
strategic approach actively used the tool in the class while they did
not use it outside the class. In terms of quiz performance in that
cluster, there were both low and high performing students. These
findings are in accordance with the ones in the SAL studies [12, 18,
19]. While surface learners tend to complete the task with minimum
effort, deep learners tend to spend time in the content outside the
class and learn the information deeply by using marker function.
The fact that strategic learners actively used the tool in class and
did not use it outside class, can be interpreted as they want to
succeed with minimum effort.
This study has some limitations. First, the sample size is
relatively small, which limits the generalizability of the obtained
results. Second, although the results of the clustering analysis and
association rule mining analysis support our initial hypothesis, we
cannot make a strong claim that these clusters are definitely
representing the three learning approaches. Further validation with
additional data is required to make a stronger claim.
Obtained association rules can be used to predict students'
learning approaches and accordingly to predict their academic
performances. Data showed students who use surface strategy are
mostly active only in the first few pages of the content and even
there is no activity on the following pages. Interventions to ensure
the continuity of these students' reading can be in redesigning the
content. For instance, quiz questions at the beginning of the content
might have led to more marker activity in that part by strategic and
deep learners. Exploring the effect of such reflective questions
across the content on the students' marker behaviors can be
examined in further studies.
This work was partly supported by JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific
Research (S) 16H06304, NEDO Special Innovation Program on AI
and Big Data 18102059-0, Hacettepe University Scientific
Research Projects Coordination Center Grant Number SBI-2017-
16268 and JSPS KAKENHI Research Activity Start-up Grant
Number 18H05746.
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... (Veletsianos & Houlden, 2019;Yates et al., 2021). The elearning system presents text and images and has different features to help learners read and learn and supports teachers in monitoring learners' learning (Akçapinar et al., 2020;Chen et al., 2020;. Behavioral engagement can be observable with the help of e-learning systems that facilitate the measurement and collection of learners' learning behavior records (de Brito Lima et al., 2021;Chen et al., 2020). ...
... With the development of technology, the engagement of the learner and reading processes can be recorded and analyzed (Akçapinar et al., 2020;Boticki et al., 2019;Majumdar et al., 2021). Today, e-learning systems have been developed to record learners' learning so that their reading behaviors can be monitored, and the potential benefits of using e-learning systems to support the reflective process are important in facilitating deep learning (Sims & Bovard, 2004). ...
... Figure 1 presents an overview of the e-learning framework of scanning, responding, and reflecting on how to facilitate the adoption of the reflective reading-based e-learning approach. The e-learning platform consists of an e-learning material system, BookRoll (Flanagan & Ogata, 2018) and a learning analysis system, Analysis Tool (Akçapinar et al., 2020), as well as a learning management system, Moodle (Büchner, 2016) for the instructor to upload course materials and monitor learners' profiles and their reflective reading activities. Furthermore, three databases were established to work with the systems: a learner profile database to store learning information and account, a course content database to store text materials, and a learning portfolio database for storing learners' reflective reading records of learners. ...
One of the main goals of the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) course is to facilitate the development of learners' reading comprehension and reflective skills in English, which can be developed with appropriate instruction. However, in EFL courses, many students are inactive in reflecting on their reading and are disengaged from learning. To fill this gap, a reflective reading-based e-learning approach was proposed to explore the impact of the suggested approach on reading comprehension, reflective thinking, and behavioral engagement. The study aimed to improve the comprehension of the student's reading using the proposed reflective e-learning approach. The study employed a quasi-experimental design in which the experimental group used reflective reading-based e-learning (n = 51) and the control group used conventional e-learning (n = 50) for a total of 13 weeks of participation. The experiment was designed to examine reading comprehension, reflective thinking, and behavioral engagement (e.g., reading time, Marker list, Quiz score, Memo list). The results revealed that the reflective reading-based e-learning approach could improve the comprehension and reflective thinking of the learners and promote behavioral engagement. These findings can be valuable for educators designing strategies to improve students' reading comprehension skills and stimulate behavioral engagement in e-learning systems.
... Student engagement analytics typically consist of the following steps: First, an appropriate source of information needs to be identified. To collect relevant information, previous studies have considered, for instance, data from educational service logs [8], surveys [9], mobile technologies [10], and social networks [11]. Secondly, it entails defining a set of quantitative descriptors of student engagement that are tailored to the specific learning context. ...
... In recent years, the parallel issue of fostering student engagement through educational technologies in secondary and higher education has received increasing attention [1,4,8,32]. For example, the authors in [32] analyzed the behavioral engagement of MOOC participants based on both the timing of resource accesses and on the type of explored resources, i.e., video, Self Regulated Learning (SRL) support video, discussion, quiz, assignment, reading. ...
... For example, the authors in [32] analyzed the behavioral engagement of MOOC participants based on both the timing of resource accesses and on the type of explored resources, i.e., video, Self Regulated Learning (SRL) support video, discussion, quiz, assignment, reading. In [8], the authors analyzed click-stream log data related to 89 students of a Freshman English course. They classified students as surface, deep, or strategic according to their engagement level measured in terms of time spent on the Web pages and number of actions made on that pages (detected from reading logs). ...
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Computer laboratories are learning environments where students learn programming languages by practicing under teaching assistants’ supervision. This paper presents the outcomes of a real case study carried out in our university in the context of a database course, where learning SQL is one of the main topics. The aim of the study is to analyze the level of engagement of the laboratory participants by tracing and correlating the accesses of the students to each laboratory exercise, the successful/failed attempts to solve the exercises, the students’ requests for help, and the interventions of teaching assistants. The acquired data are analyzed by means of a sequence pattern mining approach, which automatically discovers recurrent temporal patterns. The mined patterns are mapped to behavioral, cognitive engagement, and affective key indicators, thus allowing students to be profiled according to their level of engagement in all the identified dimensions. To efficiently extract the desired indicators, the mining algorithm enforces ad hoc constraints on the pattern categories of interest. The student profiles and the correlations among different engagement dimensions extracted from the experimental data have been shown to be helpful for the planning of future learning experiences.
... Hsieh and Huang (2020) claimed that certain features of M-learning systems could facilitate learning, such as colour markers and annotations. Several studies have further suggested that analysing students' learning logs recorded in M-learning systems can provide useful information to assist students and teachers in improving their learning and teaching performances (Akçapınar et al. 2020;Boticki et al., 2019;Chen et al., 2019aChen et al., , 2019b. ...
... At the same time, several researchers have also started exploring its pedagogical value in language learning and teaching. Boticki et al. (2019) and Akçapınar et al. (2020) used logs as part of learning analytics to study user models. Using features or systems in learning systems, researchers can collect detailed data and apply the evidence to facilitate learning performance. ...
... Furthermore, there are some approaches to learning systems that have shown some positive learning outcomes. For example, the topic-scanning guiding technique in the learning systems was used to enhance students' reading comprehension (Akçapınar et al., 2020;Chen et al., 2019a) while the knowledge-sharing-based learning method was adopted in a learning system to foster students' language learning performance (Chen et al., 2019b). ...
... Many researchers focus on analyzing learners' behaviors when they interact with e-textbook learning materials, aiming to understand how students learn and what they need when reading learning materials [1,15,19,32]. ...
... Following these works, Akçapınar et al. [2] analyzed students' e-textbook interaction data and developed an early warning system for students at risk of academic failure. Additionally, their other work explored students' reading approaches from e-textbook data using theory-driven and data-driven approaches [1]. The results identified three different reading approaches: deep, strategic, and surface. ...
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As the utilization of digital learning materials continues to rise in higher education, the accumulated operational log data provide a unique opportunity to analyze student reading behaviors. Previous works on reading behaviors for e-books have identified jump-back as frequent student behavior, which refers to students returning to previous pages to reflect on them during the reading. However, the lack of navigation in e-book systems makes finding the right page at once challenging. Students usually need to try several times to find the correct page, which indicates the strong demand for personalized navigation recommendations. This work aims to help the student alleviate this problem by recommending the right page for a jump-back. Specifically, we propose a model for personalized navigation recommendations based on neural networks. A two-phase experiment is conducted to evaluate the proposed model, and the experimental result on real-world datasets validates the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method.
... Several works have investigated how to model e-book reading users based on their set of reading characteristics [1,34,24,8,2]. Nevertheless, their models did not consider the content that students read [31], information that may be important for improving the course content's structures [16], or providing process-oriented feedback to students [27]. ...
... This is a signal that at-risk students adopt a surface learning approach [17], focusing on the content directly related to the assessments. Thus, previous works [1,34] that have analyzed the students' reading behavior can use the topic preferences to make better reports. ...
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The use of digital lecture slides in e-book platforms allows the analysis of students' reading behavior. Previous works have made important contributions to this task, but they have focused on students' interactions without considering the content they read. The present work complements these works by designing a model able to quantify the e-book LECture slides and TOpic Relationships (LECTOR). Our results show that LECTOR performs better in extracting important information from lecture slides and suggest that read-ers' topic preferences extracted by our model are important factors that can explain students' academic performance.
... Students' learning outcomes across the four learning modes are then further explored, showing consistent results from both theoretical and data-driven analytical approaches. Akçapinar et al. [27] used clustering methods to analyze learning data to obtain different learning patterns, and found that different learning patterns can reflect learning outcomes (high and low scores). It can be seen from the above that analyzing online learning data helps to understand students' learning patterns, self-directed learning, and information related to learning outcomes. ...
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Improving learning outcomes is always one of the key objectives of learning analytics (LA) and educational data mining (EDM). In recent years, many Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) have been deployed and making it easier to collect learners’ data for further analysis. Naturally, leveraging AI to process such kind of big data becomes one of the main research streams to support education. In this paper, we collected data and defined student learning patterns by leveraging online courses on Python programming and we then verified if their learning performance was influenced by different learning patterns and interventions. We designed the intervention process, explored the impact of final learning outcomes, and analyze Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) abilities. From the experimental results, we share the learning outcomes and the difference in SRL with detailed explanation based on different groups.
... In future studies, the situations in which students exhibit these watching behaviours, the relationship between video watching behaviour with individual characteristics of students and academic performance can be investigated. Such an analysis can help with determining students' learning approaches (Akçapinar et al., 2020) or self-regulated learning skills (Fan et al., 2022), and provide important data-driven evidence for the determination of instructional design principles related to video-based learning . ...
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The use of videos in teaching has gained impetus in recent years, especially after the increased attention towards remote learning. Understanding students’ video-related behaviour through learning (and video) analytics can offer instructors significant potential to intervene and enhance course designs. Previous studies explored students’ video engagement to reveal learning patterns and identify at-risk students. However, the focus has been mostly placed on single contexts, and therefore, limited insights have been offered about the differences and commonalities between different learning settings. To that end, the current paper explored student video engagement in three disparate contexts. Following a case study research approach, we uncovered the commonalities and differences of video engagement in the context of SPOC, MOOC, and an undergraduate university course. The findings offer a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of students’ video-related engagement and shed light into several key aspects related to video analytics that should be considered during the design of video-based learning (e.g., learning objectives in relation to video type or context). Additionally, the three cases indicated the important role of the content type, the length, and the aim of the video on students’ engagement. Further implications of the work are also discussed in the paper.
... Researchers demonstrated learners' book reading behaviors were a piece of evidence of their SRL strategy (Akçapinar, Chen, Majumdar, Flanagan, & Ogata, 2020). Measuring learners' learning strategies using logs instead of questionnaires could be in more real-time and reliable. ...
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Emerging science requires data collection to support the research and development of advanced methodologies. In the educational field, conceptual frameworks such as Learning Analytics (LA) or Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) also require data. Prior studies demonstrated the efficiency of academic data, for example, risk student prediction and learning strategies unveiling. However, a publicly available data set was lacking for benchmarking these experiments. To contribute to educational science and technology research and development, we conducted a programming course series two years ago and collected 160 students' learning data. The data set includes two well-designed learning systems and measurements of two welldefined learning strategies: Self-regulated Learning (SRL) and Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL). Then we summarized this data set as a Learning Behavior and Learning Strategies data set (LBLS-160) in this study; here, 160 indicates a total of 160 students. Compared to the prior studies, the LBLS data set is focused on students' book reading behaviors, code programming behaviors, and measurement results on students' learning strategies. Additionally, to demonstrate the usability and availability of the LBLS data set, we conducted a simple risk student prediction task, which is in line with the challenge of cross-course testing accuracy. Furthermore, to facilitate the development of educational science, this study summarized three data challenges for the LBLS data set.
... 49 For example, a student may predominantly use a surface learning approach for an assessment that focuses on recollection of information, while using a deeper approach while preparing for an assessment that requires critical thinking. 2,50,51 Taken together, this could have meant that students alter their approaches to learning according to their needs. From the students' feedback gathered through interviews and surveys, we learnt that while most students appreciated the AdventureLEARN platform, many had little time to spare as their curriculum was too demanding. ...
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The rapid development of technology has led to the change of textbooks from printed to digital forms accessible by students irrespective of their location, thereby improving their overall academic performance. This change is appropriate to the sustainable learning program, where digital textbooks support online learning and students can access material from anywhere and at any time. This research aims to analyze the factors affecting the intention of elementary school teachers to use digital textbooks. Quantitative data were collected and measured from 493 elementary school teachers in Riau, Indonesia, and analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). The results showed that performance expectancy (PE), Effort Expectancy (EE), Social Influence (SI), Perceived learning opportunities (PLO), Self-efficacy (SE), and Facilitating Condition (FC) positively affected teachers’ intention to use digital textbooks. SI was found to be the factor with the greatest effect on BI. However, attitude, affective need (AN), ICT usage habits, gender, age, and education level did not affect teachers’ intention to use digital textbooks. This research provides important information for the government, decision-makers, and schools on using digital textbooks at the elementary level in the future.
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This is a User's Guide of the R package TraMineR version 1.8.
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Early prediction systems have already been applied successfully in various educational contexts. In this study, we investigated developing an early prediction system in the context of eBook-based teaching-learning and used students’ eBook reading data to develop an early warning system for students at-risk of academic failure -students whose academic performance is low. To determine the best performing model and optimum time for possible interventions we created prediction models by using 13 prediction algorithms with the data from different weeks of the course. We also tested effects of data transformation on prediction models. 10-fold cross-validation was used for all prediction models. Accuracy and Kappa metrics were used to compare the performance of the models. Our results revealed that in a sixteen-week long course all models reached their highest performance with the data from the 15th week. On the other hand, starting from the 3rd week, the models classified low and high performing students with an accuracy of over 79%. In terms of algorithms, Random Forest (RF) outperformed other algorithms when raw data were used, however, with the transformed data J48 algorithm performed better. When categorical data were used, Naive Bayes (NB) outperformed other algorithms. Results also indicated that models with transformed data performed lower than the models created using categorical data. However, models with categorical data showed similar performance with models with raw data. The implications of the results presented in this research were also discussed with respect to the field of Learning Analytics.
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Learning analytics has the potential to detect and explain characteristics of learning strategies through analysis of trace data and communicate the findings via feedback. However, the role of learning analytics-based feedback in selection and regulation of learning strategies is still insufficiently explored and understood. This research aims to examine the sequential and temporal characteristics of learning strategies and investigate their association with feedback. Three years of trace data were collected from online pre-class activities of a flipped classroom, where different types of feedback were employed in each year. Clustering, sequence mining, and process mining were used to detect and interpret learning tactics and strategies. Inferential statistics were used to examine the association of feedback with the learning performance and the detected learning strategies. The results suggest a positive association between the personalised feedback and the effective strategies.
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This paper aims to identify self-regulation strategies from students' interactions with the learning management system (LMS). We used learning analytics techniques to identify metacognitive and cognitive strategies in the data. We define three research questions that guide our studies analyzing i) self-assessments of motivation and self regulation strategies using standard methods to draw a baseline, ii) interactions with the LMS to find traces of self regulation in observable indicators, and iii) self regulation behaviours over the course duration. The results show that the observable indicators can better explain self-regulatory behaviour and its influence in performance than preliminary subjective assessments.
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Capturing students' behavioral patterns through analysis of sequential interaction logs is an important task in educational data mining and could enable more effective and personalized support during the learning processes. This study aims at discovery and temporal analysis of learners' study patterns in MOOC assessment periods. We propose two different methods to achieve this goal. First, following a hypothesis-driven approach, we identify learners' study patterns based on their interaction with lectures and assignments. Through clustering of study pattern sequences, we capture different longitudinal activity profiles among learners and describe their properties. Second, we propose a temporal clustering pipeline for unsupervised discovery of latent patterns in learners' interaction data. We model and cluster activity sequences at each time step and perform cluster matching to enable tracking learning behaviours over time. Our proposed pipeline is general and applicable in different learning environments such as MOOC and ITS. Moreover, it allows for modeling and temporal analysis of interaction data at different levels of actions granularity and time resolution. We demonstrate the application of this method for detecting latent study patterns in a MOOC course.
The field of education technology is embracing a use of learning analytics to improve student experiences of learning. Along with exponential growth in this area is an increasing concern of the interpretability of the analytics from the student experience and what they can tell us about learning. This study offers a way to address some of the concerns of collecting and interpreting learning analytics to improve student learning by combining observational and self-report data. The results present two models for predicting student academic performance which suggest that a combination of both observational and self-report data explains a significantly higher variation in student outcomes. The results offer a way into discussing the quality of interpretations of learning analytics and their usefulness for helping to improve the student experience of learning and also suggest a pathway for future research into this area.