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Preliminary Experience of Glove Single Port Laparoscopic Appendectomy in Children and Adolescents for Uncomplicated Appendicitis

  • Al-Azhar University - Egypt
Volume 3 Issue 3 March 2020
Preliminary Experience of Glove Single Port Laparoscopic Appendectomy in
Children and Adolescents for Uncomplicated Appendicitis
Yasser Ashour Mohamed1, Mohamed Ahmed Negm2*, Ibrahim Ahmed
Gamaan1, Sayed Ahmed Elhady1 and Mohamed Mohamed Shahin1
1Department of Pediatric Surgery, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt
2Pediatric Surgery Unit, Qena Faculty of Medicine, South Valley University, Qena,
*Corresponding Author: Mohamed Ahmed Negm, M.D, Pediatric Surgery Unit,
Qena Faculty of Medicine, South Valley University, Qena, Egypt.
Research Article
 January 07, 2020;
Published: February 20, 2020
© All rights are reserved by Mohamed
Ahmed Negm., et al.
Keywords: Glove Single Port; Endoscopic Appendectomy; Children; Laparoscopy; One Port Endosurgery
AAP: Acute Appendicitis; CLA: Conventional Laparoscopic Appen-
dectomy; FPR: Flexible Plastic Ring; LAP: Laparoscopic Appendec-
tomy GSPLA: Glove Single Port Laparoscopic Appendectomy; ROR:
Rigid Outer Ring; SILAP: Single Incision Laparoscopic Appendec-
tomy; SILS: Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery; SILT: Single Inci-
sion Laparoscopic Trocar.
: Laparoscopic appendectomy has been widely applied and became popular procedure for the surgical management of
  
surgery [SILS]. By this approach the laparoscopic instruments introduced to the abdomen through a longitudinal one umbilical inci-
sion only.
Purpose: This study aimed to present two centres initial experiences using home-made glove single port for laparoscopic appendec-
tomy [GSPLA] in children and adolescents.
Patients and Methods: This prospective study was conducted on patients of pediatric age with uncomplicated appendicitis using
folded glove was inserted into the abdominal cavity using a curved artery forceps. The open end of the glove was passed through the
Results: Seventy-two children with acute uncomplicated appendicitis were surgically treated by GSPLA. Their mean age was 13 ± 2.8
of follow up.
:     
Appendectomy is a well-established surgical procedure for the
treatment of appendicitis. The operation can be performed as an
open surgery or by laparoscopy. A further development in the min-
imally invasive appendectomy technique has been the introduction
    
best surgical choice for the treatment of appendicitis [3-5].
ric age. But it is still not a well-established technique and not widely
practiced because it is ergonomically challenging when compared
with multi-port laparoscopic procedure. Moreover, SILT access de-
creases the range of movement for the surgeon and assistant with
 The commercially available SILT in addi-
tion to its high cost needs special instruments with limited range of
movements especially when performed in children [9].
ORCID ID: 
Citation: Mohamed Ahmed Negm., et al. “Preliminary Experience of Glove Single Port Laparoscopic Appendectomy in Children and Adolescents for
Uncomplicated Appendicitis”. Acta Scientific Paediatrics
This prospective study included all children and adolescents
with non-complicated appendicitis. The study was done in two pe-
diatric surgery centres of Al-Azhar, Qena University Hospitals and
2019. All children were subjected to laparoscopic appendectomy
with GSPLA technique.
Pelvi-abdominal ultrasound was done by a senior radiologist
for all patients.
Patients and Methods
This study aimed to present the outcome of initial experience
of SILAP using a home-made surgical glove for uncomplicated ap-
pendicitis in children and adolescents.
The study was approved for clinical study by Ethical Research
Committee. Before enrolment of the patients in this study, the par-
ents were agreed and signed a written consent.
    -
nal U/S, CBC, CRP and urine analysis were carried out. Antibiotic
General with endotracheal intubation.
Patient position: Supine with little tilting of the table to the left
the umbilicus was cleaned thoroughly with alcohol swabs and Po-
vidone Iodine solution which was applied also from the nipple to
the mid-thigh.
The home-made surgical glove single port was prepared from
            
   
glove was passed through the inner FPR and the open end turned
around it in the middle of the glove so to become inside the out
incision of about two cm was done and deepened to include the fas-
corners of the fascia and peritoneum for traction during insertion
Insertion of the well lubricated inner FPR to the peritoneal cav-
ity by using a curved artery forceps. The open end of the glove was
passed through the outer ROR where it was stretched and turned
several times around the ROR for tightening over the anterior ab-
Figure 1: Materials and instruments used for construction of
Home-Made Glove Single Port.
Figure 2: Steps of longitudinal umbilical incision and insertion of
Figure 3: Insertion of home-made glove single port through
umbilical incision.
Citation: Mohamed Ahmed Negm., et al. “Preliminary Experience of Glove Single Port Laparoscopic Appendectomy in Children and Adolescents for
Uncomplicated Appendicitis”. Acta Scientific Paediatrics
piece of elastic rubber band from the tips of other glove to prevent
tional laparoscopic instruments [3-mm or 5-mm] were introduced
  -
sure gradient from 8 – 12 mmHg according to child’s age, the peri-
    
exclude complicated appendicitis. The monopolar diathermy was
used in heat coagulation of meso-appendix and in some cases Har-
monic Scalpel was used. The base of the appendix was tied using
          
glove was used to exteriorise the appendix. Lastly closure of um-
        
Figure 4: 
Figure 5: Intraoperative view of acute appendicitis
Figure 6: Immediate post- operative photo of umbilical wound
       
described, and NSAID for analgesia. All children were allowed to
        
and the diet was advanced gradually as tolerated. Patients were
discharged home when tolerating a regular diet, usually at the
morning of the second post-operative day. However, some patients
were discharged home in the evening of the operative day. For
 -
 
   -
tive data were expressed as frequency and percentage.
Seventy-two children with AAP were included in this study. The
demographic data of the patients is shown in Table 1. The appen-
      
GSPLA technique. Harmonic Scalpel was used to control the me-
    
cases. The base of the appendix was controlled by extracorporeal
         -
         
that improved conservatively. No other abdominal complications
reported in this study. The mean postoperative hospital stay was
call only. No umbilical infection or hernia developed in the follow-
Citation: Mohamed Ahmed Negm., et al. “Preliminary Experience of Glove Single Port Laparoscopic Appendectomy in Children and Adolescents for
Uncomplicated Appendicitis”. Acta Scientific Paediatrics
No. of patients  
Mean age in years
Range in years
Convertion to CLAP 2 
Mean operative time in minutes
35 - 79
Accessability of the appendix
Post-operative complications
Ileus 2 
Mean hospital stay in hours
Range in hours
35 - 72
Table 1: Showing patients’ demography and
the result of the study.
   
 
laparoscopy was Kurt Semm in 1983 [10,11]. Conventional laparo-
ment of complicated and uncomplicated appendicitis [3-5].
less postoperative pain and low doses of analgesics. It enables ear-
can return early to normal activities and also have fewer cosmetic
problems after surgery. For these reasons, CLA is one of the most
frequently performed emergency operations [12]. According to
what documented in the literature by many authors, the procedure
 
one procedure by the same approach, good patient compliance re-
garding post-operative pain and possibility for conversion to the
classic multiport laparoscopic procedure [13-15].
In a recent study by Martynov and Lacher, they documented
curved laparoscopic instruments but, it is costly if compared with
glove single port used in the current study and in country with low
available resources [9]. This also agreed with Lee., et al. in their
study using the same procedure with conventional laparoscopic
instruments with low cost .
In a randomized controlled trial done by Lee., et al. comparing
SILT with CLA they have documented that postoperative results
were similar. However, the increased costs for SILT compared to
CLA, especially when carried out by costly curved instruments is
a limitation of SILT technique. However, the technique used in this
study became popular and used by many authors. This may be due
to its low costs and, the use of conventional laparoscopic equip-
ment. Moreover, surgical glove port has been adopted for several
minimal procedures, including cholecystectomies and appendecto-
mies [8,17-20].
Martynov and Lacher [9] stated that the surgical equipments
needed to perform SILT in children are very expensive and they
added that the use of surgical glove port is not only cheap but al-
lows a wide range of movement of the instruments without colli-
 
of surgery between SILT using conventional laparoscopic equip-
ments compared with CLA [21].
In this study, the mean operative time of GSPLA procedure was
     
   
team to get familiar with the technique. Then, the operative time
was deceased gradually in the following cases.
Also, using the home-made surgical glove as a single port for the
to use and can be simply introduced into the abdominal cavity even
in obese children. It permits the laparoscopic instruments to be
passed through small incision. In addition, the glove acts as a barri-
er preventing the contact of the appendix to abdominal wall during
retrieval of the appendix with no need for laparoscopic endobag
especially low resource countries. The umbilical incision is small;
this minimizes postoperative pain and the rate of development of
infection or umbilical hernia due to the barrier effect of the glove.
           
   -
       
The elasticity of the surgical glove single port permits a good range
of movements of the instruments with enough triangulation with
       
small cut was made in the tip of the gloves port without using a
trocar and tied with a previously prepared elastic strip .
According to the present study, the GSPLA technique has been
shown to be not only feasible but also safe and effective, with a
  -
era man is very important to carry out the technique smoothly and
another problem that may slow the procedure as there is no sepa-
rate venting channel in cases of GSPLA.
In the current study, all cases were completed laparoscopical-
         -
sinating instrument [3 with multiple adhesions and 2 with retro-
cecal position of the appendix. No case needed conversion to open
Citation: Mohamed Ahmed Negm., et al. “Preliminary Experience of Glove Single Port Laparoscopic Appendectomy in Children and Adolescents for
Uncomplicated Appendicitis”. Acta Scientific Paediatrics
The glove single-port laparoscopic appendectomy is a new tech-
nique which is cheaper than the other SILT devices. According to
the results of this study, laparoscopic appendectomy in pediatric
age using the home-made glove single port is quite easy to be done
for non-complicated appendicitis with short learning curve. This
    
of laparoscopic instruments.
surgery and this agreed with Lee., et al. in their study comparing
home–made port with conventional laparoscopic procedure.
 et al. earlier stated that in their study, a higher
In this study, early mobilization was advised and the majority
of patients were usually discharged on the second post-operative
day. The mean postoperative hospital stay was ranged from 35 - 72
The clinical limitation of the present study is its application in
only non-complicated appendicitis and the small number of cases.
But this may be explained by our initial results with early learn-
ing curve to be familiar of this technique. Larger numbers together
with long term follow up of cases are needed to support the idea of
this technique in the future.
        
Professor of Pediatric Surgery and innovator of laparoscopic sur-
gery, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt for his encouragements and
support for mastering this technique and meticulous revision of
this article.
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Citation: Mohamed Ahmed Negm., et al. “Preliminary Experience of Glove Single Port Laparoscopic Appendectomy in Children and Adolescents for
Uncomplicated Appendicitis”. Acta Scientific Paediatrics
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Introduction Single-incision pediatric endosurgery (SIPES) for the treatment of acute appendicitis in children has recently gained popularity due to its advantages including minimization of postoperative scars or less incisional pain. The principal disadvantages of SIPES include the limited degrees of freedom of movement and high health care costs. To overcome these issues, some surgeons have reported to use noncommercial ports for SIPES appendectomy. Case Report In this report, we present a case of a 10-year-old female patient with acute appendicitis undergoing SIPES appendectomy using own homemade glove port and straight rigid instruments. Conclusion SIPES appendectomy using the glove port is a low-cost alternative to commercially available port systems. It is easy to set up and use.
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Background Laparoscopic appendectomy is now the treatment of choice in uncomplicated appendicitis. To date its importance in the treatment of complicated appendicitis is not clearly defined. Methods From January 2005 to June 2013 a total of 1762 patients underwent appendectomy for the suspected diagnosis of appendicitis at our institution. Of these patients 1516 suffered from complicated appendicitis and were enrolled. In total 926 (61 %) underwent open appendectomy (OA) and 590 (39 %) underwent laparoscopic appendectomy (LA). The following parameters were retrospectively analyzed: age, sex, operative times, histology, length of hospital stay, 30-day morbidity focusing on occurrence of surgical site infections, intraabdominal abscess formation, postoperative ileus and appendiceal stump insufficiency, conversion rate, use of endoloops and endostapler. Results A statistically significant difference in operative time was observed between the laparoscopic and the open group (64.5 vs. 60 min; p = 0.002). Median length of hospitalization was significantly shorter in the laparoscopic group (p < 0.000). Surgical site infections occurred exclusively after OA (38 vs. 0 patients). Intraabdominal abscess formation occurred statistically significantly more often after LA (2 vs. 10 patients; p = 0.002). There were no statistical significances concerning the occurrence of postoperative ileus (p = 0.261) or appendiceal stump insufficiencies (p = 0.076). Conclusions The laparoscopic approach for complicated appendicitis is a safe and feasible procedure. Surgeons should be aware of a potentially higher incidence of intraabdominal abscess formation following LA. Use of endobags , inversion of the appendiceal stump and carefully conducted local irrigation of the abdomen in a supine position may reduce the incidence of abscess formation.
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To further improve the advantages of minimally invasive surgery, single port laparoscopic techniques continue to be developed. We report our initial experience with single port laparoscopic appendectomy (SPLA) in children and compare its outcomes to those of conventional laparoscopic appendectomy (CLA). Clinical data were prospectively collected for SPLA cases performed at Chung-Ang University Hospital by a single surgeon between March 2011 and December 2011, including operative time, perioperative complications, conversion rate, and length of hospital stay. Each case of SPLA was performed using conventional laparoscopic instruments through Glove port placed into the single umbilical incision. To compare outcomes, a retrospective review was performed for those patients who underwent CLA between March 2010 and December 2010. Thirty-one patients underwent SPLA and 114 patients underwent CLA. Mean age (10.5 years vs. 11.1 years, P = 0.43), weight (48.2 kg vs. 42.9 kg, P = 0.27), and operation time (41.8 minutes vs. 37.9 minutes, P = 0.190) were comparable between both groups. Mean hospital stay was longer for CLA group (2.6 days vs. 3.7 days, P = 0.013). There was no conversion to conventional laparoscopic surgery in SPLA group. In CLA group, there were nine complications (7.9%) with 3 cases of postoperative ileuses and 6 cases wound problems. There was one complication (3.2%) of umbilical surgical site infection in SPLA group (P = 0.325). The results of this study demonstrated that SPLA using conventional laparoscopic instruments is technically feasible and safe in children. SPLA using conventional laparoscopic instruments might be popularized by eliminating the need for specially designed instruments.
Background: Appendicectomy is a well-established surgical procedure used in the management of acute appendicitis. The operation can be performed with minimally invasive surgery or as an open procedure. A further development in the minimally invasive appendicectomy technique has been the introduction of single incision laparoscopic surgery (SILA). Aim: To ascertain any differences in outcomes from available trials comparing SILA with conventional multi-incision laparoscopic appendicectomy (CLA). Methods: A literature search of MEDLINE/PubMed, EMBASE/Ovid and CENTRAL for articles from Jan1990 to June 2015 with key words: 'appendectomy', 'appendicetomy'; 'appendicitis'; 'laparoscopy'; 'keyhole'; 'single port'; 'single incision'; 'single site'; 'one port'; 'incisionless'; 'scarless'. Randomised control trials of patients with signs and symptoms of appendicitis undergoing laparoscopic appendicectomy, with one arm being SILA were included. Statistical analysis was performed through Mantle-Haenszel and inverse variance methods. Results: A total of 8 RCTs published between 2012 and 2014 with a total of 995 patients were included. Meta-analysis showed no significant differences between SILA and CLA for complication rates, post-operative ileus, length of hospital stay, return to work or post-operative pain. CLA was significantly superior to SILA with reduced operating time (mean difference 5.81 [2.01, 9.62] P=0.003) and conversion rates (OR 4.14 [1.93, 8.91] P=0.0003). SILA surgery had better wound cosmesis (mean difference 0.55 [0.33, 0.77] P=0.00001). Conclusion: SILA is comparable to CLA in terms of complications, post-operative pain and recovery. Therefore, SILA could be a viable option in the hands of an experienced surgeons and for patients' groups who place great value on the final cosmetic outcome.
Objective: Currently single-incision laparoscopic appendectomy (SIL-A) has become an option for treating appendicitis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the safety and feasibility of SIL-A compared with conventional laparoscopic appendectomy (CL-A) on a large experimental cohort. Background: Several studies had reported the safety and technical feasibility of SIL-A, albeit with a limited number of study subjects. Methods: A total of 2587 patients (1208 SIL-A and 1379 CL-A) who underwent laparoscopic appendectomy from May 2008 to April 2013 were studied retrospectively. The clinical characteristics and short-term operative outcomes of these patients were reviewed and analyzed. Results: There were more simple type appendicitis in the SIL-A group and more complicated type appendicitis in CL-A group (81.0% vs 74.7% and 19% vs 25.3%, P <0.001, respectively). The operative time (minutes) was similar between the 2 groups (40.1 +/- 18.6 vs 38.8 +/- 25.2, P = 0.154). However, on subgroup analysis, operative time for simple type appendicitis was longer in the SIL-A group (36.6 +/- 14.9 vs 32.3 +/- 18.3, P < 0.001). The superficial incisional surgical site infection rate was higher in the SIL-A group (4.4% vs 2.3%, P = 0.003). The readmission rate was higher in the CL-A group (0.8% vs 1.7%, P = 0.042). The postoperative hospital stay (days) was shorter in the SIL-A group (3.05 +/- 1.97 vs 3.35 +/- 2.14, P < 0.001). Conclusions: In this study, SIL-A was technically feasible and safe option for appendicitis. The SIL-A group had more favorable outcomes such as shorter time to start diet and less hospital stay after surgery than the CL-A group. However, superficial incisional surgical site infection rate was higher in the SIL-A group than in the CL-A group, an effort to reduce superficial incisional SSI should be made.
Objective: To compare surgical outcomes and quality of life between single-port laparoscopic appendectomy (SPLA) and conventional laparoscopic appendectomy (CLA) in patients with acute appendicitis. Background: A prospective randomized single center study was performed to compare the outcome of SPLA and CLA in patients with acute appendicitis. Methods: A total of 248 patients were randomized, but because of 18 withdrawals, the outcome of 224 is analyzed, 116 in CLA and 114 in SPLA. Results: There was no significant difference in the overall complication rate (P = 0.470). There were no significant differences in infectious complications between the SPLA group and the CLA group (10.2% and 12.4%, respectively). The wound complication rate between the 2 groups was not significant (5.1% and 10.6%, respectively; P = 0.207). Cosmetic satisfaction score, 36-item short-form health survey, and postoperative pain scores were not significantly different between 2 groups. Conclusions: SPLA failed to show any advantages over CLA relative to pain and cosmesis. However, SPLA is as safe as CLA (RCT number 01348464).
Single-incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS) is a novel area of minimally invasive surgery using a single incision. The end result is a lone incision at the umbilicus for a perceived scarless abdomen. We report our early experience using the SILS technique for appendectomies in the pediatric population. A retrospective chart review was performed on our first patients to undergo SILS appendectomy (SILS-A) or laparoscopic appendectomy (LAP-A) during the same period at a freestanding children's hospital. Thirty-nine patients were reviewed. Nineteen patients underwent SILS-A (8.7 +/- 0.76 [SEM] years old), and 20 patients underwent LAP-A (10.5 +/- 0.87 years old, 2-17). Ages were 19 months to 14 years in the SILS-A group, with 21% (4 patients) not older than 6 years. Median weight for SILS-A was 32 kg (14.5-80.3). Twelve patients had acute nonperforated appendicitis (62%). Mean duration of operation was 58 +/- 5.6 (30-135) minutes vs 43 +/- 3.6 (30-85) minutes for standard LAP-A. Two patients were converted to a transumbilical appendectomy, one for inability to maintain a pneumoperitoneum and one for extensive adhesions. Postoperative complications consisted of one wound seroma. No wound infections, hernias, readmissions, or difference in length of stay were noted. The SILS approach for acute appendicitis is feasible in the pediatric population even in patients as young as 19 months. Operating room times are somewhat longer than with LAP-A, but should decrease with improved instrumentation and experience. Larger studies and further technical refinements are needed before its widespread implementation.
To describe our experience with a single-incision laparoscopic cholecystectomy (SILC) performed using a flexible endoscope as the means of visualization and surgical dissection. The use of flexible endoscopy in intra-abdominal surgery has never been described. Prospective observational case series. Eleven patients with symptomatic cholelithiasis were selected based on age, clinical presentation, body habitus, and history of previous abdominal surgery. Patients with acute or chronic cholecystitis were excluded. All procedures were completed laparoscopically via the single umbilical incision without the need to convert to an open operation and without introduction of any additional laparoscopic instruments or trocars. The mean operative time was 149.5 minutes (range, 99-240 minutes). The mean length of hospital stay was 0.36 days. There were no associated intraoperative or postoperative complications. In our experience, SILC performed with a flexible endoscope is feasible and safe. Further studies are needed to determine its advantages in reference to postoperative pain and complication rate in juxtaposition with the current standard laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
Laparoscopic appendectomy is generally performed with the three-port system. In this study, we performed a unique single-port laparoscopic appendectomy, which we refer to as the transumbilical single-port laparoscopic appendectomy (TUSPLA). From April 19, 2008, 33 cases of TUSPLA were performed. A surgical glove was used as the "single-port" with an extra-small wound retractor, which was set up through a small umbilical incision. The surgical glove attached with one trocar and two pipes were then fixed to the outer ring of the wound retractor, which served as a single port with three working channels. Using this single-port system, TUSPLA was performed. The overall procedure was similar to that used for the three-port laparoscopic appendectomy. TUSPLA was attempted in 33 patients (11 males and 22 females), with an average age of 31.2 years (range, 14-73). Average patient body mass index was 22.8 kg/m2 (range, 16.8-35.8). TUSPLA was successfully completed in 31 patients. In 2 cases, the operation was converted to the conventional three-port laparoscopic appendectomy due to a gangrenous change at the base of the appendix in 1 case and the need for drainage in another. Mean operation time was 40.8 minutes (range, 15-90), and mean postoperative hospital stay was 2.5 days (range, 1-11). Postoperative complications occurred in 3 cases; 2 cases were of localized pericecal abscess and 1 case was of omphalitis, and all were treated conservatively. TUSPLA is a safe, effective technique that allows nearly scarless abdominal surgery.
The argument in favour of laparoscopic appendicectomy