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Methods to improve the yield of right heart catheterization in pulmonary hypertension


Abstract and Figures

Right heart catheterization (RHC) is needed to diagnose pulmonary hypertension (PH). Traditional hemodynamic determinations may be insufficient to identify early stages of the disease and the mechanism of PH, confidently allocate patients to the pre- and/or postcapillary groups of the disease and guide certain treatment decisions (e.g. use of calcium channel blockers). In this review, we discuss the role of established (pulmonary vasodilatory, exercise and rapid fluid infusion challenges) and promising maneuvers (passive leg raising, intrathoracic pressure estimation, temporary exclusion of arteriovenous dialysis accesses and dobutamine infusion) that help interrogate the pulmonary vasculature during RHC, with a focus on describing rationale for use, indications, contraindications, protocols and implications of different responses.
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Journal Pre-proof
Methods to improve the yield of right heart catheterization in pulmonary hypertension
Ambalavanan Arunachalam, Neal F. Chaisson, Adriano R. Tonelli
PII: S2590-1435(20)30002-6
Reference: YRMEX 100015
To appear in: Respiratory Medicine: X
Received Date: 3 June 2019
Revised Date: 11 December 2019
Accepted Date: 17 February 2020
Please cite this article as: A. Arunachalam, N.F. Chaisson, A.R. Tonelli, Methods to improve the yield
of right heart catheterization in pulmonary hypertension, Respiratory Medicine: X (2020), doi: https://
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Abstract word count: 111
Manuscript word count: 3,556
Methods to Improve the Yield of Right Heart Catheterization in
Pulmonary Hypertension
Ambalavanan Arunachalam MD: Assistant Professor, Division of Pulmonary,
Critical Care and Sleep, Tufts Medical Center, Boston, MA, USA.
Neal F. Chaisson MD: Staff, Department of Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care
Medicine. Respiratory Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USA.
Adriano R. Tonelli MD MSc: Staff, Department of Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical
Care Medicine. Respiratory Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USA.
Running head: Provocative tests during RHC
Address for correspondence:
Adriano Tonelli MD
9500 Euclid Avenue A-90
Cleveland, Ohio, 44195
Tel: +1 (216) 444-0812
Fax: +1 (216) 445-6024
Keywords: Right heart catheterization, pulmonary hypertension, exercise test, fluid
challenge, pulmonary vasodilator test.
Contributions of authors:
Ambalavanan Arunachalam MD: Participated in the conception, design, writing
and critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content and final
approval of the manuscript submitted.
Neal F. Chaisson MD: Participated in the writing and critical revision of the
manuscript for important intellectual content and final approval of the manuscript
Adriano R. Tonelli MD MSc: Participated in the conception, design, writing and
critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content and final
approval of the manuscript submitted. Dr. Tonelli is the guarantor of the paper,
taking responsibility for the integrity of the work, from inception to published
Conflict of interest statements:
Ambalavanan Arunachalam MD: The author has no significant conflicts of interest
with any companies or organization whose products or services may be discussed in
this article.
Neal F. Chaisson: The author has participated in the advisory board of Actelion and
Bayer and is a speaker for Gilead and Bayer.
Adriano R. Tonelli MD MSc: The author has no significant conflicts of interest with
any companies or organization whose products or services may be discussed in this
AV: arteriovenous.
CO: cardiac output.
HVPG: Hepatic venous pressure gradient
HFpEF: heart failure with preserved ejection fraction.
mPAP: mean pulmonary artery pressure.
PAWP: pulmonary artery wedge pressure.
PAH: pulmonary arterial hypertension.
PH: pulmonary hypertension.
PLR: passive leg raising.
PVR: pulmonary vascular resistance.
TPR: total pulmonary resistance.
Right heart catheterization (RHC) is needed to diagnose pulmonary
hypertension (PH). Traditional hemodynamic determinations may be insufficient to
identify early stages of the disease and the mechanism of PH, confidently allocate
patients to the pre- and/or postcapillary groups of the disease and guide certain
treatment decisions (e.g. use of calcium channel blockers). In this review, we discuss
the role of established (pulmonary vasodilatory, exercise and rapid fluid infusion
challenges) and promising maneuvers (passive leg raising, intrathoracic pressure
estimation, temporary exclusion of arteriovenous dialysis accesses and dobutamine
infusion) that help interrogate the pulmonary vasculature during RHC, with a focus
on describing rationale for use, indications, contraindications, protocols and
implications of different responses.
The proceedings of the 6
World Symposium on pulmonary hypertension
(PH) define PH by a resting mean pulmonary artery pressure (mPAP) > 20 mmHg
Right heart catheterization (RHC) is needed to diagnose PH and distinguish between
the two major hemodynamic types of the disease (i.e. pre- and postcapillary PH)
(Table 1). While RHC is the gold standard for PH diagnosis, there is growing
recognition that traditional hemodynamic determinations may be insufficient to
identify early stages of the disease, confidently allocate patients to the pre- and/or
postcapillary groups of the disease
, and guide treatment decisions (e.g. use of
calcium channel blockers).
A multicenter study noticed that a third of patients referred to PH centers
were initially misdiagnosed, leading to inappropriate treatment
. One example of
potential misdiagnosis includes the assumption that a resting pulmonary artery
wedge pressure (PAWP) ≤ 15 mmHg is conclusively associated with precapillary PH
. In fact, Robbins et al. showed that 22% of the patients initially diagnosed with
pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) were reclassified as having post-capillary
PH after a rapid fluid challenge
. This misclassification was initially suspected in the
, where investigators modified the clinical and hemodynamic
inclusion criteria to refine the selection of patients with PAH. In the revised
protocol, the PVR was increased from 3 to 3.75 Wood units when the PAWP was ≤
12 mmHg and from 3 to 6.25 Wood units when the PAWP was between 13 and 15
. Importantly, patients excluded from the final analysis (based on the
revised criteria) had higher rates of clinical failure, lower tolerability and attenuated
treatment response
Certain maneuvers during RHC facilitate a better understanding of the
cardiopulmonary hemodynamics, leading to a better characterization of PH (figure
1). For instance, a pulmonary vasodilator challenge can demonstrate the presence of
pulmonary vascular reactivity which impacts treatment and may provide prognostic
. An exercise challenge can unmask early stages of pre-
postcapillary PH
. A fluid challenge can reveal the presence of occult
postcapillary PH
. Several other maneuvers (e.g. passive leg raising (PLR),
intrathoracic pressure estimation, temporary exclusion of arteriovenous (AV)
dialysis accesses, dobutamine challenge, etc) appear promising and are currently
under investigation. In general, these complementary tests do not appear to add
significant risk to those of resting RHC
In this manuscript, we discuss the role of established and promising
maneuvers that interrogate the pulmonary vasculature during RHC, with a focus on
describing the rationale for their use, indications, contraindications, protocols and
implications of different responses (Table 2). Our objective is to survey selected
maneuvers and present a practical approach, recognizing that we provide a “bird
eye view” and not an in depth review of each test, which could engender separate
reviews. We also acknowledge that there is a limited understanding of the normal
physiological response and great degree of controversy in how to perform and
interpret these maneuvers. In spite of these limitations, this manuscript succinctly
provides a clinically useful framework on how to improve the yield of the RHC in PH.
Established tests:
1. Vasodilator testing:
A) Rationale for use:
Pulmonary vasodilator testing is used to identify PAH patients with
reversible vasoconstriction. Patients with PAH, particularly with the idiopathic or
anorexigen-induced form of the disease, who have a pronounced reduction in the
mPAP may benefit from calcium channel blockers
. In addition, a few studies have
linked the degree of acute response to pulmonary vasodilators with outcomes
B) Indications:
- Vasodilator testing is recommended in patients with idiopathic, heritable or
drug-induced PAH; to identify long-term calcium channel blockers responders who
have improved survival over other forms of PAH
- Further research is needed to determine whether a vasodilator challenge
can provide additional information a) in patients with combined pre and
postcapillary PH, who are considered for medications that target the nitric oxide
pathway; b) to assess the effect of pulmonary vasodilators in the event of acute right
ventricular failure during surgical interventions; c) to support the diagnosis or
assess the response to prostacyclin analogues in patients with pulmonary
venoocclusive disease.
C) Contraindications:
- When used to determine long-term response to calcium channel blockers:
- Patients with right ventricular failure or hemodynamic instability in whom
calcium channel blockers are not an option.
- For other potential indications:
- Use with caution in patients with a) left-sided heart disease given risk of
pulmonary edema and b) clinical suspicion of pulmonary venoocclusive
disease / pulmonary capillary hemangiomatosis.
D) Protocol:
Inhaled nitric oxide, intravenous epoprostenol, intravenous adenosine and
inhaled iloprost can be used to test pulmonary vasoreactivity (table 3). Current
guidelines suggest inhaled nitric oxide as the preferred agent
given its short half-
life (few seconds)
and minimal side effects. Its administration requires a nitric
oxide delivery system, usually managed by a respiratory therapist. In our practice, a
respiratory therapist delivers nitric oxide 40 ppm through a nasal cannula
transported by a flow of at least 4 L/min of either room air or oxygen (based on the
patient’s baseline oxygenation). Hemodynamic determinations are obtained just
before and at 5 minutes of continuous nitric oxide inhalation
For all the maneuvers described in this manuscript, particular attention
should be paid to common causes of error during RHC; i.e. PAWP and cardiac
output (CO) measurements. An incomplete balloon occlusion could overestimate
PAWP values
. Repositioning the pulmonary artery catheter (to a more distal
portion or contralateral pulmonary artery) or using half-balloon inflation generally
helps obtain a reliable PAWP
. Cardiac output should be ideally measured with
direct Fick methodology, where oxygen consumption is measured and arterial and
mixed venous blood are used for determining arterial and venous oxygen contents.
Wide limits of agreement were reported when comparing CO measured by
thermodilution or indirect Fick versus the “gold standard” direct Fick methodology
. Noninvasive methodologies to measure CO are evolving and may be of value in
the future
E) Interpretation:
A positive vasodilator response is defined as a decrease in mPAP of ≥ 10
mmHg, to a value ≤40 mmHg, without a decrease in CO
. Based on these criteria,
Sitbon et al.
noted a positive vasodilator tests in 12.6% of patients with idiopathic
PAH; of whom about half (6.8%) were long-term calcium channel blocker
Although still controversial, investigators have associated a more
pronounced response to inhaled nitric oxide with better outcomes in patients with
. Subjects that respond better to this gas have a different phenotype and likely
genotype (e.g. vascular smooth muscle contraction genes are enriched in
vasodilator-responsive patients)
. It is tempting to hypothesize that responders to
nitric oxide who are not candidates for calcium-channel blocker or failed this
treatment, may benefit from medications that target this pathway.
A marked increase in PAWP during pulmonary vasodilator challenge is
suggestive of left heart disease
. Interestingly, some patients with combined pre-
and postcapillary PH may experience a decrease in PVR during nitric oxide
. It remains unclear if this response may help guide therapeutic
2. Exercise testing:
A) Physiologic rationale for use:
A resting RHC may be insufficient for patients who have dyspnea during
activities and mPAP < 20 mmHg. Exercise increases CO and therefore the blood flow
through the pulmonary vasculature. On account of vascular recruitment and
vasodilation, this rise in flow marginally increases the mPAP and PAWP, with a
slight drop in total pulmonary resistance (TPR= mPAP/CO)
. An increase in TPR
or mPAP/workload during exercise is associated with exercise intolerance
and could represent early pulmonary vascular disease, left heart disease, lung
disease or their combination
B) Indications:
- Study patients with dyspnea of unclear origin or symptoms out of
proportion to the degree of pulmonary or cardiac disease
- Unmask occult pulmonary vascular or left heart disease in patients
suspected of having PH
- Help differentiate group 1 from group 2 PH in patients with ambiguous or
borderline determinations (i.e. PVR around 3 Wood units and PAWP 12-15 mmHg)
- Assess the degree of right ventricular contractile reserve, to assist with
prognosis and treatment escalation
C) Contraindications:
- Similar contraindications to those traditionally described for exercise
testing in other cardiovascular and pulmonary conditions
. These include clinical
signs of decompensated heart failure, unstable ischemic heart disease, uncontrolled
cardiac arrhythmias, symptomatic severe aortic stenosis, acute pulmonary
embolism, uncontrolled asthma, acute respiratory failure, acute myocarditis or
pericarditis, and severe PH at rest with a low CO or history of syncope with exertion.
In addition, exercise testing might not be appropriate in subjects unable to
cooperate or who have orthopedic impairments that limit the intensity / duration of
the exercise.
D) Protocol:
Dynamic exercise using stationary cycle ergometers with electronic brakes is
. Exercise protocols vary significantly among institutions and
operators (e.g. supine versus upright bicycles, incremental ramp versus step
protocol, submaximal versus maximal exercise)
. Both peak and immediately
(first seconds) post-exercise measurements provide the most valuable information.
Vascular pressures rapidly recover after exercise
. Table 4 describes our exercise
protocol during RHC.
E) Interpretation:
Controversy remains regarding the proper interpretation of exercise
hemodynamics. Hemodynamic criteria that supports the diagnosis of exercise PH
include a) peak mPAP > 30 mmHg and peak TPR > 3 Wood units during exercise
, b) linearized slope of multiple mPAP and CO determinations > 3 Wood units
(figure 2), and c) change in peak minus resting mPAP over the respective change in
CO > 3 Wood units
. These 3 criteria have high diagnostic accuracy when tested
against healthy controls
, but lack diagnostic concordance
. A peak mPAP > 30
mmHg and peak TPR > 3 Wood units during exercise appear more sensitive than the
linearized slope of multiple mPAP and CO determinations to identify exercise PH
The 6
World symposium in PH did not reintroduce exercise PH in their
proceedings given uncertainties regarding the clinical definition
The most common cause of exercise PH is left ventricular diastolic
dysfunction, and it appears that exercise is more sensitive than fluid challenge in
detecting this disorder
. Nevertheless there is no consensus on how to define
exercise-induced LV dysfunction
, and adequate measurement of PAWP during
exercise might be difficult due to pulmonary artery catheter displacement
(incomplete wedging), motion artifact and respiratory swings
. That said, a ratio of
PAWP over workload normalized to body weight > 25.5 mmHg/W/kg
or a
linearized slope of multiple PAWP and CO determinations > 2 Wood units has been
associated with early / occult heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF)
(figure 2).
3. Rapid fluid administration:
A) Physiological rationale for use:
Rapid fluid infusion increases the left ventricular end-diastolic volume,
potentially unmasking HFpEF
. Given therapeutic implications (e.g.
development of pulmonary edema), it is important to exclude occult group 2 PH in
patients suspected of having PAH
. Patients with a higher risk of left ventricular
remodeling/stiffening and hence occult HFpEF include elderly females, patients
with metabolic syndrome or scleroderma
. For instance, in patients with
scleroderma-associated PH, rapid fluid administration reclassified one quarter of
patients as having postcapillary instead of precapillary PH
B) Indications:
- Identify occult or early HFpEF in high-risk groups such as older patients
with metabolic syndrome, obesity or scleroderma.
- Test patients with mildly elevated pulmonary pressures to assess whether
they have occult or early stage HFpEF.
- Adequately classify patients with ambiguous phenotypic characteristics that
overlap between PH group 1 and group 2.
C) Contraindications:
- Patients with signs and symptoms of volume overload and elevated baseline
PAWP, pronounced hypoxemia, severe arterial hypertension, marked left
ventricular systolic and/or diastolic dysfunction and decompensated right
ventricular failure (given the pericardial constraint, a rapid increase in the right
ventricular preload can further displace the interventricular septum leftwards, with
decrease in left ventricular preload and output)
D) Saline infusion protocol:
Rapid saline infusion is widely available and easy to administer. We infuse
500 ml of normal saline (0.9% sodium chloride) over 5 minutes using the side arm
port of the introducer. We typically use an 8-8.5 F introducer with a 7-7.5 F
pulmonary artery catheter. A rapid infusion is critical, as a slow administration
allows fluid redistribution to the interstitial space, risking a false negative test
E) Interpretation:
Similar to exercise, there is no consensus on the threshold to define an
abnormal response following rapid fluid infusion. Age and gender affect the rise in
PAWP after rapid fluid administration
. In general, healthy volunteers maintain a
PAWP < 15 mmHg after the rapid infusion of 500 ml of normal saline
. Meanwhile,
patients with HFpEF have a steeper rise in PAWP than healthy individuals
and a
PAWP ≥18 mmHg after rapid fluid infusion is considered abnormal
. Unlike
exercise, fluid bolus had a minimal effect on heart rate and blood pressure
Promising tests, in which further research is needed.
4. Passive leg raising:
A) Physiologic rationale for use:
Passive leg raising is a simple maneuver that increases the cardiac preload by
shifting blood (around 300 mL)
from the venous system of lower extremities
towards the heart
. It has the advantage of transiently increasing the cardiac
preload without actively administering fluids. PLR has been reported to increase
with variable CO response. The effect of PLR on pulmonary
hemodynamics has not been thoroughly investigated, but might be similar to rapid
fluid challenge
B) Indications:
- Similar to fluid challenge; nevertheless this maneuver can be used in
subjects with contraindications to fluid challenge
C) Contraindications:
- PLR may not be effective in subjects using compression stockings or who
have intra-abdominal hypertension or deep venous thrombosis of the lower
D) PLR protocol:
Once supine resting measurements are taken, we place the patient in a semi-
recumbent position, in order to load the venous system of the lower extremities
. After adopting a supine position we elevate the legs 45 degrees using a custom
wedge. Repeat hemodynamic measurements are obtained during the first minute of
leg elevation, since PLR effects can rapidly dissipate
E) Interpretation:
The effects of PLR are mostly unknown in patients with PH; however, they
likely resemble (probably less pronounced) those of rapid fluid challenge. It
remains unclear if a PAWP >15-18 mmHg during PLR can be used to identify occult
or early HFpEF.
5. Estimation of intrathoracic pressure using an esophageal balloon:
A) Physiologic rationale for use:
Pulmonary vascular pressures measured during RHC are a function of the
thoracic intravascular and intrathoracic (pleural) pressures. Using RHC alone, it is
impossible to delineate how much each component contributes to the recorded
pulmonary pressures. In healthy subjects the pleural pressure at functional residual
capacity is around -3 to -5 mmHg, due to the opposing elastic recoil of lungs and
chest wall
. This pressure can be estimated with an esophageal balloon catheter
and may be higher (positive numbers) in subjects with obesity and/or advanced
chronic obstructive disease. Increases in pleural pressure can lead to false positive
diagnosis of PH and postcapillary PH).
B) Indications:
- Delineate the contribution of intrathoracic pressure to the pulmonary
hemodynamic determinations.
C) Contraindications:
-Bleeding diathesis, nasal or esophageal conditions (i.e. strictures, varices)
that would preclude or increase the risk of complications from placing the
esophageal probe.
D) Protocol:
We introduce the esophageal balloon catheter via the nasogastric route and
advance it to 60 cm. We inflate the balloon with 0.5 mL of air and withdraw the
catheter slowly until observing negative pressure deflections during inspiration
To validate measurements, we verify identical excursions of esophageal and airway
pressures while breathing with an occluded airway
. While the patient is breathing
quietly, we simultaneously measure the esophageal pressure along with mPAP or
PAWP over the course of 5 consecutive breaths. The transmural mPAP and PAWP
are obtained by subtracting the esophageal pressure from the intravascular
E) Interpretation:
In conditions in which the pleural pressure is higher, the mPAP and PAWP
might be overestimated. Overestimation of mPAP and PAWP can overdiagnose PH
and postcapillary PH, respectively. In overweight subjects we showed that an
unadjusted PAWP led to a misclassification of one-third of patients as having
postcapillary PH
. The PVR calculation is not directly affected by changes in
intrathoracic pressure, since both mPAP and PAWP are affected by the same degree.
Further research is certainly needed to validate these important findings.
6. Temporary arterio-venous dialysis access exclusion:
A) Physiologic rationale for use:
The introduction of permanent AV accesses is common in patients with
chronic kidney disease who are dependent on renal replacement therapy
Vascular accesses include AV fistulae (autogenous) and grafts (commonly made of
. The most frequently used anastomosis in AVF is the
artery (side) to vein (end) technique
. Most common types include the radial-
cephalic (distal forearm), brachial-cephalic (proximal forearm) and brachial-basilic
(upper arm) AVF
. In general, forearm fistulae have lower flows than the upper
arm ones
The creation of an AV access generates hemodynamic effects that include a
decrease in systemic vascular resistance and increase in CO, stroke volume and
pulmonary pressures
. The relationship between AV access flow and CO is direct
but complex (third-order polynomial regression model)
. When the fistula flow
increases ≥ 1.5 L/min or the proportion of fistula flow over CO (cardiopulmonary
recirculation) is ≥ 20%, there is a higher risk of developing high CO heart failure
and/or PH
B) Indications:
- Determine the impact of an AV shunt on pulmonary hemodynamics.
C) Contraindications:
- Brief periods of AV access exclusion / occlusion (up to 5 minutes) appear to
be safe
D) Protocol:
The methodology to exclude a dialysis AV access is not clearly defined. We
obtain full hemodynamic determinations before and after a minute of excluding the
AV access. If the AV access is in the forearm (radiocephalic), then an arm cuff is
inflated above the elbow at 40 mmHg above the arterial systolic blood pressure. If
the AV access is in the upper-arm (brachiocephalic) then we digitally compress the
central part of the fistula or the arterial flow proximal to the anastomosis. We aim
for a temporary but complete loss of the palpable thrill
. Studies that included a
temporal compression (either manual or with sphygmomanometer) of the AV
access for evaluation of dialysis associated steal syndrome or PH, reported no
significant complications of this maneuver
E) Interpretation:
High CO heart failure is more common when the AV access flow is ≥ 2 L/min.
When the AV access is excluded the preload decreases, with a reduction in CO and
. Exclusion of the AV access can indicate the fistula contribution towards
high CO heart failure and mPAP. Patients usually have a rapid decrease in CO and
PAP, that could be followed by a more pronounced drop in mPAP over time
. In
patients with pre and/or postcapillary PH, a temporary compression will inform on
the impact an elevated CO has on the mPAP, but the precise impact on PAWP and
PVR needs further investigation
. High vascular access flow should be monitored
regularly with clinical assessments (signs of congestive heart failure), access flow
measurements (with ultrasonography), and echocardiographic assessments (left
and right ventricular size and function and estimated right ventricular systolic
7. Dobutamine infusion:
A) Physiologic rationale for use:
In healthy subjects, an increase in CO causes a modest increase in mPAP and
decrease in PVR because of passive distension of zone 1 pulmonary vessels and
active flow-mediated vasodilation
. A dobutamine infusion increases the
ventricular inotropy and CO, raising the mPAP when the pulmonary circulation has
a reduced vascular compliance. A dobutamine infusion can help assess the right
ventricular contractility reserve, particularly in subjects who cannot exercise.
B) Indications:
- Assess the pulmonary vasodilatory and right ventricular contractile reserve.
C) Contraindications:
-Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with left ventricular outflow tract
obstruction, atrial tachyarrhythmias, history of ventricular tachycardia, unstable
angina or recent myocardial infarction, and uncontrolled systemic hypertension.
Dobutamine infusion is relatively contraindicated in patients receiving beta-
blockers as the inotropic effect may be attenuated.
D) Protocol:
We infuse dobutamine through the side port of the introducer, starting at 5
mcg/kg/min and increasing in a stepwise fashion to 10, 20, 30 and 40 mcg/kg/min
at 3-minute intervals. We continue the infusion until reaching the maximum
dobutamine dose or development of side-effects. Other investigators use a
maximum dobutamine dose of 10-20 mcg/kg/min or lower based on achieving a
predefined target heart rate (e.g. 120 beats/min)
or developing side effects
One group of investigators added a Trendelenburg position at 30 degrees, in
addition to dobutamine infusion
, to increase the ventricular preload.
E) Interpretation:
A disproportionate increase in mPAP for the rise in CO reflects a decrease in
the pulmonary vasodilatory reserve
. Domingo et al. administered dobutamine at
10 mcg/kg/min in combination with Trendelenburg to patients with PAH. When
compared to controls, patients with PAH had a lower increase in CO but a higher rise
in mPAP, suggesting a lower right ventricular and pulmonary vascular reserves
Sharma et al. reported a reduced right ventricular contractile reserve in PAH
patients using low-dose dobutamine stress echocardiography
Established and promising methodologies during right heart catheterization
stand to provide critical information to improve the diagnosis, optimize treatment
selection and impact prognosis. These maneuvers need to be considered in cases of
unexplained dyspnea, normal or borderline pulmonary pressures, ambiguous
phenotype, and at the time of initial PH diagnosis
Table 1: Hemodynamic types of pulmonary hypertension
Clinical groups
capillary PH
mPAP > 20 mmHg
PAWP 15 mmHg
PVR ≥ 3 Wood units
1. Pulmonary arterial hypertension
3. PH due to lung diseases and/or
4. Chronic thromboembolic PH
5. PH with unclear and/or multifactorial
capillary PH
•Isolated post-capillary PH
•Combined post-capillary and
pre-capillary PH
PAWP > 15 mmHg
PVR 3 Wood units
PVR > 3 Wood units
2. PH due to left heart disease
5. PH with unclear and/or multifactorial
Modified from reference
. Abbreviations: mPAP = mean pulmonary artery
pressure, PAWP = pulmonary artery wedge pressure, DPG = diastolic pressure
gradient, PVR = pulmonary vascular resistance
Table 2: Established and promising maneuvers to challenge the pulmonary
Established tests
Vasodilator testing Identify the presence of
pulmonary vasoreactivity
Recognize patient that may
respond to calcium channel
Pulmonary edema in patients
with left heart disease (rare)
Exercise Recognize occult pulmonary
vascular or left heart disease
ambiguous or
borderline pulmonary artery
and PAWP determinations
Identify specific origins of
Those associated with exercise
administration Identify occult or early HFpEF
Characterize ambiguous or
borderline pulmonary artery
and PAWP determinations.
Easier to perform than exercise
Pulmonary edema in patients
with left heart disease
Promising tests, in which further research is needed
Passive leg raising Identify occult or early HFpEF
Can be used in subject with
contraindications to fluid
Identify interactions
between intrathoracic
pressure and pulmonary
Accurately determines
pulmonary hemodynamics in
obese or other subjects with
elevated pleural pressures.
Epistaxis, gaging, vomiting,
sore throat.
dialysis access
output heart failure
secondary to AV dialysis
Determine the impact of an AV
shunt on pulmonary
Brief periods of AV access
exclusion / occlusion appear to
be safe
Determine the right
ventricular contractile
Can be used in subjects who are
unable to exercise to assess
response of the RV
May worsen h
cardiomyopathy with left
ventricular outflow tract
obstruction and arrhythmias,
Abbreviations: AV: arteriovenous, HFpEF: heart failure with preserved ejection
Table 3: Medications for pulmonary vasodilator testing
Initial dose
Nitric Oxide
10 ppm 80 ppm 5-10 min Few seconds Few seconds Rebound PH
(unlikely with
edema in
minimal systemic
side effects, does
not increase
shunting, requires
a respiratory
relatively cheap
but needs a
delivery system
Intravenous 2 ng/kg/min 12 ng/kg/min
(increments of
2 ng/kg/min)
10-15 min Few minutes 4-6 min Headache,
flushing, jaw
pain, nausea,
infusion, increases
CO and pulmonary
shunt, more
Intravenous 50 μg/kg/min 500
2 min Few seconds 5-10 s Systemic
chest pain,
r block
Increases CO and
systemic shunt,
relatively cheap,
easily available
Inhaled 2.5 μg/inh 20μg/inh 15-30min Several
20-30min Headache,
flushing, jaw
pain, dizziness,
Inhaled route,
longer plasma half-
Modified from Tonelli et al.
and Galie et al (web table 4).
Table 4: Exercise protocol summary
Before exercise
During exercise
After exercise
medical history
- Evaluate indications and
contraindications for exercise
- Recognize presence of lung
diseases that may cause pronounced
respiratory variation
- Recognize the presence of atrial
fibrillation and/or other arrhythmia
- Oxygen supplementation to match
usual requirements or keep oxygen
saturation ≥ 90%.
- Jugular or brachial vein approach is
- Zero reference level at the mid-
thoracic line, 4
anterior intercostal
- Perform a full hemodynamic
evaluation in the exercise position
(with feet on the pedals), including a
careful assessment of the validity/
reproducibility of the PAWP
- Pressure measurements are
obtained both at end-expiration and
across respiratory cycles *
reference level
should be maintained.
- Obtain hemodynamic
assessments during each
stage of exercise.*
- Measure cardiac output
with thermodilution
unless Fick cardiac output
can be measured.
-Increase the work load
by 20 Watts every 2
minutes (step protocol).
- Stop exercise if
diagnostic criteria for
exercise PH or left
ventricular diastolic
dysfunction associated PH
are clearly achieved.
Alternatively we continue
the exercise until
exhaustion or achieving
absolute / relative
indications for
terminating the exercise
Obtain mPAP and
PAWP immediately
after exercise (to
minimize motion
- Full hemodynamic
assessment at 1
minute of recovery.
*We measured pulmonary vascular pressures both at end-expiration and as the average across
respiratory cycles. Some authors recommend averaging the vascular pressures to reduce the impact
respiratory swings on the determinations
. We use both approaches and respectively compare
using the same methodology, pulmonary pressure values obtained during exercise with those at rest.
Abbreviations: mPAP = mean pulmonary artery pressure, PAWP = pulmonary artery wedge
Figure legends:
Figure 1: Complementary tests during right heart catheterization.
Abbreviations: PH: pulmonary hypertension, PLR: passive leg raising, RV: right
Figure 2: Mean pulmonary artery and pulmonary artery wedge pressure over
cardiac output during exercise.
In black, we show the mean pulmonary artery pressure (mPAP) over cardiac output
linear slope with a normal response (solid line, slope of 2 Wood units) and
pulmonary hypertensive response to exercise (shaded line, slope of 4 Wood units).
The peak TPR is 2.5 Wood units in the first case and 3.9 Wood units in the second.
The change in peak minus resting mPAP over the respective change in CO was 2
Wood units in the first case and 4 Wood units in the second.
In grey, we show the pulmonary artery wedge pressure (PAWP) over cardiac output
linear slope with a normal response (solid line, slope of 1 Wood units) and a
disproportionate elevation of PAWP during exercise (dotted line, slope of 2.5 Wood
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Misclassification between pre- and post-capillary pulmonary hypertension can
occur with traditional resting hemodynamic evaluation.
Provocative maneuvers during right heart catheterization help better characterize
the hemodynamic alteration.
We discuss the role of various maneuvers, describing the rationale for use,
indications, contraindications, protocols and implications of different responses.
Conflict of interest statements:
Ambalavanan Arunachalam MD: The author has no significant conflicts of interest with any
companies or organization whose products or services may be discussed in this article.
Neal F. Chaisson: The author has participated in the advisory board of Actelion and Bayer and
is a speaker for Gilead and Bayer.
Adriano R. Tonelli MD MSc: The author has no significant conflicts of interest with any
companies or organization whose products or services may be discussed in this article.
... Although noninvasive testing may suggest a specific diagnosis, right heart catheterization (RHC) with exercise remains essential for the diagnosis of occult postcapillary PH, preload insufficiency, and exercise PH. [1][2][3][4][5] Unfortunately, there is no standardization to guide the implementation of exercise RHC, 5 therefore, exercise tests are performed using diverse procedural practices based on center protocols and/or physician expertise. 6 Body position (i.e., supine or sitting upright) is a crucial factor that may impact the hemodynamic response during exercise. [7][8][9] Several RHC laboratories continue to use recumbent or semirecumbent bikes since this approach avoids patient repositioning, pressure transducer recalibration, and additional baseline hemodynamic determinations. ...
... The RHC was performed by a single operator (A.R.T.). 6,10 After pulmonary artery catheter insertion while in the supine position, we recorded right atrial pressure (RAP), systolic, diastolic, and mean PAP (mPAP), and pulmonary artery wedge pressure (PAWP) using established protocols, waveform tracings, and calipers. 11 For RAP, we recorded mean values averaged across the respiratory cycle. ...
... Pressure transducers were zeroed at the 4th intercostal level when sitting and at the midaxillary line when supine. Hemodynamic determinations were obtained at baseline and at every stage of the exercise, 6 including PAP, PAWP, RAP, and CO averaged across the respiratory cycle. 7,10 Before exercise, we measured CO by thermodilution three times at rest on each position, and values with less than 10% difference were averaged. ...
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The addition of exercise testing during right heart catheterization (RHC) is often required to accurately diagnose causes of exercise intolerance like early pulmonary vascular disease, occult left heart disease, and preload insufficiency. We tested the influence of body position (supine vs. seated) on hemodynamic classification both at rest and during exercise. We enrolled patients with exercise intolerance due to dyspnea who were referred for exercise RHC at the Cleveland Clinic. Patients were randomized (1:1) to exercise in seated or supine position to a goal of 60 W followed by maximal exercise in the alternate position. We analyzed 17 patients aged 60.3 ± 10.9 years, including 13 females. At rest in the sitting position, patients had significantly lower right atrial pressure (RAP), mean pulmonary artery pressure (mPAP), pulmonary artery wedge pressure (PAWP) and cardiac index (CI). In every stage of exercise (20, 40, and 60 W), the RAP, mPAP, and PAWP were lower in the sitting position. Exercise in the sitting position allowed the identification of preload insufficiency in nine patients. Exercise in either position increased the identification of postcapillary pulmonary hypertension (PH). Body position significantly influences hemodynamics at rest and with exercise; however, mPAP/CO and PAWP/CO were not positionally affected. Hemodynamic measurements in the seated position allowed the detection of preload insufficiency, a condition that was predominantly identified as no PH during supine exercise.
... Passive leg raise has been utilized as a form of dynamic preload augmentation in HFpEF and PH [20,21]. Passive filling via gravity from venous reservoirs in the legs can replicate a state of increased venous return of~300 mL of blood in the recumbent patient as a means of assessing vascular and ventricular compliance [22]. In fact, a PCWP ≥ 19 mmHg with passive leg raise has been shown to have 100% specificity for diagnosing occult HFpEF, independent of the use of diuretics [21]. ...
... In total, 5 of 14 patients with PCWP ≤ 15 mmHg post nitroprusside did not undergo leg raise as the PVR < 3 WU. Hemodynamics were repeated <2 min post leg raise as the effect can rapidly dissipate [22]. ...
Full-text available
Pulmonary hypertension (PH) can arise from several distinct disease processes, with a percentage presenting with combined pre- and postcapillary pulmonary hypertension (cpcPH). Patients with cpcPH are unsuitable candidates for PH-directed therapies due to elevated pulmonary capillary wedge pressures (PCWPs); however, the PCWP is dynamic and is affected by both preload and afterload. Many patients that are diagnosed with cpcPH are hypertensive at the time of right heart catheterization which has the potential to increase the PCWP and, therefore, mimic a more postcapillary-predominant phenotype. In this small pilot study, we examine the effect of nitroprusside combined with dynamic preload augmentation with a passive leg raise maneuver in hypertensive cpcPH patients at the time of right heart catheterization to identify a more precapillary-dominant PH phenotype. Patients that met the criteria of PCWP ≤ 15 mmHg with nitroprusside infusion and PCWP ≤ 18 mmHg with nitroprusside infusion and simultaneous leg raise were started on pulmonary vascular-targeted therapy. Long-term PH therapy was well tolerated, with increased six-minute walk distance, improved WHO functional class, decreased NT-proBNP, and improved REVEAL 2.0 Lite Risk Score in this precapillary-dominant PH phenotype. This small study highlights the importance of characterizing patient physiology beyond resting conditions at the time of right heart catheterization.
... Provocative testing such as exercise and fluid challenge may be used to unmask occult PH-LHD (5,6). Even though exercise is more physiologic, fluid challenge is more practical (5,7). ...
... The fluid bag was pressurized at 200 mmHg to facilitate a rapid infusion. Immediately after the end of the fluid administration we recorded a full set of hemodynamic measurements (6). ...
Full-text available
Background Compensated pulmonary hypertension due to left heart disease (PH-LHD) may be difficult to identify based on resting hemodynamics. Fluid challenge is commonly used to unmask occult PH-LHD. We sought to determine the hemodynamic effect of fluid loading and its association with the clinical pretest probability of PH-LHD. Methods We included consecutive patients evaluated for PH who underwent right heart catheterization (RHC) with fluid challenge at Cleveland Clinic between April 2013 and January 2019. We obtained hemodynamic measurements at rest and after intravenous rapid fluid challenge (500 mL of normal saline). We calculated the pretest probability of PH-LHD based on the 6th World Symposium on PH proceedings. For statistical analyses we used t-test, analysis of variance (ANOVA), Chi-square, paired t-test, Wilcoxon signed-rank test and linear regression as indicated. Results We included 174 patients with mean ± standard deviation (SD) age of 63.7±13.0 years and 123 (71%) of female sex. Baseline pulmonary artery wedge pressure (PAWP) was 11±5 mmHg, with a PAWP/cardiac output (CO) ratio of 2.1±1.1 Wood units (WU). The absolute increase in PAWP and PAWP/CO was 6.9±3.6 mmHg and 1.06±0.91 WU, respectively. The change in PAWP was inversely associated with baseline PAWP (P<0.001). The PAWP with fluids was >18 mmHg in 81% of the patients with baseline PAWP 13–15 mmHg. We found no strong associations between the change in PAWP, PAWP/CO or right atrial pressure to pulmonary arterial wedge pressure ratio (RAP/PAWP) and the pretest probability of PH-LHD. Conclusions The absolute change in PAWP, PAWP/CO, or achieving a PAWP >18 mmHg with rapid fluid loading was not robustly associated with the pretest probability of PH-LHD. Patients with PAWP between 13–15 mmHg commonly had a positive fluid challenge, questioning the utility of this intervention in these patients.
... Test during a right heart catheterization, modified from Arunachalam et al.78 Curr Probl Cardiol, December 2022 ...
... Most common provocation tests with indications, benefits, and risks, modified from Arunachalam et al.78 ...
The classic definition of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a mean pulmonary artery pressure (mPAP) of 20 mmHg. The gold standard for assessing pulmonary hemodynamics is right heart catheterization (RHC), which is necessary to confirm the diagnosis of PH. In some instances, RHC evaluates the degree of hemodynamic dysfunction and performs vasoreactivity tests. Measurement of the hepatic venous pressure gradient remains the gold standard diagnostic for identifying portal hypertension. This review aims to describe the procedure of RHC and the hemodynamic measurement in patients with PAH and Portopulmonary hypertension (PoPH). The RHC remains the gold standard for diagnosing PAH and PoPH.
... Pressure transducers were zeroed at the fourth intercostal level of the mid-axillary line. The procedure was performed by a single operator (ART) 18 following the same protocol. All patients were breathing spontaneously without assistance. ...
Rationale: Guidelines recommend using end-expiration (ee) pulmonary pressure measurements to determine the hemodynamic subgroups in pulmonary hypertension (PH). Pulmonary artery wedge pressure (PAWP) determinations averaged across the respiratory cycle (av) instead of PAWPee and cardiac output (CO) measured by Fick (COFick) instead of thermodiliution (COTD) may affect the hemodynamic classification of PH. Objective: To assess the impact on the PH hemodynamic classification of the use of PAWPee versus PAWPav as well as COFick versus COTD. Methods: A single center retrospective study of consecutive patients (n=151) who underwent right heart catheterization with COTD, COFick and PAWPee and PAWPav. A secondary cohort of consecutive patients (n=71) who had mean pulmonary artery pressure (mPAP)ee and mPAPav, as well as PAWPee and PAWPav. Results: The PAWPee and PAWPav was 16.8 ± 6.4 and 15.1 ± 6.8 mmHg, respectively; with a mean difference of 1.7 ± 2.1 mmHg. The COTD and COFick determinations were 5.0 ± 2.4 and 5.3 ± 2.5 L/min, respectively, with a mean difference of -0.4 ± 1.3 L/min. The hemodynamic groups distribution was significantly different when using PAWPee versus PAWPav, either when using COTD or COFick (p<0.001 for both comparison), and these results were consistent in our secondary cohort. The PH hemodynamic group distribution was not significantly different between COTD and COFick, either when using PAWPee or PAWPav. Conclusions: The methodology used to measure PAWP, either at end-expiration or averaged across the respiratory cycle, significantly impacts the hemodynamic classification of PH.
Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is usually associated with a normal or decreased cardiac output (CO). Less commonly, PH can occur in the context of a hyperdynamic circulation, characterized by high CO (>8 L/min) and/or cardiac index ≥4 L/min/m² in the setting of a decreased systemic vascular resistance. PH due to high CO can occur due to multiple conditions and in general remains understudied. In this review article we describe the pathophysiology, etiology, diagnosis, hemodynamic characteristics, and management of PH in the setting of high CO. It is important to recognize this distinct entity as PH tends to improve with treatment of the underlying etiology and PH specific therapies may worsen the hemodynamic state.
Rationale: Current guidelines recognize the utility of provocative maneuvers during right heart catheterization (RHC) to aid the diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension (PH). Few studies have compared the performance of different provocation maneuvers. Objective: To assess the hemodynamic correlation between 3 provocative maneuvers including their effect on PH classification. Methods: This prospective trial was conducted between October 2016 and May 2018. Adult patients underwent 3 provocative maneuvers during RHC: passive leg raise (PLR), load-targeted supine exercise bicycle, and rapid crystalloid fluid infusion. Patients were classified as: no PH, pre-capillary PH, isolated post-capillary PH, combined pre- and post-capillary PH, and uncategorized PH. We assessed the hemodynamic changes associated with each maneuver. We also assessed whether provocative maneuvers led to hemodynamic reclassification of the patient to either post-capillary PH with provocation or to exercise pulmonary hypertension (ePH). Results: 85 patients (mean age 62 ±12 years, 53% female) were included. Correlation between exercise and fluid challenge was moderate-strong (0.49-0.82, p<0.001) for change in right atrial pressure (ΔRAP), mean pulmonary artery pressure (ΔmPAP), pulmonary artery wedge pressure (ΔPAWP), and cardiac index (ΔCI) from baseline. Correlation between PLR and exercise (0.4-0.65, p<0.001) and between PLR and fluid challenge (0.45-0.6, p<0.001) was moderate for ΔRAP, ΔmPAP, ΔPAWP, pulmonary vascular resistance (ΔPVR), and ΔCI. Hemodynamic correlation between other provocative maneuvers was poor. Depending on provocative maneuver and classification criteria, there was significant variation in the number of patients reclassified as having ePH (3-50%) or post-capillary PH with provocation (11-48%). Conclusion: Hemodynamic determinations during exercise and fluid challenge showed moderate to strong hemodynamic correlation. Moderate hemodynamic correlation was seen between PLR and exercise or fluid challenge. While some provocative maneuvers demonstrate good hemodynamic correlation, there is inconsistency when using these maneuvers to identify patients with post-capillary PH or exercise PH.
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Pulmonary vascular distensibility (α) is a marker of the ability of the pulmonary vasculature to dilate in response to increases in cardiac output, which protects the right ventricle from excessive increases in afterload. α measured with exercise predicts clinical outcomes in pulmonary hypertension (PH) and heart failure. In this study, we aim to determine if α measured with a passive leg raise (PLR) maneuver is comparable to α with exercise. Invasive cardiopulmonary exercise testing (iCPET) was performed with hemodynamics recorded at three stages: rest, PLR and peak exercise. Four hemodynamic phenotypes were identified (2019 ECS guidelines): pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) (n = 10), isolated post-capillary (Ipc-PH) (n = 18), combined pre-/post-capillary PH (Cpc-PH) (n = 15), and Control (no significant PH at rest and exercise) (n = 7). Measurements of mean pulmonary artery pressure, pulmonary artery wedge pressure, and cardiac output at each stage were used to calculate α. There was no statistical difference between α-exercise and α-PLR (0.87 ± 0.68 and 0.78 ± 0.47% per mmHg, respectively). The peak exercise- and PLR-based calculations of α among the four hemodynamic groups were: Ipc-PH = Ex: 0.94 ± 0.30, PLR: 1.00 ± 0.27% per mmHg; Cpc-PH = Ex: 0.51 ± 0.15, PLR: 0.47 ± 0.18% per mmHg; PAH = Ex: 0.39 ± 0.23, PLR: 0.34 ± 0.18% per mmHg; and the Control group: Ex: 2.13 ± 0.91, PLR: 1.45 ± 0.49% per mmHg. Patients with α ≥ 0.7% per mmHg had reduced cardiovascular death and hospital admissions at 12-month follow-up. In conclusion, α-PLR is feasible and may be equally predictive of clinical outcomes as α-exercise in patients who are unable to exercise or in programs lacking iCPET facilities.
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Background: The purpose of this study was to compare patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension enrolled in the AMBITION trial with (excluded from the primary analysis set [ex-primary analysis set]) and without (primary analysis set) multiple risk factors for left ventricular diastolic dysfunction. Methods: Treatment-naive patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension were randomized to once-daily ambrisentan and tadalafil combination therapy, ambrisentan monotherapy, or tadalafil monotherapy. The primary end point was time from randomization to first adjudicated clinical failure event. Results: Primary analysis set patients (n = 500), compared with ex-primary analysis set patients (n = 105), were younger (mean, 54.4 vs 62.1 years) with greater baseline 6-minute walk distance (median, 363.7 vs 330.5 meters) and fewer comorbidities (e.g., hypertension and diabetes). Treatment effects of initial combination therapy vs pooled monotherapy were directionally the same for both populations, albeit of a lower magnitude for ex-primary analysis set patients. Initial combination therapy reduced the risk of clinical failure compared with pooled monotherapy in primary analysis set patients (hazard ratio, 0.50; 95% confidence interval, 0.35-0.72), whereas the effect was less clear in ex-primary analysis set patients (hazard ratio, 0.70; 95% confidence interval, 0.35-1.37). Overall, primary analysis set patients had fewer clinical failure events (25% vs 33%), higher rates of satisfactory clinical response (34% vs 24%), and lower rates of permanent study drug withdrawal due to adverse events (16% vs 31%) than ex-primary analysis set patients. Conclusions: Efficacy of initial combination therapy vs pooled monotherapy was directionally similar for primary analysis set and ex-primary analysis set patients. However, ex-primary analysis set patients (with multiple risk factors for left ventricular diastolic dysfunction) experienced higher rates of clinical failure events and the response to combination therapy vs monotherapy was attenuated. Tolerability was better in primary analysis set than ex-primary analysis set patients.
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Rationale: Inhaled nitric oxide (NO) exerts a variety of effects through metabolites and these play an important role in regulation of hemodynamics in the body. A detailed investigation into the generation of these metabolites has been overlooked. Objectives: We investigated the kinetics of nitrite and S-nitrosothiol-hemoglobin (SNO-Hb) in plasma derived from inhaled NO subjects and how this modifies the cutaneous microvascular response. Findings: We enrolled 15 healthy volunteers. Plasma nitrite levels at baseline and during NO inhalation (15 minutes at 40 ppm) were 102 (86-118) and 114 (87-129) nM, respectively. The nitrite peak occurred at 5 minutes of discontinuing NO (131 (104-170) nM). Plasma nitrate levels were not significantly different during the study. SNO-Hb molar ratio levels at baseline and during NO inhalation were 4.7E-3 (2.5E-3-5.8E-3) and 7.8E-3 (4.1E-3-13.0E-3), respectively. Levels of SNO-Hb continued to climb up to the last study time point (30 min: 10.6E-3 (5.3E-3-15.5E-3)). The response to acetylcholine iontophoresis both before and during NO inhalation was inversely associated with the SNO-Hb level (r: -0.57, p = 0.03, and r: -0.54, p = 0.04, respectively). Conclusions: Both nitrite and SNO-Hb increase during NO inhalation. Nitrite increases first, followed by a more sustained increase in Hb-SNO. Nitrite and Hb-SNO could be a mobile reservoir of NO with potential implications on the systemic microvasculature.
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Background: Pulmonary edema may complicate the use of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH)-targeted therapies. We aimed to determine the proportion of patients who develop pulmonary edema after initiation of parenteral prostacyclin therapy, to identify its risk factors, and to assess its implications for hospital length of stay and mortality. Methods: A retrospective cohort study of patients with PAH at the initiation of parenteral prostacyclin between 1997 and 2015 enrolled in the Cleveland Clinic PAH registry. Pulmonary edema was defined as at least one symptom or clinical sign and radiographic evidence of pulmonary edema. We determined patient characteristics predictive of pulmonary edema as well as the association between pulmonary edema and hospital length of stay (LOS) and 6-month mortality. Results: One hundred and fifty-five patients were included (median age, 51 years; female, 72%; white, 85%; idiopathic, 64%; and connective tissue disease [CTD], 23%). Pulmonary edema developed in 33 of 155 patients (21%). Independent predictors of pulmonary edema were high right atrial pressure (RAP), CTD etiology, and the presence of three or more risk factors for left heart disease (LHD). Pulmonary edema was associated with a 4.5-day increase in hospital LOS (95% CI, 1.4-7.5 days; P < .001) and a 4-fold increase in 6-month mortality (OR, 4.3; 95% CI, 1.28-14.36; P = .031). Conclusions: Pulmonary edema occurred in 21% of patients with PAH initiated on parenteral prostacyclin. Three or more risk factors for LHD, CTD-PAH, and a high baseline RAP were independent predictors of pulmonary edema. Pulmonary edema was associated with a prolonged hospital LOS and increased 6-month mortality.
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Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is frequent in left heart disease (LHD), as a consequence of the underlying condition. Significant advances have occurred over the past 5 years since the 5th World Symposium on Pulmonary Hypertension in 2013, leading to a better understanding of PH-LHD, challenges and gaps in evidence. PH in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction represents the most complex situation, as it may be misdiagnosed with group 1 PH. Based on the latest evidence, we propose a new haemodynamic definition for PH due to LHD and a three-step pragmatic approach to differential diagnosis. This includes the identification of a specific "left heart" phenotype and a non-invasive probability of PH-LHD. Invasive confirmation of PH-LHD is based on the accurate measurement of pulmonary arterial wedge pressure and, in patients with high probability, provocative testing to clarify the diagnosis. Finally, recent clinical trials did not demonstrate a benefit in treating PH due to LHD with pulmonary arterial hypertension-approved therapies.
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Since the 1st World Symposium on Pulmonary Hypertension (WSPH) in 1973, pulmonary hypertension (PH) has been arbitrarily defined as mean pulmonary arterial pressure (mPAP) ≥25 mmHg at rest, measured by right heart catheterisation. Recent data from normal subjects has shown that normal mPAP was 14.0±3.3 mmHg. Two standard deviations above this mean value would suggest mPAP >20 mmHg as above the upper limit of normal (above the 97.5th percentile). This definition is no longer arbitrary, but based on a scientific approach. However, this abnormal elevation of mPAP is not sufficient to define pulmonary vascular disease as it can be due to an increase in cardiac output or pulmonary arterial wedge pressure. Thus, this 6th WSPH Task Force proposes to include pulmonary vascular resistance ≥3 Wood Units in the definition of all forms of pre-capillary PH associated with mPAP >20 mmHg. Prospective trials are required to determine whether this PH population might benefit from specific management. Regarding clinical classification, the main Task Force changes were the inclusion in group 1 of a subgroup “pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) long-term responders to calcium channel blockers”, due to the specific prognostic and management of these patients, and a subgroup “PAH with overt features of venous/capillaries (pulmonary veno-occlusive disease/pulmonary capillary haemangiomatosis) involvement”, due to evidence suggesting a continuum between arterial, capillary and vein involvement in PAH.
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Highlights • Arteriovenous fistula for hemodialysis occasionally causes heart failure. • Noninvasive assessment of arteriovenous fistula hemodynamics is not established. • Refractory heart failure developed in a patient with an arteriovenous fistula. • Echocardiography can monitor hemodynamics, directing arteriovenous fistula occlusion.
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Background: Single measurements of left ventricular filling pressure at rest lack sensitivity for identifying heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) in patients with dyspnea on exertion. We hypothesized that exercise hemodynamic measurements (ie, changes in pulmonary capillary wedge pressure [PCWP] indexed to cardiac output [CO]) may more sensitively differentiate HFpEF and non-HFpEF disease states, reflect aerobic capacity, and forecast heart failure outcomes in individuals with normal PCWP at rest. Methods and results: We studied 175 patients referred for cardiopulmonary exercise testing with hemodynamic monitoring: controls (n=33), HFpEF with resting PCWP≥15 mm Hg (n=32), and patients with dyspnea on exertion with normal resting PCWP and left ventricular ejection fraction (DOE-nlrW; n=110). Across 1835 paired PCWP-CO measurements throughout exercise, we used regression techniques to define normative bounds of "PCWP/CO slope" in controls and tested the association of PCWP/CO slope with exercise capacity and composite cardiac outcomes (defined as cardiac death, incident resting PCWP elevation, or heart failure hospitalization) in the DOE-nlrW group. Relative to controls (PCWP/CO slope, 1.2±0.4 mm Hg/L/min), patients with HFpEF had a PCWP/CO slope of 3.4±1.9 mm Hg/L/min. We used a threshold (2 SD above the mean in controls) of 2 mm Hg/L/min to define abnormal. PCWP/CO slope >2 in DOE-nlrW patients was common (n=45/110) and was associated with reduced peak Vo2 (P<0.001) and adverse cardiac outcomes after adjustment for age, sex, and body mass index (hazard ratio, 3.47; P=0.03) at a median 5.3-year follow-up. Conclusions: Elevated PCWP/CO slope during exercise (>2 mm Hg/L/min) is common in DOE-nlrW and predicts exercise capacity and heart failure outcomes. These findings suggest that current definitions of HFpEF based on single measures during rest are insufficient and that assessment of exercise PCWP/CO slope may refine early HFpEF diagnosis.
Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is often diagnosed late in its course when it purports a particularly poor prognosis. Exercise effectively unmasks early forms of several cardiopulmonary diseases but the role of performing pulmonary arterial pressure measurements during exercise in the evaluation of PH remains unclear. Whether pulmonary arterial pressure-flow relationships during exercise may provide a window into earlier diagnosis of functionally significant pulmonary arterial hypertension and left ventricular dysfunction or add incrementally to our armamentarium of diagnostic tests and prognostic indicators in PH is the topic of active ongoing investigation. Evidence is emerging that abnormal pulmonary arterial pressure response patterns to exercise, when properly indexed to increased blood flow, may help to identify early forms of heart failure and pulmonary arterial hypertension. This article will discuss approaches to performing hemodynamic measurements during exercise as well as the potential clinical utility of identifying normal and abnormal pulmonary vascular response patterns to exercise.